1 THE OMATTA- SUNDAY BKK: ATTOUST 29. 1M0. WHERE LIFE IS MADE NEW T. L Htller Writei of Wonderful German Spring. BAD NAUHEIM IS GREAT RESORT Hflrrnt la Taaaaa Momlnlia, Wkr the Glvlaa; 6f Batha la th Principal ladaatry of ' th IMace. BAD NAUHEIM, IIE88RN, Germany. Aug. lO.-To tha Editor or Tba Bee: It la fortunate that "bad" In Garman does not mean tha same aa In English, for It would ba a gross alander to name thla lovely littlo village of tha Taunus mountain! "Bad." Howavar, whan whan "Mad" la translated, "Bath," than It typifies Nau halm'a great Industry, for thla village of 000 Inhabitants gives 4,000 batha per day. lorty thousand visitors come here between Way and October each year, drawn not only by the wonder-working mineral springs, .but by the unequalea beauty, of the place. Tha great park of 260 acres, In tha heart of tha village, la perhaps the most remarkable example of landscape gar dening In Germany. Without flower to break the color scheme. Its carpet of light green lawn grass, aeta oft the nobla trees, with their darker foliage, the branohes of which, In many cases, are trained to sweep the ground, making a glgantlo hedge to screen the town. The prlda of the village is the great avenue of over-arching linden . .. mimP lu. Hlnnlra linilur which you may walk tha clean-swept white gravel walks, dry shod, during showers. ( Am your eye takes In the glory or those leaXy arches, you need no one to tell you whence came the Inspiration which gave the arched roof of the Gothic cathedral to tha world. My favorite bench la in a cir cular clearing about 100 feet In diameter, surrounded by a double row of magnnlfl cent chestnut trees, so uniform In else and shape that the opening to'the sky In the center la round and you find yourself In an aboreal pantheon mora beautiful than 'any ever built by tha hand of man. One of the most pleasing effects Is produced by setting a systematlo brons birch tree, with lis graceful, drooping branohes, against a background of over-towering elm or linden treea, with their green leavea In contrast with tha brons. Here and there i you come upon an avenue of white birch I treea in the heart of tha green forest. . and the honey locust, with Its lace-llke foliage, la placed where you expect It the least and admire It the most. Thesa Oex- l mans are tha world' a great masters of arbor culture, and aome genius of a for- I ester had full away here for over fifty years. They understand that to coma cloae j to the great heart of nature la good for tha heart of man. Lake In tha Foreet. In one part of tha foreat there la a lake, where boating, fishing and feeding tha wans and ducks may be indulged in. Thla lake was dug by the French prisoners of war in 1871. Tha largest rose nurseries In Germany are here a plot of ground about tha sis of a city lot la rented from avery other farmer around Nauhelm and here the rosea are set out and experimental work by grafting Is dona on a largo acalei something after tha Lusher Bur bank style. Among tha recent newly-evolved rosea jU tho President Taft rose, of a beautiful red shad, but ridlouloualy small. It Is a clus ter rose. I suppose nature balked when It cams to make a single rose large enough to represent our heavyweight president, and so hit upon tha expedient of bunching the Job. It Is a pretty sight to see thesa plots of blooming roses framed la by the fields of wheat. Roses are fifteen for JBo so every woman who comes here has aU-the rosea ha wants tor ono In her Ufa, Every morning from T to I o'clock the band plays at tba springs, where thousands ! promenade up and down, sipping tha salt I effervescent waters from gaily colored ' souvenir glasses or cups. From 4:30 to 6 1 o'olock In' tha afternoon and from a to 10 I o'clock in tha evening, tha band plays on tha terrace at tha Kur House. It's as good ' as a circus parade to watoh the cosmo politan erowd promenade up and down. Tha solemn Russian priests with fhelr long, black dusters and their patrtarohlal beards, tha Turk with his red fes, the young lieutenant with his showy uniform ejsd watch bracelet on his wrist, the dressy ! pareelenne with her watoh braoelet on her ankle, tha German girt with her two elon gated Dachhunds chained together, sug gesting tha future sausage, the American girl, distinguished by her slight figure and extravagant clothes, easily everywhere the bast dressed woman on earth; the portly German men gesticulating while the talk; very body iwalklng deliberately, like a policeman, thoroughly entering Into tha spirit oC tha place. "Dolce far-Nleute." St mala Is Provided. The finest military band and orchestra from tha great opera houses of Germany play at these watering places. The actors of tha state theaters play here during their summer vacation. For an admission fee of B cents you may hear at least once a weok what is called an "Artists Concert," where may be heard tha greatest soloists -in Europe, both vocal and Instrumental, sup ported by the finest orchestra. The out door band concerts ave free. The stranger Is Impressed with the universal love for and appreciation of good muslo In Ger many. What an Inspiration it must be for musician and composer to do his best, when a nation waits In appreciation to applaud his htgheat efforts. Tou are not allowed to smoke within fifty feet of the orchestra at an open air concert. v-The rights of tha non-smoker are reoog- . nil ad and no smoking Is allowed, for in stance, in tha poetoffice. where people call for letters, and, contrary to our customs, there is no smoking in first class dining rooma There are tennis courts and golf links, Illumination of the park with Jap anese lanterna, daylight fireworks, child ren's games, and parties and fancy dress dances for the grown-ups. The simple life In the open air. Invigorating and cool from the mountain foreat. with wholesome diet; entertainment without excitement, together with the exhllerating carbonlo acid baths of pure, sparkling, bubbling water, as if you were bathing in champagne, altogether makes this an Ideal place to recuperate on a month's vacation. Think what outdoor living means here; no wind, no dust, no fleas, no . no moauultoa. no smoke. You may read by lamplight in your garden in the cool of the evening undisturbed c me winged pests that we have at home. There are probably 500,000 visitors per year to German watering places. The batha re the property of the state, and return a large income for the Investment In build ings and management State ownerrhip makes for substantial, eymetrlcal and ar tistic buildings, beautifully flnlnheit and sanitary. I am convinced that we have at Excelsior Hprtnge, Mo., at Thermopolls, Wyo., and In Hot Springs. 8. D., and else where valuable universal springs capable Of being developed Into something equal to the best here. They await only the en terprise of capital and medical men equal - to tha European product. Two Mllea (rout Fried berg. All la stir and bustle in the old castle of Prledberg two mllea from hare for the eaar and csarlna of Russia are coming la two weeka The csarlna Is to take the baths at Nauhelm. She was bora la the old csfttle and lived a with hT mother. happy childhood there feU but overfed. -They have beoome a Ha tha Moilted Prinnees Itlon of loot waist lines. Facilities! for eat- Allre of Homo, daughter of the late Queen Victoria of England, who loot her Ufa be cauae she klaaed her dying child and con tracted diphtheria therrhy. The castle lark the ordinary conveniences of modem life and their royal hlghneeaee will put up with accommodations whlr-h Tin tourist would consider for a moment.' The castle belongs to the grand duke of lleoae, who is the cxarlna's brother and the old castle with Its mediaeval towers and deep grans grown moat will once more be sentineled and guarded by soldiers as It was In olden Umee. The emperor of Germany will visit the csar while here. His chocolate colored majesty, the sultan of Zanslbar, is here now taking the cure. He brought with him his snow-white Limousine automobile and two new wives from Paris. His doctor made him ennd one wife away whether for pro priety's sake of for fear It would be too hard on his hesrt to love two women at the same time. No one knows. It gives one an idea of how 6nne!y Ger many la populated to go to the top of a little mountain 900 feet high Just back of the town wheru from an old watch tower you may count with the naked eye up warda of eighty towns and villages. No wonder Germany has colonies across the aeaa. I am Impressed with the apparent prosperity and contentment of all classes In Germany. The people are not only well Promised at American Music Hall Oneninar the Bigr Event of th Week Orpheum Hm a Good Bill for Week-pGayety Start Tonight Musical Comedy at the Krng; Season's Promise at the Boyd Has Very Good Outlook. HE3 BARNYARD ROMEO," a T musical retire of faimyard domesticity, direct from Its phenomenally successful runs In Berlin, Vienna,- New York and Chicago, will be the brilliant -J "lvi opening feature of Omnha's newest vaude- vlils theater, the American Music Hall, where the first performance will be given Monday evening and will be presented for the entire week with matinee performances dally. . . Never In the history of vaudeville has there been produced an act of such magni tude, with such elaborate scenery and such sn extraordinary company. The music, lyrics and costuming would do credit to a reigning operatic hit "Tha Barnyard Romeo" tells of the loves and hates, dlendshlps and quarrels and other eventful happenings among the in habitants of the farmyard and the dialogue Is brimful of sparkling wit and humorous situation The fantastic plot deals with the wooing of the Hen Pheasant by the Rooster, who has become world-famous under the name of "Chantlclalr" but the king of the barnyard has a rival In the person of the Cat, who engages his enemy In a duel to decide which is entitled to tha Hen Pheasant's favor. Chantlclalr is vic torious and everything ends satisfactorily. Each of the dozen principals Is noted fcr Individual merit. The bright particular star Is Mile. Mixsl Hajos, the Hungarian prima donna, who became a metropolitan favorite after her first appearanoe In New York about three months ago. She has all of tha arch piquancy of Frital Echeff. and tho dainty demurenesa of Anna Held, to both of whom aha haa been cornea red. Mile, Hajos plays tha part of the Hen Pheasant. Sydney Grant, aa Chantlclalr. has aa excellent opportunity to display his quaint and original humor and his unusu ally good tenor voice is heard to advantage In several numbers. Adelaide, the famous to dancer, as the Mouse, exhibits all that graoa and enthusiasm which have made her a popular favorite. J. J. Hughe, her dancing partner. In the , role of tha Cat, ass lets In carrying off tha terpsichorean honors. ' Other Important parts ara .enacted by Charles Cartmell and Laura Harris, In tho parta of tho Fox and tha Magpie, re spectively. Frances Loev, and Marguerite Scborer have Interesting roles, while a chorus of sixty pretty girls, costumed as geese, mice, hares snd little chickens lend tho proper atmosphere to tha act. The music Is by Herr Belu Von Uy, a noted Viennese composer, while the lyrics are by Edward Madden, and the book by Aaron Hoffman, both authors of several Broadway suc cesses. Another unusual act, which has never before been seen in this country outside of New York and Chicago, la Maria jLo and her Viennese Posing Beauties, artistic and somewhat daring. In poses representing famous pieces of Dresden china' and por celain, exact duplicates of those rare pieces of brlc-a-bVao In the royal factory at Dres den. In addition to these remarkable fea tures, an all star vaudeville .bill of seven acta will be presented, each possessing a degree of novelty and Interest that spells suocess. For the second week of Omaha's vaude ville season the Orpheum announces a bill that will compare with any vaudeville ottering of the season. Each act will be Cup Presented by Ak-Sar-Ben to' Frontier Day ' , 1 - v f , i r " ... ; GIANT TROPHT BENT FROM OMAHA TO CHKTKNNE. Ing and drinking are the best In tlx, world, and particularly obtnielve and aggravating to a man who Is on a diet. I pity tha younger children of these large families, because they are deprived of that moat prised recollection of childhood of "alttlng1 on mother's lap" for after she has reached 36 years the German mother, also, has grown an stout she haa no lap. In com paring the German people with our own I am Impressed "with their respect for the law," their Industry and thrift, their lack of Indigent poor, the universal pollte- neaa of all Classen, their love for good music and their thirst for knowledge for Its own sake. I am surprised (o see the extent of their manufacturing Industrie, the amas-Ing- growth of their large cities and the beauty and cleanliness of their streets and boulevards, while light wines and beer are sold everywhere. I have yet to see 1 the first drunken person In Germany. During our stay In Nauhelm we met Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 3. Greene, Mrs. Q. M. Hitchcock and daughter, Ruth, all of Omaha; Mr. Thomas H. Hord of Central City, Neb., (the big cattle feeder of Nebraska) and his wife. Mrs. Herman Kountsa la expected next week. We leave Nauhelm with regret and take with us the recollection of the coolest and most enjoyable month of July that we have ever spent.- F. U HAMPER. the Theaters representative of Its class and will repre ss t the Orpheum standa d. Kaster Ga' r.el and company. Peter Donald and Meta Car son, and "Tho Old BoMler Fiddlers" are three of the acts that will attract general attention M a .fur f ! Hrl -1 ti . 1 , Vi I,,- nn.n. comedian. "Mutt." will be th. m-t ,. to. .1... .... ', . l: ral companion entertainers helo Gabriel and Mutt perform their pranks. Gabr:el and Mutt will receive the boys and girls on the stage. "Little Tommy Tucker" Is the name of the little comedy Gabriel and Mutt will offer. Peter Donald and Meta Carson, Scotch vaudeville artists, whose songs, dances and witticisms have gained for them many pleasant references both In their native land and In the "states." Mr. Donald Is a comedian with a rare sense of humor, while his companion has a pleasing voice and personality. "The Old Soldier Fiddlers" are four real fiddlers of the war days and one 'bona shaker." These men appear In their o'.d army unlfcrms and play the old patriot. c tunes In a way that movti the audience to high enthusiasm. These men are all between 60 and 70 years of age. They have a stage setting representing the battle Kround of Gettysburg, where they actually fought on opposing sides. They g.ve soma of tho old dance tunes of the days before the war. Thete old fiddlers use no make-up . except as nature has provided them. They j Just walk on with their fiddles anJ their recent experiences have been that the audience Is reluctar.t to let them retire after , the ace. ' The Blx Abdallahs are American ath letes who recently "went big" at ths New York Hippodrome. Frank Morrell cornel alone this time with something new In a black-face minstrel sktt. The Morrlsscy sisters and brothers have a dancing and singing diversion In which the young wo men wear some "fine duds." D Lisl has a juggling act In which he will show that ther Is something new under tho sun after all. Lottie Williams and company will p-e-aent Edmund Day's "On Htoney Ground," a one act play In which Miss Williams plays the part of a girl reared In the gutter and given to slang talk. "The Tale of Two Coats" and "Equal to the Bmergoncy ' will be the new Klnodromo offerings for the week. Dally matinees. The opening attraction at the Gayety theater for several days beg nnlng this aft ernoon Is the newest addition to the east ern wheel of extravaganxa, "The Beauty Trust." with the Qerman comedians of quality. Rice and Cady. ably assisted by Lew. Dunbar. Ethel Kirk. Ethel La Vera, Stella Raymond, Jennie Ross, Arthur Thal- asso, Frank Gulllard and a score of others ; "The Beauty Trust" Is a hodge-pudge of comedy and songs snd a company of forty- , two ar employed to carry the fun and j amusement to Ita audience. Rice and Cady have surrounded themselves with a bevy j of pretty girls that know how to stng and dance and claim for this portion of the i entertainment one of the brightest and best j singing choruces ever presented In musical extravaganxa. This season all the attrac Uons playing at the Gayety will play the ; entire week seven days instead of only : six, as was the case last season. Ladies' dime matinee every week day. "The Show Girt," which comes to the t t- " 7 7 i r i , j Krug theater Rurtday, Is one of tha beat musical corned lee that has appeared here In many years. It Is full of good humor and many amusing situations are brought about by a magic wishing cap. It tells the story of a strandrd theatrical company on the Island of Cypreas. There are a great many musical numbers In the piece which are beautifully produced and help to place the ahow upon a pedestal which Is attained by very few musical comedies at the pres ent day. The managers have spared no expense In producing "The 8how Girl," and as a result have secured a groat production. Miss Hilda Thomas, who haa been secured to play the part of Meggle, the aoubrette of the stranded company, Is one of the best of comediennes of the American stag and ranks with Marie Dreasler. Htell Mayhew. May Irwin and Marie Cardll. "Tha Show Girl" gives Mlaa Thomas great oppor tunities to display her talents, which she does to good advantage, Th gowns worn by Mlaa Thomas in tha last act war im ported direct from one of the beat cos- turners In Psrts expressly for her use In this production. Miss Thomas Is ably as sisted by a very large snd excellent com pany and splendid chorus. For ths coming season at th Boyd,- Mr. Woodward presents a 41st of thirty well known plsys, to be used by the stock com pany. Very few of these plays have ver been seen In stock productions, snd all ar worthy examples of th beet of modern drama. It 1s the purpose of th manage ment to keep the Boyd theattr on a high plana always, that it may be th on family theater of Omaha. To dp this, only ths best plays will be offersd. and these will be prcduced with the utmost care. Sedley Brown's ability as a stage director Is the best guaranty that can ba offered for th quality of the productions, while the plays speak for themselves. In the list are many Froh.nan successes, and all of them have been used by the leading stars of the Amsilcan stag for successful ven tures on the stage. The list Includes "Love Watchee," "Such a Uttle Queen," "A Woman's Way," "The Wolf," "Class mates." "The Return if Eve." "The Bar- ,""' Tne llcnor of tit Family." "The dma 0," "The Ulrt I Left Behind Me." "David Harum," "Lady Frederick," "'ihe Milk White Flag," "What Hardened t I'd,, .. ..... V -w vii.,, wiujvi v r unune, " All Un On Account of Ellsa," "Th Wlldernss' "The Hon and the Mouse." "The Hypio crltes," "Dlvorcons," "Clothes," "The Fighting Hop," "Glorious Betsy." "Th Road to Yesterday," "On Parole." "Joan of Arc," "The Three of Us," "Caught In the Rain," "The Girl of the Golden West," "The Thief." "My Wife," "Girls." Salome Jane." "At Tale," "Shore Acre," "The K:ns'a Mesenger." "Mixpah." "The Bach iljr's Baby," "Confusion and "The Re juvenation of Aunt Mary." A more at tract, e bill vas never before the patrons of the Woodvord Stock cenpany, and th winter ought to be most enjjyable. The Hlllman stock company atith sum mer theater oormr of. eighteenth and Douglas streets, will give' an ent re chang of program each night thla week, com mencing tonight with a screamlnt farce comedy In three acts, ontlt:ed "The G rl Upstairs." Monday evening "The Genius an(j tne Gentleman." Tuesday night "Du Barry;" Wedi.eeday night. "A Time Limit " Thursday evening. "The Governor;" Friday night, "The Invader;" Saturday night "The Chauffeur." New scenery Is arriving' every day and the manasement la inirin nith time nor expense to make each perform- ai.ee a praiseworthy success. 8anfltTrT Philosophy. If you engage in something that In wrong and ar not wnippud for it. how bold you become in fo.ltwl.ig your wrong course. M t V1 -v". - When the circumstances jusllfv It a woman may ruote to .her second hubanrl her first husband's opinion of her Jam- and Jelly, but under no cli'cumptanecs hoj she refer .-to ber rirst. husba nd'a deathbei. Men dtfllke that kind of precedence. A t ch;on globe. ' Mhimm tmm mil BOTH C ONES - CELL Week Lcg.nnins Monday, August 29th Matinees Daily After Monday Th Most Stupendous Program Ever Attempted in the History of Vaudeville THE BA 1 Direct from Its New York and Chicago Success With an Ail Htar Cast, Including MIZZI HAJOS, DOROTHY VAUGHN, ADELAIDE ZAY HOLLAND, SIDNEY GRANT, J. J. HUGHES, ' JOE KENO, FRANCIS LOWE CHAS. CARTMELL, LAURA HARRIS 60-CIIQRUS OF SIXTY PRETTY GIDLS-60 In addition to A HUGE VAUDEVILLE OLIO, including Maria Lo'i Dresden China Posing Beauties Matinees: 10c, 25c, 50c Nights: 15c, 25c, 50c, 75o No Extra Charge for Securing Seats in Advance. SEATS NOW SELLING sTfiji'rt. tfU'alrtT'aSfi Ocrsar IStU ana Songlas Strssts. The Hillman Stock Co. FTassnt a Xaw nay Errr Klfht Tonight "Th Olrl Vptalra." Monday. "The Genius and the Gentleman." Tues day, "lu Barry." Wednesday, "The Time L.lmlt." Thursday, "The Governor." Fri day, "The Invader." Haturday, "The Chauffeur." Admission 10c and 20c. Phone bouela 8089. x Now In Ita Maw Horn Facing the Lake Front Park The finest building of Its kind in existence. Housing the largest and most thoroughly quipped of all institutions of Musical Learning. Containing Mude Hall and Theatre, offering students unsurpassed facilities for practical training and publio appearance The Strongest Faculty Ever Assembled In any Musical College. i - t - i 1 : . i " S - - lavfalcata thckal Cabs Uia It-14- adaa BMterue Catcase fsaaded la7 NOTB-APPUeatioas for all (47 free and ISO partial) scholarships will be reaefvedsatfl Sept. let, lUMJrntA rea oa talo ihaoxo runt ahllEMKNTH. KICKS I Week Day Matinee, Any Heat So, Children loo, Oallery 10. Wights lOo, BSo, Boa ttanday Matinees lOo, S8o and SOo. nights lOo, ISO, SOo, Ts. H II "' '" ' ' ' ; ; . 1 , . , ' ' ' I ' .., ,.' , .... - -, . .; i ' i , ' ' ... '. : , ' r ' .St ...'. '- v ' ' - - V : ; ?" 'V;. KIU THEATER Li o i VJ- l5o-25o.5ao.75B bVEHYBODY GOES to Th Show Yen Mav All WalUd for OWE ENTIRE- tftJEEEt M ATI JUSS TreDroSDAT ABB UATVMDXt COMiEJCIH fifiTri A MAT) IE! TCOAT , MR. B. C. WHITNEY Presents THE FAMOUS MUSICAL QUCCEQQ k i rl m ioi v n a i m WITH , L UlJ II Lisa LL- turo U LOJ iiJJ uWU ZaTlS) kvAilti by MR. LOU HALL aid Compiny of Fort X.OAB Or Next Sunday "OCR NEW author of "The Old Homestead." 10th and Douglas COCO I04 f IXD. A-I04I MISS JEAN WALLACE Teacher of Piano. Studio soa i I I Barker Block TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Farm Paper. One Dollar Per Year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ISEOAL COLLEO! Sehoal f Ail Branches f seheel f ACTIXQ n 11 Q I P UFBESSIQM opera It J U d 1 li M:uAe A Significant RecofnitJoa fcy The Metropolitan Grand Optra Co. of New York To DR. P. ZIEOPELD. Prealdrati It a-tves ne great leaure to Inform you that the Boar ef Dlreetora ef the letropolltan Opera Compaoy, in raoesaitloa ef the er icea rendered by the pupUa of the CbUiaae Maalcal CoV lmg to aa during oar last aeaaoa'a eta la Chicago In coo Beetles wKh our "Parsifal" performaaoea, have awarded the oaera school of the Chloace U uiksal Collate tare free scholarship, (or which 1 beg to eacleae ctaack for ll.OuO, 1 am very t lad to add my personal aokaowladgmeBt of the food work fork have ooae towards the daveiopmeai of aaualn la your city, sod assure you of out ge4 wlabe. Years very truly, ANDREAS DIPPKL, Administrative Dfreotor. Mk Beaaoai Bealos 5efH. Urn. DR. F. QZGI IXO, Pre. ANt'lIMRJITI. TiERTRET" ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WcckStartlng IVIatlnec TODAY AVW. aVfH fft!9aM tWV fi. And Company la a Ons-Aot Tandevslle rare V ...LITTLE TOMMY TUCKER... Iwe Boys U Bine. Twe Ions ef Dial. rum oi Soldier Fiddlors Taey Flay the Old Tim Tunes. The Rootch Comedian aad Bis Bonal Laeeie , rXTXB I KZTA Donald Carson rresentlaf aXBX MoT,XAW'B DUiK" MORRISEY SISTERS and ' BROTHERS Hinging and Dancing Diversion. .1 , .: in Who nalances Lightning. "JSUTT" MATINEE TODAY I0o-25o-50i the KRUG THEATER m 1 I I rKETTT OXBX.S MINISTER," by Dcaroan Thompson, Thursday "BEVERLY." i DELISLE BOYD'S THEATRE .rp.Jai5S ALL 8EASONTODAY 2:30 TO-NIGHT 8:15 1VIISS EVA LANG Supported by An Excellent Company All Tills Week and IWf atlnees The Beautiful Ctomedy , Drama of HJiOve Watches NEXT WEEK SUCH A LITTLE QUEEEN. PRICES Nights, 10c, 15o and 25c. Matinees, 10c and 25c. Ooodwal Oloksrmaa, Sirsotor. Arltngton Block. 1611H Dodge Street. Phone Douglas 110. rax.ii tbbmi onnrs urn t. ' Aorata, okatoxt, sxpsiojf auto rusx.xo mnAxxxa ' Clara and private Instruction In all departments. All of last year's graduates now placed. Call or send for catalogue. sEPT.5 - mm iihW hit. w f llKU-af TC STATE 3 DCT PRODUCTS VPICHT DROS. AEROPLANE IN DAILY FLIGHTS LOMDARDO SYMPHONY DAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY GREAT RACES PATTERSON SHOWS DASC D ALL NIGHT RACES EN GRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in current social usage engraved in tho best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT. Incorporated Ui01312 NOWAXO T. PHONE D. 1804 i JUJIEMESTI. Songlae Snd. ! Matinee Srery Say lilS. Svery Wight gils. oww or oum BIO QUALITY Hovrt, Afh srfnso. V"Wv Ml MVM 9 Lottie Williams And Company FreseBtiag Xdmnrd Say's One-Aot 117 "OW BJTONT OkOUWD." ' Tat 11 SX ABD ALL AH S The Anaarloan Tumblers. Tha tingtar BUnstrol FfiAllK The California Boy. KiUODROME lrocttng Orpheum Ani mated Photography. Always the Wewest. rinest Musloal Organisation U th Middle Wast. OBPB-SITM OOHtTEBT OSCXXBtmA. Like 15 Talented Artists. ye KT XT'B AT TKB rv f ayetY IT'S OOOS Davotad to Btrtotly Xlgh Orad Zztraragansa and Vaudeville 0, JOY, -THE SEASON OPENS TODAY! rO 1 WIGHTS! rOB T aUTnrCIII Th Show With th Carefully Chosen Title Tho Beauty Trust "WITH y RICE & OADY, ETHBL KIRK, LEW DUNBAR, ETHEL LAVERE, ARTHUR THA LASSO and a Chorus Tba SB a Chorus Bear Raadari I was more anxious to so this show than you are so Z went to Kansas City. X oonslde tt tha maximum or afflolenoy, symmstsy, harmony and quality and best OX aU, It's as clean as a wblstl. XL. X JOJCBTBOX, Mgr. 4yty Theater. STenlnga and Sunday MaUne ISo, aso, fiOo and T5o Mats. 15c & 25c tt LADIE' TICKETS 1ff A r week WW ay Matinev SCHOOL. OF" ACTING To9LHl9io FIREWORKS "VAUDEVILLE nmmi V ( 1, 1 . ' t A