TlIE BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910. a V f V r r ff Nebraska THOMPSON WRITES OFFICIAL Attorney General Inquires About Atti tude of County Attorney. MAY MAKE TEOUBLE FOB MORBOW nnvlnnr Shallenheraer Will Not Appnlat Saremor for Attorney General Wkti If Com to Washington. ' (Fom a Staff torreepondent.) VTVCOUiJ Bept. l.-MSpeclat Telegram.) Attorney General W."' T. Thompson today wrote a letter to elicit an explanation from County Attorney William Morrow of 8cotf 1 Bluff county for being of record in the de fence of the case of the state against the Mlnat&re Mutual Canal and Irrigation com pany, when the statutes require the assist ance of the county legal officials In prose cuting urh rase, j , ' Not long ago the State Board Of Irriga tion n.t gut I representative to Scott's Bluff county with order concerning the neadgates of the ditch used by this com pany. Later the suit was brought to en- force thl order, and now when the papers come to the attorney general' office he find the cmiritv attorney of Scott's Bluff lined Iid with the other side. The law die quallfl him from so acting and unless he can make a proper explanation tne attorney general will take steps to make Morrow dutlei clear. Mar Make Bfo Appointment. W. T. Thompson, attorney general, who Mi recently appointed to a portion In the Treasury department at Washington, h leased his house here land expecta to go to Washington about the first of October. It is very probable that Mr. Thompson will not resign his office as attorney general. and that If he does have to resign Governor Bhallenberger will not fill the vacancy until after election. The governor and Mr. Thompson have become good friends dur ing the last two .years, and because " of , their, close, relations. t Is very probable the office of attorney general win noi m declared vacant when Mr. Thompson goes to Washington. Being a republican, of coufsk, Mr. Thompson would not like to resign and have his place filled by a dem ocrat, .and being, a good friend of the at torney general. Governor Bhallenberger would not like to hinder Mr. Thompson In taking over his new job. Governor Deellne Hearings. Governor Bhallenberger has declined to grant a hearing on the application to re- move from office F. L. Uain. county at torney' of Jefferson county, and Mayor Hurlburt of Fairbury, under tne esacic "ett law. The mayor tried to have the county attorney removed because he has appeared as attorney for a man charged with being drunk. , A merchant tried to get the mayor removed because he per mitted j another, merchant to suspend a sign across' the: sldawelk contrary to the city ordinances. The governor ' deeded today that the charges were too trivial to hear and dis missed, tn application. Poisoned br "Bony" Bread. FORT DODGE,. Ia, Sept. 1. (Special.) "Ropy, bread," not poisoned or spoiled flour Is' asserted by. the flour manufactur ing company to havo been the causa of poisoning In the Brooks family of Fort Dodge .recently. " The remainder of tho sack of flour tised by Mrs. Brooks was sent back to the -company and they now havo re turned- si soaf - of i (bread mads - from -th same flour, this leaf being perfectly good "Roapy bread'V Is a common occurrence In warm weather when care la not taken In making broad jnd especially when potato yearn Is used. It warm water is use a. or utensils are not sanitary, fermentation at excessive .temperature begins, which is not obliterated by the degree of heat which Is required to bake bread. Fermentation con tlnues after the baking and such trouble as "ropy tread" results. Lightning Damage at Nebraska City NEBRASKA CITY. Nob.. Sept.. -(Spe cial.) During the recent storms lightning; struck a number of places In and about thl City. At the home of I. P. Burbank the father was severely' shocked and the daughter tendered unconscious, but no material damage done to the house. The barn of Herman ''Behrends, Jr., was struck, killing a fine horse , and tho firs that followed destroyed the flno barn with its contenta. The barn of Joseph Pfelfer win also struck and set on fire. It was destroyed with Its contenta. -( ' Cedar Old Settlers Meet. HART1NGTON. Neb.. Sept. 1 (Special.) Hit fourth annual picnic of the Cedar Cntll'ity Old Settler's-association was a de lata success. The usual amusements and By Lydia E Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound Jefferson. Iowa. "When my baby wasjusiiwo months old I was com pletely run down and my Internal or gans were In terri ble shape. I began taking; Lydia E. link ham's Vegeta ble Compound, and mother wrote and told you Just how was. I beiran to train Iat once and now I am real welL" Mrs. w. II. Burger, 700 Cherry St. Jefferson, Iowa. 4 Another Woman Cured Clenwood, Iowa. About three years ago I had falling and other fe male troubles, and 1 was nothing but skin and bones. J was so sick I could not do my own work. Within six months I was made sound and well by Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Com pound. I will always tell my friends that your remedies cured me, and you can jmbltsh my letter." Mrs. C. V. Itt.v, Glen wood. Iowa. If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form pf female ills. Just try Lydia . Pink ham's Vegetable Compound For thirty years this famous remedy las been the standard for all forms of female ills, and has cured thousands of HADE. -:r . STRONG 4 W y i - p L la roD,n who have been troubled with inch ailments as displacements, fibroid tumors, ulceration, inilammation, ir- rcxuiuriues, DgfKacne, etc If you want special advice write forlt toMre.linkhaw,Lynn,AIass It Li f req and al aj helpful. Nebraska exchange of experiences are better enjoyed hn described. The president, John P. Jenal, delivered the address of welcome, which was a masterful and eloquent effort. Frank O'Gara spoke briefly and was well received'. The simaker of the day was Honorable C. O. Loberk, the denocratic nominee for congress In the Second district The Chautauqua tent was crowded. The day was hot, but the speaker held his audience till the close. Three Boy Killed by Train. TECL'MSEH. Neb., Bept. 1. (Speclal.)- The news of a terrible accident which oc curred to the four grandsons of Mrs. James W. Eldririge, who formerly lived In John son county, has reached Tecumseh. The boys were the sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Btone. The family lives at rascoag, R. I. The four boys were run down by an ex press train running sixty miles an hour, and three of them were killed and the fourth terribly Injured. The boys. Robert, 15 years old; Irving, 11 years old; John, aged 6. and Herbert, aged 9, and who will recover, had crossed a track and were get ting out of the way of an approaching freight train. Damage by Llahtalag. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Bept. 1. (Spe cial.) During the recent storms lightning struck a number of places in and about this city. At the home of I. p. Burbank the father was severely shooked and the daughter rendered unconscious, but no material damage was done to the house. The barn of Herman Behrends, Jr., wss struck, killing a fins horse and fire that followed destroyed the fine barn with Its contenta The barn of Joseph Pfelfer was also struck and set on fire. It was de stroyed with its contents. Sloan Speaks at Liberty. WTMORE, Neb., Sept 1. (Special.) The fifth annual carnival is being held at Lib erty and Is largely attended. The floral and commercial parade Wednesday, after noon was a success. In tho afternoon Hon Charles II. Sloan, republican candidate for congress, dscussed national Issues at the park. Rain fell during a large part of the speech, but the crowd stayed with him throughout His address was especially In teresting to the farmers present Sloan Speaks at Liberty. WTMORE, Neb., Sept l.-(Spectal Tele gramsThe fifth annual carnival Is being held at Liberty and Is largely attended The floral and commercial parade Wednes day afternoon was a great success. In the afternoon Honorable Charles H. Sloan, re publican candidate for' congress discussed national issues at the park. Rain fell during a large part of tho speech, but the crowd stayed with him throughout. His address was especially Interesting to the farmers present. Child Takes Poison. MINDEN, Neb., Sept. I. (Special Tele gram.) This afternoon the 2-year-old daugh ter of Rev. M. B. Carman, a Methodist minister at this place accidentally secured some medicine containing poison and swal lowed enough to cause death in a few minutes. It seems that no one can be held In any way. responsible for the accident. It was the usual way ef a small child to get the things It should not have that brought about the sad accident. Mark Bly Throws Chester Grow. BEAVER CITY, Nob., Sept l.-(Speclal Telegram.) Mark Bly threw Chester Crow, two out of three falls this afternoon lit a wrestling 'bout at the fair ground. This makes)-two matches fof-'BIy he havingwon a former bout . . The third day of the Furnas county fair was attended by. an average sixed crowd. The weather was bad In the forenoon, pre venting a number of people from coming. llorso and Harness Stolen. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept 1. (Special Tele gram.) a norse belonging to Dr.' Aebigi oi Plymouth was stolen last night Several sets of harness belonging to residents of that place were also stolen. Bloodhounds from this vicinity wore placed on tha trail of the thieves today. Some of the stolen harness was recovered. Nebraska Mews Notes. TECUMSEH The Tecumseh Military band is to furnish mualo at the state fair on xnursuay ana rTlday of next week, Sep- KEARNEY Colonel Robert W. Cnwdon or Dayton, u., will give an address at the aeaication or . tne new united Brethren cnurcn in tnis city next Sundsy, KEARNEY J. Bits of Poole, Neb., has purciiBsvu inn ivearney AUiomoDlle com pany garage In this city and he. in nart. nershlp with his son, will take charge im- meaiaieiy. HILDRETH John Blank, aired 70 vear. died today of diabetes. He attended church Bunaay morning and was apparently in better health than usual until a very short tlms before his death. BEATRICE! Gilbert R. Shelley and Miss Bessie Kennedy, two young people of the liolniesville vicinity, were married her luesday night by Rev. Roy Mareen uautifr oi me i.uineran cnurcn. BEATRICE At the meetlnr nf tha Mnr em Woodman of America held laat nirht the camp at Ellis won the US prise for pieaenung ma ivgeai class ror initiation. wuiuii uuinpnsea inircy memoers. BEATRICE The fair association has secured tiilbert M. Hitchcock of Omaha, aemooratio candidate ior congress, to speak here September ti, the day following C. 11. Aldrich. James Uahlman, demo cratic candidate for governor, will also speak on mat date. AL.BION Boone county will hold Its twenty-sixth annual fair from September 20 to 23, both Inclusive. Since the organisa tion o fthe Boons County Agricultural as sociation, twenty-six years ago, this county una nui niiBHeu a year navuig a lair, NEBRASKA " CITY Raymond Coslett aged 2S years, and Mrs. Nellie F. Mai Wham aged 20, of Rtverton, la., came to this city yesterday afternoon and were united In marriage by Judge W. V. Wilson. Thev returned home last evening and were given a rrcepuon ai me nome oi me pride v par- H ILDRETH Ralph Long, aged 23, who died at Bluomlngton Sunday night, was burled here today. Yesterday he was to nsve met ins nancee in Kansas City and they were to have been married there. An attack of appendicitis proved fatal. The Workmen and Odd Fellows conducted uuriai service. NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. R. M. Wolfe has wora or me aeatn ot tier sister, Mrs. James E. Sweet, at the home of her son, at Kansas City. Mrs. Sweet and hus band were residents of this city for many yaars. where her husband was engaged in ira uunniMg ouniness and was alo Inter esiea in me nrst nank started in Lincoln KEHKASKA CITY-Colonel Frank S. Morse, who has operated the Emnira tha. ater for the last three years, has iino.i of his business to Messrs. Washburn and Beecher of Kansas City. The new pio prietors will take charge of the theater next week. Mr. Morse goes to Oklahoma, where he expects to engage In business again. NEBRASKA CITY The gas franchise or. dinance. which was submitted to a vote of the people of this city, was carried by a vote or to bi at a special election. Till elves the company a new twenty-year fran chlt-e In place of their old one, which had some ten years to run and the price of ga w:i lowered from 1.',6 to 11. U) per l.ouO cubic feet. NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. U H. Krorn one of the pioneer settlers of this section ana a resident or Wyoming precinct, wem out to her chicken coop Monday night dur ing me storm to look arter the fowls, an tripped snd fell, breaking her shoulder an otherwise bruising herself. Owing to her extreme age, n years. It Is feared she will ni recover. BFATRICE Sheriff J. L. Schleg turned home yesterday from Dnlnta Kansas, where he had been assisting th federal authorities in roundle ui fh sang of postotflce robbers at Marvsvllle, Kan. Th report that thre tusu wsrsj'1 th yellow packag. Nebraska arretted at the same time near N ymore. Neb., where thev were preparing nitro glycerine for safes, is erroneous. NEBRASKA C1TT The county commis sioners have contracted for the putting In of a number of concrete bridges on the nul. 1--4lnir Inln this rltv from the south and west. They have also contracted for the putting In of a steel bridge near tiiirr. to take the place of a long wooden struc ture, which was carried out by the recent floods In that part of the county. ALBION The Boone County Teachers' in.ntntj. ! now In session and Is well at tended by teachers from all parts of the county. County Superintendent ninnm Johnson arranged to give the teachers in attendance an auto ride one evening dur ing the loaalnn. To do this she. called Into service about all the machines In the vicinity. Ktr.ARNRY Sheriff Sammons and dep uty made a flvlna- trln to Haggard Tues day, night and succeeded in capturing an alleged horsethlef who was wameo i rirAnd Island, named Davis. Davis hired a rig at Grand Island Tuesday, arove i Butler and sold the rig and then went to Hazsard for the night. At 13 o'clock the sheriff located him and brought him to Kearney. NEBRASKA CITY-N. S. Harding, on of the pioneer settlors of this city and one of the beet known Insurance adjusters In the west, lies dangerously 111 at his home in this city and 'because of his extreme age, nl vmr-a. nn hmies are entertained for his recovery. He" came to this city In 18M. and tins been a resident ever since. For the lsst thirty years he has been traveling as an adjuster ror a lire insurance otmin. NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Burns, mother of Florence, Mahnnnah, the lS-yeer-old girl who went to Falls City to Join a theatrical company, went, before Judge Wilson and filed a complaint against the girl under the juvenile law and the sheriff brought her home, as she refused to come with the man who first went after her. The court con tinued the hearing of the esse for thirty days and placed the girt In charge of her mother until that time. VALENTINE Wednescday was the sec ond and last day of the big fraternal jlc nlc that has been held here In the city park, and every one has been well pleased with the large program of sports, such as races of all kinds and the water sports, such as tub races, swimming and long dives, was more than enjoyed by a large crowd. A base ball game each afternoon between Stanton and Valentine was played, and the evening was spent in dancing at the pavilllon hi the park. GRAND ISLANTV-August Felske. a young farmer aged 25, aetacked Rural Mall Carrier J. W. Davis yesterday, demanding the privilege of going through his mall. The mail carrier resisted and was threat ened bv Felske. Felske Insisted that his neighbors were trying to get him out of the way. that the Independent was "ad vertising" him and that the mall carrier was preventing the papers and letters addressed to him from reaching1 him. Threats to go gunning for the editor, a few days ago, were not seriously contem nlnted and no complaint was made until ofteeir on the rural carrier. Arrest for examination by the commissioners of ln- .... .wiiowed. Chief Clerk Tells of More Illinois Central Graft Car Repairing; Company ii Asserted to Have Eaised Bills One Hundred -Per Cent. CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Clarence H. Polly, formerly chief clerk for the Ostermann Manufacturing company, was the chief wit ness for the prosecution today In the hear ing of conspiracy charges against Frank P, Harriman, John M. Taylor and Charles L. Ewlng in connection with the Illinois Cen tral railroad car repair frauds. Polly's testimony was quite as sensa. tlonal as that given on Monday and Tues day by Theophlle Reuther and Fred C. Bar, bott, also former employe of the Oster mann concern. Polly corroborated to a great extent the evidence given by Reuther and Bar bott, particularly regarding the lax ity of Illinois Central car Inspectors. Polly's connection with the Ostermann company, he said, covered the years 1907, 1908 and 1909, during which time he declared that rom 55 to 150 per cent was added, to all of the Illinois Central's biHs. He stated further that he and other employes of - the Ostermann company had access to the OK" stamps used by the railroad's car inspectors and that he frequently thus stamped bills to be presented to tba rail road company for payment. Tha witness said that in making out padded bills against the- Illinois Central he had on file a list of numbers of a large number of the railroad's cars. He said theB numbers were obtained from Illinois Central cars as they were being switched over a branch line, which ran through the yards of the Ostermann plant. Did tha Osterman company ever depart from the car Inspectors' records in sub mitting repaid bills to the Illinois Cen tral?" asked Attorney Walter L. Fisher, for the prosecution. Yes." Under whose orders V Henry C. Ostermann," replied Polly. . What were the order given?" To get a much on the car a w could." What was the average amount of th bills?" "They varied from $300 to ttOO a ear." "Who gave Instructions as to the change of average?" 'Ostermann. In 1908 It was $325 and in 1908 It was S27S." 'Were there any records In th office of the company whereby tha actual Work done on the cars was shown?" "Yes," ' the witness replied, "but they wer never referred to." Caaght In tha Act and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills bilious headache quits and liver and bowo'.s act right 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. FRED H. ABBOTT VISITS INDIANS ON RESERVATION Mtklsg Tonr of lavestlgatloa to As certain Whether Red Slea Ar Better Farmers. WINEBAGO, Neb., Sept. L (Special.)- Fred II. Abbott, assistsnt commissioner of Indian affairs, arrived here yesterday. He has been making a tour of the west tor some months, visiting Indian reservations. He will spend a few days on thl reserva tion and In company with a party of local employe and Mr. Henderson of the In dian office at Washington, D. C, he 1 touring th Omaha and Winnebago reserva tions. Mr. Abbott Is meeting the Indians In their own homes and studying them and ttjelr needs and progress especially In agricul ture. It Is tha success or failure of th new expert farmer system, which, among other thing, Mr. Abbott 1 Investigating her. Having seen. them a year ago h I again visiting th Indian farmer to ae what progress they are making, whether they are cultivating more acres ' and doing It better than before; whether the condition of their homes, their premises and their live stock is markedly Unproved; whether th sale and rental values of their lands ar properly adjusted and their rents paid. Safe Medietas for Children. Foley's Honey and Tar Is a taf and ef fective medicine for children as It does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley' Honey and Tar AFFAIRS AT SOUTH Oil All A New Cudahy Hog Killing Department in Fall Operation. KILL THOUSAND ANIMALS A DAY Need of Straetar Moat Urgent and Work Is Hastened Job aaaa Arraigned t'pea starter Charge. Th new Cudahy hog killing department opened Tuesday for th slaughter of hot. About 1.000 hog wer killed th first day. It was thought that th house would not be ready for active operations before September 1, but by hard work on th part of all concerned It was completed several days ahead of that time. Th need for the plant was so great that It was pressed Into service at th earliest moment. The company had expected to Issue lnvlta tlons and hold a grand formal openhig of the plant with a full program and a ban quet. About 1,000 people, mostly employes, were present at the opening. Department Mana ger Kelly mad a short speech on the per fections of th new plant and Michael Murphy, the general manager, addressed th crowd briefly. Order wer given and soon th Una of slaughtered hog were fil ing slowly through their course with th same regularity as In any of th plants. old or new. This fin flvs-story building is fireproof and In all respect modern In equipment and sanitary features. Th walls are made of enameled brick In th Interior and hav th appearance of being constructed of a good grade ot china. As In all modern plants th hog are driven up a long chut to th top floor of tb building where the slaughter begins and th animal are handled afterward with th aid of gravity. Joknios Arralgaed. George Johnson, th colored man who is charged with shooting and killing his wife a week ago, was formally arraigned under a state complaint charging murder in th first degree. Johnson waived preliminary examination and was bound over to th district court without ball. The negro seemed to be rather nervous and gaaed apprehensively about the room during th reading of the complaint which was lengthy and full of omphatlo legal accusation. He pleaded not guilty under advlc of hi at tornoy and wss at one committed to the county Jail. Officer Elsfelder took him in custody to Omaha. - Alleged Burglar Caaght. John Manceaky, alias John Miller, was ar rested yesterday for th supposed robbery of Thomas Kosioi's saloon at Twenty-seventh and L streets, South Omaha. He was seen by John Jabawa, a barber of th neighborhood, leaving th saloon at about th hour of the supposed robbery. When arrested Manceaky had his pocket full ot nickels and dime much like th change which had been left in tha cash register. The police are convinced that they have th right party. Manceaky formerly worked as bartender for Jake Kirschbaum of Omaha. Registration Boards. A special meeting- of th South Omaha city council will b held Thursday night to determine the appointment of th regis tration boards of the city of South Omaha. At this time the Seventh ward of th city will become a working reality, and th latest ward boundaries win b observed. Owing to th fact that then wer but six ward at the time of th last general reg istration It ha been Impossible- to make use of th new ward subdivisions for th poll, books of th previous registration would not fit the hew ' boundaries in any particular. Th registrations for tha fall election will produce another set. of poll books which will makath new ward reg istration correct. Spttser Ask Valuatloa. That Spttser & Co., of Toledo, O., are working on the history of the new bond issue upon which that company bid is shown by th fact that th city clerk re celved a telegram from tb company ask' Ing that the clerk furnish information regarding the valuation of the city prop erty. The osject of th Inquiry was to learn If thl valuation would place any limitation on th amount of bonds offered for sal. Th present valuation of $2t,OT,0GO Is large enough to authorlro an Issue of 13,400,000 In bond. The limit ha not been reached by 1800,000. Paving project are to follow th last issue which will cause an expenditure of (250,000 before th clos of another year. Thl will bring the bond Issues of th city up to th 12.000,000. Bfagle. City Goaalp. ano. Room 17, Glasgow Blk. Both Phones. miss Vlnnl P. Robson has gone to her horn in York to spend a three week's va cation. The eleven-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McNeal, 330 T street, died last evening. Fred Fero ha returned from Neola. Ia., where he went to attend th funeral of hi wife' mother. Johnnie Quirk, Thirty-sixth and U streets, was seriously injured In a runaway ac cident Tuesday. J. J. Fitsgerald announces hi Intention to transfer his Interests to Omaha about tha first of next month.. STORZ Delicious Bottled Beer delivered promptly to your residence. Phone So. till. Brodertck at Maslowsky. 'Phone Bell South 868, Independent F-18S8 for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery to any part ot th city. William Jetter. An attempt wa mad to rob th home of Jsy N. Williams Tuesday night The police searched th premises but found no burglar. Mrs. T. G. Ingrahatn left Wednesday morning for central Iowa called by th erlous Illness of her step sister. She was accompanied by two sisters from Central City, Neb. Our Letter Box OeatrlaatSra a TUnely Sabjesta et Bzelag w Baadrad Word Ar lavn4 from Su madra. A Mistake Corrected. PENDER. Neb., Aug. $0.-To th Editor of th Bee: In your lssu ot August 29, you reprinted an item criticising Mr. Bryan and credited the item to th Pender Times. Th Time did not print th Item, tb sen timent wer not those of Its editor, and some other paper should hav received credit for th sam. MARK W. MURRAY, Publisher Pender Times. Th Best Vet Prodaeed. CORNWALL, Prlnc Edward Island. Aug. 24 -To th Editor of th Be: I have Just received her a copy of your "300.000" edition of th Omaha Be. It Is certainly th best advertisement for Omaha yet pro duced. C. F. HARRISON. Major J. Mearoe Tarler. RUTHERFORD, N. J., Sept. 1. Major J. Monro Taylor, author of a number of book on dog and considered a national authority on that subject, died her today. H wa born In Lexington, Ky., In 1838. H .was th first president of th Ameri can Kennel club and figured prominently a a Judge In every Important dog show held In thl country. .'. Curtiss Places New Over-Water Aerial Record Travels Sixty Miles Over Lk Erie in One Hour and Eighteen Minutes. CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 1. Glenn H. Curtiss of Hammondf port, N. Y., today es tablished a new record for over-water flight by traveling over Lake EH from Euclid Beach, nine mile east of thl city, to Cedar Point, O., aproxlmately sixty mile distant Th announced tlm was on hour and eighteen minutes. Curtiss' averag time was forty-flvs mile an hour, although on stretch of twenty miles was covered at a rat of a mil a minute. Curtis used th eight-cylinder, fifty-horse-power biplane of his own construc tion In which he mad his recent flight down th Hudson river from Albany to New York. It wa shortly after 11 o'clock when the blplan was taken from th aero dome. At 1:30 p. m., after It had been as certained that the twelve-mile breese from th northwest prevailed In Cleveland and Cedar Point alike, th motor wa started. At 1:06 p. m., with the cheer of 40,000 people who had grouped at th starting point ringing In hi ears, th aviator slipped out over th lake. After reaching a height of 200 feet th machine turned to th west. At 1:11 p. m. It had passed Cleveland har bor and three minutes later had faded into tha mist beyond Rocky river, western ex tremity of the city's eighteen-mile water front. A crowd of 10,000 people gathered on th beach went wild when Curtiss landed. Men tilted Curtiss from the machtn and carried him on their shoulders to his hotel. Vandals Smear Tar Over House Newly Prepared Dainty Little Home Wrecked by Unl p dentified Persons with no Known Motive for Deed. An act of vandalism without recent par allel In local annals wa raported to th police yesterday mornings O. C. Patterson who resides at Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets, Omaha, and 1 employed at th O'Brien candy factory, own a handsom little cottage in Council Bluffs, located at 9647 Avenue A. It was built about thr year ago, but when It became vacant a month or mora ago Mr. Peterson had it completely reflnlshed Inside and repainted on the outside. Th floor were planed down and finely finished all of th In terior woodwork had been gone over and highly polished. In addition to this, all of the rooms, Including the kitchen, had bsen ropapered with expensive material and th whole house had been generally reflnlshed and new electric fixture Installed. Th house had been rented to Charles W. Pierce, a young railroad man, who was to move Into it today with hi young bride. A part of the furniture, Including a new steel range, had been Installed. Tuesday night vandals went to th waterworks pumping station and stole a five-gallon can of coal tar and a large piece of burlap. They bioke into the house, poured th tar on th floor and rubbed It around with the burlap, smearing all Of th woodwork and th walls and ceiling of vry room in th house. Th window glass and th new range.wr also doped. They then carried th empty can, bearing th waterworks company's tag, and th guiuiy sack a dis tance of two blocks and threw them Into th weeds. Mr. Patterson does not know of an enemy In the world mean enough to do such an act. On the contrary, he ha many friend who have sincerely sympathised with him over several misfortunes. Last winter his two children had a narrow escap from burning to death when hi horn wa de stroyed by fire, and his friends think that any person .mean enough to steal coal tar and smear it with tha vicious delibera tion shown in the last instance would not hesitate to set fir to a horn when they aw th mother go away and lock hr chil dren lnsid. BUILDING RECORD FOR AUGUST Tfcls Year Fall Somewhat Short at Laat and Total Is Short Mllltoa for Eight Month. The month ot August Just passed was $250,000 short in th sum of building per. mlta as compared with th same month of last year. Th 1910 August total was $468,796 and in 1909 it was $721,795. Th total for tha year thus far I $4,086,013. In 1909 th first eight months brought In $5,060,008 and In 1908 only $2,700,218. Persistent Advertising Is th Road to Big Return. FOR TEN YEARS Itching and Burning Terrible. Ap pearance Worse. Had Specialists and X-Ray, with Some Success, Others without Relief. Used Cuti cura. In 4 Days Relieved. Inside of 2 Weeks Cured. "I bad been suffering with psoriasis for a period of ten years. It would dis appear occasionally for a year or so and then return in worse form than before. The last attack came on a little over a year ago, and by early summer had covered me all over. The itching and burning were terrible, and my appear ance was worse. I had trina different specialist and had had th X-rays used on me, sometimes with some sucoea and at other without relief. In the early fall of 1900 I was induced to try tha Cutioura treatment, by a party who had heard of a remarkable cur it had made, and I confess that I started in, not only without faith, but with every prejudice against the medicine. In four days I was relieved of the inconvenience, and inside of two week cured, except for a slight discoloration of the skin, which wore off in a few week. I sub sequently saw my friend Mr. who had the same trouble. When h saw the wonderful effect of Cuticura upon nie, he at one started the entire treatment and wa well 'in about ten days. I beg to thank you for the relief you have given me, and if any one wants my testimony a to the merit of Cuticura for that trouble and will send me a stamped envelope with their address on it, I will be glad to send them a recom mendation under my own signature. Hrry O. Martin. 1003 Colvert Bldg, Baltimore, Md., Mar. 1, 1010." Cstlrsi Biedtea sM tkmushoot tae. world. Pnttar llrnf 4 (tiem. Corp . eM Praps Boaa JMTaUilea In. M-paa hook a gUs 4Uua . HAD PSORIASIS Fires in Black Hills Burning Best Timber Section Devastated by riamei in Five Different Sections Fresh filaiet Break Oat DEAD WOOD. . S. D., Sept. 1. According to th statement of th forestry officials her tonight, th best timber sections In the Black Hills ar being destroyed by fires that sea now raging at five different places. Monday' fire wer no sooner controlled than fresh one broke out today at Red Fern, Dumont, Mystlo, Custer, Peak and Altec. Tonight they ar burning fiercely and another 100 fire-fighters ar being rushed down the Burlington In a special train. $6,750 Publicity Contest SEE THAT YOUR ANSWER IS MAILED AT ONCE FREE, $500.00 PIANO Through gpetial arrangement with the manufacturers of Pianos we represent, we will distribute over 90,750 FREE in valuable prizes as an advertisement, CAN YOU SOLVE IT? Balloon Puzzle ooo o o ooo Take any number from one to fourteen inclusive. Do not use any number mere than twice. Place one number in each of the eight circles or balloons and one in cen ter square so that when they are added perpendicularly or horizon tally, the total will make 27. For the neatest correct answer we will give absolutely free the $500 Pi ano. The next will receive a Lady's Gold Watch and a manufacturer's check for $187.50. The next will receive a Gentleman's Gold Watch and a manufacturer's check for . $187.00. . The next will receive a Set of "Roger's" Fruit Knives and a manufacturer's check for $137.50. The next will receive as Morris Chair and a manufacturer's check for $137.50. The next will receive a pair of Gold Cnf f Buttons and a manufacturer's check for $137.50 The next will receive a Lady's Gold Brooch and a manu facturer's check for $187.50. The next ten will receive manufac turer's checks for $137.50. The next ten will receive manufac turer's checks for $125. The next ten will receive manufacturer's checks for $100. The next ten will receive manufacturer's checks for . $75. The next ten will receive manufacturer' checks for $50. And each correct answer will re ceive a manufacturer's check for . $25. All contestants will receive free a piece of music whether punle Is correctly solved or not. In caae of a tie Identical awards will be made. All prise, winners will be noti fied by mall, and all prizes must be called for within ten days from closing of contest. Any one check will be good only on any new piano carried by our house. Checks will be sent direct to the contestant by the piano manufacturer's advertising depart ment, made payable to The Ben nett Company. For many years it has been a question where adver tising money could be spent so that the greatest results would be received, and know how to place ' large advertising contracts for tho year. This has not only been a problem that has confronted th . piano dealers, but the manufi turers as well and only of In years have our manufacture found out how the best result i could be obtained for the least amount of money expended. We have a special arrangement with the manufacturers to spend over $0,750.00 In an advertising way to make our line of pianos better known In three or four weeks than It would be possible In any other way in the same number of years. Some manufacturers prefer spend ing large amounts in magac lne ad vertising and eastern periodicals. Others employ the world's greatest artists to whom they pay large sums cf inoney. Think or the large amount Paderewskl Is paid when he is employed to travel over the country and demonstrate pianos. Tha manufacturers from whom we purchase pianos believe In giving these large sums of money-direct to the piano purchaser. We now Inaugurate the greatest contest The Bennett Go. 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha Largest Dealers of High Grade Pianos In the West. Rush Your Answer Today Send by mail or bring to the Piano Dept. of The Bennett Co. (third floor). CONTEST CLOSES MONDAY, 6 P. M., SEPT. 12th, 1810. THE EYE of Every School Child Should Bt Eiamlnid Can fully by an Eipirt. W try to Impress the Im portance of this on everybody. We are statin,? 'acts, and are not moved by a deelre for gain alone. We know the impor tance of sue h. Bring the chil dren to us., Huteson Optical Co. 213 Ho. 10th Street. FREE Lady's Gold Watch. 20-year guaranteed. Gentleman's Gold Watch. 20-year guaranteed. , ' FREE '7jv" ,lW jO'V fc-e Ladies' Solid Gold Brooch. FREE This chair with large cushions. ever advertised by any piano con cern in the world. Send, your answer on this or a separate piece of paper. See that your answer Is mailed at once and be sure you ad dress Piano Manufacturer's" Rep resentative, Mr. Owenhouse, care of ,,,11. i n I. I HJNS. MUM JO