t THE BEEf OMAHA, SATURDAY, REPTEMREK 3, 1010. 15 t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Value Received an Advanco on the local Market. t- CASH DEMAJTD BECOMES BEISK Com Prlcea Remain Steady Trmptnlin In Corn Belt Statu N Adtuti WIU Slack. and II Mara .nna Demand AW 1 t l i OMAHA, 8ept. t 1910. Wheat value wer higher with cash de mand more active and local cash house taking the offerings readily on prospects of a bnttrr sloughing demand In the near future. News la feature let, and continued Rood demand la needed to hold prices at these level. Coin held atenriv with wheat, but while feat ureter In the corn belt, remain favor able; bull will have trouble advancing prices. Cash demand waa not very active. Wheat wa under ome Rood bullish In fluence today. Cable advised that France a good buyer of cargoes, and north west market war up in faca of good took Inn-ease, and the local receipt were light Cash wheat old over ye terrlay. The corn market, after a short rally, due to the advance In wheat, eased oft and late sale showed a net Ioh of lo from yeMerdav's top prlcea. Warmer weather would he a bearish feature while be erne, mature. , Primary wheat receipt were 1.2W.O0O bu. and shipment were 692.000 bu., against receipt last year of 1,007.000 bu. and ship ment of MB,0f hn. Primary corn receipt were RHI.onO bu. and rhlpment were 4X7.000 bu., against receipts last year of 663,000 bu. and shipments of (42.000 bu. Clearance were 18.000 bu. of corn, none of oat and wheat and flour equal to 179,000 bu. Liverpool closed A higher on wheat and 4lVid higher on corn. Omaha funk Price. WHEAT-NO. t hard,' 99cS1.02; No. S hard, 7ci1.01; Mo. 4 hard. stWiMOc; No. 2 spring, 9kVicfe1.02'4; No. J spring, 99c $1.01". 4; No. 4 prtng 96'4'39SMr3. CORN No. 2 white, BSmof.4c: No. 3 white, KfMVto; No. 4 white. Mii64Hc; No. S color. Msf4Vie; No. 2 yellow, r'il)W54c; No. 8 yellow, 63V&64c; No. 4 yellow, 62V43 Mc; No. 2, 63-i:i4c; No. 3. 534a3o; No. 4, 62i52ttc; no grade, 4Hf?61Hc. OATS No, I white, SJ'iWac; standard, 2CVMt33o; No. t white, 32'32c; No. 4 white, SlflJic; No. 3 yellow, liZic; No. 4 yel low, SlV(73le- BARLKY-No. 4, roigBOci No. 1 feed. M 45f7c; rejected, $2ft85c. RTE-No. 2. ?44.r0c; No. S, 73Q7IO Carlet Receipt. , Wheat. Corn. Oata. 5W; extra fancy and straight, 84 tfV94 80; hrij winter clears, 33.43180. BAOU1NH 80. UK MP TWINE 7H. PROVISIONS Pork unchanged; lohblng, $21 TV Lard unchanged; ateam. 111 Mill. W. Iry salt meata unchanged; boxed extra shorta, 13c; clear rib. UW,c; ahort clears, 13'tc. Haron unchanged; t.oxed extra abort, 14'-c; clear ribs, 14'c; short clear, Ific. POULTRY 4Jwet: rlhckena, 12Vc; sprint", 12Vc; turkey, lc; ducks, ts$llc; geese, .9o. BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 2yu8t)Vc. EUU-rlrm, lie. Flour . Wheat Corn .. Oata .. Receipt. 7.900 loo 0"0 ..... 74:csio IW.OOO Shipment. 16.20 147. 0"0 21.0(10 4X.000 WEATHER 151 THE GRAIJf BELT Showers Arc Predicted (or Tonight or Satardar. OMAHA, Sept. 1 Shower were acattered over thuppr Mississippi and upper Missouri valley dur ing the., last twenty-four hour and heavy rain again occurred In the lower Missouri, middle Misslssiunl and Ohio valley and rain were general throughout the eastern na southern states, r an rangina irum iw to nearly three Inches occurred at point In Kansaa, and fall In exeus of one incn occurred in Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio. Rains ar falling thl morning along the Missouri river and cast over the upper Mississippi valley and in localities In the eastern and aouthern atutc, The weather Is slightly warmer west of the Mississippi river to the mountain and I cooler through out the northwest and everywhere east oi tha Miialppl river. The outlook Is favor able for continued unsettled weather, with probably showers in thl vicinity thl aft ernoon and tonight, followed by fair Satur day, with no Important change temper- Itftu. y.f'V. ii Minimum temperature.... 04 65 f 64 Precipitation 00 1.06 .00 .00 Normal temperature ror today, m aegrwe, Iieflclency In precipitation alnca March 1. 12.40 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in isus, 2.60 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in iws, 24 of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For Omaha. Neb., for tha twenty-four houra ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Friday, September 3. 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Mag. Mln. fall. Chicago ....... Minneapolis .. Omaha Duluth 78 ....277 .... 17 ....170 , 462 M Station. Ashland. Neb 72 Auburn, Neb 70 IHiokeu Bow .... Columbus. Neb... 7.1 CulbertBon. Neb.. 85 Kairbury, Neb.... 75 Fairmont, Neb.... 76 Or. Inland. Neb.. 74 Hartmgton, Neb.. 71 Hastings, Neb... 75 Holdrege, Neb.... 75 lOakdale, Neb.... 67 M 34 I .'t 1 1 CiriCAQO GRAIN AND PROVISION 9 Feat area o tha Trading; and Cloatna: Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Bent. 2. Higher prlcea for wheat were maintained today from start k-to finish, but only narrowly SO, and trad er were generally nervous. A small lot, lrt.000 bushels, wa sold from Chicago to Hamburg ut a specially low ocean rate. Another feature of encouragement to hold era wa the fact that the September de livery was relatively higher than other month, both here and elsewhere. Closing figure wore at a net gain of V ta Ho to VtfHc. -The flnlh left corn within a hade of lust night' quotation, oats a sixteenth to c off, and provisions varying from 20o - declined to 12Vi0 advance. " ' An active buying movement on tbe part of the commission house threatened at lirst to assume large proportion In the wheat pit, but flattening out under- rather determined selling from warehouse. tirlBk demand In France for cargoes for the an tlpodea, Russian crop damage estimated at 30 to 40 per cent and denial that the drouth In Argentina had been broken all helped, however, to uphold the market. Pointing the way though, wa the fact that milling sale were amall, primary arrivals large and world'a shipment promising to bo nearly 2,000.000 bushels heavier than a year ago. A the day wore on a big ihort- : fixe waa reported at Minneapolis and those there waa sam to nave Deen rrost damage to wheat In the Canadian northwest. ' In consequence the -final tone wa - fairly steady at. $1.03 to tLOS, a rise of VcUsc to Ho a compared with last night after v fluctuation running from $1.03 to $1.04. Corn averaged a little higher early with wheat but lowly. warming up temperature caused price to fall again. December ranged from bTWaSV, to &bc closing ateady at 67Vift47l)c, unchanged to a ahade higher than last night. .The caah market was firm early and easy, later. No. 2 yellow closed at mwic. ' Oat followed corn, but were mora ac tive. Hlich and low point for December were $H and 36itl. with the cloae at J the last named price, a net loss of He. V. The provision market wa small and un settled. At the wlndup pork ranged from Ztio lower to 13Hc higher, lard fa to 12Ho up, and rib at ZW advance to Wo de ' cllne. . ' Futures ranged a follows:. ' :"'$k jk Articles. Open. High. lxiw. Close. Yes'y. i Wheat- - III Kept. WNilWi! Dec. KW-Vs 1 04',i 1 U8!l U.iitvi May 1 WViH 1 09 1 0141 OlrH' Corn I Sept. WH 6H( BHGi4iT?iH lc. 57S m 57HfjS 57H14T, May DOtt-14 SOW! 60V Oats t Sept. S3'433H , 24HI H3 834 Dec. 3'.V4'Til 86,S8Ha MH-H May HV40l SrH Forley JanL 18 524 18 62 18 W 18 AO Oct.1 20 W f 21 02 20 M 20 95 Sept.1 j20 U6 U Ot is) 86 20 W Lard- ept, 11 W It 07H II 06 It 07H Oct. 12 VT M 10 I 12 06 12 10 Nov. 11 4M-- 11 7Vi 1180 1165 Jan. 10 65 10 67 10 6i 10 67 H Klbs- Sept. It 10 12 12H 11 H It 05 Oct. U ri 11 97 11 80 11 87 , Jan. . 70 t 72V t 67V4 t 70 $8 03-TS 1 09'i 5BH 670 34 L4 18 50 21 02H 21 OIH 11 95 13 oev 11 Ki 10 82 11 15 11 fc' ! f $1 I ft f No. 1 - - Cash quotation were aa follow FLOUR-Steady! winter patents, $4.4&9 .i.io, mraignis. .i(jt.''; spring straights. eo.uuao. u, DaKar, 3 ootoo.tu, RVK-N. 2. 78U74o. - BARLBY Feed or mixing, old, t3C8cj inir u4iui TiimiLing, new, wQ'rio. 8EE1D Flax. No. 1 southwestern. 1141W No. 1 northwestern, I2.66V4; timothy, $7.J0i(f PROVISIONS Mas pork, per bbl., $21.50 ti.io. I, peir ion ids., jjj.ufw,. Mliort ribs, lde. loose, $ll.Sfvj.l2.ia; short clear side, boxed. $12.37VvP12.D0. Total clearances of wheat and fluur were equal to l.'.i.uu Dusneis, Export for the week, shown by Braditreet's wer equal to 1M.400 bushels. Primary receipts were l.7.000 bushels, compared with 1.007.000 bushels the corresponding day on year ago. Kt-unmtea receipt tor tomorrow: Wheat, 1V 's: t-om, 563 cars; oats, 2S4 oars; hoe. 00A haad. r.ii.-ine became almost stagnant and the marKet eased on a utile, ine oiose was steady, with Decemner at 67M,(jj67'Sc to L.'skC. unchangea to a anaae up. Coin, though very dull, wa firmer with wheat. December opened unchanged to UttSo up at Ho to titPnio and steadied at 67 Tc. Oat wer In good demand with offerings only fair. December started at a shade to 1,3140 advance at Jflti SSo and held close to those figure. provisions were irregular witnin a nar row compass. Trade was light. First aalea were 7Ho lower to 60 higher, with October at i-Jo.77t ror porg, iz.v,vi ror lard, and tui.xit tor rins. BUTT K rVF I r in ; creameries, 24Htf28Vo ROUS Mcady; receipt. 6.(1$ cases; at mara. cssr uu'iiiota, uiguc; rirst. 10c crime firsts, 22a. CHEESli Firm; daUle. liMTlVic A twin J5VlbVsc; young Americas, 16'aiOVc; long horns. ltiilc. POTATOKS Steady: choice to fancy, 783 gOe: fair to good. 73S75C. POI'LTIfY liasy; turkey. JOc; fowl. ISHo: prlng. 13c. VEAL stcarty; DO to 60-pnund weight. tSWc; 60 to 85-pound weight, frfftfc; 85 to 110-Iound weight. 10(ftl0c. - M. I.nnl tieneral Market. ST. LOVI8. Sept. 2.-WH10AT-ruture. Uttber: teiitember. esac; December, 1 ts cash stead: track No. t red. $1.02; No. t hard, il.uiHl.w. C4 &5 52 53 60 64 55 65 W 53 60 62 63 54 01 56 47 64 .02 .09 .06 .10 .00 .07 .) .00 .00 .00 M .OS .00 .25 .00 . .00 ..00 .00 .02 Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy' Raining ft. Cloudy Cloudy t'lOJdy Cloudy cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining; NEWYORKSTOCRSANDBONDS Specnlatire Dealing Stock Greatly Lettened Baring Day. UNRESPONSIVE TO COTTON REPORT Government tatlatlea Pall to Awoken Active Interest In Market Pre liminary Estimate of Car. rencr Movement. NEW YORK. Sept. 2.-SpeculaUv deal ing in stock were curtailed greatly today. ISome further Belling wa In evidence early, apparently designed to teat the market, but bear were Intimidated by sign of support In the two or three stock In which activ ity centers, and bear selling soon cam to a stop. '1 ne government report on cotton was the last factor relied on to awaken any active Interest In tha market, but both the stock and cotton markets were practically unre sponsive to the showing. The preliminary estimates of the week' currency movement bore out the supposi tion that the drain on the cash holdings of the banks would run to the neighborhood of $10,000,000. The great dullness of the pres ent demand for credits In New York leaves the movement without any great Influence, The Issuance of the controllers' call for national bank statements a of September 1 promise opportunity for Interesting com parison with the showing of June 30 for tne light It win throw on tne loan position of the banks In the south and west The private discount rate In London showed a yielding tendency today, but the foreign exchange rate here waa little af fected. The stock exchange will be closed till Tuesday. Bonds wer ateady. Total sales, par value, $997,000. United States bonds are unchanged on call from last week. Number ut sale and leading quotations on stock were a follow: gal. High. Low. Cits. Omaha, Neb 71 Tekamah. Neb... 71 Alta. la 7$ Carroll, la 71 Cl.-irinda, la...... 64 Ribley, la 76 sioux city, la... w (Not Included In average Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. District Stations. - Max. Mln. Columbus. Neb.... 17 68 Louisville, Ky 19 88 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 76 Chicago, III 2it . 72 St. Louis, MO 1.1 71 Pes Moines, la.... 14 74 Minneapolis, Minn. SO 74 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 7 Omaha, Neb........ 19- 72 The weather In the corn and wheat re gion la - slightly cooler east and warmer west of the Mississippi river. Showers were scattered over the upper valleys within the lst twenty-four hours, and heavy rains were again general In the southern and extreme eastern districts. The following rains In excess of one Inch oc curred: Greenville, O., L00; Eubank, Ky., 110; Oreensburg, Ky., 1.50; Hlllsboro, Til., 1.00; Ironton. Mo., 1.10;, Lamar, Mo., 1.10; Lexington, Mo., 1.50; Osago City, Kan., 2 90; Topeka, Kan., 2.02, and McPherson, Kan., 2 04. L A. WEIJ1M, Local Forecaster, .Weather Bureau. Rainfall. 52 .50 6'i .00 5 .40 50 .10 62 .70 62 .00 62 .40 62 1.00 68 .20 NEW YORK GKNKRAI7 MARKET tnetatlon Varlon of the Day on ' Cotumodltle. NEW YORK. Sept. 1-FLOUR-Steady; spring patents, $5. 40(u'6-76; winter straight, H4O&4.60; winter patents, X4.75&.iu; spring clears, t4.3tfi4.60; winter extras. No. 1, $2.76 63.90; winter extras. No. 2, $2.5O&3.50; Kan sas straights, 4. 85ft 5.00. Rye flour steady; fair to good, $4,104)4.30; choice to fancy, $4 .35f4.40. coknmkau yuiet; line white and yel low, Il.56a.L60; coarse. 11.501.5&; kiln dried. $3.50. WHEAT soot market firm: No. z red. $1.07, elevator and L0HV f. o. b., afloat; New No. L northern, Duluth, I1.23H. Y. o. b. Futures showed considerable firmness early in the day. but later eased off a little, owing to light export stiles and larger spring wheat offerings, the close was c to o net higher. September, $1.0tV44l l.O?'; closed. $106!; December, ILlO'titt'LUH. dosed, $1.07Tt; May closed, $1.15 Re ceipts, 70,200 bushels; shipments, 1S,9!)2 bushels. CORN Spot market steady; No. 2, tTc, elevator domestic basis; future market waa without transactions, closing He lower to So higher; September closed 67Vic; De cember closed 66To; May cloaed, 67c. Re ceipts, 5.4O0 bushels; shipments, 14,037 bushels. OATS New, No. 1 white, 994c; new, No. 2, 88S4c; new. No. 4, 8Sc. Futures, market waa without transactions, closing, Ho to 4c higher; September closed, 3Sc; December, 41So; May, 444c. HAY Market easy; prime, $1.15; No. L $1 .10; No. 1. 11.001,06; No. S, $3.85if3.95. HID&te-Hteady; Central America, 21c; Bogota, 21422c. PROVISIONS Pom. ateady; mess, $?4.t0 626.00; family, $24.50.626.00; short clear, $22.60 tj 24.60. Beef, firm; mess, $16. 0015 50; fam ily, $19.0020.00; beef hams, $22.0u24.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies 10 to 14 lbs., P4.764P16.50; pickled hams, $14.0014.50. Lard. eay: middle west, prime, Iia.S04jH2.0; re fined, steady; continent, i::ir; Houth Amer ica. $13.60; compound, $10.7611.M. TALLOW Firm; prima city, hgs., 7Hc; country, 7j'74io. CHEESE Weaker; state, whole milk, special, 16tfl7Vbc; atate, whole milk, fancy, li4c; state, whole milk, choice, 16c; state, whole milk, good to prime. 14i&144ic; state, whole milk, common to fair 104al4c: skims, full to special. t124c. BUTTER Firm, creamery specials; 32c; extras, 304t31c; third to firsts, Kittle; extras, SoSvSdc; third to first, 244fiji)4o: state dairy, common to finest, 2244 and 24o; press second to apaclals, 224a to 27c; western factory. 224J240; west ern Imitation creamery, 24 25c. EQUa Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, tfi'UJ.Ie; state, Penn sylvania and nearby hennery, gathered white, 264) JOc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown, 2Sg30c; state, Penn sylvania and nearby gathered brown, 25 2c; fresh gathered, extra first, $44ii264c: first. 224ff234i'; second, 2l22c. POULTRY Alive firm; springers. 171 I74c; fowls. 17(&:174c; turkeys, lOfllRc Dressed firm; western broilers, lity-'Oc; fowls, 14'ul7c; spring turkeys, 25Sf3Sc; old 21l22c. Kansaa City Grain nnd Provision. KANIH CITY, Sept. t-WHEAT-Sep-tember, 97in, bid; December, $1.01; May, $1.0u4. sellers; cash unchanged; No. 2 hard IMl4.tfltl.0l); No. 3, 9&vte$1.01i No. 1 red. $1.00 &L01; No. t, 9fi!)9c. CORN September, 56ic; December. 644c; May. 671(,c; cash unchanged to 14o low er; No. 2 mixed. 66Vi84e; No. 1 mixed M4c; No. 1 white, 64c; No. 3, 69e. OATS I'nehanged; No. t white, 86c; No. t mixed, $2tfS3c. R Y E No. 2. SOtjrgJc HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $1400 14 60; choice prairie, $12 00. MUTTER Creamery, 2Jj; firsts, 27c; ec onds. 25c; packing stock, 224c. FOGS Extra, 23o; first, tic; seconds. 134c Keceipta. Shipments Allls-CTialmerS pM Ani&if amaled Copper .... American Agricultural Am. het 8uar Amerlctn Cau Anierican C. A F Am. Cotton Oil Amerkan H. A L. Am. ice BavurlUes Amvrican LlnMl Amsrtcsn Locomotlre ... American 8, ft K.. Am. a. R. pM Am. 8tel Foundrlss Am. Buisr IWllnlag. American T. A T American Tobaooo ptd Amsricaa Woolan Anacoada Mining Co. Atchison Atchison ptd Atlantic UtMst Lliw Baltimor A Ohio Bathlehaffl Steel Bro4ilrn Rapt Tr Uanala Paolllc, ei-dlv.. Central LaaUiar Central Leather ptd Central o( Naw Jaraay.... Chaaapaak A Ohio........ Chicago Alton Chlcaco Great Waatarn.. C, O. W, pti Chlcaao A N. W , C. M. A St. P 0., a, C. A 8t. L, Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southarn Consolidated ua Corn Produota Ualawmr Hudaon Uanrar A Rio Uranda. ... D. A R. O. pfd Dlatillara' Securities Erla Erla 1st ptd Erla Id pfd Oaneral Electric, ex-ehr. Great Northern ptd Great Northern Or etfa. Ullnola Central lnterborouia Met Int. Mat. pfd International HarTaatar . Int. Marina ptd International Paper Intarnatlonal Pump Iowa Ontral Kanaaa City So...., K. c. to. pfd Laclede Oas LmMTili A N ,.. Minn. A St. Loul M., Bt. P. A B. . M... M K. A T M., K. A T. pld Mlasourl Paoific National Ulacult ......... National Lead N. R. K. of M. id ptd.. New York Central N. T., O. A W Norfolk A Waatarn North American Northern Pacific. Pacthe Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C, C. A St. Ia Pittsburg Cbal Pressed Steal Car Pullman Palace Oar Hallway steel Sprtof Reading Republlo Steal Republic Steal pfd Rock laland Co Rook laland Co. pfd st. U A S. F. M pld... BU Loula S. W St. L. 8. W. pld Sloas-Shefflald g. A I.... Southern Paclflo Southern Railway 80. Railway ptd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pad flc. T., St. U A W T., St. U A W. pfd Union Pacine Union Pacific pfd United State Reall.... United State Rubber., .. United SUtea Steel V. 8. Steel pld Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical , Wabaeh Wabaah pfd r Weatern Maryland Waatlnthouaa Klectrlc .., Waatarn Union Wheeling AUK ' t.MO S 2 t"0 ins sno too 1.40U too B.SM0 100 BUD 3T'4 47 U 111 135 5'i 46 42 44 lHVa 135 liX) UVj MH 'i'ioe 100 74 MS 94 7.S00 1UII4 101 2,100 tot 1,400 10 I "x',vi 100 auO W ) 1.500 1,W0 2U0 eOO is l)0 100, 744 lsma, 1064 10 . v 144 no w LV4 i4 tok 5 400 too 400 4,j0 1,000 to litVi 64 18 184 44 M 74 1U4 U4 1054k to u 44 14SV4, UK1 12 U 'i4 704 '.44 44 1M 6S4 127 i4 48 $fl,477A't4; working balsnee In treasury of flre. HI.727.S21.'; In bank to credit of treas urer nf the United States, .1i,797.9iiO; sub slrilarv silver coin, fc.i)v9.fi!wi; minor coin, $'?4.4; total balance In general fund, $:), $47,404. RETORT OF TUB CLBAR1NO HOt'SR Tranaaetlon of tae Associate Bank for tne. Week. NEW YORK. Sept. 1 IJrdtreet's bank clearings report tor the week ending Sep tember 1 show an aggregate of $2..l,wu. 000, a against $2.47.2'3.ono last week and $1.0S6.544.0ti0 In the corresponding week last year. Ihe following Is a list of the cltlea: CITIES. Clearing. Inc. Dec. t.l l.e. 14. . C... MO 14 18 100 100 200 loO "ioi 10 & . MH ' U4 2 H 141 141 1M U4 1U 114 12 'ii' 200 51 "iid 'ii' L400 1104 104 900 114 U14 in 100 2, too 10 .. 11,400 400 1174 100 ll 188 1 2.400 W A - I I C4iRN Futures, nrm; September, 54c; 1 vr Teoember. J64c; cash weak; track No. 2, I lJ,Wc; No. 2 white, 0ti4a. J f v I OATS Future firm; 8up ember. Sn4c; Ji..cember. 344c: cash hlrher; track No. t. lr-sT I4iS7c; No. 1 while. S543ao. .. RYE Steady at 7c. H.7ir Timothy. 17.2tfJ7.75. CORN" MKAIv-$S.S5. r RAN Weak; a Wed eat track. 70c. HA Y Unchaneed; timothy, 13 0019.00; prairie. Ill Wff 16.OO. J LOUR Firm; ral a-tntsr pat acta, IS.0&9 Wheat Corn . Oats . .218.00 7804) 1,000 ii4.r 4d.0ll0 3,000 sllaaeapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 2.-WHKAT-Sep-I ember, $1.13;, December, $1,134; May, $1,174: cash. NO. 1 hard, $1,164; No. 1 north, ern, ll.lS-cl 16; No. t northern, tl lOaLU; No. t northern. II 07-7 1.10. V1Ji Closed $2 524- BRAN-$l00ff 19.50. CORN No. t yellow. 7'3fi74a. . OATt4-Nto. I white. 331IB344c. RYB-Na t 7)iiv71Wc. FLOUR F1rt patent, patent, I XJ6 50: hrat ecimd clear. $2 8052.90. $56f?.70- teoond clear, $3.9i84.10; Ttnlatk Cirala Market. ni'M'TK, Pept. 2-WIIEAT-September. 11 144; December. $1 .154; No. 1 nortuera, 11 I44j N 1 northern, $1.0944:1.124. - lot 10.100 MO 100 400 100 u li4 M 10 1 16 91 U 111 134 10 15 96 11,900 165 144 19, TOO 400 1,100 lot 100 1.6.(0 low M 116 t'4 17 S6 M4 67 lit 46 11 14 11 4.4 100 6 6 Total sale for the day, 196,10 share. u 3 4. iJ5 ' H tl 1 1 11 14 7 lot 4 117 114 W 27 19 ' s lit 101 96 74 1W 1 1 loo 2k 21 44 142 U4 76 184 61 11 U 161 11 70 17 K 414 t 144 1X1 64 116 1 4 6 10 .- M It It 13 W 141 U 1 11 61 61 111 60 10 110 39 96 67 114 26 11, .lot M It M lb M 110 M 1V 43 II m 64 64 111 9 60 W 25 K 41 1644 1 TO 14 4 lit 46 67 16 41 17 11 6 tl,VI.2R7.000!... iB4,4tSI,UWh... ll9,3!2.ISSt... lS0,170.tsk . .. 69,w1.0iiO. 4a..0.000 44.5&1.00K) 4'.i". K21,tl 18,tiitlt,00tl 2l.M),0iiO 3.S.2 I4,ba,uuu. 19.177.OOui 13.257.0t. 13,894,oOO 16.0M.0H0. 10.813,0001 l.7S4,0IIO . 9,907.11001 8.7.V..00i 8,4i).OiiO 9.0. 8,"0I,tMI t. 294, 000) $,973.0001 9.517.000 2,W9.ti0 $.447,OtSr 4,175.0001 4.822.000 ! 5.2. 0. 01 KM 4.1 5.7W,00O( 3.8 6.725,0001 4,9oe,oiio 6,4,00O( 8,307,000) t,679,O0O 4.416,0001 2,9i9,000 3,1 21.00O $,IK6,000 s.ota.ooo) 2,04.0ti0l .6 2,191,0HU i 8,99S,0(I 8,062.0001 8, 154.000) 82 4 7.9 12 1 2 9 8.T 15. I I.61. I. 19 10.0 . 9.1 4.2 46.7 4.6 8.... 6.1 2.1 27.81 18. m 6.3! 1.5 2 9.1 6.1 50 8.3 13 0 17.9 8.9 16.3 'so'.s 10. 1 '23!6 9.1 8.4 .8 "t!i t.l New York ...... Chicago Boston , 1'hlladelphia ... Ht. Louis Kansas City .. l'lttsburg San Francisco , Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis .... New Orleans ., Cleveland Ietrolt Omaha Los Angeles .... Louisville Mllwsukee Seattle St. Haul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis .... Atlanta Providence ..... Portland, Ore.., Memphis Richmond Fort Worth .... Malt Lake City Washington, D. SL Josepii Columbus Albany Tauoma Savannah cipokauie, Wash Toledo Rochester Nashville Hartford Des Moines .......... Peoria Norfolk New Haven sioux city Wichita Grand Rapids -. Syraouhe Augusta, Oa. Birmingham Springfield, Maas... Evanaville Dayton Oakland, Cal Oklahoma Jacksonville, Fla. .. Portland, Me Worcester Little Rock Knoxvtlle Wheeling, W. Va. .. Charleston, S. C... Chattanooga Lh coin Wilmington, Del. ... Mobile Topeka Davenport Wllkcs-Barre . Kalamazoo, Mtoh. . Fall River Cedar Rapids, la. Sacramento New Bedford Springfield, 111 Macon Youngstown Fort Wayne Helena Fargo. B. D Columbia, S. C Akron Canton, O Lexington Krle, Pa Sioux Falls, a D... Rockford, 111 Qulncy, 111 Bloomlntrton, 111. ... Sprlngfiel. O Chester, Pa. South Rend, Ind. .. Lowell Bit ghamton Jackson, Miss. ...... Decatur, 111. . Mansfield, O. : Fremont, Neb. ...... Vicksburg. Mis. ... Jacksonville, liL: . . . (Duluth, Minn. Hcranton, Pa. tHouston tualveeton eVr.rU Pa- Not Included In total because contain ing other Items than clearings. INot in cluded In totals because comparisons are Incomplete. 'Last weeks'. Local Securities. Quotations 1 urnlhed by Samuel Burn, 01IAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Keceipta of Cattle Small, at Utual on Friday. LIGHT HOGS SHARPLY HIGHER Moderate Ran with Prloea of sheep and l.amhs, Steady and Trade Fairly Active on Roth Feeders and Killer. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. t. 1910. Receipt were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 11. Mil 2.S19 31.310 Official Tuesday 9 4 it 6.t2.4 2MSS Official Wednesday 12.i.70 9.44 30.375 Official Thursday 5.3:2 .tU 9.02 Estimate Friday Lltil 4.46 7,020 Five day thl week.. ..40.328 28,648 W3.171 Same days last week. . . ,2H,2. 21.119 112.N46 Same day 2 week ago..2j..? 2K9S8 65.4tW Same day 3 week ago. .2.1.773 3S.S72 tG.xOa Same days 4 weeks ago.. 27.118 38.94 64.32 Same days last year. .. .27.7M 3u.7l3 7H,;6 The followma tat Ik shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for me year year: Cattle ... Hogs .... Sheep to date, as compared with last Deo. Inc. 70.824 New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 2 MONEY On call easy at 14&2 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; oloelng bid, 14 Per cent; offered .at lu. tier cent. Time loans steady; sixty days. iWU per cent, and ninety days, 4S44 per cent; six months, 44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-64 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.832f4ji 4.8346 for sixty-day bill, and at $48640 for demand. Commercial bill, $4.82434.834. SILVER Bar, 524c; Mexican dollar, 44c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today wer ss follows: V. t. ref. la, re. ...Id Int. M. M. 4t 2 to eonpon ., tot 'Japan 4a t V. S. la, re 101 to 4t 14 So ooupen ..1IK. a So. let la.... Tl V. S. 4a, re 114 L. S. deb. 4a llll.... M to eouoon -..11 L. A N. unl. 4a ' Allla-Chal. lat 6a,... 74 M. K. A T, lat 4s.. 7 Amer. At. 6a 100 io 4a 94 Am. T. A T. cr. 4.100Mo. Paclflo 4a. 77 Am. Tobacco 4a 71 N. R. R. o M. 4s 6 do ta 10f.N. v. O. g. 1..... 14 Armour A Co. 4Wa... 13 'do deb. 4a w 1.840,000 7.2...... 1,131,000 1 22.0 l,97ti.OOO 10.0; 1.499,000 8.0 1,762,000 5.7 2,341,000 7.8 2.826,000 18.7 1,07,000 86. 1, 11,000 17.3 1,735,000 9.7 1,715,000 8.2 969.000 14.1 1,586,000 1.8 1,420,000 8.8 931,000 9 .7 1 1,3.43,000 14.1 l.m.oou t.o 1,097,000 , 8.4 1.217,000 8.6 1.144,000 8.1 1,830,000 16.4 1,112,000 8.1 1,066,000 6.6 783,000 1.4 x 825,000 7.6 1,170,000 18.6 753.000 17.6 ' 880,0OO( 6.11 604.000 6.7 830,000 4.8s 800.000 4.3 j 994,000 44.4 1 668,000 6.3 ...... j 676.000 28.0 I 820.000 8.1 818.000 15.6 641,000 10.7 702,000 4.7 965,000 46.3 691.000 13.1 406,009 10.0 672,000 61.6 43.000 9.T 440.000 474.000 14.2 360,000 6.$ 890.000 86.8 67.000 13.8 482,000 23.2 ' - 454.000 13.6 889.000 10.2 184,000 86.3 303,000 18.9 $.869,000 35.9 1.101,000... 81.190,000j 24.4 15,904,0001 42.9 . 838,000 1910. 1909. IM7 rjW 'A fiTH .L4fil,49l l,70tt'.9a 119,471 .1,258,117 1,020,998 237,119 Tlie following tahia ahnw tne average price of hog at South Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons: Date. 191C. 190.1908.19O7. 1906. 1906. 11904. Aug. AUg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. I 24.. Ifu.. 18... 27... 29...! 30... 1L.. t1::::1 It 6341 T 6H 6 U $71 $ 5 921 t 94 S ,14. 7 71 a Ml - I 0 K.. M - - t S7U.I 7 am mi S T7I I t 871 5 21 8 6641 7 62 6 41 t 771 5 so J t91 8 47 5 68 $?!l 9 004 7 72 6 711 $ 6tt $ ul 6 i 8 944 T 77 6 53 t 731 5 78 6 72 i 16 I T94I 7 82 $ 45 6 85 $ 62 1 6 13 7 80 1 6 43 I I 'l $ 'Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-lour hour ending at 1 p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. ft St P Wabaah Missouri Paclflo ........ Union Pacific C. & N. W.. east C. & N. W.f west C, St. P., M. A O..... C, B. & Q., east C, B. & Q., west C, Ii. 1. & P., east Illinois Central Chicago G. W Total receipt 1 1 10 ' 8 25 1 29 tr S33 Omaha New, National bank building Bit. Asked. n lto M si t . 101 lot at tl It 12 u M loo loo loo 964 Alma. Neb. IA., at Beatrice Creamery Co. pfa...... City Xafl Bank Bltf.. , M9t Crab Orchard, Neb., It Columbue, Neo., B. L., Is, 1114 Hraraullo Prasaed Brkk com Iowa Portland Cement, let ml., ta.. Iowa Portland cement. t ta Kansaa O. A K., T par eant pfd K anaae City R. A L., 5a. llll Omaha Water Co.. 6a. lMt Omaha Oas 1117 Omaha A C. B. t. R pM.. I par sent.. Omaha A C. B. ft. K.. ta, 1821 Omaha Bt. Rr. la, 1914 O. A C. B. S. R. com., 4 par cent. .. Paclflo T. A T.. is, W17 PennayWania Equip., 4a, lilt .'. Union Stock Varaa. to. Omaha, ax-dlr Rockr Mountain Fuel ....1 Trt-Clty Railway A Llht. ...... ...... United Rr. pfd., St. Loula tl M S 1 11 M at 944 M 9t 91 tl Ali'hlaon en. 4a... do ev. 4a do ev. 1 All. C. L lat 4a.. Bal. A Ohl 4a Mo la do I. W. I4.... Brk. Tr. cr. 4i...... Cn. of oa. la..... Can. Leather la.... C. of N. J. i. la.. Chea. A Ohio 4a, do ref. ta CTllcaio A A. lt.. C. B. A y. 1. 4a.... do ten. 4a 0. M. A 8. P. ls iw da ot. 4a C. H. I. A P. t. 4a.. 71 do lat ref. Ia N. Y.. N. H. A H. 1054 ct. 6a 1M4 .101 eN A w. lat a. at.. 97 . dp cv. 4a..... . M N. Paclflo a lou , M do la 71 , 0. S. L. rfoa, 4a H . 13 Pann. c. !a 1911.. M . .106 do eon. 4a 101 . 8 Reading ten. 4a 17 .111 S. L. S. r. f. 4a. M .100 ea0 (an. la 84 . 91 'St. 1 S. W. e. 4a.. 71 . tl 'Ao lat gold 4a It . I Seaboard A. L. 4s.... 04 . 7eao. Pacific eol. 4.. 90 4a m do rf Colo. Ind. la. Colo. Mid. 4a., C. A 8. r. A I D. A H ct. 4a D. A R. O. 4a.... do ref. la Dlatillara' 6a Erie p. I. 4a do (an. 4s .lo ct. 4a. aer. A do series B flas. Bier. T. I.. 111. Can, 1st ref, Int. Met. 4a. Old. 19 so. Kailwar 6a. ls .... 71 Mo can. 4a T .... It llnl.m Pacific 4s 1V 4s tr do c. 4a lot .... T do lat A ref. 4a.. 1 94 V. S. Rubber ta 101 1 l'. 8. Steel td 6a 103 tl Va.-Caro. Chem. ta.. a WabaxU lat 6a l'M 11 do Ut A at. 4a.... 43 It Weatern Md. 4s 13 Si eWeat. Blac. ev. to.. U ISA. awa. Central 4a 91 M aMo. Pao. ev. to..... 91 , 79 IX ear York Mining; Stock. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-Clolng quotation on mining stocks were: Airae lit 'l eedTllle Cos, Brunswick Cen Com. Tunnel stock. do bonde Con. cal. A Va MiN-n silver Iran Silver . Offered. t . 11 . 14 .14 . 40 ...let Utile Chief. Mexican Ontario Ophlr Stanilard Yellow Jacket . T . t .140 .til .141 Treary Statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. t.-Th condition of the treasury at the beginning ot busi ness) today wa aa follow: Trust Funds Gold coin. $t90 0T7.6C9; silver dollars. HS5.6S6.000; .silver dollar of ls). U Mu.000: silver certificate outstanding. t4K5.tWv.C00. Oaneral Fuoa Irtandard silver dollar In (eutraJ fund, $96,177,172; currant liabilities, i4 M 97 100 7 ST M 100 17 41 Boston Stocks and Bond.. BOSTON, Sept. 2. Closing quotations on stocks were as follow: HJlouei Amal. Copper A. K. L. A 8 Arliona Com Atlantic, B. A C C. A S. M. Butta Coalition .... Cel. A- Arlsona. ... Cal. A Hecla Centennial Copper Rant C C. Eaat Butt C M... Franklin fllroux Con. ' Gran by Con Greene Cananee . . lala Royal Copper, Kerr Lake Lak Copper La Sail Copper 14-laml Copper Ea-die. "-K-atf 1 1 ' .. 16 14 8 .. 23 fi 'l 'i 12 6 1 1 3 , 68 27 Cogs. Sheep. 46 . 998 953 253 504 734 1,120 2.777 34 15f .... 399 6,185 DISPOSITION. Cattlex Omaha Packing Co 424 Swift and Company 558 Cudahy Packing Co 1,1X9 Armour & Co 1,249 Schwurti & Co B. A Co. Swift, from country Benton. Vansant & Lush 264 Stephens Bros 1 Hill &, Son 19 F. B. Lewis 62 Huston & Co 12 J. B. Root & Co 72 3. H. Bulla 33 L. F. Huai 22 McCreary A Carey 26 8. Werthelmer 276 Lehmer Bros 6 Sol Dugan 6 Kline & Christy 4 Missouri-Kansas Calf Co. 67 Other buyers 444 Totals '....4,151 3,821. 7,846 CATTLE Recelpte of cattle this morn ing were very small, only about 1,000 head being reported In. This brings the total lor the live days this week up to 40,300 head, as against 28,200 head for the same days last week and 27,700 head for the cor responding period a year ago, It might be added that the receipts for the week to date are the heaviest of the year so far. With only about 1.000 fresh cattle In the yards there were really not enough of any one kind to Interest buyers to any great extent, with the result that tha trade wa low and weak and of a very indifferent character. However, this Is very apt to be the case -on a . Friday, as buyers usually have already secured what cattle ' they really need earlier in the week. Notwithstanding the extremely heavy re ceipts, the market all week has been In very satisfactory condition, although prices have eased off somewhat, the most decline being on the medium and common kinds of killer and feeder. The very best cattle have not shown very much change. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 7.2&8.oo; fair lo good beef steers, $6,2647.25; common lo fair beef steers, $.00tit).ii6; good to . choice oornfed Srassers, $6.6004.60; good to choice cows and elfera, $4.605.60; fair to good cojrs and heifer, $3,&Ow4.6; common to fair eg! and heifer v ti.60iiit.60-. good to choice (tockera nd feeders, i.Tl&i.00; fair to good ttocker and feeder, Hoog.yo; common to tair stocker and feedra, WaiiJrt.OO; stock heifers, t2.754.76;4 calves, $1.50t.&0i bulls, it.iK. etc.. $3.25316.0. Quotatlont on range cattle: Chole to nrlma beeves. $8.0ta.7B: good to choice beeves, $6.40(36.00; fair to good beeve. $4.64) 06.30; common to fair, beeves. $3.753-1.50; good to choice heifers, $4.t&5.00; good to choice cows, $4.004.6&; fair to good grades, $3.804.00; canners and cutters, t2.26fig.28; good to choice feeders, $4.90435.60; fair to good feeders. $4. 904. 89. common to fair breeder. $3.2S4.25. Representative sales' 40 Mohawk 3 Nevada Don. ... . U Nlplaatnc Ulna , 154 North Butt .... . t North Lake , 11 Old Dominion , 11 Osceola , 18 Tarrott 8. A C. ,666 Qulncy , IT Shannon , 43 Superior i T Superior A B. M... , 10 Superior A P. C... , t Tamarack , 11 V. B. t A O , T U. S. S. R. A M.. , 11 do pfd , , tVtab Oo. ... , 14 Winona , 18 "Wolverine , It and aakad. Blt. ... 48 ... 90 ... lo ... 17 ... 94 ... 15 ...m ... u ... ti ... 94 ... 46 I 114 66 M 18 ... 41 .. ... 74 ...123 Boston Stock Market. BOaTON, Sept. a Closing quotations on stock were as follows: Adventure Artaona Com Allouee . Atlantis Calumet A Atis... Calumet A Hecla. Centennial , Ct spar Range .... Cumberland Blr . Dalr-Waat Kelt Butte ...., Flrat National .., Hancock Helvetia Indiana l.le-Rorele Keweenaw Lake Copper Laselle A..., Massachusetts .... t Mlchiaan ... II 4 Miami ... 0Mi'hawk ... fNlplaalng ... r; North Batte ...M0 Oareola ... 1 O'd Dominion ..... ... llUulncy ... MRay Cona.r. . .. t Shanram ..; 7 Superior Copper .... ... 1 Superior A Boaton. ... J0Tammarck ... !C. S. 8. A ... 11 do ptd.... ... 111'tah Con... ... 1 Wolverine ... ... U Yukon Oold .. ... 1.1 Boaton A' Ely ... 74 Rfg.. . . . 41 . 14 27 .126 . U . tt . HI . 14 . 45 . ! . 1 . 14 . 4k4 . 14 .114 . '4 1 No. Av. Pr. No. A. Pr. 6 .170 t 18 . 11 1079 1 IS 24 '17 1 M 17 1146 I M t 711 t 26 81 1311 t 90 COWS. 11 714 t 10 t I 910 1 66 1 750 1 10 t ill I M t 10W) 1 !5 8 t;t I 79 t 125 1 35 4 1012 1 76 7D3 I 35 . 9 12 1 M J 860 I IS 1 1M4 4 00 1 953 1 60 22 171 4 01 14 164 1 60 1 lt 4 10 1 124 t 60 1 110 4 49 HEIFERS. I Ul I 11 6 i I tt 4 606 I 26 6J4 1 70 1 754 t 60 t Il I tl t tOt I M I M0 I W BULLS. 1 946 I 46 1 lMt t tt 16 1260 1 46 CALVES. 8 IM t T6 W IN 1 104 I 00 1 M 19 16 187 6 21 1 174 t 21 t Ill 100 STOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. 4)4 1 00 t Ill 4 25 421 1 60 t IIS 4 25 6 aoO 1 40 4 ttit 4 4.1 6 174 I 71 t 1H4 4 66 t 421 I M 12 1071 4 It WESTERNS NEBRASKA. No. Av. Sh. rr. No. Av. Fh. Pr. (W VI ISO I to 1.7 i' 1 1 M 2V4 40 1 40 70 10 85 64 27 0 t 40 61 22 ... 1 8 St. !) 40 40 64 24 10 1 )0 41 !9.1 H0 II 80 f 171 . . 8 IM 10 K6 ... IH 10 f.l 40 1 M 71 ...lit 140 1 70 6 ...! ... W lit ... 1 70 72 HO SO I W IS 14 ... I 70 11 Ht 90 1 W rtj ... Ill tl 172 ... 100 4 I 140 I DO 16 lit ... 1 10 17 ISl ... I 1.1 1 1,14 80 12 64 2S7 10 I 80 -,i m lf.0 1 l. St I4 10 8 80 tl HI 80 15 1 111 ... I 80 CO 4 ... I 15 6 24 40 I 80 ? 117 ... I 15 11 Kt ... I 8l 78 217 40 li St 10 tO I 80 li 1AI ... I 10 tl I' ... II". 71 241 ... 120 71 141 10 1 81 71 27 ... I 30 7 V M 1 171 1 Ill 170 IM tl 2t ... 1 8 61 829 ... I 70 lit Ifl ... t 84 M 7t 170 1 10 61 11 ... I 86 (8 2!'7 140 I 80 43 ITS 0 1 IS 73 27.7 ... 1 86 M 241 10 t SS 44 241 1 I 85 11 JSTa tt 1 86 67 4 10 I 81 tt 284 40 I 84 111 I7.S 40 1 80 10 lot ... 116 1 Wis) SHEEP After a total of 9H.000 hrep and lamb received In four days; It would seem as If the market niinlit need a breathm snell and that Unlit reoelnts would be wel comed. That hardly proved to be the case. However, as buyers were still turnery ior Kiiniilloa lant nlht when the market closed about everything; offered for sale naa been Cleaned up, Damns; prrnapa few odds and end and a few lots that were not very desirable. This mornlnir. with receipts very moderate, buyers were forced to bid up a little, and the market on desirable killers was, it anytntB. stron. unite, a strlnar ot lambs sola at 17.70, which was as hlKh as any time within the last two week. Feeder buyers were wantlnK some Kooa stuff and were ready bidder on desir able kinds, so that feeder were scnerally fully steady with yesterday and with a week ago. No one could ask tor a better feeder market than has prevailed at this point for the last week or more. Hie ham ha. heon full rf rrvnntrV buyers Vry day In addition to which commission men have had a larfte numner oi oruoi- filled, so that the buying demand has been splendid every day and fully equal to tne task of keeping the large receipts cleaned up. While there may have been some soit spots In the market the trade has beon w active that prlcea would firm up e-i'", and the result has been that there has been hardly enough change In the market for the last two weeks or more to quote. . .. ... - t - oraaa t,U'k ' Good tO choice lambs, t6.50(fi6.75; fair to good kimbs. 18.16ti.S0: feeder .lamos, an.wuo.ou, weight yearlings. Ifi.OOTrtS.W: hfttr y"; lings. t4.6tXi6.0O; feeder yearlings, tWi5.W, good to choice wethers. J4.20tf4.40; lair, to good wethers, 8J.9tr4.a0 feeding ;etrt"' fc.0lK34.35; breeding ewes. t4.2.yti4 .la-, feeding twtt, t3.S.ri3.75; fat ewes, W.7it.2&. Represent alive sales: 204 Idaho ewes, feeders 48 Idaho ewes, culls 48 western ewe 1R weatern ewes, culls 9S Wyoming lambs, feeders... 124 Wyoming lambs feeders.... fed Wvnmln, Irearllnm. feeders 145 Wyoming ewes Jot 66 Wyoming yearnngs, ran 128 Wyoming yearn tin s, leeaeia.. 250 Wyoming yearlings, feeders, frtiO Wyoming yearlings, feeders., 139 Wyoming lamps, leeaers...... 204 western ewe 23 mixed... 9K8 109 steers. ..1098 24) steers. 16 steers, 3 calves.., 12 calves.., 47 steers... 10 heifers.. 80 calves.., M heifers. .W7fl .1108 . tit . 211 1074 606 1X5 961 New York Carb Market. NBW; YORK, Bept. l-Closlng quota tlons on mining stooks were: Bar Stat Oaa 14 Inaplratlon Butt Cnalltloa llLerae Cactus China Chief Cons Fraction Davie Daly Kir Central Blv Com Kranklin Olroui Goldfteld Cons Uoldflald Florence... boldfleld Delay ..... Greene Canane ...1 11-14 Nevada Cons,. 14Newhouaa 1 Oalo Copper U Rawhide Coalition 1 Kajr Ontral SO Swift Pk. Co 10 Sears-Roebuck .. 10 Sliver rick Superior A Pitta. 1 Tonopeh Mining 1 Trlnlir Copper .. 4 North Lake T .. I t 16-11 .. M .. 44 I 11 ... 1 ...103 ...167, ::: k ... t ... t Bssk of Cersaaay Statesaeat. BERLIN, Sept. 2. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany show the following changes: Cash In hand, de crease, 81,9.10.000 marks; loans. Increase, K632.O00 marks; discount, Increase. 26.632. 000 mark; discounts. Increase, 104.4X1,000 marks; treasury bills, decrease, 109.0UO marks; notes in circulation. Increase, ni. 970.000 marks; deposits, dwereasa, 'Jl .TWi.oOfl marks; gold in hand, decrease, 81,917,000 marks. - 24 feeders.. 1041 0 feeders.. 1138 12 heifers... 745 6 feeders.. 1064 9 cows 420 18 cows 811 17 cows 827 10 cwos... 8 cows... 8 calves., Trantner. IT cows 897 1 bull 90 1). 732 7D0 212 4 20 4 66 4 70 4 75 6 00 4 00 t 70 i (i0 6 50 4 10 6 10 6 05 8 75 4 90 8 30 4 25 4 20 t 60 3 80 8 26 Miller 8 60 8 35 C. Swlggart Neb 18 steers.. ..11SS 115 steers. ..1110 25 steers.. ..1064 81 heifer... 660 22 calve. 14 cows... 29 oows... 22 heifers... 13 calves... 21 feeders.. 1029 15 cows 1U34 17 heifer... 9."0 192 711 767 004 274 23 cow. 24 cow... 12 COW... 24 cow... 23 cow..., 6 heifers. 4 calves. 909 .1113 .looo .11110 . 991 ,. 68 . 300 O'Brien Neb. I heifer... 614 I steer.... 6M 8 60 t calves... 215 Matt Classen, Jr. Neb. 18 steers... .1063 4 25 24 steers.... 770 4 steers.... 610 2 65 4 bulls 740 , Hirsch Hahn Cattle Co. Neb. 51 cows 9S7 3 96 j. v. west weo. 4 95 4 86 4 70 2 25 6 60 60 8 06 3 23 4 00 4 40 3 85 3 90 8 86 4 10 4 90 4 H6 4 00 3 36 6 00 3 40 5 66 3 IS Baak t learlo, OMAHA, Rent. 2 Bank clearing for to day were 83.444.191.90, and for the corre sponding date last year 12.462.119.18. I'eorla Market. PEORIA, Fept, 2-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 white, 6h4e; No. 3 yellow, MrHc; No. t yel kw, 68c; No. .3, 5ac; No. 4, 57c; no grade. 4Sc. OATi Higher; No. 1 white, 344c; No. 3 white, 33'hc; No. 4 whit. 3240. U cow 1088 4 20 4 cow. 4-.. 845 3 10 Mrs. E. 31 cows 10716 4 15 feeders. .lost 4 calves... 190 8 00 Ross Neb. feeders. 4 cows.... 744 9li 4 K 4 16 t 30 4 calves... 316 I 00 n. H. Allen Neb. It cows 940 3 75 6 heifers... 604 3 45 3 cows 913 3 50 Phlltxit Bros. Neb. 47 cows 9HJ 4 00 4 eowa 867 3 50 HOUTH DAKOTA W steer. 31 cow. ..1001 15 cow.... 81 cow.... Rlfle-8. D. 10 cow.... 894 8J 4 00 4 10 ti calve... l.t 60 Vanandle ft 12 cow Si6 1 20 li culve... 249 8 00 Buffalo Creek Stock Co. S. t Steer... .12tl0 6(8) 42 steer.. J. II. 8ever 8. D. 11 eow 27 1 6 10 cow.... 22 feeder.. 9 4 W t cow 792 3 25 8 calves... S1 20 cows. ...-.MM t 65 T steer,. ..1010 WRNTEHN8 WYOMI NO. 88 tr....1025 4 66 4 steers. ...im I steers. ...UM W U feeders. .100 3 t6 3 75 835 3 C n. ..1153 5 10 800 3 70 S 25 4 ' ( 60 4 66 A. II. Msson Wyo. 18 Steers... 1HH 6 10 UtMirt-The market opened wildly higher this morning on llaht anil shipping hogs. It a a s.t uneven that It Is no easy mat ter to say Just how much hlKher It really wa. hut mostly 1V- higher Would be a fair estimate of the advance. As a matter of fart there acre esses where loads that Just hpiened to suit buyer sold a good deal higher than that. The demand, as a matter of rourse, wa limited, but still it w sufficient to clesn up the nioet of the light and good ahlpping hogs, around l.ono hogs chsnglng hsml on th early market. Packers were hanging bark, being un willing to follow the advance, and when" the shipper got through there was not much left except the heavyweights, which no ope seemed very analou for. They tarled out bidding prices that were In many cases hardly o gnl na yesterday. Now and then few of the more desir able load would change hands at prlcea that were fullv a good yestvnlay and some possibly stronger, but as a rule the feeling was lower on heavies and the trad decided drag. Heavy packing hogs Wer especially alow and weak all riav. and they were safelv 1V lower than yesterday. The closing mar ket wn dull, lata trains riot farintr so well as the enrly, and at n late hour there were still a few hinds unsold. rarlfln Kallroad company that this vear'l nmlhweal ginln rn.p will he lot 5IO.HJ0 husn els. This In.li.-atos an avetsse yledl of lit bushels per acre, under cultivation, and Is tl.taai.ual iiuxheis mine than aliottn by any previous reliable estimate. OMAHA t.KJSKH AL MARKET. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered t Ihe reinll trade In l ib. cartons, 22c; No. L In So-lb. tubs, 3U-; No. t. In 1-lb. cartons, e; No. 8, In 90-11.. tuba, t$4c; parking stock, solid pack, li'o; dairy, In HO-lb. tuba. 23U '. Market manges every Tueexlay. . t.'HKK!ri l wina. nc; young Americas, 194c; daisy, 114c; triplets, 18i:; lituberger, lec: No. 1 bika. Ilk-; Imported wlss, 31ci doinesllo Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 2Jc. POULTRY Pressed broilers unner I ins., 17c; over 3 lbs., 20c; hens, ljc; cocks, lux-; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeon. per dot., 81.26; homer squab, pe.- aos., .78i; fancy squabs, per do., 871. M); No. 1, per do., 13.00. Aliv. broiler, 14c; over 2 lb. 12c; hens, lie; oiu iuotrs. be; uiu oucks, iuii feathered, loc; gresa. full feathered, ar;- turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, 20c tacn; plgaona, lor do , ooc; lioinct s, per do., 13.uu; tquaba. No. 1, er do., tl.60; No. 2, pvr do., 6uo. KISH all frosen) I'ickerel, 12c; white fish, 17o; pike, li.c; trout, 15c; large crap pn, Sue; I'dnlBii mackerel, 18c; eel, 1m-; haddock, lie; llounders. 13c; green catfish, 1M-; buffalo, 8c; hullbut, yc; white iwncb, Vc; bullheads, 1m; roeshad, tl.Ou each; shad roes, per pair, iuv; dot lews, per aos., 30c; salmon, l&c. FKtlTb Oranges: California valencies, all le, ivr box, ..0nm5.i(6. Lemons: l.l monieta, extra tancy, 3ou site, per box, 17.(4); 0 site, per Ihix, ti.oti; choice, 900 siae, per box, I'l 50; 30 sice, per box. 16.50; 240 kite, per box, t.U0, Hannnat: Fancy select, per bunch, 12 -5'u2.60; jumbo, bunrn, r.' .'uiJ3 ,5. Canlsloiipea: Colorado. Rocky Fords, 64 sise, 12.76; 40 site, standards, ,1.50. pluina; California, red, per lour-basket crate, ll.t'6; Italian Klue Prunes: Per crate, 8130. Peaches: California. ier 10-lb. box, 86c; Col orado K.lhertas, per 0-11). box, 9c. Pears: Waahlngton Wartlett, per box, 830; In lots, per box, il.tt; Oregon in lots, per box. 3-'.40. Applva: Homo grown. In bbls., 14.00(ii4.60; new Oregon, In boxes, 8175." llrapes: Cali fornia Malagas, per four-basket crate, 8160. Watermelons: Texas, l,a per lb. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30-ib. pkgs. In bog, per box. t-00. VKUETAHLES New Potatoes, In sacks, per bu., ll.0Oirl.10. Sweet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl., 84.00. Onions: Yellow, In sacks, fer lb., 4c; Iowa, small, per lb., 2c; Span h, per crate, 8160. Oarllc: l'.xtra fancy, white, per lb 15e: red, per lb., lie. F.gg Plant: Fanry Florida, per doa.. tl.6t2.0O. , Celery: Michigan, per doa Dunches, 30, HOMK GROWN V F.t J ET A 13 LKS Cab bage: New, per lb 2u Tomatoes: Per bas ket, 6ODO0C. String and Wax Beans: Per market basket, 6o75o. Radishes: Extra fancy home grown, per do, bunches, nc. lettuce: lixtra fancy leaf, per do, 4&c. Parslev: Fancy home grown, per dosen bunches, 80c. Turnip: Per market basket. 4(H Carrots: Per market basket, boo. ueeta; Per market banket, 40c. M1HCELI.ANKOC. -walnut: Black, ner lb , 2c; California No. 1. per lb., 17c; Cali fornia No. 2, -per lb., 14c. Hlckorynut: Large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb.. Sc. Cocoa nuts: Per sack, 35.00; per aos., 65c. Honey; New, 24 rrames, ik.uv. London Stork Market. LONDON. Sept. I. Trading in American securities waa light, but a good tone pre vailed during the forenoon. Price ranged from unchanged to 4 higher than yester day' New York closing. New York depressed values In the earl afternoon, but supported tha market later, ana tne closing was steady. .. 91 . 88 .. t6 ..10 .. 89 67 84 83 88 83 60 91 8 00 1 75 4 40 2 75 8 25 6 20 5 15 4 16 8 75 6 15 6 15 6 15 8 25 8 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Prices on All Clawwea of Stock Art 8 ready. CHICAGO. Sept. I. CATTLEV-Receplts, 2 600 head: market ateady; beeves, ii.wko' 8 40; Texa steers. 83.7538.00; Western steers, f4.60i(.a); ttocsers emu '-J"'" M.li7a.26; cows and heifers, 2. 5031 6.60, calves, 8i.ootty.so. , . T-ii-wiAKceeinta. 11.000 head: market ateadv to Be lower; light, 8.06!h8 W; mixed. Ix isws.fiO: heavy, t8.60fit9.35; rough, tS.bWt 8 75; good to choice heAvy, S9.7&&9.J0; pigs, 88.669.60- bulk of sales 8.859.25. head; market, steady; native, ff'jl0! western, 83.00p4.7o; yearnngs ""I '" native lambs, a.uwai.iv; weatern, emw 7.00. Knmsn Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, fient SR. PATTIjR Re ceipts, 2,000 head including 600 outherns; 1. . . . 1. K A-na alt I-rati ST ' marKei Bie.uy i wtv, wuviir.i.o ei.-., dressed beef and export steers, $J.75.2; Irtir lO ROOa, 4.(MWI'D.W, TtT-Btrj, n -vxr tiT 25: Blockers ami ' feeders, $3.00'ot.lo; ... 4o rCinK OT . iilr,a.rn rWavil tl 764.25; native powr, $2.75.00; bulls aL3t& IriCHjiCT iteCHIUl", -,1W lltrtin, mai rvxra. ricau, ... i ii. ..tt u OfArt.Q iiinirv TO WeaH, UUlR- ui mtB, tt 4mjv4 ar. stv i 71 , M.u9.3u; packers and butchers, .&fc9.&7V, T. an af..A Clt HISB;r" AINU ijAiaos- rwjcvjilJio. a.v., hetwl; market steady; lambs, K.00438.76; yeej-llngs, 94.7nwo.iD; weiners, i.uov.du, ewes, 3.7&t.85; etockers and feeders, 3.O0 Kt. Loots Live Stock Market. HT tnillS. 8ett. 2. CATTLE1 Recel pt, 2,900 head lnoludlng 1.700 Texan; market iodise lower: nauve snipping ana export steers, 87.76(iS.46; dressed beef and butcher a.-, WH fUarif'7 K m I attrSl 1 1 tl 1 1 F" I IBM III 111 (1 1 M aT OtV.tA in at ran Ir at nA f.((rU t 7f,fT?7.7fi ' cows and heifers, 85.esW.75; canners, tiBO 8.00; bulls, a.ZMBo.ai; caive, .w.uu; vexaa and Indian steers, I4.axttti.oo; cow ana neit or. 87i.tmra4.MI. HOGS Receipts, 8.400 head; market steady; pig and light, 88.60(139.80; packer, tH.lfKB9.4o; butchers and best heavy, 19.40 BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; native muttons, 84.00-4.25; lambs, tu.OOfiitl.75; culls and bucks, 3.00ias.&o; stockers, .ouiu4.t). St. Joaeph I.lv Stock Market. BT. JOSEPII, Mo.. Sept. 2. CATTLE Receipts. 1.000 head; market steady; steers, t4.60ji7.60: cows and heifers, t3.iXU0.25; 1..., aa nrvrra Ul HOGS Receipts. 3,000 head; market ateady: top, I9 60; hulk of sales, IU.20tb9.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS llecelpts, 1,000 head; market steaay; tamos, so.zmuo.). Stork In Slitht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday was aa follows: Cattle, nogs. Sheep. South Omaha l.ioo 4,400 2.000 Bt. Joseph 1,000 3.0(10 1,000 Kansa City 2,0(0 3.400 l.OoO Bt. IxjuIs 2.900 8,400 l.fski Chicago 2.5"0 11.000 13,00 Totals 9.500 26.300 23,000 Cotles Market. NEW YORK, Sept. t. COTTON-Spot closed quiet to 60 points lower; ml (in 1 inn uplands, 16.00c; middling gun, lo.ztic. riaies too balea. Options closed steady; closing bids: Sep tember. 13.H6C-, October. 13.3HC1 November, 13.84c; December, 13.34e; January, 13.32c; February, 13.33c; March, 13.4oc; May, 13.4.1c; June. 13 45c: July. 13.43c. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 2. The following are the weekly cotton statistics: Imports, all kinds, 29.000 bales: Imports. American, 10.000 bales; stock, all kind. 331,ooo bales; stock, American, Z44,oiio bales: American, lor warded, 31.000 bales; total export, 1,900 bale. ST. LOUIS. Bept t. COTTON Lower middling, 14740. Sales none. Receipt. 875 bale; shipments, a Dales; stock, ,o bale. Dry flood Market.' NEW YORK, Sept. 2. DRY OOODB Primary cotton good faotora gathered a great amount of business In staple cot ton roods for nulck shipment and some fair order were placed In ginghams for delivery up to the ervd of tne yea?. Con verters are selling gray goods Quite freely. The wool market waa quiet. Cotton yarn waa In setter demand and mills are more Inclined to take order at current price. Refilled Petroleum Reduced. NEW YORK, Bept. 1-Tha Standard Oil company today announced a reduction of fifteen point In all grade of refined patro leum. Conaola, montr Ki"j Loultvlll A Naih., lu account bus Mo., Kan. & rax., Amal. Coiiper ..I414N. T. Central Anaconda ' Norfolk A Waatarn Atchison 90V, do pfd do uti lot Ontario A Waatarn Raltimora A Ohlo...lM!Hl'ennaylvanla t-snaHaS"a'i"C -,-l'"-' Hn4 lime c nee. si unto trieaainx Chicago Q. W WHIouthern. Ry C, M. St. P 1KW do rf.l iv ltlli li 11m , IXVi llk , 414 ... t.-" ... S'4 ... Tlv ... i ... 61 ...111 ....119V4 .... ITS .... IS 'a .... 12 Da Beers 17H Bo. pacific .. Denver A R. O sortition Paclflo do ptd 734i do pfd Brie f.H V. 8. Steel .. do lat pfd 471V, do pfd eo td nfd U Wabaah Grand Trunk Ml do pfd Ullnola Central lMVifjpanleh 4a.... SILVER Rar, steady, 84kd per ounce, MONEY PiajHt per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for three months bills la 3V per cent. Oil and Roaln. SAVANNAH, Sept. 12.-TCRPENT1NE Firm; 71c; shipments, 646 bbls.; stock, 14,- 195 bbls; sales, s.oso bbls. ROSIN Finn; receipts. 2.064 bbls.: shlD- ments, 3,895 bbls.; stock, 84,716 'bbis.; sales. x,09ti bbis. viuote: a, i.m; 11, .-.'.),i; ta., 3U.0&; r ftt.iz; u, .i6; ri, bk.iu; 1, fti.; K, .27j; M, 86.90; N, lti.; W. U., 36.0O; W, VV., fb.Oo. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 2. Coffee future! elnMAil ateadv. net 'unchanged in t -wilnta higher. September, 7.95c; October, 8.00c; No- vemoer, B.ooc; uecemoer, 9.10c: January. 8.14c. COFFEE Spot nrm: Rio. No. 7. 1014c: Santos, No. 4, l()o. Mild col fee. firm: Cor dova, 10130. Cotton Nearly aa A vera. WASHINOTON. Sept 3. The Croo re porting board or the Department ot Agri culture estimate that the average condi tion of the cotton cn.n oh August 25. 1900. 3 T on August 5, 1909, 7.l on August 25, I90X, and 73.1, the average of the- last ten years, on August 25. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Sect. 1 WHEAT Snot- dull; No. 8 red weetern winter, no stock. Futures, steady; October, T6fcd; December, 77d; March, 7 8Vtd. CORN Spot, steady; old American mixed,' 5s lid. Futures, dull; September, 4s9d; October, 4s 9l4il. ... Milwaukee Grain Market. . MILWAUKEE, Sept. 3 FLOUR Higher. WtlP.iT-VA V, ..... II 1U. K. - 2 northern, H.154J1.16; December, 31.03 OA 1 O SVS (O 3 BARLEY Sample. 68T2c. :9urar esd Molasses, NEW YORK. Sept. 2. SUGAR Raw. nominal; muscovado, 89 test, 8.92c; centrif ugal, 9ti teat, 4.42c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8.67c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 35.96; granu lated, 6.20c; powdered, 5. 35c Imports ot Merchandise. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Imports of rfter chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending August 27 were valued at 818.776,171. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 3 WOOL Quiet; ter ritory and western mediums, 18J23r; fin mesdlums, 18fii20c; fine, 14617c, Copper Mine Plant Burned. LANDER iWjo,, Bept, 3. (Special Tele gram.) The shaft house, ore bins and en tire plant of tlie Wyoming Copper com pany at South Pass, Wyo were destroyed by fire, entailing lo of many thousands of dollars. A dispatch 'from the head of fice of the company at Detroit, Mich., states that the plant will Immediately be rebuilt. South Dakota News Notes. HURON James Weaver, a carpenter, fell from the second storv of the bottling works building to the basement. Thurs day nuon, resulting In the fracture of the skull and other Injuries, which may prove fatal. Ills home is In Cannonsburg, Pa. ABERDEEN The fifty South Daktrtans, who have been touring Europe this Bum mer under the guidance of President George W. Nash, of the Northern Normal and Industrial school of Aberdeen, are all expected to arrive In the state on their return tftday. They spent nearly three months on the trip. YANKTON Senator Gamble, a chair man of th State Conservation committee, ha appointed the following delegate to the St. Paul National Conservation con gress: M. J. Chaney, Wakonda; W. 8. Bowen, Huron; I tonne Robinson, Pierre; W, H. Broddle. llrooklngs; George Hlce. Flandreau, and W. R. Ronald, Mitchell. HURON Ralph R. Btewart. a former Huron boy, and son nf Assistant Division Superintendent F. N. Stewart, of the Chi cago & Northwestern railway, was mar ried a few days alnce to Mica Mary A. Hill lie of Louisville, Ky. Mr. Stewart I ensign In the United State navy and wa recently transferred to the Pacific coast, He and hi bride will visit here on their way to the coast. HURON-W. A. Robert, chief clerk of the United Btate surveyor general's office here for the. last eight years, has gone to Helena, Mont., where ha will take a simi lar position in the surveyor general's of fice for that state. Mr. Roberta Is grand keeper of records and seal of the Knights of Pythias for South Dakotit and In th event that he decide to remain in Mon tana, will resign that position. a la s f ra 1 i iop aUaFigw MONTREAL, Bent, t Frank O. Fowler, secretary of th Northwest Grain Dealers' association, today reported to the Canadian Halldlnar PeramlU. My nils, Twenty-fifth avenu and Web ster avenue, frame dwelling, M0; Hayden Hrothers, 112 South Sixteenth street, repair. 31,000.