OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNINO, AUGUST 28, 1910. " - i l .1 i - ' The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska, I The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. gtfe'i'?y a)g REAL ESTATE CITV PHOIT.HTY FOII SAI-B (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT FHOI'GHTV FOH S A 1.15 (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITV FRUfKRT V FOH ALB. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PKOI'KHTY KOIt SALE. (Continued.) , REAL ESTATE REAL ESI ATE (Continued.) CITY PHOPKHTY FOR SAI.R (Continued.) fas T imul -XI & ni "la VI 1M VXT J i 1 GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE 1219-22 City National Bank Building. Douglas 39G3. WE CLAIM THE PROPERTIES HERE OFFERED ARE ALL BARGAINS. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND SAVE MONEY. (2.SO0 KI1 8. Sth, a (l-room, i-story house, with bath, gss and toilet; excellent locality; VERY EASY TERMS. Lot la worth $1,2M. $$.$&0 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT! 7 rooma with very good furnace, modern throughout; paving pol1 In full; good shade and shrubbery; In fact, a very coxy and well built house for the money. $S,20-NF.W BUNOALOW on the boule vard. In KOUNTZE PLACE: five good rooms with bath ana full cement basement; furnace, combina tion lighting fixtures; oak finish. TKRM8. $4.000 BEMIfl PARK; a very good (-room, all modern home; south front on paved street; handy to car; bent part of park district. $4,0-81$ CHARLES ST.; a very good S room, a. II modern home; hardwood finish; full cement basement; good furnace; paving paid; nice shade. Owner In California and anxious to sell. &200-CREJOHTON U3T ADD., on the BOULEVARD; a 7-room, modern home; quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat; eiist front; every reason why tills house should eult you. K.2G0-WE8T FA R.NAM DISTRICT- 7 rooma modern, with oak finish; ho water heat; good paved street and ground value bound to Increase. Owner very anxious to sell, says GLOVER REALTY 6 ROOMS, NEW, CLOSE-IN, ALL MODERN, $3,000. A neat, weA-bullt, nicely arranged home, nly 12 bloch& north of Dodge street. No. 1406 North 21st street Nice lot 46x133 feet. Full basement cemented. Pressed brick foundation, Laundry sink. 4 rooms and hall, 1st fioo.. I bedrooms and bath, 2d fiou.. Nicely papered. Fine condition. Nice yard. Snaps like this are qulcly taken, so see this at once. Easy Terms Can Be Arranged. NOKRIS & MARTIN, Webster 463H. 400 Bee Bldg. 3aot-2610 Dewey Ave., I960 rental, l-room brick, $40 rental, $4,000. 2 houses, near P. O., $720 rental. 17,800. tut Cass Ht, rooms, full lot, t7.fru0. Wi Dodge St. t2xU. 15.500. Ninth and Hickory tits., t rooms, modern. I brick houses. $300 rental, $2,500. 200k North 24th St., 6 rooms, $1,860. VtxW west, SW10 Davenport. tl.AOO. South sth tit.. 6 rooms. $1,400. iM acres, miles west of Bouth Omaha stock yards, fine stock and general farm. U. P. Trackage. Adjoins town, $126 per aora. 2ft acres, rooms, paved, $X600. JOHN N. FUENZER, Both 'Phones. FOR BALE Fine lot for home In Kountse place, (0x124, at a bargain for quick cash sale; make oner. Bee 2122 Looust ot ASK THE NEIGHBORS HOW IT WAS BUILT 4100 No. 18th St., just north of Sprague, a 5-room entirely modern cottage; hall, par lor and dining room finished In oak; a fin floored attio, cemented basement with bricked up walls, furnace, plumbing and fixtures) all up-to-date; down spouts con nected with sewer, a built-in cupboard, a clothes chute and other features to make this a convenient and attractive home. Prloe. $1,000; about half cash. Oet key at house on corner south or arrange with me to go through the place. D. S. EFNER, TeL D. 1210, H. 614$. U2S No. $6th St. tflanscom Park . Bargains Two Houses $2,700 Seven-room dwelling, on corner and paved streets, 2 blocks east of Hanscom park; has furnace, porcelain bath, gas, ji.antol and grate; cement walks. See us about this. Part terms. $2,250 Six-room dwelling on paved street $ blocks east of park: hag furnace, bath, etc; house newly painted. See us for de scription and particulars. GARVIN BROS. Doug. $52. Third Floor N. T. Life Bldg. TWO NEW COTTAGES S3S and S33S Taylor St., two brand new cottages, south fronts, on full 60-foot lots, only one block from Ames Ave. car.; excel lent material and workmanship; five good living rooms In each one, with fine plumb ing; full basements; attics; cement walks; beautiful combination light fixtures; all ready to occupy. Price $2,660 each; small payment down and balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick Slater Sole Agents. 6th Floor N. T. Life Blflg. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN The coxiest little modern home you ever stepped Into; nice kitchen and pantry; good baaement: arueilo living rooma. wun u floors; two irood bedrooms and bathroom. with medicine cabinet and first clasa nhimhim Kvervthln on the one floor Oood slaed lot In a desirable neighborhood and close to car. price; easy terms. Where can you best It 7 FINE SQUARE HOUSE V ON EASY TERMS $500 or $000 down and balance praotlcally Ilk rent mt-kea you owner of one of the nicest six-room square houses In the north rrt House Is brand new. strictly modern. Including full baaement. There Is reception k.n nmrlor. dining room and kitchen down 1 iir' three good big be-lrooms with plenty of closet space and bathroom up- I stairs; 1 oca tea on a spieoom iiom ii I In a very deelrable neighborhood; oonven- f lent to cr line. nce oniy es.suu. mu win " want this ir you see 11. SH1MER & CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. City, Suburban, Farm Property, Fire Tornado. Plate Ola.e Insurance. Surety Bonds. Factory Bltea and Business Opportunities at Balstou. 8. 17th St. Both Phones. J! IKUtMK r-iace n .w,..., - lodern. on Wirt street. $4,W0. lath Ave. and lxcut. s rooms, mooern. flue lawn and shade, $3,000. lfo? Plnkney, I rooms, modem except heat good barn. For sale or trade. $ ldvFchron K. K. VV, aoth and Lake SU W.TOO-Bl'T WANT OFFER; 4169 Cass St., a large. 7-room, modern house; see for yourself. B,4O0 CLOSE IN horn of t good, large rooms; strictly modern throughout; corner lot. In district of new homes; refused 16,000 for this house 6 months ago. but need the money now at once. Bo get busy. $5,250-DTTNDEE; bungalow style, but $ full bed rooma and bath on second floor; large living room entire width of house, with very nifty brick firo nlace; open stairway; beam coiling in this and dining room; all onk finish: walls tinted. AND HOT WATER HEAT. It's a dinger. W,000-BEMIfl PARK; Just listed and owner very anxious to make quick sale, so price la right. It's a 9-room, modern home, on Hawthorne avenue, well arranged, nicely decorated, hot water heat; fine lot. W.C00-KTUCCO HOUSE. The new house at 4nth and Douglas Ste., right on top of the hill, very fine view. Attrac tive Inside and out, and well built. Has large living room entire width of house, with open stairway and brick fireplace; large dining room and library or den; complete kitchen, beam ceilings In living rooms; all oak finish, tinted walls: three very nice bed rooms and bath and large attlo; best of hot water heat; Instantan eous Ruud hot water heater; gravity coal chute; garage; In fact, every- SYNDICATE. imng io mKe a complete home. 5 to 35 Acres Near Florence At Farm Land Prices. These fine trsrt. n tmtn mil.. - Florence, Just off level concrete road. Good for garden, poultry or alfalfa. Piico $160 to $165 an acre. EASY TERMS. WILL TAKE TOU OUT ANT TIME. GARVIN BROS., Douglas 952. Third Floor N. T. Life. T. JORGENSEN, Floronce 367. Florence, Neb. Prepare for the Future Buy a snug little oottage on easy terms. Three big rooms, newly painted Inside and out) full basement; water and gas In house; corner lot t0xl20; good bam and only $1,160. $160 cash, balance $lfi per month. Location, $401 Maple St. Acreage for Town Property 7V4' acres of the finest soil in the world, located one mile west of Benson on paved roam. Modern, new t-room bungalow, con taining bath and furnace. Complete system Of water works, good barn and out build ings, H acre of grapes, besides plenty other fruit. Owner forced to sell and will ex change his equity of $3,900 for a bouse or oottage In town. Here la your opportunity. Payne Investment Company 8. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam St Douglas 17S1. Ind. A-1188. FOR SALE, $7,500. A residence, new, modern, complete,' near iiansoom park, on paved street. Near Field club, in Boulevard Heights: Furnace, gas, bath and electric lights. Hardwood finish, with white oak floors. Golden oak stairway; plate glass doors: Widest of porches, front windows plate; Keyhole largest, if you are out late. Golden oak pillars, instead of a wall; separate parior irom aimng room and hall, A fine brick mantel, two oases for booke, Makes the neat parlor beauUful In looks. Dlnlnr room larre. will seat twni.(nnr- The kitchen and pantry will feed them or more. A fine porcelain bath on second floor, and lour Deorooms; Also In attlo one more. Oaa fixtures, globes, window shades. The papers on walls are the beat made. The lot faces east, being full else. ah go in tnis sale; you'll get a prise. From cellar to attlo is all you could ask. To keep clean and neat Is an eaay task. The whole house really Is out of sight. Call roe up soon, the price Is right. H. F. WHITNET, Doug 1740. Only One Left And ltg a bungalow, new and ud to data; Org extra large roorqs, large nail, batn, floored attic, cemented eel iar, nice terraced lot, with cement ldewalka; Juat weat of Kountze Place on Wirt St; 1600 cash will handle this fine home. J. W. Rasp Co., 681-91 Brandeis Building. Doug. 16SS; A-2653; Web. 4661. $2,250 U acre of around with all kinAa ,. fine shade; 7-room house; city water and electrla light VA blocks to Harnev car lln.- Immedlate possession. $to0 cash and balance mommy, uwner would take good vacant lot part payment. Payne, Bostwick 8? Slater noie Agents, stn f loor N. Y. Life Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT IR.600 cannot buy a better new S-room, all modern house with all oak finish down stairs and oak floors, birch doors and ma hogany finish on second floors. Just what you have been looking for In the shape of a home: finished from garret to baaement In a style to Please the moat faatiriiouM m.A located In a neighborhood in keeping with me nous. To see it is to buy It SHIMER & CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. Farnam Street Lots 6x.lU feet, near Sth; good for stores. Harrison & Morton A 7-room, all modern house, quarter sawed oak. hot water, heat, east front, elegant view, one block from Hanscom park. Built for a home. On account change of position must sell. One block east of west aide car. $11$ ft. S2d 8L Open for Inspection Today B-r., modern except heat, oottage, 2W1 N. 2fth 8t.; paving paid; $300 down; balance $25 per month. Including Interest. OOSNEY, 5 N. T. Lte. Ti. 47.34; Evenings W. 6670. A FINE HOME 8 large rooms: all modern; oak finish; hot water heat; nice lawn; fine shade; nearly now; I acres of ground; fine neighborhood; located on FLORENCE BOULEVARD. Price $8,ono; one-third cash; balance at per cent. Might consider trade on smaller place. P. 0. NIELSEN & CO., 70S N. T. L. Bldg. Tela. D. 2304. A 4.140. NEW S-r., modern, up-to-date; street paved on all sides; convenient to car; 2Pth and Hamilton; priced low and upon easy terms. IIADRA, 560 N. T. Life. D. 4334. Evenings. D. 4430. 108xl26i At S. W. Cor. 90th and fish ier, could be subdivided Into 3 good east front lota. 30th St. Is paved and paving paid. Eastern owner wants to rea lize at once. Submit your of fer to The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones. 212 So. 14th. Easy Terms Two new cottages located on 41st and Corby Bts.; five rooms each; full lots; price only $1,700; terms $300 down; balance $20 a month and Interest. Large eight-room home located on 35th and .Mason; paved street; newly painted and decorated; full lot with alley; price only $3,400. See this and make us an offer. Very large nine-room home on 3dth and Mason; large porch south and west; full lot and alley. This home has just been newly painted and decorated. Price only $4,200. Terms to suit. Strictly modern oottage on 21st and Ames; ( rooms, hall and bath. room. Price only $2,400. Terms to suit. International Land & Investment Co. Doug. S1S3; A-2376. 210-12-14 Bee Bldg. Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W. J." DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., 1512 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 786 CLOSE-IN BARGAIN $3,500 Buys a good 6-room, all mod ern cottage near Uth and Pa cific; hot water heat, large lot fi6.xl32, plenty of room In front to build flats. This would . make a very handy home for a railroad man. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones. 211 So. 14th. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE One block from car. large attic, cemented basement; modern. Including furnace; side walks. Apply to owner. WO M. Zbtn tit., phone Webster 933. $1,700.00 Buys 6-room house, 4607 Charles St., water, gas, close to Walnut Hill school; brick sidewalk; fine condition. WILLIAM L. WILCOX, . 41S Karbach Hlk. Douglas 8366. Harney 8825. I WANT A GOOD NINE ROOM HOUSE. In West Farnam or Field club district. Will trade In my nice eight-room house on 8. 26th Ave., and pay difference In oash. Address K-10, i)ee. AM moving to Field Club district: wll. sell my Kountze Place home, 2218 Emmet, cheap; v good rooms, rurnace neat, modern If I can't sell It, will rent It. G. W. SHIELDS. Office 'phone, D. 987. Res. 'phone. W. 611. TWO full lota, both $85. Near Harney cart will double In value within year. Houses rent well In this locality. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Tel. Red 1939. 668 N. T. Ufa Bldg. QUICK SALE $3,200. 7-room house with bath; slse of lot, (Ox 146 feet; room to build; cement cellar; fur nace heat; paved street; cement walk. See owner, 2815 Charles St. TeL Web. 185. OUR SPECIALTY - RENTING and BILLING homes to COLORED PEOPLE. Tenants KHltlug; Uat your property with Home lnt.-riiuent Co., ill N. nth Web. KM. Ind. tt -. GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There Is a large space J tut oft the court On ground floor that will De remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant, inis location Urr.ear Farnam street convenient to main entrance of building. Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. R W. Baker, SupL 17th ad Farnam FOR BALK Nice lot, southwest cor ner 36th Ave. and Cass, with room for two east front dwellings or will trade for St. Louis property. Submit offer Tel. Harney K. FIFTEEN-ROOM flat; great bargain If taken at once, pnone Douglas FINE HOUSE. 1H story. 6 rooms down stairs. Upstairs floored; room for four more: nice lot, WxlZD feet. 3374 8 Tel. Harney 18TH AND SPRAGUE STS. 1717-21-25 Sprague St.. three new cottasre homes witn live living rooms, rine oaths attics, beautiful combination light fixtures houses piped and registers In for furnace full cellars with laundry sinks and outside cellarways; cement walks; all ready to occupy; reasonable prices and easy terms. bee the properties at once. Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sole Agents, fth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg Walking Distance Five rooms, modern except furnace; large lot: bought on easy terms; $400 cash, bal ance time. GALLAGHER & NELSON 49$ Brandeis Bldg. Douglas $383 PAYS $80 PER MONTH $6,000. Three-flat building In a location that in suras good tenants; never vacant. Terma. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., fc$ Mew York Life Bldg. Pbooe Red 1ft. DUNDEE SOxl.'tu feet on Davenport St., just west of 61st Hi. choice lot. only $'.T.4. Vtxl3 ft. on Underwood Ave., near B2d. Only $S50. 76x13.) rt. N. R. Cor. 49th and Chicago. Very choice. Only $2,000. Field Club On 35th St., a fine 8-room thoroughly modern house. Fireplace, garage, etc. Owner has left the city and la very anxiuus to sell. See us for price and terms. On 33th Ave. we have a fine H-room thor oughly modern home. Downstairs finished finest quarter wed oak. Fireplace, leeping porch, cistern, etc. Owner will trade for good farm. un srtn (St., near Marcy we are orrerlng good 8-room cottage with 2 east front ots (100x140 ft.) paved street. Only U blk. to car. Close to good school. Only $,0O0. West Farnam Splendid 10-i'Oom modern house on very good street of homes. Only 1 block to car. Fine oak finish. $10,000. On 26th Ave., near Howard, a good 8-r. modern house. 4 ibedrooms, fine yard, paved treet, close in. only 14. w. For anything In the real estate line SEE ELBY 43. Board of Trade Bldg Cheap Homes $3,300 For a Home in Hanscom Park District Nice home of 7 rooms, besides S Inrn rooms finished In attic. This home Is com pletely modern; large closets and in fine condition, tastefully decorated with an east front, located on Georgia Ave., In a most desirable neighborhood. Only $700 cash, balance easy. $2,100 North Part B-room cottace. eat front, near 2Sth and Maple Sts.; ull rooms large, newly painted and papered, large lot, with a brand new barn, coating $o00; large sealed chicken house, with runway, accommodating 3W) chickens, enabling you to keep the neigh bors supplied with fresh picks at a aood profit. Owner going on a farm and must Bell at once. $M0 cash, balance less than Vt what It would rent for. This 1b really a bargain for one looking for a small home. ED. JOHNSTON & CO., 306 South 17th St Phone Douglas 1236. $2,200 2201 Pierce St., 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, $700 caeh, balance In monthly payments. Cottage Is In fine con dition. Iron fence around lot McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO, 1506 Dodge St. k1109 So. 22d St, -r., mod., ex. heat, $22.60 auiu junn 01., e-r., an mouern, IriOO No. 34th St., 6-r., all modern, $26.00. m South 22d Ktreet, 7-r., all mod., $10.00. 2;i0 South 9th Bt, 6-r., C. W. & gas, $13.00 'indicates water paid by owner. BIRKETT A TEBBEN3. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4764, A-1764. Owner Leaving City Makes very low price for 7-room home near uunaee, built two years ago; no, 4tZ4 Doug las; owner In house, will show It; large, well arranged rooms flinshed In oak; gas stoves, hot water heat and window shades go with It; with 2 full lots, $1,700; with one lot, $4,200. Harrison & Morton Where Do You Want To Buy! What Do You Want To Buy? We have a variety of homes to suit any purse or purpose. We have cheap homes and expensive nomes, nomes witn one let and homes with many lots, homes near town and homes In the suburbs. Wherever you want to buy come to us ana you win receive the very best treat ment and assistance In that Important mat ter, purchasing a home. Below la a partial list of the houses for which we are the exclusive agents. l.4oo- rooms, 1710 Hickory. $1,6004 rooms, s. w. cor. 3tith and Brown $2,000 I rooms, Benson, n. w. corner Clin ton Ave. and Rlggs St.; 4 lots. $2,5005 rooms. Benson. 8 lots. a. w. corner unnton and McKiniey. xa.soo rooms, Florence, 2 lots, Washing, ton. between Bluff and rPospeot. ij.wo a rooms, sou Miami. $3,2008 rooms, s. w. corner 2Eth Ave. nl sanier. $3,4007 rooms, Benson, 124 Morton. $1,0006 rooms, Dundee, 6010 Webster. $4 2u0 T rooms. 1418 Park Wilde Ave.: rooms, 1420 Park Wilde Ave. (This price Is for both houses and lot and a half.) $4,3604 and 6 rooms, Benson, 2 houses and 12 lots. w. corner McKiniey and bunion Ave. $4,5006 rooms, 120 S. 80th St $5,5,107 rooms. 117 S. !lst St. $u,000 7 rooms, lift 8. 31st St (Central Douievaraj. $8,0006 rooms. 631 S. 3Gth St. In giving the number of rooms reeentlon halls, alcoves and bathrooms are not counted. A. P. Tukey & Son 444, 44S Board of Trade. D. 21S1. O ffOOAr strictly modern house, lot 42x Avwi m n(,ar California, on lath st For sale by owner Party leaving city ; must De sold at once, bee u. uiiing, Bin North mh St.' A BEAUTIFUL HOME TO BE SOLD QUICK near Florence Blvd., a good modern 8-room house with oak floors; property in splendid repair Inside and out. Owner hag left the city and must close this out st once. Price $4.i"jX). on reasonable terms. Will submit any reasonable oner. Pvnc. Bostwick & Slater hole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg Semi-Suburban $ rooms, hot water heated, entirely mod ern; has one of the prettiest views In the city and the half block of ground is cov ered with grand old forest trees. This is northwest corner Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard, he us for very low price, Harrison & Morton FOR SALE HANSCOM PARK. Beautiful new house; fully modern; hot water; rooms with sleeping porch; quarter sawed oak first and second floors; one block from park, on boulevard; 2:(0S 8. 32d St. Keys at 231 South S2d street. Owner going away. $5.B:XI FOR S A LTV-Reeu tl f u I home In fine resi dence section. Original cost 11 1 OX). On ac count of leaving city will sacrifice for $7,000 and give good terms. Mrs. II. L. Hawver. lolt Euimett Ht For sale by owner, a 2-story, 5-room bungalow, located on the northeast coiner f lfth and Mandorson Sis. Strictly all modern; has beam celling, paneled walls. plate rail and window seat in dining room. Iso sent in living room, oil finished in oak. Kitchen Is finished In yellow pine, with maple floors. Has large living room, dln- ng room and kitchen In the first floor and wo berdooins and bath on second floor, with front and rear starwny to same; has full basement. Price. 2.!00. Open Sunday afternoon. Phone Douglas 1WW, independ ent A-100S. This Is a 6-room cottage, modern excpiu heat; brlrkeil up and cemented basement, and the construction Is "A No. 1" through out. Lot 33x110, with good slued barn. Tnis s on the boulevard and within easy walk ing distance of the retail district. Any one wanting n close In home should not inlss this opportunity. Heo this at once. HASTINGS & HKYHEN, 1614 Harney St. NOTHING BETTER For the money than the cottage at lth and Spring streets. We thought we could get $2,500 for it. Then the owner offered to take $2,300, and says if he ran get $1.8i0 by the 5th and Sent, he will let It go. It Is well vorth $2.!V"0. See its at once. J. P. .'a.-kson Co., Hill Frederick St. Phone D. 483$. . SIX-ROOM modern house, nenr Remls Park, south front; hot water heat; non resident wants to sell. $3,(HiO. 1. N. HAMMOND. 332 Board of Trade. FOR SALUJ Nle lot Kouthwest cor ner 85th Ave. and Cars, with room for two east front dwellings or will trade for St. Louis property. Submit offer. Tel. Harney FOR SALE At a sacrifice, a cottage and two lota, near 49th and Center. One lot In bearing fruit; nice shade trees, stables, chicken houae, etc. Also two vacant lots 1 block distant. Will aell at a low price ac count of leaving city. Also 20x24 cottage at Mth and Francis, suitable for moving, price $76. Telephone by Wednesday, Harney 15S8. I WANT to buy a 7-room house. St. Pat rick's parish. Must he modern, good loca tion and not over $3,500. Address w 34, care Bee. Look at 3043 Howard St., a 4-room strictly modern "St. Louis" flat; only five blocks from Hith and Farnam Bts.; price $2,850. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATIiR. Sole Agents, Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. AM looking for a 6-room house all on one floor, modern except furnace, around 25th and California. Address S S3, care Bee. STORE building 20x60. lot 20x100. on Cum ing St., east of 24th. Good bargain. $3,000. G A LLAG I1C.K NULSU.N, 490 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 3382. Two New Cottages in CreightoiVs First Additton 2S32 8. 35 Ui St. A brand new, modern gem of 5 rooms, delightfully arranged, with up-to-date nlurrilna-. combination lights, oak and maple floors, on a full lot. at only $1750. 2a42 s. 35th t A coxy o-room oottage, with oak floors, combination, light fixtures, fine bath, good attlo and cellar, an ready to move rliiht In. on a 40-ft. front lot and only $2,654. Terma on both the above, $400 down, balance like rent Payne, Bostwick & Slater, Sole Agents, Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RENTAL BARGAINS. 3154 Ames Ave., 6-R., $10. B33 N. 27th Ave., 6-R., partly mod., $19, im N. 24th, 6-R., ail mod. except heat, $16. 2tio4 Decatur, 7-R., partly mod., $0. 415 N. ith, 6-R., all mod. except heat, $J0. 81D N. 34th. 6-R., mod. except heat near Bemls Park, only $20. 4303 Burdette, v-H.. mod. except heat: good barn; $22.60. 3282 Meredith Ave., d-k., mod. except heat, $25.00. 3403 Jackson, 6-R. an mod., 1517 Yates, 7-R., mod., except heat $22.60. 1522 Yates. 7-R., all mod., $26. 3619 S. 20th, 7-R., strictly modern, $27.60. 4107 Izard, 7-R., all mod., fine location, $26. 40O.4 Charles, 6-R., all mod., $27.60. 4812 Capitol Ave., 8-R., strictly mod., $30. 6H8 8. 28th, 6-R., strictly modern, within walking dlatance, only $32.60. 1608 Spruce, 7-R., strictly mod., $36. 322 N. 26th, 6-R., strictly mod., newly dec orated throughout, within walking distance, $35. loos s. sotn Ave.. t-t., stricuy moa Hans com Park district $37.60. 3321 California, 8-R., strictly mod., $37.60. 88i3 Farnam, 7-R., all mod., $40. Ittll Dewey Ave., 7-R., strictly mod., within walking distance, only $40. We have others; see our list before you move. PajTie, Bostwick & Slater, Sole Agents, Sixth Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. Brennan's Bargains KESIDENCES $ $.500 LAST OF THE 40TH ST. SNAPS. The other was sold last week. Who Is going to get this modern 9-rooin tortck near st Cecilia s 7 $ 4,200 BEMIS PARK. A pretty B-room house; line snaae trees. $ 8,000- 3338 HAKNEV, NEAR 86TH ST, Very attractive mottern V-rovtn house $11.600 32D AVK., NORTH OF FARNAM, Fine residence, with 10 rooms and garage. $23,500 38'1'H ST. Elegant brick residence, with brick garage and stable; lot 87x177. SUBURBAN $1$,000-BEACTIFUL PLACE NEAR COUN TRY CLUB, iiluht-room house, mod ern In every way and garage. Three acres of land. Fruit trees and hedges all around. $ 6,000 A smaller place, with 6-room house and 4 acres oi lano. INVESTMENTS 115.000 CORNER 221) AND CASS; extends to 24th St. and new car line. Fine brick house, built by man of means for his residence, and 2 adjoining high-class brick dwellings, modern in every way; desirable location; near McCord and Prltchett residences. 118.000 FOUR MODERN HOUSES on cor ner, i:i2 feet on lUth St., close in; In Al condition. Includl g owner's huuse, will rent for Jl.TuO annually. THOMAS BliENNAN, 315 N. Y. Life Bldg. E. W. GANNETT, Mgr. Real Kstate Dept. Tel Doug. 1204. BAlMiAIN SALE i1 rrC A fin- 5-room cottage, In corner T'iUTO lot; city water an! gas tn house en make eay terma on this. d:'J 00 Good 5-mum cottage. In valk log distance and fine location Will take aoout $,oo to handle tnis. t- 0(f Seven-room, all modern cottage, in Hanacmn I'lae; larre lot. A snap, fart can ana the lulance on time MENUEDOHT CO. N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 34C. Independent A-S349. A BIO SNAP A good 6-room cottage, with hath, toilet gaa. cellar, clute-n, lots of fruit, shade to-ft. lot; two block from Harney car line. Price, 13.100. Reasonable terms. Payne, Bostwick & Slater, SUe Agents, SUth Floor, N. T. Ufa Bldg It's Up To You! $-',2nO South 21nt St., Coy 6-ruoni modern cottage $J00 cash, baNnix- m.v. $2,800 Ohio St., first class modern euttuae, ' rooms and attic, lot duxUi. TERMS. $2,Hii0 Pi ait St., practically new, 6 rooms and hall, modern except heat, lot 3Hxl IS. paved street. EASY TKHMA $3,W0-Jitn ni.d Sewaru, well uuilt. 7 roo.ns and hall, one bedroom down stalls, threo bedrooms un.l bath upstairs, modern, ftinmce Ileal, corner lot. EASV TERMS. $1,950 New home on ;th St.. well built and arraiiKcd. seven Inrito rooms, strictly modern, rot ner lot. first class lo cation. TERM 14. $3,0504)11 Webster St., close to Ft. John's church and high school, 6 rooms and hull, modern, paved street, all spe cials paid. TK11MS. $4,500 HKM IS PARK. H-ronm two-story square house, four hcrtromrs. strictly modern, fine location, paved street and paid for, In cathedral district, close to school, cur and stoics. TERMS. INVESTMENTS per rent gross, two St. Louis flat DiinainKS, tour a ;'ai iniemn oi n iuoosi !!. h Ktri,.tl' nutilnrn well lncnted ' always rented fH.riOO. per cent net. Triple flat building, 10 brick construction, tnree apartments of 7 rooms each, strictly modern, close to postof flee, high school and court house $14,000. 10 per cent gross, two brick constructed, modern St. Louis flat t'lilldlngs, four apartments of 5 rooms each, well liH-iited, frame garage, lot 75x100 $15,000. BUILDING LOTS $4,150 Corner 40th and Davenport fine for apartment house. BnxSO, paving paid. $1,250 35th Ave. and Jones, wnter, sewer, gas and cement walk, 40x124. 650 4th and Mayberry. two lots 60x130 each, fine for cottages. Wnlkup Heal Estate Company KT6-7 Brandeis Bldg. Doug, 2D0H, A-Ukw. REAL ESTATE FA KM AS It HAN4-H l-A.N U FOHSALK Arttaaeaa. A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND STOCK FARM 200 acres, 8 miles from Waldron, oil acres In cultivation, i acres In meadow; 4 acres in apple orchard, also other fruits; good S-room house, smoke house, barn and out buildlnga. fine well of good water. All land not tilled Is covered with good pine and oak timber. This Is a fine fruit and stock farm; the range cannot be beaten In the country, stock water In abundance. This place can be bought now for 1,0W and Is a bargain. Terms to suit. Write or call on John D. Baker, Waldron-Scott Co., Arkansas. RICE FARM AND OTHER LANDS for sale cheap. Address Mrs. Laura HUlman, Almyra, Ark. Canada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the Klor- tous fruit district southern British Colum bia lor 110 cash and 110 monthly, without Interest Annual profits, $500 to $l,ou0 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; church, school, poatofflre, store, big sawmill; dally trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for prouucls. Write quick for maps, photos, free Information. west-A.ootenay f ruit Lands CO., uepu v.. Drawer lOkl. Nelson, British Columbia. Calltovala. A FINE 10-ACRB PEACH ORCHARD In Ontario, Cel., value $5,000, to trade for good Minnesota property about same value: con sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fine California orange groves, from $10,000 up. naie- ana trades. Hsve one called the tlnest place In southern California, price $120,000. Heautlfol property will pay big returns also. If you have eastern property to trade for southern California, send drscrlD- tlon. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful personal attention given to your matters. Insurance, sales, trades, rentals, Invest ments, etc. References furnished. James M. Van Deusen. 20$ Braley Bldg.. Pasadena. Cal. 40 ACRES Finest Orance land near Fresno, California, $1,600. F. 6 Bee. Government lands in Southern California: well wnter 30 to 00 feet deep; cheap wnter for irri gation near railroad; great op portunity to get a good farm cheap. Call or address JOHN MARESH 420 So. 15th St. Omaha, Neb.' Colorado. COLORADO LAND. I have $.000 actus of Improved and unlm- Droved land for sale at from 110 to S25 an acre, witnin irom one to ten miles or town; all good tillage; write me for particulars. D. O. UEAN, ISOViNA, COLO. SEND 25c for S Month's Subscription to Colorado a lending irrigated t rult Mitita- cine. . Tells all about, lands and how Or- chardista make big money growinaj Trult. Intel-mountain Fruit Journal, Orand June tlon, Colo. LANDS and farms near Mount Morrison. Colo. Enclose stamp. B. F. Butler, Little ton, Colo. FOR SALE Section 7. town 1. south of range M west. In Adams county, Colorado; half mile from the raklroad and two miles from Lafayette. Oood soil and mostly Irrigable. A splendid grain, stock or dairy section, and the best bargain near Denver. Will guarantee to repurchase In three years at T per cent If not sntlsfl'd. Price $16 per acre. Box 2fi, Boulder, Colo. $80.00 PER ACRE Irrigated land In the fertile Arkansas val ley In Colorado; only 20 miles from Pueblo and I miles from railroad; fine soil; you can raise enough In one year to pay for the land. We have for sale a few 40-anre tracts with full water right at the low price of $v per acre; one-fourth down; balance In three annual Installments. If you are Interested see us at once. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 70$ N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb If you have anything to sell or trade, advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns and get quick results. A big land firm has this to say: ""Ve have received more profitable business through" our ad in The Bee than we have from any other ten papers in. which we advertise. L. 0. FUNDINGSLAND, 'Manager of Fundingsland & Severson, Kidney, Neb." RFAL ESTATE FtHM AM) HWCII LAN It FOR'AI.H (Continued.) I'lorlitn. FLORIDA We hsve millions of acres of Florida Umber, cut over, farm and coloni zation lamlr. l.ef.ire purchasing enn4 for Flrrlda Ilea. F.iate Journal. Big bargains, nice homes; we ran suit you, Natloaal Realty Ageto Jaekso-iU, Flfj. COM.PKTITION IN FLORIpVllDir' Oct our new plan before buying Florida land from any company. Free option and other features. Something new, showing In lit fit oi i ompetlt on. W rite Florida Land Syndicate, Jacksonville, Florida. FLORIDA money making opportunity. Only sn-all monthly ' payments required. The proposition ante and should pay big. T.nelinnanna Spring A Hotel Co., Jackson ville, Fla Black Dirt Yields Dollars MR. LAND SALESMAN1 do you realise that the Florida Lverglndea Reclaimed Lund Co., offers you an unequalled chance t) inn lie a great deal of money quickly la ft strictly legitimate way. Our company practically controls all nvallahle muck Unit There are no stone, rook, sand, etc, ) this land. If Is not an ordinary Everglade proiwltlon. It l the only land or Its kind o;i the. market. A prominent United Stated government expert sa ye It Is the hnsf, poor man'M nmporltlon f have yet dl covered." Take the most fertile soil I magi a- nbie mid drill r It and think of the results you would get. This is exactly the elrottm stances of this case. Write, (tell us about yourself), for territory still open. Perma nent employment. Florida Everglades Reclaimed Land Co.,' 1st National Bank Bldg., Chicago, III Una, IOWA FARMS ' For bargains In lows farm land, writ or call on Iowa Land Credit tonuur. Mason City. Ia. -sr. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from to acres up to 640 acres, all prices, good liberal terms. Sea) Madison county before buying. Best all around county In the state. Address J. O. BH RIVER, Wlntersec, la. ONE OF THE BEST. Small farm near Council Bluffs. 7U acres; all good land; about 40 sores rich creek bottom; large house and bam; chicken houses and yards; topi and buggy sheds; dairy house, eto: several acres of fine orchard and an excellent rtnevard: six miles from the city, on two direct roads; nas always oeen a profitable D ace. and Is cheap at $116 per acre. W'UKB REAL ESTATE CO., , 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Idaho. WE CAN POINT the way to aueoeM In southern Idaho to you. We can show you how to double your money In a little while. There are $40,000 acre on this tract; enough for everybody. There Is room for you If you come right now. Write to us; we w!I send a picture book; a beautiful book fre and This Free Book Tells How This book has a most exquisite art eover filled with pictures fit to frame, and the Information In It has been examined wits; care. You can surely use this book t guide you. IIILL & TAYLOK, Irrigated Farms Twin Falls, Idaho Farm Lands in Idaho Double In Price What Is the use of slaving awa rent life on the farm lands of the middle weet vith their minimum of production and their maximum of labor You oan MAKE ZyUFFA MUCH IN IDAH AT HALF TIIL LABOR. Send lor the monthly prloe give' free8 to 'you. " 18 mato Ripley Brothers (Formerly of Omaha.) FILER, TWIN FALLS COITNTY. IDAHO DOUBLE YOUB MONEY IN IDAHO T !Iw tt aJ! ONE-QUARTER MIL LION DOLLARS' worth of business build ings erected and occupied, Is In the exact center of the South Side Carey Act Project of Southern Idaho. There Is room for $4,000 rarmers. That means appreciated values, doesn t It? Buy this land now and profit by this sure rise In values. W can double your money for you. We guarantee you seven per cent net on your savings. Writ to us and we will send you free of cost our handsome booklet. You take no chance. Write today to Byj"' INVESTMENT COMPANY. Bubl, Idaho. Wrlta right now Pingree, Idaho There's room for Investor, business man, merchant, lawyer, artisan, laborer In this new wonder country of Idaho. Wrlta right now for full Information, free booklets. Address, Pingree Townslta Company, James F. Burton, Secretary, First National Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Investments ?XL Cities spring Into being In Idaho. The whole state la BURSTING WITH LIFE. You can share In this development. Wrlta today for what we can do for you. We will help the right kind of men, DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN IDAHO. F. E. GRISWOLD, aeoretary Burley Com raerclal club, Burley, Idaho. Q. A. AXL1NE, secretary Albion Commer. cial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary Oakley Com mercial club, Oakley, Idaho. 4 WRITR J. M. Ingersotl, Pocatello, Idaho, fot free Illustrated book about that won- derful Gate City, the Chicago of Ure west