Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1910, 300,000 OMAHA, Page 4, Image 14

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Printing and Publicity
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6 tree U in Buiineis Section Are Re
paved m Part of the Improve
ment Campaign.
Central Part of City Oeti Some Spe
cial Treatment
Agitation for New Material on One
Busy Thoroughfare.
Man? Paved IUhwar R Oat from
City Into the Farming District
and Help Oat the Lo
cal Trad.
Ton ml lei of new paving la the atupendoua
contract Omaha l seeing carried out on Ita
streeta throughout the bualneaa section and
beyond It at the preeent time. The wide-
month owlnc to the failure of the eupply
of brick from Ullnole, the contractor! ear
their work will be completed by the end
of the year. Other great contract are ex
pected for the emulng years. It 1 com
monly known that all the district of the
metropolis are seeing an agitation among
property owner for paved treet, which
I likely to be followed in due time by
many petition for the work.
The big contract which Is now under way
was brought about directly by a reeent act
of the legislature which gave the council
power to let lump paving contracts for
work within a radius of 4.600 feet of the
city hall without submitting the question to
the property owner. Before that much
delay wa caused and comlderable ragged
ness In the letting of contracts experienced
through the necessity of getting up a peti
tion with a majority of property owner
signed upon them before the contracts
could be let. When the general downtown
eontraot came up before the council several
other dlstrlots took the opportunity of put
ting their petitions Into action and th
result wa a single order upon the paving
men for ten miles of new surfaced streets.
Under normal conditions the paving con
cerns keep their men at work nine months
of the year, the contracts being dropped
only during those months In midwinter
when the paving work would be Impossible,
More Next Year.
It Is generally expected In paving circles
that the contracts for city paving next year
wilt reach nearly 300.000 square yards In
extent. The allowing of next year's Inter
ectlon fund of 1100,000 will give a great
tlmulua to the work. This appropriation
spread work and facility with which It ' wa. entirely drawn from th preeent year's
In pavinx. by reason of the ever Increas
ing trafflo carried on. There are no re
strictions upon the routes to be taken by
heavy traffic, as are laid down In some
cities. Thus the residence streets, se far
as rules are concerned, must needs be dur
ably constructed th downtown one,
though as a matter of fact the business
locations are suoh as to eliminate, naturally,
any great degTee of otherwise acattered
heavy haul.
The hill of Omaha alio are a great cause
for good paving oontracta. With mediocre
surface the hill of all the principal streets
would be praoOcally Impossible to heavy
Materials are easily accessible for the
local needs. The brlok come almost en
tirely from Oaleaburg, 111., while the as
phalt la obtained In blocks from several
factories In the east In such quantities
as to suffice contractors here for long per
iod of time.
No Place Hai Better Facilities, for
Caring; for the Departed.
Woodmen of the World Give Orders
(or 4,000 mlonoment Last Yesur
Ine tvnciru la
being done at times when the material I
at hand mark the alse and effectiveness
of Omaha's paving industry.
Ten miles of new paving la a eontraot far
greater than the city ha ever let before
for that aort of work. It mean th paving
of 290,169 square yarda of ground. It means
an expenditure of approximately $685,000.
Several hundred men are employed In the
labor of laying the new paving over
Omaha streets. Several asphalt plant are
Besides the main street and thorough
fares to be paved, a number of alley are
to receive paving operation next year. Th
alley will be paved with stone block.
There will be about 1,000 spuare yard of
the atone block paving in alley accom
plished thi year.
From the property owner standpoint,
popular favor has been given by a wide
margin to brick blocks as material for city
giving full time to the outputtlng of that unJer wgy now MphaU wUy
kind of material for just a portion of the
local work. The output of brick blocks,
which is the kind of material which Is most
used here by far, is riot fast enough, by
reason of recent labor troubles, for the
Omaha contractor, Prick are coming In
better than they were some time ago.
There are three large contracting con
cern In the paving business here and sev
eral outside flrma oooaalonally dipping Into
the great demand of the city. Omaha's
soil, of the nature that brings the Nebraska
agricultural productions to a bumper vol
ume, conspires to give paving contractors
lot of work. It la of the kind which doe
not sustain trafflo where It form natural,
unpaved road. Therefore moat of the
street In end leading to the city of neces
sity must be paved.
This make Omaha a thriving place for
contractor In th light of th faot that
Denver and certain other cltle are "blessed
or cursed with a hard soli that makes
almost perfect roadways without more than
superficial shaping off and surfacing.
In th local Industry about $160,000 1 In
vested. Though 200 men Is the average
number employed, that mark Is passed and
doubled under the present situation of
abnormal activity,
Brlok Were Scarce.
The present big municipal paving under
taking was launched In March of this. year,
and though it dragged for th first few
behind It competitor to an extent that
make It insignificant a a street material.
The paving was apportioned for the two
kinds of material with the following fig
ures: 202,389 spuare yards of brick blook,
(7,780 square feet of asphalt.
Wood block do not figure at all In the
nr sent operations, though a movement was
on foot for awhile to have Sixteenth street
paved with that material.
The oost of paving with the popular brick
block averages about $3.10 per square yard.
The other materials do not vary In cost
far from that figure
Experienced Contractor.
Th present contractors have been In bust
nasa. her for th moat part dating from
twenty years ago, though several 'change
and trade between them have marked the
history of th Industry. Th principal eon.
tractor entered the field on a strong basis
twenty years ago, and after a few years
old out to th National Construction com
pany. Later he re-entered the nld on a
vastly Increased financial basis and ha
remained In th Industry while the outside
corporation has almost entirely dropped
out of It.
It has been found that present day paving
methods with the use of any of the various
materials, by reason of the great Improve
ment, Insures absolutely level streets and
a durable ones as possibly can be devised.
Omaha demand the best there Is to be had
Exclusive Foreign Novelties.
Leather, Bragg, Porcelain and Copper. Brass Desk Seta, Vases,
Brlo-a-Bfac, Candlesticks, Tea Sets, etc
Tbera Is a ton of elegance and superiority about our foreign
foods that Is sur to please the mast fastidious.
Book and Paper Shop
122 Sooth 15th Street
Oinaha Rank Fourth a IHstrlbntlnsr
Point (or Lnmber to West
era Point.
With approximately $10,000,000 invested in
the lumber business and with an annual
distribution of between $5,000,000 and $, 000,000
worth of lumber, Omaha holds a leading
place among the lumber distributing cities
of the world. It 1 generally conceded that
thl city ha th greatest lumber distribut
ing railroad yards In the country.
The local Industry gives it attention ex
clusively to the distribution of lumber.
Into this city I hlpped th flnUhed prod
uct of the forest In Texas, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Michigan
and the northern coast state.
There are five large wholesale lumber
concern In Omaha carrying on in at
tributing work. A score of retail conoern
supply the local needs, and the whole ter
ritory of the country I supplied by tne
Omaha concern In general. The estab
lishments maintain elaborate offices In the
business section of the city and large
lumber yards at the switching points. Each
railroad has found It profitabls to estab
lish special shipping yard of leage area
for the lumber shipping- business. Prob
ably nowhere In the world Is the system
of assembling different sorts of lumber In
special car and distributing th supply
from a central part carried on to such an
extent as In Omaha. Wood of every sort,
Including yellow pine, fir, western pine,
oedar and redwood Is to be had from the
yards of Omaha.
Th particular advantage offered by tne
city's Industry Is that of supplying retail
dealer who cannot afford to lay in a large
supply of lumber for future need them-
Lumber may be obtained from the mill
direct, but the small dealer find It con
siderably 'mor convenient to buy In smalt
quantities as their needs arise from the
Omaha Is the only city on the Missouri
river that through Its wholesale lumber
concerns, maintains an unlimited supply of
lumber for all demands. The smaller towns
connot hasard the expense of unloading
a wholesale stock of the commodity on
their ground and reload It to suit the de
mand that reaches them.
In this respect Omaha transcends even
St Joseph, and Kansas City, which me
tropolises make more of a pretense at lum
ber greatness than this city does.
Omaha, from all sources of Information,
ranks easily fourth in respect to th lum
ber Industry of th country. The order
of the cltle In relation to their importance
lumber concern are St Louis, Kansas
City, Chicago and Omaha.
Omaha loses considerable of Its deserved
prestige In lumber reports when compared
with other cities from the fact that what
Is known as "office business" la carried
on to an enormous extent In other cities,
whereas the real business of handling lum
ber 1 done In this city. The sale ar not
only made In Omaha, but the lumber Is
obtained at this point and actually shipped
out to purchaser. Th hipment reoelve
handling at thl point to the extent that
they are unloaded from the cars, assembled
systematically and reloaded for their ulti
mate destinations.
The growth of the city and surrounding uSY"
x ii j j- i i l j .m.i vt'
territory uenuuioa ufjumu tuiu cuouuvo cu- ,
graving work. We have prepared to meet this
demand by the enlargement of our plant nigh
class artists and engravers are employed for
producing the best oatalogue and advertising
illustrations. We want your business.
l?L?y XS1S Beware kreet, Omaha, Veerasks, Vk?
lOt. u. EsrttT
Like Oar
Omaha Stead Tw'eatT-Seveata ta tae
Mat of Cltle of te Country,
and Still Grow.
Omaha's building operations In 1909 made
a good showing and th indication ar
for a considerable Increase this year.
Omaha stands twenjr-seventh among the
large cities In the amount of building done
In 1909, according to government statistics,
recently issued by the Interior department
Salt City is twenty-fifth. Cincinnati
twenty-sixth, Indianapolis twenty-eighth
and Jersey City twenty-ninth. Kansas City
stands well up la the Ur.e, being fourteenth,
two places ahead of Minneapolis. Bt. Joseph
Is away down, being sixty-eighth, and
Toledo (about the same else as Omaha) Is
South Omaha has just enough to get lnt
the list, ranking a th 13Cth, and Council
Bluff Is th 116th.
Omaha stands well up In th percentage
of Increase In building for 1909. The aver
age of the 13T cities I 3i.M per cent, but
In Omaha it la M.93 per cent
Three Firm Do BlaT Baslaess la Isb-stitetlaa-
Limbs Taken by Mlsfor
tan or Mishap.
It Isn't a possession of which you hear
people boasting muoa vaudeville humorists
and the funny paper artist have used the
subject too often as a jest but It is a pos
session of vast Importance when It beoomes
necessary to find a substitute for the on
nature gave you, th artificial limb. Omaha
ha three firm which give their attention
to the manufacture of these substitutes
made necessary by mishap or misfortune
Like the other local Industrie they sup
ply a larg territory.
Uberty I represented by a female, but
th suffragette I firmly convinced that th
facta are all to the contrary.
flame men are loved for the enemies they
have made, but mor are loved for the dol
lar they have BOUeuted. Chicago New.
Fourteen undertakers, nine monument
builders, twenty flurutis and one casket
company are taking care of Omaha's dead.
Th grim oavaicade of departing soul is
ushered to th various resting place In
the cemeteries with the ceremony and
skill that attend an advancing and im
proving bualneas.
Respite ths faot that the burying busi
ness is fairly prosperous for those directly
engaged in it and those who have an at
tendant share In 1U phases, oonditions ar
reported marked by notable Increase In
the oost of supplies and labor. For In
stance, it now costs generally more to em
balm a body than the undertaker la paid
for that task. Yet, by reason of the faot
that th public ha become educated Into
luxury even relating to burial and more
of thoa acocaaory services and fixture of
th death room are required, undertaker
find 11 eminently satisfactory from a
business standpoint. I
Several local undertakers have not hesi
tated to say that the single phase of em
balming Is non-lucrative. It la explained
that the stat law fUea th price for em
balming a body at ttt, whereas a th un
dertaker la sometimes put to an expense
of $M t or th work. He makes up for hi
los through supplying the accessories to
th funeral and th services.
As a matter of fact, the embalming In
cident of the undertaking buslnees Is but
x small one. Local members of th trade
ay that Omaha patron now use more
biiK canopies and gorgeous furnishing for
their dead than ever before has been the
oase. Twenty years ago canopies were
used prevalently, but they wer discarded
to a great extent in the cceedlng year
unui reornuy. Now nothing la too good
tor patron of the undertakers.
If It were a matter which could be taste
fully mentioned In the category of Omaha's
development, it might be said that this
olty ranks among the foremost in the coun
try for th sumptuousnes of Ita burial
and th expertnee of ita funeral directors.
r i . . ....
viuaiiB, on in oiner nana, rank as
having th smallest percentage of death
annually of any city In the country of Its
popuiauon. Tne rate la eight deaths to
every 1,000 of population every year.
monuments come In for a large and
growing portion of funeral expense. Nowa
day nearly everyone who dies gets a
memorial In the form of a monument.
Omaha has become a headquarters of the
country for monuments. The Woodmen, of
the World organization makes thl city
the abiding place of lu main office and
through that channel about 4,000 monu
ment are ordered every year. It la a law
of the order that a monument costing not
less than flOO shall be erected to the
memory of every deceased member. All
such deaths in the rank of the Woodmen.
all over th world, cause order for th
prescribed memorial to go through the
loial office.
R. B. MoICelvy', who ha direct oharg
or all th Woodmen monuments, has re
ported a' number of the shaft erected In
foreign land during th last year.
While no monuments are purchased by
the fraternal organisation from flrma In
this city outside of wtat 1 directly re
quired for local deaths, th influence of
the organisation Is great by reason of th
large demand It makes for shafts from all
dealer in general.
From the rlne monument producing
establishments In the city it Is learned that
en aggregate business reaching- the volume
of $175,000 annually Is done In Omaha, The
prices of the monuments range from $2B
up to 110,000 and U. tendenoy ha steadily
been toward the mor elaborate and ooetly
kind. Th Individual firm turn out an
average of 400 'orders a year. The time
required on Individual orders ranges from
twelve hours to twelve months.
Omaha, like all other cities of the middle
west. Is compelled to send hundreds of
mile for Its monument material. There
I absolutely no stone produced in the stat
and material for the moat part must be
gotten from Vermont, Minnesota or the
extreme southern states. Barre granite,
from Vermont, Is in use moat prevalently.
Foreign labor Is en ployed almost ex
clusively In the department of monument
carving of the local establishments. It Is
declared the workmen from Germany,
France and Italy are by far the most
skilled as stonecuttera There are a num
ber of the most expert stonecutters In the
country employed In the Omaha concerns.
Though there are sixty-five monument es
tablishments throughout the state of Ne
braska, Omaha fills by far the most con
tracts. This city Is looked upon a the most
satisfactory producing point In the state,
by reason of its large volume of business
and the better facilities enjoyed by con
cerns here than those In other cities. The
local establishments keep In stock a large
supply of shafts of every description, and
ar in readiness to deliver one completely
finished In half th time required by the
mailer concern of the state.
Price have gone up In this industry In
the same proportion as Increases have vla
Ited the other Induatrie during- th paat
five year, but because of th fact that a
reduction In freight rate probably will be
brought about In th near future, the
monument dealers are hopeful of being able
to reduce their schedules. Skilled labor Is
a considerable expense to the dealers also,
but increasing system In the direction of
their work Is now giving increased value to
the employers,
Omaha monument builder are prepared
on any ocoaalon to deliver a monument
carved completely by the chlael of one
man. No matter bow ruahed the concern
may be. It has become a rule never to let
two men work on one monument, as each
carver ha hi own atyj of carving apd
gives his work a distlnet individuality,
which would act toward making th fin
ished Job better.
In delivering their poduct local concerns
are under the expense of many long haula
at pointa In the country a considerable
distance from railroads. Tat, consumera
continue to show favor to Omaha dealers
rather than smaller one In the town near
Flower for all occasion is th motto of
twenty enterprising florist establishments
In th city. Fifteen of these concern main
tain their own greenhouses and pxoduc
vaat quantities of roses, carnations, violets,
palms and every other variety of flowers.
The dealers declare their business Is In
creasing by great leaps and bounds and
that unlike other Industries, It does not
have to be exploited nor promoted. Ne
braekans are becoming great lovers of
flowers and sticklers for the fragrant bulbs
at their ceremonial occasions.
Though the dealer ar able to produce
almost entirely the upply of Towers they
need, frequent order are sent from Omaha
for shipments of orchids and lilies from
the Bermuda Islands and Japan. These
are almost the only varieties of flowers
that must b obtained from a foreign
source. It Is said the demand xor oronias
exoeed th supply.
Local florist have com Into not
throughout th state for the alse and splen
dor of their display of flower.
It Is explained that by reason of the
great volume of business don by Omaha
flower merchants, the latter ar enabled
to keep a permanent supply of all the floral
varieties on hand. This has become so
generally known that each and every one
of the greenhouse establishment In th
city 1 doing a large business with patrons
In Uttl town In the far corners of the
Omaha Has CoasaltlaaT Engineers
Who Are Called All Over for
special Work.
Omaha consulting engineers, although
perhaps they are few In number compared
with other cities of similar else In the
United States, find that they ar called
upon to work, out engineering matters for
practically the entire state of Nebraska.
When the towns and cities of Nebraska
decide upon th erection of any structure
requiring the services of a consulting en
gineer they do not need to send to th
great cities in the east for their men; they
are to be found right here in Omaha.
The work of the consulting engineer 1
becoming mor and mor Important every
wear. A clvlllxaTIoa advances, as the
growing Industry of the country, end par
ticularly that of Nebraska and this part
of the middle west. Increases, the demands
become greater for more publto works,
mor huge building, mor difficult great
engineering task. With all thl growth
th work of th consulting engineer be
oomes mor complex and he must be a man
of both brain and brawn to meet and over
come the problem which come before him,
And, with all these thing In view, Omaha's
engineers ar holding their own and are
keeping abreast of the times.
When a municipality votes to construct
a new water works system, build a drain.
age or sanitary sewerage system In which
reliable advice and technical skllT is needed
Omaha furnishes the consulting engineers.
with the possible exception of a contract
being let directly to some construction com.
pany which maintain Its own engineers,
When a large power plant needs remodel
ling or enlarging It Is Omaha which pro-
duo the consulting engineer.
When a consulting engineer Is called to
a city to inspect a plant he determines
whether or not it can be practically re-
ouut wun a larger capacity, or whether
an -entirely new system is necessary. Ths
sngiueer looks over the ground, submits
his report, and If chosen as consulting an
glnor for the project he become respon
sible for th work which is don in accord
ance with the report he ha made. At
other time when merely technical advice
I needed he act a a counsel in th same
oapadty as would an attorney or physi
cian. Thl I frequently done in th In
stances when soma public work I being
planned or oonstruoted and the opinion of
a prominent engineer Is deemed advisable
The Omaha directory shows that this city
has three consulting engineers, A. C
Koenlg, O. JT. B. Collin and A. C. Arend.
Mr. Koenlg Is known over th stat as
one of the most prominent engineers In the
west. He Is chief engineer for the Ne
braska Power company, and In his private
work makes a specialty of designing water
and sewerage systems. He Is thoroughly
familiar with Nebraska conditions and. is
one of the best authorities procurable on
Nebraska rivers, of which he has made a
special study.
Recently Mr. Koenlg was honored by hav
ing his preliminary report accepted for the
proponed 16,000,000 power plant at Colum
bus, Neb., which It Is planned will supply
a great part of Nebraska consumers with
electricity. This report waa aubmltted after
fifteen other engineer, th mot prominent
In th United State and Europe, had pre
pared elmllar reporta. Following th ac
ceptance of Mr. Koenlg report he wa
procured by th backer, who ar Swiss
bankers, as consulting engineer, and he Is
bow working In that capacity, If con
structed, this will be the greatest engineer
ing feat which has been accomplished In
Nebraska since the building of the rail
roads, and In the end will bear no less
importance In the business future of the
In spite of the fact that Omaha Is In strictly
an agricultural state, the engineering talent
found here la in the first rank. Omaha
engineera have built the city and are build
ing th state
DrlaJtlaar Water at Meals.
If the Rockefeller Institute haa done
nothing else in Ita history, Its report that
drinking water at meals Is healthful would
be sufficient to emblematise It In the mind
of many persons. From tline Immemorial
the mass of physicians have told prop!
not to drink water while eating; to take
plenty of It at other times, but never while
the gastric Juices ar at work.
It will be remembered by some of th
older generation that fifty year ago water
waa seldom if ever tlven patienta suffering
with fever. Titer wa a lot of fixed rule
which seem to have gained authority, but
which were based on nothing but fallacious
notions. In these days of research every
dictum is being Investigated and a lot of
almost sacrosanct Ideas have sons down
before the iooneoleet. Boston HesaUa,
Lew W. Raber
J -f-.! tin
Dee Dulldlng,
Entrance on Court
Reasonable Prices. No Delays.
6X0 So, 1Mb Street, Omasa.
Twentieth Center Ready Prints
International Type High Plates
, Kelloj.2 Surface Plates
Kotora (Si Leary Co.
130S Jackson Street OMAHA, NEB.
Telephone) Douglae 1860
Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Monogram
Stationery Calling C&ris and Buiinsts Cards.
Exclusive Designs In Office Stationery
Have You a Copy of Our Catalogue No. 10 of
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils,
Badges, and Steel Dies
. .If not let us send you one, it's your's for the asking
IShe Fisher-McGill Co.
printing may be executed better than ever before our motto.
We bave and are making a study of our business and have the
most modern type faces and machinery to do the work with.
- Our prices are just We have a scientific cost system which
enables us to know the right price. You pay for what you get no
more, no less.
Our capacity ts limited and only enough work will be accepted
that we can do Justice to.
Designer of Distinctive Letterpress Work.
Red 5068. FAR. AM.
The greatest success in cut
laking. Deeper and
ettcr etching on cop
per and zinc line
or halftone. Get
them only of us
in this territory.
mi W D DDA MDI UTT O. PCI desicnks
St If. IV. UlVtMi'lUsUUl I IX VA.