Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1910, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
fo to the. home la read by th
women Belli foods for advertisers.
Kor Nnlnaskn Fair an1 warmer.
I'or Iowh Fair nnrt warmer.
Kor wtathfr rcrov; sec pnpo 2.
vol. XLxo. m.
Candidate for Governor Aniwers Some
Questions Put to Him by a
Kearney Paper.
Gore Committee
Finishes First
Part of Work
Gate City Delegation Arrives One
Fizzing Out
Famous Man Takes Occasion to D:
Hundred and Twenty-Six
nounce Nebraska Primary Law
on Brief Stop.
Two Volume of Testimony Taken at
Various. Points in Oklahoma.
0. f
I V v
War Against it Once and Still Feeli
that Way.
Oppoied to it First, Last and All the
Time. .
Must Have Law Enfoirrmrnt, Even
to the F.I ah t O'rlorfc Cloning
Clause Likes the Hlocimh
Law It Stood.
"My attention has been culled' to an
article In the eKarnay-Demnerat which
ask me 'a 'few (air, square questions,' "
said Mayor Dahlman yesterday. It la d
aired that these question be answered In
a public manner,' In order, the' Kearney
paper cays, that every democrat In the
state may know where I stand In regard to
the democratic platform. '
"The Kearney-Democrat . Is no more
anxious to have the people know exactly
where I stand than I am myself, I have
never hud a conviction I was ashamed of or
arrulii of. I don't expect to win and don't
want tn v In by fooling anybody. I want
to deal f.ilrly and frankly with the people
of my stte. If they agree with me 1
would be grateful for their support, but 1
have no desire to gain any man's support
under false pretenses.
"These are the planks of the democratlo
platform as to which the Kearney-Democrat
wuiits to know where I stand:
"FlrsrThe daylight saloon law.
"Second Strict enforcement of our pre
sent laws. , ,
"Third The Initiative and referendum.
"FourthCampaign contributions.
"Fifth County option.
"I wll lslate my position with regard to
ach of them and try to do so In a way
that no man can misunderstand me.
toadi br Platform.
"1 was opposed to the daylight saloon law
at the time of Its passage as a denial of
. the right of home .rule. and. local self-government.
. I think now exactly aa I did
then. - I am a democrat, however, and I
stand on my platform. If any effort should
be made In the legislature to repeal this
law, I should lend It not the slightest en
couragement or support, either, personawV
or officially. -1 shall Instigate no. such ef
fort myself. I realise that this law has
given satisfaction,. la.,aanji! communities,
though It has failed to give satisfaction in
others. I think that any effort to repeal It
at this time would be inoporun and un-
Ise,' In view of the more Important ques
tion that confront us. If, however, the
legislature should, of Its own- motion and
without any assistance 'on my part, repeal
this law, 1 would sign the bill repealing It.
"I stand squarely for strict enforcement
of our present laws. Including the daylight
saloon law. It Is because 1 standfor strict
lw enforcement that I am opposed to
t county prohibition and to taate prohibition.
"1 think a reasonabletemperanos law like
the felocumb law, which c' nbe enforced.
and which the people respect, is a better
temperance measure than a radically re
strictive policy, like prohlblton, which, can
not be enforced and whloh makes for law
leanness and disrespect for the law.
Kor Present LIuor Laws. '
"I think the ' strictly regulated legal
saloon, operated ' under' the sanation of a
majority o ftha paopla of the community
and wtlh Its hours of opening and loosing
v fixed by law, is fa rless harmful that the
unregulated Illegal drinking joint would be,
opearted at all hours of the day and night.
paying no license and subject to no super-
Jion. One good law that can be enforced
worth a huudred that can't be. The lat
ter do far more harm than good. 1 think
vur present liquor laws oan be enforced and
t pledge myself, If elected, to their enforce
ment. "1 am In favor of the Initiative and ref
erendum. "As a candidate for governor I will re
fuse 'to accept any contributions from any
raM roads, corporations, trusts, breweries,
, distilleries or saloons, as well as from any
person whom I know to be pecuniarily or
prejudicially Interested In securing or de
feating legislation.' There never was a
time when I did not depend on the plain
people rather than on the wealthy and
favored classes for my support. I have
been recklessly attacked as the candidate
of the brewers,' but every man who knows
me knows that I am fighting prohibition,
not because tbe brewers are also fighting
It, but because of my love for personal
liberty and the rights of the humblest dt
lien to enjoy the privileges whlcjj our form
of government intended him to have. It
is to the plain people that I shall look for
support In this campaign, for It is their
battle I am fighting.
Opposed to Optloa.
' I am opposed to county option, first,
last and all the time. I should veto a
county option bill it the legislature passed
It. I should do this the more readily since
It Is a matter of common knowledge that
some county option constituencies In the
older portions of the state enjoy as much
a sthree limes the representation In the
legislature as do anti-county option con
stituencies In other portions. This state
might on direct vote, go against county
option by 2Q.0O8 majority and still, owing to
an unfair apportionment, elect a county op
tion legislature. But If ' this state elects
me governor there will be ao county option
law except over my veto.
' 1 regard county option as the first step
t mate prohibition. So does the Anti
. aloon league, and it frankly aay so. Bo
. all the other organised forces that are
t. ithtlng for county option. There is no
..rference In theory or practice between
vu.tty option prohibition and state prohlbl
Each denies to a community th right
Kovem Itself, Each would give to on
i . n the power to vote prohibition on
u .other town without It consent. Each
i a manifestation of fanaticism. Intoler
ance nd bigotry. Either would lead to
lawlessness and secret vice and crime. I
v-im everlastingly opposed to both.
i nav iriea id answer tn Kearney
:-.-mcrat frankly. I hope 1 have satisfied
. t.s UUir aod all other citlseoe who
way have had some doubt as to my attl-
(Continued on Third Page.)
PAWHVSKA. Okl., Aug. M.-The com
mittee of the house of representatives whu-h
has been In vcstlgatlng the Oore bribery
charges and the McMurray land contracts
completed its Work In Oklahoma today and
adjourned to meet In Washington In No
vember. Working for almuHt four weeks
the committee, headed by Representative
Charles II. Burke of South Dakota, who la
chairman of the house committee on Indian
affairs, has examined more than 100 wit
nesses and has taken testimony that will
fill two printed volumes. After working
In Washington the committee will' formu
late Its report for submission to congress.
This report will cover the following:
The charges made by Senator T. P. Qore
In the senate on June 24 that he had been
offered a $25,000 or a $50,000 bribe to with
draw opposition to the McMurray contract
and that other government officials were
Interested In the contracts. The contracts
themselves, by which J. E. McMurray seeks
to obtain a 10 per cent attorney's fee for
the sale of 4V),ui0 acres of coal and asphalt
land owned by the Indians In this state.
The land Is valued at $30,000. All other con
tracts by which It was alleged the Indians
were asked to pay exorbitant fees will be
treated In the report. Among the wit
nesses before the committee were Repre
sentatives C. E. Creager, B. 8. McUulre and
Charles Carter of Oklahoma, Senator Oore,
Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas, Jake L.
Hamon, who was alleged to have given
tbe bribe, and McMurray were other wit
nesses. The charges Involving the names
of Vice President Sherman and Senator
Curtis met with general denials by Hamon
and McMurray. The names of Mr. Sherman
and Mr. Curtis were later eliminated from
the hearing by Senator Gore himself.
Davenport Eagles
Win First Prize
Iowa Aerie Awarded Big Purse for
Best Appearance in the
ST. LOUIS, Aug. .-President Frank E.
tiering of the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
who collapsed during the meeting of the
grand aerie at which four former officials
were found guilty of having diverted funds
of the order last night, had recovered suf
ficiently to preside at today's session. HI
collapse was due to nervous exhaustion.
The election of officials Is scheduled for
today. - Thomas -F. Grady 'of NewYork
automatically succeeds President Herlng.
Th prizes for competitions in tbe Eagles'
parade yesterday . were this morning
awarded aa . fellows: -. ;
Class B, Best Appearance Davenport, la.,
No. 835, $S50. ,. , . .
Class C, Largest Number In Line Mil
waukee,. No. 133, $400; Kansas City, No. 47.
$300; Elgin, III., NO. 447. $100.
Clas , F Kahsas City. $200; Davenport,
SIZo'a'nd Milwaukee, No: 183. $76.
-. The principal contest'ln th Eagles' elec
tion centers on the vice presidency. . John
8. Parry of San- Francisco, supported by
President Herng and Theodore E. Bell of
San Francisco, and John A. Cllne of Cleve
land, supported by Thomas F. Orady of
New Tork, are the nominees. The balloting
will take place late this afternoon.
.Sun .Francisco was awarded the Eagles'
convention for 1911 this afternoon. Louis
ville, which made a spirited contest for the
honor, was Indorsed for the convention to
be held In 1912.
Commission Discusses Number
. Propositions and . Elects
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Aug. 26,-Con-
stderatlon of the report of the committee
on marriage, divorce and - desertion laws
took up the greater part of this morning's
session of the commission of uniform state
laws, but no final action was taken.
The commission elected officers for next
year as follows: -
President. George Walter Smith of Phila
delphla; vice president, J. R. Thornton of
Atlanta; secretary, Charles Thaddeus Terry
of New York City; treasurer, Talcott H.
Russell of New Haven, Coim.; assistant
secretary. Francis A. Hoover, Ctnclnattl. O.
Just before adjourning at noon today th
commission adopted th act relating to de
sertion and non-support of wife by hus
band, or children by father or mother, and
creating uniformity between the state laws.
The act makes desertion without lawful ex
cuse a misdemeanor punishable by a fine
not exceeding $600 or Imprisonment not to
exoeed two years, or both. The act will be
submitted to various state for adoption
by their legislatures.
Honduras Telia Deposed President
that His ' Presence Is Not
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. Hondurns of
ficially has Invited Dr. Madris, the de
posed president of the Nicaraguan govern
ment at Managua, to move on. This in
formation was received at the State de
partment today from Ita diplomatic repre
sentatives and accounts for the announce
ment that Madris, who fled from Nicara
gua to Ampele on the little Honduras is
land, Just beyond the Nicaraguan border, la
to leave on Monday for Mexico.
Language of Negro Porter
Mystifies Thirsty Kansans
Five prospective land buyers from Hia
watha, Brown county, Kansas, bound
South Dakotaward, arrived In Omaha yes
terday and, being a-thlrst, wandered Into
a place on Douglas street that ha direct
connection in a purchasing way. with
Milwaukee, St. Louis, paducah and other
places besides Peoria.
A loquacious, happy-go-lucky sencgam
blan on duty a porter, shuffled over to th
table where the Kansas party had Mated
"What'll it be. gcmmenT'
The leader of the Kansas party, following
brief lnqutry among his fellows, gave an
order for refreshments.
"Yassab," aald th sense auburn, and
Charles H. Pickens Tells of Similarity
of Frontier Association.
Industrial Club Assumes Care of En
tertainment of Party.
Fifty Automobiles Line t'p for Trans
portatlon of Visitors Cavalry
Band and Kscort Pro
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Aug. 2. "Omaha
arrived." That was the principal thing of
t'.ie Friday Frontier celebration program.
Tomorrow Colonel Roosevelt arrives. He
has a hard pace set by the governors' of
Ak-Sar-Ben. the Commercial club and the
boys from the yards, aa they call them.
Prepared for winter the Omaha delega
tion of 126 people arrived at the station in
Cheyenne at 8:10 Friday morning, and were
met by a large crowd of citizens, the Ninth
cavalry band and a cavalry escort, which
met the party because General Frederick
Smith was a member of the party.
Fifty automobiles awaited the party-
more than they could use. They marched
to the postofflce, where the machines were
Irned up. There they took the automo
biles for Fort D. A. Russell and arrived
before 9 o'clock.
The military review witnessed at the post
surpassed In many way the events of the
day. The fact that General Smith planned
to come out with the Omaha party was re
sponsible for an unexpected treat. He had
every troop out. They passed In grand re
view before the Omaha party as well as
hundreds of visitors and were reviewed by
General Smith.
Under blue skies, and with famous Wyom
ing sunshine, the scene at Fort Russell, was
as brilliant as has ever been witnessed at
that post.
The Omaha business men represent more i
than $25,000,000 of capital. They are said to j
be the "Cream of Omaha ' without the silk
stockings. This party. In their automobiles
alone, made up a distinguished assemblage,
but added to it were railroad officiate and
army officers, besides the hundred who
heard -General Smith was coming out; from
Omaha to review the troops and were pres
ent to see the first grand review in many
From the parade ground the Omaha party
-Kent to their, train of . ten,. Pullmans and
private cars, parked In a conspicuous place,
in the heart of the city.' Over the train!
floats the banners of the Omaha Commer
cial club, governors of Ak-Sar-Ben and the
Union Stock Yards company. .
' Have Center of Grandstand.
A few minutes later It was time to go
to the Frontier show, and the party went
to Pioneer park In automobiles, occupying
the center of the steel grandstand for
which J. M. Guild, commissioner of the
Commercial dub, had arranged.
It was a big day it would have been big
without Omaha but the Qmahans were
the new ones at the show and they brought
five cow-bells with them. These were rung
after every race, clattered after every event
and sounded whenever there was a cow
In sight
Then the Cheyenne Industrial club took
eare of the party and at o'clock a dinner
was served In their honor.
At the park one of the features of the
afternoon's show was the presentation of
the big "loving cup" by the governors of
Ak-Sar-Ben to the Frontier association by
Charles H. Pickens, president of Ak-Sar-Ben,
Addressing E. W. Btuner, president of
the association, Mr. Pickens told of the
bond which made the two organisations of
the same mind they are both boosters.
The cup presented was one of the com
edies, yet not so much of a comedy after
all. It stood six feet four Inches in its
stocking feet, weighed 300 pounds and
would hold enough champagne to serve the
big grand stand If anyone had a bank ac
count which would fill it with the joy
Before the presentation of the big loving
cup It was placed in the press, where every
one could see It before they got interested
In the races.
From the throat of a good slsed cow
puncher came the cry, "Pull down Wash
ington's mounment and give a fellow a
show." The cup was removed to the prat
form prepared for presentation purposes.
Government Offers Five Hundred for
Men Who Robbed Army
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26.-A reward of
$500 Is offered by the War department for
the capture of robbers who carried off a
safe and I6.493.D0 from Camp E. S. Otis,
Wyo., on th night of August 9.
The safe and, Its contents were guarded
by a sergeant, a corporal, a musician and
threa coloredtroopers of the Ninth Unjted
States cavalry. The guard had not reported
the theft th enext morning when Paymaster
Wilder came to pay off the Utah regiments
which had been In the maneuvers at Camp
away h rushed toward the bar, calling in
slng-sorg, melodious way:
"Qlrame one man on horseback, two men,
one-half man and on burnln' shame."
The Kansan were dumbfounded they
knew they had not mad any such ridicu
lous order, but a few minutes later they
calmed down when th inky porter brought
to their table, on whiskey, two full slsed
beers, one smaU beer and one cigar.
Then he explained that "a man on horee
back" la whiskey, "a msn" is a .regula
tion beer, "a half man" Is a small beer, and
"a burnln' shame" Is a cigar.
The Kansan allowed th porter to keep
tbe change
From the New York World.
Passenger on Union Pacific Train
Fatally Wounds Two Men.
Victims Are Dr. H. H. Temple
. Ka
City and Negro Porter
u ...
alordrrous ptuMtrnsrer 1st Jail
at Ellis. Kan.
ELLIS, Kan., Aug. 26.-Harry Pu6h of
Niagara Falls, N.' Y., became insane on
the Pullman car of a Union Paolfic train
near here early today and fatally shot the
porter named Young and Dr. H. H. Temple
of Kansas City, Mo.
Pugh had acted queerly In the evening,
but talked affably with other passenger In
th Pullman. In the night he shot through
the end of his berth into the smoking room.
The car porter ran toward Push's berth
and was shot twice through the body. Tem
ple, who wa en route from Denver with
his wife and child, sprang into tbe aisle and
Pugh shot him twice through the abdomen.
The conductor and brakeman then over
powered the rcurderous passenger and he
was placed in jail here. Temple was taken
from the train at Ellsworth, apparently In
a dying condition, end placed In a hospital.
Young was taken to, Kansas City.
Pugh is about IS years old, and of pros
perous appearance. The train was No. 110,
which laft Denver at 10:30 o'clock yesterday
forenoon and arrived in Kansas City at
:M o'clock this morning.
' J. H. Young, the train porter shot during -the
struggle with Pugh, died from his
wounds later.
Freight Trains on Missouri Paclfle
Collide Near Blackwater, Mo.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Aug. 26. Five
men were miieo anu uu vauijr uuunu
when two heavy freights on the river route
division of the Missouri Paclflo collided
head-on near Blackwater. about sixty-five
miles west of here, today.
Tbe men reported killed were:
D. H. KUEHN, engineer, Kansas City.
D. B. FIN NELL, sngineer, Jefferson City.
C. H. ROTH, brakeman, Jefferson City.
T. C. FREDERICKS, fireman, Sedalla,
GEORGE TAGGART, fireman, Jefferson
The Injured:
Brakeman Gannoway, Jefferson City.
The collision wsa dus to the failure of
the operator at Boonvllle to display hi
signal board. The engines and many of the
cars were piled together without warning
to the train crew, members of which wer
burled beneath the debris.
President of Lead Company Dead.
NEW YORK, Aug. W. News of the death
of Elliott Cole, president of the National
Lead company at Carlsbad, Bohemia, yes
terday, was received here today. Mr. Cole
sailed from New York eany In July In
hopes ot recovering his health. His death
was unexpected.
The want ad pages
make the bargain
If you bare a tiling to eell at a
bargain, use a Bee want ad.
It you wish something at a bar
gain you wilt find It in these col
umns, no doubt.
It you do not. it Is a matter of
aay, 25 cents, to get In touch with
tba person who is anxous to sell
you just what you wish.
Call Tyler 1000 and tbe want
ad man will write your ad and
place it.
The Job la over.
Everybody reads Beo
Want Ads.
Iowa Central
Train Held Up
at Albert Lea
Eight Men Begin Robbing , Passengers
When Crew Captures Five and
DriYes Others
i MASON CITY, la., Aug.' 26 (Special Tele
gram.) Midnight passenger No. , the
south-Douna lowa Central through . train
frohi the Twin-Cities to St. Louis, was In
the hands of robbers for about fifteen min
utes last night at Albert Lea. Minn. Five
men boarded the smoker at Gordonvllle, a
small flag station. Five miles north of
Northwood the train was flagged and the
engineer and fireman were covered wltb
guns, while the men, supposed to - have
boarded the train at Albert Lea, com
menced relieving passengers of their goods.
They had only completed the work In one
coach when they were frightened, and
the train crew, getting hold of some guns,
succeeded in arresting five of them and
they were taken to , Northwood and are
in the custody of the sheriff. Eight were
Implicated in the robbery.
Officer Who Had Charge of Witness
Bays He Was . Instructed to
"Treat Him night."
viuviuu, Aug. . ne tables, were
turned in the Lee O'Neill Browne bribery
trial In the criminal court today when
Patrick Keely, a city detective formerly
assigned to Stste's Attorney Wavman's
staff, was placed on the stand as a wit
ness for the defense. Keely testified that
he was placed In charge of Representative
H. J. c. Beckemeysr at the time Becke
meyer was a witness before the special
grand Jury, which InvesUgated the bribery
charges. Keely said that one of Mr. Way-
man- . assistants told him to "Take
Beckemeyer out and treat him right"
On further questioning by lawyers for the
defense Keely said:
'I understood that by treating Becke
meyer right. I would get him so that he
would talk get him drunk."
Judge Kersten ruled against evidence
relating to an alleged debauch in which
Keely and the man he was guarding art
aid to have taken part.
Population of Laualna; Shows an
crease of Nearly Ninety
Per Cent.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 26.-The population
of Bay City, Mich., is t5.16. an Increase of
17,f38, or 615 per cent as compared with
27,628 in 1900.
The population of Lansing, Mich., is 21,239,
an Increase of U,K4,or 89.1 per cent as
compared with 16.4S5 In 1900.
The population of Saginaw, Mich., Is 60,510 J
an increase of 8.165, or 19 3 per cent as com
pared with 42.345 In 1900.
Smart Man Joshes Newsboy
and Comes Out Second Best
An prr.aha man about town who Is some
thing of a "Jokher" stood at Sixteenth and
Karnam streets the other evening walling
for a csr. He had exactly 30 cents In his
pocket a quarter and a nickel. Bat he
knew where to get more money, so the
fact that he only had 30 cenia at hand was
not th source of worry.
A newsboy came along crying th Omaha
evening papers.
"By a paper, mister," the lad Insisted.
"I don't want your Omaha papers," said
th man. "wouldn't have one at any prloe,
but If you had a South Omaha paper I
would buy it immediately. Why, kid, do
P a.
List of Victims of Forest Fires
Italians and Austrlnns in Logging
Camp Are. Caaht Between Main ..
Fire and BeeU.FIrn tbnt .
They Started.
SPOKANE, AVash., -Aug. 26. A postal
card -received here today, dated Ponderay,
Idaho. , August 16, says: "The bodies ot
twenty men and-live living men are at a
ranch house on. the opposite side of the
river, at Tuscar,. Mont. The five men
suffer terribly irom burns, and no doctor
are obtainable. There are twenty or more
bodies still in the woods."
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 26. All careful
estimates of the loss of life In the forest
fires place the number of dead and prob
able dead at more than 200. The Italians
and Austrians in the St. Joe valley, of
whom many perished, were employed In
logging camps. The list ot government
rangers dead, now 100, will almost cer
tainly be lengthened.
Following are the known dead who were
booked out ot Missoula:
The names of those whoss booking place
Is unknown follow:
Plnchot Criticises Congressmen Who
Refused to Vote Money Needed.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-Qlfford Plnchot
of the National Conservation association
and former head of the government forest
service In a statement Issued today, holus
that the loss of property and life In the re
cent and present forest fire was unneces
sary. The disastrous results, he say, are trace
able to the un prepared ness to deal with the
the situation. He attacks the members of
congress who have opposed appropriations
for the proper equipment of forest rangers.
(Continued on Second Page.)
yon know I always pay a quarter apiece
for the South Omaha papers'"
"You do!" exclaimed the boy.
H mas so excited that ha almost stut
tered Incoherently, as he dug Inio Ma hip
pocket and ripped the wrspper off of a
ham sandwich.
And the wrapper, what had It to do with
the case
"Wll. the wrapper wss a copy of a
South Omaha live stork pub lest Ion.
"Here's your South Omaha paper," ohal
lenged th boy.
"Anyhow," mused the man, "I've got I
cent left for car fare "
Says He Favors Hujhes Law Reju
latin Primary.
Colonel Observes Just Rules in Meet
ing Reporters.
trrhlt Rnriirlses Ills Father and Join
Party Colonel, Trnvellim In Knmi
toons Myle, Shows Ksrrllent
Health anil Utah Spirits.
Colonel Theodore Rnnsvilt Iva no
for the kind of primary law that Nebraska
has at present. He said so to The Dee In
no uncertain terms Friday, on hi sprolal
car, while cnlerlnjt Council T. luffs.
The colonel had l.un advlml to he rare-
I fill In the framing of tlio proposed primary
law In New York, "so that you do not gel
such a law as we have, where the mem
bers of one party can iiu Into t'.ie primary
of the other and nominate Its candidates."
"My dear sir, 1 don't favor thnt kind ot
a law. I have said I favor the Hughe
law, which contemplates that men shall
vote only In the primaries of their own
party, as indicated by their registration."
Then Colonel Roosevelt B-'ve further In
dorsement to the position of The Bee by
saying: "And then wo want a corrupt
practices act strong enough to prevent th
undue use of money or other Influences In
the nomination and election of candidates."
When told some agitation was already on
In Nebraska for the adoption of the Oregon
corrupt practices act, tho colonel uttered
a hearty, "Good!"
Makes Short S;eech.
The former president made one of the
shortest speeches In his life at tho Omaha
Union depot Friday afternoon.
He had Just stepped out on the rear
platform on the Northwestern train, hat In
hand and hand In air, whan someone
shouted, "Say something!"
"Oh, no," said the colonel, "I am going tc
speak In Omaha shortly, and this afternoon
I am very glad Indeed to see you." With
another wave of the hand and a big smile
he turned to go back Into his car, but just
as he was about to enter tho car ha saw
two small boys, with suit cases, standing
by the steps.
"Hello, there how perfectly bully this
seems. -Come on aboard, here. Let down
that step, s-meone." --
Roosevelt gave' the smaller one a hug
and the larger one a loving pat. The
bnys were Archie Roosevelt, his son, and
his companion.
l.ocnl Men Join Party.
' City Passenger '.Agent ' West of th
Northwestern, Assistant' City ' Engineer
C'nmpen and a Bee man boarded the spe
cial train at Missouri valley, and were
given an opportunity to meet Colonel
Roosevelt before the train got to Council
Bluffs. .Th colonel was joviality itself
in his greeting and admitted ha had en
Joyed the trip to date. Mr. Campen men-
Honed the name of someone Roosevelt
knew on the . Isthmus. "He's the salt
of the earth!" was the exclamation.
Three thousand of us are going down
there for the celebration when tiiey open
the canal," said the Omaha engineer, who
wears a Roosevelt medal given to certain
"Ho am I, by Jove." replied the colonel,
'and I can't tell you how glad I am to
meet you."'
When the newspaper man was Intro
duced, taking his cue from an Instruction
given by the mahager of the trip, he said,
"Colonal Roosevelt. I ' wou.-n't take an
interview if I could get one."
"That' right, that's right.' cam
snarply through th smile, and a tqueese
of the hand Indorsed tho expression.
On this trip Colonel Roosevelt has mads
a rule that he will not give an interview
to any Individual newspaper man, but
twice a day he meets the two soore of
newspaper representatives In a little pal
lor in tns frunt part of his csr and holds
a conference at wliicu he gives out sny
thing h has to say. Such a conference
was held between Councl Bluffs and
Omaha, at which th colonel announced
h had sent a statement to New York
which will probably be given out, tonight;
also that h will make a speech in Dav- ,
enport for Congressman Grllk on the
same day he speaks in Des Moines at an
educational conference, on hi trip back"
Tries to Keep Promise.
This brought up the possibility of losing
a day to keep his promise. "By George. In
that case, I'll have to telograph my rs-
grets," he said, but some of th newspaper
men assured him lie could do the trick all
right, and he was pleased. The colonel also
said he would make speeches for Senators
LodKe and Beveridge, as heretofore an
nounced, but on what dates he could no!
tell, although he believed the committee!
concerned had already settlod on the dates,
In his conferences with the newspajiei
boys Roosevelt Is seen at his best. Half re
clining on a divan, he talked freely, sur
Ma confidence would not be betrayed, lit
laughsd with real pleasure, told stories,
answered questions, slupped one hand In
the other with gusto to emphasise a point,
and was thoroughly "In It."
. As the conference wan approaching an
end, Victor Rosewater, John L. Kennedj
and Charles M. Wllhelm, the Omaha com
mittee making arrangements for his recep
tion here on September 2, came Into the
room. They started to withdraw, having
already settled their business with th
colonel and his secretary, but Roosevelt In
sisted they sit down and hear th talk. H
greeted Messrs. Rosewater and Kennedy
by name, with the easy familiarity of the
club room; and ha can also call the news
paper gant by name as the msn happen to
get into the conversation.
Looks Healthy uud Vlsjrorous.
Healthy, happy, vigorous and anticipat
ing great pleasure In his Wyoming and
Omaha visits, Colonel Roosevelt Impresses
those who meet him as temperamental to a
degree. He Is full of vim and energy and
takes genuine pleasure In meeting those
who hav any reasonably good excuse for
breaking Into hia time and he smiles al
most continually. If every hour of Ufa
tested very go-id,
A slight hoarseness has developed In hi
voice and he has been prevailed upon to
shorten hi Impromptu ', li doe