Want - Ads Waal ad rurrliH at aa? time, to laaare proper rluaslflcattna mat hm presented befor 12 o'clock lor 1ko avralaai edltloa and Itafora TiJIrt o'llcnk of prevloaa ernlu lor Mtornlaw and lnnr adltloas. Waal ad received after aucb hoar will are their lira Insertion nadar the kradlHif "Too Lata to Classify." Kate a.pl to either Toe Daily or -Bandar Iter. Alniyi tonnt sis word to a CASH UATK FOR WAST ADS. MKntl.AH " CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 1-H ceata per word and 1 teal per ward lor ( laacrtloa. Kara Insertion "u"" " odd lir, 1 1-a centa per word, per Una per juonta. Want ad. for The Bee ma " at any of the folloli ',or' 7 ono la roar "eoraer "Ui.JT are all branch oflloea lo new and roar ad will ba laserta ! protnptlr and oa tha annto ratea as at the wain office la Tho Bee balldlna;, erenteenth aad Varnan atreelai Albaoh, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Ueranek, S. A., 1402 S. 15th fey tun Pharinack, 720 8. llh J?1: lien son Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. , Bemla Park Pharmacy, 13d and Cuming. Ulake-Bradlsh, 216 Sherman Ava Caughlin, C. R.. 6th and Plercf . , Clifton Hill Pharmacy, UU Military Ava. Hinterkuig Drug Co.. 211 Ava. and ar nam st ... Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Laka Coonay Pharmacy, 2223 8. 16th St Cermak. Kmll, 12H4-6 . 13th St Ehler, F. H., 2S02 Leavenworth. Koster & Arnold!, 211 Is'. 26th St Freytag, J. J., 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 1301 N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Ureen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough. O. A., 106 8. 10th St Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, 2920 Farnam St . Hanacom Park Pharmacy, IWl b. 29th Ava. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Rt Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 22J8 Farnara St Kounts Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 21th Mares, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th St Lsthrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth sts. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ava. Schaafer's Cut Price Drug Store. 16th an J Chics-,) Sta. Schaefer, Aug., Ml N. 16th. Schmidt, 3. II., 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. CAKD OF THAXKS We desire to thank our many friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral offerings and for the kindness and sympathy shown hs in the illness and death of our beloved father. FRED ISBERG, HARRT 1 SB ERG. LODGE NOTICES. U. P. Lodge Wo. IT, A. O. V. W. You are hereby notified of the death of Brother A. R. Shepard, a member of Union Pacific Lodge No. 17. Funeral will be held trom the undertaking parlors of W. C. Crosby, Twenty-fourth and Seward streets, Thursday, afternoon, August 18, 1910, at 2 o'clock. Interment at West Lawn ceme Ury, Fifty-sixth and Center streets. A. W. HAMILL. Master Workman. A. T. C'LAKKB, Recorder. ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUTANT SQUIRES COAL OFFICII REMOVED TO 210 South 17th St. J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.tder. embalmers, 1(14 Chicago. D. Kit. B-1659. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. Edward Johnson, Successor to BARRETT-JOHNSON TAILORING CO., re now ready to render the best of tailor ing service to their many friends and pat rons at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. PICNIC LUNQiES-- home cooking, cakes, pies and cold meats. DELICATESSEN PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116, B-1016. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost 6HU KEHT'S, 15th and Harney. FOR RENT Office room, 628, located on top floor, fating court, ST0 square feet- in ludlng vault; rents for 126 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. WE wish to acaualnt tha nublla with tha following facts: There are Imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary glaaa, but having no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican whit sapphire, which la appearing In tha market To dis tinguish these from our Mexican white sap phires, we suggest hydrofluoric acid tut This , reacts on glass, but has no affect on Mexican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem wo aro selling for 20 days at 93 per carat guaranteed 109 years. DaLong Jewelry Co.. 203 McCagua Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 210 Bee Bldg. 'Phnn. rtnuv UAa UNION LOAN COMPANY. ILEIi GRAND HOTEL 'lJaHUwSit Turkish Baths EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkiai, 116 . 16th, upstairs. "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million. Stenographers furnished "The Let leioluKist." OUircs bo Paxton Bik. and 927 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 665-4841. B. F. WURN.Optlclan, 443-5 Brandeis bldg. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 2 per cent less than Omaha prices. Z4lh and L bus,, south Omaha. MACGARD Van at Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van 4b Storage Co. Pack.' move, store and ship H. H. goods. t. lias. B-242A JOHN NITTLER ""Era""" LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE. liUAUO 2224 South 34ih SL Douglas IK. Red 3932; independent A 1430. BERT MEASE, licensed guide; elk. Bear, sheep and bear. Write. Metalsr. Wyo. Robertson's Restaurant J; (basement); cool, light. Sanitary, ouioa lorvtot. popular ,rlcea. For ladlea and gentlemen. Taola d'Hota dinner huoday. G. W. SHIELDS '. oved 92S Brandeis Theater Building. General law practice. , LYNCH BROS. PLUIND liEPAJR WORli! 'KS S. IGtb Bt D. 1477. ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight, paa aenger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 S. Uth. Doug. tM GOOD MEttCH ANTS' LUNCH. K CTl A. JETE3, mi Douglas St O. ED. ROTUERY ,uo?. j cigars. Cafe la connection lU 8. 14th. 1 DAVID COLE Craamerr Co. HENRY HORNUNG, plumbing. US Farnara g. H. Colo big a Co., D. I7tis. 1211 Fajrnas VIRGINIA DARE wins, '.bo large bot. tie. KI.Klf 1 WUOR HOUaE. 122 N. Uth Kt Douglas 7 ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and Wire Faitces Cheaper Than Wood. Lat( Ufellma. tVT N. 17th (. PUooa, Red til ANNOUNCEMENTS (tuiiiinurii.i ICR f!T?F.AM "ivavs the best.-' IVU tJirj-rtJU HARDING'S Ire Cresm. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. DOUGLAS Prln..n Co. Tel. Douglas 4i ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, anouncements. calling rarda. Kotera & Leary Co., C,'..." SMOKE "THE POSTMAS- TER." Fine Havana Cigar. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per Cfnt les than Omaha pricts. 24th and L Sts., South (imahi. U. A. RAAPKE. AliCHITECT, announces that after August first he will be In hi new offices, 12?3-:i-iS CITY NATIONAL BANK HLDG . the most complete architect's offices In the city. BARKER BROS. irAINT CO., 100H FARNAM ST., BOTH PHONES. 6hei win-Wllllatns paint, II. kS a gnl. Varn ishes from 1 60 to I4.B0 a gal., all brands of white lead, 17.60 per 100 lbs. Low prices in wall paper, glass, glaslng and 'ramlng. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your houie and porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREKN CO. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. IJ4 N. ICth St. Call Doug. 4M ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice tn car load lots, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford A Dickey for price. Douglas 278. SPECIAL NOTICE To members of Ren Hur. A lawn party to bo given Thursday, Aug. ISth. at the homn of F. C. White. 41W Grant St., will be postponed on account of the rain until further notice. F. C. White, Scribe. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing in wood work, iron work. Best painting In the city. Send In your cars. 18th and Harney Sts. AUTOGENOUS WELDING. All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. Bargains in Used Cars gd j Bluffa Auto Co., U0 Pearl I REPAIR smashed autos, mud shields, leaky radiators. Herman Kunde, 711 8. 16th. HORSE FEED 1mlirTnd,ve:buycon.- Chase Motor Delivery Wagon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 207 S. 10th. Tel. D. 3724. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25c to 23.60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 S. 16th. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business eall oa GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. TeL D. 33S7. NEW MILLINERY STOCK at less than cost if taken at once. Must sell, as party is leaving state. Will trade for suitable property. Hegarty Sisters, Neola, la. AN ACTIVE, energetlo man wants new business connection. Can Invent some cap ital. K-822 Bee. r! A RATTY CO., Real Estate Loans and VAoaui insurance. 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas Sta., Phono Douglaa tt. FOR SALE Only meat market In good, live town. For particulars write Conrad & Conrad, Grafton, Neb. ,i THE SALE OF' OUR PRODUCT, FOR which there is general demand among mer chants, farmers, schools, etc., now greatly Increased by state laws recently passed and other conditions, necessitates opening a dis tributing office In unoccupied territory. We desire resident sales manager, well ac quainted, of good character! who can super intend sales, deliveries, advertising, cotlecv tions, etc., wun ;) to xwjv to carry enough stock to fill orders. Salary 2100 to I1& monthly; extra commissions; offioe and other authorized expenses; no canvassing; position permanent Address F. G. Jahn, Mgr.. -Suite 614 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 19,000 nearly all new stock dry goods; a bargain. Address Y-16S, Bee. FOR RENT Office room, 622, largo room on fifth floor, N. W. corner of building, especlallly fitted for architect There la 432 square feet In this space; M0 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. FOR RENT New two-story brick store building In prosperous town of 2.600 people In best wheat district of Nebraska. Good opening for right party for -general mer chandise r millinery and ladles' furnish ings. Address Y 201. care of The Bee. LET me incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not you? Proofs, what has been done. Promoter, 610 Paxton block. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 160 lraranot tit Douglas fill. C0N1KACT0RS AND BUILDERS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar, an teed. Phona factory, av. etn. office pboas W. 2030. ' THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO., Carpenter, papei hanging, brick work, etc., low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 2637; Harney 8010. OLD ROOFS rpd: sit T,i jxjxj uwi o gravel. Schroeder-Hum-Phry Hoofing Co., aU7 Paxton Bik. Tel. D. (023. DETECTIVES Omih. Rrt fi..ul.. T ... . ; . , bonded. 428-9 Paxton bik. D. 1319. Ind. A-13U CAJT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DENTISTS BAILEY 4k MACK. 2d floor. Paxtoa. D. 10U TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School. 20th tt Fur nam EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN KATHKKINE G1BLIN MANICURING AND HAIR DRESSING -'7--CityNat I Bank Bldg. D. lOtit ARSENIC and IRON complexion waters make clear, white skin. By mail lea and Ha. Sherman A McConoell Drug Co., Omaha. MISS EMIG. lessons In china and water colors. J(i Brandeis Theater Bldg. Try Magic Roach Powder, Douglas 137. MRS.H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser, E. Bui ham methods; resident work. Tel A 2721; Douglaa S0G1 SANITARY HAIRDRESSINO parlor OAlXllUl Uartnello creams ised tnd sold. 601 Paxton Bik. Tel. Douglas 467L VACUUM cleaners, $15 to M. 1117 Farnaro. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman lJS Unexcelled course tn Busings. Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night eea elons. Most Interesting catarog published In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER at LAMPMAN. ' 17th and amain tretu. Omaha, Nsh, EDUCATIONAL (Continued.) 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Cuurae. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy course, and all Engilan Branches. The Year Hook Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES. President Boyles Building, Omaha. .Nebraska. NIGHT SCHOOL STARTS SEITEMRER 12. ENROLL NOW. Young Men's Christian Association s FEES VERY REASONABLE. FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L Hndr.on. His Farnam. Drnis HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical and Office. DON'T FAIL to Investigate these; they are exceptionally good ones. Stenographer, good hours, $05. Stenographer, wholesale, j6. Stenographer, 365-170. Bookkeeper, 46-faO. Filing Clerk, $J6. Cashier, 135 and Board. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 673-76-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory aad Traues. WANTED First class cutter tuid fitter on an kinds or ladles garments, good Wfcges to right party, one capable of over seeing help preferred. Also 10 experienced dressmakers and tailored sill t M. nn. piece dresses, evening gowns and all kinds of general sewing. None but experienced need apply. Phone Red 3927, after o p. m. namey 1J4U. WANTED Competent and experienced saleslady for cloak and suit department; high salaries paid and none but ex perienced need apply. Orkln Bros. WANTED A lady teacher of at least two . . . jvu.o caikji irnco lur luunn h mi fifth grade. School to begin Sept. Cth. Address at once giving experience, etc. 436 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. r Uoueek.cera aad Doatoatica. LADIES WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; II to 14 dos.; work guaran teed. Trieber'a 2it Brandeis Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl for general housework, that can also cook, no washing; salary na object I22 Harney. GIRL for general housework, 3820 Har ney. Phone Harney 662.- , WANTED Good, competent girl tv do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 1132. Eaat Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Experienced nurse maid. Tel. Harney W0 or call 3504 Harney St. WANTED An experienced white woman to wash and Iron. Phone Harney 3098. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. UriM Blnney St. WANTED Girl for general housework. MU Farnam 8U WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework by Septl L Good home; 'phone Harney 40t. 1033 Bo. 31st St. . GIRL for general housework; small fam ily. 3108 Marcy. WANTED Experienced home maid. Mrs. Barton Millard, 123 N. 39th St., phone Harney 38. WANTED A good girl for general house work, good wages. Mrs. L. Rosen blum, 810 No.. 16th, 3d floor. GIRL for . general housework, small family, good home for right party. Mrs. C. A. Telmage. Phone Harney 2918. 4929 Caas St. WANTED A good wash lady at 2622 Cap itol Ave. . WANTED A second girl. Mrs. Walter Molse, 1122 8. 80th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home. 614 So. 28th St. GOOD steady girl for general housework; cooking plain; permanent place. 4027 Far nam St- H. 3440. WANTED-Competent girl; general house work; small family; good wagea. Mrs. C. B. Rustln. 206 S. 37th St. Tel. 2035. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework at ZA Oft tn UM a -..I. rrwA only In family. Call at once. 2101 Wirt St. WANTED Middle aged lady to do douse work. German or Polish preferred. . Call at 820 N. 15th St. WANTED Good aHrl Inr nn1 work; small family. 2634 Harney. 'Phone iiArneyowc. - ... -. v. .... u Btu j j iui cn- eral housework; more for home than wages 603 No. 18th St. WANTED Good eirl fnr n.i .. work. Apply at once. 1024 No. 32d St. Wagea 15. COMPETENT rlrl for nar.l k....i. 3404 Hawthorne Ave. Mrs. J. C. Busstng ton. 1622 S. 28th. Tel. II. 2612. T.YE,.nTirwr'ipn , , - iui Bmieti nuuse work; two In family; no washing; no Iron- YOTTVn srirl tn j.ulnt HK uA --- ----- - w J v Willi IIUUDC WUll., 1732 So. 17th St. WANTED Girl for general housework -small family. Mrs. O. B. Williams, 3230 Hamilton St. EXPERIENCED second girl, 607 S. Ssth St. Harney 3u0B. v GIRL for general housework; good wages. 2252 N. 19th St WANTED A girl for general house work, and also cook. 624 S. 20th St. WANTED-GIrl for general housework German or Polish preferred. 1W Far nam St. GIRL for general housework; small family; light work; good home to right party. 1920 Capitol. WOMAN tn wnrlr fn, h.laKt. n,4. and room; three In family. Ring lower left- i.auu uoii, seoona iioor, n r. lstn St. EXPERIENCED cook and house maid to take position by September t in family of four. For Information apply 664 South 28th St. WANTED Competent girl tor general housework; no washing. Harney 2li -JUS GIRL for general housework. 2007 St. Mary's Av. . - WANTED A competent housekeeper; no children; good wagea. 1JI4 Locust St GOOD girl for general housework; I In family; no children. (20 N. 20th. GIRL for general housework, 3027 Chi cago St HtLP WAN I tL) FEMALh Hoasekeepera and Domestics Cont'd. A girl for general housework nnd a friiim gill w;mt-d. iiuxmi 4I.. 5lu rkmtn 22l St., between llouurd and St. Mary's Ave. - WANTED Girl for general housework Immediately, Thursday ttiid Sundiity ufter nooti out. H7 Capitol Ave. Harney 1MH. WANTED a girl for general housework 2110 Blnney St. pnone Web. 1015. ' GIRL to cook and do general house work; small family. Airs G. L. Hummer, Douglas. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family. Apply SJO No. Thlity-elnlitli t!ett. Phone liar. 212. A GOOD married woman can get her ron. rent free and 112 a month for taking care of a room Inn house. Call at 1112 N. auth St Must furnish C-ond. T Miscellaneous. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha at sttang-ers are Invited to visit the toung N omens Christian association building at eL Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed tu suitabl boarding places or otherwise assisted; look lor our traveler's aid at tlnion station. GIRLS for labeling and wrapping; steady employment. Henry R. Gerlng & Co., 1J16 Howard St. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. IslttsKs aad Solicitors. WANTED A good ttuatltnt subscription solicitor to go on tha road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write maa fger of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. SALESMEN wanted, two good live men to work In and out of city; salary, expenses and commlHblon, when ability is demon strated. Call room olA First National Bank Bldg. TWO first class salesmen, city and road, best offer for right men; apply with refer ences 6 to 8 today. 1822 Corby St. See Can non. Boys. WANTED Messenger boy; must be bright, energetic and from 1 to 18 years old; good chance for a live boy to make a salesman or a bookkeeper out of himself. Address H 193. Bee. Clerical and Office. 'WE CAN use several ledger clerks, I; t stenographers, I40-W0; 2 office clerks, G0 $$; l order clerk ISO, and many otners. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTER REF. & BUND ASSN. INC., 752-4 New York Life Bldg. tEat. yra.) YOUNG men for government service; best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hoff before noon, an uia Omaha National bank Bldg. IMEDIATELY -RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Entrance examinations already announced; best opportunity in years. Start ISOO per year after couple months 1900 and within a year I1.0UO or more if capable. For Informa tion and preparation see Mr. Hoff, Wednes day, Ml Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES Bookkeeper, SS5. Stenographer, 75. Oil Salesman, 21,500 Meat Salesman, 175. Office Clerk, 50. Aas't Cashier, I. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., t73-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. MAN under 35 to fit for railway mall clerk. Good starting salary; rapid advance ment. Best opportunity In government ser vice. Demands Immediate action. Must be physically sound and not afraid to work. See Mr. Hoff, Wednesday, 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg.- IF you are seeklna; a Dosltlon. call at nnr office or write for our plan of placing applicants and list of vacancies. WESTERN KEIF.-& -BOND ASS'N. INC.. 752-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) yaetory -aytg Trades. Drug store (snaps).'9ots. Kniesu Bee Bldg. WANTED 50 union "carpenters, Mollne, 111., at 46c per hour; four months' work. Leonard Construction Co., care Deere & Co, TAILOR WANTED AT ONCE. A man by the week that can do press ing, altering on new work, good Job for right man. Martin Petersen, 415 Broad way, Council Bluffs, WANTED By J. C. Dlneen & Sons, Sioux City, a - first class carriage painter who can stripe and letter. A ateudy Job. PAINTERS and carpenters wanted, six hardwood finishers; also 12 hardwood trim mers. Apply at- Grand Island, new post office. Come with tools. - atlacellaacoas. WANTED Manager, by Rev. James Alexander Dowia, the famous Chlcago-Zlon healer, and ' Kev. Francis Schlatter, the Denver healer of world renown. Call 231 4th St. Council Bluffs. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work: careful In structions by experts; few weeks completes; toois given; Doard secured; experience in shops before completing; catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. tOO men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once lor Electric Railway Motormen and Con-yl ductors. 160 to 1100 a month; no experience; necessary ; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Adress V-612 care of Bee. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on the new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. S. D. Wages $2.25 per day for the first two weeks' employ ment and 12.40 per day after the first two weeks. Steady work until February. Re port Immediately on Job to Collins Bros.. General Contractors. CHAUFFEURS mk 100 to 150 j" vxaaux x xjuxvo mo learn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Assn. 28 Brandeis Theater Bldg. YOUNG MAN, bright, for permanent posi tion aa Railway Mall Clerk. Start off at two per year, few months. Advancement and regular promotion thereafter. Must be a hustler and willing to devote couple of hours per day for three months in evening study preparing. Most exceptional oppor tunity right now. See Mr. Hoff Wednes day, 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. BASEBALL players wanted for the California Midgets. Must be under five feet two inches tall and under twenty years old. Salary and all expenses en route. Address Mgr. California Midgets B. B. Club, Gen'l. Del., Lincoln, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses' aad Vehicles. Rebuilt ?"' na Wagons, cheap. A. Murphy Son, 14th and Jackson. WAGONS. Bugg. 4to. Will ll you uv.u, beur j.raa 0 work na for less money than anyon els In Omaha or Council Bluffa 1117 Farnam Bt CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price; go se Johnson-Daoforlk- Co., 10th and Jones Sts. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. 801 N. 16th. BEST matched Missouri tired team for sale at 2522 Grant St Phone Webster S&C8. Must sell. LOST AND FOUND Th Tfdflv "Rnp E3tP,rt 'aners and iUoieuay uearnytr. U18 Harnev. LOST Small purse containing 13.26, also halrdresslng parlor ticket, on Farnam car or 16th St. crossing at 2 o'clock Tues day; liberal reward. 'Phone Harney StRj. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 80e postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McOonnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cretghton Medical college. 14lh and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professora Phone Douglaa 1167. Call anwrd, day and ulgbL MEDICAL ti.uiiiinued.t BEST tierve biarer for man. Grays ivtrve fowl puis. i a box. pMpiJ. Sher man at McDonnell Drug Co., Omaha. Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to tha iir.mi.-nt oi an lorrr.s of colonic and spe cial diseases or men. For to years ne nas been known and trusted by ail. 2k years in Omaha, Charges low, If you nave nt uiuuey, can or write, anyway. Dr. AluUrew co., si o. mn bt., Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN ALAltV AM) CHATTELS. mms5wmmMJ$;mrtsjiumitv,'Kmtttti W NO HUKIli llljll UA II CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR i It bL'MMEK VACATION. li M NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. W This Is a now tlrm organized by tn II LEADING. llUMMXS MEN OF II OMAHA TO LOAN M 110 to I50U II l to any honest person owning HOUSE- M m-iiu uuuuo, 1'iaaoq, etc., or hold- II lug a salaried position at the rate of u II 10 I'ER ClNT PER YEAR J LSI' THINK-YOO I'aI u II 11.00 Interest on 10 for one year. II 1.50 iiiluiesl on l-'5 tot on year M II lo.vu intertrst on lav lor one year. M II ALL OTHER SUMS IN PRoPOK'itON II It EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Rousonable Appraisement Charaea. II II INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. H jvuoiu v itnneu oiock. II N. E. Cor. lath St Harney bis., 2d Floor H f-none uouyiaa utd. (JSJSJVIJilWi.SSJJWHWmNH.W5IIS Cash Quick on Easy Terms. W loan money on household goods, pianos and teams without removal, lor long or short tune, small and easy pay. ments, t.-v lo tne weekly payment on a t ii 1,1 Inun fn. Ml . a.iL. . the same proportion. Call on ua and let u expiam uur pian ior loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteous lr.Blm.nl at all llm.a Mall i - -V. .... btato Mortgage Loan Co., Room U Arlington block, 1511Ss Dodge gL pnuxi uougia Z4M. H CHEAP LOANS If II on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. u II You borrow t II 110.00 you pay back 111.00 It 125.00 you pay back VM.OO li toO.OO you pay back 16400 It No other charge. It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., It Room 601, Brown Bik., 207 S. 16th St., Cor. Doug. M. Housing ztMB; A-2a. n ii$$ttitmitn$iitiittisitMwiitmiK4i CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7, Crounsti Block. Corner lKth and Capital Ave. opposite postofflc. Both Phones Doug. 1356: A-U6. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING AJU OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal titles. Tolman, room 112 New York LU Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Com In and let 'us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 308 Paxton Bik. moot uoug ltu ; A-itu. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. U FLATAU, U14 Dodra. Tel. Red Ml) NEED ANY MONEYT GO TO OMAHA MnRTflACSM 1liS en 119 Board of Trade. Phone Douglas 2296 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrl vacuum system. 809 a 17th. TeL D. 156 EXP. Delivery Co.. office Uth and Dir port Sts.. warehouse, 2207-09 Isard St OFFERED FOR RENT , Board aad Rooms. plara" 1819 Capitol Ava. SOUTH front narlnr. al. a nK for 1 gentlemen or married couple, with vuaru. .V lAflgg. ELEGAI7T rooms and board. 2529 Cali fornia Bt TeL Doug. 616L m.fflM fi.-nl.l.. , w . . Oarman (Christian) family. 18U Capitol Ava ETUDENT. lady or gentleman, to wait labia for board and room. 714 N. Uth St MODERN rooms, with board. 428 8. 24th t Douglas 8428. BOARD and room, 14. M par week. 220 Da, catur St Tel. B-6ML TAB LB toard and rooms for two. 171 Chicago. ROOM and board In privet family: horn cooking. 4l N. 23d. ' LARGE room. with board; suitabl for iwo; rivat, IM a 19th. BOARD aob rooms. 2007 8t Mary's Ava WHEN writing to advertisers klndls say you saw their "ad." In The Bea, ROOMS and board. 613 N. 20th St Dour. las 6268. ROOM AND BOARD. Douglas 3048. 811 n. stn. A BEAUTIFUL room, furnished. 2787 Capitol Ave, LANDON Newly opened. 611 S. 24th St. Douglas 7U3L s Faratsbed touma LARGE, airy, sunny rooms, esnayriaiiv desirable for quiet people. Doug. 8ul. 2J24 nainey. COOL outside rooms. 82 to 17 Der week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. NICELY furnished modern housa: nrivm family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport. FURNISHED rooms. 2628 Canltol Av. Tel. Harney 6667. WALKING distance; elegantly furnished, cool front parlor; modern; reasonable. 26o6 Capitol Ave. - FRONT room; modern home; 6 minutes' walk from new City National bank. 603 S. 22d St FURNISHED rooms; block to car; gen tlemen. 2712 Meredith Ave. NICELY furnished modern rooms. 1808 Chicago. NICELY furnished modern rooms; reason able. 2328 Farnam, Flat 2. COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. 18th. NICELY furnished rooms; modern flat; large and cool. 1821 Cass. FOUR partly furnished rooms 1st floor: t20. 2433 Parker St. FURNISHED rooms for light house keep ing; modern. 2316 Douglas. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 605 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern tooras. 624 a 17th Av. NICELY furnished room; tn private fam ily; walking distarce. 2012 California St SINGLE or double rooms, nicely fur nUhed; modern. 1908 Capitol Ava FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1810 Capitol PLEASANT front room; very cool and comfortable; private family; every mod ern convenience; walking distance; suit able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 828 S. 24th St MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. STRICTLY modern single room for gen tleman. 216 S. 26th St Douglaa 6626. IF you are looking for a bright, nicely furnished room, cloa in, you need look no further; Hi a month. Tel. II. 66 or address 6o9 S. 27th St 17-u 111 VFVDnnT. 1 .. . II ,, modern ouuiue rooms; large lawn; no sign. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 7X0 S. lltfc at OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Furalnhed K hum oallnaed. NICK, modern front rooms, $2 and up. N. 19lh St. 61$ VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call even ings. 2210 Chicago St. 606 N. 17th; cast front room; also single room; modern. NICE front room with slcove, suitable for two or three gentlemen. Also single room. 607 So. 20th St SMALL room, modern, ptivat family, cheap. 712 N. lh. TWO nicely furnished rooms; strictly modern; for housekeeping. 833 8. 21st St 2202 DOUGLAS; two nicely furnished rooms; one parlor, with piano. TWO rooms, refrigerator, gas range, laundry and gas. 614 S. 22d St FRONT alcove room for three young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, If desired. Modern house, walking dis tance. 649 8. 26th Ava Red 6022. NICE furnished front room with bath. 3HJ California St TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated room on Farnam car line, walking dis tance; private family; suitable for two young men; can be seen Sunday afternoon and Monday, 2U20 Farnam, 2nd lloor. Phone Harney 2279. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home In one of Omaha's best neighbor hoods. 3923 N. 17th St. Phone Webster 599. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady roomers; good location and handy to car references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. ZfiU N. 19th Ave. SINGLE or double furnished rooms. 614 S. 16th, 3d floor. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 2013 No. 18th. Web. 1410, ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1910 Capitol Av. NICELY furnished, large, front room. suitable ior two. 2ui so. 25th Ave. FRONT room, - use of parlor, room for piano, also large room for three or four gentlemen with or without board. 80S So. 23d. Red 7678. BEAUTIFUL large, cool front rooms with Dig closets; walking distance. 2025 Dodge, NICE front-room; modern. 2403 Harney. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen. 2671 Dodg. FRONT parlor, also one furnished room. 24 Dodge. FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglas 661)6. 2038 Far nam st WELL - furnished rooms; modern, 617 S. 18th street. NICELY furnished, modern front room private family; suitable for two. 1914 Chi cago. FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board If desired. NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen only. 622 S. ISth St; Zd floor Flat 11. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private ramny. Modern. SHft b. iutn. NICE, cool, furnished sleeping rooms, modern, l&ii i;ass. NICE cool room: modern: private family walking distance. 2608 Dodge. Harney 2366. MODERN, large rooms, suitabl for one or mors people. 1919 Cass. LARGE, cool room, modern; private fam ily; cheap. 712 N. lth. FURNISHED room, modem; walking dls tance. 612 N. 20th. Tyler 1128. 4 ROOMS furnished and four unfurnished reasonable price; all modern.' Inquire 1701 Clark St. FURNISHED room, with breakfast, hard wood Dollshed floor: new . home: modern. cheap. 2787 Capitol Ave. SINGLE room 12; double room 13. 2310 Douglaa COOL, furnished rooms, modern. 114 N. 23d. ROOM, with alcove, modern. S20 8. 22d. FRONT room .for sleeping for two. 712 south ltth NICELY furnished room - in niivata lamuy; modern nome. &KM Capitol Ave. LARGE furnished rooms: en suit or single. 117 No. 20th. NEAT, modern room, close In. reasonable. private family, 209 N. 20th. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, modern. 1813 Capitol Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 1813 i-odge. NICELY furnished single rooms. 18: gen tlemen; In private family. 2407 Davenport. NICELY furnished modern room. 714 8. 17th Ave. , NICELY furnished rooms. 2419 California St. FOUR nicely furnished modern rooms. private floor, gas range, water In kitchen, gas furnished for lights. 2312 Webster. Call Sunday morning. FTTRNISHED rooms, siiltnhla tnr Ian (ii N. 22d. 2220 Emmet, large room, modern. Webster 4170. NICE furnished rooms with board for two genitlemen. Address 3931 N. 24th St. NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable prices. 2804 Harney. WANTED Two or three furnished hmiu. keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th: Dre- fer private family. Kosker, 1909 Isard St. SOUTHEAST ROOMS, newly furnished. Phone Red 3896. 81.00 to 11.60 PER WEEK. Carev .hotel 18th and Howard. One block south of the court housa NICELY furnished larca front room suitable for two. 201 S. 26th Ave. TWft -n.in t r, -r . I I.. - -tun, lumiiD, iiiuciy uarm dished: In nrivat. fimllv. changed. 2047 Dodg St. 25 S. ISTH ST.. modern fnrniihad rtw.ma for gentlemen; very reasonable. fc'fin OI-NT VI..K. ... I L. - J s . -'- -.-- ..v.-.j iuiiii.iicu 1 1 Ull l room, 217 S. 26th St. Very convenient to business. N' I ( ' F. T . V furnlhH rnnma an.lam.n mI. 522 S. 16th St.. third floor, flat U. CLOSE IN. elesantlv furnished, root fmnt parlor, modern, nlc porch, reasonable. 2506 Capitol Ave. NICE, cool, south room. 631 8. 19th. rfHI I . emit ft "Tin I fiat-lrtf mfJwn. nHu.l. home: cleitn bed: In aiiit ..ntl.m. n iiu a week. 22Vi S. 20th. Phone Red 6227.' TWO f nrnlahaH mnm, mwlarn 1461 a 11th St. . ' FRONT i-nnm - n i.v. ' . m 1 1 HlUUfl II, 1.1111 IIUU.Q- keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit 603 S. 27th St. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS F.NSntTIC OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in the West Farnam horn: every convenience: must ba seen to be appreciated. O 466, B. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611, A-861L STRICTY modern, first class room within easy walking dUtanca. Phone Red 2977. 2602 t Mary s Ava ' TWO connected rooms: gentlemen: suite or single; south front. 1914 Chicago. NICE, clean, airy rooms for rent: Drlces reasonable. 211 N. 20th. LARGE room, clos in. on car Una 222 No. 26th st FURNISHED rooms, single or double. modern. 717 So. Uth st. SINGLE or doubl rooms, nlc and clean. prices reasona-bl. 190 Capitol av. FURNISHED rooms for rent; suitabl for two young ain. 27 li Jackson SL OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Hnt tlaaed. NICELY furnished room In new. modern house, walking distance. 2013 Chicago. r FURNISHED rooms for rent; both largs and small. 1918 Capitol Ave. Hotels aad Awartsnvuta. THE BACHELORS Will AND FAKNAM EUROPEAN PLAN, Li- S lla. IaU BRUNSWICK HOTEL WO Doug outside rooms. Beautllu! Rooms, fin board. 123 S. 2Hh A: NICELY FURNISHED rtOOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. L10 8. Uth Su THE ALTA VISTA. Europtan, HOC How ard ait l VINCENT DINING ROOM-W 8. 19th Bt. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodg. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE FRATT Cool rooms with board. 112 South 26th St DE I.ORIE Hotel, European, modern. No. 17 til st. Ilonsekaealas; Itooaaa. NICE, CLE AM, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas furnished, laundry privileges; walking distance; rent reasonable. 2j71 ST. MARY'S AVE. ROOM and board In private family; mod ern and reasonable. - Address 3112 Mason st. Phon Harney 4092. CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. 1811 Capitol' av. THOSE wishing horn comfort, home conk ing with pleasant room and bath will find them at 818 S. 26th st Rates very reason able. GOOD room and board, 84. W. at (17 N. 16th st. SMALL front loom for one. with board. 1918 Cass. 'Phon Douglas 1478. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; alt modern and new house; hum cooking; ynvate family. 321 N. 26th St. -THE Manuel and Howard, 21st and How ard; 2 and 4 room apartments; U to 836; new, furnished. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 604 N. 20th. NICELY furnished light housekeeping room; private entrance, 215 N. 2od. TWO housekeeping rooms, doubl par lors, M per month. 2469 Harney. NICEST housekeeping rooms, with gas, 118 S. 24 th. TWO front ro-tms. 918 South 20th. . TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 2019 St. Mary's Ave. NEWLY furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping and sleeping rooms; new ooma; -4- management 616 South 22d. three strictly modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping auring August and September. Use of phone. No children allowed. 215 8. 25th St. Dougias 662a - NICELY furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping; closo In. 216 N. 19th. SUITE of 4 nice modern furnished house keeping rooms, bath. 646 3. 81st H. 4660. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 1914 California. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. (18 S. 20th. COOL, modn, convenient rooms. 811 a. 20th St THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; 12. 3414 Webster street NEWLY furnished light housekeeping or sleeping rooms. 1643 N. 16th, upstalra TWO modern housekeeping rooms; east front 2604 Davenport . TWO modern housekeeping rooms, tit a 16th. ROOMS for Ilgnt housekeeping; modern. 2018 Howard. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 2218 Leavenworth. SINGLE room for lady employed: very light housekeeping If desired. 604 8. 37th St. TWO furnished rooms ror housekeeping; modern; walking dlstanc. 632 South 28th . street 1 TWO modern rooms: no obtactlon to chll- dren. 319 South 26th. J. MODERN rooms for housekeeping; take part pay In sewing. 2121 Webster St TWO furnished housakeenlna- Mint. Tlx N. 16th. FURNISHED noma for llsrht hnuaabaan. Ing. 2010 Davenport St - FURNISHED rooms far llvht timmaVaarv. Ing. 606 N. Uth 8t ROOMS for llaht hnuuxkaeninv. Tnrni.r. 2709 Farnam St. Harney 4774. 2 OR S COMPLETELY furnished nuuni first floor, modern, walking - distance, hade, 115.00. 604 8. 28th St. . THREE comnlatelv furnlaharf MAM. r nam. uouseaeeping. 2200 Harney Bt THREE gound floor houaekeeDlna- mm) im in. inn Bt STRICTLY modern, hnuaekeenlne- rnoma walking distance, reasonable. 480 N. 28d. TWO furnished housekeantha- - uinmt modern, second floor. 623 N. 23d Bt SUITE of two or thre housekeeping rooms, first floor, water and 'nhon. Walking distance, terms r.aannaHl. Harney Et. Douglas 1678. FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment modern, brick building, walking dlstanc.. 616 S. 29th 8t TWO front rooms, fuminhai mmni... light housekeeping, modern house. Jill opeucer ou , rv e osier MUfc atai TWO bousekecDlna rooms, tubs raiirnmi. Bt LIGHT housekeeDlns- rooms su m. N. 20th St. NICE front room, rnodir... m in. a.. telephone, 13 per week. 21K Chicago St THREE all modern rooma. walklna hi.. tance. 2018 Davenport ftt. TWO front rooma. modern, mi ranr. ra ' frlgerator. also large baseuiaul room. 2020 nun ok. 2682 HARNEY, nlr.lv furnlahad h.... keeping rooms, south .xpobur, modern. WALKING DISTANCE. TWO desirable rooms tnr nhf keeping. 218 N. 19th 8t ' " EXCELLENT rnmnl.t.li, ....1.1... , keeping rooms, 'phon In housa 8674 Uar COOL front houaekeeDlna rooma ern. 2024 California Bt TUPVBl .1 -1 .. a u ......,,, ta, j luiminta rooms lof noUMtikeaiiina ; hath inA aa ... ... jj . - im ( a 1 a, ic a box, good cellar; no children. 717 8. Uth. V . - - - - lumnnea rooms: complete for housekeeping; modern; nlc cool and separate porch; reasonable- no children. 2606 Capitol av. ""on'" MODERN furnished houa.k....i ' aO Harm.. ' HOlIHKKFK.PIvn ..i . T . ''i' ainai suite; gas, telephone. (12 N. 17th THRER fnrnlah.t k,...i . (08 N. 16th Bt , rooma THREE furnished rooms. HU 8. 11th st. FOR niCMTT. 1. -IT ... ,1 "1 , , :-- - coot room for light housekeeping; modern. i g. ggth st TWO nlcelv fnrnl.hl ... - . - iwuii PTimnina rJi'-M": TaW' bath. 'phonTwel, a im. .Tin, " la p..,v"i I'1?" , " ' VH"UM. M D. aWlf) . 'a 8U1TE front houMk ern; (3.60 per week. 2uu8 Bun. HOUSEKEEPING and .l..r,i- week up. 2015 Leavenworth. " ' " TWO or three elegant luu..L..in. UliD Harney. D. ' " 1 - mT I