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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1910)
0 BRIEF CITY HEVS Ha. A : Mnl X. Ta yon prlatlBff ta tb Ylm. A- wfqirt for guti Sanator -Adv. Slactxlo ra Btrrtit-ffrutM Oo. Tot fot Xd Johnston, Democratlo can didal for State Senator. Adv. Tot for O, ac Buluuu, republican candidate for the leg1sltur.Adv. at Dry Cleaning- or garment. Twl Citv Dra Work. 40T South rtfUenth, T. Poet, oculist an A aortal, baa Vjived to T23 and IS City national bank. Vot for . W. Jlmeral Candidate for county attorney. " Republican primaries, August Adv. talwart's to Meat The Stalwart Re publican club will hold a meeting' In U'Nelll'e' hall. Sixteenth and Cuming streets, Monday" evening. la the XHvoro Court William A. Qlass man haa tiled suit for divorce from Maggie A. Olassrtian. ' Wllllna- F. Thomaa ask a divorce from Jonathan N. Thomaa. Horn Ownership la the hopa of every family. Nebraska, Having and Loan aaao' elation (how you the way. 104 Board of Trad Bldgv 16th and Farnam, Omaha. v.1 J. B. Jtanunon Ketone Rev. J. B. Hummon, pastor of the Kountze Memorial Lutheran church, who haa been in Colorado for fiv weeks, haa returned and will occupy hie. pulpit morning and evening. Soelal Salvation Army aeoretary Colo nel fcl Addy, social secretary of the Salva tion Army In the west, la making an In spection lout, of tils . territory and passed through Omaha Saturday. His office Is In Chicago, but trips over the whole territory covered by the Halvatton Army In the west are made by him regularly. Jo Mk Comes Back Jo Mik, station master of the Burlington station in Omaha, who haa watched people go and come on tralna for some twenty-five yeara, made a little trip himself Wednesday. Ilia brother-in-law in 8L Louis died this week and Mr. Mlk attended the funeral, returning to his old duties this morning. ' Asks fo Quart lan Mrs. Anna . Strltes has filed a petition in county court ask ing that a guardian be appointed for her husband. WIHIam MV Strltea, because he refuses to eat and does nothing but sit In his room and drink and amok. He has an estate valued at 130,000. Mrs. Strltes asks that her son, ' Charles, be appointed guardian for his father. Bid for Ughtlng Plana and specifica tions for elevator and ' lighting systems In the new court house have been received and are under consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. The work will call for an outlay of about $50,000, The contracts will not b let for several weeks, aa bids will not be asked for until the comistonora have made a thorough ex amination 'of what Is to be done. Turners' Convention The gymnaatle classes that will represent the Omaha Tel Jed Sokol at the Turners' athletic conven tion at Ravenna will give n exhibition at their hall, Thirteenth and William streets, at 2 o'olock Sunday afternoon. The state meet at which the teams, uiade up of young men and young women, will give exhibi tions for prises, will be August It, IS and SO. Boost ' for W Block The "600" block haa waked Itself up and ia start ing out to rival th famous "too block. Just to the north. The live wire In this case la Cv C. Wilson,, owner of the "600" Block cigar store at 611 South Sixteenth. The movement la not a consolidated one as it waa In the neighborhood of th tradera north, but Wuaon . says he is going to do everything to advertise his block and hopes that In time the other storekeepers will fall in line with him. RAIN PUTS'QUIETUS ON- V, PICNIC 0FCLAN GORDON Weather Spoil Fin. IMcnle Watch Waa Held at Conrtland Beach Only Hundred Present. The weather man put an effective quietus upon the picnlo of Clan Gordon, which had . en planned for Saturday afternoon at UCurtland beach. Of the thousand who Atiad purchased tickets for the event about a hundred braved th threatening weather of the early afternoon, but so slow were the plcknlckers In arriving that the pro gram of sports had only been well started when the deluge of the afternoon not only drove th picknlckera to shelter, but made the ground unfit for carrying out th real of th program which had been arranged. The clansmen and their families who were on the grounds, however, . remained and at a basket supper in the pavllllon. Bagplp musle by George W. MacDougall served to allay to a considerable extent the disappointment ovar tb unfortunate culmi nation of th clan's plan for a gala day. ECHOES OF THE , ANTE-R00M -tt'oodneen of th World Eatfcaelaatl Ovar Pro peat of Kaenaanaaont September 8. Omaba-Beymour camp No. 16, Woodmen Of the World, held its tegular meeting Monday night, August I. A larg attend ance was nthulatlo about th encamp ment to b held by th uniform rank wevk ending September 3. During th wek th drill team from camp No. 16 will be or dered out on epeolnl duty to go to Llnooln, Neb., wher a special drill will b given in that city. Wednesday, August St will be the big day at the encampment. Th following program of events haa been received: Forenoon Reception of visitors by th uniform rank. ' ' U M- Ihnner. 1 to 2 P. M. Ladles' and men's races and other contest. ' 2 to I P. M. Band concert and compet itive drilla. ' ' ' I P. M. Address by Mrs. Emma B. Man chester, supreme guardian. Woodmen Cir cle. 4 to P. M. Ball' game; South Omaha Vs. Council Bluffs. ' I P. M. Class Introduction to the grove; (00 candidate. JO P. M. -Addresses. 3- C. Root, sover eign commander; John T. Tatea, sover eign clerk. U P. M. Tap. Th High Court of Nebraska, Independ ent Order of Foresters, will give a picnic at Manawa Jio th several companion and subordinate courts of Omaha and South Omaha on Saturday. August 20. All mem bers of th order And their families are cordially invited to attend. The picnic ia given free to th members, th High Court furnishing transportation and re fehmnU. The picnickers will ev Fourteenth and Howard atresia at 1:14 p. in. in special ears.: A rousing good time la assured. . , . Meecat Court No. 4. Tribe of Ben Hur, had a meeting Thursday evening. Alarg number of members were In attendance. Arrangement were made to give a lawa Sany at th horn of F. C. White, l6 rant street. t- MISS HEITFELD GIVES PARTY lot Honor 'of Ml Onu Mora rUewst Hatstalnaent la Held . . , Satnrdar Nlakt. In ' honor of her guost, Mlse Orena Morse, Miss Bertha Hettfeld, entertained with a card party si her home, toil Plnckney street Saturday afternoon. Winner in tha playing wra Mtsa Irene Lucaa and Miaa Lois Brookfleld. Those who 1 attended were: Francla hv ) Jt (toutd. Beatrice Cole, Helen Rlepen. Flor 1'' enc Price. "Tot" J?lakn, Corlnn Sam nelson. Margarett Chao. Effl Aaron, Wllma Becht. Audrey Poat, Ruth Kinney. Ethel Mayne, Marie Beavers. Minnie Webr, Lida Strangle, and Mesdames De laney of South Omaha, Havens, Treulaon, Robrk Krpp, Peters, Good and Cutler. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Preparatoni for the School Year Koted on All Sdes. CHANGES IN TEACHING F0BCES Appropriate Memorial t Clergy aat and Rdaealor Activities In Loral and Distant gchoola. Tha Nebraska Military academy at Lin coln la fortunate this summer in having no serious building operations under way. The structure completed and occupied during the last year has stood the test of service, and has proven equal to every uAnand. Only Incidental repairs and Improvements are needed this vacation. Painters and decorator are busy tinting the walla and otherwise beautifying tha Interior, while the campus has been graded, and new walka and drives add greatly to the beauty of the place Dr. Ernest A. Balch, head master, has arrived in Lincoln, and already is planning his work for the school year. Enrollment of cadets Is In progress, and several boys already have come and will remain at the academy during the re maining vacation weeks. The new illustrated catalogue will, be ready for distribution within a week. This catalogue gives In detail the course of study for the four high school grades; It also gives the dally program, and the many Illustrations tell the story better than words of how academy cadets work and play. The attendance is limited to on hundred boys; and all Indications point to a full en rollment long before the opening day, September 15. WESLEY AN UNIVERSITY. Changes in th Teach I a ar Fore of Lincoln Institution. Chancellor William J. Davidson leave Wesleyan September 1 to become professor of sacred rhetoric at Garrett Biblical Insti tute, Chicago. Dr. Davidson ha served the university well during his two years of labor here, and friends of the school are sorry to lose htm. That the students ap prove of the selection of Dean Clark A. Fulmar for acting chancellor for tha com ing year was manifested at commencement time, when they greeted the announcement wlht an ovation lasting several minutes. Change in the teaching force for the year 1910-11: Br. Benjamin Van Riper be comes head Instead of the acting iead of the department of philosophy. Mrs. B. E. McProud succeeds Zliaa Ida Jones aa head of the department of ro mance languages. W. Eugene Knox, for the six years past, dean of the School of Oratory and Ex pression In th University of Puget Sound, auoceeds Prof. A. E. Turner as head of that department In Wesleyan. Prof. Knox haa traveled as an Impersonator In Illi nois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and several of the southern states. IMlss Cella Chase,, Instructor In normal training in the Chadron High school, and formerly Instructor In history in the Wayne Normal, become Instructor In history and director of physical training for girls in place of Miss Nellie Miller. Warren S. Thompson succeeds Mis Flora Flfer aa instructor In Latin. ' iMlss Frances Virgin! Melton of Chicago, a pupil of Sherwood, Swayn and Bauer, la to be head of the theoretical department In th conservatory of muio and first as sistant piano1 teacher. ' '"' BISHOP i HARES MEMORIALS SCHOOL Proposed . Tribute by th 'People of oath Dakotn. itiv atens are bctr"? taken by the friend and admirers of L.,..op"HW of the Rni.mno.1 diocese of South Dakota, to rear la fitting and useful memorial to his life and deeds. Th tnamnrlal nlanned Is to b a build- In to be known as th "Bishop Hare Memorial building,' connected with All Saint's school at Sioux Falla. The school fnimdAit bv the btshOD In 1885. has k hi. rruiaiit nrlde. and has proven UlM " O an educational fore ot much Influence In the state. in . circular soliciting subscriptions to . funA of 121.000. th estimated cost of the memorial building, the committee in charge says: "During his life tlm. Bisnop nar mad vry few appeals to the peopl of the state for assistance In building or (maintaining the school. Through long yeara of leanness in a new and unde veloped oountry, he waa evex busy raising funds among hi friends la th east In order that th daughters of hi frlenda In th weat might have te very best oi educational advantages at prices which they could afford to pay. Th yeara oi leanness now are gone. Th yara are nf fatness. The time haa surely come when the people of the etat will wish In torn substantial way to express their admiration of what Bishop Hare was, and their appreciation f of what he did for soutn jjaiioia. . a. result of th untiring efforts of Bishop Hare during th last twanty-flv years. All Saint school baa now a beau tiful property, conservatively valued at imnono. It la entirely free from debt and from liability to enoumbrance of any description. It haa an enaewment sen Ann and thara la a movement fully under way at the eaat to raise an addition of $50,000 to the endowment fund aa a memorial to Bishop Hare. "All Balnta school la not a peraonal or private enterprise. Th title to lta lands and buildings la vested In an ineorporated Kn.,ii nf trusts. In formlnc this corpor ation, car waa taken that there should not be gathered in the hands or a lew per sons, resident in one city, th power which ought to be distributed among many persons living in different parts of tli state. Nln different cltiea are repre sented In this Incorporated board of trusts. "The earnest and loyal and helpful co operation of every person In South Da kota, who loved and admired Bishop Hare la asked toward raising . "Tha South Da kota Bishop Hare Memorial fund." Jessie A. Smith of Flandreau,' S. D., is treasurer of the fund. PROGRESS IS INDIAN SCHOOL Whit Schawl Absorbing; Soma In dlan Pnplls. Th Bureau of Indian Affairs, in mapping out lta educational plans for the school year, expect a material Increase In Indian pupils, and a marked lucre In th num ber of Indian children attending white schools. Th plan of mixed schools ts to b pushed wherever practicable. 1 believe," declared an Indian official, 'Uhet w ar close to th tlm when ovary Indian will b enrolled in some school." Tb two larg nonreaervatlon schools at Fort Bhaw. Mont., and at Fort Lewis. Cok., each accommodating about MQ chil dren, have been abandoned aa unnecessary to the government's program. The Bed Moon boarding school on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation In Oklahoma also haa been abolished and a day school established In tts place. Th Indian officials believe the day school exert greater Influenc on th In dian horn. They ar io regarded as THK DEE: rss all sorption th Indian children by th whit schools. Men to Receive Roosevelt Named Committee Holds Meeting and An nouncei Plan of Selecting Reception Committee. Th stat at lar and th business In terests of Omaha and South Omaha wilt be represented by the men who shall form the reception committee and vice presidents of the entertainment In honor of Colonel Roosevelt, September 8. This plan was an nounced by the commute on arrangements of the Ak-Sar-Bcn. The committee met for the sole purpose of devising a classification and method to be used in selecting the entertainment com mittee. Governor Shallenberger and Senators Burkett and Brown ar to b honored guests. The list of vice presidents Is made up of the state officer, congressmen, district Judges, ex-senators and congressmen, re publican candidates for state offices, as nominated at the primary next Tuesday, members of th republican state committee and delegates to th Chicago convention. The reception committee will Include the official representatives of th Knights of Ak-Sor-Ben, th Omaha club, th Field club, the Commercial club, and other biaU ness organisations, a well aa a larg num ber of men prominent In businasa In tha various professions. The city will be represented by tha mayor and city council, and tha county by the Board of County Commlsaloners and other elective county officers. There will also be representatives from South Omaha. Endorsement of Strike Loses Out Lewis Rules Motion Approving- Illi nois Disagreement Out of Order on Each Attempt. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 14, Attempt to put through tha speqlal national conven tion of the United Mine Worker an in dorsement of th Illinois strlk failed yes- terday when President Thomas Lewis ruled every motion out of order. "There will be no railroading done In this convention," declared Lewis after th third attempt to get a motion. Indorsing the strike before the convention. Frank Hayes of Illinois, vloe president of the international organisation, created the sensation of th afternoon session by de claring that th International organisation was on tha brink of financial ruin and was facing the crisis of its existence. He blames lack of harmony among th district and International officials for the present cuiiuiiiua. President Whit of the Iowa district, de clared the calling of the special oonventfm a monumental blunder, and ended his speech by urging that the Illinois strike be indorsed, saying that an Indorsement of the various strike now In progress would do the organisation more good than several assessments, aa It would show tha operators that the miners were united. The convention adjourned until Monday morning, when th roil call by district, will be concluded. - Fawn Attacks1 ' ' V'.l Mrs. J. F. Ryjnal Council Bluffs Woman Suffers Severe Injuries Protecting- Daughter from Enraged Deer. INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 14.-Attempts to clal Telegram.) Mra. J. T. Rymal of Council Bluffs, Ia.. nearly lost her life Sat urday afternoon In an encounter with an enraged fawn In the Indian village pert It. Mrs. Rymal waa visiting tha park with her little daughter, Mildred. The child discovered a fawn and wanted to Dlar with It 8h started toward th animal, when th fawn suddenly leaped at th girl and knocked her down. Mrs. Rymal rushed to aid her daughter and was knocked down too. The fawn then leaped upon the prostrate woman' back, the child being underneath her mother and tramped upon hr, leaping up and down several time and landing with all Its weight. Mr. Rymal was unconscious with pain when th visitors at tb park attracted by her cries drove tha animal away. Mra. Rymal waa taken to tha hos pital, where It was found several bones were broken and her left shoulder dlalo oated. Her back was a mass of wounds. Her clothes were torn to shreds. Mildred was unhurt. NEW WEATHER NEWS SERVICE Three-Fonrth of PaopI In Arkansas Will Dallr Reeelv Flod am Cold War Warnings. LITTLE) ROCK. Ark.. Aux. 11 rSMcUt Telegram.) Under aa agreement entered Into by th United States weather bureau and the management of th Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone comuanv. .f. fectlve Monday, not less than 75 per cent of the 1,600,000 people In th stat of Arkansas will be able to sret tha wh.. forecast, flood warnings, cold wave warn ings and all Information sent out by th United States government dally, with no expense to the people. The system which is to hn umA i. th. sending of Information from th central Arkansas office m this cltv in tn tributlng point throughout th state, from wnicn tn information la aent to yet other substations and In this manner to the In dividual throughout the stat. 'FIVE-F00T SHELF" DISCARDED Barllnsrton Railroad Tarns Down Dr. Eliot's Selection of Book In Favor of Other Works. After an Investigation of several months. representative of th Burlington railroad gave th "flv-foot shelf" of Dr. Eliot. president emeritus ' of Harvard, a hard knock several daya ago by discarding that selection of books. Th experts had set out to find what sort of reading waa th most adaptable to library cars on th railroad. ana weir ueotsioa was that th "five-foot SWEDES ENDORSE TWO MEN C. P. Andorbery and J. L. Jaeobson Ar Favored by Swedtah Amarlonn Leagse, Th Bwadlsh American RbDubllcan uu held a meeting for tb purpo of promoting tn canaiaacy or th Bwdlsh cltiiens of in ucaat. They unanimously endorsed C P. Anderbery of Mlndon for th offlc of attorney general, and J. L. Jaeobson of Omaha for membership on th Omaha School Board from th Sixth ward. OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST nF.ny diks at ihkpitai Victim of Mrs. Bertha Mott'i ing- Passes Away. Shoot- MU3LDEB CHARGE TO BE FILED w Again Give Her Version, laslstlngr that h Fired After II Mad Advance to Her, Otis Hedy, th waiter who waa shot on th back porch of th double apartment house, S21-833 South Nineteenth street Thursday evening by Mrs. Bertha Mott, died In St. Joseph's hospital last night. Hedy was optimistic bntil the very lant conscious moment This was between 10 and 11 o'clock yesterdny morning. Follow ing an acute seisure he collapsed and never rallied until the spark of life went out At the bedside waa his wife and little boy. A charge of second degree murder will probably be preferred against Mrs. Mott. This was the statement of County Attorney English last night." Mr. English visited the hospital yesterday In the afternoon with a view to getting an ante-mortem statement from Hedy. He waa then, however, unoonscious. Hedy Hepenta Statement. When the county attorney saw ' Hedy Thursday he fehrso confident of living that no legal atatetnent could b raoorded. Hedy In conversation repeated th version of th transaction that culminated In his death that he gave out Friday morning wnen h nad reeoverd from th effects Of th operation performed by Police Sur geon Harris. He stated that th accused woman entered his room when there was no on there but himself and his little boy, that he asked her to leave and when they got out on th porch she fired. Mrs. Mott, who is confined In the matron's department of the city Jail, Is fast becom ing a nervous wreck. She 1 a slightly ouut young woman, nothing but a girl, and when aeen last night ah waa moanlna hysterically. When sufficiently calmed to converae sh corroborated the account of the shooting sh gave to the police at th time of her arrest and told afterwards to her husband. There were statements that Mott had fled th city after the traelo event In whloh his wife was one of the principal aoters, but h merely shifted their slight belongings from SSI South Nineteenth street, and went to live with his mother at Mil South Forty-eighth street. He has visited his wife at th Jail every day since her committal. Her mother called with him yesterday. Mra. Mott's father, J. U Wise, Is employed on th Missouri Pacific railroad at Weeping Water, Nab. Mr. Mott Tell Her Storr. In recounting the facts of the tragedy. Mrs. Mott said when Hedy entered the room her back was turned toward him and th first intimatlon aba had of his presence waa when he made an indecent proposal. Sh said sh did not know what he meant but a Strang man in her room, ah told him to got out H wouldn't go, but insulted her, and sh ran for her husband's gun and following him out, shot bun. Mrs. Mott Is positive that the shooting occurred following th man's visit to her room and that there was no one on the porch but Hedy and herself. "Where waa Hedys Uttl boy T" sh was asked. ' "He was down stairs In th basement," was her reply. "How do you know" was th next question, and bar answer, was that she heard his vole. ..... .,., , Mrs. Most had not bntold last night of Hedy death. Th thought that ho would Ala seemed her overshadowing fear. FELLOWSHIP ADMITS MEMBERS Twenty-Sevoa Irishmen Ar Admitted to Irtsh Fellowship Clot In Meetlna? Thnrsday. Twenty-seven stalwart' Irishmen were duly passed upon at the meeting of the Irish Fellowship club last Thursday night and admitted to membership. A message to Mayor Oaynor from the club was tele graphed to New York expressing th sym pathy of th club. President Dr. Thomas Mullen, Secretary Georg Holm, Treasurer Morris Kane and other members mad talks and a number of Gaelic songs war rendered by Patrick 0ConaUy. BOARD TO PAY FOR BRIDGES County Commissioner Reach Partial Agreement with Pnpllllon Drain aa" District. . An agreement has been entered Into be tween the Board of County Commissioners and the Papillton drainage dlatrlot under which th board will construct bridges and culverts ovar ditches which cross Douglas county roads. Th district agrees to pay for th work by September U. Th i 700 as sessment against th county and tb In junction suit which has been appealed to the supreme court ar th two points which yet remain unsettled between th county and th district. A Crnel Mtstak Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cur them and prevents consumption. 60c and S1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. , Through Sleeping Gar TO Cleveland Pennsylvania Lines Daily fit' Union Station. S.00 P.M. dmCagO Eoglewood.. S IS P. M. South Chicago 133 p. M. . PLYMOUTH 10.18 P. M. PORT WAYNB Jl 53 P. M. BARB E ETON ................ 5.24 A. M. AKRON...... 4.J7A.M. aeve!and5.At7:?:SA:M: Clv!en4' MsS Convenient Pessenger Station Is the Penney Iran ia on Euclid Avenue Adreee, W. K. BOW1VAMD, Traveling' Passenger' Agent tlS City Nat Bldg.. Omaha. VJcnhvorth Military Academy Oldest and L arrest In MldJI West. Government Supervision. Wettest ratine by War Department Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry Drills. Courses c4 etudy prepare lor Universities, Government Academies or lor Business Lite. Accredited by North Central Association of Schools and Collet. Manual Traluing. Separate Departaieiit for Small Boys. For catalogue, address Too aorrttory. Boat A. Leainoton. Ho. 15, 1910. Kearney Academy MAKING MANLY BOYS Training the body of the boy aa well as the mind ia a recognized essential of modern education. Onr system of training combines the refinement of home life with the semi-military discipline. In eighteen years of successful work thi'a Acad emy has developed the minds and bodies of many boys who have becqme Manly Men, Our Academic Standards are high. v Our Classic and Scientific courses prepare for all colleges. N Our Commericial courses prepare for business Jife. 1 , : Our Athletics are carefully supervised. Gymnasium fully equipped, all outdoor sports. Athletio facilities extensive iWrite.for Head Master. Highland Park College R C 1 . i a ts r A ss EniC. , JV Des Moines, Iowa 2,000 St.dt.AasaII, JSl JTT s ''Nw4niiiamnwn 1 k . - Hllkl PerkCouem ass the dam ml. of BBodem education than anr other Coil. in tha country. Eaaeatea of atudavta auntuuV reduced man? thouaaads of dollars br the moderata ehano Can board and mmn la rJl.- n..;U:- l living aspenee ar furniahed practically at coat. mi l rrica Uberal Arts ?IDn CL". loWAF2y Laos. AlaoPreparatorjaodKle- mntary Preparatory touraei In which students of all decree o( advancement are admitted. Normal D'DAOTTO, OTAT ClITiriOATI, normalco.jTi CsimrtcATa. Pkibamt Tbaiviho moat complete tralnlnc for teachers laUieoeat. Uraduaus recelTe uie certificate. F . CITU4 Elbotbioal. IrfBCBAKr- L.nglBrcnnjr 0AL. to one year Telephone, Electrical, Steam. Machlnlat' and Automobile MacblnlM eoune. 13-week eoune n O, Automobtle and Traction Engineering. Shop Won t'soat Baamamo. B L - 1. Kaet'LAB Ps. G Tn. C. Pes roarmacy FoodabdIowaCovbe. S. Pbao- titxdb bb'Covbb abd Extbnaiov Coubsb FOB DavoenT. One of the largeat, bet equipped College of Pharmacy In the United Dtatea. nawsuwuy, naiiiwiiUt VUilAl, MV PUpeiT lor CoaraelnPoblle School A Sne faculty of teachers. eh artist In hi. line. Oratory the mott competat tovcbr. imnetent teacher. Pan Art AT"o"0S",,T ETABt.tHBD , ??T"' PBMMAMBir, l'an Art andPublleBchi nrawlng. O. H. LONG WELL, Proa. HieUrne! lib. LB rownell Omaha, Neb. Episcopal School Accredited .universities of Chicago, Nebraska, Etc. Faculty composed of college graduates, all experienced teachers. Native French and German Instructors Thorough courses offered In Music, Art and Domestic Economy. Well equpped gymnasium. Out-door sports, tennis, field hockey, etc., under com petent Instructor. Attractive home life carefully supervised by experienced house mothers. For catalogue, address, EDITH D. MAESDEN, B. A., Principal - IffillllWlf Not only tha larsest. but tha mn. thoroughly organised and West. The followlna- courses are omic. Teacher's Certlflcste. Public Portr Artist Instructors in all branchea of muslo Mmnriu tha trani 'The school has an orchestra of fifty ancea, provlns of great benefit to the student, ar given during th school ysar. Notable concerts in whloh well known artists take part, slven frequently. i ne .university ARlllat4 with th fnJversity of STcbraske. It I located In th moat desirable part of the town. The building are modern and contain 14 studios and practice rooms. Two two-manual pipe organs for practlc purposes, ar In the building. Expense very moderate. Term o'nens Bepi. sin. ii you ar ininaing oi t.iini up musio aa a pro fession, you ehould write for our catalogue, mailed free. WIXliABD BtraTnST.lH X) Ire o tor, X,Lnoola, nebraaka. THE WINONA SEMINARY WINONA, MINN. FOR YOIJNG WOMEN Conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. Opens Wednesday, September Seventh. talTESVABY MaTaCEBTT Collaglat Course leading to degree. AcaJemu Course, classical, Latin ocleatUlo, Modern Lang nag ea. Couituerclal Courses, neutinary accredited to th University of Minnesota. Splendid advatnagea offered earnest, capable young women who have a pur no in study to specialls In piano. Vole. Violin. Art. Drainatlo xpraton and Household Economics. h.ach department graded into a leading higher Institution o similar kind. Home life of the student I ideal. Indoor and outdoor athletics. Literary Musical and Dramatic buddies. Catalogue, Booklet f information. Department Bulletin mailed on application. Address the Directress. REASON We do one thing and do that BEST. Wa SPECIALIZE on Shorthand and Typewriting. That Is ONE MORE REASON why VAN SANT grad uates SUCCEED. The VAN SANT SCHOOL, SXOXABXTX VAX BAJTT. Principal. Wead Bolldlnr, Gill! s M We aim to build up a sound body, develop character and create the habits that, make the Boy the Manly Man. Illustrated Catalogue. .J (! ; HARRY N. RUSSELL, Term Open Seotember 8. October 17. Nov. 29. lOlO. and Jan. 2, Febru. arr 21. April 3. May IS and Juno 13. 1911. a,Kir ctus-im a Shorthand A" L" p Complstb a Cot- JHOTUloBa lI0B OT gHOETAMD AMD Trre- writing a It found In the country. ETeryfrad- nate tent to paring poalUon. 150 for full court. Time unlimited. Rn.:p,. Tub I,as!it ato Bssr Eqtm-Tio BOSUieSS Bonus in tbb Wbbt. Not a department of a literary college, but a thoioiishly eqaliiped Balne Collese, with the Cnet bualneu exchacve In the U. S. Combined Bullae anCBborthaadCoune. Telowranliv Laboet and BirrKornr- . z" rI riD OLtaea or Tblbokapbt in the U.S. Every graduate ent to a paring potl- )on- WM completely equipped telegraph at, 'n'- MlB line wire ractleesn4SBUoairorlt. 50 ,0T ' ui' oour, ,lm unlimited. fivil Smirm it Ft"-L Covbb lit Bailwat ,1? . V. Ma,l Bbbvicb. Claateaorgaa- C aft a TVat o.i,. i Summer ScLool June llSt Bii?; fo, . grade, orteacher." lWU BPeCUi Expenses &MlJXJ2yv a-afanH rnm.Tri"Si.',,r""?'B?': ezpente three month, M.0ilz month.M 7Si sine month. .lia eoTBend for c.uSc. Blots eourealn whichyoa are !nteYe.ted " Park College. DES MOINF IOWA Estab. 1863 to Eastern Women's Colleges, best annlnneri arhnni in tha offered: vnar rtrajinara anat School. Plana Tunlnar mil Pnir.inr Dleee and a number of mihiln n.rrnm. &cnool of Music NO. FIVE- lOBrS a Mm, Proprietor. Omaha, XTebraeka. II TT all Wmaim Bslfaaisslssl D'YOUVILLE COLLEGE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK A Chartered will full collegiate powers by the State of New York. fATIini in Mrjnern buildings; cultured environment. Arts. Solano, rhUos IdlllUlilt; Olihr. X.ltaratura aaa-nrv Maaln vn A . T' . COLLEGE FOlt WOMEN. ' a . - ' ' ' . i i , r t rviiivnai, ACADIiMT OF THS HOLT AJtOELa In connection with the coIIhkw. A select school for girls. Academic Diploma. Classical-Acailemlc IMploma or Diploma in Muslo and Languag. Begent's Examinations. Hperlal advant sk in Art and Mualc. .Address the Beoretary, Baffal. X. T. Military Instructor for Kearney, Neb. COTTEY The Leadins Missouri College) (ot Women, Nevada, Missouri. "Beautiful for situation." Ideal un ion of College and Home life. College and College preparatory courses. School of Art, Expression and Domes tic Science. Conservatory of Music, strictly European methods. . Out door sports. Select patronage. Reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. MRS. V. A. C. STOCKARD, President and Founder. i Are You Looking for a Good College? To will pplMd with th . Woman's College at Jacksonville, 111. k . ,YoI"ColleforWiBs? Hr ire fall Cellig and Preparatory Coartea, and ana ad vantage la Maiic, Art, Doouiilt Science, and Biprenlon. Sxpanta reawaabla. Surroundlngi healthful. Home life Ideal. Lectlon central In Middle Weu. Vary connnieat to crarr ran ol tha Miaiiulppl Vllcr. Siadanilroaarthantwnir State. Ctlogu(re. Addrei. Prealdenl Hnrker. Boa 28, lachaanTlfl, III. Twenty-Fifth Season ' A Klaab-flHau. American g. Conservatory THE LEADING SCHOOL el MUSIC la AMERICA Eminent faculty of 70. Superior Teacher's Training School. Publlo School Mulc. ficbool of XxpreadoD, Physical Culture. Ummpturt re tivmnimtn. Thirty freekcholarahlpaawsnt ed. Fall term begin Thunder, Sept. Bth. QmtaUimtiUifru. JOHN J. HATTSTAEDT, Prat t Hart Conway School of Acting dlrectod by Hart Conway. America' greatest educator lor th atag Sen4 Drospectu. No mutter what you r doing fr illvina. si buaiiisiaisi riuMtHlSlfartlUitiBiU imifitTiWii Ity youlur m bu.r nlavrv. If von Aral farm, iinowlrlgw of butlntua methaxia will Brains? tn ntn rtn Drove) at tkst utmnst Vklna . anil Wa. fl.. thre emir Commir. tviioririafid uid Typ ana rraimratory. ftnrl crrwf rxrlnai "i.omu r)r-ar mrularala WaHtak tnJ 1 or our cataloffu. It 's tr. HmIim ealUt,f i JUr lit. Ilk, UMMlOuhb All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S. D South Dalcnta'a ,,(. .v.Ani i. for girls. Beautifully and healthfully located. Faculty graduates of leading collages. Mualo, Act. Physical Culture. Combine th best educational advantasea ...... nana iniiuauVM OI O UriS- llan ffioma f1.!,!,,,!. . A A oatoojt. ajoBa i-aila. a X. v j. . aiuiii.Huiaa u. u,, jrreaiiaeaL. MIm Halen B. Feabody, Principal. Send your young people to TABOR COLLEGE An accredited school of the highest stand Ing, in a community remarkable for Its clean. wholesome, uplifting influenoa. A Trained Faculty of Specialists. Low Expense Best Facilities Kali Term Opens Bept. Itth. lend for literature. TABOR COLLEGE. Tabor. I a. 4f? VI lCfrtrl Knrtntl rAllo,a iivtwiu liuituai WUCgC SheNsndesa, lew Siiaa'itllFMM tWtrfha Counu. Ovr (M tuaani Annuilh. Uut Eipmmv kM at Wan. caw Ajr Tuna 4. St. MUSSCV. w uuaraiaa, lg rata BLEESBS, Maoow, MO. TEXT BSSIOX BEOXaTa aaSCTBMatalS SI, 1S10. Tom, CATALOG, AOOatll SX,liS HIUTttr AOaUBSMT. MAtiUSJ, MO. TllH hHt 1 SI L I 4 ..n..i I .& skiVnTatf"' "L,..