B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 29, 1910. 9 r 1 CKAIMM MUMu jatllitl Wheat Values Go Up, Owing to Good Cash Demand. COEN HOLDS TO STEADY FRICE Receipt, of torn Are tiooil, bat the t oolrr Heather anil Llfects of Wheat .Market Hold the Coru friers. OMAHA. Aug 27. 1910. VV I.eat values er utiong ami advanced i on a marked Impi oveimnt in tut casn de mand. Export business was aisu reported more active and some good sales auruaii were reported. Carh houses were urgent buyers or all offerings. torn receipt Hre nmre liberal, uul cooler temperatures and the advance In wheat held values firm. A inure active shipping uo niand Vu noted. Wheat was surprisingly strong; demand from millers and reports of new export business In some volume being the feattne of the advance. With receipts runntiig lighter, cash wheat brought l'ul'ic above yesterday. Weather conditions wero more favorable In the coin belt, but offerings were not heavy. Samples on the tloor were readily absorbed, values ranging from unchanged to 4c; higher than yesterday. Primary wheat receipts were l.litf.OnO t.u., tvd shipments were 4JO.imo bu.; against re ceipts lat year of S!r,i,'j00 bu.. and ship ments of 44:.iO bu. Primary corn receipts were oOl.oo bu . . and shipments were oon bu., agalnxt re ceipts last vesr of 377,000 du.. and ship ments of Eil.OuO bu. Clearances were 18.000 bit. of corn. 2.01)0 oats, and wheat and flour equal to 146.000 bu. Liverpool closed tn Hd lower on wheat, and Vjd lower on corn. Omaha t'nsh I'rvii. WHEAT No. J hard turknv, Sl.OOJi 1 ni4 nominal; No. 2 hard, semi-dark find yellow, JVi&'J'.ic ; No. 3 hard turkey, WifWc nominal; .. No. 3 hard, semi-dark and vellow, ,4jU' - iT.li, n"r1' Wo; No- ! Pilng, WVjcH 11.01 nominal; No. 3 spring. ahtfoiwc nominal; No. 4 spring, 9f.i9oc nominal; rejected, 2o. CORN No. 2 white. KUlWie nominal, No. i white, 5Hi&'S7c; No. 4 white. B(S(tr rc nominal; Nu. t yellov. Rtri u6"4c ; No. I yellow, W(aWc; No. 4 vellow, -IMfSfiHc nominal; No. 2, BWi.W.c; No. 3. SWOic; - ' i 66&'S6o nominal; no grade, VMlhAc. OAT8 Standard, a3fil34c; No. 8 white. yelIow. 3331'Hc; No. 4 yellow. Sl'iJf -. BAKLBY No. 4, BOtitUo nominal; No. 1 reed, 66buSa nominal; rejected, 53p5i',o nom inal. RrRf"', 7677s nominal; No. 2, Ibdt "J .iUMIIIlSU. , Carlot Reaelpte. , Wheat. Corn. Oats rncago m g20 314 Minneapolis 347 i'.mil?? 11 99 Uuluth 203 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PltOVlSIOXS Fcatarcsf of the Tradlnsr and Cloalnar Prices ob Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 27. Wheat ruled higher from the start and closed ltlMic up. Corn borrowed strength from the wheat pit and finished feWc higher, while oats on a moderate trala advanced and closed 'Afcc Up. Provisions showed a strong tone and finished from 2V4B22'o higher, with pork leading the other products. Reports of export sales from Chicago, although moderate In volume, controlled the Wheat pit toil ay and were the basis for a bullish market throughout the session. At the start prices advanced sharply and on the upturn shorts began buying.. The export sale gave promise of larger ship ments and traders listened willingly to re ports that the continental and English mar kets would need much wheat later to Im prove the grade of the home crop. North West receipts were liberal and arrivals for the week at all grain centers while smaller than last week totalled much more than those of the corresponding week last year. Kstlmatea of enormous world's shipments and a notable lnoreaae In the visible supply for n.)xt week, were bearish statistics will oh were Ignored. The close was strong all through the list, with September mo up at 1100. The -final quotations was He be low the top price for the day. December Blosed 1Q1V4C to lVdo up at l 0H to SI .044. Corn prlees advanced to (4(tfH(! higher than yesterday's closing quotations. The rssh demand was good and prices were 41QU0 higher. No.. 2 yellow sold at KVie. The close was ront In all the futures deliveries, with Pentember V,c 110 at 6I0, December closed at Wo un at Trading In oats was uninteresting. The close was firm all around, with September Ko up at 4Uo. December closed at He hlher at 3K74c. AH provisions finished strong. wMh nnrk leading at an advance of from iRifiHc T,ri4 closed from MV tip and rlhs from ir77"Ac higher. ClnBlng figures for the September nroduc we: PorV ?1.!0. 17Ue 'n: lard I12.07M.. 10c higher, and ribs 112.30. 5" un. The leading futures run"-' " follows: Articles. I Open.) High. Low. Close. Yes'y, Wheat Sept... Dec May... " Dec.... May... Oau Sept. , . Dec..., HVpt.. Oct..., Jan... Lard Hept.. Oct... Nov... Jan.... Wlba Hept. Oct... Jan.... C4 1 OOM11 99 1 00 I 98 1 044HI 1 1 09V4 1 08H 1 OSMrVi 1 04H 1 tB'41 1 UHVi1 OUViHI 1 081 60-H 6H4 DOTti 1 I H4 5hi4 68 60H1 344 8iiV BOVitiHI 84 4 344 StiTs 21 20 20 u 13 65 12 07H S44 3"?4 21 024 20 72V4 13 50 U 97'A 11 97V4 11 46 10 05 12 25 11 70 67V4 asm1 37 40 21 26 30 30 13 6 21 00 30 7 18 66 20 95 30 75 18 Do 11 95 n 7V4 11 07W 12 07 11 U 91 12 07Vii 11 6IV1I 11 46 11 45 10 a 10 60 11 to 10 bi I 12 27 10 60 12 30 13 30 U 70 K 11 Tlhi 11 70 9 65 11 77! 70 70 No. t. Cash quotations were as follows: FUOUR Steady; winter patents, $4.46 6.76; straights. 4.166.00; spring straights, 360A(3t.l6; bakers, fc!.60'ii5.4O. RYB-No. I, 7Sc. BAHLEY Fesd or mixing, KfftiOc; fair to choice malting, to'gl-a KEKDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, IL'.SS; No. 1 northwestern. 32.60. Timothy, Sti.OOGjl AKk. Clover. 113 50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbh, 321.80(9 21 75. Lxd, per 100 lbs., jiZ.UiVs. riiiort nra, sides (lcoae), $1 1.IUV4U12.25; short clear sides (boxed), lia.JfxuU.JO. Total alearanoes of wheat and flour were equal to 14,0u0 bd. Primary receipts were 1.156.000 ou.t comparea wun wj.uw uu. un cnrrBsoondlng day a year ago. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat. 108 cars; corn. TJ cars; oats, 3.:.' cars; nogs, tt.000 head. Trading In produce was light and prices kept within narrow limits in me tuny trading. Opening prices for the October products were; Pork. 3J0.75, 2"c up; lard, Ill VTVt and ribs $11.70, both unchanged. t'HKKSK Hteady; daisies. ltWittiUc; twins, l&ijloo, young Americas, ltultic; long POTATOES Easy; choice to fancy, 751 78c: fair to good. 704j71c. POITL.TRY Kasy; turkeys, 20c; chickens, ISo; springs, loo. VEAL Steady; M to 60-pound weights, fa 8Uc; W to 86-pound weighls, lc; 85 to 110-CHunii weignis, iTOwiir. Mtaaeapella Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 27 WH K AT Sep tember, $1.14; December, $1.15; May, $1.18; No. 1 northern. $114; No. 2 northern, $1.09V. SKKD Klax. 2 4StV. CORN No. 8 yellow. 5P-fl5!lo. OATS No. I white, 34iflJ4Sc. RYE No. 1 7072c. BRA N In sacks, -OOOci J0.M. Minneapolis) $5itl6 70; second patents. $6.30 f)S60; first clears, $3.904 10; second clears. IHIlniskr 4. rain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 27 WH K AT No. I northern, 1 lo'mn 1 itvj; ro. 1 northern, $1 lOWtll.U: December, 1.(MH. OAT8 Standard, 35Wo. BARLEY-niples, 70ifl73Sa t. LosiU General Market, v . Aina a ,, v rr jlt ur 1 t r w H I, iji w, " - . . . . v wan, firm; track No. I red. $1.(X;104; No. t hard. i r? T'liute: Kutulea hlrher: Knliik 1 ber ssaiWc; December, $1.0kii. CORN Futures, higher; September, 80 600, December, 17a. Cash, hisher; track No 1 tW;'eVo; No. I white. 6lnrt2c; OATS t'uiui ess firm; September. 82o: IVcember, 36'c. (.fli, loei; track. No. J, 81V; tin. t White. :Ac. RYE Steady. XJc. KIjOIR yuiel; red winter patents. i 5 4"; extra fancy and stra ght, fl. l.Mi 4.70, hsrd winter clears. M 3 ). HEEIi Tlrroilhv. q.75. COItNM KAL-i..!i. I'RAN Finn; sacked (east track), SSc'o 11. on. HAY Steadv; timothy, S14.Uf(l!V.0U; prai rie. $12 OOriM 50. HKMP TWINK-TV.C. l'KijVlsiuNrt-l'org steady; Jobbing. l:2 00. fjarri unchanged; prime steam, til tiiitw 117',. I ivy suit meats unchanged: boxed, extra shorts, li.S7S; clear ribs, ia.H7.3; epot cleura, 41:1. uVf. Macon unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 114 .1;i; clear lloa, $14.37',; short clears. $14. fa1. l'Ol'l.'l KV-r'11 in, chicks; 12Wr; springs, 14c; turkeys, lDji&e; ducks, :Vllc; geefe, D'll :C. BUTTER Htesdy; creamery, 2fltic. tUUS -Klrm. He. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbis 7.7K) 14.WH Wheat, bu lOf. OiO 44 uoo t'orn, bu rl.sHi 3:l.t Oats, bu lld.OiO ti3,um) VIATIIKIt ! 'I1IK UHAIN HKI.T Prediction of Weather llureoa Is for a Warmer Mprll.br Mandar. OMAHA. Aug. 27, 1310. The cool vtavo hu. j.. unn.iu 10 lliu Atiaiuiu couki Kuiies, unu lempt'i a lui kI h ueciueui iuWki luia inoi uma every where east of Hie Alieglienles. 4 he cuol v.ave was prectueu by ruins 111 Ills eastern ana souiiiern state, uut generally tair Heather prevails linougiioul tnose sections this niunilng, aitiiougu uoiisluuiaule cloud lnes Is silli shown along tne coast, tem peratures are insner m the Hocay moun lalns, and east over the central valleys and lake region, the rise uelng very rapid In tne upper Missouri valley and west Into the mountains, where the weather Is much Warmer tnls morning. The temperature at Cheyenne, Wyo., Is 30 degrees higher than on Friday morning, and the weather is cloudy, with a light westerly wind. A barometric depression la now central, over the p.lack hills, and this depression will probably cause the weather to be somewhat unsettled over the Missouri valley during the next thirty-six hours, but the outlook Is considered favorable for fair In this vi cinity tonight and probably Sunday, with slightly warmer tonight. 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature.... 6 72 62 68 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 72 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 14.50 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1909, 2.79 Inches. FJxaess corresponding period In 1908, .01 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Dulletla. For Omaha. Neb., tor the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75 tb meridian time, Saturday, August 27, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb 75 63 . 00 Clear Auburn, Neb 76 48 . 00 Clear Broken bow jeo. it ov .yu uiear Columbus. Neb.. 75 43 .00 Clear Culbertaon. Neb.. 82 54 .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb.... 18 4i .00 Clear IFairmont, Neb.. 74 47 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 74 48 .00 Clear Hartlngton, Neb. 78 45 . 00 Clear Hastings, Neb.... 76 4 .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb.... 76 43 . 00 Clear Oakdale, Neb.... 74 60 .00 Clear Omuhh, Neb 74 63 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 76 47 .00 Clear ' Alta. la 73 60 .00 Clear Carroll. Ia 72 4ti .00 Clear Clartnda, la 67 43 .00 Clear Sibley. Ia 74 39 .00 Clear Sioux City, la... 74 62 .00 Clear INot Included In averages. . Minimum . temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE No. of Temp Raln ni.tptct Statlona Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 72 44 .00 Louisville, Ky I" 74 62 .40 Indianapolis. Did.. 12 72 46 .00 Chicago. Ill 26 72 48 .00 St. Louis. Mo 13 74 48 00 Des Moines. Ia.... 14 74 46 .00 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 .. .. .CO Kansas city. mo.. 34 7 4 .00 Omaha, Neb 19 74 48 . 00 The only appreciable rains In the corn ahd wheat region during the last twenty- four hours occurred at three statlona In the Louisville district. The weather con' tlpues cool throughout the entire region. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YOIIK GENERAL. MARKET Quotations of the Dny on Various Com mod I ties. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. FLOUR Steady, nominally lower; spring patents, Jo.X(i6.7(; winter straights, $4,4044.60; winter patents, $4.7&&5.10; spring clears, $4. 3541-4.60; winter extras. No. 1, $3.76fti3.90; winter extras. No. 2, $2.50(ii3.50; Kansas straights. 34.Hbrao.uu. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.11X4.30; choice to fancv. $4.36to-t.40. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. $1.652il.60; coarse, $1.61X11.65; kiln dried, $3.50. WHEAT spot market rirm; imo. z red, ll.UbV elevator, and $1.08, f. o. b. afloat. Futures were firm ail day, closing H l&'ta net higher. September closed at $1.07Vi, December at ll.iu'fc ana May at i.ia-. CORN Spot market steady; No. 2, 70V4O, elevator, domestic basis, to arrive, c. I. f. The futures market was without transac tions, closing nominally c net higher. Sep tember closed at 6940, December at 67o and May at 67c. Receipts. 17,625 bu.; ship ments. 950 bu. OATS Spot market steady; new standard white, 39c; new No. 2 white, 394c; No. 3, 39c; No. 4, 38ttc. The market for futures was without transactions, closing V4c lower to 14c higher. September closed at 3&c, December at 424o. Receipts, 157,076 bu.; shipments. 1.000 bu. HAY Steady; prime, $1.151.20; No. 1, $1.10 61.16: NO. 2, 1.0MB-1.1U, NO. 3. son;;. HIDUS Steady; Central America, 21c Bogota, 21&22c. LliATHIiH Steady; hemlock firsts, 21(8 2tic: seconds, 214j23c; thirds, lt-.Xc; rejects, nmc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $24.60 eo OO; family, $24,60426.00; short clear, $:2.50 tiiM.oo.- Beet, steady; mess, jiouuhiio.w; tarn lly, $19.00'0.OO; beef hums, JJ2.OtkS444.00. Cut meats, quiet; pioKieu bellies, 10 to 14 ids., $14.764iH6.60; pickled hams, 4J4 0Wi 14.50. Lard, firm; middle west, prime, $12.2tKu 12.30; re fined, steady; continent, 112.1t; soutn Anier lea. $13.50; compound, $10.7611.00. TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hgs., 74c; country. 7&7,o. ClIEliSli Unsettled; state whole milk. special, waiiiytu, eiave wnuie moiH. fancy, iic; state whole milk, prime, llffl nc; state whole milk, fair to good, lJJ 1444o; state whole milk, common, luferf 12c; skims, full to special. UVaijUc. ncTTElt Unsettled: creamery iiuMii. Sl'iitlic; extras, 30Hailc; third to first, 24 ta 290. EOU9 About steady; state, Pennsylvania .. nArKw li.nn.ru whit "H. 'j o . . Pennsylvania and nearby beanery, gathered white, S6(i29c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery brown, 27(&29c; state, Penn sylvania and nearby hennery gathsred tirowu, jv"1-. va" aiiieien extra first l4W-'6o; first. 22oJ8c; second. JOijfZlc. ' itiunrii-Aiiv", steaay: nuion springs, lc; fpwls, 14l'ul6c; turkevs, 10j 14e; dressed, Irregular; western broilers, 17 U-Mc; towis, iuioyc; luraeys, IS'OJi'c. Kansas t'lty Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. .-V7HEAT-B.n tember, 9tJ814o bid; December, 1.07T4i 101 bid: May. $1.06S'Ol05H bid. Cash: Un changed to 10 nigner; no. x nard. 99cSi$103' No. 3. 97cf$1.0m; No. 2 red, $Luunjl.02; No. 3, VSC9-41.W. CORN September, K'SrtfUc. sellers: n. cember. fcuVntjuoVo, sellers; May, 6NW0. Cash: T'nchanged to a lower; No. 3 mixed, ovc; ro. nuxen. nieowijc; No. 2 white, ft-nnOHc; No. 3, 6Mfl0c. OATS Unchanged ; No. 3 white, 3493iHc- INO. M liliAeu, niliiwiv, RYK No. 2. tic. HAY Unchanged to 60o lower: choice timothy, $14.0oSu 14.50; choice prairie, $12 00 jl2 .. BUTTER-Creamery, C9c; firsts. He; sec onds, 25c; packing stock, ZL'c. BOOS-Gxtra. I3c; flrstx, Sl'c ; seconds, 13Vc; current receipts, &w. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1X9.(100 1j9.0 I Corn, bu sn.wt 20.0110 I Oats, bu 21,0ii0 (.out I 1 - . . LIVERPOOL. Aug. $7. WH EAT 8 pot dull; No. 3 western winter, no stock: futures steady; October. 7s frjd; December 7s 7WJ; March. 7s 7,d. CORN Spot, firm; old American mixed Is; futures dull; September, 4a d; March. 4s d. Peoria Market. ' PEORIA. Aug. 27.-CORN-8teady; No. t white. 60c; No. 3 yellow, &0tioHc; No. I yel low, 6Vtc; No. 3, 69Vic: No. 4, 6c. OATS-Hlgher; No. 3 ahlte. 34iJ4Hc; No. $ white, ttos: standard. S3 Sac NEW YUKKSlOCliS ANUBUND Many Millions Are to Be Paid Out in ; Dividendi. i PR0SPEE1TY FOR RAILROADS West ffili No Help from the East In the Way of Honey for Maudlin the t ron. NKW Yt.HK, Aug. 27.-(Speclal Tele-) giaui.i it is e.-uimaied that uivloends and iiittfi'est distiui sernents in Sepitn.uer oy i nliiuatl. Iiuiusirlul and other coi poratlons ill sHKregatu U4i,0u,vw). Inls Is aI.iuivki ahead of issl year, y nlrh Is a pieasmx siiouiiih' in. teed. i; ir since Amencaii niai. ufactuiera and mllroad have entered Into 1 neil III.,.,-!!! .1. lit liiniilMI'ilV llklllll'.... moms on investments nave been graduui.y ' iiici cu.MiiiK. 'i im increase lias been siow and substantial wnlch is the best kind. 1 noso rocket Jumpa aie unnatural, but tne sturdy climb in dividends and earning.-! winch lias been In evidence recently be token soundness. The dividend payments next month will exceed $.ihl9.'si,iiu0 and Interest payments will be In the neighborhood of J37 ,2oti,tM. The disbursements for the nine months of this year tincludlng September) are (1,194. Hio.uov, an Increase of Ilu0.utiu.000 over the same nine months of last year. Already this year dividend and Interest disburse ments are $J7,OU0,0n0 ahead of the disburse ments of the entire year of 1907. In the face of these conditions It Is the height of absurdity for any man to at tempt to discount prosperity. All of the underlying conditions of business and fi nance today are firm. It is true that few Wall street Napoleons, who are alarmed over the political trend, have been attempt ing to falsify actual conditions, but the statistics herewith set forth, eloquently deny all false assertions. o Cause for Alarm. It Is said here that the New York bank surplus will not be sufficient In tne eariy fall to assist the middle west in the move ment of the crops. There Is nothing for alarm In this statement, for the financial conditions In the Interior are such now that financial help from New York will not be needed. There is plenty of money in the in terior. In fact, bankers from the middle west have complained that they have too much money on hand. On the currency operations 01 me piwui week. New York banks have lost approxi mately 8726.000. A gain of $!..000 was mude on money transactions with the Interior but this was onset oy tne met him $1.2I6,0u0 was paid to the United States sub-treasury more than was received. To this must be added $500,000 gold, which wus withdrawn on Thursday for shipment to Montreal. Failure on the part of the Bank of Lng land to increase Its rate of discount ac coidlng to expectations in certain quarters here caused no marked change In the foi eign exchange market It was said that spculatlve committments for and against such u, development pretty well counter acted one another in the subsequent trad ing. As a matter of fact. It is only thO outsldo discount rate in Jjonaon mai is earning concern. Crops Are Satisfactory. Crop conditions are highly satisfactory. Such creat industrial corporations as the International Harvester company and the United States Steel corporation, wmon keep In close touch with crop conditions, have issued statements that they are eminently satisfied with conditions aa they exist at present t.irougnoui tne mia dlewest and the western states. Late re ports Indicate a decided Improvement In the cotton fields and It Is said that the corn crop will go to three billion bushels. With these broad conditions so satisfac tory. Industrial aik financial men are teurnlng to the New Year to see what It is going to orfer. Torn tne industrial ana mining fields in Pennsylvania, Alabama, Indiana and Illinois come optimistic signs for 1911. The labor difficulties which have seriously affected the coal and steel trade are now about done. Already the order books show a substantial showing for the Initial period of the new year. Progress in tne raureaa iieia nos oecn somewhat handicapped through the dull ness of the bond market, and the caution of American and foreign investors. Frankly speaking, railroad men will he clad when the November elections are over. There have been sundry expressions appertaining to the activity 01 Colonel Rooaevelt. Political enemies of Colonel Roosevelt have declared that hla utterances will cause unrest In Wall street. However, that will do no great harm, unless Wall street takes it into its head to act as It did three years ago. Adds to Working; Capital. The Colorado Fuel and Iron company will not likely pay off Its accumulated preferred dividends, as the new policy of the com pany is to accumulate working capital against an unexpected Increase In business. The company Is over $1,000,000 in arrears on lis preferred dividends. However, the finances of the corporation have now grown to the point where no alarm Is felt. The company will not be compelled to borrow money. In fact. It Is predicted that It will be doing a gross business of $30,000,000 next year. It has spent nearly that much In the Improvement of Its properties In the last decade so that It Is Just now settling down to a steady upward movement In increment. Dullness prevails in the copper market. The constant cropping up of merger reports are greatly responsible for the present pre vailing conditions. With few exceptions the Important indus trial companies are In a position to finance their business and put through the con struction work they have under way this year without outside assistance, learnings since early last year have been large and the aggregate amount of cash carried is above the average. The cash In bank held by the United States Steel corporation runs over $26,000,000. International Harvester Is so long on re sources that It has turned a lender. Stand ard OH, American Tobacco, Bethlehem Steel company, Westlngheuse company and others have the biggest cash resources) on hand now In their history. Considered all In all, conditions are be yond tear of cavil. The stock market this week has been without moment. Trading has been narrow and tight and movements have not been exceptional. The tone has fluctuated with out going to extremes. N ember of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: , Oaks. High. Iw. Clow. Alll-Chlmrs ptd 1V Amalgamated tVptr I,o00 44 4Va Amtricn Asrtculturtl .... 4 4 Am. i)Mt Suftr D HI M I Amcrhan Can 100 H (H I American U. T isle 4 4a Aninrliin Cotton Oil y 1 American H. U pld 244 Am. lue IKourltlM 100 lVt ID It Amsiioan LltiMca 11 Amerloan Locomotlvs , 34 American 8. K Lim Hi S4 i Am. 8. R. ptd IM KM Hi Am. Bteel Foundries 42 Am. Sugar P.ellnlng 318v Annrtun T. T U0 1j4 1V American Tobacco pld 91 Amarlcan Woolen ' Anaconda Mining Co 1-H Auihlaon l.i ' J Atchison pfd Atlantlo Coaat Line 110 Baltimore Ohio,, l.Jno 104 103'i 1iM Baihlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr 74 74 74 Canadian Pacific W natural leather 300 l U Ontrai Lattiar pld ll4 Central of Naw Jeraey t"i Chrapake A Oblo MO Ti 71 7 Chicago A Alton S6 Chicago U. W new i 24 24 U C. O. W. pfd K 44 44 Chicago A N. W 1"0 144 14 141 C, At. It. P 1 11 !' C. C. C. A St. L t5 Colorado P. A 1 2 Colorado A Soatharn M Ooneolidatad oaa 10 110 12 1 Cora Product 1U0 14 14 13 Ijalaeara A Hadaon , IM iMnter Klo Uranda 0 SO tv Vt D. A B U. ptd 4.i0 7" tb lnstlllars' Sacimllaa 2"0 17 37 : k - I'M 26 ti Krie lt ptd , 41. fctle 2d pld 90 General Electric 4n0 144 14! 14! (4 Great Northern prd if) 124 U4 134 Ureal N on hero Ore ctls 64 Illinois Central 1J0 lnlarburough Mat 17 17 17 InO Mat. pfd 4O0 44 41 47 International Harraatar ... tut PS M Int. Marine pfd H International Paper luv. International Pump St Iowa Caniral 14 Kanaag City to an K. C. So. pfd l' ! tl 41 Lolade Uaa bw 1 lull lul Loul.Yllle N 14 Minn. A SI. Louie t4 14 U M., St. P. g. t. U 1 114 IX? M., K. T J 41 11 11 M . K. T. pie. 41 Missouri Paaina M At 4J'4j ai National Biarult li Naiional Lead fc.) N k. H. o at. Id ptd..-. 1.100 to to New Tork CanUal 4O0 111 lit 11" N. T., O. Norfolk Walters ta North American 47 Northern Paoltls VO 111 1U 111 Pacltlo Mall IS feiuieylvauia Ian IM u; Pe.ipie a bea . P.. '- r. A ft. 1. Pitt.i-urg t't.al I'refB.l si.h.1 far Pullmen I alare i"er Hallwsr Jtrel Spring Heading Hr,n''ilr fat ee" I K.putlK- Stel pld KficK leiend Co hoik IrijtHl I'o pfd si. 1.. s. V 3d pM si. Iiule S. V St. I.. f. W .IJ Si"-shri;a it I Sitnlhtrn Tji fn Ht.ul!:.tn Kjllwuy So. Ha laa, lIJ Tiinn.'e C'tn.r 1 x. at I'S. ill' r , st. l . w T.. ft. U W. pld I nlnn Paomu t'nlon Paclltu pfd Limed Statea Healtjr 1 nlled Sutee liuhter I'nlted matte Sirl I' S. Hieal I'M t teh t'ipper Vs. -faro. Clumltal Weha- Weliafh ptrl W'Mei n Maryland Weilngiuiiee Klei-trtc .... Vt.tt"T-n l niou Wh.-ellng aV U E Total eMles lor tlie day. 1 17 Sj I. l l''i 10 tl l 3 J M 112 :i ..1 14', 34 M.tiO 141 i,V in 14(1 10 lis .'00 2a 21'i U 4 4.n 14 IV. l 41" 14, W0 16 1 71 14 t ail Uo .a 11. 7 ' 3K 44 ae 64 4 100 lKIt 400 l K2 ihaiee. .tn Vurk Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. MONEY-On Clll, nominal; no loans. Tl.MK LOANS Firm and dull: 1 days, SOI1 per cent! W days, 4 per rent; months, 4i per cent. 1'HI.MU MEIICANT1LK PAPER 6 V to 6 per cent. 8TKRLINO KXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bt nkers' hills, at 4.V).MVU 4 Si, 5 for 60 day bills, and at 4.si26 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.!W?4.83.:'0. SILVEK-Bar, 52c. Mexican dollars. 44c. 44 c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were 1 follows: V 8. ret. 2s, rag. ...Ill Int. M. M. 4a M do coupon Mol Jatan 4a 19 V. S. la, rag Ml Mo 4a t4 do coupon 101 K. V. K. lt la 73 V. S. 4b, rag 115 S. deh. 4a 1M1.. 91 do coupon 115 I.. & N. unl. 4a PI Allir-I nul. lat 6a.... 76'j M. K, A T. lit 4.. 17 Am. Ag. r. ini, do sen. 4a t4 Am. T. A T. CT. 4B..10-I Mo. Pacific 4a 17 Am. Toiiacco 4a 7S N. K. R. ot M. 4a 9 do aa 100 X. Y. r. g. ls.... 17 Armour 4k Co. 4a.. 82 do d'h. 4a N Atchlaon gon. 4a tn N. Y., N, H. II. do ct. 4a lii t. 6a 13 do ct. ia l'KI N. W. 1st 0. 4a... N At. C. U lat 4s.... M do ct. 4a t Hal. Ik Ohio 4a fn No. Pacific 4a... v... too do 3 1 do 3a 1... Tl do 8. W. Ia !' O. 8. L. rftlg. 4 S2 tlrk. Tr. cv. 4a 1 Penn. cv. ls 1016.. t:. Cen. of Ua. 5 105 rio con. 4a 102 Can. Leather oa S" Reading gen. 4a l i of N. J. g. 5a.. .121 8t. U 3. F. fg. 4i II Chea. & Ohio 4s...ld0 do gen. 6a do rf. 6a 92 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s.. 7J C'hU:ai) A A. la... 70 do lat gold 4a 90 C. B. A U. j. 4e.... to Seaboard A. L. 4a.... ! do gen. 4s tH 80. Par. col. 4s. ft C. M. tz 8.P. g la II do CT. 4a 1 C. K. 1. A P. 0. 4a. T2 do let ref. 4s M do rfg. 4s 89 So. Hallway 6s 1044 Colo. Ind. 6s 74 do gen. 4a 74 Colo. Mid. 4a 6 'fnlon Pacific 4a.... 1W C. A 9. r. A . 4a Tv do cv. 4 104 D. A H. CT. 4a 9. dn 1st A ref. 4a.. -' D. A R. a. 4a 94 V. 8. Rubber a 102 do ret. 6s HI I1. 8. Kteel 3d 6a.,..10 Dlitlllere' 6a 48 Va. Caro. Cham. (a. tt Krie p. I. 4s mWabaah let e 107 ilo gen. 4a 6k do let A ex. 4s.... 43 do cv. 4a, ear. A.. 4 Western Md. 4a K3 do aeries B 62 V.'eat. Glee. cv. iB.. S7 Gen. Eleo. ov. 6a 137 Wla. Central 4a 92 111. fen. lat ref. 4s. 9 Mo. Pac. cv. 6s N Int. Met. 4a 7S Bid. London stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 27. American securities Improved today on favorable New York advices. The closing was dull, but steady. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money 81 LoulsvUle A N 144 do account II M , K. A T 92 Amal. Copper U N. Y. Central 114 Anaconda 1 Norfolk A W tt Atchlaon 10O do pfd M do pfd 103 Ontario A W 41 Baltimore A Ohio... M7 Pennsylvania te Canadian Pacltlo ...16 itand Mlnea 4 Chee. A Ohio 7 Reading , VS Chicago O. W 11 Bo. Rallaray ......... t3 C, M. A St. P 124 do pfd 14 tie Been 17 80. PaclNo Ill llenver A R. 0 14 Union Pacific do pfd Ti do pfd t4 Erlo ioU. 8. Steel 70 do lat pfd 41 do pfd lit do Id pfd 13 Wabash 17 Orand Trunk 2 do pfd 17 Illinois Central 134 Spanish 4a M r SILVER Bar, steady, 24d per oa. oMUNEY-lM'l per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is Z per cent; the rate of discount in the open market (or three months' bills Is Wu-'i t-16 per cent. Local Bwearttlea. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr.. 93a umkni fiiaiivuBbi ue.ii uuiiuing . Bid. 1 Alma. Neb. Lt Is.. M .100 Beatrice creamery Co. pfd II tt 1 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Is, ltt N in Crab Orchard, Neb.. 6a 100 Columbue, Nab.. K. L. la, 1124 N tl Houston Water do. aa, 1444 lot lilt Iowa Portland Cement lat Idt. Is.... tt let Iowa Portland Cement e. Is M lot Kanaaa O. A B. T par cent pfd t 109 Kansas City II. t L k ltll 44 t Idlcblgan BUte Tel. is, 1934 N M N. T. Central Un 4a. ltUJ loo 100 Omaha Water Co. Is. 1944 ta tt Omaha Oaa, 1H7 N M Omaha A C B. 8. R. ptd, I per seat M 14 Omaha A C. B. 8. R ia. 1121 M r Paelfle T. A T. Be, 187 H M Pennsylvania Buulp. 4a, lilt M IT I'nlon Stock Yards, 80. Omaha, ex-dlv ti t Rocky Mountain Fuel M lot Wabash Kqulp. 4a. ltll t M United Ry. pfd, St. Louis 4 14 Oar man-American Coffee it ..... Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Aug. Z7.-Closlng quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows: Alloues 40 Mohawk 47 Amal. Copper 4 Nerada Oon A. 2. L. A g J Ntplaalng Mines .... 10 Arizona Com, 16 North Butte n Atlantlo 6 North Lake ., 10 B. A C C. A g. M. 11 Old Dominion Klu Butta Coalition IS Osceola .....121 Cel. A Arliooa 60 ParroU S. A 0 II Cal. A Hauls 66 Qulncy T2l Centennial 11 Shannon t Copper Rang C. C... Id Superior 46w Eaat Butta C. M 7 Superior A B. M.... I Franklin 10 Superior A P. C II Olroua Con. a Tamaraok 44 Orsnby Con 32 U. S. C. A O If Greene Cananea 7 U. 8. S. B. A M.... IS Isle Royal Copper.. It do pfd as Kerr Lake I I'tah Coo J3U Lake copper II Winona I La Balls Copper 10 Wolverine jjo Miami Copper It Asked. New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Imogen A Bryan, members New Tork Stock exchange. Ill South Sixteenth street. Omahal Bar State Oaa Inspiration .u Butt Coalition ..... II Laroee , 4 ' Cactus . 1 Nevada Can jtw Chlno 14A Nswboua m Chief Con. 1 Ohio Copper Fraction SO Rawhide Coalltloa ,, 11 Iavte-DalT 1 Ray Ontrai m Ely OntreJ M Swift Pks, O) 10J Ely Con f Silver King Coal'n ' t Franklin 10 Superior A P jju GIroux 6 Tonopah Mlnlsg .... ga? C.oldfleld Coo I Trinity Copper tj Ooldfleld JTorenoe... 1 North Lake inu Ooldfleld Daley 4 Bohemia "" a? Orean Otnanea. .... 7 " Bank Cleartnsra. OMAHA. Aug. 27. Bank clearing for to day were $2.1o8,4SB17 and for the correspond ing date laat year 2,818.477.0a, A gain of 6i8.473.99 was made In the clearings for the week over the same time last year. Clear ings for the week were: aa - . 1909- 191- M(,nQy $ 2.641,81,4JI f 8.6M.02I.16 Tuesday 1.9J6.440.01 t,Of3.33d 11 Wednesday 1061,117.65 1,169 463 67 Thursday 2.402,676. J.4S4.1h38 Friday ,Jl.477.(ib tl,4:16 Saturday ,lo6,684. I,14, 17 Totals H3,49,385.07 4,071,86.0 Treassry Statement. WASHINGTON, Aug. I9-The condition of thetreasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds: Hold coin, $i,is5,i; silver dollars, 146.163 000 silver dollars of 1S90, $3.R.'3.fM: silver rerllfl 1 Icates outstanding, $4Mi,163.0liO. Oeneral fund: ! .Standard silver dollars In general fun' 16. S2n.fr It.; current liabilities. IM,7(i,799; work ing balance In treasury offices, W.21,133j In banks to credit of treasurer of the United Ktatea, tM.sg.W4; subsidiary silver coin, $30,440,410; minor eoln 1976.044; total balance In general fund, l8o.S99.021. New York Mlalnsx Bteeko. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice 17f. lMdTllle Con I Brunewrfek Oon t Uttl Chief Uran. Tunnel stock.. 14 Mexican 149 do bonds 17 Ontario ) Cen. Ol. A Va lt Optur im Horn Silver 40 Standard t inm Iliver 160 Yellow Jackat 40 Offered. ... .a Metal Market. NKW TORK, Aug r.-METAI-Markets were dull and practically nominal as usual In the a b Hence of news from foreign ex changes. Tin. quiet at IK SOU M &; Uke rop per, 'C S7al 0": electrolltlc, Ill.sji U. 75; caXtng. ll2.2Mtl3.60; lead. $4.4o4-SU, spelter, Io..o6.46; Iron, unchanged. OAIAJA LIV SroCii MARKET Moit Kindi of Cattle Twenty-Five Higher for Week. WEEK'S GAIN 1H HOGS IS LARGE Siheep and l.amb Hroelpts Largest of Any Week This l'ear, with Ue- anand liond - and Prices Steady All Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. IT, 1910. Receipts were: Canie. i'is t-nep. Official Momtav 10 4SJ ViM'i Official Tuesday 7.S71 1.630 S7.ii Official Wednesilay 6M4 -J.isJii 13.6-d Offlc.al Thursday J.i.Ti 21.21 Official Friday K4 .Bu U, Estimate Saturday K10 bM 8lx days this week 2.l"i S.1 123,740 Same duys last weelc.....li.4 tS.KMI &6 '3 Hame days I weeks ago.. 13.77e U.lTa ui.Wo 8ame days I weeks ago .2i.lla lb,VA bi.iii Ham days 4 weeks ggo..!2.o;M 4n.Sl 40,5-'4 ciame days last year SU.vii 80,400 bV.JU Hie luiiuiiai iuk annua .lie rC4ipls uf cattle, hogs And sheep at bomb umalia fur the year to uai. as uomparad with las: ar: istn i,s Inc. Pre. Cattle "57.1S1 SM.SU fl.UO Hogs 1.4J3.127 l.7s,ritt 4,41li Sheep 1. lit, illHI 4,ieil J.1U The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I mo. I1W8.I1WJ8. 1307. 1!W.1906. 11904. Aug. 17.., Aug. IS.., Aug. IS.., Aug. XI.., ug. II.. . 7 67 44 S 74 I M) i 88 L HSU I IM 4 M 4 M 6 1(1 I u e t W i Vi i 04 6 13 6 22 t 24 8 M T 71 7 64 T U 1 41 k 23 yw e 31 17: 7t t 6 I ao iw 1 cai , I I Ml 6 Vll M & nil I 92, e hoi & ri Aug. tt... Aug. u... Aug. 24.., Aug. ,., I 6o I 63 T U 7 621 321 i till S 77 i 77 1 7 ill 6 S4I 7 601 S 7 ttt I 41 6 on I 6 e Aug. ( 67141 I 6 Si Aug. 27... Sunday. CATTLK Only four ears of cattle were reported today and only about one ot them was on sale, this meaning that there was nothing here to make a market. Fur tli week receipts have been very lioerai, foot ing up Ito.Juv head as against 29, WO head one week ago and 3u,9vu head a year agu. Con sidering the large receipts the market has been In splendid condition througnout the week and entirely to the liking ot sellera. Beef steers have been In good demand very day until Friday, when receipts were very small and prices have steadily worked upward. At the close uf the week cornfed steers may safely be quoted liUJao higher, wth goou range beet ibc hltfnor. Cows and heifers have been active sellers all the week and at the close they are safely 10&2oo higher, the amount of the ad vance depending entirely upon the kind and quality of the stock. Feeders have been very free sellers throughout the week and cattle ot that de scriptlun have met with ready sale at prices showing strength every day. At the close of the week the general market un all desirable kinds of fettling and stock cattle Is safely 26c nigner than one week ago. Old time operators on the market all Insist that there never was a time when the general market on cattle was in better condition at tnls season of the year than It has been In during the last. week. Receipts have been large not only here, but at all other points and the demand still larger. 4Uotuuns on native cattle: tjood to choice beef steers, 7. 268.00; fair to good beef steers, 6.fc7.2&; common to fair beef steers, 6.u04j6.2b; good to choice cornfed grassers, 6.6.Ud.&0; good to choice cows and heifers. M oOao.60; fair to good coav and heifers, I3.60ir4.p0; common to fair mwi and heifers. 12.504 3.50; good to choice stockerg and feeders, 4.7&6.00; fair to good stockerg and feeders, 14. 081.76; common to fair stockers and feedrs, $3 254.00; stock heifers, 12.76&4.7&;H veal calves, a3.60tf6.60; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.26428 00 Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, S6.0tK&.76; good to choice beeves, 66.40411.00; fair to good beeves, 14 M QT6.30; common to fair beeves, 13.75434.60; good to choice heifers, M.2&4T6.00; good to choice cows, 14.004.66; fair to good grades, (3.S04.0O; canners and cutters, 2.K$4.2o; good to choice feeders, R0tf6.0; fair to good feeders, $4,8o4.8Q; common to fair breeders, 13. 26 6. 26. Representative sales: COWS. N Ae. FT. Na. a, rr. 1 104 I II 14 m IN 1 1180 I 4t 1 170 4 00 1 1 I M H KIFER8. 1 400 I 71 t Ml t 40 BULLA 1 14N I 44 HOGS Strong prices bought most of ths hogs on sale this morning. The market ranged from steady to a nickel higher as compared with yesterday's trade. De mand was active In both divisions, and while shippers were small, a very good clearance was mads during early hours. Heavy hogs moved around i8.6&a.60, claiming their full share of the advana Good mixed of medium weight sold at 61.71 and better, and light hogs brought the high figures. Selected baoon weights sold as high as 19.16, a nickel higher than yester day's top and also ths highest price paid at this point in several weeks. Long strings were Included In a spread of tlMjt 8.80, as compared with yesterday's bulk of $.50t8.76. For the week receipts have been normal and ths trend of prices higher. Net ad vances ars Just about 30$4Eo, and Jnolude both heavy and light hogs. Demand has been active on most days from all classes of buyers and early clearances wars mads as a rule. Representative sales: He. Av. Sh. rr. No. At. go. rr. 41 4S 40 I 40 M WO ... 170 ' 61 Mt M ) 44 till W I 70 40 .40 SU0 I 40 M Ml ... I7 11 Is4 ... 146 M 174 ... 170 64 trt IM I 60 61 177 110 I 70 It SH ... I 60 II 176 ... I 7ft 41 HI . 16 II t l ... I 71 M M7 1st I 60 61 fal t4 I 70 16 It0 ... I 66 64 lot ... I 7Q U 104 SO I 66 II I7t 100 I 10 44 ra ... I 66 M Sal 110 I 70 14 t 140 1 66 II Ml 160 170 15 -.171 ... 6 61 17 ,..Mt K I 71 44 171 40 I 66 M lit 110 IN 11. Stt M I 66 41. 170 III 44 IVt 40 I W 66 174 M I 71 J IM IS) I W 61 340 40 I 76 US 1T7 ... I 66 40 J66 160 I 75 II 206 60 I 65 49 10 I 76 I Ml ... 61 44 ..Ml 10 I 71 II Ml N I 40 4a 17! 140 I 71 41 S44 120 I t S tit 10 t 71 II IO 40 40 ft 144 .., I 76 It 11 I 40 t M t I 15 It 14 10 I 10 70 141 I 75 4 247 140 I 40 tt Ml ... I 76 14 m ... I 0 47 lb N I 71 II 170 I II 4 ... I 71 10 100 ... ISO 14 167 134 I 76 It 11 M M SO 171 M tat ... Il 4T...r....t'- ... I 71 14 241 110 71 2M 120 171 M 101 144 1 40 tt Ml ... 1 M II !M ... I 40 41 141 124 I M 4 171 60 I i: 14 231 40 I 10 40 IM liO I 43 17 V.; 120 I 10 44 MS S4 I 46 44 14t 10 I 111 It 11 14 I 41 74 142 40 I 16 M HI 40 I 66 71 251 10 I 16 M IM M I 46 74 t6 S) 1 6 M 171 24 140 K IK M t4 ... I 45 74 Ill ... I H M XU 124 161 46 139 ... lit 41 174 ... I SS Hi Ill 144 I M M (VI M I 46 71 211 40 I 10 M SSI 140 t el T 2nd ... IN 14 2a4 ... 167 It !l ... ts II 160 10 1 47 70 170 M t 00 48 IM 141 I 17 77 M4 ... t 00 ti 271 ... 170 II 117 ... t06 10 17T tt I 7 St Ml ... til SHEEP Four doubles of sheep and lambs arrived today, but they were con signed direct to a packer, so that the open market remained unchanged. Trade during the week has been heavily supplied with range offerings, over 120 000 head showing up. This is the largest week's run of the year. Feeder shipments made up ths bulk, supplies running largely to lambs. In point of demand, trade could hardly be In better condition, with the result that prices have been well sustained througnout the week. All classes of buy ers bought freely, but feeder outlet proved to be especially broad, the week closing with a perfect clearance. Feeder lambs brought 6 264;.60 and even as -much aa MSO. t must be remembered that these figures call for good killing ends, larTThs that are thin and light selling below pi 26. Feeder sheep and yearlings have been selling equally well, as Is Indicated by current quotations. Fat stock trade has been In very healthy condition at all times. Best lambs have been selling up to 64 71 with good ones at 16.60 and better. Good sheep have been moving at 4.00"t.. wethers bringing the high figures and ewes the low ones. In a general way both sheep and lambs are closing steady, yesterday's sales appearing little different from those ot last week's Quotations on grass stock: QncA to eholoe lambs, M 1006 76: fair to good lambs lo.16-u0.40; feeder lamb. 14 004J.Sr; handy welgnt yearlings. 66 (Ofll 26; heavy year lings, M J4 00; feedet yearling, K.Oft&e ; good to choice wethers. H 1U4 40; fair to good wethers. $1.764. W; feeding wethers. Li.Ha4.X, breeding ewes, 44 Ko4. feeding twea, U.l w, tat tees, ie. ivj4.1i. tti'tll eeen ,a tl e aewee. No. Av. IT. In Idaho lambs, feeders t- 6 .'A '. Idaho yeaning, cull feeders 7it i to 41 luanu vietners. (eeoers leu A . ill Idano eaiiiiis. levlett 4 4 v tlllttl.U l.liT iilUtK MArlKKt I'rlrr. for tattle. lloH. and beep AreN0 CANGEH OF A MONEY SQUEEZE teal. j CHICAGO, Auk. ...- A rTl.t-ttnelpSa, esmnaieu at euv neaU; mai aet nuj , uwvea. e4.a'4lli.u; 'iexae etetia, ta.ioi.i', western aievra, $4.a.Nj.t, a.uuh.i ai.u nini.lo, H int.A'i Covte anil i.il la, eS-0i ! no. oaivec. ati.ouwa.Mi. moo H.ceii'ia ea.lniateij at H.uuu lioaj, inaravi sleatty tu snaue iiianei; li". ll.i; llUXau, .e.le; lia, A).ot, .ough, 4H.4vuh.tv; govu to cuolue Heavy. 4...au.4('; uuia of sales, i 6ti.v. lie:ii;r' A.u LAAtus rtunripia estimated at .iai hau; market itta.ij , na..e, 4.,i 44.w; weaiein, t..,.w, jraiiu.a". i4"w o .o; lambs, native, H iiu-. vvi'ii, tii.nu. Kansas Citr Lite Blurts Market. KANSAd CITY, Aug. si.-CATTUhl-Ke-Lein, mii nuau; market slaaay; naiivti steurs, $4.it4a.Ju; touilielll steeis, 4 Uv eo; southern vows, ta.mu 4., uause cows anu helters, l-wub.ru; stutaeis ana teeaers, fl.Js m.iu; hails, mutlo; miv,. 44.011 wealvrn steers, 4.(X44.o: western cows, t2.itnu4.io. liuUS Heoelpts, t,000 head; msrket steady to m' lower; buik of s.uen, Hum ii.mi; hwivy, efloi-!; packets and butcm rs, .(Ki JjVi); II k lit, t!MS4ts.36. SllEltl' ANO I.A M BS Kecelpt s, 1,;X) liend; market steady; muttons, 4.0; litmus, Jb UHiJ "0; wetliers and yearlings, flHg6.T6; fed western ewes, IJ.iOU.W- St. l.onU Live Stock Market. HT. LOCI!, Mil,, Aug. 17. C AT TLE Re ceipts, ,0i.u nead, including son Texans; mar ket steady; native beef steers, 6,7btt6.2"; eowa and heifers, 3.607.00: stocker and feeders, 43.2i.tiO.iO; Texas ana Indian steers, .Mti6.bu; oows and helters, 13 fMHii.dl; caivos In carload lots. S.WHj1.7. HOUH Receipts, H.uUO head; msrket steady: pin and llahls. tg.50frV.e0; caokexs, is.i'O'tis., butchets and best heavy, fu.ti iHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market steady; native muttons, 14.00 I&4.36; lambs, eo.tXXu-To. St. Josepk Live Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Aug. 27. CATTLE Re celi'ts, 200 head; market steady; steers, 64.75 Q7.7o: cows and heifers, 3.0iKO26; calves, W.0OG8.00. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 hend; market steady to strong; top, 69.40; bulk of sales, I8.73&9.S0. KHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head; market steady; lambn, 6.2."U7.00. Stock tn fight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday was as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha l'O 6-00 iwO Bt. Joseph 2"0 2.0i0 2ii0 Kansas City S00 2,000 1,600 Bt. Louis 8.OJ0 3.000 3"0 Chicago ' 300 9.0u0 2.000 Totals. 8,900 21,800 4,900 OMAHA leKMKi AL MAjlKKT. Staple aad Fancy I'rodac Prices Far. alahed r Bayer aad Wholesalers. bUTTKH Creameiy, No. L delivered tu the retail tiade in l ib. cartons, 62c; No. J. In 30-lb. tubs. Ua; No. 1, In Mb. cartons. 30c; No. 2, In 60-lb. tubs, 2SVe; packing stock, solid pack, 21 c; dairy. In 60-lb. tubs, u(BZ4c. Maiati changes every Tuesday. CHEESE- Twins, 18c; young America, Wo ; daisy, 18c; triplets, 18c; Umberger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 16c; Imported Swiss, SOu; domesllo Swiss, Mc; block Uwlss, 22c. POULTKV Ureased broilers under t lbs., 17c; over t lbs., 20c; hens, I60; cocks, 10c; ducks. Uo; geae. 15c; turkeys, Mc: pigeons, per dog., $126; botner squabs, per dos., M.tO; fancy squabs, per dos., 68.60; No. 1, per dog., 68.00. Alive: Broilers. 14c; ever t lbs., lie; hens, lie: old roosters, 6c; old ducks, full feathered, 9c; geese, full feathered, lOo; turkeys, 19c; guinea fowls, Mo each; pigeons, per dos.. 60c; homers, per dos., MOO; squabs. No. 1, par dos., 61.60; No. t, per dos., 60c FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, 12c; white fish, ITc; pike, 16c; trout, 15c; large crap. ples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, Uo; eel, 18c; haddock. We; flounders, llo; green catfish. 18c; buffalo, tc; halibut, 9c; vbite perch, tcj bullheads. 16c; roe sbsd. 81.00 each: shad roes, per pair. (00; frog legs, par dos.. Mo; ''&BEF CUTIV-Rlbs: No. L ' iSe: Ne. 1 J8A4o; NO, . Uo. Levins; Na. t 16o; Na. t 14c; W t 11H0. Chuck: No. t 7c; N7 go; No. t to. Round: No. L So; No. L i?; INO. S, 74. stti No. I, to; No. t. 4ii No. I. c FRUVrS-Orangssj Calirornla valenelas. all sues, per box, S.00i3.2t; Medlteraaneatl Sweets. 285 also, t..00( 824 else, U.60. Lemon." Llmonlera, extra fancy, loo else, per box fj.M; M0 else, per box, 18.00; choice, i sice, per box. 17.00; 809 size, per box. I7.60 840 size, per box. VM. toananaa; Fanoy select, per bunch. $2.toOt tv; jumbo, bunch. 82.76ifiS.7f. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky Fords, 4 size. 18.2b; 4t standards. 83 64. Plums: California, red, per tour-basket crate, 61.. Italian Blue Prunes: Per orate. $1.40afl.o0. Peaohea: California, per 20-lb box. $1.10; Colorado Klbertas, per 20-lb'. box. $1.151.Jb. Pears: California Bartlett, per box, tl.OO; In lots, per box, 12.86; Oregon and Utah Flemish Beauties, per box, SZ60 In lots, per box, $2.-40. Apples: Horns' grown, In bbls., 4.0ftf4.6O: new Oregon, In boxes, $1.76. Grapes: California Malagas per tour-basket crate, $1.60. Watermelons1 Texas, lHo per lb. Dates. Anchor brano. paw. 30-lb. page- In box, per box, $2.00. VBQE7TABLE8 New Potatoes, In sacks per bu.. $1,000X10. Sweet Potatoes; Vir ginia per bbl., $4(0. Onions: Yellow, In sacks, per lb., 4o; Iowa, small, per lb., Vro; Bpanlah, per crate, $1.60. Garllo, Extra fancy, white, per Jb.. 16o; red, per lb.-lRo. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., $i.60ia too. Celery: Michigan, per dozen bunohss, HOMB GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage: New, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Per basket, outfOOc. String and Wax Beans: Per market basket, 7uc. Cucumbers: Per market basket, 60376c. Radishes: Extra fancy bome-growi. per dozen bunches, 20a. Lettuce: Extra fa icy leaf, per dozen, 46a. Parsley: Kancy home-grown, per dozen bunches, SOe. Turnips: Per market basket, 40c. Carrots: Per market basket, 60c. Beets: Per market basket. 40c. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per Ib 2c; California No. 1, per lb., 17c; Cali fornia No. 2, per lb.. 14e. HickorynuU: Large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., tc. Cocoa nuts: Per sack. $5.00; per dozen, 66c. Honey: New, 24 frames, $4.00. Clearlna; House Bank Statement. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $60,0f9,000 more than the requirements of the so per cent reserve rule. This Is a decrease of $2,774,000 In the pro portionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The following Is the New York cleat-Ins: house summary of ths weekly statement of clearing house banks, dally averages, for the ueek ending August 27: Decrease. Loans $1.24S, 254.000 $10,4iio,0u0 Deposits I,2,l,b03,0u0 8,722,000 Circulation 46.a12.ooo n,.oui !Pcie 29,ia.0'i0 1,U43,(K) Legal Tender 71.612,000 1,060,000 I Reserve $70,915, 0t 603.0H0 Reserve required 320.873.OiO $,181,000 Iburplus 6O,0f,OU0 2.774.00 E.X. 11. o. aeposlis 60,476.000 2,770,000 Increase. Clearing house banks' actual condition to day, liec'reaae.' Loans $1,244,661,000 523,000 Deposits 1.27i,Ml,O0O 3.2011,000 Circulation 46.l6,OijO 811.OU0 Hpecle 2ii6.631.0u0 $,678,(UO Legal tenders '. 71.762,OuO l,3t2,OUO Reserve 2K8.0UI 2.416.0fl Reserve required 319,78o,OuO 816,000 outiiu, aa.vaa.viu j.msi.tSAI Kx-U. S. deposits 49.4to.0q0 1, 691,000 increase. State banks and trust coitiiiuiIm of OreuUr New York . not , reporting to the clearing houi Deorease. Loans hpecie l-egal tenders Total deposits Increase. ,$1.0M,627,O00 $3,691,000 , 121,998,000 17,0i0 19.6fl.li0O 2H6.0K) , i,:i4,otjo,ooo i,oio,csjo Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-COTTON-Futurs closed quiet and steady; August, le-eic; September, 14.27a; October, 1164c; Novem ber, 13.40c; December, 13.46c; January, 1244c; February, 18.44c; March, 1360c; May, 1266c; June. 1168c; July, 13.62c. is pot closed oult to 60 points-higher; middling upland. 16.90c: middling gulf, 17.16c. No sales. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 2T.-COTTON-rot. quiet; prices 8 points higher; American middling fair, $.7c; food middling, $J7c middling, 8 13c; low middling, H3e; good ordinary, 7. lie; ordinary, 7.42a The sales ot the day were $,0u0 bale, of which 81a) were tor speculation, and export Included 1,608 American. Receipts $,000 bales, in cluding mo American. Futures opened quiet and eiod steady. Saga Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 27 RUOAR Raw firm; Muscovado. 89 test, 8.96c; centrifugal' 96 test, 4 4&o; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.70r: refined, steady; crushed, 7.96c; granulated (.2tc; powdered, $.800 ' SEW YOKR BAMvlilvS READY Fixed to Meet All Crop Moring De mand. Promptly. rinanclnl St rlnaenej la tirailnalltr l.ooirnlag anil Hankers x Are . I'oki tented vrltb the I res ent Outlook. RY PRK.HTON C. A DAMS. NEW YORK. Aug. 2;. (Special to Ths Ree.)-The New vik hanks are now ready tor whatever demands may te mad on tliein lor moing the crop, and that they do not now aniuip.ite any serious money squeeze Is eieaily Imll.-aied l the fact that they are loonenlng up In time loans. there Is no more inula man man your1 New York llnaiu-lvr. will shy at the slightest thing an. I at once bent 11 to hoard his doliara. The fait that the automoblla sales to the fanueis had gone to unusual pi oportlons friKhtened him half to death, and In five weeks (lie bank turpitia account Jumped from ln.nOO.onO to $ud,0ii.00ii. A Jimmy was aimcst as effectual In get ting money irom tlie banka aa a request tor time loans on itrHt-class collateral. The re fusal to heed appeals for accommodation, however, was beginning tir Jiente fears liuotigliotit tne country that grave trouble) was mewing, a deduction not wholly ua Junilllable, inaaiiiueh as UiiKliieiin ftrius Were being charged lamost panicky rates tor legitimate facilities. It has become virtually Impossible to !iKollate commercial laper. Althouan the output was kept down to a minimum, in absorption wax so poor mat suppues were accumulating In Incon venient quantity, while lo.tns on high grade Stock excuange collateral were not UKtiai.y procurable under 6 per cent. Ail this has ueen cnanged. Oauut to Help gome. The effect of this voile face on the part of the leading eastern banker cannot fall to tie w luetipi ttad and to anay tne uneasi ness that the extreme pi ei uutlonary meas ures had arouaed. Commence Is now felt that our crops can tie marketed without unduly straining our nummary resuatTces. Vv hat has heretofore been an Inflow of currency from Ine interior will naturally become an outflow, yet me country banki, have been so tolntediy and repeatedly told that they liiunt set their house In order tnat their demands are unlikely to be ab normal. Then Lurope'a resources are sill open to us. All rail) w e have taken som. $1.UUO,VOO ttold. Money Is so plentiful and cheap In i'arls mat influential borrowers here have been obtaining credits there by means ot lasuitig finance mil. We wiU have to send more or lens gold to Canada within the next montn, but conditions there are such that tim ueuiands will probably fall below tne averaxe. AitoKellior, mere lore, our monetary position has undergone a gratifying cliaiiK tor the better. .Prosperity of Cotton Mills. In face of the walls from the New Eng land cotton mills tnat tne liini prices of cotton aie ruining liieni. vomo figures which have Just oeeu made public would seem to itiulcate that they are not so badly on after all. r'or umtance, cotton manufacturing com panies Having their head ofltcea In New itedford una capitalized In the aggregate at .l4,oi).ri, lw have during the first tlx months or liitu paid out $l,4iW,7!0 t it dlvi uenila, or nearly per cent a year. For the firal six months of 1109 the same companies dlabursed 6l,4o3.047 In dividends. For ths four years ending June 30, 1910, the Amer ican Ttiread company paid dividends ag gregating ii,57&,lUi'. For the first six months of 1M0 a group of eleven New Eng land companies paid dividends as follows: Per cent. Amoskeag Manufacturing company 1$ American Thread company IS Pepperell Mills company 1$ Massachusetts Cotton Mills company.... t Boston Duck company 10 New England Cotton Yarn company 8 Wampanoag mills $ American Linen company 6 Ctprdls mills 10 Warwick mills Marlboro Cotton mills t Not one of them less than 6 per cent and three of them more than double that amountl What other American industry; can show like earnings? Apple Crop Conditions. E. H.. Shepard, vice president ot the Hood River Apple Growers' association, and one ot the best posted authorities on apple conditions in the Pacltlo northwest, is making his first visit east primarily with the view of studying conditions In the several market centers and particularly in New Yoik. Mr. rihepurd is a grower'' of apples of many years' experience and be lieves that the market is susceptible of considerable development. In speaking of tnls trip he said: "Ths object of my viait in the east Is to see what kind of apples are most wanted, and. among others, to find out what we,, as growers, should do to bring our fruit Into great prominence, and' more general con sumption. 1 visited the International Apple Bhlppcr's convention In Niagara Falls, and at the solicitation of Mr. Wagner ot Chicago, the association's president, delivered an address on grading and packing apples. After the convention I visited the more important growing and shipping sections in New York state. From my observations I should say that the crop will be good and be of fine quality. The fruit la well set on the trees. "Out In the far west the conditions are alto good. It looks now as though Oregon and Washington will produce this season at least 8,000 car loads of apples. The total number of cars In California, Colorado and Oregon and also Washington la estimated about 20.000 car loads. The principal varie ties grown, in the northwest are the New tons and Spitbenbergs. In the Hood river section we will have fully 600 car loads this season, all varltles. Steel Trnst Affairs. The Steel Trust is eating up the orders on Its books . at ths rate of more than 1,600 tons per diem. Wall Street regarded this showing as quite satisfactory, which throws significant light upon existing Ideas ss to the state of the steel trade. The first monthly report ever Issued by ths corpora tion shows unfilled orders on hand at the end of July of 8,970,931 tons, against 4,257,794 on June 80, - the decrease for the month havtrg been, therefore, 286,K16 tons. The shrinkage during the previous three months wax 1,144,720 tons, or at the rata of SSL66O tons per month, against 266,863 tons In July. The monthly report affords no clue s tr the percentage of capacity operated, a point that might with advantage be dealt with In these statements, since It Is the avowed policy of the company to glva the public the fullest Information possible. Dolnth Grain Market.' ' J DULITTH, Aug. 27.-WHEAT-Sptembr, $1.14; December, $1.15; Msy, $1.18; No. 1 nortnern. ii.uuvfc. OATS 84V4c. STOCK OFFERINGS W wn.L BKL.U WH WILL BUT. 24 U. A. tffee....Mkt. O. A. CoIe. 8j4 Metals P. Co.. .111. M Waastah-UUh. M Van l. Motor.. 14.00 Winona O. At C. ' 11 Tar. T. Tun. I 60 El Tajo. I C nit Wlr. pfd. 13.00 Rl raeor. K 1-4 Sanltol c!hem. l lo I.urkr "alumt. 14 Athaugh-Daver.. 18 00 Onloraao Mln, SW Snake River ... .04U Illg Tun S'S) Doyle ron M r. A N. T. A. V. 14 Asep. P., com... Hlif King Snl. T. A O. Tai nnia , .04'4j otlpln BouMer. jnoo Cobalt Own ... .16 ut. Weat OU. f Itambler C. A P.. Bid (ea Diablo. 40H0 Neat Ugg O K .4044 Camp Bird Ut WKSTKKN HTOC'K & BOND CO., 139 za8alls St., Chioago, Illinois. A BARGAIN n. IN CALIFORNIA An old eitsbllihed house, handling over fiOr, different Industrial stocks end bonds, being tht largest dealer In our line on ths Paelflo Coaat Is surely capable ol giving reliable Information jland advlre li requested) on the best oil invest menu In our State. We ofter lor sale BARGAIN LOTS ONLY. Ai a leader wears offering, wbils It lasts, any part of 6uu) tharet ol one ol th mrm substantial companies in the Ventura fleld.yUld, Ing the highest grade nil in California, Nina producing wellt now, more drilling. 16c. a share regular price 20e. Particular ana regular Mar. kt Letter on reaneit. Correspondence Invited, regarding any Western security. Chester B. Etlli I Co., Stock ft Bend Broken lit lM em lallllsf. Its 'is!, eAUteralS Herbert B. CooGh Go Brokers and Dealers aVAXa A-SVOTlalOaSU-SJTOOaS w Ossaaa Offler, 111 Sserl ef Tn4U uiAm e-AU aTaaaa. Ooma;, gall 1mA. sva'vZ, bAlaSHV AVSIP (aAJSUaSV StODBSl u sta mxAn,