f1 i At CRAINAND PRODUCE H&RKEI ""- - 4snaxsssssn f Weak Cables Make Quick Selling on Local Market. CASH CORN WEAK WITH WHEAT rarelgtn Mews Is Less Bnlllsh and Cn- 'Mrm Co" Lower, Affecting L yfj rnl Value w Wheat Re- I.o- e eelpts Fairly- Liberal. ' , , OMAHA. An. 15, 1810. .h. . oc1 "P" whRt market sold off Sharply on ftlr mvi.. . ...i .h.. - "tend. The accumulation of new wheat , 1,2" .1" yP'"1 owing to the poor shipping riejemand The market ruled low and un " 1 .."l4 fron Ul arly bids. -".: k WM weaker with wheat .u;' being He lower. Good recelpta was "aure "d gav traden a chance to lower prices. " ;.?reln WM bullish and v.J, -m lowr. affecting local value. iLvw , t,recelPu continue fairly liberal, ir.7..V!? Uc of IPPn demand I .causing A heavy, market. ' TJJ.5l.w",?rn corn belt received good rain - c"h ho"e took all offering 1"r Values. The market waa well up irVJ Ph 'houses took all offerings ' line r ,'lo", checking the de Frlm.rv ak... , . . ... ' .., 7 "nu. nPments were 681,000 bushels. ' receipts last year of 1.44i.0U0 bushel and shipments of 846,000 bushels. !!2 "Ty corn receipts were 478,000 bushels ' "'POienu were 640.000 bushels, against 4 IhiZ " , year ot 6.080 bushels and Shipments of 4ua,O0O bushels. Clearances were nnm " wheat and flour eu.ua! to 88.0UO -mFJ?01 closed 1H1S1 lower on wheat and Td lower on corn. ' Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard, turkey, 99NMW.01. ' 2.?."1'!J No- nad. semi-dark and yellow, eassc, nominal; No. S hard, turkey. 7g , m7?' nominal; No, I hard, semi-dark and yellow sftOTe, ' nominal; No. 4 hard, 94WP No- a spring, 8tx&11.01; No. I spring, r- 8wQ 8ic. . , . A -CORN No. t white,' 0Vy6Oc. nominal; wo. white, 4!S00He; No. 4 white. ta&fiOc; No. yellow, 64c; No. 3 yellow, B9W ' JoVVJvJ' yo'low, KiHc, nominal; No. 1, fi146!HCi. No. 3, 694wiH4c; No. 4, 68V5c; no grade. 4854c, nominal. OATS No. I, white, 84Hff34'V;e. nominal; standard, 84Mo; No. 8 white, Wo-Mc; vwn,u 2H3Ho; No. yellow, S3 '. yeiiow. aii4fr5z"e. cBARLET-No. 1 feed, 6356c, nominal; rejected. 4S&Uc: nr.rrtlrt.1 rn. JlIBNo. I, 76fl78ci No. i. 7S076c. Carlo! Reeelpt. . . . ,- Wheat. Corn. Oats. 1- 0-.i.":::::::::::::::: !.! 804 CHICAGO GRAIN Aft D PROVISIONS (V aasaessawsa - . ''""- of-th Trading and Closlas I.liees on Board ot Trade. .9HICA?0, Au""- ! Oraln prices declined today, wheat leading In the descent with a Liffi cle of from H to lc. Corn tiffined at fntervals, Vut yielded to the pressure of wheat weakness and dragKed at the dose with September 7,o off. Oats de ' " HxJ!? r11"0' r""1'" powers and fmished ' from to Joe ProvUlon" declined Foreign market weakness Induced by V reavy world's shipment was a factor working against the bulls In the wheat pit Iroin the opening of the market. The cash "7 atrength to the trading In ,. futui-es, and !o. i red and No. 2 liaid sold down to the September delivery figures. ' fK lmry. "ce'Pt. despite slack return from - lh ou7n' were- 1,14.(KW bunhels com , pared with 1.447.0UO bushels a year ago and the Increase In tha visible supply was four year jpiwreeponding day last i til! &Ely2!r PMon moved between rvS W.Ol. Close waa to 1H WIS off at H.Wtfl.OJiV, to $1.02v while De cember showed the. ania decline at 1.069 . to . l.H. v r?!?' 'roP conditions In the corn belt being unfavorable helped the bulls to 1tA,?Ux ?J'C" ,or 'm from the opeiilng dcllnE- Jut ca-h mirket ruled about y lower. No. I yellow sold at 6c. The aoffM k round Wld Ptember , v"lulci inu in tne oiner grains and for the distant deliveries did not vary to exceed c. September was mora active and sold, between 3e, Satur day a closing figure, and K(&;tu. The elo w steady at nearly tne low point with September Uc off at 6H. ' Provision generally were trom S to 22o off. Closing prices for the September prod v?i w,r2 Prk- W KV to 21.(W, ta aoo, XihtO Off; lard. IU.H5, .120 off; and ribs, $li.o, 1ft lower. . o Viia leading future ranged tt follows: Artlclea. Open. High. ) Vow. cios. Ya. 1 . . I. I ioevt- 1 02 i 01 i miot4. 1 0tVi1(U-io,1(V..(Z; iln7" i w 1 vl 1 ..HllH- 64V4 KIT 63SI 83H 644 3 8WH lUMllMUfNk. S8H " 2S. 86 21 80 21 00 18 75 11 87Vi 11 82V 11 62Vs 10 70 12 00 11 35 . 75 41-1 411 41Vt 21 77Vi 31 GO. 20 75 18 60 11 80 U 70 11 21 60 20 80 zv w 18 6S 18 &2H 11 85 U 76 11 40 10 65 11 80 10 G7j 11 82HI 11 27 W 82Vlil 7Vi, Wheat Sept. . A'eo. May Oorn I Sept. leo. . eibolis -May i . "ay A fork- .. , .BepU n 7714 Oct. , 20 85 Jan. 18 to 6epU I 11 K 11 85 . ., Oct. ( U 2Vs 11 Vi Nov. UN 11 60 Jen. 10 7Vi 10 7H JUl'f1- I 1 I '0 eit. i 11 96 fuas i Oct. 1 11 5 1 11 So 1 v.ViJan. . f 8 72HI 72H , "Cash quotations were as follows': ' A FLOUR-Firm: winter n.lanti USKKK' X winter straights, )4 .Stnufi.60; spring straights, 6.20u.i; bakers, I4.0Uu6.i6. , , fk-No 2. 7H677c. C JBAKXJBY Feed er mixing, 4862c; fair to cholc malting, a2r70c. .e;L8 r'lax. No. 1 Houth western, 12.27; 24 o. 4 northwestern, 83.41; timothy, l.tKU' t.00; clover. $13.60. .. . PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., 22 .00 Vft.A. Lard, per 100 lbs., 811.85. Short ribs, - aides, (1oom $U.&0itfL2.00i gnort clear sides, (boxed) 11.00r012.26. ) Total clearances of wheat and flour were quel to bu.' Primary receipts were 1,104,000 bu., compared with 1,447, mm bu. the ' eorrespondtng day a year ago. The visible UMly of wheat In the United Slates In creased 2,7M,000 tu. EVtlinated receipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, 617 cars; corn, 14ti ' tars; oats, 1,108 cars; hogs,-14.000 head, i i Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 red, : il.u2rl.03Ho; NO. 2 red, 11.001.02; No. 2 4 naru, i.vv'i.uc; i u. nara, fi-Wl-w, I northern spring,. 1.23fL24; No. 2 northern . spring, $L07ul.lK, No. I aprlng. new. ILOtito l.l Corn: No.'- t cash, W!'j''p6Hc; No. S ;cash. amutno; No, $ white, .(ti7We; No. 2 'white, 46o; No. 2 VellqW, WVic Oals: No. 2 cash, new, SlHtl&Aic; No. 2 white, new, 4VMt8;C; No. I white, new, 84v; No. 8 white, old, sh()27Sii; No, 4 white, new, tV36Wu; fJo. 4 v. hue old. 3o.u3H-'. standard, new, wiWiffvmse. BLmKIt-Steady; creameries. 2SS'2c; dairies. 2J'2o. l- BOGS-steady at mark, cases Included, lOtjllc; receipt. t.tiSl cases; firsts, lc; pr.m irt, 2tp. ' f CHEkJB Steady: daisies. 14c; twins, 18 rf 4hl8c; young Amerlcss, l(c; long horns, 16c, ,r PiiTATOKS steady: choice to fancy, 3 J-c; fair to good, 293c. POUL.rKY StrtUiy; turkeys, 20c, ch'ckns, ,.2Hc: springs. 15c, VKA1 Meady; 60 to 60 lb. wts., 8.CJ ...to 86 lb. wts., IHrSVi 85 to 110 lb. wis., 10 ,61013. i'. Car Lot Receipts Today: Wheat, 448 ' Tars: corn. Mil cars; oats, 804 car. Entl- '(iiated Tomorrow: Wheat, 517 ran; corn, 4 car, oais, i.iun car. Kaaeaa Cttr tSralm aad Prorlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Aug. li-WHICAT-SD- Umber, WS&K.i'ic bid; I'eoember. 81.014 U'LV: Moy, 81.lsiWitil.uBS bid;; cash, un changed to He lower; No. 2 hard, IIMH; N. 8. ec1.01; No. 8 red, 1.03u 1 0BH; No. 8. $1.01. , 'i COHN September. 611V3!lc; sellers; He. ? Member, 6SSrfSc- bid; Msy. 61 V; cash, ' VOHc lower No. 2 mixed, Vf6t',:iSc; No. 8 ; tiilxed. 68Hj63o; No. 2 white. 64c; No. 8. ! ;i3VU3c. : ' I OATSlnchanged; No. f whlU, 86Hc; No. mixed. 8448jr. I RYK-No. 2. ft&S2c 9 rlUTTBrt-Creamery. tS4: firsts, $&ci Jfceonda. packing stock. 21c. KOti-lixtra. 21Sc; fliats. loj second. Re ceM. Shipment 4i.0. M.CXI l(.0iO ' Si'UJO ..... 17.UW) -. 7.l Wheat ?orn . Oat I.versal Grata Market. MVERPOOL, Aug. 18 -WHEAT-Spot, tlulli No. I red western winter, no siock; futures easy; October, :s77Hd; Iecember, 771; March, 7 8Wd. cJltN-.pot, tiong; old American I" 58 111: ""', dull; September:, - " , vi-lUUCl, M Vila. PKAS Canadian steady, 7s. KLiOUR Winter patents, steady; 80s. W RATHER IN THE URAIM BELT Fair Weather Is the Prediction for Taesday la This Vlclalty. OMAHA. Aug. 15. 1910. Within the last forty-eight hours good rains have been general from the moun tains east over the central valleys and lake region. Some very heavy rainfalls occurred In Nebraska during Saturday. At Tekamah 2. 16 Inches was recorded. 2 62 Inches at Auburn, and falls ranging from one-half to nearly one inch were general through out the eastern portion of the state. Ih total fall at Omaha during Saturday was one Inch, of which .82 occurred during the afternoon. The rains of the laet twenty four hours were general over tne greater portion of the state, but were not so heavy ?enerally as during the previous twenty our hours. The - heaviest rain in the state during Sunday, as shown by our re ports, was at Hsrtlngton, where a fall of 2.20 Inches occurred. Showery and unsettled weather continues general throughout the valleys this morning, and tha Indications are favorable for showers in this vicinity during the remainder of today, probably rouowea ty rair luesaay, witn no impor tant change In temperature. 1910 1800 1808 1807 Minimum temperature .... 72 77 6 70 Precipitation 00 .00 . 62 T Normal temperature for today, 76 de grees. Dnrirlency In precipitation since March 1, 12.72 Inches. Lericlrncy corresponding period In 1808, 1.40 Inches. Deftuieny corresponding period In 1808, .24 ot an Inch. L. A. WEXSil, Local Forecaster. Cera and Wheat Region Balletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Monday, August 15, 1810: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Rain Stations. Max. Mln. falL Sky. Ashland, Neb 8 68 .00 Cloudy Auburn Neb 87 ' 66 .11 Pt. Cld'r Broken Bow, Neb 76 61 .00 Foggy Columbus. Neb... I 68 .06 Cloud v Culbertson, Neb.. 85 68 ,t Pt. Cl'dy Fairbury, Neb.... S5 69 .07 Koggy Fairmont, Neb.... 81 67 .03 Cloudy Orand Isl'd, Neb. 84 68 .10 Cloudy Hartlngton, Neb. 78 64 2.20 Raining HaKtlnfrs. Neb.... 80 66 .00 Cloudv Holdrege, Neb.... 78 6o .00 Pt. Cl'dy Oakdale, Neb 77 64 . 02 Cloudy Omaha. Neb 87 61 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb.... 84 66 .00 Cloudy Tlta, la 80 64 . 64 Raining Carroll. Ia 83 66 .06 Cloudy Clarlnda, la 82 65 .62 Cloudy Sibley. Ia 81 61 .28 Raining Sioux City. la... 78 64 1.20 Raininr 'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. Of TemD.. Rain fall. .00 .00 .40 .20 1.00 .10 .80 District Station. Max. M!n. Columbus ... ... 17 ... 19 ... 12 ... 24 ... 13 ... 14 ..,.20 ... 24 82 66 66 64 64 68 Louisville ... 80 92 88 80 86 78 Indianapolis Chicago St. Louis Den Moines.. Minneapolis Kansas City. 84 82 .60 .70 Omaha . 19 66 Rains occurred within tha last twentv four hours In all except the Columbus and Louisville districts of the corn and wheat region. The rains were excessive at points In Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri. A faH of 2.20 inches occurred at Hartlngton, Neb.; i.av incnee at urtinen, Kan., tiid i inch at Ironton, Mo. Temperature continue moderate In the wetern portion of the corn belt, but are somewhat higher In the eastern portion. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NKW YORK QKNEHAL MARKET ' www . ((notations of to Day oa Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. FLO TJR Quiet. and lower to sell. Spring patents, $6.656.00; winter straights, 4.4Jij4.60; winter patents. n.owi.w; spring clears, 4.a.so; nrst winter extras No. 1, $3.7602.80; winter ex tra N. 2, 23.i!3.66; Kansas straights. $4.86 6.10. ., Rye flour,- firm. Fair to a-ood. St.10tjr4.2ot choice , to foncy, 44.4O94.60., .CORN MEAL Quiet. Fin whits --and yellow, $16(1.60; -coarse, fl.501.56; kiln dried, $2.60. W H KA T Spot market, easy: new No. I red,. 1.ok elevator.- and 81.0M4 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern new, I1.04H f- o. b. to arrive. Trading in wheat was Inactive and . prices were lower on disappointing cables, large receipts and the big increase in tne visioie supply, closing tc net lower, Kxpoitera look SCrO.OOO bushels at outposts. September, $1.0S'(il.0074. closing, $!.; liecember, l.H'' 1.12 11-18, cioseo, Receipts, 42,000 bu. CORN Boot market, easy; No. 2. 72ic nominal, elevator, domestic basts to arrive. closing at c net decline. September closed 71c. Receipts, l.izo nu. OATS Soot market, steady: mixed. 2 to 32 lbs., nominal: natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., new, 4fl4oc; clipped white. 84 to 42 lbs., nominal. Receipts, 146,423 bu.; shipments, 19.&0 bu. HAY Firm. Prime, lutftf'l.oo: no. 1, $1.351.40; No. 1, $1.261.30; No. 2, $1.0631.10. HOPS Firm. State common to choice, 1808, 2iK(t22o; 1808, nominal; Pacific, coast 19tj, 9&'15c; 1808, nominal. . HIDES Firm. Central American, c; Bogota, mi'Xc. . LKATHKR Steady. Hemlock firsts, 249 26c; seconds, Uitl thirds, 1&u2uo; re jects, 17019c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady. Mesa, $24.60 26.00; . family, $26.00(35.60; short clears, $28.60i'25.00. Beef, firm. Mesa, $16.0015.60; family, l8.0tfifJ0.00. . beef hams, $22.0uu24.00. Cut meats, quiet. Pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 15WSlo; pickled hams, lMlSHo. Lard, firm. Middle west prime. $U.tMlJ.O0; re fined, firm; continental, $12.60; South Amer. lea $12.25; Compound. 1010o. Tallow, firm. Prime olty, hogshead, 7c; country, BUTTF.R Firm; creamery specials, 80c; extras, 29c; third to first, 248'28o; state dairy, common to fine, 22S28c; process, second to special, 224f26c; western factory, Zi&iS'W, western Imitation creamery, 24 j26c. ' CHEESE Firm; state, whole milk special, 15Vul7c; fancy, 15c; average prime, Uh& Ue; fair to good. 1314S4c; common, lOVrj 12i ;e klms. full to special, 12H'al2c. POULTRY Alive uncertain; nearby broil ers 194i'19Vkc; fowls, 15Hilc; turkey. 10 Dressed wesk; western broilers, 16y lbHo; fowls, 14(fl7c; turkeys. 17flo. EQQS Firm on top grades; stste, Penn sylvania and nearby hennery, whits, 27ti32c; gathered white, 25if36c; hennery brown, 26 t27c; gathered brown, Via 26c ; fresh gath ered extra first. 21f22,c; first. 18Vi(a20c; seconds, 17ltV&o. t. Lois la Ucneral lerket. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 16.WHKAT-Future lower; September, Jl.lHrti; Dctnber, i.ov; casn lower; track, No. 1 red, l.u4u-i.uf, No. 8 ham, $LUIU'1-Ui. CORN future lower; September, 63c; Decenuber, 6c; cash lower) track No. 2, bVtc; No. 2 wnlte, Obu67c. OATS Futures lower: September, 3e; December, sbc; cash lower; track io. 2 Sa'oSSVic; No. 2 white. 86c. HIK-Steady at boyslo. FLOL'R Steady ; red winter patents, $5.10 45.40, extra fancy and straight, $4.8t4.80; hard winter clears. $3.30kH.u. TIMOTHY SKKD ea.toti.OO. . " CORN MEAL 33c. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, $1.00$ 1.01. HAY Lower; timothy, $14.5019.00; prai rie, $10.0U(U 13.50. PROVISIONS. PORK Unchanged; jobbing, $22.26. LARD Lower; prime steam, $U.22V DRY SALT MEATS Higher; boxed exfta shorts, 12c; clear ribs, 12c; Short clear, 13c. BACON Higher; boxed extra shorts, 14'ic; clear ribs. 14V". short clears, H'-c. POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10ic; springs,' 13c; turkeys, lHjacV ducks, a 12c; geese, b09c. BUTTERr-Steady; Creamery, 2623Hc EOtiS-lllgher at 19c. . Receipts Sblpmts. Flour 14.500 84.000 Wheat 24.1.0 83.000 Corn ...ItiS.flOO 14.0U1 Oats .- ,26.0li0 68.000 Peoria Market. ' PEORIA. 'Aug. 15.-CORN-8tdy; No. I yellow. fc'; No. $ yellow, 8Sc; No. 2. 65c; No. 4, 64c; no grade, 60c. OATS IOwer; No. 2 white. $c; No. 8 white. V,ojc; No. 4 white, l4c; No. 1 yellow, uc; standard. SSo. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Aug. lV-HAT-No. 1 upland $11 00; No. 1 upland. $10.00; packing. MOO new hay. $l-'V0. Straw; Wheat, $6.00; r and bran, $7.00. . Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 16 -WOOL-Vlrm. ter rilory and western mediums, laJ3'c; fine mediums, 17 a 2 AJ ; fine, ligi7c Tim BEE: NEWYORKSrOCRSANDBONDS Light Volume of Business Done within Narrow Limit. PROFESSIONALS RULE THE DAY Cron News Barorslsg with Marked ImproTement In Corn Conditions ThrooaThoot .Nebraska and Kan sasCopper Advaneea Slightly. NEW YORK. An IX A .i ume of businees, the bulk of which whs rrofeHsional, today In the stock market, u"1"11 within very narrow limit. The day's news was without very direct "faring on Securities, although the suspen s on by the Interstate Commerce commis sion of live stock rates, which were to hare become operative todar, was ac counted something of an adverse factor. Advice from weetern traffic manager were uniformly cheerful. By general consent the western flnnrl1 situation has cleared during the past few weeks, and little apprehension of a strin gency is now entertained. crop news was for th mot part encour aging, with marked Improvements In corn conditions throughout Nebraska and Kan sas. A very slight fractional advance was announced In the price of copper, and trade authorities were quoted fls declaring that sales of the metal In the last three weeks have aggregated not less than 20,000,000 pounds. London s operations In this market were trifling and without significance. ine clone was Irregular, the only note worthy exception being Rock Island pre ferred, which made a net gain ot over three points. Bonds were Irrearular. Total sales, rvar value. 8966.000. United States Kovernmant 8s advanced S per cent on call. New York Stock exchange: following was the range of prices on the Salo. Mlsh. Low. CloM. AllleOialmrn W 100 22 32 11 AmaltamalMl Copper I.5U0 65Sa 461 A marl can Agricultural 41 American Urat Sugar .... 800 ITVa 3i 274 American Can WO 8 8 SVfc. American C. A F MO 48 47 il American Cotton Oil .... K) HCihi 0 t9 Amarlcan H. L pfd ... tuo tH ! 27 Amarlnan lea Sccurttica .. 7 22 SI "4 21 American Linked loo 2 1IH 12 4 Amarlean Locomotlre aoo 7S4 ao American 0. R 14.no 474 MSi 4:W Amarlean 8. A R. pfd 100 102 lot 10 American SUel F -MV4 American Bugaf Rf 8f 1201 120 120 Amarlean T. T 1.100 liH 13414 American Tobacco pfd 82 Amarlean Woolen 2iH It 27 27 Anaconda Mining 1.000 4i 89 t9Si Atchison 12,300 fits S f Atchison pfd Atlantlo Coast Una too 111 '4 111V4 Ho Haltltnor A Ohio 100 10 107H l'l7S Bathlaham Steal 2r Brooklrn Rap. Traa 8.400 77V 7t4 7t Canadian Pacific. 2.N 195 Mi 1M' (antral Leather 1.S0.) 34 34V4 34-,j Central Leather pfd 200 105 106 104 Ceutral of N. J luO Chea. A Ohio 6,000 144ft 144 144 Chicago A Alton I74 Chicago Great Weatern.... S'W it 24 H Chi. Oraat Weat. pfd 44S, Chi. A N. W 1.000 14H -44 144 Chi., Mil. St. P t.tHIO 124H 116 U'Ht C, C C. A St. L IS Oolo. Fual A Iron 6"0 10 2 Colo. A southern 100 (3 U M Conaolldatad Oa 7,00 13 12S ltl Corn Products 100 14 14 14 Delaware A Hudson 100 ltl 161 W Denrar A R, 0 100 80 30 30 Denver Rlo orande pfd vi Dlatlllars gecurttlaa 100 24 23 27 Bte 1,200 WH 2.- 2ftTt Erla lat pfd 400 44 44 48 Erie 24 pfd 12 General Electric 14 Oreat Northern pfd 1,100 124 125 IK Oraat Northern or etis.. 1,000 64 64 64 Illinois Central 200 131 12 134 Intarborough-Met 1,0 17 i iv Iterborough-Met. pfd 700 47 44 4 International Harveatar .. 100 6 i 6 Inter-Marina pfd 100 17 IT 16 international Paper 600 U 10 11 Intarnatlonai Pump e Iowa Central 14 K. C. Southern 600 S i 2 K. O. Southern pfd Laelade Gas ' ,M0 101 lot 101 . LoulsTlll A Nashville.... 800 -141 142 148 Minn. at. Louie 200 24 24 83 M., It. -P. A St. M .400 131 13 130 M... K. A T 1,100 ta M M., K. A. T. ptd 104 44 ; 40 Miasourt Paclflo 1,100 62 Jl '61 National Biscuit , 00 106 104 K National Lead 61 N. Br. of tin. 2d pfd,... 600 21 28 24 New Tork Central 1.400 113 118 111 If. T. O. A W 100 41 40 40 Norfolk A Weetern 0Q 7 W North American H 48 48 ' 48 Nortbarn Paclflo 2,700 117 114 114 Paclflo Mall 1W 20 K v PannarWanla 8,100 180 12u 1 People's Oaa aoo 1W - 106 i Pitts., C. C. A St. L. ... K) 84 4 84 Pltteburg Coal 100 14 14 16 Praaaed Bteal aCr 100 14 S 84 Pullman Palace Car 100 168 168 167 Railway Bteel Spring 8 Raadlng 71,700 144 141 143 Repubilo Steel 00 81 , 81 i0 Hepubllc Bteel pfd 100 2 8-2 81 Kock Island 4.8.10 80 to SO Rock Island pfd '.. 1.100 4 43 a II. U t P. 2d pfd.... 100 88 88 3 It. Louie 8. W ..... 23 St. Loula S. W pfd 40 lloaa-lhattleld ft. A I ... too 42 41 40 gout ham Paclflo ll.tnO li 4 Hi Southern Hallway 200 29 28 2J Southern Rr pfd 400 64 64 64 Tennessee Copper 100 24 24 24 Texas A Pacific 24 Sol., St. U A W 200 23 23 21 Tel., It U 4 W pfd.... 200 48 48 48 Union Paeltla 47,000 148 147 147 Union Pacific pfd 100 81 83 82 V, S. Realty 70 V. S. Rubber 400 16 14 34 U. 8. Steal N.I00 71 1u 70 I'. 8. Steal ptd H6 Utah Copper 2,800 47 44 4 Virginia-Car. Chemical .. 6"0 68 68 68 Wabash 600 17 17 II Wabaah pfd 6"0 86 86 34 Weetern Maryland 400 , 44 44 44 Weetlngtiouee Klectrio 68 Weetern Union 44 W healing A Lake trie 6 Total sales tor tha day, 110,700 hares, a e6t4,,4..8 N N London Closing. Stocks. LONDON, Aug. 16. American tecurttle opened firm and a fraction above parity today. During the tint hour prices Im proved on fair buying and at noon th market was firmer and from unchanged to '.a higher than Saturday night's closing. Consols, money It Louisville A N 147 ia account tll-itai., K. A T.... 14 Amai. Copper N. V. Central 117 Anaconda 1 Norfolk A W 88 Atchison 01 do p4 83 do pfd lot Ontario W 42 Baltimore A Ohio, ...111 I'em.elvanla 41 Canadian Pacific 188 Rand aline t'4 Chesapeake A 0 77 Heading 74 Chicago O. W 86 Southern Ry 24 Chi., Mil. A St. P. ..134 do pfd 44 IX Bean 14 Southern Pacific I t Lenrsr Rio 0.... 81 Union Pacific 172 do pfd 74 do pfd 80 Krl 2U. I. Steel 72 do let pfd 46 do ptd 118 do ta pfd 34 Wabaaa 17 Grand Trunk 27 do pfd i Illinois Central 138 Spanlea 4a 81 SILVER Bar. steady at 24H1 per ounce. MoNKV l'a'fl'2 per cent. i The rate of discount In th open market for short bills Is 2&-irfC per cent; fur three months' bills, 21 per cent. Local Beearltles. Quotations furnished by Samuel Rums, Jr., 838 Omaha National bank building: Bid. Aaked. Beatrice Creamery pfd Vo City Nat. Hank Bldg. 4a, 182 80 1" City of Omaha 4a, 1811 101 1' Crab Orchard, Neb.. 6a 00 Houaloa Water 4a. 1844 108 l Iowa Portland Cement lat M(g. 4a.... 88 1"0 International Con. Co.. bonus 44 86 kaneas O- A E. 7 per cent pfd 88 100 Kaneaa City Stock Yards 84 8' Kanea City H. A L. 6a, 1811 84 86 Mlclilge Tel. 6a, 1884 84 8 Nebraeka Tel. stock, t per cent 00 N. Y. Central Line 4a. 1811 H0 100 Omaha Water Co. 4a, 1844 8 8 Omaha Oaa, 18.7 81 ' 84 Omaha . L. A P. 6a, 1818 i 84 Omaha A C. fi. St. Ry pfd, t par cent 81 84 Osaahs A C. B. St. Re 6a, I82t 8: 81 Paclflo T. A T. as, 1817 8o', 84 Pennsylvania Equip. 4a, 1318 84 87 Seattle. City of, 6s. 1824 Iu4:. 17 I'nlon Block Yarda. South Omaha 93 Korky atounuin Peel 8) loe W a bath Ecjulp. 4a. 1811. .i 38 88 Mew Tork Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A liryan, members New York Stock Exchange, ilb Suutli olateenth street, Omaha. ay State Oas 3Oraane Cane nee T Butte Coalition 18 Inspiration I Cactus te-14Laroa 4 Chlno 14 Nevada Ceni ti Ctilel Cons IHOnlo t 'upper 16-14 reaction U Rawhide Coalition... It Davts-Ualy ISH.y Central I 1-18 kly Central 1 S-Ufcelft Pkg t 0. Ely Coaa 83 teers-Raeback CI...M Franklin 11 Superior A Pitta..,. 12 wiroua 7Totnnak alining 8 Ooldtiald Cons 1 7-lilrinuy Cupper 4 Ouldftaid Plarenr... 2 North Lake ...10 Ooldfleld Ualey 6 Bohemia 4 Treasury Stalrmeat. WASIIINQTON. Aug. lB.-Tne condition of the treasury at th beginning of busi nen today was as follows: Trust t unrls gmd cln, 8 ftll.6S; silver dollar. $4(01,134 000; silver dollars of 1890, li.ili; lhr ccru- OfATTA. TUESDAY. AUOUST 1G, 1010. K ficatea outstanding. 2iss.l.l4,0fi0: general fund standard silver dollars In general iiino, i.,3.iz,r3f; current imnintles. 8:'7.4.,',S working btlancn In trssnrv offices. t'VT2.. 1ST; In bank to credit of treasurer of the I nited Stntcs. 8.T7.K3D.714: subsldlarv silver coin, 820.574.2NS; minor coin. 81 .. 1f)t ; total uaianre in general uino, io,Z3',3.9. ?(fw 1 ork Money Market. NEWTORK, Aug. IV MONF.Y-41n call, easy; ivil. per cent; ruling rate, m per cent; closing bid. 1' per cent; offered at IS per cent. Time Inane very dull and soft; sixty days. 24-113 per cent, and HO days. .IVi 3 per cent; six months, 4t4' per cent. RRIMB MERCANT1LK I'AI'BR-S'tiaA per cent. 8TRRLJNO KXCHANOVPteady, with srtiial business In bankers' bills at 84 MftVil 4.T70 for sixty-day bill and at 4.6Sd for demand.. !t M MfTRCIAL PILIJ 84 8SV4. P1IVF)R Har, f3c: Mexican dollars, 44a. HCNla Oovernment, firm; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotation on bonis today wer a follows: I'. S. ref. 2s, reg... do eoupen V 8. ts ree do coupon U. S. 4a. reg do coupon Allia-Chal. 1st ts.. 11 eit..Mr. Mar. 4'4s M"4 101 ej,pin 4t m4 101 do 4a 84 101 'K. C. S. It 8s 71 114 L. I oeh. 4S 1841. .. 80 114 L. A N. un. 4a.. 7 74 M , K. A T. 1st 4s 87 100 edo. gen. 4a.... 84 Amer. Agri. 6s. Amer. T. A T. 4a. .100 Mo. Pacific 4s 74 Amer. Tobacco 4s.... 78 N, R. ot M. 4a ... do 4s 104 N, V. (. gen. 38. 8K Armour A Co.' 4s 81 do dab. 4a 83 Atchison gen. 4a.... 84 .V. Y.. N. 11. A H rto ct. 4a 105 B do ct. 6a 108 N. A W c. 4s.... 5s At. C. L. 1st 4s., 83 let con. 4a.... 87 R. A O. 4 89 NO. Pacific 4s 88 do Is M No. Pacific ta 81 do I. W. 3a. ... O. . I., rfd. 4a. ... rt Brook. T. ct. 4s.. 82 Pan n. ct. 8a (1814). 86 C. ot Oa. 6a Iim do eon. 4s 101 Central Leather 4a.. 8 Reading gen, 4a . ... M C. ot N. J. g. 6S.123 St. L. A 8. F. 1.4a 11 C. A O. ref. 6s.... 8IS do pes.- ts h tX A A Ss...... 4Sl. U S. W. c. 4a 72 C, B. A.Q. j. 4a 86 do 1st gold 4s.... 89 do gen. 4a 84 'See board A. L. 4s.. 4 C. M. 4k 8 P. 8a 818o. Pacific eol. 4s. 8 C- R. I. A P. o. 4a 73 do or. 4a 3K do frd 4a 8" do let ref. 4S.... 8 ecolo. ind. 6s 71 So. By. 6a 104 Colo. Mid. 4a 47 do gen. 4a 74 ('. A S. r. A e. 4 8 84 Colon Pacific 4s....lo D. at H. cr. 4s. ...84 ds CT.. 4a 106 t) A R. O. 4a.... 82 do lit ref. 4a.. 84 do ref. 6a 80 V. 8. Rubber 4s. ...! P'ntllkTS ts 47 V. B. Steel Id 6s.. 108' Rrle pr. I. 4s.... 81 Va -Car. t hem 6 8 do geti. 4s 7) Wabatk lat 6a lot d ct, 4s ser. A.. 48 do lat and ex. 4s. W do ear. B 46 Weat. Md. 4s 83 Can. Rlec. ry. t. ..136 . Klec. ct. 6b. 84 III. Cen. 1st r. 4. 94 Wle. Ceutral 4s .... 82 liter-Met. 4s 78 Mo. Pacific ct. 6a 82 Uto. Ottered. notion Stock Quotations. BOSTON. Aug. 16. Following were the , 60 to 11 38 , 88 130 14 , 74 . 10 . 48 , 8 11 61 i 84 , 88 . 48 24 130 clo.slng quotations on stocks: Allouez 41 Mohawk Amal. Copper Nevada Co A. Z. L. & 8 26Nlplilng Mines .... Arltona Com 18 North Untie Atlantic t North Lake Boa. A C. C. A .. 14 "(ll.l Dominion .... Butte Coal It lot, .... 14 eoaeeola Cal. A Aril 64 Parrot t (8. A O "al. A Hecla 6.10 gulncy Centennial 17Shannon Copper Range 46 Superior Bast Butt t Superior A B. M... Pranklln 10 Superior A Pitts Cop. Olroux Con 7 Tamarack Oranby Con 84 V. 8. C. A O Oreene Cananea .... f. 8. 8. R. A M... Isle Royal 18 do pfd Kerr Lose 4 Utah Con Lake Copper 87w!nona Lasalls Copper 16 Wolverine Miami pper 20 c . Bid. Aaked. Mew Yoric Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Closing quotations on the mining exchange: Alice 176 ladTllle Con 8 Brunswick Con T Uttle Chief 4 Comatock Tun 230 Meilcaa 160 do bonds 14 .Ontario 150 Con. Cal. A Va 115 Ophlr 129 Horn Silver 4 Standard'.. ......luu Iron Silver 16 Yellow .Jacket 40 Offered. Bnnk CloartnaTS. OMAHA, Aug. IS. Bank clearings for to day were 22,762,217.10 and for the correspond ing data last year 82,459,10.76. OMAHA GBNBrlAW. MARKETS. Staple and Fancy Prodnee rrleea Far. nlaheel by Bayer and) Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 82c; No. 1. In 80-lb. tubs, tic; No. -Vlfv cartons, 28c: No. 8. In 80-lb. -t.baf.l sJVio: packing 'lock, solid pack, SOVic; dairy. In 60-lo. tubs. 23c Market changes every Tuesday. Cl-IKESE Twins, 17c; young Americas, 19c; daisy, 18c; triplets, 18c; llmbrgr, 18c; No. 1, brick, 17o; imported Bwlas, 20c; do mestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, undsr I lb., 22c; over i lbs 20c; hens, l&c; cocks, 10c; ducks, ISc; geese, 16c;- turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dos., 8L2o; rromer iquabs, per doi MOO; fancy squabs, per doz., 12.60; No. 1, per dos., 82.00. Alive: Broilers, 15c; bens, lie; old roosters, eo; old duck, full feathered, 10c; geeae, full feathered, lOo; turkeys, 18c; guinea fowls, 20o each; pigeons, per doz., boo; homers, per aos., u 00 quabs, No. 1. per dox., .Jl.60; No. 2, par dos.. 60c. FI8H (all frosen) Pickerel, 12c; whiter fish, 14c; pike, 16c; trout, lie; iarg crap. pies, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; haddock. 13c; flounders, 12o; green catflsh, 18c; buffalo, 8c; halibut, 10c; white perch. 8c; bullheads, 14c; roe shad. 21.00 each; shad roes, per pair, Mc; frog lg, per dos.. 80c; salmon, 15a , BEEP CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 15c; No. 2 13c; No. 3, 1814c. Loins: No. 1, 15c; No 2 14c; No. 3. Uttc. Chuck: No. 1, 7c; No " 2 6tsc; No. 3, 5c. Round: No. 1, c; No. 2! 8c; No. 8, 7c. Plate: No. 1. ec; No. 2, tttc; No. 8. 4VaC. 1 FRUIT a Oranges j California Camella brand Redland Valenclas, all Uses, pel box. 85.00; Havana Jditerranean Sweets, site, hwi amnions: Umo- nlara, extra fancy, 800 slie. per box, to.00; 360 size, per box, 83 60; choice, 300 lse, per box, t M; 860 Pr DO. 23.00; 240 slia Wo per box lew; Sunset brand, pr box. 87.50. Bnnana: Fancy seleot, per bunch I.. S4 Lk. Tlimhli flaw 8 . hnnk 1 per 00 km, nuiun urana, per box. Bnnana: Fancy seleot, per bunch 2.60; Jumbo, per bunco. 32.7otj8.78' taloupe: California, U size, 14.&5. A idard. 85.00. Plums: California, red 4-baskst crate, 11.66. Blue prMQe?: Per Cantaiou standard per 4-basksl crate, 41.00. ttiue prMoes: Per crate, 11.50- Peaches: Calitom.a, per 80-lb. box, oj80c. Pear: California BartletL per box, -; in per x, 82.40. An- pies: Home grown, In bbls., 34.001.60: n Oregon, In boxe. 31.74. Watermelon: Texa. l?o per lb. Data; Anchor brand, new. 80 1-lb. package in box. par box! 82.00 VEGETABLES-Ne-. potatoe: I wks, per bu., 80c4i1.00. Onions: Yellow In sacks, per lb., q; Ioya, small, per ' lb . 8V4c: Spanish, per crate. 31.76. .Osrllo; Ex tra fancy, white, per lb., 15o; red, per lb.. 16c. Egg plant: i-ancy Florida, per dog. 31.CO82.O0. Celery: Michigan, per dos. bur, dies, 86c. IIOMH-GROWN VEGETABLES - Cab bage: Nw, per lb., 20. Tornatoea: per basket, '60. String and wax . baana: Pef market basket, 75c. Cucumbers, per dos., ice. Radishes: Extra fancy home-grown, per dos. bunches. fOo.. . Ittuo: Extra fancy leaf, per doa., 80c, 1'arsley; Fancy home-grown, per dos. bunches, 80a. Rhu barb: Per dos. bunches, 46c. Green omiini: per dos bunches, 25c Turnips: Per mar ket basket. 40o. Carrot; Per market ba. ket, fiOc. Beet: Per market baskat, 6vo MlfiCELIANKOl S Walnut: Black, per lb., 2g; California No. 1, per lb., 17c; Call fornix No. 2, per lb., 14a. : lllckorynut: Large, pr lb., , 4c; small, per lb. 6c. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 3r-0o; per dos., 6Vo Honeys Nsw, 24 framss, J17&. Metal Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. M ETA L8 Stand ard copper gulet; spot and futures, 312.3iVfti 12.60. London weak; spot, f5J J5s; futures, ff6 10. Locally Lake copper, 112. 87Vt1 18.00; electrolytic, 12.624ij 12 75; casting, 3l2.26iff'I2.60. Tin easy; spot, 163 17s fid; futures, flf3 5s. Lead, stendv 84.4(Va4.50 New York; 4 2f.4.30. east St. Louis. London spot 12 8s Sid. riuelter firm 86.36(115.40 New York; .10Vu.U Etvst Pt. Louis. Iinnon siot. f!2 516. Iron, Cleve land warrants, 4'.s 9d in Iindon. Locally iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern, 3li;.2Mrli) .60; No 1 southern and No.3 south ern soft, 316 75j li5.2.i. ST. LOl'IH, Aug. 15. M ETAL8 Lead firm at HS!i Speller turn at 86.10. 4'offre Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-Coffee futures closed steady net unchanged to two point higher. August and September, 7.10c; Oc- l.h.v Tit..' Vn,an.kAr 74... 1, I Jaruary. 7.40.; February," T.4fK-; sp it, steadv; K? . . 7 dia a... , 1,. - wo. quiet; Cordova, lO-flllVc Sugar Slarket, - . ' v . nu,. - iu -ri UAH itaw firm; Muscovado, 88 teat, 86c; centrifugal rt teat, 4 aye; rtiolaatte augar, 88 test, 3 44c; rrin.t ateitv' KrinhMt i r.- a1 ... j r , , aieiiwiaiva, 16c; (K)wdered, t.26c. Mllvraakee Ural Market. MILWAI'KEE, Aug. 15.-r"UCR-Stcady M11:AT-No. 1 l.lt'.4hl.Vi: No. J north em l UkiI 18'v; September, 81 tr.'.. tAT8-37'Ba7' BARLEY Sample. i(i74c. Klain Better Market. ELOI.V. III., Auf IV HI 'TTER Firm 2Jo. tale for the week 86S.300 pouuda. OUAllA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eeceipti of Cattle Liberal, Even for First of Week. HOGS STEADY TO SOME HIGHER Feeding; Sheep and Lambs Active and Good Ten Cent Higher, with Killer Strong to Ten Cents Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 15, 1910. Receipts mere: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Estimate Monday 8 810 3.0ii 12.720 Same days last week 8.IS7 - 3.204 24.13 fame day 2 weeks sso.. 3.66 4 635 14,31 Same day 3 weeks ago.. 9.6:3 4.SW0 16.4JO Same day 4 ' weeks ago. .3.270 3,402 li same day last year 7.84 1,294 18,266 Ine lo.iowing taoie shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date a compared wltu last "r: iio. inc. uec battle 807.7D3 644.06 63.783 Hogs 1.3.4, (i. 4 1,606.84 242,010 Sheep 8S7.7S2 836.69 162,208 .... Hie following tatiie anon tn average several day, with comparisons: prices of hogs at South Omaha for tha last bates. I 1910. 1908.190S.11. 11908. 190j. 104, Aug. Aug. Aug. T 581 3 461 7 69 It 86 t 861 201 I I 07 8 79) 6 841 8 11 I 77 3 21 11 1 rcnn 3 30j 6 741 AUg. 7 79. I 7 49 80 3 C8 8 841 6 87 Aug. 10... Aug. a... Aug. 12... 7 814 7 411 6 40 5 861 ( W 7 82' T B4i 6 6M 6 S3, 7 94S 7 421 6 411 S 86 I 86 6 W 3 fl 4 84 6 94 4 41 Aug. Aug. Aug. 13. 8 04H 7 47 8 221 6 83 6 92 1 ( 7 481 171 6 741 6 84 4 84 14.. 15.. 5 95 8 16V! 80, 6 72) 6 83 6 90 01 Sunday. Receints and dlsnnslttnn nf live stock at the Union Stock Vards, South Omaha, the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. yesterday: for in. RECEIPTS-OARS: . Cattle.H03s.SpH' C, M. A St. P 6 1 Union Pacific ;i 7 2j C. & N. W., east .... 12.. C. & N W.. west.... 48 . 25 11 C, SU P., M. & O... 3 1 C, B. A y., eant 1 1 C, )i. & Q., west..., 37 7 5 C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 .. 3 r s. 15 Total receipts ... 335 44 4 15 L1SPOS1TION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep umalia Packing Co. .. 549 418 704 swirt and company.. 1,071 438 Cudahy Packing .Co,,. 1.615 234 Armour & Co. 1,145 245 Schwurts-Bolen Co 1.3X2 420 2.148 Cudahy .... 428 w. B. Vansant Co, .. 20 R. Vantatit A Lush.. 121 .... Stephens Bros in .... l-i 111 & Son 240 F. B. Lewis 63 Huston and company. 133 .... J. B. Root A Co 113 .... J. H. Bulla 91 .... . L. F. Hubs 208 .... L. Wolf 48 .... McCreary & Carey .... 541 .... 8. Werthelmer 22 . .... H. F. Hamilton 107 .... Lehmer Bis 10 .... Lee Rothschild' lot .... Mo. & Kang.-Calf. Co. 26 .... Hoi Degan 20 ' .... Christy & Kline 37 Other Buyers 748 .... 8,109 Total receipts 7.044 2.882 11187 CAT'lLE ReceiDls ot cattle thla morninc were very liberal, 830 cars being reported. 1'hiS sllOW verv material a-al.a mm pnm. pared with cue week ago, but I amaller man lor tne previous week; a compared with a year axo the recemta this morntna- sliow an increase of over 2.000 head. The arrivals conshued almost entirely of range came mere neing very lew natives or cornfeds In sight. At tne same time Chi cago reported very heavy receipt for a Monday with tha tendency of prices lower. The better grades of feeding cattle Were the first In the yards to sell the market being on that kind fully steady and in soma cases perhaps a little stronger on such cattle as looked especially desirable to buyers. Inferior and trashv kinds, ea- pecUUly common, lignt stock cattle'' were rather dull and buyers did not appear very anxious for that kind,- creating a weak feeling. Cow and heifers were also In good de mend and the market on that kind of cattle opened in very- fair season. The trade was reasonable active -and a good proportion of the cow stock sold early ' at steady prices. . Beef steers were the last to sell, largely because no one would nhuw them until the feeding end was assorted and disposed of. Buyer were also a little slow In getting down to business, so that the trade on fat cattle as a whole would have to be auoted as rather dull. Good kinds sold lit about the same notohes as last Week, but there was an unmistakable feeling of weakness on the common and less attractive kind. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, I7.00if1.76; fair to good beef steers, $8,1047.00; common to fair beef teers, 4.Vo&mv; good to choice cows and nelfera, I4.6fiitf6.60; rar t0 goo cows and heifers, 3.Kitf4.60; common to fair cows and neifers. t2.60tti3.60: stood to eholea atockara and feeders, M.60e6.66; fair tw good stock stockers and feeders, 33.Wff4.60; common to fair stockers and teeners, ta.0uQ3.60; stock neuers, ic.otngt.vu; veal calves, U.0C.26; bulls, stags, etc., 83.86ttf6.60. Quotatiuiia on range cattle: Good to choice beeves, t6.40a.00; fair to good beeves, 84.60&6.30: common to fair hev 33.7543)4.50; good to choice heifers, 4.2fy6.00; luuu w viiuive vuwn, aa.vutts.ou; air 10 good grades, 33. So 3. 86; canners and cutters. I2.26fr3.25: xood to choice feeders 84.76i(6.40; fair to good reeoers. 44.004.80; summon 10 tair issuers. 44.UtA4ya.su, jie-yreBeiuauve sales: BEEF BTEERS. No. At. Pr. No, 481 4 40 18 til I 71 43 A. Pr. ..ll'T 3 8 ..1175 1 to 11.. 44.. COWS, 7.. 767 SUA 842 810 3 85 2 84 2 TO 2 73 7.... . . 800 I 00 .. 8 6 8 It .. 878 8 16 .. 880 8 25 11'.!" tt!!!! 880 i 76 set 8 71 8 14 I 40 8 M 3 40 I 46 I 74 4 to .... 186 .... ttr .... 881 .... 174 ....1040 ....UJI , tet t 80 860 2 80 804 t 80 . 0l I 00 ,440 8 00 7e.ee 1 I. HEIFERS. 10 788 1000 480 11 JO I 75 BULLS. I 23 1 1?0 I 3 1 3 IS 1 U70 3 U t 60 I 68 CALVES. ISO 4 00 -1.... , 8"4 4 28 1.... IM) 4 M I ... 4M 6 .... ro 8 M 140 6 15 14 t 00 144 4 24 . HTOCKE1W AND FEEUl'iRS 460,1 U 14 784 I II 1t t 38 t , Ul 4 05 433 t U t 748 I 80 634 1 45 ti 81.J 4 44 41 3 ti 14 it 4 46 ST KERB AXI) HEIFiiRS. 424 4 ! 80 t 26 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. cows 887 2 70 7 calves.. 317 D44 747 866 90 622 727 10ti3 4 00 2 60 3 90 3 76 8 40 3 26 3 70 4 70 19 COTt s :'Jl 6 cows.... 20 steer... 6 sleets... 14 cow.... 11 hellers.. 22 (cutler. U sleeis... lieifei,.. 720 3 40 3 60 4 10 6 00 8 50 3 25 2 bulls 1.V6 9 steers.. .101)6 1 calf 120 15 feeders.. 4:i,i 18 helfeis... U3 1 bull 1300 3 46 8. P. Andrew. Nebraska. 10 cow 1026 3 05 3 cow 848 7 cows 934 3 00 2 cows 716 Ueorge McGlnley, Nebraska. 03 cows 933 2 96 10 cows tM 46 hclfurs... 97 4 bO 6 cows 94tl 1 calf 260 4 75 t 00 3 tii I SO 3 00 Nebraska. 13 steers.. ..1025 14 feeders. .HhS 4 60 20 cows 1035 21 cws&hfs fci.) 2 steers..., 670 8 80 3 70 8 90 8 25 3 35 6 00 3 20 4 00 I 70 3 65 5 cows.. , 94 840 2 calves. 11 row,.. 7 cow... 6 steers.. ..478 641 r.36 7 cows. 861 Nat llsker, 1335 U 75 Wvnmlnar 17 steer.. ..1335 U 75 IS steer., ..1367 6 75 MOUTH DAKOTA. 22 cows 872 2 75 9 cow 737 2 75 14 feeders., 1048 4 75 2 feeder. .1043 4 00 2 calves... 2i0 8 50 11 feeder.. 663 1 65 41 feeder.. OiV 3 60 12 feeder.. iUI 4 Ou 37 feeders.. IOUS 4 4 WIOMINU. 98 steers.. ..1163. 4 60 . 11 steers.., .1123 4 60 3 hfsAstrs 4oo 2 5 40 year'ngs 663 4 Ji 39 siocker. ,m 4 la H008 A broad shipping outlet made aell ttig an easy matter In the hog yarda this morning. In point of supply, the situation was equally encouraging. Receipts were light; In fact, there were not enough hog on sale to satisfy demand and packers' drove were the smallest in many dava. Prlcea advanced In both divisions during opening rounds, but trade was spotted and skipptrs were the only patrons of conse quence. Much of the tuff went at nickel advances, with some - biihlness no better than strong and other sales pretty close to a dime higher. Afte.- shippers retired the market flattened out and offerings that were unsold had to move it quotably steady figures, alue closing ou this basis 1 Ileavjr hogs came In for most of the Im provement, good heavies selling at 3t 00 and better, flood lulled of medium weight brought 2.(f K, and llpthts commanded the high ftguree. Pelect-d bacon hogs reached S 00. whii h price was also rtatindnv's top. Bulk of soles ranged from li H6 to l 20 as compared with Saturday's spread of ;.!sj 8. 15. Nn. . At. ..go, Pr. Nu. A. S8. r 88 4 48 1 80 48 .214 t I 14 4 2 ... t 80 44 JM 80 I ,o 14 ZM 110 T 84 47 TO 1 1a S"4 ... t 84 47 Ml 80 t tt 10. ...... .88 ISO p 75 Ml 49 8 20 J47 M IM . tv., pt 80 I 20 4 70 120 9 04) 41 tut too I to 4 fit If t ) u Ill M 40 J40 88 0(t 77 1ST to I 18 0 44 ... t 00 , 48 177 80 t 26 It t to I 00 tt is too I til 8" 888 ... t 00 41 JI8 80 I 24 W ... I 00 43 141 ... I tn 47., ! ... 8 00 (8 ...12 ... I no t 2M 10 I OS ' 71 3.11 40 1 u .. 106 til. 114 in t 40 21 ... tO 3 IIS ... I w 42 844 140 t 04 64 t0 .., 27. .2.13 ... lit Tt !10 40 1 44 M 22 ... I IA 48 14 40 I 4.-, M tr.J 84 I 14 J 104 80 I f,5 45.. lot ... II ! 18$ 0 1 M 12 !2 240 t W 71 207 ... I to 44 147 ... 8 10 SHEEP Almost fifty doubles of sheep snd lambs were yarded tills morn lug, and the run Included a lot of common stuff, so that offer ngs In killing condition were not very large. Demand from packers was naturally keen and movement active from the open ing. Prices showed more or less Improve ment as well, best kinds going st figures around a dime higher, while ordinary qual ity readily commanded good firm or even strong prices. Fat lambs from the Colorado range sold as high as 18.85, a dime higher than last week' high sale. No sorts were involved tn til sale, the whole string going In a lump. Fat wethers brought 34.0u, in dicating a Quotable ton of 84 26 on strlnlv choice handy weights. Yearling went to a packer at I5.W, but they wer not very toppy. Feeder trade m-a even more II vl v than the market for fat stock. Recent rains tnrougnout Nebraska and the middle west nav added certainty to oorn crop pros peot and demand is accordingly broad. In quiry for yearling la especially brisk, on order being filled at tt.ib. Feeder wethers moved around 84.00 and It takes 30.00 or better to buy Kood feeder lam ha Itnllr r.1 ale in the feeder department made up a mat looxea to oe ail or a dime higher than the trade at last week' close. Wuotatlon on grass stock: Oood to choice luinoa, go. mi; lair to good lambs, 8.mr 6.50; feeding lambs, ffi. 754rtl, 15; handy weight yearlings, 85.0O35.35; heavy year lings, 4.&l7j4.W, feeder yearlings, ti.T.fj 5.26; good to choice wether. 84.00iti4.26; fair to good wethers, 3.tiO(ti4 00; feeding ethers; 33.50f4.00; breeding ewes, 4.25r 4.76; ft ewes, 83.504.1O; feeding ewes. a.uig,d.bO. Representative aalea: '314 Wyoming lambs , 84 6.86 Wyoming bucks 75 2.00 19 ewe , 60 4. so 194 Wyoming1 ewes , 7a 6.15 200 Wyoming yearlings 73 6.15 10.. Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 1"2 4.00 210 Wyoming wethers, feeders. .10.1 4.00 108 Wyoming wethers, feeders. .102 4.00 210 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 108 4.00 420 Wyoming ; wethers, feeders. .102 4.00 26 native eWes l: 1 t 101 western yearlings, feeder..,. 66 4 50 a western iambs, culls 35 3 76 84 western ewee. nulla frlara K:t 1 sn 298 western yearling wether 81 6 00 8.W Montana wethers Ill 4 00 . 262 Montana wether... 108 3 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Prices n All Classes of Stock Ten Cents Lower. 1 CHICAGO, Aug. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 80,000 head; market 10c lower; bulk of sales, jmwo.m 18X88 steers. 3.WH9.W; weet ern steers, 84.0lKjti,70; Blockers and feed ers, 94.0O&O.20; cowb and heifers. 82.6041) 6.36; calve, 96.50860. HOGS Receipt, 32.000 head; market 10c lower; light, 88.468.96; mixed, 97.86iu-8.85; heavy. 37.80itt8.45: rough. 97.60(3)7.80: good to choice heavy. 97.808.45; pigs, 98.5O&9.00; bulk or saies, to-uv8.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Market weak; na tive, 82.2&4H30; western, 32.50g4.20; year lings, 94.00iSfi.40; lambs, natives, 94.2560; weatern, 94.25&4.G6. Kansas city Lie Stock Market. KANSAS ClTlT. Aug. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 18.000 head, Including 2,000 southerns; market steady to 10c lower; southerns, strong to 10c higher; stockers and feeders, strong; calves. 25c higher: dressed beef and export steers, W.60a7.75; fair to good, 14.60 6.26; western steers, 94.25B'7.80; stockers and feeders, 83.006.00; southern steers, 84.00 4 75; southern cows, 92.40(4.26; native cows, 92.506.5.00; native heifers, 83.00,43.60; bulls, 33.004.28; calves, 84.007.80. HOUURecelpts. 8.800 head: market steady to Be lower; bulk of sales,' 38.868.78; heavy, 98.1u8.60; Parkers and butohers. 8.40Qg.7B; light,. 88.60fj8.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 hend; market " 10c to 20c higher; lambs, 85.256.?5; yearlings, M.50(cr6.25; wethers, 94.00 4.60; ewegy 93.60a.l,10; stockers and feed ers,, 92.764(14.75. . . ' St, Joseph Lire Stock Slarket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. AueT. IS CATTT.ir Receipts, 2.760 head: market steadv tn shHde lower: steers, 34.&W7.00: cows and neirers, ti.owt.ou; calves, M,OOrtf7.50. HOOS Receipts, 4,000 head; market weak to 6c lower: ton. 88.75: bulk nf aal in iua 8.65. ' ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Ranelnta 1101 head; market slow;' lambs, 94.508.75. St. Lonla Live Stack Market. ST". I.rtr?H .Alter. IK T A T"Tr in 8.500 head market ' strong to 10c hlarhnr- native shipping and export steers, 97.503 a u : aresaea peer ana butcher steers, 96.40 7 75; stockers. and feeders, 93.26(B'6.50: cows and heifers, 93 60tj1.00; canners, 92.758.00; bulls, 13.26(36.60; calves, 95.50; Texas and an Office v - in the i :,; Heart of Oririaha Bee Building Available epaco for rent at the piesent time.' : t I 4 . Boom 023 Located ea top floor, facl&g court, wltt 170 squgrg leet, lacludlsf vault, Welch rtau lot 2Z per tubuih. Room 817 -Coirt room, tuoutk. . . Room 64S One of toe bett suites of office to the elly. In the corner of tnt building fglog 17th and Fur&am. " .' ' 1 Tbls space Is divided Into three rooms wttli tiled partition, giving a total of (70 square feet, and la fitted with large aalt. Rent, 900.04) per tuoutu. ' Rooms 218 and 220 Nice aulte ofMcas located In north rest corner ot building. The larger room Is partitioned so ts to afford two private otflfea and reception room, and la provided with vault. Thla makes a good combination of rooms and bs been occupied by Insurance company; may be rented ior 2.04 per month. Vf The Bee Building Co. R. W. DAKER. Supt. :7th mnd Far nam Indian steel . 24 !"iu4 60) aoej and heifers, 8.1 6".5 tut. Minis- Receipts,' 4. 00 heart; market loo higher; pigs and lights, nvK; packers, 6HiH.;0; butcher and best heavv, 8.166?) 8.90, r-IIKKP A Nil IAMH!t-lteN.lpts. 1.000 heao: mnrket steady to 26c higher; native mt.ttona, f.?rrt.3; lambs, 9K76f.; culls and bucks, 3.ool;4 80; stockers, l..Vo3.7i. . , , torts In Sight. ' Receipts of live stock at. th five principal western nutikcls ) rMi-ril.A) : .Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South OmahA 8!i0 84) 12.500 Pt, Joseph 1.700 . 4.WM 4 000 Kansas City lyOt) 3,AJ 8,000 St. Loul 1 8.6I0 4.81X1 2.6)10 Chlcagu .. , 30.009 32,000 30.000 Totals 08.100 - 41.400 62,300 Cot tun Market. NEW YORK. Ang. li.-COTTON-Ppot. quiet; middling upiands, 15.66c; mlrlfllli g gulf? l.YxOc; sales, 13,218 bales. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 15.-COTTON-Spot, dull; price 8 points lower; American mid dling, 8.72c; good middling. 841c; middling, 8 28c; low middling, 8.18c; good ordinary, 7.92c: ordinary, 7. the. The sales of th day were 4.000 bales, of which 400 were for speculation and export and Include 3.000 American. Receipts, l.OOO hales, none American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet. Cotton future closed steady. Closing bid: August. 15.62c; September. 14.19c: October. 1351c; November, 13.40r; Decemlwr, I8.40e; January, 13.39c; February. 13.40r March, 13.44c; May. 13.60c; June, 13.60; July. 13.61. ST. liOinS. Mo.. Aug. lS.-COTTON-Oull. Middling, 15'sc. Sales none. Kraporatrd Apples sail llrled Frails, NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-EVAl'ORATED Al'l'LES uulet and steadv. On the snot. fancy Is favored at lO'ibllc": choice. 4MV 9c; prime, 8u6lto; common to fair, ti'i'g 7Vc LRIEI Fltt'ITS-prunes are firm on the smallest stocks, quotations rauglng from S1"' for California up to 30-40a and 6o9lo for Orcgona, Apricot ar tiulrt, with old crop selling flt below a parity with new. Choice, Ulifi'lOtse: extra choice, llfi'll'c; fancy, liUu. I'eaches are firm on advices fro 111 the coast; choice, 6 mi IV-; extra choice. 6!ft7c; fancy, 7iU7a. Raisins are quiet, but firm; loos muscatels are quoted at 3VU6c; choice to fancy seeded, 4V'K'c: 4eUlcta, 4tf4tC; London layers. 91.20thl.sfi. '1 ., . Minneapolis 4Jraln "Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. - 15-WTIEAT-September. 9I-H1i: t Uecemoer, 91121a 1.12H; May, 91-161.16''): cash No. 1 hard. iLMV; No. 1 northern. 1.12-(tfl.l.!V, No. i north ern, 91.OTto4rl.llH; No. 3 northern, 9t.0i, 1.10'i f- ..... . FLAX Closed at 92.40. CORN No. 3 yellow, 61Hfr'4o. OATH No. 3 white, 86to37c ' RYE No. S. 71(&74c. - BRAN In 100 lb. sacks. 120, OOrS 20,50. F1AUR First patent. In wood f. o. b. Minneapolis, 35.&t&.70; second patents. 95JM r5.50; first clears, 93.904H.10; second clears, 92.602.80. .... . . (Jlrl Ilnrled Through Ha rove I re fence. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 16. (Special.) To be hurled bodily through ' a barbed wire fence and live -to tell th story was the thrilling experience of Mis Stacy, a young woman homesteader, who live In the vicinity of Hermosa. She was driving to town when her horse became frightened and ran away. The buggy. In Which the young woman was riding, wag soon demol ished and she was thrown violently from the vehicle through a barbed -wire fence. Her clothing became 'entangled tn the wire and was tarn almost to shreds, and she was terribly lacerated about tha head, body and limbs. Fortunately, how ever, no bones were broken. For a time she was In a serious condition, but now Is recovering. Fire at Worland, Wro. ' WORLAND, Wyo Aug. 16.MpeolaJ Telegram.) Fire started In the blacksmith shop owned by C. L. George Friday night. Nearly all of the men In town hurried to the scene to help fight tha fire, but l( was already beyond control and , the building was burned to the ' -ground. Insurance amounting tq 9960 was being carried!', Tha blacksmith shop ' stood between two lumber yards and Just across the street from the livery barn, and If th night had not been calm, the fire, would have had more serious consequences, - , Hnnsrartan Plant Kxpert at Werland. WORLAND, Wyo Aug. 15,r(Special Telegram.) Dr, Jhn Safary, 'v native of Hungary arrived at Worland yestrdny. He has bean sant to this country by his government to study our methods of agri culture. He Is now here to see, th new grains, which have been produced by Prof. B. C. Buffum. He say that the world marvels at the rapid advance of this coun try, both In agricultural and In h general Herbert E.GooGh Go Brokers and Dealer Qgt I .820 ItlO 21 S S1TOC K.S) Omevha Olfler, lis Seara f Vntt Slag. U Vaone, Pens;, eail IsA. A-St ObSUI AJ8S ZeAXdSSl 8JOU9I : Uf ', 9u 6i 8x14. r.eot for $10 ii :,rt