52 - I i t V. : J t i! I Hi j j Want - Ads Want ad received at r tl. liairt proper elasslf letl presealed kef ere 13 'elock T18O a'clack at pla ' aorl a aad taaday t4IH"- W,., da received a flat har. hl. ft.. I.urtltl ' h i . ... dually' ' AltY,.""... .1. wr. t. . ... "LTi 1KT AD". llaa . amaatk. k at mmr ioll-lsT 4',t",t,r dm la year "cnici ,fcl arc all braach afflcaa " . ...i . .a -in t,a laaerta ! i j it. rataa a a' tk Mala afllca la Tk B atecalk and Faraana tr. Albarh. W. C. 40th and Karnam Beranek. 9. A.. 1401 8. ln Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Pernls Park Pharmacy. 3 nd C1"""-- Biske-Hradlsh. 1816 Bhermen j in 1 . ..v. tMarra HI. e.lftU Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military At Hluterloiig Drug C., t Av. an Far- am feu Crlssey Pharmacy, 4th Cooney Pharmacy. 1223 S. 16th ML Ormejr.. Lmli, H4-8 Uth St F.hler, F. H., 1801 Laavenwortk, Foatar Jb Arnold), tl N. Ktb Bb FrtyUl, J, J., 1914 N. 14th Bt FrRger Drug Co., N. 16th St. Ortm't Pharmaoy.'Park Ava. and Paoiflo, UreanouKlt, U. A.. JU 8. luia ec Grtenoueh. O, A., 10th and Hickory. Hivdan VCIln.m ml Varnam tt. Manacom Park Pharmacy. VMl & t Ava, Holat, John, 24 N. 16th Bt Huff. A. U, Livn worth St Johanaon Vrug Co., 24th and Spaldinfc. King, H. 8., TtJS Farnam 8t Kounti Place Pharmacy, t304 N. tttk Mtrni, Fred 1. 1019 Central BWd. Patrick DruR Co.t 1624 N. 14th St LathroD. Charlra E.. 1324 N. 14th St Ooldmaa Pharmacy, 14th and worm sta. Saratoea TJMi Pn anil Ama Aa. echaofer'a Cut Price Drue Store, 16th asJ .nicago Hta. fichn.fer, Auj., tm N. Kith. Walnut Hill pharmacy. 40fh and Cuming. DEATH AND FlSBHAl, NOTICKS. H lll'l IWIIII III '''aiiaiiaiiiiwBwa LUND Axl Michael, Wedneaday, Augruat m. ageu i yar ana z aays. Funeral from the residence of hi car nta, 3110 South Eighteenth atreet, Saturday, at it D. m.. Kev. John 13. Uummon officlat- Ins. Interment Sprtngwell eemetery. Frlenda invucu. WlUJOX-Mlldred Loulae, Thursday, Au- funi 20, hgea is years a months B days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It E. Wilcox. Funeral from family residence, 1806 Loth- rop street -Sunday, August 28, at 1 o'clock p. m. interment Forest Uwo cemetery, r nenas mvuea. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. William Gerhard. iia62Vi South Twenty'niuth uuji daiuna nutj'ics, nenson, Doy; jonn w Madden, North Thirty-ninth, boy. Deaths Charles lUum, 2115 Emmet, 17 years; Peter Keeley, W7 North Twenty, seventh avenue, 77 years; Frances Vestecll, 1421 South Twelfth, 70 years; Johanna jvunn, mii unanea, i years. , ANNOUNCEMENTS. WE WANT to book a free attraction for our Annual jrentlval and Colt Show, Sep tember 15. Address A. B. Barstler, secre- uu-y oieua commercial ciuD, teila, Neb.' COUTANT & SyUIKua, -?OAU OFVICB. nuaill.u 1 J liw BOUUt 17tQ bu J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.TTO- smbalmera, 1614 Chlcaxo. D. 15. B-16B1 $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, . Third Floor, Paxton Block. Edward Johnson, Successor to BAE11ETT-J OHNSON TAILOHING CO., are now feady to render the beat of tailor Ins service to their many friends and oat rons at their new quarters, ID LOO it till ilAl ij UAHA BUIU, U. A. BAAPKK, AliCUITEOT . announces that after August first hw will be In his new offices. K23-24-& ClXlT NATIONAL, BANK HL.VQ. uie moat eonipiete arcbitects offices la ui ciiy. GliAND UOTEL iVtrand'Vwlrd'rti: Turkish Baths THUl HOME FURN1TUH8 CO.. 10 per ! vmaut prices. - Hia ana feu., bouth Omaha. TTPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one U.IU.UU. oLniiarapiit)ra lurnisnea ine iet teroloKlst." Ollicva but I'uniun K!k. ami City NaUonal tank Bids. Tel. D. 60&-1341. WE wlah to acquaint the publte with the uiiiiwi:i( ibcib: inrie are imitation sap phires of quality superior ta ordinary slaas, but having no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican white sapphire, whlon Is appearing In the market. Ta Aim. tlnsuiah thaae from our Mexican whit sap. phlres. we suKcest hydrofluortn acid teat This . reacts on f lass. but has no erreci on Mexican white sapphires. To introduce this gem we are selling for M days at S3 per csrat guaranteed 100 year a mmsi jeweiry v;o., jut Meuagua Uldav ELEVATORS KRPAIHPn' fr.l,h n. eager. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. 13th. Ooug. ka Fpn RE NT-Office room, U3, located on iop iioor, lacing court, z.u square feet- la luaing vault; rents lor J-to per month. THE BKB BUILUINO COMPANT. JOHN NriTLER "TT..? LUXUS THB BEER YOU LIKE. rT. , 1224 fcouth 14th fit Douglas 1S3. Red 1932; Independent A 1430. STELLA'S ANNUAL FESTIVAL and Colt '". oci'ieniDer id. for concessions, ad dreaa A. R. Uarstler, secretary, tit el La Coin .uv. ObVll. 1 BO.- BAllKElt BIIOS. iAINT CO V Jr" AKNAM BT., BOTH PHONES. BherwlD-Willlains paint ll.U a gL Vara Ishes from 1.60 to U.M a gal., all brands of wuiie ieaa. si.w per 100 iba. Low prloea wall paper, glass, glaslng and 'raining. DAVID COLB Creamery Co. HENRI HORNUN J.plumblag. UH Farnam H. Cole Slga Co O. VU. 12U rarnam, VIRCIN'IA DARK bio. lha a Ur.. k KLKIf.- I.lyuott HOUbK. m N. Xsth swueia maim, .t.ivjiuii tcni;a v., Iroa and Wire Fenoea Cheaper Tbaa Weod. WJ H. ITtb t Pbone. Red til DOUGLAS Prlntin Co- Tel. Douglas ti. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS- TEll." Fino Havana Cigar. KAT KOSHER HOUB COOKINO, ArkUia. m & liih. upstaira. Hohertson 'g Besvaurant tlt-ll Ba. ,-.-.uuw, vvut, iigni. aaniiary. auiea (erviie. popular prlcea. for ladles aad iiuinHn. tauie iiute inner Monday. O. W. SIHELDS, KTrWiiV V til Brandela Theater OuUdiug. 0nral aw 4-racili.e. ,. . l.aarll.a, 1 La cent -Ll"at at par w.rd tar "V laaartloa. Back lnerU -1a0 add tiri, 1 1-3 ceaU f " ' T ANNOUNCEMENTS tCunUnued.l jL. liu A XlXiXk 1. of iiuuors and cigars. Cafe la connection U 8. 14th, UAQOA RD Van It Btonute or Omaha Trunk, Vaa t Storage Co. Park. move, tore and ship H. U. goods. D. '44. B-MA ncNio LUNaiEsreplredfth horn cooking, en kes, pies snd cold meats. iJELlUATEiSbEN i'LaT MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to ult 110 Re Birt phone oug. atot, UNION LOAJ4 COMPACT. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, fj fJTfS A. JETIB, 1103 Douglaa Bt U J-tJ- PHOTOORAPHia SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug C., Mth and Amea. w. us, u-iui. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBINO AND UKAT1NU REPAIR WORK. 701 B. Mth St O. 1477 HEALTH t:OMMISSIONER3 COMMANDS Order jour house and porch screened from THB OMAHA WINDOW BtKKK.I Ul. A SANITARY NECESSITY OK EVERY HOMB. C4 N. lh Bt Call Doug. 44M ICE FOll SALE We can fnrnlsh rood, clean Ice In car load lots, t. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford t lackey ior price, uougias Zi. B. F. WtjRN.Optlcitn. 443-S Brandels bidg. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Make's the Best Auto Tops for the tirlce. All klnda auto work. Re pairing in wood work, iroa work. Best painting In the city. Bend in your cars. Uth ana Harney eta. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGM promptly repaired. ALL WORK UUAUAN1UED. " BEUTSCUY MOTOR COMPANY. Counoil Bluffs, la, - WRITE for lint of automobile bargain. H. & FKKOKICKHON AL IO CO., Ouiana. HOKSE FEED , """'Jv ..J00" Chase Motor Delivery Wagon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 10? 8. loth. Tel. i. i.U. I REPAIR amashed autos. mud shields. leaky radiators. Hannah Kunds, 211 A. Uth. Auto Bepairingr.?.,eDK Tires, 2d-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mltohell Co., 3010-lti Harney. D. 71S1; A-20U. Bargains in Used Cars Bluffs Auto Co.. 110 Pearl. Bend 'of list I AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 15c to 13. SO. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 200-211 8. loth. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE Practically new Thor motorcycle, used only one month, cheap for cash. Apply today, 1201 Farnam BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business call os OA NQEaTA D, 0t Bee Bidg. Tel. D. 13tf. rJASADV Co- deaI loans and . Insurance. Liat your property ior sale or rent, uulck re turns. S. W. corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Tel. Douglas iksj. I HAVE a good paying business nettlnar 14 per cent on $6,000; can be made to pay more. Have too much other business. I will sell or trade tor improved or unlm. provea city property, o. c. D. Ccddlngton, mi ouara os iraae uingi LET me incorporate your business: a-ood vnrs wiij villain iiiuuvx bmuiib llieir shares; am helping others, why not you? Pmnfi K I h.a h... tinnm Phimmi.. oiu t-axion uiocx. O. D. C. CODDINQTON. 220 Board of Trade fcsldg., business chances, loans, in surance and real state. FOURTEEN rooms, modern, close i.L full oi roomers. Harney kos. WHEN answering advertisements In The Be Want Ad oolumna, kindly mention tne last that you saw the ad. In The Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE FOR A GOOD YOUNG MAN TO TAKE FULL CHARGE, AS I HAVE TOO MUCH OTHER BUSINESS. ADDRESS N 215. BEE. THB BALE OF OUR PRODUCT, FOR which there Is general demand among mer chants, farmers, schools, etc, now greatly Increased by state laws recently passed and other conditions, necessitates opening a dis tributing office In unoccupied territory. We desire resident sales manager, well ac quainted, of good character, who can super intend sales, delltverlea, advertising, collec tions, etc., with 1300 to 1600 to carry anougn stock to fill orders. Salary 1100 to UUS monthly; extra commissions; office arid other authorised expenses: no canvassing position permanent. Address F. G. Jahn Mgr., Suite 614 First National Bank Bide. Omaha, Neb. IIAVR PARTY with 1.VIO in IfirM to Invest In small business. G. D. C. Coddington, 220 ttoara or Trade aiag. FOR SALE First class restaurant and cafe with transient rooms; well located in Atchison, town of 20,000; doing a profitable business. Investigate. Price $2,000. Com merce Investment Co., Atchison, Kan. IT IS YOURS for $3,500. Hotel, lunch counter and bakery, doing a good business. roor health reason lor selllns. Reference. Duui oanas, rirsi mate ana f irst National, Addresss Lock Box, 111. Mclntoh, 8. D. uwo paying- restaurant ior aaie cnemp; good location; will take part cash, balance nn lmA l A..nanr IM 0A..,W 1 L C. i . . , . . , is. now n as tne uagie restaurant. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount or stock for sale, DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. Doug. loM. FOR BALE OR TRADE Th best paying and completely equipped cafe, lunch room and roomlnir houHe, located In the best business town of .&oo in the state of Iowa little or no competition; poor health reason for selling. Address MgT. Jim's Koyal Cafe, onenanuoan, is. FOR SALE Butcher ahop completely equipped In town of COO population, two railroads, one interurban line, one ahop In city, good trade, patronage of hotels and entire community, uooa reasons tor sell ing. Address U. L. Tucker, Valley Center, Kansas. tl.OuO buys a $3,600 stock of hardware In thla town of 0 Inhabitants. This stock was all bought nsw last March, so la clean welt assorted, modern. Is on of only two hardware stores her. Must sell quick cash only. Charles I). Amnion, Valley, Neb. FOR BALE Best equipped harness shop in central ntDrssua. stock and tools will Invoice about $4,700. No competition; county seat; pest town in isenrasKa; no trad eon atdered. Address Y-20S. car Be. FOR KKNT Office room, 123, large room on fifth floor. N. W. corner of buildina-. eapeciailly fitted for architect There la 441 square reet In this spare; M0 per month. itii UKti BU1LD1NQ COMPANY. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. 1M raraaa St Douglas 441. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Till" tfrkYTHHI nrDlTDTMIl PA rirn.nl.r iu.n.rh.n.ln K Lr wnrif mil low prtoee sstlsfaotlon fiiaranteed. 'Phone narney san; Harney KJlft. OLD HOOFS repaired: elate Tlle. gravel. chrder-Hunj. phrer Roofing Co., m Paxloa Bla. Tec d. bus. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS (Continued.) VAN VALKENBERO Bros., pumblng. NHrg and gaa fitting. Web. Kl. 170 N. Mth Bt. GUARANTEED CEMENT WORK. Mechanically done. J. W. KLOtWNER. 'Phone Harney t;o. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks ar guar anteed. Phone, factory, 8 801; office phone W. . DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, td floor. Paxton. p. leal DETECTIVES w e.M. b.m.w T-iA.Atlva ivp Inc.. bonded, 42S- Paxton blk. D. Ind. A-llll CAPTjrCOJMAMARBACjHUB LK. EVEKY1H1NU FOR VyOMEN Ahsr.NlO and IKON eomDlexlon wsfere make clear, whit skin. By man 66a aad 111. fcbertnan McConoell Drug to, Omsba. Misa F.MrfJ. lessons In china and water colors, m Brandela Theater Bldg. Try Magic Ra powder, Douglas 117H una u I TVtMflSTflM hairdreaaer. d Rurham methods: resident work. Tel A- 172; Douglas 1001. C! A MTT A Tl V HAIRDRESSINO parlora OiUllXaui Maiinello creama used Hid sold, tn Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 407L VACUUM cleanera, $15 to $25. HIT Farnam. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur naces, Combination warm Air ana not Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WOKK8, 1206-1 Douglas St Both Phones. EDUCATIONAL Omaha. Neb.. June 90. 1910. Mr. J. W. Miller, Educational Dept., T. m. c. a., tity: Dear Sir I consider the T. M. C. A. Nla-ht School as the real live "Missing Link" be tween mediocrity and power for the man who Is willing to devote his spare time and energy to the upbuilding of his talents. Yours lor success, JAMES B. MURPHY. Night School Opens September 12. Moaher-Lainpman BElilh68i Unexcelled courses in Business, short hand, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. - Most Interesting cataiotf published in Omaha. Send for on today. MOSHER A LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Nab. 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Csmsleta Busies Course. Includlns Banking. Comnlete Shorthand and TvDewrltlns course. Complete civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy course, and all English Branches. Th Year Book is ready. Apply for it H. B. BOYLES. President . Boyles Building. Omaha. Nebraska. FLORISTS HESS A BWOBODA. J41S Farnam St a. Donahue, ihit Far. d. iooi; a-iooi. Ia Henderson. 1511 Farnam. Doug. 1251 HELP WANTED FEMALE Aa-eata aad Salesladies. INTELLIGENT WOMEN of education can secure permanent and lucrative empioment in the enrollment bu reau of an Indiana university. City and traveling positions open. Names of pros- eotlve students provided. No house to ouse work. $1,500 first year to those who qualify. Address Y-227, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. WANTED Ten good women solicitors; pleasant work; good pay. Room 301 Kar bach Bldg. SIX mora neat sppeaiina; ladles to demon strate. Apply at 204 8. lath Bt., I to 11 a. m. Clerical and Office. WANTED At once, experienced tele phone operator. Also girl to learn office wnrlr. Anawpr mi v I' Attn (Tv lnd. '1 eia phone Co., Columbus, Neb, ' Faetory sal Traaee. WANTED Comoeteut and experienced saleslady for cloak and suit department; nign salaries paid and none but ex perienced 'heed apply. Oi kin Bros. GIRLS to learn hairdresslne;: prices reason able, oppeniieim Parlors. 113 McCague Bldg. WANTED A good waitress. Apply Th Dell l Tea ruioiii, Brandela Theater mag. WANTED 1 experienced folders. Raber rnnung co., uround loor Be mag. Hoasekeepera and Domestics. WANTED A competent house maid; ref erences. Mrs. W. J. Connell. 8. 24th 8t lei. Doug. m. WANTED A cook and housemaid: small family, Mrs. G. L. Hammer, 21u2 Douglas WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages; no laundry work. Can suit Harney or Tel. Harney WANTED A girl for general housework; no wsshing. Mrs. J. L. Baker, bH Park Ave. WANTED A woman to do housework; one who understands cooking; by the day; two in family; good wages. 1141 8. list St COMPETENT girl for general housework. ni-i i-acino bt. LADIES WANTED Take work hum. iiy transfers; $1 te $4 doa.; work guaran teed. Trlebcr s 21i Brand! Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl far ceneral houaework. that can also cook, no washing; salary ne oject Harney. WANTED A girl for general housework no washing; good wages. VM6 Binuey at WANTED Girl for general housework. lou s arnam at WANTED A good girt for general house- worn, gooa wagea. jura. L nuaenuiuui lit No. Wth, id floor. GIRL for general housework, small family, good home for right party. Mrs. C. A. Telinags. Phone Harney 1MX ma Can fct WANTED A good wash lady at 1821 Cap- not JLVS. WANTED A second girt Molae. 1121 8. SOth Av. Mrs. Walter WANTED Girl for general housework good horn. (14 bo. 2b th bt GOOD steady glfl for general housework cooking plain; permanent plao. 4u27 Far nam at H. 14441. WANTED Competent girl; general bouse. work; small fanflly; good wages, air C. B. Ruatln. 2u& 8. 17th bt Tsl. 1035. WANTED At once, m competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, sat Jackson. WANTED Experienced girl for general hourework at- $6.0 to $4-00 a week. Two only In family. Call at once. 2101 Wirt bt WANTED Middle aged lady to do douse- work. Oermau or Pwuaa preferred. Call at U) N. Ulh bU HELP WANTED FEMALE Ileasrkeepers aad Peoaeatlea roat'd. WANTED Competent gl.-l for general housework; no washing. Harney tL 201 Bo. 17 til Bt WANTEI Good girl for general house work; small family. 2C34 Harney. 'Phone Harney Uo3. TOUNO rlr) or middle sged lsdy for gen eral housework; mor for home than wages. 603 No. ISthVM. WANTED Oood girl for general house, rork. Apply at one. 1024 No. 12d Bt Wages to. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mot Hawthorne Ave. Mrs. J. C. Bussing- ton. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two in family; no wnihlng; no Iron ing. 1921 fans t. DOUg. M3. WANTED Good girl for general hotiae. work; wnges $fi per week; no washing. Ap ply 1338 Harney St WANTED Girl fof general housework - small family. Mrs. O. B. Williams, 1230 Hamilton Bt WANTED Girl to help with housework. 1E23 S. 28th. Tel. H. 2612. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 1723 So. 17th St WANTED Girl for general housework Immediately, Thursday and Sunday after noon out tS17 Capitol Ave. Harney 181(1. OIRL for general housework: rood wages. 1251 N. 19th Bt WANTED A girl for general house. work and also- cook. 524 S. 20th St WANTED Olrl for ceneral housework; German or Polish preferred, luos Far cam St. GIRL for general housework: small family, light work; good home to right party. WM Capitol. WANTED A girl for second work: bis wages for competent girl. Call at 810 Sec ond avenue. Council Bluffs, Ia. keeper on farm; good home, small fam ily, r.. i . w eiuon, aaonuamin, jowa. WOMAN to work for husband's board and room; three in family. Ring lower left- hand hell, second floor, 114 N. istn St WANTED A competent housekeeper: no children; good wages. IM Locust St WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. $228 Harney St EXPERIENCED MCOhd Ctrl. 607 S. SSth St Harney 3008. EXPERIENCED cook and house maid to take position by September 1 In family of rour. For information apply &5 south 21th St. GIRL for general housework. 2007 St Mary's Ava. GOOD rlrl for general houaework: 4 In family; no children. 820 N. aotn. GIRL for general housework. 8027 Chi cago Bt WANTED a girl for general housework. 2116 Blnney St Phon Web. 1016. A girl for general Housework and second girl wanted. Douglas 4430. 610 fouth 22d St.. between Howard and St Mary's Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family. 3009 Dewey Av. Har. 253. WANTED Neat housekeeper. Aonlv sunuay 4uo curt." Mleceltaseoaa. TOUNO WOMEw corn a- to Omaha a strangers sre Invited to visit th Young Women' Christian association building al st Marys avenue and Seventeenth street where thev will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted: look lar our traveler aid at union statioa. CHAMBERMAIDS: 1 housemaid; 1 scrub gin. Apply Millard Hotel. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY TRAFFIC DEPT.. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. WANTED Good dlnmir room alM and good chambermaids, Merriam hotel, 26th ana uoage. HELP. WANTEDMALE ;, Isletsus Uoltera. WANTED General repressntativ foi success hand vacuum carpet cleaner. Sells ior I15.W. The only successful single per son machine on th market Biggest kind of profits. Writ for term. Hutchison Mfg. Co., Wllklnsburg, Pa. WE HAVE A GOOD SIDE LINE. STAPLE ARTICLE, POCKET SAMPLE; UOOD COMMISSION. ADDRESS M 210, Bit Hi. WANTED Salesman and collector. Good position for a live, wido awake hustler. Address H. F.' Parker, Mogr.. Singer sew ing Machine Co., 171a Ferguson St., Cheyenne. Wyo. WANTED An agent for th Colorado im. . aiamona. a fine, white, sparkling stone. Bampl stick pin sent Ire to agents. xi. t;ouriney, TTiniaaa, ooio. WANTED experienced house to house canvassers. Call at 514 First National Bank Bldg. between 8 and 10 and U to 3. WANTED HAT AND FUR SALESMEN- ONE OF THE LARGEST WHOLESALE HAT AND MANUFACTURING FUR HOUSES IN THE NORTHWEST WANT SALESMEN WHO HAVE AN ESTAB LISHED HAT TRADE FOR WESTERN IOWA AND NEBRASKA. FOR INFOR MATION ADDRESS. Y 107. CArUfl BEE. WANTED Solicitors; new proposition; uooa money ior numiers. xiooiu (vl J&.ar bach Bldg. Clerical aad Offloe. YOUNO men for government service; best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hotf before noon. 2ul Old Omaha National bu-nn Biuk Chief cleric must be good stenographer. $90; sctenographer, out of town, $U5; young man for real estate office, $60; young man witn experience in country Dante, ior posi tion with commission firm, $60; shipping clerk, $U). Call or writ tor compete list of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 7D2-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Established years). Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Rid. CEMENT finishers wanted for floor fin ishing on the new Morrell Packing Plant. Sioux Falls. S. D. Wages $4.00 per day of ten hours. Must be fast Address Collins Bros., bloux Foils, 8. D. Mlscclla EXPERIENCED man to black and set up stoves. AOcireis w zi. car uany uee. WANTED Competent soda dispenser; references required, tianey Drug t'o., Lin coln, Nb. WANTED An experienced fumlBhina' goods salesman, uau at once, f aiaee Cloth ing (JO., Ittn ana uvugia-m am. YOUNG man about 18 to learn drug busi ness. . w. A. Piei, lain ana r amain. WANTED First class undertaker, will Ing to work In furniture store. Address 11. A. Howe. Kennewlck, Wash. CHAUFFEURS mak! 1100 ,0 nw pr VUAUi. x ijuxto m0 i earn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Assn. sis Hiandeis Tneater Bldg. WANTE1 Men end boys with bicycles for messenger service. Postal Telegraph Companv.. WANTED Registered drug clerk; refer ences required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln WANTED Well appearing young- men for uiihers. Apply at American Mualo Hall Sunday iw a. m. HELP WANTED MALE AM F17MA1.IS COOK Wanted at th market restaurant LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Vehicle. CARRIAGE and too bucry. good condi tion; almost your own price; go see jounaon-Dantorin Co.. loth ana Jones at. TWO-SEATED, slngle-hors surrey: rub ber-tired. Windsor Stables. HORSES, mules, vehicles, harness, tm Burt. (Rear.) Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th. FtJR BAIJ- rony. harness and rubber- tired runabout, all In gnml condition. If you want a complete outfit come and see this. Bent In the city. Call Douglas 1104. FULL blooded fox terrier dud for sale. $14 N. 19th St. LOST AND FOUND IX)ST Fox terrlor pun. 3 months old, annwrrs name of "Spike,'1 reward, 4167 Da v. or lei. 11. i4i;i. LOST $1S CHECK From Colles:e Corner Banking Co. Reward If returned to Con servative Savings & Loan Assn. I.DaT.ftiinitBil ln.ii.1 1i In f M. M W Chair car between Denlso'n and Onawa, pair of lady's gold bracelets. Reward twice their value Address Box 159, Onawa, Ia. LOST Fox terrier pup, 1 months old. answers name of "Spike;" reward 4157 Day. or Tel. H. 1448. LOST Aug. 23, Shirley to lfith and Har ney, H-lens gold bowed glasses. Return to VMS City National Bonk Bldg. Reward. LOST Antique beaded chatelaine nurao containing watch, money, etc Liberal re ward tor return to Mrs. c. C. Hungate. Biandels Theater Bldg. LOST Envelope containing two $5 bills, lama Mary Wilton written on envelope. Coward for return to Model Laundry. LOST A Waterman fountain Den at 10th and Farnam; one dollar reward for return to u. ii. rienscn, 1:114 Boutn 2&tn st T.OST r,f mnaln I4tiirn r nAa office. Reward. MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Has given bis entire professional life to the treatment of all forms of chronic and spe cial diseases of men. For 36 years he has been known and trusted by all. 28 years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or writ anvwav. Dr. McUrW Co., 21$ 8. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding riL.r.9; we postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McConneil Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and eureical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, Mth and Daven port Bta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1187. Calls answered, day and night ajww uvivv ui near ivr iiivti. vjrrm Nerve Food pills, tl box, postpaid. 8hr. man A MrConnetl Drug Co.. Omanv TO Y CJT av ama - M ". MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. $1 NO MORiil HlUli KATES. U CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR $ t$ SUMMER VACATION. $ $$ NEW COMPANT. NEW PLANS. $ $$ This Is a new firm organised by th $$ $$ LttAAUJNU BUS1XMKSS HB.M US' I 1$ OMAHA TO LOAN - ( II $l to WW u $$ to any honest person owning HOUSE- $ $$ hold uuuus, riAMua, etc., or noia- $$ It lug a salaried position at the rat of $4 R 10 PER CENT PER YEAH $$ $$ JUST THINK YOU PAY $$ $$ $1.00 Interest on $10 for on year. 41 $ $2.50 tntereat on $26 for on year . $1 1$ $5.00 Interest on $uO tor one year. ti $$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION tl If h, ad i uuniuiii rAiuania s $$ Reasonsble Appraisement Chargea, si $1 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., tl II Room 204 Wlthnell Block. D $$ N. B. Cor. 15th A Harney St., 3d Floor $i (tmttmtttttfcuiittmtttttMwimtt Cash Quick on Easy Terms. W loan money on household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy pay ments. $1.20 to th weekly payment on a $60.00 loan for 60 week, other amount In the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Btrlctly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at all time. Mall or 'phon ap plications rscelv our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 11 Arlington Block, 1611 Dodge Bt Phone Douglas 14M. $$tronww$$$$Mw$u$s$$wwwww $$ CHEAP LOANS ($ $$ on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. U II xou Dorrow si $$ $10.00 you pay back $11.00 (4 $$ $25.00 you pay back $27.00 $4 $$ $u0.00 you pay back $54.00 $ II no oilier ennrgv. t IS OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. $1 tl Room 501. Brown Blk., 207 8. 16th St.. $1 $$ Cor. Doug. St. Douglas 2036; A-203S. $$ IlilliffllWIWlWWWWHWWHWWWI CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7. Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. Opposite Postofflc. Both Phone Doug. 1356: A-1360. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security! easy payment. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolniau. room 111 New York Llf Bldg- MONEY TO LOAN. Com in and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. $08 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug liii; A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT bfo W. C FLATAU. 1514 Dodx. Tel. Red Mil NEED ANY MONEY? GO TO OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. Phtin Douglas 2;. MOVING AND HOUS E CLE A N I NO OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. eleana carpele on your floor. Electrlt vacuum system. 80S 8. 17th. Tel. D. 155. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th snd Dir n run c' - " -hnine. 2?07- liard fit. OFFERED FOR RENT . Board and Rooms. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tarn plare." lmf Capitol Ava, LARGE front room and board, private; Hanacom park; Harnay it'30. BEAUTIFUL room with board; furnished 2787 Capitol Ave. ELEGANT rooms and board. 1518 Call, forma bt Tel. Doug. 615L CLEAN furnished rooms and board, with German (Christian) family. UU Capitol Ava. BOUTH front parlor; also una oilier room, for $ gentlemen or married couple, with board. lol Dcdge. ROOMS and board, 613 N. loth St Doug, laa ta. STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wall table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 431 8. 14th St Douglas $428. BOARD snd room. $4 M per week. 2420 De catur St Tct B-I1. TABLE toard and room for I wo. I7H Cbioago. s ROOM a.id board in privet family; bom cookiun. 41 N. 13d LARGE room with board; suitable far rwo; private. 14 8. 18th. BOARD ant, rnoir. Sv7 St Mary's Ave7 LANDON Newly opened. 6U 8. 24th St Dougias 7WL DESIRABLE board and room; 123 8. 25th Ave. isic-tUT mrrusnea mooern nouns; private lauui , e v.i.uyvii, OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Hooass d. FURNISHED room In prlvat family, for gentlemen. 2MH Capitol avenue. ELEGANT room, best board. 2538 Cali fornia St. Phone Doug. 6151. COOL and pleasant room. 101 N. 18th. LARGE room, close In, on car lln. 221 N. 20th St. A LARGE room, $10 per month Phon Douglas 7101. S. 2-'d St. FURNISHED rooms. 1628 Capitol Av. Tel. Harney 5647. Room auitabla for two. 4t S. th Ave. WALKING distance; elegantly furnished, enol front parlor; modern; reasonable. 2ii Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms; block to car; gen tlemen. 2713 Meredith Ave. NICELY furnlshd modrn room. 180$ Chicago. Kfi-Ki.Y furnished modern rooms;' reason able. 2328 Farnam. Flat 1 NICE front room; modern. 1403 Harney. FOUR partly furniahed room 1st floor; $24. 2433 Parker St NTPiT.T .V turn lahed rooms: modern flat: large and cool. 1821 Casa. FURNISHED rooms for light nous keep ing; modern. 131$ Douglas. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 606 N. 17th. NEWLT furnished modern tooroa. 62 & 17th Ave. NICELY furnished room; In private fam ily; walking dlstarc. 3011 California St FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1810 Capitol PLEASANT fir.nt room; very cool and comfortable; private family: every mod ern convenience; walking distance; suit able for 1 or 1 gentlemen. 828 8. Mth St STRICTLY modern singl room for gen tleman. 115 S. 26th St Douglas b62t. IF you ar looking for a bright, nicely furnished room, close in, you need look no further; $11 a month. Tel. H. 66 or address 638 8. 27th St 1724 DAVENPORT; newly furnished, all modern outsiae rooms: larg lawn; no sign. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 8. 14tb St NICE, modern front room, $2 and up, 618 N. 19th St VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call awn ings. 2110 Cliicago bt. 606 N. 17th; east front room; also single room; modern. NICE front room with alcove, suitable for two or three gentlemen. Also single room. 607 So. 20th St SMALL room, modern, private family, cheap. 713 N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished rooms; strlotly modern; for housekeeping. 833 S. 21et St 2203 DOUGLAS; two nicely furnished rooms; on parlor, with piano. TWO rooms, refrigerator, gas . range, laundry and gua. 614 8. 22d St FRONT alcove room for three young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, If desired. Modern house, walking dis tance. 64 S. Itlth Av. lied 6022. NICE furnished front room with bath. 1123 California St TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms on Farnam car line, walking dis tance; private family; suitable for two young men; can be seen Sunday afternoon and Monday. 2U20 Farnam, Ind floor. Phone Harney 2279. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home in one of Omaha's best neighbor hoods. 8923 N. 17th St Phone Webster 6988. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady roomers; good location and handy to car; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. SOU N. B'h Av. SINGLE or doubl furnished room. 614 S. Uth, 3d floor. FURNISHED room for rent. 20 No. Uth. Web. 1410. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1918 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished, large, front room, suitable for two. 201 So. 25th Ave. FRONT room, use of parlor, room for piano, also large room for three or four gentlemen with or without board. 80S So. 13d. Red 7678. BEAUTIFUL large, cool front room with big closets; walking distance. 202& Dodge. WALKING distance; elegantly furnished, cool front parlor; modern; reasonable, 2506 Capitol Av. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room; suitable for two gentlemen. 2571 Dodge. FRONT parlor, also on furnished room. 1427 Dodg. FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit 603 S. 27th St. FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglas 6tU. 803H Far nam St - FOUR nice upstaira rooms, close car, gas, electrio lights; to good party $10. Webster 2210. 8030 Evans. WELL furnished rooms; modern, 617 8. 18th street FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board If desired. NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen only. 622 S. 16th bt; 3d floor Flat U. , SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family. Modern. 813ft b. 20th. NICE, cool, furnished sleeping rooms, modern. 1811 Cass. NICE cool room; modern; private family; walking distance. 2608 Dodge. Harney 2353. MODERN, large rooms, suitable for on or more people. 1919 Cass. LARGE, cool room, modern; private fam ily; cheap. 711 N. 19th. NICELY furnished southeast room, easy walking distance, in modern house, very desirable; gontlemen only. Apply (09 8. 25th Ave. 'Phone Red 7956. FURNISHED room, modern; walking dis tance. 512 N. 20tn. Tyler 1128. 4 ROOMS furnished and four nnf iirnl.h,i reasonable price; all modern. Inquire 1701 Clara bu FURNISHED room, with breakfast, hard wood polished floor; new home; modern cheap. 2.87 Capitol Ave. SINGLE room $-; double room $3. tilt COOL, furnished rooms, modern. $14 N 23d. ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times; large room, suitable for two, $3 jo another room, $3. 2608 Harney St ' FRONT room for sleeping for two. 713 UWUkll Will NICELY furnished room In private family; modern hOme. 1308 Capitol Ave. LARGE furnished rooms; en suit or single. 117 No. 20lh. NEAT, modern room, close in, reasonable private family. 2u8 N. 20th. ROOM, with alcove, modern. 820 8. 22d. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, modern. 1813 Capitol Ave. WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge. West or lHth; pre fer private family. Kosker. 1908 Isard St NICE, cool, south room. (31 8. 19th. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611, A-llt FURNISHED rooms In modern flnf everything new: en suit or single. Second iioor, K rn. iijin Bt newly furnished rooms, modern. 1811 uooge. NICELY furnished slngl rooms, $8; gen tlemen; In private family. 24U7 Davenport NICELY furnished modern room. 714 ii in av 0 F Ft.Rt.DF 0 K jR NT. riralahel It 00 mm NICELY furnished rom. 2419 California) St. FOUR nicely furnished modern room, private floor, nas rank. n .K'toh.,,?t Hs furnished for Hunts. IBU Webster. Call Sunday niornli g. r w ) hl!ogXnTLYFUUN isl 1 KD front rooms In private family, all modern im provements, line locuiicin. " " ' " ' "J tance. 618 S. 27th St. ,Tel. H. sow.. rmcslll a Innt from ri ll. lll."Al 3 VII rr . -. - - ----- postofflce, near high school; use of X'laua ana iMunary. "" a . . . . a 1 t. . ,. en fnnm atlTtahle rSltr.LI running. ...' - , for two Bentlmuon; strictly modern, on c line. 1508 N. iitn m. FURNISHED room, sulLabl for two. 6li N. Ud. . T220 Emmet, larg room, modern. Webstsa 4170. . NICE furnished rooms with board H two gentlemen. Addres 1931 N. Mth Bt NICELY furnished rooms, reauwnab'.ej prices. 2904 Harney. vtw.l-1 v 1. i..H irva front room. 1. 1. W , luilliaiiru wr. " . suitable for wo. 101 S. 26th Av. TWO connecting front rooms: nloely fur nlshed; In private family; reference x- changed. 47 Doag o. 125 8. 1STH ST., modern furnish room) for gentlemen; vary raanonable. THREE finely furnished room, suitable for three or six gentlemen; room hav larg closts; cool In summer, furnac haat In winter; gas, bath, hot and cold water ample porch and grounds; both telephones! Ice water; walking distance; reaaonabl rent; come and see them. 808 B. aittt bt. Telephone Douglas 77. BXTRA fine, front room; fine furture) walking aisiance; ' St., No sign on house. . . . . M , u elaa ainal room; fine location. 621 Park Av, Phon Harney wi. NICELY furnished south front room fo $ ladles; also other rooms; with prlvat family. Tl. Har. 6567, t-P"' ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 117 S. 25th St Very convenient to business. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 11th St 145 a. .-..-wit .. . ...I.. m yui nrinla home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $151 a week, fctt & 20th. Phon Red 8237. TWO EXQUISITE KOOMS, ENSUITH OR SINGLE, for gentleman. In th West Farnam home; every convenience; must b seen to be appreciated. O 466, Bee. TWO connected rooms; gentlemen; suit) or single; south front 1914 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms, slngl or doubl, modern. 717 So. 18th st SINGLE or doublo rooms, nlo and cln prices reasonable. 1908 Capital av. FURNISHED rooms for rent; both larg a and small. I9ia Capitol Av. Uatela and Apartmeata. THE BACHELORS IVTtt AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN. MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL, 15th and Cal. Sts. Newly reopened, newly furnished throughout, outside rooms, steam heat, hot water, strictly sanitary. Rates moderate. BRUNSWICK. HOTEL 1210 Douglas. All outside rooms. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen-4 Uemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St, DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodg. All ub id cool rooms; special rat by th w!, THB PRATT Cool room with boortl, 112 South lath Bt Beautiful Rooms, fin board, ill 8. 16th Ava. GEORGIA HOTEL, 1041 & 19TH ST. Uoaaekaaotaa- ttvoaa. NTCffl, CLEAN, COOL ftousekMcdn room: ga furnished, laundry pnvingea walking distance; rent reasonable. xou Hi-. s VJU. DonU anA h..nl I n nriu.t. . ..VV. B ., U U U U . (....w.v ..11(11 J i u 1 ern and reasonable. Addres iU2 Maaoal st Phon Harnay 4091 German Christian family. 18U Capitol av. SMALL front room for on, with board. 1918 Cass. 'Phon Douglas 147. GOOD room and board. $4 60. at $17 N, 16th st. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing. 604 N. aotb. NICELY furnished light housekeeping? room; private entrance, 216 N. 13d. THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook-. Ing with pleasant room and bath will find them at 818 8. 26th st Rates very reason able. THE Manuel and Howard, list and How ard; 1 and 4 room apartment. $23 to $36$ new, furnished. TWO housekeeping rooms, . doubl psr- lor, $20 per month. 2469 Harney. NICEST housekeeping room, with gaa, 111 a 24th. V V 1919 St. Mary av., board and rotfeji home cooking. TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping! rooms. 2019 St. Mary' Av. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all modern and new house; home cooking: private family. 321 N. 16th st NEWLY furnished or unrurnlshed light housekeeping snd sleeping rooms; new management 616 South 22d. THREE strictly niodsrn furnished room for light housekeeping during August snd September. Use of phone. No childrso) allowed. 216 S. 25th 6t Dougias 6028. NICELY furnished modern rooms foe light housekeeping; close In. 21$ N. 19tb. SUITE of 4 nice modern rurnlshed house keeping rooms, batn. 546 S. 31st H. 4650. FRONT room and kitchen, bousekeeplag. 1914 California. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 618 S. 20tb. COOL, moden, convenient room. 811 8. Mth St NEWLY furnished llgnt housekeeping Qt sleeping room. 1643Vt N. 16th. upstairs. TWO front rooms, 918 aouth 10th. TWO modern housekeeptag rooms; east front 2504 Davenport FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping. 24tW Cuiulug. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. (18 8. 16:h. ROOMS for llgnt housekeeping; modern. W18 Howard. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 2218 Leavenworth. SINGLE room for lady employed; very light housekeeping If desired. 604 8. 17th 84. v TWO furnlahed room lor houaekeeplng; modern; walking distance. & feoulb IstA street TWO modern rooms; no objection to chil dren. 819 South 26th. MODERN rooms for housekeeping; tak. part pay in sewing. 1121 Webster bu TWO furnished housekeeping room. 71g N. 16th. FURNISHED rooms for 11; ht bousekeep Ing. tDlO Davenport 8t FURNISHED room for light housekeep Ing. tug N. Uth flt .S2MS ror "bt housekeeping, modern. 1709 t arnam St Harnay 4771 . t-OMPLETELT furnished rooms, , first floor, modern, walking distauor shade. ll.oi). a m kik m. w THREE completely furnished room for light housekeeping. 220 Harney St THREE gound floor housekeeping room, 422 N. 17th St THREE furnlsbd rooms. U12 8. Uth sU t i i ' i t i I . f -1-1 m 1 ! 1 i I . V i