Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Jaunty Jaquin Suit
Things You Want to Know
The German Atl
vanc Theory of
Municipal (iovrrn't.
- ."V; V-
FaquLn costumes always look deceitfully
simple, but the cut Is invariably Intricate
and Origins!. - This Jaunty coat and skirt
Ut Is of black moire silk with facings
In royal blue velvet aod a Persian silk
"Trimming trt shades of the blue and rich
4 1
Types We fleet Every Day ;: rSJSL
VA groan.
with a shake of her
"I've aat in the sun till my nose 1 all red,
'My hand are both raw and my hair blown
awrv. . "
SV And ruy head throbs like mad from the
glare of the sky.
The boat keep on . rocking- and rolling
7TU1 I woulda t mind much if It tumbled
l 1 . - m out- ' '
' Oh, there one Uttte thing that you can t
3 ' prove by nie,
t She truth of There' lot of good fish in
the seal' , . .
"Thl deep water fishing is too deep for me
I To nibble no cod, bake nor bass will agree.
I I've flab and I've fished from the dawn to
I , the dark,
And 411 "that I caught was a vile little
a vv iiftivu tut w mii -.-. .
And aU that I caught was a very bad cold.
t Oh. there on Utile thing that you can't
l 1 , prov tf me,
The truth Qf Ther' ioU f good .fish in
t the a!'
"The captain surrey m with a terrible
look . -
If I ask him to put some more bait on my
So lsdo It myself.' How l hate the sand
With their twlsttngs and wrbjijle and hor
rible iiiulrmi;
And the fish do not like them the least
little nilte,
vFor" all oy lif 'nev oll'l venture to
bite- "
That l. if there' any prove It to tne.
The truth of 'There lots of good fish In
-Although unsuccessful, I tlll persevere,
)ut I- have to confers to a horrible fear;
j tuppu I should haul up and find la a
I fright '
When a Man is 40.
ftome men are at and some at M.
Ooet 1 Imaginary line between youth
sJf-id se.
Forty I old to a man of SO and young to
a man of M. -
At tt some men rult sawing wild oets
and other begin. '
Forty I the aa at which a man la up
posed v be la hi prima.
At 4 a ibm 1 supposed to have reached
orange pink. A straight, broad sailor
collar Is laid across the back of the coat
and apparently held In plaoe by small
'gilt buttons. The buttonhole motifs of blue
velvet on the front of the eoat are espeo
clally interesting.
I'd caught a big. dogfish, who might bark
"or bite;
Or an awful sea-robin, for they, I am told.
Look you straight in the eye, and then
sit up and soold.
Dread horror like that always happen to
Instead of the nice fish that live In the
seal - '
'They've pulled up the anchor we're
Ing tor shore;
When I once get back safely I'll leave
The crew and the captain' may whistle In
I'll never embark on the dark, stormy main.
I'll stay where no billows may tumble and
roar, '
And I'll do all my fishing securely ashore.
We'll fish on dry land, Mr, Cupid and me.
And forget that there' lots of good fish
In the sea!"
(Copyright. liUO, by the N. T. Herald Co )
years of discretion and generally he
unless some woman will tt otherwise.
V tea a map ts 40 he beglna to fesr that
he may have married too early.
Men have been grand futhers at 40 .and
yet found It hard to obtain credit -
There are men of 40 who 'believe It Is un
lucky for one to took over one's left
shoulder st the new moon. '
Forty is the age at which most men find
It necessary to call for help when they try
to put on their evening clothes.
At '40 a man may continue to hope Ihst
there are hair restorer which will restore.
-Chicago Record-Herald
A Look Into the Dock of Job, with
Some Commtath
The Book of Job is on of the most sub
lime pleras of literature to be found any
where. Carlyle say. "This I one of the
grandsst things ever written by pen. It la
our first and only statement of the never
ending problem of man's destiny and God's
way with him In the earth. There l noth
ing written, I think. In the Bible or out of
It of equal merit."
Job was "perfect and upright, and on
that feared Ood and eschewed evil." He
was noted not only for his great piety, but
also for his Immense wealth. He was also
the richest and greatest man In all the east.
After describing . Job and his prosperity
the scene changes to heaven where the
Lord and 8atan are represented aa (raiding
a colloquy. Satan charges Job with a mer
cenary spirit He said, "Doth Job fear Ood
for nought? Take away all that he has and
he will renounce thee to thy face." To
prove that Job ts not serving Him from sel
fish motives, Ood gives his servant over
into the hands of the adversary. Satan
Immediately begins his attack on him. In
quick successive strokes he is bereft of all
his property, his servants, and his children.
Nevertheless through all this he remains
steadfast in, his allegiance to Ood.
Once more the scene Is in heaven and
Satan appears and Is rebuked for trying (o
move Ood against Job without cause. Satan
is quick with an answer. He says the af
fliction was not severe enough. "Put forth
thine hand now," said Satan, "and touoh
his bone and his flesh and he will renounce
thee to thy face." The adversary again re
celves permission to afflict Job. This time
with only one reservation. He Is to spare
his life. Then Job was smitten with Bore
bolls from the sole of his feet unto his
orown. .
In this deeper affliction as in the pre
vious one, notwithstanding his wife, urges
him to renounce Ood and die, Job holds
fast his Integrity.
Then the narrative tells us of Job's
three friends, Ellphaz, the Temanlte; BUdad,
the Shulte, and Zopher, the Naamathtte,
who, having heard of Job's disaster, came
comfort and sympathize with him. It
..... f, "when they lined up tnoir eyes
afar off and knew him not, they lifted
up their voices and wept." These men were
overcome with grief at the sight of their
old and honored friend that for seven days
and seven nights they sat upon the ground
in dust and ashes before they were able
to sufficiently control their emotions to
speak to him. Finally, the afflicted man,
In a fit of passionate despondency, opens
his mouth to curse the day on which he
was born and to plead In all hla despera
tion for' death. ' The outcry arouses the
three friends and the debate between them
and Job begins. Kllphex, perhaps the old
est and wisest of the three, after paying
a beautiful trlbu to bis Suffering friend,
opens up the subject., In his very first
words he sets- forth the proposition or
challenge.. "Remember, I pray thee, who-
Items of
Many ginls and young married women
often are disappointed at the candid crlti
cism passed by their male belongings about,
their clothes. "You never seem to please
a man," said a girl one day. "Something
always seems wrong about a gown In his
eyes. uououess sne naa reason . ior ner
complaint in many -ways, but the real
secret of pleasing the average man Is to
avoid the usual extremes In dress the out
rageously flaring hats and the unwalkable
skirts, ay the Montreal Btar.
Women ought to have a set of rule
about the personal note In their gowns.
They should study the color that become
them, a it 1 from the whole that the re
sult, pleasing or otherwise. Is taken.
Man's highest praise Is usually "She was
awfully well turned out," which means that
the object of their admiration has re
frained from the ultra eccentricities of
fashion and was smart from the top of her
MHT. 1110, If THI
1 ictfrt
I f " ' .' -; t
MY.,rmAirx a kiox.
rartor Seward Street Methodist Church.
ever perished, being innocentT Oh, where
were the upright cut off?" From this point
on to the end of the debate the men who
had come to sorrow with htm and to
comfort him put forth their utmost en
deavors to show to Job that his terrible
affliction Is the result of sin, open or
On the other hand Job strenuously main
tains his Innocence.
Job had appealed to the Lord time and
again through the debate to come and ex
plain the mystery of his suffering. The
Lord appears in a whirlwind and In a sue
cession of pictures he causes Job to see the
glory and power of Ood. The Almighty
however, does not solve the mystery. Job
for his part does not even core for that
now. He has heard the voice of Ood and
has communed with him, and he Is satis
The book has its problems, but they are
of little consequence to us. That which
should interest you and me is, does the book
teach any practical. lessons? Does It throw
any light on the great problems of life? If
these questions can be answered In the at
flrmatlve, then the book will prove a bless'
Ing to very one of us. These questions
seem to be so answered in the author's Idea
and purpose, the one great central thought
of the book Is, "To widen men's view or
God's providence and to set before them a
new view of suffering; to set before them
the new truth that suffering mwr befall
the innocent and not necessarily be
chastisement for sin, but rather a trial oJ
righteousness." The friends of Job wise
and learned as they were knew no other
philosophy or theory of sickness but that
it was he result of sin. Holding such
theory it Is not hard to understand their
terrible grief when they saw the afflicted
man writhing under hla awful afflictions.
Job was widely known not only for his
prosperity and piety, but also for his
benevolence. He had been eyes to the
blind,, ears to .the deaf, feet to the lame, a
father to the needy. He tad caused the
Interest to the Women Folk
well colffured head to her trim footgear.
and also that her gloves were neat and
In the cut glass section of one oil the
department store 1 a charming vase de
signed especially to hold sweet peas. It is
eight and one-half Inches in height and
seven Inchee in diameter at top and base.
It comes In two designs, tno hobnail and
the chrysanthemum cutting, and costs $11.
A bride would welcome this handsome piece
of glassware far above the conventional
gifts usually taking the form of a water
pitcher or the bowl. N
The porcelain Jardiniere In mat green
are very attractive and may be used for a
Browing flowering plant (not a fern or
palm) or for cut flowers. A bowl of nas
turtiums set Into a Jardiniere of this kind
Is very striking, and o are black eyed
.. -i fi mm:
widow to rejoice and he had stood at all
tlmee for righteousness.
Had Job been acting the part of a base
hyprocite through all these years! Have
we twn utterly derived In the man? It
must be so, for otherwise how could these
terrible afflictions come upon him.
Job is terribly afflicted. There Is only
one explanation of It to the friends It Is
the result of Bin. Not some minor sin, but,
being measured by the afflictions, it must
be some awful sin. Thus all through the
debate these men hold tenaciously to their
theory. They were eloquent in their vin
dication of Ood. . They explain, "Doth Ood
pervert Judgment? Or doth the Almighty
pervert Justice?"
On the other hand was Job. He had been
taught the same philosophy. He believed
the same theory. But now his and their
creed Is brought to a singular test. Job
was large enough to see Its failure. He
maintains throughout, his Integrity. I have
not sinned, he declares, over and ofer
again. I cannot understand It, but. I know
I sm right, creed or no creed. He Is still
more perplexed when he opens his eyes
and sees men1 all about him growing fat
by the misfortunes of others. Men who pay
no regard to the Almighty, who oppress
the poor, defraud the Innocent, .natch the
last morsel of bread from the hands of
wiaow. ana orpnans. in iney are ...ow.
.u Hiunirc, .... - . '-
made to suffer untold misery. I'erhaps
yuu anu i wuuiu ii.yo, is urn jun
If a mortal man ever had reasons to
complain Job had. He was bereft of all
nis earmiy possesions in quica succee-
ive siroiie!!. uw migniy mm irera nv,u
and hla seven son and three daughters
were swept Into eternity. His wife falls
him When he needs most her comfort and
support' Satan 'In all the madness of hla
relentless nature ha chased him. with the
flrey brand' of affliction to the very gate
of hell.
The suffering man' heart breaks to see
ee friends, even his bosom friend, one
bv one forsake hltn. No wonder he cries
out In the angulBh of his broken heart
"Have pity on me, have pity on me, oh
ye my friends. For the hand of God hath
touched me."
Rut thrnuirh all this. Job holds on to his
God In confidence and trust. He trusts
not In vain, for as he lifts his eyes heaven-
ward and through his blinding to-vrs he
pierce the heavy cloud which hang over
him, and raising his voice to God he gives
forth that supreme utterance of faith and
assurance. "Oh that now my words were
written! Oh that they were inscribed In a
book! That with an Iron pen and lead they
were graven In the rock forever! For I
know that my redeemer llveth, and that
he shall stand up at the last day upon the
earth. And after my skin hath been thus
destroyed,' yet In my flesh shall I see God:
When I shall see for myself. And my eyes
shall behold and not another."
From this point on Job rests serenely In
his Ood,; The struggle Is over. The victory
Susans. The designs are very simple, fol
lowing the lines of the Indian pottery. It
Is Inexpensive, a pot measuring six inche
In . diameter costing only SO cents. The
nine-inch, size costs $1.75, that imcauaurlng
twelve Inchee $3.60, while the largest slse.
fourteen inches across, costs $13. .
The blouse cut with body and sleeves In
one continues a favorHe, and a clever ar arisen from time to time In . the career of
rangement giving this effect even where the American republic, and have been set
it does not exist 1 the addition of a fitted tied, but in every Important ' instance the
barid to the shoulders, suggesting the out-
line to a small yoke with strips cut In one
with thl band and the same width run-
nlng down the arms to the end of the
sleeve, whether the latter Is short, elbow,
three-quarter or full length. This band 1
decorative and may be of linen, lingerie,
velvet? silk or any fabrio In keeping with
the blouse material. A little frill on all
edges makes a very pretty finish.
U Rlghl RtMrvtdj
The Oermans, particularly the rrusslans, 1
have more nearly appfoaohed a satisfactory
solution of the problem 01 municipal gov
ernment under modern conditions than have
any other people. Their solution Is a' re
markably simple one. It Is that municipal
government Is not a political, but a busi
ness enterprise; and that as a business en
terprise In which every cltlsen is a partner
it should be run not aa a private commer
cial enterprise, but as a huge Industrial
undertaking to whtoh must oe applied the
most modern methods of high organisation
and complete co-operation. To this end It
la administered for the purpose of obtaining
for each cltlsen-partner the maximum of
profit In matters of safety, health and
convenience; mere money profits being a
negligible consideration.
Simple aa la this theory, It is much easier
to put it Into practice In Germany than It
would be In the United State, for the rea
son that there are fundamentally different
habits of thought upon governmental pn
lems in the two countries. Tho advantage
mans who are working for reform In their
federal and state government deplore the
fact that the German give greater weight
to economic and social questions, almost
In Unlt.d SUM mun,clDft,
ment reformer have found their chief ob-
,taoU ,B tn, faet tnat ,he Amerlca peopl6
think f rst of nolltle. tml nr. v.rv
Bntire!y unwlllln to Hv Bnv
, BooM . economic matters. flr
Britain, fortunately for Its neace and
tty m its present crisis, occupies a position
midway between German and America
sm0A u give aolltlc the Dlace of first 1m.
portance In national matters, but subordin
ates political considerations to those of
sociology and economic In local govern
ment affairs.
Therefore Oermany ha solved It muni
olpal problem and has failed to settle Its
national Issues because It has applied
eoonomio thought to both, success attend
,n" h application in a town where econo
mlc mt necessarily be not important, ahd
fa',u' resulting from the attempt to sub-
Utute economic for politic In the na-
tlonal government where politics always
must ba flreL ,n re' Britaih the o6m-
Prmlse between the two extremes enables
fuoh a man " Mr. Joseph Chamberlain to
D Weucai oclallst in his municipality
ox Birmingham, where economics alone la
concerned, and at the same time be a tory
on national Issue affecting the vital prin
ciple of politics.
In the United States the concentration
of public thought upon political affair ha
resulted1 practically In solving aU purely
political problems. In America there is no
longer any dispute as to., the political
equality of men, the church and state are
separated, the land law prevent the forma
tlon of a self-perpetuating property olass,
there I no dispute aa to the form of gov
ernment, free education I an accepted fact.
and the old quarrel between the national
ist, and the states' rights party Is now noth
Jnt tnkn ftrf Bcaaeral0 CODlroVer.y
iru w .. . ...
Auutv ia now oeiore in peopi ox tne
United States a single live Issue purely
pouucai in character, with the possible ex
cepuon or the agitation for a reform of
the rule of the national house of repre
sentatives and the demand for popular elec
tion of senator,
But even these two political questions
grew out of much more important eoonomio
problems, which underlie and envelop them.
in the present era of - agitation in the
United States every question before the
public Is an economic or a social question.
Thl Is true In nation, state and city. That
It Is true la due to the fact that the Amer
I lean people have persisted always in think'
Ing politically rather than economically,
Of eourse, great economic questions have
issue were given ,a polltloal cast and In
their determination politics and not eco
nomics was considered. The tariff question
I always na beon in polltloa In America, aa
it ha in England, and In neither has poll
tic been able to solve the problem. In
Germany the tariff Is not in politics, but
naa been adjusted on an elastic basis by
economc thought
Americans are beginning to devote eco
nomic and social thought to the solution of
their governmental problemsnational
state and muhldlpal.' On abstract political
questions the two great parties still are In
opposition, but the thought devoted to so
cial and economio problems Is now dividing
both republican and democratic parties Into
radical and conservative factions.
in municipal government In the United
States the flood of September g, lWO,'. which
destroyed the city of Galveston marked the
beginning of the end of the long series of
Poems of the Year.
(Harper's Weekly.)
When the Woodchuck sounds hla not
On the breeze.
And the Rottlns gayly float
Through the trees;
When tho Hammock Idly sways
Full of happy financeea
Blnglng glausonie tooralaya
At their ease;
When the Arbutus arbuto
In the dell,
And the farmer gathers fruits
For the Jell;
When the sweetest note there be
In all Nature's minstrelsy
For the Hired Man la the
Dinner bell;
When poor Pad Is at his toll
In the town,
While the Mercury doth boll
l'p and down.
And Mamma with marcelled hair
In the cool, crisp mountain air
Daszlea all beholders there
With her gown;
When the Truck Horse bold and pert
Doth appear
With a straw hat like a flirt!
On his ear.
And we hear the merry honk
Like the echo of a conch
From the Motor and the Donk,
Loud and clear;
When the flutter of the fan
Of the sly
Little Maiden with the Tan
Greets the eye, -As
she promises to wed
Tom and Jack and Hill and Ned,
George and Harry, ham and Ted,
By and by; .
When the 'Skeeter 'gins to storm
On the Beach,
And the Candidate gets warm
In his speech,
And the world is Juhi awhlrl.
Full of fluff and yellow curl, '
Bort of mixture of a girl.
And a peach;
When the Katydids dispute
And the Frog
unsuccessful attempts to solve municipal
problems by political methods. Galveston
was destroyed, Oalveston had to be rebuilt,
Galveston had to be protected from th
Waters of the gulf and to that end Gal
veston did what the Germans always hav
done It made the city a business correla
tion Instead of a political corporation. The
Galveston plnn, In Its original form and
as modified by les Moines and other cities,
Is . being adopted In American cities all
over th country, and fn . every Instance
where it has been at all aucressful political
quarrels have been subordinated to eco
nomic problems. But It Is difficult to
chang in a decade the thought habits of
a century. No doubt it was the preseno
of a large number of German voters, pos
sessing German habits of thought, that re
sulted in the election of the socialist, Mayor
Selrtel, In Milwaukee a few moirths ago.
The German theory of a municipality as
a business concern In which every cltlsen
! an equal partner Is to some extent un
successful In practice because of the po
litical backwardness of the general gov
ernment which denies the principle 61
equality In political affairs. For the frame
reason the German theory if attempted ta
America would to some extent fail In prac
tice because of 'the fact that American po
litical thought cannot yt tolerat th pi lit
clple of collective ownership, even in a
In the German municipality the votcri
tand in the relation to the government at
tockholdora In a corporation, livery vot
they are asked to give Is an expression
upon some phase of an economic question.
They are asked to decide whether this In
vestment is wise, or whether that enter
prise should be abandoned; whether thl
Improvement I needed, or whether that
expenditure should be postponed. They are
not asked at any . time to decide between
political parties, nor are they asked to ex
press their preference as among personal
aspirants for municipal offices.
All of the municipalities are correlated
In the general government Just a all of
th coal mlaea Of Germany are correlated
In the German coal syndicate. The coal
syndicate send to each mine a manager
with a technical training, who ha been
proved to be best fitted for the proper de
velopment and conservation of that par
ticular mine. The government furnishes to
each municipality a general manager ,or
a mayor, who Is best fitted by experience
and training to deal with the problem
pressing in that particular city.
A German mayor Is trained for his pro
fession Just as Is a railroad man. He takes
a course in the government school, which
devotes Itself to the education and training
of Jurlstlo officers. Upon leaving school
he is assigned to govern some small village.
there to try his skill. If he falls he ts
dropped from; the service. If he succeeds
he is In time promoted to a small town.
Then, If he has shown aptitude and ability.
he 1 promoted gradually from town te
city, from small city to large city, and In
time he may -come to .rule over the great
capital city of Merlin the most perfectly
governed municipality In the world.
Americans are so thoroughly Indoctrin
ated with the theory of self government
that they would rise In armed revolt
against a government which sought to
furnish them mayors In this businesslike
fashion. Imagine the reception the people
of Burlington, Vt, would lve a mayor
shipped to them from Tombstone, Arlg.
Imagine Charleston, 8. C, receiving its
future ruler when he stepped from . th
train which had brought him from Kenne
bec, Me. And yet Burlington would offet
no objection to a railway superintendent
Imported from the west, and Charleston,
would not object to a cotton mill manager
from New England. This is concretely the
difference between political and economio
habits of thought concerning govern
mental affairs.
The Germans do not object to a carpet
bagger mayor, because In Germany holding
office I not th chlaf end of municipal
government; what the Germans want U
results In the form of adequate police pro
tection, clean and well-paved streets, sani
tary water supply and sewerage, convenient
rapid transit and all -the other things
which It Is the business Of the municipal
government to supply. They want a
mayor who can deliver the goods, and they
are willing to pay him for his work Jusl
as If he were a first-class factory super
intendent. They do not ask what he thinks
about politics, what church he goes to,
what lodge he belongs to, or whether hi
father "fit" for or agalnBt the union.
The Germans want only results and they
get them.
Tomorrow The Qetmaa Advance. XXXT
The VreoUoe ef acaalolpal OOTtannt
Sounds bis pessimist la hoot
In the bog;
When the Lobster all aglow
Grabs the bather by the toe,
Who is he that doth not know
It 1 Aug.?
Maud Miller on a Summer's day
Pretended to be raking hay.
A local JudKe came riding hy.
'She thought he was a fat old guy.
The Judge his nether Hp did curl;
Considered Maud a laxy girl.
He gave his iihk a sounding slap
And bade that animal "Glddap!"
Prosaic was the eplaode.
His Honor vanished down the road.
He didn't went Maud for his wife.
How unromantio Is this life!
-T. E. M.
So you believe in marrying late
In life?"
"A late at possible, then you
have lesa time to outlive your