Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1910, 300,000 OMAHA, Page 8, Image 20

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Weather Ulnrrni of Twelve Year and
Kow IMdra Hlh on Wave
of Prorlt7
An organliatlon that haa withered the
terms for twelve years and now trium
phantly ridei on the hlh crest of prosperity
and auoceaa Is the Woodman Circle, with
headquarters In Omaha, This la a fra
ternal Insurance order that a favorably
known In every state In the union for Its
system of simplicity, absolute Integrity and
fidelity to Its business and benevolent
principles. i ufMM
Mrs. Kmma B. Manchester, supreme
guardian of the Woodmen Circle, probably
knows more of fraternal detail and system
than any other woman In the United States,
With this efficient woman at the head of
the Woodmen Circle its affairs are con
ducted with a systematic) precision that has
won for the organisation Its enviable poal-
Phone Douglas 497. 513 Oo. 13th Gt
C. H. 8C0TT, Mgr.
The Oldest Hide House In Omaha. Always Reliable, run will
be especially high tbe coming season. Save commissions by shipping
to us. Highest market prices paid.
Do Business on tbe "Square", Is our motto.
Tho Only Manufacturers
of Shoes in Nebraska
tJon as the leading; fraternal order for men
and women now before the public.
The Woodmen Circle may be counted as
one of the pioneers In the fraternal field.
Fifteen years " women were regarded,
as doubtful risks In the Insurance line, and
when this order entered the field It was
received with dire prophecies of an early
But this order was one of the first to
demonstrate, the fact that women could be
aa successful In the insurance field as In
any other line of work, and numbers among
its members many Influential people.
The success of the Woodmen Circle has
been attained by its steady growth and
the careful supervision of Its affairs. There
has been no effort made toward spasmodic
or mushroom expansion. Every inch of
new territory, every new grove, is care
fully examined and planned for In a
manner that makes them permanent ac
quisitions of the order.
Its members are men and women of
standing and influence in their community
and every effort Is made to keep the order
on a high standard, morally as well as
Those who are contemplating Joining an
Insurance order and this should be the
duty of every man and women who has
dependants upon them should look Into
the merits of the Woodmen Circle. Every
Inquiry Into Its standing and methods In
variably results In new memberships. From
a handful of members at Its Inception
twelve years ago, the order has grown to
be a powerful and Influential factor In
national fraternal affairs, and one with
wl Ich any man or woman may be proud
to Join.
This order la more than anything else a
family order. Any young man or woman
over 18 years of age and of good character,
may become a member, and In many cases
father, mother and three or four children
are loyal members of the Woodmen Circle.
Its standing Is absolutely unquestioned.
The name Woodmen Circle Is as solid and
lesporslble as a United States bond.
The order cordially Invites inspection arid
every request for Information will receive
a prompt and courteous reply from Its
supreme guardian, Mrs. Emma O. Manchester.
Onr Own Minstrels.
"Ml9ta.h WaJkah, wot's the dlffunce
'tween you an' me?"
"I hope there Is a great deal of differ
ence, George, but I'll let you tell it. What
la the difference between me and you?"
"De dlffunce, Mlstah Wulkah, is dat I'm
polite 'nuff to say yo uan' me,' and' you
"Ladies and gentlemen, the silvery voiced
tenor. Prof. Jeehaugh, will now sing the
popular ballad entitled, "Please Be Care
ful, Dearent, Where Tou Stick Your Wad of
Gum.' "Chicago Tribune.
Omaha Leads the Country in the Out
put of Creameries.
Farmers of Nebraska Have Lrsraed
of the Added Wealth to Be Had
from the Mllklna; of
Their Cows.
Within the last few years Omaha haa
grown to be tbe greatest producer of
creamery butter in the world. This emi
nence was attained at least four years ago
when the output for 1908 was 10,000,000
pounds, of an estimated value of 12,000.000,
and since then the distance between Omaha
and Its nearest competitor has grown by
leaps and bounds, so that Omaha's posi
tion as the first butter making city In the
world Is not challenged nor even ap
proached by any rival.
For the current year the estimated out
put is one-third more than in 1806. or 15,
000,000 pounds, worth something like $3,000,
000. The product of the Omaha creameries
goes round the world. A large percentage
Is for foreign export trade and particularly
in Great Britain has a big demand been
oreated for Omaha butter.
One of the chief reasons for the growth
of the butter business here Is the develop
ment of the centralized creamery, within
the last ten or eleven years. Centralised
manufacture of butter means a great re
duction In the cost of producing and mar
keting, making It to the Interest of hun
dreds of small plants located all over tbe
rural districts to consolidate or to become
feeders of the large plants In the big
cities, with their expensive equipment of
That Omaha Is the only city where so
many centralized creameries exist Is
ascribed to its specially favored geograph
ical location. In past years the east be
came unable to make the butter It needed
for Its own consumption because the large
population there demands all the milk and
cream produced within shipping dlstanoe
for Immediate use In tbe natural state.
Abnndanc of Milk.
Further west and ss far as tbe Missouri
river conditions are similar although to a
lessened degree. Not until Omaha Is
reached Is a territory found able to produce
more cream than Is needed for use at
By reason of Its railway facilities Omaha
draws cream from a distance of 300 miles
on every side, turning It Into butter rap
idly as approved appliances can do It. All
Iowa is a good dairying country. Eastern
Nebraska has rapidly become as good as
Iowa for cream and the western part of
the state Is showing a surprising develop
ment along this line, stockmen finding that
they can well afford to milk and thus
add a neat little Income to other sources.
Northwestern Missouri has been devel
oped for some time for the purposes of the
Omaha creameries, and even northwestern
Kansas Is considerably drawn upon.
The development of creamery business In
Omaha and the demand constantly growing
for more cream and better cream, to
gether with general spreading of baterlo
logical knowledge has resulted In the im
provement of conditions in the territory
close at home with the result that the,
local supply has greatly Increased both la
quality and quantity.
Articles In the public press, teachings of
dairy schools, the influence of the law and
the educative Influences of manufacturers
these factors, together with what farmers
have loarned by their practical experience,
have been slowly working great raforms
In the production of milk and cream.
WIBST(SJ.s)UNO(ftl.'.NO e'10'3'
TGneire Is a iffffeifeiniee
In many things, but particularly in the cleaning of a garment.
The slap dash get, out-of-the-way-quick, with many spots left
which should have been removed, and the gloss marks showing
a careless way of pressing and the deliberate, careful, pains
taking way in giving the garment a thorough cleaning, and in
the pressing to give it the appearance of newness.
This is our way. A trial will convince you that, at moderate
cost, the life of a garment can be prolonged indefinitely.
Twin Cify Dye tftforks Co.
Established 188 CUanrS tnd Dyers Of Quality Incorporated 1907
G. A. Schoedsack, Pres. 40T South lStti Street
In the
$1 vJ&" f?
aw f t '" 1?
h 7 Uji L
en igj
Auxiliary to the
Woodmen of the World
America's Greatest Women's Insurance Organization
Who can join
Any woman of good character and health between the ages of 18 and 52 is eligible to the Wood
men Circle. A man must first belong to and be in good standing in the Woodmen of the World before he can join.
Why should not the wife or mother or sister enjoy the advantages of a social and business fraternity
as well as the husband or father or brother? Why should not the wife or mother or sister help provide for their loved
ones as well as the father or husband or brother?
Strong in Thirty-eight States
It is ding busincis at the present time in 38 sratcs,
nt including the territory west of the Rocky Moun
tains, which belongs to a separate jurisdiction with
headquarters at Portland, Ore.
Its membership is growing at the rate of 2,000 to 4,000 a month.
It haa been rightly termed "The Little Giant of the Insurance
Many of the Women Do
Has a Membership of 90,000
Officered and managed entirely by women.
Incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska,
Three thousand flourishing Grovea.
3,500 monuments erected at the groves of deceased members.
You are invited to join and enjoy the splendid advantages of
fered its members.
Furnishes Protection, that Protects
The Woodman Circle holds a record for absolute fair-dealing,
prompt payment of all legitimate claims, careful selection of risks
and a high standard of membership.
"Only the Best" can get into the Woodmen Circle. This com
bined with conservative business methods make this organization
absolutely certain to be able to safeguard your interests.
It has $1,800,000.00 reserve fund the largest per member of
any in existence.
ror particular. AaareM. Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, Supreme Guardian, w. o. w. Bia. omaha, Neu
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