! Want ds Wniil ails rrrrhril at any time, bat 10 Imarp proper elasalf Iratlon mnst lia presented before 12 o'rlmk m., for the rrnln rdlllnn and before Ti.10 o'rlnrk of prevloas ! 'or niornlna anil bandar ill(loii. Want ada received after inch boors will kate their first Insertion nnder tha hradlnar "Too Lata to Classify." Kates apply to either The Dally Sunday Ilec. Always count els, ward to a line. i CASH KATE FOR WANT ADS. IIEGI I.AR CLASSIFICATION .One inaertlon, 1 1-2 eenta per ward and 1 rent per word for eneh snbaeqnent Inaertlon. Koch Inaertlon made on odd days, 1 1-2 eenta pet- word, 1.60 per Una per month. ANNOUNCEMENTS Edward Johnson, Successor to BARRETT-JOHNSON TAILORING CO., are now ready to rendnr tha bent of tailor ..riiira to their many friends and pat rons at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT L. BANK BLDG. MONEY Wis A,vy A ' 'phone Doug. I -LOW ia to JldB. UNION LOAN CO. Robertson's Restaurant lJf t- (basement); cool, llgbt, aanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen. Table d'hote dinner (Sunday. 8. H. Cola Sign Co., D. 8768. 1316 Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE wins. 75c a large bottle. KLEIN LlyUOR HOUSE, 622 N. 16th Bt Douglas 6670. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fenca Cheaper Than Wood, Lasts a Lifetime. ' 207 N. 17th St. Phone. Red 814. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JETES. 1302 Douglas tit. 5CT. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116, B-1016, LYNCH BROS. flumhing and HKATINO REPAIR WORKS, 706 8. 16th St. D. 1477. HEALTH COMMISSIONER COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW BCREEN CO, A BAntiAiii jNf-cr.fini i. x run EVERY HOME. 624 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4692. 86,000.00 16,000.00 FORCED REMOVAL. Sale Just one more day. Positively your last chance. Lovers of fine ART, your chance to get your choice of the entire stock of tha Rose Art Store, at one-third cost, erythlng goes. Nothing reserved. Ev- ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean lea In car load lots, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford & Dickey for price. Douglas 279. B. F. WURN, Optician, 443-5 Brandeis bldg. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west. 16th and .Howard fits. Turkish Baths ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight pas. senger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. 13th. D. 2997. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., per cent less than Omaha prices. 24th and L Bts., South Omaha. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million. Stenographers furnished "The I.etteroloMlst." Offices 506 Paxton Blk. and 2 City Nat l. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 6685-4341. LADIES' PARASOLS recovered and re paired; all kinds of supplies. Western Um brella Co., 1822 Farnam. Red 7478. FOR RENT Office room, 623, located on top floor, facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for 825 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. ED. ROTHERY K'SEX cigars. Cafe in connection. Ill B. 14th St DAVID COLE Creamry Cot J. A. GENTLEMAN CO. tTkerRs, embalmers, 1614 Chicago. D. 1659, B-1669.' MAGGARD Van ft Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. Goods, D. 1496, H-2421. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 160M4 FARNAM ST.. BOTH PHONES. Sherwln-WUllams-palnt. 11.83 a gal. Var nishes from 8150 to 84.50 a gal., all brands of white lead, $7.50 per 100 lbs. Low prices in wan paper, glass, glazing ana training. WE wish to acquaint the publlo with the following facts: There are Imitation san- pnires or quality superior to ordinary glass, but having no relaxation whatever to the natural or Mexican white aaphire, which Is appearing In tha market To distln gutah these from our Mexican white sap phires, we suggest hydrofluoric acid test. This reacts on glass, but has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem we are selling for 30 days at 83 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. Delong jewelry Co., 203 McCague Bldg. G W SHIELDS lawy". h" movei 828 Brandeis Theater ' Building. General law practice. JOHN NITTLER Hom?.rK,"m5r' I-JTYITS THK BEER YOU LIKE. Douglas 1899. Red 8932; Independent, A-H20. HENRY HORNUTJO, plumbing. 1S22 Farnam EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINQ. Arklns, 31 s g. ijtli, upstairs. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes tho Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing In wood work, iron work. Best painting In tha city. Send In your cars. 18th and Harney St a. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25o to 83 60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 20-211 a. 16th AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. EERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. .HORSE FEED lT'bu', econ jy Chase Motor Delivery Wagon- WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 207 S. 10th. Tel. D. 2724 I REPAIR smashed autos. mud shields leaky radiators. Herman Kunde. 711 H. 16th. AhIa I?rti i i-in r Most complete plan auiuim.uuH.jj In the west. Diamond Tires. Jd-hand cars, storage. The Paxtnn- Mitchell Co.. 8010-1 Harney. D. 7281; A-201 WRITE for list of automobile bargains. II. E. Frederickson Auto Co.. Omaha. Bargains in Used Cars Be,or Council Bluffs Auto Co., C10 Pearl. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OUT In or out of business call on GAXGKSTAD. 401 Bee llldg. Tel. I". 3.167. LET mo Intoi borate your biiHlness; good ones easily obtain money selling their snares; am helping others, wny not your t'rouis. what had been clone. i'romoter. 610 Paxton block. ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house; party leaving city. Douglas 48.-0. FOURTEEN rooms, modern, close In, full of roomers. Harney 1128. ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house. best location; close In. 115 N. 20th St. MEAT MARKET for sale. Address Crew- sou Bros., Macedonia, la. DO you want a business where a few hundred dollars Invested will pay you 10 to law net each week. Be O. C. Melton, Merchants' hotel. FIFTEEN-ROOM FLAT; bargain It taken at once. 'Phone Douglas 633. TEN ROOMS, strictly modern, best loca tion, full of roomers. Doug. 5318. FOR SALE Pool hall, four tables, three card tables, all in good condition; light plant; electric fans; stock, etc.; lit a good. live town. Fred Hitter, Tannage, iseo. FINE, nuarter section Irrigated land, two mllea from Denver. Colo. Already subdi vided Into five and ten-acre fruit and garden tracts. Level and good soil; plenty of water. Haven't money to market prop- ertlee. Will sacrifice or might exchange for nronio property or merchandise. Address, Owner, G-24, Bee. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY just entering Nebraska. Wa have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, S. W. Corner 14th and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 1520. O. D. C. CODDINGTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. HAS AT") V Co- real estate loans and vyxikjiA j. insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. 8. W, corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 1620. FOR RENT Office room, 622, large room on fifth floor, N. W. corner of building, especially ltted for architect. There Is 432 square feefin this space; 840 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. FOR SALE Cigar, news and confection ery store; reason for selling, other busi ness. 4004 Hamilton St. FOR SALE A good paying drug store In a good southeastern Nebraska town; Invoice about 83,500. Want to retire. Ad dress Y-237, Bee. ONE of tha best meat markets In Thayer county for sale, doing from 81.600 to 82,000 per month. Only shop In town; do own killing of beef, four to eight a week; goes at a bargain if taken at once. Address Y-236, Bee. MERCHANT tailor business for sale. Ex ceptional advantage. Location one of the best In Omaha. Established trade. New fall stock. Owner r.onreBldent Immedi ate possession. D. 88. Bee- , FURNISHED flat of seven rooms for sale cheap for cash. 717 South 18th St WANTED Partner In a first class plumb ing and heating business. One who can look after the books. Address Y-236 care Bee. WANTED Capital for manufacturing; product in great demand for domestlo use. $,1,000 required; will pay 70 per cent on-in vestment, with entire control ot the bust ness. Address G 41, Bee. DO YOU want a business where a few undred dollars Invested will pay you 8100 to 8300 net each week? Bee O. C. Melton, Merchants hotel. NICE paying restaurant for sale or would trade for vacant lot tn Omaha. Call Douglas 5099. THIS SALE OF OUR PRODUCT, FOR which there is seneral demand among mer chants, farmers, schools, etc., now greatly increased by state laws recently passea ana other conditions, necessitates opening a dis tributing office to unoccupied territory. We desire resident sales manager, well ac quainted, of good character, who can super intend sales, deliveries, advertising, collec tions, etc, with 8300 to 8600 to carry enough stock to fill orders. Salary 8100 to 8126 monthly: extra commissions; otiice and position permanent. Address fc. u.jann, Mgr., suite mi first raauunui mui oiuj., Omaha, Neb. BLACKSMITH shop and tools doing good buslnesa A five-room residence. A fine business opening for the right man. Price, 81,800. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO.. Carpenter, paperhanglng. brick work. etc.. low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Harney 637; Harney 3010. VAN VALKENBERG Bros., plumbing. heating and gas fitting. Web. 867. 1709 N 24th St THE BOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL, STONE COMPANY, Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory, 8. 801; office phone DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, !d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. 1 DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. inc. bonded. 428-t Paxton blk. D. 1319. Ind. A-1319 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 61? KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St Tel. Doug. 7314. DRESSMAKING reasonable. Phone liar ney 65a. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mail 60o and 81.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. .TRY Mario Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. MRS. It. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser. E, Burham methods; resident work. Tel. A 2729; Douglas 3003. SNTTAR.YxHAIRrRESfiINa parlors OAiHi-Altit xMrlnllo creams i... and sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 4671. EDUCATIONAL THE NEW Physicl Director OF THE Y. M. C A. IS HERE Time Now to Join. 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Session Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Courso, Complete Telegraphy Course, and all Knglikh Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for it 11. it. HDlXW, President Boyles Bulldiug, Omaha, Nebraska. EDUCATIONAL Continued.) Moslicr-Liiiniinan "VmIlege Unexcelled courses In niisln.se, .snort hand. Penmanship and English. None hut experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog puolished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSMKtl LAM P.MAN, 17th and Par nam Stteets, Omaha. Neb, FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASKS, Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA S IT) V E RETAIN WORKS, i206- Douglaa St. Both Phones. FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Doug. 1268. J. 11. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Sulesladles. INTELLIGENT WOMEN of education can secure permanent and lucrative employment in the enrollment bu reau of an Indiana university. City and traveling positions open. Names for pros pective studonls provided. No house to house work. 81,500 first year to those who qualify. Address, Y 227, Bee. WOMAN tn manner rrew of solicitors. Room 801 Karbach Bldg. ' LADY solicitor wanted. Gata Cltv Cloth ing Co., 606 8. 16th. WANTED Lad v solicitors', can maka 81 to 85 a day; experience unnecessary. Room M Karbach Bldg. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. Clerical and Office. AS YOl read this ad. so will thousands read your want ud, if It Is In The Bee. WANTED A firsi-cnass lady stenog rapher, no others need apply. Salary 860- 1411 City National Bank Bldg. N Factory and Trades. Wanted Girls to Sew Cotton uiuves and Mitts on power sewing machines. Flueet work room in Sioux City, excellent chance to Maka Good Wages. AMERICAN GLOVE COMPANY, Sioux City, Iowa. WANTED Girls, bon-bon dippers, choc olate dippers, packers and wrappers; also girls over 16 to learn. Steady -work and the right pay to good workers, at our new factory, 8th and Douglas. D. J. O'Brien Co. GIRLS to learn halrdressing; prices reason able. Oppenheim Parlors. 813 McCague Bldg. WANTED 100 arirls to work In cracker factory. Apply at 7 a. m. at Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., 12th and Davenport Sts. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no laundry; good wages. Apply 4822 cass t Tel. Harney 1710. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paid. xei. JJoug. mo. WANTED A girl for general housework: no washing. Mrs. J. L. Baker, 624 Park Ave. i- GIRL for general housework. 601 S. 22d. Red 4487. WOMEN needing good home, small wages, to assist in light housework. 'Phone uougias out. -UAXTTim A trnJ ..ll.hl- -i.i ...... . n. , n.ui. ii i mi gen eral housework; cooking plain; permanent piace to rigoi gin. im f arnam tst. GIRL to assist with housework and cook Ing; one who will sleep at home preferred good wages and car faro paid. Call 2012 N. 9tn st WANTED Housekeeper bv widower farmer: uerman preferred: three children- ages 18, 10, 4. Henry Kngle, North Bend, eo. WANTED Girl to help with baking. 1806 f arnam bt WANTED Young girl to assist with housework. 2. us Chicago at. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2019 Webster 8U GOOD girl for general housework: email ramiiy ana gooa wages, pel. uoumas 1351. 2601 St. Mary's Ave. GIRL for general housework. . Telenhona weosier 'au. jars. a. a. Bniit GOOD washerwoman. Hamilton Cafe, 24th and Farnam Bts. WANTED A cook: 830 per month: no wasning.' ilia o. a Ave. WANTJUiJ uenerai house girl. 86 iw ween: no waaning. jr. jii. a. iiajl. us IS 39th. "-.:. DINING ROOM GIRL. 106 N. 26th St WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing nor Ironing. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., 391s Hurt Bt , ' work; Monday preferred; good wages. Phone iiarney aai. WANTED-nA good, .competent girl for general housework; small family and good watres. 210 h. sua bt. . YOUNG girl who would work for small wages. 'Phone w. 4901. COMPETENT girl for general housework: two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge St GIRL for general housework; 1303 Park avenue. Tel. Harney 8365. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. Hanting, 62d and Military avenue. Phone Benson 156. GIRL for general house work, two in family. 125 South 42d street. Tel. Harney 2504. GOOD washerwoman for Monday morn ings. Inquire 621 South 21st avenue. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for housework; family of. three. 828 Georgia avenue. Phone Harney 4405. WANTED Housekeeper for man and wife. 2704 Manderaon street. Telephone WebBter 1954. WANTED Girl to work for room and board or for small wages and go home nights. 2814 Jackson street. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family; no washing; best wages; 829 Park avenue. Telephone Harney 1430. WANTED At once, competent nurse girl. 3002 Dodge street Telephone Harney 1419. GIRL for general housework; call Satur day between 2 and 6 o'clock. C. I. Gaines, 204 10th avenue, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry work; $25 a month. ,710 North 38th street COMPETENT maid for general house work; two In family. 8405 Farnam street; Mrs. Brown. WANTED Girl to assist In housework while attending school, for room snd board. 2623 Cass street. Tel. Harney 4739. GIRL for general housework; no laundry North 32d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Mors man. WANTED A competent second girl. 224 North 32d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Morsman. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages, 86 per week; iiq washing. Apply i' Harney street GOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street 2122 WANTED A competent second girl; fam ily of three. Apply 124 South 39th street. A G1HL for general housework. Douglas Uji at 610 Suulh 22d street between St Mary's and Howard. GIRL for general housework. 620 South 26th avenue. Call at WANTED Girl for housework. 8U Far nam stree HELP WANTED FEMALE llosaekerprra and Domntlra t'os't. OIRL or mlildle-ag-d lady for general housework. 2;"wi Spauldlng. WANTED Young girl to take care of baby and go to school. 27J 1-ake airect or phone Webster 4S."i6. GOOD girl for housework: good waxes, Apply at 1812 Lothrup street. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages, lxi South autli avenue. Telephone Harney 2!4. WANTED Good, reliable girl or woman for general housework. Call Webster 62. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. Ed I'eguu, Tel. Webster 4624. 4MO Florence boulevard. LADY for general housework; two In family; good wages. Mrs. Charles Black, 3809 Farnam street. Phone Harney 8423. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; good wages. 1125 South 32d street. Telephone Harney 2368. WANTED At once, a competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages 8'i per week; no washing. Ap ply 33.18 Harney St. WANTED Comoetont elrl for renernl housework In a family of three members; references required. Mrs. James Richard son, 3564 Howard. Harney 907. GIRL for creneral housework: small fm. Hy; light work; good home to right party. 1926 Capitol. WANTED A girl for second work: bis- wages for competent rlrl. Call at 810 Sec ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Miditlo aira1 wnman n hnnaa. keePer on farm; good home, small family. B. T. Weldon, Mondamin, la. WANTED A rood erlrl for areneral house. work; no washing. 3229 Harney St. WANTED A nook In nrivata famllv nut of town in Nebraska. Wages 840 and trans portation. NO Laundry. Airs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam St. EXPERIENCED cook and house nuM take position by September 2 In family of four. For information apply 656 South 28th St. GIRL for general housework. 8027 Chl- cago St WANTED a girl for eenernl hnnaawnrb 2116 Blnney St Phone Web. 1015. WANTED Glr! for eeneral hnnaen-rlr In family of 2. 207 8. 36th St 'Phone Harney 2368. WANTED girl for general housework! two in family; good wages. Call 1007 So. 30th Ave. 'Phone Harney 8098. WANTED Experienced hnnaamaM Barton. Millard. 123 N. 39th St Tel. HarJ ney 86. I- GIRL wanted to assist In four In family: no children. CaJl Itamav 8317, or call at residence, 3032 Marcy St. SERVANT sHrl nnlxl at ftK1 M ?h at Good place. WANTED ExDerlneert seonnn- Hrl- small family; highest wages. 305 S. 88th St 1- "uah ior general nousework; no wasning; two in ramny; city references re. quired. 144 N. 88th Ave. Phone Harney 669. uood cook: no laundry. Mrs. L. C. Nash. Phone Florence 223, 820 N. 38th St COMPETENT girl: no laundry work. Sam tsurx Bt. Jrl. 11CI5. WANTED Girl for eeneral housework tn family of four; no children. Call at 312 Kamge bldg. Phone Doug. 2163. GIRL wanted to care for child. Apply at store, 113 N. 16th St WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St., South Omaha. GIRL to help with housework and chil dren. 2448 Manderaon St 1- GIRL to assist with housework: no washing nor cooking: one who can go home nights. 641 Central boulevard. Tel. Douglas 6890. COMPETENT girl for general housework: family of two; good wages; references re quired. Tel. Harney 4140. ill S. 38th St WANTED A competent girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge St LADIES WANTED to take work home: stamping holiday novelties. 81 to 84 doeen. Work guaranteed. Trlebera, 215 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Help In the kitchen; dining room girl and tray girl, at Wise Memorial Hospital. 24th Ave. and Harney St. Ted. Dousias 2476. ' w anted ood gin ror general nouse work, or to assist 8217 Poppleton Ave. EXPERIENCED second girl, 607 8. SSth 6t Harney 3009. WANTED Girl for general housework; 8 In family; references required. W. 8. Pop pleton, 204 S. 87th. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages 86 per week, no washing. Apply 8338 Harney Street WANTED -Neat pleasant girl 'or gen eral housework; new house; two la fam ily. 8303 Poppleton Ave. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 16 years or older. Apply Be nils Omaha Bag Co. WANTED- mangle girls at once. City Steam Laundry, 211 8. 11th. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY TRAFFIC DEPT.. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. f WANTED Helpers on coats; steady posi tion and good pay. 606 8. 16th. WANTED Girls for chorus. Must be good singers, good looking and not over 6 ft 4 in., to join most complete musical snow ever on the rosd. Long season, rea sonable salary. Address J. H. Johnson. Nomla Show, Fremont Neb., this week. Lir.ooin, Neb., next week, state lair. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED experienced house to house canvassers. Call at 614 First National Bank Bldg., between 8 and 10 and 12 to 2. SALESMAN wanted: experienced window trimmer preferred, to sell a line of artificial flowers and decorations; straigni salary; good position for a worker. The Hulslxer Co., Des Moines, ia. inn-MTa v.. Kni. -t I A rA velt: His Policies, Great Speeches and Af rican Trip;" outfit free. Address the Inter national Bible House, Dept. t , Philadelphia, rau WANTED City representative, salary and commission. Big pay for real salesman. Address U-Zl, flee. A NEW proposition for steady workers sell monthly payment Accident and Health Insurance Attractive souvenirs given as extra Inducements for business. Write or call National Fidelity ft Casualty Co., 12th and Farnam Sis. Ask for Mr. George W. Wolfle. WANTED Furnishing goods salesmen; thoroughly experienced; must come well recommended; a good opportunity Is opii to men who can qualify. The Bennett Company. Boys. WANTED a boy for delivery, must be 16, steady work, good pay. 2907 Leaven worth St. BIX bright boys for pressroom; good chance for right boy; 86 per week to start Apply Bemls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED errant boy at once, good place. Lew Kaber, the Printer, Be Bldg, HELP WANTED MALE tc'onlinued.) tlrrlenl and Office. YOUNG men for gove'-nmena service; best opportunities In years. See Mr. Hoft before noon. 2nl Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening session oniy. p or lurlher Iniormatlon, airtre.s, Secretary. 701 N. Y. Lite. lei. Douglas S67. WANTED A bill clerk Apply Cudahy Packing Co. plant, 14th and .lones. WE can place several first-class book keepers, btenographers, salesmen and of I W e clerks. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WL.STfc.KN REK. A BOND ASS N.. INC.. i2-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. tEstab. 8 Years.) Factory and Trades. Drug Stores tsnsps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. WANTED Experienced architectural draftsman. Apply or write. Ferd. C. Flske, 616 Richards Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. ENGRAVER Experienced on wood anil metal printing plates; give age, experience and wages expected. Address H 42, Bee. GOOD Gordon pressfeeder: steady lob at good wages for right party. Times Pub. Co., 320 S. 19th St. Phone Doug. U66. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing buslnesa to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, Omaha Bee. CEMENT finishers wanted for floor fin ishing on the new Morrell Packing Plant Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages tu per day of ten hours. Must be fast Address Collins Bros., Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED Combination plumber and steamfitter; must be first-class. Will contract for year. Apply G. P. Combs, Albia, la. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston, Bo. 14 th St 106 Alls CHAUFFEURS n,ak? ,10 to m p uulul A J-"JxtJ o.. learn automohiia business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Assn., tun tirandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. 3mu0 to 21.600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. yjo 1, iiocnesier, is. x. WANTED CASH BOYS AT BEN NETT S, must be 16 years of age. Excel lent opportunity for live boys. Apply to umexeeper, mira iioor. WANTED a young man. 16 to 18 veers for work In stock room, must come well recommended. Apply Manager 8weetland, uiaiiueiB oiuiva. JANITOR for church; must be temper ate, practical Catholic and understands now to attend Doner, also nave references. Appiy an uinney i. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE! GOOD COOK for small hotel: good wares. country town; write or call me up at my expense. 1. ju. strainer, meoia., it. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wagons. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th, HORSES, mures, vehicles, harness. 8023 Burt (Rear.) FOR SALE Sound, four-year-old regis tered Allutell mare, well broke, not afraid of anything, with Gamallon horse colt at side; will sell one or both. F. Meredith, Blanchard, Ia. 'GOOD delivery horse, cheap. 704 N. 16th, FOR SALE Two good dump wagons. In dependent Lumber Compsny, 40th and Leav enworth tsts. LOST AND FOUND ' LOST A bunch of keys on ring. Call Har ney 4011 -tor reward.' LOST In or near Council Bluffs, auto mobile mud chain; reward; write J. C. Sea- crest, Lincoln, Neo. FOUND Handsome pony, harness and rubber-tired', wing dash, automobile-seat runabout; finest in the two cities; pony children broke. Bell phone: Black 1116; ina.: iuo m. OPENFACE. gold watch: monogram. J. C. K., fob attached; reward; phone Harney 4W. LOST Wednesday evening on Howard St, a diamond shirt stud. Finder please return to Hi xso. &a tu reward.' MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding filjrjr, iw pusiuttiui samples rree. Bner- man & Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at uregnton xueoicai coiibbb, mn ana leaven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised bv college professors. Phone Douglas 1167, Calls answered day and nignt. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pius, 21 a box, postpaid. Sher man MoConnell Drug Co.. Oman a. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. M NO MORF0 HK1H RATES. 88 CHEAP MONEY it $2 NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 2$ 88 Tins la a new firm organised by the 88 88 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 88 8 OMAHA TO LOAN 88 810 to 8500 88 U to any honest person owning .HOUSE- 88 88 HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc., or hold- 88 88 Ing a salaried position at the rate 01 88 88 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. 88 JUST THINK YOU PAY 88 I LOO interest on 810 tor one year. 88 82.50 interest on 825 for one year. II 85.00 Interest on 8M for one year. 88 ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION 88 88 EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 88 II ' Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 88 88 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., 81 88 Room 204 Will knell Block. 88 88 N. E. Cor. 15th 3c Harney Sts., 2d Floor. 88 88 Phones Douglas mmo; a-1jmd. x Cash Quick on Easy Terms We loan money on household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy payments, 81.20 is the weekly payment on a 850.00 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts In the same iironorllon. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private ana reiiaDie. courteous uimcin i w limes. Mall or phone applications recelv our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Block, 1511Vi Dodge Bt f none uougias 2400. $8888$88888$88888m8mW288mi8tm88888888U88 18 CHEAP LOANS 88 88 on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. 88 4 You borrow 88 18 81000 you pay back 811 00 88 88 825.00 you pay back 227.00 88 U i.iO.00 you pay back M-00 88 M No other charge. 88 18 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 88 88 Room 601, Brown mi n. win en. M It for. Itnuk-laa St. Douglas vm: A-2036. U uiIATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA IJAN CO. Room 7, Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capitol Ave. Uliposlte Postofrire. Both 'Phones Doug. 1356; A-1356. MONEY I TO LOAN. Cornel let us explain low rates to you Reliable Credit Co. 508 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-1411. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH EM. without security: easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 612 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W i t ULiTiTT 1M4 Dods-e . V. j-aj. Ra4 MU, MONEY TO LOAN d Chattels -Coa tinned. N OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE 1 IAN CO., 215 HOARD OF TRADE BLuG. econd Floor. 'Phone, lKrng. 2295 NEED ANY MONEY? GO TO OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 'Phona Dongias 1235. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAUH CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric acuum system. 309 s. 17th. Tel. D. 1559. EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 16th and Dav- ennort Sts. arehouse, 2207-09 lsard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Haunt, CHOICE rooms with board. 'The Tem plars." 1818 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room and board, private: Hanscom Park; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board: fur nished. 2787 Capitol Ave. EI. KG A NT rooms and board. 2539 Call- fornla St Tel. Doug. 6151. ROOMS and board. L2 N. 20th St Doug las 6218. LANDON Newly opened. 611 8. 24th Bt Douglas 7931. BOYLES COLLEGE DESIRES tha ad. resses of private families who will board nd room students for 84 per week. Tale. phone Douglas 1984 or A -134. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney. Nice, clean rooms who. gooa ooara; noma cooking. FURNISHED room and board for two: for further particulars call 3418 Capital Ave. uougias oji, DESIRABLE board and room; 122 8. 25th Ave. LARGE front room, two large closets and lavatory; walking distance, near car line; aiso smaller room, excellent board. 709 S. 19th St. 710 South 18th. Furnished rooms with home cooking; rates reasonable. SINGLE and double rooms, with excellent board: steam heat and hot water. 2610 Har ney. Harney 2947. FINE rooms, and board: home cooklna-. 2610 Dewey Ave. fiiirAisn x, large parlor, xor several gen tlemen, with Al board. 2223 Howard Bt ROOMS for desirable parties: new flat 308 N. 20th. VERY desirable rooms, with board. 1818 Capitol Ave. ' BOUTH parlor, with or without board! modern, till Douglas. FIRST class room and board: modem. 2021 Howard. MODERN furnished rooms with ar with. out board. 1108 Douglas. FIRST class room and board, neap lath street car line. 86 per week. 8988 N. Ztd t BOARD and room. 2226 Dodge 8t Red 6C52. NICELY furnished modern house: pri vate family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport T7VT TJ nwul.ra mnmm .1.. line; prices reasonable. Phone Red 6477. NICELY furnished rooms, new. modern flat Ideal location; price right 214 N. 26th Bt Doug. 6452. SINGLE room for gentlemen. 28: in nri. rsis lauuuy. mi uavaiwru- FURNISHED room In Private faunllv fo geuucuivsu, uo uijiilui avaiiua, Famished Rowans. ROOM suitable for two. 40 8. 25th Are. NICELY furnished modern rooms: reason. able, 2828 Farnam. Flat 2. FURNISHED rooms for light house Iraan. Ing; modern. 231S Douglas. TWO furnished rooms for taousekeeninar. 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern rooms. S28 8. 17th Ave. FURNISHED basement room for gentla man. 1810 Capitol. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room. suitable for one or two gentlemen; private nome in one or ununt a Dest neignnor hoods. 2928 N. 17th St Phona Webster 6988. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady rooms; good location and handy to car; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings, ku n. 19 tn Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rent 2013 N, 18th. Web. 1410. ONE nicely furnished room, modern. 2566 St Mary's Ave. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 1458 a Uth Bt COOL east front parlor: modern: private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 82.60 a week. B2Ztt a. aotn. pnona tea sun. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. ENSU1TH OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in the West Farnam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. O-afca, Bee. SINGLE or double rooms, nice and clean. prices reasonaoie. isw capttoi Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rent: both large ana smaii. ms capuoi Ave. BOUTH front room, modern house on 24th St car line, Kountxe Place, private family. Breakfast and dinner it desired. Two gentlemen or young married couple preferred. Homelike and terms reasonable, Reference required. Bell phona Webster 99L O. M. B. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611, A-26U. FRONT room, all modern, with houaa- keeplng and laundry; will rent unfurnished or rurnisnea to suit turn o. inn eu FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglas 6686. 2038 Far nam st WELL furnished rooms; modern. 617 8. 18th t Elegantly furnished rooms for gentle men only, $1.60 per week and up. 2621 Har ney. Phone Harney 190L SEPTEMBER 1. clean, well furnished room for two gentlemen In new Bt Louis flat walking distance. 1960 Jones 8t ROOMS, single and en suite; telephone and gas for cooking, sis ri. inn. THREE rooms In modern bouse for two gentlemen, on the car una. Phona Web ster hii. NEWLY furnished front room: modern down town apartment Phone Doug. 2J64. BEAUTIFUL front room, all modem; 17 per month. 2648 Chicago Bt 'Phone Red (626. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. 2421 Jones Bt Tel. Doug. 4681. SINGLE front room, very reasonable if taken at once. 2716 Dewey Ave. TWO nice front rooms, walking distance. 617 N. 20th St. LARG11 front room, first floor, separate entrance. 117 8. 25th Ave. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19th. Tel. Douglas 6367. 820 If. THREE large rooms; modern, 821 810 8. 23d. References. ROOM for one girl at 22 week. Laundry privileges. 2627 Harney. WE have room for ons man at $1 week. 2627 Harney. NICE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; also other rooms besides. 813 N. 20th. FURNISHED front rooms, private family. 612 N. 25th. 'Phone Red 6316. VERY desirable rooms, private home; gentlemen orly; walking distance. 2125 Douglas. Tyler 1228. EIGHT-ROOM furnlthed hous. West Farnam district 866 per month. Telephone Uarne wuk OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Itootns Contlnned. DOUni.E and single rooms for sleepttiAi. 10 Howard, 2d floor. . SINGLE room. $10; modern. 25GS St. Mary's Ave. MNOLR rooms, modern, 2015 Leaven- worth. NICE, cool rooms for young men; reason able. 618 8. 22J St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent till Douglas St. FRONT room, modern; gentleman. 8202 i Farnam. H -. - f- TWO larse front rooflis. nvxlrrn nous rranged for housekeeping. 1618 Davenport Bt. ONE single, large room for men only. 214 8. 20th St , MODERN rooms, with or without board. 410 N. 23d St. ONE large room for gentleman. 317 S. 26th St NICELY furnished front room for rent, 1324 Capitol Ave., 2d floor. S1NGLR room for rent to lady or gentle man. 604 8. 37th St TWO furnished rooms with or without board; on car line. Address 1437 N. 20th. Phone Webster 8458. ' NICELY furnished front room with al cove, strictly modern; large lawn; either sleeping or housekeeping. 1624 N. 17th St. NEWLY furnished rooms, modnrn; good location. 403 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Red 7543. MODERN, well fin-nlshed rooms, walking) distance; private family. 2307 St. Mary's Ave. 1 TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. 22U Farnam. FURNISHED rooms at 227 Locust St. Tel. Webster 3349. PLEASANT room, modern, on car Una, 2418 Cass St v ROOMS for desirable parties In new modern flat on car line. 808 No. 20th Su NICELY furnished front room eailtable for two gentlemen; strictly modern, on car. line. 1508 N. 17 St. NICELY furnished large front room. suitable for two. 201 S. 25th Ave. 728 S. 1STH ST.. modern furnished room, 3 ,i . .' .... Kl. . ' NICELY furnished south front room fo ladles: also oth her rooms; with private J 6567, 2628 Capitol Ave. ,8 family. Tel. Har, FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 8. 25th St Very convenient to business. FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23d. Board If desired. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family; modem. S. 20th. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen. close In; modern. Telephone, hot water,. 706 8. 18th St, . sj NICE furnished front room with bath. 8123 California St ONE front room, with alcove; also ilnrls room; fine location. 621 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 6017. NICELY furnished southeast room, easy walking distance, In modern house, very desirable; gentlemen only. Apply 609 8. 2itn Ave. 'Phone, Red 7956. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED front rooms In private family, all modern Im provements, fine location, walking dis tance. 618 S. 27th St. Tel. II. 6069. FIVE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1326 8. 23d Bt. ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times: large room, suitable for two. 83.60: another room, 83. 2608 Harney Bt ROOM, with alcove, modern. 820 S. 22dL WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th: nre- fer private family. Koskter, 1909 Ixard St. FURNISHED rooms In . modem flat everything new; en suite or single. Second Boor, 403 n. istn st THREE finely furnished rooms, suitable) for three or six gentlemen; rooms have large closets; cool In summer; furnace heat in winter; gas, bath, hot and xold water; ample porch and grounds; both telephones; lea water; walking distance; reasonable rent! coma and see them. 808 S. 20th St. Telephone Douglas 779. LARGE front room for two persona fn private family; modern. 118 No. 27th A. B. 6037. Hotels and Apartments, THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM. ' ' EUROPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. All outside rooms. NICEIiY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE) CHATHAM, HO 8. 18th St. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool rooms with board. 212 8. SSth St GEORGIA HOTEL 1042 8. 29TEf uimonw VTnt-l thnrnna-Mv modern close in; quite and homelike. Doug. 1712. 21st and Chicago, Housekeeping; Rooma. NICE, CLE4.N, COOL honaekeepinaj rooms; gas furnished; laundry privileges; walking dlstanoe; rent reasonable. 2571 ST. MARY'S AVE. BLEEPING rooms end rooms for light housekeeping. 719 No. 23d Bf TWO modem rooms, large closets, 88. 8682 North 18th street k- Tvmnm rooms for adults only. In pri vate family; modern except heat. Call 221S Burt street PARLOR floor, unfurnished; housekeep ing. 2608 Dodge street FOUR modern heated rooms, walking distance, 2223 Burt street FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 1816 North 18th street. TWO housekeeping rooms, gas range, r.loe fireplace. "1 South 80th street TWO furnished rooms, modern, 616 North lth street. TWO newly furnished modern rooms; gas furnished for light 82 60 per week. 2710 Howard street TWO housekeeping" rooms. 2018 Davenport FRONT suite, clean, fine modem real dence; close tn, to desirable parties. 2104 Webster street FURNISHED rooms for tight housekeep ing., 614 South 17th avenue. THREE furnished rooms for light house- keeping. 1620 South 2ttt street, il-lce, rea sonable. STRICTLY modern two-room flat North 24th street. 4768 THREE unfurnished rooms. modern. Hicks. 221$ California street 1 ' FOUR nloa, clean rooms; gas, bath, neari car. 28o4 Grace street ' TWO rooms, light housekeeping; $16 g, month. 2702 Cuming street MODERN housekeeping rooms. 660 South 26th avenue. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, $10. Leavenworth street TWO front housekeeping rooms, furn- S Ished complete; modern. 2228 Leavenworth. FIVE furnished rooms for boustkv 1325 South sza street TWO front rooms for light housekeeping. very close in. 208 South 20th street FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping; house modern; reasonable. tU MurUi IrUa lUeeb 1 ! .A.