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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1910)
The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. Kor Nrbrssks (Jenerally fnlr. For Iowa f air. Kor weather report s-'o vagr- 2. Cur Mtgalne Features W!'.. hiriiui, llction. comic picture. ,l of entertainment. Instruction end h i it i n ci t. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOUSING, SEPTEMHKK 1, 11)10 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS YOU XU-XO. 4. i i. t K ECO U NT COSIES ':o SU'UUES STOP ts for County Waa. J. Connei, , Commissioner, V straining Order on Canv. ATTACKS LEG All IY v Climax Leaves Deaiocratio binary Affairs in Sad Tangle. REST OF STATE IS TIED UP State Canvessin? Board in Deadlock Over What to Do. SHALLENBERGER STANDS FIRM l.itcal (onnlr Board Must wan i1-'" Jadae Trans rW C Friday, and Outside Boards Are Blocked Connell Waa l.nalna Oat. Governor Fhallenberger's recount cam to a sudden stop at 3:43 p. m., yederday on a restraining order Issued by Judge Day on petition of Dan J. Connell. Judge Troup of the district court will hear the case Friday morning at 9;M. Connell in his petition attacks the legality j of recount being made by a county tan- : vassiug board. He avers the law does not provide for such a recount, thus bringing Into court a question which has been fore most since recounts ftrnt came Into style. Thia point rnust be decided by the court to determine whether tha recount snan go en or whether It must be turned Into a con test and taken Into court. Kra.TIt J. Flxa, democratic candidate for county commissioner for the Second dis trict, had asked and been granted a re count on the race between himself and Con nail. Conneir said In his petition that the official canvass of votes by tha county can vassing board completed Saturday had given him the nomination by five votes. He alleged that his right to tha nomination had thus been definitely determined and that said right would be Jeopardised by a recount. Connell Was Losing Out. Befora the' first canvass commenced, when it waa known that the count would show little difreronce between Fixa and Connell, It was announced by them that they hal agreed to stand by the first count and that neither would ask a recount. The first preclr.ct of the, First' ward waa "recounted", before the Injunction waa served. The only change It showed waa a loss of two votes by Connell. aadly dimin ishing his already small majority over his enemy. Flxa. , . With the state board at a standstill In a tie ana aajournea umu m umnuuj m the absence of . Auditor Barton, and the t'ouglas county board bottled up by a re straining order, trie recount situation Is In a worse tangle than ever.. Governor Shal- Jnbaor is holding: out tor a recoyat of '' rVouglaa county' and contends that the state board has no right to go ahead until Doug- i las Is heard front. Two state board mem , bere favor an Immediate start on the state canvas, while two others 'favor awaiting . the result of the recount in Douglas county. It remains for Mr. Barton, the fifth mem ber, to cast the deciding vote. This much wlil probably be decided ,today at the meet ing of the state board at Lincoln. Xothlnat More Till Decision.' At this end of the line absolutely nothing can be done until a decision Is handed down by the district court, and that may consume several days. If, In the meantime, the State board decided to Ignure the "rider" attached to tha abstract by the Doug las county board after the first canvass and to go on with the canvass the recounting might as well stop where It is. The action of the state board la final and further re counting In any county would be useless labor. . What Is known by members of the state board aa the "rider" is a proviso attached to the abstract making It subject to change In case the recount changes the vote on candidate for nomination for governor on e democratic side and the recount granted i the state legislative tlcaet to Butt and ulla. Connell's petition Is filed In his own name. made possible by the fact that he waa get ting a recount and was filed and taken Into court by his attorney, J. W. West. , Reeoant Attmete Atteatloa, Douglas county has seen many recounts during the last few years, but never baa one attracted such attention aa has the count on Dahlman and Shallenberger. Yes terday from the time the board commenced work in the morning until Deputy Sheriff Flanagan unceremoniously put a stop to tha operationa the court room waa crowded, largely with democrats. When tha first ballot box was opened the curious and in terested. Mayor Dahlman among tbem. crowded about the table where the ballots were spread out. giving the board members scarcely room to work. I. east Uattle to Gssst, When the suit comes up before Judge Tioup tomorrow morning it will change from a mere count of votes to a legal bat tle of no small proportions. Since the re count began both sides have been watching every move and neither will give an Inch. Uepresentlng Governor Shallenberger In Douglas county are C. J. Smyth and John A. Moore. Louis Platti and John Klne are carrying on the fight for Maor Dahlman. Kd Johuston, democratic candidate for nomination as stste senator, filed an appli cation fur a recount against the vote of Ilk hard S. llorton. ills application was re fused by the board on the ground that the of fUlsl canvass showed htm to be too far behind tor the recount to do him any good. Affidavits asking a recount on democratic candidates for congress were filed Tuesday by II. H. Flaherty. S. A. Lewis, L. J. Qulnby and W. F. Stoecker. They asserted L U. Lubeck was not the man entitled to the nomination. A recount would probably have been granted had not Fleharty sud denly decided to withdraw his affidavit, leaving tha three low men without enough v-ts to demand a recount. They claim tlit. board had no right to deny them a re count and that they will ftKht the decision. A protest has bee.i filed with the board. FALLS TWENTY-SIX STORIES Body Of Man Who Tnmbled Off Xerr York Skyscraper Is Badly Maanled. NEW YORK. Aug. 31. Crowds on Park , Row, cne of the city's busiest streets, saw 4 man fall from the roof of the twenty - six story Park Row building today onto and through th. skylight bf a stx-story build ing adjoining. The body was so mangled it-at aome difficulty was anUclpatod in tteatifytng It. Onavva Prisoners Attack Sheriff and Make Escape Posse is Organized and All Are Recap turedOfficer Ga?ged with Towel and Nearly Strangled. ONAWA. la-. Aug. 31. (Special Tele gram.) A sensational Jail delivery wan made heie thin morning when Sheriff Ed Rawllng assaulted by three prisoners who have been held for trial since July for burglary. At S o'clock the sheriff entered the corridor of the Jail with breakfast for the prlaonera and waa putinced upon by three fellow and beaten Into Insensibility with a wash tub. Hie was then gagged with a towel, his hands tied behind him and then tied the cot. The prisoners then made their escape. A half hour later Deputy Sheriff Martin heard a noise at the Jail and upon Investi gation found what had happened. Mr. Raw- ! lings was unconscious and but for timely assistance would nave oeen sirangiea. a posse of cltlsens was organised, hearted by Deputy Martin and chase was given. A number of automobiles headed In each di rection on the main traveled roads. Mc Urade, who la a cripple, was overtaken west of town near Blue lake. Ha made no resistance and entered the automobile to be driven back to Jail. Darker and Williams were seen some distance) ahead and entered a cornfield, where they were surrounaed by a posse, of fifty armud men. They were tracked for a distance or two nines in a slgEag course and finally captured by two members of the posse and are now safely lodged In Jail. The three fellows were captured at the Chicago & Northwestern freight depot .In July by a railroad detective, who caught them In the act of stealing goods from the freight house. Sheriff Rawllngs Is recov ering and it Is thought he will sustain no permanent Injury. Serious Rioting Attends Election v in Portugal Several Persons Are Reported Killed in Lisbon Republicans Gain Nine Seats. LISBON, Aug. 31. Complete returns from the recent parliamentary elections with the exception of such as were Invalidated by fraud or otherwise show the following results: Ministerial, 80; monarchists In opposition, 40; republicans, 14. This la a republican gain, the party hav ing elected by the candidates at the elec tions two yeara ago. The republicans charge extensive frauds and made frequent contests of the returns. MADRID. Aug.' 31. A private letter re ceived from Portugal today aets forth that official dispatches from Lisbon minimize excitement that attended the parliamentary ttleollenai : Tfea writer pays, there-was much rioting during which several persons were killed.. .The republican party is described aa having a monopoly .of intellectual ele ments of the country, . Including the pro fessors of the universities. It is especially strong in the navy. Admirals De Los Reis and Campoa . having been the republican candidates at Libson and Oporto, respec tively, t Near Six Thousand Increase in Custer Official Census Figures at Washing ton Show County Population to Be 26,668, (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 31.-(Special Tele gram.)JOfficial figures made public today give Custer county, Nebraska, a population of 25.608. as against 19,768 ten years ago, an increase of 6,910. The census of 1S90 showed that Custer county at that time had 21,677 Inhabitants. During the decade between 1890 and 1900 the population fell off 1,819. The Increase from 1900 to 1910 the census officials attribute to the success ful operation of dry farming methods. WIFE DEAD. CHILD KIDNAPED Kentucky Farmer Searching; for Girl Abducted oa Day of Her Mother's Fnaeral. TRINCETON. Ky.. Aug. 31. Robbed of his wife by death and of his only child by kidnapers, Texle Allison, a prosperous far mer, haa returned home, after a vain search through six southern states. Little Gladys Allison waa abducted whfle returning from th funeral of her mother, three weeks ago at Shreveport, La., and since then her father has been unable to find a 'single trace of the child's where abouts. It Is believed the girl waa taken In the hope of securing a reward. SYNOD TO BUILD ' ACADEMY DerUloa Reached at Rrccat Session to Katahllah Stractare In Thayer Coanty Town. RICHMOND. Ind., Aug. 31. (Special Telegram.) Tbe' Joint- Lutheran ay nod will establish an academy at Hebron, Neb., this decision having been reached at this year's session. Omaha Ministers Would Make Sermons More Popular if Omaha clergymen had their way con- quite manifestly was throwing a bouquet gregatlone would experience some enjoyable Oscar Pumpernlckle. function, at church on Sunday. This was ! 'Iften V""..1 co"ld te" funn totV . . w. i. .i. ,n' the pulpit," said another minister. ,h. possibility brought to light by th. can- ..Son,Mlmeii mv wlfe chlde. m. for comj did words of several prominent ministers perilously close to accomplishing the feat I during their visit at the den Monday night- think on the whole It would be a good Tlvene members of the cloth would like to jtMng If all of us resorted to natural high crack a few Jokea In the pulpit and give p,riu occasionally." . . j. .. w . .i. And a minister thereupon told the stnrv their flock, a merry time, but they can't 1 ,h- Ranged In an austere line on tha speakers i0nco there wss a minister who had a bad platform, the ministers In turn did what habit of Inserting "he" in all his sentences the other guests did; they told stories and - 'laughed In turn and altogether. The one who can move me to an emo- tlonal Impulse for good, is the priest o God's nobUmen." said one minister, "but the one who can make me laugh is the high priest of heaven." Tbe clergy man RATE INCREASE TO EARNMILLION Santa Fe Would Net Big Increase in Yearly Earnings if Tariffs Were Raised. RAILROAD MAY TRY NEW TACK . . esssnssssiaa Defense to Seek to Compel Shippers to Show Profit. ROCK ISLAND HEARING NOW UP Melcher Tells of Increased Expenses In Recent Years. INCREASED WAGES "BIG ITEM Second Vlre-lreldent Sara System Docs Not Get More Kfflclent Labor Br Reason of Higher Pay Check. i CHICAGO, Aug. 31.-Colncldent with the eloping of the testimony for the Santa Fe System before the special examiners for. the Interstate Commerce commission, and the statement from the road's statistician that the Increases In freight rates asked would net the Santa Fe only 394,000 In. crease yearly In earnings, there came to day a suggestion that the railroads now on the defensive might change their tactics and seek to compel the shippers, who op pone the advance in freight; rates, to de clare how much they profit on the differ ent commodities under consideration. A request from Attorney F. J. Norton, counsel for the Santa Fe, for the names of the different associations of shippers represented at the hearing, that he might question certain of the shippers, gave color to rports that shippers . would be asked about their profits. One prominent rail road man declared that Inasmuch that the shippers had been protesting that the profits of the railroads were unreasonable the railroads might well ask the shippers what their profits are on the commodi ties affected by the proposed Increase In freight rates, so that the commission may know whether they are or are not ser iously disturbed by the Increase which they are fighting. While no definite statement of such an Intent haa been made, it will not be unex pected that the railroads before the hear ing Is over, will aHk many questions of shippers concerning their profits and tin$ rate of return which they enjoy on their Invested capital. Hearlntt- Transferred to Rock Island. When the initial presentation of the con tentions of the Santa Fe system was con cluded, the hearing was transferred to the Uock Island roads. P. O. Melcher, second vice president of the Rock Island company told of the In creased expense of the road in late yeara, diV according to him,, to advances in the wag soote and. increased oc of operation. The first witness at the afternoon session was W. A. Poteet;-' chairman of tha Trans Mtssouri Freight Bureau. He presented In the form of a tabulation a compilation of the rates In efDect In the territory west of the Missouri river on freight shipped east or west, to or from common points in Colorado and points west of the Missouri or the Mississippi rivers. The tables showed both the clasa and commodity frelgtht rates, and included the years 1900 to 1910. Similar compilations covering live stock and grain shipment rates were also presented and entered as exhibits. Attorney John H. Atwood for the ship pers questioned Mr. Poteet, concerning the method In which the rates were raised and asked for the names of different represen tatlves of the railroads, who were present when the order changing the freight rates was decided on. There was some opposi tlon to the Inquiry and Attorney Atwood declared that the examiners were not em powered to exclud testimony. The question was answered and Mr. At wood then asked If the railroad represen tatives on that occasion discussed or con sidered an Injunction issued by the Federal supreme court lh 1897, prohibiting any agreement In rates to be charged by trans Mlssourl roods. After much sparring, by counsels and an Impassioned address by the attorney for the shippers, the witness answered that the Injunction waa not dis cussed or considered. Examiner Brown de. clared that the question was immaterial and had nothing to do with the case. Melcher Questioned It. Vice President F. G. Melcher of the Rock Island company was questioned by Attor ney W. 8. Dickenson, attorney for the road He offered In evidence a table showing that Increased wages ptld In the operating department of the road amounted In 1906 and 1907 to 3528,000; In 1907 and 1908 to 31. .314, 000; In 1908 and 1909 to $1,314,000; In 1909 and 1910 to 31,451,000; and In 1910 and 1911 the es tlmated Increase would total 32.465,000 and In 1911 tnd 1913 the estimated Increase would be 32,612,000. Mr. Melcher said that in hla opinion the road does not get more efficient labor by reason of the Increased wages. Some of the Increases, he said, were tbe result of threatened strikes which were settled and aome were granted after arbitration. "The argument advanced by the employes In 1906 fo run Increase," he said, "were that the roads were prosperous and the men wanted a 'chunk' of the prosperity. In the latter pleas for advanced wages the men argued that the cost of living had In creased and for that reason demanded more money." He chose for his text one Sunday that .passage "the devil as a roaring Hon walks i about seeking w hom he may devour. j -First we want to know," said the . preacher, "who the devil he was; second, 'where the devil he was going, and third! what tha devil ha was roaring about" From tha Indianapolis News. REPUBLICAN CLUBS TO MEET Convention of National League to Be Held inNew York. RESIDENT TAFT WELL SPEAK thief Executive Will Make Address at the Banquet to Be Held at the Hotel Aator First of October. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' WASHINGTON, - Aug. ai. (Special.) Every Indication, according to IJ. B. Ather- ton, secretary pro tera of the National, Re publican league,, points to tha largest con vention ever held by this great volunteer organisation of - young republicans. The convention will be held in the city of New York Friday and Saturday, September 30 and October 1, at Carnetgle hall, the Hotel Aator bavins; bean selected aa headquarters for the leagusv "'Tit.9 President John Hays Hammond will hoot forth.. Interest in the forthcoming convention is being ' shown throughout Xhe entire country, Secretary Atherton being In receipt' of Hats of dele gates that, already run into the thousands Pennsylvania and New Tork atand side by side in the number of their delegates, fol lowed closely by New Jersey, Wisconsin, Michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois, even far-away California having selected twenty delegates to represent the golden west . .President Taft Will Speak. President Taft haa atated to Mr. Ham mond that he will address the delegates at the banquet to . be held at the Hotel Astor on the evening of October l, in wnicn speech it is expected he will outline the republican position as to the great ques tions now before the American people. It will . be the only campaign speech which the president will deliver this year, and Is therefore looked forward to by the hosts of republicanism with especial interest- ' Vice President Sherman will also be prea-, ent at the banquet as will Senators Bulk eley of Connecticut, Crane of Massachusetts, Burton of Ohio and Representativea Heald of Delaware, Loudenslager of New Jersey, Olcott of New York, Uwlght of New York, the republican whip of the house; Morehead of North Carolina, Moore of Pennsylvania, Foster of Vermont and Austin of Tennessee. In addition to these, letters of acceptance have been received from Governor Qulmby of New Hampshire,. George B. Cortelyou, ex-Secretary of the Treasury William Loeb, Jr., collector of the port of New York; Lieutenant Governor Horace White of New York. Lloyd Griscom of New York and a host of other republican leaders both in tha state and nation. Reduced Rates Provided. Arrangements have been made' with the railroads for a reduction In passenger rates to a fare and three-fifths, although efforts are still being made by the committee In charge of the convention to secure a rate of a fare and one-half. This reduction in passenger ratea will be made on what is known as the certificate plan, delegates having to have the credentials vised by a Joint representative of the railroads, who will have an office at Carnegie hall. The New York League of Republican clubs, of which John A. Stewart Is presi dent. Is already actively engaged In pre paring for the entertainment of the dele. gates, but Just what ' form this entertain ment will take has not yet been deter mined on although the New York League of clubs will have open headquarters at tha Hotel Astor and around these headquarters as well as the headquarters of the presi dent of the national league. Interest wlH most largely center. Hay FVver Association Meets. F.ETHLEHFM. N. H., Auar. 31 An In crease In membership and a growing Inter. est in methods of combatting the ravages of hay fever In vatfous parts of the coun try was reported to the annual session of the United mates nay fever association. which closed here yesteraay. Tomorrow and he is ours People are reading everything: that they see in Tbe Bee about him. Advertise now, and it will pay you Just a little more than ever. Everybody is reading Everybody is interested Now la the time to get a servant, secure a loan, rent a room, sell your furniture. Call Tyler KKX) und ask questions. A cheerful staff is ready for you, -r---jj-f' All Aboard! 'n Statistician Says Proposed - . Raise is Small Official of Santa Fe Insists that it Would Mean But $98,000 to His System. CHICAGO, Aug. 81. James Peabody, statistical of the Santa Fe system, belittled the efect of the proposed freight rate ad vance, when he took the witness stand In the Interstate Commerce commission hear ing today. "If the proposed advance were to be put Into effect and remain for one year," said Mr. Peabody, "the Santa Fa would . earn only 394,000 mora than it Is earning right now." . Examiner Brown announced that . the hearing would suspend this) afternoon until tomorrow. ... !. The statlstlcan asserted that it is an ac cepted principle .among students of railway management that from 1 to 2 per cent of the valuation . of roads shall be set apart aa a sinking fund for permanent Improve ments, such as track elevation, block slg nuls, switches and depots. . Cross examination of Mr. Peabody waa continued by Attorney Clifford Thome of Washington, la., representing the American National Live Stock association. Mr. Thorns asked If the table showed aa he had deduced that the net earnings on pas senger trafflo Increased between 1903 and 1909 about 8,000,000. and the net earnings on freight Increased In the same period 3700,000, and Mr. Peabody answered that the tabu lation In evidence did not show such a condition. Attorney John H. Atwood, for the ship pers, took exception to a statement by Mr, Peabody that poor crating of freight by shippers had Increased .the damages paid by the railroads to . a considerable extent. French Catholic Sillon Society Yields to Pope Head of Organization Says Work for Popular Education Will Be Turned Over to Episcopate. PARI?, Aug. 81. Maro 8angier, the head of the French Cahtollo Sillon society, the dissolution and reorganisation of which was ordered by the pope, has written a let ter of complete submission to his holiness, saying that the work for popular education of the 500 branches will be turned over to the Episcopate. Rangier adds, however, that he regrets the decision of the Vatican, as it gives the impression that the church Is opposed to democracy and announces that he will per sonally continue a democratic propaganda. ROME, Aug. 31. The pope. In receiving Slgnor Oentllonl, president of the Catholic Electoral union, today, insisted on the peril of modernism in ail countries and under all forms. The pontiff said that he had displayed the greatest toleration In the matter of the Hlllonlsts In condemning the society. Repeated complaints had been made by the French Episcopate, which had declared that their doctrines contained errors common to all worka for Christian democracy by false Interpretations of the precepts of Pope Leo XIII. Choate is Gharged With Unprofessional Conduct CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.. Aug. 3L Charges associates In the firm of Evarts. Choate A that Joseph II. Choate of New York, former j Beaman of New Tork City and In an as ambassador from the United States to ocl4t partnership with Treed well Cleve- Great BrIUIn. has been guilty of the viola-ilr,d'. , . .... Mr- Watts testifies n his petition that he tlon of tha constitution of th. American L ln ,h. offlce f Mr Cta "J Bar association In a failure to uphold the; heard, by accident, a conversation between honor of the profession of the law and a1 Mr. Choate and an attorney. In which this petition that he be expelled from the Bar attorney, representing Weston Bros , de association were presented to the American fendants, In a suit brought by Mr. Watts Bar association today and referred to the to recover tVti.fiuO, offered to TreadweM committer on grievances. These charge Cleveland, Choate's "trial attorney." the were filed by James R. Watta of New York, sum pf SM.tinO to compromise the case. Mr. through his attorney, George W. Chammlee Watts now rays In his petition to the Bar of this city, a member of the Bar asbocla- .aneoclatlon that he believes his lawsuit Un- was "sold out. or thrown away." Only The first charge has to do with certain i nominal damages wera grunted, tii sum, UUgatloa entrusted Vt Mr. Ckuate and his In fact being cent. WOODMEN PICNIC AT MAN AW A Members of Order from Three States Take Part in Celebration. SIOUX CITY TEAM WINS PRIZE Program of Sports for Both Women and Men Followed by Initiation of Lsr( Class Into Mys teries of Order. Friday was Woodmen of the World day at Lake Manawa, and from early in the forenoon until a late hour at night the members of that order had complete pos session of the big amusement park across the river. Sports and competitive drills In the afternoon, a monster Initiation In the evening and basket dinner and supper kept the large crowd who braved th. threatening weather Interested throughout the day, Tha morning waa largely given over to the receiving, of -the delegates from points outside. to. "twin cities" by members of the lodges in Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha, and by noon a large crowd had gathered in Shady Grove, where the basket dinner was eaten and the afternoon sports were held. The afternoon's race for both sexes, while the results were not so fast as to displace any of the Amateur Athletic union records, were full of Interest to those who saw them and each event had many entries. The results follow; One hundred-yard dash: O. A. Ptxler of Sioux City. Fifty-yard dash for men over 180 pounds: L. R. Ogden, Council Bluffs. Fifty-yard dash for boys under 13 years: Charles Thompson, Council Bluffs. Fifty-yard dash for girls under 16 years: Lizzie Donnelly, Council Bluffs. One hundred-yard dash for girls under 16 years: Llssie Connelly, Council Blufls. Ball throwing contest for women: Miss Bessie Gallup, Council Bluffs. lug-ol-war: Omaha against Sioux City; Sioux City won. Sioux City Team Wins. Four teams competed in the drill contest for the, uniform drill teams of the order. Council Bluffs, Druid camp of Omaha, Sioux City and Benson. The work done by these men In competition waa remarkable. The lodgemen marched, oountermarched and executed the manual of arma In ao pre olse a manner aa to draw continued cheers from the crowds which watched, and the commands were executed with a readiness which Is seldom seen outside military circles. The first place In this contest and a prize of 330 went to Company A of the Eleventh Iowa regiment, representing Woodlawn camp of Stoux City. This com pany of sixteen men Is under the com mand of Captain W. D. Spencer, and their work waa so nearly perfect as to win them" a mark of ninety-four per cent from the judges. The company from Druid ramp of Omaha, Company C, won second place, , with ninety ana three-fourths per cent while the Council Bluffs men. Com pdny L, took third money, 330. Charles Burmelster, Captain Gracon and K. 8. Sehuneman judged the event A pretty feature of the afternoon was the dress parade. Led by the Manawa band, the drill teams executed all the evolutions which professional soldiers are wont to perform on such occasions and the appearance made by the khaki and blue clad lodgemen was a most pleasing one. Just before the supper hour the drill team from Omaha, Beymour camp, gave an exhibition drill. This Is the letim which has long held the championship of the order and the years of training showed in the perfect accord with which the movements were made, the Instant re sponse to the orders of Captain Christie (Continued on Third Page.) ROOSEVELT rOH ar i mtWT i r tnwrn Former President Uses New Term ia Defining His Position on Pub lie Questions. SPEECH COVEItS WIDE RANGE Places Himself on Record in Favor of Eighteen Propositions. FULL CONTROL OF CORPORATIONS Special Interests Must Bj Eliminated as Politiotil Factors. HE SAYS ISSUE 13 JOINED Fight of Patnre Will Be to Prevent Tn luting Methods of Government to Defeat the Popular TV1U. ' OBAWATOMlK, Kan., Aug. 3l-Theodor Roosevelt duflncd In a speech here today his position In regard to the great questions vhli-li concern tho life of the nation. He outlined In detail his Idea of the policy which Hie nation should pursue. While, In many respects, his speech wus a reiteration of doctrines which he espoused while ha was In the White House, In other respects he took a mora pronoumeu stand than before. Several times during his speech the for mer president used the term "new national ism." He spoke of "new nationalism" as something "without which we cannot hope to deal with new problems. He asserted that "now nationalism re gards the executive power as the steward of publio welfare." He said that only the national government was able to cope with many pi eat problems of the day and that Its activities must be Increased. Colonel Roosevelt's speech Is regarded by those who heard It as a studied declaration of the principles for which he stands. Since his return from Africa mure than two months ago, he has been silent in regard to his views on speclflo Issues of the day except in a few canes In which he has spoken of particular local issues. The for mer president broke his silence today In a speech which left- no douut as to where he stands. He made no direct reference to the Taft administration, although he ex pressed his view emphatically on a num ber of questions with which the administra tion has been and is dealing. Colonel Roosevelt said that the Issue of the- day Is "tha' struggle of free men to gain and hold the right of self government as against tha special Inttrests, who twlbt tha methods of free government Into ma chinery for defeating the popular will." "We cannot afford weakly to blind our selves to the actual conflict which faces ua today," eald he. .'"Tha lanue, la joined, nd,wa must-fight, 01 .XaU.", Efahteen ' FrdiintifHnn. After saying that in older to Insure equal opportunity for alt men the present "rules of the game" must b changed, Colonel Roosevelt put himself on record as in favor of the follow lug proposals: 1. Elimination of special Interests from politics. ' ' - 2. Complete and effeotlv publicity of cor poration affairs. 3. Passage of laws prohibiting the use of corporate funds directly ' or Indirectly for political purposes. i. Government supervision of the capi talization not only of public service cor porations, but of all corporations doing au Interstate business. t. Personal responsibility of officers and directors of comnratlons Whl,-h hrealr tha law. I. Increase In the power of the federal bureau of corporations and the Interstate Commerce commission to control interstate industry more effectually. Revision of Tariff. 7. Revision of tha tariff one schedule at a time, on the basis of Information fur nished by an expert tariff commission. Graduated Income tax and graduated inheritance tax. 9. Readjustment of the country's finan cial system In such a way as to prevent repetition of periodical financial panics. 10. Maintenance of an efficient army and a navy large enough to Insure for the na tion the respect Of other nations aa a guar amy of peace. 11. Use of, national resources for the benefit of all the people. 12. Extension of the work of the de partments of agriculture of the national and state governments and of agricultural colleges and experiment stations so as to take In all phases of life on the farm. Capital and Labor. 13. Regulation ot the terms and condi tions of labor by means of workmen's com pensation acta. State and national laws to regulate child labor and the work ot women, enforcement of sanitary condi tions for workers and extension of the' use ot safety appliances in ' commerce, both within and between the states. It. Clear division of authority between the national and various state governments. 15. Direct primaries, associated with cor rupt practices acts. 16. Publicity of campaign contributions, not only after election, but before election as well. 17. Prompt removal of unfaithful or In competent public servants. . 18. Provisions against the performance of any service for Interstate corporations or the reception of any compensation front such corporations by national officers. TKXT OK HOOSCVKIr-9 ADI1HESS I'lea for Broad Nationalism la Deal. Iiik wllh Dim- rroblems. OH AW ATOMIC, Kan., Aug. Jl. -Theodore Roosevelt delivered the following addresi In this city today: There have been two great crises In our country's history; first when it was formed, and then again when it was perpetuated. The formative period Included not merely the revolutionary war, but the creation and adoption of the constitution and the first years of work jntlor It. Then cams sixty yeara during which We spread across the continent year of vital growth, but of growth without rather thau growth within. Then camo the time of struss and strain which culminated ln the civil war, the period of terrible struggle Upon the Issue nt which depended the lustiflcatlnn at all that we had done earlier, and which marked the second great period of growth and de velopment within. The iame of John Brown will be forever associated with this second period of the nation's history; and Kansas was the theater uion which tha first act of the second of our great national life dramas was played. It was the result of Iby struggle (a Kansas wblvb, dAlariuload,