1. ii I H Want - Ads Want aila received at Bay time, bat to Insure proper elasalf Icatloa mast be presented before 121 o'clock as. Ti30 o'clock of arcrloaa areata for tooralag aad Baaday edltloae. Waat oda received after aacb keara will have their flref laaertloa aader the beadle "Too Late to Claaelfr." Hates apply to either Tbo Dally aadar Bee. Always evaat sis words to CASH RATKS FOR WAJIT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 t-Si ceata per word aad l ee.t per word for each laaertluu. Kara laaertloa odd day., 1 -a centa per word, per per.moatb. . . . be left Waat alia lor 'joe promptly and oat the aaiue rat" " " the wain office la Tke Bee balldlBB, Seventeeath aad Farnain atreetel All.ach, W. ;., toth and F-rmtui. Bcranek, . A., MM . Uth bt. Peyton Pharmack, TS 8. ibtnJ?Lw Hanson Pharmacy, Benson, Ne. , Hernia Park Pharmacy, 3;sd anil Cutnmg. ltUke-lliadish. 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlin, C. R.. th and PlffCf Bt"'... Clifton Hill Pharmacy, -13 Military Ave. Mlnterlong Drug Co.. 2lst Ave. and rar nam 6L ... Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 2223 8. 16th St. i ermak, Emll. 124-6 8. 13th 8t Ehler, F. H.. Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldl. OJ N. 25th St. Freytag, i. J., 1811 N. 24th BL Fregger Drug Co., N. 16t.li St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough, O. A.. 108 8. 10th St. Creenough, U. A., 10th and Hickory, llayden, William, 29J0 Farnam St. lanacom Park Pharmacy, li01 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8., tm Farnam St Kountz Place Pharmacy, 2304 N. 24th Marcs, Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. La thro n. Charles B.. 1314 N. 24 th St Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaves- worth 8ta. - Karatona Drug Co.. 24th and Atnea Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicago sta. Kchaefer, Aug., 2631 N. lth. Schmidt J. It.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND FUNERAL JSOTICES. WILLIAMS--Iacob, at his home, 717 Park Ave., nun day, August 14, at 10:30 a. m., agea tto years. Notice of funeral later. CONNORS Jessie, age 41 years, beloved wife of Thomas Connors, St Joseph hospital, Aug. 14. Funeral Tuesday morning at St John's church, o'clock. Interment, St Vary's ;emwiiry. FITZPATRICK Michael C. aged 62 years, 10 months. 21 days. AuKuat 14. Funeral from family residence, 2322 Har ney street, Wednesday, at 9:30 a, m., to fct Peter's church, 10 a. m. Interment Holy oepuicnre cemetery. LODGE! NOTICES, Fifth Ward Republican club will meet at lounfi nan at mtn ana Corby, Monday evening, August 15. The meeting will be caiiea to oruer at o clock sharp, Every one Invited. There will be no endorsement, w. B. Christie, president; Ben J. atone ecreiary. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.-" embalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. 1659. B-1169, $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all , ,, widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. COUTANT ft SQUIRh.8. COAL OFFICIO, tutuuvuu iv siv ooum iftn BU Edward Johnson, - Successor to BAERETT-JOHNSON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the beat of tailor, lng service to their many friends and pat rons at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit S10 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doubt. ttOA. UljlON LOAN COMPANY. 1LEB GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west 16th and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths PICNIC LUNCHES home cooking, cakes, plea and cold meats, iJ bl L1CATESSEN fA" "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million; Stenographers furnished "The Let teroloKlst." unices 606 Paxton Blk. and 927 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 6685-4341. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkics, U6 B. 16tn, upstairs. B. F. WURN. Optician. 443-6 Brandels bldg, PANAMAS Cleaned, bleached, blocked. .. KAHt.H, m South Mta bt THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per cent leas than Omaha prloea, 14 la and L Sta., South Omaha. MAGGARD Van Storage or Omaha ii mm, iiii a oiorage JQ. rack, move, store and ship H. H. gooda D. 149s. B-M2A. JOHN NITTLER HoDBfr?bnumer LUXUS r. THE BEER YOU LIKE. S224 South 24th St. Douglas 1S99, Red 3932; Independent A 142a WANTED A. sausre dasJ In .h ,n..K llcan primary ejection August 10th. Noth ing more, nothliiic lexs. t.'narlen w. I,'i.i.. candidate for state representative from viiia.ua, iougias county. " PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga iui vu., .iiu aiiu Ames, w. lis, ii-iuis. r hhamhju, massage. Ada Steele, 160 tiowara bt Id floor front R. weat flat m a- ni. 10 s p. m. HEALTH COMMISSIONERU COMMANDS Order your house end porch acreened from lift uaatiA w ir. uo V IttKlSiSH CO BANiTARY NECESSITY X) GVUBI HUk. (24 N. 16th Bt. Call Doug. ICE FOR SALE We ran furnish good, clean ice In car load lots, f. a. b. Omaha. Call Shacklaford at uiLney iur puce, uougias ..S. RoDertson's Reatauraqt J (baseman t); cool, light, ssnltary, quick service, popular piK-ea For ladlee and genuemen. xacie l uoit ainner Sunday, MIKE LEE. A vote for Michael Lee for countv oom mlssloner Is a vote for honest jurors. The "boss gambler" and all his "crooks" are opposed to Mike. They don't want honest juries, inai a wny juiae is not on the slate. G. W. SHIELDS, u-r 621 Brandels Theater Building. General law practice. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HK ATI Nil REPAIR WORK. 705 8. 16th Bt. U. H7I. BERT MEASE, licensed guide; elk. deer. naep maa near, write, atetsier. wyo. ELEVATORS REPAIRED: fralaht naa aenger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 & Uto. Doug. irl OOOD MF.RCHANTI' LUNCH. g, r"Ta A. JET;, U01 Douglas at Bl .ay of tk following ' , ?heT one la roar "corner to " Meo are all breach offlcee tut I" ...... . m Um inaerted Jaat ae ANNOUNCEMENTS WE wish to acauaint the oubllo with the following facta: There are Imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary glas, but having no relation whateoever o nm natural or Mexican white sapphire, which a sonearlnr In the market lo dis tinguish these from our Mexican white sap phires, we suggest hydrofluoric acid tst. This reacts on glass. but has no effect on Mexican white aapphlree. To ntroduce thla asm we are Belling lor s days st 13 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. DeLong Jemelry Co., 203 McCagua Bldg. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BKOUEUAARUS. It Insure good luck. lie 8, 16th St.. at the sign of tbs Crown. V.T) TIOTITTCRY schiiti No. $. run cigars. Cafe In connection U 8. 14th. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. HENRI HORNUNQ.plumblng. 1822 Farnam S. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. I76S. 1311 Farnam. STORE TOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost 8HU KERT'S. lth and Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wins. 7Ke a large bot tle. K LKIiV t l'jUOlt HOUSE. Ill S. ICtta Bt Douglas (674. ANCHOR FF.MCR CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than "Wood. Laat a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th 6t Phone, Red (11 ICE CREAM "ALWAYS THE BEST." HARDING'S Ire Cream. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Ca. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, anouncements, calling rarda Kotera & Leary Co., Kfa?3; SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per cent less than Omaha prices. 24th and L 8ts., South Omaha. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75c a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, 622 N. 16th bt. Douglas 6670. . U. A. RAAPKE. ARCHITECT, announces that after August first he will be In his new offices. 1223-24-: CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG., the most complete architect's offices lo the city. BARKER BROS. FAINT CO., 1609H FARNAM ST., BOTH FHONES. Sherwin-Williams paint $1.85 a gal. Yarn Ishes from 11.60 to 64.60 a gal., all brands of white lead, $7.60 per 100 lbs. Low prices In wan paper, glass, giasing ana Taming. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Auto Tops for tha nrlce. All kinds auto work. Re- Dairlne in wood work. Iron work. Best painting in the city. Send In your cars, 18th and Harney Sts. LIMOUSINE body for automobile, very fine, half price, fit most any make of car. Fred Feldhauser, independent oarage. ttAVfflATNS Slightly used cars. KIs 13iVltUi.lil O Bel Aut0 Co- 2129 Farnam Auto Repairing .S'M Tires, 2d-hand cars, storage, lhe futon Mitchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 72S1; A-J0U. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL wukk uuAKANTtiuu, BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. WRITE for list of automobile bargalna H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. Bargains in Used Cars g4 Bluffs Auto Co., lit PearL I REPAIR smashed auto, mud shields. leaky radiators. Herman Kunae, 711 S. ltfth, HORSE FEED mxTndVe:burn; Chase Motor Delivery Waaon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 207 8. 10th. Tel. D. S724. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25c to $3.60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-211 S. 16th. Bargains in Used Cars . fl Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. - Big Bargain We have a big 6-passenger Wayne touring car fully equipped, only used a few months, fine running order, cost 22.600. For sale for 11,000. See this quick and get a snap. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. . 2052 Farnam. Doug. E086. BUSINESS CHANCES THE SALE OF OUR PRODUCT. FOR which there is general demand among mer chants, farmers, schools, etc.. now greatly Increased by state laws recently passed and other conditions, necessitates opening a dls trlcutlng office in unoccupied territory. We desire resident sales manager, well ac aualnted. af good character, who can super intend sales, deliveries, aavertising, collec tions, etc. witn 6300 to jwv vo carry enough stock to fill . orders. Salary 1100 ' to S125 monthly; extra commissions; office and other authorised expenses; no canvassing position permanent Address F. u. Jalin Mgr.. Suite 614 First National Bank Bldg Omaha, Neb. TO GET In or out. of business call oa GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1347. LET me Incorporate your business: good ones easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not you rroors, wnat naa been aone, promoter. 610 Fax ton block. BLACKSMITH and carriage shoD cheat). ju. omun, utt im. zt.n. . NEW MILLINERY STOCK at less than cost If taken at once. Must sell, as party Is leaving state. Will trade for suitable property. Hegarty Sisters, Neola, la, FOR SALE Cafe and lunch room: beat location and largest patronage . in Iowa town of 16.000; business will stand Investi gating. Write at once. . Address Y 226, care Bee. 19.000 nearly all new stock dry goods: a bargain. Address x-iwi, tsee. AN ACTIVE, energetic man wants new business connection. Can Invest some cap Hal. K-822 Bee. FOR SALE Up-to-date hardware and lm plement business in new town on Irrigated valley. Only hardware stock here. Wlil take automobile In trade. Addreas Y-163, care Bee. PARTNER WANTED in real estate business, with from K. 600 00 to 15.000.00 to Invest; HO.OUO.M. to 315.000.W profits in immediate sight; party somewhat acouainieo. wiin real estate dubiubss pre ferred; salary and proms assured. Ad dress W 7M, Bee. P4QA "Tt V CO., Real Estate Loans and WVS3A-LA Insurance. 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas Sis.. Phone Douglas UAH. THERE are 189 lawyers In congress. There are 126 bankers in congress. We need business men In congress. Vote for W. F. bloecker. GOOD chance with a little money to take care of apartments and run a cafe. 6ul 8. 22d. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. U0 Farnam Bt Douglas till. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS TUB SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANT. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory, aV toL efftoe pboae W. IU3& THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO.. Carpenter, peperhanglng, brick work, etc, low prices: satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 3637; Harney 3010. CVW KNT Blocks. Omaha Concrete Stone VijillLiX Co XslB 4k Sealer. W. Ise. OLD ROOFS "P'"i; s'1 . vuu gravel. Schroeder-Hum- Phrey Roofing Co, 63? Paxton Blk. Tel. Di 904 DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. nc bonded. &- Paxton Blk. Ind. A-131!. CAPT. T. CO KM AC K, 61T KARUACH BLK. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK, td floor. Paxton. U. lti TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS TERRT Dressmaking School, 20th A Farnam FASHIONABLE dressmaking at 2X4 Douglas St. Phone Red t94. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN KATHKRINK OIRI.1N MANICURING AND HAIR DRESSING 827-6-9 City Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 1061. THE women who wish to reduce the hlah cost of living should support W. F. Stoeckrr ror congress, urge your huaoana, Drotner or sweetheart to cast a vote for him at the primaries August 16. ARSENIC and' IRON complexion wafers mske clear, white skin. By man 60a and 1100. Eberman ss McConnell Drug Co., Omsna. MISS EMIG. lessons In china and water colors. 236 Brandels Theater Bldg. Try Maglo Roach Powder, Douglas 1370. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser, E. Burham methods; resident work. Tel A- 2729; Douglas 3003. RAMTTARV HAIRDRESSINO parlors. Harlnello creama used ind sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 467 L VACUUM cleaners, 115 to 126. U17 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Business Course, Including Shorthand and Typewriting Banking. Comnleta Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete TeleirraDhv . course. and ill cngnsn orancnes. 1 he Year Book Is ready. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES, President Boyles Building. Omaha, Nebraska, ST. ANDREW'S bCHOOL FOR BOY8 41ST AND CHAHLRB. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 1S48 Charles. Har. tsa. Mosher-Lampman gELSE- Unexcelled coursm m mulnAi Khnrt. band. PeninanshiD and Rnvllsh. None hut experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most interesting catareg published In Omaha. Send for one today. U5H1K LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam streets. -)xnaha. Neb FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson. 161t Farnam, Doug. 1261 FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel final nhnln IT... naces, womoinauon Warm Air and Hot vvaier nesting. Water Fronts. UMAJ1A STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 12QH-S Douglas Pi Both Pannes HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of flee. WANTED Lady stenorranher. nrefer one With Some lumber imriMirn. thnmrh that is noi essential, call tol, Brandels Bldg. WANTED Two stenographers for lm mediate nlalnv niiv., mnA p.minAn salary. $12 and 115. The. Oliver Typewriter u., iio a. join bl IF YOU ARE IIOtfTNfl vnn a tjtisi. TION, DON'T FAIL TO SEE US AT FIVE STENOGRAPHERS. TWO RnrvK-. KEEPERS, THREE OFFICE CLERKS. AA1-AAX JJLiXA.. CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 674-576 BRANDEIS BLDG. STENOGRAPHER Good chance for ad vanoement and short hours. Salary $65. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 673-676 Brandels Bldg. WE HAVE A LARG7 LIST OF VACAN CIE8 AT THE PRESENT TIME. CALL AT4JJ LOUK THEM UP. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-676 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced home maid. Mrs. Barton Millard, 123 N. 3th St., phone tiarney do. Hoaaekeeaere aad Daaisatles. LADIES WANTED Take work home SDDly transfers: $1 to M doa: work guaran teed. Trleber's lit Brandels Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl for general housework. that can also cook, no washing; salary no object tzt Harney. WANTED Washwoman, at once. 'Phone Harney s&b. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1115 N. 23d, South Omaha. Tel Bo. 44. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; small lamuy. Apply mo N Thirty-eighth street DINING room girl, S20 per month, board and room. Wickwire Hotel, Hooper, Neb, WANTED Good competent girl to d second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 113 m Pierce. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phone uarney M. xa North nth St GIRL for general housework, I in family $6 without washing; $6 with. Reference re quired. Apply ax Dooge Bt. lei. it. ms. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. tt2 N. 41st Ave. Tel. Har. 3233. WANTED Chambermaid; no objection to color, zius Douglas. GIRL for general housework, 3830 Har ney, rhone Harney 662. GIRL for general housework. 3027 Chi cago bt WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. t: Wilcox, UZ1 ast Fierce est. council niuirs, la. WANTED Experienced nurse maid. Tel Harney tfeO or call 3504 Harney st WANTED An experienced white woman to wash and iron. Phone Harney sow. WANTED A girl for general housework; II I I . . 1 J a . ,Tk aiua.li ftatiu.j. ! ov. Attn Java. WANTED Middle-aged lady, family of two, not at home only mornings and even. Inga ana Bunaaye. tzi Saratoga. WANTED Girl for aeneral housework: In family. Mra. Thomaa W. Hasan, 3724 bpauiding. rnone vy. xam. GIRL for general housework. 3223 Dodge. OIRL for general housework. Call 1626 Wirt bt. WANTED Respectable woman as house keeper lor tamer ana son, 1416 N. 3Uth bL uuiana. w. n. uuncan. GIRL for general housework. Good wages. WANTED Competent girl for general house worn; small lamuy. Mra w B. Wll lama. I23U Hamilton bt. rnone Web, jsq. GIRL wanted for general housework Danish or Gsrinaa preferred, guilt Daveo port OOOD second girl. Apply Mrs. John L. Weeeter, ill bo. Attn Ave HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Hy gentleman and daughter. lady as housekeeper, mlildle-aged ieferred: must be of good character; no subject of ope or pi lee t need answer, O. is. Hilton,, eneral delivery, city. WANTED Housekeeper to help In store; ii alone. 721 Military Ave., Benson. COMPETENT Isundress; two days a week. Mrs. H. W. Christie. 1024 Psrk Ave. A COMPETENT cook and a second girl wanted. 610 8. 22d St. Douglas 4430. GIRL for general housework;' two In family. 1910 Cass St WANTED A good cook and second girl. 216 N. S-'d Ave. Tel. Harney 63. WANTED A rood girl for general house work at once. 2011 Charles St. WANTED A good girl to assist with gen eral housework; Kod wages; small family. Tel. Web. 6636. 2006 Spencer. A GIRL to assist with general housework nd care for children. 216 N. 32d Ave. COOK and second girl. 624 8. 20th St. GOOD girl for general housework. 2 In family, good wanes. 4913 Webster St Tel. H. 2941. GIRL for' general housework. 4C7 N. 25th St. YOUNG girl for llcht housework: rood position. D. II. Harding, 924 N. 36th. GIRL for general housework at 2715 Pon- pleton Ave. Tel. Harney 1504. GIRL for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 8. 35th Ave. GOOD girl wanted st once: 4 In famllv; no children; good opportunities. 320 N. 20th. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wsges; do washing. 616 S. 2Sth St Tel. Harney libit. GIRL to assist with housework In small family; no wsshlnp: essy place. 3903 Cass St. Tel. Harney 1734. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago, GIRL for aeneral housework. Mrs. R 8 Caldwell, 3611 Harney St. Tel. Harney 2390. WANTED flood girl for general house work. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. A GIRL for aeneral housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte, 4801 Davenport. A COOK wanted. A. L. Reed. Tel. Ben- son 178. WANTED Girl for a-eneral housework. 3612 Farnam St WANTED Good airl for general house- wora. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. WANTED Lady to do washing in home. 413 B. 2Uth St. RESPONSIBLE trlrl for Keneral house work; no laundry: small family: good wages, zaj-i Howard St WANTED Combetent srirl for general housework; no washing. Phone Harney iiws Mrs. w. J. Coad, 202 S. 37th St. A GIRL for aeneral housework at 1115 8. 33d St. Phone Harney 33SI8. Miscellaneous. TOUNO WOMEN comlns to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young v omen s christian association building at bt Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look tor our travelers aid at Union station. WOMEN who work should lend their sup port to try amd gain votes for VV. V. Stoecker for congress. Help reduce the nign cost or living. Primaries August 16. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen aud Solicitors, WANTED Reliable, hustling agents to sell well Improved corn farms Just across the Iowa line In southeastern Minnesota. Can sell today for from 355 to 386 per acre. isotning Better lnaiunois or lows, in tnrce years these sahrtr farms will sell for from 3125 to 3150 per acre. Do you want one? Small down payment. Also snaps in North and South DakWa lands in large or small lots. Agents - wanted at once. Joseph Keenan, Austin, Minn. WANTED An experienced, hlah grade. Oil Salesman for iowa territory. State age, experience, etc. Address Y 214, care oee. WANTED Three young men who have had experience In boots and shoes to work In stocK In wholesale rubber boot and shoe and clothing store. State age, whethw mar ried or single, and give references. Address D-183, Bee. ; WANTED A' good busthna subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth century Farmer. Call or write man. ger of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. SALESMEN wanted, two good live men to work in and out of city; salary, expenses and commission, when ability is demon strated. Call room 614 First National Bank Bldg.' Clerical and Office. . EXPERIENCED business man wants work in the United States congress; com petent and trustworthy. Will guarantee a square deal to all if elected. Primaries Au gust 16. W, F. Stoecker. YOUNG men for government service; best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hoff before noon. ' 201 Old Omaha National bank Bldg. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR A POSI TION, DON'T FAIL TO SEE US AT ONCE. TWO BOOKKEEPERS, THREE AS SISTANT BOOKKEEPERS. THREE STENOGRAPHERS. FIVE OFFICE CLERKS. TWO LEDGER CLERKS, SHIPPING CLERK, TWO GROCERY CLERKS. CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 674-576 BRANDEIS BLDG-. Assistant office clerk, too. Assistant bookkeeper, 265. Stenographer,. $76. Office clerk, typist, young man, 346. Ledger clerk, liiS. -City salesman, $76 and expenses. Call or write for complete list of vacan cies. WESTERN REP. 4k BOND ASS'N, INC. 752-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 ys.). factory aad Trades. Ok Drag stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED Brickyard men. 13th and Fred, erlck. Monday morning. F. P. Gould & Son. GORDON press feeder wanted at Ilaber'a, Bee Bldg. WANTED Working men who wish their condition to vote for W. r . stoecker. dem ocratlc candidate for congress. Primaries August 16. WANTED 50 union carpenters, Mollne 111., at 45o per hour: four months' work, Leonard Construction Co., care Deere A Co, Ilscellaaeoas. MY ambition will be to serve this con stltuency so none will ever regret voting in- me. w. j.. ..UHi'fctr. WANTED Manager, by Rev. James Alexander Dowie, the famous Chlcago-Zlon healer, and Rev. Francis Sahlatler, the Denver healer of world renown. Call 231 4th St, Council Bluffs. W. F. STOECKER, vote for him at tha primaries. If elected I am free and unfet tered by any Influence except to benefit the masses. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnlahed by free work; careful In structions by experts; few weeks completes; tools given; board secured; experience In shops before completing; catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A young man to travel with the aales manager or a large manufactur ing concern. Salary to begin, 340 per month and expenses. Kara opportunity to learn manufacturers' distributing business. Must have $J0t cash security. Address "A," Omaha Bes, Council Bluffs. VOTES for W. F. Stoecker mean a square deal for the working men. Remem ber Stoecker for congress. Primaries Au gust 10. HELP WANTED MALE M lacrlla aeons 500 men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Con ductors. ISO to 1100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. A dress Y-612 csre of Bee. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on the new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. 8. D. Wagea 12 25 piT day for the first two weeks' employ ment and vi.w per nay arter the r!-st two weeks. Steady work until February. Re port Immediately on Job to Collins Bros., Oeneral Contractors. A A AjVJ" mo., learn automobile business; practlral Instruction. Nat l Auto Training A nn. Kitt Brandels Theater HI'lg . LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloraea and Vehicles. Deep cut in all fly nets, special prices on horse collars and on sweat pads. Hay den's Harness Department Rebuilt Bue and Wsgons, cheap. A. Murphy A Son. 14th end Jackson. WAGONS. ?uk". o- Will sell you . , ' better grade of work and for less money than anyone elae In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam St Attention, Harnessmakcrs! Dapple gray display horse for sale; price 150; nearly new. 1117 Farnam St. FOR SALE Good leather top buggy. Call Hall fe Morris, 2808 Farnam St. Tel. Har ney, 431. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price; go see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. 801 N. 16th. CHEAPEST FEED in town st SIDMAN'a, The Cut Price Feed Man. 619 8. 13th St FINE milch cow for sale. son 309. Phone Ben- LOST AND FOUND Thd Teddy Bear E2 LOS1-A gold nugget pin, between Cass and Davenport on 50th St. Reward return to 6001 cass. FOUND An honest business man who guarantees a square deal If elected to con gress. Vote for W. F. Stoecker. Primaries August 16. LOST Trie cause of Cannonlsm and gang rule if W. F. Stoecker is elected to con gress. FOUND A man who If elected will stick by his party and the common people. Vote for W. F. Stoecker, democratic candidate for congress. Primaries August 16. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding fiufo; ooc postpaid; samples free, over man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve r ooa pins, i a box. postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by couege proiessors. rhone Douglas 1167, Calls aitswered. day and ulght Dr. McGrew Haa given his entire professional Ufa to tha treatment of all forT.s of chronlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 35 years he has been known and trusted by all. 3D years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, can or write, anyway, ur. Alcurew Co., 216 8. 14th St., Omaha. Nab. MONEY TO LOAN ALAllV AND C1IATTKL3. it33323$msmiHums2ittmttmsstitttsttiixtt NO MOKU iiiCU KAliid. 13 CHEAP MONUY FOR YOUR 34 (3 SUMMER VACATION. st f NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 33 13 Thla is a new Ilrra organised by tha 31 33 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 3$ OMAHA TO LOAN U 110 to 1500 It 13 to any honest person owning HOU8B- H riULiU uuuua, runua, eic, or nolo- i t ing a Baianeu yoDiuuu at ine rale OX xs M iu fDitx L.Urr i ruin I juak JUST THINK YOU PAY II 31.00 Interest on 1 10 for one year. 13 31 2.60 interest on $26 for one year 35.00 Interest on IjO for one year. 34 M ALXi OTHER SUMb IN PROPORTION $1 II EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 31 It Reasonable Appraisement Charges. It II INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., u nouiu 4v vv unneii oiooa. II N. E. Cor. loth & Harney Sts., 3d Floor is rnono jjougias svto. if mtmS$BHKISSS3 iM3fWWW3l $UI$$K$$3l33$IIIM$mil3llllmn3l II CHEAP LOANS 31 on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. You borrow 3 II $10.00 you pay back $11.00 It $ 326.00 you pay back 177.00 $ $1 ItiO.OO you pay back $54.00 II 1$ No other charge. $ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $1 Room 601. Brown Blk., 207 8. 16th St., $ 33 Cor. Doug. srt. uougias zu.; a-zwb. sf i$$$i3i$3S3$3$3m$m3$$Ki3mrmm3t$$3i3$3i$$$i CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7, Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. vyyuoim ruiiuiuto. Both Phones Doug. 1356: A-1356. Cash Quick on Easy Terms, tv a loan money on household goods. pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, email and easy pay ments, $1.20 to the weekly payment on a tuion loan for 60 weeka. other amounts In the same proportion. Call on ua and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at hmw - plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12. Arlington Block. 1511H Dodge 8t I'noiie yuuiiii IF hard luck Is coming your way vote tr.f w ii' Smecker lor conKi; Willlinp vou in the future. Legislation for the n,.,r.ev nower will take place In the nex congress. Have a friend there to pull for the poor man. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLS, WOMEN KEEPINO HOUSE AND OTH end ithmit aaourltv: easy Daymants. Offices In M principal cities. Toloiaa. rooa 113 New York UI4 mag. MONEY TO LOAN. Come in and let ua explain our low rates to you. Reliable credit Co. lot Paxton Blk. Phcne Doug 1411; A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT SJo W. C FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red Mil NEED ANY MONEY. GO TO OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Ill Board of Trade. Phona Doug. 22nC. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. eleana carpeta on your floor. Eleotrle tacuura ayatenv . bus a. I7in. TeL v. Uea, EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Da tuport Bts.. warehouse. 3307-W liaro Bt WHEN answering advertisements found in the Want Ad columns, please mention The Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard and Haoaia. CHOICK rooms with board. "The Tea. plara." Isi Capitol Ave. SOUTH froat parlor; alao one other room. for I gentlemen or married couple, wlta board. 2bl Dodge, ELEGANT rooms and board. tM Call- torn! a bt Tel. Doug. HSL CLEAN furnlahed rooina and board, wits Carman (Ctrtatlan) family. 1IU Capitol Ave, STUDENT, lady or arentlamaa. to wail table for board aad room. 114 N. llth St MODERN rooms, with board. 431 g. 34tfe St Douglas 43a. BOARD and room. M M par week. 2430 Da- eatur St TL B-6IU. TABLE toard and roams for two. 1714 Chicago. ROOM and board In private family: bom. cooking. 41 N. 23d LARGE) room with board; suitable for two; nvete. 114 S. Utb. BOARD anu rooms. 3J07 St Mary'a Ave. WHEN writing iy you saw their to I 'ad.' idvertlsera klndlj in The Bed. ROOM8 and board. 613 N. 20th St. Doug las 526S. ROOM AND BOARD. Douglaa 80. 311 N. 25th. TWO furnished rooms with board. 1801 Blnney St., telephone Webster 394. A BEAUTIFUL room. furnished. 2787 Capitol Ave. Faraieaed Hooai. LARGE, airy, sunny rooms. esDeclallv esirable for quiet people. Doug. 3tl. 24 Harney. COOL outside rooms, 12 to 47 per week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. NICELY furnished modern house: D.-lvate family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport FURNISHED rooms. 2623 Canltol Ave. Tel. Harney 6667. WALKING distance; elegantly furnished. cool front parlor; modern; reasonable. 2606 Capitol Ave. FRONT room; modern home: 6 minutes' walk from new City National bank. 603 8. 22d St FURNISHED rooms: block to car: a-en- tlemen. 2712 Meredith Ave. COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. 18th. NICELY furnished modern rooms: reason. able. 2328 Farnam, Flat 2. NICELY furnished modern rooms. ISM Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms: modern flat: large and cool. 1S21 Cass. FOUR partly furnished rooms 1st floor: $20. 2433 Parker St FURNISHED rooms for lla-ht house keen. lng; modern. 2315 Douglaa. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern moms. 626 fi 17th Ave. NICELY furnished room: in private fam ily; walking distarce. 2013 California St SINGLE or double rooms, nicely fur- nlshed; modern. liWB Capitol Ave. FURNISHED basement room for centle- man. uio Capitol PLEASANT front room: very cool and comfortable; private family; every mod ern convenience; walking distance; suit able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 823 S. 34th St. MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. STRICTLY modern single room for gen tleman, zia a. atn bt Douglas ebzu. IF you are looking for a bright, nicely furnished room, close in, you need look no further; $13 a month. TeL H. 66 or address 633 8. 27th St 1724 DAVENPORT; newly furnished, all modern outslae rooms; large lawn; no sign. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 8. 14tb St NICE, modern front rooms. 32 and uo. 613 xn. lain bt VERY modern, pleasant room. Call even ings. 2210 Chicago St 601 N. 17th; east front room; also single room; modern. eVICE front room with alcove, suitable for Wo or three gentlemen. Also single room, our ho. zvtn bt SMALL room, modern, private family. cneap. viz is. m TWO nicely furnished rooms: atriotly modern; lor housekeeping. 833 a. 21st St 2202 DOUGLA8: two nicely furnished rooms; one parlor, witn piano. X J IVUlUa .Til IflC VUIi M laundry and gas. 614 8. 32d St miir - range. - FRONT alcove room for three young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, if desired. (Modern bouse, walking dis tance. 64 8. Z6tn Ave. ilea wu. NICE furnished front room wlta bath. 3123 California 8t TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms on Farnam oar line, wulklnff dis tance; private family; suitable for two young men: can be aeon (Sunday afternoon and Monday. 220 Farnam, 2nd floor. Phone Harney 2273. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room. suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home in one of Omaha a best neighbor hoods. 3923 N. 17th st pnone Webster 6m. WANT two or three gentlemen for stead v roomers; good location and handy to oar; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N. Uftb Ave. SINGLE or double furnished rooms. 614 8. 16th, 3d floor. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 3013 No. 18th. Web. 1410. ROOMS, furnlahed or unfurnished. 1810 Capitol Ave. . NICELY furnished, large, front room. suitable for two. 201 So. 26th Ave. FRONT room, use of parlor, room for piano, also large room for three or four gentlemen with or without board. 80S Eo. 23d. Red 7678. BEAUTIFUL large, cool front rooms with big closets; walking distance, sozd Dodge, NICE front room; modern. 2403 Harney. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen. 2571 Dodge. FRONT parlor, also one furnished room. zvci voage. FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglas 6686. 2038 Far nam Ht WELL furnlahed rooms; modern, 617 8. lstn vtreet NICELY furnished, modern front room private family; suitable for two. 1814 Chi cago. FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board If desired. NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen only. 623 8. 19th St; 3d floor Flat 11. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family. Modern, bum b. win. NICE, cool, furnished sleeping rooms, modern. 1811 Cass. NICE cool room: modern; private family walking distance. 3t Dodge. Harney 2366. MODERN, large rooms, suitable for one or more people, uiis tass. LA ROE, cool room, modern; private faro. Ily; cheap. 712 N. ltrtn. FURNISHED room, modem; walking dls tance. 613 N. 30th. Tyler ua. COOL, furnished rooms, modern. Ill N 23d. FURNISHED room, with breakfast, hard wood poliahed floor; new home; modern, cneap. zm uapiioi a SINGLE room $2; Douglas. double room $3. 3310 ROOM, with alcove, modern. CM 8. Vd OFFERED FOR RENT FRONT rftoni for Bleeping for two. 711 South ISth NirF.I.Y furnished room in PrlvstS family; modem home. 23(8 Carltol Ave. LARGE furnished rtSotns: en lulte or single. 117 No. 20th. NEAT, modern room, close In, reasonable. private family. VS) N. 2th. 4 ROOMS furnished and four unfurnished, resKonnhle price; all modern, inquire Clark St. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, modern. ISIS Capitol Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. lSll Dodge. NICELY furnished single rooms. $S; gen tlemen; In private family. 3407 Davenport. NICELY furnished modern room. 714 8. 17th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 2419 California St. FOUR nlrelv furnished modern rooms. private floor, gas rsnRe, water In kitchen, gas furnished for lights.. 2312 Webster. Call Sunday morning. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two. 8rS N. 22d. 7??0 Emmet, largo room, modern. Webster 4170. NICE furnished rooms with board for two gentlemen. Address 8931 N. 34th St. NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable prices. 2H04 Harney. 1 ., NICE. cool, south room. 631 8. Kth. WANTED Two or three furnished house. keening, north of Dodge, west of 18th; pre fer private family. Kosker, 1901 Iiard St. SOUTHEAST ROOMS, newly furnished. Phone Red 3SH6. ' NICELY furnished large front room. suitable for two. 201 8. 25th. Ave. ' NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; close In; private family. 820 N. 17th. " NICELY furnished airy room; also Inside room; reasonable. 1102 S. llth 8t upstairs. nlshed; In private family; references ex changed. 2047 Dodge St. 725 8. ISTH ST.. modern furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 8. 25th St Very convenient to business. NICELY furnlhed rooms, gentlemen only. &zz s. lRtn bt., third floor, flat 11. CLOSE IN. elegantly furnished, cool front parlor, modem, nloe porch, reasonable. 2601 Capitol Ave. COOL eust front parlor, modern: private home; clean bed; to oulet gentleman: 22.60 a week. 822 8. 20th- Phone Red 6227. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 1456 8. llth bt FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit 603 8. 27th St TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. BNSUITU OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, lit the Weet Farnam home: every convenience: must be seen to be appreciated. O 466, Bee. - r O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611. A-281L STRICTY modern, first class room within easy walking distance. Phone Red 2977. 2502 Bt Mary's Ave. REMEMBER W. F. Stoecker. of the peo ple and for the people. Democ ratio can didate for congress. Primaries August 16. FURNISHED bungalow, Seymour lake. 15 week. Balaton Lumber Co. ."hone Ind. B 102. ONE) nicely furnished front room, reason able. Phone A-102& 72S 8. eighteenth St TWO connected rooms: gentlemen: suite J or alngle; aouth front 1914 Chicago. NICE. dean, airy room for rent: price reasonable. HI N. 10th. '-ri . " Hotels aad Aaartaaeata. THE BACHELORS 30TH AND FARNAM. EUHOPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEI 1310 Djugles. All outside rooms. BeauUf ul Rooms, fine board. 133 S. 33 Ui An NICELY FURNISHED nOOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. UO 8. 13th St THE ALTA VISTA. European, 1408 How ard tit VINCENT DINING ROOM 330 8. Uth St. ,J DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodg. All out- side cool rooms; special rates by tha week. THE PRATT-Coot rooms wlta board. 313 South 26th Bt Heaseltee anas Bmk ' frr i aw rrvT 1 Alb uun, -, avOTapina rooms; gas furnished, laundry prtvlleaTa! walking Distance; rem reasonaoia. ZBU crl. BAUI AVa, ROOM and board In private family; riod- rn and reasonable. Address sua iu st Phone Harney 40C CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. 1311 Capitol av. THOSE! wishing home comfort, home eook lng with pleasant rooms and bath will find them at 818 , th st Kates very reason able. GOOD room and board. $4.60. at 817 N. Uth st 1918 Cass. 'Phone Douglaa 1471. ROOM and board for two gentlemen: all modem and new house; home cooking; private ramuy. 321 N. zam at. THE Manuel and Howard, fist and How ard; I and 4 room apartments; $23 to $36; new, furnlahed. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 604 N. 20th. NICELY furnished light housekeeping room; private entrance, 316 N. 33d. TWO housekeeping rooms. double par lors, $20 per month. 246V Harney. NICEST housekeeping - rooms, with m, 113 8. 24th. TWO front rooms, 911 South 20th. TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 2019 St Mary's Ave. , NEWLY furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping snd sleeping rooms; Uf management 616 South 23d. THREE strictly modem furnished rooms for light housekeeping during August and September. Use of phone. No children allowed. 215 8. 26th 8t Douglaa tm. NICELY furnished modern rooms for light houaekeeplng; close in.' 211 N. 19th. SUITE of 4 nice modern furnished house keeping rooms, bath. 346 S. list. H. 4550.' FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 1914 California, FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 618 8. 30th. j COOL, mod en, convenient rooms. 811 Ik 30th 8t THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; $13 . 1414 Webster street NEWLY furnished light housekeeping pr sleeping rooma 1643V N. 16th, upstairs. TWO modem housekeeping rooms; east ' front 2504 Davenport TWO modern housekeeping rooms. ROOMS for llgnt houaekeeplng; mode 2018 Howard. THREE, rooma for I'ght housekeeping; modern. 2218 Leavenworth. . SINGLE room for lady employed; very light housekeeping if desired. v4 8. 27 ih tot ) t' I f ;