' i t V fr.E BEE: OMAHA,- SATTTTPAY. ATT.t ST 27, 1010 1G lAvoes Home of Hart, Scliaifner & Marx Clothes I f1t MUAtCC THC MfLlftSLg ITOg mm t 1 V aLa, . There's only "One Best" in anything, ready-to-wear ciouic not excepted and those who know unanimously select : . . : i 1 - , .iS:r - " " m I imunrrr. Big- Ad ,f H r v ' 1 lor.M. n kVAINLL L- Tl M ! ' w t t ' I i ( i 1! f '5 t ' AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF Women's Fine Lace Neckwear WORTH UP Tp 75c, at 25c M p ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO A MANUFACTURER'S SHOW ROOM SAMPLES AND SURPLUS STOCK OF Yo men's Pure Silk Vests All pure Italian silk, elegantly embroid ered and lace trimmed fronts pink, blue and white all sizes. Our window display has attracted thousands MANY ACTUALLY WORTH $4.00 EACH, at WOMEN'S PURE ITALIAN SILK VESTS at $1.25 Each Plain silk ribbon trimmed pink, blue and white- nr many worth $2.50; at, each $lAe) Women's Foil Elbow Length These silk gloves are in black only, sizes 6 to 7 QQ worth 75o a pair, at, pair. '. fJvL Women's full elbow length pure Milanese silk gloves in black, white and pongee worth up to $1.25 C0 a pair, at, pair. utL HOSIERY SALE Women's fine Imported lisle and cotton hosiery allover lace and lace boot patterns, fine mercerized lisle black, tan and light m colors double soles, heels and toes worth up to 50c pair Si1 at, pair , UfMj Women's fin cotton fashioned seamless hos iery, all black and black with split soles Man's fine Imported cot ton hosiery, full regu lar made, double aolea, heela and toea black. regular and out al tan and gray, worth 2 So a pair, at, pr.. . worth up to Ma pair, at. jair me HEN'S SHOES FOR FALL All Hhe newest styles for men, built on comfortable lasts the most popular leathers. The right shoes to buy for the coming season excellent 9 values (Old Store, Main Floor), at. . . . vd"$tJ.9U-$i fflZ STATIONERY MAIN FLOOR NEW STORE Our Special "Cloth Finish" Paper Put up expressly for us and regularly sold at 25c per pound. A pound con tains over four quires (100 Envelopes to match; 2 pkgs. POKER CHIPS Engraved and plain worth 50o to $1.25 per 100 ior dox oi iw. . i ... 4 (Stationery' Department Main Floor) LOTS OF GOOD. READING IN THESE PAPER NOVELS at..... Books by the leading and popular writers. They are slightly soiled. . MmTioorD,pt DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES TOH.II ABTICUS . SBo Banltol Tooth Powder 13c 26c Sanltol Tooth Paste l4o 26c Colgate's Denial Powder 16o IBc Batln Bkln Cream ;..lSo 25c iSanttol Face Cream 16o T6o Pompelan Massage BSo $1.60 Oriental Cream S1.0 26c Williams' Talcum 16o 26c l.llac Talcum 7 2&c Hatlnette Rice Powder ISO 11.00 1'lvers' Le Trefle Powder. ..Boo 60c Posxoni's Powder BSo )1 slse Flower Girl Toilet Water. 7o 60o alie Flower Ulrl Toilet Water Sao 60c White Rose or Pansy Blossom Perfume oa. ., BSo 6o Chamois , Bo ffjonth aide BRANDEIS STORES THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to its members on July 1st $89,000 Dividends. It has never . paid to its members less than six per cent per f rtf I annum for 27 O I for a monthly I ' be openea any DIVIDEND $5,000 received. juud $G7,000. Address, S. E. 3EE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS That's What You Want. New Dutch, Sailor and Middy Shape Collars, In fine Crochet, Baby Irish and VenlBe effects, new Dutch Embroidered Collars with real crochet medallions, lace Jabots in dainty embroidered, crochet and Venlae effects, lace and tailored Stocks, hand made satin RoBes In natural color ef fects all new cre ations endless va riety on big bar gain sauare 75c, at, Each. . . Italian Pare Milanese Silk Gloves Women's and children's fine cotton and mercer ized Hale hosiery, al over lace and lace boot, also boys,' mlsKes' and children's ribbed hose; black and col- r ore, worth 26c . aC a pair, at v For Saturday sheets) 4 r for. . .19c i OAFS 6 cakes Ivory boap for iso 16o Ijiquozone Soap eo tbo Packers Tar boap ia0 lOo Palm Olive Soap 70 I cakes Colgate's English Process 'or BSo PHOTO STJPPUES T tubes M. W. Developer BSo 4-ounce Measuring Ulaas 7o 1 lb. Hypo "8o 4x5 Developing Trays 170 We do developing and finishing Films left before noon may be had the same day. BU1BH OOOSSJ 76o Fountain Syringe 490 76c Hot Water Bottlo , 0 IS 50 Marvel Douche Ba.TS 11.60 Victor's Douche $3.00 Mala Ploor years. Saving accounts calling payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may a uay, or lump sums oi not over Ask for Booklet "A" and Be other information Assets $3,600,000. lieserve Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. CLOTHING CO. U3e Fail, SySts 1 atnrdaj wo bold our Znangnral Bala of ITew Tall Bnita for Men and Young Men. beautiful avowing of tks best models in the newest col orings, such as tbo new browns, fancy bines, novelty eaaslmsres, sto. Handsomely tailored and positively sold by otbsr stores at B18.00. Inaugural S1 rfT00 Broken lota of Light and Medium Weight Suits that form erly sold at (16.00 and 118.00 Saturday Final Clean-Up THOVSBXS Worth 16.00 and 9 00 THOUSEXS I Worth (3.60 and C9 IC 14.00, at $8.00, at. Furnishing Collar Attached Pongee Shirts, that sold up to $1.00; Saturday 4Qq Cr (5Kf (JuKi, Q53rW Omaha Special Specials for 36c box French Domino Sugar... BOo 6 cakes White Ribbon Bath Soup B4o Three 10c cakes Toilet Soap 15o 26c can K. C. Baking Powder. ... X5d 8 sacks pure Table Salt lOo 16c Imported French Hardlnes. . . ,10o Best quality Mustard Sardines, So, 80 Butter, Eggs and Lotus Butter (cartons) lb 33o Our best Country Butter, (In srnl- tary Jars) per lb 33 o Strictly fresh Guaranteed Eggs, per ' dosen goo flanch Eggs, per dos S4o -New York made Cheesa 800 Pure CJ J 7 "ooJ0" & R V"" V JVfV f X-unobson Food KcQVklWR f Center. X3AiJ) , U V7 VOmo. Fruit and Vegetable Department. Lemons, per dozen 90o Pears, per dozen BSo I Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb So Grape Fruit, Lines, Blackberries, I Tea Department For Te that's nice. For Tea to Ice, Try Courtney's, lb. BOo, BOO, 7BO, $1.00 Nelson's Gelatine sells regularly, per irtyQ sa5S3 -O f?WrQ That's a strong statement when It is applied to the aver age boy, who has mighty llttU regard for shoe leather, Is juBt what we mean when we refer to our boys' shoes. - 1 to 5 sizes at. .. $2. OO 10 H to 13 M sizes at $1.75 These may cost you a trifle more In the beginning, but you will find them worth all of the difference. We guar-; antee that, in fact w guar antee every pair to be satisfac tory to the boy and the par ent that's two different peo ple to satisfy, but we do It, and Saturday Is a good day for you to try us out. Be sure and bring the boy with you. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam &L THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiously awaited by those who are specially interested in lands, the 6ort that buy and sell and encourage others to do likewise. HAIR BALSAM mm aim! EsasmAf the fetfe Mvr Falls to )ltor Qn A Boy's I 'Dependable' L. 41 Sale Prlco 0.88 Sale of Trousers TKOUSEP.S Worth 12.60 and CI OA 13.00, at Specials One Hundred Dozen t, per Fancy worth 16 . pair QTOW, QSSK i Saturday White and Yellow Meal, sack. 48-lb. sack ".Lotus" Flour ..... Pretzela, bulk, per lb Soda Crackers, per lb 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuits ...... Grape-Nuts, per pkg Chees8 Department Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb. Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. . ; Pin Money Pickles (bulk) qt. Our own make Peanut Butter per lb. jars . .100, 85o Blueberries, Mint, Imported Arti chokes, Head Lettuce. Cauliflower, Spinach, Grapes, Plums, Peaches, etc. pkg. 15c Saturday lOo Q Suchard's Soluble Cocoa, sells regu- 2' larly 25c Saturday Jell-O, per pkg. . . . . . . .aoo ....0 tfyrw) rfgUyno.) .y tS225SO Why Does an Indian Toe In? and . other ."questions of moment" should never creep Into advertising copy: We realize this, so oftentimes we ."omit the third stanza," on ac count of adverse criticism, but when It comes to the chorus we repeat It several times and now you are quite familiar with these words Our New Shoes for Men at $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 excel anv lines ever shown in the city at HOSEBATS FSZCES. The quality of. the leather, the trimming of the shoes and the beauty of the STYLES have attracted the attention and In terest of the Ken of Omaha, and we are doing the best business of any year, covering tht9 season, and are selling these BUSIJTESS BUILDERS In our old location 314 South 18th St. Special uoes Every Man Knows "Ed" Pa Bourse's asigHDOr (on wmr Dm..; It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest iff .THE BECR. YOU LIKE JA SLHT HOME ConwimarV Distributer John Nittler 3224 S. 24th Street m Dauf. 1689, Rig 3932 . . . A-1420 ....li..!, .A ..150 I i.:3 O ...eo ...BO $ ..150 $ ..100 850 il ...350 i ...600 $ (bulk) fj . ..200 - and 600 j) If .LA. J j mm Inlail, They not only choose it, but they know why they do so all-wool fabrics, artistic tailoring, exclusiveness in design and weave combine in H., S. & M. clothes, to the fullest deoree of perfection, unexcelled in any respect by the best' quality tailored to measure clothes; they cost you about half the tailored to measure prices. Wc cordially invite you to look over our big advance showing of New Fall Styles, HAYDENs Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes HAYDEHs TMC BtUABLB BTOag SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY Of Our Great CLEAN-UP SHOE SALE This sale will close with a grand climax of bar gain prices in MenSiWomens and Children s high grade shoes. FRY SHOE CO. THX SEOSBS 10th and Doujjla 8 1 recta. Our Honi3 Mate Grape Wins EITHER BED OB WHITE, MAXES A BETBESKIKO, XXrVXGtOBATIBGr ABO HEALTHTUL DBXBX, 8EBV EI WITH OBACXED ICE. BOB-XW-TOXICATIWt. Tennessee White Corn whiskey (moonshine) 6 years old, per quart ....7Bcj per gallon , $3.60 Maryland rye. 6 years old, per quart ....78o per gallon 52.50 Old Kentucky Bourbon. 8 years old,' per quart. .$1.00; per gallon. .$3.00 Standard brands bottled In bond whiskies per full quart bottles.. $1 Strawberry brandy from the real fruit per quart $1.00 Mall and telephone orders riven prompt attention. CACKEY BROS. Wine Merchants 121 B. 16th Street. Opp. Post Of floe Both Phones OPENING Morand's Dancing School, 18th sad HarnT Sts. Orphenm Theater Bldy. Friday, , September 2d, 8 P. M. Buy your tickets now and save two dol lars from regular price. Offloe hours: jl a. m. to g p. Sundays to p. m. Telephone Douglas J964. , - Roliablo Dontiotry Tail's Dental Rooms . HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. OLD POINT COMFORT (lOTEL CI1AM0ERUN liOATlNO. 11ATH1NU. FISULNti, bAlMNU. OKCHK8TRA, TUNMti. GULF. Unique sea food Culslna, rOKTKb.dd ULMiui, LArgeat Mil. lary tott. oa tlie AUuUo Coast. (jiMHTuN hOAfci. ! Henuosvous lit Ui MaUuu's WarsBlva. Soectal Weekly Bates Jaa a Ootesat Booklets at Ohleaga. Boek tslang raeiio. and Wabash avmUioaae, Or adftreaa WEO. . AOAJCS, MOB, VOKXSLKSM MOSMOJi. VA. Don't Fail to Hear the HUNGARIAN ORCHESTRA Now Playing at ROME'S VINEYARD and SUMMER GARDEN Every Noon and Evening. Hose. lv T??m?L. ' rr" - so 1 - ir ichaff ner i Guaranteed Hand-Tailored Toilet Preparations SATURDAY BARGAINS AT THE REXALL STORES 2Ge Graves' Tooth Powder for..,.18o ttiierinan's Iavenuer hnaiupoo Creain, at U&o, boo ajM stM (uu Cucumber, linuin anu Aiinona Cream .. tbo Mistletoe Cream ..He ittc .eHo 1'uotn i'enclls. ....... .Iso loo J? i each ctiamuls o 1-lb. can Hezall Cold Cream bw Colgate's 'loom Faste. . . .10o and Soo rencli U. Jeralss Ferfume, os. .$lJid Mauame Yale's complete Una ot toilet. ana tiaaitu preparations at out price.. g6c Kspey's Cream lor 140 fl Liabrook'a Violet Toilet Water. boo 26o hexall Tooth Paste. i . .Iso $1.30 Uouraud's Oriental Cream.. SOo 60c La Jeune Face powder Mo Newbro's Herplclde. .4o. SSo and $a.oo fcuc fozzonl's Face Powder Sao Suniret Hose Bloom Rouge 600 16c tfanltol preparations for I'ja 75c os. Janice Perfume for, oz... 490 60c Pompelan Massage Cream for. 39o 76o Pompelan Massage Cream for.6o 25c Holmes' Frostllla for,14o and SOo 60c.Magda Cream for...' , ...380 Galatea Lotlon (liquid face powder) for .'.BOo Prompt ssrrloe Is one of the olstlnynlshlnr eharaoterlitlct of onr stores. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Oor. lath and Dodge. Owl Drag Co., 16th and Harney. imsjsiiiiaiMiiuisssiiJuiiwaMitiiiwiij. 1 OC-s OUR THIRD ANNUAL OUT PRICE ANNOUNCEMENT Wo are still In bnslness stronger and larger with stirrer tonnag tnM erex, ai4 Sato found it neoessary, owing to lnoreaied business, M biMid sow yard. OtXB BBW TABS Is the largest etinottire nsdsr os roof Is. the elty, oorsrs an area of TBJUlB sores, Is ontlxeiy under ooer and weather proofc Bemember wo sare 700. from BOo to S1.B0 on sTry ton of osX QUAXITT The very choicest, as wo buy tho best that Is produced.' KABB OO AX, Hut, Bangs, Bgr, Ornto- Fresh mined (shipped direct from the Hcranton district), periectly dry, .clean, bright and glossy (not dull). Beady for delivery. SPADBA We are stocked us on Arkansas Bpadra. s coal unsurpassed for furnace use. Have on hand Rock ' Bprtn'gs '(nut "and' lnmp), 'Ohio and White Ash lump and a little Illinois coal. Our best grado of Illinois Is not In as yew due to the labor trouble. In tho coal fields. Wo are waiting patiently for tbo strike to end. . Our. order. Is placed for many cars. We thank you for your patronage of previous seasons and hope for s continuance of same, and are In. a position to give you better . service, COUBTBOUS) KSUIATMBSTT and rBOMJPT BBUVKBT combining to give tho maximum of satisfaction at -a minimum cost. . We pay OAB TABB to any one who will 00m down and Inspect onr new yard and talk over tho fuel question with us. Our yard and oiflco are) within walking distance from tho car Una. , ROSENBLATTS CUT PRICE COAL CO. Phonea: fiAVia. ' 1223 Nicholas Street. BOYS FUHANO RECREATION PARENTS The S-Vr CTosstrr mests every demand of the child: Al a coaster un surpassed, ss s go-cart It's Ideal. We have them ahd triced at 3.Bo gafetjr Kuilteys, too. In Btock. An exerciser for ths children. Bafe they can't tip over. Pries.... TOWNSEND GUN CO. 1514 PARNAM 8TREET. Clothing THC gBUABUI tTOU 16a Lustrlte Kali Enamel for.., Palmer's Almond Meal 76c Plnaud's Lilac Vegetal for., 60o Java His Powder for foo Waimutta for 600 Consueio Creain for........ .10 .880 .640 .S50 .$40 850 6O0 Plnaud's Comtesse Face Powder for aao 16o Colgate's Violet talcum 100 gbo Mention's 'laicum .....los hoc Ulna's J4oney and Almond Cream for 4O0 76c qs. btesrn's Pompadour Perfume. oa. .... 4WO 6oc Dr. Charles' kieau Food for..40o 160 1-tagan's Magnolia Balm tor..bo bOo bill! man's Freckle Creain tor. 400 600 Howard s Flesii-Wap i t caltos In box) for '. . . ?".... .360 26c Kenalssanco tioap (3 cakea In box) for 16o iio ck. Pear's Unscented Soap for ISO 60o ck. Boclete Hyglenlque Soap.. Mo 160 ck. LIquosono Soap for Bo ck., 6 for -"Bo Colgate's Mechanlo Soap Paste, 10o g lor B80 o V-v f . . . ,'.f2.at ? I i V sl ' IBEIE K d n I 6