Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat Goei Down in Value Temporarily.
Poor fthlppl. Demand Helps Lower
tr Rise . v.l.,, oi,
Prospect of Frost.
Th . OMAHA, August IT, 1910.
tnirY.Ji ? situation haa turned mo
'"'" r,l', Pariah. The foreign newa haa
ruu Its course and the heavy run of wheat
"I1" Points and a lark of any good
snipping demand la working values to a
iower lead.
.'r,'nt rln"' hv sufficient to
o"Pl any drouth nans from the corn bell,
f r Inclined to the talk of early frost
ana the poor finishing to be expected of
ln growing crop.
Wheat recovered It dullneaa and sales
j n,u at prices ranging lc over yes
terday. Demand itn active on the ad
vance and local offerings on the sample
tables found ready buyers.
offerl'1 of cash corn were In bet
ter demand, prices ruling steady and un
changed. Elevator concerns were better
Buyers and reported a fair ehlpplng de
mand. Irads la widely mixed on the out
look for the growing crop.
Primary wheat recelpta were 1,501.000
bushels and shipments were 719.000 bushels,
against recelpta last year of 786,000 bushels
and shipments of S64.000 bushels.
I rlmaj-y corn receipts were 24,000 bushels
and shipments were 230,000 bushels, against
receipts last year of 565.0UO bushela and
shipments of 421,000 bushels.
Clearance were 2,000 bushels of corn, 155
of oris and wheat and flour equal
to 210,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed unchanged to Ud higher
on wheat and Sd higher on corn.
Omaha Cash Trices.
WHEAT No. i hard, turkey, WC01.O1,
nominal; No. I hard, seinl-dark and yellow,
d7Vc; No. 3 hard, turkey, WVMHtsViC nom
inal; No. 3 hard, semi-dark and yellow,
HWc; No. 4 hard. MV3C. nominal; No.
J spring. (kfe$l.oi, nominal; No. 3 spring,
W-V9o, nominal.
CORNNO. 3 white, 63Vre0c; No. 3 corn,
Bs'iWuHicj No. 4 white. 66Wr59c, nominal;
No. 3 color, 69"4c; No. I yellow, 68ft59'Ao;
No. 3 yellow, WHtpSSe; No. 4 yellow, 611t
fc. nominal; No. 2 corn, 68tofi59c; No. 8,
6&SV&:tc; Nd. 4. tVitfr'c
OATS No. 2 white, 33W4c; sUndard,
33Uf3.1-V; No. 3 white, aZUMc; No. 4
white, K4K!c; No. 3 yellow, S333e. nom
inal; No. 4 yellow, 30i31 nominal; No. t
I mixed. 334c
' lURI,EY-No. 1 feed. 69560. nominal;
rejected, 4Sj3c. nominal.
RTH-No. 2, 76-7Sc, nominal; No. 3, 7275c,
Carlo! Hecalpta.
. Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 448 117 374
Minneapolis 283
Omaha J9 63
Dulutn 93
Features of the Trading; aad Closing;
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 17. The grain market
was nervous today and all cereals sold off,
wheat finishing ftlc off; corn, We
down, with oats showing a net loss of from
'4ij tc. Ribs showed s'ome strength, while
the other provisions closed from 6jl2Hc off.
Foreign weakness was a bear factor
against which the bulls struggled through
out the day In the wheat pit, and which
they were unauccessful In overcoming. Du
luth reported the sale of 40,000 bushels to
France, but seaboard concerns generally
denied that there was demand from abroad.
' Trade In cash grain was s.'ow and con
fined to elevators and individual millers.
The close was weak, with September o
to Ttlc off at $1.01 Mr December closed
o to lH,c down at 1.04?1.04H to Sl.04
: Cl't.04.
Rain In Iowa, Nebraska and some Kansas
f lelda gave further promise of a good corn
yield, and bora down on values. Over
selling caused a temporary reaction and
the market was quite generally supported
on the weak spots. At no time, however,
did prices climb to yesterday's final figures.
' Cash prices were about 4o off. No, $ yel
low sold at 644i5c. The close was weak,
with September Vuc off at 62o. Decem
ber closed "4c to KtjJftc down at Hc.
Oats dragged with country and cash
houses selling. The close was steady, with
September Ho down at 35Tc. December
closed Stic off at 87o.
,. Provisions, with the exception of ribs,
felt the weskness of wheat. Ribs closed
strong at from ZWSQOc up. Pork and lard
finished weak. Closing figures on the Sep
tember products were: Pork, 321.42H. IZHc
off; lard, 311.87V4. 60 down, and ribs 312.24
12.35, 17H"20o up.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclee. Open. High. Low. Close. Yea'y.
. May
- Kept.
1 01H
1 06Vk
1 01V 1 02
1 04SV1 0BH
1 09 1 10i
,62411 ta
Sept Oct.
' Jan.
... SepU
Jan. '
8KT 36
21 50
30 70
it ao
21 421
21 fA
30 86
18 62
II 92
11 82
11 45
13 05
11 42
30 SO
18 67'
11 m
11 824!
11 87U
11 77
11 46
10 66
11 98
11 47
10 ttt
12 22
11 47
11 4'Jtt
9 75
No. I.
Cash quotations were as follows:
" FlOT7n-Rasy; winter patents. H.6ftff6.28;
winter straights,; spring straights,
la.30Crr5.4O; bakers, 3400u5.76.
RYK No. 2, 75760.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4&rj55c; fair to
choice malting. yd70c.
fetf ED-Flax, No. 1 southwestern. U.23;
No. 1 northwestern, 1143. Timothy, 3-VtiO
, tj 00. Clover, $13 50.
FROVISIONS-Men pork, per bhl., J21.7C
W23.03, Lard, per 100 lbs., (11.87. Short
libs, sides, luoee, til.37Vijl2.36. Short clear
' sides, boxed, 12.0Ut'12.2.".
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
( equal to 810,000 bu. Primary recelpta were
1,601,000 bu., compared with 78U.000 bit., the
corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
407 ears; corn, 124 cars; oata, 8V1 cara; hogs,
ls.Ouo head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
$1.0l!8 1.02; No. 3 red. (fo'r1.0iAj; No. 2 hard,
tl.01ttl.06; No. 1 northern spring, ll.Ulif'l.S;
No. 2 northern spring, 11.06'al No. 3
spring, new, L0Oal.U6. Corn: No. 3 cash,
64c; No. 3 cash, lie; K'o. 2 white. MS'd
Sci' No. 3 White, 644V: No. 3 yellow.
4$&c; No. 3 Vellow, Wiyuc. Oats: No. 2
vash, SJN4Jc; No. 3 white, 3b&Msc; No. 3
white, mvufifrV". No. 4 white, 34V33i'4c;
BC'1'Tt.R-aiieaay; creameries. 26tf29c;
dairies, 327v.
KOiiS Steady ; at mark, cases Included,
l-'al5Hc; firsts.' Uo; prime flrets, 20o.
CHEESE Firm; daisies, lti'.c; twins, 15
fjl5e; young Americas, 16vlbc; Long
liorns. 16Wlto.
POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 20c; chickens.
13c; springs, 15c. . J
VEAL Steady; 60 to 60-pound weights,1
Mrc; 66 to 8.Vpound welghta, 49c; to to
110-uound welshts. lOddOHc.
Receipts Today: Wheat 443 cars; corn,
jir ears; oats. 74 cara. Estimated tomor
row t Wheat, 407 cara; corn, 120 cara; oata,
till cara.
Mlaarapolta Grata Market. '
tember, til; December. $1.11; May.
$1.1V Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.14,; No. 1
northern. $1 13rfln 13; No. 2 northern. $1.07i3
111; No, 8 northern. $1.0,1. 1.06'..
Fl-AX-Closed at $2.41.
CORN Xo. $ yellow, 60frlc.
. t iATb No.' 3 w hite, 3o(o36c.
RYE No. 3. 72?7&c.
URAN In 100-ib. sacks, $30.00030.60.
KLOL'R Flret patents (in wood. f. o. b
Minneapolis). $6OjJ6 70; second patents. $i 20
tt&M): first clears. $3.90gt.l0: second cleais
$2.dPitfl .90.
1 02M, 1 01
1 05H I WH
1 W4 1
3 62.
81 60S
634 62
I 38i 31
41 -40
31 60 21 27
SO 834 20
IS 07fc 18 f6
11 92H 11 82H
11 82H 11 75
11 47 11 $74
10 7V 10 62
12 36 11 92
11 47 11 27
t 75 47
- I eorla Market.
PEORIA. 111., Aug. 17-CORN-Steady
Ka $ yellow. 64o; No. 3 yellow, 4c; No 3
yellow, 64c; No. 3, $4o; No. 4. 63c; uo grade,
i. OATS Lower; No. I white. 3?,c; No i
White. 34o; No. 3 white. S4434lc; No." 4
frhy li. standard. H',63oc.
Liverpool Grata aad Provlslaaa,
UVSRPOOL Aug. 17,-WHEAT-null
No. 3 red western winter, no stock; futures
fhm; October, 7slSd; December, 7s Sd
Mrcn iss-tu.-
t'oKK-fP"l firm; old American mixed, j
s; futures, quiet; September, 4sT4d; Oc
tober, s
Probably showers for the West Por
tloa the Tredlrtloa for Thursday.
OMAHA, Aug. 17. lSKk
Rains were general within the last
twenty-four hours In the northwest,
throughout the mountain districts arid eatt
over the central valleya and laxe region.
The ralna in Nebraska were generally
very heavy, and especially so In the
southern portion of the state. Among the
heaviest falls reported was Fairmont. J ffi
Inches; Hastings, 3.90 Inches; Holdrege,
3.W Inches; Auburn, 3.30 Inches; Columbus,
1.10 Inches; Ashland, 1.02 Inches; Falrbury,
1 Inch. The total fall at Omaha waa
.40 Inch. A full of 4.-'0 Inches occurred at
Manhattan, Kan.; 1.60 Inches at Topeka,
Kan., and excessive falls occurred at points
In Minnesota and Indiana. Rains continue
quite general this morning In Nebraska,
and wet Into the mountains and condi
tions are favorable for showers to continue
In this vicinity tonight and possibly Thurs
day. An area of high pressure continues
over the northwest and upper valleys, and
the wruther Is cooler In those sections this
morning and will be cooler In this vicinity
1910 1909 1906 1907
Minimum temperature.... 66 72 H 6
Precipitation W T .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 76 de
grees. Deficiency In precipitation sine March L
13 94 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1909,
1.63 Inches.
Cxcess corresponding period in 1908, .17 of
an inch.
I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Corn and Wheat Region Balletla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at ( a. m., 75th meridian time,
Wednesday, August 17, 1910:
Timn U a in.
stations. JSX. Mln
Ashland, Neb 90 64
Auburn, Neb 93 64
Columbus. Neb... 94 65
Culbertson, Neb.. 94 63
Falrbury, Neb.... 93 6ft
Fairmont. Neb.... Ul tu
fall. Sky.
1.03 Cloudy
2.30 Raining
1.10 Cloudy
.17 Pt. Cld'y
1.00 Cloudy
8.56 Cloudy
.14 Cloudy
2.90 Cloudy
2. DO Cloudy
.68 Cloudy
.40 Raining
.76 Raining
.30 Cloudy
.43 Cloudy
.21 Raining
.00 Cloudy
.40 Raining
tor twelve-houi
Hartington, Neb. 83 tiO
itastlugg. Neb.... 90 63
Holdrege. Nub 92
Oakdale, Neb 85 61
Omaha, Neb 92 m
Tekamah, Neb.... 94 65
A It a, la 90 64
Carroll, la a kx
Clarlnda, la 90 ' 7
elbley. la 82 a
Sioux City, la.... 88 U
-Minimum temperature
period ending at 8 a. m.
wo. of
Temp. Rain
Max. M'r.. fall.
94 64 .40
92 66 .00
90 66 1.40
88 66 .30
94 70 .40
94 68 .70
76 63 ' .60
94 72 1.10
90 64 1.10
Columbus ....
' 19
, 12
Louisville ....
8t. Louis
Des Moines...
Minneapolis ..
Kansas City..
Warm weather prevailed throughout th
corn and wheat region Tuesday. It la
cooler in the western portion this morning.
Rains occurred within the last twenty-four
hours In all except the Louisville district.
Seven stations In Nebraska rnnortel rain.
falls ranging from one to over three anrt
one-half inchea. Manhattan, Kan., had 4.20
incnes; lopeaa, .an., 1.60 Inches; Winne
bago, Minn., 1 inch, and Auburn, Ind., 3.60
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
Qaotatlons of the Day on Varloaa
NEW YORK, Aug. 17. FLOUR Easier 1
spring patents, t6.5Onj6.S0; winter straights,
84404.60; winter patents. 34.76710; spring
dears, 34.36a4.60; first winter extras No. 1,
t3.75ra3.90; winter extras No. 2, i3.60(?f 3.65;
Kansas straights, t4.8Si.6.10. Rye flour,
steady; fair to good, 34.104.36; choice to
fancy, 34.404.60. ,
CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel
low, tl.56Sfl.60; coarae, $1.601.56; kiln dried,
WHEAT Spot easy; No. 2 red, 31.07,
elevator, and 31.09, f. o. b.j No. 1 norther?.,
$1.23. f. o. b. to arrive. . Disappointing
cables and continued heavy receipts -sent
wheat prices down early, but the market
rallied on reports of frost In Canada and
sales of sixty-five loads for export, but
again eased off under renewed liquidation,
closing Wao net lower. September, $1.06
7.08. closed at $1.08; December, 31.11j
1.12, closed at 31.11. Receipts, 69,200 bu.;
shipments, 7.7B3 bu. ,
CORN Spot easy; No. 4, 71c, nominal,
levator, domestic basis, to arrive. Option
market was without transactions, dosing
at c net decline. September closed at
70c. Receipts, 7,786 bu.
OATR Hrwit rinll: n,v ataniTarri wklla
41o; new No. 2 white, 42j42c; new No. 3
wnite, 4t42c; new No. 4 white, 41i341c.
Receipts, 141,826 bu.
HA If Finn. irlmfl, tL4R1.66; No. 1
$1.8oa.40; No. 2. tl.2ASj-l.30; No. 3, $1.06&l.lo'
HOPS Firm. State common to choice
low, 2o22c; 1908, nominal; pacific coast
1.9, 9'16c; 1903, nominal.
HIDES Firm. Central American, SOacie
Bogota, 21iy22c. '
LEATHER Steady.r Hemlock firsts. HQ
26c; seconds, 21 4; 33c; thirds, VHa'Ac; re
jects.' 17S19C. '
PROVISIONS Pork, steody. Mess, $24 GO
Cl&.OO; family, $26.0U25.6u; short clears
$23.60023.00. Reef, firm. Mess, $16.00616.60;
family. tl9.020.00; beef hams. $22.00.00.
Cut meats, quiet. Pickled bellies, 10 to 14
lbs., 16&'18c; pickled hams, 16316c. Lard,
firm. Middle west prime, tll.9oifU.00; re
fined, firm; continental. $12.60; South Amer
ica, 113.25; compound, lOVfl'lOViC. Tallow,
firm.. Prime city, hogshead, 7c; country.
7&7c. ...
BUTTER Strong; creamery . specials,
30c; extras, 29c; third to first. 2428c;
atate dairy, common to first, 2226c; pro
cess, second to special, 2526o; western
factory, 22240; western Imitation
creamery, 24fr2oc. ,
CHEESE Steady ; atate, whole milk,
average prime, 14'44?14c.
EQUS Firm; fresh gathered, extra first.
POULTRY Alive, dull; western broilers,
19c: fowls, lu'lfic: . turkevs. 101 4c:
dressed weak; western broilers, lfjlto;
fowls, 13d16c; turkeys, 17(p21o. .
St. I. oats General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 17. W HEAT Futures,
lower; September, 99; December, $1.03;
cash, firm; track No. 2 red, $1.03(B1.04:
No. I hard, $1.01fa1.06.
CORN Futures lower; September, 62c;
December, 66c; cash atesdy; track No. 3
64; No. 2 white, 65c.
OATS Futures lower; September, 83c;
December, Sttc; cash firm; track No. t?
S3c; No. 3 white, 36(ff3e.
RYK Steady; 88c.
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, $6.10
(jJ-6.40; extra fancy and straights, $4.3O4fH.90:
hard winter clears, $3.30(aS.90.
SEEl Timothy, $6.&oti6.00.
P RAN Weak; saoked. east track, $L0O
HAY Firm: timothy. $U.XXftU.60: nralrU
$11 oa 14.00. . . .
PROVISIONS - Pork, higher: lobbing
222.26. Lard, higher; prime steam, $11.67
11.77. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra
shorts, $U62K; clear ribs, $12.62; short
clears, $12.$7'4. Bacon, higher; boxed extra
shorts, $14.12; clear ribs, $14.26; short
clears, $14 37.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10"c
aprlng, 13c; turkeye, l&tr26c; ducka, ftl2c;
geene. &ft 9c.
PUTTER Firm; cregmery, 26fl29c.
EGGS-Steady; 19c.
RecelotS. Shinmenta
Flour, bble $.100 14,700
Wheat, bl 11.000 2 v
Corn, bu 39.000 38 0U0
Oats, bu 134.000 61.000
Kaasaa 41 r Grala aad Provlsloas.
tember, 98c sellers; December, tl.OOfci
1.00 bid: May, I1.06V&1.05 sellers; cashi
unchanged: N'o. ; hard, 99cfi$1.0S; No. 3
hard, 7cvfi$1.0u; No. 2 red. $1.03; No. 3.
CORN-September. 60Zfvc ie'lers; Dec
fmWr, 67ifl67c; Msy, o bid; cash o
lower; No. 3 mixed. 62Q4o; No. $ mixed,
C;62: No. 3 white, 63c; No. 3 white. 66c;
OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, toe; No.
2 mixed, 34W&W).
RYE No. 2. SO&82c.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $13.60
&14.W; choice prairie, $11.0iff 11.26.
Wheat, bu 176.000 301 006
Corn, bu 22.010 31 ,
tists, bu i:!ooo
Mllwaakee Grala Market.
MILWAUKEE. Wla, Aug. 1T.-FLOUR-Lower.
WHEAT-Uww; No. L $llliffl.l8; No. i
northern, fioul.ll; September, $1.01.
OATS 3f'1:36c.
BARLE V iiamplea, ffittTtc.
Waul Market.
8T. LOUIS. Aug. 17.-WOOLl nrhanged
territory and western, medium, lSu '2e
fu.e, 17; k-; fine. 14jl7c. " '
Irregularity Dominant Note
Market Operations of Day.
Railroad Stocks Helped to Large Et.
teat by Favorable Crop Reports
Received from AarrleaU
tarnl Districts.
NEW YORK. Aus. 17 TrrernUrltv waa
the dominant note of the stock market
today and fluctuating within a very narrow
range, in ine later trading, however, the
market steered a more direct iinwnrd
course and ' added very generally to Its
gains of the previous day.
Yesterday's primary returns from the Pa
cific coast, developments In New York and
other parts of the country, it 4s appre
hended, will Increase the existing storm of
controversy and perhaps be followed by no
iiuie uncertainty, ir not distrust.
In the railway list Reading and Union
and Southern Pacific were most conspic
uous. The Harrlman shares were helped In
no sman aegree by the fsvorame crop re
ports received from the agricultural dls
incts aiong that system and the rise In
Rock Island was attributed to the same
The only noteworthy railroad returns
Issued today was that of the Baltimore A
Ohio road for Julv. In which an Increase of
i,000 In gross earnings was reversed to a
ions pr jiM.uuu In net.
1 he feature of the bond market was the
strength and activity of the New York
state canal bonds, which advanced to 103, a
figure well above that paid by the pur
chasers at public bid yesterday. The entire
bond list was steady, with an advance In
unuea mates 4s or per cent on cau.
Total sales, mr value. 22.059.OUO.
Following was the range of prices on the
rvew iora stock exchange:
Allla-Chilmer pt4 33 M 4
Amalsamatai Coppar .... 22,700 M i H
amariua Arloultur,l ... 4fi 44 44
Ainrlfnn neat u(,r .W 3S ' 37
Amarican Can v0 8
Amarlcan far r 1.8O0 44 HH
Amarloan Cotton Oil ' 6-
Amarlcan H. L. pfd.... 3U0 2V, 26H 284
American Ira Sacuritles 12 H
Amarlcan Llniaed 2nfl 1314 1:1 '4
Amatiran Loromotlvs .... H) M 8
Amarican 8. & R !8 711
American D. a K. pfd ... 100 101 1UJ 1"S
Amarican Steal F 46H
Amarlcan Susar Kaf 400 131 12(1 120
American T. A T .loo 134 I' 134
Amarlcan Tobacoo ptd.... 3' HI 42 - M
American Woolen too n, 28 28
Anaoonda Mlnuig too 41 i0 40
Atchtaon ll,smi 101 100 101
Atchtaon pfd 900 1W '
Atlantic Coast Line 400 114 113 114
Baltimore A Ohio too 108 107 lo4
Bathlahem ileal 1.100 2H 27 2H
Brooklyn R. T 4,300 77 77 77
Canadian Paclfto 2,ono 14 ltt 194
Central Leather 13,300 37 86 36
Central Leather ptd 100 lot; 106 lot
Central ol N. J H 240 260 2&i
Cheaapaaka A Ohio I.OUO 75 74 74
Chlcaso & Alton 86
Chi. Ot. Weat,, new 1,400 2a 14 25
Chi. Gt. Want, pfd 1.600 46 46 4
Chi. A N. W 200 J4t 14 144
Chi., Mil. A St P 7,704 128 126 128 .
C, C, C. A St L 600 7 74 73
Colo. Fuel A iron l.W 12 81 32
Colorado A Southern 200 64 (4 64
Consolidated 0e (ex. dlv). 4,300 132 131 132
Corn Product! aoo 14 14 14
Delaware A Hudaon 700 144 163 146
Denver A R. 0 1,100 31 30 81
Denver A R. O. pfd 400 71 71 71
Dlatlllars' Securltiea too tt 27 27
Erie 1,400 24 26 26
Erie let pfd 600 44 44 44
Kris 3d pfd (00 34 31 33
General Electric. ' 900 144 144 144
Oreat Northern pfd 1.7O0 127 124 127
Oraat Northers ore ctfa .. 1,800 67 64 66
Illinois Central 300 133 132 132
Interboroufh-Met 3.000 17 17 1
Intsrboroufh-Met. pfd 3,800 44 47 4H
International Harvester ... oo t7 VI ;
Inter-Marina pfd 800 17 16 It
International Paper 100 11 11 , 11
Iowa Cnertal 400 17 17 17
International Pump 4n0 40 40 40
K. C. Southern 400 31 311 31
K. C. Southern pfd 400 44 'J 4
Laolede Oas t.4"0 103 102 103
Loutovllle A NaahTlll .... 200 144 143 144
Minn. A St. L 600 34 24 24
If., St, P. A S. Bte. M... 300 132. 131 132
M., K. A T 3,200 84 83 84
M., K. A T. pfd 2
Mieeouli Pacific 1,400 66 63 64
National Biscuit 1.300 110 Km lot
National Lead 1,400 64 61' 62
N. By. of M 2d pfd 1.0"0 l 28 , 36
New Central 8,600 116 114 116
N. Y., O. A W too 41 3- 417
Norfolk A Western 1,400 18 97 8
North American 80 , 64 49 - 4
Northern Paclflo T.800 118 117 118
Paolflo Mail 1.000 28 24 28
Penniylvanla 1,300 130 139 130
People's Oss 800 106104 10
Pitta., C, C. A St. L. ... 100 44 95
Pittaburg Coal 800 17 17 17
Pressed Steel Car ....
Pullman Palace Car.
Railway Steel Spring
Republlo Steel
Republlo Steel pfd....
Rock liland
Rock liland pfd
St. JU A , T 3d pfd
1,400 37 34
400 34
112400 147 144 147
4.400 - 84 82 34
800 t
33 31
St. Lou la 8. w
St. Louie S. W. pfd
gloaa-Shef field 8. A I....
Southern Paclflo
Southern Railway
Southern Railway pfd
Tenneeeee Copper
Texas A Pacific
Tol.. Bt. L A W ,.
400 25
800 6
400 41
27,800 111 11 117
1.6U0 34 34
300 65
100 26
Tol.. St. LAW. pfd...
Union Pulfle
Union Paclflo pfd
V. 8. Realty
V. a. Rubber
V. 8. Steal
U. 8. Steel ptd
Utah Copper
Virginia-Carolina Ouem.
Wahaah pfd
Weetam Maryland.
Weettniuouae Electric
Waatarn Union
113,400 171 163
. 400 t 43
. .200 71 71
6.10 84 36
.128600 73 71
1 600 117 lit 117
, 3.100 41 47 47
3,800 6
1,200 46
MOO 42
600 $4
Wheeling A Lake Brie
Total aalee (or the day, 118,700 shares,
Loadoa Stock Mantel.
LONDON, Aug. 17. American securities
opened to 1 point above parity today,
but the support waa soon withdrawn and
the market declined under the lead of ad
hesion and Union Pacific. At noon val
uta ranged from aoove to ? beiow yea
terday a New York closing.
Coneola, money.. 80 14-14 Loulevtlle A N 147
da account 81 St., K. A T 34
Amal. Copper 4N. Y. Central....... 114
Aoeoonda 8 Norfolk A W 100
tcbleon 104 do pfd 43
do pfd 103 Ontario A W 43
Baltimore A Ohio.. ..Hi Penniylvanla 47
Canadian Paclflo 1H Rand Mlnea I
Cheaapeake A O...
Chicago O. W
Chi., Mil. A Bt. P.
Da Beers
ltaaver A Hie O...
4o pfd
do 1st pfd
4o td pfd
Grand Trunk....,,.
77 Reading 74
. 16 Southern Ry 25
127 du pfd 67
, 17 Southern Pacific 120
, 31 Union Paclfi 174
. It do pfd 44
271'. 8. Steal 74
44 do pfd 119
34 Wabaah li
. 24 du pfd 87
.184 KDenleh 4a 42
Illlnali Central...
SILVER Bar, steady at J4Va per ounce.
MONEY 1S1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2&2 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2&2 li-16 per cent
Local Securities.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burna,
jr., (33 Omaha National bank building:
Bid. Atked.
Beatrice Creamery pfd 44 V4
City Nat. Bank Bldg. ta, 1434 40 104
City Omaha a. Mil 101 jut
Crab Orchard, Nee., te im
Houatoa Water 4a, 1444 104 let
Iowa Portland Cement 1st Mtg. 4s.... 48 100
International Con. Ce,, bonue. , 44 44
Kanaas O. A B. t per cent pfd 44 100
Kaniae City Stock Tarda 44 47
Kanaas City R. A l. 6s. lilt M 14
Mlchigaa Tel. 6i. 1834 te .
Nehraaka Tel. Stork. 4 per cent.... 100
N. Y. Central Line 4a. IfU 100 10
Omaha Water Co. ta, UK4 el te
Omaha Gaa, 11:7 l uu
Omaha B. L. A P. 6a. 1(13 n h
Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry pfd, I par cent 43 84
Omaha A C. B. St. Rv 6a, 1424 44 17
Fzclfle T. A T. te. U87 N N
Penniylvanla Equip, ta. 1418 44 4?
Seattle, City of, 6s. 1M 104 lot
Union Stock Tarda, Scath Omaha to IT
Rocky Mountain Fuel tt loo
Waaaett guip. 41. 1811 44 W
Nw York Csrk Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stork Exchsnge, 315 South Sixteenth street
Bay State On...
Butte Caalltlos.
Chief Com
Kir "'antral.....
Bly Com
.. 84 Greene Canines..
.. It Inspiration
.. lLaroae
.. It Nevada Com
.. to Ohio Copper
.. IV Ray Central
2 3-14 Swift Pb rv,
.. 4
.. 31
.. 44
I U-14
.. 8Seara-Roebu'k Co.
. 11 Superior A Pllla it
. 7Tonapah Mining t4
Ooldflild Cona
la rr n tv v,m
uvivuvta riwvun... . orxn L4Lke 10
w' ' m BUiivmil ........
Tremry Statement.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 17.-The con
dltlon of the treasury at the beginning of
utintn.r. iuu.j waa eve iiiuiwi:
Trust Kunda-Go!d coin. $V o3.R; ailt erl
dollais, $13o,y.6.UjO; ailvtr dollaia of lWO,
$1.12h"0; sliver certificates outstanding,
Ufiirral Fund Standard silver dollars In
general fund. $4.133,(4n; current liabilities,
$14.314.61!; working balance In treasury of
fices, $J2.9).414; In banks to credit of
treasurer of the United States, $.W,l46.Svi0;
subxIiiUry silver Coin, $j0,l,3iifi; minor coin,
K02,22l; totsl balnnce In genersi fund,
evr York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17.-MONEYOn call,
easy, 1( 1 per cent, ruling rate, 1 per
cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at
1 per cent. Time loana very dull and esy,
sixty dnys, 3 per rent and 90 days, 3 per
cent: six months, 4ij4 per cent.
per cent.
vance, with actual business In bankers'
hills at $4.33s0iM3M for sixty-day bills and
at $4 un for demand.
SILVER Bar, 63c; Mexican dollars, 44c.
BONDS Government, firm; railroad,
Closing quotatlona on bonis today Were
as follows:
V. S. ret. la, reg....ln lnt -Mer. Mar. 4s.. 41
do coupen 101 eejapan 4a 8
U. B, ta reg lol do 4e 1 4
do coupon 101 ok. c, s. let 8e ... 71
U. 8. 4a reg 114 U S. deb. 4s (1431) 43
do coupon 114 L. A N, un. 4e 47
Allls-Uhalmers let ta 74 M., K. A T. lit 4l 44
Amer. Agri. 6e 101 do gen. 4a 84
Amor. T. A T. 41..KKM, Mo. Pacific 4l 77
Amer. Tobacco 4a..78N. R. of M. 4e.. 3
dO 6 104 N Y. C. gen. 81 84
Armour A Co. 4i. 41 do deb. 4a: St
Ate leon gen.
N. T.. N. H. A
4l. 47
... 6
... 71
do cr. 4
do cv. 6i
At. U U 1st 4o
B. A O. 4l
do 81
do 8. W. 3s
..1; cr. e
..lia N. A W. lit c.
.. 4.i do cv. 4e
.. 48No. Pacific 4l...
..41 do 8s
41 O. S. L. rfd. 4e.
Br. Tr. cv. 4a 42 Pcnn. cv. ta (1416)
C. of oa. 6e in, do con. 4a 101
Central Leather te. Reading gen. 4 47
C. ot N. J. sen. 6a. 121 St. L. A 8. t. 4a 80
Chel. A O. 41.
!' 1o gen. 6j, 86
ao rer. 6a
C. A A. 3a....
C. B. A Q. J.
.. sz t. u. s. w. con. 41 7Zt
...44 do lit gold 4i.... tn
41 86 Seaboard A L. 4l.... 68
..48 Bo. Pacific col. 41.. 40
ao gn. 4i.
C. M. AS. P. a 31 tlvt do cv. 4l.
C. H. I. A P.r. 4sT2do 1st ret 4i...
do rfg. 4s.......... 886o. Ry. 6a
Colo. ind. is. Tl oo aefl. 4e
Colo. Idld. 4i 48 Union Piclflo 4a.
. t:i
. t
C. A S. r. A s 4e 84 do cv. 4s
i. lc H cv. 4a.
D. A R. O. 4i.
do ret. 6a
M do lit A ret. 4a.. .46
t'. 8. Rubber 4e....l2
llU. 8. Steel 2d 61....10J
48Vi.-Car. Chem. 6s.. 9
niitlllen' 6e .
Brie pr. 1.
81Wibah let
... 64
... 83
6a 67
... 43
.. M
do gen. 4i
do cv. 4i ear.
72 do let A ex.
44 Wait. Md. 4l
do ser. B.
15 Vint. Blec,
Gen. Bleo. cv.6i....l36 Wii. Central
III. Can. lit ref. 4i 44 Mo. Pac cv.
Int.-Met. 4i 7
Bid. )ffered.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Aug. 17. Closing quotations on
cioning; fluotAiions on siockh:
Allouei 42 Mohawk
... 51
... 21
... It
... 10
... i
...130 '
... 16
... 74
... 11
Amalgamated Copper 67 Nevada Con
A. 2. L. A
34 Nlplailng Mines
ArUona Com
B. A C. C. A 8.
Butts Coalition .
Calumet A Alii.
K.'alumet Heels
CVppr Range....
Kail Butte
Oranby Con
Qreena Caruuiea .
.. 18 North Bttlte .
.. 4 North Lake ...
.. 14 Old Dominion
.. 140ceola
.. 13Pirrott
8. A C.
..646 Qulncy ...
.. 74 Shannon .
.. 47 superior
.. 7 Superior A
B. M
.. 11 Superior A Pitts. C
.. uTimirark
.. T U. 8. C.
A O..
Iila Royals
Cop.... 19 U. 8. R.
Kerr Lake
4 do pfd
Lake Copper . . .
Laaalle Copper
Miami Copper .
88 Utah Con .
li Winona
20 Wolverine
Sfw York Mining; stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17. Closing quotations
on the mining exchange:
Leadvllla Con
. 8
. 4
. 40
Brumwlck Con ...
Cnmatock Tunnel
do bond!
Con. Cal. A Vs.
Horn Silver
Iron 81 Ivor
.. 7
.. 22
.. 17
Little Chief
Yellow Jacket
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Aug. 17. Bank clearings for to
day were $2,316,232.34, stnd for the corre
sponding date last year, $1,965,163.21.
Staple and Fancy Produce Prices Fur
nished by Bayers and Wholesalers. .
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 32c; No. 1,
In 30-lb. tubs, 31c; No 2, In 1-lb. cartons,
29c; No. 2, in 60-K'"ubs, atc; packing
stock, solid pack. 21ajvlalry. In 40-lh. tuba.
23 24c. Market changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, 17c;; young Americas,
lftc; daisy, lac; triplets, 18c; llmberger, 13u;
No. 1 brick, 17c; Imported Swiss,. 30c; do
mestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c.
POULTRY Dressed broilers under 2 lbs.,
17c; over 2 lb., 2uc; liens, 16c; cocks, 9c;
ducks, 13c; geese, 15c; turkuys, 26c; pigeons,
per dos., $1.25; homer squabs, per doz., $4.00;
fancy .squabs, per dos., $3.60; No. 1, per dos.,
$3.00. Alive: Broilers, 14c; over 3 lbs., 11c;
hens, 11c; old roosters, He; aid ducks, full
feathered, 9c; geese, full feathered. 10c:
turkeys, 19c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons,
per ooi., cue; nomers, per aos., xa.uu; squabs.
No. 1, per dox $1.50; No. 2, per dos., 60c.-
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 12c; white-'
fish, 17c; pike, l&o; trout, 15c; large crsp
ples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c;
haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish,
13c: buffalo, tc; halibut. 9c: white
9c; bullheads, 15c; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad
roes, per pair, put; irog legs, per doi., 30c;
salmon, 15c.
BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1. 15c; No. 2
13c; No. 3, 18o. Loins: No. 1. i6o; No. 2
14c; No. , llo. Chuck: No. 1, 7c; No t
6c ; No. 3. 6c. Round: No. 1, c; No. t,
8o; NO. 3, 7o. Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 40
No. 3, 4c
FRUITS-Orangas: California Caniella
brand Redland Valencia, all sixes, pet
box. 35.00; Havana Mediterranean fcweeta,
213 lxe. Pr bo. $400; 20 alse. $3.36; 23$
.ir. 13.OO1 324 sixa, $2.60. Lemnna- rJT.
nlera, extra fancy. ) a'.te. per box, $3.00:
m slse, per box. $; choice. 300 size, per
box. $7.60; 360 slxe. per box, $s.00; StO afie
50c per box less; Butiaet brand, per bot
17.50. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch!
I2.254S260; JuiBbo. per bunch. 32.75iMa7&
Cantaloupes: Laurornla, 64 size, $4.60; 4i
atandaras, t-aurornla, red.
per 4-bssket crte' B'u P-nes: Per
erate, $1.&0. reacnest iaurorh.a, per 30-lb
box, 8000. Pears: California BartlstL
per box, $2.60; In lota, per b.x. $2.40. in
plea: Home grown, lo bbla.. $4,0014.60; new
Oregon, in boxea. 31.76. Watermelon"
Texia, lc per lb. Dates: Anchor brand
new. 30 1-lb. packages in box, per bog!
veuiiaD""'"-"" "iaioes: in aacka
per bu.. wuii.w. wniona: Yellow. In
sacks, per lb., 4c; lowa, small, per lb
3cj Spaiilah, per crate, $1.76. Garlic: Ex
tra fancy, wnue, per id., jac; red. oer ik.
Wc. Egg Plant: ttney Florida. p,r doi.
$1.502.00. Celery: , Michigan. p,r ooi
bunches, sdc. .
HOMH - unuvv.-t VBiUKTABLES Cah.
bage: New, per lb., 20. Tomatoes: Per
Dasaei, m. "" -" " Deans: Pet
market basket, 76c. Cucumbers, per dux
Wo. Radishes: Extra fancy homs-grown
per doz. bunches, 20c. Lettuce: Extra
fancy leaf, per doz., 80c. Paraley: Fancy
home-grown, per doz. bunches. 30c. Rhu
barb: Per, dos. bunches, 45c. Green onions'
Per doz bunches, 25c Turnips: Per mar
ket basket, 40c. Carrots: Per market bas
ket, dOc. Beets: Per market basket Wo.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Blsck Dei
lb.. 2c; California No. 1, per lb., 17c; Cali
fornia No. 3, per lb., 14c. Hickorynuts
large, per lb.. 4c; small, per lb.. 4c
Cocoanuts: Per sack, $5.00: per dog., 600,
Honey: New, 34 frames, $3,7$.
Metal liarket.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17 -COPPER-Ptand-ard,
quiet; spot and August, $12.l4jl2 45'
September, $12,004; li. 40; October, November
$12.3i(j.l2.4ii. London, steady; spot, 56 7s 6d:
futures, 57 2s 2d. No arrivals were rev
ported at New York custom houses; re
turns showed export of 62 tons, msking
15,332 so far this month.' Lake coper $12 W
13.C0; electrolytic. $12.62013. 76; trastlng
$12.2r.12.50. Tin, easy; spot, $33 4f&33 70
August $1.4O33.70; September, $33.65; Oc
tober and November. $33.2Fmi33.(5. London
dull; spot, 154 1 10s; futures, 153 17s 6d'
Lead, quiet, $4.40584.60, New York; $4 25
8s 9d. Spelter. Quiet, $5.J5'?76.40, New York;
235. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 5fts London'
northern. $16.2g 16.60; No. 3, 16.50a 16.00; No'
lsouthern and No. 1 southern soft, ili.'o'g
ST. IX1UI8, Aug. 17.-MFTAILei.d
firm; $4.32. Spelter, firm; $5.12.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug 17.-COFFEE Future,
closed steady at a net advance of $ to 10
points. Closing bids: August and Septem
ber, 7.15c; October. 72f.c; November, 7.36c;
Iiecember, 7.4"c: Janutry,; spot. firm
No. 7 Rio, rviOc; No. 4 riantos, -ic:
mild, quiet; Cordova, 10ft 12c.
Itala'h Grnln Market.
PULUTH. Minn.. Aug. 17. WllfAT
Beptember. $1.12; December, $1.12; ;o. 1
northern, $113; No. 3 northern, $1.07
Omaha liar Market.
CM AHA. Aug 17-HAY-No. 1 upland
Ksn. $13 on- No. 2 utland. $13 Oil- pack
ing. $1000; alfalfa.. $14.00- Btraw: Wheat
$U is); rye, $7.ti.
Receipt of Cattle from Range Con
tinue Very Liberal.
Feeding- Sheep and Lambs Very
Active and Ten to Fifteen Hlgher
stlth Killers showing but
Little Change.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
Official Monday ,24 2.S1 11,910
Official Tufsday 3,3.2 6..W2 ls,2
Estimated Wednesday .. 8.426 8,645 14.M)
Three days this week.... 25.043 V.P 45.0-Jl
fame days last week.,..19,l:iS 21.164 43.IC0
Same days 3 weeka ago. .22.704 21.157 42.:!fv5
Same daya 3 weeks ago..l8.H"7 22.;ll X.8:'3
Same daya 4 weeka ago.. 20.812 17.368 41,227
Same daya laat year 13,358 H.73JJ 40,t'.
The following table ahowa the receipts ot
cattle, huge and aheep at bouth Omaha for
the year to date aa compared wltn last
1310. mutt. Inc. Dec,
tattle 62S.9J6 650.080 07.886
""gs 1.87,724 1,612 44 ....... 232,i25
8h'P 1.02O.0LI3 863,03 liS.170
ine following table shows tne average
prlcea of hoga at South Omaha for the last
everal days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 1910. 130.liMS.130L1306.1306.ll)04.
Aug. ..
Aug. 7..
7 701
1 MI
T 7
7 tl
7 34
( 04,
7 631
1 6
3 86
0 301 I I 07
31 ( 73
11 6 84 I 11
I 77
1 H
6 74
6 08 6 841 I 87
7 49,
I 80
7 41
$ o 5 361
6 8s
$ l
i Ml
6 03
7 84
7 421
$ 601
6 8!)
4 84
4) 81
6 41
I 86
5 83,
7 47
7 4il
( 221
6 32
17 1
( 74
& 841 5 931
3 161
6 72
6 82 6 Vl 0 Ul
8 281 7 64
I 6 761 8S 6 82 6 02
8 30 7 67 44
6 741
6 80 6 88 4 98
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union titock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yes
C, M. & St. P.
W abash
MlHsourl, Pacific
Union Pacflc
C. & N. W., east
C. & N. W., west
C, St. P., M. O
C, B. & Q., east
C, B. & Q., west
C, R. I. A P., east....
C, R. I. & p., west...
Illinois Central
Chicago UL Western.
Total receipts 244
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
umaha Packing Co 709
1 a
owut ana company 1,212
Cudahy packing Co.. 901
Armour de Co 853
Murphy (shippers) 717
Kore Packing Co , ....
W. B. Vansant Co 26
Henton Vansant & Lush.. 2i:
Stephens Bros 310
Hill & Son 439
K. B. Lewis..'. 178
Huston ox Co..... no , ,
J. B. Root & Co 187 !.
J. H. Bulla 7
L. F. Ifuaz K8 ....
1 woif wi ;;
McCreary & Carey 6:!2
S. Wertlielmer 200
H. F. Hamilton 208
Sullivan Bros 17
Lehmer Bros 228 .
Lee Rothschild 141 '
Sol Degan 514
Mo.-Kan. Calf CO.......... n
Christy & Kline.., 24 .
Other ouyers 838 .... U.612
. Totals 7,690 M23 - 16964
CATTLE Recelpta of cattle were liberal
again today making the total for the three
daya slightly above 26,000 head or about
6,000 head larger than for the corresponding
days last week and the largest of any simi
lar period so far this year. Aa compared
with a year ago there is a gain of almost
7,000 head for the three daya. Owing pos
aibty to the all night raina the trains were
rather late In-arriving at the yards which
naturally delayed the market to some en
tent so that it was late In the forenoon
before very much business was transacted.
When the trade waa once under way the
market on beef Bteers waa fully steady
and aome of the better gradea were really
firm under the Influence of free buying on
the part of packers.
Cows- and heifers also sold very freely
with the better gradea at good steady prlcea
as compared with yesterday. As a mat
ter of course Inferior gradea were a Utile
Good feeders were in active demand and
strong the same aa they have been every
day this week. Common and trashy
stockers were a little slow, but still the
market as a whole, was In a very satisfac
tory condition as viewed from a seller's
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beet steers, $7.00tf7.76; fair to good
beef stesrs, $6.1O7.00; 00m mo a to fair beef
ateera. $4., good to choir cows and
heifers, $4.60ff6.50; fair to goo' cowa and
heifers, $3.604.60; common to fair oowa and
heifera, $2.603.60; good to choice stockers
and feeders, $4.60&.G6; fair tw good Block
atockera and feedera. 33.6034.60; common te
fair stockers and feeders, $.002.0; stock
heifers, $2.864.00; veal calvea, $3.0006-25;
bulla, ataga. etc.. $3.3u?6.6u.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice
to prime beeves, $6.0006.76; good to
cuolca beeves. $5.404j.ui; lair to gowd
beeves, $4. 604 6. 30; common to fair beeves
$3.75&4 60; good to. choice heifers, $4.2&4j.00;
good . to choice cows, $; fair to
good gradea, $3.30tg3.85; can n era and
cutters, $2.2&3.26; good to choice feeders
$476ot6.40; fair to good reeerers. $4.00iY4.S;
common to fair feeoera. U.uO3.8V
Representative aales:
.. 420
.. 410
.. 124
..' 740
.. 430
.. 720
At. Pr.
..1504 7 71
7 to
I 40
3 40 t
1 00 is
I 24 t
3 40 10
8 40 (
3 40 (
3 it
. 4(0
. 463
. tvO
3 40
I 10
I to
4 00
, 4tt
, 720
3 44
I 74
4 .
210 6 00
4 60
6 00
t 60
...... 2E0 I 00
240 00
.440 t 20
Ml I 66
414 4
J. W
23 cows 936
7 bulls 1387
6 steers.... )J0
4 steers. ...1042
63 co's&hfs 874
8 calves.., 286
43 cows 640
J. O.
2 bulls.., ..1-0
Robertson, Idaho.
3 10 24 cows 967
2 50
4 60
4 90
4 00
6 76
$ 35
3 60 115 steers.... 920
3 60 7 steers.. ..1138
4 ft) 13 steers..,. 866
3 76 18 calves... 181
4 00 7 heifers... 487
3 60
Robertson, Idaho.
3 60 30 steers.... 964
4 90 6 steers.... 910
4 86
4 00
i 20
6 60
6 steers. ...II'
18 steers.,
63 rows...
1.10 4 20 1, cows 912
643 8 76 5 calves... 152
v. mapman, Montana.
$ cowa..
11 atcers.
16 steers.
3 90 3 steers.... 958
4 60 6 steers. ...1132
4 66 3 cows 1073
4 60 So steers. ...1116
4 60
6 00
4 35
6 00
8 20
3 70
3 75
57 steers.... 913
5 steers.
$ cows.,
$ bulls..
11 steers.
w. Mccormick, Montana.
. 680 3 25 9 heifera... 651
. 941 8 10 16 cowa H.,6
.1283 8 35 17 steers.... 861
.t6 4 5
A. E. Stumhsugh, South Dakota.
zi cows isw 1 75 22 calves... 282
S. G. Bowling, South Dakota.
8 steers.... 10 4 f 0 10 feeders.. 806
t 00
I so
4 25
3 60
4 00
6 90
3 35
6 00
3 76
5 4.1
3 45
3 10
3 40
6 30
3 60
$ 25
8 95
6 46
6 45
4 85
4 00
4 90
27 steers.. ..1170
8 cow s 940
8 cows 1010
20 steers.... 6D0
14 hoirerg...l031
8 cows 8.'5
8 calves. .. 246
47 feeders.. 1216
9 rows 913
12 steem.... 5H4
5 heifers... 640
I calf 238
40 heifers.. 1014
3 heifers.. 540
25 cows..'. .. 9H6
R. M.
4 85
6 cows. ..
.. 810
.. 921
3 60
3 90
3 60
4 80
2 86
6 50
6 75
3 25
3 60
2 70
3 75
4 90
4 30
8 bulla...
4 steers.,
24 steers. ,
12 cows...
14 c-slves... M-3
24 cows s2
27 feeders.. 1080
8 heifers... 720
8 heifers.. 525
10 steers. ... 622
40 feeders.. 1008
t cows 83
1 bull. . . . l.VM
nioigan, Nebraska.
6 40 28 cowa 9?5
36 feeders.. 1146
n. f. Meyers, .Nebraska.
49 steers... .1:108 5 45 61 steers. ...l"r,2
49 steers.. ..1276 5 46 W steei a. . ..1275
E. E. Lowe, Nebraska.
43 steers.. ..1226 6 10 64 steers. ...1263
C. J. Forsllng. Nebraska.
17 Cows 938 8 06 7 cows 906
18 cslves... 2h0 6 00 - 16 feeders. . 948
6 cows 7x0 8 uO
J. J. Kinney. Nebraska.
42 cows 970 3 70 26 cows 913
8 cows M4 101
18 cows 9J0 $ 75 u i-ijwa. vi
3 70
I 75
4 75
4 80
$ 16
6 25
8 !
3 75
W. H. Ashley. Wyoming.
II cows POO I 75
4 cows 947 3 15
11 steeis ... 959 4 fi
J. James, Wyoming.
$ feeders.. 10NO 6 56 56 steers. ...1121
J. Kennedy, Wyo.
24 feeders.. 1041 4 60 22 cows 833
4 heifers... 487 3 15
James Oraham, Wyoming.
4 80
I 60
20 heifers... 741 3 40 4 calves... 60
Blockers. 583 4 30
W. P. Rlcketts. Wyoming.
5 steers. ...ll: 6 00 29 steers. ...11.15
15 steers.. ..110 3 90 10 heifers... 883
F. Vlrden, Wycwnlng.
17 feeders.. 8!S 4 45 10 cows 8M
R. S. Van Tassell. Wyoming.
24 heifers... 9f.7 4 50 65 feeders.. 1037
30 feeders.. 1106 4 60
W. O. Cooley, Wyoming.
16 steers.. ..1150 5 25 24 cows 1015
3 cows 808 8 00
O. l. Hamilton. Wyoming.
45 steers.. ..1164 4 75 96 steers. ...lor
16 feeders.. 600 4 25, 66 cows 8.73
2 calves.. 232 6 00 232 cows.... 777
6 28
4 50
8 86
3 65
6 20
4 00
4 2R
8 80
1 90
HOGS Earlv hosr trade waa tnilair,v
Pemand waa active but hardly enough for
volume supply. Shippers bought freely,
but packers' orders were limited and while
bulk of aales carried figures strong to a
nickel higher, trading came to a dead
stop after a hundred loada had been sold.
Late arrivals, about thirty loads In ail.
found a market entirely void of action.
Any kind of a bid was hard to get nnd
best onea were all of MtlOo lower than
yesterday's average trade. Wires from
provision centers also showed bearish re
action, so that closing rounds were decid
edly dull, prlcea dropping below yester
day s levels.
Heavy hogs sold around $8.107J.20, with
rough packing grades at or near $8.00.
Good mixed of medium weight ranged from
$8.30 to $8.45 and light bacon loads brought
the high figurea. Tops remained un
changed, $8.70 buying selected lights. Bulk
ranged from $8.10 to $.8.45 as compared with
yesterday's bulk of $K.oB8.40.
& steers.. ..1174 $00 3 steers... .1100
23 cows KMJ 3 im 7 steers.. ..1126
23 steers. ...11V4 Eli 86 steers. ...1 1H1
W. S. Whlitetnger, Wyoming.
8 cows M Its 3 calves... 214
t cowa..... 768 2 85 10 heifers... 404
30 steers.... 671 3 65 11 steers.... 960
No. Av. ah. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
II I4 :.. 8 34 4.'.. ...... .Ml ... IIS
M 2H7 ... I 20 40 J77 100 1 25
24 2l ... 4 44 244 10 I 2a
42 367 10 8 10 t0 47 ... t 24
45 27S ... I in 43 Ml 10 t !5
41 S4 140 I 10 19 160 SO 8 35
72 341 ... I 42H 44 37 IM IK
43 Ill ... I 46 I J. ... I to
2 255 M 4 III 64 244 Ml I XI
74 il ... I U 17 Ill 40 I 40
14 114 20 I 00 11 ... I 40
47 M ... I 06 41 Ml ... II
14 m 40 I 04 44 170 344 I 10
22 14 ... I K 34 231 ... I tA
40 204 10 I 16 12 271 ... I 10
40 271 ... I 16 4 272 14 I M
tl 24 40 I 0 22. M7 ... 110
41 247 SO I 20 II? 213 ... I It
45 lot SO I 20 69 Ill ... I li
1 271 40 I $0 12 2M ... I 15
4.1 ..! 40 I 20 4C 174 ... ID
20 174 ... I 20 U Mt 120 I lA
41 IK1 ... 1 20 41 2:11 100 I 40
67 Ill 100 9 20 41 247 ISO I 40
41. 241 40 I 20 10 241 ... I 40
61 171 1x0 I 20 49 223 BO I 45
44 245 ... I to ; 221 ... 146
U 377 240 4 x0 16 117 ... 1 40
44 JOS 200 I 26 10 237 120 I 60
45 ...241 ... 124 44 247 40 I 40
44 Kl 80 I 26 42 144 ... 140
44 274 10 1 25 14 11 10 I 40
61 Ill 120 I 16 0 104 80 I 70
41........I-78 ... III. 17 lfl 40 I 70
M. 910 ... I 2S 49 304 ... I 70
tt til ... 125
SHEEP A broad and urgent demand for
feeder stock Is the distinctive and ruling
feature of the trade In the sheep barn at
prerent. Fully 76 per cent ot a good-slsed
run this morning came In feeder flesh and
went back into the country to be finished.
Everybody, barrins packers, seemed to
want feeders and orice ruled hither under
the spur of competition. Movement waa
active from the start, most of the stuff
selling at lO&loc advancea. Feeder year
lings went as high as 3.46 and feeder
wethers brought ss much as 34.30. fully as
high as quotations on fat stock. Feeder
lambs moved at $6.36 and under, weights
less than fifty' Dounds selling at and
around - $6.10.
fat grades of aheep and lambs ahowed
little or no Improvement Good sheep ruled
firm or even atronger, If wet fleeces are
considered, but the tone to lamb trade waa
dull. Local lamb prlcea are just about on
a par with eastern figurea and buyers are
Inclined to force values to their proper
levels. Supplies were relatively small, how
ever, and yesterday figures were gener
ally sustained, aood fat lambs selling
around $8.65. Fat wethers that were good
dressers brought $4- and fa, awea coro-
maiiuea. . ov.
Quotations on sraaa . stock: Good . to
choice lambs, $6.5036.76; fair to good, $6.15
6.50; feeding lambs. $6.00428.35: handy weight
yearlings. $5.00t?-5.50; heavy yearlings. $4.60
iro.w; feeder year lines. 3S.00ff5. 60: aood to
choice wethers, $4.00GM.$5; fair to good
wetners. I3.75i34.10: feedlns? wethers. 83.8oxT
4. 85; breeding ewea, $4-264.75; fat ewes,
. 754T4. 23; feeding ewes, $3.354.00.
208 Wyoming lambs feeders .... 40
6 60
4 00
$ 80
5 80
1 50
6 35
6 85
6 33
1 66
4 00
$ 65
4 20
4 20
4 20
6 26
6 26
6 26
f 16
4 00
6 26
6 85
6 26
4 15
2 76
t 26
4 15
4 80
4 26
4 G6
4 26
4 10
6 10
6 10
6 10
40 Wyoming lambs culls 30
204 Wyoming ewea ;.' 93
608 Wyoming ewea 90
141 Wyoming feeders 80
285 Wyoming yearlings feeders.. 73
290 Wybmlng yearling feeders.. 74
89 Wyoming yearlings feeders.. 74
65 Wyoming ewes 96
20 Wyoming yearlings oulla...09
20 Wyoming ewes 89 '
27 Wyoming wether feeders.... 80
238 Wyoming wether feeders.... 94
87 Wyoming wether feeders.... 98
99 Wyoming yearlings feeders.. 78
2 Wyoming yearllnga feeders. . 71
877 South Dakota yearllnga fdrs.. 74
74 Boutn Dakota yearllnga tors.. 74
44 South Dakota yearlings culls. 76
350 Idaho lamba feeders 62
164 Idaho lamba feeders 45
36 Idaho lambs culls ,.. 36
15 western lamba V. 69
269 western ewes 1.108
80 western ewes t. 93
601 Wyoming yearling feeders. 1 78
37 Wyoming wethers 100
273 wether ewes 115
28 wether ewes 127
407 Montana wethers 107
1H9 Montana wethera 108
27 Idaho yearlings feeders 74
140 Idolio yearlings feeders 77
279 Idaho yearllnga feedera 78
280 Idaho yearllnga - feedera 78
Prices Steady for AH Claaaea of Stock
CHICAGO.' Aug. 17. CATTLE Receipts,
20,000 head; market, strong to shade up;
beeves, $4.608.20; Texas steers, .t.oopa.iio;
11 IViSirfi & ,nrV..ra .nit
nrciri it n , v..wfu.w, ...... ... . -
feeders, $4.00t&6.15; cows and heifers, $2.60
6.36; calves, $6.5043.60.
HOtiS Receipts, za.uuu neaa; maraei,
steady; light, $8.5084.00; mixed, 37.9o048.90:
heavy, $7.60fa8.45; rough, $7.6'rj'Z.65; good to
choice heavy. $7..(fcS.45: pigs, $8.61.56;
bulk of aalea. $8.00418 .83.
SHdEP AMI 1.AMB neceipts, i,uv
head; market, weak; native, 2.60i)4.&o;
-.tern. I'75fi4.50: vearlliigs. $4.i5'a6.70;
lamhbs, native, $4.75'&7.10; western, $4.764j'
Knnsaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 13,000 head, Including 3,000 southerns;
market, steady to wesk; westerns, firm;
dressed bee and export steers, $6.50S.00;
fair to good, $4.50tf'6.25; wentern steers, $4.70
87.25;- stockers and feeders, $3.2'i8vi.60;
southern steers, $4.OOf(5.0u; southern cows,
$2,751(4.25; native cows, $2.5tii6.2r; native
cows, $3.6fla.2fi; native heifers. $3.60fy6.76;
bulls, $3.2fi4.16; calves, $4.0Mj1.76.
HOGS Receipts, 6,400 head; market, 10c
to 15c higher; bulk of sales. $8.00rri9.(W;
heavy, $8. 40f(i 8.75; packers and butchers,
$8.6'ti8.95; light, .77ya9.
' RHEEV AND LAMBS Receipts, 3. 200
l?ad; market, steady; lambs, $6.00-7)7.00;
yearlings, $6.00Jf6.65; wethers. $4.0tK('4 36;
owes, $3.75t.25; utockers and feeders, $3.00
5.00. '
St. Louis Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 17 CATTLE-Receipts.
6,p0 head; market, steady; native ahipplng
and export jteeia, $7.2.Vu8 20; dressed beef
and butcher steers. $6.5ut)7.75; stockers and
feeder. $3.5'(6.u0; cows and heifers. $3.60tf
7.00; canners, $2.75S3.50; bulls, $3.0o4iO.5O;
calves. $o.6ir)i8.26; Texas and Indian steers,
$4. 2Crp vj &; cows and heifers, $3.00ti5.00.
H(XrS Receipts, 6,600; market, steady t'o
10c lower; plga and lights. $80t9.26; pack
ers, $8.45ij.96; butchers and best heavy,
$8.'(i 96.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,900;
market, steady to 25c lower; native mut
ton $3.75a4.26: lambs, $5.60'(i'6.6o: culls and
bucks, $;i.0u&4.50; atockers, $2.ooc3.iS.
Stork In Slant.
Recelpta of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
frouth Omaha.. ...
St. Joneph
Kansas City
St. Louis
Totals '..
14 H)
3 600
6 4KJ
46,300 48,100 63,400
St. Jasettb 1 Its Stuck Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 17. CATTLE
Receipts. 1 .ViO head; market stearic:
steers. $4.7t7. 60; cows and heifers, $3 WW
5.75; calves. 83.OMt7.T6.
HOUS-Recelpts, 3.500 hd: market lie
higher: top $8 Mt; bulk, 14 40t?4 80
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Retetp'.s, 1 .50"
to weak; lamba,,
Eiapnrated Apples nnd Dried t'relts.
APPLES lnarllve. hut price are firm ow
ing to the email stocks. On the fancy
I uuoted si iou lie; chide. 8'ftc; prime,
8tJ"0c: common to fslr. 64i7c.
quiet, but prices are firm; quotations range
from 8c in !r for Callforniaa up to 30
40s and 6ti!ic for Oregon. Apricots are
quiet and stend.v; choice, 10'.;'(i 10c ; extra
choice, HVlllc; fancy, ViJlJc. Peachea
are steady and unchanged; choice, 6Vir
c; extra choice, 6-Vi7c; fancy, 7VJi
T'jC. Raleln are firm on more ctop dam
an report from the roast.- louse Musca
tels sre tiofcd at 3(iirc; choice to fancy
seeded. 4ViHc; seedless, 41i4c; 1ondou
layers, $1.20tfi.2j. . , .-..
Cotton Market.
closed quiet, 20. points higher; middling up
lands, lS.Wc: middling. 16.15c; no sales.
Cotton futures closed steady. Closing
bids: August. 15.90c; September, 107c; Oc
tober, 13.70c; November, 13.62c; Iiecember,
13.62c: January, 13.6le; February, 13.2c;
March. 13.6ic; Mviy, 13.72c; June, l$.72c;
Julv. 1.1.72c.
ST. iAiUIS. Aug. 17.-OOTTON Quleti
middlings, loc; sales, none.
Ilry floods Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. IT The special dress
goods sale of the day was the most success
ful distribution of this class of merchandise
during the year. Jobbers, retailers and out-of-town
cutters being the prlnclpsl opera
tors. Cotton goods hold steady, with de.
mand breaking ; slowly. Printed silk are
being wild more freely for spring and there
Is an Increased demand noted for ribbons.
Yarns hold firm. '
Sngar Mnrkef.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17-SUQAR-Ra w,
firm; muscovado. 89 test, S.92c; centrifugal,
96 test, 4.42c; molasses sugar, 3.67c: refined,
steady; crushed, 6.66c; granulated, 6.15c;
powdered. 5.25C
Big Grading Job
is Undertaken
head; market steady
Hundred Thousand Cubic Tardi of
Dirt to Be Moved at Cost "
of $30,000.
One of the biggest grading Jobs ever at
tacked in Omaha Is nearlng completion be- '
tween Poppleton and Hickory atreetg and
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh streets.
More than 100,000 cublo yards of earth
will have been removed, at a coat of about
The Shull Land company haa been doing
the work through two grandlng outfits, on
headed by li. C. Wharfun of Falrbury,.
with twenty teams, and A. H. Mllby, with .
fifteen teams. In block 15, which bordera -on
Twenty-ninth Street, about five acree
of earth twenty-three feet above grade
have been attacked and moved away, a
good deal of this being used for filling In
block 18, which Is low.
Considerable ot the land thus Improved
was hitherto utterly Impossible for building
purposes, being not only too high, but waa
so covered with tree stumps, tangled under---brush
and weeds that It waa almost aa im
penetrable aa a tropic Jungle, .
Tha twenty-six blocks Improved In ona
block and eight In another will now ba
come worth , from $700 to $1,000 apiece,
whereas before the Improvement It would
have been diflcult to Bell them at almost
any price. - ' , .
Will Inelntla , Department 1st Do. .
tnestle Econamy W hen N the (
School Opens.
The University -ot Omaha will Include ..
In its curriculum this year a course In do-,
mestlc economy comprising, domestic",
science and art under the charge, of Miss '
Louise Laurance, B. S,(' and B. D. S. of.
Iowa Agricultural -college at Amee, who.
la also Instructress at Brownell Hall. It
will comprise a thoroughly, sclentiflo
course, chemistry, biology and bacteri
ology and will give credit for the degree of ;
bachelor of tjomestlo aolehce. '; '
The university has completed iM exoava-'
tlon for ita gymnasium and haa begun
work on the foundation: It 'will proceed-:
with the construction as rapidly aa poa
alble. '
H. P. Whltmor Adda Third Story ta
Ills Bnlldlng, to Be Used for
Art Exhibition Pnrpes. ,
In preparation for an art gallery to be
used aa an exhibition place for the public
workmen are ehgaged In constructing a,
third floor on the building of the H. P.
Whltmore art store, 1517 Dodge street.
When finished, the gallery will be the
first of Us kind In Omaha, and will be tha
attractloon for art lovers on the occasion
of exhibition! about four times every
year. ;-: '-
Mr. Whltmore announced Tuesday that
the exhibition room will be completed about
the middle of October and an exhibition
probably would be held- soph after. . He
Intends going to New York some time In
September to make arrangements for the
shipment of an art collection either from
there or London. Specimens of etchings,
paintings and drawings will form the dis
plays. .k' -
Chief Clerk Ed Peterson Reports Bid
About Fifteen. Per Cft Higher
Than Prevlons Ones.
. ..'A
The bids for paying opened, by the city
council Tuesday evening are .about 15 per
cent higher than the blda heretofore re
ceived this year., . . v1
While the tabulation Is not completed,
Chief Clerk Ed Peterson says a cursory
examination Indicates there la an Increase
In the bids amounting to probably. IS per
cent. The bids on curbing and guttering
are about the same as formerly, .
Barllngton Crop Report Indicates
Rnln Has Worked Ureat Bene
fit to Corn.
Corn, according to the weegly crop re- '
port of the Burlington, Is doing finely, the -recent
rains having Improved It greatly.
No great threshing la being done at pres
ent, as it is considered more important to
get through with the fall plowing before
the ground gets soft again. '
Prospects for all the crops are fine and.
Nebraska will have a fine output of prod
ucts besides the great Maple thia season.
Death from Blood Poison
waa prevented by O. W. Cloyd, Plunk, Mo
who healed his dangerous wound with
Burklen'a Arnica ralve. 16c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. . ,
Building Permit.
E. E. Closson. 2513 Boutrt -.Ninth, frame,
dwelling. $2.X; K. J. Fitzgerald. IIS South
Thlrty-eghthi, brick veneer dwelling, $i0,0o0.
Herbert E. Gooch Go
Broker andDoaler
flmaaa Otfio , US Meas ef TrsSe aiase,
aeu Co aa. peag. ai taa. A-Sl 1
olbcst AJia kisuiit motjsa
ur cita aiAnv