Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE:
. B!?
y. Bool Trial It.
Elsotrla Fans Burgess-Orendsoa Co.
Beet Dry Cleaning of garment. Twin
City L)y Works. 40, South Fifteenth.
Oppenbelm Hairdrssslng Farlors moi
J3-i---20 City Nat l Bank Bldg Sept, 1.
Xiappy Hollow Stock, one. altar for aala;
price lira. Owner leaving city. Address
S 218, rr" of Bea.
, Whajf Yoa Have Sides, wool or fur
' bring U m to J. 8. Binlin & Co. Highest
prices, ftjneat treatment. 1214 Jones street.
The Burest Way to Bavs la to follow a
fixed, definite plan of aavlng ao much a
eek or month. Bee Nebraaka Havings
and Loan Aia'n., Board of Trade Bldg.,
Tba loe ore am social which was post
poned last week will ba given Thursday
evening of this week at Mrs. Taber'a, 4217
Harney, fur tha benefit of McCabe church.
Everybody weUome.
Eagles to St. iouis Eagles of Ne
braska and South Dakota le.v In a special
car for St. Louis tonight over the Wabash
for the annual convention there. "Doc."
Tanner of Houth Omaha heads 'the local
delegation. The convention holda all this
Xnlglta Templar Visit Omaha Wash
ington commandery of Knights Templar,
which went west to Denver and Colorado
by way of Kansas City, arrived in Omaha
at 10:40 Monday morning and apent some
time In viewing the city. The Knlghta
jnade their convention week at Chicago
xtend to a little trip around the country
In tha special car.
Arlon Singer Her A special car con
taining .the Arlon Hinging society of Amer
ica came through Omaha Monday afternoon
on the Xorthwentem, taking the Union Pa
cific to Denver, en route to .Yellowstone
park. Sunday afternoon Omaha was be
sieged by a number of the members of the
Hutchinson special to Yellowstone park
party. They were met at the train by
Omaha friends and taken around th city
1" a tally-ho during th afternoon.
! Money on Bwreel Touched for It
and a watch he values at J6 was th ex
perience last night of A. D. Morris, who
gave his address as 1432 North Twentieth
f street. He told the story at the police sta
( tlon that he had been robbed while a spec-
tsunr of a religious meeting at Twelfth and
( Dodge streets. Th singular thing about
tha occurrence, according to th polio, la
that th fob was taken off and replaced In
bis pocket.
Daughter Beplaoes Dead Boy While
Moses O'Brien', a steward at the Hen
Shaw cafe, was In Ottumwa, la., attending
the funeral of his 1-year-old son, Mrs.
O'Brien, ajlielr horn In Omaha. 4217 Fow
ler avehue?gave birth to a baby girl. The
on died August 17 of cholera Infantum and
the, daughter that oame to take his plaoe,
with strange coincidence, was born three
days later. The daughter is a perfectly
healthy and happy Infant
cutting Cass Over Woman With his
left arm terribly gashed by a raaor ven
omously wielded by Oeorge Wetherford,
Bube Bcnlsh was rutihed to the police surg
ery last night, and before Drs. T. T. Harris
and Loveland got don with him they had
put between two and three dosen atltchea
In the lacerated member. It was th worst
case of cutting seen at tha station In
months, and that's going some. Th two
men live In the neighborhood of Eleventh
land Izard and the scrap which ended so
dangerously for Benlsh had. It Is atated,
'its origin In antagonism over women.
Vacationists He turning Home Omaha
Is threatened with an invasion of real
money, or at least an invasion of what la
'the'tfentleth century representation of real
money. It is coming her on September 1
4n company with twenty-one sons of what
;re commonly called the "vulgar' rich,"
!ons of eastern capitalists. Charles P.
;JW6,ores, the . owner of a large ranch near
... JFort Washakie, Wyo., has had as his vis
itors' for the summer all these young men,
nd now the whole party Is going back to
iNew York and Boston, where th greater
fKrt ' of them live. They leave Lander,
rtytfvo. on. August 81, traveling east over
tjfae Northwestern road.
a reedy - rishermen ArnM Oame
fWarden Jensen dropped upon Fred HoffkU
SG21 Bancroft street, and C. A. Strappelt,
Bouttt Nineteenth street, two German
paborera, Saturday night Just as they had
commenced to make a night and morning
kof It raiding th domain of th finny tribe
Hat Carter lake. Each bad several lines and,
(not content with th privilege of the four
(books allowed by law, they had them baited
with hundreds. The two man war brought
rto th polio atation and charged with
111 legal flatting. There have been complaints
fcf th raoaclty of greedy fishermen at
(Carter lake who have no sens of th fair-
paesa expected of anglers.
' MMA. oa BUnd Fig Following a com
I'-pla.jt that drinking and carousing was
tgolng on In th basement of a building In
ithe rear or tit Norm rouneenm street,
th police mad a raid on a place beoked
las a disorderly house, where beer was
I feeing freely dispensed, yesterday afternoon.
I Seventeen men were arrested and booked
us inmates, while th proprietor managed
to 'escape In th excitement. Seven cases
of . beer were seised as evidence, while
( twenty empty cases were left In th room.
rTh door was thickly covered with bottle
toy and most of th men were well under
Mhe Influence of the be f crags. Sergeant
Sarnuelson, with Offloera Drlscoil and
(JWoods, made the arrests.
' Bmll Stockman Slagged Emll Stock-
rman. who lives at 6U Marcy street,' was
plugged last night outalde th door of th
icngln house of MeU'a brewery. Stockman
Hs employed In the brewery and his assail
tant Is alleged to be John Pease, who form'
--rly was an engineer In the brewery and
rwho Is stated to be now acting as a chauf
feur for people who reside in West Faroam.
Stockman, who was attended at his home
i by Police Surgeon Standeven. sustained a
I scalp wound on the back of th head, ap
parently Inflicted by Some weapon. His
case Is not serious. According to a little
I girl named. Slrella Peters, Twenty-second
, and Pierce streets, and Stockman's boy,
Stockman had Just got to the door of th
nglne bouse when Peas rushed out and
knqeked blm down on th pavement There
la said to have been for some time 111 feel
lng between the men.
Culled Over the Wire
According to a statement Just Issued.
F. Augustus Helnre, the copper man, and
Miss tternlc Henderson, an actress, will
be married in New York this week.
night Americans, names unknown. wr
larreMd on the Isle of Pines on the charge
or nomiciu ana arson, ureal excitement
followed the arrests, the American resi
dents of the Isle of Pines threatening re
sistance. The democrats of Georgia on Tuesday
will candidates for governor and
eleven other state offloera. aa well as
seven congressmen, in primaries in which
nomination Is In all cases considered
equivalent to election.
Summoned from his cabin to quell a dis
turbance In the social hail of his ship.
, captain r.. " " "J "i me steamer Uuck
l"n, bound for San Francisco from Seattle
yL shot and Instantly killed at sea off
c?- Nendokiiirt coast by Fred Thomas, an
Insune passenger.
Rev. A. A. Hauberoh, pastor of the
MlltonFburg, O.. Lutheran Evangelical
church, was arrested, charged with the
theft of seventeen watches and other
Jewelry valued at I3uu. from students of
th Eden Theological seminary at Clayton
Wo, where he was on probation,
Discusses Problem of Falling- Off of
ay There ghi
laid Ns B a Weak
trlaal Polats la the
of Plaratlasj
'g oa Do
"Th Relation of Pulpit and Pew" mas
considered by Former Judge William Balrd
In an address yesterday morning at the
Low Avenue Presbyterian church. Judge
Balrd discussed the problem of a falling
off In attendance and of a lack of enthu
siasm among churchgoers.
These the speaker divided Into the three
classes: Non-members, members Interested
mere In sociological questions than theo
logical, and members Interested mor in
theological than sociologies! problems.
With respect to the first class. Judge
Balrd urged that on their account there
should be no weakening on doctrinal paints
In the hope of placating them. The sec
ond class took up a considerable portion
of the address.
Judge Balrd declared that a great many
good men and women have com to view
the church chiefly as a means of fighting
against various evils.
'Oreat work as has been don toward
slaying th serpent of Intemperance, said
the speaker, "these good people bav some
what misinterpreted the relation of the
church and Its members. Their view Is
earthly and mundane, not really spiritual."
Bearing himself out on thla point, the
speaker quoted the verses of th new testa
ment beginning, "This Is tha first and
great commandment."
U Wao Is To Self-SatMolent Has
Km Rellaloa ia HI Honl.
"The man who Is all self1 sufficient, who
considers himself a law unto himself In his
life has no religion," stated Rev. J. E. Hum
mon of the Kountse Memorial Lutheran
chnrch Sunday morning.
"True ethical Ufa cannot be obtained
without religion and true religion cannot
be obtained without morality.
"Many men In thla world who ar con
sidered as " perfect In the lives and who
do not profess religion or attend any
church, are really governed by the all
powerful Influence which the great Chris
tian religion has on the civilisation of the
' "The sensibility of th dlvin power In
th world Is lost to th spirits of aome
men .and ia lost to them In their dally
life and work. This lack of spiritual pres
ence ia responsible for the failures In the
lives of many people."
Th text of the day was "Lead Me to
That Rock Which la Higher Than I," and
It waa applied by th Rev. Hummon in the
laok of Inspiration In men because of the
lack of-religion and the belief In something
better than themselves.
Baptismal service waa held by th min
Ister, and lrroa Oeorglne, the daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Rasmussen, was re
ceived Into the churoh.
Asaesarencati of the Theater.
Tonight will be th first "society night"
of the season over at the popular Orpheum.
Th fashionables have bought seats In large
numbers and a fin audience will pack the
pretty playhouse. Th big bill on for this,
th opening week, Is calculated to appeal
to the tastes of tha social set. One thing
tha Orpheum Intend to maintain la the
same standard of . excellence all through
the season that is represented In the open
ing program.
Today th seat sale opens at the Oayety
for "The Beauty Trust." which opens the
regular season of extravagansa and vaude
ville next Sunday matinee. The Chester
field of box office attaches, "Foxey" Tay
lor, will preside at the window with custo
mary grac and th same genial smile he
wore last season. The Nelson-Wolgast
fight films will be continued this afternoon
and evening only.
A Ho rain a Sham
Is not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to
cure burns, sores, piles, cuts, wounds and
ulcers. Kc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co,
Wrld-Wlde Pabllcatloa of His Own
Starr f Hla Oreat Haat on
Aasast Tweaty-Foartb,.
After months of preparation and careful
supervision since his return by Mr. Roose
velt his great book, "African Game
Trails," appears all over the United States,
In England, France, Oermany and Sweden
on Wednesday, August $4. In order that
the tremendous Initial demand might be
promptly met, Messrs. Charles Scrlbner's
Sons have printed th book both In the
east and In th west, and every effort. Is
making to distribute th bsok with equal
celerity through the, dosan or mor central
agencies of Messrs. Scrlbner In tha great
cities from New York to San Francisco.
Owing to th railway strlk several car
loads of paper wer delayed on the Grand
Trunk, and for this reason It Is possible
that some persona may not receive their
copies as promptly as othera
This volume la a large octavo of mor
than 600 page printed from beautiful type
and elaborately Illustrated. It eontalna mora
than 40,000 worda that did not appear dur
ing th aerial publication, and In addition
numerous pictures made especially for the
volume. The subjeou for th original
drawings were selected by Mr. Roosevelt
and they wer mad under his advice. More
than 1.000 agents have been at work for
some time selling this book by means
of an elaborate prospectus, and new applt
cations are being received at the rate of
about 100 a day for territory, so that every
corner of this country will soon be reached,
and,- with th large facilities of the pub'
Ushers, It Is believed that even the unpre-
cendented demand will be promptly 'filled.
It I doubtful whether any volume has
attracted th world-wide attention of this
and has so large an audience ready and
eager to secure the finished work of the
most distinguished American at th present
day, and th on best known to all civilised
Wllllaaa Thsektr.
William Thacker, SOOS Pierce street, 41
year old, died at his bom Saturday night
after a sickness of three montha He was
employed In th mailing room of Tha Be
Publishing company. The funeral was
held from th resldeno this afternoon at
I o'clock. He Is survived try his widow
and thres children, his father and mother,
three brother and two sisters. .
Fatal Qaarrel at fccheol Meeting.
MASON CITT. Ia, Aug. ll.-8peclal.)-News
has been received at Hampton (hat
Fred Xeehn. a former resident of Franklin
county, had killed a man at Corrlng. Kan.
His sisters are large land owners In thu
county. Th men got Into a quarrel at a
school meeting and Keehn shot and killed
WtlUam Blelaner. H Is held for the
murder without ball. '
Land Show Gets
Strong Backing
Out in Utah
Salt Lake Paper Joins Governor Spry
in Putting; the - Exhibition
Under Headway.
The Land Show which Is being promoted
by the management of The Bee Is getting
recognition throughout th west, and aa
the days go by lu Importance is becoming
apparent, and Its success assured. Last
week The Bee published the announoenient
that Governor Spry of Utah had agreed
to act as one of th vice presidents and
would appoint a committee to act with
th Omaha committee In the management
of the details of th exhibition. Now
comes th Salt Lake City Evening Tele
gram with this strong editorial endorse
ment of the Land Show:
'Last spring $3,000,000 waa drawn from
the banks -of Omaha by men going to
Canada, -mostly from Iowa and Nebraska
In two days $230,000 was drawn from the
Minnesota banks for the same purpose. In
March the Canadian banks had on de
posit $6,000,000 of American money, de
posited by farmers who had crossed the
line to link their fortunes with the domin
ion. They were made up mostly of older
or younger sons who left th old homes
for th rest of their families and started
north to forge out for themselves fortunes.
They are' - streaming back now, but the
money they carried away Is gon forever.
Moreover, though so many have returned
disappointed, others are preparing to go,
for the lure of cheap lands Is upon them.
"Seeing this, Mr. Charles C. Rosewater,
business manager of The Omaha I'ee,
which his gifted father, the lat Edward
Rosewater, founded and conducted for
forty years with so much ability, together
with his brother, Mr. Victor Rosewator,
the editor of The Bee, with a clear In
stinct, has organized a counter movement
to try to Induce these young farmers to
go west and keep under the flag, rather
than to go north to a foreign country, and
to a climate, the extremes of which they
are not prepared to meet In thla Mr.
Rosewater Is showing his signal ability,
public spirit and his ability to link .the
community around him to help in a high
cause. Already a large sum of money has
been raised by him to start a publicity
campaign, and he has induced the Kansas
City, Des Moines and Minneapolis press
to Join with him.' Editorially, The Bee is
pointing out the resources of Wyoming,
Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, farming
In which has long passed the experimental
stage and become a fixed reality, and
where the railroads are constantly bring
ing as yet uninhabited lands close to a
market Surely the work of The Bee and
Its editor and manager should be appreci
ated by the west.
"In pursuance of the work under Charles
Rosewnter's auspices, Leonard Fowler, the
famous publicity advertiser, and W. C.
Paisley, who Is organising the great west
ern land products exhibit, to be held In
Omaha next January, are In this city now
to try to enlist the citizens here to Join
with, the men of the old west to r repare
such Inducements as will turn the strong
and bright your.g men and women, who
are contemplating expatriation, to remain
under the flag and direct thulr efforts to
upbuilding the country which is-far more
certain of giving them pleasant homes and
fortunes than anything they can find In
the frost fringed north.
"These gentlemen should have the glad
hand and warm support of everyone In
Utah and should have the support In every
feasible way of all our people."
"It cured me," or "It saved th Uf of my
child," ar th expressions you hear every
day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Thla Is true the world
over where this valuable remedy has been
Introduced. No other medicine In use for
diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received
such general approval. The secret of tha
success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Is that it curea Sold
by all dealers.
Jewish Orthodox Chnrch Was
Ready Because of Recent
Th laying of the cornerstone of the
Jewish Orthodox church at Nineteenth and
Burt streets which was expected to take
place Sunday afternoon was postponed for
one week on account of a failure to get
the building In readiness. Th ceremonies
next Sunday will begin at 2:30.
ble Compound Cured Her
KnoxTille, Iowa. "I suffered with
Iains low down In my right side for a
year or more and was so weak and ner
vous that I could not do my work. I
I wrote to Mrs. Pink-
ham and took Lydia
E. link-ham's Vege
table Compound
and Lirer Puis, and
am glad to say that
your medicines and
kind letters of di
rections hare dona
more for me than
anything else and I
had the test physi
cians here. I can
do my work and rest
well at nlffht. I believe there is noth
ing like the Pinkham remedies."
Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D., Ko. 8,
Knoxyille, Iowa.
Tbe success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may ba
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra-
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound has been the
6tandard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least frive this medicine a trial
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
cot cure you?
If yoa want ptM'ial advice write
Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Maa.,for it.
It is tree antl always helpful.
iaW V
Vf jr 1 1
In fi
Smith Declares
He Was Misquoted
Is Out After Support for Himself for
Speaker, but is Not Fighting
Cannon. Congressman Walter I. Smith was In a
measure misquoted In a press dispatch sent
out from Council Bluffs lat Saturday night
and published In the Sunday morning pa
pers, in which he was mads to say that he
was opposed to the re-olectlon of Speaker
Cannon. As It Is well known that Con
gressman Smith Is most prominently men
tioned In connection with the speakership
at th beginning of the next session, the
MAKING MANLY BOYS Training the body of the boy as well as the mind is a recognized
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f II I 1 RTiKDAitn A Clau low, enL.
L.iucrs.1 ATU i,,,,,. AlaoPreparatoryandEle-
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of all degreea of adyanremeot are admitted.
U I Didactic, Stats CllTtriOiTl,
normal county Csstiftcats, Pbimasv
Tsainiso moat complete trejnlnt for teachers
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m , , 4'iTM Ki er-rniPAT MtrniKl.
Engineering cil AlioSrpVone.
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Electrical, Steam. Macblnlat't snd Automobile
uacntniei a ana AUtomonue
ractlm BhTeertns Shop
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Mecblnlets oouraea.
Automobile end T
Won From Bsoinniho.
PhtrmaCT Jf5i wini.',.,.".. Ctf
1. Rsot'LAS Fa. O., Ph. C. Prsa
eie-niiBB'irm pti i't aiTBt.ri wt n
of Pharmacy in tbe blted Stses.
f Standard Courb ik Law offered In
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H.,,;, ACoMri.iTiCoLirosorMusio. Piano.
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Courae In
Harmony, Mandolin. Guitar, and BuperTlsor'a
public Hcnooi atuaic. a nne lacnity
of teacbera, eacb an artist In hla line.
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P a . A Tioiot'aitT Ebtabltsbrd
en AIT school op Pknmansuip, Pen Art
and Public. School drawing.
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1" Military Boarding School for Boys ot AH Aces
The School Vear Open September 13, 1010.
Special Instruction given to boys who do not fit Into regular class.-
In public school. Back work easily made up.
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Thha TAJT BAST MCnEOOX, teaches Shorthand and Typewriting- as they ars
taught in no other business school In the world. Result: TAW KAJTT gradu
Wsad Building-, Omaha, Bsbraska.
Missouri Milltarv Acadsmi suc!lu1"
nmisnj nvawsiiif splendid
Teacher to every ten boys. Delightful home. Hest ansorlal Ion. Full athletics Kiee
Lyceum Course. Bxcursloa Jisw Orleans daring Hardlg-ras Testival! Number
ltmitad. Least cost, fcniell today I Addnssa Col. W. 1). ronvllie. Mexico, Mo.
statement placed him In rather a rude atti
tude of declaring that he was fighting
Speaker Cannon. It has long been known
that the rloveat personal friendship exists
between Congressman Smith and Spenker
Cannon, although they have not agreed at
all on the absorbing question of rules, wltl,
Smith urging many of the features de
manded by the socalled Insui gents.
Saturday evening Congressman Smith re
ceived a telegram from the New Tork
World announcing that the paper was In
receipt of a report tha Speaker Cannon
had announced to Intimate friends hla resig
nation In favor of Judge Smith. The New
Tork paper asked if this rumor had reached
Council Bluffs. Judge Smith replied that
It had not, but that he would be glad to
have any support the New York republicans
could give. In no way did he Intimate that
he was fighting Speaker Cannon, and was
not asked for his opinion concerning the
speaker's re-election.
build up a sound body, develop character and create
make the Boy the Manly Man. '
Illustrated Catalogue. .
Park College
Des Moines, Iowa
xv-' "
' 4,.
O. October IT,
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and Jan. 2. Febru-
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1 Band Juno 13. 1911.
CI ,1 J Aa Liitnf i Awr- Complstb A Cot
wHUruianu lKllt vr 6hoiitbakd and Ttfb-
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Time unlimited.
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DUSmcIS Bi'Mxsaa Colliob ii tub Wist.
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- . m
iZfVf "o Colliob of Telegraphy
lntneU-B fiyery graduate aent to a paying poal-
, I , , ti lnhl Mmnl.Ula .milLruiil faUmnh .1..
Mainline wire practice and atation work.
Iur ul cuui-Ut lime unnnuu'u.
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,,ed gept SoT M ,m tnd Jan ,
U CiJ Otkr 7.810 BTI'DKNTS EXROtL-
Sorool. Almost any subject you wish by cor-
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E ... Board, S1.75. SJ.1M and .75 per week.
XPCnses Tuition In Preparatory. CollcKe, or
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ezpensea three months. 55.4U; sis months, t!M.7Si
nine montbs. ( Send for catalog. State,
course in wnicn you are interestea.
Park Colleee. DES MOINES. IOWA
W ARK, Superintendent,
twnoie boji opens sePt
auHptces. Uuaiantees succe.a.
t. 2Vth. under
aiiKtilca. llusiHnt.H, Miiiri... N.'.. ruli.iu.
Three Rents In Series for Different
Trophies (land Concert Draws
a t rowd,
The feature of the sports program at the
Omaha Hod and Gun club on Sunday was
the sail boat race. All summer this class
of boats has ben struggling in a rerlea
of racea for the Albert Edholm trophy, but
the offering of four additional tronhlcs
last week for the winners of these events
has created new ixteicst In tho series.
Sunday's race was won by Manawa, lth
Catherine second ar.d Trio third.
' For the possession of the Edholm trophy
Manawa still leads with a score of
Catherine Is second with 235 points and
Trio ranks third with 135 to Its credit. For
the additional trophies, which ire to be
awarded after a series of five races, of
Kearney, Neb.
Omaha. Neb.
Episcopal School Accredited to Eastern Women's Colleges,
Universities of Chicago, Nebraska, Etc
Faculty composed of college graduates, all experienced teacbera. i' '
Native French and German Instructors
Thorough courses offered IB Music, Art and Domestic Economy. Well
equpped gymnasium. Out-door sports, tennis, field hockey, etc., under com
petent Instructor. Attractive home life carefully supervised by experienced
house mothers. For catalogue, address,
EDITH D. MARSDEN, B. A., Principal ;
Conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. '
Opens Wednesday, September Seventh.
X.XTEKA2 Y SFARTMXNT; Collegiate Course leading to iletfree. Academic)
Courses. Classical, iatln Scientific, Modern Language. Commercial Courses.
Seminary accredited to tha University of Minnesota.
Splendid advatnages offered earnest, capable young women who have a pur
pose In study to specialise. In piano, Voice, Violin. Art, Dramatia Expression and
Household Kconomtcs. Kacb department graded Into a leading higher Institution
of similar kind.
Home life of the student is ideal. Indoor and outdoor athletics. Literary.
Musical and Dramatic Societies.
Catalogue. Booklet of Information! Department Bulletin mailed on application.
Address the Directress.
Not only the largest, but th mnat
thorouKhlv oreanlzed and
West. The following- courses
"emlc, Teacher's Certificate. Publlo School, Piano Tuning and Preparatory,
r'orty Artist Instructors In all branches of music comprise the Faculty,
"he school has an orchestra of fifty pieces and a number of publlo perfori
auces, proving of treat benefit to the students, are given during the school
year. Notable concerts in which well known artists take part, alven
Tire University School ol IVIusIc
Affiliated with tba University of STsbraska.
It Is located In the most desirable part of the town. The buildings are modern
and contain 64 studios and practice rooms. Two two-manual pipe organs for
fianim uiucna. ,i, it, ius uuttuuiK.
Dept. uvii. 11. ),u ars iniiie.iii ui inniiis up music as a pro
fession, you should write for our catalogue mailed free.
WIXiXiAKD XXMBAXZi, Director, Uncoln, Msbraska.
Grade and blg-h sonool work. Students prepared for tbe university. Individual
attention. Moral and religious training, 'fus masters ars unlvsrslty graduates,
rail term begins Sept. 14th. Xav. X. D. Tyuer, head master, 3848 Charles Street
Omaha, Thou Haruey 9383. '
Why Send Your Sons and
Daughters to a Distant Col
lege for Their Education?
Balievue Collate, located ut Umalia's
bouutltul i.ubaiu, is Held in tiitfli
esteem by ull educational authorities
tal hud v,vHt. Has a Faculty of
eighteen pioiosttora and teucners with
o e roes lruiu the lea.1in universities
of tlil.H country and Kuiope.
The tintuallon ul'ftis txcellout ad
vantage,: rmi Collegiate Courses, leading to
the ciei4ieus of II. A., li 8., and lu. li.
Normal Coui-scs, leading to State
Xaacuers Certificates
is aarular Aoadsmlo and Special
Courues fr tliue not tamiiUaiei ior
u Uoaiee, who wish the advuiitSKca of
collfMe enviruninents.
Music Instrumental u ml Vocal;
Fainting and other branches of Art;
Beading mid Dramatic Art, all taught
hy rpoiulUtH vi Wiglient stand
ing, t
t-hysloal Training: and Athletics
carefully ni m-vl.ieu by the laculty.
TLs Social Life Is delightful. The
InturmttiKliiiK of fitrulty and Hu-.
dents muUe-4 tho wi.ule oollegs spirit
eame-t and
Four Modern Xtsldecce Halls are
well rogul.-iit-tt. 'iho tabls be aid 1m
good and wlime i'i.. u. Zxpenses are
(tood Trolly Service to tbe College.
Onia!ia'n new bt-enlc Uoulevard
pa(.0M t'lniUKh the ciiiiihu.
Bead Your CbUdreu to Belletme
Collese lust far enuuKh away from
your fireside to pUue them on their
own rc-f'iiin-ei In the thick of college
competition; yt near enough that
only a low minutes' trolly ride lies
between them and home.
Vlxlt the college personally or
phone the president's office. South
. - . . tmujnrciai I ouraca.
-..vV. fjMiina an. atlilrcaa
W. M. fillVAM. l'resldeut
l UaU ItuUiUug ' lauouln. Neb.
which tod.iy's was thf second, Tl.) r,;il
Mitnnwa 'o tied for first honors -Mill 1.1
points and Catherine Is In third pl.ic! with
a nolo of pm.
l'u "u' fi tlons for the carnival which Is
scheduled for Thursday evening Irttoi ferr,d
with the casting contests. Tho only or.e
hell, that for distance with a t ry lino,
e: t to Chris OHen.
The rerlrs of stored concerts which was
b'-C'.Mi a v. ct k nl') wss continued Sunday
evei'liHT In spite of the intense heat and
a'tractcd an unusually Inrjro crowd of the
club members to the pavllllon.
If you are not satisfied after using ao
cordlng to direction two-thirds of a bottle
of Chamberlain's Sio:i.ach and Liver Tab
lets, you can havo your money back. Tbe
tablets cleanse and l.n lgorate th stomach,
improv the dlhsllun, regulat th bowels.
Give them a trial and get well. Sold by all
Tho Irf-ndinjr Missouri College (or
Women, Nevada, Missouri.
"Beautiful for situation." Ideal un
ion of College and Home life. College
and . College preparatory courses.
School of Art, Expression and Domes
tic Science. Conservatory ct Music,
strictly European methods. Out door
sports. Select patronage. Reasonable
rates, ttnd for catalogue.
President and Founder.
Are You Looking
for a Good College?
Yoa will b tteaied with th.
Woman's College
at Jacksonville, 111.
VVh, (0 Eul to Calif to for Women t Hers irt
fall College and Preparxorr Counc, ind fin d
TiDlifri in Muilc, Ail, Domeitic Science, end
Eiprenion. Eipenitee rettomble. Surroundlnei
healthful. Home Hla ideal. Location central In
Middle West. Very conrenlent to erei, pan of tha
M iiaiitlppl Valler. Student Iron mors than twenty
Statea. Catalogue free. Addreaa
President Harker.Boi 2, JaciaanTlfle, III.
Send youryounfl people lo
An scored I ted school of the highest stand
iuK, In community remurkabl (or Its
clean, wholesome,, upllfUnK Influence.
A Trained Faculty of Specialists.
Low Kxpenxe best Facilities
Fall Term Opens Sept. 13th. Send (or
literature TABOR COlXDUK. Tabor, la.
Estab. 1863
best snulnnAii ,,.hnni in ih.
are offered: Post Omrlimt. aa.
expenses very moderate. Term "pens
4lst and Charlss Streii
Om Blook From Car.
Twenty.Fiftb Season
KlmbaU HaU.
239 to 203
W.baaa Af.
vnicase, ill.
Eminent fm-ulty ot 70. Nunerlor Teacher's
Ti uinliiR School. Public School MuMc. School
of Expression. Physical Culture. Unturptuti
frtt aJ-.amatti. Thirty IrecacijolarKhlpa a ward
ed. Fall trm beclna Thursday, Sept. ettj.
QtUlocmil,dfr. JOHN J. HAITSTAEUT. Praa't
Hart Conway School of Acting
directed by Hart Conway. America's greatest'.or ior luu atags ScM orospectua.
Chicaco, 11U
pruve of tha utmui
value to vou. Wa offer
thred courses Ccmmer-
k Vlit'l'' XJ ', BhortlMU.-! an 1 lype-
cry nitxicmio. writfe to-dwy
fur our C4tUogu43, lr frtt.
I. Insula (MtnB ''ullrc.
All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S. D
fcuulh Wkuid uiuy atlioul exclusively
fur glrla. bctutuuny una lieiUlifaily
luc-atud Faculty giaduairi of leading
colluges. Muhio. A. I, i'liy.ical Culture.
Cuoioines tho best tuucallunal
with tile refining li.tmenciM, ot a Clins
Hun home. Cutulugua. Addross
ALIi FAINTS fiUaUuh, S.oua 1 aUs, 8. D.
Ut. Hev. F. f. Juliiibo.i, lJ. li.. PreiltiaU
Ml Helen IS. h'enbouv. 1'rliioipai.
JiUU? Afiri,pmv
iLFTCMsiit si. mo.
BI.3 VILlTAatY ACASa-atr,