Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Tide Omaha Sunday Ber
"victor rose water, editor.
Entered at Omaha potoffice as serond
cUn matter.
pally Ties (Including Hunrtay), per week..lBo
L'ally Bee (without Hunday), per week.. 10c
pally Hee (without Sunday), one year. .84 00
Pally Bee and 8unday, one year
Evening lie (without Bunday). per week..c
Evening Hee (with Sunday), per week loo
Sunday Hee, one year 12.60
(Saturday Bee, one year L54
Addreaa all complaints of Irregularities Id
delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Ben Building.
Bouth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Bluffa 16 Krott street.
-. Lincoln 618 Little Building.
Chicago VM Marquette Building.
New York Itootni 1101-1108 No. 84 Weat
Thirty-third atreet.
Washington 726 Fourteenth Street. N. W.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter ahould be adressed; Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
Enyable to The Be Publishing Company,
'nly 8-rent atampa received 'a payment of
mall account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, '
George B. Tzschuck. treasurer of The Ree
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
saye that the actual number of full and
complete coplee of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
we montn or July, U19, was as louowa:
1 44.S70
11 40,360
.4 65,900
1 41.830
10 40,400
M 41,860
' 11 41,610
' II..... 41,830
14. ...... ..41,740
1 41,680
1 48,360
Returned ooplas....
II 48,670
11 48,880
0 41,800
1 48,180
. . 48,870
4 40,800
II 48.810
IT.... 48,300
It 48,330
10 48,460
II ....40,800
. 13,807
Vet total 1.310.O43
Dally arerage 48,868
' 5 Treasurer.
Subsi.-tbad In my presence and aworn to
Wore me this 1st day if August. 1910.
if. B. WALKER,
' '- ' Notary Public.
Snaaerlbers leaving- the elty tem
porarily shonld nare The Be
Mailed to them. Addreaa will ho
changed mm attest as requested.
No wonder Detroit grew ao fast, it
baa bo many automobiles.
To Mr. Jeffries the negro problem
. Is purely a personal question.
y Those aviators are at least able to
rise above the life insurance agents.
Slaughtering animals in Africa does
- not kill a man's reputation in America.
It may be that the drop in tempera
ture) helped to settle the cloak-makers'
' Don Jaime is too much of a quitter
aven to get into the real insurgent
, class.,
j That 260-pound girl who eloped has
' doubtless slowed down to a walk be
fore this.
As vacation Is nearly over, our
churches will soon be running on reg
; ular schedules.
Bet you Kansas will not invite
Cannon to speak out there now, since
the weather has cooled off.
The Georgia election was a case of
'"Big Six" over "Little Joe." Yet
'Lew Fields "asks, "What is rubbish 7"
Hoke Smith is again on top, but it
remains to be seen whether the rest
of the people of Georgia are or not.
No doubt Don Jaime will be one of
,the eagerly interested spectators when
King Alfonso makes his flight in that
The Nobel peace prize goes next to
the German mailed fist, as well as the
American Big . Stick. Paradoxes
'Good pair, too.
, Possible Georgia just wanted to give
Hoke Smith a chance to redeem his
record made during his first admlnis
tratlon as governor.
Of course, if Emperor William pre
tera to think that he rules by divine
right he has that privilege, at least,
tut it is not divine.
There is another big blaze in the
west just now in addition to those for
tat fires, but it is not necessary to call
tfc army to put it out.
New York papers say there is
western negro in town who is worth
'lt.000. 000. Hush up. you "Jack"
Johnson, and quit yo' foolin'.
Georgia goes from Ktuttb. to Brown
and Brown to Smith for its governors
From which one might Infer that the
common people ruled all the time in
The aggregate membership of the
Young Men's Christian association in
the United States is more titan 500,
000, and Omaha Is among the top-
Koreans are now in the same ftx
that Brooklynltes found themselves
when the Greater New York plan went
Into effect, only, of course, they have
tot the Brooklyn bridge to help them
In its campaign against cobblestone
Streets the Baltimore American makes
the very apt suggestion that the city
Officials be compelled to parade on
foot over all these rough thorough-
No Fartiianship in Dishonesty.
The keynote of Colonel Roosevelt's
offhand rem grits corning across the
country has been that there Is no par
tisanship in dishonesty. The corrupt
public official is not only entitled to no
sympathy or protection from his party,
but quite the contrary, It devolves upon
bis associates who have helped to put
him In office to make an extra effort
to purge the party by exposing cor
ruption and dislodging the culprit who
has proved himself unworthy.
This Is the doctrine which The Dee
has preached in season and out from
the day of its foundation, and which
morever It has constantly practiced,
often at no little cost to itself. The
Bee is a republican paper In the sense
of upholding republican principles and
giving preference to republican candi
dates when other things are equal.
The Dee, however, recognizes no obli
gation to support or defend a crook
for public office or In public office be
cause he tries to hide his crookedness
under the cloak of republicanism. The
Bee has been, and expects always to
be, as energetic In throwing the search
light on rascality and turning the ras
cals out when they pretend to be re
publicans as when they sail under the
democratic banner. If there is any
thing worse than a dishonest democrat
in public office it Is a dishonest re
publican in public office because a
higher grade of Integrity Is generally
expected from a republican.
In refusing to recognize the parti
sanship of dishonesty The Bee has fre
quently had to stand alone in Ne
braska. More than once republican
crooks exposed by The Bee in their be
trayal of public office have found aid
and comfort from the democratic or
gans, and more than once The Bee has
had to show up democratic rascals in
public office whom democratic organs
sought to shield by silence.
Colonel Roosevelt has also empha
sized the time-tried truth that where
a public official has once been recreant
it is risky, If not inexcusable, to give
him another chance. The best place
for a crooked public official is in pri
vate life where the Injury he may do
by more rascality may be limited and
where he can steal only from a few
people rather than from all the peo
ple. The political party that wants to
keep faith with the people will not
nominate men for office who have
made dishonest records when previ
ously entrusted with authority.
Buying by Weight.
The buying of foodstuffs by weight
is being agitated as a plan to affect
the cost-of-living problem in favor of
the housewife and enable her to come
nearer getting the worth of her money.
It It will do either, or both, it should
be adopted without delay, providing it
entails no Incidental hardship that
would offset its benefits.
But would such a plan produce
these results? Theoretically, one is
Inclined to answer yes, for it does
seem that one would be paying only
for what he got by buying by weight
and not measure, or article. Yet in
places where the plan has been In
vogue has it accomplished this? Cal
ifornia has always bought by weight,
even potatoes, fruit nearly every
thing in the edible line, and yet the
people of California have been caught
by the hlgh-cost-of-living wave along
with the rest of us. In Cuba, it is
said, the plan works with good results,
It being applied even more thoroughly
there than in California. Eggs are
bought by the pound in Cuba and the
American advocates of the plan pro
pose that we buy eggs the same way.
That might be the ultimate solution
of this "fresh-egg" problem, who
knows? Fresh eggs are not as heavy
as some others which might be a clue.
But could the wholesaler as well as
the retailer not manipulate prices on
the weight system as well as any
other? On the surface the plan looks
all right, and those who are advocating
It declare that It is, but somehow it
falls to strike the ordinary person as
more infallible than the established
Future of Nicaraugua.
Aside from the natural satisfaction
in the final triumph of the Insurgents
of Nicaragua, what interests the
United States more than anything else
Is to know whether or not General
Estrada, the new president, will keep
the promises he made as the leader of
the revolutionists and set about to es
tablish peace and practical relations
with the United States. If he will and
can do this, then Americans may feel
more gratification than ever in the de
feat of the liadris and Zelaya forces.
This country went, perhaps, as close
to the point of testing the neutrality
laws as It could In its sympathy for
the revolutionists, while being careful
not to transcend that International
line, and it was perfectly natural for It
to hope for the ultimate overthrow of
the old regime, which would have been
a constant Irritant as long as It had a
vestige of power left. From diplo
rustic as well as commercial considera
tions it is desirable that every such
condition in South America be over
come wherever possible.
And now, next to the hope that the
new Nicaragua administration will
play fair with Its own people and
other natious, all the world may well
wish that with the overthrow of the
Zelaya regime the provocation for rev
clutlon is eifectually extinguished. It
will be enough for the spirit only to
survive, fo long as that dwells latent
there will not be so much danger of an
outbreak, provided this passionate loy
alty Is tempered by a better grade of
sense than either of the last two ad
ministrations displayed.
Nicaragua ought to have had
enough of revolution. It has, in fact,
bad more than is good for the nation
and Its people; snd at best they will
require a long period of serious effort
to recover fully from the emaciating
effects of continued civil strife. Their
commerce and Industry, trade at home
and abroad, as well as their interna
tional standing all have suffered and
must, If Nicaragua is to amount to
anything in the next few years, be re
vived. And how can this be done
other than through the operation of
peace and of unity among the people?
What measure of friendship and. es
teem other nations accord to this one
must depend entirely on Nicaragua
itself and Its conduct. It has this ad
vantage to begin with on a new start,
namely,' the good will that always
comes to the victor in such crises, and
particularly the good will which would
naturally come to the victor over such
a tyrannical regime as that which has
just been deposed.
The Nation-Wide Primary.'
Has the experiment with the direct
primary for the nomination of state
and local tickets proceeded far enough
to call for the nation-wide primary to
determine our presidential tickets by
direct vote? That is the question
which is suggested by the announce
ment of Senator Cummins that he in
tends to introduce in the next seslon
of congress a bill providing for na
tional nominating primaries on the
same plan that has been developed in
the various states.
Waiving for the moment the point
whether congress can constitutionally
exercise any authority over the nomi
nating machinery of the political par
ties, there are practical difficulties
which stand in the way of any imme
diate inauguration of the direct pri
mary for the make-up of the presiden
tial ticket. Ours is a federal govern
ment, recognizing the equality of the
states in the upper branch of congress
and regarding the states as units,
whereas the direct primary making the
candidate receiving the highest vote
throughout the nation as the nominee
for president would completely disre
gard state lines and practically de
prive the people of a large part of the
country of even the small voice which
is now accorded them. Before we
are ready for a nation-wide primary it
would be logical for us first to elect
our presidents by direct vote and abol
ish the electoral college, which' as an
intermediator operates as it was de
signed to operate to obviate the ine
qualities of a direct vote.
No one will contend that our system
of national nominating conventions
could not be advantageously revised
and reformed in the direction of mak
ing the apportionment and control
conform more closely to the distribu
tion of party strength. The defects',
however, are not confined to any one
political party, but are common to all
of them, although perhaps more ac
centuated in one than another. In
the last republican national convention
an effort was made to curtail the over-
representation of the southern states,
but it failed chiefly because the plan
proposed did away with representation
of congressional districts and would
make it possible for the larger cities
in many states to monopolize all the
delegates and leave the sparsely set
tled districts wholly at their mercy.
A federal law regulating the national
nominating conventions could accom
plish all that a nation-wide primary
could accomplish, but, as already indi
cated, our best constitutional lawyers
are convinced that no power is vested
in congress to legislate on this subject
at all.
Regular Attendance at School.
It is nearly time for the opening of
another school year and parents as
well as pupils are preparing for the
event. In their plans and prepara
tions both should resolve upon the
most regular attendance possible. Next
to goijig to school at all the most im
portant thing for the child ia to go
regularly. .Statistics show that while
250,000 children go from the grammar
or grade into the high schools every
year In the United States, another
250,000 fail of graduation and drop
out of the procession without complet
ing the grades, and a large proportion
ot these failures is due to irregular at.
tendance. Another large proportion la
due to physical Imperfections, which
in the end amounts to the same thing,
for it begets irregularity.
Various other reasons are assigned
for this great army of school failures,
one of which is that the elementary
course is too hard for the average
pupil; that only by dint of the most
supreme effort Is the ordinary child
able to complete It in the prescribed
period of eight years. If this be true,
or no matter from what angle we view
this Question, It must suggest the im
perative necessity of regular attend
ance. If, for Instance, the average
pupil can scarcely make the course by
exerting his maximum powers with full
attendance, how can he be expected
to make it, say with only two-thirds
or three-fourths attendance? It is
not possible for very many boys and
girls of grammar school ages to attend
school only three-fourths or two-thirds
of the time aiyl get what experts ad
mit la a test of the best powers to ob
tain In four-fourths time. In all prob
ability more failures between the ages
of 7 and 14 are due to irregular at
tendance than to any other one cause.
Parents should think of this and those
who proceed on the theory that It Is
doing the child a kindness to let him
stay out of school now and then should
stop to consider this: If, as experts
say, the course is above rather than
below the abilities of the average
child, how does it lighten the child's
task to permit him to attend irregu
larly, thus requiring htm to do in part
time what it takes his level best to do
In full time?
Of course circumstances arise that
sometimes compel a child's absence
from school. This fact should make
regular attendance when possible all
the more urgent.
Not & Dogmatic Age.
Dogmatism in Christianity has been
condemned by William Adams Brown
of Union Theological seminary, one of
the eminent theologians of the coun
try, as destructive in its tendency of
the real, practical good of the faith.
He attacks the old Idea of interpreting
the Bible simply as a miraculous and
unerring book, contending that this
theory Is inimical to the largest satis
faction of Christianity, as well as a
distortion of the facts and influence
of the Bible. He would have the
church study the Bible for its por
trayal of practical life, character and
moral teaching as they apply to every
day activities and the Immediate needs
of the human race. Christ had a great
social purpose, he says, and he went
about meeting it in a most matter-of-fact
way. Why is it necessary to look
over these experiences in the Bible
and pretend to find its genuine in
spiration in the exceptional miracles
and parables?
Dr. Brown Is not alone in his attack
upon dogmatism in religious teachings
and practices. The trend of modern
thought la all on his side. This is not
the day of the dogmatist, in religion
or anything else. The world is too
generally enlightened, people are too
much bent on finding the truth to be
content with dogmatism in any form.
This is a tolerant age, but not tolerant
enough to admit Infallibility in any
thing short of the Infinite. Men pre
fer to study and think as their own
minds and reason, guided by the light
of the truth as they see it dictate for
themselves. They demand intellectual
emancipation in all the schools of
thought and research, and this is not
undermining the system of Christian
ity, but instead it ia contributing to
its stability and strength and potency
as the great soul-stirring, mind-moving
power of the universe.
Dogmatism could not thrive in a
day where popular government is
reaching out its influences in such a
wide scope as the present It needs
a different atmosphere to grow in,
where the mass of the people look to
an acknowledged leader for their pre
digested mind food and people are not
doing that today."
No institution, no system of mental
or moral Instruction or influence,
needs to be more careful to avoid dog
matism than the church and the Chris
tian religion, in the former days when
the church set Itself up in the more
restricted sense as the . substitute of
the kingdom of God on earth, instead
of drawing men into It and teaching
them the true ways to righteousness,
it set up bars and barriers by its -very
dogmatism that kept men out of its
folds and possibly discouraged their
search for what the church called the
"Great Truth." But this fault can be
alleged against the church today only
In sporadic cases. In the main It is
making splendid headway toward
truer, better and sounder religion.
I Beauty a Bar to Bushiest t
Homely girls are so rare in St. Louis
that a florist, who wants one for cash
ier, is compelled to seek her through
the channel of the want ad. He wants
an "ugly girl or woman" because the
pretty ones have all quickly Jeft his
employ to get married and he finds it
impossible to keep a good-looking
This la a remarkable coincidence of
beauty as a bar to business and a step
to matrimony, and must suggest to
some fair ones who would prefer to be
married rather than remain single the
golden opportunities awaiting them in
the florist shops of St. Louis.
On to St. Louis, girls! Tis the
mecca of your hopes, the chance of
your lives. It is your own fault If you
fall to find the one best man In the
world. He Is looking for you at the
counter of the rose-tinted, fragrant
florist counters in this metropolis of
old Missouri. And why is that not
the most likely place of all to tempt
Cupid, who has always found a plenti
ful harvest among the flowers, rich
with their intoxicating aroma. There
Is only one more natural abiding place
and that is out in the gardens where
the lilies and roses and lilacs and but
tercups grow.
But one may wonder still how suc
cessful this St. Louis florist will be in
his quest. What woman is Koine to
admit by her application for the place
that she is ugly? And even if she were
so honest and outspoken, with whom
would the final abitrament rest? Per
haps hers and the employer's ideas
and Ideals of homeliness and pulchri
tude would vary so widely as to ex
clude her at last. But whatever th
outcome may be, It only goes to show
that Dan Cupid Is keeping faithful
vigil for fair victims wherever he may
set his trap.
Colonel Roosevelt and Mr. Bryan
might sit down and rub liniment on
each other's bumps, says the Wall
fctreet Journal, typical, of the Wall
street view, but if helping the bumps
is to be the object of the liniment,
would It not be better to wait until the
New York state convention Is over to
be sure Mr. Bryan were sitting down
with the real victim?
Colonel Watterson should rejoice
that he has extracted the first sem
blance, of a concession from Mr. Bryan,
who ia response to the Kentucky edi
tor's appeal to "be good," says he will
"think about it." That la further than
he has ever done and even if he never
does more than "think about It," the
colonel may flatter himself that he
has scored at least one point In these
fourteen years.
The Beef trust Is said to be under
fire In Boston. Still, no use to divert
any of the government's troops from
the western forest reserves for a little
bean shooter blase like that.
Colonel Watterson tells Mr. Bryan
that the democrats who opposed him
In 1896 are all dead, but himself. Is
not that a little strong, colonel?
, i
raaa Him t'p.
Wall Street Journal,
No man Is worth his salt who cannot
give 100 per cent of service whether the
"boss" Is looking or not
A Common Problem.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
About the hardest conservation nrohlrm
the country faces today Is the old, old
problem of conserving the family pocket-
Training; Put to I se.
Baltimore American.
It now apepara that Bwano Tumbo did
not have the practice and experience of
going through those African jungles hunt
ing wild game for nothing.
Common Source of Numbers.
New York Herald.
The census report say the country's
growth depends on Immigrants and their
progeny. Certainly! If It wasn't far these
only the Indians would be here.
Practically I'dsbIoiosi,
Boston Herald.
General Grant's proposition that In case
of war automobile owners be compelled to
give up their cars to the government at
cost Isn't alarming. Most ot them would
be willing.
Economy la Borrowing.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
We are told that an aeroplane may be
bought for 11,600, but that It will cost 82,000
in breakage before one learna to fly. The
beet plan appears to be to borrow one's
neighbor's machine to learn on.
Who Hm the Goods f
Chioago Post.
The United States forest servloe la adver-
tlklng for a xylotomlaL We are not quite
certain what a xylotomlat Is, but the man
in the flat overhead plays something that
sounds like It every night. .
Real Insurgents in Prospect.
Baltimore American.
The women voters of Colorado have
nominated a woman as one of the state's
candidates for congress. It is safe to say
that if a woman goes to the legislative
halls of the nation, the "Insurgency" now
prevailing there will look like a meek little
sputter In the candle besides the real thing
an up-to-date woman will show them. Tra
ditions will fly before her vaocuum-clean-ing
oratory and the Idols of precedent wlU
tumble at her touch.
Significant Tendencies Noted la the
Census Retnsna.
New York Times.
The population ot the United States has
been augmented by 9.000.00Q Immigrants in
the last docaJe. These, together with 6.000,-
000 or 6,000,000 of natural Increase a large
part of these additional' millions being the
native children of immigrants will make
up the total gain In population since 1900.
This country has In its 'brief existence
witnessed the greatest floods of immigra
tion of all time. The Immigrants come to
build our railroads, our highways, our
subways, to dig ditches and drains, to
blat In mines and Quarries, to cut the
fotest. till the farms, and, the female
portion of them, to do the nation's house
work. Most of the disagreeable chores and
the hard, strenuous manual labor we de
pend on them to do. This dependence can
not last.
Whut shall we do when the streams of
Immigration dwindle? American parents are
Intent upon educating their chlldron above
the cruder oocupations. The Immigrants
are already fewer in comparison with the
gross (population of 00,000.000. Labor It
growing dearer. What shall be done when
the professions become more cho'.ied and
the trades are deserted?
Our Birthday Book
August 88, 1810.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who bears
the most Uustrtous name In German lit
erature, was born Aug. 28, 1749 at Frank
fort and died In 1832 at Weimar. . Among
his many works, "Faust" Is generally con
sidered his masterpiece.
Count Leo Tolstoi, the. celebrated Rus
sian author, Is 12 years old today. He
preaches and practices the doctrine of
non-resistance, and Is the best known
Russian of the uay.
Bellamy Btorer, former ambassador to
Italy, who figured In a notable corre
spondence with President Roosevelt, was
born August 28, 1867 In Cincinnati. He
Is a lawyer by profession, and was mem
ber of congress before he went into the
diplomatic corps. t
Francis O. Newlands. United States
senator from Nevada, Is sixty-two. He
was born In Natchez, Miss., and ctjjie to
the front In the free sliver movement
culminating In 1 898.
William Htapleton, editor of the Denver
Republican, was born August 88, 1867, at
Milwaukee. He has been In the news
paper business for forty years.
Charles 8. Elgutter, with law offices
In the Bee building, was born August 28,
1881, at Sun Jose, Cat. He was educated
In Phillips academy and Harvard
university, and was a member ot
the Omaha school board for one term.
Frank B. Johnson, secretary and mana
ger of the Omaha Printing Company, Is
celebrating his fiftieth birthday. He'was
born at Rock Bluffs, Neb., and started
out originally as teller In ...e Omaha
National bank.
John W. Towle, civil engineer and con
tractor. Is Just -ilrty-eight. He was
born -at Falls City, Neb., and graduated
at Cornell and la now the head of several
bridge companies.
D. Clem Leaver, general agent for the
land department of the Burlington, was
born August 28, 1814. He is a native
of Ohio. He was twice appointed mem
ber of the Board of Fire and Police com
missioners and wss for five years re
ceiver of the United States land office
at O'Neill. He has been with the Burling
ton since 1606.
Horsce 11. Corneau, one of Omaha's
policemen. Is Just thirty-one. He was
born at Decatur, and received his star In
Dallas C. Rich, of the Omaha police de
partment. Is 28 years old today. He la a
native of Kansas, and haa been two year
on tha lime.
Even a weather man earns a slice df cake
occasionally. '
Starting In as a scorcher, the last week
of summer overturned the Icebox and
scooted for cover.
The Oklahoma branch ot the Ananias club
Is enjoying the greatest prosperity experi
enced since the sooners rushed over the
Kansas border.
Having convinced themselves that they
have not received their full share of the
automobile loot, garage owners In New
York City have advanced their charges 20
per cent.
By the deft touch of a penman the word
"no" was substituted for "any" In the pu,re
food act ot Bouth Dakota, and the "Joker"
saved venders of adulterated food from
A noted weather prophet of Canada, Prof.
K. Stone Wiggins, died at Ottawa last Bun-
day, aged 71. Twenty years ago his re
marks on the weather . rivalled campaign
predictions In public esteem.
Experience and observation covering a
period of five years convinces Prof. Garner
that monkey talk develops twenty-eight
different sounds. Evidently the professor
did not get his ear close to the ground
when a primary recount contest was on.
The Des Moines spirit of boost overflows
In the double number of the Midwestern, "a
magaslne of appreciation," published by
Carolyn M. Ogllvie at the Iowa capital, it
Is an attractive and helpful number, copi
ously illustrated with capital scenery and
progress, and scores of portraits of men
and -women whose energetlo co-operation
makes the Iowa world move.
If the members of the American Press
Humorists' association are alive to the In
terest of tha order, heroic measures should
be taken to suppress the storied gags pub
lished In the anniversary souvenir of the
Baltimore American. Antedating Joe Mil
ler's beet efforts by a quarter of a century
and bearing the vintage label of 1778, they
have earned official Interment beyond range
of repeUtlon. Let the living Jokers bury the
Conservation of Hints Life
snendnble Policy.
New York World.
a Com-
The Pennsylvania State Board of Health
reports that the expenditure of 83.0OP.OO0
in four years In the Interest of the public
health has resulted In saving 838,000,000 to
the commonwealth.
This ia conservation of a moat desirable
quality. It goes toward maintaining those
greatest resources of a state which Tie
In a people rich in physical and mental
The Pennsylvania board hag fought diph
theria effectively with antitoxin. It has re
duced the death-rate from consumption,
"the white plague," from 1.14 to 120 per 1,000,
and is about to do belter by adding two
new tuberculosis colonies to the one now
In operation. It has cut the typhoid rate
in half by shutting off fever-breeding nui
sances in streams, open drains and unsan
itary premises.
When Dr. Wiley waa reminded In Wash
ington Saturday of commercial interests
Involved under the rigor of his pure-food
rulings, "I don't give a hang," said he,
"for the business world. What I care for
la the health of the people." As the Penn
sylvania board shows us In figures, public
good health is a publlo asset.
, i
Transition from the Pnlpit to the
, Footlights. i
Chioago Record-Herald.
The minister who last week gave" up
the pulpit for the stage was not the flrot
of his profession to take the step, but he
is the first to enter comic opera and also
the first to take his wife into it with him.
Earlier clerical venturers Into the drama
have generally, professed a high Intellectual
ambition in the direction of Shakespeare.
The newest convert to the footlights waa
not only a minister but the son of a min
ister. Tet one may well doubt the authen
ticity of his "call." WukIo seems to have
been a stronger influence with him than
theology. A still stronger influence ap
pears to have been the necessity of earn
ing an adequate living a feat of ever in
creasing difficulty, as it would seem, in
the ministry.' The salary was too low. The
increased cost of living has hit the pulpit
as well as the pews. The pews, while
Mcognlslng the fact as regards themselves,
have rather blinked it as regards the pul
pit The laborer is worthy of his hire, and
this fact must be borne in mind by con
gregations If still further defections among
the preachers are not to occur.
Pliers nnd Flying- Machines aa Fac
tors la Fatar Ware.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The chief of the signal corps, no doubt
taking the cue. from General Grant's rec
ommendation with regard to automobiles,
wants a law passed to make all aeroplanes,
with their owners or operators, liable to
draft in time of war. So a dispatch from
Washington Informs us. The suggestion
must strike even a layman as extremely
wise. With a full supply of aeroplanes at
Its disposal, the army should be able to
fall on the opposing forces more often and
more unexpectedly .than It has heretofore
been able to do. The aeroplane, In point
of fact, seems specially designed to per
mit people to fall unexpectedly, and with
crushing effect, on objects or persons, In
this respect It la superior to even the army
mule. Perhaps the chief ot the signal
corps has In mind at present little t more
than the utilization of the drafted aero
planes and operators In connection wltb
slgpal operations. But It requires little
Imagination to see that this will probably
be the least Important of the services they
will eventually render to the army.
Painless Annexation.
Boston Transcript,
The annexation of Korea by Japan will
not be a painful operation. It will consist
of little more than the documenting with
much profusion of signatures and sealing
max of what has long bean an accomplished
fact. The emperor of Korea and other
notabilities will be comfortably provided
for and the common people will have to
accept the situation with the best grace
that the presence of Japanese bayonets
recommends. The annexation means the
tearing up of many treaties, but that Is
something the world la becoming used to
and against which It utters little protrst
when the destroyers are strong.
Frosh 17. 1 nod Hard Coal 010.50
Havens-White Coal Co.
1618 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
TaUphonaa Oeutlaa t30, Intl. A-1t8l.
The Brown Truck Mfg. Co
City Office and Salesrooms,
latti and Harney. Orpheum Dldgr.
II it a Track Ton Wut, Wt Aiki It Ctll or Telephone Dou, 2964
Duty Is never done bv dreaming of It.
A small religion wUl never draw M mm
The only way to feel right Is t. gel
It takes more than polishing to nial.s
men shine.
Faith Is more than taking everyone at
his face value.
Much of our education la only an attempt
to polish putty.
The louder the pious bluffing the less
the heavenward hauling. .a
Few things have less feeling th:f? the
piety that Is all feeling.
When a man always does what he wants
no one wants what he does.
Progre Is to be known by develnplng
consciousness of the unaltalned.
You are not Retting ready to shine In
glory by withholding your light here.
Grunting would not be ao much of a sin
if the grunters did not demand an audi
ence. Repentance may have tears, but It Is
never genuine with endeavor for better
The blessing of prayer Is not a reward
for telling the omnlecent all about our
Most fads are winnowing winds, the less
the weight the greater the speed with
which they are followed Chicago Tribune.
Pulsatilla Well. I suppose you and Har
old have kissed and made up.
Stllllngla no, Indeed! We we made up
first. Chicago Tribune.
Belle. Nellie, dear, may I Introduce you
to my fiance?
Nellie. Delighted to meet you, sir. All
of your predecensors have been such bully
fellows. Cleveland Leader.
Ella Nothing very serious about her.
Htella. I should say not. If that woman
knew the world was coming to an end next
week. It would be Just like her to write to
a newspaper, asking what to do for black
heads. Harper's Bazar.
With a sudden cry Clorinda fell on hie
"Then you love me!" he ecstatically mur
mured. "No," she coldly replied as she finally
straightened up. You are quite mistaken.
I got my feet skewed In this ding blistered
hobble skirt." Cleveland Plain Dealer..
"Th. man ... Vi n V . ..... 1 l-f, V. -
4m,M his living by the pen."
'So be does.'
"He doesn't look like
literary char-
"He iBn't. He's the warden
of a state
prison." Baltimore American.
The Iowa woman whose husband "struck
her In the coliseum" can sympathise with
the Boston man who "was shot In the
gas house."
And both of them can afford to give a
little pathetlo consideration tq fJie Chicago
girl who "was tanning on he, Vacation."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
" 'Scuse me, ma'am." said the hobo to the
lady at the front door, "can yous spare a
pore beggar a copper?"
"Certainly answered the lady, and, turn
ing to a speaking tube, she called: "Jane,
send that policeman you have in the kitchen
up here at once."
But the hobo was beating It up the near
est alley. Chicago News.
' Auntie Back from the sewing circle? I
suppose you are making a crazy quilt for
poor old lady Jones?
Gwendolyn Not much. Each girl brought
a piece of busted auto and we are going to
have them put together into a new machine
for poor divorced Mrs. Uplsh. Puck.
"There la no use talking about It," said
the stern old maiden aunt, with a snap of
her firm mouth. "When two silly folks
like you put your beada into the matrimon
ial noose "
"Yes, aunty?"
"You ought to hang together." Baltimore
"Here's a man returns to his wife aftex
an Absence of twenty years."
"What excuse did he give for staying;
away all that timer
"Bald he couldn't ' get the samphf
matched." Washington Herald.
Pall Mall Gaaette.
At the sot of the aun,
When our work Is done.
With all its tangled web;
When the clouds drift low,
And the stream runs slow.
And life is at 1U abb.
As we near the goal.
When the golden bowl
Shall be broken at Its fount.
With what aweeteet thought
i Shall the hour be fraught.
What precious most shall we count?
Not the flame of the sword,
Nor the wealth we have stored
In perishable things of earth
Not the way we have trod
With the Intellect broad.
Though that were of precious worth.
Nor the gain we achieved
Through the hearts we have grieved
And left unhelped by the way,
Nor the laurel of fame.
When, for worldly acclaim, .
We tolled In the heat and the frtr
Ah. no, 'tis not these
Will grve our hearts ease,
V'hen life sinks low In the west.
But the passing sweet thought
Of the good we have wrouxht.
The saddened Uvea we have b.';.
And the love we have won,
And the love beckoning on
From his islands far and dim;
Love out of the light.
Shining Into the night.
The night which leadeth to Him.
French Vichy Water
from Vichy France
Is onlv one of over 100 kinds or Mineral
Waters we sell. We buy direct front
Springs or Importer and are In posltloi
to make low price and guarantee fresh
ness and 1 genuineness. Write for oata
log us.
Crystal Ltthla (Excelsior Springs) t gal.
Ion Jug, at 9&.04.
Salt Sulphur, (Excelsior Springs) gal
lon Jug. at Sa.SS
Diamond Llthla Water. gallon bottle.
now at ...40o
1 dozen S4.00
Sulpho Saline water, qt. bot 26c, doc. g.SS
Hegvni Water, lion. qL bottle See
1 dozen, at ta.BS
Carlbbad gprudel Wasser. bottle ....Me
1 dosen, at $aO
French Vichy water, bot. 40a, doa....4.50
Appolllnarls Water, qts.. pt. and Splits,
at lowest prices.
Allouex Magnesia watsr, qt. Sic, dot S.60
Buffalo Llthla Water. gal. bottle . .Se
1 dozea va 8 .79
Ballardvale, pts. 16c, doz
Ballardvale, qta., 20c, dos a. SO
BailardvalM, H gain. 40c, dox 4.00
Colfax water, H-gal. bot. 8a, doa..3.S0
Delivery fre In Omaha, Council Bluffs
and South Omaha.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Corner Itth aad Dodge Bts.
Owl Drag Co.
Corner Sh aad Xarasy Sta.