run it.;;: omaha, Friday, kettkmher 2, 1010. lit BRIEF CITY NEWS . Haul Vnv.X X. S.c-tiic Tim-fi'iivg sss-Orandsa Co. . Ton: Friutlnf t tb Tims. Baal r Classing- u: garments. Twin Lit; i vurk. ivl South fifteenth. Oppenhaim nalrras!ar Farlora move I.i-J---:4 City Nr , I Uank BlUg Sept. I. . Jlr. W. B. Cuter, Dsntlst, he office t h-t.3 Clly National Dank Dulldlng. Julie Bohmiat, public stenographer, t2' Itrnnilel Hit's., hue moved to 301 i2'J Itrnnilel Hlfig., lefl'.'lg. . a Tom Xere Kldsa, wool or fur, Mit them to J.'ti. Smith & Co. Highest prices, huneat trentment. 121 Jones St In the Divorce Coart Mary Fruhwlrth liaa filed ault for divorce against John N. lruhwlitli. They, were married In 1ST und have ten children. Money to Loam to Koine Builder at lowest association' ratea end caalesl methods of repayment. Nebraska Savlnga an J Loan Att'n. lu Board of Trade Uldg. BdwartU BOnad Over Oeorge Edward, arraigned before I'olice Judge Crawford yesterday foe hone stealing, waa bound over tu th dlstrlot court on 1(00 bonds tore Opea tongst With the begin ning of September Omaha atorea will be kept open until p. m. each day except Saturday, when they are kept open longer. City Attorney Betarn City Attorney wurnam haa returned from hla va cation trip to Baltimore, where he waa a delegate to the national convention of the Loyal Order of Moose. The Moose, wnich la a new order, reaembllng the Llka to a certain extent, had a conven- , tlpn , of . several thouaand delegatea and developed much enthusiasm. aajrte YUlte U Omaha R. W. Baxter, general superintendent of the llllnola Cen tral, arrived In Omaha Wednesday on bust neaa connected with ,the handling of freight In and out of South jUmaha, relative to the boom In trade which the road haa felt In thoae placea lately. Mr. Baxter la an old oman resident, having been with the l.'nlon Pacific here a division auper lntendent some year ago. Blrta Rsoorfls The vital statistic for the month of August are. discouraging from' a population standpoint and would furniah the colonel a text for hla speech. A compared with the 11 males born in Omaha In Augusts J909, there were only 99 this yeur. ami 100 females, five lea than laat year' total. ' Of thl year' ar rivals there- were: two colored boy and three- colored girl and two. pair of boy twin. Oorernment Still After Tire Despite in tact tnat the forest fires in the northwest have- ceased to be front-pace featuroa, the Department of the Missouri Is stIU helping to fight them. Wednes day a portion of the Fourth cavalry en route overland from the reoent maneuvers IVt U. A. Knssell to It pot at Fort Meade, Kouth Dakota, wa ordered to re main In the vicinity of Dumont, 8. D., where it then wa, and assist in fighting vn rires; TouBf Woman, Kissing- Inquiries are being received, in Omaha a to the wheifcabouu of Pearl Hall of Steele. 8. IV wha left t.Paul, Minn., on August zi ana haa not been heard of since. She waa due to arrive in York, Neb. Accord ing, to the description. Pearl is 17 years old. Is five feet six Inches tall, weighs 1(0 pounds, has blue eyes, light complexion and hair. When.Jjaat heard of she had boarded a Great Western train for Omaha at the Str Paul station. Business , concern From the Commercial club come announcement of another addition to Omaha's business force. Thl time i Is a mall order, photo supply "and amateur' finishing company under the name of the aflin company. IC'tV. Phelps, late of Sioux City, is sales manager in charge of the business, which is located at 331-139 Paxton building. Associated With Mr. Phelps are Messrs. A. K. Borglum and A. L. Gale of the Dar low Advertising agency. The company : w.',l be incorporated at once, with a 110, ODO paid up. canjtal. i Populist Votes - for Republicans C. B. Manuel, Chairman of Committee, So Declares, if Shallenberper .'.';'';; , Deolinei. C. B. Manuel, chairman of the' state central committee of the populist party, gave out;. the statement while in Omaha for a. short time, today .that if Shallen berger declines to run for governor as the populist nominee the support of the ,W.r( prty.will In. aU. probability be given to e republican. ,.luW' .Governor: Shallinberger to tay. on tha ticket," aald Mr. Manuel, "but 4f he does not It I more than probable the re publican svljl get our endorsement." A a reason, ur. throwing, the populist upport to the' republicans Mr. Manuel saya . the populists feel that Dahlman'i nomination wa a result of "wet repub lican" vote.' "Dahlman make no bones about the. fact that party lines disap peared -Hi tha primaries," aald Mr. Man uel, "and there Is little doubt the elec tion will see' tlijnm thing over again. It' fs assured that the populist party will . jiefr endorse Dahlman." POSTOFFICE. RECEIPTS "BREtK. SOME RECORDS A nana t W a Une of thn Heav iest Moalh ! History of tho ' I , ; ' .' .Postofflce. - Postal receipts --at the local poatofflc show au cnonuoua, increase over those for August, of last year. According to the re port, for th month the receipts for August, 1010. amounted to the huge aum of' while Auguat of 190 brought In but 171.401 a' This Increase amount to M per cent over last year and la One of the largest which tli local offlro baa even known. And yet. at the postorrice they call August a dull month." a Rellablo Medicine Sot a Narcotle, Mrs. F. Mrtl. St. Joe, Mich., say Foley Honey and Tar ved her. little boy' Uf. Sua. write: "our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and a th doctor medicine did not, .cur him, I gav him foley'a Honey and Tar, la which I l.av treat ralth. ' It cured the cough a well aa the choking and gagging spells, and he got Well In hort time. Foley' Honey ad far ha many .time saved us much trouble and w are never without R In th house. V ! ' KXCLitSIOX HATES. ' v t - ' . " . eenasana ' alereiate U . Btork Fnlr, Slona City, Iowa, riA, THB . NORTHWESTERN LINK. j'Dally, Bept. lth to th; return limit Sept. VtH. v lAt list of attraction. Great ex position of live stock and farm products. Apply to ticket agents The Northwestern t"hane ( Tins. . Kt paul.MinneappU Limited. Th Northwestern Line.". Now leave Omaha l.S p. m , Instead of IP- m. , (Saiutdsrs UK a m ) ' Earlier ' Arrival "at Th Twin Cities, ' ' lEACHERS'ASSICNMESI LIST Showing; Where the Different Teach- en Will Report Tuesday Next. GENERAL MEETING ON MONDAY lllah Krhool Paolla Who Have Beea Making l Work Will Have Examinations on Friday Moraine The superintendent list of assignment! which determine the School at which every Omaha teacher will work during the year wa made public Thursday morning. It arrange a corps of teachers for every school which Is to take charge on the opening day, September t, and '. all the teachers named In It are expected to at tend a general meeting at the auditorium of the Toung Women' Christian associa tion Monday morning, September 6, at 10 o'clock. High school pupil who have been mak Ing up work during the summer will report for examination at th high school build ing Friday morning at o'clock, and all other pupils arc requested to stay away from the building until the opening day. The following is the assignment of teacher for the ensuing year: Supervisors. Fannie Arnold, music Orletta 8. Chittenden, kindergarten. Clara F. Cooper, principal training school. K. D. Gepson, atendance. Alice E. Hltte. drawlnsr. Elmer G. Miller, writing. II la a School. Ellis U. Graff, principal. Kate A. McMugh, head department con structive English. J. F. Woolery, head department mathe matics. Anna T. A da me, English-mathematics. Mabel C. Allison, typewriting. 1 1 wood Anderson, commercial studlee. Ada I. Atkinson, head department history. Nathan Bernstein, head department physics. Daisy F. Bonnell. physlology-xoology. Abba Wlllard Bowen, head department modern language. Hellen Brandels, mathematics. Laura B. Bridge, mathematics. Nona Bridge, Latin. Carrie O. Browne, mathematics. Raymond L. Cams, physlology-dlrtotor athletics. Barbara A. Chatelaine, Spanlsh-Oerman-French. Henry Clausen, wrltlng-coramerolal arith metic May L. Copeland, Latin-Greek. Mary Dallas, Latin. Autumn Davles, history. Evelyn Dudley, English. Bess Dumont, physiology-gymnasium. Marlon Fay, assistant librarian. '" Ellen Frankeah, mathematics. Jane T. Fulton, Latin-history. George H. Green, bandmaster. Mary A. Hantlng, treenand drawing. William N. Haskell, commandant cadets. Katheiine H. HUllard, English. Louise E. Hughes, mathematics. Jennie E. Hultman, mathematics. Huldah Isaacson, mathematics-normal training. John J. Kerrigan, manual training.' Adella Kiewlt, secretary to principal. Mary Alice Land!, German-French. 'Lydla S. McCague, mechanical drawing. Je&nette McDonald, English. Florence McHugh, head department Eng lish literature. Edward E. McMillan, physics-commercial arithmetic. Mary Bennett Macintosh, English.. Kuuenle Markln, history. Belle von Mansfelde, mathematics. - Joe von Mansfelde, physiology-English. Katharine Morse, English. Louise Northrup, registrar. E. H. Orchard, . mechanical drawing. Susan Paxson, Latin. Ella L. Phelps, English-French. Alios D. Prltchard, clerk to principal. M. E. Quackenbush, mathematics. . Nellie Randall, history. Jasper Koberison, head Commercial de. partment. J , Pearl RockfeJlova, German. .. . Ellen Roonay, Latin-history, Marie L. Schmidt, German. ' Elsie E. Schwart. gymnasium. ' H. A. Senter, head chemistry department. Zora Shields. English. Jane Sprott Smith, history. Penelope Smith, English. Bessie J. Snyder, head department Latin- Greek. Eunice stebcins. tsngnsn. Txuis Stegner. Latin. . Caroline E. Stringer, head department biology. -..'.'. Grace B. Sudborougn, pnysicai geograpny geology. Mary nuiuvan, cngnsn. Sara Vore Taylor, English. Katherine Thomas, history. Lillian F. Ttmms. English-history. Jessie M. Towne, EngllBh. Rosamond Fay Towns, German-English. Neva W. Turner, head department do mestic science.- Emma J. i re, mathematics. John E. Wigman, head department man ual training. Bancroft School. Kate L Brown Helen E Leighty Principal Johannah Chapman Margaret Hlckey ' Annex Roberta HattenhauerAnna P Steven Ruth Marhoff Kg. Director Ada F Tucker Anna Boutelle Minna Olver ' Kg. Assistant Beals School. Virginia Whit Frances Nleman Katherine Van Horn Edith Ewers Kg. Director Margaret Wallace Manual Training School. Martha Homellus Mary Jflsworth ' Emily Newcomb Graca I.lllle Laura Goets Kg. Director France Eller " Kg. Assistant Mary Goodman Manual Training Principal Katherine White Anne Jensen Ruth Wallace Ethel Kiewlt Cn Mary E. Slmonds Principal Ida Blackmnre Katherine Crane Edna Cole Edith Martin Rachel Fuller Hattle Duncan Roa Bernstein Ella Sandberg Neva Shtpherd Castellan School. Mary B Newton Ethel Leighty Anna Svaclna Pearl' Roberts Ida Crowell Anna Broadfleld Agnes Lund Kg. Director Alice York Kg. Aslstant Principal Eolia W Nichol Minnie Esplln Ollle Rlchey . F.dna Field Alio McOavocIC . Verle Williams Elisabeth Hendryx Sophia Grau Central Mary A Fitch Principal School. Ruth Chase Juliet McCune Ethel Lynn Cebella Schaller Marian Hamlin Kg. Director Gall Comstock Kg. Assistant Cordelia Johnson Marie Wetsel Lena McCullough Frances Grose Mabol Parker Minnie Wilson Lucy Evan Central Inrk School Elisabeth Kooney Principal Katherine Bloomer K!le Fisher Emma Robert Rose Healey Cllftoa Isabella Doyle Principal Bertha Thoelecke Pauline Recklhger Lida Murtagh Annex Pearl Norton Annex Gertrude Bailey Kg. Director Hill School. Isabella Graham De Ette Mason Kg. Dlrecfor Gertrude Warren Manual Training Anna Kyan Colombian School. Margaret Vincent Katherine C. Powers Principal Agnes Dawson' Emma Havlland Rena Haney Kdna Pickering Kill Glbbs Ague McElror Mayme Hutchinson Kg. Director Margaret Wallace Manual Training S Consents School Helen Wyckoff Principal Ivy Reed Grace Tllton Daisy Kunkel Bertha Elaasaer Alice Ranca Bessie Andreea Mary Thompson Drola Anna Meyer Ida Gordon Grace Miner Kate WlnMlad Kg. Director Bee N Field Kg. Axsl-tint Mary McMahon 'Manual Training Hill School. Caroline Homellus Minnie Neal Kg. Director Carrie Niah Principal Alice Coulter Alma Spethman Dsyeat Alice D. Orr Principal Mirtha Crutnpacker Elisabeth K, Park Farnnm Aanea M. Harrison Principal Fanny Myers Carolina bvUtrw School. II Marie McArdl Elisabeth Diver Kg. Director School. Martha Parratt Alice Hxrper Heeal Waterman LouUe Uuroau Helen txndorf Ruth Hohinson Minnie Py Rena Ompton Anna Mllroy Forest Martha rhrlstianoy rrlnrlpel Irene Underwood Teresa Iiughnane Mary I. Nelson Kg. Director Pull I'hapman Kg. Assistant Amelia Pearson Manual Training envoi. I'arrle M. Kumpt Meredith Smith Kg. Director Helen Best Kg. AselstAnt Franklta School. Ann K Hutchln Principal Fanny Hurst Cassle Roya Alice Gorst Edith Isakson Nellie Kunkel Elisabeth Dunn Mildred Cooper Annette De Bolt Amelia Bauer Winifred Wallace Ktella Kellcy Olaa Mohr Kg. Director Laura Waterman Kg. Asslatant Anna Plckard Manual Training Howard Kennedy School Franc Eaton Mabel Graham Lillian Bondesson Elisabeth Will Mary Wy man Kg. Director Florence Butler Kg. Assistant Louise P. Salmon Manual Training School. Principal Maud M. Smith Katherine Price Memora Pan tee Mary E. Beocher Cora Hemry Carol Marhoff Grace Shorrork Kellona Effle Reed Principal Fanny Forsyth Ella Reed Oertrudo Watson Hester Lane Anna Oranbeek Margaret Robert Laura Jordan Mary McCalmont Edna Clark Winnlfred House Mildred Banker . Emma Ellsworth Edith Baldwin Hilda Wllke Grace Ptenberg Jessie Carey Anna Hamann Harrlette Walker Kg. Director Callsta Reynold Kg. Assistant School. Mav Kellv Nellie Moriarty Harrlette Pearle Oilherta Williams Ila Tillotson Clara Blackburn May Torrey Kg. Director Edna Hlllla Kg. Assistant. Helen Thompson Manual Training Lake Emma Whltmor Principal Edith Height Elisabeth Elcock Olive J. McGwire Husnn Yeats V. Ray Rlchey Katherine Dunnlgan Elisabeth Hewitt Alice Root Florence Mavnard Mabel Root Leavenworth School. llszla Banker Cassandra Kchaller Principal Frances McGavock Winifred Perkins Kg. Director Harah F. Vance Gertrude Warren Madge Walker - Manual Training Lincoln School. Jennie L. Redfield Genevieve Jones Principal Eva O. Norton Emma Roslcky Jocelyn Charde Ethel King 1 sh belle McMillan Margaret Bovd Helen M. Hitt Kg. Director Ellen W. Shield Kg. Assistant Isabello William Long; School. Martha L. Powell Anna Pedersen Carrie Nelson Edith Kinsman Anna Phenlx Catherine Foos Florence McAllister Pophle Cleveland Elisabeth Ryan Kg. Director Laura Wllhelmy Kg. Assistant Principal Margaret Scntt Cora S. Anderson Eva De Moss Margaret Hamilton Mabel Gormley Maude Shlnbcrd Emily J. Wood Myrta Schneider Helvy Olaen Lothrop School. Nora H Lemon May Horn Principal Lucy Elcock Mabel Klnear Leah Leger Frances Hales Louise Neese Kg. Director Llla McGavock Kg. Assistant Minna Moore Manual Training Josephine Grant Grace Griffith Jeannette Newlean Eva Murphv May Whalen Ada Pharrar Frances Thompson Blanche Marshall Ruth Pollock Amelia Magnussen Mason School. Emma Wheatley Principal Mattie I. Craig Florence Lelghton Anna T. Healey Bertha I. Schick Zora McKnlght Lucy Bchlldknecht Anna C. Gurske Edna Hobart Nellie A. Van Dtiyn Elizabeth P. A'len Lizsle R. Need ham Jennie O. Balwion Grace E. Hungerfon Kg. Director Elolse HUH Kg. Assistant Anna C. Nelson Manual Training Park School. I.orena Beebe Smile Kent Miller Lula IT. Hunt Principal Celia M. Hull Kg. Director Monmouth Park School. Etta Pmith Alice McMahon Principal Elisabeth Mulr Jennie Eaton Chase Maud Rock Mary Dtetrlck - -on-. Kg. Director- tella Flanagan Vivian Alvlson Manual Training ' School. Mary Noonan Allle Campbell Lillian Wilbur Blanche Campbell Kg. Director Alice Hayes Kg. Assistant Emma Mary Mostyn Carrie Falrchlld Paclflo Margaret McCarthy Principal Agnes Khapland Ella Andreas Emma Bradsaw Jessie Was Nellie McDonald Mary Henderson Edith Dahlstrom Manual Training Park School. Pusan Eveleth Emily Gavin Principal Gusslo Koehler Ruth Cultra Ida M. French Kate Hungerford Elizabeth Wilson Kg. Director Ruth Tinkler Kg. Assistant Matilda Evans Ellxa Westoott Julia Newcomb May Anderson Mvrtle De Graff Ella Thorneate Ethel Eldridge Saratoga School. Emily J. Robinson Winifred Terry Maude Roy Mary Tenpleton Margaret Latey Alice Chambers Kg. Director Marian Funkhouser Kg. Assistant Principal Marie Matthews Catherine Whistler Mary J. Rood Sarah Ayer Julia E. Haven Cora E. Bake Delia Tartach Sanndera School. V Mary A Reld Hattle I. White Principal Helen Hthbard Ida Johnston Kg. Director Emma Gross Dora Olaen Helen R,ossen Kg. Assistant Ella Knight Pearl Macumber Iowa Mullen Manual Training Mary Wallace Sherman School. Elizabeth Thomson May Cathroe Principal Lydla Zahn Lettie Eby Train School Clara B. Mason , Principal Mignonette Cook Fiances Fish Emma Edling Lillian Bake Henrietta Marten May Grimes Dana Wlthey Tin ton Ida Goodman Stella Graves Erllne Jaskalek Mary Krebs Carrie Boutelle Kg. Director Gertrude Lovgren Kg. Assistant School. Jeannette Woodward Ann Cunningham D.nMi.l x:- .1 - - i Principal Edna Walworth Mary Austin Joanna Gt-amlloh Minerva Tool Cora Ellsworth Mary Beedle Sophie Klaasser Belle Sprague Walnnt Dora Harney Principal Helen Rogers Eleanor Kevin Elizabeth Yeats Esther Devalon Lucy Mack Ruth Patterson Elisabeth Allen Kg. Director Claire Mason Kg. Assistant Mary D. Flynt Manual Training Hill School. Anna Anderson Agnes Mitchell Emma Wlualade Kg. Director Pearl Macumber Manual Training Webster School. Sadie Plttman Ethel Davenport Ellen Davis Dora Coburn Rose F. Coleman Delia Hngan Kg. Director Grace Weston Kg. Assistant Principal Elisabeth Leighty Ada Hopper Hattle Plckard Nellie Shultx. l.lda Burnett Tereae McArcfle Margaret McAra, Windsor School. Harriet S. Eddy Aramlnta Cooley kjermlne Blessing Kg. Director Vera Pearson Kg. Asslatant I -ou We P. Salmon principal Mary .Elgin Theresa Tracy Nellie Craig Mildred Wllocx Louise Mann Manual Training Grade Tralalaf Claaa. Elisabeth Anderson. Monmouth Park, lone Beat, Columbian, inn duum, vtatiiut mil. Kathorih Carrlck, Ketlom. Anna Carruthers. Miller Park. Violet ttilson, lie Is. KrxU Cay ley, Liupont. " Mabel Craituad. IJruld Hill. Kuth Dolan, Howard Kennedy. Ida Kuiakofsky. Cass. Elvsra Undslam, Windsor. Is bulls Linn, Mason. Just Maxwsll. Hherman. -.Jeannette Muir, Windsor. Viola Pedvraen, Central Park. Clara Peterson, Franklin. Gertrude Pfelfff-r, Cilfion Hill. Hasel Halph, Saunders. Ethel Reese. Bancroft. Wylda Hhamey, Lincoln. Ora Kusaell, Karnam. Marguerite Hcott, Lake. 1 RmIvIh Horenton. Forest. Frances Todd. Unruln. Beulah Whlttemor. Leavenworth. Kladerrarteai Tratala las. Itorothy Abraham, Leavenworth. Nellie Chrlstensen. Columbian. Mane Gordon, Central I'srk. Pauline Green. Clifton HID. Rose Omdlnskey, Keriom. Elisabeth Larsen. Monmonnth Park. Ixirothy Meyer, Druid Hill. Helen L, Potter, Lincoln. Catherine Reynolds. Walnut Hill. Norma Waaa, Beela. Lydla Wlcksttvm, Lake. Dundee Once More in War Over Paving Petition Backed by Fifty Citizens Asks Inunction Against Village Board Carrying Out Contract naebAri itv ttttv nltlxnna of the village of Dundee a petition wa tiled Wednesday aft ernoon in district court asking an Injunc tion against the village board of Dundee tn nrevent tha farrvln out of a paving contract awarded to the National Roofing company. The contract, if carried out, would moan an expenditure by tne vuiag of about 1200,000. irrthr tha petitioners ask that ordi nance 19S and 199, recently passed by the board creating treet Improvement district No. S and 4. be declared lllesal on the ground that they ,were passed out of the tw,r'e turiailictlon. The Dlalntlff assert that the bord has Ignored the elgned pro test and petition of Interested properly holders and the latter hav not been al lowed a voice In the matter. It is asserted in the petition that th con tract which wa awarded to the National Ttnnfinv rnmDanv Wednesday for paving, calls for Cuban asphalt and maltha. The Cuban asphalt, the plalntlfis say, is ex ceedingly difficult to secure, while the maltha Is more a myth than a reality. Th members of th village board are L. L. Johnson, A. T. Klopp, E. li. Wester field, W. E. Bhafer and W. E. Shepard. The peUtlon wa filed by Edwin O. Jones, Ida C. Petlcola. Sherman Q. Petlcola and L. C. Thompson on behalf of all property owner interested. Attorney 8. H. Rush and 1L A. Adam represent the plaintiffs, it ) nharired that the National Roofing company I incompetent to carry out the terms of th contract a paving is not in hah rnmtian v'a Una of business. It is also asserted that the board' proceeding at tha meeting when the contract wa awaraeo. were Illegal and it I aaked that they be declared void. in a nrevlou ruDture property owner of Dundee were at war over the question of n.ini brick or asohalt In th end brick was voted down and asphalt agreed upon. Jacob Shubert Visits Omaha Theatrical Magnate Talks About Send ing Big Attractions Here, But is Not Definite. Jacob Shubert of the Shuberts' theatri cal combination passed several hours In the city Wednesday, discussing with James Glllan, secretary of the Auditorium com pany, the possibility of presenting Shu bert attractions at the Auditorium. Mr, Glllan laid after the Interview that no contract had been' 'mad and that no ar rangement had been fixed, ' but that pos sibly one or two Shubert companies might be sent here during the' winter. Mr. Shubert arrived fiere shout noon and departed for Kansfcfr City about 4 o'clock. His visit, Mr. Glllarl ekys," was in response to a letter from the 'latter. CROCKER'S IOWA BRIGADE WILL HOLD ITS REUNION Announcement Ont that Event Will Transpire at ' Washington, la., September 14 and IS. Announcement are out that tho famous Crocker' Iowa brigade will hold It fif teenth biennial reunion at Washington, la.. Wednesday and Thursday, September 14 and 16. Beginning with reveille, th brigade members will take part in a procession, a reunion session and a campflr at the opera bouse Wednesday. Many addresses are to be delivered on the second day and music also will be an entertaining incident of the affair. EDH0LM IS CROWDED OUT Albert Edholm Write Mom an Ac count of Gorernor Eberhart Forcing; Him to Camp Ont. Albert Edholm, one of Omaha' most enthusiastic fishermen, is sending back re port of very exciting time from Tobln's Harbor, Mich. He says th fishing Is fine and th entire party with him are glad they came. One of the liveliest of hi vacation .tales 1 an account of the time hi party wa forced to row to the .nearest shore when the wind came up on the lake, and after wandering around for awhile were finally taken off to an Island where there waa a hotel. But they found the hotel filled with a party of thirty, composed of Governor Eberhart of Minnesota and hi friends, and were forced to camp out until taken In by some friends on another Island. RETAILERS MEET IN OMAHA Date Are Fixed for the Big Annnal Convention, vllh It Ksnfr ous Delea-ntea. W. H. Avery of Tllden, secretary of th Nebraska Retailer' association, has not! tied the publicity bureau of the Clmmerclal club that the aTinual convention of the as ociatlon will be held In Omaha on Marc J. S, S and 10 next. Between 700 and SCO delegatea will be In attendance. This as soda t Ion now ha a membership of about 1,000 and I taking' In new member at the rate of thirty a month. -- COUNCIL HAS SHORT SESSION Special Pollcenira Allowed Sis Dot lara for Primary Day and Appro- prlatlon Bill la I'aaeeil. Th special policemen who acted at the primary election will fce paid 16. and the warrant will be ready at the comptroller' offfc Friday. Thla amount wa allowed byA the council at th adjourned meeting of Thursday morning". The regular appropri ation ordinances were passed and th bond of L. J. T Poel wa accepted a a member of the library board. ' BOY'S DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL lorsarr't Jary Eaoaerate font ratt er fur Fatal Pall of Harry Rob- erta, aa Employe. Th coroner's jury at the Inquest held over the death of Harry Robert, th boy who fell from the top of the new court house Tuesday morning, exonerated the contractors, Caldwull A Drake, from any blame, finding that the boy' death wa purely accidental. , Injured la a Fir or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen' Arnica 4alv. Cure burns, wounds, sores, eczema., dies. Guaranteed. 26c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. BOHEMIANS COMETEPLANS arade, Dramatio Performance and Speeches to Transpire. FESTIVAL OPENS SATURDAY Prominent Bohemians, Mayor and Priest o Talk Play Will Be Given SundayMonday I Children' Day. Tn a final meeting at the society hall. member of the Tel Jed Sokol Bohemian aoclety mapped out complet arrangement for th monster gathering of Bohemian her Saturday, Sunday and Monday. One of th biggest Incident of the program I to be a parade Sunday afternoon. After that event a national Bohemian play will be presented by local Bohemian In tha Tel Jed Bokol hall, Thirteenth ana uorca streets. Th play has the title, "Drama Ctyr Chudych Sten." It Is a drama familiar to all Bohemians, hevlng a plot relating to national history and customs deal1 to Bo hemian hearts. An enormou sale of seats I reported aa having taken place already. Mavor Dahlman and Rev. Father Vranek, pastor of Bt Wenceslaus church, wll be the lead In a- sneakers and a number of promi nent Bohemians also will huve a part on the speech making program. .According to tho announcement Thursday, th route of the parade Sunday will be a follows: From the hall at Thirteenth and Dorcas streets, to Pine street, to Dodge street, where tho Cathollo church members will assemble, to William street, where sev eral lodges will join the parade, to Hickory street, to Fifteenth, to Castellar and thence on Thirteenth, south to Starting point. Monday will be children' day. The fes tival ha for It purpose tne raising of fund for Bohemian schools in Austria. NSURANCE MEN PLAN FIGHT AGAINST RUSTIN POLICIES Attorney Coming; to Omaha for Depo sition In Case that Will Bo Called In November. LOUISVILE, Ky., Sept. t - (Special Telegram.) Preparation on tho part of lawyer employed to handle th case of the executor of the estate of the lat Dr. F. W. Rustin of Omaha against the Aetna, Traveler and Employer' Life, Fidelity and Causalty lnuranc company on pollcle held by th deceased in the above company are beginning today to be ready for trial, when the cao Is called in the Louisville courts on November 14. Attorney Fred Forcht and David Balrd will leave Louis ville in the morning for Omaha, where thsy will take evidence to fight the cas to vic tory for the Insurance company. OPIUM SMOKERS SENTENCED Party of Negroes and White Man Ar tnauht In Raid nnu sen tenced to Jail. Three sentence of ten day and ono of thirty day were imposed upon the var ious member of the "Hop" party, which wa raided by the police Wednesday night Tho defendants fell into the hands of the police while smoking opium from regular Chinese pipes and from improvised ones made of beer barrel corks. Robert Neulon, who received a fine of ten davs", was the only white man in. the gathering. The others wer Julia Wal wlck, who got ten days: Elsie Phelps, who got ton days, and Charles Dixon, proprie tor of the Joint, who got thirty day. "Can be depended upon" Is an expression we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chaimberlain a Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fail to cure diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints. It is pleas nt to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. MARRIAGE LICENSES ON BOOM Every Month Thl Year Show In crease Over Laat Tear, -and Foray tn tluandary.' Marriage licenses. In the number Issued per month, are going up. For 1B10 so far there ha not been - a month wbjch has not shown an Increase over the corre sponding month for 1909. Th total for August In 1909 was 148, while that for Au gust this year was 157. "Cupid" Furay cannot decide whether the gradually In creasing number indicates a practical ap plication of Roosevelt' teaching against race suicide, or whether it is merely the increasing population. My thoughtful mind It quite inclined To ttudy every CamMl kind. "Just taste me!" That's what Camp bell's Tomato Soup seems to say as soon as you set eyes on it, and smell its tempting aroma. People who come to the table with no appe tite suddenly find one when they taste TOMATO s AH we want is to have T you eet that first taste-. t You will never after be i without it in the house. If you haven't yet found 1 out how rood Campbell's I Soups are, you are losing I something1 every day. Remember"Moncy back f if you want it". 21 kinds 10c a can Just add hot Hunter, bring to a boil. ana terve. CamptwIT Mesa Baek l win yam .! la h.lB Jossr CAMrssLt CourAsr - Camden N J Look for the rexJ-and-white label Classy Styles for Young, Men . REGAL SHOES We invite all the young men in town to come and ce our new Regal " Varsity" models. All the most pronounced ideas in this season's footwear are included in these smart Regal shapes. They are ex clusive custom styles youU not find elsewhere in town. $3BO $4.00 $450 $500 "The House of IUq-M Merit To the Marv Who Needs Office Furniture To the modern business man little need be said about the importance, convenience and necessity of modern office furniture. The proposition with which this advertisement deals is where can you buy best office, furniture. This means wnen you come here to buy office. , , furniture, you buy furniture that is right in style. . - - quality and price. ., . ,. Omaha Printing Co. Douglas 346; Ind. A-3451 Have Your Ticket tr3i Round Trip 30-Day Tickets New York City, standard routes. . $43.20 New York City, other desirable routes .$40.50 Atlantic City .$40.70 Boston, direct route .$40.60 Round Trip 60-Day Tickets New York, diverse route, one way via Old Point Coin fort, with ocean trip, the other via direct route, .$49.40 Boston, diverse route, one way via Old Point Com fort, with ocean trip, the other via direct route. .$52.20 Boston, via Montreal ,J .. $40.60 Portland, Me., through Canada .$42.35 Round Trip Season Tickets (Limit Oct. 31) Boston and Portland, Me. .'. $58.00 Atlantic City V. .$55.00 Buffalo, including Lake trip on Steamer Northland. .$44.50 St. Louis .......$17.00 National Encampment Q. A. R. Atlantic City, N. J., and Return, Sept. 14 to 18 inc., extended limit Oct. 28 .$43,90 Send, for free descriptive publications. Write or call. Indicate your proponed' trip and let us help you plan tbe most comprehensive journey at tbe least cost. iilhiCijfini 1 , ;f ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms In curreni social usage engraved In the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210.1212 HOWARD ST. PHONC D. 160 A Swagger Varsity" RtgalModtl The Omaha Print ing Qo. are the exclu sive representatives in Omaha for five of the leading makers of office desks. 924-928 Farnam Street Read Burlington ft EflST Chicago Trains 7:15 A. M.; 4:20 P. M,; 6:30 P.M. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha. J