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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1910)
n FARMS im ! lEmniiTlW. -' js 'T m f -r . . r t y f .r, i , ." sv . 'i'r . - j - i a a, ; i ' r. m at . - r- f i .i r- . - ar . . - - - . as - - . . . i a fi 1 13-ISPagiJ MMU uu u , mu m mtw. mr tai. 1 , mm r 7. . , , m -- . "-T" "T ''"si'. V REAL ESTATE TAtlM AM) l,n PIIR! Idnhti nnllnnrd. mnioATKn lands. FOR FRI'IT nil farm piipnM. vr In ahiin'lant and nater HrIki are pprptiil. 1 to $IM) pr a ere. SptuI fur frw (1'rlp- Ive pnmphlrt. Idaho Irrigated Intiin Co., Blackfoot. Idaho.' Barg ain in Idaho Farms Improved Irrigated and Sub-Irrigated Ftock. Dairy and Grain Farm $fiO prr Acre. $10 Down and I5.5S annually to 1919. tn Tracta of 40 Acres, SO Acrea or More. 71? Acrea or aub-divlalona of 117 acrex, 15 rrea or 240 acrea In the beautiful Wood Klver valley. Finest aoll In Idaho. Every acre level and tillable. Old water rights, 10-room houne, stable, mainery, railroad two miles. Fine, hard highways, alfalfa and (rain fields heavy. Exceptional range ad vantages. Murroundlng values much higher. Bank endorsements. Address, Box 83, Hurley, Idaho. AD R. E. LOANS bco to Gfo PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., Third Floor New York Life. 'Phone Douglas 952. YOU must get rich. If you do get rich at all, by using the same methods that have mailit other men rich. You can't make vour own efforts count for enough to mer Het very far ahead of ine Diggtut rellowa that you know; much less of those you simply hear about. Write to FRANK RIFsLETT, ALBION, IDAHO, for Information on how to make your mioney earn most. NINE TON ALFALFA TO THE ACRE You get this In the Twin Falls coun try of southern Idaho. 240,000 acres of the most fertile land that lies out of doors. A smiling land, a land to "MAKE GOOD" In, a land wherein to make a beautiful home. . Write to J. F. Stoltz. Secretary Twin Falls Com mercial Club, Twin Falls, Idaho. Send 10 cents for the big book of views. atoataaa. EASTERN MONTANA LAND. Three aectlona of Dawaon county land In one block at bargain if taken In the next thirty daya. These are steam-plow sec tions. Other lands at bargain prices. No better time to buy lands than right now. If you are looking for investment or a good farm, writ George C. tiayward. Ulendlve Mont. . Mia Z40-ACRB farm within 26 miles of Minne apolis, six miles from the county seat; has I'M acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; all high land; price $1S per ere; one-half cash, balance on easy terms; land la situated on main traveled road, one mile from school. Thla is a bargain and will bear the most strict Inve.tigatlon. For further particulars write M. 6. Kutliei ford Co., Princeton. Minn. Bee me about Minnesota farms of ail de scriptions, 'they are priced nwnL T1IK HUNKST L.SU MAS IL T. HUi-LlS. WASECA. MINN. Mlaaanrt. IN MISSOURI. 200 acres, 12b miles suutneast of Kansait City; S6 acres fine bottom land In cultiva tion, balance four pastures; nicelv wat ered, line two-story irame house'; good tenant bouse, good barn, cribs, etc.; all fenced witn wne and boaia; X mile to town, school and cnurcb. f or quick sale u per acre; nu trade. UtOUUK liUHPF, 202-206 Sheldiuy bidg., l.misas City. Mo. LUbTfc.. I.lglity-aoie farm, $1,750; 1,000 boibs iinioer lajui, e.,j acre. Mcurath, Mountain View, Mo. Southeastern Missouri lands, best values oui uiuiiey; gouu clops, iniut climate, ajvw water. Hundred acre Current liver bottom furm, fine land, no overflow; tweuty-lo hundred dollars. Hundred thirty acre creek bottom farm, mall improvements, fine open ranch; six teen hundred dollaia. Twenty acre good home; five hundred Sullara. Forty acre farm, springs, seven hundred lolls ra. Eighty acre level farm; fourteen hun- flred dollars. All these near county seat.' ;'1 acre stock and wram tarm, excellent fiver bottom land, liood buildings, fine white oak timber; loity-nve humued dol lars. 4uu acre river bottom farm, all level, good Improvements, aoout iou acres In cul tivation, balance large tlinbur, mostly white oak; twelve thousand dollars. Write for lists and booklet desci iblng our great bargains. ivnyOol Land Co., Doni phan, Mo. BEAUTIFUL Vernon county. Mo., faiun for sale, 100 nillea south of ICan.ius City, second largest livestock inaikcl in the World, bcuutilu! Uyiut: country. ood land, alee homes, no hillj, locky or swampy land, fcn the corn belt ol Mioun tne ueil farms lu the county, well improved, k'ooO schools, churches and neighbors; beautiful healthy climate, plenty of unit. iainn from 40 acres up to tio hcivs. W ill k'uw bushels corn, ii bushels u neat, it) ousheis oats, t ton timothy nay i. r aciv. You ran buy these well Improved larui for leu than you can improve a farm out in the western desert country. price $50 to 7 per acre. Try the Gulden Rule land man. I will tret )ou r:j;lit. 1 have been a farmer all my life, and I know i;ood land when 1 see It. These farm are wortit double the price ked for them. Addres fc. N. Green. Nevada. XIo. Xehraaka. BAHOA1N IN FARM For M days epeclnl bar.; tin ImmeOiat. tonseulon If dealied. J. T. Campbe.i. Jtchfleld. Nb. . 4-fO-ACRE ell Improved Greeley countv farm; all good land. $..2.50 an aero for i;uitk sale. Rat-y term. 3.600-acio Improved Nebraska stock ranch, S miles; running water; bit) acres valley; plenty hay, $14,400. 1 advertlxe only bar gains. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trad Bidg.. Oi.ial.d. Neb. LAND INVESTORS, ATTENTION ! Would you buy 160 acres level second bot tom land with black soli, 60 miles from Omaha, at $."& per acre. If you believed It would double In prlc In $ to $ years? If so ask us tor description. $3,750 cash re quired. J. H. DUMONT & SON, . Fkon: Douglas 60. 160$ Farnaai fit. REAL ESTATE FARM AKU RANCH LAND FOIt AI.B Nebraska 4 nn tin aed. HA I i IAIN 10-acre tract suitable for poiiliry; large ,barn and outbiilldlng?i; all new; HiriMl) fruit, farm Implements, cow. poultry, 3 Incubators and broodo-s; two mllen norlhweot of Ilenson. $:t,0((0. Tel. Henson No trades. FOIt 8AI,E i acres nmooth fertile land hardly two miles from town, In Nebraska, on main line of railroad; good productive soil; tan he cropped flrnt season. Price light. Terms right. Address, Ixek Box 6, Buckley, 111. A 920-ACRE ranch for sale near Alliance, Neb.; nearly all corn land. O. F. Wyland. Unrlnn. la. WEII Improved 480-acre Greeley county, Neb., farm; the best bargain In the state; only I32.0O an acre; ask nbnnt thla. W. W. MITCHELU, Board of Trade Itldg. Farm Bargains Near Omaha Sarpy County 160 acrea good land, highly improved, mostly level, very cheap. 160 acrea rolling land, highly Improved; no better location. Priced to sell. 20-acre tract, fifteen minutes' walk of In- terurban car line, 12,000.00 takea It. "Washington County- 40-acre fruit farm, well Improved. for price and terms. 103-acre farm, fifteen miles of Omaha, and one-half mile small town; Ask one fair improvements. Price for short time, 190. ISO-acre valley farm, well improved, good land; 20 acres alfalfa. Price, quick sale, 190. Cass County 1(10 acres ently rolling land; all tillable ex cept 6 acres timber; fair Improvements. A rar bargain at 175 per acre. 220 acres table land, all tillable, good, very choice farm, good Improvements; only two and one-half miles to town. Price, 1140 per acre. C. R. Combs Rooms SOT and 811 Brandeis Theater Bidg., Phone D. 3918. A 920-ACRE ranch for sale near Alliance, Neb. Nearly all corn land. O. P. Wyland, Harlan, la. Oklahoma. tlght; two uouses, wells, spring, five-ton scale, snop, lour mules, lour horses, six cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, S14.000. Three smaller farms rent or sell. Owner. William ilarlck, Clifford. Okl. Orea-on. A BAKGAIN Bogtie River Valley Com merclal apple orchard, 22 acres, close to town, ,t0. Terms. Rlggs-Lucas Lrftnd company, urant Pass, Ore. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is adapted for; giveB amount of government land open to homestead In each county; map at tached 21x28, showing new railroad and towns, including eastern and cen tral Oregon In different colors; Issued March 1, 1910; latest map in U. S.; gives homestead and desert claim laws, how to secure' 32 0 or 160 acres free; also general description of Ore gon. Mailed 25c. Nlmmo & Runey, 313 Hamilton Bidg., Portland, Ore. ath Uakola. THE IDEAL HOME" OF 640 ACRES, situated lu the Big Sioux valley, four miles south of Castlewood, the county seat of Hamlin county, South Dakota, tuyeres of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation; leO acres lit pasture and 100 In the beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan scenes and sparkling walera, deep and pure and filled with fisb and game in season and nearby Is the home, tuurteen-rooni house, large barn, two aranarles, chicken house, hog bouse and woven wire pasture, corn- silo, machine house, small bain and numerous small buildings, all In good con dition, with windmill, three wells and ci tern, ail surrounded by a beautiful grove Price, $,0uu, on good terms, by M. J. Rus sell, Castlewood. S. D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT An Improved quarter section In Gregory county, A. D., 4V miles from Burke, 6V miles from Gregory; ail fenced; small set of improvements; 80 acres under cultiva tion, puce $40 per acre. 1C0 acres, one mile from town, Tripp county; price $39 per acre. A halt section, 1 miles from Witten-. price t-ia per acre. A half section 4 miles from Carter; prlc, t"0 per acre. - A nice half, section 8 miles from Dallas $ miles from Colomb; price $36 per acre. T. r . HARRINUTUN, Bell 1342 Iowa bidg., bloux City, la. MO MOV MAKING 400-a ore corn farm out from Mioux Falls; nine-room house, two ttorie. hardwood finish; barn M by 46; other buildings; large grove, orchard with xpples. black walnut trees; all can be cul tivated: fenced and cross fenced: telephone; lurul mail; $10 per acre under price for nu'.ck aale; cropa never were better. Write me at once. R, A. Bllvlus, owner, Slour halls, . D. DEEDED frontier lands, relinquishments town property, business chances and detail Inioi n.utiou regarding the (Handing Rock Indian reservation. Reference, Mcintosh hlate Bank, address Great Western Land & Loan Co., Mcintosh, t. D. SECTION of Gregor county, South Da noia. iuiiu ior sale. This section baa um ber. running water fed by springs, lots of nay, ui acres broken, ISO acres can plowed, all fenced, -one-half mils from cnuol, thi us miles from one railroad town and six miles from another; good soil and tnu very beat all around farming and atock ralhing av-ctlon In Gregory county, 8outu Dakota. Call on or writs to Charles Miliie o tier, Kan lax, 6. D. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Do you want to buy a good toenails? W have It Juaj fresa from um government. Willi perfect lulu. 1M lots now surveyed and kbotii M of them sold with about M bu;:li,4 now completed in the town on a rainoud ti n; ha six tl-illy trains, wltn ex cellent tvivice 'l ln.i lownsil Includes iv ocira : the very nest et second bottom land Cmu ,i,noer for parks and also a (li e -U'k'.i. ,,t water tunning liuougli it; f:nu i i'i-u.tiai. (ji- aimo4t all kinds of oust "e-fc. f- ;:lll V a U4HK. hotel ana eivwi A grand i.-i'ti'o if cold In i.iiny day, ad drita I'om-.i l-.i.i I in Co.. i'oweil BUii.c . S. D. tVHI i'AV HIGH RENT? Mr. Fanner, ,.oni to aoutu Dakota; stop paying lfii nuts; own your own farm; spi-nd Uw uioney fur your improvement!, tost you are palng in Iowa In man rani. v own twenty quarters of laud her that van sell you lor $ to $3u per acre uu term uu can't oeat; $l,vd to UmM duua balancu uu payioenu at 6 per cent. Come here before the snap ie all gont For full Information writ Dixon Bro , or Bask Of aeueca. FaU lount, a. O. REAL ESTATE FAtlM AND HAXII LAND FOR BALE (Continued.) Taaaa FOR 8AI.E S0 aorea In Laaatle county, Texaa, In artesian belt. New railroad con structed within mile land. .Station 2 '-4 miles. Address Owner, P. O. Box CTI. Stockton, Cal. L.EKS, TEX. New town In GUsmock county, center 25,U)0 acres flnent farming land, now being colonized; no Irrigation; best of soil; Ideal climate; altitude 2.3uu fevt; pure water; best class people from old suites settling and developing; opening, mvi-cantile firms. Townslte ajid land sales men wanted. Lee-Noriia Co., Les, Tex. TEXAS School Lands Several hundred thousand acres coming on market monthly as ranchmen's lease expires, for sale by state, tl to Jo per acre; terms, one-fortieth down, bahtnee forty years; good farming and fruit lands, fend 8c postage for fur ther Information. Journal Publishing Com pany, Houston, Tex. WUraiils. SO ACRES LEVEL, LAND, 36 cultivated, balance pasture, 8-room house, largeebarn, chicken house, spring and trout brook on farm, I miles from station, school on land. 11.800, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island City State bank, Cumberland, Wis. Wfonilui. 10,000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lands at Wheatland. Wyo. Obtain a home now that's aura to .produce and double in value before paid for. Plenty or water now on tne land. Also selling choicest farm lands In Iowa colony, near Cheyenne. Ureat alfalfa and grain cropa grown here every year. Healthiest climate, purest water, good markets. For excursion rates, valuable maps, laws, write Hartung Land Co., Special btate Agents, Cheyenne, Wyo- Mlecelaaoaa. fiAVR YOU A FARM FOR BALB Ott TRADE T Or do you want te buy one? MsKe your want known through THE Di4 MOINE" CAPITAL, the want medium ot Iowa: Rates: I cent a word for each Inser tion. I cenis a me. 70 cents an inch. Cir culation. 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally. Otve us a trial. Address The Capital, Lau4 Dept.. Des Moines, Iowa. SAFETY RAZORS GILLETTE blades resharper.ed, 26c dozen lBo half dozen, 2Vo each. Mail them to Hawey & Co., Box 70i. umana, .'itu. SWAPS $3,500 Stock General Merchan dise. 35 mllesfrom railroad, $50 a day business, located on 960-acre well Improved ranch. Sell stock at cost and rent ranch with bldgs. for $3,000 a year. Take good residence in exchange to $3,000. Want to retire. $3,500 stock hardware, store buildings and realdence for a good, little farm near town. A VERY FINE LARGE RESIDENCE, strictly modern and In one of the best res idence districts. Want a good farm well located. Strictly modern, nearly new, 8-room res idence, close in, want small farm near town. 480 ACRES IMPROVED western Ne braska land. Every foot smooth farm land. Want Omaha residence. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bidg., Omaha, Keb. SMALL atock groceries to exchange for South Dakota land. J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade Bidg. FOR anything worth $15,000, my finely Im proved farm on the Nor'.h Platte Valley. Address the owner, Ralph J. Pugsley, 1522 Georgia Ave., Omaha. FOR TRADE. Real eertate In the Gulf Coast. Coun try of Texas 400 acres fine orange and fig and vegetable land, all prairie, well drained, 8 miles south west of Houston, Tex.: 1.200 acres timber and, 40 miles northeast of Houston. Thla fine level land and will arrow all kind of crops adapted to the south. There Is S.000,000 feet of saw timber ready to cut on this land. The timber alone is worth more than we ask for the land. A fine 10-room house, with basement and umace: 10 large lots, with oranae flu. banana and fine shade trees. This Is a dandy for a home or investment for anyone wno wants a lovely nome in a gwd climate. Price, $63,000; mortgage. $20,000. Will trade equity for Income property in Denver, Kansas City or Omaha. J. G. HOLfl .INGiSWORTH, OWNER, ARRIBA, COLO. FOR a quick exchange and easv terms see Shopen, 620 Paxton, block. Tel. D. 4246. I WILL exchange Kimball onuntv Ne braska land, Illinois land. Michigan land. Iowa house, Ohio house, Indiana house and other property for live stock, merchandise, diamonds or currency. Everything an swered; no patents; describe offers. L. G. Powell, Manchester. Tenn. PHAETON or harness for phono, run or piano. M-12, Bee. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE. 16 GOOD LIVERY HORSES. SET DOOULE HARNESS. 10 TOP BUGGIES, 2 RUNABOUTS. SURREYS, 2 FOUR-SEATED WAGONS. CUTTERS, 1 HEARSE. ROBES AND BLANKETS. I Just sold my barn and have to give pos osssion September 4. Tins stock will all be Sold at auction September 8 unless you trade me something before that date. V ill sell or trade any part of the slock. Want about an even deal. Worth the money and clear. Address BOX 176, DUNLAP. IOWA. ROOMS, all modern, nearly new; lot 100 xl35; price, $6,0u0; clear. Want to trade for land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 658 New York Life lildg. Phone Red 1999. $7,000 Gilt edged securities paying over 10 per cent annually. Will trade for Omaha Improved and assume. , NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 658 New York Life Bidg. 'Phone Red W. TO EXCHANGE for merchandise, hard ware or linplemeuts. 320 acres unimproved, good, smooth land, black soli, M miles southeast of Wichita and 3V miles from market. Address 11. C. Whaleii, Box 414 Wichita. Kan. FOR EXCHANGE. ISO acres, Merrick county, Nebraska, for merchandlce. Price $20,000. lw acres Polk county, ior hardware. Price $20.0(10. 2?7-ai-re Iowa farm, for merchandise. Price $100 per acre. $umo business block, for cheap Innd. 4 fine residences and $10,000 cash, for good farm. o-io acres. Irrigated, $M0 por acre, for good apartment. 640 acres, Seward county, Nebraska, $100, for merchandise. 10 sections eastern Colorado, $13 per acre, for apartment. $u.UM business block fai in. Denver, for eastern 'i acrea near Overton, acre, for merchandise. -veo., J100 ner Write for my bli; exchange list O. M. WVCKOFF, 1105 O St!, Lincoln, Neh. SWAPS. W hav several real farms, srowlnil cropa, rented to good tenants, within forty miles of Omaha, that we ran trad foi Omaha property. Nowata Land and Loi ' . k.,8 New ork Life Bidg. Phone Ra We exchange prop-., ties of merit. H M Culver, iu4U N. I. Lit. Douxiaa ;4 SWAPS- tt oulinued.) 7-ROOM HOI'PB and lurge lot, one block from car line In Council Hluffs, la.; clear; price, $1,000. Will trade for clear land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 668 New York Life I3kig. "Phone Hed 1!9. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltare. BARE burner, large alze, nearly new. Call 26ot Spuldln, St. WU1CIC shIs 6-hole steel range. Mason & Davis, with water back. 2106 So. 34ih St. MUST sell Immediately one gas stove, one kitchen range, gits rudixtor, walnut dresser, two dining tubles and other household goods. Cull before Tuendny. 1913 St. Mary's Ave. WRITING disk, gold leaf parlor suite. FurnlHlilngs used only short time; good as new. MasBlve brans beds, box springs, hair matrenses. mahogany leather rockors, ped evtal dining' table, library table, daven port, oriental und domestic rugs, portieres, bric-a-brac, Imported paintings, piano, mir rors. Call at once at Chicago St. STOVES and Furniture, 205 S. 26tli Ave. ROUND table, chairs, sideboard, china closest, steel range, base burner, gas range, carpet and many other furniture. M9 N. 24th. FOR sale cheap, parties moving Into smaller quarters. Iron beds, dressers, rock ers, book cases, davenport and rugs. Phone Douglas 4912. 2025 Dodge St. FOR SALE CHEAP Four-hole cook stove, In good condition. 2354 S. 34th St. Tel. 'Harney 799. HOLTHEHOLD North 16th St. furniture for Bale. 1424 - A GAS range, combined bookcase and writing desk and Axmlnster rug. Tel. Doug. 3167. NEARLY new Faultless Malleable range, used about a year, cheap at $23.00. Harney 6027. COMPLETE set of office furniture, desk, chairs, rug, etc K-6, uee. NEW $tfi range, used only a few months, will sell lor $Ji, if taken at once. Harney 117t. DINING room, living room, bedroom, kitchen furniture, rugs, refrigerator; 6x7 camera; very reasonable price. 2235 Howard bt. Slaslc-al lastrumeaie. PARTY leaving city will sacrifice Baby Grand piano for sale. Care of Bee, M 214. HIGH grade Emerson piano, B. 2003. new. Tel. Typewriters. BUY an L C. 8rulth 4k Bros. Typewriter. U. V. Bwaosoa Co Distributers, UU i- vriiMin l. Typewriters for BentL& 1118 Farnam St.. Omaha. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. allacellaneoaa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Ghermaa A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. FOR BALE New ana secuna-hand btiltare and pool tables. Wo lead the world la ct:j bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruoswlcx-llalke-Collender, 40f 1$. lOtb t. SAFES Overstooxed with second-han-l safes, all rites and makes; bargain American Supply Co.. U10 Kurcnm St. BARCLAY SiHters, leaving on their south ern theatrical tour, must dispose of two bluck lynx sets of magnificent large Russian shawl, with beautiful rug muff; elegantly trimmed with head and tails and lined with shirred satin; worn about four times on the stage; cost $80 each, sell for $20 each. Will send one or both C. O. D., with privilege of inspection at their expense. Address their manager, Maui ay Llebers, 25 East 14th St., New York City. $15 BABY CARRIAGE, nearly new, $8. Inquire Harney 2348. HIGH school cadet suit, in good condi tion, cheap. Call Harney 2395. FOR SALE Show cases, tables, plate wire screens, trucks glass case, partition and other goods. Co, Inquire the A. F. Smith A BROOK'S 18-ft. faunch, made of cy press, and has all brass hardware. Is equipped with a 6V4 H. P. motor, A-No. 1 condition. Good reason for selling. Address W. J. Wolenberg cigar store, 136 So. lltn St., Lincoln, Neb. ALMOST new. $45 bicycle at a bargain if taken at once. Inquire at Johnson's Restaurant, Benson, Neb. ' STONY & CLARK Piano or will ex change for cement work, carpeuter work or painting and paper hanging. G. II. Harr, 4th floor, Old Boston Store. If you have anything to sell or trad advertise it in Bee Want Ad col umns and get quick, results. WE HAVE on band a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 60 cents each. Tbsy are fine for rain water o- ashes. Ca.l at preas room. Be Publishing Co. About 40 feet of t Inch diameter No. X gauge, galvanised pip, with four 46-lnoa elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposea. and pip is in good condition. Tb Bee Publishing Co.. lTtb snd Faroam, HALL'S sates, new. 2d-nand. Isli Farnaoa. VACUUM cleaners. $16 to $26. 1117 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D391X. CASH register, $2f.. Tel. Harney 4046. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, SM-4) Brandel Theater. Alice Johnson. Mt- Brandeia Tbealer Bldf JOHN T)N rOX. t3 Branded Theetef PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment, nervous debility. Dr. Margarlte Halloran, 22C Neville Blk. D. 7761. Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday NOTICE. Jam'r A. Healy of Einmett. St. Clair Co Mich., desires Information regarding his brother, AuMln or Auxtle Healy. Anyone knowlna biro nl aaaa Infikmi x A. w--' PERSONAL tv.uatinea J HO YD HARVEY. Your brother and sisters are anxious to hear from you. You or your friends should write to A. M. Harvey, Topeka, Kan. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mobs permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guur.inteed. Miss Allcnder, 024 Bee Bidg. ' JOIN Morand'H Dancing school; opening night. Friday. September 2, 8 p. m. and cave $2 on the price of your ticket. Tel. Douglas 2904. Kwitrriaisfrom combings, $1.60. Mrs. . knym.u.j Mathews, $04 Neville blk. D 62SS. MRS. EGGERS. private confinement home. 1S16 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Tele phone Douglua 621)0. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouce, Room SOS old boston Stor Bidg.. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. 16th. MAHOGANY upright piano lor aula; cost new $X tCASH; NEED MONEY; leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address U. M. B., General Delivery. Omaha. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, lnd. A-lt3. Doug. 166$. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 16th and Harney t. STRICTLY private home for confine nieuta; excellent care; babiea for adoption, 2018 Davenport St r?nhhpr (iOnl4 l-1" ,ln ot Rubber Order A Mo fhr dkuu CO.. ervic. -"ieicuer 17th & FarnBm, MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith, $22 S. 16th. Third Floor. TOTJNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building at seventeenth St. and 8U Mary' Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' alo at tb Udioo station. SWITCHES Webstar 3604, from combings, $L TU THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off elotbing. in fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Ula St.. for cost of collection, to tb worthy roor. Call 'pbone Douglas 413$ and wagons will call. HINDOO TABLETS will build, strengthen tOt. BELL DRUG CO. brae. ClIAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bidg. wwjv; and toupee for roes. Urirnth, V IVJiJ u M- M fRENZKH BLOCK. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, sail glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St., oppo site postofflce id floor. Tel. Doug. 7665. HYGIENIC MASHAGE and specialty. Refined patronage. Phone H. 5491. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan sani tarium. 7 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. Is. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Hewer," at all book stores; price $1.50. GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer's Adellght Hair Food. Megcath Stationery Co. MAGNETIC Treatment. E. Brott, 2M4 8. 16th at. Tel. D. TWS. PTT .TT.Si cured without operation or pain. riuaonti Maxwell. 624 Bee Bidg. D. 14:14. HYGIENIC MASSAGE TREATMENT Rational, effective. Prompt aotlon In Dys pepsia, Constipation, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Nervousness. Investigate. Particu lars free. 2ii37 Capitol Ave. Harney 5491. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner tn U. S. Pat. office. $18 Paxton Blk: R. 2991. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for AugURt 27, 11)10, furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., bonded abtracters, 1714 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 2S65. Edward Howe and wife to Orlando Mc Connaughey, lot 6, block 135, city South Omaha $3,500 William F. McFarland and wife to .. Anna Byrne, lot 2, block 6, Lincoln Place 200 The Shtill Land Co. to Hastings & Heyden, n5-inch width of lot 8, block 2, Shull a 3d add Charles H. De Waal and wife to J. Fred Smith, n37Vi ft. lot 8, block 11, Shull's Adam M. Kurtx and wife to Ina F. Taylor, lot 1, block 3, Mayne's add.. Roy L. Alley to A. C. Groves, 40 ft. oi lots 86, 87 and 88. Firestone sub.... 9; 600 900 2 1,000 Aelois Hart and wife to Ida A. Miller, lot 4, block U6, village ot Dundee LEGAkJE:L NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS NOTICE IS hereby given that the rental, upon the lease contract to the following described school hinds In Douglas county, Nebraska, as set opposite the name or the Homer, thereof, is delinquent and If the amount which is due In not paid within sixty days from the date of this notice said contract will be declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Land and Funds and auld for feiture will be entered of record in the manner provided by law. Fr. awV ne4 sw4 sec. 16, tp. 16, r. 13, Ida A. Jorgenson, August 23, 1910. E. 11. COW LBS, Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings. A28. S.4-U. RAILWAY TIME CARD CJMO STATION Teat, aaa Masoa I'slos raelflc I.eav. Bn Francisco Overland Limited a $:15 am China 4k Japan Fast Mall a 4:10 pm Atlantic Express Oregon A Wash. Ex. ...a 4:00 pm 11:30 pm 6:45 pm a 4:4 am 8:S0 pm a 1:30 pm at-' ii a 7:42 am n .:'' I"ii a 8:20 pm a 4:4 J pm 10:30 am los Angeles Limited. ...al2:45 pra Denver Sneclal a 6:47 am Colorado Special all:48pm . i,i-Mfio e.pi.a a ", M"1 Chi. -Portland Special. . .al2:W pm North Platte Loral a 8:15 am Grand Island Ixu-al . a 6:30 pm Lincoln-bealriee$:40 pin a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, b 1:20 pin Missouri l'aeirio. K. C. SL L. F.x a : m K. C. St. L. Ki all U Pm Mliiiol. reatral Chicago Expreae ....a 7 00 am t nlra'o Limirt a S:1 pin Minn. -St. p.ui Kx ''.'.' b 7: W( inn -tit. a 1 00 pns Chleasto at Nortkittiters NORTHBOUND. Vln City Express a T OO era Floux City Local a $ pn Minn. 4k Dakota Ex i OO pra Twlo City Limited :00 lm UASTBOUND. Omaha Express a T:w am Cbirsgn 1-csl a)J U4 pm rolorado-Cbicago a I N pm Cblcago Special a ( 01 pan Pacific Cost-Cblcago...a f :0 am Los Angeles Limited. ...a 1:6 pm Overland Limited all:tt pra Dovr Special a 12 40 am Carroil Local a 4- Pst rest Mail WESTBOUND. Llneoln-Chadroa a T:6 am Norfolk-Bonestael a 7:60 am Long Ftne-Ko. Platt....b t:l$ pin, Hatl"; Suaerlor b $:! pta radwood-Hot Springs. I M pm (i,nr-Unitw MM a I oi pia a 7:1$ am t:M pm a I 46 pra a f :0u am Tot an alO M pm I la pm 1 11 am a 7.10 am 11 M am a I M pm l it pm 7 55 am a $:M pm all 20 pm I 44 am a 4 31 am a I M am $ pra 11.-0 am 10:4 pin pin b $ im 1 K) m ail tn an, AlUlaa Id M. a.aa CO.MTIN'D .ivau. Mllel l. I'aat . Overland Limited all:4l pin 7 Omaha-Chicago 2xprss.b 7.1 am I tu an, Omaha-Savanah Ex o ao anj Colo-Calif. XP ! ri a. Colorado 8pclal s 7 6.' am n.jj pm perry-Omaha Local. ...... ,b R.11 pat U pat l bteao, ItOPk lalaa at I'avKlo. KAKT. Rocky Mouofn Ltd.alx:ln a m Iowa Local Pass... (: a. ra Chicago Day Ex....a T: a. ra. Chi. Local rass....bl0:J a. ro, Des Mnlne Local Passenger 4:0 a. m. Cblcago Exp ess. ..a 4:40 p. m. Chicago Limited... a ot o. nv WEST. i-n n. J: p. m. . nv bl0:U a nx - m. l l .i p nv a. at. n. Motintlneet...a 1.60 am. 7-K a. Nebraska Ltd tnr Lincoln a a. m. Colo. A Cat Exp.. .a 1:9 p m. okl " I " Rocky Mount'n Ltd a 10 10 nv f : P- m. p m. Ws: p. v CalcaaTO eeat v eetera . rhleaa''' T.lP'1t Pm Twin City Limited a 1:30 pnr a T M m Twin City Express a :0t am a $: pm i hlraa" Kxpreaa , a $:4i pm Wabash Om.-St. Louis Eip.a $:3 p. m. a 1:9 a. nv Mail and Express.. 7:S a, nx ail. 14 a. m tanberry Loc'l (from Council Bluffs). ...b $-06 p. m. bl0:U a. nv WGB9TGH STATION Webster Mm. 4 -Flfteentk and Missouri Pacific Auburn l.ooa.1 b $:60 pm pm rhleaajo, St. Paal, Minneapolis A Omaha floux City Expreos b 1:0 pm bll:4R am Omaha Local t:2 pn Bloux City Passenger r Twin City Passenger,. . b (:$0 am ' Hloux City Local $: ant Emerson Local b 111 pot a :1 aa (al Dally. b) Dalur xcot Buaday. BIBI.ISGTOS STA'X 10th Mssoa DorllBsjton Lost. ArrW. pnT nd California. 4:10 pra a :j pm furat Round Rrti 4:10 pm a 1 pra Nebraska points, (:M am a :i pm Black Mill a vie pro :i pm Nortnwesi r.xpreae au:s pn . 7:00 ai Nebraska point a :r am a :! pn al2:ll pm :1 pa t ot am 7:M pm blt:M am Lincoln Mall . ,.b l:tn pm Nebraska Exores , s t:U asm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local gchuyler-Plattsmoutn, piattsmotith-Iow . ., Bellsvue-Plattsmoutli rnlorado Limltad ..a 7:9 p" ..b 1:0.. pa ..a 9:1 im ..all:$0 pn ..ll:fi pm t:$0 ant a $:4 pm a t:o$ aa Chicago Special 7:1K pm all 6 pm Chicago - Express a 4:9 pm l:(4 pm Chicago Fast Expr..a $:M pra a I:w0 am Iowa Local a t:l aaa a10:M am Crerton-Iowa Lecal t:$0 ra al:s aa Pu Txiuls Express a 4:0 pm aU:4i am C C. and St. Joseph. ...19:4 pm a :4 aaa K. C. and Pt. Josepb....a 1:15 am $:1 pm IC C. and St. Joseph.... 4 $ pn BATTLE 0F OSAWATOMIE Scene of the Most Memorable Con test In Border War About t Be Dedicated. The field of the battle of osawatorale, tp be dedicated this month by Theodora Roose velt, Is not large. Neither were the fdrces that struggled against one another t$iere on August 90, 1856., But the battle they fought was the most memorable of the border war. Captain John Brown, Dr. W. W. Upde graff and Captain Cllne commanded the defense and General John W. Reld was In charge of the 400 Mlssourians who were the invaders. After crossing the Marala des Cygncs at Bundy's ford, four miles northwest of Osawatomle, the Invaders ap proached the little pioneer town about day light. Martin White, a preacher, acted as guide. Frederick Brown, son of John Brown, had planned to return to Lawrence that day. On his way to a neighbor's home he met Reld and White with a Btnall ad vance guard. .."Good morning, boys; are you going to Lawrence today?" Bald Brown, as he saluted. "Why, I know you," replied White, and taking deliberate aim with his rifle, he shot the son of the abolitionist Reader dead In the road. This wus shortly before sunrise. The word went rapidly around town and reached John Brown half a mile from town. With Cllno and Updegraff, he collected the men aB best ne could. Learn ing that Reld had a cannon with him, the defenders decided to abandon the block house and Brown and his "army" forty one men in all took up their position In the timber along the river, on the south side, facing south. Brown had seventeen men on the right. Updegraff had ten men In the center. Cllne had fourteen men on the lsft. In the Emigrant Aid company's mill, further to the left, there was "Pap" Austin, an ex-regular soldier, equipped with a rifle carrying an ounce ball When the free Btate forces were being arranged in the timber, the Mlssourians wera passing within 600 yards of (hem. Holmes, a volunteer, advanced toward the top of the hill southwest of the town to reconnolter, and finding the enemy close, fired, v wounding un invader. Holmes then retreated to the free state lines and was pursued by the Invaders, who. formed a line along the high ground where the John Brown monument now stands. Then they fired three guns, said to be a slKtial for the Brown forr-es to surrender. Hut Brown had no such Idea, and If he understood the meaning of the signal, hn gave his troops no Intimation that he did. Hu had given strict orders to his troops not to fire a shot until he had given the order to fire. But th sound of three shots was too much for the volunteers und believing that the battle had begun, they commenced firing. Jukuu Brown was one of the first to fire. The first attack, which was made on the right wing of the free state troops, wu portlally repulsed. Then the Mlhsotirlans brought up their solitary cannon und placed It In a position ubout 400 yards from the timber where Brown's men were stationed. The gun was loaded with grape but did no harm, the marksmanship being poor. Dur ing this time the Free State men kept mov ing east and returning fire of the enemy. Finally the attackers got disgusted with the cannon, dismounted and made a charge Into the timber. Then the main body of the Free State men, having gallantly held their own against ten times their number for an hour, were compelled to .urrender or RAILWAY TIME CARD"' A lady on South 25th Ave., says: "You rented my furnished rooms quickly. "I am giving you another want ad this lnornin"." These ads are wonderful Getter of whatever you iUai tr urt treat Moat of them escaped across th Morals des Cygnes, some going In a sma boat while others swam. The Invaders went on Into OsawatomU and commenced to pillage and burn It. At the house In the town, with three ot foul xoeptlons, were burned. The Invader lefl town with twelve covered wagons tw filled with men who had felt Brown's lead, and most of the others, filled with tin property of Osawatomle cltixena, made Into plunder by the ruffians. As the Mlssourians approached the town In lh morning, David It, Garrison and Georgfl Cutter, who had apent the night In the Carr home west of (kwwatomle, attempted to escape to th woods of the Pottawatomie and carry the alarm to the town. They were pursued and Garrison was killed and Cutting wounded and left for dead. The Invader took seven freo state pris oner with them, two of whom thoy shot. The free rtate men who escaped reassem bled at a log house north of the river and the next day removed to tho south side where they began the building of another camp. The loss of the Mlssourians was not gen erally known. Reld said that It was two killed and a few wounded. Six free state men were killed as a result of the Invasion. Frederick Brown and Gnrrtson before th battle, George Partridge and T. P. Power during tho batUo and William Williams and Charley Kelser after the battl. on tho march, John Brown did not hope to win against such odds. But he did hope to make a show of defense and he did. Reld never met retribution for hi wanton attack on a defenseless town. Kansas City Times. NOVELTIES IN WALKING STICKS W - - a v . . "'mental Ikapet ADA Modera Conveniences In Caaes. Th newest thing In walking sticks la known as the traveler's cane. this being a Jointed tick that cn he taken apart and packed In email compass to be conveniently carried In a trunk or suit case. The Joints ar very nloely made, e that when set Up the can 1 tho same s a solid stlok and the Joints invisible. The traveler sane Is made tn lancewood and In rattan and with a hook or with a capped top, either styl to be found in a variety of forms. The great majority of all the cane sold ar still, as they have always been, round, but there ar sold number of oane of other shapes to men who want omethlng different. Thus there are square cane and canes with tb stick triangular and canes six-sided and lght-ldd. la various weights and wood there would be found canes In the unusual shapes In mor than a score of styles, a number that might be extended Indefinitely by variation In th atyle of handle or In th mountings. In pimento or in anakewood, two woods oomlng from Central and South America, thee odd shaped canes ar usually mad and among thm the triangular can 1 Just now preferred. There are men who buy a nw can every month and may com to hav a great collection of canes, though men who buy many canes are mor likely to glv many of them away and so keep on hand but a reasonable number for the varloua de mands of tlm pr occasion. Th man of fashion is likely to carry a cane of darker wood and heavier weight in winter and a4 cane of lighter weight and color In suni mer, and he may cany one style of cane In the morning, another in the afternoon and still another In the evenlg. Men seek all these varieties of canes not only for . nove.ty's sake and to get away from the coniinonpluce and con ventional. but they may buy new cam,!, for ther beauty; fine canes are made of fine wood and beautifully finished, and silver or gold handles or caps may bo beautifully chased or etched or other wise elegantly finished. Besides pimento Hill UnilkjlU'nnil anA lancewood and rattan, canes are made of partridge wood und of malaoca and of colcasslan walnut and of many other fin woods In all sorts of shades In color. Jlht and dark, Including woods straight gruSTed and of beautiful markings. The handles and caps are also to be found In almost . endless variety. , $J Many fine canes are now shod with ferrule tips of horn Instead of nielal, th horn ferrule being lighter, making a better balanced can and selug noiseless nen it touches the sidewalk. A novelty J In can heads la of llver made hollow " for use as a clgaret caae. the cover fitting snugly and forming, closed, a continuous pan oi me handle. These handles are aiso made with an additional ment for matches. com part- There are many handsome canes that are comparatively Inexpensive, or you may pay $100 for a walking stick 'with a solid gold header hook. On rare occasions inor costly cane are made with Jeweled capo or handles. Canes are often bought for gifts and they are ofter carried for pur pose of protection as well as for style.- In a large stock there would be found can in hundreds of varieties, and to such a ioin new ei.vies ie constantly added.. New York Sun. being It I Colby's Xrit Move. The other day Secretary t'ohurn Kot a let fro"' " , "'"V of Waterloo la editor of the Kimball's Dairy Farmer. i"o'Ev has just made a trip through Kansas and fv0.'.'!4",1. l" '' '' K""l natured f n NMtn the Kansas secretary, for lue two ar great Mends. .So lie wrote: "It la so dry In Kansas that the flshaa are sticking their head, down nto the bottom of the streams in the hone of fl,,?i ng some moisture, and the people a e in. Inir them up like radishes" 11 When they try that kind of Jokes on Secretary Coburn they act ..tJ.! ..I.. . ... . viiniHi, l is orten necessary l reducing their s z o halve or quarter them whleli ..i 8 if their hardness. YiZ . ' "n"""'" t oi tneir Hardness, reijulrea i.-.-.i ajiu Hardened saws slniilur i,. ,i. used for sawlnz -,i. I'.'"' . to "' I'.aujr leill- u .. - - meir " ' "-' anunaanca re.pHt cotlonwood."KaII "im?"1 U,. City Journal pullers. wa& t, lo move, as Ciihurn', P. "The story I. h. p. " J" , the pulling ,,p of the ,.hl.Viko radlXe. i a mutter of fact, the fiah miiJ.i. a" th. ground five or six feet rtetweUl.,0f semi-weekly shower, the sun cure, fhe,t',' such a way that they make fen,"I Jf . '". ,n are more durable UMJfi1 purpose they are very popular. I:, J J I