Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
New 'Phone Number
Alt Djpaff rrtenls
For Nebraska Showers.
For Iowa Showers.
VOL. XiXU. (J-.
single copy two cents
Large Sections of Lincoln Under
Water by Reason of Heaviest
Precipitation of Season.
Water Stands Five Feet Deep on 0
- Street.
EBoth Antelope and Salt Creeks Far
Out of Banks.
Lara Section of L'nlon Pacific Track
Torn Oat Seward Flooded
and Murk l.ons Ile-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 29 (Special Tele
gram.) Many portions of Lincoln ara under
Water today due to the heavy rain last
night. A total of 1.38 Inches fell between
o'clock and morning. Russians living west
of the viaduct are leasing thoir homes and
many have taken refuge in the V street
school house. Tho engine house of tne peni
tentiary Is flooded and the lighting plant
Is out of commission. '
lloth Antelope and Suit crcki are out of
their banks and O street for many blocks
is under water, In some instanoes to a
depth of five feet and mors. Near the state
farm the street oar tracks are all under
Water and parties from University Place
coming to town had to yss wagons to Twenty-seventh
and Holdrega, where they used
the cars nearly to the Rock Island depot,
where sgsln wagons were pressed Into ser
vice. serosa ths water at the Rock
Island persons had to pay earlier la the
morning 26 cents which price has now been
cut down to 10 cents. Several basements on
O street were flooded, particularly that
, under the store of Miller r Paine. Ths new
Burlington yards are under water, as is
most of that section of the sity. One long
freight train Is stalled In the "water, while
trains from the west cannot get to the sta
tion. In East Lincoln many acres of land
was covered with water, Including that part
. of the city In which is located the Daven-
port tract, where It was proposed to locate
a new high sohool.
Sovatr-Flv Feet ut Union Pacific
Track Washed Oat.
OSCEOLA,' Neb., Aug, 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The heaviest downpour of rain In
this county In Its history occurred during
lost night and was accompanied by a de
structive eWetrio-'stcrrrir' The government
gusgs here registered six and one-half
Inches at 7 o'clock this morning. -More
damage has been dona to the county roads
and. bridges than In any. storm since 18
when a water spout damaged the railroad
property more than was attended in this
one. i
The Union Pacific passenger train east
Is tied up hero and will not get out before
svfternoon as over seventy-five feet of their
track Is submerged. For a mile and a half
west of ths station the wagon road Is
under water and Davis Creek Is nearly a
half mile wide in places.
The heaviest losers in ths storm other
than ths railroad and the county In brldgea
are the following: James Bell & Bon, 4,000
' buahela of grain In the basement of their
levator; Rufua Walker, barn, gralnary
and corn crib burned as a reault of light
ning; Mrs. George Horst, gralnary struck
by lightning; J. Tlmm, barn damaged by
lightning; Osceola Stone company, loss of
SjuO in cement.
The Blue river sotch of town Is very high
and, out of Its banks, many families along
the 'stream having to move out of their
,' homes. ,
Five Inches of Rain A mo Damages tho
fcewly Paved Streets.
SEWARD, Neb., Aug. 29. (Special Tele
gram.) Four and three-quarters inches of
rain fell here last night, flooding cellars,
damaging curbing on newly paved streets
and damaging the new Thomas block by
warning out a aleel glider. Three trains
rum the west are detained hero by the
washouts at Mllrord. The new concrete
' work on the Boves-Hulshlxer mill Is
, washed out and ths water Is running over
tho dam. The rain gauges at Ulysses and
David City recored seven and five Inches,
( respectivsly, which will cause tho river
: here to rise rapidly. The Stevens barn was
atruck by lightning and burned.
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 29; (Special.)
i There was a very heavy shower of nfcn
I here yesterday afternoon and last night,
' tho total precipitation being 10 Inches.
. Tho streets were streams of water, but
fortunately no special damage was done,
i Pastures are In fine shape and there Will
be a fair second growth of hay.
CLARKS. Neb., Aug. . (Special. Four
. and three-quarters Inches of rain fell here
Sunday night. Added to . previous rains
during the past three weeks this makes
a total of eleven Inches for August The
corn crop In this vicinity will be large.
BURLINGTON, Neb., Aug. 29.-(Speclal.)
-The heaviest rain of the season foil here
yesterday and laat nlht. It was accom
panied by a heavy wind which blew down
a great deal of corn.
ISpeclal.) A heavy rain lart night raised
the Weeping Wator to tho highest point it
has been the past year. Two of the city
Wells were flooded. Many residents had
hard work saving stock along the creek.
Rural carriers report bridges impassable.
Six and three-quarters inches of water
Heavy In Many Sections, with tiood
Rain Nearly All Over.
Rain was reported tn spots over the line
of the Burlington In Nebraska, the prin
cipal points being: Lincoln, eight Inches,
Seward, five Inches; Harvard, one-fourth
Inch; Hastings, one-half Inch; Stromsburg,
five Inches; Clay Center, one-fourth Inch,
nd good rains at Bt-lmunt, Crawford and on ths Alliance division.
On the L'nlon' Pacific rain was reported
htavy ll the way from Omaha to Grand
Island and west of that uone at all. On
the branches north and soutti of their
main Hue In ta.-ietn Nebraska heavy lalna
were also reported. Th. Norlhweetern
jCinHisumU on IfuurLa Page.)
Railroad Passes
for Legislators
in Evidence
Complimentary Tickets Issued by Illi
nois Central Are Exhibit in Trial
of Lee O'Neil Browne.
vm w'
Urowr, ,
trial v
The !
man's ;
states i
!ug. 29. Names of practically
! of the Illinois legislature of
p Into the case of Lee O'Neil
red with bribery, when the
hed today. This development
ectlon with the arrival of
:i passes iasued by the Rllnols
Id. at th eofflce of States
nan, for use In the trial,
ere turned over to Mr. Way-
tatlvea by the railroad. The
i declared that Browne, as
intatlve Charles White, chtef
witness for state, received numerous com
plimentary tickets, lie said that other
names of recipients of passes would be
msde known. Judge Klratein permitting
this Introduction of the evidence through
a witness whom the prosoeutlon has se
cured. The teetlmony of Representative Q. W.
Myers that Browne had called him to his
side on the duy of Lorimer's election wae
denied by Paul MeCann, Browne's page,
Mayor Patrick J. Lucey of Streator, testi
fied ss to Browne's excelleiu e nf lepuiatlon.
Prisoners Make
Dash for Liberty
Shower of Ballets Prevents Wholesale
Jail Delivery at St.
ST. LOUIS. August 39. A shower of but-
lots from three points of a triangle effectu
ally prevented a wholesale Jail delivery at
the city workhouse early today. Eight
prisoners, who made the dash for freedom,
sought refuge in the chapel house, a ninth,
Samuel Gibson, fell into a ten-fijot area'
way while trying to escape and sustained
a fractured skull, from Which he will die,
while a tenth, Thomas Monaghan,. disap
peared and has not been captured. The
guarda, anticipating the attempt on the part
of the prisoners, remained on the alert
all night.
F. Augustus Heinze
to Marry Actres
Montana Copper Man and Mrs.' Ber
' nice Henderson Secure License
in New York.
' NEW TORK, Augv 29. Visitors- to ths
nmrvtagsMtcense bureau tn the city hull to
day Included Mrs.Eernice Golden Hender
son, the actreaa, and Fj Augustus Hetnse,
the Montana copper man. whoso engage
ment was recently announced. The visit
was an early one and the pair escaped gen
eral, observation.
The ceremony will take place August 31.
Mr. Heinie said he. was 40 years of age.
He gave his place of residence as Batte,
Mont. Mrs. Henderson said she was 26
and . lived In this city.
Revolver of Man Shot to Death
Washington Fonnd In Pawn
WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 29. A re
volver which has been identified as one
owned by Norval Harris, the young lnspea
tor who was found tn a vacant lot here
Sunday morning, was discovered In a local
pawnshop today. Harris had been shot
through the head. A pistol holster was tn
his pocket, but there was no weapon near
the body. No trace has been found of the
author of a note addressed to "Dear
Brother" In which the unsigned writer
said she had married Harris. Ths Pollc
have about dismissed the suicide theory
entertained by some of the officials for a
Masked Men Secure Diamond Snn
bnrst and Gold Brooch from
' John Adams
Four masked men secured 11.600, a diamond
sunburst and gold brooch, in a robbery at
the camp of John Adams, the "king of
gypsies," at Colorado Springs, near here,
early this morning. Mr. Adams was absent
at tho Urns. (
Adams Is a familiar figure In western life.
He has traveled extensively, and he gets
hla title of "king of the gypsies" from his
supposed wealth. He has offered a reward
of $250 for tho arrest of the robbers.
l.eon Mornne, French Aviator.
Reaches Height of Nearly Seven
Thonaand Fret.
HAVRE. France.i Aug. 29 Leon Morane,
the French aviator, today broke the world's
record at tho aviation meet now tn prog
ress tn this city. His monoplane attained
a height of 8,89 feet The previous record
for height was made bv J. Armstrong
Drexel. the American aviator, who reached
a height of A.7W) feet In an aeroplane at
Lanark. Scotland, on August 12 last.
Wisp of a Dog Rides on
Truck Under Street Car
Peesengers within an open car traveling
up North Twenty-fourth street tn the same
fashion that other passengers on other open
cars all over ths rlty, had an adventurous
time climbing to a standing position on tha
seats In the midst of the storm Sunday
evening. But little was their adventure
compared" t. that of "Ruffle," a wlxp of
a furry dg that rode on t;ie trucks under
neath the car going up Twenty-fourth
Rufflea"' achieved exerlence that would
make a "A No. 1." and Jack London, said
to be the lut word In audacious riding.
I p' at thought While the car aped
along at a terrific tate of speed and ths
huwaos within It gingerly balanced ou
August Market Up to Twenty Cents in
New York on Demand from
Value Two and One-Half Cents Over
Nineteen Three.
Fifteen Thousand Bales Change Hands
at Advance.
nil Loaders Have Handled Klajht
t Hundred Thousand Dales on Spot
Basis, Value nt Over Hslt
v "
NEW TORK, Aug. 29. August cotton sold
st 20 cents a pound In the New Tork cotton
market today on urgent demand from spec
ulative shorts who had postponed covering
until the last momen t In the hope that
the Increasing new crop movement In the
southwest might break the control of the
bull leaders. This price, the highest
reached for cotton for any delivery since
the civil war and exceeding by nearly 2Vfc
cents per pound the highest In the famous
bull year of -903-04, which until now stood
as a standard for comparison, was regarded
by many as the culminating point of the
bull movement In progress hers for the
last six months, during a season, which,
when it ends next Thursday, will go down
as the most spectacular in the annals of
the cotton trade since war times.
Not a great many bales perhaps 15,000
actually changed hands' on the advance
from '16.82 cents, the. closing' of last week,
to 20 cents for August this morning. .At '20
cents' sn offer from W. P..' Brown, one. of
the bull leaders, to sell 100,000 bales checked
the upward movement and It was the gen-,
eral Impression around the ring that this
was a level fixed . in the open market as a
basis for settlement of the . entire August
interest remaining. ''." .
' Later, however, . this view of the situa
tion - was 'somewhat shaken by the fact
that after reaching from 20 cents to 18.20
under scattered selling Of a few hundred
bales, August again advanced on renewed
buying by shorts, touching 19.90 in the
afternoon, or within 10 points of the high
record. At the close August was quoted at
19.76 bid, while the new crop months.
which had been very quiet all day, were
only four to nine points net higher.
. ... ,,t .,, ..-.,-.-"..
' Advance Mostly Local.
In the local spot- markets the price was
marked up to 19.75, but the southern
spot markets showed no such gain, the
greatest advance recorded being o at
Savannah, showing the local character of
the extensive advance.
In all the bull leaders have handled spot
cotton to the amount of 800.000 bales,
valued approximately at M5.000.000. But
the bulk of this has been shipped abroad
and Just how much of It has been actually
sold and how much of It may now be
held on' consignments at foreign points Is
uncertain. Inasmuch, however, as the
bulls have handled contracts for many
thousand 'bales in excess of those upon
which they have actually received cotton,
they have undoubtedly taken large specu
lative profits, no matter how their deal
may turn out when their last bale of cotton
has been sold. In the New York stock
they still own about 100,000 bales.
Rumors circulating tn the trade, after the
close of business today was that there
was still considerable August short Inter
est outstanding which has until noon
Wednesday to cover.. At that hour trading
In August Is over and with It ends all
business of the crop season, l'JOO-10.
Reports concerning the new crop prospect
have been confusing , Owing to the drouth
In the southwest, deterioration has been
reported In that section, but weather con
ditions over other parts of the cotton belt
since the first of August havs been con
sidered much more favorable, and some
reports have shown considerable improve
ment. The next government report will
be Issued at noon Friday, and owing to
the conflicting nature of recent private
advices, opinion as to the showing vary
Bolls' Work to Continue.
It is understood In the trade, however,
thst the operators who have gained such
prestige on the bull side of the market
will now turn their attention to bulling
new crop months. They have issued a cir
cular outlining their reasons for expeot
lng higher prices, but that this action on
their part was not unbiased was naturaUy
suggested, as any statement tending to
enhance the value of the new crop would
make a better market for winding up
odds and ends of ths old, and for dispos
ing of the large supply of spot cotton still
Supposed to remain In their hands.
Opinions as to whether the bulls will
extend their operations In the new crop
months are conflicting. Some thing that
the old crop campaign will be carried
through September st any rate, but as the
new crop sess-jn opens on next Thursday,
und aa new crop cotton Is now moving
rapidly from the southwest, the weight of
the new maturing crop must be figured
seats In the partial shelter of curtains,
"Ruffles" huddled upon a beam squarely
over the wheels. He held his place more
securely than all the other paasengers and
came out vsatly1 drier as to exterior.
The dog came to notice just ss the car
waa switching backwards Into ths barn at
Twenty-fourth and Ames.
"Hold on there, Jack," shouted the con
ductor as he heard something from be
neath the car. Jerking the bell rope as he
spoke. When .the car stopped with a Jolt,
ths conductor rushed to Its side fearfully.
"Well, what do you know about that,"
ha exclaimed In the next lmrtant It was a
durnfuunded gathering of spectators, that
saw "Ruffles," Omaha s tramp dog come
bouncing from ths truck under ths car.
ifr'f r ; wm
nFc. . -' jf; i Vr
; ..f .p .... lf 'ttimm
From ' the Brooklyn Eagle
Dentist and Companion-Charged with
Murder of Belle- Elmore.
Note Fonnd by Detective Indicates
lie Intended to Jimp Overboard
Both Prisoners Are
LONDON, Aug. 29.-Both Hawley H. Crip
pen, the American, doctor, and Ethel Clare
Leneve, his typist, were accused of the
murder of Belle Elmore, the former's wife,
In the formal charge read to them In the
Bow street police court today. Miss Leneve
was charged also with haruorlng and main
taining Crippen after the crime and while
knowing fiat he committed it.
During proceedings Inspector Drew, who
brought the prisoners back from Canada,
Introduced evidence to show that Crippen
contemplated suicide, while at sea, follow
ing his flight from this country. Crippen
was quoted also as declaring that his com
panion knew nothing of the trouble In
which he was Involved, and Miss Leneve
was ssld to have protested her Innocence.
There was special Interest in the character
of the formal charge, as the Canadian war
rant for the arrest of the fugitives had
merely landed at their door responsibility
for the death of an unknown woman, whose
body was found In the cellar of the Crip
pen home at HUldrop Crescent.
Sapposltlt'ons Identification. -
The fact that both were today accused
of the murder of Bella Elmore, the actress
wife of the doctor, leads to the supposition
that ths mutilated body has been identified
to the satisfaclon of the authorities. It
also suggests that the police believe they
have further evidence concerning Miss
Leneve's connection with the tragedy than
they have made known heretofore. Today's
proceedings constated of ths introduction of
evidence against the accused, at the con
clusion of which they were remanded until
September 6, without having pleaded or
made any comment in reply to ths charge
against them.
Crowd Excluded from Conrt.
Few persons except those connected with
tho case were permitted in the police court,
although a crowd assembled In the neigh
borhood In the hope of catching sight of tHe
iprlsonerr. Crippen ana misb ieneve siuou
I together In the dock. He wore a grey frock
(Continued on Third Page.)
Roosevelt's com
ing Friday.
The Bee will be full of It all week.
Now Is the time to advertise your
Everybody is reading
Everybody is interested
If you have something to
sell sell it now.
If you have something to buy or
to exchange, tell the people of It
now. It is a splendid time to of
fer rental bargains.
To get a servant.
To securo a lean.
To rent s room.
To secure boarders.
Call Tyler 1000 and ask
questions. A cheerful staff is
ready for you.
"With Our Eyes Open!"
Burning Horse
v" Sets'Fire to Barn
Near Hastings
Animal Runs from Blaring Building
to Another and Starts Sec
ond Fire.
HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 29. (Special Tele
gram.) With burning flesh dropping from
Its sides, a horse last night broke out of
a blazing barn owned by W. A. Dleken,
near here, and ran two miles to a barn
owned . by Wilhelin Vollmer and there
started a second fire. Eight horses burned
to death in the Dleken barn. The Vollmer
barn was partially consumed before the
flames could be extinguished.
Aged Woman
Burned at Utica
Clothing of Mrs. Vergin Catches Fire
from Explosion of. Gaso
line Stove.
UTICA, Neb., Aug. 29.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) An alarm of fire was turned in
this morning from the home of Alex Ver
gin, being caused by an explosion of a gas
oline stove. Mrs. Vergin, mother of Mayor
Vergin, was enveloped in flames. She had
presence of mind enough to rush out of the
kitchen and Jump Into a rain barrel which
was standing back of the house, submerg
ing herself in the water up to her neck
and putting the fire. out. Neighbors rushed
to her assistance and carried her. to the
M. L. Crone home and a doctor was sum
moned. Mrs. Vergin Is very old and it is
hard to tell what the outcome will be. Her
arms, face and head were badly burned.
Her relatives have been notified of the sad
catastrophe. 'Five Inches and a half of
rain fell hero last night.
Former Candidate for Vice President
Is Injured by Fall Down
Stairs. .
WHEELING, W. Va.. Aug. 29.-Henry O.
Davis, former United States senator and
candidate for vice president on the dem
ocratio ticket with Parker In 1904, Js lying
at Klkins, W. Va., seriously 111 and gravest
fears are expressed at his condition. ,
At his home at Elklns several days ago
Mr. Davis fell down a flight of steps. At
the time of the acldent It was thought he
had been only bruised, but because he had
been ailing for a considerable length of
time the accident Is more serious than at
first thought
Railroad Lawyers and
Traffic Experts Meet
CHICAGO, Aug. 2t. Nineteen lawyers
representing big railroad syetems were
present today when ths Interstate Com
merce commission began Its hearing of
testimony bearing on the advance In rail
road rates achehuled to go into effect No
vember 1. The hearing Involves 2WI trans
portation lines In western trunk line, trans
Missouri and Illinois freight committee aa
well as ths shipping Interests.
According to President Miller of the Chi
cago, Burlington Sc (julncy the larger lines
will not urge pjvtrty as necessitating rate
advances. Mr. Miller said that buslne
ueceaslty and sxpedleucy rather than bank-
ecretary of , State and Treasurer
" Opposed to Recount.
What Action Ponnllst Nominees Are
to Take Is n Matter for Specu
lationHigh Water la
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Autf. 29. (Special Telegram.)
Everybody Is up In the air as to what the
state canvassing board will do. when it
meets today. An Icsue has been squarely
made by the Insistence of Secretary of Slate
Junkln that the state ' board should pay
no attention at all to the recounts made
.niorney iienerai Thompson says the re
count Is legal and should bo taken at Its
face value. Mate Treasurer Bryan is non
committal, simply saying the attorney gen.
eral must show him that the recount waa
legal and warranted by law. Auditor Bar.
ton Is out of the city, and probably will
not be here, while Governor Shallenberge
Is the other member of the board.
Thus it seems a tie will be the result
on any vole touching this question, unless
Treasurer Brian can be- convinced of the
legality of the recount. What the governor
will do, if anything, In his capacity as
member of the board, is not known.
me uougiss county returns were re
ceived today bearing a notation, "Subject
to changa In the recount" This return,
With ths memorandum, will be further
cause for argument, it Is supposed.
Mayor Dahlman telephoned today that
he will be here for the canvassing of the
vote by the state board, and Is expected
to. take a deep interest In the action of the
members on ths point at Issue.
- Nominations Divided.
Complete returns from the recent primary
give the democratlo nomination for secre
tary of state to Charles W. Pool of Te
cumseh, and the populist nomination for
the same office to Dr. A. T. Gatewood of
MrCook. Ralph Clark of Stella has cap
tured the democratlo nomination for lieu
tenant governor, but W. H. Green of
Crelghton hoi the populist nomination, as
Governor Shallenberger has the top place.
What the outcome will be after the decla
ration of the results by the state board Is
uwalted with oonsldertble interest
Water Is Kulllnsr.
A rise that was expected in the high
water at 6 o'clock tonight Old not material
ize and the flood Is now steadily receding.
This rise was reported from Saltlllo, and
the report has It would reach Lincoln about
6, but It did not. People are being enabled
to go back to their abandoned homes, but
It will be several days before a normal con
dition will be approached.
ruptcy arguments will bs made.
Ths opposition is being directed by a
Joint subcommittee of traffic experts,
hesded by F. B. Montgomery of Chicago
and Including W. P. Trlckett of Minneap
olis, H. C. Barlow of Chicago, K. E. WIN
Uamson of Cincinnati, 11. M. Wilson of
Kansas City, J. C. Lincoln of St. Louis and
K. J. MaVann of Omaha.
Ths shippers claim that the ' railroads
have padded recorde of their operating ex
penses In order to make it appear that an
advance In freight tariffs Is demanded by
common Justice to InvesUirs la their se
curities. ,
Ex-President Makes Several Addresses
at Denver, Main Speech Touch
in; on Conservation.
Says it Has Many Enemies Because
it is Effective.
orraer Executive Says Genuine Miner
Has Received Aid.
Military and Civic Parade Reviewed
Darlnar Early Fart of Day
Colonel finest of Press at
Chaclc Wan-on Lnncheon.
DENVER, Aug. 2k The salute of a can
non welcomed Colonel Roosevelt to Denver
ss his special train drew In at ths Union
ststlon. A great crowd hsd gathered at
ths station, and set up a wild cheer as
the ex-presldent appeared on the platform
of his car. He bowed his acknowledg
ments of the noisy wslcome and stepped
Into a carriage to take part In the parade.
Governor Shafroth, Mayor Spenr and M.
K. Pearsons, president of ths Colorado Live
Stock association, were In the carriage with
The procession went through ths princi
pal streets to ths reviewing stand tn
Broadway, near Seventeenth street During
the entire distance of the line of march.
two miles and a half, ths sidewalks were
packed with a solid mass of people, who
pressed at the ropes which hsd been put
up to keep them from ths streets and wars
kept back only by ths constant efforts of
mounted policemen, cowboys and cavalry
men. From the time the parade started until
It ended thore was sn uninterrupted roar
of welcoming shouts from the multitude.
The cowboys gavs their yell, whistles
were tooted and bells were rung. Colonel
Roosevelt was kept on his feet, bowing to
the right and left In acknowledgment of
the salutations.
The streets were a mass of colors. From
the buildings flags and bunting were hung
out and on ropes suspended across ths
Streets' banners were hung, with pictures
of Colonel Roosevelt with ths words, "wel-
come, Teddy," and "Doe-lighted!"
Honte of Parade.
The parade, starting at the Union station,
passed under tha welcome arch, up Seven
teenth street to Lawrence street to Six
teenth to California, to . Fourteenth, .. to
Cleveland Place, to ' Sixteenth street to
Glenarm, 'to Ssvtateenthft- te .' Champ, te
Eighteenth and turned into Broadway to
the reviewing stand. During the last mile
of . tha parads ths first two divisions
dropped out of line and stood st attention
as Colonel Roosovelt who headed the
third division, passed by. From the review
ing stand the colonel reviewed the re
mainder of the parade.
The first division consisted of Ufllled
States troops from Fort TOgnn and the
National Guard of Cplorado.
In the second division came the Spanish
War veterans, who are holding their na
tional encampment here, ths Army of the
Philippines and veterans of the foreign
service. In the third division Colo.iol
Roosevelt rode, escorted by a division of
the Roosevelt rough 'riders, in their familiar
uniforms of khaki, and the Colorado Sher
iffs' association. Brigadier-General John
Chase, adjutant general of Colorado; Major
W. Q. Stone, U. S. A.; Major A. H, Wil
liams, James R. Garfield of Cleveland, O.,
ex-secretary of . the interior, and Gtfford
I'lnchot of New Tork, former chief forester,
rode In this division. . .
Then came the automobile division, at
the end of the parade. Cowboys In blue
shirts, blue scarfs and khaki trousers gal
loped up and down the line of march, giving
their shrill yells. There were a dosen
bands In the parade, each playing a dif
ferent tuna and adding to the pandemonium
of Denver's welcome to the former presi
dent. Sheriff Accidentally Shot.
As the parads passed Eighteenth and Tre-
mont streets, the horse ridden by J. H.
Williams of Delta, one of ths bodyguard
of sheriffs, become frightened and rUllams
revolver was Jolted from his holster. The
gun exploded as it fell to the ground. Wil
liams was riding behind Colonel Roosevelt
and for a moment the police, feared an at
tempt had been made to assassinate the
former president The bullet struck Wil
liams in ths leg, but did not wound him
seriously. He was lifted from his horse
and the parade went on.
Standing In the Intense heat of the sun
Colonel Roosevelt reviewed the parade with
the greatest Interest
When a band approached him, playing
"There'll Be a Hot Time In the Old Town To
night," the colonel beat time with both
hands and nodded approvingly to the bsnd
When ths Tenth cavalry passed the
colonel carefully noted the form In which
the men were drawn up and greeted the
commanding officer by tipping his hat.
The passage of the Rough Rider division
waa one of the most picturesque features
of the entire parade. The colonel took his
hat off and pouted into the faces of the
men, occasionally recognjslng men he had
known In the Cuban cainp iUn.
He inude a marked effort to show atten
tion to the national Indian war veterans
and tho Old Time Cowboy association.
Quickly tuklng off his hat when members
of ths Grand Army sppesred, Colonel
Roosevelt lelt the automobile from which
he viewed the psrado and, going into the
street, shook hands with the veterans.
When the last organization had passed by
Colonel Roosevelt at the Brown Palace
hotel, the big lobby of which resounded
with cheering, in which s-large number of
women Joined heartily, he went to his room
preparatory to so to Overland park, where
a chuck wagon lunch was served by the
Denver Press club.
Chuck Waaton Lnncheon.
After a brief res' In his room In the hotel,
Colonel Roosevelt proueedbd to Overland
park, five miles from the city, tn an auto
mobile. He was escorted by the members
of the Colorado Sheriffs' sssaclatlon on
hoisebsck. The sheriffs In ths blue flannel
shirts and sombreros presented a pictur
esque appearance.
A crowd of several thousand persons had
assembled at Overland park, a piituiedue
place to ths south of ths C'ty, In the mld
01 vf Vtn vark a corral was roped off soul