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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1910)
ThejOm ah a Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. NEWS SECTION no en to nan, t fl. ) VOL. XL NO. 61. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1910 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS "s OMAHA PKV'-RES ior iioory;iT V ' 'Zocal Committee Announce V of 'v Vica President! and Mem ', I . Reception Committee. STATE . TO ASSIST OMAHA Prominent Citizen of Nebraska to Help in Glad Welcome. ROTABLES OP BOTH PARTIES Democrat and Republicans Will Rnb Elbows Next Friday. OFFICEHOLDERS TO BE HERE Wenld-Be Senators and Woald-Bes for Minor Offices to Join the Joyous Throve Wheat Hoose It C'onti to Tama. While Colonel Roosevelt and his party j ara receiving enthusiastic ovations In the vest Omaha Is preparing an entertainment to ' do credit to the city's hospitality In which tliere will be participation, not omy of lu own leading cltisens, but also a goodly representation from the whole state of Nebraska. The local committee of arrangements, which consists pf Victor Kosewater. chair man ; J. L. Kennedy, secretary; U. W. Wat- I ties, C. M. Wllhelin, C. II. .Pickens, U. e Thomas, General tf. A. Smitn, Luther Drake and Oould Diets, yesterday made public the list of guests wno have up to tills time accepted the Invitation of the I committee to act an vice presidents and ' members ot the reception committee. The Roosevelt party to be entertained at 1 Omaha will corislst of Colonel Roosevelt, William B. Howland, Ernest Hamlin Ab bott. Prank Harper, and possibly James R. Garfield. The newspaper men who ac company the party will tie Included in the , sevtifn functions. Krom the list it will be seen that a num ber of notables on all sides of the political fence will rub elbows on Roosevelt day In Omaha. Governor Shsllenbcrger and Mayor Jim will both be here, and bo will Chester II. Aldrlch, nominee for governor on the republican ticket to run against whichever survives the recount Senators Burkett and Brown, would-be Senator Hitchcock and .would-be Senator Sorenson will all extend greeting to the honored guest. And also Charles O. Whedon, who ran for the re publican nomination for senator. Of the Nebraska congressional delegation nearly all will be here, as well as the re publican candidates for the places In con tresis now "occupied by democrats. Most of the supreme court and a large number ot the judges of the district court have signified their acceptance, and practically ii or tne state officers, As already Indicated, Mr.JSrya w.t wiJ MW, -hart 'was prevented from attending irocauae or other engagements. .... The list: - Ontslde e-f OranJas. Governor Ashton C. Shallenberger. Honato E. J. Burkett.. Henator Norrls Brown. C. H. Aldrlch, De.vid City. Charles 8. Allan, Lincoln'. A. K. Allen, Hasting. C. B. Anderson, Crete. J. H. Arends, Syracuse. Samuel Avery, Uncoln. Ira L. Bare, North Platte. Clyde Burnard. Table Rock. Judge J. H. Barnes, Lincoln. , Silas R. Barton, Lincoln. K. C. Bishop, Lincoln. H. O. Boesche. .South Omaha. J. F. Boyd, Nellgh. Nell Bi-ennan, O'Neill. ' S. W. Burnham, Burnham. N'nry T. Clarke. Jr.. Lincoln. J. F. Curdeal, McCook. tleorne Coupland, Klpln. E. li. Cuwle. Lincoln. W. H. lavldson, Springfield. H. T. Dobbins, Uncoln. W. C. Dorscy, Bloomington. Harry H. Duncan, Hastings. C. U. Kcgur, Lincoln. Allen (. fc'lsher, Chadron. Jacob Fawcett, Lincoln. E. Femeau, Auburn. A. W. Field. Lincoln. W. A. George, Broken Bow. J. It. Manna. Greeley Center. M. T. Harrison, Dunbar. William Hay ward, Nebiaska City. J. Howard llelno, Hooper. H. E. Hendricks, Wahoo. V. C. Hensel. Hebron, - C. R, Ilenslnger. Giand Island. Judy e Conrad Hollenbeck, Fremont. M. It. Hopewell, Tekamah, Church Howe. Auburn. , E. I Huwe, South Omaha. William F. Huff. Stelnhauer. Judge Leslie tj. Hurd, Harvard. W. N. Huae, Norfolk George O. Junkln. Lincoln. M. P. Klnkald. O'Neill. , Robert R. Kyd,- Beatrice. G. H. Kinney, Arcadia. A. W. Ladd, Athlon. James P. Latta, Tekamah. Charles B. Let ton, Lincoln. " It. C. Lindsay. Lincoln. ). L. Iove, Lincoln, Victor . Lyford. Falls City. J. J. McCarthy, Pone. . Charles MrLeod, Stanton. J. C. McNIsh. Wiener. John A. McQulre. Lincoln. Thomas Maloney, Conner! Bluffs. John ('. Martin, Central City. O. M. Mickey, Osceola. J. O. Martin.' "nuth Omaha. F. F. Miller, Utlca. , Judge R. C. Orr. McCook. Judxe L. M. remncrton, Beatrice. R. M. Proudflt, Friend. John R. Qji-in, Beatrice. Dr. U. F. Balnea. Red Cloud. C. H. Ramlall. Randolph. C. A. R-aiy. Hayes Center. M. B, Reef Lincoln. Clark Robinson, Fairmont. Jesse L. Root, Lincoln. W. B. Roro. Lincoln. Henrv'A. Schneider. Plattsmouth. R. B. fk-hr-elrier, Fremont. Judge Samuel H. Sedgwick. Lincoln. Ir. Uivoln O. Simon, Sidney. W. J. Slate. South Omaha. Charles H. Slnnn Walter t. Smith. Council Bluffs. Ia. O. O. Snyder. O'Neill. R. P. Starr. Loup city. A. W. Sierne. Grand Island. Joflire Wlllard K. Stewart. Lincoln. Judge A. L Sutton. South Omaha. A. C. Thomas, Jjl. tl. Tlionm. Harvard. William T. Thnntpeon. Lincoln. P. J. Tralnor, South Omaha. . Judne Harvev O v!s, Plattsmouth. P. C. Vandeusen, Blair. T. T. Vsrney, Anxliy. A. J. Weaver, Falls City. Judge Anwui A. Welch. Wayne. 11. G. Wwllenslck. Avnoa. Charles O. Whedon, Lincoln. WUItsm G. Wliltmore. Valley. T. E. William-. Aurora. Henry H. Wllwn. Lincoln. E. A. Wiltse. Pen.lcr. Ouiahn Mat. Charles F.. Ady Herbert M. Rosers. H. S. Msr. Henry Rtmenthal J. M. lialdrlve. Frank W. Handle. Irving (1. llnUlil. 8. !. Barkalow. :. M. Man let t. Charles Itnt'sllo. J. W. Hattln. , David A. (.aura. WlliUm F Hunter. J. W. Bedford. Robert Rueenswelg. I'r Alfred Kchalek. 8. A. Searle. Willis J Kears. W. L. Helby. Dr. W. H. Kherraen. Ju.1f.-e O. W. tfhlrlda. D. V. Sheles. W. W. Slabaugh. Kd T. Smith. (Continued on Second Fags ) Vice President Does N ot Say Word About Roosevelt Pasting Through Chicago, Does Not See Cannon or Other Political Notables. CHICAGO. Aug-. 28. (Special Telegram.) Vice-President Sherman u In Chicago two hour last eight, on his way to Clin ton. 111. He dld not see Speaker Cannon, who wes In the city, nor did he confer with any political notable. Mr. Sherman's visit attracted no atten tion and it waa hardly known he waa in the city. Hla reception today waa in marked contrast to hie lent visit here, when the politicians fell over themselves In an effort todo him honor Asked about the republican mlxup in New York, Mr. Sherman said. "I am a man of peace, i want to see the republican party win." Mr. Sherman pounded the table In the private car of R. W. Baxter, the new gen eral superintendent of the Illinois Central railroad. In reiterating his statement that never will he make a statement of any kind bearing on the Roosevelt movement to grab control of the New York organlxa- tloa. "It matters not to me what the conse quences may be, but I shall not say one word on that aubject," declared Mr. Sherman. When asked If he Intended to get out In favor of Colonel Roosevelt, he said: 'The convention will be ruled by the ma jority. I never dodged a duty." King Al onso is in Madrid Again Hands of Canalejas Government is Said to Have Been Very Greatly Strengthened. MADRID, Aug. 28.-(Speclal Cablegram.) King Altonaos rJttrn to his capital has strengthened the hands of the Canalejas government and the premier has adopted a more emphatic tone. It la alleged that Alfonso, while in Eng land and also while In Paris, especially during his Interview with M. Brland, "be came Impressed with the vital Importance to Spain economically, ot a speedy and 'complete regularlzatlon of the religious as sociations and will rot turn back In bis oourse." Time alone wlU show If this be the tact. But there la no doubt that Canalejas la gaining popular support rapidly now that prominence is given to the economlo as pact of the struggle. ' The radicals are subordinating their bontllity to the church as such to bring Into bolder relief the economic privileges enjoyed by the religious commudltlea at the apense. et-tfie autriat'tolrteee -as a whole. . . Canalejas, when be confronts hla op ponents lni the Cortes, will lay before that body . startling economlo revelation. Windmill: Drops; ; " Thirty Get Fall Two Fatally Injured When Too Many Picnickers Climb Tower to View the Performance. BRUNINQ, Neb., Aug. 28. Several peo ple were Injured, two fatally, and two se verely, when a windmill tower, sixty feet high, on which were perched thirty spec tators of a plcnlo performance, partly collapsed, throwing the occupants to the ground, fatally Injuring two and severely Injuring two. , ... - , John Knutien had his back broken and cannot live. Mc. . Schrock sustained what are declared to be fatal Internal Injuries. James Meyer was badly cut and bruised Mr. Rasher waa badly bruised and leg broken. Others were but slightly hurt. Death Takes 1 Miss Crummer Teacher for Fifteen Years in St John's College, Shanghai, Dies in Omaha. Miss Llllls Crummer, for fifteen years an Instructor In the women's branch of St, John's ' college at Shanghai. China, died Saturday evening at the local Pres byterlan hospital of an illuesa eoiuracu-d in the Orient. Miss Crummer had been suffering from the ailment for a year, having come from China to Omaha to be under the care of her nephew. Dr. Leroy Crummer. Besides her nephew. Miss Crummer is survived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. B. T. Crummer of this city and a brother, S. C. Crummer, who is state tax commissioner of Kansas. Funeral aervlcea will be at St. Barnabas' church Monday morning at 9 o'clock. MOTSiixvTa or ooeax aTaaxsxura. rsrt. Arrive). Sailed. SAN KB A NCI 8CO Nippon Mars... TACOMA. Hrrk. rhUadeloMa. it. Finland. Barlln. Arabia. C.kdonla. Italia. California, NEW YOKK l. NUW YOKK. .... raims. . MW YOICKi... NHW VUHK.., MCW YOKK.., KKW YOKK.., NIIW YOKK.., NliW YOHK... BALTIMOKM.. LJkllHW UUVKK , La Lorratoa... ., BrOwela... ., Hapln.. , Lapland. Woman is Charged with Smuggling Fine Gowns NEW YORK. Aug. 28.-Followlng an ex amination today of the twelve trunks packed with costly apparel and Jewelry, which she brought on her return from Europe on the Mauritania, Mrs. Mayme McKenna, who gave her addrves as Z22 Michigan avenue, Chicago, was cited by I'nlted States Commissioner Hitchcock to appear for hearing Tuesdsy on a charge ot smuggling. She is accused of bringing PULL WILL NOT WORK rail LOEB Collector of Port of New York Says There is Big Shakeup in Customs Department. TAKES THE BULL BY THE HORNS Plans to Stop Snuggling Goods Into This Conntry. NO FAVORITES ARE TO BE PLAYED Same Treatment to Be Accorded Mil lionaire and Panper. ALL CROOKED EMPLOYES MUST GO Time Haa Passed AVken a Piece of Moaer Will Admit Diamonds and Other Articles Subject to Doty. NEW YORK, Aug. JS.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Seated beneath a Nile green chromo of Colonel Theodore Rawsevelt, done In three-quarter length size and of heroic pro portions, William Loeb, Jr., collector of the port of New York said today that we are In the midxt of the greatest shekeup In the history of the United States customs de partment. And if corroboration were nec essary, one might point to the incident of Friday morning, when the steamship Maur etanla, Just In from England, waa searched from hold to bridge by the customs sleuths while fair women wept and m Ulonalie tour ists gnashed their teeth In rage. Collector Loeb has literally taken the bull by the horns. The easy old days of super ficial surveys and baggage merely glanced at are gone. Men of wealth and power, American magnates ot millions and pull; fair women of rich and powerful families are all treated alike. Their luggage and effects get the same treatment these days as la accorded to the third cabin chap whose goods and chattels are done up In oilcloth and tied with a rope. Mr. Loeb, the pupil of Roosevelt and the buffer between nature fakirs and molly coddles and the former national executive, was prevailed upon to tell something about the crusade which Is under way to make returning tourists be honest even In their dealings with Uncle Sam. Last year Mr. Loeb saved the United States government fl2.000.000, and the fig ures this year will exceed those of last. Looking: for a Shakeup. "Well," he began, "the problem wasn't so difficult as It might appear at first glance. All that was necessary waa . to make, not pnly the public, but my subordinates, feel that t was sincere in my efforts to better conditions that Is, to - make people pay money they rightfully owe the government. "We are In the midst of the greatest shakeup in the history of the United States' customs service. ; More employes have been dismissed, rfluco . I took charge than In all the entire history of the service. I "I had to make everybody feel that I had the determination alid the will not to be deflected from my purpose. Of course, nothing could have been accomplished un less I had first got the men under me In sympathy with my methods. Having se cured their confidence and let me empha size that the rest was easy. They soon realized that I would back up to the limit the men who performed their full duty. They next lost the fear of the old days that they might get into trouble and en danger their positions it they reported ir regularities on the part of people who had at their command influence either political or financial. And any . subordinate was made to feel at once that If he failed to do his duty he would be summarily dealt with and no sort of Influence would avail to save him. ' "Of course I am constantly impressing upon the men that I will not tolerate in the service the acceptance of gratuities, as the taking of money in any form by customs officials Is not consistent with their sworn oath to protect the revenues ot the govern ment.' "It's a short step from the tip to the bribe I "My investigations showed that there had always been Immense frauds at this port that had their beginning 'In the tip for working overtime, the tip for expedi ting the work, the tip for relaxing the customs regulations In various ways. It mum be borne In mind that it is not only on the passenger docks that we have to look for attempted frauds, but all along the IjO miles of water front of this port of New York. "Just then a secretary . stepped in and handed a slip of paper to Mr. Loeb ou which were several pencilled names. "Why, 'here is an example of Just what I was saying,' remarked the collector with a smile. 'Outside is a committee of men In the precious stone business. 'They are doing all they can to co-operate with me to stop smuggling In their trade. We have the figures concerning the importation of precious stones. They show that the Im portation of diamonds, pearls and other precious stones has greatly Increased In the last year. Really this Is not so; it Is merely that we are getting a record of atones that we never knew of before, be cause they were smuggled." Mr. Loeb told of the days when a pas senger with a pull could have a "C" chalked on his trunks and get them through without being opened. The times when leaving a l-'O bill In the top of the trunk saved any further payment are likewise ended. So are the days of smuggling goods over by steamship employes to be brought ashore a couple of days later without let or hindrance. "Tne steamship companies realize now," explained Mr. Loeb, "that a big fine must be paid by them and not by their employes. If anything comes in which is not on their manifest." in seven Paris-made gowns worth $1,600 without declaring them. Diamonds and Jewelry wtrlh $15.0C0 were alsa found in the trunks, but were returned to Mrs. Mc kenna when she made affidavit that she had taken them abroad with hi r. With the Tombs apparently Mrs. Mc Kenna's only alternative, I'nlted States District Attorney Wenple relented and allowed bar to be paroled in custody of an attorney. I " i li IV 'W. I 1 11 i . II - - SI il llflll I I I I I ' -AT . .! IIMll'l Bryaa If the old partjr wants he'll have to get a move and From the. Minneapolis Journal. GREAT RELIGIOUS FESTIVITY Catholics from All Over the Country Gather at Montreal. HUNDRED THOUSAND EXPECTED Services Realm This Week and Con tinue Until September 11, with .the Le irate of the Pope Present. , x MONTREAL. Ont., Aug. 28.-(Speolal Tel egram.) Catholics throughout the world will eagerly view the progress of the exi traordinary religious festivity which will be inaugurated In .this city next week, and which will bring to the shores of the St. Lawrence the largest assemblage Montreal has ever been called upon to accommodate. There are more than 250,000 Catholics in this section of Canada, according to a re cent census, and by September 6, on which day the pope's report will be formally re ceived at St. James' cathedral by Monslgnor Bruchesi, the archbishop of Montreal, and representatives of nearly every Catholic center In Europe and Amerca, the normal population will be Increased nearly half, for the general committee expects more than 1O0.0U0 pilgrlma to the city during the ceremonies. Cardinal Leaate Comes. The cardinal legate will land at Rlmouskl early next Friday. There he will be wel comed by the l.lshop and the entire com munity. A' delesvit'n oi' u clt&Hl;,l und civil officers from Montreal will escort him from Rlmouskl to this city. On his arrival ! at the docks Mayor Ouerln will welcome him In the- name of the city. The ceremony will be brief, though all of the city offi cials will lake part in It, as the city's for mal reception will be one of the social features of the congress. .Sunday, September 4, prayers will be said for the good of the congress In every Ca thollo church In the world and on that day Cardinal Vannutelll will preside at a special service In St. Patrick's church. This is the chief edifice attended by the Irish Catholics of tho city. The cardinal will not officiate at this ceremony in the capacity of papal envoy. His mission becomes offi cial and public on Tuesday, September 6, when the congress will be formally opened 1 with the stately ceremony of tbe reception of a papal legate. The chief features of the congress will be this formal welcome to the pope's le gate, the midnight mass for men at the famous church of the Notre Dame, the mass in the open air at Fletcher's field, the public meetings, and the procession of the Eucharist .with which the congress will be closed. State Dinner Planned. There will be numerous special aspects to the -congress, dinners to the cardinal legate and In turn a reception by him to officials; but the most Important ot these will be the state dinner of the pope's en voy and the visiting dignitaries by the provincial government of Quebec. This will be given at the Windsor on Sunday night, September 11. The chief discourses at the congress will be delivered by Cardinal Legate Vincent Vannutelll, Cardinal Gibbons, Monslgnor Bruchesi, Archbishop O'Connell of Boston, Archbishop Ulennon of SL Louis, Father Vaughn ot London, Rev. Dr. L. A. Lam bert, Rev. A. P. Doyle, Rev. Dr. Lam bing. Monslgnor Touchette and the Arch bishop Duchesne. It Is noteworthy that the youngest mem ber of the American hlerarohy, Dr. Ulen non of St. Louis, has been selected to preach at the midnight mass in Notre Dame Church. The papal legate will be the celebrant of this mass. Cardinal Gibbons will be the orator at the final ceremony in St. James on Sunday morning, Septem ber U. The procession, which Is ths closing In cident of the oongress, starts from Notre Dame In the afternoon. Did you lose any thing yesterday:5 You will find U advertised. In this Issue of The Bee, no doubt There may be other things of In terest .In the want ads of this Is sue, v Good servants are advertising for places. Good employers are ad vertising for servants. People want to loan. To borrow. To buy. To rent. To aell. Read these little treasures. Thousands are reading them today. One in Advance Vhich.? iirnmS rassm a iNiiiiimiiiiii mini i i in my leadership get up to date. The Mule If he'll have Woodruff Wants Public Hearing on Land Affairs Resents Imputation that Graft Existed in Purchase of Adirondack Prop erty for New York State. NEW YORK, Aug. 28. Timothy L. Wood ruff, chairman of the republican state com mittee Inst night telegraphed to Commis sioners Clark and Austin, who are investi gating land purchases in the. Adirondack region, demanding a public hearing con cerning all Adirondack matters with which his name has been connected. The telegram follows: , "In view" of Imputations at yesterday's hearing and newspaper Inferences drawn therefrom, I respectfully demand a public hearing concerning all Adirondack matters with which my name has been associated." Mr. Woodruff owns property In the Adtrondacks, known as Kamp Kill Kare, consisting of 1,030 acres for which he paid $12,000. Adjacent property waa purchased by the state forest preserve board, of which Mr. Woodruff was president at the time, for $167,000. Commenting tonight on statements made at the hearing and In the public press, Mr. Woodruff said: ' ' "If' It is true, ii stajed, that tho prop erty referred to as 'having been purchased for the state at $167,000, was offered 'to me and my associates in the forest preserve board' for J40.000 or any "other sum leshan which we paid for it, it Is the duty of Mr. Clark and Mr. Austin . to demand our criminal prosecution, which, should result la convicting us of the crime of defrauding the state of New York of the difference between the amount at which the property was offered and the price we paid for It. Of course as a matter of fact we never paid to secure this or any other piece of property one penny more than the lowest price we could get it at, after bartering with and beating down the seller." In a letter which he sent to the commis sioners, and which waa made publlo today, Mr. Woodruff pointed out that he paid an average of $12 per acre for his property, while the state, which took a tract of about 250,000 acres, paid something under $7 an acre. Furthermore he avers, W. W. Du rant, from whom he purchased, would not consider any price .from the state, as a lake in the Kamp Kill Kare property would therefore become publlo property and les sen the value of two adjacent preserves on which he had erected costly buildings Omaha Boosters on Way Home Make a Hit at Cheyenne, Where They Go to Attend Frontier Day Festival. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 28. (Special Telegram.) 'J'lie Kieaaest of all frontier celebrations closed last night at Frontier park, the 0,000 visitors remaining until the last. Colonel RooFevelt was an Interested spectator. More and better horses were used this year and the extra-champions Including Stanley, Danka and Clark were thrown. Sam , Scovllle of Cheyenno rode rings around all the others and was the only man who rode to a finish, "Teddy Roose velt," ths fiercest bucker on the grounds. Roosevelt warmly complimented Scovllle at the conclusion of the ride. The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, the Omaha boosters and the South Omaha stock yards crowd, who came to Cheyenne In a special train yesterday and who has been ope of the main features of the celebration this year, left In their train at 11:30 tonight nd will reach Omaha tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock. Omaha, Ak-Sar-Ben, the car nival and the South Omaha stock market have received more effective and favorable advertising than during any previuus two days In their history. The Omaha boosters won a warm spot in the hearts of the western people and thousands went to the train to bid them Ood speed, when the big special pulled out for the east. Former Slave Beside ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 28. Unusual honors were paid the memory of Henry Lewis, a negro, born a slave in St. Louis 8 years ago, at the funeral services this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Phil Chew, 4033 Westminster place. Lewis died at the city hospital from Injuries received a week ago, when he was ru'i down by a street car.. The burial was at Hells Fontaine cem etery, where the body of the aged negro Iwas laid to rest in a grave alongside that ot his old master, Peter Lindell. Bryan wants to trail with me to catch up with the procession. STREETS FLOODED BY RAIN Tremendous Downpour Has Effect of Choking" Some Sewers. THEATERGOERS MEET A SURPRISE Women In Stalled Automobile Suffer a Drenching- Almost an Inch ot Water Falls in Very Brief ' Time. The sudden storm late Sunday afternoon caught hundreds of people at the theaters and a good deal of pushing and shoving re sulted. It rained so heavily for a time that the first people at the doors stopped short when they saw the downpour. Others be hind, wishing to get nearer fresh air, hardly realized the situation and kept push ing toward the front. Down Farnam and Harney streets the water poured like a spring freshet In the mountains. The storm sewers were not large enough to swallow the great volume of water and In the gutters nearby the streams were many Inches deep. Pedes trians tried to leap them with varying suc cess. In front of The Bee building one man Jumped far enough, but his derby fell off and vanished in a twinkling. It went down the sewer before Its owner could re cover his balance on the sidewalk. Wallace Studio Blown Over. J, Laurie Wallace, the artist, will be a heavy loser, because of the. storm.' The -'dre,h.W 1llni'?WFl..u.Jisj been lining ' as a studio at J70 . Izard street, was' blown to pieces by several heavy gusts of wind.- Ths wreck of the building Is not In Itself cause of great loss, but many valuable paintings and pieces of stat uary were very seriously damaged by water and failing timbers, and' some of them are thought to be ruined. No estimate of the loss could be made last night. '. An automobile chose the moment when the Btorm was at its height as the proper time to "stall" at the corner of Twenty fourth and Bristol street. Two women sal In It and one man. The other man was standing at the front turning the crank and lmpotently cursing. The women, who were elaborately gowned, were Just drenched. The wind and rain put a quietus on the Shallenherger headquarters sign on the southeast corner of Farnam and Seven teenth streeHa. The sign has been weak ever since the primaries and a lesser blow than yesterday's would undoubtedly have dislodged it. Western Rates Ordered Restored; Eastern Raised Master in Chancery Files Final Find ing on Freight Tariff Suits at St. Paul. ST. PAUL, Aug. 28. Fred N. Dickin son, master In chancery in the suits brought by the Great Nothern, Northern Pacific and Union Paclfio railways an order of the Interstate commerce com mission concerning lumoer rates from the Paclfio coast as far as Chicago, to day filed his final findings In the office of the clork of the United States circuit court. The' commission ordered the lumber rates west ot the remblna-Port Arthur llms which runs along tne western hound ary of Minnesota and the Missouri river, rentnrqd where they were November 1, 1807 Knst of that line tne rti II roads were al lowed to raise tne rates o cents on n hundredweight. The railroads desired to raise the ten cents a hundredweight east of that Hne and also wanted certain ad vanci'S went of the line. In his findings. Mr. Dickinson allows the cnmrnisHlnn's rnles west of the line to stand,' but K"ve the rtillrnads tlie nd- vsnce they desired east of the line. The attorneys have until September JO to file exceptions with me circuit court. These wil be argued before Judges Sanborn Hook an Vandevanter on the morning of September IS. Buried Master's Grave A monument wil ie erected to mark hi resting place, similar In design to the hundsome shaft that stands st the hea: of the grsve of Peter Lindell. Tho members of the Chew family and frlenus were present at the services their home with the widow, the three sons and the eight grandchildren of th old slave, i The Rev. jonn Parker, pastor of Pleasant Oreen negro Methodis church had charge, of the funeral. , Th near relatives and friends of the riecea had the first carriages. The members ot ths Chaw family followed lu others TAFT SAYS PARTY SlIOjULDJlE-tTjNlTE No Good Reason Exists to Prevent Re publican Increases and Good Ma jority in Next Congress. DEMOCRATIC IDEAS ARE WRONG Opposing Organization Would Vitiata Progress Already Made. AWAIT MORE TARIFF REVISION SBMSMSM Should Abide Situation Till Evidence Justifies Changes. REVIEWS HIS ADMINISTRATION President States that It Is of Utmost Importance to Clear Away Clouds of Misrepresentation Ob scuring Isaacs." NEW .YORK, Aug. . E8.-President Tali's letter to W. U. McKlnley. chairmun of the republican congressional committee, was made puollo tonight by tho New York headquarters of the ooniinlttee. The president In the communication says that differences . between republicans should bo forgotten in the congressional election and that "all republicans who believe in the part' principles as declared in Its national platform of MOS, should give the candidates local and effective support. It this is done there will be no doubt of a return of a republican majority." As to the tariff the president says: "it seems to me that all republicans- conservative, progressive and radical may well abide by the situation with respeot to the tariff until evidence now being ac cumulated shall Justify changes in ths rates." Mr. Taft's plans for revision by congress ot several suhedulos, as given by ths tariff commission is discussed in this con- nectlon. Tho president reviews the most Import nt legislation enacted by congress in ful fillment ot Its promises and says, "it ,1a of the utmost' Importance to make this a campaign ot education as to facta and clear away the clouds of misrepresentation that have obscured the real Issues. The letter follows in part: Text ot Letter. "Beverly, Mass., Aug. 20. '10. My dear Mr. McKlnley: - As cha hairman of the national congres sional campaign committee, you have asked me to give the reasons which should lead voters In the coming November elec tion to cast their ballots for republican , candidates for congress. "I assume that when this tetter Is given publicity ths lines will have been drawn. the party candidates will have been se lected and the question for decision will b whettiar we 'will hawsr lrv the. Jroupe of rcpre i -sentatives" " a"' republican" br a democratlo majority. The question then will be, not what complexion of republicanism one pre fers, 'but whether it Is better for the coun try to have the republican party control the' legislation for the next two years and further redeem Its phomlses, or to enablt a democratic majority In the house elthci to lntemose a vote to republican measures. - I o rto formulate and pass bills to catry out democratic pulnclples. Prominence has been given during the preliminary can vasses Just ended to the differences between republicans; but in the election such dif ferences should be forgotten. Differences within the party were manifested in. ths two sessions of ths present congress, and yet never in its history has the republican party passed and become responsible for as much useful and progressive legislation. So, while Issues will doubtless srlse be tween memibers ot a republican majority as to the details of further legislation ,ths party, as a whole, will show Itself In ths future, as in the past, practical and patri otic in subordinating individual opinions in order to secure real progress. Hence, It is important that after all republican congressional candidates have been chosen, all republicans who believe in the parly : principles as declared in its national plat- ' form of liW8 should give the candidates ef fective and full support. If this Is done there will be no doubt of the return ot a republican majority. Democrats Would Reject Protection. 'The only other alternative Is a demo cratic majority. I We may reasonably us sume, however, that a democratic mujufuy in the house would reject the republican doctrine ot protection as announced In What, therefore, has a republican who believes In protection, but objects to some rates 6f schedules in the pre.sent tariff act, to hops for from a dtmocraUc majority. which. It allowed its way, would attack the protective system and halt business by u threatened revision ot the whole tariff on revenue basils, or if prevented by the senate or tho executive, wuuld meiely do notnliigT' Piet-iaeiit Taft then ulscjats tha promised made and the legislation enacted by tnu present congress, dlscusaing in detail tuo tariff, the number Of reduction and in creases mads and quoting the memorandum he made when he signed tho bill. Continu ing, the letter says: "The tariff bill has been criticised foi certain of Its laid snd schedule, aioiue of the cHtliian.a are Just and some aru wide of til maiK Snd most unjust. ' Kvll of i;i--le Itutt-s shown. The truth is that under me old piul ac tive idea the only purpose was to make tho tariff high enough tJ protect the homo industry. The excess of the tarif fover tho difference iu the cost of production hei j and abroad was nut rcgurded as objection able because it was reported that competi tion between thobe who enjoyed the hli:li protection would keep the price for tin consumer down to what was reasonable for the manufacturer. The evil of excessive tariff rates, however, showed tixelf in the temptation of manufacturers to combine and suppress competition and then to main- ' tain the prices so as to take advantage of ' the excess ot ths taiitf rate over tne dif ference between the cost of production ubroad and here. The Puyne tariff bill Is the first bill putsed by the republican party In which he necessity for reducing rates to avoid tils evil has been recognized nnd it is, therefore, a decided step in the linht direc tion and It ouKht to bo accepted us such. On the whole, it was 4. downward i -erii. particularly in articles of nc-cebitj- nnd on raw. rraterlals. The nctuul figures on ths first year's opetatlon of the luw di-rnnn-utrute this. It muct also be remrniliei ed that the tuiiff rates In the new law on Imported Huu'iih, wines snd fllli vero In creased substantially over the Dlngley i '