THE BEE: OMAHA, THITKSDAY AUOUST 25. 191' Second Defeat of Series for Wichita; Lincoln Takes Two; Cubs Win and the Pirates Lose RUliRaES WIS riUll CAIIF. i : Omaha Takei : Second of Wichita 8riei Three to Two. FAST niliDHTO- ALL DA. Few Raaoera . Aet Fast First Mi t tllll Ptirtr Paet troonil Blf Dnrlns the ' r - a'lOie,'', '. a. ri. l.i i . Ths Kdurket "baUMf LiOTham for nln hits, on of them a homa run, and took th se cond game of the aeries from Wichita. Mel ter allowed the lisle seven hits, but kept them well spread out. Excepting In the first Inking, when Wfehjia two runs.1 The Kansans never seriously threatened the platter. . . . I"ait fielding "was the' order of the day, and both teams played good, clean ball. After the first Inning .only 4 one Ksnsan rescind third Hughes- in three-bagger and but two saw second, lt was almost a bad for the Rourkes. Aside from the three Innings, In which the three scores were made, no Rourkes reached third, and only two were privileged to hold down sec ond. , . ntggeM'a Homes; a. featars. Rlggert'a home run" was the real play of the game, because the ball did not go over the fence. It vias a long, high fly, far over the center's head, even after he had tried to run It down, and fel! some where -nan tha .feet of the cow. Reg gie was past flrat before it struck the ground, and was nearly to thlid when the center f I elder, picked It up. He Wat the throw, to the plate by about fifty feet. Mlddleton single! to. right field In the first He inlght have been put out at first had not th ball made a audden bounce over Kane's, head out. of his reach. He went to second on Davis' sacrifice. Wester sll was hit,- Belden flaw out to Corrldori and Koemar brought: in Mlddleton and Westerall on a long two-bagger. Hughes walked and Koerner and Hughes died when Schmid went out to Rlggert In left field. , Omaha acored first In the second Inning. Rlggert took first on Hughes' error and was sacrificed to seoond by Kan. Graham sin gled and Rlggert eroased the rubber. Oond Ing singled, Oraham went to third, and both died on the third out In the third Schoonover started with a single to right. The right fleldfr let it get through his hands arid SohoonoVer went tj' third while the ball waa rolling out to ward the right field fence. Ha acored on a single by King. "Kane batted out a safety to left field, whereupon two more Rourkes died on .bases. Rigfert's homer was the whole show' In the .fifth. The score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. A. 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 I 1 Schoonover, rf. Corrldon, ss. t.: King, cf Kltcgert, If Kane, lb Oraham, 2b. .... Thompson, 8b. , Oondlng, e Melter, p .... 4 1 X v 4 4 Totals a 27 0 K. 0 . 1 WICHITA. ' AB. R. H. O. Mlddleton, ef 4 1,2 4 Davis, rf 10 1 3 Westerall. M. .1 , :.. Belden, if T..l. 0.1 4" - - " 0 10 1 1 1 Hughes, 2b. 0 1 1 0 0 0 Schmid. as. ..-. ....... 4 J 0 Clemons, o. .,'..,At, S 0 Durham, P-..i....(."...'8 . 0 Shaw, ....... 0 0 0 0 Total ;....... ' 2"'; 7' 24 IS 4 Batted or Cm0na In the ninth, Omaha ', ( . Runs .i , 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 -s Hits u '. )':. l i t 6-0 - Wichita , , Runs ...i.. .;..! 0 0 0 0 fl 0 0 02 Hits 0 0 1 1 1 0-7 Two-tase-hlt: Koerner. .'Three-bass hit: Hughes. Home run: Rlggert First base on balls: Off Melter, 1. , Struck out: Py Melter, 4. Stolen w base: Huahes.- Saoriflce hlta: Kane, DsVIs, Weeterstl. Left on bases: Omaha, T; Wichita, I. 'Dwibla plav: Schmid to Hughes to Koarner. " Hit by pitched ball: By Melter.. i Tlmei 1-96, VmP'r's: Flynn and Haskell. , Motea f the Ossis. At this rstte th lead held by Wichita, could soon be overcome. Melter- walked only on man and Clem mons mads everyone hit Omaha fans have not aeen a homa run inside the fence for a long, long time. A double-header today and the Rourkes leave for Denver. First game at 1 p. m. sharp. ; Fentress will be In the box in the first game today and Rhodes will twirl the sec ond. 1 The Rourkes not only played an error less game but they went through the game without a strikeout . Schoonover opened his engagement with the Rourkes on two hits In four times up. Ha also proved that he can get over the ground In a way far from alow. Kneaves, the new shortstop recently pur chased from Hutchinson, failed to appear yesterday as per schedule. He la expected today but will probably not appear in the game GRIZZLIES HITS ARB TIMELY Sloax City Loses by Score of Jtlae to aUCUX CITT, Aug. 3.-Tlmely hitting by Denver and Sioux City errors at critical tlmea lost the game for the locals. Olm stead pitched ateady ball until the aeventh BIOUX CITY. . H. P.O. A. K. 16 2 1 18 10 10 0 0 1112 16 11 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1111 2 2 10 O 0 t 0 14 17 16 7 H. P.O. A. E. 16 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 .1 T 1.0 1 1 0 0 112 0 110 0 000 10 0 1 H 27 8 1 Andreas, 2b Stem, lb Mreia, If OulUin, lb Miller, o Fenlun, rf Welch, rf Towns Neighbors, cf... llartman, ss Freeman, p Chabek, p 1 1 0 ' . 8 ' Totals.. 40 5 DBNVfclR. IJoyd, 2b 6 r . Fisher. If 4 Dolan, Sb 4 i.tnany, lb 5 Heall. cf 3 Cranrtpn, ss 4 t'assldy, rf 6 Weaver, c 4 ' Olmstead, p 2 Totala 84 HaUed for Welsh In the ninth. Sioux. City 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 18 lenver 11101011 00 Two-bass hits: Myers. Chabek, Hartman ,41 l.lnBlv i'aaatrlv Hnma run' Chabek. sacrifice nits:, weaver, uivsieaa ill. Stolen basee: Andreas. IJoyd. Beall lKlan. Double plays: Andreas to Stem: Lloyd to Cranston to Lindsay. Hits: oft Freeman, 4 in one and two thirds Inning, Base on balls: Off Freeman, 1; off Chabek. 4; off Olmstead, 1. Struck out: By Free man, 1; bv Chabek. 8; bv Olmstead. S. Wild r Itches: Chabek (2). Passed ball: Miller. Time: 2:26. Umpire: Mullen, . DBS MOIMKI BEATS ST. JOSEPH t'taaaa wis l.ooeriy PlaVed Game Nine to Ktaht. DES MOINES, la . Aug. 14 -Dee Moines defeated St. Joseph todsy in a loosely played gam. St. Joseph came near tying the score in th ninth In a batting rally. Kcor. 5 y,. ; ' " ab. n. H. O A. - O 0 . 2. ivT 0 a 8 4 1 4 Powell. If ,.....,.. - Fog. lb v,;....,a4 10 Jones. lb..,.'.. 7.1 1 J McOhesneyjrf V. I ' U - t Kellly. lb ........... Coihan, ss: Oiortr1oh. cf... 4 01 1 1 Frambes, c 4 0 '0 5 3 t ruiciit-i. i 1 v V V 1 Hwift, p .....'.'.'. 1 0 0 0 2 Bole 1 0 0 ' I) l Coo ..'I 0 0 0 0 To'all ST 11 14 16 DF.8 MOINES. AH. R. H ti.A. E .Villlani. s it I 1 t ' 0 7 1 1 14 0 0 it, ib 1 . l-hff. 8b.... rtis. if .er, lb iticK, cf l.y. rf i'mmon, c. Mitchell, p Totala 8 27 Batted for Crutcher In slsth. Coe hstted for Hwift In ninth. 8t. Joseph 2 V 0 0 0 I 1 0 28 Des Moines 1 2 0 0 5 0 1 0 8 Two-hase hit: Powell. Three-base hits: Mchaney, Corhan. Home run: Dwyer. biiu balls: utt Mitchell, 2; off Herche, 4; otf Crutcher, 3; off Swift, 1. Paused ball: Krambes. Struck out: By Mitchell, 4; by Herche, 7; by Crutcher, ti by Swift, 1. Stolen basee: Dwyer (2), Williams (2). Kelly, Rellly. Hacilflce hits: Davis, Mai tlck. Mitchell. Time: 2;20. Umpire; Stern berg. Attendance: 4U0. ... Ll.MOL.V TAKES DOIBLE-HEADKH Flrat Gani Ka Second Iteanlta in Hnrd tight. ' LINCOLN. Aug. 14. Lincoln won both Itiiipa io today's double-neudpr with lopeka oy to 1 and 4 to 3. Th flrat was an easy victory, but the Kansans made a hHid light for Uie second, taking the lrad In the seventh. In th n4tn inning the locals bunched four hits with two errors fur three runs, brore: 'r' Lincoln. AB. He. H o. V t 1 V 2 0 2 0 1 Jude, If Uagnler, ss Cole, cf Cobb, rf Cockman, 3b.... Thomas, lb Weidrnaaul, 2b. Clark, p Wolverton, p. .. 4 ..( V-f 1 1 1 U 2 i f a v 1 o 1 - 7 0 Hi Totals ... 29 6 TOPEKA..- AB, ft; H. O. A. E. 0 V 1 0 0 1 Wooley, cf. . Fcekley, lb. Klley, If Rellly, as. .. Welch, io. . Tugnte, rf. .. Ptofer, 3b. .. Drown, c. ... Ensley, p. .. 4. . 0 0 .6 4 0 4 : 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Totals Lincoln , 32 1 S 24 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 - Topeka 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Two-base hits: Cole. Riley. Brown. Stolen bases: Cobb, Thomas, Weldensaul, Stoffer. Sacrifice hits: Weldensaul, Clark. Struck out: By Wolverton, 7; by Ensley, 2. Bases on balls: Off Ensley. 6. Wild pitch: Ens ley. Passed ball: Brown. Hit by pitched ball: By Ensley, 1. Left on bases: Lincoln, 8: Topeka, 4. Earned runs: Lincoln, 1. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Clarke. , Score, second game: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O A. 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 Jude, If Gargnler, ss Cole, cf Cockman, ; 8b. .. Thomas, lb Weldensaul, 2b. Kruger, c Fox, p Totals 8.. 31 4 8 27 8 WICHITA. AB. R. H. A O. 0 0 0 2 4 Wooley, cf. . Beckley, lb. Riley, If Rellly, ss. ... Welch, 2b. .. Fugate, rf. Jepsen Stoffer, 8b. . Shea, C Browne .... Jackson, p. . 1 11 s 0 1 1 0 0 5 - 0 a 0 . 0 ,L.0 n 2 Totala 3 7 Batted for Fugate In ninth Batted for Shea in nintn. Lincoln ,.. 0001080 -4 Topeka ....0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 08 Two-base hits: Oagnler. Cole, Kruger, Relllv (2). Double play: Welch to Beckley. Stolen bases: Jude. Cobb. Sacrifice hits: Oognler, Thomaa,. Welch. Struck out: By Fox, by Jackson, & Bases on bulls: Off Jackson, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Jack son, X' Wild pitch: Jackson, 1. Left on bases: Lincoln. 9; Topeka, 8. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Clarke. Superior Shuts Islanders Out by Good Batting Cement Makers Outclass Beet Sugar Experts at All Branches of Game. GRAND ISLAND, Neb... Aug. 24.-(Speoial Telegram.) Superior outplayed Grand Isl and at all points today, puttlpg up a fast and perfect fielding gams aild doing strong stick work. Warner drew triple, a two bagger and a sacrifice out of four times up and Landes, two two-baggers ' and a walk out of four times up. Grand Island's hits wars scattered. Boors: R.H.B. Superior 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 04 t 0 Grand Island.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 S 3 Batteries: Justus and Hartley, Murray and Carroll. Umpire Williams. FREMONT, Neb., Aug. '247 (Special Tele gram.) Kearney took today's game from Fremont by a 2 to 1 score..; in the last half of the ninth Mason made a hit which struck the Kearney third baseman and bounced off the diamond. On a close decision the umpire called it a foul. If Orflled safe the hit would have let Smith over the plats for a tla score. core: ; -i R.H.E. premont .',,.'.'.'.'.'.'.0 0040100 0-1 10 6 natt.rion- Keurnev. t ana Town- send; Fremont, Campbell .and Bonner. Um pire: Boswell. COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 2V-(Speclal Tel egram.) Columbus shut out. Red Cloud gams Red Cloud presented only twenty ien to bat. Score: R.H.E, Red Cloud 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0M 1 2 Columbus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 0 Batteries: Red Cloud, Jarrotl and Moss; Columbus, Bovea and Agilew. Umpire: Griffith. RKftlLTS 1 THUEtl LE AGl W .. .. Peoria V ia SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Aug. 34.-ln a pitch ers' battle today McGulrtS' error in tne eighth gave Dubuque tha game, 2 to 1. Scuie: R.H.E. aprtngfleld ...loOOOOOO 0-1 a 2 Dubuque 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 6 1 Batteries: Lauderrhilk and Johnsin; Kaber and Houoher. DANVILLE, 111,. Aug. 24-The pitching of LXHimis was m reaiure nr. ui uanv., It Waterloo game which Danville won in the i twelfth. Three times tne visiton nsd two on baas, but Loonile tightened. loubles by I Hopkins and Burns With two down in the 1 Bresnahan of the St. Louis National team last won th faatest game ever Jiiayei!has declined to Join "Tex" Hlokard's two here. Score; ' ' ft II. E. all-stsr tesms. with which It Is Intended Danville 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 l-l 7 1 to tour the country after the close of the Waterloo 600e04a 00 7 o I seaaon. Uresnahan gives as his reason that . Hatttriee: Uoomi a. a v(4i,i, v'hspmbri I Iresldent Robinson of the 6t. Iouls club ana oeariea. tLUUUi.titu., in.. Aug .n.JJlnomlng - ton won a fast twelve-inning game by timely batting. tore: R.H.E. Bloomlngton 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 li oi Rook Island 1V101002000 16 13 1 j Batteries: limine ana uj.ii; m.ui.,,,,11, and Starke. - ' i PEOKIA, Aug. 24. t'rabb, a recruit, was driven to the bench In the third Inning, Peoria winning. 10 to 5. Rowan and t'nau- man made home runs. Score. RUE 1'eona 1 ' I t i 1 -!! D-arenporl i...O- 8'-0 0 0 6 11 0 8 10 & t roas Teaaa Prarlleea Tharaday. Tha J.'. CroSs base bal) team will mi nM:M- A .'J.V'-"-. "' "' Im nrartW Thur.dav enln ar Th.rrt IT.' '"? .nh umaiia Wlants defeated I At end 'Plerco street. Kaiser I. 1 J Tod.v a i?1 n .V fnd ' 1 rjA.B"h- 'r1 IV'"".. wV,m.U..nV WiggTn.N.c'F'.'.r.; I Baturles: .... ... 1 ituer ana Buaiamau. j si UBS WALK 0YEIUI1E DOVES Chicago Takes Final Game of Series Eleven to One. BOSTON PITCHERS ARE WILD Visitors Oatclaaeed Easily lne Base Hits for l.oeaJs Archer Lands Three-Bag ;er Two Hires' Hack Hlta. CHICAGO, Aug. 24-Cliicago made It three straight from Boston today, winning the final game, 11 to 1. Curtis was wild In the sixth Inning, Issuing four passrs and forcing In two runs. Evans had no better control, forcing In another tally and making a wild pitch that counted a run. Score: CH1CAIIO. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A.E. Crert, lb 4 1 1 I OCollItu, It ... I I herkanl, If.. 4 1 1 0 llrnof, ID...S 0 0 ( Kuia. cf t I RhMn, b....l 1 t 4 1 An-hrr, lb... 4 1 II 2 e Shurpe, 16... 4 I 1 Klm'mtn, ib 4 I I I OMlll.r, rf.... t 0 11 Schulte, rt...t 110 Otwoeoor, .. I 3 9 SB. .. I 111 0 Hid, cf 1 2 4 0 0 King, c I Oil SGrahtm, e... 1 010 Nthsm, c. 0 0 ORsrldsn, c. .1 1 1 0 Klchl., p.... 1 1 t OCurtu, p I gvan, p 1 0 1 Totals !117 Toltli M 4 M IS 2 Chicago 0 10 10 8 0 0 11 Boston 0 000100001 Two-baae hits: Beck, Zimmerman, Three base hit: Archer. Hits: Off Curtis, 7 In flvw and a third Innings; off Evans, 2 in two and two-thirds innings. Sacrifice hits: Shean, Schulte, Tinker. Double plays: Bvers to Archer, Shean to Graham to Sharpe to Graham. Left on basr: Chicago, 4; Boston, 2. Base on balls: Off Richie, 8; off Curtis, 6; off Evans, 2. First bas on errors: Chi cago, 1. Struck out: By Richie, 2; by Evans, 1. Wild pitch: Evans. Time: 1:30. Umpires; Klem and Kana 'i-..a. ' M lifts Timely Homer. PITTSBURG. Aug. 24. Philadelphia to day mado its last appearance of the season In Pittsburg and won the game In the sixth Inning when Magee mads a home run with the bases full. Score: FHlLAOKLrHlA. PITTSBURG. AB.H.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A.g. Tltua, rf t 111 0 Byrne, lb.... ( 2111 knabe, lb.... I 17 4 I Uioh, cf ... S 2 110 Batu, cf 4 1 t 0 OCUrke, If ... 1 t 0 0 Ure, If.... I 1 1 0 lWi,n.t, 4 2 4 4 1 Orvnt, lb.... I 10 0 I Miller, Sb.... I 0 10 1 Br'nsfleia, lb I 1 10 0 0 Flynn, lb.... 4 110 0 Doolan. M...I 1 1 T 1 Wiimn, rf.,. 4 110 0 Moran, e 4 1 I 1 OOlbaon, e 1 0 4 2 0 Bln, p 4 10 1 OAdtma. p.... 10 10 Leavar, p...,0 0 1 0 Totals 14 10 27 14 1 Campball ..1 0 0 0 0 L.flM, p.,. 0 0 0 0 0 . Totala M 12 rt 16 I Batted for Leever In eighth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 S 2 2 0-10 Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 1 0 S 0 05 Two-base hits: Leach, Wagner, Brans field, Moran Three-base hit: Ewlng. Home run: Magee. Sacrifice hits: Miller (4), Knabe (2), Doolan. Sacrifice fly: Miller. Stolen bases: Clark. Bates, Magee. Double plays: Knabe and Bransfield; Doolan, Knabe and Bransfield 2); Wagner and Flynn. Bases on balls: Off Adams, 4; off Ewlng, 4. Struck out: By Adams, 2; by Lelfleld, 1; by Ewlng, 2. First base on er rors: Pittsburg, 2; Philadelphia. 8. Left on basee: Pittsburg, 10; Phl'adelphla, 4. Hits: Off Adams, 7 in six and one-third Innings; off Leever, S in one and two-thirds Inning. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Brennan and O'Day. Brooklyn Win Pitchers' Battle. CINCINNATI, Aug. 24. Rowan had the uener or jiucaer in a ten-inning pitchers battle here today, Cincinnati beating Brooklyn, 1 to 0. Score: CINCINNATI. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.E. IR.H.OII Bnoner, If... 4 110 ODavlaaon, cf. I 1 1 0 0 r.nan. id a 1 l 0 naubert, lb., t 0 14 0 0 Hoblltial. lb 1 111 0 0 Wheat. If 1 S A A a Mitchell, rf.. I 0 10 0 Hnmmal, 2b. I 0.1 10 Paakart, ef... 4 1 0 Burch, rf.... 4 0 10 0 PlMlan, lb.., I I 0 OLtnnoi, ft... I 10 10 Lobwt. .lb...- . t 0.0 0 Smith, a,.. ..4,1 I 1 c... a a a v a Bargan, a.... 4 1110 McMillan, set 1,1 ( ORackar, p.... 4 0 0 4 0 iiowaji, p.... s s40 -..j Totals II SW 1 0 l Olall (4 .9 SO 14 0 One out when winnlnar run imrnt Brooklyn 000 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-0 Cincinnati ........0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 11 iTvo-Dase nit: yaskert. Thr.hiu hit- McMillan. Bases on balls: Off Rucker. 4; Iff Rowan, 5. Struck out:; By Rucker. 6; by Rowan, 4. Time: 2:06. Umpires: Rlg ler and Emslle. NATIONAL HIPLB SHOOT RESCLTS United State Service Teaaas 1st Foa aesaioa of First Plaees. CAMP PERRT, O., Aug. 24. The nd of the second day of th national match finds tha United StAtes servics rifle teams still led by the Infantry, in possession or all the first five places and with New York ranking sixth, heading the thirty-sight na tlonal guard teams, but hard pushed by Massachusetts, only two points in the rear, The ten leaders finished In th following order: Team. Rapid. Tot Infantry 643 2162 wavy 646 Naval academy 626 Marine corps 630 New York 531 Cavalry 630 Massachusetts 56 Wisconsin 636 District of Columbia 6LS 2116 2109 2104 2096 2095 2092 2089 t 2088 nr waa no record breaking today on account of tha poor light and a howling gals later. Tha Evana service skirmish match awarded last week to tha United States Infantry, goea to the Seventy-fourth New York, according to corrected bulletin Issued today. The committee held that Okla homa's protest that the match should, by the rules, be decided on points, not men eliminated, was well grounded. Oklahoma got second place and the Infantry third. PRINCE EDOAR STEPS PAST MILE Mason City Track Record Pat at Low Mark. MASON CITY, la.. Aug. 24. Three thou- sano. attended the opening day of the nurin lows races. N. J. Konln of Fremont, Neb., acted as starting Judge. Th track record was lowered by one-half second, when Prince t-agar paced a mile in !:WV. In the first heat of the .W trot, Regal Parole fell at th quarter pole and several horses went over blm, but no one was seriously nut. 2:30 trot, purse 81.000: Al Preston first In three stralHht.. Prince W aver v second Oracellne third, Dug B. fourth. Best time l:l'4. 2:16 pace: Prince Edgar won. Best tlms tMi. Three-year-old pace, purse 8600: Lady Jane ctta rirst, Henry second, Josephine Lm press third. Best time: 2.21V. Mason City defeated Eldorado in a ball game, score f to 4. CVB POTTER BEATS HIS MAN irlnis I.ynd la Teaals Mateo, at Ilea Moiaea Toaraey. DES MOINES. Ia.. Aug. 24 tSDeolal Tel egram.) Potter of Omaha won his inattn in trie state tennis tournament today, de eating i.ynac. --, 9-m. s-. llefae to Jola All.gtora. ST. LOUlfl. Mo.. Ans I4. r.ih.r- - if oppuara io ma piayers playing out o i season. ' Tairataasl ot Tabor. TABOR, la.. Aug. 24 (Special Telegram ) las ball tournament results, first rams' Tabor, 13; Sidney. 2. Batteries: Tabor! Brek and Hall; Sidney, Hickev and Flem- lng- Afternoon game: Plaitamouth, 17; Randolph. 6 Batteries: Plattemoutn, Barker ard Mann: Randolph, Addle and "Pencer. Tomorrow morning. Sidney and .Plattainouth; afternoon. Tabor end. Piatt- mouth. Uiaala Wlaalaa Games PIOUX FALLS, a. IV -us- 21. ireoisi Standing of the Teams WEST. LKAOUE.I NATL. L7KAOVK , W.L Pct l W L Pet. Sioux City.. .81 44 .v Chicago 75 S5 .R2 ' Denver 74 S Pittsburg S6 43 .fts) I Lincoln Tl SO .b New York til 4" on:::::J! St. Joseph.... 5.1 .4JS Brooklyn ...44 7 .SM Pes Moines. 71 7 g, Louis. .. .44 : Topeka 89 .28S toston 41 74 .K AMER. LKAUt'h. i AMER. AfSN. V'.LPr-M W.LPct. Philadelphia T3 34 . 699, Minneapolis M 44 . Boston ti" 4n" .fcw Toledo 70 W .MS Vew York.... .65 fO .M(. St. Paul 71 62 M.I Detroit M 61 ..Sft7' Kansas Clty.tM el .527 leveland ..60 63 . 44421 Columbus ...64 84 . 5u0 Washington 51 uft Atllwaukee . 67 111 .4 Chicago ." 7 .4iii Indianapolis Ml " .4"'t St. Lou!sN..31 H ..30JI Ixiulsvllle ...47 81 .27 NEB. LEAUIE. MINK LEAGUE. W.LPct. i W.LPct. Frea.ont ,...M 39 .5:"i Clarlnda ....50 SS .M Od. Island.. 52 4.1 .547 Falls t'itv....49 SS .63 Columbus ...61 46 ..&26 Auburn 41 44 .42 Superior .... 4t 4b .521 Neb. City. ...43 43 .500 Kearney ..,.47 4ft .49.H Shenandoah 40 47.460 Seward 43 f.3 .4"' Maryvllle ...35 61.407 Red Cloud ...41 51 .4411 Hastings ....39 66.4161 Yealerriuj's Hfaalt, WEaTEHN LEAOfE. ' ' Omaha, 8; Wichita. 2. Denver, 9; Sioux City, 6. Lincoln, tt: Tooeka. 1. Serond ri ma ' T.ln. coin. 4; Topeka, 3. , JJes Moines, ; St. Joseph, 8. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Washington, 8; Chicago, 2. Philadelphia, 3; Cleveland, 1. New York,' 6; Detroit, 0. Boston, 6; St. Louis. 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 10; Pittsburg, 6. Cincinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 0. Chicago, 11; Boston, 1. New York, 4; St, Louis, I. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus. 6: St. Paul. 1. Second earns: Columbus, ; St. Paul, 8. Kansas Olty. 12: Louisville. 8. Second game: Kajiaas City, 1; Louisville, L Minneapolis, t; lnaiunapolls, 0. Milwaukee, V; Toledo, 8. STATE LEAGUE. Superior, 4: Xrand island, 0. Columbus. 1; Red CI Oud, 0. . . , Seward, 11; Hastings, 4. Kearney, 2; Fremont. 1. MINK LEAGUE. 'Nebraska City, 0; Shenandoah, 0. Falls City, 10; Clarlnda. 6. Maryvllle, 1; Auburn, 0." Games Today. Western League Wichita at Omaha. Den ver at Sioux City. Topeka at Lincoln. St. Joseph at Des Moines. Amerlcsn league Detroit at Washington. Cleveland at Boston, Chicago at New York, et. ixmia at r nitaaeipnia. National -League Brooklyn at Pittsburg. Philadelphia at Cincinnati, New York at Chicago, Boston at St. Louis. American Association Minneapolis at Columbus, Kansas City at Toledo, St. Paul at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at lxiuisvills. - Mink League Auburn at Clarlnda. Mary vllle at Nebraska City, Shenandoah at Falls City. , -. BLUES DEFEAT COLONELS Kansas City Takes First Game of Double-Header.' SECOND -SAME CALLED IN FIFTH Last Session Ends Oae to One Score ia Oaeaer is Twelve to Six Barbonr Gets On for the . ...v.j.: .JE',; I---.'' . "h;. - i -Umlt.ltl-f. Ausr. 24.ka,nsaa City won the first MitfKV double-header to day frorn LoirlsrUle, The second game was called at thtf' nX Of th fifth Inning to allow the visitor; to catch A train, with the score standing 1 to J. Score, first gam:. . KANSAS CITt. , , . liOUWVlLLB. AB.H.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A.g. Barbeau, lt. . 1 1.-4 1 Robinson,' as ( 11 10 Shannon, if.. 1 0 8 -0 0 Meyera, lb..: I 0 0 V 0 (moot, lf.,..l 1 2 C OStanlay, of.. 8 8 00 Hunter, lb... ( 4 10 Doyle, lb 4 1 1 1 1 Lore, ib..... 114 1 Rellly. If.... 1 14 11 Jmaa,e..... 4 I I 1 Pitk.rinr. rf. 4 0 10 0 Biliary, ef.. 4 1 4 1 OMafaa, ill.... 4 114 0 Dewnla. aa...4 1 I f o Allan, c I 1111 Bran4om, .. 0 0 0.2 0 RlchUr. .,. 0 0 1 v Campbell, p. 1 0 1 0 Oa borne, p... 1 0 0 10 Shay, lb 6 0 0 CO.IbraJth, p.. 9,0 1 0 1 Byr4, p 1 1 0 0 0 TOUls H 16 mi lMu,B .... 1 0 0 0 0 . . . .. J'loumoy .. 1 0 0 00 1 Totals 17 11 87 11 "i Batted for Rlchter In second. Batted for Osborne in ninth. Louisville 1 2100 0 0026 Kansas City 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1-19 Two-basa hits: Hunter. Downle! Love. Three-base hits: Stanley, Robinson. Home run: uaroeau. struck out: By Osborne, 2; by Gaibralth. 1. Has on balls: Off Rlch ter, 1; off Campbell, 1; off Gaibralth, 1. Tim: 1:10. Umpire: Owens. in second gam was called at th end of th fifth Inning to allow Kansas City to oaten a tram. . score: LOUISVILLE. KANSAS CITT. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Robinson, sat 1 I 0 OBarbaau. lb 1 014 Mayer, ln...l 0 4 0 0 Shannon, If,. 1 0 10 0 Stanley, rt... 1 111 Cncaah, rf.,,2 1 I 0 0 Doris, lb.... I 0 0 8 OHnnur, lb... 8 14 1 Floumor, If. I 0 1 Lova, tb 1 1 t I 1 Pickering, rf. 8 1 4 1 0 R liter, e 1 1 I I Masaa, lo ... I 1 1 1 a Raf i.ry, ef... 1 0 0 0 4 H u baa. ... 1 0 10 Shar. as. 8 16 11 Hall, p f 0 0 8 Oloann, p....l 4 10 Totals..... .14 1 1 0 Totala 14 I II 10 I Louisville .., 0 1 0 0 01 Kansas City 0 1 0 0 01 Three-base hits: Hunter, Love. Struck out: By Hal la, 1. Time: 0:60. Umpire: Owens. FAST GAMES MARK PLAY FOR STORZ TENNIS TROPHY Matches Delayea br Bala Art Raa Off la Pretty Fasaloa at Field Clab. Past tennis? playing marked the progress of th matches at the Field club yester day for th Arthur Stor trophy. Delayed last week by the rains, th contest has re ceived a considerable Impetus this week, and now Is nearlng Its close. Interest to the highest degree centers in the event by reason of th fact that there are but few trophies to be striven for at the club this year. The second round was completed and the third round disposed of up to its final match yesterday. The remaining session of the third round, wrhlch will bring the contest to the seml-flnal stage, la to be played off this afternoon by Arthur Scrib ner and Lieutenant Bates C. Potter, who had been out of the game for soma time, put up a remarkably fast exhibition In his efforts of th day. Following war th Scores: A. Scrlbner, 40, beat M. Colpetser, 15, 7 6. 8-4. H. Kohn, Wk. beat Susman, --16, 4 S, (-4. F. Webster, 13H. beat K. Potter, 16 -8. 6-8. H. Koch, 80. beat 8. Caldwell, 1H4. 1-4. -2. C. Potter, 16. beat Davis. -1-H15. e-4, 8-2. Dr. Teal. -I-H1&. beat A. C. Potter. 40. w-O. A. Gordon, H-16, beat B. Moysen Scratch. w-0. H. Kohn. IS1, beat Webster. 1M4, r-i. A. Gordon, -1-16. beat Dr. Teal, --m. 7-8, 8-4. REIILTB IX MINK LRiGl'R Mary-Ill that Oat A skara Defeat for tlartada. At Maryvlllo cor R.H.E. Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 2 J Maryvllle ft- 0 0 0 0 0 11 8 2 1 Psttrrtea: Hlrach end Krsnlnser. Oawalt r " r leirner. r h si Clarlnda fteoret i 0 2 I 2 1-10 8 1 u.L .nA b-'i'-T McCabe and Brath, Lud- Delalr. StOCab ana Brath. Lud. okersc .Umpir; MoUinnis, ATHLETICS ACAIN WINNERS Make Clean Sweep of Their Series with Cleveland. score is three to one Bender Strikes Oat Twelre Mea- Kaler Wild In Third Inalni Morphy Seeares On Two-Base Hit. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Aug 21.-Phlla-delphla, by winning today's gam by 8 to 1, made a clean sweep of the series with Cleveland. Both pitchers were effective. Bender striking out twelve batsmen but wlldness by Kaler In tha third lr.nlng, and Murphy's fourth inning gave the homa team the victory. Score: PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 1-oTil, If 4 2 0 Turner. 2... I I 1 0 OMrlnt. cf..l 114 SThomaa n, rf 4 1 1 0 0 folllna, Ib... I 0 18 OBIrm h m, cf I 1 2 0 v Bakar, 3k..,. 4 0 0 0 Lalol. Ib.... 4 1110 liana, lb.... I 0 4 0 ngtovall, lb... 4 0 110 Murphy, rt.. 1 1 0 0 OKruagar, If.. 4 0 1 0 Barry, as 1 1 4 1 1 Hall, aa t I 7 1 lumma, e.,.i ill i 0 Land. .. I 1 I 0 1 uanuer, p.... I 48 SKalar. p 1 014 1 0 1 1 0 'Mlaa ... Totals IT I 27 I 1 Totals... Batted for Ball In the ninth .11 14 11 1 Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Pnlladelphla 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 Two-base hits; Murphy. Stolen basee: Birmingham, La.1ole, Thompson. Bajtes on belle: Off Kalen, 4; off Bender. 8. Struck out: By Kaler, 2; by Bender, 12. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Perine and Evans. tsr York Loads on Donovan. NEW YORK, Aug. 24.-New York hit Donovan freely In the seventh and eighth Innings today and took the last gam from Detroit, to 0. Score: NSW YORK. DETROIT. ,, AIJ.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E., ef..l 10 0 OMcInlyre, If. 4 1 1 0 0 Woltar, rf...4 110 I Il.h'nt, Ib 4 1 I 1 0 Cl.aae, lb.... I 1 14 4 OOobb, cf 4 0 6 1 Knight, aa .,4 112 Ocrawford, rf. 4 1 4 0 Lapofta. lb.. 8 111 OMorlarllr. 104 0 11 0 Roach, If.... 4 10 0 OBuah. aa I 8 1 0 Auatln, lb...l 0 2 4 it. Jona. lb. I 1 1 4 J'ser, e I 4 1 8 0 c... 1 8 10 vaughan, p.. I 1 0 I 0 Donovan, p.. I 0 0 4 0 J"'-1 & "2 W 1 Totala M "j 24 W "i Jones out, hit by batted ball. Detroit 00 0.00000 00 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 Two-bas hits: Btanage, Crawford. Three base thits: Mclntyre, Knight. Sacrifice hit: Chase. Sacrifice fly: Laporte. Stolen base: Bush. Left on bases: Detroit, 6; New York, 8, Double play: Donovan, Bush and T. Jones. Struck out: By Vaughn, 7; by Donovan, t Bases on balls: Off Vaughn, 2; off Donovan, 8. Time: 1:20. Umpires: Dlneen and Perrlne. Sox Lose In Tenth. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.-A two-bagger by Gray and a single by Schaefer enabled Washington to defeat Chicago today, 8 to 2, In the tenth Inning. Score: Washington. .chiuaoo. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.g. Milan, ef.... 0 1 0 Lord, lb I 0 14 0 .Schaefer, 2 b, 6 I I I Zald.r, aa.... I 0 6 10 Conroy, If... 4 2 1. 0 1 Maloan, rf...l 110 0 Geaalar, rf... 1 1 0 0 0 Dougherty, If 4 I 0 0 0 McBrlda, .. 4 1 I I Tannehlll, lb I 0 10 1 1 Elberfeid, lb I 0 1 1 v Conine, cf... 4 1 I 0 1 Vnileub. lb.. 1 10 1 OParant, lb... 4 0 4 4 0 Alnemltb, .. 4 1 l a Block, o 4 I 1 8 0 Gray, p......4 1 1 2 401mte4, p.. 4 1 1 2 0 Total 14 io 1 1 Totals il tu j 1 One out when winning run scored. Washington o 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-S Chicago 020000000 02 J.woba hlt: 0ry- Sacrifice hit: Tanne hlll. Stolen base: Schaefer. Double plays: Zelder and Tannehlll; Lord, Parent and Tannehlll; Mcttrlde, Schaefer and Unglaub. Left on bases: Washington, 6; Chicago. 1. Bases on balls: Oft Gray, 6; off Olmstead, 4. First base on errors: Washington, 2; Chicago, 1 Struck out: Bv -Gray, 4; by Olmstead, 1. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Colli flower and Connolly. Colorado E Wins Futurity and Sets New Mark in Race Denver Colt Stepi Two Fattest Con secutive Milei to Credit of Any Three-Year-Old. NEW YORK, Aug. 24Colorado E, a bay colt, by The Bondsman-Bess McGregor, today established a new two-neat world's record for J-year-old trotters st the open ing of a five-days' Grand circuit harness meeting at the Empire t-y track. Yonkers. In th Matron futurity stake of 115,000 he won In straight heats of 2:07U and 2:074, the fastest work ever don fy a 1-year-old In th history of the light harness racing. Kenuits; Fashion etake. 2:11 pace, purse, 22.300, two In three: Evelyn W won. Lady isie second, orown inira. uest time: 2:U6'A. Matron futurltv stakes. S-vaar-nld trot! bure, 815.0UO; two in tnree: Colorado . K won, Emelyne iiilen second. Native Deli iniru. Best time: 2:07i4. Speedway stake, :18 trot to wagon. amatuers io drive, nurse, 82,500; two In wiree; reier Dorsey won, Sible Maid second, Baron Dell third. Best time: 2:1414. UALBSBURG. III., Aug. 23.-Hedgewood uoy, 2:024 beat Minor Heir, 1:69' and George Cano, 2:034, In a sensational spu- ihiiu r0 ner touay. ine ureal cult' Wood afalllnn nnA HI., an,.. a. At within one-halt a aecond of tha world's1 race reoord. and lowered his own mark one and one-quarter seconds. Minor Heir iiiiisneu none and nose with Hedgewood -oy, wnne uano paced the mil In 2 DVBMT8 ON Bl'S'M.VO THAC'KB Coaatlee Wins Haroa Handicap al Saratoga Track. SARATOGA. Aug. 24. Countless, well rid den by Koerner and held at 6 to 1 In th belting, won the Huron handicap her to day. Results: First rsce, seven furlongs: Candle Berry (8 to 1) won, Scarpla (8 to 2) second, Belle wawr t to l) third. Time: l:2UH- Second race, five and a halt furlongs: Rockvllle t8 to 6) won. Stinger (18 to 6) sectmd, Eagle Bird (in to It tnlrd. Tims: 1:06. Third race, one and an eighth miles: Bon nie Kelso (11 to S) won, Bad News (6 to 1) second, Dorante (4 to 1) third. Time: 1:52. Fourth race, th Huron handicap, one and three-sixteenths miles: Countless (5 to ii won, Hampton Court (20 to 1 second. Martinet: (7 to 6) third. Time: LuUH. fifth race, one mile: Helmet (even) won, Csar (8 to 1) second, Barley tliorpe (4 to 1) third. Time: 1:2S. Slkth race, five and a half furlongs: Bouncer (4 to 1) won, Zeelllah 7 to 2) second, Thrifty (12 to 1) third. Time: 106. Preliminaries at Maiiri. NIAQARA-ON-THEV-LAKE Ont lur 24. Th preliminary sots o the Interna tional lawn tennis tournament, up to the close of play today, leave the following contestsnta still undefeated in the oham- plonshlp open singles: Hoerr and Drum - mond Jones of St. Louis: Hall, McBichorn, Burns snd I-ilrd of Toronto; Wick snd oar 01 v.ieveiana; vv nun or ueiroit; car roll of Buffalo: Mulvaney and Sivlnner of L-onaon; ruiKint or Winnipeg, and Craw ford of Cincinnati. Bourne of Newport was eliminated today when he lost to Burns of Toronto, 6-2. i-i. In the women's slnglss Mrs. Beard of Cleveland qualified for the semi-finals by defeating Miss Evan of Toronto, 6-1, 6-X Keeae Sells Horses. belonging to i u" Keeiie .old Vn ill psddocks her today and good prices were KVh.'b.r eluded many stake winners. Twenty-seven head sold for a total of 818,750. Th star of M mri-r:-nv spirited bidding sh was finally , nocked down to E. Bradley for 27.ouo. i.eie Meet, whiriaeiod. boston. Aug 24 -Harrv Lewis of phiia- deiphia. claimant of the weiterwrignt "h V'T'.'.1,?,. LAri''l'A. hir.L"'i"d Lisht and went down to defeat at the end ? i' i-eis mad a splendid Uhowing for to rounda, but after mat hi,,r fur tn runnila but aftxr Itiat I lwa obliged to bold on to sav himself, Sullivan Catches f. Bali from Top of Monument Chicago American Player Accom plishes Dificult Feat on Twenty-Third Trial. WASHINGTON, Aug. it. -Catcher Billy" Sullivan of th Chicago Americans today repeated th feat of Catcher Charles Street of th Washington American league team last year. In catching a ball thrown trom a window at th top of tho Washington monument, a perpendicular height Of 642 feet. Th ball was tossed fi-om th top of th monument by Pitcher Ed Walsh of the Chicago team. It waa only after twenty three attempts that Sullivan finally caught the ball, although ha succeeded several times In so gauging th sphere ss to get It in his mitt. Th speed of th ball was so terrific, however, thst he was unabl to hold It. It is estimated that th ball was traveling at th rat of ltl feet a second when caught. Several members of th Chicago team. Including Conine and Doc Whit, trainer Quirk of th Washington team and a few government officials witnessed th feat. While) th feat ha been attempted many time In past years only Street heretofore was abl to accomplish it. His feat was performed during th summer of 1808 on th thirteenth attempt. Wright Loses to Tom Bundy NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 24.-Beals C. Wright of Boston, a former national singles champion, was decisively defeated today In th final round of th all-comers singles tournament on th Casino courts here by Thomas C. Bundy of Los Angeles, one of th Pacific coast double champions. Bundy's victory furnished th greatest sur prise of the tournament that has been In upsets of favorites. Bundy defeated Wright 8-8, 6-1, 8-1, 10-g. Estrada in Possession of Managua United States Officially Informed of Success of Insurgents in Ficaraj-ua. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 24.-The first authentic confirmation of th success of General Juan J. Estrada to th presidency of Nicaragua cams to th Stat department today in th form of a cablegram from General Estrada himself. Estrada aald tha first official act of ths new president was to assure tha American people of th warm friendship for them by the victorious party and th eagerness. If necessary, to maks restitution for th taking of Cannon and Oroc, th two Americans, under Zelaya's rul. Official confirmation of th departure of President Madris from Managua for Co rinto on tha Pacifio coast, after 'turning;' over hit authority to Jot Dolores Estrada, was reeclved at the Stat department this Afternoon In a long dlspatoh from American Consul OUvares at Managua, It was dated Saturday. William Pittman, th American engineer, he says, had been released from prison by Madris and was sheltered at th consulate. MANAGUA, Aug, 2S.-In a lengthy de cree Issued today, Jos Dolores Estrada, who temporarily assumed tha reins of gov ernment when President Madrli vacated his office and fled th country, gives full recognition to th provisional government formed at Biueflelds. In doing so, however, he stipulate that a regular and free lec tion for th office of chlf executive of tho republic must be . held within sis months. Th decree also names th members of a commission, th duty of which will be to have drawn up and signed by th hos tile factions, a permanent treaty of peace. Nebraska Men Engage in Fight to Save the Fort Program at Eiley Today Inolndes Sham Fight in Effort to Capture Place. JUNCTION CITT, Kan.. Aug. II (Spe cial Telegram.) Both Nebraska regiments spent th entire time her today resting in camp, following th hard march yester day, whan mors than fifty man succumbed to th heat. Colonel Mack and Ebrly of the two regiments were much opposed to ssndlng their men out end orders trom headquarters early this morning relieved them from participation In th maneuvers for th day. Th Kansas men. who suf fered from th heat far mora than did th Nebraakana, were alao allowed to rest. Alt men In the hospital were reported as get ting along nicely today, A number of them wera discharged 1st this afternoon, but will bs prmlttd to lndulg In no further maneuvering during th encampment. Tomorrow will be th big day of the en campment. Tha "Reds." . represented by tha Nebraskant, and ths "Blues,"iepr sented by the Kanssns, will oppose each other in a sham battle. The general move ment will be In th nature of an attempt to capture Fort Riley. The advance will b mad by the "Blues" from the vicinity of Battery hill, north of the fort, and the "Reds' will constitute the defens. Por tion of th regular army now encamped here will also tsks part In th fray. A Shooting: grrap mlth both rjartlea wounded, demands Buck- tn; Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, I . . -., ,. k - . ' 1 hums or Injuries. 26C. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. ... 1 Malaria is . y.f emlo blood poiwa, a dlaea-a which RraduaUy de.troy tha richness and nourishing elements of th blood. When tha malarial poison b to abrb th. rich r.d corpuscs of th cUcuUtlon w. sh pal, sallow com- plexlons, and a general lmpairmant of halth. But Malaria mans mor than tai anrj b th blood become weaker from th poison, tho appetite fall, dl- Ke-tlon is dlturbd, chills and slJgr.t ht.r sn fr.qu.nt. and In aTatad cases boll and .ruptlons, liver spots, had even abscsses break out on th flesh. . To gum lt -U up iisiarU mean blood poTcrty, and th only way to cur t-f troubl is to nrich and purify th blood. Nothing 1 equal to 8. 8. S. s a blood purifier and lt it specially adapted to th. cur. of malarial troubles, becau lt contains no harmful mineral, nd whll 8 S. 8. build ud th. .ntir. ytm by th malaria, begin th. us of 8. 8. 8. at onci, and by cleaning the blood, rtl ; -,ourgejf 0 thu wasting disease. Book on th. Blood and any medical adric Toursou vi v u -aai,.- w-v -..-. CDrr,wr. n sttamta na I fr. to all. MOTOR CLUB RACE IS BEGUN Endursvnca Ran Has Tina Start Wednesday Morning:. ' Is Oa-BHa COHFETTT CAR LEAVES iMVT ? Ia Baeltesneat Paeeaaaker Loeis'Oat aad Maxwell Take Lead Cars Well oa Way to " 1st Capital CHr. Th Omaha Motor club ndurnca' run la on. The rac has started. Tha car ar wall on their way, with Lincoln tneir goal for last night. It Is now simply up to svery driver and every ear to show the stuff they are made cf. and maks good. Never has a local automobll con test excited aa much interest nor as much rivalry among th contestants at th prt-, nt on, which very driver swear will bring h car to victory with th best score. At 4 o'clock Wednesday morning ths confetti car. which blaset the trail, left th starting 11ns at Twentieth and Harney streets, followed at S o'clock by ths Murphy at on s Frayr-Mlllr Teuton truck. Th first of th contesting cars No. left at 7 o'clock and shot off down ths road with nothing ahead cf It. In th excitement of starting th pace maker lost out, and was not In hit placs to dtctata the speed, so the little Maxwell let her out and mad for Rhenandoah, with nothing but a trail of dust following unUi the next car started a minute later. It was a very Jolly way that It ended, though, for th pac-makr started out in hot pursuit, after all tha other autos war fair on their way, being th last car out cf th city. It waa not only tha strong sex that took interest and active part In th run, for several women went as passengers and one young woman. Miss Besse Amos, drove her own car. She laughed aa she took her place at th steering gear and let In th clutch, "w'r off for the raoes," ah oalled back as th car. started en Its way and ah settled down In her seat for th weary drive which lay before her. In th car accompanying her was Mtsa Chelsea Jones, who will shar th driving honors, acting as an interchangeable driver with Mr. N. Amos and son, Nicholas, aa pas sengers and F. A. Roberts aa observer. Taos Who Started. , Th ears, drivers," observers and pas sengers Who started' on the run were: ( Maxwell, R. A. Doty. drvtf; H. R. Bell, observer; time. 7 :ut. - (15) Hupmobile, W. F. Huffman, driver; j. u. ioiicei', ouaerver; nine, 1 .vi. (1) Chalmers 30. H. E. Frederlckson. driver; Fred Dull, observer; time, 7:08. (a) muck model 17. A. L. ntaniew. anvir J. C. Waldman, observer; time, 7:03. (2) Bulck, H. K. Obderklrk, driver; K. M. Bromwell, observer; time, 7:04. (7) - Maxwell, L hi. Doty, driver; C. L. Powell, observer; time, 7:06. (1) Cols .-, Fay Knott, driver; C. D. Pritchard, observer; time, 7:08. (17) Ford. J. M. Monnleh. driver; L. C. Gibson, otVerver; time, 7:07. (IK) Htoddard courier, A. Merrill, anver; A. C. Stott, observer; time, 7:0. (20) Ford, Max Uottberg, arlverj & 8. Shesjn, observer; time, 7:00. (21) Chalmers 8u, Walter Smith and Frank Walker, Interchangeable drivers; Elmer -Hardlemart, observer; time, 7:10. (22) Chalmers 80, Dr. D, C. 6oukup and J. Rachman, Interchangeable drivers; A. H. Krauss, observor; time, 7:11. (26) Chalmers 30, Miss Bessi Amos and Mis Chelsea Jones Interchangeable drivers; . F. A. Roberts, observer: Mrs. N. Amos and Nlohola Amos, passengers; time, 7:12. (4) Bulck, A. B. Cameron, ".driver; C Shorbert, observer; . time. 7:12. (5) Bulck, m. c. uuggan, anver; jrrans: Parmele, observer; time, 7:14. (8) Columbia, William Hall, driver; N.' j. Marion, observer; H. B. Ureen, passen ger; time, 7:16. . ..a (8) Klsssl car, Arthur Ove, driver; H. B. Ray, obssrvsr; Mrs. C. B. Bogus and Miss Patterson, passenger; time, 7:16. (10) Velle, B. Silver, driver; F. H. Schu macher, observer: time, 7:17. (11) Midland, C. H. Carney and W. E. Nutting, imerchangatl drivers; W. Klopp, observer; time, cis. . . ' . (121 Whit. E. E. Mocket and C. A. Sadler, interchangeable drlvrs, and LT f:lhnn observer: time. 7:18. (in Franklin. Guy L. Smith and B. C. Russell, Interchangsble drivers; C. Pagels, observer, and J. M. Plnkerton, passenger; "(24) Chalmers. B. H. Bpragua and John Parthurst, lntarchangabl drivers; H. L. Preston, observer; time, 7:30. The pacemaker, a Veil "40" car, carried C. Mlckell and B. Uhllg, interohangabl drivers; H. H. Wooten pacemaker. The official car waa a Klsssl car and carried OI Hlbner, H. Wilson nd O. C. Beck; driver. H. W. Holtslnger. 1 Two press cars, carrying correspondents, photographers and sfithuslasts, entered Into ' th list and will accompany tha autolat ovsr th eours. ' All Reach First Control. ' SHENANDOAH, It., Aug. K-(8pclaJ f Telegram -A 11 cart in and parked. ,PAo tlonlly all cara checked out. Presti Hlbner reports a fin run this far with no accidents. It It reported that th road sr In good condition, with farmer along? th rout working them for tour. Big truck, of Andrew Murphy and son In good ahape,' making fin run on schedule time. There is very llltl troubl among th car. First oar to leave at 11, noon. Car with tb lady crew cam through with flying aolora. Th car driven by Fum Smith, a 6hnaa doah boy, I without penalty. Th oonfattl oar came through her at 8:10 this morn ing, making th run In threo boar and fifteen minutes. SEMI-FINAL a AT DES , MOUTHS Pairings ia Stat Toaals gwtDash aael Gllmaa-Potter, DE8 MOINES, la.. Aug. 24 -(Special Telegram.) W. B. Oilman of Bloux City defeated J. T. Bailey of Albion, Okla., this morning In th state tennis tournament, 4-4, 10-8, 6-1, on th courts of th Country club. In one of th most bitterly contested matches ever seen In an Iowa tournament. Cuthbert Potter of Omaha defeated ! teammate, Webster, also of Omaha, In th third round match, -8. 8-0. Palling In th seml-flnal will be Hweet vs. Dosh and Oilman vs. Potter. Detroit Hires Pitcher, WINNIPKG, Aug. 24.--Davld Skeels, the Indian pitcher of the Western Canada league, 'Jumped" to the Detroit Americana today. Detroit's option of 81,200 expired August 15, but representatives from th Detroit team persuaded Bkeel to go with them. Woman Foand Not GnlHr, . NKW ORLEANS, Aug. 24 With th un written law as her plea, Mamie Mclaugh lin, 18 years old, charged with tha murder of Hugh Kmlth. today was decJsred not guilty by a Jury today. r. . , DRIVES OUT MALARIAL POISONING ridding th. blood of th malarial poison . It fin. tonio efl.otg. If you ar. suffering TBS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA.