Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday We Offer Special Bargains in Attractive
New Fall Merchandise, at
: - -. ait a m.
r 1.4...
m mm
. . . f ....
New Fall Waists
We are receiving new models
dally In fancy stripes, Persian
silks, beautiful lace and net
waists, Irish crochet and Marqui
sette will be very popular.
See the new fall semi-tailored
waists, at each
98c, $1.50, $1.98. $2.50
Clover Silk Taffeta Silk Waist,
new fall models, at each
$3.98, $5, $5.98
Hundreds of new Lace and Net
wulHts for all fashionable occa-
Si!1.. $3.50, $3.98
811k Petticoat in dainty shades
Dresdens and black, at each
$3.98, $5, $5.98
Manufacturer's Samples of the
Many Stunning Fall Goods
We Show for the First Time Monday Many Stunning
Arrivals In
Women's Fall Apparel
That is Fashionably Correct
This showing includes clever arrivals in
tailored suits, stunning new coats, beautiful
gowns, demi-costumes and dresses that will
be high in favor this fall.
Ever)' garment has individuality that one
expects in Brandeis merchandise.
We especially mention exquisite party
dresses and dancing dresses in marquisette,
with deep flounces of satin, satin ribbon
trimmed and girdle to match, beautiful cro
chet yokes, etc., cleverest models we have
ever shown.
New Arrivals in Dresses
For Girls and Misses
Entirely new Ideas in styles and fabrics, new
plaids, checks and fancy weaves, plain reds, blues,,
very smart for school wear.
Pretty New Fall Negliges
Hundreds of new arrivals of eiderdown , and
blanket lounging and bath robes, pretty kimonos and
dressing sacques of figured silks, crepes, challls, etc.,
a very fine assortment.
Ultra Smart Fall Skirts
All the newest styles for this autumn in women's up
to date tailored skirts, all the new fabrics and colors
are represented, at each
$6.98, $7.50, $12.00 and up
We Announce a Special Showing of
Displayed in a Special Section Second Floor.
"We take pleasure in showing a great number of exquisite
new oriental rugs, in all sizes which have just arrived. This
is the finest assemblage of Orientals we have ever shown.
Every rug imported direct by us and selected personally by
our own foreign resident buyer.
Elegant Kirmanshahs, rich Saruks, fine Bokharas, beau
tiful Goravans and Persians, various sizes in Kehivas, stun
ning patterns in Shiroz and Moussouls, fine Dagestuns and
Your inspection is requested. It will be a most notable
showing all this week.
A Great Sale of Linens in. our Basement
600 fine hemstitched table cloths, S and IH
yard lengths, worth 12 at each 98o
100 Round Thread German Linen Pattern
Cloth, 72-72, the best made cloth for service,
$2.25 values, at each 91.69
Fine Irish Linen Table Damask, beautiful
satin finish, 72 Inches wide, $1 value, at per
yard 680
100 dozen odd napkins In fine Irish and Ger
man linen, values up to $4, at per dosen. 93.80
Samples of Beautiful Japanese, Renaissance
lace and hand drawn scarfs, center pieces
and lunch clotlis, worth up to $3, at each.BSo
60c dollies at 25c 18-ln. round or square tenerlffe
dollies with double row of tenerlffe lace edge
and drawn centers, 60c values at &6o
$1.25 Irish hand embroidered scarfs and lunch
cloths, scalloped or hemstitched, very special,
at, each 49o
60a Guest Towels ob 25c each Fine, pure
linen huck guest towels, scalloped or hem
stitched ends, 60c values at, each 80c
$1.25 Bath Rugs 49c each Extra large, heavy
Turkish bath rugs In floral and tile patterns,
all colors worth up to $1.26, at each 49o
In Our White Goods Section Basement.
45-inch wide nainsook,, soft and sheer, contains no dressing and made
from finest combed yarns, special by the
bolt of 12 yards
New line of white cross barr dimities
and batiste. In plaids and small
checks, pretty styles for children's
aprons, shirt waists, etc., 19c
at, per yard
Special value In dress linen, 36 inches
. wide, at per Onn
yard "J(j
Ask to see our new fall line of
white embroidered pique.
Wc Present the Newest Fall Styles in
The styles that men of good taste will choose are
here for your selection. Vou can find just the
style and pattern you prefer, and no matter what
your size, we can fit you properly. We outfit the
best dressed men in Omaha because we sell the
best clothes. i'ew fall groups at .
$15 $18 $20 $25
ffi Boys' School Suits
Special purchase of several hundred boys Knicker
bocker, suits for fall, double or CO Efi
single breasted, at .n&J,. DU
Boys' Combination School Suits (Each with two
pairs of knickerbocker Cl Cft
pants), at per suit.. .vP3. OU
High Grade Suits for Boys The best that tailoring
skill can produce, j r . C 1 A
at, per suit JJ lO P1U
Wonderful Bargains New Embroideries
18, 22, and 27-inch fine Swiss, nainsook and batiste embroidered flounc-
ings and skirtings, also corset cover embroideries, all
this season'o choicest designs, many worth
G3c per yard, at per yard
18 and 22-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset covers, also
wide insertions and galloons, all cho ioe, new
designs, many worth 50c a yard, big bargain
square at, per yard
27-Inch high grade French batiste embroid
ered flouncings, elegant combination de
signs in Japanese, crochet, baby Irish and
V An Inn effects wnrth 11.25 to x v v
$7.50 a yard Main Embroidery
Department at, per
yard S -
ve, v v , v.
Fine French and German Vol
Laces and Insertions, dainty, new
designs, many to match, worth
10g per yard, r
at, per yard J
New Fall Dress Goods Specially Priced
See these fine 40-inch novelty suitings, serges, Panamas, plaid dress
goods, English mohairs, novelties, homespuns, etc, which we ofier Mon
day on bargain square,
at, per yard. 1
Fine 42 to 54-inch all Wool Suitings, canvas suitings,-satin
Ottomans, semi rough suitings, etc., in prevailing colors
and black, bargain square, at per yard
StoT Wash Fabrics .
Monday we wHl close out all our silk and
cotton fabrics in plain and fancy jweaves,
all new shades, have been seinngcnt ouc
per yard,
Newest Fall Arrivals
Homespuns, matelasse suitings, zebellnes,
boncle effects and various mannish English
and German tailored suitings, main dress
goods section, at I- nc
per yard Plpi- J
at, per yard.
New Fall Styles in '
Women's Shoes
We are showing a more complete and more at
tractive assortment of fine footwear for women than
can be found any where else. Styles that are -correct
for every occasion. . ' . . ,
You can buy better wearing and better looking
shoes for $2.60 than you can get anywhere else in
Omaha for the same money.
See the new slant top shoes for fall at S3,
$3 50. and $4 OO 7
See the ultra smart styles .in Women's shoe at
$500- (
Fine Vltfiitc Pillow
Stamped to Embroider
This is very high class pillow
tubing all ready to embroider in
beautlfal . new-designs for eyelet
and French embroidery.
Regular val
ue 69c, per
pair, at
L...... ...
brandeis Stores-
Czar is Visibly Worried Over Her
Decision to Travel for Health Over
Foreign Countries la , Consid
ered bx Many m Grave
ST. PETERSBURG, Ail. 27. (Special to
The Bee.) The czar la very seriously
worried over the health of the csarlna
end has decided to accompany her on her
Journey, where the doctors say she has
a ohance to recover her health, partially
t least.
The decision of the csar to travel with
his consort to a foreign country Is re
ceived with very grave foreboding. In view
Of repeated statements to the effect that
the malady of the empress has reached
Its final stage. Frledborg. where the csar
and csarlna will' stay, is within fifteen
minutes' drive of Nauhelra. The palace.
since the Duke Ludwlg IVth's death, has
Dot been occupied, and extensive prepara
tions are being made to make it ready to
receive the imperial visitors. A hundred
rooms were got ready at Frledborg, and
a full contingent of secret police have ar
rived from Damstadt and Frankfurt and
are subjecting all visitors and foreigners
to a close Bcrutlny. According to present
arrangements, their majesty's stay will
last six weeks. t
It Is probable that while away the csar
will receive a visit from Kaiser Wllhelm.
and the two monarch will discuss the
Balkan situation.
Tsar's Expense Aceonnt
The statement is frequently made that
the mar's civil list Is $5,000,000. The fact
Is that the emperors of Russia have no
civil list, as they draw at liberty on the
Imperial treasury, every rouble, which Is
supposed to be at the absolute disposal
of the sovereign, who Is the owner of
vsst estates and forests, with mines of
great value. A diplomatist, newly arrived
at St. Petersburg, asked a functionary of
the Russlon foreign office the amount of
the imperial civil list and received the
answer, "Quo voulci-vous avea une Llste
Civile? Tout apparlent au Tsar, et 11
prenduce qu'il veut." It wss said that
during the year before his assassination
the Kmperor Alexander II drew 125,000,000
from the treasury in order to make whaf
he considered to be an adequate provivion
for his morganatic wife. Princess Pol
goroukl. and her children.
Tale front the Caacaaas.
The reign of terror in the Caucasus
reached its climax of dramatic horror last
Week. Hussedn Khanoff, a wealthy robber
ol Rllsaretpoi district, on being refused the
hand of Agafya. the daughter of a petty
official named Kaslmtreff, carried her off
by force.
Next day, after a fierce struggle, in
which several of the brigands were
wounded, the girl waa rescued. But Kasim
Ireft terrified by the bandit's aubaequent
threats, determined to migrate from the
town. Hussein seised this as an oppor
tunity for revengek As Kaaimlmff, his
wife, and three daughters were driving to
their destination, they were swooped upon
by his band of cut-throats and hurried off
te the hills,' where the father and mother
were told to prepare for death. The elder
and entering Hussein's harem, a chance of
escape which both refused. "Agafya," said
the bandit, "la reserved for a better fate."
The four victims were then roped to
gether and placed In a leaking boat, which
was towed Into the middle of a small lake.
As the boat settled down the wretched
family prayed and sang hymns, while the
brtfcands Jeered .and threw stones on therm.
For an hour they clung to the boat, but as
each sank the burden upon the survivors
became greater, and finally all disappeared.
Three days later Agafya, rescued in a
pitiable condition by soldiers, told a very
pathetlo story which was related above.
Strange Storr of a. Child. ,
Very pathetlo Is a story that comes from
Krasnobrod, In the government of Lublin,
near Odessa, Two years ago there disap
peared the 7-year-old daughter of a well-to-do
family in Krasnobrod. A few months
ago the mother paid a visit to the district
Tahrmarka. There near the church door
she gave alms to a blind girl saying, "Pray
for my child, my dead, whom I loot two
years, ago. She Is certainly dead." The
blind girl had scarcely heard the lady's
voice before she recognised, and sprung
to her feet saying, "Mamma, I am your
child, Marie." She had been stolen by beg
gars and Ill-treated.
Cornhuskers Get
Pay at Fort Riley
and Will Return
Probably Will Not Entrain Before
Sunday for Eeturn Trip Officers
Praise Them for Work.
JUNCTION CITT. Kan., Aug. 27.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) Although last night wit
nessed still another great drop In the tem
perature, and though many of the soldiers
encamped at Fort Rlluy spent an unusually
chilly night, none of the Nebraska men
suffered the least discomfort, being well
provided for emergencies.
An almost impenetrable fog over the
camp this morning compelled company
drill to be abandoned save for a short time
Just before midday mess.
Adjutant General Hargan arrived from
Lincoln this afternoon and In less than
an hour afterward the' men were mutered
for their half pay due them for service
during the maneuvers. The other half will
be paid them by the state after they re
turn home. Regulur army engineers today
expressed themselves as wll pleased with
the work of the newly organised company
of engineers from Omaha and on account
of their interest In engineering lines have
promised to send a company of regulars to
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities this fall.
The general maneuvering of the Nebras
ka men has received high commendation
from all army officers stationed here and
none but words of praise has been heard
for the conduct of the men and officers of
both regiments. The camp has been re
ferred to as one of the most orderly ever
held at Fort Riley military reservation.
Henuemnerlns; tarh Other.
He sat on the sand at Atlantic City in a
bathing suit. About ten feet away she was
drawing pictures in the sand with a small,
brown forefinger, lie noticed her com
plexion, her curves and the glint of gold
In her hair. He wanted to speak, snd yet
Finally he summoned courage and walked
over to her.
"IMdn't 1 talk with you for about five
minutes, two summers ago?" he asked.
The maid lifted bere blue eyes.
'Two years ago." she said dreamily.
, , , .. . , . , " two years ago let me see did I ear
Eirui warn gives Ue chglce between deathjblue silk stockings."-Phriadelumn Times.
Attorneys' Objections Useless to Pro
tect Former President's Eeputation.
Judge Braga-emerer Refuses Defend
ants Bill of Particulars or Change
of Venue Reuther Tells of
Osterman Concur,
CHICAGO, Aug. 27.-7Attomeys for three
former high officials of the Illinois Central
railroad. Frank B. IHarrlman, formerly
general manager; John M. Taylor, store
keeper, and Charles L. Ewtng, superin
tendent of the lmes north of the Ohio river,
received a setback on the first day of their
criminal trial today when Judge Brugge
meyer refused the defendants a bill of par
ticulars or a change of venue. The men
are charged with participating in frauds
by which the railroad company Is alleged
to have been mulcted out of more than
11,000,000 through inflated car repair bills.
Despite objections by attorneys ' for the
defense, names of Ira G. Rawn, former
president of the Monon route, who met
death recently by a bullet wound; J. E.
Buker, and William Renshaw, former
superintendents of machinery of the Illi
nois Central, were brought Into the case
In the testimony of Teoppile Reuther, form
erly general manager of the Osterman Car
company, now employed as a locomotive
engineer for the Illinois Central road. His
testimony was placed on the record, but
Judge Bruggemeyer asserted it might be
stricken out later If attorneys for the
prosecution failed to prove It material.
Reuther testified as to the organisation
of the Osterman company, a concern , to
which Illinois Central cars were sent for
repairs. He declared he had been ousted
from his position as general manager and
director, that John M. Taylor, one of the
defendenta, might he made director. He
declared the company waa organised In
1908 to make grain doors, that It later made
cement blocks, snd subsequently entered
the business of repairing cars for the Illi
nois Central.
'Did Mr. Taylor become financially in
terested In the company?" asked Attorney
Walter L. Fisher, who Is aiding Assistant
State's Attorney Bornes. , .
"Yes, he became a stockholder," an
swered Mr. Reuther.
Tells of "I4asr Mener."
Counsel for the defense here sought to
prevent further examination of the wit
nesses, asserting that the Osterman com
pany was riot on trial. "What, do you
expect to prove of tills witness?" was
asked of Mr. Fisher.
"I mean to show," he answered, "that
material was sent the Osterman company
by Taylor, which was not paid for and that
fraudulent bills subsequently were ren
dered, that the Illinois Central company
Reuther then narrated a conversation hs
declared Osterman had held with him. In
which the car company head told of pre
senting Taylor with a block of 2.000 shares
In the company, adding that he would pre
sent a similar block to irt CI. Rawn, at
that time vice president of the road, Frank
B. Harrlman, J. F. Buker, assistant su
perintendent of machinery, and to William
Renshaw, superintendent of machinery of
the Illinois Central.
Reuther was permitted to continue his
narrative and said:
"One day I waa walking through tbe
yards with Oalerniaa when we came upon
a huge pile of lumber. He pointed to It
and said:
" 'How much do you think that pile of
lumber is worth, Reuther?'
"I told him I did not know, and asked
him where he expected to get the money
to pay for it."
Defease Makes Objection.
"He replied that the lumber was worth
at least $15,000, and said he would get the
money to pay for It, while later we came
upon many tiers of brass Journals and other
brass car parts. He sald: 'There is somt
easy money.
"I said he had better look out for that
easy money business, or that he would get
into trouble. Osterman replied:
" 'Oh, Taylor will take care of that.' "
Prior to Reuther's testimony, E. C. Cow-
gill, chief clerk, to the president of the
railroad, was called by the prosecution
and testified as to the ordinary procedure
In connection with the payment of vouchers.
"first the department heads must ap
prove the voucher," he said, "then It passes
through the hands of other officials of
the company and finally Is sent to the
auditor of disbursements for payment."
United States is
to Be Overruled
By Liberahsts
Dr. Mendoza Will Be Elected Acting
President of Panama in Spite of
Eeported Objections.
PANAMA, Aug. n. The political crisis
due to the reported intention of the United
States to oppose as unconstitutional the
election Xf the National assembly of Dr.
Carlos Mendoza aa acting president la grow
ing In Intensity. The declaration of R. O.
Morse, charge d'affaires of the Panama
legation, regarding the Ineligibility of Dr.
Mendoza haa united the liberal members of
the assembly whose prominent leaders have
decided, it (s said to elect Dr. Mendosa
first vice president and acting president
without regard to the objections of the
United States.
The Panama government has as yet re
ceived no official confirmation or denial
from Washington of the attitude reported
to have been taken by the United States,
although inquiries have been made by the
Panaman minister to Washington, D. C,
Arosemena to ascertain the opinion of the
Department of State.
The friends of Dr. Mendosa publicly as
sert that they will elect him, since the Na
tional asuembly Is the only corporation hav
ing the power and right to Interpret the
Panaman constitution and laws. They be
lieve that the American government can
not and will not refuse to recognize the
Panaman cltixeh chosen by the assembly
no matter who he may be. -
Y. M. C. A. Passes Half Million.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-The new year
book of the North American Young Men's
Christian association, now being issued,
shows the membership of the association
to have well paused the half million murk.
There are 2,017 associations, an Increase of
ICS during the year. Of these in alone re
port members, more than 160.0 iO of
which are boys In their teens and tW.OuO are
In Industrial occupations.
The associations have made a net gain
of,2&0 In property, making the total
f67.K6.000. They have also K534.t pledged
to erect new or larger buildings.
War Department Figures Bain Would
Cost Hundred Thousand.
Costs Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars
Apiece to Fire Biggest Guns In
Coast Artillery Graves
WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 27.-Esti-matlng
the cost of the experiment at about
$100,000, the War department officials have
declined requests to order a bombardment
of the skies by all Its guns on Puget
Sound, and t the mouth of the Columbia
river in an effort to bring on rain In the
burning forest district of the northwest In
addition to the objection of cost, the army
officials regarded the proposal as certain
to prove futile. The Navy department. In
which a similar request was made, ex
pressed Its willingness to co-operate with
the army with six or ten guns, the only
ones at Its disposal.
The experiment would have been one of
the most ppectacular ever attempted In
the United Stales. Around Pugt Sound, at
Forts Worden. Casey and Flagler, the
army has forty twelve-Inch mortars, six
twelve-Inch rifles, eighteen ten-inch guns,
and twenty six-Inch guns, besides a large
number of guns of smaller caliber. At the
mouth of the Columbia in Forts Columbia
and Stevens are eight twelve-Inch mortars,
eight ten-inch guns, three eight-Inch guns,
and eleven six-Inch, in addition to the
smaller ones.
To fire these once simultaneously, loaded
properly for the purpose In mind would
have cost the government. It was estimated
at tho War department, 110,000. Admitting
the possibility of effectiveness. It was con
sidered that probably ten rounds would
have been required. This would have run
the cost up to a figure that the officials
did not feel Justified In Incurring without
specific authorization from high authority,
particularly In view of the amount al
ready spent In putting thirty-two com
panies of troops Into the forest to fight the
Not Equipped with Time Fuses.
Besides the element of cost, it waa atated
at the War department that the army was
not equipped with projectiles with time
fuses for the guns Just enumerated, and
hence the only atmospheric disturbance
created would be by the formation of gases
from the ground at the time of the dis
charge of the guns, and y itie firing of
the projectile through the air. The dis
turbance caused by the flight of the pro
jectiles, It was said, would be comparatively
negligible for the purposes of creating a
violent confusion among the air currents.
To fire the biggest guns In the coast
artillery costs about 'M each, It has been
estimated. To fire the twelve-Inch mortars,
costs about )00, or 70 each.
Monday's SpeciaiVHairGoods
New Store Second Floor
Two extra large real Hair Nets
for 25
Extra large Silk Nets, each. . .5
The Madam Boyd Cluster, $3 val.,
for 91.0S
Chantecler 1 Cluster, consisting of
twenty puffs, $5 value. . $2.43
28-ln. fine natural wavy Switches,
made of fine German hair, $15
values, at ths sale only $9.08
20-inch natural wavy Switches, $3
values $1.48
Turban caps, 60c values... 2Q
24-lnch real Hair Roll, can be
combed and washed; others sell
for $1.00, our sale price. . 50
The Key to the BliuaUon-tts Want Ads.
Defining Uolf.
On the terrace of a country club, over
looking a hi ten doited with Nheep, a group
of non-golfers were taking tea.
A mule non-golfer, who took his tea
througii a straw, said thoughtfully:
"liulf might be defined as billiards gone
to gl'UHH."
"Spleen on' the green, I'd call It," said
a female non-golfer.
"Or the lawl flicker of the dying fire of
athletics." sneered a young foot ball player
"The misuse of land and language, sug
gested a tennis champion.
"No, no; you're all w rong," sid a famous
angler. "Uolf is simply a game wherein
the ball lies badly and the pUysr well."
Liuuisvuie ljuiBS.
Business Confidence Strengthens as
Harvests Are Gathered.
Contraction la N amber of Lines Unde
niable, Malalr In Reduction ol
Speealntlon Better Retail
Trade In Dry Goods.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17. Dun's Review of
Trade today says:
Business confidence Is strengthened as
the harvests are being gathered and the
period of the midsummer inaction draws to
a close. On the otner hand, renewed polit
ical activity makes for that uncertainty
that tends to retard enterprise.
That there has been aim still Is contrac
tion in a number of Important lines cannot
be denied, but tne contraction consists
mainly in the reduction of Hpecuiat.oii and
in the cutting off of transactions for the
in dry goods there are signs of expansion
among the Jobbers, as tiie result of a better
retail trade. The footwear and hide and
leather trades are unsatisfactory.
Hecent developments in iron and steel ap
pear to warrant expectations of a brink
revival in demand as thw Heuson advances,
and the sentiment is now mure cheertul
than for some tune past.
General Reports All Country Are
More Favorable.
NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Uradstreet's to
day says:
House trade continues to expand at lead
ing markets, food crop advices are inure
favorable, iron and Fieri trad reports dis
play a better unJrrtone, tne movement of
wheat is heavy, buyers' excursions are gen
eral and collections show a little Improve
ment. However, (lie general situation re
mains rather Irregular in tiiat current trade
r. ports the country over are n"t uniformly
favorable. Thus those from the weat and
southwest tell of activity in fall buying;
returns from the south indlcste only slight
imiinivcbuit. while those from the north.
iseat sre characterised as satisfactory and
eastern advices suggest that conservatism
is still prevalent A number of improve
ments in the iron and steel trades are still
largely sentimental. The fact that Inquiries
are more numerous Is taken as an augury
of better things in the fall.
Aside from the fear that cooler weather
toward the clone of the week would Injure
corn the general orop report this week was
of continued Improvement, except for cot
ton In Texas.
Business failures in the United States for
the week eic.lng Atignt l f : ttsalnst
tn last week. 201 In the like week of 19v,
236 In 1908, 17 In 1907 and 188 In 1906.
u,,..ln.a failures in ana. la lor the week
ending with Thursday last number thirty-
nine Whicn comparer wivu iweiiiyvix imu
week, snd thirty-two In the corresponding
week In 1908.
Wheat. Including flour, exports from ths
United Btates and at'nada for the week
ending Augunt MKrfmw i,,n oushel.
sxainst 1.4W.614 bushels last week and
jri4B34 bushels this week lust year. Kor
elirht WeeK en r ' rlJrn are
10 341 3S6 bushelH. aKlnt 14 .(m,VX bushels In
the corresponding period last year. Corn
exports for the week sre 1.19,169 bushel.,
SKlnt 4K.537 buFhWn last week, and M.fioi
bushels In 109. For the eight weeks ndlng
AuKUHt 25 corn export are J.rtm OuJ bushels,
against 7HS4.49H bushels last year.
. i-Favvrr Was a goldler.
"He was a little bit of a chap." began
the surgeon, "scarcely up to my knee, but
when he was brought In with crushed legs
and one arm hanging by a thread he tried
not to cry and succeeded. 'My favver, ha
always said. "He a sport Joe," he piped,
when Miss Griggs coJImI til in a brave boy,
'My favver was a soldier.'
"We told him as we cut off his olottiee,
that he was a soldier, too, which pleased
him gTeatly. He wasn't suffering much-,
he was too far gone for that and MJa
Urlggs' eyes said, Ix-t me take him In
my arms and Just mother him as long aa
he lasts.' "
"but, of course," resumed the surgeon la
his professional tone, "It was my duty to
"Just as he was about to be taken out
he mads us understand that he wanted
something In his clothes, and with hU
sound fist he found what he wanted in one
of his pockets, and olutched It tight.
"It turned out to be a brass button from
the tunic of his father, who was a 'soldier,'
and the little chap wanted it to give hlrf
courage In his ordeal.
"Afterward." said the surgeon. "Miss
Griuga strung the button on a ribbon and
put It round his neck so the button rested
benratrt bis folded hands." Youth's Cottv
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