TTTE BEE: OMAILV, "WEPNT.RTUY, AUGUST 31, 1Q10. twiti i i imm i i i hum i i jinn it nan a a n b n - n n a n m n n o n m n w n 1(1 , . ... i 8 tor Closes B p. tn. Tuesday and Wsdnes- ' ar After That itl p. a. D D r li 1 1 nT t , Watch Oat Windows livery Day Tor Special Bale Wednesday's Special Events 18-Inch Embroidered Flouncings aad Corset Cover Embroideries in Nainsook aad Cambric English eyelet and blind effects worth 25c and 33c a yard big bargain square at, yard 19c 18 ia. and 27 in. Floancias, Skirtiags anl Corset Coyer - Widths, Worth 65c and 75c Yard, at 39c Yard Very fine, quality all choice, new designs aa many worth 65c a yard big bargain square i 4r at, yard tUJ f Vat.; Laces and Insertions at 3ic Yd. Fine French and German Val. laces and insertions, plat Vals." and fancy wash laces worth up to 10c 01 a a'ynrd, at, yard . . . . 2C Specials jn Our Cloak Dept. Sccoed Floor All, of; Our Women's Medium Weight Wool Skirts greatly reduced $4.50, $5.00 and $6.50 OS) QQ On no (gr kinds; at.... i$MOmQMOmQd Clean JJp of Women's Lingerie Waists 2d floor $1.50 values, at Just 75 Women's Wash Dresses Left worth up to $5.00, at vt ... All of Our Mines' $1.25 and $1.50 Wash Skirts One Table of, Children's Wash Dresses, worth up to $1.25, at.......; '. ., 98c $2.98 89c The New Dress Goods for Fall " iWe announce a splendid showing of the very lat est Wool fabrics for autumn. This is a display of ex treme novelties and every correct new weave and shad ing finds representation. "We are also showing the most stunning new styles and patterns in fall silks. - Brandeis showing of fabrics is the most complete in the' West. - : & Pv fPA ill: 1 . IfA avJ?L- . L M'n I I NEW FALL MILLlNKItV The Very neat t Le. 111 THC REUiVBLB STORC fn j1S We Can IMeas Vou In MlM.IXKItY ml Save Vou : Money, Too. RedLeherWednesm 10 S & H Green Stamps FREE to ALL JETTER BFEWIMG CO., rhoaeNa.8. 30to and YSUeeti Scolh Omaha. Nebraska COBTSUKIBS' BXBTRXBUTEBBl Omabai HTJ&O r. 1334 Deaglas Street, rbomn Douglas 1643. lad. A-1343. Sontli Omlbll WK JETTS. 8508 ST St Phone So. SOS Ind. r-186 Council Slnffsi ISO. inCHELL 1013 Mala t. Bring inall your books w give you ten stampa for each book. No purchases are required. , Splendid Furnishing and Underwear Bargains a Children's Week Display Sale 3 Boys" Fall Clothing BRANDEIS STORES Have Your Ticket Read Burlington Lou 0nc-l7ay Rates to n n n ft3 fR is urn a . it a web I l MS' u1 rvn Daily Until September 9th To San Francisco Los Angclos San Diego Through tourl&t sleepers every flay tU Denver, Scenic qciorado and Bait (Lake City; berths $5.76. Join one of the Burlington's personally con ducted California excursions. DENVER-CALIFORNIA EXPRESS - 4:10 P.M. COLORADO LIMITED - . . . 11:25 P. M. Tickets, berths, descriptive folders, Infor mation, etc. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. iiililliffilii ma I Here are Btilt tailored not merely for flna' apponr;nce but lor (food lionent wear ua wpll. . There Is no clothing; better made at the prlcea we are asking. The muterlnla nre Bturdy woolens to give the greatest amount of wear and satis- tnrtlnn. SCOTCH TWEED SUITS For boys 7 to 16 years. Heavy double-breasted Knickerbocker styles In fancy gray umi browns, also stylish worsteds, some with two pairs pant.s: all are Italian serge lined.' seiMns ate full taped, fir.-it-cluss tailoring throughout S5.5y. $4.00. $4,50. $5.90 up an ii ! r i Mi B n 19 S Girl's Pretty School Dresses d ivew au aesigns, snown lor tne nrsi time tnis weeK. They are surprisingly well made dressmaker finish throughout; then again the materials are all high quality aud the patterns most pleasing. FKLE We are giving with all purchases of boys' suits footballs, Baseball and Bat, Catchers' Mitts and Gloves. It's a apeclnl ln ducetnent for our children's week sales. IM EI .11 11 . 1 1 U ' 1 1 M 1 1 I 1 1 1 i M 1 1 I I 5 0 p s loirs' Fine Mercorlinl snrlille Vrnts Hand cmbroiderfd oro chcted and lace trlninifj (yoke, regular 25 to 60c values Wednesday. . .12 H and 25 Ijidirs 73c Quality IUe 23c An immense line of samples, in fine lisle snd mereertted lace and plain gauze. In black and all col ors; regular prices up to 76c; on sale WodnoiulHy, pair 25 Hoys' $1.00 lllotiNe Waists 4c All new colors and styles, the very best bargains of the season. Children's Muslin Gowns SZc Regular 60c values, cut long and full with embroidered yokes. Ladies' Fine Wool Sweaters Wednesday About Half Big line of manufacturers' samples, bought at: a splendid bargain. Buy now and save nearly half In purchase price. i .-' Plain Chambray Dresses, blue with checked fold or side front, belt, cuffs and pocket, long French waist effect. Also plaid Ureases at. each $1.50 Percale Dresses, block pattern, blue and black, pearl button and fancy joia inmmeu. Also Iancy striped ; percale dresses at, each $1.78 Olng-bam Dresses, of plaid Tolle du Nurds, white V. K. vest effect, Gib son pleat shoulders and pearl but ton trimmed .....S3. 60 Olng-Uam Dresses, of plaid, front of waist set in bias with while 1J. K. Insert shield, large pearl buttons and white piping $2.78 Here They Go at 9 O'clock The Season's Wlnd-Up a Red Letter Day Triumph. J Our Entire Stock Values to $7.00. H LAWN DRESSES, GINGHAM DRESSES 1 Mer. FOULARD DRESSES c-Come Want the room they occupy for Fall garments. Want It quickly. That's the reason for the extraordinary price. The styles are the best, the materials pretty and pleasing dresses for September street wear or for the house. None sold before nine o'clock. None sent on approval or C. O. D. None will be exchanged. Dresses worth $5.00, $6.50 and $7.00, for S1.95. . .f-.' mmm Red Letter Day Event. s JLmDroiderics Notable One Day Bargain. is the best cream made for the skin. If you have a red, rough, blotched, sore, unsightly skin, try thlB great product of the Ameri can Druggists Syndicate. You can use it for -massaging wrinkles and for a sallow complex ion, as It whitens and beautifies, Is safe, harmless and does not grow hair. i No woman who values her ap pearance and' who wants a smooth clear skin should let a day go by without trying It for the face, neck, arms and hands . Get It for 25c at any A. D. S. drug store. . . Be here early Wednesday morning If you need wide embroideries. The Red will be quick to snan them ud. We are show- allover Swiss embroideries Look for this Sign . XflBYS. tn tin fK"jrVi Dru grist's ttTTidLirfitisl Window ASSOCIATION rWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Dif Dollar Per "Veer. HOTELS AND RKIOIITS. Sylvan Lake Hotel Near Custer, S. D. A delightful hotel situated on a wonderful mountain lake amid most picturesque surroundings. Fishing. Boating. , Tennis. Donkey Rides. Mountain-Climbing, Purs air; splendid table; cool; frci' dom jfrenn .fty ...fevtr ani 3thm Kates S14.00 to $18.00 per wetk T. J. Carroll. Ug-f., Sylvan Lake. Custer, 8. D. " ' Letter Day shopping throntrs will be aulck to snan them nn lna- very handsome 27-inch Flouncings and wide allover Sw at 48c that are splendid 76c, 11.00 and 11.26 values. The pat terns -are? superb. 'New fresh shipments, direct from the importer . , , 49c 69c BED.Z.SfTEB DAT COMMOTION NEWrFALL KID GLOVES Values 91.00, fl.05 and $1.60 '"Fine Imported French kid, in the "wanted colorings for Fall. You'll be needing them for cooler days soon to come. Profit by thl.i advance' sale. The gloves are first quality and In a full line of sizes. Wednesday is Our Nation Day Safety Plus, all sizes, i cards.. Bo Poari Buttons Large sizes, col ored, three and six buttons on a . card, per card lOo Shoe Iaos Medium length, black only, per dosen fio Dress Shields Medium sise. . usu ally 10c, at. per pair 6o India Tape Six piece bunch at two for So Darning- Cotton, black, spool... lo Women's Fin-On Boss Supporters, black and colors, pair UHo ' Curtain Stretchers With adjustable pins, strong frame, for all sizes of curtains; easy to handle, 41.75 regu lar price S1.39. Washing Machines "American' Washer with large round tub, runs very easy; a flrst class 14.25 ma chine, at 83.39 Clothes Baskets Willow Baskets of Imported stock, white but not bleached; our reg ular f 1.25 size 79c Skirt Boards Made of clear bass wood Stt feet long and extra wide the usual 11.00 kind, at 79a m a li Si b B 0 u M i y H n N H High Grade Vool Dress Goods Everything up to date. SKIKT9 MADE TO MEASURE. Select your own cloth and your own style and we will make your skirts, according to work 91.25, 1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. We guarantee a perfect fit or money refunded. Wash Goods and Cotton Dress Goods : Flannelettes, Serpentine Cloth, Poplins, Pongees, Scotch Ging hams, Madras Cloth, Velvettas, etc., at very low prices. 39c Poplins'.'. "25 2 Be Velvetta 15 25c Scotch Ginghams. ..'.'.15 Blanket, Comfort and Bait Sale Wednesday We bought a large number of Mill Samples some are slightly soiled all at considerably less than regular price. 114 Majestic, worth $7.60 $4.50 Wool Blankets,' per pair from $1.00 to $30.00 COTTON BLANKETS. Crib Blankets, single, 15tf-18 10- 4 Harvest "or riummer, Gac grade 46 Apache Red, worth $1.25.'.. 94 Franklin, worth $1.00 73 Delano, 10-4, worth 85c. . . .50 No. 632, 11-4, worth $1.00. -75 Otter, worth $1.65 $1.20 WOOL BLANKETS. Royal Rose, 11-4, extra fine. $12.50, on sale $9.00 11- 4 Brown N. M., worth $9.00, at $8.75 Dundee, 11-4, worth $8.50 $5.95 BATTS. ' Little Gem, fine , white cotton, worth 7c, at... 5 I. X. 1., worth 10c Qtt Economy, worth 12 c 8 Large Batts for making whole linings for comfortables, at, from 250 to $1.25 Comfort Cloth, 5c, 7Hc, 8c, 10c, 12Hc and . . . . 18c BEST DEPT. IN OMAHA. Air Clean Your House for One Cent v Imported Batiste Corsets A Red Letter Day Flyer. Best $1.50 Corsets in New Long Hip Models Our popular corset department will have as a Red Letter Day feature a very promising bargain offer. Newest style $1.50 corsets for 95c. It's not a job lot, but a regular line of a well known factory, specialized to help make our August Red Letter Day a banner event. These corsets are of fine batiste, are handsomely tailored and trimmed; garters attached. White only, all sizes. Wednesday only 95, -yjlTED- FEMALE j LOST AND FOUND OFFERED FOR BENT . J,"-C,;':M)3T 8HBPHBRO doc; yellow and whlu H.iHkttflnf Meo C - WAirrM)-Wuhir.m.. strljied. Aaswero to name Pel. Phooe Tyler .. heuaewarK, A Leaeeplas at- CIKL, for s house, tin" H W1BHSHW day; young. : WebtM"lM. wants; i- spoil waasv aiuru ' A reliable loookjj s plalr OIRL. for a laraey Suos. WANTBiJ BUS rooiUsV M Ufa Dealers will show you that it is time now to buy your home. Read their list. """"Hmalnj Buying a home on easy terms and paying for it in monthly meets is an! easy way to become the owner of- a piece of 'real estate. pay- I floor rooms; real. tU-oO, poms, unfur. b N. ma. TO GET I roa HA OoJnj a oo we reauirlz: re Km. Co rxR sat "o in cooi lablUh.4 rr.,1 ROOKnun a bera&Lo. i no. 1 at ell Hlrl SOtl txidie. LAI ti nuuera. sui. j. u jut, These monthly payments are about the same as you are now paying for rent may be less. You have to pay the rent anyhow, so why not apply It on a home of your own. , ' In the real estate columns of .Thursday's Bee will be found a great many choice home bargains, advertised for sale on easy terms. Buy . now and get away from the rent habit. 1 I I I 7 ' , ' a SALE Will sell you of work od lee In Omaha m St. watos. W. F. Sbear.l tie. cheap. A. and Jackson. LRU. KW bar- IL.T M?:T. ItiASltMNT. it PIDMAN )Uh et . An M' 4I1HIH.LI in.'!l!WPSStSPWIIIWIIlllMIISsassssseM J XRAVUJNU salesman, prelsr eaperi V, e4 elar nisn. aotinaiM4 with Nebraska - v.m.kAT. . 'run. Ml- "' " uuwalha. N. Sk. HuO. and liberal expense Meeuat. laBiiahedliejees-"'' dulI4 ubnutli 1HAVS.1.IM1 aaleeniea. father sooda. Kaa-i employe tour "Jf, Un. f bujglM m espenses. - . , buatnsas ol JLVMr lor mws. . HOUKKUl'KH for branch offloe.lar with ruBber re. elth toi- id less , in tbelr lartti. Aim- . ,ene fly Be(.. ui . te sinxlo kirua r max p iu ' l' or om. cn .."L'f 19od oror ... VI.n 1. -..wi t r u. . . wmth "Hier. Bui v"r Hero. . Wool. u ft a H 3 Hardware Bargains Peninsular Steel Ranges, large $30.00 stoves, reduced to $21.75 Perfection. Oil Btoves, 2 burner. S7.60 Towel Bars, nickel plated. 16c kind, for 10c 10c binge Kink Brush, for So Pot Chain and Scraper, for 8o I'adlocks, worth to a 5c, for 19o 60c Christy Bread Knives 390 60c Kalsomlne brushes 890 Hcreen lours, all sizes...... SSo 80 Per Oeat Discount oa Tarnishes. Stationery ZOo and 26c Box Paoers. with 24 sheets and 24 envelopes 10o And 10 Stamps. Roll Lunch- Paper. .. .lOo and 10 sfps Shelf Paper, 3 rolls. .lOo and 10 st'ps Paper Napkins. 100 for. lOo And 10 Stampa. Tablets, Irish Linen, for 10c And 10 Stamps. Pencils, rubber tipped, S for. . . . .-.10o And 10 stampa Pens, t dos, ass'td. lOo and 10 stamps Black Ink, t bottles. .XOo and 10 st'ps Wash Petticoats Striped Gingham, nicely tailored ; tc close out, 390. Long Kimonos of light colored awns, worth up to fJ.UO each, 91.60. -White Waists A clean cut of all dd lota up to 11. 25 in one group, 69o. Child's Dresses 2 to 5 year sizes. Wash LiresNes, up 10 f 1.25, go at 69c. Bennett's Big Grocery- Wednesday' and Thursday's 'Best Offerings. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 28c lb. pkg 840 Bennett's .Breakfast Cof fee, 2-lb. pkg 48o Teas, ass'td kinds, lb.48o Tea Strings, lb pkg.. lso Pickling apices, lb. ..860 And 10 Stamps. Corn Meal, 10-lb. sack, for 18o Jap Rice. 7c grade 6 lbs. fur 8So Diamond Crystal Salt, 14-lb. sack 80o Chosse A Blackwell'a t how, u.uari jar....60c Halt pint Jar 800 Cutiitol Sak. Powder,' lb. can ...... ........840 And '20 Stamps. Capitol Extract, bot.lSo And 20 Stamps. Corn Syrup, for table, can iavo And 10 Stampa. E. C. Flakes, i pkgs. 8So And 10 Stamps. Galllard Olive Oil, per bottle 24c And 20 Stampa. Blue Borax Starch, per pkg lOo And 10 Stamps. Armour's "Verlbest" Sliced Beef 16c And 10 Stamps. Chick Food, lb 3c Hen Food, lb. ...... .8'tc Syrup, can lOo And 6 Stamps. Solder's pork and Beans, large can 80o .And 20 Stamps. Monarch Cut Asparagus, large can -. . . . 8So And 10 Stamps. Safety Matches, & doz. boxes 8 So And 10 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 2-lb pkg 10o And 10 Stamps. Hartley's lied ,and Black Currant Jelly a&o Cream Honey Cookies, lb 120 Crackers, large assort ment, pkg lOo And 10 Stamps. . Less than a cent expense and a few minutes' time is all that is required to thoroughly clean any room in your house with the new. Hoover Electric Sucfion Sweeper Operated by electricity from an electric light socket, It's as easy to run as a carpet sweeper and takes up all dust and dirt from the floor Just Ilka the big vacum machines that cost $10.00 to $50.00 per day for house cleaning. Any one can operate the Hoover Sweeper. No dust ever flies about the room when it is used. Unlike other devices, it will pick up pins, matches, etc., without Injury to the machine. Let us demonstrate it to you here or prove Its proficiency In your home without cost to you. See what the Hoover way means for you. . Grocory Dopartmont S-lb. sack Table Salt.... 3e 5 packages Yeast Foam loo 25o bottle Pure Fruit Jam 300 Half-pint- bottle Durkee's Table Sauce .... 90 Pint bottles Snlder's Catsup 83o 8-lb. can California Blackberries. 16o 6 lbs. Barley, Farina or Hominy SSo 80c cans California Ripe Olives.. SOo Mixed Pickling Spice, lb 8Bo 1-lb. pkg. On Time Starch 4o 6 bars Pel's Naptha Soap 86e OH or Mustard Sardines 4c 1 lb. pkg. Corn Starch Toasted Rice Flakes, pkg 7"4 Mixed Tea. for Iced tea, lb 34o TBQZTABI.B DPA-TMLE BTT. 3 heads Cabbage........ lOo 1 dozen Cucumbers.. lOo 6-lb. basket Tomatoes ...10 4 bunches Carrots. .,.,...60 4 bunches Beets , Bo 8 bunches Parsley 60 t stalks fresh Celery ....... .. .loo 1 dosen Green Peppers.. loo 2 Baking Squash Bo . , ..iuo Colorado Cauliflower, lb. I, ante, juicy Lemons, dos.'. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEU'S FIRSTS PAYQ BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS Bast equlppe-l dental offlc. In the middle west- Highest crade dentistry at reasonable Drlcea. Porcelain fllllnaa. lust to. All tustrtuaeuW carefully sterilised after eaca DatlenL tUIHU IXfJOH, . PAXTON IHXCK Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best I THE Sporting: - - -Page ' Full Case Call Scores PEE Both League md Amafecr PENNSYLVANIA CK;Cago-.TT N F! .SS-NewYork" When Starting for ' New York ask for Pennsylvania Lines tlcketsT"" They may be purchased at offices of Western railroads selling tickets through Chicago, Fast through trains Eight from Chicago to New York every day form convenient connections with those from the West and Northwest. All are complete in travel comforts nothing overlooked, nothing commonplace. You will enjoy riding on any of them. New York Trains Leave Chicago "The New York Special" 8.15 a. m. "The Keystone Express" 10.05 a. m. "The Manhattan Limited" 10.30 a. m. "The Pennsylvania Special" 2.45 p.m. "The Atlantic Express" 3.15 p. m. "The Pennsylvania Limited" 5.30 p. m. "The Eastern Express" 9.45 p. m. 'The New York Express" .. 11.45 p.m. "The Pennsylvania Special," 18-hour train to New York; "The Pennsylvania Limited," and other trains, typify the highest standard of comfort and luxury attained in American railroad equipment. Booklets and time tables giving details are obtainable at hotels, city and railroad ticket offices; or a postal will bring full information. Address W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent lit City National Bank Building, Omaha. Neb. 1 Aik (or booklet describing bow the Pennsylvania Bystem extended Its rails to the heart ol New York Cltr sod constructed the Frnneylveata Station, near Broad way, at a cost ol over One Hundred Million Dollars. t i j f OPENING . Morand's Daaolns School. 16th and ' Harney Bts. Orpasniu Theater 3 Id. Friday, September 2d, 8 P. LL Buy your tickets now and save two dol lars from regular prise,- Office hours: 11 a. m. to S p. in.; Sundays I to a. ia. telephone Douglas tt FOOD FOR Wa" " nsrvous men fntfjrjr nd H'slr power ,2 NERVES ' "0Tk "d youthful vigoi t aoue as a result of cv.r, work or tnentsl exertion should I mi BKAT'B) Ni.VJI FOOD PIULb T'fj; will make you eat eud sleep and be a man again. 1 Bo. l'oes 12. EO by Mall. wouastasi atoCowst;x.x, huo oq. Ooc. lth sad XtaXae Streets. Oes, 10th aa Ueraey Bts Osaaha. mtX v it V