1 1 TIIE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31. 1010. V i i r. .... . .. -r. -ftinei iioia uncnaseea in spite ol ? Weak Cable. - CORN IS KOW MUCH FIRMER far Carat I Arlltt sad tlffer latr the lamplt Market Ranged Sum Higher Local Market. 1I"2H. Dry It meats, higher; boxed extra Kh-irts, $l.'t :!&; elear ribs, IU.2S; shirt clears, IM VP. 1;'.ii. higher: boxed extra sh-irt, Jii. i l.'nr rlh, 114 :i; abort clears, $lnO0. POULTRY Steady; chickens, U'v ; springs. K'-tr; turkeys, 19c; durka. 94jllc; geve, Mi 9c. RTTTKH Steady; creamery, GVc. LOOS-Firm at 21c. Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oal, bu 1J."J . M.i . 9l.0T .107.000 n.i '(. Mix) M.UOO I, :. OMAHA. Auk. SO, 1910. Opening cablea ia n trifle weaker, but firmed up later. Riving a better lone to our marketa. Values hold about unchanged to a shade lower. Export business la not a K'Jod as ex pected and a better demand Ik needed to sustain present level In wheat prices. New on corn crop conditions are more bullish. Progress alter the recent rains has been rather disappointing, as growing weather haa put the Crop aa a whole nev er! weeka late. Weaker cablea and lack of shipping de mand nave wheat un earner tune, while ample offering were alow. Helling at a shade under yestetUay. Foreign buying was not confirmed. Corn was at rung on the predictions of froat tonight and hgnt receipts. Demand was active and offerings on, the sample market ranged o higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1,200,000 bushels and shipments were eetl ,m0 bushels, against receipts last year of 6.-40,000 bushels and shipments of ,2.(8)0 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 879,000 bushel, and shipments were 401,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 562,000 bushels and shipments of 387.000 bushels. Clears nets were 900 bushels of corn, none of oats and wheat, and flour equal to lXI.OuO bushels. Liverpool closed 1HV1 lower on wheat and VfjHo. lower on corn. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard turkey. I1.01G-1.C2V; No. 2 hard, semi-dark and yellow. MWi tHtc; No. I hard turkey. 99ci($l 00; No. 2, hard, seml-dork and yellow; WcuHSHc; No. 4 hard wheat, gsimin No. 2 spring, t Wtf VOIHI No. 8 spring, MyWVic; No. 4 spring, ,5HS("7c; no grade, 90c. CORN No. 2 white, OOHflCTc; No. 3 white, StWfce! No. 4 white, 64 55c; No. 2 yel low, Milt 56c; No. 8 yellow, 6f.14'g'5"4C'. No. 4 yellow, 54ji54Mic; No. 2, KAVaic, No. 3, 55 JiBJ'tc; No. 4, WVaMc; no grade, 60ft54c. OATS No. 1 white, m'&Mc; standard, 24 r324c: No. 8 white, 32.Jfip; No. 4 white, aov&Sle; No. 3 yellow, ai32c; No. 4 yel low. 81U314jC, BARLEY (SOTTOlc; No. 1 feed, &58r8c; re ' Jected,' 5MTf.c. nYK-T4M73Hc; N.'8. 73W"4Hc a. Carlot llecelpls. Wheat Corn. Oats. lo5 4S6 406 WEATHER IX the: graix belt ladiratleaa Are for Fair Weather In this llclnltr Wednesday. OMAHA, Aug. 20, 1910. Showers were general In the northwest and upper valleys within the last twenty fnur hours and rains are falling In the lower Missouri, uppet Mississippi valleys and upper lake region this morning. The rains of the laxl twenty-four hours in Ne braska were not heavy In any section, but were fairly well distributed over the state. Home heavy fstils occurred at points In Iowa, Wisconsin and North Dakota. The wextern area of low pressure Is now central over the extreme upper Misnlsslppl valley and western end of l.nke Hupenor and a trough of relatively low pressure extends south over the central valleys. An area of hlKh pressure, accompanied by decidedly cooler weather, overlies the west and north west and the eastward movement of this high will bring cooler weather over this vicinity tonight Temperatures below freea Ing are reported In Wyoming thin morning and temperatures slightly above freezing prevail throughout the northwest. Frost Is predicted for western Nebraska tonight. With th Incoming high pressure and lower temperature, the Indications are for fair weather In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday. 1910. Ifl09. 19tt. 1307 Minimum temperature.... 62 68 72 73 Precipitation 31 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 71 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, U.4.1 degrees. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 3.12 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, .24 of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Cora anil Wheat Region Bulletin. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. , 75th meridian time. luekday, August SO, 1U10: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kaln- Ftntton. Max. Mln. fall. Chicago . Minneapolis Omaha i,... Duluth ..... 381 3 . 263 48 ' 14 NEWYORIiSIOCRS AND BONDS Market Doll and Prices Allowed to Drift Aimlesly. ; ; APPREHENSION OF COMING EVENTS Per lea of Cash Withdrawal froia New York Bank Reserves Mot Prepltloa to Operations on IonK Hide. NEW YORK. Aug. W.-The demand for stocks whs small today and prices were allowed to drift aimlessly. mime appreprehenslon of coming events enters Into the reactionary tone which de veloped. I tie period of cash withdrawals from New York hank reserves Is not propitious to operations on the long side In stocks. Ship ments to Canada and to the domestic in terior are on a large scale and are proving that the tisual recourse Is being made to New York for supplies for moving the crops. The rate of depletion of bunk reserves promisee to be rapid for a time, the de crease this week having run already ap parently to over 4.000.000. including the le- sult of subtreasury operations. The foreim demand for securities haa disappeared and the movement of foreign trade haa not been adjusted sufficiently to provide the usual supply of exchange at tins lime or the year. Today mere wan an easier tone In the London discount market and a rise this week in the bank of I'.nirlsnd discount rate was considered less likely. A firme' tone In the corn market and weather forecasts of light frosts had some Influence on stocks. The railroad world Is showing deep interest and some concern over the heating by the Interstate Com merce Commission, on the rate advances proposed by the railroads. The matter has a representative effect on speculation. Bonds were Irregular, total Kales par value ll.0K7.0W. United States bonds were unchanged. and leading quotations follows: alts. High. low. Clot. 4i rirlC0 GRAIV AND PROVISIONS rVatnt-rs of the Trading; and Closlnar Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. SO. Desertions from the bull side were numerous today because of the pool near of the enfort call -for wheat. The consequent decline resulted In moderate sales to exporters, but It Is not certain that the wheat was sold tm go to Kurope. A steady tone prevailed at the close although the final figure were at the lowest and showed, a net drop of H to ac Corn at tho end mf the day was lower to c higher and oats Mi to ic lower; provi sions had an Irregular wlndup. a- shade off to 12',o up. " Weighing on the wheat market was a big ' burden of hedging sales. Primary arrivals were a!rrt dnuhl those of a year ago. and simultaneously came' newa that Euro rpan visible supply hd Increased nearly 000,000 bushels for the week, and Is now 73,10,000 bushels against 46.150,000 bushels at the corresponding -time- last year when the week., showed a decrease of 400,000 bushels. The world's available total was computed aa being 51,000,000 bushels greater at present than was the case twelve months previous. Influenced by such-bearish considerations September liquidation wan on In consider able florce today. Warehouse men were th chief purchaser of that delivery, sell ing other months, mainly December, at In , creasing premiums for the deferred options, December ranged from 31.031i'a1.03V to H.04i,fll,o4Van rjrtsed j4o v&TsC "off , at .U.OSVi to I1.03H. -'- - 7 . In the com markot there was much selling on a bulge following a forecast of frost to- night. December varied between 67e and : KHHt!8H and closed Vi to to c up at 6 to 68c. The cash market- waa weak. No. t yellow closed at C0Wi.hic. -. September liquidation In oats waj quite severe, depressing the price to 6"4o under May -. or nearly 20 per, cent of; the present value of the property. December fluctua tions were from 8H' to' SDSio, and the close 'H to o down at 36Vfc to Softc. .. . ; Pork closed 12S4.0 higher to a shade lower, lard, a shade down to 2Vv" up, and rib un . changed to an advance of a dime. . . Leading options range as follows: ' Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. I Yes'y, Wheat ., fitpt. Dec j May :. Com- 8cpU Dee. , May Oats Sept. , . Deo. - May,. Pork r SPt.l i Oct. JLa.va-1. ..Nov. Jrlbs-i: r.pt.i'j Oct,,; 'Jan-V 1 04'(M 10I,-lllO:i'4-4,ll03'A-(i 1 04O 604 69T3d JW46'7,4 21 30 21 07H 18 65 12 10 12 11 6u 12 30 11 K5 8 7i 0i' 0H& 21 374 Zl 15 18 7&H 12 15 12 174 11 72W 13 421 12 10 t2 1 OSVil- 1 OKV 6V, 69'4 eov. 574'oT!iia.5857'0-T, Pky. Cloudy Cloudy Pt. (Moudy Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy twelve-hour 6i.o;;;.. total balance in general fund. . ew Vork MAney Market. NEW YORK. Aug. H.-MuNET-On rail eav; highest 3 per rent; lowest l per cent; ruling rate IV ppr cent; last loan 1T4 per cent; closing bid 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. STKRLINa EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business in hanker'e bills at, II M-to-ii' 4 WW) for tin day hills and at MW) for de mand. Commercial hills. SI WiA 3. PniMK MERCANTILK PAPER oi to 6 per cent. Ml-VKR Bar. 5-'c; Mexican dollars. 4ic. HONDS Ciovernnient, steady; ra.lroad. Ir regular. ' 1 Closing nuotatlons on bond today were 9 follows: V. s, ref. Is, re...,101 Inter. M. M. 4H... do coupon lot .'Japan it V. i. . t lot ao 4' do coupon 10HK. C Ho. lt I . S. . re !. L. II. drb. U (IMII. do counon lllI a Naah. un. O. Allli-Ctinl lt 6m... 7 K. a T. 11 41 Am. As. r.. 1ftt do n. 441 Am. T. T. rc. 4.lul MiMioiit1 Psrltlc it. Nimber of sales on stocks were as Ashland. Neb ' 84 60 .11 Auburn, Neb 80 62 .22 Rroken Row 93 4!) .00 Columbus, Neb... 88 56 .20 Culbertson, Neb.. 1)7 63 .00 Fairbury. Neb...j 92 r0 ."0 I Fairmont, Neb.. 89 8 .00 (ir. Island, Neh.. 90 N". .06 iHartlngton, Neb. 87 63 .28 Hastings, Neb.... 91 66 .13 Holdrege, Neb... 94 62 .08 Oakdale, Neb.... 86 r.'l .38 Omaha, Neb 84 62 . 31 Tekamah, Neb... 8i 68 .10 Aha la 7 56 .ZJ Carroll, la 81 67 1.11 Clarlnda, la N 62 .13 Sioux City, la... 82 68 .22 5Not Included In averages. Minimum temperature for period ending at 8 a. tn. DISTRICT AVERAGE No. of District Statlom Columbus, 0 17 Louisville. Ky 19 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Chicago, III 26 St. Ixuls, Mo 13 Dos Moines, la..,. 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 19 The weather Is much cooler In the west ern portion of th corn and wheat region, and cooler weather will extend eastward over the corn belt tonight Rains are fall ing this morning In the lower Missouri valley and throughout the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region. Within the last twenty-four hours 1.11 Inches occurred at Carroll, la; 1.00 inch at Iowa Falls, la.; 1.60 Inches at LaCrosse, Wis., and Devil's Lake, N. D. li. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. '48" 40 Temp.- Rain Max. Mln. fall. 84 62 .00 90 62 .00 86 68 .00 82 60 .50 90 64 .00 76 a ,S 82 (I .60 94 68 .10 86 68 .30 1,00 100 i'wo 1,700 "ioo "iiio 100 100 too 'ioi too 75 lMVt WI4 106 s 'ii iii'i 14 ic "iiii M NEW. YORK GENERAL, Quotations on Various SHVt 39 21 20 21 06 18 6u j 12 07H 12 10 11 63 i 12 32 11 M" la 36Vk a 37HI 21 12 18 7a 12 12H 12 12 11 67 12 82' 12 06 9 W S3 21 2"-' 21 00 18 70, 12 12 12 12 11 hi 12 32 11 96 77 - No. I. - j Cash quotations were aa follow: 'IA0R Kteady; winter patents, 4.4.V9 6 75; straights, 84.16iu6.00; spring stralghu, IJ.OrtfiS 16; bakers. ja.KUu5.40. R Y R-rNo. 2, 72iy73C. BARliKY Feed or mixing, 6&fi0o, old; fair to rholce malting, 672o. ' EBDH Flaxr No. 1 aouth western, I2.J7; No, I north wetrn, t2.49. . Timothy, l.50f 7 KV Clover, tt.0wa!13.(. ' PROYI9lONS-Jiliii pork, per bbl., 131.60 f(2l.7E. Lard, per 100 lbs., $12.12. Bhort lhs, glcles, tiouse) ri.7rrfj 12.37; short clear aides,7 (boxed t It. !Mi 12.62. Total clearances of wheat and flour were eiiiial to'133.0u0 bu. Primary receipts were l.X'O.OuO bu.. compared, With 6S0.OUO bu. the orrespondlng day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as etiown by Bradstreet's Increased T.726.O0O bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 164,661 curs: oorn. m cars; oats,- 4 cars; nogs, 21,000 head. Chicago Cash 'tW es Wheat: No. 1 red. H.OOul.01; No, 3 red. 97(S)Wc: No. 1 hard. H.Ual02; No. 3 hard, Sl8ctiL00; No. 1 northern spring. $l.utal.l3; No. 1 northern prlng, $L024J.l.u8; No. , pring. $1.008 1.05. Cui-a: No, 2 cash, emir; Nu, t cash, eorjuilc; Nov I white. litftl1'xic;.Nw. I white, 0Valo; No. 1 yellow, 4oVal1c; No. 3 yellow. oU le,. Oale: No. 3 cash, 80i01o; No. 1 white, J)w&34r; No. S white, S2fic; No. 4 white, 32.ij.H3c; standard, 30aU4. BUTTKH Steady reamerlea, 24HQ20c; dairies,' 2627e. fciGUS Oteadv;- receipts. 14.S6S casea; at mark, rases Included, 14817c; firsts. 20o; nrime firsts. I2c. ) CHEEbBf teady; dalslea. 164c; twins. 15 UHc; young America, 19a ii"ie; : long hnrm. Ma 16Uc. POTATOES Firm! rhdlc to fancy, 73 80c; fair to food, 7441 .c. POULTRY Easy; turkey. 20c; chickens 11U- sntlnas. XU.e. vtr.AiKteadv: 60 to WV-lh. wts.. 8c: 60 t,i ivlb. wts.. m'ic: S to 110-lb. wta. 10 Oar 4t lUeeiBta Todav; Wheat. 168 oaraj com, 4M care; oats . 4)6 . car. Estimated Tomorrow! Wht, list carsj corn. 663 cars; cati, .2'carm.". . i ! fc. I.oala -4UaernI Market 6T. LOUIS. Aug. 30 WHEAT-Septem-ker lower at 97S:: D-nnber, $1.021 OiS; oaB lowers tra.k. No, 2 red, "9i 41.02; No '2 hard. $1.01'r06V CORN-Futiirc ower Peptember, 69c; tiei'einber, H cksIj higher; track. No. 2, '. 6Vii: No. J tvhr?a 61c, " OA T"-rFvii.nre ' lower; feptemher, Jlc; , Te.' "iUT, ia; ounh, steady; travK NK I, HYf-Lower ai o ' . V FlAtl'll-UfttAlVi rid lr.t.r l.atents, $4.) . run li'n"i W-,r- I - ' U . r . ' '., riFKrk-Thwothv it StXaT.JC ' ' ORNMKAIO?.. ' 7.. '''VU ' PKATaiV? 'V!4 east; Ulels; ,9fe 11 i0. .-.. x ' .1 ' - ' HAY Lower;- . TTtrtKjUiy, 13.00Itlil.jO. 'Hlis, $1? n 14 , ,v'. . r .ew4 , lHu(US''J-- i '. HKMP TWI.TtiV-TMKi. ' ' PKOYlJ'tONsV-Pois.-'Uneha.ngea; l.ibhlng IJf ' lji.o, higla-r.-ltne steam,' $11. Sjy '' ' r' ' ' , tki: v.i-: 1 i '. r. .. ' ;t j of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 80.-FLOUB-Bteady spring patents, $5.4M4j 5.75; winter straights, $4.40fi4.0; winter patents, $4.76cd.10; prlng clears, 84.864.60; winter extras. No. 1, $3.75 &3.90; winter extras. No. 2, t2.MKit3.60; Kan sas straights, $4.866.00. Rye flour steady; fair to good, $4.1O&4.80; choice to fancy, $4.354.40. CORN MEAL Steady: fine whit and yel low, $1.55411.60; coarse, $1.6031.56; kiln dried, $3.50, - WHEAT Spot easy; No. 2 .red, $1.08, elevator, and $1.07, f. o. b., afloat; new No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.22, f. o. b., to ar rive; futures were easy all day, declining under pressure of Increasing stocks, a poor cash and export demand and liquidation. Final prices showed 'a net loss, Septem ber, $1. 06$ 1.07; closed, $1.06; December, $1.10$,1.U; closed $1.10; May, 1.14 1.16H; closed $1.14. Receipts, 113,600 bu. CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 68o, ele vator, domestio basis, to arrive; future market waa without transactions, closing unchanged to o net higher; September closed at 69c; December closed at (7o. Re ceipts, 1,126 bu. .... OATH spot easy; new standard white, S8c; new No. 2 white, S8tt39c; No. I, 38a.18c; No. 4. 37-fi38c; futures easy owing to large receipts; October sold at 40o and olosed at 89a bid. Receipts, 161,660 bu.; ship ments, 760 DU. HAY Steady; prime. $1.1531.20; No. 1, $1.10 61.16; No. 2. $1.063 1.10; No. 3. 90Q96C. HIDES Dull; Central America, 21c; Bogota. 21022c. LEATHER Quiet; hemlock firsts, 24 26c; seconds, 2litfZ3c; third, 1820c; reject, I7'ic. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mes. 'J6.00; family, $24.505.00; short clear, 624.50. Beef, firm; mess, $16.00&'15.0; fam ily, $19.0020.00; beef hams, $.Oo(24.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $14,75416.50; pickled hams, $14.00fi 14.60. Lard, firm; middle west, prime, $12.21)0:12.10; re fined, steady; continent, $12.76; South Amer ica. $13 60; compound, $10.7611.0. TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hga., To; country, 767jC. BUTTER Irregular; creamery special, fn&S2c; extras, .10(tf31c; third to first, 24i&29o; state dairy, common to finest, 22o and 28Vtc; press second to specials, 22o to 27o ; western factory, 22jj24c; west ern Imitation oreamery, 24'23c. CHEESE Market steady; state, whole milk. Hpecial. ltij 17'ic; state, whole milk, fancy, 15c; state, whole milk, prime. 15c; state, whole milk, common, 10ffl2tc; state, whole milk, fair to good, 14i'16o; skims, full to special, 12 13c. EUOS .steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, 283Jc; state, Penrf sylvanla and nearby hennery, gathered white, aviji'-'e; stata Pemtsylvanla and nearby hennery, brown, 27i(f2ac; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gathered brown, 25(u27c; fresh gathered extra firsts, 24i 25c; fresh gathered, firsts, 2223o; fresh gathered, seconds. 204i21c. POl'LTRY Alive steady; western spring ers, 16c; fowl. 14c; turkeys, 1v,14o; dressed quiet; western broilers, 174f20c; fowls, 14'al'c; turkeys, 18Jf22c, Allln-rtialmoT ntd.... Amlimi4 Ooppor lO.MO CI Amerian Asrlculutral i.wh Ameriean fleet Bux.r t.600 I74 American fan Amcrloan Car A Foundry.. 1,0"0 4'H Ameriran Cotton Oil !" i-'t Am. Hlda A Leather p(l.. t.OOi) tj Amartran Irs securltlaa Ameiioan l,tnaed Amsrlran Locomotive V)0 loSa Am. Imeltlng ft Refns ... 1.SO0 !H4 Am. Smalt. A Rrt'nf. pfd.. 100 10 American gtael Foundrlea Amartnan Sugar Raflnlng Amarlcan T.l. Tel 2,600 1SS 134 American Tohacoo Did American Woolen 1"0 24 Anaconda Mining Co.. t Atchlann 4.1u0 MH Atchison pfd 700 100 Atlantic Coast Una Ball I mora ft Ohio 1,000 106 104S4 Bethlehem Steel Drooklrn Rapid Tranalt.... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central leather pM Central ot New Jersey'. Chceapaake ft Ohio Chlrato ft Alton Oh loaf o (treat Western, new Chlcaso Oreat Western pro. Chicago ft North western... Chlcaso, Mil. ft St. Paul.. 0., C. C. ft Bt. IiOuls.... Colorado Fuel ft Iron Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Oas 1 Corn Products Delaware ft Hudson ex dir. Denver ft Rio Grande Denver ft Rio. Orand pfd.. Dl ell Here' lecuritles Brie Brie lat pfd toe aa ta , General Electric Great Northern pfd 1,100 1J5H 1 Great Northern Ore. ctfa . Illinois ontral Peterborough Met l.tOO 1 lnUrboroush Met. pfd 900 4H International Harveatcr.... Ki 7'4j Inter. Marin pfd...... 100 1 Internatlinal Paper International Pump. I Iowa Central.... w inKITT I Kansas City Southern MAHK-fiT my aouUiam Dfd.. ...... Laclede Oaa. 4TO H Loutovllle ft Naahvllle 100 lUVi Mlnneapolla ft St. Louie.... M., St. y.-ft 8ault,.t M. W0 .., MUsourl. Kanaaa A Teiaa. l.ittO. 124. Mo., Kan. ft Teias pfd Miaeouri Pacine ' 100 (3 National Biscuit 1.900 114 "4 National Lead ""0 M Nat'l. Rr- of M. Id pfd. 1.100 ' 41 New York Central. l,4fl 111 New Yors. OnUrlo ft West. 100 404 Norfolk ft Wewtera North America.... Northern Paolfta .0 114H Pacific Mall . " Pennsylvania ."0 1 reople'a Gae 104 104 PltUburf. C. C. ft St. L.. Plttabur Oual Praned Steel car Pullman Palaoe Car Rallwar Bteel Spring Reading Republlo Steel Repubilo lual pfd Hock laland Co Rock laland Oo. pfd St. L. ft Ban Fran, sd pfd. Bt. Louis Southwestern St. Louie Southwestern pfd. Blons-Sbeftleld Steel ft Iroa Southern Paolflo Southern Rallwar Southern Railway pfd...... Tennessee pper Texaa ft Pacific Toledo. St. Louie ft Wat.. Tolede. St. L ft .West. pfd. t'nlon Paolflo Union Pacific pfd United Statea Realty United States Rubber United States Steel United States Steel pfd Utah Cupper j. Virginia-Carolina Luemioai Wabaeh Wabaah pfd Western Maryland Weatlnchouae aUectrle 100 61 Weal em Union . Wheeling ft Lake Brl Total sales for Ux day, W.IUO ihana. '14 14S 105- 71 12014 'l6" iio" 14 1 11 '27 241 4SVa 74 10 141H S1H 111 62 OVl 111 40. 1134 17 128 fa lOMa Am. Tobacco 4a do a Aimour ft Co, 4a.. Atrhleon gen. do cv. 4a do ev. 6s. All. C. L. lat 4a.. Bal. A Ohio 4a ... Mo Ha do 8 W. 1H. nrook. Tranalt cv. 74, do cv. ft. vx V. Rra. of M. 4H. II ax. T. C. gen. 3Sa.. M4 M4j .' H7 4H "H 924. M tn Ha i do deb. ..VH ev. v.. N. H. ft H. ...I" cv tr 1MV4 N'. ft W. let con. 4a 7 . . do cv. ir M1 ... t Nnrthern Pacific 4a..HH ... da la II v 4a Hfnre. 8. L. rtdg. OiIU LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Liberal, , f rices About Steady. with HOGS SELLING UNEVENLY HIGKEE Pat Mheep and All Kinds of Feeders Active at Pally Meady Prices, vrlth Pat l.ainb Posalblr Stronger. OMAHA, Aug. 30, 1910. Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. I Hhun .,. 01 tfmrsis om..w renn. v. se tieioi.. iTl fentrsl Leather S.. 9m df, eon 4a 101 ot N. J. gen. as 1014. Heading gen. 4a a liee. ft Ohio re 4l 91 81. L. ft S. F. fg. 4 V 1 hi. ft Alton IHe. do gen. 6m... (SV4 C. II.. ft g. it. 4a... C4i:t. L. w. con. 4a U do gen. 4 a J lat gold 4a tit Chi , Mil. ft St. P, Srubnarl A. L. 4a.... gen. IVta n So. Pacific col. 4.... fl C. K. I. A P. c. 4s. Tit, do cv. 4a 97 do Rr. rfg. 4e 1 ' do R. II. let ret. 4a 4 Colo. In.lu. trial te. 7J So. Railway as 010. Midland 4a gs (' A S. ref-eit. 4Ha ff.4 Dels, ft Hud. CV. 4a II. ft K. U. 4a..... do 4s Planner.1 Cs Erie prior lien 4a.. do gen. 4a do cv. 4s, series A SOl'TH rVecelDts were: OlfKlhi Monday ll.Slii 2.1.W Xl.alw Kstlinate Tuesday 7.900 r.,.'K) 23.4H0 8me days last week.... 18,U'3 S..V7 70,710 Hame days 2 weeks ago. 1H,1 .:tJ 30.2'H Panie days 3 weeks ago. 14.W1 U.SM .lii.lM Same days 4 weeks ago. lj.tilo U.t-'') :,;ii"0 8ame days la.-t year.... n.H',2 10,413 Sti.sjii The following table shows the receipts of csttle. hogx and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, s compared with let year: liilO. l'.tos. Inc. lec Cattlo '. HTfi.ie'O ts7.7i"l 43,124 ....... Hogs 1.440.MS l.7.7 2T.0;4 '.tOStM 9C6.037 214.819 The foiinwinw iahi ihnni the average prices of hogs at Boulh Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons do sen. 4a. , t'nlon paclllc 4a.. da cv. 4e. ....... fl ds let-ref. 4s..., , 1 It. 8, Rubber Sa... K V. S. steel Id 6s.. lit Va.-Caro. Chem. 4a. m n .Wilt, .MS .101, .iosv TIS Wabaah lat ta. ' do lat-Sit. 4s.. do cv. 4a, aenee B lt4 Weatem Md. 4a.. Den. Electrlo cv. .. n West. Bleo. cv. i III. V. 1st rrf. 4s.. M Wis. Oentral 4s.. Inter. Met. 4H 71 Did. t 4 KXi ( n.fioo 1,400 7.SM S24.60 t22.M Kansas Cltr Grain and Provlsleas. KANSAS CITY. Aug. S0.-WHKAT-8ep-tenibcr, WVafeWo bid; Deoember, 11.00 bid; May, 11 04'n bid; cash unchanged to lc higher: No. i hard. M,oit.1.04 No. S, ,004 l.te; No. 2 red. 1.01i; No. : I. . . McdJIl.oQ CORN September, 67S,o, sellers; Decem ber, HWMVic sellers; May, n& .774o; cash unchanged; No. i mixed, M(iS!tc; No. t mixed, bsVic; No. I white, U5VVac; No. S OAT8-l'nchgngeI; No. 2 white, 34c; No. I mixed, 33c. RYK-No. I. SOiffffle. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 114.009 14 60: choice prairie, 112.00. BUTTKR Creamery, 23c; flrsl. 27o; ec ende. sVc; packing stock, 22c. KGas Extras, 23c; firsts, tlo; second. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu... Oat:', bu.... Receipt. Shipments. . 141.0110 111 OiiO . 64. S"0 41.0110 .' 7,0 , lr).4A0 Minneapolis Grain Jlpket MIXNEATOLIS, Aug. tQ.-i. r. eAT-Pen- temDer. si. it; jiccemner, i v ajie. ' JT.lS'i; eash. No. 1 hard, 1114; Nrf.iT-' northern, L12Mil.im; No. I norlhern. 0Sf 1 lif- No. 3, MIV09. ' . -PI.AX-Clied. 1247.. H U A N-4) M (Vtf 3D 20. ' Pl.Ol'R r1rat patents, patents. So 0y"i.!10: first seroril- cli aiK. 12. iSi 2. )., CORN No. 3 yellow. . 4)ATS No. t white, 33,(aXra. i ,' l ) No, X TO'nJUs. . . , ' . ;'. s ' " ' ".' ' . . " ' lliuha nay 4arke . OMAHA. AOg V-HAT-r-Nk. 1 upland, 13 O0; Kinnat, I14.U0: No, I iipldnd. 112 00; racking.- 10 00; -alfalfa. , 14 w. lit raw; Vheat. 00; r . V tatj iats. pt u If, 504f 1,70; aeeripd clears, ij.V-fl.l0, 7 Sc. 104 10,400 x 100 COD "iw 4L0UO too to. 100 11,000 400 600 )0 2,100 143H SO't 1114 'is S74 114 K 61 24 V, 4.4a 1U 14T4 7114 IK'S 1 '4 141H 10 47 111 61 ' 4H 16H M T4 114 1 4 41 17 M 'ii" 14 45 17 47-4 61 a. l"i'. 14 11 W4 474 1U9 44 11814 IK :4 1V 7 11014, 1114 za 744 1S 4 lfti KM 7! aV14 a. 4 143 120 78 24 43 ISO 14 10H 01, 7S 17 41 II 14114 11414 64 12914 174 48 I 944. 144 lOVfe 16 41 1014 14114 11 lux. . si. 41 64 111 4114 101. 110H 40 T 1 7H 1134 1 12H44 105 Si 94 . H14 14 15914 ll 1414 SO 44 1044 45 1S4 23 54 W 111 t?S 61H H u 4H l4a 11 Tl 15 7H 11614 45V4 C7 17 17Vi 41 . (9 41 4 Boston Stock anil Bonds. EOSTON, Aug. 80. Closing quotations on stoma ana uonus were as tollows: Adventure Allouea ,,. Arlfona' Com Atlantic 'alumet ft Arts.. Calumet ft Hecla., Centennial tvpper lunge ... Cumberland Ely . Daly-West EKaat Hutle First National .. Hancock Helvetia Indians Trle-Hoyal Keweenaw Lake Copper LsSalls Massachusetts .... .. tttMtehins .. 42 Miami 17 ' Mohawk , ., -Niplaalng ,. 4014 North Butt , . .C64 Oceola . . 11 cd Dominion .. 444Qulnoy ..11 ivay Consolidatsd ., . . 614thannon- . . 714 buperlor (pner ... .. i Superior ft Boaton., ,. 2il4Tan.arack .. 114 U f. 8. ft Rff Cc .. ltt do pfd . .. 19't t'tah Cons .. 8H Wolverine 112V4 .. SdtTukon Gold 4 .. 10 1 feet on ft EW .. "H ' 44 D-t U l vv 127 V "4 WV. ;o 41 Vi 1'4 H V4 Z4 a 2 to II calves... f4 h 00 Jmea Stiitb Wvo. 1I0E 4 70 trer. ...1122 S T lii 0 ' S II. Shlrlev-Wy.v 7 cows 1S 3 75 10 helfets... 5k".1 I 70 H fcrHicrs. . t 4 00 K. W. Whltcomra-Wyo. cows. i: cnws 10 cows 7 cows. ., t st.-ers. IS steers. 4 cows... 5 cows... 11 steers. I4 1014 ir0 .Sier 7t! steers. ...KM 4S steers.. ..IO O. 53 feeders.. S7 II W 24 steers. ...lftP.X 4 I steer 1100 1 steer W 96 slccis ...1I1S Sumlanre H steers.... I0J3 S steers.. ..102.1 1 steer W0 '1 steer. S 00 4 44 1 6 20 100 4 00 b 20 Cattle 4 SS 4 25 M. Lewi 4 M) 40 IIN-I b cows. 13 steers.. 6 steers.. ..1011 I calves... 242 3 steer....101ti 4 0 f. 2 4 4'i 5 7S 6 2i Co. Wyo. 4K steers... .10.77 4 M heifers... I 3". Wyo. 4 feeders.. I7 S 50 Matthew a Wyo. 35 6 00 6 "0 6 on Live 4 X, 4 25 5 00 5 00 1 steer.. 1 steer. It! rows. .110 .1110 . 914 Stock Co. Wvo 2 steers.... fW t steer. ... HW 1 steer 1100 2 cows UKI 5 ir. 5 on 4 00 4 sr. t no 5 3 0' 24 steers 1G steers 10 steers 9 cows. m cows. . Date. I 1810. UMSilUIOs. 11907. 11906. 190G. 1904. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Ann. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 20.., 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25, T Ml 271 I U2I 031 . U 7 4. S S9l M ( K 841 I C 32 I M I el ft Ml I 01 t ,1.l 7 3I I ft 661 J 56 s 921 5 03 8 43 Wl T 2 32 i 457' ft I 8 Ml ft 04 141. 7 71 8 X4 " I a S D sa D i.t e S S1', .1 26... I 8 0714,1 7 60 6 8S 6 77 I ft 7 ft 22 27. .. 8 S.! 7 62 6 41 6 771 ft ST. I 6 24 2H...I8 91 I I 471 ft 6SI 5 70i ft W ft 32 30... 8 ftO 7 72 ft 71 6 Ml ft 77 6 27 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Htock yards, b'oiitll OhmUiu, Neb., for twenty-four hours eiiulng at 3 p. in. yes terday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs: Sheep. H'r s. C, M. & St. Raul WabaKh Missouri Pacific .. I'nloti Pacific C. & N. W.-eaat C. & N. W WfSt.. C, St. P., M. & O.. C, H. & W. east.. C, It. & y. west.. C, R. 1. & P. east C. R. 1. & P. west Illinois Central .... Chicago, Ot. W 1 41 .. 3 ..156 . 10 M .. 2 .. 2 2 12 40 93 D4 4 40 88 15 Local geearltle. . Quotation furnished by Samuel Burn, jr.. bus umaua ii.iiuu.i ue.niv uuiiuing; Alma. Na. U.. s Bestrtre oresmsry Co, pfd City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. 4a, im Crab Orchard, Nab.. 4s Columbua, Neb., . L., ts. 1914 Houstonwstsr Co., 4s, 1944 Iowa Portland Cement, 1st mlg., 4.. Iowa Portland Cement, 4a Kanaas O. ft .. t per cent pfd K ansae 1,HT It. ft U, la, 1911........ Michigan Stats Tel., ee, 19S4 N Y. Oantrsl Un. 44a. 1411 Omaha Water Co.. 4a. 1944 Omaha Uas, MIT Omaha ft O. B. . R. pfd. I per sent Omaha ft C. B. S. K.. la 1924 Pacirlo T. ft T.. 4s, 1917 Pennsylvania Equip., 4a 1919 In too Slock Tarda, So. Omalia, ea-div Rocky Mountain Fuel Wsbaafe Equip,. 4 V, a, 1411 Vntud Ry. Bfd, St. Louis Oerman-American Of fee Bid. Asked. 91 100 Ml, 9 94 100 1W) 94 91 101 14 98 " H)0 94 I'lO n 100 94 9414 lv4 1004, 9419.' 99 94 9414 41 44 HI 11t 94 Mi, 14 97 45 94 94 100 9H !T4 414 44 11 Ioadoa Slock Market. LONDON. Aug. 20. American securities opened quiet and steady today. Light cov ering advanced prices during the first hour and at noon the market was steady and from "4 to a point higher than yesterday's New York closing. Closing quotations on stocks were Consols, money do account Amal. Copper Anaconda .... Athteon 4 Bfd Baltimore ft Ohio Isjiadlan Pacific Cties. ft Ohio .. Chlrago O. W. .. C. M. ft St. r. I Bears P. ft R. O. .. do pfd Crte do lat pM. . do M pfd. . Orand Trunk . i:ilnols Central .41 l-HLoulavllls ft Neah..,H . 41! Mo.. Kan. ft Tex..., 11 . 4714 N. T. Central 1H4 . 914 Norfolk ft Westers.. 1I .10, '4 do ptd 91 ,..1014j Ontario ft Western.. 411 .101 pennaylvanla 44 .lit. Rand Mlnss .... 14 Reading lil, .... Mmsouthem Hy U ....1244 do pfd 44 .... 17 Bo. Pacific 4714 .!..! tnl-m Pacific 17iH .... 71 do pfd PC, .... UV. S. Steel Tl .... 44 do pfd 130 .... 14 Wabash 171, .... 174 4o pfd I7s ....lie Ssaniak 4s kl Beak Clearing;. OMAHA, Aug. 30. Bank clearings for to day were $2,033,176.81 anil for the correspond ing date last year 11,849,615.39. OMAHA GKNKHAI, MARKET. Staple and Psary Peodnoe Prices Fur nished by Bayer and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. Na 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 22c; No. 1, In 30-11). tube, 81c; No. 2,, In 1-lb. cartons, 30c; No. 2, in 80-lb. tubs, 2Ho; packing; stork, solid pack, 22c; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, 23Jf24c. Market changes every Tuesday, CHKEBK Twins, 18c; young Americas, 19Hc; daisy, 18Sc; triplets,. 18Hc; llmberger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported Swiss, 81c; domestic Kwlss, 24o; block 8 wins, 22c. POULTRY Dressed broilers under I lbs., 17c; ovor 2 Iba, 2oc; hens, 15c; cocks, 10c; ducks, 18c; geese, 15o t,urkey, 26c; plgieons,' per do., fl.2o; homer' sqnahs, per do., 84.00; fancy squabs, per dogi, tl.SO; No. 1, per dog., 83.00. Alive. Broilers,, 14c; over 2 lbs, 12c; hens, 11c; old roosters, 6c; old ducks, full feathered.' 10c: geese, J-full feathered, fie: turkeys, eoc-j guinea fo Wis, 200 each; pigeons, per ao.; ouc; riomers, per ai.( t.uu; squads. No. 1. per dog., 81.50;. No.. 2, per, do.. 60c. FISH all trtwen) Pickerel. 12c: white. fish, 17c; pike, lBc; trout, 15c;- large crap plea, 20c; Spanish maokeral,." 18c; ee4, lho; haddock, 13c; flounder-13c; green cattish, 18o; buffalo, 8c; halibut k: white oenoh. 9c I bullheads, l.)O;'rVharl.'-tl.00 eUcKj shad roe, tier pair, wci frog leg, per dog.. 80c: almon, 16o - f ; . . FRUITSOraBge: tanrernla Valencia. all ie, Pr Dox, lo.wjs.io; Medlteraanean Bweets, Jtoe iw. es w, em, e.sv. iemons: Llmonlera, extra fancy, j0 le, per bo. $7.60; 860 le, pr oox, Vi.w, . oholo, 300 it, .er DUX, ei w. w m, par DO JJ.oJ; 240 size, per oo, i.wi Danairas: f ancy select, per bunch, $2.2693,60; jumbo, bunch, $2 76.fC. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky FOrda, bv sue, e.ut, w simuuarus, Ss.bU. omnia; California, red. tier four.hasba,t crate, $1.(6. Italian Blue Prune: Per crate, $1.41.60. Peaches: California, per 20-lb. box. pi.iu, iuiui.uu iuivei ua per Zv-l O. box, $1.1691.26. Pear: Callfenla Uartlett, per box, $3.00; In lota, par totx, i.8S; Oregon and Utah Flemish Beauties, per box, $2.50; in lot, per box, $2.40. Apple: Home grown. In bbls.. $4.00j)4.ft0: new Oregon, In boxes, $1.7t. Grapes: California Malaga, per four-basket orate, $1.60. Watermelons: Texas. IViO per lb. Dates. Anchor brand, new, 0-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, $2.00. VEGETABLES New Potatoes, In sacks, par bu.. $1.001.10. Sweet Potatoes; Vir ginia, per bbl., $4.00. Onion: Yellow, In sacks, per lb., 4c; Idwa, etnall, per lb., 8Vto; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Gartlo, Extra fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red, per lb, 16a. Egg Plant: Fancy Plorida, per dos., $l.ftO0 t.OO. Celery: Michigan,' per doxan bunohea, 86c. HOMH3 GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage: New, per lb., 2fta. Tomatoes: Per baaket. KHBoOc BUlng and Wax Beans: Per market baaket, "60, Cucumber: Per market basket, ftft376c Radishes: Extra fancy home-grows, per dozen bunches, 20a. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dosen, 4bo. Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per dozen bunches. JOc Turnip: Per market baaket, 40e. Carrots: Per market basket. 60c. Beets: per market basket. 40c BEEF CUTS Rlbsi No. 1. .So: No. 1 I3Hc; No. $. 18V;o. Loins: No. 1. ISc; No. t Ho; No a UVio. Chuck: o. L 7e; No, $, 4Uc: No. & 4c. Rounds No. 1, c: No I. 8cf; No. 3. 6H0. Plate: No. 1. BHc; No. 2, 4"4c; No. 8. 4'.4c MISCELLANEOUS Walnut: Black, per lb., 2c; California No. 1, per lb.. l7o; Cali fornia No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hickorrnuta: Large, per lb.. 4o; small, per lb., tc. Cocoa nuts! Per sack, $6.00; par dosen, e&o. Hooey: Nw, 24 frames. $4.00. 1 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 30. METALS Stand ard copper, dull; spot and futures. $12.2fr' 12.36; London closed quiet; spot, t,n zs J futures. 56 10 9d. Lake copper, locally $12.87V13.00; electrolytic, $12.62',8 12.75; casting, $12.2W!i!12 60. Tfn, irregular; snot and futures. 134.5501 34. :; Luindon, strong: spot, Clo3; futures, 1S9. - Lend, quiet, $4. 414. 4.60. New York: S4.a)i.; t-ast m. i.nuin London spot, 12 lis 8d. Spelter, firm, $5.87V45.50 New York; o 2ZH(ii)5.27,. East St Louis: London, spot, 22 15s. Iron, Cleve land warrants, 48s Hid In London; locally aulet. ST. IjOUIS. Aug. 30-Mli:TATH-Liid dull at $4.30- Spelter weak at $622'x. . Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. JO.-OOTTON-Spot, closed quiet; middling uplands, ly.uc; middling gulf. 20c; sales, 1800 bales. Futures closed only steady; closing bids: Aurust. 19.40c: Sebtember. 14.86c: October. 18. 680; November, 13 48c; December, 1348c; January, 13.4Kc; February, 13.48c: March, 13.63c: May. 13.59c: June. 13.66c; July. 1366c. r r UJL'IB, Aug. 3U. v vi J ujn oieany; middling. 16MiC; sales, 110 bales; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 946 bales. Mllrraakee Grain Market. , MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 30-FLOUR-Steady. . WHEAT Firm; No. t northern. $1.1V'& 1.1714; No. 2 northern, $l.l4tfU5; Iiecember, 1jsw. ...... CORN No. , 604i&i61c; M, tWiftttOVic. OATS Steady. 84ir24Sc. HA RLKY Samples. 69a73sc New York Mlnlugr Stoek NEW YORK. Aug. 80. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice 174 Ueadvllla Con. Bruna-er;ck Con 7 Uttls Chlst Coot. Tunnsl stock.. 24 Mestcsn da sonde 17 Ontario Con. 'al. ft Vs 140 ttphir Horn Sllvsr 40 Sisndard Iron Sliver It Teilvw Jacket. ... Ottered. .... 4 .... 140 ....loo irt 4i ..... 41 Treasary lateaneat. WASHINGTON, Aug. 80-Th eondition or tu treasury at the beginning ot bual nee today was as follows: Trust Funds Gold coin, $ttN9.?57.k: silver dollars. 84M. 476.000; silver dollars of 1890, U.62.0UO: stiver . certificate outstanding, $4wi.474.O00. General Fund Standard silver dollars In frneral fund, $.1.666 .215; current liabilities. 11.1 Uf?U O'H. vnildntf h.l.n.. In . . . . flees, $M,7t(.63!; In banks to credit of treas urer ot the l:nl led States. $:ia,744.4J; sub aldiary silver coin, $0,414,862; minor .coin, Total receipts 312 USPUSITHIN. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnha Pncklha: Comcany 600 605 1.2iia Swift and Company. .v.. ..1,071 1.415 1,388 Cudahv Packing Co 1.252 1.218 2.708 Armour and Co 1,282 1,586 2,595 Schwartz-Rolen Co 120 W. B. Vansant Co 28 Benton Vansant & Lush,.. 116 .... Stephens Bios 114 Hill & Son 593 F. B. Lewis 142 Huston & Co 61 J. M. Root Co 302 J. H. Bulla 1"9 L. F. Hubs 124 L. Wolf ..'. 12 McCreary & Carey 380 .... S. Wertheimer 621 .... H. F. Hamilton 224 Lehmer Bros 21 .... Lee Rothschild 215 Sol Degen 87 Missouri-Kansas Calf Co. 177 .... Kline A Christy 46 .... Other Buyers 1.261 .... 23,667 Total 8.766 4.94.1 81,623 ' CATTLE Earl v estimate of cattle re' celpts were- quite liberal this 11101 iiliiai, but the trains were arain very late In arriving being delayed by washouts and soft road beds consequent upon th heavy rainfall of the last two days. When It wa time for the market to open only 100 car were reported In the yards, which was only one third of the day' eetlmated run. As a mat ter of course this naturally delayed the opening of the market, making It consider ably later than It would otnerwlse have been. Still, there was considerable Inquiry for desirable kinds and the market as a whole was in fair condition, -taking every thing Into consideration.. . . . - When there- were enough cattle In eight to make It any object buyers took hold and beef steers sold lrt about the same notches as yesterday. The trade was fairly active and the most of the cattle available sold In decent season. Cow and heifers were rather slow sellers owing In large part to the fact that buyers were inclined to await the later receipts before filling orders, but they commanded about steady prices. Stocker and feeders were In fair demand, although not especially active sellers, arid they, too, brought about the same prices a prevailed yesterday. One bunch of west erns sold at $6,30, the highest price paid so far this season for range feeders, but it will be understood that they were very good and were carrying a large amount of tlesh already. quotations on native cattle: Gcod to choice beat steers. $7.26(&8.00; fair to good beef steers, $6.26iti7.26; common to fair beef steers, $6.O0&6.2&; good to choice cornfed grasaers, $6.&oi&6.&0; good to choice cows and heifers, $4 60(ht.50; fair to good cows and heifers, $?,MKu4.60; common to fair w and heifers, $2.6041 3.50; good to choice stocker and feeders, $4.766.00; fair to good stockers and feeders, MOUtM75; common to fair stockers and feedrs, $3.2n4.O0; stock heifers, $2.7604.76; veal calve. $3.60.50; bulla, stags, etc., I3.2&U6.00. Quotation on rang cattle: Choice to Erlme beeves, $6.orxj.78 ; good to choice eevea, $6.40(36.00; fair to good beeves, $460 6.30; common to fair beeven. $2.7634.50; good to choice heifer, $4-2&rj6.00; good to choice cow, $4.0034.65; fair to good grades, 3. 304.00; canners and cutters. $2.25fo3.25; good to choice feeder. $4.9066.60; fair to good feeders, $4.30444.80, common to fair Breeder. $3.2634.26. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No, . .ltlfiO T. W. Matthews-Wyo. ..1130 & 15 4 cows 1116 4 00 ...1072 4 40 25 steers.. im 5 1") ,..1070 4 40 S COWS 86'i .1 l . . (f.6 4 i0 WESTERNS. T. A Hoyt-Mont. .. 873 4 00 17 steers.. ..1217 8 35 12 feeder.. 941 4 T. J. Powell-Mont. 25 steers.. ..1215 S 27 13 feedors.. 10.12 5 01 Chnrles O'Pontiell Mont. 23 steers.. ..1194 5 36 33 cow liMO 4 11 6 heifers... 9C1 3 40 ' Thuren Nelson Mont. 18 steers.. .,1140 $ 30 23 steers.. ..107,1 4 61 V. D. While Mont. 35 heifers... 93 3 20 22 cows 820 8 90 feeders.. 946 4 20 22 calves... 11 6 2.. HOGS Only about half of the estimate run for the day waa tn when the market opened and the day was. well advanced be fore everything was In sight. The market as a whole was very uneven different sains looking anywhere from steady to 10c higher than yerteiriay's gen eral mantel. Heavy nogs experiencea me most advance and a good share of them sold 6c to 10c higher. In fart, largely 10c higher at the best time. This means that while the rougher heavies sold largely at $8.90 with a few at $8.85. the better heavies brought $9.009.05 largely. Light hogs did not show so much Im provement as the heavies, some of them selling very little, better that yesterday. choice lights that were lighter man miy thlng here yesterday brought $9.36 which was 6c higher than yesterday' top. The trade waa fairly 'active and the early arrivals changed handa in very good sea sun In the forenoon. Late trains did nut fare so well, the ad vance of the morning being all lost. The late market waa very slow and dull at no better price than yesterday, sellers being slow to let go of their holdings at the re duced figures, and packers showing no great desire to buy. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. u 170 to I is i Ko m 9 00 11 144 ... I 90 10k 171) 10 t no II l:U ... 1 90 61 iS 40 9 00 14 tvl .... I 80 t? IX) ... 9 00 20 295 ... I ti , M 1W ... 9 00 11 929 Ml 1 b 40 JW ... 9 00 14 189 190 I 86 4 2,0 ... 00 41 til .., I 45 Sf IM 4ft t 00 4 841 ... 190 11 l.2 ... 00 40 DOS 10 1 90 II M ... 9 181 49 -...117 ... 1 90 SS l ... Kl 4 172 40 I 90 94 2f ... IJ1 40 177 DO 90 4 M 40 9 00 9 ...ill 8 90 70 16 120 9 00 4i ....... 23 ... 4 90 If !4 ... 9)0 tl 2t M I 90 ir 172 40 9 0 41 tt 1 18) 9 90 40 t7 120 9 05 42 24 ... 1 924 5 K1 90 HI 61 107 ... 1 99 CI ?5 ... t 10 10 190 ... I 96 4s IS ... W 15 140 ... I 3i 5..'. 201 90 9 15 16 Ill 90 1 tj t7. ..J... 245 ... t 15 10 12t ... IU 3.1 270 10 t 16 41 296 140 I 95 U"J 244 80 9 16 It liil ... I 94 60 224 ... 41 26 10. .274 ... 1 96 11 220 ... 9 25 68 246 ... 8 07V4 68 219 ... I ti 66. .289 120 00 80 240 ... 9 SO 64. ...... 289 40 t 90 34 136 ... 4 36 PRIZE FOR TRAIN SCHEDULE Commercial Club Calls for Help ii Arranging Koute. ' WILL MAKE IT WORTH WHILE People af ae (Male Will Ha Asket to I ee Their W it la I'ltlag l Details of the Neat Trade , Kxrorslon. Newest In the line of preliminary plats nlng for the next trade excursion or the Omaha Commercial club I to be the offer of prlxe for the most convenient schedule to be followed during the trip. It Is pro posed to let the people In the terrUorjr tributary to the ground that will h cov ered have a try nt an aiming a schedule that will take In fvery town and land th visiting bunch In the best and most suit able places for the evenings. Within a few days the committee expe"!" to submit this Idea to the p'oP' Ne braska through ihclr local newspapers. NCIghty towns are comprised In the territory that the business men of Omaha desire to visit, and twenty-two stations on th Omaha alone that have not been on the schedule of any Omaha trade excursion In the last seven years. The hustling committee anticipates 1 47 1 teat difficulty In getting up a crowd for thla corner of the state, as there Is no house In Omaha not doing business In every one of the towns on the schedule and th com mittee expects more trouble In accommo dating those who will want to go than otherwlfe. The cost of the ticket has not yet been determined, but will be announce!, In ft few days in a letter being gotten up giving all details. The decision to offer a prise, of th nature Indicated was reached because 01 the difficulty of . planning a serviceable Itinerary for the next trip. This was du to the fact that there are practically thre lines out of Omnha. the Northwestern, the Omaha and the Burlington, and the balance of the territory consists of branches, all of which necessitate doubling back. The com mittee naturally tries to figure the least mileage on account of limited time and th expense of handling a nine-car tralnload of passenger at full tariff rates. This new plan of Interesting railroad men of northeast Nebraska and th people gen erally is expectrd to oreate an Interest Unit will help the committee materially In Its work. It will offer-opportunity for Ingenlout minds to exercise their cunning, a th prlxe will be well worth while and the dis tinction of winning will be no small con sideration In such a contest of wits against, timo and distance. A Total Kcllpae of the functions of 'stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, Is quickly disposed of with F.lertrlc Bitters. 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. No. 11..., 24..., ;6... 11..., 10..., II.... ... No.' t... 12... It... No. I... No. ... 4... I,.. 11. A v. ..... 47 891 1145 11117 IM) 111)9 ion Pr. 4 20 ' 7 15 1 30 1 10 1 4 I 13 1 16 HEIFERS. 11. 14." Av. .. IM) .. 121 ., 995 .. 948 ..1011 .. 124 Av. Pr. No. Av. ....... 114 1 60 4 41 Iffl 1 70 4 .'.707 429 I 70 9 704 HEIFERS AND CALVES. Av. rr. No. Av. 141 1 90 bTOCKEKS Av. Pr. 171 1 15 960 8 75 , 614 8 40 .... 934 4 04 WESTERNS NERRASKA Pr. I Si 1 15 1 46 I 70 I 70 1 70 Pr. I 75 8 95 4 Otf Pr. AND FEEDERS. No. Av. 11 7lt 4 120 44 871 Pr. 4 90 4 16 4 M 4 00 5 40 5 W 4 76 6 ft) 4 30 4 40 3 80 8HEEP The heavy torm of the last two days and the resulting waahouts on the railroads is causing a good deal of delay in the movement of sneep as well as of other kinds of live stock. Yesterday it was after upon before the stock was all In the pens and then much of It was wet and not very attractive in appearance. In spite of the fact that the atulf was so late in being put on sale and so unattrac tive in appearance the demand was so good that practically all of the 31.800 head reported In were sold before the market closed. More) than that the prices paid were good and steady and In some casus possi bly a little stronger. Th.s morning tuere was another liberal run although receipts were not so large as anticipated. Many trains were again late and only about half of the estimate day's run was in sight when the market opened. A was the case yesterday the demand was very good. Local packers were all anxious for good killing stuff and the feel ing an tat saheep was fully steady. Fat lunibs were a'lw free sellers with -the tend ency a little stronger on the better grades. The big toarn was full of feeder buyers from the country and commission men In addition had liberal buying orders so that the feeder market was active as usual and the desirable kinds of both sheep and lambs changed hand very readily at good steady price. Muoiauons on gras crock: Qood to choice lambs, $6.60416.86; fair to good lambs, .6.154U.40; feeder lambs. $6.00(rit.36; handy weight yearlings, $5.0D5.S5; heavy year lings, $4.60Hi6.00; feeder yearlings, $6.0036. 3s, good to choice wether. $4.10&4.40; fair 10 good wether. $i. 764(4. li' feeding wether, $3,8504.25; breeding ewe, $4 26f 4.75; feeding ewes, $3.3693.76', fat ewes, $J.7ina4.15. keDreaentative aalea: No. Av. 6h2 Idaho lamb , 06 344 Idaho lambs, feeders 67 39 Idaho yeurlltig and wether.. 83 94 Idaho lambs 99 1416 Montana lambs, feeders 65 232 Montana yearlings 83 726 Montana ewes, feeders 94 - 25 Montana ewes, feeders 90 126 Montana bucks , 96 266 Montana lambs, -culls 93 831 Utah yearlings 96 25 Utah ewes 113 96 Utah wethers..... 112 238 Utah yearllnsrs. feeder 89 i3 Utah wethers 110 18 Utah ewea and wethers, culls. 104 436 Utah lambs, feeder. 367 Utah lambs, feeders. 11x1 utan lambs, feeders 493 Utah lambs, feeder 3tz Utah lambs, feeders 217 Utah yearlings, feeders sa Kiano iambs 256 Idaho yearlings, feeders 17 Idaho ewe , , 1 478 Idaho lambs, feeder 63 Idaho wether, eye, feeder. 66 66 67 67 49 74 75 93 96 67 96 Pr. 66 6 36 4 75 3 80 36 4 73 8 76 2 60 4 25 ' 4 15 4 7ft 4 16 4 40 4 80 4 26 3 76 40 6 40 8 40 6 40 26 4 90 6 75 4 00 4 00 6 30 4 00 Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. SO.-WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stoik; future, quiet; Octotier, 7 6il; December, 7s 74,d; March, 7s ld. CORN Spot, steady; old American mixed, 5a ll'tjd; futures, dull; September, 4s 8vd; October, 4 8d. , Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 30.-4"OFFEE closer! steady, net unchanged to 8 point higher: August, September' and October, 7.VcJ November, 7.90c; December, 7.95c; January. 7.98c; spot coffee, steady; Rio No. 7, pvji loic; SaotrMt No. 4. 10c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 10HQ-12HO. 49 steer.. ..1213 6 30 17 cow 912 49 feeders,. 1039 ft 15 41 feeders.. r3 89 feeders.. 1143 5 15 09 feeders.. 1120 64 cows 881 4 00 14 steers. ...1061 20 heifer... 677 8 75 68 steers. ,..12j6 24 steers.... K.I 4 40 II heifers... 872 It heifers... 6M 3 90 steers.... 1)77 4 60 9 steers.... 9.13 6 cows. ...1078 4 00 2 cows 1036 61 cow 981 2 80 10 cows.,... 864 165 10 cows ft4 $ 25 83 cows 1170 6 60 9 calves... 816 4 60 4 feeders.. 900 4 75 6 feeders.. 90S 4 7ft 11 cows 910 8 00 3 cows lot2 4 00 22 feeders.. 1176 8 00 7 calves... 18 6 60 98 feeders.. 928 6 00 4 feeders,. 812 4 26 23 cows 908 3 80 20 cows.... 976 4 30 2") steers. ...1126 5 55 6 steers.... 673 4 00 13 fteers.... 677 4 00 13 steer.... 980 1 75 28 heifers... 640 8 60 Mllldale Cattle Co. Neh. 82 feeder.. 822 4 60 cows 81,0 3 90 12 stags.. ..1281 3 76 A. M. Laiapoich Neb. 24 cow 1018 4 00 20 feeder.. 1155 6,0 W. A. Langley Neb. 27 feeder.. 809 4 25 R. White-S. I); 1 steer. ...1288 ft 60 11 cows 631 3 SO 11 feeders.. 652 4 10 ' U 8. Cull -3. D. 22 feeders.. 795 4 50 J. Daley-8. D. 22 feeders.. 1078 6 00 . 22 fueders . . 1056 36 cows 952 3 86 4 cows U7 . K. L. Barrett-S. D. 21 calves... 171 6 00 21 cows 806 F. WlUs-H. It. 12 steer.. ..1124 6 15 1 heifer... 796 4 00 WYOMING. Hugar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 80. SPOAR Raw, steady; muscovado, ft) test. 3.9c; centrifu gal. 96 teat. 4 46c: mulaMeS sugar. 84 test, Sine; refined, steady; crushod, ft.95c; gran ulated, $25e;, powdered, 6 35c. 5 00 3 S& 3 15 1 steers.. ..1083 40 steers. 4steers. 20 steers. 16 steers. 19 cows.., ft steer. ft steer. ft cow.. 15 teer.. 46 steer.. 5 heifers... 78 21 steers.... 9o7 ,.ll9 .1213 ..1082 ..13)5 .. 880 ..1180 ..loso .. 856 . W'3 . 933 ft 20 4 96 ft 35 4 86 5 HO 8 50 ft 20 4 00 1 7ft 4 40 4 0 4 26 6 26 6 steer.... 1200 36 steers.. ..llf.6 ?8 steers... 1HH HO steer.. ..1186 20 feeders.. llfO steers.. .13 45 steers,. ..1080 10 Steer.... inJ6 ft 20 4 th 4 m 6 : 5 15 ft 20 4 70 1 SO 28 cows 937 8 8 13 cows..... 826 I 30 4 steers.... 967 4 00 7 steer....1067 S 25 . favlrt Kidd wyo. 14 cows.,... 95 2 8ft 11 heifers... 65 1 8 71 steers.. ..1201 ft 26 ' 8 feeders.. 4 9") 8 feeders.. 911 4 40 C. a.- Kester Wyo. $ cows 8 4 10 f feeder., ATS 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET tattle I'rlcjes ftteadr tloa Five ' Cent Higher for Light. CHICAGO, Jll Aug. 30-Reeclpts, 6 010 head; market, steady; beeves, $4.90?j8. 10; Texas steers, $3.75(rt6.00: western steers, $4.257.25; stockers and feedern, $1 lOdO.IO; cows ana neuers, ti.wyti.ou; caives, o.ix"( .oo. HOQ.S Receipts. 14.000 head; mnrket, Sc up for light, others steady; light, $9 0019.66; mixed, $8.00Ca. M); heavy, $8.49.26; rough, $8.45V8.70; good to choice heavy, xS.70tf9.25; pigs, i.7fiA9.bO: bulk of sal", I8.s,,'(n.l. SHEEP AND LAMBfe-Recelpts, 2'.000 head; market strong to 10c up; native, 2.f'(4 50; western, $2.85i&4.66; yearlings, 84.ti(Va6.76; lambs, native, $..00rr!7.10; westein, $O.OtK7.00. KANSAS BOY KILLS HIMSELF Cherry-rale I. ad Commits Snlclde Be cause He Dreaded Return to 1 ' School. CHERRY VILLE, Kan., Aug. S0.-Drea4 of having to return to school next Monday morning, Is believed to have been the cause for Orley Parsons, IS years old, com mitting sulside at his mother's home, here today. He was the son Of Mrs, Z. Y. Parsons, a widow. The boy committed suicide by hanging himself In a barn loft. Selamlr) Shock at Calabria. ROME, Aug. 30. A , strong earth shock. throughout Calabria waa felt at 8:16 o'clock this morning. The Inhabitants, ' awakened from their sleep, fled panto stricken Into the streets. No casualties have been reported. If your liver Is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right In the morning. Sold by all dealers. ' 1 Knnaae City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. .10. CATTLE Rftcelpta, 21,000 head. Including 1.2J0 south erns; market steady; cows strong; d rested beef and export steers. $r."rCi8-25: fair to good. $50t6.60; westarn steels. $4.25'h7.0J; stockers and feeders. f3.2-Vh5.90; southern steers, $J.75t 5.25; southern cow s. $2 KOii 4 26; native cows, $2,764(4.75; native heifers. $3.25'a4.75; bulls, $3.2.' 4. 25; olives. M.iO'ii 860. HOOS Receipts, 6.000 heart; market V higher; bulk of sales, $9 2.'ifi9.60; heavy, $9.2()i9.3&; imckera and butchers. $!).X&.50; light. $: 40-fl9.5O'V SHEEP AND LA MDS Receipts, lSf'JO head; sheep, steady; lambs, steady to 2c lower; lambs, $5.76'U0.9O: yearllngx. .W(f 5.75; wethers, $4.004.00; ewes, $).0iir.f4; stockers ami feeders, $.100r.).60. loath Dakota New Note. PIERRE The town lot sale at the new town ot Dupree appears to have attracted a great deal of attention, as the sale of lots brought over $50,0n0. The lots went at pilcee from $50 to $1,300 for the first choice of location on the town site. ABERDEEN Otto Zahn died at Bt. Luke's hospital here from Injuries received, when a tnreHher machine engine wnicn ne was driving went through a bridge on the James river near Oroton. Kahn was so severely burned he failed to rally. PIERRE Articles of Incorporation have been filed for the Farmer' Savings bank at Uanu Valley, with a capital of $10,000. In corporators, James Brown, Chamberlain; w. li. seagwlck, James 11. Krtuk, J. K. Zleback and others of Uann Valley. SIOUX FALLS The latest prisoner to he lodged In the Sioux Falls penitentiary Is a young man named Harry Bobb, who will serve a term of five years and eight months for a statutory asoault committed laxt spring In Minor county. His-, victim was the daugter of a fanner, whom he met un a lonely road. , ABERDEEN Aberdeen business men are taking up the work of securing funds tu build an opera house to replace the Ootta chalk theater destroyed by fir early In th summer. An option has been secured on tho site of tho fonner theater, and It I planned to erect a building costing from $60,000 to $100,000. . SIOUX FALLS Gilbert Anderson, a farmer living a few miles from Toronto, DeueJ county, marketed at Toronto a wagon loud of timothy seed amounting to 5,000 pounds, for which he received a check for $246. This is believed to be the highest price ever paid In the state for a single wagon load of farm products. PIERRE C. E, Warren, one' of th exe cutive committee of the state hardware dealer's associations, has returned from Sioux Falls, where the executive commute of that organis ation was In session, and re ports the dates fixed for the annual con vention of the dealers of the state at this city were for January 81, February 1 and 2, next. MOBR1DGE -Peter Gallagher; a switch man on the Milwaukee road, had both legs severely mangled hern by an engine and waa taken to an Aberdeen hospital for treatment. One of the feet waa taken off by the wheels and the other may have to be amputated. Gallagher Is a single man 34 yeare of age, . and came here recently from Bangor, Me. SIOUX FALLS Irfss than a year I go Sextus Nelson, a well known resident of the region near Hurley, purchased what Is known as the Andrew's farm of 160 acres, in rpnnn vauey iriwnsiup, 1 urner county, for which he paid at the rate of $75 an acre. Nelson has now sold the tract for $:6 an acre to a Mlsaotsrlan, thus making a clear profit of $20 an acre or an aggregate of $3,2nO from the Increase In the value of the land alone In a period of less than twelve months. St. Joseph Live Stork Merket. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 30.-CATTL10 Re celpts, 3,200 head; market, slow; steers, $4 60 fill. 'J); cows and holfers, $2.6035.60; calves. $3,607)8 00. HOUS Receipts, 6n0 head: market, strong tn 6a higher; top, $3.66; bulk of sales, i'JMQ &9 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,600 head; market, slow; lambs, $4 60tj.K5. Stoek la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday was as follows; Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha St. Joseph .., K anna City , St.- IaiuIs ..... Chloago , Totals ... .. 7.900 .. 8200 ..21 000 .. a.100 .. 6.000 ft. 609 61 M S.0i a.7 14.000 23 400 7 5"0 18 001 l.8 21.0J0 .44,2011 ' 31,700 79.200 Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Return. M. I.osila Live Nteeek Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 80 -CATTLE Receipt, 8,100 head, including 3.S00 Texana; market, steady to lOo lower; native shipping and export steers, $7.7511.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $6.iVr(i7,75; steers under I.OHO lbs., $6 flOij 7.25; stockers and feeders, $3,764? 6 75; cows and heifers. $:i,70i6.76i canners, $2 &O43.00; builM $3.25i5.25; calves, $ 6049.U; Texas and Indian steers, $4. 256.60; cow and helferx, $3.0)X(4.6O. 1 IOGS Receipt a, 6.700 head; market, steady; pigs and lights, $8.60'a9.55; puckers, $9 lOrftU.36; butchers and beet heavy, d 2ot 9.45. SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts, 6.38) head; market, steadv; native muttons, $4.00 U4.26; lambs, $6.00U81.75; culls and bucks, $3.Uiir50; stocker, $3.00fc40. ' Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 80. The local wool mar ket ws steady, with values well main tained Wisconsin .quarter bloods bringing; 26Wc nd territory Mc for fin snd 58i for medium scoured. Sales of Texas wool In cludes 3o.(joo pounds of twelve months at a clean cost of Ouo. ST. LOL'lri, Aug. 3ft Steady; territory and wextern mediums. 18'gitc; line mediums, 174j'-8V", fine, lt'l7c. svn