Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1 1 "
A Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Tbs Con noil Bluffs office of tbs
Omeka Bee la at IS Boot Street.
, Both 'phones 43.
1 'U'. I. ft J: CHH.
The la
Council Bluffs
liarber shop for ba;hs.
c ortltf.ina. unJurtafcers. Phone 14ft.
Latge front room to rent. Prion 6SJ.
Woodilng Undertaking company. Tel. 23S.
Lewis Cutler, funeil director. I'hon 97.
Klein Co., lt2 W ent Broadway.
Council Blaffi People to Visit Shelby
County Fair Tomorrow.
rroarrajn of Unusual Variety for Day
Corn and Fruit Show Will
Mo Ulvea Added
Council Bluffs booateri have decided to
make another effort to awaken several of
Council Bluffs
Hurries Home,
But in Vain
Needlessly Alarmed Over Likelihood
of Immediate Action by Council on
Water Company Franchise.
Furyear'a college begin Its fall work In the towns In the eastern end of the county,
day and night scnool August i. Arter the fallure of th, RocU lsUnd Rall-
, L .''." i1Jr'l V .'"nC ",wa:I papr"r "rd road company to provide the special train
palming t.wora. O, Jensen, Masonic Temple. . . ' . . . . .,' ,x,.i.j yo..r glass, flttec or repaired by that "d benn P"""'8' for t"ft ft,klan,d
J. SV. Teriy,- optician, in Bioadvtay, office tr,P last Uendesday, the railway olfleials
w.lh Gtoi Gtrner. . were anxious to give the boosters the op-
J. A. Miller left last night for Colorado, portunlty.
" we'ek." M.Mllr'id'lIersrerr ".moon amlUn;
vliotiK. returned yestmduy morning troin chairman of the publicity committee of
a vihu wttii relatives at ruirbury, .Neb. the National Horticultural congress, ana
Trie Hoard of Kducatlon has arranged for E. H. Doollttle, member of the executive
School this evening. Some more vacancies active officials of the Commercial club, de
al a to tie filed In th teachers' nts and elded to secure a special train to run from
other n.aueis In connection with the open- Councl B,uff, to Harlan. The Shelby
lug of II iw schools attended to. , , , . , . ,. . .
Four Omaha automobl.e scorcher, had county fair la being held there and V ednes-
thelr difficulties adjusted by Follce Judge day has been designated aa Council Bluffs
Bnyder yesterday morning. Tom Brown, day. The Rock Island officials were con-
an assumed name, and john Wade cuch suited and they were willing to go more
rtt'Brw; io trx r - ""
C. IJ. Bums secured continuances of meir wishes of the boosters. They guaranteed
hearing untU' August 2. a special train of as many coaches as may
Alderman Yotinkeriuan and family re- bo desired and It will be at the disposal
turneu yesteiay uttei noon irom a two Df tn. Council Bluffs men all day. A
weeks' ouilng in Colorado, after tnoroughly .mMJler uarimtv was asked than was
enjoying numerous excursions to cool muon mailer guaranty was asnea xnan was
mountain resorts. It rained during a required for the Oakland trip,
greater part of the time they were there, The train will run under the combined
and one or two days heavy wraps and ausplce, of tne Commercial club and the
thick coats were not uncomfortable. " . . ., ..
.... , it. , . . - v,,. executive officers of the congress, it will
The body of -the 6-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Cooper; who died at their leave the Rock Island city passenger eta-
home In Lincoln of malarial fever yester- tion tomorrow morning at 9:46. and make
uay. will be breaght to council Bluffs this b t t between her and Harlan,
murnlng for burial in Falrvlew cemetery. " . ,,, , , . ... .
TIi services wilt be In charge of Rev. fcd- Returning, It will leave Harlan about t
gar Frice of tne First Christian church, o'clock in the evening and run through
1 he parents were formerly resident of tnis , Councll Bluff, without any atop.
The Harlan people have prepared a spe-
Mtyor.JUaJoney.will leave this evening fori
President Had Nothing to Do with
Turndown of Roosevelt.
lie Take to Tak Leader Wfco Cir
culated Story Ilrodet Had
Advised Coaferene with
the Colonel.
Ht. -aul. wnere lie goes as tne representa- clal program for the day. There will be
tive of tne ciiy at the, annual meeting of the trotting races In the 1:19 class, and pacing
ut American Municipalities, v-nie. , th , 14 c There wlu b, auto.
of I'ollce Froora start on the following ' " .. , , . .
day for Ls Moines bn the leave of absence mobile races for machine of from forty
granted him to attend the meeting of the I to sixty horse-power. In which there have
Awociaiirm oi rmic. emeu, oom been from ,,x to flften entrle, a compet-
N. E. Hannum. th South Main street Uv b" con,e8t ,nWh,C4h the ba"d'
restaurant man who threatened to snoot from all of the surrounding town have
Conductor Cox of the Manawa line late hen ntrd. and a ball arame between Har
irt''ilV: cr8gedhw!?! ' a"d voca. The Harlan Commercial
intent to Kill. His attorney asked for a club has undertaken to provide dinner for
continuance until August -8 and It was the Council Bluffs crowd and show them
lr2JlZLX.J?l USSll ome other Interesting things. The train
A iJcal company h,.s been organised to will be decorated with big banner, and filled
manufacture tne McFherson mila pasteur- with men who do things. The round trip
lser, which has been ready for tne market rote has been fixed at $1.74. The Oakland
iV.r..-?ome . .p7 " V" .. . rate was $2.10. Commercial from the Com-
i'hlllipn; vice president, lr. A. S. Beatty; " , , . ..
tiauier, W. K. Baker: secretary and gen- merclal club and the congress will sell the
rial manager, J. A. Miller. The first board tickets today. About 200 order came in
of directors are J. A. Miller, C. A. Beno, Ia!t evenlng ty phone after it wu known
. . r. punrt, a. .. mirnvt.i'iii am,
lips and Dr. A. S. Beatty.
The Fostofftce department has announced
a special ;lyll eervlce examination for post-
ciftice clerks and letter carriers to be held
at the Council Bluffs office on November 2
next. Applications for blanks are to be
mado to Fred Johnson, chief clerk at the
lAwuuflice -and secretary of- the examining
bjard. AH applications must be filed with
Mr. Johnson on or before October 1. Both
men and women are eligible to the exam
ination. A. B. Nicholas, for many year, engaged
in the ice business In Council Bluffs, has
been appointed bailiff 'Of the district court
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resig
nation of Captain L. B. Cousins. Mr. Nlcho
la; jwilk beVm ills duties at the commence
ment of the August term. The poaltion pay.
f "a KLr:ri a XlTlx.. V,:r"i5r" f"m the national encampment at Sparta,
laa-has ben a resident of the city" for the Wie., where they enjoyed all of the cxper-
Wllunt forty years. iencea of actual warfare except the
Thft bddy of K. M.' Olrard. who died at wounds. Some of them even had that ex
in so oiers nome t -narsnaiuo wn on nun- Th- .,. .l... Sia.i-l anil
da. was brought here yesterday for burial Perience. The sun .hone at Spatta, and
and Is being held o,t Woodrlng's morgue there were day of work under boiling
while the arrangements for the funeral are conditions. Sunburn, that were huge
pemg maae. inr. oi ra was year. oia. hn...r. -v. ...fflnl-nt ..nutlon. of die
1 1 m in Hui-viveci dv nis wire, wno resines i
Mh their son at !- canning street, and comtort to maxe aome or me young men
(dree aons. A. M. of this city. W. M. of if ih.u v, m minn ta-.innh
Omaha and K. S. of Toledo, O. He had . . . . ..,. .,..
hesn an Inmate of the home for the last "hell. Officer, and privates alike declare
a moat proriiaoie
that the excursion would be run.
Dodge Guards
Back from Sparta
Aldermen Younkerman hastened home
from Colorado because of the disquieting
reports that reached him at Denver Sat
urday morning, detailing the sudden re
iiRitatlon of the waterworks problem, and
he cut short his visit several days and
left Sunday night In order to reach Council
Bluffs In time for the regular weekly Mon
day night councll meeting, tinder the lm-
prension that the council was likely to
grant the water company a new charter in
his absence. . He was relieved, however,
to discover that there ivi no mee'lng
scheduled for last night anl none possible
until next Monday night.
"1 don't . know why Alderman Fisher
waited until t was absent to spring his
plan to give the water company another
chorter," said the alderman. "It will not
do any good, and all the harm that', done
Is that It only cut short my visit severil
days. There will be no charter granted If
I can help It, and I will flpht it every min
ute I am a member of the council. If the
people will let us nlone we will solve the
problem all right, for wo fe-;l assured the
court of appeals will affirm Judge Mc
rherson's decision in the Nash injunction
suit to prevent the Completion of the $f,0O.CO0
water bond iwsue. The decision should be
delivered In December, and ty January 1
we can have the money to buy the old
plant or build & new one."
The Fisher proposition for any sort of a
compromise that will afford a reasonable
solution of the waterworks tangle appears
to ve very favorably regarded by the busi
ness and progressive Interest, of the city.
Many of the principle business men and
largest property owner, have expressed
themselves in favor of a compromise that
will give the water company an opportunity
to make the improvements and extension.
so sorely needed. The fight has now been
going on for more than six years, and three
set. of alderman have had a try. at it, with
the result that the situation grew steadily
worse, ending in a recelver.hlp for the
company and transferring all of it. busi
ness affairs to the control of the federal
court. Not a foot of pipe can be legally
laid in tin streets even with an order from
Judge McPherson, and the city council
has no mean, by which It can have
the work done. Street, are being
paved where there are no water mains, and
where extension, of the service have be
come absolutely necessary the property
owner have been obliged to pay for the
work. The growth of the town i. being
retarded and public Improvements arrested.
It I. thl. condition that make, a very large
number of the taxpayer, anxiou. for any
sort of a compromise that will bring about
Immediate relief, and which might result
now- In voting a limited franchise to a re
organised company.
Hons with leference to platform and candi
dates. " 'The thing of all others that ought to be
avoided Is a controversy In the conven
tion. I am told by Mr. Grlscom that such
a conference with Mr. Roosevelt might
conveniently bs had and would be welcomed
by him before the state committee meets
on Tuesday. Hopo you will be able to re
port satisfactory solution when you come
on Wednesday. WILLIAM It. TAFT.'
"On the afternoon of Monday, August lj,
Mr. Sherman telephoned me from New
York and for the first time apprised me of
the fact that there was a proposal to op
pose Mr. Roosevelt for the temporary chair
manship and that with Mr. Root's nam.
No other name than Mr. Root' was men-
NEW YORK, Aug. 23. President Taft and tloned. I protested against the Idea of a
ex-President lioo.evelt are again fellow contest on uch a matter, peremptorily de
workers In the same political field. The cllned to be drawn Into a fight against Mr.
threat that they might pull apart has been Roosevelt and again renewed my urgent
forefended by a full explanation on one advice that there be prompt and full per
slde and an unreserved acceptance on the sonal conference with Mr. rloosevelt before
otner. the committee meeting with view to se-
The president made it plain In a letter curing harmony and victory for the party,
given out yesterday by Uoyd C. Grlscom, "Mr. Sherman celled upon me here on the
president of the Now Yuk. Republican 17th Inst, to meet an et.agement of a
County committee, how the misunderstand- week' standing made with him and Mr.
Ing arose. He explained that ho never took Loudenslager to discuss the congressional
any part In a committee cabal to defeat campaigu text book. Mr. Loudenslager was
Colonel Roosevelt for temporary chairman prevented from coming by an Illness. Dur-
of the coming republican state convention, tng the conference with Mr. Sherman I
On the contrary he explicitly deplores the told him that 1 deplored the result of the
result of the committee meeting, which meeting of the New York state committee,
chose Vice President Sherman. He rebukes because unless the break waa repaired It
the party leader whloh hva permitted it meant division between the New York re-
to go abroad uncontradicted that the pres- publicans and probable defeat. Upon leav-
Ident of the United State wa behind their Ing me Mr. Snennan agreed to go Into a
factional preferences; he lnelst. that at conference with Mr. Roosevelt, provided he
every opportunity he advised the fullest were invited to do o, with a view to ad-
conrerence with Colonel Roosevelt and he justing the situation If posible, even at that
explains that he ha been pained by the late date. Mr. Nicholas Longworth was
"columns of u-uounded assertion In the present and said he would .end a telegram
newspaper, concerning my attitude in re- to bring about a conference. What the
spect to the New York situation." result ha. been I do not know.
For his rart. Colonel Roosevelt, when he "Finally In your telegram received this
read President Taft'. letter aa communi
cated to him at Oyster B-y, said: "I am
very glad to see President Taft'. letter
and am pleased with It"
morning you state that effort, have been
made to create the impression thnt I favor
a particular candidate for election rtate
chairman. This Is absolutely untrue. I
Refused to Fiaht with Roosevelt.
President Taff letter comes in reply to have expressed no opinion on the subject
Mr. Grlscom'. blunt assertion by telegraph j since an effort was mado last winter by
that the absence of any .authoritative in- the New York congressional delegation to
formation as to your attitude is seriously secure Mr. Woodruff retlienient, which
misleading many republican.." failed.
"I am very sorry to observe column, of
unfounded assertion, in the newspapers
He tell, how, when he fir.t learned from concerning my attitude In repct to the
Vice President Sherman of the plan to op- New York situation. You ktiow a. well
pose Roosevelt he "peremptorily declined nH other New York leaders, that whenever
to be drawn Into a fight with Mr. Roose- my advice or assistance in reaching a sat-
velt and again renewed my urgent aavice isfactory adjustment of the difficulties
that there be full personal conference" with flying ha been sought. I have urged the
him. Finally, he assert, that "the .olu- necessity for the fullest conference with
Hon of the direct primary issue can De m Roosevelt bv the members of the or-
found in provision, .lmnar 10 muse oi me , lotion and with due deference to hon
Cobb bill defeated by the la.t legislature eat dlfferenco of oplnion have expressed
in direct rebuke to Mr. Roosevelt and Gov
ernor Hughe.
I No Pleasure Trip by Any Means as
Men Were Under Regular
Army Officers.
The Dodge Light Guard, have returned
the encampment was
school of , Instruction, and all have re
turned with greatly enlarged idea, of the
two year.
Tom Pappa ha begun a suit In the dis
trict court agalnat the Union Pacific Ratl-
ay coiuuau , naimiue; fi,guv iui iwibuiiki . ....... . , . .
inh.ri.. received while working for the " n responsibilities ot the member.
rumDsnv it Agnew. Neb. The Injuries' con- of the national guard. They were under
slated of the loss of the third finger of regular army discipline during the entire
tine of. hi. hands; which he alleges was due n.-,nd of the encamoment.
to. the negligence ot th roaomaater. and P'f!04 or tn encampment,
that there .was contributory negligence The young soldiers were ln.truc.ed by
on- hi part.-. HI attorney flies a Hen for regular army officer., and every minute ot
M on any Judgment that may be rendered. th tlme WM occupied. Those who
When witnessed told in Police Judge imagined they were going on an outing and
Jnyder'. court yesterday the reason, lor -bandond the idea In the
Rdy Cunningham being present and P"' tr'P abandoned the Idea in the
charged -with larceny, Cunningham was first thirty minutes of actual camp life,
sentenced to take a barh and spend thirty Officers of the company modestly refer to
days in the coutuy Jail. The man ha tn hlfn complimenU paid the Iowa tegi-
becorne addicted to the use of drugs and ,Ki- .,,..,, ,i ,
M been reduced to a shocking stage ot ment" whn mA thelr "cceaatul at-
Jalslcal and mental degeneration. It was tack on the regulars and defeated them in
Shown that he had been stealing cigars In the sham battle on the last day of the en-
box lots rrom tne oaa saloon ana eise- 0-mnm.n
k,, ..inn. th..,. t, ...t mnnv n campmenu
t.,.w. h..rh fMriv. Transfer.,
fifth and Avenue B; Mid-week prayer These transfers were reported to The Bee
meotlng, led by C. K. Stailard, Wednesday Monday, August 23, by the Pottawattamie
evening. Thursday afternoon the Ladle' rnllntv Abstract comoanv of Council
Aid society meets with Mrs. Kleanor Simp- -unty ADstract company or council
on, aU8 Avenue Jf. Junior choir practice at Bluffs:
the church Thursday evening. Senior choir j. B. Xye and wife to Ira B. Tye,
practice at the church Friday evening. , u. aw k aw u of lf-7.i-: and
Veung People Society of Christian Kn- 14 f 16-76-a and nw W of 21-76-38
deavor rally at the church for four even
ings commencing iunday August 28. Rev j E Tye" "inj'wif." Joseph F. Tyei
Bui'khardt, pestori of the Congregational 1, ' u ot 24.76-38 w d
chlirch at West Point. Neb., will assist In Jra jjTy. ,nd wife to John' W. Tye.
this program. - u - v ot 24.7s-38. w. d.
After completing a course of study in the Joseph K. Tye and wife to Marth
Columbia university, New York City, whlcn E. McDonald, ne It nw 14 of 23-'76-S
qualltled him to receive a i,L. u. aegree, I w d
Prof. J. - M. Bevmiiiige. superintendent of I T ' J an wir tn Ifla M
til city onoojireiurnea to city oun- u , nw U nw "a of 24-75-88. w. d..
Vandals Smash
Park Hydrant
. t -t-
Several Hundred Dollars' Worth of
Damage Done in Fairmount Park
Reason Unknown.
One of the hydrant, placed at the highest
point in Fairmount park where the water
can be conveyed from the reservoir was
smashed some time Sunday evening and the
valve stem driven down and wedged so
that the hydrant would be opened to tta
fullest possible extent. It ran all night
and until discovered yesterday afternoon.
Over 700 barrels of the artesian water in
the reservoir was drained out snd wasted.
and the earth washed away from the feed
pipe for a long distance, entailing a loe. of
several hundred dollars.
When Park Commissioner Graham was
talking about It yesterday, he was about
as thoroughly disgusted and angry as it is
possible for him to become. "It seems
to me," he said, "that about one-third of
the people of the world are foolishly in'
sane, one-third are viciously criminal and
the other third of u. are driven to the
point of nervous prostration and Insanity
trying to prevent universal destruction.
There have been no public improvements
apparently more greatfully appreciated
than the splendid and expensive water sys
tem that we have installed In the park, yet
one of the hydrants where the greatest
number of people get their supply of water
for household purposes has been smashed
with hammers three times this summer In
a spirit of pure devlllshness. It is un
doubtedly done by boys, but the parents of
these boys are to blame. They are educating
and developing criminals . while believing
they are giving their children the best of
moral training. It we can succeed in
getting hold of some of the miscreants,
there will be come lessons taught that will
not be soon forgotten."
the view which I still entertain that the
solution of the direct primary issue can
in tne course ui irio wre.." k h i nrni.inr,. .iii.. i thn..
comes out a leiegram iruiu mo
to the vice presldnt hitherto withheld, but
the Cobb bill, as amended In accord with
of which mention had nevertheless crept choate and Qther prom(nent r;pub;
Into print. In substance the president in
formed Timothy L. Woodruff, republican
stale chairman, and William U Ward of
the national republican committee "that
. 1- ,wi.. a all , K r IVt.f ntiarht tn bn
J a , ,J.r.v in th. convention " com ave out the tollowiog statement
I "Tli niAthrwYa i c w4 r iiwimnllah Ih. Am-
in,. n-..M.n.'a lMi throiiBThnut la tern- I ' 1 "
lilO J.I vd. jvn. . - - a
llcans of New York City. Sincerely yours,
In commenting on President Taft's let'
ter and the situation it discloses, Mr. Oris
perate though positive. Mr. Orlscom in his ' Mr. Roosevelt when his name was
comment on it was much more outspoken. b"r the state committee are now clear
He did not hesitate to charge that the re- l" 'a u ,n8
publican organisation of the state had Public.
played politics with the president's name "Those personally acquainted with Mr.
and had misrepresented his, attitude. He Tat's view, were, of courso,. never In
asserted tn so many words Vthat some of doubt that his advice had been Ignored
the 'old guard' are not seeking, republican ana mat nis atmuoe was misrepresented
success at the coming election; they wish In order that those who misrepresented him
to perpetuate their control of th-irepub- might appear as the defenders of his ad-
Itcan organisation at any cost to the party." ministration.
And he goes on to partteulariae that In sucn Roosevelt May Yet Be Choseu.
event they would have beea glad to unload "I have not the slightest doubt that the
defeat on the shoulders oC.tb president on action of the- state, committee will be re-
the ground that he bad ignored tne policies versea ana mai Kir. xiooeeven, u nis en-
of Hughes and snubbed Theodore Roose- gagements will permit him to accept, will
velt, the very men whom they had consist- act as temporary chairman of the conven-
ently opposed at every turn. t tlon, making the keynote speech. As presi'
Lastly he charges that In the last two dent of the New York republican county
legislatures there had been disgraceful committee I shall actively co-qperate with
alliance between Tammany.- hall and some republican, throughout the state who be-
of the "old guard" leaders. lleve it in the interests of the party that
Colonel Roosevelt in his statement given this result be brought about.
out at Oyster Bay explains what had been! "air. Taft's reply to my telegram dls-
the course of his negotiations with the or- closes that the-reports industriously clrcu
ganlsation and how, after hi successive la ted of a supposed conflict between the
rebuffs, he had felt that further overtures president and the ' ex-president on New
could not consistently com from him. His York state matters are baseless.
future attitude he does not define, because "The way is now clear for the republican
he is as yet uncertain what effect on pub- party in this state to take steps which will
lio sentiment President Taft's letter will warrant and secure success at the polls
have when it has been read and digested in November. It is evident that some of
by the voters of the state. the so-called 'old guard' are not seeking
Teat of Letter. republican success at the coming eleotlon;
lVitf m-lah to oeroetiiate their nnntrnl tf
Following Is Mr. Taft's letter: ,h. n.-hllean oranixation at anv -i
BEVERLY, Mass., Aug. JO. 1910. My the party.
Dear Mr. Grlscom: As yon. know from "Tho defeat which' their plans invited
your telephone conversations with my they Very wllllng'.y have unloaded upon
office. I have steadily refused to admit the lhe shoulders of President Taft by making
propriety or necessity oi in presiacni s lt appear that he failed to Indorse the
replying to newspaper statements which are poitd,, of Governor Hughes and Mr. Roose
not based on any act or authorised word of velt ln tm8 Btne.
his and have no sponsor. I am entirely ..Xne aiiiance of some of the 'old guard"
willing, however, to reply categorically to t(d.rl wltn Tammany hall In the last two
your telegram or August . wnicn nas just legislatures was a disgrace and should be
arrived and Is as follows: r, bv the nertv.
'I am informed and believe that several
Substantially all the republican prims
members of the New York republican state ri Bre uu to ba neld throughout the
oommlttee who voted for Vice President ..... There can be no mlminder.tanriin.
oMc.u.a-i over Ti-iutn M of the position taken by President Taft,
nominee for temporary chairman ot the
state convention were influenced by state
ments that the vice president's name was
presented to defeat Colonel Roosevelt In
day evening, "swill devote all of his time JofWpn B. Tye and wife to Florence
fnom now until the beginning of the schoal PHotehklss ne 4 nw W of 24-76-year
preparing for the opening of the Ji" Hotchklss. n. nw or M 10
schools. September 5. The annual teachers' " 'a' "wVf'"tn rVa'r.'"il'
tilg work. He expect, to receive th degree Grace F. J"''""1 . c
which he has earned through hard toll ln Nichols, lots 6. . 7, . 9. 10, 11 and 12
hot weather some time next spring. in block M in cimana aaa. to council
The board ot park commissioners had a . J! Sh'usart "and "wife" and
force of men at work yesterday developing yJ? hUgart to & N. Foster.
UnoolnU arkw-Hte new public pj.y ground f' in block 17 In Grime? addition
that has been aco.ii red through the munlfl- '0 Counel) Buff., la. w. d...T
renre o Former Mayor Rohicr and Leon- Interirta,e Realty company to L.
aid Everett. 1 he new park Ilea at the head 0re lo1I , and tn block 18 In
of Oakland avenue adjoining Point Look- Evull second Bridge addition to
out. The improvements being dons by th council Fluffs. Ia. w. d
park commissioners under the supervision Mlrsrt Tlerney to Martha J. Har-
oi i nan man urfiui win u uvui uhw
.hlrrf tn tha a.vailahla area of the arounds.
A silgli hill.) being cut down and tumbled
per. lot 13 in block IS In subdivision
of Riddle trsct In Councll Bluffs,
T w. d..
into a deep ravine adjoining. When com- I jrmest J. A. Rice end wife to Charles
plated it wilf Jtlve a beautiful, even slope
on a hlkh uufitt overlooking the northern
portion of th city and the river. The
work WiU coat about looO. It la the Inten
tion ot lh ciimniissloners to ultimately
txpend- abouttl,tiuu on the Improvements.
Horn, lot 15 In block 4 in Bayllss'
first sddltlnn to Council Bluffs, la.
w. d
Twelve transfers, total..
....$30. Shi
Marrlaar Meenaee.
Marriage licenses were yesterday issued
Pablle Invited to . Call and 1 aspect
Omaha's Newest Theater, Boos
to Be Opened.
The American Music Hall, which will In
augurate its season of high-class vaude
ville Monday evening, August 29, extends a
cordial invitation to the public of Omaha
to call around and inspect the theater.
The doors will be thrown open Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock and the publlo will
have free entree tor th balance ot tha
No money has been spared ln building
this temple of amusement. The manage
ment desires everyone to avail themselves
ot this opportunity of calling around and
getting acquainted. Bring your fiiende and
tell your friends to tell their friends to
bring their friends.
accordance with your wish. A member ot I xldridge. Ward and their assoclstes. The
me state commutes oecmrea to me oeiore yotTt m the primaries will have an op
the meeting that Mr. Sherman's candidacy tuntty of making their choice."
naa oeen .rr.ii, ,ou By leiepnone ijncA, N. Y.. Aug. 22.-Vlce President
the previous day. Efforts have been made 8herman ,aid tonight he did not desire to
An employ ef the Iowa Omaha Short
T.lnj. KhAMi t.lontitv was concealed under
tue nseuuonym u ivufua Roe on tne police I to the following named persons
court blotter earned the distinction of be- Name and address. Age
ing ttie' drunkest man arrestad during the p. McKeeman, Council Bluffs i
season 'when taken Into custody Sunday I Ms.e Klrkle. Council Bluffs 19
night. He wa found on South Main street A. q. Berg. South Omaha fit
so dead to tne world that all the police Marie R. Noltlng, South Omaha 23
expedients to arouse him failed. It re-1
quired three men to carry him to th K. 1, Plumbing Co. T SU. Night L-nOt.
patrol wagon and four to get him Into the
Jan corrluur. w neu mscowred by a police- I . Beth Case V .
man tnree men were perming over ninj, DBNISON. Ia.. Aug. -8pecla!.)-Much
W hen picked two silver dollars were Interest is centering on the coming terra of
found. lying on-iue pavement by his side, court when the case of the state against
In puIW.vUrt yaaterday he was una"Ns c. e. Booth, tha- recently arrested cashier
to retail but little of w hat had occurred. f th Q.fuBct Dow City bank, comes up tot
but remembered distinctly ot having over " w .... .
$ in cash in his pockets when he began hearing. He was arrested on an indictment
drinking. The $i found on the ground waa found in November, 1904. charging that Feb
all the money be had to liquidate his fine, niary 1L 104, be had received 11,000 from
I . i- Henry VengTorltch, a merchant, knowing at
A;TaYewaeX Dollar for f a the time the bank was Insolvent. He gave a
' Moalh. Icertlftcat of deposit and this, of course, is
The,ay )' to pay oft loans Is to put n evidence tn the case. It la understood
adde a certnln uraoont every month. The that th book 'of the bank showed that lt
rouncll. fluffs Mutual Building dt Loan I was Insolvent two years before it failed,
Association hs caah un hand to make loans and that Booth knew this. He Is out on
raaH)Ui,.,rttiu'nabl La assy payments. SI 000 bonds. - , .. ,
ex-President Roosevelt and Governor
Hughes for progressive leadership in the
party and clean government.
"Opposed are Messrs. Barnes, Woodruff,
tat 7j TVTfT117,T c want tc it wc
V V -TXli X III can have the opportu
nity to show you the largest and best line of
OFFICE DESKS and CHMRS carried West,
of Chicago.
Maybe you sit at your
desk in a chair no bet
ter, in comfort, than a
cracker box. Of course
it is a chair but how
about your work.
ET"" ini.i. .!... Jp
'Phone and our
Salesman will call
Omaha Printing Co.
Douglas 346
Ind. A-3451
924-92S Fornam St.
Colonist Excursions
Aug. 25 to Sept. 9 and Oct. 1 to 15
A comfortable and economical trip. Go this Fall
and get a home in the fertile San Joaquin Valley... Land
still may be had there at bargain prices.
Write C. Ij. Seagraves. Gen'l Colonisation Agent, 1119 Railway Exchange.
Chicago, for the San Joaquin Valley book and six months' free subscrip
tion to Th Earth.
The expense of the trip is slight. Railroad fare only $25.00
from Omaha to California. Double berth la a Santa Fe tourist
sleeper, $5.75 extra. These cars are modern, sanitary, fully equip
ped, and are attached to fast trains.
Stopovers allowed for Grand Canyon and Salt
River Valley, Arizona; also at most points In
California. Personally conducted excursions.
Fred Harvey meals, too.
Homeseekers Excursions, Southwest,
first and third Tuesdays, monthly. Low round-trip fares.
Ask Samuel Larimer,
Gen'l Agt. A. T. &
8. F. Ry., Equitable
Bldg., Des Moines, Is.
ju sum inert
to create an Impression that you favor a
particular candidate for election as state
see copies of the Taft letter and the Oris
com statement and declined absolutely to
chairman. I want you to know that the ,ny eommOTt or expression In refer-
injecuon m xne name oi m. niga memoer OI ence to the matter.
Vlce-Presldeat ghermaa's Attltade
Made Plala at Beverly.
BEVERLY, Msss. Aug. 2S. A visit to
President Taft from Representative W. W.
Cocks of the Oyster Bay district, and one
of Colonel Roosevelt's closest friends and
advisers, came as a fsreruuner In Beverly
todsy to what transpired in New York and
Oyster Bay last night. Mr. Cocks Immediate
ly upon his arrival. Indicated that a better
understanding waa soon to be had and
declared without equivocation that there
would be no break between President Taft
and Colonel Roosevelt.
The president's letter. In many of the
dates and details given, throws an Inter
esting light on a number of recent events
In Bevsrly. Probably the most Interest
ing of these was the Interr-.ew given out
by Vice President Pherman, following his
talk with President Tsft last Wednesday.
On that occasion, it now transpires, the
president told Mr. Sherman that he de
plored the action of the state committee In
voting down Mr. Roosevelt and that he
wanted him to ace Mr. Roosevelt and try
to arrange an agreement.
your administration Into a factional con
Diet has produced a most complicated sit
uation and the absence of authoratlve In
formation as to your attitude Is serously
misleading many republicans and Impairing
a movement for progressive party leader
ship and clean government la this state.
I know you desire us to have a fair field
and bope that this will be made clear to
the public'
Statement of Attltade Vatrae.
The statement that 1 have ever ex
pressed a wish to defeat Mr. Roosevelt for
the temporary chairmanship of the conven
tion, or have ever taken the slightest step
to do so, is wholly untrue. I have never
heard Mr. Sherman's name suggested aa
temporary chairman of the stats convention
until I saw ln ths newspapers ot August
1(1. that he had been eeleoted at the meeting
of the committee. W hen you cajled at my
house Saturday evening, August It, you
told me that Mr. Roosevelt Intended to go
to the convention as a delegate, and you
suggested incidentally his being made tern
porary chairman a suggestion n whloh I
aoqulesed. It did not occur to me that any
one would oppose. It. This was the first
trme the subject ot the temporary chair
manship was mentioned to me by any one.
You did not ask me to take any action
whatever with respect to It.''
"After a full discussion of the New York
situation I drafted In your presence the
I i m ! i i niiiiiBM
A low
for Summer
SSc eech. 1 for Be. Arrow Cuffs.
Cluen. Peabody At Co.. Troy. N.Y.
e rr c h i n g
following telegram and sent It to Mr. Rher- QUT Specialty 133-16 ZlllC half
tone at two-thirds of the
price of copper halftone.
1311 Howard Street,
Omaha. -
" 'BEVERLY, Mass.. Aug. 14, 1910 Hon
James 8. Sherman, Vice President, Utlca
N. Y.: Please say to Ward and Woodruff
that I have bad a long conference with
Grlscom. He confirms my Judgment al
ready expreaaed to you that the whol
situation ln New York may be saved with
out humiliation to anyone and that with
victory to the party by a full conference
with Mr. Roosevelt and rtasonabla conces
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
Low Onc-lVay Rates to
S7? n n
August 25th to September 9th, inclusive
To San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
, Through tourist sleepers every day via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt
Lake City; berths $5.75. Join one of the Burlington's personally con
ducted California excursions.
Tickets, berths, descriptive folders, Infor
mation, eta,
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Very Low Fares
To California
Go now and save enough money to pay your expenses.
Aug. 25 to Sept. 9, and Oct. 1 to 15
Rock Island Lanes will sell one way colonist tickets to Call
fornla for only $25.00 from Omaha, Neb.
Through tourist sleeping cars dajly on fast trains from
Omaha to the Pacific Coast via Scenic line through Colorado.
Rock Island tourist sleeping cars provide all the comforts.
When the berth is made up it's JuBt like the standard Pull
man same room, same linens, same conveniences. You can
only tell the difference In the day time cheerful, sanitary
rattan instead of plush seats. Double berth through, only
$5.75 from Omaha. Dining car service on the "pay-for-what-you-order
plan." Correspondingly low fares to other western,
points. To North Pacific Coast Points tickets are on Bale
Sept 15 to Oct. 15.
Send for "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car."
J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agt.
14th and Farnam Streets,
Omaha, Neb.'
Al Bee Want Act