The Omaha Daily Bee. New 'Phone Number All Dapartmnt OMAHA BEE TYLER lOOO WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nebraska I'nsr-ttlrd. For Iowa Partly cloudy. For weather report soe rage 2. VOI XL-NO. r.2. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1910 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. Dahlmn 'Named by Democrats; Cady Leads Aldrich i KECOltD FLIGHTS I 'Carries Passenger in Trip Over Eng lish Channel, Making Journey with Unsurpassed Ease. 1 CONTENDS AGAINST STRONG WIND Experienced Aviators Look Upon At tempt as Reckless. JIACHTNE PITCHED DANGEROUSLY Young Driver Manages Monoplane with Great Skill. CARRIED NORTH OF OBJECT POINT ambtd with Cold, Sncce(ut Aviator Heats at Ural, bniflnnd, fur Dar ' Br (ore Continuing; Course to London. DILLKTIX. PEAL, England, Aug. 17. After a long wait Moissant decided to make no attempt to continue his Journey to London today. Ha will a tart for London about 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. DEAL, Aug. 17. With every prospect of aucceaa in completing the aerial' trip from Paris to London, which since the crouslng , of the English channel by Blerlot and oth ers has been the great aim of the bird men. Moissant, the young Spanish aviator, de- ' sceuded hear here today, having accom- pushed the flight from Paris to Calais and the Journey across the ohannel to Deal with an case and brilliancy rarely sur- i passed. Moissant In his trip across the channel carried a passenger, his mechanician, Albert, making the cross-channel flight not merely pn Incident In the longer Farls London Journey, but an achievement which surpasses the teats of Blerlot, De Lexseps and the unfortunate Rolls, whose machines were burdened only with the pilots in cross ing the straits. He Is now preparing to continue the trip ! to London, the completion of which will : bring him the cup and prize offered -by a London newspaper' for the race, and the Catholic Carlists in Catalonia Ready to Revolt Proclamations Urge People to Come with Arms to Defense of Holy Religion. proceeds of the subscription raised In Eng land for urahame white, which the un successful competitor on the London-Manchester flight generously offered as a prize for the Paris to London competition. Hubert Latham, who started from Issy; j a. -suburb ;of- Parte, to race Moiaaant . tor I IOiidon, hud a series of unfortunate acoi ' dents; the last at Amiens, culminating in the total wrecking of his machine as he was preparing to resume the ' flight. Latham eucaped unhurt, but la out of the race. Strong- 'Wind Blowing. The last stage of Molssant's flight, the , trip across the channel, was accomplished ' In a strong breeze, the wind being so high that experienced aviators looked on the . start as foolish. It was such a wind as repeatedly deterred Blerl t, Latham and other aviators from attempting a passage of the straits, and correspondents who had witnessed the earlier attemptsto cross the channel confidently wired their papers that Moissant would not start before evening, when the wind was expected to fall. Nevertheless, as soon as he could arrange fur a French torpedo boat to follow him across the chanhel. Moissant launched his aeroplane from the cliffs near Calais at 10:2a o'clock Hill morning and started for the'Engllvh shore. The breeze was atll trong and the monoplane which, like other Blerlot machines, appearod to spectators less steady In the air than the heavier biplane, pitched and rolled so dangerously that spectators believed It In Imminent danger. Driven North by Gale. Moissant, however, though one of the youngest of tiie aviators, managed his machinery with the greatest skill and as (he Blerlot with lis guide passed out of the one of greatest danger near the shore, aeemd to steady his niuchine and as It passed out ot sight of Calais, was, accord ing to reports here, flying well, at an al i tltutle of about 500 feet. He was expected to land at Dover, but as driven a few miles north and made the ot.t near Deal, passing over Walmer caitle and the niuiine barracks at 11 : a. m. He was unable to continue the Journey to London, so numbed was he by the cold and lauded near Tilmanstone, a short distance from Deal. The trip from Calais to Tilmanstone oc cupied approximately thirty-seven minutes. The torpedo boat waa unable to get up , at earn In time to accompany Molsitant and the aviator was followed in his trip across the channel only by a single tug. ' The tug was utterly outdistanced in the race and Moissant landed at Tilmanstone before the vessel had readied mid-channel. Native of Cnlcuno. LO.VDON, Aug. 17. According to a dis patch rectlved line from Deal, Juan Slols aant. the aviator who today flew across the channel with a passenger on his flight fnm l'arla to London, ia an American citizen. He was born, according to this dispatch, in Chicago. J-K lll. VI.S AKKOIM.AKB HACK Two Hundred Thousand Spectators Greet llliu at l'arla. l'ARIS. Aug. 17. Hair Tails forsook its ted last night and remained In the streets vintil morning to watch the conclusion of the great cross-country aviation race, which was won ty LaBlane In a Blerlot monoplane. Aubrun, also in a Blerlot, took Second prize, finishing a short twenty min utes behind the winner, although hla total time In completing the coursa waa some what longer. LeUlanc left Amiens, sixty miles away, at S O.' and dtacendrd at Iasy In the suburbs of l'arla one hour and twenty-eight minutes later, making thr total time for the 4 miles of the entire flight eleven hours ttfty-flve minutes and fifty, nine seconds. t average or nearly forty miles an hour, without making any allow ance for detours. Aubrun, time from Amien was one hour and fifty-one min utes, completed the circuit in thirteen hours twtnty-seN en minutes and fourteen ecotnls. None of the other competitors completed the rntiie course, though legag- iConttnued on Second I'ags.J BARCELONA. Aug. 17 The Cathollo Carllsts of Catalonia are engaged In active preparations for a seiles of open air demon strations through Catdonia on August 28. The proclamations Issued by them summon the faithful to come to the defence of "holy religion and the mother church." They refer to the "accupcrt government" and adjure the people to come armed and ready to sacrifice their lives for the pope, who has sent hi blerslng from Rome. The proclamations trrmlnate In these words: "Exterminate the Incendiaries nf con vent and the violators of nuns. May God aid us to overthrow tl 13 impious govern ment." MADRID, Aug. 17. The government to day decided to forbid the Carllst republican meetings which were being arranged to be held throughout Catalonia on August 28. The tone of the announcement of the intended demonstrations was such that disorder was feared. Two Nebraska Regiments in Maneuver Camp Three-Inch Rain, Which Falls Within Two Hours, Puts Stop to Exercises. JUNCTION CITY, Kan., Aug. 17.-The First and Second regiments of the Nebraska National Guard, commanded by Colonel Qeorge A. Eberly and Colonel Fred J. Mack, arrived 'at the Fort Riley camp of Instruction early this afternoon. There are 1,500 men In the two regiments, which In creases the force at the maneuver camp to 8,000 men. The Nebraskans will remain here two weeks. A three-Inch rain falling within two houra early this morning did serious damage at the Fort Riley camp of instruction and caused the suspension of .the day's maneu vers. Several regiments, Including the hoe pital corps,- were - encamped along a ravine that drains a high hill. The water, rushing down, flooded the tents and threatened to carry them away. The patlenta in the hos pltal tents. were removed Quickly end the soldiers wofkud rbr-eeverar-htfUT 3n the water carrying away their equipment. Insurgents Win in California Plurality of Johnson for Governor Will Not Be Less Than Twenty Thousand. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17.-Returns coining In slowly from all sections of the state seem but to add to the completeness of the victory scored In yesterday's primary election by the Lincoln-Roosevelt league, as the insurgent faction of the re publican party in California Is designated. It is estimated that the plurality of Hiram J oh r son, Its candidate for governor, will net be less than 30,000. Charles F. Curry, who ' ran second for the gubernatorial nomination, leads Alden Anderson, the regular organisation nominee, by a greater margin. Stanton and Ellery, the remaining two stalwart candidates', cut but little figure in the general result, the ' former running Strongly only In his home county, Los Angeles, and the latter polling less than S per cent of the total republican vote. Two stalwart congressmen Duncan Q. McKinley In the Second district and James McLachlan in the Seventh apparently have been defeated. William E. Kent, for whom Olfford Pln chot stumped the Second district, leads McKinley by a narrow, but safe margin, while W. . D. Stephtng has a similar lead over McLachlln. E. A. Hayes, Insurgent Incumbent from the Fifth district, has been renominated. Englebrlght' and Smith, reg ulars, appear to have been renominated in the First and Eighth district, respectively. In the other California districts, three in numben, the present stalwart representa tives were not opposed. Figures on the advisory vote for United States senator to succeed Frank P. Flint are far from complete, but in all the re turns John D. Works, the ' choice of the Llncoln-Koosevelt league, appears to be in the lead. It Is apparent that Johnon has carried along virtually all of the insurgent state ticket with him and that the t Insurgent faction will have a good working insurgent In the state legislature. DAHLMAN SORE: CADY UNCERTAIN Latest Outlook on the Results of the Primary Indicates Their Nomination. DAHLMAN TAKES LANCASTER Goes Out of Lincoln with a Good Plurality. DOUGLAS IS STRONG FOR CADY Omaha Gives Him Big Vote and Swells His Lead. RETURNS ARE GREATLY DELAYED Late Hone ' of Closing- Polls and Heavy Storm Combines to Hold Back Flarurea from the State. LATEST FOOTINGS. Lasteet I footings made at the time of going to press of returns fr'om 60S prlclncts In thlrty-fve countes report ling give for governor: y Lady sow Aldrlch 7,214 Cady's lead 7S3 Dahlman 14.934 Shallenberger 10,293 Dahlman' lead 4,619 Returns from the primary election of Tuesday came slipping through slowly, and on their face Indicate that the choice be tween Aldrlch and Cady is very close, while Dahlman has very likely beaten Shallen berger by a safe majority. In 606 precincts reported and tabulated- up to 10 o'cock Wednesday night, Cady has a lead of 763 over Aldrlch, this including a majority of 2.613 for Cady in Douglas county, and AJd rlch's lead of 664 in Lancaster. The trend of the returns from the country preclncta has all been In favor ,of Aldrlch, and if maintained, will nominate him. But the Cady supporters are still hopeful, and o not concede his defeat. In the same precincts Dahlman has a lead of 4,619 over Shallenberger. It doea not appear at all likely that Shallenberger can overcome this. Return from the primary come with more than usual delays. The late hour for clos ing the polls, the cumbersome form of the ballot, and the storm that' Interrupted the wire, service, all combined to hold back th-t)w. " -" ; ' For1 tnl'ted ' States i enator ' fcurkett Is leading for the republican endorsement and Hitchcock for the democratic. For con gress Hayward won in a walk !n the First district, defeating Tobey by an overwhelm Ing majority. Hayward carrlel his home precinct In Nebraska City by S3 to L In the 8eoond district the rar.c is very close between Saunders and Sutton on the re publican aide, and Lobeck and Qulnby on the democratic, with the odds in the latter race in favor of Lobeck. In the First congressional district Con gressman J. A. Magulre, democrat, has no opposition for nomination. In the Third, Congressman J. S. Latta, democrat, la In the same shape. In the Fourth C. H. Sloan, republican, has no opposition. R. D. Sutherland, derrocrat, is In the lead over Herman in the Fifth. Congressman Norris has no opposition in the Fifth for the re publican nomination. There ia a contest on both sides in the Sixth. Firms Claims Victory. Late last night Chairman Flynn of the Dahlman club said he had received ' In formation which assured the Omaha mayor of the democratic nomination. x "Our lnforrruvton, from men we have had watching the count In various counties, leads me to claim Dahlman' nomination by 8,000," said Mr. Flynn. "Figures received and tabulated here are favorable to the mayor, even In localities where we did not expect much, and at the present rate the mayor will have at least the majority ,1 have named." Chairman Flynn did not have hla figures In shape to give out, he said, but Insisted the mayor would come to Douglas county with between 2,600 and 3,000 votes to the good. LINCOLN, Aug. 17.-8pclai.)-Dahlman' majority In Lancaster county will be close to 600. With five precinct missing the vote stands: Dahlman, 1.833; Shallenberger, 1,299. Governor. Dahl-Shallen Going His Way; Will He Ride? aKady From the Minneapolis Journal. ParalKl Takes Vonna Woman. WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. 17. (Speolul TUegram.) Mlsi J. Mae Laler, living north east of this city, died tod Ay of Infantile paralysis, aged 21 years. It Is feared the disease may be spreading. Miss Laler had been ill only four days. Aldrlch. Cady. man. berger. Burt. 3 of 22 .. 31 gg Burt. 3 of 22. ..a... 48 47 .. .. Cass, 2 of 36 33 42 145 43 Clay. 2 of 20 S3 32 60 4 Douglas 863 3.606 7,190 1.8V7 Hltcucock. 1 pet... al 4 26 York, 13 of 21 32$ 190 286 41$ Hall, 12 of 21 142 400 424 2uu Holt, 4 of 34 7u 46 64 7;t Lancaster, 27 of 64.. l,3t 7u0 1,080 1,0L7 iveya, fmia. 3 of 10 10 20 3 Morrill, i pet 13 27 10 29 Hhelps, 2 of 17 71 67 i3S 117 Platte, U of 2J fca bi4 Hock. 4 of 14 26 26 7 46 Sheridan, of 29 .... 24 14 31 2s uik, 1 of a) 4s Is 163 1W Wash., Blair city and township 130 g 9 Buffalo, 10 of 23.... 227 225 264 294 lKle. 18 of 21.... 82 127 Butler, 4 of 20 230 16 177 232 Jc-ffeison, 7 of 19.. 4.1 212 Bug (4 Dawson, 2 of 23.... 27 72 (-2 65 Howard, i of 16.... 17 . 123 63 66 Dixon, 4 of 17 63 32 22 76 Girl's Note Books May Cause Court Sentence CHICAGO, Aug. 14 Alfred R Urlon. general counsel for Armour, and company took the witness stand before Federal Judge Kenesaw M. Landis here today in duy before Friday. August 6, when they tre ordered by the grand Jury. Instead of the day after. Five employes of Armour and comnanv an effort to show nh.v he should not be' also testified before Judge I.andls today cited for contempt of court in connection In an effort to refute testimony they had wlih the federal Investigation of the af fairs of rh Armour Fa. king company. Whether or not Mr. ITrion, George M. Wlllets, assistant office manager; W. W. Shaw, head stenographer and W. A. Hol lander, clerk, lll be adjudged In contempt, now la said to depend on their ability to prove that 100 stenographers' not books ordered brous1".- before the grand Jury war, destroyed at lb packing plaat the previously given the grand Jury, as to the date on blch the books were burned. Thtse employes told the grand Jury the books were destroyed August 6. and It was on this testimony I'rlpn and others were summoned Into court. In the testi mony today witnesses declared they ha1 been mistaken In dates in their previous testimony and agreed the book had been destroyed. Jhursday, Auxua - Box Butte, i of f -y .... '. va 1M Kimball, 1 of 4.....' "ll 14 2 . ' 14 Lincoln, 3 of 42.... 73 127 165 73 Brown. 8 of ...'.. 125 37 26 86 Kno. 1 of 2.. ...... 33 - IB 67 4S Madison, oomplet.. JOS 163 373 839 Valley, complete... 103 167 76 1 Pierce, complete... 97 . 73 28 218 Sarpy, of U 64 6ft 429 350 Gage, .. of 31 691 268 405 360 Otoe. 19 Of 23 863 . 4S6 420 .368 Harlan, 6 of 18 77 ISO Deuel, complete.... 73 76 10 24 Boyd, 9 of 10 131 100 130 143 Colfax, complete 279 236 Sioux, 3 of 13 .38 9 9 45 Banner, complete.. 29 10 4 10 8. Bluff. 8 of 14.... 15 111 S2 1 Cedar, 8 of 22 96 63 ISO 142 Boone, 4 of 17 106 30 87 129 Franklin. 12 of 17.. 13 46 VTl 42SI Saline. 19 of 22 478 197 608 4:5 Gosper, 8 of 13 14 14 17 69 Greeley, 3 of 15.... 2 27 15 75 . 606 pet.. - V. S. ...I... .7,244 Senator 8,007 14.S14 Republican. Whe- Burk don. 6 27 ...... 88 2 13 10,296 Banner, complete Box Butte, V of 13 Boyd, of 10 Brown, 3 of 10 Burt. 2 of 22 Butler, 4 of 20 23 Buffalo, 10 of 29 109 Cass, 2 of 25 23 Cedar, 8 of 22 20 Clay, 2 of 20 2 Dawson, 2 of 23 22 Deuel, complete 67 Dixon, 4 of 17 39 Dodge, 8 of 20 10 Franklin, 10 of 17 40 Gage, 1 of 31 275 Oosper, 3 of 12 16 Greeley 8 Hall, 11 of 21 S3 Hitchcock, 1 pet 23 Holt, 3 of 34 8 Jefferson, 7 of 19 215 Keya Paha, 2 of 10 6 Kimball, 1 of 4 Knox, 1 of 29 Lancaster. 27 of D3 838 Madison, complete 70 Morrill, 1 precinct. 6 Otoe. 19 of 23 149 Pt elps, 2 of 17 38 Pierce, complete 25 Rock. 4 of 14 20 Saline, 19 of 22 197 Sarpy, of 11 28 Scott's Bluff, 8 of 14 9 Sheridan 8 Sioux. 3 of 13 15 Valley, complete 69 Wash., Blair clty-twshp.... bo ett. Adams 33 7 121 196 111 69 64 320 66 103 19 71 85 30 107 165 478 13 339 13 47 402 24 14 31 1068 232 ' 3s 733 60 108 49 445 72 134 24 35 160 lu7 2 12 26 24 0 138 20 10 6 8 WINNERS IN DOUGLAS Totals.... V. s. Henator- ....26SI 6191 -Democrat. Hitch- 772 Burt. S of 22 W Cass, 2 of 25 13 Clay. 3 of 20 0 Douglas 6-610 Diuglus, 17 of 83 1.027 Holt. 3 Of 34 61 Hitchcock, 1 Pet ;-... 12 Keya Paha, 2 of 10 U Morrill. 1 precinct 27 Phelps. I of 17 88 Rock. 4 of 14 36 Sheridan, of 29 29 Saline. 11 of 2s 147 Jefferson 7 of 19 4W Butler, 4 of 20 814 Buffalo. 10 of 2! 26S Dodge, 16 of 21 621 Howard, 2 of 16 5S Dixon. 4 of 17 44 Dawson, 2 of 23 81 Kimball. 1 of 4 10 Hutte. 9 of 12 97 Brown, 3 of 10 71 Met- cock. Reed, calf e. Ki ox. 1 of 29.. Gage, S of 31 Greeley. 2 Otoe. 19 Of 23 Harlan. 6 of 16... 28 336 64 363 125 Hall, 11 of 21 26 Deuel !.... 21 Boyd, of 10 167 Colfax 214 Sioux 44 Banner 7 Scotta Bluff. 8 Of 14 81 Cedar. 8 of 22 130 Franklin. 12 of 17 !10 Saline. 19 of 22 5u5 Gosper, S of 12 3S Valley w Madison I" Pierce 221 Sarpy. of 11 US Lancaster, ? or M bo. 18 6 7 534 46 24 1 7 1 11 3 3 13 92 45 43 100 8 13 a 23 6 17 117 72 79 6 71 I 00 4 1 32 21 10 106 6 16 416 79 33 4 15 18 1,211 m 14 11 9 34 7 11 so 13 9 121 170 ?4 32 M) 4 41 20 4 200 12 146 66 85 83 1 115 61 103 213 26 CO 120 110 64 629 REPUBLICANS. DEMOCRATS. United States Senator E. J. Burkett O. M. Hitchcock Governor A. E. Cady J. C. Dahlman Lieutenant , Governor M. R. Hopewell Ralph Clark Secretary of State . J. J. Ryder Charles W. Pool . State Auditor S. R. Barton P J. Hewitt State Treasurer Walter A. George George Hall State Superintendent J. W. Crabtree . , W. R. Jackson Attorney General ' Grant W. Martin C. H. Whitney Commissioner of Public Lands E. B. Cowles R. W. Fleming, Jr. Railway Commissioner Ft. T. Clarke, Jr. B. H. Hayden Congressman Second District A. L. Sutton C. O. Lobeck County Attorney J. E. Rait J. P. English State Senators Arthur C. Pancoast Richard S. Horton F. A. Shotwell John E. Reagan F. D. Wead John M. Tanner Representatives F. C. Best Peter G. H. Boland M: O. Cunningham William Butt John A. Dempster John H. Grossman Byron R. Hastings Robt. H. Holmes James Redman F. S. Tucker Herman G. Boesche William B. Christie Ed Leeder Nels J. Anderson C. S. Huntington Water Board R. B. Howell P. C. Heafey School Board Jacob Jacobson M. F. Sears George Cott W. A. Bourke County Commissioner First District John Grant Peter E. Elsasser Second District John C. Lynch Frank J. Flxa Fourth District John C. Trouton Thomas O'Connor Fourth District (Unexpired term) Walter J. Slate George Hauptman Vote on these is so close that either may win in the official count. Alfred E. Llndell C. B. Liver i Ed McArdle John F. Morlarty W. S. Shoemaker DAHLMAN EXPLAINS VICTORY Successful Candidate Declares' Open Methods Won. Allrgra Horsethlef Killed. HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Aug. 17. In a des perate atreet battle between two alleged horse thieves and several sheriff's officers here today George Cl.ltwood. one of the thieves, was Instantly killed by a deputy sheriff and Sheriff Jade Houpt waa prob ably fatally wounded. PEOPLE ENDORSED HIS VIEWS Mayor, ' Very Jobtlant Over ' Sncceaa, Telia How He Defined Hie Stand and Got Vote Say Elec tion W'a Clean One. . Mayor Dahlman was in a Jubilant humor this morning. "It was a remarkable victory In a sense, yet it only bear out what I have, always contended, that a man must cpme out and define his position on these 'acute issue and then stand there. It was a single-handed fight on my part, except that ' I ' had many enthusiastic friends working, for ma everywhere. Many of them do not know me personally, yet they felt aa I do, that men cannot be legislated Into a temperate life nor have wings attached by statute, "Take Lincoln and Lancaster countlea. where.. In. my... Judgment a species of terrorism haa been rampant,, inspired by the dogmatic attitude of a certain small element In the' community. The vote I re celved there will open the eyes of some persons, unless' they are totally blind. It will have its effect in the state at large, too, unless I am badly mistaken, and after- ' the ' victory against extreme sumptuary, legislation has been won, then we will get back' to solid ground aaln. , "No one can say. that the result has been achieved . through , any sort of deception or misunderstanding. So far as I could exer cise any Influence the Issue was defined In the clearest possible manner, and I feel the voters of the state have given me an in dorsement . of .which I am certainly very proud. You have got to play fair with the people, for while the double-cross method may win once it will not wear. "The campaign has been a very hard one for me, and I shall take occasion to rest up and recuperate before giving any attention to plans for the campaign that must be mad later." Mayor Jim Defeats Shallenberger in Douglas County by Five Thousand Votes. CADY IS WINKER OVER ALDRICH Goes Out of Douglas County Three Thousand Votes Ahead. MORE INCREASES ARE EXPECTED "Jack" Ryder Carries County for Sec retary of State. . . PARTY LINES ARE OBLITERATED Lobeck, Democrat, and Sutton, Bpnb llcan, for Congress Lesttalatlvo Ticket on the Republican Side la Mlaed. Full returns on the primary election in Douglas county show that Dahlman haa carried the county by 5,293 votes over Shal lenberger and that Cady has 2,643 over Aid-, rich. The lead of both of the candidates on the democratic and republican tickets wlU be slightly Increased over these figures by the returns yet to come in. As was to have been expected the party lines were thor oughly obliterated by tho open . primary and the total vote was larger than usual because of the Intense activity of the workers. , The results below the governor are prac tically vvhat have already been announced. Including Sutton a the republican nominee for congress and Lobeck . for , the demo cratic nominee. The legislative ticket 1 mixed on th republican aide, while on the democratlo the JDahlman-Hltchcock slat, has pulled through without the loss of a man. Governor In Donarla Coaatr. Dahl- Shatlen- Cudy. Aldrlch Ward. First Second .. Third w... Fourth .. Fifth .... Prx-th .... Seventh ' ; Klghth .. Ninth .... Tenth ..... Eleventh Twelfth . City.... County 1.S6 .. 155 .. 270 .. 14U .4 .204 ,. 162 .. 2. .. 145 .. 807 .. 305 . .. ill .. 250 ..2,662 392 South Omaha 651 Total. ..S,50C 13 38 S4 . i 63. . W . 73 24 51 16 77. 70 36 156 m ' 663 . man. 514 749 400 .. sa '4X1 as? 343 4K6 424 816 338 35S 5,099 734 , 1,367 7.190 berger 75 29 87 . 123 1&4 99 183 it 17 AO 1,297 2 1,897 First Ward. Dahl-Shallen- Cady. Aldrlch. man. berger. First 22 . . 8 Second 40 t . Third 66 . .7. Fourth 10 Fifth 8 . 1 Totals .'...136 13 econd Ward. First 15 Second 83 . Third 41 . Fourth 28 Fifth 43 6 11 S 1 . g Totals 15E 28 Third Ward. First 64 1 Second 167 1 Third 96 3 Fourth 42 6 Fltlh 12 Totals., First Second .... Third Fourth ......270 9 Fourth Ward. 24 1 19 . 19 Fifth 70 Totals .149 8 In 5 4 T 84 Fifth Hni-a. First .. Second Third . Fourth Flftn .. Totals.. . 43 . 69 . 44 . 6 . 43 .204 16 26 9 11 3 63 Sixth Ward. First .. Second Third . Fourth Fifth .. 50 49 24 21 48 Totals 192 8 17 9 2 12 48 SERIOUS CHARGE BY WOMAN Mrs. Welch of Kana City , Say Policeman Assaulted IIr and Threw Her from Car. KANSAS CITT, Aug. 17.-Mr. Hell Welch, 21 year old, was found unconscious lying beside the street In the eastern sub urbs of this city at 1 o'clock this morn ing. At the general hospital she said a motorcycle policeman had taken her for a motor ride, made her drunk, attacked her, and then thrown her from the car. Chief Griffin has ordered the whole motorcycle squad of twenty-two men to the hospital for possible Identification by . the girl. Total, 3C precincts. .12,4 2.110 4.002 Torpedo Boat Are Sunk. KIEL. Aug. 17. The torpedo boat S-76. In a collialon Ian night In Kiel bay. rammed the torpedo boat 8-32. Both boats ' aaak. fi Th crew war aavd Officers with Negro Escape from Thousand HINTON. W. Va., Aug. 16. Directly un- Governor Glasscock ordered th rnhltU to der the noses of a mob of 1,000 men bent upon having the life of a negro believed to be the man who assaulted and murdered Mrs. Lottie Ailess of Qulnnemont Sunday night, county officers tonight escaped from car with their prisoner and ar now either hiding In the woods or using the darkness to escape. Members of the mob are scouring the woods for the party. The negro was arrested this afternoon. Immediately the mob began to gather and th officers realised that they were unabl o cop with th situation. At 4 o'clock th town, but a sing! company was of no avail, and thre more companies, accom panied by the governor, are due here to morrow. Al 6 o'clock the officers attempted to plac th negro on a train to taka him aaay. Th mob resolutely refused to allow the train to mov and guarded the car until o'clock, whan th officers eacaped down the tracks and Into the woods. The saloons were closed tonight and all electric wires wr cut, throwing th town Into darkness First Second ... Third .... Fourth ... Totals. Seventh Ward. , 68 111 62 11 66 40 43 II) ....238 73 Klgblh Ward. First 42 11 Second 31 4 Th rd 31 3 fc'our.h 41 l( Totals.. ....146 24 Muik Ward. First 51 17 Second 49 17 Third 6i H Fourth 77 14 Fifth 73 16 Totals 307 71 Tenth Ward. First 49 - I tecond 33 4 UhlM 17 Fourtn M Fifth 63 3 4 19 Total 306 KUet euth War. First 61 ' 25 Second 88 ' 28 'inlrd 6 Fourth ' 18 Totals. 211 77 Twelfth Ward. First ... Second 't hird . Fourth Fifth . ... 67 ,...74 ... ao totals 20 18 13 U "to toonlrr Prerlaets. Henunn Chicago .loniarf Douglas lioi.dee l'.ttt (Uriah. K Ik horn Florence Jeff ei son ,., Mi Millard . 80 . 23 . 10 . 11 . 65 . 1 . 8 .10 . 15 . 12 . 11 .11 1 tl 13 I S 96 . 102 132 115 . 69 614 HI 167 165 17 1.9 63 43 78 in lid 70 39 73 65 86 323 47 109 144 1-9 W 91 111 '."0 63 , 2 81 357 10S 100 109 76 393 172 76 100 6 W 138 68 49 74 loo 4J4 61 67 61 1U 116 316 70 81 29 IM V S3 61 6o 88 63 16 97 14 & 64 41 14 36 69 36 6 10 'M 13 . 7 62 20 19 15 10 11 n 3 6 & 12 3 29 18 1 16 19 83 104 10 47 8 16 87 Si 29 11 64 126 84 81 63 U 164 27 17 Si W 99 36 39 29 33 46 in: 67 40 10 o U7 41 69 17 46 17 2W 120 II 1 Ix .'j JO I a ' -t