Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1910, Page 7, Image 7
OFFERED FOR RENT llKkfrilB( 11.mmu ontliiatu. - NICELY furnished tht housekeeping room; private entrance, 215 N. 2ld. TWO housekeeping roomn. double par lore, .o fer month, not Harney. ..fJC'J'T. loukeeiiliig room, wYTha 1.3 24 th. TWO front rooms. IDS "south 20th. TWO housekeeping rooms. (Iso elceping rooms. 201 St. Mary's Ave. , NKWLT furnlithed or unfurnished liprht fiousekeeplng and sleeping rooms; new management SIC South 22d. , THRKK strictly modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping during August and September. Use of phone. No children allowed, as ki. 25th St. Uougiaa 6:. NICELY furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping; closo In. 216 N. lath. SUITE of 4 nlr-e modern furnished house Keeping rooms, bath. 55 S. 31t. 11. 45M). ' FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 1914 California, ' rrt'O.VT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 818 S. 20th. COOL, modeii, convenient rooms. 811 8. 20th Ht THREE famished rooms for light house keeping; man and lfe; $12. 3414 Webster street . . .... NEWLY furnished light housekeeping or sleeping rooms. li43V N. 16th. upstairs. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; east front 2Mi Davonport TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 618 8. 16th. ROOMS for llgnt housekeeping; modern. 2013 Howard. . THREE, rooms for light housekeeping; modem. 2218 Leavenworth. SINGLE room for lady employed; very light housekeeping If desired. H 8. 27th Sr. TWO furnlnhed rooms for housekeeping; modern; walking distance. 832 South 28th street TWO modern rooms; no objection to chil dren. 313 South 26th. MODERN rooms for housekeeping; take part pay In sewing. 2121 Webster St TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 712 ! N. 16th. " -'. " ' VITP viairtrn . uv. i .. . v ... i v ,v, Link UVH.VKCCLf- Ing. 2010 Davenport 8t . , FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 60S N. 18th St t ROOMS for light housekeeplpg, modern. not Farnam St. Harney 4774. 2 OR S COMPLETELY furnished rooma, first floor, modern, walking distance, shade, 118.00. 604 8. 28th 8t . THREE completely furnished rooms for -. light housekeeping. 2206 Harney 8t k, THREE gound floor housekeeping rooms. - -2 N. 17th St 8TRICTLY modern, housekeeping rooms, walking distance, reasonable. 480 N. 2nd. ' TWO 'furnished housekeeping 'modern, second floor. 622 N. 23d St rooms, SUITE of two or . three housekeeping Tuvmm, ursi iioor, water ana pnone. walking distance, terms reasonable. 2576 narney ot. uougia . . . 4. 1 FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment modern, brick building, walking distance. 616 fl.- 29th 8t. ' TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping, modern .house.- 31U Bpencer t)t Webster 6410. - - TWO housekeeping rooms. 2008 California Bt " "-' - LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $3.60. 60S N. Mth'St .... front room, modern, - gas, Ice and telephone, 33 per week. 2US Chicago St THREE all modern rooma, walking dis tance. 2tfl8-Davenport-8t ' ' , . sr.-ri HOME COMFORT-Elegant s furnished r housekeeping apartments; bath, heat. Ice, , laundry, hot water, janitor;- 323 to $36. The '''Manuel and Howard, 21st-and Howard. TWO front rooms, modern, gas range, re frigerator, also .largo 'basement room. 3u2Q " ""Burt 8t ..' , 2M2 HARNEY, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, south exposure, modern. WALKING DISTANCE. ' TWO desirable rooms for light house keeping. 218 N. lth St. r- EXCELLENT completely furnished house keeping rooms, 'phone In house. 2674 Har ney st . , t THREE completely furnished rooms for housekeeping; bath and gas, gas range, ice .'box, good cellar; no children. 717 8. 18th. , 'COOL front housekeeping rooms, mod ern. 3024 California St CLOSE IN 2 beautiful furnished rooms; complete for housekeeping; modem; nice ''cool and separate porch; reasonable; no ; children. 2608 Capitol. aVe. . . . MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. 6)087 Harney. . . '" HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite; gas,' telephone. 812 N. 17th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 08 N. 16th St - '.. THREE furnished rooms, . HL3 a 11th st FOR RENT Twoalsrge, cool rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 614 a 28th st TWO nicely furnished rooms: evervthlna- ' -'modeih; gaa, electricity, bath, 'phone, well " ' " located; close to car line, in private family, " to couple without children. 643 S. 37th at SUITE front housekeeping rooms; mod , ein; 18.60 per week, uus Burt ' HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; $2 ' week up. 2016 Leavenworth. TWO or three elegant housekeeping rooms. ' 2110 Harney. I. Sort. SINGLE and double rooms for gentlemen: excellent board. 2214 Douglas. 719 South ISth. ' Furnished rooms with home cooking; rates reasonable. NICEST light housekeeping rooms: mod ern, elbee in. 218 No. 19th. SOUTH parlor, with or without board: - Modern. . till Douglas. . " J9W St. Mary's are., board and room; ljoine cooking. . " e- . FIRST class room and board: modern. 2021 Howard. " - BOARD and. room. 2228 Dodge st Red eccs. . .... FIRST class room and board, near 24th "'jgtroet car line. ,& per week. W6 N. 82d st. MODERN furnlnhed rooms with or with , out board. 2103 Douglas. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 622 a Sth St. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; $12. 8U4 Webster street THKES ' light , housekeeping rooms; gas, fumaca and bath; 64 a week. 3212 Lcavtn- Kwlk. I'Bforalaheel- Ilomi, ELKGANT f. 4 and S-eoom spa It men ta - trshhw Terrace. Webster 42M. . 1 ii . - - THREE rooms, unfurnished parlor floor; T' housekeeping. 2)03 Dodge Ht. ' i:: - '- - - j 336 00 Five-room modern flat corner Park Ave. and Harney St.; walking distance. Taie Klirharrit Co., - Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Mione Douglas 4403. .. SERVANTS problem solved; I rooms con densed Into r steam heat; electric Hint and - laundryi hrt and cold water: wall bed. safe, L - u slave. rafrlKeratert lanltor eervioa. Tha liMnter. 36th and Dodge. TeL Douglas 4111 ' - FOR RENT Six-room spsrtmeo( In The Barnard. Fkene Douglas LSh. : ELEGANT (-room flat, main floor, mod ern. 216 N. 12.1. inquire 330 N. 20th. FARNAM and 30th Sta. atrlctly modern ( room flat W Per month. Teleo"- Har ney we. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Apartments and Plats. FOUR room aiodern Flat $3.00 17."4 So. l.llh street heat; 1S. Matey. MARRIED couple would like to share ex- penses with another couple In a high grade flat, or detached house, beginning Heptem her 1. References exchanged. Address A i7f Rce. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two hlfth-crnrie. K-nnun. irinHarn flats hardwood. arhDle rnnmi: nlviv. nice nr1ar shades, hooded gas range, free hot water all year; stam heat; walking distance. Hum mer, onn $25, other $1S; winter $8 more. Equal mv st $20 more. References required. . BKMIS-CAItUlKRCl CO., 310 Brandeis Theater. Furnished Houses. WILL rent our eight-room furnished house for three or six months. West Far nam district 'Phone Harney 1002. Ileuses aad Cottages. I-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum or ionaar. 140. 2bM Jackson. HOUSES, Ins. RingwaU, Brandeis Th. Bldg. Houses, fists. Garvin Bros. Id floor N. Y. U 9-ronm. modern hrtek hnnu nnrth nart of city, 2S. t-ruoiu apartment, city water, fix. I room apartment. 117 Clark, lia 8-room (iMrtm.nt nIv n-r 1017 Clark, 3. ' ' ' i-room apartment, 1R26 North 17th, 39. One store building, 1912 Clark St., 330. One l-room apartment for colored people, 1C18 Burt St., CM, BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. Phones: Office R-298. Residence D. 6008. 1406 N. 25th St., 6 rooms, water, sewer, gas. Phone Harney 6U64. 4-ROOM modern, ft. 824 Ave.; good condi tion, 320. Tel. Harney 1666, WISH to rent our boms In West Farnare district; eight rooms, strictly modern; oak finish, hot water heat, east front, large porch. Phone D. 1086. NEW six-room brick house, modern. Harney 647. I-ROOM modern, full lots, fine lawn, grapes, garden,' chicken house, trees. 3181 Fowler Ave.; xk at It NOWATA LAND st LOT CO.. 668 New York Ufa Bldg. Phone Red 18W. FOH RENT a-ronm cottage, ma) Capita Aval bath; good plumbing; good reyelrj nearly new; 826. TeL Red 6164, HOUSES ,B rU tn ll,UUOW Cralgh Bona e Co.. Boo Bldg, NINE-ROOM modern detached brick. 141 1 Sherwood Ave,! 6M, Pattersoa, 1621 Far nam St BRICK . HOUSE. tU Dwey avenue, I rooms, modern. Moyer Sta. Co UU Far nam St ,..- TWO 6-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 71 a 37th. Webster 2G90. SIX ROOMS, MODERN, walking dis tance. Inquire 2223 Burt St. FOR RENT Just completed, 8 elegant 6 room, all modem brlok housea. They have 6 rooms with an extra room on the Id floor provided with bathroom, besides a neat room for storage. These house are beauti fully finished la quarter-sewed oak, latest nickel plumbing, with toilet in basements pertect gems; right In tha heart ot th city. See them: n. w. oorner tOtb. and Daven port Sta., opposite high sohooL C. M. Baea. man, 486 Paxton Block. Tel. Bad tm; Mao, deuce Tel. Doug. 60M, ' HOUSalM FOR HKIMT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Bui to 134 N. T. Ufa Bldg. Red wf. NICE g-room house (or rent; modern ex. eept beat. 4U Cumin street 'Phoae, Has. ney 166a, NO EQUAL Central location. 4-r. oorner Oat Apply 220 Nort ltd. Tlaard Block, 6-HOOM bouse, modern except heat; nice range in kitchen; $22.00, U17 S. 8th St STRICTLY modern 8-room house. 1301 g. 2Srth t M.00. HOUSE for rent at 2402 a 4th, on Via, 24th St car. FOR RENT Modern 10-room house. Ml a 22d St Key next door south. To Colored Peopje 6-room modern cottage, $34. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 190. WILL rent part of or all 6-room brlok residence near Benson on car Una. AU modern, oak finish, hot water heat north and east front, good view, porch on three sides, large yard, garden ail kinds of oeanng trust 'Phone Hanson 104. 3220 Manderson, I rooms, $12.60. 2616 Seward, I rooms, $15. 3116 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod., $30. RINGWALT BROS, BRAN DDIS THEATER BLDG. 4328 CHARLES Half block Walnut Hill flve-mlnute care, l-room, newly modern, $23. v A.ecie xveai ,siui to, 8-Rooms, Larsro Lot. $12.50 One block Harney oar, water on both 1.UJU, B. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 6SS New York Lit a Bldg. Phone Hed lm. BEST ROOMING HOUSE IN OMAHA. 12 rooms, large lot, plenty shade, fine lawn. 2412 Dodge 8t Look at It NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Red im 614 New York Ufa Bldg. Three large room apartment, first floor, partly modern; good neighborhood: block to car and stores. Ill to good tsnant 1316 Elm street Another same kind, second floor, $9. 1917 Elm street Apply to , . W. G. MENZIB. 1915 Elm St TeL D. $381 FOR RENT Am about to move in my new house, 4620 Florence Boulevard: will rent my present strictly modem. 7-room residence, 46U2 Florence Boulevard. This Is one of the choicest homes In North Omaha; grounds are 165x400 feet with about 100 Urge shade trees; H block to the Ames Ave. cars; auto barn 20x24. Telephone Win I. Kierstead. FOR RENT Eight-room modem house. 116 a 86th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4687. OMAHA Van Stores Co., pack, move, store household goods; storehouse, 1120-14 N Utbt office, 8o 8. 17th St let Douglaa U&A HOUSEHOLD OOODft peeked, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expreasmsn's Delivery Co, K'el. Doug. Ui. FOR SALE By owner. 6-reom all modern home; walking distance, good neighbor hood. G 818, Ijee. SMALL COTTAGE, conveniently located at w norm rata hi., near business center, $10 per month. Key next door north. 81X-HOOM oottaga, 221 Burt St 6-ROOM all modem cottage at 1601 North $4tll St Tel. Harney 623. FOR RENT Modern house. 326. 1614 No. 27th bt Key first door south. A modern 6-room eottags 1401 Bo. 17th St Open Sunday from I to 4, 822.M and water. 6il Bo. 22d It, 10 rooms, $6 Fred a Hadra. UO H. y. U Bldg, Douglaa 4J34. 2212 MASON St.. -r., all mod., $35. 1100 S. Z-d St, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $26 3610 Jones St.. 6-r all mod., $2i.60. 3o.a Pleree St., $-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 11 N. 84th St, 6-r., all mod., $26. 2u2 Chicago. 8-r., part mod., $13. 'Indicates water paid by owner. B1RKETT A TEBBENS. 423 Be Bldg. Phones D. 4754 A-1764. TO RENT 8 rooms with I baths, cen tra! location. See owner at 3831 N. 22d. MODERN 6-room bouses. 111 to fit, lo cation ventral and west Owner at 3M1 N. 24. . SIX large rooms, modem except beat 103 So. rd St. Tel. Red 4114. FOR RENT A six room house, almost new. 4uJl North 3th street Ail modern except heat; one block north of Amee Ave. car line, Ut per month. Reference required. Phone Webster 6754, THE BEE: OFFERED FOR RENT lluust-e anJ ( tir.iir Liniiiiiuril. m So. ICi Ave., e ims., all mod., W. Ill's So. .list tt.. ' rms.. nil mud., tM. MH ho. 2Mlh St 7 l'ia ,iir,1 v hst 117. ttO. W On. Wth Ave., 6 mis., all mod. .7. 2.10 shermnn Ave , 7 riii!.. all mini., :ti23 Charles St., 7 rms., mod. ex. heal, t-"0. 2J'l i'icrce 8t-, C rmH., mod. ex heal, line repair, I.U 12 Clark St., 6 rms., mod. ex. heat J18. Ml Knimel St., 6 rms., city water and gas, 17. SO. .l.J4 Miami St., 5 rms., city water. 313. ?215 Hurt St., 4 rms.. city water, SS. M CAOl'K INVESTMENT COMPANY. loor, Lodge St. 1'hone Doug. 415. 2302 S. 35th St. 6 rooms modern. 4132 Izard St., 7 rooms modern. 2j10 t?. 3f th 8t., 6 rooms modern. GALLAGHER dc NELSON, 410 Bradeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 2112 Parker St., 8 rooms, 1. 2.Mfi Poppleton Ave., 6 rooms, 20. WM7 California, 0-r., modern, 3-50. 80. 16th. 6-r., mndern. . JOHN N. KRENZEH, BOTH P1IONE3. 4 ROOMS, CLOSE IN. Look at 2048 Howard St., 4-room, strictly modern flat, only 38. bO. 6-r., mod., 1.108 N. 31st. $15. 6- r., mod., 839 8. 24th, 1 15. 8-r., mod., choice. 270H Caldwell, 3?0 7- r., also barn, 4103 N. 2Xth Ave., fig. 6-r., attractive, 4727 Franklin. $12. RUSSELL MKITR1CK CO.. 432 Rinige Bldg., 15th and Harney. 1773 8. sth St., S r., mod. ex. hent, $20. 2212 Mason St.. 8r., all mod., $.16. 1108 S. 22d St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $25. 810 Jones St., 8-r., all mod., $26.50. 2fiS Pleree St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. KiO N. 34th St., 6-r all mod., $25. 202 Chicago, 8-r.. city water and gas, $12. 607 Pierce St., 6-r., part mod., $15. . BIRKETT & TEBBINS, 423 Bee Bldg. Tela. D. 4754 A-1754. FOR RENT-Cottage. 3306 Harney St Tel. Harney 2126. Stores and Offlcea. trackaqiTPkopekti!; W offer for rent th ono story and basement brick tor room at 914 Faraarn. This prop erty has traclmge facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Faraarn. WELL LIGHTED store. gtxlOO. 101 8. lou. Carter Sheet Metal Worka . STORE ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner KMI and Douglaa Sts., Room 28x70 feet Possession given about September 1. 1910. CITY NATIONAL BANK. LARGE pleas n I south and east front office. Corner 18th and Harney, a a Cnrtle. 1308 Harcey. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meat market with fixtures complete; n equal, iixard Block. Apply 80 N. JUd tth $20.60 Store good location for barber shop. 1703 S. 10th St Robinson 4k Wolf, W Pax ton block. OFFICE SPACE, 600 square feet, second floor, new building, 816 S. 19th St., steam heat oak finish, toilets. GARVIN BROS., 364 NEW YORK LIFE. DESK room for rent in City National Bank Bldg. Stenographer and us ot phone. Douglas 6b85. OFFERED FOR SALE i Faraltar. PARTIES leaving city offer for sal var ious articles of furniture; refrigerator, buf fet rugs, rocking ohalrs, dining chairs, tuba, boiler and kitchen furniture Including Ideal gaa range. Apply 4004 Charles St Alf T l.-,-TKTi . 1 1 . 1 1 , .... 1 1 m wan ,lt,j VMAWnA, Will VUW IUT sale for a very few days, household goods, including parlor, dining room and bed room luiHuui, wv nuv tuw dvx wiu ajwa ewve, nearlv now. i ' Unn.v r- Tn..ii,u 5vyu CaUfornia St LARGE quarter sawed oak sideboard; cost 1100; sell for half. N. B. Kialrden, 410$ Laievyetit. FOR SALE Household furniture. In quire at 8321 Lincoln Boulevard. HALL TREE, SEWING MACHINE, CARPET, gas stove and washing machine. WILL SACRIFICE. 2244 Landon Court. ' LARGS quarter sawed oak sideboard ; cost iluo; sen tor bait. n. ii. Aairden, 4104 Lafayette. Musical Instruments. EXTRA fin Edison phonograph, cabinet and oholo records; good as new. 4108 La fayette. NEARLY new B -41 at soprano buffet sax aphone, sliver plated; low pitch and latest system of keys; will oe sold cheap for cash. IL A. W.. tit Brandeis, Bldg. NEW KlrebaJl organ, cheap. 1401 N. 21st rygewrltejrs. BUY an L. C. Smith 4k Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Swansoa Co.. Distrlbutsrs, mt Farnam t . TWnnr-U-n V TA4 A.LL MAKES. REMEMBER It takes but a few strokes of th pen to state that you saw th "ad." In Th Be. The advertiser wants to know. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 11u7 Farnam. MlscallaaiMaa. FOR SALE New ana second-band billiard and pool tables. Wi lead the world in chjaa bar flxturss; easy payments. Brunswlc.. rialke-Coilendsr. 40f a lOtb At 8 HA RE of original stock, Happy Hollow club; leaving town. Price $W6. Address M 608 Be. v CLEARING UP SALE Couch Hammocks and Lawn Swings. Theso are all good bar gains. SCOTT TENT & AWNING CO., 314-311 South 13th Bt 'phon Doug. 338. WE HAVE on band a number f Ink bsrrels which . will sell for 60 cantsT a.ciC Tbsy ar fine for rain water o a baa. LVii at press room. Bea PubUshing Co. FOR SALE-6,000 share Uncle Sam oil stock, transferable en company booka tar toU'MoA U 1JU,,, bid' MUST BELL IN TEN DAYS-Golng tl leave the city and will sell at a barialn four and one-half acres of good hleh land; between Thirty-fifth and Thlnv. fourth streets north of jCTmue I. I si so have 8.0U0 good cement blocks, carload of sand and some lumber. Must be r.h HENRV HM11-H, 2u6 W. Broadway. Couu cll Bluffs, la. About 44 feet of inch diameter No. M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-tnca elbows and T. Thla was used fur ventilat ing purposes, and pipe is in good condition. The Bee Publishing Co 17U and Farnain! SAFES-Overstocked with . second-hand efts, all tisee aud makes; bargain. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St ' HALL'S safes, nsw. id-hand. 1811 Farnaat W. vwi yiavm, , , paia OA all 110 orders; catalogue free. Bhermaa A UcConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb, norMa . . . i - . . ... . VACUUM cleaners. $16 to $25. 1117 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D8913. Iron bed springs, t74 N. 40th. ok princess EXTRA fine Edison phonograph cabinet and choice records; good as new, 4108 La fayette. OSTEOPATHY Kathrya Nikolas, 884-4 Brandeis Theater. Alio Johnson, svs-l Brandela Theater Bldg JOHN DB FOX 120 Brandela Theater. OMAiIA. MONDAY. ATTOUST PATENTS D. O. BARNLLL. Paiton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLAUD KUDY, renintered prartltloner In 1'. s. 1'n tof f e.JllSJ'a x toiitMk. It. Mil. PERSONAL MKCHANO THERAPY. Message ireatnitnt, nervous debility. Dr. Msrgarlte Halloran, 22 Neville Klk., b. 7ISL SHAMPOO, massape. Ada Steele liidj Howard St. 2d floor, front room, west flat, 10 a. m. to I p. m, DR. u. S. WOOD has moved to his new office. 4:K-4 Brniidi-is Tiieuter bldg-, snd Is sgaln ready for work. Xwif nlioa from comlilnns, f 1 50. Mrs. S. " " Mathews, 304 NevllU lie h!k. D 2VS. MESSAGE AND I3ATI1S Dr. Rlttenhouse. Room"30S Old Boston Store liklg., 4tH floor, elovatoi entrance, 120 S. 16th. SwitfllP tram comhlnge, $1.60. Mrs. a owiiLuea Mathews. 804 Neville Uk. U. 2a Rllhlier Good4 L"rf Iln ot Rubber i.VUUUt'1 UUUUS Good. Special Mail Order n A fplrhpr DRUO CO.. Service. A' eiCUer x:th & Farnam. MRS. EQGERtr private, confinement borne, 1614 Martha 6l Omafcv Neb. Tel. Douglas (230. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braee, SUengtben. 60c BELL DRUO CO. VTlINflES Rubbr goods by mall; cut Slcgu MYERS-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha. MASSAGE Sanitarium baths. Patrons resldenoe. "Best system cleanser." Tel Harney 649L A NICE, healthy baby girl for adoption at 1611 Martha. St. 'Phone JKuglas 6230. TO get real peraonal. W. F. fttoecker wants your vote for roncrxi Primari., August 16. j DR. O. (B. WOOD has moved to his new Office, 438-440 Brandeis Theater Bldg., and is again ready for work. MAGNETIC "tment Mme. Smith, YOUNO WOMEN oomlng to Omaha aa trangera are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building si Seventeenth St and St Mary's Ave., wber they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at th Union station. MAHOGANY upright piano lor sale; cost new $325 (CASH); NEED MONEY; leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address U. M. B.. Oensral Delivery. Omaha. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-1603. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 16th and Harney St SWITCHES from combings, $L TeL Webster 8604. THE SALVATION ARMY sollolt cast-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. llll fit, for coat of collection, to tha worthy pour. Call 'pnou Douglaa 4136 ana wagons will call. GROW new balr by using Mme. Fryer Adeligbt Hair Food. Mcgaatb Stationer Co. STRICTLY private horn for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2618 Davenport St OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Zlamg Bldg. VT(JO and to up foe men. Griffith. ivio u ul u nuDNzmn block. MASSAGE for ladles. Tel. Red 6296. KILL THOSE ROACHES NOT POISON) . : NO' ODORf We guarantee to rid your place, large or .small, of these -pests .in twelve days, pay when satisfied. Magic Roach Powder Co., 673 Brandela Bldg.. Doug. 1370, Omaha. riu.Aia nuinju ouring ooBiincmeni; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sanl tarlnm. 19 1st AvW Council Bluffs. Ia. JOSIE WASHBUTIN S book. "The Under world Hewer," at air book; stores; price $1.60. MAftNTyTTf! Treatment. E. Brott 2224 MAWUll L,lUt. Tel. D. T868. PIT,"RS cured wtthout operation or pain. M. axxljO Dp Maxw.ij, ee Bldg. D. 1424. MME. ALLEN ' of! Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St. oppo site postoff ice. 3d floor. TeL Doug. 766. T PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer Be Bldg. . Entrance on Court RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 108 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. MILLER A JAMiESON, 12U Doug. Both 'phone. , . . 'PHONE IND. A-S630 fot . good printing. Lrngsud Printing Co.. Itth A Cspltol Ave, REAL ESTATE CITT JHOPJRTV WOJt SALB. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1621 Farnata, PETER J ESSEN. JR.. TeL Douglaa 221 JULIA SCHMIDT, publlo. stenographer, 682 Brandeis. Dougtaa 4937. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 1858: prompt frvloe; get our prices. 206 Brandeis theater. BENJAMIN It E. CO.. 477 Brandeis Bldg REAL ESTATE -TITLE TRUST CO.. 1601-8 City Natl. Bank Building. ' ENGLEBRECHT A RAVER CANADIAN A LOCAL REALTY. 1710 Farnam (Bee Bldg.) D. 4870. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE!. 6 ACRES FRUIT, . CHICKEN Two blocks paved street and 16-room school bouse; five-room house, barn, chicken house, cherries, plums, apples peaches, lot of grapes. Price, $4,000. Terms! NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Phone Red IVM. 668 New York Life Bldg. Will Pay 10 Per Cent on Investment See 2531 North lDth St. 6-room, city water and gas. For a home we offer easy terms F. R. GOSNEY, 660 N. Y. L. -Bldg., D. 4T34.' OUR SPECIALTY - RENTING and SELLING homes to COLORED PEOPLE Tenants waiting; list your property with Home Investment Co., 2114 N. 24th Web. 8oi6. Ind. B DSH. Street Car Men Wa have two housea near tha new barn. They sUnd pretty well above the street snd will be sold for the right price. One has seven and the other eight rooms. 1418 and 1420 8. 7th 8t. (Park Wilde Av). A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Douglaa 2161. 444 and 446 Board of Trade Bldg. CORNER LOT CHEAP . . 6014?,t- wllu mJ' -rom houae. Room to build two more cottages. 1921 Willi. Ave. Make your offer. GOSNEY. 6'JO N Y Life Bldg. Phone Douglas iUi. ONLY $1,800 for a 6-room cottage, sewer, water and gaa, south front lot on paved street on car line. ONLY $2,000, for a 6-room cottage, bath, gaa and electiio light lot 40x12. with barn. North cf Bemls Park. ; ' NEW BRICK COTTAaB. I rooms and upstairs partly finished modern except beat nleely arranged and deooratcd. One of the best built housea In the city. Bu.ilt by owner. Full basement. 1.0146x127. A good home for some one, W. II. GATES, Room 644 N. Y. Life Bldg. D. 12M. W. 206. N. W. Cor. Joth Ave. aud Pacific Ixt 60x124. southeast front; look at It; can be bought at very low price. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. 658 New York IJfe Bldg. TeL Red 1990. 1010. REAL ESTATE tITY Mldl'tll 11 KUU SAI.K. tt'oiuiiiiied ) FLAT for sile. 22i", Dodge. PRAIRIE PARK-Artlstlc homes and beauilfiil vacnnt lots for uninll cimli rv mciit and hnlance monthly. Attent or premises. i'Tdll Fowler Ave. Paxton Reul KHtate Co., Doug. ,W, Web. 3M1. W-ltoom, West Farnam St. Larire, lot, shrubbery, fruit, fine lnwn modern. .t..V0; $Jti casu, balance very easy'. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 6:,8 New York Life BUI. Phone Red 1!TO. NOTHING CHEAPKR IN OMaTia. Six rooms, with receuil,,n hall. I.m.r finr .finished In oak, deeljeilly up-to-date and un a iit,ra sireei. ;iii and Hamilton 8ts. .eo this and consult ine aa to terms. IlADKA, biM N. V. Life Hldg. Tel. Doug 433i 2 LARUE LOTS I?00 Two blocks of Harney car. Good money can be made by building on thes Ion or let them lay. They will double your money In 12 months. x NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 6Ut New York Life Uldg. 'Phone Red I'M). 6-ROOM. RKNT $14-$1.2G0. Three blocks N. 24th St. car; $100 cash, balance very easy, good Income payer cheap home. ' NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Phone Red liW. Hfs New York Life Bldg LEAVING CITY "oV -5 -io,r house, with all conveniences. Investigate and give offer. C. O. Kdling, $19 North lth street. CHOICE FLAT on boulevard south of llatineom Park, sur rounded by good homes. $1,400. Tel. Hur ney 68. 8-ROOM CAPITOL AVE. Close In, full lot, paved street, concrete walks, brand new, latest style, strictly modern; $fi0 cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 668 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. NEW APARTMENT BUILDING. Brick of fourteen apartments, latest archl- ,.uiu., vr m j n in, w ii niouern oni vemence. Price, $50,000, encumbrance $22,000 at 6 pr cent Yearly revenue, $6,280. Owner will take equity In .land and sum cash. Thla la sWirtrl K t V W irt C. E. Bohn, 808 Brandeis Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCH L4NU FOIt IALR Call torn la. FOR SALE Stock ranch; 1,800 acres; fenced; good buildings, corrals, eto. ; abund ance creek water for Irrigation; 1,000 square mile summer and winter range; 700 acres alfalfa; 200 timothy; balance grass pasture and grass; ono of the best stock proposi tions In California; for price and full parti culars adress Kuck A Tobias, 840 Byrne Bldg.. Los Angeles, CaL CALIFORNIA fruit and poultry home near Sacramento; oranges, vegetables har vested all winter; perfect health; no nerloua drawbacks; acre $76. B. Marks, Box 16. Gait Cal. Colorado. FOR SALE-I HAVE FOR SALE ON reasonable terms a bearing peach orchard in the famous Grand Valley ot Colorado, within two miles of Palisades, where fail ure Is unknown; this tract contains seven teen acres and Is all set to peaches; best varieties; 80 per cent Elberta, balance Car men and Salway; good house, barn, chicken houses and cisterns: all new. For further Information addresa K. W. Godron, Pall sades, Coio. TO whom It may concern. Look, It may concern you. If you are not afraid ot work you can make 876.00 per acre on the 120 acres of land I have for sale In the Greeley district of Colorado. . It Is all fenced and has best of water rights and ready to be turned on; fenced but not In cultivation; It can be bought at a great bargain . on easy terms. Z . miles from railroad town; write, today for particulars. M. - R. .. Snodgraaa, 316 Good - Blk, Des Molnea, la. ... . , " Iowa. i 'CO MEN O W W want to show you th best bargains In Iowa farms to be found anywhere. W can suit you on anything from 40 to irOO acre farms and the price and terms will suit the most conservative buyers. Come and see us or write for particulars and be convinced that we can please you. Carr & Luka, Popejoy, la. 67H-ACRE FARM. Six miles of Council Bluffs, with two good roads to city; 40 acres of very best creek valley land, balance all good, rich, smooth land except about J acres. Run ning water on the place. Good 8-room house, large bam and plenty of buildings for all purposes. Large orchard and an ex cellent vineyard. This haa always been a profitable place and an Industrious man could not help making money on it Let us show you. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 200 acres at Met. Iowa; good Improvements, with half crop and stock,, $10,000. Snap. Dr.. Balr, Des Molnea, Iowa, t IN MISSOURI This Is a real bargatn and an excellent Investment; 300 acres. 1 miles west of Butterfleld, Mo.; 10 miles south vest of Monett; 100 acres In cultivation and 100 acres good timber, which will more than f ay for Its clearing; every foot good, tillable and; no Incumbrance; fair Improvements; bouse, barn, orchard, fencea and wells and on rural route, main line 'Frisco rail way; price, $5,000; easy terms, ' Address Thomas Seal, Jasper, Ma FARM LANDS. The best place to buy th best land that will raise the best crops, where price range from Vb to $125 per acre, and terms to suit and crops will show for themselves; Im provements and drainage la first class In every respect; this land la In the vicinity of Corwllh, la. Call on or address Albert Mitchell, Corwlth, Ia. FOR SALE 520 acres near Hermann Grant county, Minn., 200 acres well im proved; price on whole tract $32 per acre one-fifth catih payment, balance 6 years' 6 per cent Interest; will sell off separate tracts; must sell quickly to closs an estate. FRED S. HILL. " Brltt, la. GOOD IOWA CORN LAND Dandy lying 40 two and one-half miles' from town, good house and grove, other fair Improvements to be sold at a bargain on quick sals. 80 acres, all good tillable land, fair improve ments, less than mile of town, can be had at a bargain It taken within ten days. One of the best In the country. Vaat improve ments, extensive water system, fine lo cation, all absolutely the best of coil, good terms; don't come unless you expect to buy a good farm. 320 acres or leav off 80 and take 240. Price Is right. Good quarter 6 miles out, fair Improvements, $86. Inlay A Dy. Movllle. Ja. ' IOWA FARM SNAPS. Fine quarter section, IVi miles from Ger. mania, la.; good grove; six-room house, good cellar, good sixe barn, hog house 16x30 good weil and windmill, chicken houve, 46 acres In pasture, l.'O acrea In cultivation, no ditch tax; $67.60 per acre. D. W. Fulta. Swea City, la. Mlaaonrl. EVERY ONE WORTH THE MONEY ' 240 acres, 6 miles Olathe, Johnson Co., Kan., all in tame grass; prlc $10,600. 1W acres, well located Jonnson Co Kan.; mot all In cultivation; good Im provements; near school; prloa $75 per acre. W acres, 1 mile of Olathe; all In tame grass; a beauty for $1j0. 240 acrea In Clay Co.. Mo.; all rich, black soil; good Improvements; this Is a high class farm; pries $100. 1U) acres, 10 miles from Kansas 'City. In Platte Co.; 8 sets of Improvements; no bet ter soil on earth; the growing rops will convince you what the soli is; price $100. 80 acres near Lenexa; between two elee trio car lines; 36,0u0 worth of improve ments; a lovely country home; price $140. Beautiful 10-acre tracts on Strang alee irlc line, $300 per sere. . We know farm land when we see It and will pay all expenaes If land Is not as w represent CHAS. SPRAOUD A CO.. 320 Ridge Bldg. Kansas City. feu. , Soath Dakota. HUTCHINSON COUNTY -SO. DAKOTA I havs tome good linprovled farms at $40 to u0 and some unimproved at tla to tw per acre. Write for our list. C. O. 8CHNKPEL. TRIPP. 8. D. 15. REAL ESTATE fill )I,AM) IIAMtl I.IM1 FOItM.R Moat a. llskotn ontlnaeri. FOR SALE 610-scre farm, a square section In Deuel Co., S. I)., sood soil, good sub-soil, three miles from station, five miles from "od town, good five-room house, nicely painted; raemvnt, barn. 46ii, In (onl rea,r; gooil hen boue, granary and machine shed, a aiml mill and tank, also living spring wat-r on this farm. Fenced with cedar posts and four wires, near school and church, In well Improved section of the country, 1' Lore under plow, balance nastuia und hay meadow, land rolling; price $.u.ot an acre. Mortgage !i .acxi -n the land, due 1913, want balance cash. H. L. Craven A Co., Unawa, ia. "THE IDEAL IK'ME" or W0 Acrea. Situated In the Hlg Sioux valley, four miles south of Castlewood, the county seat ot Hamlin county, tf. 410 acres of deep black loam, uinlcr yearly cultivation; 100 acres III pasture and 100 In I lie beautiful spring-led Lake Florence, with Its sylvan scenes mi 'sparkling asters, deep and pure tilled with fish anu game In season, and nearby Is the home, a fourteen-room house, large barn, two granries, chicken house, fiog house and woven wire pasture, corn silo, macnine house, unall barn and numer ous small building, all In good condit.on with windmill, three wells and cistern, nil surrounded by a beautiful grove. Price ir.,000, on good terms, by M. J. Ruasel. Castlewood, 3. D. A GOOD IW-acre South Dakota relin quishment; all plowable; some Improve ments; four miles from Murrain; l)nrs.!n, 3500. William Koblnson. General Delivery, Sioux City. la. ATTENTION 180 acrea of pram, ua two miles from Troy; can all be cultivated; black loam, with clay subsoil; tn a well settled com munity. For the next thirty days I ran after thla beautiful quarter for $6,300. One half cash, balance at I per cent Address Thomas R. Stevens, Troy, S. D. , Kansas. JOHNSON COUrTT, ivAN.. FARMS. 400 acres.. 4 miles Olathe. Improved; best grain and atock farm In county; tUi per acre. 110,000 cash, balance I per cent. 120 acres, improved, ail smooth land, 2 miles Olathe; on good road; $lv0 per acre. 160 acres at Lorkman. on Strang una; this Is a beautiful farm; at a bargain. 80 acres, 1 mile Olathe, very non land; fine country home; priced right. 80 acres near Lenexa, Kan.; highly Im proved, rich land; $140 per acre. Can save you money on any slxs farm, Olathe property or western Kansas lano. John Fergus, olathe, Kan. FOR SALE 100 acres well Improved land; I mllee from Llnwood, Leavenworth Co., Kan.; 17 miles of Kansas City; 6-room house, barn for 12 horses with mow; other outbuildings; watered by well, cistern snd springs with windmill; 60 acres farm land, balance timber and pasture; 80 acres fenced bog tight; half mile to school; on rural route and telephone; price $45 per acre. Call or address L. F. Kimball, Llnwood, Kan., route 2, Box 38. Minnesota. SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA LAND. 80-aere farm, located on main travel road 3 miles from Tracy, Minn., a city of about 3,3o population. Farm, all under cultiva tion, about 40 acres being used for small grain, the remaining portion In tame grass, 15 acrea of same in pasture: two-thirds of farm fenced; three aeres In fine grove, young bearing apple trees and small fruit, shrubbery; fair buildings and good well. Frlee IW. 140-acre farm. 4 railes from Tracy, Minn., 24 miles from Oarvln, Minn.; ISO acres In crop, 26 aeres In pasture, fine greve, well and -60-foo -windmill tower; nine-room bouse, furnaoe heated; one barn 20x32, 14 foot posts, with addition 14xS2; one barn and granary combination 18x40, 14 foot posts; chicken house 3x24, 8 feet high. Price $67.60. A snap cn easy terms, 160 aeres, miles ".?" A'rcri m" from Amlret Minn.; all In tame grass and cultivation, living water, crossing corner; a fine level piece ot land. Price $43.00 per acre, one-fifth cash payment 6 years on balance at 6 per cent G. H. GOODWIN LAND CO., ' TRACY. MINN. BUMPKR CROPS IN Lyon, Redwood and Murray counties. Come and let us show you the best crops of wheat corn, oats, barley, rye and flax, that, gr ta b found in any section of th' ' west Vv have a large liste of fine Improved farms that we are offering for sale at from $40 to $80 per acre, any on of which will make the buyer a profit of at least $10 per acre before winter. If you can't come now,- writ us, stating what six, and' kind of a farm you are looking for and we will send you th desoiiptton ot some oholce bargains. Bonnalll and Bartlett, Tracy, Minn. See me about Minnesota farms of all de scriptions. They are priced right THE HONEST LAND MAN ' H. T. BULLI3, WASECA. MINN. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS V, FOR SALE We offer a large Hat of good farms In Freeborn county, the "corn and clover county" of southern Minnesota, at prices that will yield big returns on the invest ment; we call them Iowa farms at Minne sota price and invite a crltloal inspection. For list and map address Herbert J. Skin ner, Albert Lee. Minn, Nebraska. BARGAIN IN FARM For 60 days, bpeclal bargain. Immediate possession If desired. J. X. Campbell, Litchfield. Neb. 640 ACRES of good land tn Sioux county. Nebraska; good set ot Improvements; all fenced and cross-fenced; $1,600 cash will handle this, balance In annual payments. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Al l0-acre Nebraska land, well Improved, 7 miles to market. IUNTERLONG & ADAMS, 332 Brandies Annex FORTY-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, ' 127.60 AN ACRE. Buy land where It rains, rains, rains. Ws own and control 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land not on the market. The heaviest crop yielding county In the state. Alfalfa also a leading crop. Write for free literature and full particulars at once. . Agents wanted every where. FUND1NGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. PA8TUKK Have pasture for 15 or 20 head of, or mules. Plenty of water and good feed. Henry Tlram. Herman, Neb. 2,520-ACRE RANCH NEBRASKA. ' 83,000 Best equipped ranch in the state at the price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 'Phone Red 1999. 638 New York Life Bldg. $7.00 PER ACRE. 640 acres, Lincoln county, Neb., five miles from railroad; 300 acres cultivation land, balance pasture and hay. J O. BON 10, Council Bluffs, Ia. 112 Shugai I Block. 'Phone 814. 10 ACRES In Deuel county. Neb.. N. E. 27- 13-43. Six miles north of Julesburg. Pries I2,0u0 cash. Worth double. I. J. Brtnegar, Lincoln. Neb. FOR SALE 180 acre smooth pasture land hardly two miles from Clinton, Neb., on the Northwestern railroad at 620 pwr acre. Terms made to suit. Write owner what you can do. Fletcher DeClark, Buckley, III. Otherwise write to C. A. Hetzel, Gor don, Neb. , . Wlaewsutls). BE YOUR OWN BOSS Earn a farm of Wisconsin's best land; rich clay loam soil; level, near town; get my plan. G. A. Mo Dermld, Eau Claire, Wis. Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE? Or do you want 1 buy one? Maseyuurwant known through THU Dl4 MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium ot Iowa: Bates; 1 vent a word for each Inser tion, 6 cents a .ice, 70 cents an men. Cir culation, 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally. Civs us a trial. Address The Capital, Laud Dept. Des Moines. Iowa. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments send-annually. W. H. THOMAS. ' 608 First National Bauk Bldg. ARE you against tariff barons and priv ileged plunderers? Then vole for W F. Hluecker for congress. The people's candi date. Primaries Auguat 10. REAL ESTATE LOANS ( 'ontlmted.) Good 6 Farm Mortgage always on hand mid for sale at amount from 1300 to S,D00. BENSON" & M VERS, "412. 'xVLlfe UldR?' 4 M tn tf.CMi on h ones In Omaha. O'Keefe Rea Kstate Co., 1002 N. Y. Life. Douglas ' or A-I11T GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y, Life. $.il0 to $100. 000 on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City, loans. Cetera Trust Co. WANTED City .leans and warrante. W. Farnam Smlt A Co.. 1220 Farnam St $'.00 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, ttead Bldg.. Itth and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co, -SWAPS TWO-STORY brick business block. I Horn, off l,es on 2d floor; large, light base ment; modern; steam heated. Rented for II. 6ti0 per year.' Price, $15,000; mortgage 16.000 at I per cent, due In five years. Trad (or land. NOWATA LAND AND XiT CO.. C68 N. Y. Life Bldg. , 'Phone Red lDOs. $1,000 STOCK Art Goods, picture, frames, bric-a-brac, now running In Omaha; every thing first class; owners must get out of business; will consider clear Income or land. S12-S13 N. Y. Life Bldg. ... IF IT IS AN 2" KIND OK TRADE. gUM A. B. LATHKOP, D. lOSC '421 Bee. FOH SALE OR EXCHANGE ICO acres irrigated- land ' lit San Luis Valiuy, Is nuiva nortn of Alamosa, vthl take goou leuial property, '1 ills land 1 under one of the best canals In the valley, every foot can be irrigated. McCague Investment Co., - 1600. Dodge St 4,800 ACRES clear land at $10 per acre; want to trade for Income-bearing property and will assume a reasonable amount NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 658 New York Life Bldg. ' 'Phone Red 11. FOR SALE On easy terms.' hotel busi ness In growing town In northeastern Wyo ming; will take horses or cattle In part payment. A burgaln. Somers A Noonan, Moorcrof t, Wyu, , . , 820 acrea North Dak sta land, free of In eumbraiice, for good Omaha property. Fboo Harney 1236- GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to ex change for general merchandise and hard ware stocks; many bargains: Th Mercan tile Adjustment Co., Guthrie Center, Is. We exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. siX-813 N. Y. Life. , Douglaa 78uo, 100 ACRKS, Dundy -eounty Neb.,J N. E. 8-3-88. Black sandy sell, small Improve ments. t-(X0. Mortgage .I0. Want automo bile worth $1,250, balance cash. Box 203, Lincoln, Neb. " REAL ESTATE WANTED WK WANT tO'bnv 6 or ,6-room cottage, all on one floor, modern ekcept heat. Price not to exceed $2,600; must be within five blocks from 25th and California Sts. ENGELHRECHT.A ANDRUS. 1710 Farnam fit. Phones: Doug 4379. A-292J. WANTEDTP RENT We Ate Getting Numerous Calls For Houses or AU 8 1 sea. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y..LIf Bldg. 'Phon Red 1908. STOECKKK for congress means popular representation tn - congress. Democralio candidate. Primaries,-August -,18.' WANTED By young coupJe, front room with board, in private family, where there are no other boarder or-roomais. Address C 188, Bee. WANTE& V0; BUY HIGHEST price paid for household fur niture and contents. D C063. BEST prices for 2d-hand clothing. D. 8440. BEST prlcea for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Cold. etc. NATHAN, til S. 13th St BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur niture, carpets, clothing and (hoes. 'Phon Douglas 81)71. , , WANTED TO BORROW- WOULD like to borrow $3,000 from private party on or before August 20. Will glv first mortgage on house and lot valued at $4,0u0; close In; between two; car lines. Ad dress, U 801, care Bee.- WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Man of both municipal and legal experience wants office position at once. Good education, writes good hand, good .typewriter operator, . accurate at figures. First clafcs reference. Address W. (3. Smith, General Delivery, Omaha. WANTED Position as stenographer; can furnish references, Address. J. U, care Be. DAT WOMEN FURNISHED free of charge. Telephone Douglaa 1112 and A-2UL e WANTED Ladles' clothe to laundry by first class laundress. Call Doug. . 5601. LEGAL NOTICES .TRUSTEE'S HAL Bl In pursuance to an order gigda by the Hon. Benjamin J. Wood nub, referee In bankruptcy, Khereby offer for sale at pub llo vendue to the highest bidder for oaeh in hand, the stock of goods, wara and fixtures, including showcases, desks, Iron safe, counters, caah register, stock of gro ceries,, dry goofls gild notions, boots and shoes, hat and caps, clothini, queeiieware and miscellaneous ' merchandise; now con tained In the building formerly occupied by Ernest Prang, bankrupt In, the town el Ukldniore, Nodawajr county,-Missouri. Said sale to be held between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. .0). on Monday, the 22d of Auguat, 1W10: said sale to be subject to the approval or the referee In bankruptcy. Eacn bidder before making his bid will bo required to deposit 'wlta the truste certified check or draft In amount of $2u0, which draft will be returned to laid bidder, firovided the property Is twt oiu to him, n which event it will credited on th amount bid therefor. Said deposit to b forfeited to the estate a liquidated dam ages In event of any bidder falling to pay the amount as bid on the property being sold to him by the trustee. Invoice and appraisal of said stock ot merchandise and fixtures may be seen at my pfflce, No. 606 Corby building, bt Joseph, Mo. Amount Invoice, $14,610. J. J. GARTH, A13d4t Truste' , ip Bankruptcy. 1808-1910 JohnMuirK(o. Spclu.ists In OddJbots OF STOCK No necessity of giving order for stork la person. . Wire or mall your orders. ""Odd ytt Invest ment" explains trading on a monthly payment basis, without margin calls. " ' " . Send for Circular No. 16 "Odd Lot Investment." -Main bars New York atock Exchange, 71 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.