- - i ' - wt; Mothers! Don't let this opportunity escape you. Thursday beginning at and for 5 hours only 9 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 5 P. M WE WILL SELL Rujiilan, style pretty ohecke. In fut riaSp.daVfrDm Our Baby Corner Kgular;50c Soft Sole Shoeis per 'tee ydoho OWN aTOSIC 1518-1520 FAENAM STREET. dlao bureau .ha been Authorized to use tha necessary v money In fighting tha fire a. Mora Troozpa.f ceded. Two ir.ora cornpanles of troopa could ba uaed, , leya Mr.- Morgan,' and ha requests that they 'be sent If available. Northarn Pacific traina ara tied up and railroad bridge have been burned and telegraph wires severed. General Maus, commanding tha Deaprt niant of tha Columbia. In a report to Gen eral Wood, chief tf ataf'l of tha army, aald that a little rain had fallen on tha burning foreata and that copdltions were mora hope ful. To aid In caring for the forest f Ira vlo tlma a pack train with' full hospital equip ment and a detachment' of the army med ical corps has been ordered 'by the War department to prooeed from Fort Robinson, Neb., to Belton, Mont There the train will be divided by General Hower, In command of the Department of tha Dakotaa Into section end sent. wher. moat needed. In conformity-wlth'at request from the governor of Idaho ton days' rations have been lsaued by order ot the War depart ment to that portion of the National Ouard of the state which -has been oalled out to fight he fjrea. The state is to repay the federal government for these supplies. Taft Aotlaca. Brady. President. Taft notified Oovernor Brady Forest Gnplerts .Accounted For. WALLACE, Idaho, Aug; M. When the roll ot the Coeur d'Alene national forest employee waa called In the office of Sup ervisor; Wf R.,WeJgla;-today, all of the men were accounted for except Joseph P. Halm ot Wallace, a deputy ranger, who had pertomed ejteellent'worsv and waa laat aeen with hie erew north of -the Big Fork of the Coeur d'Alene river. In a district that was burned over Saturday night Grave feara tor the safety of the crew are felt A party of rangera are opening a road from the Bullion mine to Wallace, In order that the bodies of the eight men who per ished at the mine may be brought here for burial. Deputy Ranger 'Edward C. Pulaski of , Wallace, whOKe came has been mentioned frequently In the fire despatches for his bravery, lies on a cot In the Hope hospital, blinded In one eye and heavy burns on tha face and hands. - When the twenty-four men who were Imprisoned in the Bullion rolpe tunnel had abanndoned hope of escape' they prepared to die manfully. They changed shifts, ao that some wight hold a blanket over the mine hole,-1 while the others prayed for forgiveness for Jhelr sins and wrote fare well messages on scraps of paper to loved onea. All prayed, though some had not dona ao slnoe Infancy, - The letters written by the eight men will be sent to the per sona to whom they" ar addressed. The notes written by .the survivors have been returned to them. The party waa la charge of Edward E. Hale, who wrote a patne.lo guod-uye mes sage to hls. oioUier, Mrs. C. A. Hale of Kimball avenue, Chicago, but who waa saved. " Aid . ilea from Utah. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-Ftfty forest .n.a from the staff of District Forester Sherman a'oad.n. Utah, have ben or- . u.. .t.i ,. . ",.. ... at once to Missoula, Mont, to aid In super Intending, the fighting of the flames In that district , w- s v v These men,wh a,re trained In the work of battling wltlt forest fires) will be put Into service directing the work of the fire fighting crews and assisting the troopa and the militia. As there is no cause tor alarm from flrea In Utah, the' officials of the forest aervlce thought these men .could be pared for duty in Missoula, Mont . FOREST FIRES IN CALIFORNIA Bin Body of Timber In Trinity County Is Bnrnlng. REDDING. Cal., Aug. M.-The forest tire near Mlnersvllle, Trinity county, has a front ot five and a half miles and has burned Its way Into, a belt of magnificent timber. Eviry able bodied ' man in Lewis ton has been ' drafted to aid the foreat angers, in fighting the flames. Most of the tire -fighters have been on duty forty eight hours- without rest. Thla conflaKjajUon la on government land on a rallroavf batween Trinity river and tuart'a fork, only one mile from Mlners vil.e. In soutlie-iatern Trinity eouaty Mount Bee Gum la aiie on two sides and rangera from Lasso n oouuty are helping to save the timber. . , . - Another big .Ire. la raging on New. river, la the northsastvpart of Trinity county, where Forest Supervisor Haffley is In saaige of the fire brigade. Taft Presents Cup to Yachtsman Spanish Sailors and Number of Other Visitors Present at Ceremony' . at Beverly. , :' BEVERLY. Mass.; Aug. Z4.-Tlie Spanish sender yscl.tcft)) ho hvj Leon racing the Americana foe. the- last tea tiwa wUhbut success as . far. as, pr4s aio'i concerned, same over, frytii Marbluhedd.luJay as guests at President 'i'afg to .lin. lu presenta tion on the-Mayf.oWer lit ill t'lcaiuoiit Taft up to Charles F. Adama Wi owner and klpper of th winning yacUt. itAi-pooii. Th president stktd a number ut iiut golf friends and neighbors to th cwremouy and tor an hour oc tuora bef or noon Salem bay was alive with launches. ;. Th Spaniards' accompanied th offi cer and members of the Eastern yacht tlub from the club station at Marblehead, toming over In half a doien of the big ssotor boats, while th- small government rachl Bylph Weil down th UeVoriy, Man theatar and Magnolia shores' to pick up tuesta walling oo - the various Utile a harve. Tus gpariah party numbered about a doeen, hredad by Don Juan Ilia no y Gay angos, th ripaiiUh minister, , and Inc'-nt.-! Victorian Lopes Dorlga,' president of tb (0r Ctiildrcn's Dresses Regular valuta 75c to ll.H mot of thera wer th . latter price six ar from 1 to I only French and Hlg hland bloomar rhland bloomar mm -f figures, etc., , t-i fl g id dark g Inf- fjjjy colora. light and hams, percales, tc.--CXOXO. . . pair .39c a i rronrs Federation of Spanish Tacht Clube; Secre tary Eduardo de Ubao- and tola brother, Enrique Ubao; Captain Louie de 'Arena, Juan de Zabala and Eduardo -Astlgarrsga of the Chonta, Captain Javier ef the Pap poose. Skipper Manual Corral and Juan Jose de la Qulntana of the latosqulto II and a couple of frlunds. Captain Adams of the victorious Harpoon was accompanied by his crew and the own era and crews of the other contesting Amer ican yachta were also present Garfield Will-; Join Roosevelt Former Secretary (;; Interior '..Will Make Speeches at Denver, Ossa watomie and St Paul. ' CLEVELAND, O., Aug. I.-Jmes R. Garfield, secretary of the interior under Roosevelt, will leave his Mentor, O.. home at 10 o'clock tonight for a speaking tour of the west during which he will ally himself Wsth Roosevelt and Plnuhot in tha discussion ot progressive repub licanism and conservation of the natural resources. Mr. Garfield will speak to morrow at Sycamore, III. Saturday he will Join the Roosevelt party at Cheyenne, Wyo. On the evening of August 29, he will speak before the Round Table club of Denver on conservation, his address . be ing a reply to the declaration of Secre tary Balllnger that the Roosevelt con servation policy la obstructive. At Ossawat omle, Kas., on August SI, from the same platform on which Colonel Roosevelt and Plnchot will apeak, he will talk on "The Influence of Corporations la Politics." He will continue with Roosevelt until he do livers an address before the Con serration congress in St Paul, September 8. Mr. Garfield ' expects to enter the fall cam paigns in many states, notably - Indiana where he will champion the cause of Senator Beverldge. . White Resumes His Testimony Man Who Says He Was Bribed by Lee 0'Neil Browne Again on Stand. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. States Attorney wayman called the case of State Represen tative Robert E. Wilson, charged with having been the distributer of the alleged "Jack-pot" at St. Louis, In Judge Honore's court today. If 'this was a ruse to get Wilson into court ao that he could ba brought into the " Br"vn witness, as M ""ted by the defense.lt tailed. Judge Hon or postponed the Wilson cane until after disposal of th Browno case, and refused to dclar Wilson's bond forfeited to the state. ' , Examination of Representative WHite, wno alleged that Browne bribed him to rot for William Lorimer for senator, was resumed before Judge Kersten. Attorney Forest f-;th defense, clashed with the court in trying to get a yes or no answer from' the Vltneaa' to 'the question as 'to wMether he expected to b Indicted' on this confession that he had accepted abrlba "I don't know,"" was Whltes. repeated answer. . . .. . jj? . yV' Mr. Forest Insisted onv'dirWffirmsj tlon or denial of the question In spite of th faot that th court had ruled against him. FORMER UNITED STAJE.S SENATOR CALL IS DEAD Man Who Represented Florida In th ' 1'nner Hons Elahteen Years Is Victim ot Parallsls, WASHINGTON. Aug. 24.r-Cerebral hem morrhage waa the Immediate cause ot the death at th emergency hospital here today ot former United Statea Senator Wilkinson Call of Florida, Senator Cart was stricken at-- his Washington home -last, Saturday evening. H became unconscious and was convoyed o th hospital." Where he re mained In a comatose atate until his death at t a. m. today. Senator Call la Survived by his daughter, Who arrived here Sunday. r Serving In the upper branch of congress eighteen years, from I87 to 1&7; Mr. Call occupied -an important place j on several committees. He waa a 'native1, of Russell villa, Ky., and was 74 years eld. In boyhood Se nf rb Florida. At the outbreak of the 'civil war I Mr. Call enlisted as ' volunteer In-the confederate army and bafors the close of hostilities became adjutant, general of Florida .troopa , Alter Ui ar the Florida llegUlaturo estcted him. senator, but he was knot theji seated. Thereafter Be began th i pi actio of law in Jackson W!.. I He aa preatdenial nle.ctor-at-1 preatdenlal nle,rtor-st-larg In 1872 and' Ii7t; V member pf;ths democratic na tional executive committee In Itf.f anu deia. gate to the democrauo national convention In Wt. After-leaving public life Senator Call continued the practice of hia profes sion in Jacksonville . A merloan Pilgrim In Rom. " ROMS.. Aug. It. Th pope received today In private audience In th ball of con- el story a. group of 160 Americana Includ I rig a delegation of fifty members of thi Knights ot Columbus. The delegation waa conducted by Rev. M. J. McOlvney ot Mid dletown. Conn., national chaplain of th Knights of Columbus, who presented aa ad-Jrews and .an .offering ti tu pope. r 1 Ail MOirmrsTS or ocsaix btsakbab. rv-t. Arrw4. , ' am. . HAIiriX CsinpiriM MKW V.'lllK K. P. Mlh.lBl., JKJbTOK ." (mUk4. - - - i n Hay 10 to kUiuaUon-B Went Aita. BOAMAGES ARE DEMANDED Eighty-Fire Thousand Dollars Be- quested of Iowa Corporations. SCHOOL TEACHES FILES SUIT Fifty Tsitssssl Dollars Sam of Demands tha Makea ef Car Com war Salts Asjmlnst Rook IiUsl. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINE8. It, Aug. 4.-(Speclal Telegram.) Totala of 10,000 were filed In damage suits against two Dea Moines public servioe corporations this morning In the district court here and one of IS.MO against the Rock Island railroad, making a total of 185,000 as one day's record. Arada McCrelght, a former Dea Moinea school teacher, who was Severely injured In a car wreck one year ago, asks 160,000 dam ages, while Thomaa Travis, a rormer em ploye of the Dea Moines Gas company, asks 130,000 damages for Injuries received In unloading a car of coke. The Rock Island suit la brought by Theodore Sptak- man, an employe, injured in me aiiey Junction roundhouse. New gaoerlntendent Selected. The Bute Board ot Control today selected Dr.. George Donohoe of Independence to be superintendent of the state Institution for inebriates at Knoxvllle. He is now as sistant superintendent of the state hospi tal at Independence where. he has been for five years. He was not a candidate for the place, but waa elected by the board on their own motion. Carroll to Attend Reunions. Oovernor Carroll will on Thursday apeak at an old settlers' reunion and plcnio at Rlverton and the next "day will be at a similar meeting at Vllliaca. He Is now In Ohio where he attended the shoot In which guardsmen from Iowa participated. It is his Intention to address a good many gath erings in the state during the fail. He will also attend the atate fair during the entire session. Three Deaths from Paralysis. The State Board of Health today received word from Mllford of the death of a child thera ot Infantile paralysis, also a similar caae at Parkersburg. The particulars of the death of Frank Branagan at Waterloo were also reoelved. lie was cashier of a bank and a very prominent cltlaen and was 111 but a few days. Would Copy Iowa Rates. The State Railroad commission has re ceived from Thomaa Cashman ot Minne sota, a member of the legislature, a request for. full, information as to certain phases of the Iowa railroad law. Mr. Cashman- is of the. opinion that the Iowa rates and classifications are the fairest ot all the states and he advocates having Minnesota exactly copy Iowa 'n thla respect. WOMAN DIES OF PARALYSIS Miss Amelia Valaskt, Aged Nineteen, , Kxplrea at Homo la Charles City. CHARLES CITT, la. Aug. 24. (Special Telegram.) Miss Amelia Valaski, aged about nineteen died here tonight about six o'clock from infantile paralysis. This Is the second case here. Horse Thief Makea Coafeaaloa. MASON CITT, la, Aug. M.-($pectal.) Ed E. Roberta la a horae thief. The chief of polioe ot Grlnnell, Mr Shahan, in company, with George H. Morris, ar rived In the city, yesterday, and going to the stable Mr. Morris ai once recognised tha horse as his. uo,ng to the Jail he recognised Ed E. Roberta, who had been In bla employ for eight days preceding th- theft of the horae. To the police hero Roberta atoutly denied that he had stolen the horae, but when Morris recog nised him he broke down and confeased all. It was supposed by the express re ceipt that he bad In hia pocket that he had shipped the aaddla he stole to Platta, Mo., but he finally admitted that he had sold the saddle to Marshalltown people and it was his grip that be sent to the Missouri town. He waa taken into custody and Is now In tha Monteiuma Jail. " Iowa News Notes. FORT DODGE Mra Johnson Latta, wife of the-founder of the bank of Duncombe, died Sunday at her home after three weeks Illness with rheumatism of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. Latta were married in Jackson county. NEVADA In a fit of despondency, John Oamum, formerly of Nevada, drank four ouncea of carbolic 'acid and died In terrible agony at El Reno, Okl., last night, accord ing to a ".elegram received by relatives living here. CAN Tit ILL John E. Silver, ' a farmer living near here made an unsuccessful at tempt to commit suicide by hanging him self Monday morning. - Tho hired man dis covered him and cut him down,- and physi cian revelved him. MARsHALLTOWN-On the showing made by City Solicitor F. E. Northrup and Coun cllm&n nnrire Herman. Juriaa J Xt Parlr. "has granted a temporary injunction against the Marshall Telephone company preventing it from enforcing its new and increased ratea. IOWA CITT Mrs. Rachel Ross, a pioneer of Iowa City la dead here in her seventy sixth year. Surviving are four daughters and three sons. One ot the sons Is Dr. Ernest Ross, Kansas City, Mo., and one of the daughtera, Mrs. J. J. Metxinger, Fre mont, Neb. FORT DODGE Mra P. M. Dowd. who sustained a fracture of the skull and similar Injury to her collarbone In the street car accldeit here Saturday, haa been uncon scious ever since the accident. Physicians doubt that she will recover, but aay aha haa one chance In a hundred. MARSHALLTOWN Two cases of deaths from Infantile paralysis, were reported from central Iowa today. George Hayes, the 1-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes of Buckingham, died, as did Ger trude, the 1-year-old daiiKlner of All. -and Mra. J. J. Jackson of Newton. SHELL ROCK While playing wild west and impersonating some of die owboy acts he had wltnersed In a wild west show recently, Robert Blake, aged years, blew oft his r.oc uitn a snoisun, which he ac cidentally discharged. 1 ha fjlivs'.clan is afraid blood poisoning will develop. FORT DODGE Two famlliea. that of T. C. Brooks, a teamster, and a family of rel atives, were dangeroualy poisoned her Sunday by eating spoiled breed. The cause Is alleged to be the result of bad flour which Mrs. Brooks Insists makes the bread reom all right the first day after baklna. but causex It to turn xrten and gummy and to amell badly from then on. FORT DO DOE Oscar Olson of Industry. quarreled with hia father Saturday morning over aoine trivial matter ana since men has not been seen, ills rrantio parents ap pealed today to tne fort uouge police to ocate their missing son, whom they are convinced haa run away because of the trouble. The lad Is 18 years old and the parents said tearfully that he la very sen sitive to any reproof. EMPEROR WILL MISS PRIZE Kaiser's Nam Mentioned Too I.'ate In Connection wltn No Wei Peaoa Prise. CHRISTIAN! A, Aug. .-According to M. Loveland, chairman of the Nobel commis sion, th fact that Emperor William's nam waa not proposed before February 1, precludes his being awarded the Nobel prise thla year. j lii:siitrst ksriery In the s!domlnal region is prevented by th us nt Dr. King's New Life Fills, the painless purifiers. ZSc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. , Tbe'svty to th PituaUuu See W ant aa EfE KEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY AUGUST ! ! I - L l- i-JJUUL Infantry Wins National Trophy Marine Corps Second and Navy Third Iowa Leads National Guard Teams. CAMP PERRT. XX, Aug. M.-Thr eighth annual national rifle match and the national trophy were won today by the United States lnfantr team, which scored 1,18, fifty points more than made by the United States marine corpa, which flnltbed aecond. , r By the unofficial, bulletin, aervlce teams hold third and fourth . places, the navy with t,m and the cavalry with S.11S. For the first time . a western state has led the national guard contests. Iowa tied the marine corps for- high skirmish score -1,033 end ended, with total of S.U3. Massachusetts'-v score, I, IOC; Wisconsin, 8,101; Colorado. 8,086; Michigan, 1,01;. New York, ,062i Ohio. J.044. The Montana team left for home today on orders from Governor Norris. The t6ard members wilt Join the forest fire fighters. The national individual match, which Is shot on tha; team match course and under the same conditions, opened this afternoon on the skirmish field. THOMPSON HOLDS RECOUNT LEGAL (Continued' from Page One.) berger. Total ovte, Dahlman, 434; Shallen berger, 424. , . DssIsisa Gslsi Four In Adama. Recount in ten of the twonty precincts In Adams county shows a net gain of four votes for Dahlman, Change are In ballots marked In" more than one party column or where nam of candidate in one party waa ' written by ' voter In another party. . . - Reeonnt Ordered In Dodge, FREMONT. Aug. . fSpecial Tolegram.) The 1,930 ballots In the Dodge county primary election will' be recounted, accord ing to the decision of the county canvass ing board thia morning. The board liste'ied for two hours to arguments by attorneys for the governor and. mayor. Shallenberger Louses Two. HASTINGS,. Neb., Aug. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Recount, of all outside precincts In Adama county , and one of four Hastings warda cuts two from ShaUenberger's major ity of 4U Dahlman gained eight In the county, but loat six )n the First ward. Loks of One for-Governor. FREMONT, Neb... Aug. I4.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) With 607 votes from ten preclnots. In the recount Shallenberger loses one and Dahlman gains one in Dodge county. The count will "e finished tomorrow after noon. Little Chaag In Hall. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 24. (Spe cial Telegram The local canvassing board at ( o'clock this evening had cov ered half ot the precincts of the county. It found ShaUenberger's i first count ' to be exactly correct so-' far. ' In one precinct Dahlman lost on of the recount and lh another gained ona' No material change Is expected lo be found hero. JfO FRAVD IA" , BEAVER COTJItTT- Election ptficlla.Say .Popollst Votes Were Sot Coasted fin Democratic.- - BEAVER CIT.tvfb.. Aug, J4.-(Spedal.) The intimation, as published by the Dahl man committee' In an Omaha, paper, that there nes been frauds In Furnas oounty by the election boards In counting populist votes for Shallenberger ao democratic- votes and tallying the same la th democratic column caused considerable comment' and indignation here. No on acquainted with the facta believes 'that this was dona It was not done in Beaver City precinct. F. M. Mervln, editor, of the Times-Tribune and secretary of the republican county central committee, says that he was pres ent at the canvassing of the vote the entire time, and that no votes war so counted. D. K. Morgan, county clerk, chairman of the republican committee, states that he sent a letter to every republican Judg of election a few. days before election calling attention to the law and touched especially upon this point. T,' F. Newton, cashier of the Bank ot Beaver City, secretary of th populist county committee, says that h Is confident that the populists votes were counted for Shallenberger. and, , in. fact. that ShaUenberger's populist vote in the county was as. large as expected. - DEFECTIVE BALLOT IS KEARNEY Blander of Clerk and Printer Mar Disfranchise All Voters In County. MINDEN, Neb., Aug. S4. (Special.) Tha defective primary ballot prepared by th fusion county clerk, J. H. Jensen, and printed by th fusion paper, th Courier, leaving . out th constitutional . amend ment, thereby disfranchising th voter of Kearney bounty on this subject, continues to b . a toplo of Intense interest. . '. . The statute clearly provides that It shall be the duty of county clerks to cause to be printed In the primary election ballots of all political parties th question ot such constitutional amendments. .Whether It will Invalidate the entlr stat and oounty tickets Is a serious one. It Illegal In Kear. ney county it is equivalent to giving Dahl man 191 votea, the majority Shallenberger received. This mistake on the part of th fusion county clerk is severely criticised. : Several attorneys here ar looking Into the legal phases ot this mistake, among whom ar Ex-District Judg Ed L. Adams and recent candidate for attorney general C. P. Anderbery. The question has a state wide significance because ot the demand made yesterday for a recount of the vote of Kearney county by Dahlman. Expense Aewonnts In Otoe. NEBRASKA CITT, ' Neb., Aug. U -(Speclal.) The candidates In th recent pri maries hav filed their expense accounts and It shows they spent all of the money the law allowed: them to do. The candi dates for commissioner on the republican ticket expended their money aa follows: E. P. Souders, 144 W and F. R. Roos. $27. Th candidates for county attorney L. F. Jack son expended fSt.SO and G. H. Helnks S9S.40. The other candidates had no opposition. Reeonnt Be-artna In Otoe. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Aug. J4 (Special). Th canvassing board begun th recount of the votes cast for the democratic candidates for governor, at the primary lection last week, this morning, In pursu ance of the demand of Governor Shallen berger. CITY OFFICIALS DISCUSS COMMISSION FORM Mayor Lett of f.lauoln One ot Bneak of Moalclnalltle. ST. FAI L. Aug. .-All of the delegates to the league of American Municipalities now holding Its' annual convention here, ere taken to Minneapolis today and attvr a reception at the city hall and a luncheon 25, 1910. Big Island, in Lake Mlnnetonka. where a brief session waa held. The commission form of government" waa th topi of ih session. Mayor Love ot Lincoln, Neb.) Mayor Davidson, of Wichita. Kana. ; Mayor Con red of Ban Diego, Cal., and T. J.) Powell of Fort Worth, Tea., were th speakers. Eleven Injured in Auto Collision Cleveland Polioe Ara Investigating Wracking of Two Cartin Down Town Distriot CLEVELAND, O., Aug. f4.-Th polio ar Investigating th collision of two auto mobile In th downtown distriot early today, la whioh levwn people wer In jured, on of whom, John 9. McOorrny, may die. Occupants of th two machines blam each other for the accident. The chauffeur ot McGorra's machine has disappeared, aa has also on of th women In his party. NEW TORK. Aug. K-The death today of Mrs. Bertha Glass, who was injured In the collision between a work train and an automobile. In which she was riding at the Merrick crosing of the Jxmg Island raflroad, runs the death list up to four. Of !ght other who wer Injured in the accident two are expected to die. NEBRASKA SANDHILLS BETTER OFF THAN WYOMING Cattle Raisins; Iadostrr Proaoera Betr In Box Bntta Than Farther West. Frank Peterson ot Alliance, Neb., one of th large stock raiser of th stat and th father of a Rooseveltlan family of boys declared yesterday that the sand hills ot Nebraska were a far better proposition tor cattle than the sag brush of Wyoming or th far west He said h had sunk $10,000 in Wyoming trying to establish a ranch thera while at th same time his Nebraska ranch in the aand hill country of Nebraska had madt him a good fortune. H 1 a cattle raiser with an experience aa bid as tho state. "This year," be aald, "our pros pects ar good and th price w ar get ting tor cattle ar nearly $1 per hundred better thin laat year for th earn grades. Our herds hav don well and th hay orop will nearly make the average in the sand hill country. "My Wyoming stuff, although some of it haa come In to market, haa not been In the best condition. I told my foreman to keep back all the poor stock; and I will have to take care of It on my Nebraska ranch largely. In this way I bops to come out even," DARING SNEAK THIEF STEALS SEVENTY DOLLARS Enters Grocery of Samuel Rl and Klodos Pnrsnlt by His Swiftness. Samuel Rlseman. who runs a small gro- stor at 1220 Capitol avenue, Is shy 170 through tha daring exploit of a sneak last evening. Whll th family was seated outside of th shop th thief gained en trance by th back, got at th till, and helped himself to all that waa in It before his presence waa discovered. He was then making: his exit and, followed by Rlseman, h mad west on Capitol avenua He got the better of hia pursuer by running the plank, jumping into the excavation for th U. P. building, and crawling through a concrete 'ohute. The last seen of him, be was fleeing across Fourteenth street to Dodge street. Of fleers, Morgan and Stead erman went out to Inveatigate, but by then the bird had flown, leaving not a trac but a vagu description ot bis build and wear ing apparel. ACUTE INFANTILE PARALYSIS . NOT CAUSE FOR ANY ALARM Ono Person In Thonsand Attacked and Only Ono la Ten Thou sand Dies. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Reassuring resolutions touching acute Infantile paraly sis were adopted last night at a meeting attended by about 130 Washington . physi cians. The resolutions set forth that the doctors deprecated the undue alarm which haa been groused. "Even in sever epidemics," the resolu tions reclt. "only on person per thouaand la attacked and on death par ten thousand of population 1 an unusually high mortal ity." Varying views as to whether th disease Is contagious wer expressed, a motion that President Tft be called on to direct an offlolal Inquiry into this point was voted down because of th belief that It would caus undu alarm. ' MAYOR GAYNOR'S WOULD-BE ASSASSIN NOW PENITENT Gallagher Isyi He Prays Night and Day '" Rocoverv of Victim. NEW TORK, Aug. K Mayor Gaynor was up tor thre hours all told today, walking about his room or reading. He ate well thla evening and waa in good' spirits By S o'clock h was sleeping peacefully. Jam 3. Gallagher, the mayor's assail ant, laaued a statement through counsel today. The statement In Gallagher's own spellng, follows: "I, James J. Gallagher, red la Friday's mong. paper tjiat I aald I was glad I shot Maor Gaynor and that 'I was sorry I did not kill him. This asserdon is not only a fabrication but a deep-dyed LIE aa waa ver told on any person. I have been praying night and day ever alnce the oc currence, if th prayer ot th sinner is heard, God In his goodness has heard my prayer and I all merclfull and goodness to Delicacy, Pal aiabilify and U ourishmcnt PEUS The food to tecuie the best results as it possesses the three most important qualifications, viz: Delicacy, palatability and nourishment. By the Wending of WHEAT. OATS, RICE and BARLEY, these three qualities ate combined in a most admirable manner. Prepared as directed, you will have a food that you can eat with relish. Might be called the Vegetable Phosphorus for eldcily people. Asit your Giocer. th sinner, for he said to the thief on th cross, this day will though be In Paradlre alth me." Aberdeen Rejects Detective Bureau Bitter Municipal Campaign Results in Defeat of Mayor's Pet Project ABERDEEN, & D.. Aug. 4.-(Speclal.) Aftr th most blttr municipal campaign In years, th voter of Aberdeen, at a spe cial lotlon yesterday rejected the ordi nance fathered by Mayor Rock, creating a city detective bureau, by a vote of 1,0,1 against the ordlnanc to 102 for th ordi nance. Dr. H. J. Rock, democrat, waa elected mayor over A. N. Aldrlch, re publican, at the olty election last May by a majority of close to 800 cut of a total vote of 1,400. Th chief ot police under Mayor Aldrlch was Charles B. Zlrbes. Zlrbes became quit unpopular and shortly before election resigned and Ostensibly left the city. He was an Issue In the campaign, however, the opponents of Mayor Aldrlch claiming that if Aldrlch was re elected be would reappoint Zlrbea Shortly after Dr. Rock was elected, Zlrbes returned and was appointed to a placa on the police force as a "plain clothes" man. It was found th mayor did not pos sess th power under th city ordinances to mak snch a position permanent, and th friend of the mayor and of Zlrbes on th council then passed an ordlnanc creating a city - deteotive bureau. Mayor Rock thereupon appointed Zlrbes chief of deteotive with th same salary as that reoelved by th chief of police. A refer endum petition was presented, asking the mayor and council to present the new or dinance to a referendum election. Mayor Rock threw th petition out on a technicality. Th council later took th matter up, accepted th petition and called a special election, which was held yester day, resulting in th defeat of th ordi nance. During the campaign numerous affidavits relating to Zlrbes' alleged short comings as an officer, and counter affi davits reflecting upon the moral character of the men signing the anti-Zlrbes ordi nances were printed In th local paper. rrsistnt Advertising Is the Road to Big Keturua. , DEATH RECORD. Harrison M. Greargr. SPEARFI8H, S. D:, Aug. 4.-(Special.) Harrison M. Gregg, on of th best known of the early day settlers In this section, Is dead at his home her ,agd TO. For many years h had been prominently Iden tified with the mining Industry In this sec tion of the state and was a member of th lower house of the legislature from Law rence county. Under Sam McMaster In the eighties h waa assistant superintend ent of the Homestake Mining company, for some time being In oharge of the big con cern. ' He was a natlv of Wauwatosa, Wis., and leaves a sister, Mrs. A. W. Coe of Deadwood, a daughter, Mrs. W. B. Par kins, Jr., of Lead, and a son, Louis, of Kellogg, Idaho. , ' ' ' Alexander Montvlll. KANSAS CITT, Aug. 84.-Alxander Montvlll. . for nearly twenty years olty ticket agent her for the Wabash railway, died at his horae at Bonner Sprfngs, Kan., near here, last night, following a stroke of apoplexy, aged ST years. Burial will be at Leavenworth, Kan., Wednesday.- The aer vlce will b m charge of th Maaona.-' Slashed with a Rasor, wounded with a gun, or pierced by a rusty nalL - Buck ten's Arnica' Salvo heals th wound. Guaranteed, ttc For sal by Beaton Drug Oov ' ' The Weather For Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday: cooler 'tonight and southeast portion Thursday. For Iowa-;Unsettled with probably show ers, tonight or Thursday; , cooler. Temperature at Omaha yesterday t Houra . S a m...' It, m. . . 7 a, m... S a. m... 9 a. m... 10 a. m... 11 a. m... 13 ro...... Dei 1 p. m 2 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. m . 6 p. m p. m 7 p. m 5 p. m Record. . Loral OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Aug. 14. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding period of the laat three yearat . ' 1910. 11K. 190. 107. Maximum temperature '.. W K 71 Rl Minimum temperature ... 77 US 65 6? Mean temperature M R2 8 TJ Precipitation w.. -00 .00 T .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha alnce March 1, and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 7S Exceas for the day 7 Total excess slnoe Msrch 1, 1910 674 Normal precipitation IS Inch Deficiency for the day 18 Inches Total-rainfall sine March 1.... S.U Incnea Deficiency sine March 1. lf10.. 14 SI Inches Deficiency for cor. period -1908... I W Inches Excess for cor. period, lSOs .01 Inch Reports from Stations nt T P. M. 1 Station and Stat ' Temp. Max. Rain t Weather. 1p.m. Temp. fall. Cleyenne. cloudy 7 .00 .(X) .(X) .0 Davenport, part cloudy Denver, cloudy Dec Moines, clesr Dodste City, part cloudy Lander, cloudy Omaha, part cloudy Pueblo, part cloudy .... Rapid City, cloudy fta.lt Lake, clear Santa Fe, part cloudy . Sheridan, part cloudy . Sioux City, part cloudy Valentine, cloudy 84 68 . 91 a so 84 44 , 70 90 91 96 loo M 98 A M 74 M SO M 60 .00 .0.1 .CO .00 01 84 42 8 .K .00 .01 T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. lit .srivLur y p- FALL SHAPEk Knox Hats READY j; For sale everywhferfcv Surprising Price It' i i. i' Roductibns- Our "Specials" are hoteJ. for the ample price reduc tions, but here s -a- list "to surpriss even those best o- aualnted with our methoifV 'on't fall to procore some- or them ,..-.v : , 11.00 Jickey .perfume, per ounce , . . T6e Tlvoll Powder' . at t. 'ir, tic Peroxide Hydro- gen wi , . 26o Swanadown v , . Powder ............ 59c 1 6c T5c full pound Cold Cream, Beaton's Uuaran- 5()a teed .-......,),." Special lot of- new. odora,' worth from 60c to -f 1.00 per ounc.i.(i.i" 35c Jersey Buttermilk Soapy box of three bar. ,,, , 'yg- for-' v . sl-. 25c Mennen a Or Colgate s Talcum Powders all odora .-. . i 60o Canavera Greaa- i A, loss Cream.. . ,. ,f . .. J. tbc i-ernn s r.ngusn .. wit. Toilet Waters. 1100 RlckBecker'' "Toilet waters an ooors, -.1117 at.. BealonBriip 15tb and.Farnaia . Take Your Wife's Advice Rant a box la out sat de posit vault. You undoubted ly have many gmaTl vftfu-" able and papers,' that., you . would like to keep gate f rota burglars or fire, i- v Our vault is ' both' tire- proof and burglar ftroof, ' " A"' box' costs? 'Uhfit.W 1 per year or $1.00 for three months. " :; ' " .'' ' ' American Safd Jpepbslt, - -Vaults ' Pe Bldg. , P, C. Hamsr, . Pra." aion. ietb.Bt. ' tv A BEE WANT AD will rent ..iat vacant house, fill tho vacant rooma, or. soara 'boarders on short not.co, at vry mall cost to you. Try,l,t,. , ,., AMUSlCMH.Vt'tl. Always th Best la VauaevUle ait Omaha's Leading Vaudeville Theater.' J ' ' (treat now tills week. Matin' nd Might Performance Xvry Say. t- . . Mr. Lionel Uarrymore and Mr. McKwr. Rankin, assisted by Miss Doris Rankin: Gus Edward's Night Birds," with- Mlsj--Nellle Brewster; Smith -and CaroDbeWr.i Onalp, tha Hindu mystery; the NespolU&ns;.-,-Bplssell Bros, ar Co.; Miss Jane Boynton ana Miss fan uourke; tnnora -Valantin -and Dooley; Klnodrome; OrpUeum circuit: orchestra of fifteen talented artiste., PR1CEH Week days: Jdatinee, only 10c and 2"c; nights, only 10c, iia -and 5c;' Bus--day Matinee, 10c, 25o and ,60c, and nights'1 'f same as week days excepting few, from -rows, 76c. .. , AMERICAfl rg: HELLO PEOPLE-; ; WE'RE CLAD TO SEE YOU 4 V Th Theater open' tor Inspection Wnady to Sunday. 10 A. M. to 10 P. la. liverybody cordially invited. QPEEJS r.lOIIDAY, AUG. 20 Greatest Vaudeville Show Ever In Omaha... KPwUG THEATER Wight IS, 88, BO, 76c Mat, 10, OS Tonlgb.1 SilS. Matin ' gaturdar TBH OO W HOT AWP TUB TBIBT gun. 1 Th Show Oirl With llda Thomas, Assisted by Loa Mall. BOYD' 'DeupTar 'If i- HISS EVA LANS md Ctmp.of' - in - j .1 . Love W atche CgnmeBciBi Saturdaf Ni'tbt, August 27 ,i SEAT BALK TODAY AT 0 A. M. BASE BALL' Omaha . WichilaL r August 2, 21, 2S, 1S5, Vinton titreot , o 2 Gaines Auust S 1st ( nllml 2 p in. i. tiaineH t.'ulltl 3:4$.: . f'. kyjUl C'r LtsateN IStU auii iruaiu ,