10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY AUGUST 25, 1910. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) 4.KW ta K U) oa boom In Omaha, u Kr KmI Estate Co.. KXB N. X. LU Uouti r A-ilU. . . . GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Life. K to fluO.OOO on Improved property. No aelar. ' WANTED City loan. Petem Trust C W. WANTED City loans utid watran:.. Far nam Smith Co., 12W Farnam 8u tlOO to tlOOOQ mad prbmptly. . U. Waad Wead Bidi . IV. ti and t'arnara. MONKY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Ca SAFETY RAZORS O'LLETTE blades reiharper.ed. ;Kc dozen, 15o half dozen, ' iVic each. Mall them to Hawey A Co.. Hos. V;. Omaha, Neb. SWAPS SWAPS. We have several rent farms, growing rropa, rented to food letianta, within forty miles of Omaha, that , we Can trade for Omaha property. ' Nowata Land and Lot Co., KA New York Uf Bldg. Phone He Vi eschaig properties ot merit. iJ. It. Culrar, Ali-SlJ N. 7. Life. Douglas 7aue, ONE of the flneet resldencee In Omaha, large irounda, modern every raspect, U rooma, brick. Price IW.uwO, clear. Trad for Improved land. Will take mortgage back on place If desired. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 66S N. Y. U. Bid-. Phne I'.ed im RAILWAY TIME CARD" Lhlraevo. Hoa IiIkih I'aa-lfi KAS1 Rorkr Mouot'n Ltd.uii:.t a. m. loe.a Iax-'bI paa...a .J a. m. Chicago 1Y fe.x....a -4i a. no. CM. t."c! Patif. . ..IW a. in. 1, Unlne local ranrangei a (I p. m. Chicago a.xp ea...a 4 0 p. in. CblcaMw Liuiitad... a i p. m. WEST. Ttie Mountaineer., a M:M a. ax Chlfiaso-Nebrasaa Ltd. lor Lincoln a 8 JS a. m. Polo, at Cel. Fxp...a 1:28 p. tn. Okl. At Tex hxp. . a p m. P.o'ky Muunt'n Ltd alu li) (. m. V abaiak On -Kt. Uoula Kxp.a 29 p. in. Mull and i'.xprca..a ?:Jg a. lit. el ei.- ... i '.irorn Council B.uffsl....t i 00 p. in. BVItl.lIXIi ION T IKia.i nurllnaimn l-eav. pner and California. a 4:10 pm Pucet Bound Kxv-ess..a 414 pm ale aj p. nv p. IK. a. m, bltl.u p. u. U p. m. a I H p. rn. W a. m. a T Oi a. m. ? p. ra, 'W p. m. ", p. m. P. an, 2 a. m. U:li a. m. blO.ti p. m. nil Hani A GOOD TRADE If you have some good town or city prop erty, well located and Improved, we can ar range a trade for you on Irrigated land In wualorn Nebraska. The land is worth $.so an acre and the trade would be considered for o.bout half the valu. The owner of this trrlgated land haa changed hl mind In re gard to locating" on the tame and will con alder a proposition of this sort What have 'PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner l"th and Farnam Hts. Nebraska polrts a s:2u am Black Hill :l ln Northwest F.xprea all , pr. Nebraska points a 8:?0 mn Lincoln Mall ..b 1:W pru Nebraska Kiorea a :15 am Lincoln t-cul , Llncola Ixcal a 1 :ii w" icnuyir-r'iaiismouLa...o b:u.. pni atsmontn-iowe a m am ellevue-Plattsmobth ..all JO pm Colorado Limited all:2ft pm Chlcuno Bpeciai i:is pn Chicago Kxpres a 4:20 pm Chirac" lrt Kxprss..a H:r pm wa lxical a 0:15 am Cteemn-lowa luteal a l:ipni 1.0UM r.xpr a jjih r. -Jid St. Joph.,..al1:45 pm w c. and r'. Josapa....a w.io am a eav pol It. C. aud St. Joseph. ...a 4:20 piu Pt. WEDITEH IMPROVED IR1UGATED FARM Fine l-acre .farm, nicely Improved, and but 4 miles from town, to exchange for city property or small farm In eastern Nebraska. Owner s health falling and he must live In lower altitude ,,Mnn Price f,U.Yiju per acre. Mortgage J3.000.00 at 6 per cent . , u Ask us for complete description. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 8.' B. corner lDth and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 17H1. Independent A-11B8. Mlaaonrl Pacifies uburn local b l:io pm bll.lj pm ChK-asrm. ' iwavpolle A Omaha lonx City Bxpreas b 1:00 pm bl !: ana Omaha Local e 4 JO pm Hioiix Cltv pasaenger.... r :2e pq Twin City Passenger.. .b (:S0 am loux City LXcai a : am . . Emerson Local b 5:fw pro b fclO ajg ta) Dally, (b) Dally xroi Sundar. ,WANlEJ--0 BUY BEST PRICK paid for second-hand fur niture, carpeta, clothing and ahoee. 'Phone Douglaa S97L WANTHD TO BUY OR TO HIRH. A good saddle horse, city Droke. from 6 to 12 years old. at least li1 hands high and weighing at least 1.000 lbs. Apply to Major H. M. Lord. Army Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BANKERS DEFEND FARMERS Official! in Fifty-Four Counties Ridi cule Alleged Auto Evil. DECLARE FARMERS HAVE CASH Answer to Question Sem by Bee Representative, Bankers Deny that Farmers Contract Hortgatci to Get Machines. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED to rent touring car with driver for week or ten days. R. W. Clark, rear 1617 Douglas. ;We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Slxea. List with La. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, 04 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Red 199 WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION WANTED Youna; lady thor oughly experlencd in office work. Operate a typewriter and F. B. X. board. Address J-191 Bee. GOOD bookkeeper wants clerical work to do evenings; bookkeeping preferred. Ad dress D 4u4. Bee. wjiniliii-'Dy an inauniriuui, i'lin", young, single man, position lu a general merchandise store; speaks three languages; some experience) country town preferred. Address x CM. Omaha liee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE. United Utates of America, District of Ne l raaka. Uiimlw Division, ea. : 'Whereas, A libel nan been filed In the district court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, Omaha division, on the Hth day, ot August, isno, py t: . Howell, United States attorney for the district of Nebraska,-on behalf of the said Uidted tStntea. as. libelant, against one hundred and fifty thousand (more or leas) lea cream cones, and praytne the usual process and monition of the court, that all persons Interested In said one hundied and fifty thousand (more or less) Ice cream cones may be cited to appear and answer the premiaes, and that all due proceedings belna- had the ald one hundred and fifty thousand I more or less) Ice cream cones may be decreed to be selxed for confine tlon and condemnation, luid that the same may be condemned as being adulterated in violation of and within the meaning of the ct of oonirresa ' of June "5, 1X06, and that the same may be disposed of by destruo tlon or tala a the court may direct. . Therefore. In pursuance of enld monl tlon, under the seal of said court, to me directed and delivered on the 13th day of August, llilft.- I. do hereby give notice gen rally unto all persons having or pretend lnc to have any rlciit title or Interest In aid one hundred and fifty thousand (more or less) Ice cream cones, to appear before the said court. In the city or Omaha, in said 6 strict, on the 12ih day of September, nun. rext (If It be a court Any, or else on the next court day thereafter), at 10 o'clock In thf forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the said libel and to make known their allegations In. that behalf. Dated at O-naha. ln aaW dlebrlct. this 17th day of August. 1910. Wm. V. Warner. U. S. Mar thai for Um District et Nebraska. A IK to 8 9. RAILWAY TIME CARD .XIO!V ST.vni) Trill Jlnsna. I'iIm r,iPric leave. Arrl. Bsn Vranflacft Ovrlnd ' Limited S:1S am all:30 pm China A Japan Fast Mall 4:10 pm Atlantic Fxnress Oregon Wuli, Fr....a 4:00 pm Los Angelr T.lrnttd....a1S:S pm Denver Bpeclnl t 1:4? tm Colorado Pm-clnl . . , all: pm .""o'orado Kvpres. . . ... .a S ort pm Chi. -Portland Hrecnl. . .alt:M pm North ntte T.oral a H-'B " trend J.land I.ocsl a 1:30 P" Lincoln. Ttestrlre Ir.il W?:40 pm a Dally, h Pally except Sunday Mlaannrl laelfl- K. C. A Kt.. L. F.v. ....a "Mam K. C. at SU U F.x all lbpn lllluoi. I,P, Chicago Expreas a J 00 era Cnlrago i.im-,ri A t. im Mlnn.-St. Pai. ez ), t.W am Minn.-8t. Paul l.M....,,a V00 pm Chicago 4l Northvieateru Ni'lt"iltoi.":.l Twin City Express. .....a T:0 ara floux City Lt-al a Ij pin Minn. Dakota K ... l w pu 1lo City Uinil m y u) put k. A VI Hot) Ni. Omaha Expra .. a T oe am Chlcar.o I. -m lU'.tti pm Colnrado Cnii'M.u a 6 h' pin Chicago epriixi a (i pm Pacific Cuai-i."i.lcacj...a 'V in l.ns Anii' I .a "U Overland IJmlted .11 pm xxnver fcpecial Carroll l.uoal Faat . WKSTBOtTND Uneoln-Chadron a 7. SO am Jsortolk-ioi i-l a 7.ju am 1 onx Pni' -- ' l iue....i t i- pm riastinns KV'i'i'.r M pni IVadwn.xl-Uut rprlnga a f U Caaper-Land.r Hi. .;ii fremonl-AiUlua b I M pin tklraaa. tllMk.e x t. r a l:4K pm a :4a a a 1:30 pm a : pin al2:3" am a 7:42 nm a B:on pm a R:?i nm a 4:4S pm al0:30 am b 1:20 pm a J:l am a I:K0 pm a t:4S pm :0U am a ( C) am alO.n pra a pm a I P am a J 3U a Arrlva I 45 pm R 1') pra a 4:10 pm a !0 pra 7:00 am a 4:10 pm al2:16 pa a f.:10 pm mm a 7:60 pm ul0:M am 8:50 ara a 2:40 pra a 7:00 am all:06 pot a 1:65 pm :u0 am s'0:30 am alo:30 am au:4s am a 4:16 am ggg'S MOME MGAlIgEMGg ' r Suit by Jeanne Lanvin ' ir'itir - "! f iron 1 1 a m CHICAGO. Aug. 24.-(Speclal.)-Officlals of representative banks located In the county seats of fifty-four count!es.of Nebraska deny that the credit of farmers In that state has been Impaired by the purchase of automobllos, and In all except one In stance declare that It has not been neces sary for the farmers to give a mortgage to purchase one of the modern flyers. The denials are In answer to a series of six questions addressed to these bankers In letters sent out by George W. Mason, Chi cago manager of "IHie Omaha Bee, and The Twentieth Century Farmer. Recently Mr. Mason secured from Kansas City bankers a denial of the statement ac credited to James Patten, the "wheat king." that farmers of the west were Jeopardizing the prosperity of the country by giving mortgages to buy automobiles, and that he knew, of Instances where such mortgages were held by Kansas City banks. "The farmers of Nebraska are perfectly able to buy automobiles without mortgaging their farms, the agricultural sections of the state were never more prosperous than they are today." Is one of the typical answers to the questions. Average Deposits OT Per Cent. Information furnished In the letters shows that the average percentage of deposits by farmers In the banks from which the fig ures were secured, amounts to 67 per cent. ranging from an estimate' of 33 to 40 per cent from the First National- bank of Omaha to a clear score by the Banner County bank of Harrlsburg, Neb,, the de positors of which are all farmers. Many of the banks had an average of "5 per cent. The questions follow: Does your bank hold any mortgages on automobiles purchased by farmers or mort gages on farms to secure the purchase of automobiles? What can you tell me about farmers buy ing automobiles? What percentage of your deposits are made by farmers? What, In your opinion, is the credit stand ing of farmers in your community? Is the purchase of automobiles by farm ers Imparlng their credit? ' Are not the furmers able to buy automo biles and pay cash for them? The answers to the first questions were no" in all except one Instance and this was of a banker who "believed thgt. a chat tel mortgage of J00 had: been recorded In his county for a runabout." Many Farmers Bnylnajr Antos. To the second question the bankers re plied that many farmers' In their sections are buying automobiles. The bankers stated that the credit of the farmers Is mure than good and in answer to the fifth question declared that there Is no foundation for saying that the credit of the farmers is bring impaired by' the purchase of automobiles. President L. J. Titus of the First National bank osf Holdrege replied that he had seen considerable criticism la the eastern papers lately in regard to tlie purchasing of automobiles by western 'farmers. "The east has no kick coming," ha wrote, "be cause all of the money used In baying auto mobiles goes east." l.aud Increase JnntUlea Buying. H. U. Mason, cashier of 'the First Na tional bank of ilartlayton, wrote: "If the furmers of Nebraska are not able to pur chase automobiles I know of. no class of persons who can do so. The increase In the value of the land here during the last twelve months la more than double the coNt of the automobiles purchased, not to mention the crops grown and the high prices received for them. In our little city there are about forty automobiles and pos siLly ir to lin in the cjuniy." Arthur Uc.Nanura, president of the First Nmloiiul bunk of North Platte, wrote: pn this section only the farmers who aru able to buy machines own them. We feel that farmers have us much right to purchase, automobiles at the present time as they had to buy horses and carriages Hi believe farmers are living mil n I mj 'p-"- ill .'.L it.l ',; J 4 nM I VI 1 :?"v;r1 , , t , t ' , . - f'iJ 1 t , i :: v.- . ' vf;?4 i ' v " . 'f . S I ' " t F f t , 1 tvi s - . :- V " - J ; ' f )r' i i . . ' 1 ' 1 1 . ( - a Yt ' i - . T - . ' .'. i v , , w A 1 , - V? Ill ' t. , 111 - 4X . & 1 ' " If A ; i f v .. ' ; ' Jl s- , r',H ft ll . - , v j ( ' JOKI, PS,e WELL Hi lAITA LITTLE VHSLE. ED. 6RINHAM Considerable attention Is being directed toward coat suits or rather straight, loose line. These are termed "box," though they differ widely from the ordinary box coat. The coat of this character by Jeanne Lanvin is of heavy suiting mohair. In black, show- Ins a fine line of white and red, the trim' mtngs consisting of changeable black and red velvet and silk binding braid. There i a deep collar of the shaded velvet. A fea. ture of the trimming Is the rosettes) of rushings of the mohair. Tired Business Man Tells Friend Wife Bum mar Widowers' Weeds Ara Hot Tare. all a a l ? pra a . .. a a I.M pm a 12 .ii I a I O ant t I" the p:is: "'" " J.;'- ! brt. and enloylng more luxuries for the iv.t-tvu iuafc i-n iiiura mem. Ovarland Llmliad all 41 pm Omaha-Chicae Kxpieaa.o 1 Omaha-avanah six e 7 " Colo-Calif. Kxp .a s pm Colorado BpecWI 7 k.' .u Perry-Omaba Lovat.. b M put Calcaao Ureal eaterr- Cblcagv Umlied 4:44 pm Twin. City LUulied a : pm a Ml am Twin Ci- axprw..,...a t ut ia a l a pm r.utcago tkajMM. a I.U sua -IS pm ait on am alO t pm a utu kill pin f- M pm all ii m 18 pio al 7 U am t M !U a rn 1 ? pin k nil 11 Vm "The credit standing ot our farmers Is KOo.d und they are no doubt In a more prosperous condition than they have ever bten. 1 do nut leculi a single Instance where the puichaae of an automobile would hiil'U.r i.. i i.uui,aiT s creua,' answered U. II. Oruy, caahibr of the Central City Null, nai bunk. :aaUo Active so uf Machluee. "The tulk ui. out the furtuera aolng In debt fr uuio:.iotille does noU apply to U.u lu.uiiiUiiUy," wtule A. L. CUrko, prea idtiu kt tuwrlrl .satlviu.il h.inU uf Hust ings. "Aioi.y of ujr farnieiH have purchased aulumuUles and ui making active use of them." BY WALTER A. SINCLAIR. "Now that you have to go back to the city I'm sorry your vacation is over," said Friend Wife. "But I suppose a summer widower's life is not all mourning." "They see only wee hours .of morning," replied the Tired Business Man. "But con sider the humane Bide of It. If no summer widowers remained In tow n who would feed the 'kittles?' However, don't Imagine because you hear some of them say 'I'll bank,' that any would ever go so far, as to burpank their widower's weeds onto the grapevine, hoping to produce the morning glory. Few of them are observed culti vating such roof garden truck as head aches and mauve taBtes. Their weeds ara not tares nor tears. "He's a greatly overabused institution, the summer widower. No one would think of giving him a word of sympathy In his bertavement and everybody has the Idea that his life is one long round of rounds. He Is pictured as being without any re straints, a gay bird Invariably accompany Irg a cold bottle. As a matter of fact it is the restraints on a married man that make the game of . squaring himself at home so exciting and fascinating. Liut with nobody to develop his latent talent for Im provising light summer fiction right on the spur of the moment, to say nothng pf right at the door of the flat, the game falls very flat. "Of course If a man could develop ab sentmtndednesa and forget each time that his wife was away, hooray! hooray! he might get a few thrills out of sneuking home shortly before his usual rising hour, creeping stealthily In. wondering If no body is ever going to oil that door so II won't creek when he Is trying tn do a glide, pausing to remove his shoes so that he can get the full benefit of the edi-'ert furniture, stepping on the only squeaky board in the flat, sitting down In a man ner to upset the noisiest chair and finally slipping Into bed, holding his breath, which ought ever to be held, and then remember ing that he Is alone In town. I can be lieve that for such a man, living In widow erhood during the summer holds tiuTa fv delightful thrills. "The Impression prevails that a nun who Is sending enough of his weekly hand out to ketp his wife and family lu style to which they are not accustomed, at a sum mer r sort hojel. which Is, of course, noted for Its cheapness, tail fling aside ti la cares nightly when the whistle blous, da.stt Into a food foundry and lean up agalr.at lobster and champagne water; then, vhe:i the 11 lumli.allon Is complete, hate himself thai horned Inio a taxi Vt whlil two hiocka w the nioM auecesMful musical thow villi thoughts ot one syllable; dahl:.g out In tween acta to annoy other people in the row and take Rockefeller baths Internally; Sir V i I've ccx-ie to fy I John, tug man was COLLECT r-OF WfM&'J I L mL ) HERETO COLLECT FOR - THE PIANO, YPlf THE FlANO.HG SAID YCX ARS THREE W0? He I vy OVv FOR THRtey , months bchijw Y T&J-r S0Mpy H0rie Month 5 ! f?Hfo&v " j wmv HlP I OOHN, HEKt-6 THftT wp . a',. A LITTLE WHILE mt TflK .1 W Tb COLLECT FOR WtLLjiw fiS. I JOHN DeflR.PLEASe &Jij r CffTjff, MC ANOTHf R- PIANO, jCyy 1 LONESOMG I WELL, ILL A I I J-gppi tP.6RIWHfV) I COPYBIGHT. 191 a BY THE NEW YORK EVENINQJELEGRAMJNEW YORK HERALD COX M Rtflhtl ResemiT LYy D0LLIE Jamm&rJjt TUESDAY We are hot going to stay with Tpjn'a cousin until Friday. Aunt Har riet haa called on the Invalid, and on dis covering that she Is a near relative of old Oeneral Judson, Is very much pleased. In fact, from what I heard of the vUlt, ahe seems to be connected with a whole army. On the strength of Oeneral Judson Aunt sent her over some wine Jelly. I told her It was the right kind to send apropos of tha Oeneral, as he was always very tight whenever I happened to see him. She thinks ha Is a very remarkable man. He rets an awful edge on one cocktail, and tells her she Is a marvellously beauti ful woman. She asked 'me rather coldly If I thought that the sort of remark for a young lady of refinement to make. When Aunt lose her last hope that I am that sort of a young lady. It Is going to be much easier for her. I saw the old lady's nephew sitting on a bench on their front lawn this morning gaxlng over at our house. Mar garet saya he haa telephoned every day to know it I had returned yet. I can see that he shows the proper spirit. He certainly Is one of the best looking men I have ever seen. I asked Aunt vaguely If the old lady didn't have any one down here with her to keep her company. js'y sf arii BY M.F. : corrmurr, ma it thi e rout cvenim ranruii aw torn huulo coj. u not "SLANDER!" then to more quaint food or a Jolly littl session with a choice collection of suppose friends who are really card sharps takln a vacation and anything else that tan nailed down. Nobody ever explnlmi how this Is done on the dole which the average summer widower allows himself for dairy lunches and forty cent table d'hoteya after he sends the wife her bit. but the dear de parted S. W.s read It at the summer re eos'.p and believe every shock. "Why, I know one S. W. whoe wife left a phonographic record with her list of what-not-to-forget engraved thereon, and every nipht he gets so lonely he sets the machine going Just to hear his master's voice. He plays dog for fair. Why, most summer widowers spend thlr nights writ Ins reports to their absent ones, Instead of communing with the spirits, bottled variety, as generally slandered. At least, those without Imaginative stenographers." "You poor dear!" exclaimed Friend Wife pityingly. "I'll arrnnge to come home at the end of this very week." "That's what I get for making It too strong," groaned the T'.red Ruslness Man. (Copyright, VMU, by the N. Y. Hera'd Co.) very bashful, as he disappeared almost immediately after seeing her. This after noon, after lunch, I happened to be slt- ' Vr 1 -'"vn, ii , . " A Successful (tueal. From Harper's Weekly. "Well, Bill, how uld you come out with the trust company?" "Fine." "They accepted your offer, did they?" "Yep." "What kind of a Job did they give you?" "IM'In't give me any." "Then how Ull they accept your proposi tion?" ' ' 1 offered them the refusal of my ser vices, and they accepted It refuswd 'em rlkul oft the bandlav" "HE HAD BEENS AFRAID I MIGHT HAVE BEEN TAKING A NAP." I can be terribly vague when I want to be. She said she had seen a big, loutish look ing young man there, who was evidently TELLS HER SHE IS A MARVEL LOUSLY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN." ting on our front lawn reading, and on glancing over to the white house, I saw Mr. Connors drive out the front gates with his aunt. I finished my book soon after that, and went Into the house. It was awfully warm,- and as there wasn't a soul likely to call, least of all the Connors man, whom I had Just seen start for a drive, I went upstairs and put on that old pink silk kimono with the apple blossoms on it, and came down and rot all settled In the hammock on the hack piazxa with some fudge and a book. I had only been there about ten minutes when I heard steps on the walk. I looked out between the vines, and it was Mr. Connors. It was an awful moment. To add to the horror of the situation there is a big hole In one of the shoulders of that kimono that I never remember to mend. The only thing to do was to make a dash for the other end of the porch and get tn the long window that Is there. There was a chance that he would not see me as I ran by. I got to the window ull right, but It was closed and would not go up. I aged in that moment, but with a fearful Jerk I managed to get It open Just as I heard a step on the piazza. I looked over my shoulder as I got In, and saw his back as he walked to the other side. Thank goodness, he had not seen me! I made as little noise as possible, but I tore my kimono on a nail and left a piece of UM iiidio, uu ui ujjcu m 1 1 r: i . AJuvKinp he didn't hear anything. He was sitting down with his back turned toward me, and didn't even turn his head. I didn't dare stop to pick up the slipper. Luckily it was black, and didn't show much, and was also two sizes too small for me, as It was a pair Charlotte had given me. I tor upstairs and rot dressed as quickly as possible, so as to dispell any Suspicions he might have harbored. But ha evidently hadn't the faintest, as he said at first ha had been afraid I might have been lying down upstairs taking a nap, but as I ap peared In such a short time, he saw that could not have been the case, as I never could have dressed so quickly. He said he had started out for a drive with his aunt,' but had been suCnly seized with a severe headache, and ad been obliged to return and let her go aldne. I said I thought I had seen them start out. He said he had caught a gllrftpse of me as they went through, the gates. We get on beautifully together. The Spencer boys came over for some tennis about ( o'clock, and when Mr. Connors took his coat off and put It on the grass, I oould hardly "IT WAS MR. CONNORS." , believe my eyes, when I saw tha piece ot silk from my kimono, that I had left on tha nail in the window sill, sticking out of the Inside pocket. r Items of Interest to the Women Folk It Is a beautiful thing to pass Into real old age with a young heart and fresh mind and with an optimism that sees only the silver lining of any cloud that shows Itself above the horizon. No life of allotted length Is wholly free from sorrow, and the woman whose praise I am now sound ing has had her share of bitterness. The real woman keepa her grlefa to her self, and shows a brave face to the world 1 ..J Ing abreast of the times, and Is the only ; was of white chip and the trimming had method ever discovered for perpetuating been white mull, and one might easily have youth. i believed that it was still Immaculate after There Is no smarter wrap for younger J a square of the net had been placed over women's wear at seaside, lake or moun- i the entire hat and caught upder the brim, tain than the reefer rout made from a light j The veil was of the same.net, and the weight woollen checked material. Now j effect was not only dainty but strlklna;. that the one Piece dresses are so much i worn the short, loosely fitting little reefers are lust the thing for warmth. A blonde A most delightful trimming for restoring a half worn or shabby hat can be mad the knows that whatever pity the world, rearing a reefer in a pale blue and white i by any girl who can sew and be patient. that she does not want. The wise woman keeps her oan secrets, says the Spring field Union, makes no needless enemies, tries to forget disagreeables by devoting herself to the pleasant things of life and lives, really lives each day. It Is whole some to get out Into the world, to meet people, to learn new things. That is keep- check trimmed with white pique collar and cuffs and gilt buttons over her frock uf white pique looked charming. One of the most effective make-believes or cover-alls In millinery that I have seen this season was brought about by the use of white net veiling dotted with black cbauUla an tncii or more apart The hat I ll takes the form of ,a very large bow fashioned from black mallncs. The ma terial Is used double, and shirred on veer fine millinery wire an inch or so from the edge of each loop. The wire la covered with rows of tUiy rosebuds In pink or any dainty color. A fold of Persian Is also very effective. The bow can be added wit a few strong aUtchta.