TT1E BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910. 0 1 Council" Bluffs SEVEN COUPLESCETDECREES Judpe Woodruff Confronted with One Hundred and One Divorce Cases. ALL ltHEY TO PAY UP COSTS Want TT Doabt Rtltllnc as to Final Termination of Marital Coatro- . Yeralea Other Ordera Art Provisional. Confronted by a divorce docket numbering- 101 cun, Judira Woodruff of tha dls trVt c-urt bench astslled the task before Lim early In. the t: m, and devoted near )y all of yesterday, It second day, to con deration of the stories of marital ml fits. He did enough other business to malts a respectable day'a work, but when tha day closed ho had practically disposed cf fourteen of tha divorco cases. There ' good grounds for tiie suspicion that Jurlso Woodruff looked over the docket and picked out the obey oni for hie first essay In the tournament against Cupid, for default were taken In all of tha case where decrees were entered. ' In there canes divorces were granted and tha decreet signed: . . Lulu i Murphy yo. Charles Murphy; Wil liam Sutherland vs. Edith Sutherland; Jeesio H. Walker v. Roda Wallrer; Au fusta Boone vs. Brady lioone; Elva B. t'Lary vs. Thomas A O'Leary: Emma Hart vs. Charles . Hart; Lottie Whllsott Vs. Kiar.k Whilactt; Olive Petersen vs. Jers lJcioren; Francf-s, Klrkpatrlck vs. Vt'llilam K'.rkpatrlck: T'.iomas J. Hatch vs. Mollie Hatch; Emma Hurt vs. Charles Hart: Haul) Mochn vs. Frank Mochn. The evidence In two other default co.-es was taken and submitted and the cases taken under advisement.' They were Lucy E. Calklna vs. John J. Calkins and Car rie B. Wlncht'll vs. Adalbert Winchell. ' Seven Folly Divorced, v. Whllo twelve decrees weve signed there were only seven of the couples fully granted their freedom. A rulo or me courts, adopted several years, does not permit divorce decrees to be entered upon tha records until all of. the costs in the case have been paid. The only evidence of the granting of the divorces until the rec ord Is written up is the notation In pencil on the . Judges' duckets. In a number of case parties securing divorce have neglected to see to this Important part of tha court transactions arid have gone away happy in the thought of their freedom to discover with great dismay several months or years afterward that they were still undlvorced. Eeven of the plaintiffs yester day hurried, into Clerk Brown's office Im mediately after the decree was granted and paid all costs, anxiously Inquiring if there might not be some other hidden danger lurking In their pathway to freedom. Mabrar Cases Up teos. Judge Smith McPherson will convene the September term of the federal court next Monday, when another doien or sixteen of tha Matoray cases will be tried. The greater part of them, however, will bo the suits of some of tho "Mikes" against local men, whore they allege, failed properly to protect them, when they camo here and got their drafts cashed to win the money of the reputed Pittsburg . millionaire. Judge McPherson ordered a special venire of petit Juror drawn for the purpose of Insuring a sufficient number to try these suits. . Tueaa. rianjoa.were announced,., yes terday: : . '" J. B. Ashby, Audubon; W. A. Acheson, Pes Moknes; Allen ttullis. Gill wold; H. W. Clark, labor; J. F. Coulthard, Missouri Valley; James David, Maasena; A. C. ltl er, Marsnalltown; J. O.Fry, Mt Ayr; H. N Waiter. atsonblla: doors e Ooodale. Lenox; Dennis liamblln, 8harpeburg; MitI Hatten, Sidney; U. F. Klnikel, Redfleld; Marten Kier. Audubon: 11. M. Long, Bed' ford; H. W. Moeller, Charter Ouk; ifldward Mohr, Arcadia; J. n. micnois, jiuanuc; ttwaln Neal. Baxter: Charles Newell, Uray; W. L. Orr, Logan; C. E. Oakley, Prescott; Ooorae boll reck. Dedham; Samuel gloss Uuthri Center; Amos Tlbben, Extra; Peter Tent, Denlson; Edward vial, Adei; u. u Wilson. Oreston; O. 8. Welch, Manning. la addition to these the regular panel of March term, which adjourned unfinished. , will be on hand for duty. These are E. A. JBeaaon, Audubon: P. M. Cad well. Malvern.; C. L. Campbell, Atlantic; Charles Dingra, Bedford; Julius Duer, Missouri Val ley; W. C. KUIott. Audubon; William Er mine. Cromwell: John Fetmell. Corydon; H. K. Forsyth, Orlswold; H. B. Fockett, 8hen- andoani' o. - II. rnns. uisrinaa; n. n. Hough, Adair; Samuel Howlett, Anita; R. T. Ilumton. Hussell: W. C. Johnson, Kan- dolrh: ,E. a. Jones. Clisriton: Henry Line, Albla: J. A. Loose, Thurman; W. K. Mor- a-sn., Glnnwood: R. it. Russell, Ottumwa; Hairv Kosebrook, OekHtooss; Samuel Salts, Fair Id r F. K. Sheldon. Mt. Ayr; Willie tte.iV . ..Loiran: T. K. Ktorv. Indlanola; J J. : P-waln. Little 81e-.ix: Julius Tapnert. Iaf.-npoi t: W. L. Van Kaion, Jr., Sidney; W aiSfr;. Wilson Corn.ns; John Young, MoJrJe.;.- The nte Of the new grand Juror were also announced yesterday as follows: Clsik Atdstrong, Lenox; Henry Bell, Oow City; S. J. Uyers. Elkhart; W. W. Brown, Hamburg: II. O. CuUr, Magnolia; L. ljnlels, Adair; William Elkenberry; Wll. ham Farrell. Menlo: "George Fisher. Un derwood: 1'. .llowartliy, Lmnlap; James Hart-la. Lewis; Carl Head, Enrllng; F. M. Johnson, Greenfield; 11. C. Hechert, Mis souri Valley; II. P. Moore, Corning; Clark MannMeld. Shelby: W.'H. MeCltirkln. Morn tng uo; W. i). Meyers. Missouri Valley; I,. 1 F. Mulllns, Atlantic; Simon oppen nelawr. Cl''lUm; Edward Newton. Anita; Fred No?Jtrem.- Sneoandonh; F. E. Pay ton. Bedford: W. W, Short. Mcnlo; Ous PhelmiM. . Albla: C. T. Stephens. Bedford II. H- Walters. Loasn; J. A. Williams. Mt. Ayr. Mo Wilson, l.ognrc Oeorge Welgh- ten, iAtKlubon.: ' . . . Edwin Milton Royfe's play of ranch life. "The Sauaw Man,", wtll be seen he" in the rear future at the' Dohany theater. The produclloa nd compary are said to bo of the best th scenery having been painted by C. W". : Wagner, who Is a brother of the famous landscape pointer and is as well known in hi line of work a his celebrated brother. The engagement Is for matinee and tilgu'. Saturday, Suptember t WANTED- THJ5EK BOTS TO CARRY OMAHA liT. APPLY 15 SCCTT STREET. N- T. riurr.Wng Co. Tel. 160. Night L-170 COLORADO FFUIT GROWERS v' w BEEPING HICH HARVEST "' l.arae shipments Helnar Received aad DUpoerd of mm Market Admitttaar -, ,- of Good Profit. The Cr) jr4Jo pes eh crop la now being rtioye,1," Mnd 'hundreds ,of can' are being received at Council Uluffa and Omaha. On t Satui-fay-afternoon and Sunday more than 4T )0 cr.' wer ecolvd. and th Union ' raulflo liad.tVT cara standing on tha tracks at one' time. Soim of the members of the stnpplng forces were compelled to work until ,1 . o'clock. Sunday morning and all others worked steadily' all day Sunday. Nearly, all of ths fi-ult come from th ClraHil - Junctio. fruit districts, and this i year it W.!l handle! .. by the Palfesds Fruit iirpsreca' association. Every car is billed f rum. the. rltn.t!n- no hit to New J). and they are diverted along the line - . . ... . -. .. market, ttkO brvker Simdiy diverted fifty a-. smra.very Urge percentage of the dally shipments. w!i!.;h r averaging more than ifo esi uh day,' never get further than ,lle , l.'.-.liMi.' rAcific jsrds on their Jtur:uy oHad Ntw 1'oik. New ' York gets oiy tils' ihipBKnts that cannot to I Council Bluffs i disposed of on a bettei market nearer homo, Tha Grand Junction crop this year Is tha largest and the best thst tha growers there have aver produced. Tha crop was aved by tha usa of fire pots when the freeslng weather waa doing Its utmost mis chief. Prices obtained this season ore very much better than were realised last year, and tho profits of the business are cor respondingly greater. One grower says ha will realise 7,O0O from a five-acre peach orchard which la only I years old. Tha fruit marketed here Is carefully packed and graded, and bring a good price, permitting retailers to sell quarter bushel boxes for 85 cents. Reuben Herner Probation Officer Sev. Henry De Long'i Resignation, After Six Years' of Service, is Accepted by Court. Judgo Wheeler yesterday appointed Reu ben Henier Juvenile court probation officer In place Of Rev. Henry , DeLong, who re signed In May with his resignation condi tioned to take effect August IL Tho ap pointment of Mr. Herner was' in accordance with an agreement between Judges Thor nell, Greene. Wheeler and Woodruff, and the appointment announced yesterday was really agreed upon several weeks ago and after It waa definitely known that Mr. De Long would not continue in the office. The appointment of Mr. Homer 1 also by agreement of the board of education, whose mombera acceeded to tho request of th board of county supervisors to combine tho two offices. Each office waa paying salary of 50 a month, and the school board and the county board submitted th propo sition to Mr. Herner to take a straight salary of 176 a month for the whole year. As truant officer he drew salary only while the schools wer In session. Mr. Homer will occupy the office In the corridor of the county court house which has been occupied by Mr. DeLong, and which he va cated yesterday. Mr. Herner ha been truant officer Cor five years, or since the compulsory school law required the service of such an officer. He has been singularly successful In his work, and bring tho finest qualifications for tho discharge of the duties of hi new office. For the last year or more h has been studying the psychological line and using th theosophlc inductive methods of inquiry, and thoroughly understands child nature. "Uncle Henry" DeLong, who retire after more than six years of continuous service ha over 1,600 Juvenile case settled out of court, and without publicity and several hundred of court record to his credit. He recently completed his seventy-second birthday and feels that the remainder of his life should be lees arduous, although he doe not intend in any degree to dlmlnsh his Interest in the dark side of youth life. He will continue to conduct hi two city mission and keep In close touch with the work, the active part of which bo I now laying down. Boys and Girls Observe Labor. Day Free Celebration with Band Concerts and Chorus Work the Features. - A free celebration for boy and girl on Labor Day has been arranged at the audi torlum. Whaley's band will play on the streets and In front of the auditorium from 1 to t o'clock. At I o'clock boys and girls from S to 14 years of age will be admitted first. From 8:30 to t o'clock boy and girl from 14 to 21 year of age will be admitted. Frank C. Pellett, who ha been giving Illustrated talks at th high school this week, will exhibit his lantern pictures of Iowa bird and butterflies and will handle hi hive of live bee. A chorus of 200 voloe Is desired to sing patriotic songs. C. W. Coker will meet tho boy and girls from I to 21 year of age for rehearsal at th auditorium balcony on Saturday after noon of this week at S o'clock. All boy nd girl from 8 to 21 year of age who can sing ' are asked to attend this re hearsal and take part In the Labor Day celebration. Miss Julia Officer and C. V. Coker constitute the program oommtttee and Prof. 8- L. Thorns of th high school faculty will have charge of th lantern slide. ' FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY U8E BUT YOUR LIQUORS FROM ROSEN- FELD LIQUOR CO., M9 B. MAIN 8T. AUGUST TRANSFERS LIVEN UP Considerably Heavier Tale Year tha for Sam Period Ooo Year Aico, Real estate transfers for the month of August this year were considerably heavlor than for the same period last year. The total for the month as reported by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company were 161 transfers, representing financial transactions amounting to 1229,224.78. For the month of August last year there were 134 tranfers representing total considera tions of SiSl,tC4.&3. There wo a greater movement of city property during August this year than a year ago, although a ma jority of the heavier transactions continued to b confined to farm property. In sev eral Instances prices of farm property broke all record for this part of the state with tho exception of tho hysterical condition worked up in the land market two years ago, when agents for Edward Harriman were buying up a fevr hundred acre of farm land south of Council Bluffs to be used In connection with the 12.500,000 terminal facilities then planned, when 1.150 an acre was paid for some tract. Fol lowing are yesterday's tisnsfers: , Eva Morral to John Morsal. Int 1 f, I, 4. 6 and In U In Bt-nson'a first addition to Council Bluffs, w. d....S 1 Iowa Townslte company to Roy Max field, lots and 10 lu block 4 In Mc Clelland, la., w. d ...i.. ' si J. P. Ureenshlelds and wife to Albert W. Casady, lot 12 In block 2 In Casady'a addition to Council Bluffs, q. c. d 47 Eugene F. Aldlnger and wife to W. H. Kimball, lot I in block ST la beer's subdivision In Council Bluffs, w. d S00 Alfaretta B. Hulett and husband to Mrs. Sarah M. Harwood, lot 4 In block 4 in Stutsmsn's second addl dition to Council bluffs, w. d 1.200 Leonard Seubert and wife to Ike Kramer, es of lot in block 4 In Baylies' first addition to Council Bluffs, w. d Oeorge P. Dolon and wife to B. O. Franklin, s1 Of U-TC-44. w. d 2.600 1.000 Total, seven transfers. .214.679 "Tha Squaw . Man', a drama of ranch life In 'Utah, will be seen at th Dohany theater,' next Saturday, with a complete scenic production and an excellent acting company. . WANTED THREE ' BOT8 TO -CARRY jo&JJUIA SEB. APILT Li SCOTT STREET. Council Bluffs Minor Mention ni Oeaaeil ToTeffs offloo of tae Omaao, Bo Is M II fsoeW SMreot, Bo yaoaea W. Lavls. drugs. The Clark barber shop for hatha. Corrlgans, undertskers. Pnone 14s. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 23. Lewie Cutler, funeral director. Phone 7. FOR EXCHANGE OF REAL ESTATlt TRY SWAPS. WE CARRY MALT KkTRACT. 3. 3. Klein Co., 162 West Broadway, t H,?.vyour 'asea fitted or repaired by i..!VTry optician. 411 Broadway, office with George Gerner. Herman Stolts and wife of Err.eroon, r;eb., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Herner at their home on South First street. C. L. Barrltt, superintendent of the coun ty poor farm, has announced September 30 as the Jaie of the county picnic, given annually by the County Picnic associa tion. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. V Shirley died yesterday at their home, Ju5 East Broadway. The funeral will occur this afternoon with Interment at Walnut Hill cemetery, The annual plonlo of tha Broadway Methodist church or.d Sunday school win be held at Fatrmount this afternoon. The crowd will gather at the end of . the car tracks In the park at 2:30 p. m. It is ex pected that there will be several hundred of the children and older member of the church present. C. M. Blevlns, who has had charge of the Postal Telegraph company's Council Bluffs office since last May, has been transferred to the New York office of the company, and his pluce has been filled by Kimer Stuart, who resinned his place as train dispatcher for the Hock Island railroad here to take the position. -I A KttTHlAn r,,A n .ft.. t . , . wuv 1 1 itt 7iiuiih, automo bile speeders requlied to deposit a 26 bond tO k.un nil t fall , . I I . .1 . . , . . . . j . , ihjibu w rvpponu wnen nis name was called In police court yesterday ...u...,,.n i, una was lorreliea. Me was taken i n tit rtiutnHv . ... .... .. . n v.,. j " wwwwn bu miu ill case was continued from time to time to iruui mm 10 snow that he was not in the BvuuiTj inai orose ine speed limits, but I ft t it Was soma i,t h r rwrinn Annn.i. with the garage. Prof. Lorenzo rMn f , v. . kai..i..m.i .j w . iiv. UVUIIUI Bl department of the Iowa Agricultural col- t aiiitjs vm in ine city yesterday In V..J1I iUO aepanment s worit the experimental orchard east of Coun- Rlllffji. Whin Bar . . l . at ell - . . j . llllCTftftft covering a long term of year were begun viii- oc.Bi.u. Heavy ireeses in April and May killed all the apple in the or chard with the exception of six hardy little fallow whlnh V. a K... ........ 1 .... . i. . , . ' . 11 T,iv.iic Willi irjfll- der solicitude by Profs. Greene and Bliss. MISS Hattla McOoffern of rVirnlnir T. Will rAu.. a ni, . . . v. . '. . ' which she thought had been stolen from her late yesterday afternoon. She was on a car coming from Omaha with her suit case by her side. When the crowded car began to disgorge Its load at the Pearl Stl lt I Kn I 1 . a. lib 1IinnJWllI Ten minutes later It was brought to the h"'"-" -inon Dy a gentleman who said he had. taken it by mistake, leaving his own, which he later recovered. K. A. Hpsh inn nf T TJ II... or the Hess fine stock farm lying Just east of the city, is receiving the congratu lations of his friends upon the handsome prises he won at the Iowa state fair. He iook a numDer or rirst prises for the car load Of Rhni-thnm pattl. .i.unj K V. t .. . One for the best short horn bull he values "isiuy. ne is so greatly encouraged uw;rtia Liiai ne win prooaDiy enter the stock at other state fairs and many of the county fairs. That a mechanic' leln secured by a con tractor tyrtnnn Kn ... ... , i . BiHunnu wiian I L ib shown that the contractor had not fullv complied with the apeclflcationa. is the dic tum Of a ria,.t,.n 1 jt . - IWIURU UUWU 11 y JUIIKE Wheeler of the dlstiict court bench In the vj . "iiiiam itansen against Edward ," juage wneeier held, m review ing tha rnaA -Kb, . failure to comply with the contract In i "uiior mailers, wnicn not only JusUfled th defendant's request to make the final uvmnt hut Anting v.i. damage. A Judgment of 1150 was entered 5 It " wonirucior, togetner with corns of the suit Walker is a member of the in. gtpurimeni located at No. 3 hose hou and lost a leg In an accident while on duty two years ago. Clarence M. Bright of Council Bluffs and Miss Pearl Wlnans of Imogene, la., were granted a marriage license In Omaha .ji, luwuay me license was returned to the office for cancellation, with some sort of a statement that there llSd been a ohnncra In . V. a ... t .. ... "ei" ... ncuuuig M1B. ii J 5,me" ot tne P"1"11" appeared In pub- marriage licenses in Tuesday' Omaha Dallv H. ruiiM attention was called to It, and he came to the Council ninffa . nffin- mi., t. Pha''ca"y declaring that he had not ap- m--enBe, ana was only reason. ablV Wall i.nii.lniul in ,in - -- --- nun misa TT lliailP. His only explanation of the matter was iumii louiisn acquaintance had se cured the license, using his name and that Of M 1MW Wlnana mm .. I I. .,. , " " jao. lie: was very indignant and was talking about making n luua aiiair lor tne Jokers, who auniy oj laisirying a public record and perhaps of perjury. John Reynolds, a 17-year-old youth em ployed as a waiter at the Oak restaurant on Bryant street, was In police court yes terday morning charged with larceny. Tuesday evening he served a customer to a lunch that cost 20 cents. The customer handed him what he thought were four nickels, but as he turned to leave the place he recalled the fact that he had a $5 gold piece in the same pocket with the small coin, 'An examination revealed Its absence, but when he asked the waiter about it the lad stoutly denied any knowledge. After the disturbed customer left the place the proprietor asked the boy about tho trans action and accused him of the theft In place of denying the lad ran out the rear door and up the alley without coat or hat. He was closely followed by the proprietor, who overhauled him Just as the boy was In the act of dropping the gold coin In a gar bage barrel. The money was returned to the owner and the boy was sent to the po lice station, where ho is being held for further Investigation. The boy's parents have separated. The mother is living In South Dakota and the father is employed In the street cleaning department, trying to keep his family together. WANTED THREE BOYS TO CARRY OMAHA BEE. APPLY 15 SCOTT STREET. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses wer yesterady Issued to tho following named persons: ' Name and Residence. Age. Jamea Martin, Rising Sun, la 49 Kllu Warner, Rising Bun, Ia... 52 ICarl A. Jackson, Omaha... 22 Hoi km. M. Empston, South Omaha 24 Charles Sudor, Council Bluffs 25 Anges Cook, Council Bluffs fc) Ed McKern, Sliver City. Ia 84 Maggie Agan, Macedonia, la zs Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy I today the best known medicine In uao for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures gripping diar rhoea, dysentery, and should be taken at th first unnatural looseness of tha bowels. It Is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. Frightful Spasms of the stomach, liver torpor, lama back and weak kidneys are overcome by Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. 60c For sal by Beaton Drug Co. RHEUMATISM Munyon Bflnjofi rnieumallsni Cure Got a Vwr L i 'aiu to If J curs refund V - , money. CARSON DEADS IOWA LEAGUE Iowa City Man Choien President of Commercial Club Body. POST ADDRESSES THE WOMEN Chios go Editor Make Talk oa Sof frage at State fair (iroaade Mrs. Julia Clark Hallam oa Program. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Snt. l.-(Spclol Telo gram.) The close of the first annual meet ing of the Iowa League of Commercial Club resulted In the election ot th fol lowing officers: ., President, Robert N. Carson, Iowa City; secretary, H. E. Stout, Des Moines. Louis F. Post, the noted Chicago editor, addressed a gathering of woman suffragists at the state fair grounds today. Hundreds of little yellow pennants decorated the tent within which the exercises were held. Mrs. Julia Clark llarlam, the noted suffragette, was another speaker. Local advocates of the caus declare there has been a decided increase of favorable sentiment in Iowa sine one year ago. The Iowa postmasters- convention re elected all officers today as follows: Charles O. Barry, Walker, president; L. L. Rey nolds, Little Sioux, secretary, C. A. K. Miner, Bussey, treasurer; telegatea to the national convention, W, O. Bock of New Albion, C. F. Lecompl of Corydon, Hans Kelser of Elgin, C. O. Barry of Walker, H. M. Henderson of 8tory City, W. W. B. Keith of Mondamln, B. L. Gllgt of Elkader, Minnie A. Phoenix of Ruthven. Th next meeting place i Marsnalltown. Dssker Sard for Bl 8am. MAiSON CITY, la., Sept. L (Special.) One of the, most Important cases to come up in the court of Worth county this term I that of Miss Laura Molsberry, daughter of Posthaster D. C. Molsberry of Plymouth, claiming from- Banker Chrlstianson of Oraton (10,000 for damages sustained by her by being struck by an automobile driven by the banker. Miss Molsberry Is super visor of music in one of the schools of California and was at the time visiting with her parents, who reside on a farm a mile north of Plymouth. - She claim that she sustained Injuries which are serious and from which she probably will never reoover. Senator Molsberry of Columbus New York is the Second Largest City in the World WASHINGTON, Sept 1. Following Its announcement of the population of Brook lyn today, the census bureau will tonight make a statement of the population of Greater New York a -developed by the recant census. No intimation a to the exact figures has been given out, but It Is known that the census bureau has pre pared an estimate of growth, based on the increase shown between 1900 and 17)6, which was something over 82 per cent, by which the present population would be over four and a half ' millions In exact figures 4,GG3,804. ' A gain of 22 per cent for such a center of population will The Wholesome mmmg No 'Alum Momc-f tiriilfiire Company Sell 20 Below Extraordinary Rug and Carpet Prices HERE ARE SOME TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Gx9 Brussels Rugs, no Beam, very attractive designs and good values at (? CA $10.00; our price. . VU3U 9x12 Brussels Rugs, in new fall designs. Best of work manship snd guaranteed to bo high values. You cannot dupll- cste them any- A a -a where at our JkM hll price ot VMV txl! High Gr.ile Velvet Rugs. Enquire and learn Just what other atorea charge ror vxiz ei"i men jruu prices, you can easily rinu a suusdio pattern in tnis new ran stock I'rtce only Ixli Axmlnster Ruga. If you have ever priced Ax minsters you can appreciate the figures we quote. We say to you: "Don't make a purchase before coming here." You can save from $7.00 to IX 00 on tills very rug. That's worth while. Isn't it? Wa have some most attractive designs In this grsde and they f 7 C( wear and hold their color longer than you'll ever expect them to. fr Ice. .' Transfer to As 7 Boats Omaha Car. ome Furniture Go. 24m and ists. sOTa Junction, her uncle. Is engaged In the trial of th case with Colonel J. H. McConlogue of this city. The case will create consid erable Interest on account of th promi nence of the parties Interested. Labor Pirate at Muns t'ltr. MASON CITY. Ia.. Sept. l.-Speclal.) l abor day will be generally observed In this city. Th trade union will have af fair in hand and have arranged for an elaborate picnic which will be held on the North Iowa fair grounds, Hon. Ed O. Dunn la one of th speaker on this occasion. All kinds of sports havs been arranged. This Is the second big function undertaken by th labor organisation of this city. Iowa .News Notes. MASON CITY New wu received In this city of the death of Captain Ed J. Pratt at his home in Orange Park, Fla. He was one of the pioneer merchants of this city, com ing here shortly after the war. MARBLE ROCK-Two barns and two large straw Slacks belonging to John Kwald, three miles north of here, were de stroyed by fire, said to have been of In cendiary origin, last night. Th loss Is 2,tO. ATLANTIC The 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dill, who live here, nearly drowned when playing in the yard by fall ing Into a large candy pall filled with water. The child was nearly dead when pulled out of the water, but be soon re vived. LOGAN Notwithstanding the drainage plans prepared by different engineers for rapid removal of the flood waters of the Soldier river and drainage district, em bracing 80.000 acres of land, snd their egreement In the main facts, approved by the Board ot Supervisors and sustained by a decision by Judge O. D. Wheeler, fol lowing an exhaustive hearing In the dis trict court of Harrison county and not withstanding the annual Ions of thousands of dollars to the land owners of the dis trict, the Soldier river drainage project as planned by Engineer J. S. Wattles of Mis souri Valley is again tied up In litigation. Attorneys Hazel ton and Main of Council Bluffs appearing for the objectors, At torneys L W. Fallon, S. II. Cochran and C. W. Kellogg have been employed by the drainage promoters agsln to defend the Wattles plan of drainage for the Soldier river district. COUNTY SUED FOR HOUSE RENT Thomas Gillespie Allegea Douglas j County Owe Him flOO for Coaaty Chargre Tenants, Douglas county ha been summoned to appear before the Justice court of P. C. Caldwell in South Omaha on September as defendant In a suit for $100. Thomas Gillespie has brought suit for this amount on the ground that tenants occupying a house belonging' to him, ' and who are charges of the county, have failed to pay their rent, and that, therefore, the county is responsible. be almost marvelous and the result will be, not only to establish New York's posi tion as the second city ot the world, but to cause It to almost approach rivalry with London. The British metropolis still sur passes the American by about 2,000,000. The population, of Brooklyn Is 1,634,351, an Increase of 467,769, or 40.1 per cent as compared with 1,166,6S2 in 1900. Tho population of Yonkers, N. Y., Is 79,803, an Increase ot 21,873, . or 66.5 per cent, as compared with 47,931 In 1900. The population of Elmlra, N. T., is 37,176, an Increase of 1.604, or 4.2 per cent a com pared with 35,672 in 1900. 1 ORD vrowaer 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs. Of this grade we have put iu an extra large stock, giving you a vast assortment from which to select This is an awful good wearing rug, and the patterns are most attrac tive Home Furniture Com .$12.5.0. pany price, at i-an peai apprruiaia our most remarkable S17.5D Tbsy All Vase Oa Door. ins We announce with pleas- ure the opening of oUr new department that of Bedding, . : This move i in answtr to oft repealed requests of our friends ani customers and we take the op portunity offered us here to assure you that the well known Orchard & Wilhelm standard of quality will be maintained at all times in the new depart ment and you can rest assured that the quality of our Blankets and Comforts will be right and the Prices reasonable Special Display of Our New Bedding Main Fioor Orchard & Wilhelm 1414-16-18 South 16th Street SHORTEST LINE TO AND THROUGH St. Paul V Minneapolis Two fast, gplendldly equipped trains dally to the Twin Cities over a track that la bo good as to Insure a smootb. ride L.V. Omaha 0:00 am Lt. Council Bluffs, 8:90 am Ar. St. Paul'. . v . . .0:85 pm Ar. Minneapolis. . 10:IO pm Coaches Caf-Obervotlon-Porlor Cor mm BENNSYLVIA LINE-S LOW FARE ROUND-TRIP TICKETS DAILY TO New York City Atlantic City and other Ocean Resorts, including Asbury Park and Long Branch DIRECT ROUTE OR VIA WASHINGTON WITH STOP-OVERS You can be ticketed through from your home and get the benefit of the Low Fares by asking Agents to route you over Pennsylvania Lines or by communicating with Address W. St. EOWLUTD, TraT. FasrtM 819 City national Bank Bldg., Omaha, Tb. .... Wf'v- ' aa , bouin umaha Vm Omaha Prices ii!iltpj:' IN! m Urn m ''AW I U, BW-' I ififiJB tA !r IT' rfl? -L-r.; - m 111 " pi, I K, ' 0' it 114,111 i 1 1 Lt. Omaha 8:30 pm Iiv. Council Bluffs. 8: 50 pm Ar. St. Paul 7:35 am Ar. Minneapolis.. 8:10 am Coaches and Chair Car. Pullman Standard Sleeping Car Buffet Club Car Electrlo Light , - XXOXSTS AT 1512 Farnam St OMHAA r Phon Douglas 860 . .! si 1 i r . V 'Hi 1 W 1