Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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New things, only the few
hours behind New York City
styles that it has taken the
fastest express trains to get
here, have been "tripping"
into the store daily for the past
fortnight, and we especially
emphasize early selections, as
of most everything there is
only on or two of a kind, and
duplication is impossible.
A daily visit to this great ri
style center of apparel for
young people, now when the
new things for Autumnnl wear
are appearing, will reveal the
latent and best expressions
from the foremost style sour
ces of America. Like turning
the leaves of the style book,
we want you to look at the
splendid array assembled for
your insjK?ction.
Their Apparel and Shoe Needs are amply met by
wt you no rtortm
1518-1520 FARNAM STREET.
tried to rope and tie by the aid of th
vice president of the United State, who. by
the way. iemi now to be trying to find
tha nrfirnt address of Or. Cook.
There was one noticeable question yelled I
from every frentlo crowd:
"How about 19127"
The colonel gave way to laughter at most
all of these blunt questions and tu.-ned
them off as a Joke. But with the masses
It was a serious question and finally he
replied that It was too serious for his con
sideration at the present moment.
One of the noteworthy changes as the trip
progressed was the difference In the tone
of applause the farther west we got. The
nearer he got to Wyoming the sharper the
shouts became, until Tier they rang like
yelpe Instead of cheers. The natural voice
of the east had given way to the sharp,
high-pitched barks of the plains of the
west. To describe the reception at Chey
enne would be to review all of the wilder
west of the last twenty years. Everything
was set In the natural stage except the
buffalo and he was even represented by his
skulls. ,
We of the other world thought the cow
boy and plainsman with the Indian had
gone, but that Is not literally the case.
He had gone, but gone from all other
places to Cheyenne, it seemed to us.
Come to Meet Their Idol.
Picture all of the west that remains,
meeting at a given point to celebrate their
old Idol, then you have a conception of
the scene as It existed here today. It was
the parade of the wild pictures of the lnte
Fredertnc Remington. It was as though his
models were paying tribute to the memory
of the men, who left their fame to endure
11 time.
No wonder It Inspired Theodore Roose
velt to praise the work of Remington and
deplore his loss. A monument to hi mem
ory Is all too slight a recognition of the
painter of the west.
What a dsyt Who, having seen It, could
ever forget ItT
Prom the Pacific came pioneers of '4
and '60 to see and hear a man from the
north, south, east and west. They had
driven and ridden and even walked. In
dians and their squaws even were present
United States army officers of every rank.
cowboys of every shade and cayuses and
bronchos of every color, "buckers" of every
brand, There were horsea that bawled
like' catle and' fat tie that galloped like
gazelles. There was a speech thnt rang
with sincerity and a vast multitude of
men, women and chtldren that devoured
every word.' Dust from the flitting hoofs
of cows and ponies rose up like an aerial
drapery and hung like curtains from the
sky., ,. . . i -,
The lariat took .the place of cane, spurs
jingled Instead of loore change and the
sounds that rose up from the seething mass
of humanity tieemrd to mould Into one
welcoming shout of greeting to Colonel
Roosevelt v the westerner.
It was a great day for one man. It was
one big show fully worth the powder. '
Rroncho bucked so hard they seemed to
jar the plains, steers were roped so quickly
that It looked to be automatic.
It was the one show that came up to the
street parade and posters. They called It
Th Annual Round-Up," and It surely
was. '
Colonel Review Parade.
The parade through the street of Chey-
enne, headed by Colonel Roosevelt in an
automobile, began the day of festivities.
Everywhere there were crowds, of men
women and children, cowboys and cowgirls
on horseback and straying Sioux Indian
awaiting to see the visitor.
The, new city rising am(d small cabin
that : had survived the transformation of
the city from the crude settlement of the
early days greatly Interested the colonel.
He responded With cordiality to the greet
Inge; of the throng as he passed along
. Reaching the reviewing stsnd erected far
the occasion in the canter of. the olty
Colonel Roosevelt reviewed the troops, th
detachment of cowboys and cowgirls,
remnant, of the Hloux. and the various or
ganisationa .taking part inthe parade.
As Colonel Roosevelt took his place In
the .reviewing stand the bead of the parade
twung by. led by Charles Irwin of Chey
enne, who forced his mount, up - to th
railing tor a grasp of , Roosevelt's hand.
Following the Frontier day" commilU
osma Brigadier General Ralph Hoyt, com
mandant at Fort D. A. Russell, at the head
of a battalion of the Eighteenth Infantry,
which was followed by the mountain bat- j
terte of th Fourth field artillery and the
olored trooper of th Ninth cavalry under
Colonel pyer.
Bach face of the dusky riders ws split
with a wide grin ae th command, eyes
right, faced them at the former president,
who grinned and waved his hat In return.
Cowboys Hide at Gallop.
Then came the feature of the parade. With
their band playing "Auld Lang 8yne"' 1.500
cowpunchors. each on hie best mount and
headed by the. best rough riders of the
world, flashed by the stand. In a gallop,
with a waving hat and shrill cowboy yells
of greeting. The steady paee of the regu
lar wa too slow for the range riders and
they urged their sweating mounts past th
stand In a gallop with yells of "Hello,
Teddy," and flashes from silver mounted
saddle, pouring front the.ctoud of dust
Close benlnd the cowmen rode MO Sioux
and Shoshone braves, squaw and papooses.
brave In black and .red war paint and war
bonnets Th war cry that one made the
residents of Cheyenne feel for their scalp
burst out as they passed, and Ooee Along,
squaw of Charlie Two-Bonnets, blew a kiss
to Colonel Koosevet. A team of buffalo
driven to a wagon plowed stolidly past the
stand wearing trotting boot Ilk a park
team. The Japanese delegation closed the
parade. It halted In front of the stand and
Shouted three "bansals," while the oolonel
smiled and waved tils hat. .
Interest la Indiana.
Colonel Roosevelt watched " the parade
with the closest attention. He stood at
he front of the reviewing stand, with
Governor Brooks on one side nd General
Smith on the other. When the color were
carried by he took off his hat and stood at
attention, head thrown back, heels close to
gether, like a soldier. . When the Indians
rode by, yelling their war cries, the oolonel
waved his hat at them and, turning to Gov;
ernor Brook, said: "Twenty-seven years
ago We shot on of these Sioux In a brush
on the plain and the Indian shot a cow-
puncher. I stood off several of them for
two hour."
The colonel liked the cowboy, but he
did not 'think they looked quite a they
sed to when he lived In the west.
Look at the chap th boy are wearing,
e said, "they are a good deal prettier than
we used to see when I wa out here,
The cowboy were galloping past the
grandstand, when the crowd on the side
walks grew so dense that It broke out of
bounds and scores of persons were pushed
nto the street. The cowboy threw their
horse on their haunche to avoid a colli
sion, and as their companions galloped up
from behind It looked aa if there would be a
angerous crush of horse. In front of the
reviewing stand. In a minute It wa all
over. Colonel Roosevelt smiled again and
eaid: "Twenty-six year ago I saw 600
cowboy ride Into Glendlve, Mont., on desd
run. They pulled up their horses Just like
that massed In the middle of the street.
This 1 Just like old time." .
Lssehces at Hotel.
When the parade wa over, Colonel
Roosevelt ild:
It was very fine. I enjoyed It very
much Indeed."
Quickly taken to the Inter-Ocean hotel,
where a suite of rooms had been reserved
for him, Colonel Roosevelt took luncheon
with Governor Brooks. Senator Warren,
Borah, James Garfield, and the member
of hi party.
HI time wa largely taken up in talking
to hi hot of thl olty.
Colonel Roosevelt left the hotel in an au
tomobile at 12:80 o'clock for the frontier
ground, a mile and a half north of the
city. A long string of automobile followed
htm aa well aa an escort or frontiersmen on
horseback.- -headed by Charles jrwin or
Cheyenne and W. L. Btone or cneyenne,
chairman of th frontier committee.
Buffalo" Vernon, "Pecos" Dick blarney
and Sam scovtll. threu or the ramous
horsemen who were to compete In the finals
of the championship riding contest thl at
ternoon. rode beside Colonel Roosevelt' au
tomobll to. "the frontier ground, where
thousand of peotator were waiting to
hear th colonel' peech and participate
in the afternoon' sport.
Colonel Roosevelt' Addrea.
Colonel Roosevelt In his peech ald:
"When, at the close of my hunting trip
In Africa. I reached .the border of olvlll-
xatlon, the first invitation X accepted wa
this! to visit the capital of Wyoming on
th day when the people of the frontier
came together to commemorate meir
anhtavamants: I wa glad It was so, be
cause I have a peculiar feeling for th men
and women of what used to be called th
Far West,' and especially for those or in
cattle country. For a numoer oi years a
lived on a ranoh on the Llttl Missouri
sharlna- work and play, good'fortun ana
bad fortune with my neighbor, working
on th roundup, serving a delegate from
ha tJttle Missouri roundup district to xne
Montana Stock Growers' association, and
even at time aotlng a deputy sheriff at
mv end of th county. I count tnos year
aa anions- th roost valuabio Ol my me,
wan.a nothlna- breed uch community
of feeling aa to work with one' own fllow
men at their life task, and to learn to
know their feelings by actually snaring
them. Th man of the west, throughout the
successive stages of western growth, haa
alwava been one of th two or three most
tvnlcal f Istire Indeed, I am tempted to
aav the most typical figure In American
life, and no man can really understand
our country and appreciate what it reauy
Is and what It promise unle h ha th
fullest and closest sympathy with th Ideals
and aspiration of the west. The prime
reason for thl 1 to b found In the fact
that the westerner 1 o good an American,
Ha Is an American first ana xoremosi
for this Is the great lesson, friends, that
ti of us need to learn and to keep, th
lesson, that It Is unimportant whether a
nan lives north or south, east or west.
provided he 1 geuntnely and In good faith
an American, that he feel vry part of th
United mates as hi own. and that h 1
honestly desirous to uphold the interests
of all other Americans In whatever section
pf the country they may dwell.
... Parmer Mov Wheat.
jl hundred year ago, when men pok
Of tha weat they meant the country be
tween the Alleahanlea and the Mississippi.
Fifty years ago the white man s weat took
In Minnesota. Iowa and Kansas and then
skipped across to California and Oregon.
The country of the great plains ana wi
Rockies, the country In whjch you whom
1 am now addressing lead your uvea ana
do your work, ha grown up within my own
lifetime. I myseir saw ana iooa pan in
the closing year of th pioneer period and
It was my great privilege vu "
side with the pioneer th ranchmen, the
miners, the - cow-puncher, the mule-skin-nar.
the bull-whackers who actually
opened up the country. I have seen tne
herds and flocks of the camemen ana
sheepmen euplant the game; I have seen
the fortunate movement by which the small
farm has tended gradually to take the
plat-e of the grant unfenoed ranch. I now
travel In every comfort on railways across
lands which whon I first rode acros them.
were still th horn of th Indian and the
buffalo, and I find citte where one can
obtain not merely comfort, but luxury, In
th placee where thirty year ago there was
not a building beyond a log hut oc a doble
house. Th men who did thl work were
engaged In the final stage of conquering
the continent; and It was their privilege
to do one of th great works of all time, to
do their part In th performance of an
epio feat In the hlatory of the progress of
Meat Stead for rrosjreea,
"I have used the word progress. " The
mast stand fur growth, to m ogress. o
must the whole American people stand. A
great democracy must be progressive or It
will sooon . cease, to be either great or
democratic. No nation, no state, no party,
tan stand still. It must either go forward
or go backward; and It becomes useless if
It goes backward. Therefore I greet
you, men of th west, and I stand for j
progress as all men must stand who are
"The pioneers and their Immedlste suc
cessors won victory only by proving that
they posaens th great, masterful qualities
which He at the fountain of national great
nee. There are certain well-meaning men
of Intellectual cultivation, but lacking men
tal and moral robustness, who complain
continually that they find American life,
and especially the life of thoee American
coinmuntttot emerging from the pioneer
stage, crude and without genius or beauty.
Genius is a fine thing for a nation, but
character Is a (till finer thing, and though
beauty Is good, strength Is an even greater
The men who have made thl great re
public Of the went what it is, and especi
aly the men who have turned It Into a con
tinental commonwealth, have possessed In
th highest degree the great verlle vlrtuea
of strength, courage, energy and undaunted
nd unwavering resolution. Their typical
leaders of whom Abraham Lincoln, though
the most exceptional, was the most typical
have possessed keen Intelligence, and a
character not merely strong but lofty, a
character exalted by the fact that great
power was accompanied by a high and fine
determination to us this great power for
the common good, for the advancement of
New Application of Old Prlmelples,
The pioneer days are over, aav In a few
places; and the more complex life of today
call for a greater variety of good qualities
than were needed on the frontier. There la
need at present to encourage the develop
ment of new abilities which can be brought
to high perfection only by a kind of training
useletts in pioneer times; but these new
qualities ran only supplement, and never
supplant, the old, homely virtues; the need
for the special and distinctive pioneer vlr
tuea Is as great aa ever. In other words,
as our civilisation grows older and more
complex, while It is true that we need to
develop men whose live are devoted wholly
to the pursuit of special objects, It Is yet
also true that we need a grater and not a
less development of the fundamental fron
tier virtues. These virtues Include the
power of self help, together With the power
of joining with other for mutual help, and,
what Is especially Important, the feeling of
comradeship, of social good-fellowship.
Any man who had the good fortune to live
among the old frontier conditions must, In
looking back, realise how vital wa this
feeling of general comradeship and sOclal
fellowship. There were good men and bad
men in the new communities Just a in th
old communities, and the condition on the
frontier were such that th qualities of the
good and bad alike were rather more strik
ingly manifested than In older communities;
but among the men who tried to lead hard
working, decent lives, there was a feeling
of genuine democracy, which represented
an approach to the American ideal which
we certainly should do everything In 6ur
Lpower to preserve. We did not try to say
that men were equal when they were not
equal, but we did our best to secure some
thing like an equality of opportunity and an
equality of reward for good service; and.
moreover each man expected to be received,
and, on the whole, was received wherever
he went, on the footing that his merit war
"Now, so far ae possible these qualities
and th condition that bring about these
qualities should be kept in the great states
whloh are growing out of the old frontier
communities. We need to strive for the
general social betterment of the people as
a whole, and yet to encourage Individual
liberty and set high reward on Individual
initially up to the point where they becom
aeinmentai to tne general welfare. In con
tinually and earnestly striving for thl
betterment of social and economic condi
tions in our complex Industrial-civilization
w ehould work in the old frontier spirit
of rugged strength and courage and yet
with the old frontier spirit of brotherly
comradeship and good will. I do not mean
that- we should refrain from hating wrong
on the contrary, I would preach fiery
wrath against wrong. But I would not
preach such wrath against, the wrong
doer, save In those cases where hi wrong
doing really l due to evil moral attributes
on ran part, and not to a wrong or false
ystemj of which he Is almost aa much the
Victim as . the beneficiary. Sometimes a
wrong represent the deliberate wickedness
of the wrong-doer. In which case the rem
edy Is to punish him; but sometimes it
represents th effect of a false social
system, In which case the right course Is
to alter what 1 false In th ystem. Both
principled need to be kept In view a gulden
to our conduct, and it 1 necessary some
times to work In accordance with one and
sometimes in accordance with th other.
Trlbate to Remington.
"Befor ending I wish to say a word on
something which I believe should especially
Interest all men who live in the open coun
try, and especially all men who during the
last thirty years have lived and worked on
ranches, or have done their life work In
the wilder part of our land, on th irea
plains or among the mountain. The phase
of our national life In which the stockman
the mining prospector, th frontier .farmer
ana their associates . wer th chief char
acters, was not only a very Important, but
aiso a very picturesque phase. Often such
a phase passes without any great artist
arising to commemorate - it. The old-time
back woodsman, for Instance, the man of
the back country who lived In th eastern
forest through which th waters ran east
ward to th Atlantic and westward to the
Mississippi, passed away without any
painter or sculptor arising who possessed
at once both the keenness of vision to see
what a vital and picturesque figure th
backwoodsman was, and the genius ade
quately to present that figure. The artist
who uw th plcturesqueness of the back
woodsman lacked th genius adequately to
commemorate It, while the artist of real
ability unfortunately had their eye turned
lowaras Europe and lacked the robust
originality which the novelist Coope
showed to see where their chanoe lay to
do a grea work. But In our generation, for
our good fortune, a great artist arose who
was capable of seeing and of recording the
infinite plcturesqueness of the life of the
plains and the Rockies. Of course, I speak
of Frederick Remington. He was on of
those Americans who by hi achievements
distinctly deserved well of America. h
worked wltn pencil, with brush, with chisel;
he was both a painter and a sculptor. His
picture and hi few bronzes are equally
good. When my own regiment, a typically
western regiment recruited from the men
of the great plain and th mountain, 'was
disbanded at Montouk point, the officers
and enlisted men Joined In giving me Rem
ington's bronxe bronco buster, a gift which
I thought peculiarly appropriate coming
from such a body of men. - In Remington's
pictures all the most vivid and charac-
lenauo features or the western pioneer life
which Is Just closing wsre set forth, and
he haa commemorated forever the men of
the plains and the mountains as they
actually were. The cowboy 1 hi favorlt
type, but the mining prospector, the fron.
tier farmer, the man who guides ox wagon
or mule team, the soldier, the Indian all
appear. Now I wish very much that these
men themselves would in turn provide a
monument for tha great artist, the sum of
whose activities represents such a feature
of American achievement, and, abov all,
represent th commemoratloti of aome of
th moat Interesting figure that have ever
appeared on th atage of American life.
A statue should be raised to Remington by
some really first-class artist. Here at
Cheyenne In this gathering many hundreds
of the men have come together who were
themselves typical leaders In and repre
sentatives of the very life which Reming
ton so portrayed that It will always live.
hope that these men will Join together,
arrange the appointment of a committee,
and start to raise funds for the erection
of a statue.
Cars Come Along: Before Dark After
Hard Run.
Cold Wave Come After They !.
Onanaa and When They Are
Not Prepared for Sach
Weather. '
Frontiersmen. Throw Themselves with
Spirit Into Contests.
CUEYKKNE. Wyo.. Aug. 27. When
Colonel Roosevelt arrived at Frontier park
at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Captain
Hardy, a marksman, was engaged in .mak
Ing a portrait of the colonel with bullets on
big targets.
A crowded grandstand' with hundreds of
cowboys and cowgirl drawn up on horse
back In front of It provided an attendance
of several thousand people to hear Colonel
Roosevelt's address and to witness the
The colonel was greeted by cheer and
wa soon presented to the assemblage by
Governor Brook.
"Wyoming I particularly honored by
having with us th fcest known man In the
world," said Governor Brooks. "It I my
pleasure to introduce to you th Ideal Amer
lean, the man of the east and of the west."
At once entering upon his prepared ad
dress ha was occasionally applauded, his
reference to the progress of tha western
country calling forth approval from the
Patiently the grea crowd sat under the
hot sun that beat down upon the broad
plain In the midst of which the park Is
Might Chans; Role.
Reading from his manuscript. Colonel
Roosevelt now and then departed from its
"I don't care," he said, "how patriotic a
man Is if he runs away from the time of
His reference to the punishment that
should be given wrongdoers in public and
private life was greeted with cheers.
"If the rules of the game are wrong we
should change the rule rather than blame
the men who follow them," he said, amid
yells by tha cowboys and girl.
When th nam of Frederic Remington
wa mentioned In connection with the sug
gestion that a great memorial be erected to
the memory of the artist there was a
cheer of shouting. Mrs. Remington, wife
of the artist, occupied a seat on the review
ing stand.
Concluding hi remarks, amid cheers, the
band played "Garry Owen" known to be
favorite alt of Colonel Roosevelt's, The
colonel then went down the reviewing stand
and on a big, white gelding, accompanied
armer oGvornor Barthot of Wisconsin In
canter across the race track.
Then began a series of exciting racing
events. The first of, them was a half mile
dash, or "women's cow ponies race,' In
which little girls contested with their elder.
Th quick handling of horses wa demon
strated in a "potato race,' In which men on
pirited steeds speared potatoes and con
tended In landing them In a selected goal.
Talk to Cowboy.
In quick succession following pony races
and wild maneuvers by the Nnlth Cavlary,
which earlier In the day had been Colonel
Roosevelt's escort of honor.
"I'm here to see what you fellows cn
do on the hurricane deck of a broncho,"
Colonel Roosevelt said, a a' group of cow
boy gathered about him, mounted on
their horses. .- Colonel Roosevelt ' aw all
that the wild West of today had to show
him in th way of deed of skill and dar
ing, and said that th spirit of tha west
was still ally. ' 4
A Colonel Roosevelt watched the cow
boy at their work, heard the Indians yell,
and saw the familiar sights of more, than
twenty year ago, when he was a plalns-
hian, the spirit of it all cam over him
again, and he climbed down from the
flag-draped reviewing stand, and mounted
a big white horse. He galloped around the
half-mile track at Frontier park, and past
(th crowded granstand, while cowtoys
yelled, Indian gave war whoop and th
rest of th crowd Joined In a tremendous
shout. He dismounted after one lap, smil
ing his delight, and went back to hi place
to isee the rest of the fun.
Nothing; Formal.
There wa no formality about Roosevelt
today at Cheyenne. Every cowboy, who
had drawn a year' pay and could get here
cam. ,
There were thousands of them, with a
good many cow girls. They came on
horseback from score of miles around,
some of them from points hundreds- of
mile away. Th streets were thr.tiged
with men and women on horseback, In
their picturesque attire of many colors.
There wer a good many thousands of
other persona, too, eastern tourist and
th tradesmen and plain farmers of the
region, hut they got little attention. It
was the day of the old wild west.
By the time Colonel - Rooseevlt arrived
here, shortly after ft o'clock this morn
Ing, th celebration was well under way,
He was met at the station by thousands
of citizens and an escort of cavalrymen,
and then there was a parade. The exhibi
tion at the park followed, and then there
came a dinner which Governor Brook
gave to the ex-prosldent. A smoker at
the Industrial club and a theater party,
both of which Colonel Roosevelt attended,
wound up th dav.
Th celebration at th park, which Is
set lr the midst of the brown plain of
Wyoming, a mil nad a half north of th
city, was th star attraction at th park,
and Sand Creek came next. Sand Creek
Is sadl to eb the wickedest horse In the
world, and after a long combat he bested
Al Whitney, one of the most skillful horse
men that the west has. Colonel Roosevelt
watched th struggle, and after It
over, he shook the hand of Whitney and
complimented hin.
The Whit mehlne. driven Interchange
ably by E. A. Mockett and C. A. Sadler,
was the first to cross the finish line of
the first annual endurance run of the
Omaha Motor club.
It was Just 4:23 o'clock Friday afternoon
when the machine speeded up Harney
treet and wa checked In at the Pax ton
Mitchell garage by President Ole Hlbner
of the Motor club, who had that work In
charge. Th leading car wa followed
closely by the hug Franklin driven by Guy
L. Smith and B. C. Russell, which checked
In officially at 4:27. Almost all of the re
maining maehlnes had checked In by 6
o'clock, at which time there were only
three cars out. These came in later In
the evening, being well scattered.
As rapidly as the cars were checked In
they were washed and parked upon the
south side of Harney street, where they
will remain until s o'clock thl morning,
at which time they are to bo delivered
over to th Technical committee, with Otto
C. Nestman at Its head, for a thorough ex
amination. Absolutely no Information Is
accessible yet a to the standing of the
cars. Said President Hlbner at a late hour
last night: "It will be tomorrow evening,
at least, before we ar able to announce
which car has won the different trophies.
I do not even know yet if any of th cars
came through with a perfect cor."
Women Come In I. ate.
Mis Bessie Amos and her parly in
the Chalmers "30" were the next
to the last to arrive at the fin
ish line, checking in at 6:07. On this
account the plucky young woman In whom
so much Interest haa been felt and whose
lata finish wa due to ttr trouble near
Fremont, missed the applause which would
bav been hers had she arrived earlier In
the evening. Throughout all th trouble,
and despite tho delay in arriving, the femi
nine autoist showed the stoicism which Is
supposed to characterize automobile drivers
of the sterner sex.
The motor truck, which has also attracted
a lot of attention along the way,- will not
arrive In Omaha until this morning. Just
out of Columbus on of the 'smaller chains
in the mechanism broke and although the
break wa not a serious one. It was decided
to lay over in Columbus for the night
This giant machine, by stealing a march
on the fatter cars in the morning, and
running at unheard of hours of the night.
has managed to keep well In th running
and had it not been for the accident would
undoubtedly have finished last night.
Of the cars Which started, the Cole 30,
driven fey Fay Knott, and the Chalmers,
driven by E. H. Sprague and John Part-
hurst, retired from th race, the former
on account of a broken steering knuckle
nd the latter on account of a broken axle,
Th remaining car finished. It wss the
irony of fate that th little Maxwell which
so majestically headed th procession when
It left Omaha, should be the last to cross
the finish line, it being well into th night
before th llttl car reached th garage.
Th motorist are all enthusiastic about
th run and between nursing th newly
sunburned faces and telling how It feels
to ; crank up on a wlnter-llk morning
hundred of mile from the aource of
upply and with only summer clothing,
they declared their intention of pulling off
a similar run next year. Otto P. Nestman,
who has managed th ' toUr reports that
upon the first day the roads, especially In
the neighborhood of Nebraska City wer
very muddy and that on the second day's
run considerable gumbo was struck. Frl
day' rout la said, however, to have lain
along ideal roada and th jast time mads,
bear out that statement.
The car, their driver and th tlm at
which each reached the end of th run fol
12-White, E. A. Mocket and C. A. Sadler,
13 Franklin, Guy L tsmitn ana . c rub-
sell. 4:27.
4 JdulcK. A. r. cameron, .:(. . i
5 Columbia, William Hall, 4:32. I
10 Velie, EL Silver, 4:35.
11 Midland. 0. H. Carney and W. JS. Nut
ting, 4:60. . . I
2 Bulck, It. JS. uoaerKirK, o:w.
A BuiCk. M. C. Duggan. 6:14.
23 Chalmers 30, Dr. JJ. C. boucup and J.
Rachman, 6:15.
1 cnaimar sv, n. n. rrearicasun, u.ia.
17 Ford, J. M. Monnlcb, 6:19.-
20 Ford, Max Gottberg, 6:20.
21 Chalmers SO, Walter Smith and Frank
Walker, 6:22.
3 Buick, A. I Btaniew, o:w.
7 Maxwell. U E. Doty, 6:35.
a-Kissel Car, C. B. Bogue.
18 Stoddard Courier, A, Merrill, 8:61.
16 Hupmobile, W. F. Huffmann, :$.
aa Chalmers 80. Miss . BeBSle Amos and
Miss Chelsea Jones, 0:67.
6 MaxweH, K. A. JJOiy, io:uo.
The pathttndlng and confetti car was th
first machine into the city, arriving at a
few minutes after 4. Th ettloial car, a
Klasell car, arrived at 4:16. The two pres
car were also well among th leader of
tha tour, both pulling Into th garage be
tween 4 and 6 o'clock.
John MalMB hamed with (irealna
heep In lllark llllle Forest
Reserve llleanlly,
DEADWOOD, S. IV, Aug. 27. t Spe
cial.) Following numerous warning of
prosecution, Forest Supervisor Ke lie tor
of the Black Hills national forest has
taken the Initiative In preventing sheep
men from graslng their stock on th re
serve by causing tl-.e arrest pf John Mat-
son, a sheep herder near Cold Creek, em
ployed by William McKcan of Newcastle,
Wyo. Matson was brought to this city
and arraigned before United States Com
missioner Moore and held In $500 bnll
for the federal court here next month.
Matson was arrested on a charge of
violating the federal statute providing
against the grazing of sheep on 4he re
serves. Accoralng to the' supervisor, he
wa driven from th reserve four times
befor he was arrested and since July
over 20,000 sneep have been driven off
the reserve.
Both herders and owners have been noti
fied that tha forestry officials are de
termined to uphold the law pending the
appeal of the aheep owner to the Wash
ington authorities to be permitted to
graze sheep thl fall on tha reserve
owing to th drought thl summer In thl
Ship Vnable o Reach St. Loals Be,
cans of Low Stage of
th River.
MEMPHIS, Aug. 27.-Owing to th low
stage of the water In the Mississippi river
the United States monitor Amphltrlte, which
reached this port several Week ago on it
Journey to St. Louis, where It will b used
as a training ship for the Missouri naval
reserves will remain anchored off th Merr,
phis wharf all winter.
The Navy department Is taking advantage
of the enforced stop here to completely
overhaul the machinery of the war vessel.
Twenty-seven enlisted - men remain on
board the Monitor, this number being suf
ficient to keep up the routine work.
Alleged Cattle Rnatlers Arrested.
BELLE FOURCHE. S. D., Aug. 27.
(Special.) Hjalnier and Matt Erlckson,
brother living on a ranch near here, are
under arrest and a third brother, Otto,
la wanted by th But. county authori
ties, charged with cattle 'rusllng". It 1
charged that th Erlckson stole several
yearling from Peter Summervald, a
rancher living on th Bell Fourche river
tan mile below here. Otto Eriu''m w-aa
convicted of killing Jim Uu..ttt in
tha Cave Hill om year ago and sen
tenced to tour year In th penitentiary.
but wa pardoned.
The Weather
For Nebraska Probably "showers.
For low Generally fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
6 a. m
6 a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m ,
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
1 p. m
I p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
I p. m
7 p. m
I p. m
, 57
, 6
, tt7
, 70
, 73
, 74
, 76
, Tti
, 77
, 7
. 75
Walk Through Plat Ulaaa Window.
DEADWOOD. 8. D-. Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) During the snowstorm here, Wil
liam Frazer at Koch ford, a guest at the
hotel, ran through the big plate glass
window of tne Franklin hotel, entailing
a loss of 209 to an Insurance company.
Fraxer wa In a hurry to get across th
street and walked through the glass be
for h sw It. He en-sped with a few
light cut on th hand.
OMAHA. Aug. 27. Official record of tera-
peiaiure and precipitation comperea wun
th corresponding period Of the ' three
y,aj-a; ilTJV. lvt.
uawimum tamnarature 7H 97 81 87
Minimum temperatur W 72 2 M
Mean temperatur J7 M 73 U
Pp.,Hnltatlon 00 .00 .00 .00
Teir.perattir and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha alnce March 1,
and compared wltn the last two yeore:
Normal temperature 7Z
Deficiency for th day J
Total exces sine March 1
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Deficiency for the day . U!neP
Total rainfall ri.i March 1 .88 inchea
Deficiency alnce March 1 14 81 Inchea
Deficiency for cor. period, 10.... 2.Mlnchra
Detlciency for cor. period, 11 10 Inch
U A. WELtli, Local Forecaster.
We're going to put school
shoes oh a whole army of
boys and girls during the
coming week.
Every one of them will be
correctly fitted as regards'
size, width and shape of last.
Every pair of shoes, too, will
be the
That Money Can Buy
The style will be correct,
and the durability - will give
great satisfaction.
$2.00. $2.50 a" $3.00
$1.50. $2.00 "d $2.50
10th and Douglas Street.
f 4-
,?r of
School Child Should
Be Examined
Before Going Back to
S chooU
cannot progress In thj
a as they ahoiild. If ey
Is sapping th vitality fewnl
parte of tha body. Constanti
strain I
aches anil pains aimraci ine mirai.
firing the- Children to Is for
Satisfaction Guaranteed In Bvery
Huteson Optical Co.
21ft So, Kith Street.
Fall Suits
to Order $25
With the first bit of cool
weather we have placed on display
an almost unlimited pelectfon or
new browns and grays In fall
We solicit early orders.
Every garment guaranteed per
fect in fit and styles.
Suits and Overcoats
to Order $25 to $50
Tailoring Co.
04-SOO Mouth Sixteen! a St.
Near Kamem
Closed Thair Doors
By Order of The Great'
Eastern Syndicate. I
Jo. F. Bils' Son, 204-1 North
Sixteenth street. Omaha, Neb.,
store was closed Saturday, Augrust
27th, to mark and rearrange thl
immense $60,000 stock pf this
season's strictly up-to-date Suits,
Cloaks, Shoes, Ladles' and Gents'
Furnishings, etc., thrown on the
market by order of thl great
syndicate. These goods are to be
aold at Public Sale for what they
will bring-, any reasonable offer
being accepted. For particulars
watch big circular and news
papers. Tha Great Eastern Mill Syndi
cate, old location of
204-6 North 18th St.
204-6 Notlt 16th St.
The purchase of a fine
Diamond or Watch is a
good Investment. Any man
can pay 11.00 a week with
a ring on his finger or a
watch 4n his pocket.
We still have some of
those fine 17-Jwel adjusted
watches for 118.60. Pay $1.00
per week. Tli old reliable
Third rioor
Psxton aik.
Do you have to brush you ,
shoulders after combing youi .
t mi MB Mm KJ AT
(Dandruff Remover)
Regular treatment every woek
or two by your barber will keep
your head clean.
Every advantage is with the consumer U
buying bis coal early: Better service, leal
cost, none of the disagreeable feature of
winter deliveries, and the added BatlfaJr
tlon of having the coal in your own bins.
Genuine Scranton Hard Coal $10.50
McCaffrey bros. co.
Formerly Nebraska Coal & Lime Co.
Tel. Douglas 40.
(New Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg.)
thc rufWEST VtliT MftrsA
tettfNDlTUP y WW rf:
" stem. amo away J 'H j nmmmsom
.. t7 tl
Every Schoolboy Gets a Top
We have put in a new School Shoe for boys. Our
usual dependable kind of a shoe. Made out of selected
leather with a solid oak sole leather sole, an entirely new
shoe at an entirely new price.
$2 a Pair for Any Size
With every pair of shoes we will give one of these
magic TOPS. Every boy will want the top, and you will
want the shoes when you see them. Our reputation and
guarantee is back of every pair.
Bring the boy in and let us fit him to a pair of these
shoes before school commences..
DrexelShoe Co.,