Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Daily Beb
For Nebraska rsrtly cloudy.
For Iowa Tartly cloudy.
XL. -NO. GG.
Two Effulgent Stars Get Acquainted
at Den and Become Fast
Colonel Goes Dauntlessly Into Strong
hold, Then Takes Oath.
During Show Hunter Offers to Lend
Dummy Lions. "
After Appearance of Comet Colonel
and Party Mix.
Event at On Troves Most Happy
Incident ol Bis; Day In City and ,
Everything is Carried Oat
Surrounded by trembling guardians, who
" louked as If they needed protection more
than lie did, Colonel Roosevelt blew Into
the fearxome confines of the Den last night.
Figuratively speaking, he slapped Samson
on the back, grinned in his faoe and before
the austere old codger could chain up his
dignity had made a good friend. ,
Throngs, crowds and streams of surging
and laughing humanity the connolseurs of
happiness kind helped Samson say hello
to Teddy and to make the visitor happy
as his ample spirit could be. It had been
suggested that so distinguished a guest as
Roosevelt ought to be spared the duty of
riding Harrison's goat in the regular lnltia
- lion. To a certain extent this suggestion
was carried oul, but the colonel was made
to take the king's oath of allegiance and
become a knight ,6f Ak-Sar-Ben'a realm,
nevertheless. ...,.
. ."Ha, ha, fine," was the bubbling ex
clamation of the new knight finally as
ht looked . upon the 'prefwntatlon of "Hal-
ley a Comet" by Qatar Ptlmperniukle; et al.
He hadn't been still more than several
minutes when he caught the drift of the sit
uations and burst out in a "bright idea. "Bay,
tioys, 1'lUsend you some- dummy Hons that
. weren't ma altogether dead w hen I met 'em
"in Africa, if you want th.m." Samson's
men nearly fell over thetni eh snapping
up the proposal. Sure they would be glad
to have the said dummy lions. Couldn't the
, colonel, now that he thought of it, kind
' of pass out a few elephants and wampuses?
T, At that point the colonel fell to enjoying
the spectacle of the blunt-nosed sky pirate
and side-tracked the menagerie talk,
Knlirhts Galore. 1
j There werc Knltshts of the Ak-Sar-Hen
"4 from all over the state on hand to see the
pug-nosed nibs and Colonel Roosevelt. They
couldn't b blamed and it was really no
disrespect for them to give more attention
U the colonel than the pug-nosed comet.
After the show the great hunter and all
the other big notables present mixed it with
the knights in truly happy fashion.
A special box had been erected for the col
onel and his party on the west side of the
den and they saw the regular incidents of
the -veiling from that vantage point, but
altoi- the formal part of the program in
' whjfft everybody but the actors had to look
. up, they did their mixing.
1 ,
Colonel Gneat at Formal Dinner
Before Visit to Den.
More than a hundred vie presidents
and members of tl reception committee
at down to the banquet for the colonel
at the Omaha club unJ hundreds' more
were wailing outside for him when he
came down the steps at 8 o'clock. He was
whirled away In the same big machine
that bad carried him in a red streak of
speed all over Omaha during the day.
Gould Diets, whose car It was, sat at the
heel. ,
"I om Indeed very gid to ba here," said
the colonel, when he was brought to his
ft et by the rousing cheers that broke out
when the last course was served. In fact
the last liquor on the menu went begging
while the guests crowded Into the north
room, whore the colonel stood at his table
and raised a glass of apolllnarls to greet
tho singing. Tho visiting newspaper men
h id parodies for a number of the popular
arlis that were played by the orchestra and
"For He's a Jolly (Jood Fellow," and the
famous Chicago ton of "Style All the
While," wero Joined In' by the whole crowd.
Splendid Petting- When People of tho
. S' jto' Welcome lineal.
Even It t. it iri lieu: a Cll i ot pUy "Garry
owen," Omaha' mrllim tuast thoroughly
enjoyed himself ilurtns the function at the
' KiuUl club, from i;':30 to 2;15 o'clock. And
it should be said also the elub, through
its managing committee and caterer, won
tnurh credit ajirt commendation for the
completeness if its arrangements.
Vnder the softly swinging festooned folds
. f Old Glory, with green plants and frag
l rant ropes on all sides and In front of them,
I and with twittering blrdx aloft In tho ruft-
ers to aJd an odd element to the affair,
400 representative men of Omaha and Ne
braska, and a fw from Iowa, broke bread
with Colonel Roosevelt and had "a bully
good time'" all around.
Itookev It's conductors brought htm to the
Flell club grounds almost on the minute, and
t'ha!rn.hin Kunewuter and his committee at
oneo escorted the colonel to a position at the
entrance of the tallrooin. Here the distill
Jff miHied statesman and traveler met and
shook hands with every person who came
along; and for many be had a word ot re
dbwat of acquaintanceship, either personal
or through a knowledge of personal triad.
ltcspUe an almoat continuous grind of this
handshaking feature, the colonel gives no
yCaatlnutd on Second Pad-)
Sioux City
Registers Kick
on Bean Tariff
Claim Put Up to Interstate Commis
sion Against Trio of Rail
roads. From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 2.-The traf
fic bureau of the Sioux City Comhierclal
club, today filed a compliant against the
Chicago A Northwestern, Southern Pacific
and Union Pacific Railway companies, al
leglng that the rate established by the
different railroad companies of 86 cents per
100 pounds on Lima, beans shipped from
California to Sioux City In carload lots Is
iti-iliixt unreasonable and excessive. The
shipment upon which compliant is based
was a carload of Lima beans shipped by
B. Hoist ft Co., of Oxnard, Cal., to Toler
ton ft Warfleld company, Slox City, on
which 85 centa per 100 pounds was charged
and collected, when a Just and reasonable
rate as alleged, should have been 75 cents.
The poitmaster at Chadron, Neb., today
filed a request at the Fostoffica department
for authority to open a postal savings bank
in his office. '
The Big Horn County bank of Daaln,
Wyo., today made application to be desig
nated as a depository for postal savings
bank funds.
Civil service examinations for rural free
delivery carriers will be held October J, at
Elgin and Florence, Neb.
Captain Allen J. Greer, acting Judge ad
vocate, has been relieved from duty at
headquarters. Department of the Columbia,
and will proceed to San Francisco and re
port to the commanding general depart
ment of California, tor assignment to duty
as acting Judge advocate of that depart
ment until further orders. Captain I. R.
Ball. Sixth cavalry, now at Fort Des
Moines, will proceed to Join his troop
Fort Benjamin Harrison. First Lieutenant
t. Elliot, Eighth cavalry, will repair to
this city and report to the commanding of
ficer. Walter Reed, general hospital, for
observation and treatment First Lieuten
ant Ernst F. Slater, medical reserve corps,
Is granted leave of absence for one month.
Arguments on
Recount Case
Are Under Way
Several Lawyers on Hand in Judge
Troup's Court Open Connell Ver- '
sus Canvassing Board.
Arguments In the case , of Dan J- Con
nell against the. Douglas county canvass
ing board Were commenced before Judge
Troup Friday morning. The following
lawyers were present, each having the
right to argue for' his client: C. J. Smyth,
representing . Governor Shellenberger;
J. W. West, . representing Dan J. Connell;
A. S. Rltche, representing Franx J. Flxa;
County Attorney English, representing the
canvassing board. Mayor Dahlman had
no attorney. The argument will probably
continue all day and no decision Is ex
pected until Saturday morning.
State Auditor 8. R. Barton, a member
of the state canvassing board, arrived in
the city Friday morning to confer with
the members of the county canvassing
board in regard to an abstract. He has
been sent by the board to secure an ab
stract without a rider attached, regard
lees of the recount or what tt may ahow.
"T.R. N.Y."is
Mark on Grip
Colonel's Suitcase Plastered with La
bels from Every Land is Ob
ject of Interest
"T. R. N. T." was the Inscription on a
big suit case that preceded the colonel off
the train when he arrived In Omaha. The
crowd looked at It with breathless curiosity.
It W as the same grip that had accompanied
Roosevelt all over the world. Its sides were
covered with labels from every out-of-the-way
place from Cairo to Kansas City. It
bore the scars and mark of African hunt
ing and European lectures. It was marked
with the bold black Initials. "T. Ft.," that
told the whole story.
Vice President and Former Congress
man Watson Greeted by Great
EL RENO. Okl., Sept. t El Reno's wel
come to Vloe President Sherman began at
Enid this morning when a delegation of
cltlsena of F.I Reno arrived on an early
train and greeted Mr. Sherman's party in
the vice president's private oar. The long
est between-towns speech yet made during
the trip was dVllved In Kingfisher from
the car platform. There was a large crowd !
at the depot, but the vice president, wish- J
lug to save his voice as much as possible,
did not talk at length, but shook hands
ith, several hundred men and women.
' Factory whistles soundeu a welcome as
the train drew Into the city.
Another large crowd greeted Mr. Sherman
on his arrival in El Reno, he was escorted
to the Southern hotel, where a reception
was held and later the vice president's
party was taken for an automobile ride
over the city. This evening a meeting was
held at the El Reno opera house, where
both Mr. Sherman and James E. Watuon
ot Indiana spoke.
Senator Brown Wears an
Old, Battered Panama Hat
Senator Norrls Brown had the temerity
to appear in the group at the depot for the
Roosevelt welcome, wearing a Panama hat
of the vintage of several years ago. He
had his old-time glad face under the, hat,
though, and that made it all rUl.t.
"iti own, why don't you discard that hat?'
a.kcj a friend.
"I have no other with me," ald the
Kearney statesman, "and I guess that's a
good enough reason."
Senator liurkett was wearing a gum
coat of delicate tint over his spotless town
Suit of late summer clothes. ' Slied ths
coat, Burkatt," aid Senator Dolllvsr, add
Traces of Hard Usage Revealed on
Ex-President as He Stops on
Gruelling Trip.
Special Train Brings Him to Omaha
Depot Exactly on Time.
Looks Everyone in the Eye and Grips
His Hand.
Noted Visitor Steps from Car and
Greets Reception Committee with
Glad Smile, Looking Tired,
bat Fall of Energy. '
"Colonel Roosevelt, how does this sort
of work compare with hunting big game
In AfrlcaT"
"Hunting in Africa Is a mere pastime
compared with this sort of thing,' re
sponded the colonel. He was half smiling
as he spoke, but there was a ring of sin
cerity in the answer, nevertheless. And
that there much truJl in it was to be noted
from Colonel' Roosevelt's manner.
His special car had pulled In on the min
ute, attached to the Burlington train from
Kansas City due at :45 o'clock. The local
committee, headed by Victor Rosewater
and Chauffeur Gould Diets boss of the
steering wheel tor the day was at the
steps when the car stopped. The colonel
was not ready, and the committee waited
while he dressed.
The 7 o'clock whistle had hardly finished
blowing when Mr. Rosewater stepped out
of the door ot the Roosevelt car, and the
colonel followed right behind. The small
group at the car steps gave him cheery
greeting as he raised his old black hat; and
that same headpiece is characteristic, be
ing marked all over, from crown to rim,
with signs of hasty handling by a hnnter.
It has no particular shape any more,' ex
cept that It is roughly dented from front
to rear. The rim has lost Its pristine
curve, and in the hollows and dents, dust
has settled.
Bears Traces of Hard Usage.
, Roosevelt bore traces of hard usage. In
spite of his smiling face, and his voice will
require considerable smoothing and rest to
make it natural again. But he was the
personification of husky manhood Just the
same and as he walked up the platform
there was no lack of Indication that he
possesses a tremendous reserve power.
, He ' met all who reached his hand with
a friendly response and a , tightening of
the eyes plainly, perceptible through his
glasses. He desire a' good look at every
person he greets' and -the look of the rifle
man sighting a piece cornea over his face
in the most natural manner.
Compared with, the men surrounding him
Colonel ''Roosevelt- was not a whit
different He has a typical American
appearance. He Is Just auove medium
height,' with a square head, strong neck
stout shoulders and a solidly knit bodjr
above a pair of legs which have taken on
the barrel-stave curve of the habitual rider
of horses. ' ,
Is Simply Dressed. S
In plain black cutaway ' coat and a vest
or the same ' material and trousers of
lighter hue, the appearance of Colonel
Roosevelt, with his old black cady in his
hand, brought welcoming Indeed, lovlngi
smiles to the faces ot the several hundred
men, women and children gathered along
the Iron fence at the Burlington depot.
"Hurrah for Roosevelt," yelled a grin.
nlng citizen, with waving arms, and the
women close by gave the shouter some
warm smiles.
"Bully for you, Teddy," yelled another
enthusiast, and then the whole bunch let
out a warm salute ot shouting Joyousness.
Every tone of American voclferousness
was In evidence, and the colonel Is not un
responsive In the least He likes the peo
ple, revels in their friendliness, and gives
them back with hearty willingness the af
tectiOD they express In the mass. Young
lads and old men grasp his hand, and they
find no assumption of dignity whatever In
their way.
Has Handshaking Seaslon.
As he passed from the gateway in the
platform railing to the Gould Dltts red
torpedo car at the south door of the depot,
Colonel Roosevelt shook hands with prob
ably twenty different people, and at the
car, as he paused a moment a dozen more
reached him. Then, as Diets steered his
machine up the Incline to Tenth street,
big crowd lining the sidewalk railing
started more cheering and personal greet
ings, and Roosevelt waved his war bonnet
with a strong arm. And so it went to the
doors of the Omaha club; all along the
line unrestrained beckonings and shouting
signified to the guest that Omaha folks
were real glad to see him and wanted him
to know It. He was glad ot the atrnos
phere, too, and laughed and chatted In his
own rollicking way with Rosewater and
I Wattles.
I It was remarked as a coincidence thnt
when the colonel was in Omaha as presl
dent, he arrived on Just such a morning,
mclst and cloudy, with rain In the early
hours of the day.
Wrst Goes to Japan.
VANCOUVER, I!. C. Sept. 1. Colonel
George N. West of the Dh-tnct of Columbia,
United States consul general in Vancouver
for the last three years, announced today
that he had been transferred to the consul
ate at Kobe, Japan. Iavld K. Wilbur ot
New York, consul at Kobe, la to come to
Vancouver. The exchange was arranged
on account of Mrs. Wilbur's health.
ing up close. "It looks oppressive on such
a beautiful morning," and off cum a the
AlungHide of Brown end Dolllver. Senator
Burkett was the t-iold of form, from snoes
to bonnet. Urowu's overworked Panama
was lota handsomer than the durby which
was jammed on Dolllver s big head almost
to the cars; and yet not ono piece of head
gear In the whole collection could vie with
Colonel Roosevelt's splendid specimen of
what a knockabout hat ought to ue. It
Is Just like the man hlinoelf, In that nothing
ran hurt it if a lion bit it be d spoil Ids
From the St. louis uiobe-Democrat
Enginer Prevents Robbery of Train
Near Divide, Colo.
Sheriff's Posse Captures Two Men In
Brash Near Scene of the Holdup
They Say They Were
Stealing- a Ride.
a desperate attempt to hold up westbound
Colorado Midland train No. S four miles
west of Divide early this morning an un
identified bandit was instantly killed by
a rock thrown by Engineer Frank Stewart
after he had shot the engineer in the leg.
Sterling and Charles Martfn, two young
men who were found near the scene of
the holdup, are held for investigation as
to their complicity in the robbery. Ster
ling Martin was slightly wounded In the
head by a bullet.
The highwayman crawled over the tender
as the train slowed up at a aiding to meet
the eastbound train. As he stopped the
train Stewart turned, to see his fireman,
Paul Bachman, standing with his hands
above his head and heard the robber say:
"Put up your hands or I'll blow your
head off."
The robber then forced both men to
leave the engine and marched them be
fore him to the express car.
"When we got to the express car," said
Stewart, "my fireman dashed under the
car and crawled to the other aide. The
robber leaned under the car to shoot at
him and- when he took hla eyes off me, I
struck him with all my strength with a
rock I had picked up as I Jumped off the
tender. As I did so he whirled and shot at
mo, the bullet Btriklng me in the leg. I
guess my blow finished lilm, for he never
moved after the rock hit him."
Shortly after the hold-up Sheriff Von
Juhl and a posse scoured the country near
the scene of the attempted hold-up and dis
covered the Martin brothers biding in the
brush. .
Sterling Martin was dased by a bullet
wound In the head. He Is out on parole
from the stato reformatory. The Martins
claim they wero riding the blind baggage
and were beating their way to Grand Junc
tion. t hnrsred with Slurder of Boy.
KINGSTON, N. Y., Sep. 2 Vlnceno
Crauso and his wife were arrested thla aft
ernoon In connection wtlh tho murder of
4-year-old Peter Fabian, who was found
Btrannled to death in an outbuilding of
Ills parents' home in Portovllle last Wednes
day. In ordering the arrests Dlntrict Attor
ney Cunningham refused to say what evi
dence he pofHessed. t'raaso and -his wife
lived next door to the Fabian family.
Get in line early
The Sunday want ads will' bpglu
to pour In about 7 o'clock, and they
will keep U up until 7 Saturday
If you want to sell anything use
one of these little treasures.
If you want to rent a house use
one ct them,
Jf you want a servant use one of
Use them freely.
This is a matter of, say 25c
Call Tvler 1000 iind tho
want ad man will attend to
your wants.
Left Behind
C7 Sr
( L rf
Taft's Program '
Announced for
Trip to St. Paul
i - .
President Will Review Labor Day
Parade and Address Conserva
tion Congress.
ST. PAUL. Sept 2.-The official pro
gram for the entertainment of President
Taft on Monday of next, week In connec
tion wltfy the national conservation con
gress has been completed. . v
President Taft la scheduled to arrive in
St. Paul at 9 a., m. Monday. Accompanied
by Governor Eberhart and the local recep
tion committee, the, president under the es
cort of four troops of Fort Snelllng cavalry
and the National guard will be conducted
to a stand near the postofflce where he
will review the Labor Day parade.
After the parade he will go to the audi
torium where at 10:30 he will address the
conservation congress.
At noon he will have luncheon at the Fit.
Paul hotel, attended by Governor Eberhart,
with President B. N. Baker of the con
servation congress, as host.
; At 3:30 o'clock he will make an address
at the Minnesota State Fair grounds. From
the fair grounds he will be taken to the
nauuiMun noiei lur a uinuer lenaerea nun
by Minneapolis cltltens,
At 6:1G o'clock he will board his car for
the return trip east
Physical Examination of Pupils.
ABERDKEN, 8. D., Sept. 2. (Special.)
To prevent so far as possible any out
break of contagious disease In the
schools of Aberdeen, the Aberdeen school
6oard has arranged with the city board
of health for a physical examination of
every child entering the public schools.
The pupils will be given cards on the open
ing day, and are required to return them
filled out by a physician, showing the state
of their health, within ten days thereafter.
The public schools open next Monday,
September 6, with fifty-six teachers in
charge, under direction of Superintendent
H. C. Johnson.
Travelirig Scribes Prefer
Good Sleep to Square Meal
'"Forty winks beats a breakfast In this
The score or more newspaper men travel
ing with Colonel Roosevelt have now gotten
to that point where they are as Independent
as an ancient hog that defied the ice to
move him without breaking. They were
all a&leep, except one or two hot-nosed
scouts, when the special cars came In this
morning. They have a car all to them
selves; that Is, all except the two-thirds of
the seats and aisles taken up by their
typewriters and hand baggage. Home of
litem In the air, apparently, or change
places in shifts. Upper berths are not un
popular In that car, and for men accus
tomed to all the luxuries of life, as prize
newspaper men are, the troubles ot travel
ing with a bubbling, busy character such
as occupies the car behind, are of no small
"We use our Imagination when we want
comfort," said one sarcastic writer, but
there was no sting In the statement Ths
point of this story, however, Is that the
tired news writers refused to be dis
turbed from their slumbers this morning
to ride In autos to a swell breakfast at the
Omaha club.
Rock Island Attorney Calls Attorney
for Shippers a Liar.
Railroad Man Resents Insinuation
that They Were Intentionally
Left Out and a Stormy
Scene Occurs.
CHICAGO, - Sept. 1 The tense strain of
the railway rate hearing developed disorder
today, in the midst of which Attorney B.
B. Pierce of the Rock Island called At
torney F. B. James, representing Cincin
nati shippers, a liar. Mr. Pierce added
that If Mr. James was not satisfied the
matter could be continued "outside."
Comptroller Nay of the Bock Island was
on the witness stand undergoing cross-ex
amlnatlon by Attorney James. The latter
declared that in one of the tables intro
duced by Mr. Nay yesterday the total
freight operating expenses had been left
out, while both sets of figures appeared
in a similar table.
"Why were those figures left out?" de
manded Mr. James.
Witness answered that the omission was
undoubtedly accidental.
Mr. James expressed a contrary opinion,
averrlnar that he susnected an ulterior
Mr. Pierce at this point Jumped to his
feet and shouted:
"If that Is your opinion you are a liar."
"That won't do at all, gentlemen," in
terposed Examlier Brown, with many raps
of his gavel. Above the din Mr Pierce con
"We will not stand such insinuations
We. are here fairly and squarely, and if
tho attorney is not satisfied I wilt meet
him outside."
At this there were hisses from the ship
pers and handclapplng from the railroad
contingent, during which the gavel sounded
unaialllngly. (
"Xlaraer In the Woodpile."
The storm spept Itself without reference
to the gavel and Mr. Nay resumed. The
(Continued on Third Page.)
As against a chance to hug old Morpheus
in a close embrace for an hour or two
longer, the newspaper gang left a sign
hanging out that the matutinal meal could
freeie to death for all they cared and they
stuck to the pillows. Hence, It came about
that a collection of autos sent down to the
depot for their accommodation came up
town empty or carrying local friends of
the owners.
About half after nine, when the sharp
points ot the sleep had been knocked off
and the sharpness of the appetite began to
sit up and take notice, a few of them aroKe
and began to tear off a few hundred words.
The literature was fine, even If the scribes
were still wearing their pyjumas.
"Come on, eat brcaicisl with us," said
one, as a bunch started out to find a sau
sage shop and stir up fodder.
"Forget it," cam the reply. "I haven't
catun anything aolider than the hole In a
doughnut for a week. My boss tins a bad
habit, he howls for copy even in his sleep."
However, as the middle of tho day drew
nearer and visions ot thit litre luncheon at
the Field club graw more positive, the work
ers and loafers were right In line In front of
the mirror and preparing to leave.
Characteristic Address by the Only
Living Ex-President of the
United States.
Canal History from Inception to the
Present Date.
Roosevelt Faced Greatest Audience
Ever Assembled in Omaha.
Departures from Manuscript Touch
Popular Fancy.
Dlstlng-alahed Visitor -Pnbllely F.a.
dorses a Warm Tribute to the
People of Ncbraaks
Dolllver Is Heard.
"The American fleet was not sent around
the world as a threat to any nation, but
as the strongest kind of a provocative to
"We wanted it understood on the Atlantic
and on the Pacific coasts alike, and by
the world, that our fleet could go anywhere,
and would go anywhere when necessary.
"At one time It was announced by some
good people on the Atlantic coast the fleet
should not sail; but it did sail. I had
money to send ships to the Pacific, and If
the money was not appropriated to bring
them back Well, that was their affair.'
"The next Job ahead of us is to fortify
the canal We must show that we ar
big enough to do the Job right. We built
that canal ourselves, and we don't have to
ask anybody else to come In and say how
it shall be used.
"Nothing can serve to keep us In a stats
of profound peace more than the know
ledge that our men can shoot straight
and will do so If necessary." ' ,
With terse, rharply uttered sentences-
like the farmer assistant secretary ot the
navy and former president of the United
States brought ringing Indorsement from
what was undoubtedly the greatest audi
ence ever covered by the roof of the Omaha
auditorium. They were uttered as a rule,
aside from the written text held In tho
Speoker's hand; . and characteristic ges
tures with upraised arms and clenched
fists, sent them home to the hearts and
understanding of his auditors.
War Tlnave on Talk.
While In some sense the war tinge was
on the talk, yet underlying every para
graph was the earnest thought that only by
stenuous preparation and unmistakable
declaration of Intention and purpose could
the militant world be held to a steadfast
obligation to let the JJnlted States alone
to work , out Its ultimate destiny without
the possibility of outside influence.
Roosevelt had opened In moat genial
vein, by a smiling illusion to what ha
termed "the very modest tribute of Bena
tor Burket to the virtues of Nebraska,"
"And I agree with all he said," added
the colonel, when the laughter had ceased.
Thus everybody was put In good humor,
although the real start to a mutual pleas
ure was made when Roosevelt had gra
ciously addressed the chairman, the local
committee, Governor Bhallenberger and
Mayor pahlman, each In turn. He had
stepped aside a pace of two to face tho
executives of the state and city, who sat
together at one side of the platform.
Admirers on tho Roof.
Seldom indeed does an prator make
speech with trampling admirers scurrying
on the roof under which he Is talking, bill
that was Colonel Roosevelt's experience
Friday afternoon at the Omaha auditor
ium. So great was the Jam in the enor
mous drill shed of a building that scorei
of the more active ones foiled the aisles
and stairways until they were out on ths
root of the structure. 10,000 was the gen
eral estimate of men, ' who viewed the
great sea of people from the stage.
Victor Rosewater called the gathering to
order and at once introduced Senator Bur
kett as chairman. The senior Nebraska
senator was, generous In his laudation ot
Nebraska and her people and struck a
popular chord when he said:
"All Nebraska Is host to our guest ol
today. The citizens of Omaha are to be
thanked for the magnificent scope of their
plans for his entertainment and the gen
eral pleasure. We are always proud ot
Omaha, but today we are a little prouder
than ever before.
"I want to cay to our guest that we havi
a grand people out here; that there art
no more progressive, enlightened and de
termined citizens anywhere in the worl L
I can assure him, too, that our people
believe in him, as not only wise enough
to know what Is to be done, but courag
eous enough to do tt.
"I take extreme pleasure in presenting
Theodore Roosevelt to this great auiilonco
as the most distinguished man in all the
Ovation for Visitor.
Then W. I. Kioistead, In charge of the
stage arrangements, stepped to the front
and led the tremendous rising clieer and
vocal ovation that made i-ven the much
traveled und feaHted guest thrill with
pleasure and pride.
"Teddy. Teddy; hello, Teddy!" Shoutnd
by childl.ih voices, wrlngled sharply with
the adult cheering.
It was trlbut to please any man that,
while the neadlng of the speech on "The
Panama Canal" was proctedimi very few
of those who crowded the building went
out. I'art ot the standing crowd In the
lobby did leave, being unable to hear, per
haps, as well, as they would like; and later
some of the balconies lost their packed
appearance, but folly 6.000 people remained
to the closing word of the brief talk made
by Senator liolllver, following the aildrebs
of the goest of honor.
Uurlng his opening remarks, Colonel