Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1910, Image 2

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l.. J-
Bullet of Assassin Ready to Hake
' New York Mayor Candidate. ,
the Exeentlvc of th Metropolis
Recover 11 Mar U Enter
for the Democratic Race
la J012.
.ASHIXGTON. Aur. U-Speclal Tela
am.) The Washington view of the (hoot-
l.lg Of Mayor Gaynor is that If h survives.
Hfc I likely to be the democratic nominee
fr the presidency In U'12. -
It may well happen that when Jamee J.
Gallagher fired en assassin's ahot at Mayor
l&iynor he was doing the very thine that
us calculated to make certain the rlae of
the mayor politically. At any rate, that la
fce of the possibilities of the situation.
(The information ix-ie la tliat there Is not
much questlqn of tho nomination of the
mayor for governor of New York If It Is
eea that his wound la not going to Impair
hi vigor. It Is known that some of the
shrewdest republicans In New York have
been calculating all along on Uaynor as the
democratlo nominee.
This was ' before Mayor Oaynor was
wounded. That, tne circumstances of the
aasault upon him and the fortitude with
which he has borne up have helped to in
crease his popularity in New York and na
tionally. Is cleer. ,' ,
Already leading Minnesota, democrats
have spoken out In favor of Gaynor as the
available man for the democratlo presl
lentlal nomination. Other are extremely
likely to do ao.
As the altuation stands among the demo
crat, the great- body of them are looking
for a Moses to lead them. If Mayor Gay
nor should happen to be the next governor
of New York and should make a success
pf It, he would be almost Invincible at the
next democratlo national convention.
It is true that Governor Judson Harmon
la much in the limelight as the possible,
many think probable, nominee for presi
dent, lie would be a strong factor if he
carries Ohio this fall, and dosen't Up up
on some of the numerous political banana
peelings that hi friends are throwing in
hi path. But the trouble- with Uncle Jud
la that 'the Bryan wing of the party ha
it suspicions; of fclm. ' ft doesn't like the
fact that he wa so long receiver for the
Cincinnati, : Hamilton Dayton railroad
and It remembers .he was' lit the Cleveland
cabinet It ha a deep, dark notion that
he 1 allied with the so-called reactionaries
ot the democratlo party and Is lukewarm
toward his nomination to say the least.
Win lam J. Bryan I well known to be
hostile to the nomination of Harmon. On
the other hand, the Bryan force woiTd
Support Gaynor and so would a good many
of the conservative element of the party.
Looking at the situation tn. almost any
way one will, It appears, as most politic
ian 'here sltte it up, that if -Oaynor get
well he'll be. hard to catch politically.
rff'.CContVmed front First "Page.)
.,'(,;'. '. ,,Ii..-- ;' i' ... ...
half h.ano': but of course. he. was never
left In Soon v position that an assassin could
have oma upon him from the rear. .Pres
ident STett la of a different temperament.
He JWeuca al(Vi (a bis fellow countrymen
that If he ever We attacked I 'would faU
entirely upon, hi guardavteu protect him.
"How Jean .puaHo official' be protected
from assassination T Well, as I said before,
they can be guarded so that no on ean
attack them at Olose quarter. Of course.
a crack shot with a rifle, If he 1 determ
ined to kill a certain man, i beyond the
power of human agenole to prevent htm
from carrying out hi work. But the great
est danger la from the crank and Insane
man, and they Invariably try to get too
close- to carry ouf, their work.
Stringent 1 Laws Needed.'
"I think if the several state passed law
making it a' capital 6ffens to make any
klnol of assault upon a governor, mayor or
nigh etllcial. ll w Jta tena a nti suvm
crimes lea numerous. - -'
"Then, too, every sa.e of firearms
should be registered, Every store that
ells a rsvoiver or rifle should' be com
pelled to file a feport with mdii official,
stating to whom the firearm wa cold and
for what purpose it wa to be used.
"This would na've a. bentriols.1 effect in
thl way. If a publlo official would re
ceive a threatening letter, he could ascer
tain If the w riter had purchaaed a revolver
or If he owned one. All firearm ahould
k numbered.., It a revolver were found
near the crime It woulA be easy to trace
It owner, or at least the purchaser.'
, "Another thing I would suggest Is a
strict enforcement the law which pro
hibit the carrying of concealed weapon.
More . care should' he exercised In the Is
lu-tng.jof permit to carry firearm.; Now,
not one of these thing, nor all of thorn, will
prevent a murderous assault from ' being
made upon a publlo official. It I Impose!
bl to prevent Insane men front attempting
to , carry, out their purpose. However,
these suggestions, H followed Out Will lessen
the .danger. v
"That our official must be guarded and
protected from murderous assaults 1 evi
dent and especially when they are In publlo
place. If Mayor 'Gaynor had 6nly taken
the precaution and had two guard near
him last Tuesday he would now b enjoying
his Vacation." ; ' , " , -..
Mai a llrntlt Task.
A. X' Drummond From the experi
ence I ' gained while . eonnected - with
the ' secret ' service I cm to believe
years ago In the advisability of hav
ing protection for every executive offi
cer, ' whether he be of the United State
or of the Individual states. There are la
every community men of the type repre
sented by the cowardly assailant of our
mayor, who through their association with
other loos thinking and looser talking indi
viduals finally come IS beHeve la the Just-
Ice Of violent methods of righting real or
imaginary wrongs.
"Deed such as hi require no great cour
age. They are rather the act of a desper
ate, iMricsJ, ffolhardy man.
"Anilte protect our publlo official t by
no mean a simple task. Deteotlve are
more or lea helples galut them because
ih aaeaasln Is a creature of the moment.
He come to Ufa, live and die all within
a few hour.
"To guard against these men there should
be at Ue elbow of every official a big,
strong, nervy man, ready to take a chance
with any one and on the alert. The man
who 1 on guard ahould be erne willing to
ke the risk of making a mistake and who
not afraid to be In the wrong nine times
Hit of ten. Such a man ean do more to
Mrotect the Uvea of our officials than
trhol detective fore.
' "Such personal prouctoi, and the very
peedy execution of Justice, with severe
penalties, will do more than oaa a whole
detective force.
"Such personal protector and the speedy
execution of Justice, with eevere penalties
will do mont-than anything else to avert
such crimes a stnat of the attempt on the
Ufeot the, mayor."
Banker Conceals
False Entries for
Quarter Century
Doctors Books to . Sare Inititation'i
Standing- No Personal Profit
to Self.
BIDDEFOIID, Me., Aug. 11 -Pride In the
financial standing of the Institution of
lilch he had long been treasurer and fear
lest the announcement of poor Investments
In wot tern securities would hurt that
rtamling led Richmond H. , lugersoit
to make false entries la the book of the
York County Savings bank a quarter of a
century ago and to continue the falsifica
tion through ail the years without detec
tion, each year getting deeper tn the mud
dle of false figures.
This 1 the explanation given by the
treasurer following the closing of the
doors of the bank yesterday after a dis
covery of a shortage of the funds had been
made by a bank examiner.
That Ingcrsoll himself did not profit by
manipulation of the securities was the be
lief tonight of bank officials. He had
been treasurer of the bank for fifty-years.
and for many years had persistently de
clined to take a vacation. , ,
Treaiurer Ingersoll la tonight at the
point of death a the result of an illness
ue to taking an overdose of headache
powder. He ha been unconscious for two
The depositors in the bank number about
000 and are largely cotton mill employe.
Open Congress
Speakers of All Principal Tongues of
world Converse Freely in Vni-:
venal language.' . ' .
WASHINGTON. Aug. llWltti a recep
tion, at which Dr. Zamenhof of Poland,
author of Esperanto, the language Of hope
for international peace, wa the central fig
ure, the sixth International Congress of
Epseranto opened Informally here tonight
While delegate from nation ail over the
world were mingling the smooth flowing,
liquid Esperanto with -an occasional phrase
or sentence In English, French, . German,
Russian or Japanese, from the other end
of the hall in the hotel,- where the con
gress 1 making It headquarter, came loud
cheer for the oarsmen, who were being
presented wfth the medal which they had
won In the national regatta, held yesterday
and today on the Potomac.
Standing at the door were four blue
coated Washington policemen, who, when
asked a question, surprised many of the
delegate by answering In perfectly good
Esperanto.1 -
Today they received a greetln,g , from
brother aoros the sea, the Esperantos
police club of Paris.
Ponan vesperon." was the evening
greeting which tonight Was heard In the
national capital more than any other.
It fell from the Hp of the people from
more than a score of nation.' All under
stood Ha welcome tone and felt "at home."
Churoh services In Esperanto wtll be con
ducted tomorrow In St. Paul's Episcopal
and St Patrick' Catholic church.
First Hard Rain t
in Many Months
Inch of Moisture Falls Daring Day in
Omaha and the Surrounding
The heaviest rainfall of the season
flooded the strsets, bathed1 the foliage
and re-vtvlfled the grass yesterday even
ing. Not only that it established a 'rec
ord. It waa the first Auguat It' 'since.
1007, that haa recorded an Inch of pre
cipitation. There had been more or lea
rain during the . day, but the culminating
point was reached about I o'clock In the
evening. Then the heaven opened, and
there wa a welcome torrential rain.'
If a rainfall bo estimated at Its value
In dollar, yeaterday evening' ahould
hav a big bill to It credit, It was
general in the east central part of the
state. The access of moisture. Just came
at the nick of time not only for the corn,
but for all the crop.
' 1 f
Hlttln Speeding; Aeroplane at Dlf-
, tiealt Feat for Rifle- .
The rlfla expert. General George W. Win-
gate, who founded the Creedmora rifle
range, ' thinks that to hit an . aeroplane
going forty-five ml in an hour would be a
very dlffiouit feat tor a rifleman, and he
doubt If there are a dosen marksmen -In
the New York atafe mtllta who - could
manage it. In shooting at a machine -joe
yards away It would be necessary, he (ays.
to tlm from ten to twenty feet' ahead of
It, and In shooting into the air the marks
man I at a loss "there I nothing to guess
on." Moreover, uch shooting would b at
dangerous to friend a to foe. Yet he
regard the ride as the best weapon how
available for the purpose, and recommends
training In shooting on the wing. But If
only an expert here and there, - like Dr.
Carver, who Is regarded by General' Wlrv
gate a the greatest trick ahot he ever
aw, can acquire uch expertneaa, how can
these few be distributed la war so a td
have one on hand whenever it 1 rieces
sary to repel an aerial assailant? Per
haps they should be stationed at the rear,
where he think a flotilla of aeroplane
might do serlou damage to ammunition
train ai4 the commissariat.
Although the French military aeronaut
have as yet blown up no Imaginary battle
ships by dropping supposititious bombs
down their hypothetical funnels, they are
really doing mora than w are to develop
the aeroplane' possibilities in naval war
fare. Neither Curtis' nor Harmon' ex
periment In hand grenade target practice
are convincing. If bomb are ever to be
thrown from aeroplane going forty mile
an hour they will be thrown by a marks
man especially detailed for that purpose on
board the aeroplane. It U absurd to sup
pose that Harmon or Curtis, working hi
machine with hands, feet, wrist and
shoulders, Is really taking aim when "he
drops his Imaginary bomb from a basket
lung about hi neck. On man to navigate
the airship and on man or more to do
the fighting is the way aerial warfare must
go. And along that way the French are
advancing. New York Post
Serene C th musetea. wkthr Induced
by violent exercise or injury, is quickly re
lieved by th fro application of Chamber
laia Liniment Thia liniment la equally
valuabl fer muscular rheumatism, and
alway afford aulck relief. Bold by all
Perltnt Advertising- I Us Road te
Blc Return.
Lays Down a Rule with Reference to
Fighting Western Fires.
Indian Bnreaa and Forestry Service
Are Caattoned Not to Work
for Separate In
terest. WASHINGTON, Aufr. lA-CSpeclal Tele
xrem.) Major General Leonard Wood, chief
of staff of the army, yeaterday took the
heads of Indian and forestry service to task
for not getting together In their efforts
to fight fort-Ht fires In the northwest He
told them, after a conference, that they
would get no more aid from the army until
they had at least mapped out some plan
of action; that he did not Intend to send
'troops to fight fire and have those troops
cross each others paths and add unneces
sary expense to their movement. Tho
forestry service want troops to flffht the
fires In the national forest reserves, while
the Indian bureau heads want the troop
to fight fire on the Indian reservations.
General Wood said that one forest wai
Just asmuch the government's reserve as
the other and he would furnish troops for
both, but not until th officials got to
gether. The acting heads of the forestry and
Indian services admitted to Genral Wood
that the conditions in the Flathead, Coeur
d'Alene and Olacler park reservations were
acute and that quick action and relief was
needed to save the forests.
'Several thousand men are now working
on the fires," said General Wood. "The
fires are extremely dangerous this year,
owing to the protracted drouth. Troops
have been ordered to the scene of the fires
from both the Department of the Dakota
and Columbia. Pack trains have been
ordered to proceed Immediately from ie
army post to the flrestrlcken territories
With auppliea for the men.
The Indian bureau haa Its agent on the
Flathead reservation with a force of team
ster and other employes and Indians fifth t-
Ing the fires there, while the forestry
service Is making every effort to check the
flames to the national reserves. These
departments must work together. There is
no difference between the forests on the
Indian reservation and those in the na
tional reserves. I believe that since our
conference there will be a better under
standing and alt will pull together."
Situation Dad in Montana.
MISSOULA, Mont, Aug. 13.-Condltlons
today in the forests of western Montana
Show no appreciable Improvement The
work of securing fighting crew I being
vigorously pressed.
Three companies of the Fourteenth in
fantry stationed at Fort Missoula arrived
home from American lake this morning
and were immediately dispatched to the
scene of fires in this district Two more
companies of soldiers have been ordered
In the forests about Missoula the situation
is worse today. Fire is spreading along
Belmont creek and fifty men have been
asked for. The Lolo Hot Spring fire 1
also unchecked.
WALLACE, Ida., Aug. IS. With 1,000
men fighting fire In the Coeur d'Alene
national forest and a prospect of rain,
forest fire conditions are much improved
Tales of perilous adventure are being
brought here by th fire fighter who es
caped from th Blate creek fire Thursday;
They say they -were forced to take refuge
In Slat creek, remaining there, for hour
while great trees were falling on all side
and the country around wa a roaring fur
The greatest difficulty now la getting
supplies to fire fighters. The bake shop
at Wallace are running night and day.
Mlnlnn- Plant Destroyed.
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 11 Th plant of
the Llscon Mining company on Big creek,
near Wallace, Ida., waa destroyed yeaterday
toy a forest fire; loss 120.000. The building
Of the Blue Bell Mining company near the
place were burned.
Report from Bird creek- on the 8t
Joseph river say every mining camp ther
has been burned. On Pine creek the fire
ha swept away much valuable timber.
Experiment Made with Dying; Hen
Arouses Snarn Medical
. .' , . Comment. ,
Ther i a popular notion that th weight
of the living body la leas than that of th
dead one." In a recent Issue of the Pioneer
Mall of London a correspondent discusses
this question In connection with the be
havior of a crocodile which he shot dead
while It waa backing asleep on a quick
When shot the crooodll began to sink
and almost disappeared before it could
be reached. The correspondent is clearly
Inclined to accept the popular notion of
an increase in weight at death, but for the
fact that recent experiment undertaken
by aqme. learned authotitlea in . America
have proved that a dead body waa lighter
than a living one. From thia they (the
learned authorities) deduced that the soul
had a definite weight In pounds avoirdu
It la poatibte that lomi of our reader
are unfamiliar with th experiment to
which th correspondent . of th Pioneer
Mall refer. They were mad and re
corded a few year ago by Dr. Duncan
MacDougall of Haverhill, Ma. Patient
were weighed in the act of dying. The
scale used recorded any Increase or de
crease beyond the fifth of an ounce not
a particularly delicate instrument for esti
mating the weight of that part of the liv
ing body which Is usuaally regarded a
Immaterial and Imponderable.
In th first of a series of six experiment
Dr. MacDougall placed a man dying from
pulmonary tuberculosis on th scales. Th
patient lost weight at the rat of one
sixteenth of an ounce per minute until the
moment of death, when th beam end
dropped with an audible stroke, showing a
uddea decreas of three-quarters of an
oune In weight What wa th caua of
the sudden decrease T Dr. MacDougall,
after excluding th loss due to escape of
breath and fluid content of th body by
evaporation or other natural mean, con
eluded that th marked and sodden de
crease was due to escape of the ,"oul sub-
stanc." In thl particular Instance the
soul waa "evidently a very material one,
watching three-quarter ot an ounce. -
Th experimenter extended hi observe
tlona to dogs, but the result gained were
negative. At the moment of death the
dog's body rtfuaed to show any alteration
In weight W are of opinion that th cor
respondent Of th Pioneer Mall In aeeking
to explain th disappearance of the ahot
crocodll in a quicksand need not take hi
"learned aulhorttlea" too seriously. Dr.
MacDougall' observation are to be
plained by th peculiar blaa on th part of
hi oaiea or on the part of th friend
who assisted him. At least the seals used
by other Investigator hav refused to re
veal any sudden diminution la the weight
of the body at death.
Ia the -usual acceptation of th term
death ooeura when respiration and cirrme
uou nave ceasea, uui iu n mor siriui
sense th death of the body 7s gradual, the
muscular system,, for Instance, being
really alive some rmlirs after the apparent
death of the Individual London Lancet.
How m Million-Dollar Swell a
Reeehe tb I'ltloaate ton.
The person who buy -a nickel' worth
of peanut to munch at the ball game, to
feed to the squirrels In the park, or to
gladden the hearts of the kiddies at home,
scarcely realizes that he has contributed to
an Industry that last year farmed a $1,000,000
crop, and which placed on the market In
vurlou form reached the enormou um of
136.0O0.0O0. But It 1 a fact!
Th: little seductive nut a resolution to
eat Just one" . U soon forgotten whose
birthplace Is America, waa, until compar-
tively recently, unappreciated either a to
e "money in them" or, a a really nutri
tious product Today the peanut play an
Important part In pleasure, from the swell
dinner party to the ever-present democracy
of the circus, ball game, or plcnlo. After
all, what is a ball game, a plonlc, or a
circus without the peanut-aocompanlment?
By far the largest part of the crop is
consumed from the peanut stand, the little
hlstle-slgn of the roaster being the signal
for th average youngster te suggest to dad
or ma that soma of them would- be very :
acceptable, and .the paternal or maternal
parent' willingness nine times out xf ten
to Invest. Vet ther are millions of bushel
that go to the fattening of hogs throughout
the south, the feeding of poultry, while the
vine. Often cured a hay, feed thousand of
head of cattle, and even old Mother Earth
nourished by tho root of the plant.
which fumlHho nitrogen to it from the air.
The result of all this. 1 that scientists
claim that th peanut which In the past
was not very highly regarded, Is tho only
food staple that will at once nourish' maji,
beast bird and fields. It is the . most
nutritious of the entire nut family, rich
tissue building properties, containing
glucose and - carbohydrates and la the
cheapest. Beyond the .shadow of a doubt
la f brat from, both a dietary and , eco
nomic itandpoint .. , .
The fact of the matter is the ne.mut in
about every way is In a -class by itself,
a regard price, average number in pound,
edible part waste -and (fat - They average
about 260 to a pound at -a cost of 10 cents,
the edible portion i 7. wast - E6.4, - and
the amount of fat la placed at 89 per oent
These are remarkable figure when ono
top to consider them; and brought out
more clearly when oompared with the small
Texas pecan, It nearest oompetltor, which
sella for over a third -more, average but
216 to a pound, na a waste of sl.l per cent,
edible pnrt but 88.2. and contains 68 per
cent of fat ' '
Th farming of peanut during the past
five year not longer than this ha become
an established industry of ' this country.
At present about five-sixth of the crop
come from Virginia and" most of th bal
ance from Tennessee. 1 Georgia, "West Vir
ginia, and th Carolina; although most of
th southern state' contribute some. A
the peanut Industry has -Increased ao ha
the use of all nuts grown mightily as an
article of food during the last decade, and
the entire family now forms a most lm
portant part of the diet of the ' physical
oulturlst and vegetarian New Tork Times.
Gives Character to th ' Homo mm
Well ai WarmtV to .
' Hooau.
.;-. i i j .. '
From the aborigine' fir' on a flat rock
th steps In1' th development of the fin
ished fireplace of tcday( have been few
and far between. ' The -crude devioe raoked
their hut and our ' fireplace often moko
our, home. . ... .
Poet have' suns; of the) Ideal f ireplaoc -
on that warm you and Is a pleasure to
behold; on that extend a cheerful wel
come to th guest and' la a delight to
dream before fireplace that will make
the poorest hut as pleasant as a paloco.
They write not of Its smoking, It chl;i
Ir.g draft, and noxious (raaea. -
However, Ideal -fireplace surrounded
with flame can and hav been built the
poet' song- realised, and all objectionable
feature eliminated. '
The perfect open fire must diffuse and
reflect (the maximum of 'beat from a
given amount of fuel without the escape
of' amok or gases lntp the room to be
healed, and at the same time ventilate
Large turn of money are often spent
on th material or frame and th fireplace
Itself I left to th mercy of someone -who
does not understand it proper proper-
tion and construction.
The moat common fault In building U
that th throat of th chimney Is much
too large. This wa originally nacossary
for th accommodation of th chimney
weep;- and th natural conaequenco wa
that all of tho warm air which should
have warmed the room went up. the chim
ney. No other way of heating can ever be a
cheerful and healthful th open fire.
Tr brick fireplace 1 far more artlftlo
than th old stock mantel with its hide
ous accompaniment of mottled tile. How
ever, brick haa th grsat disadvantage of
being almost impossiblo to keep cUmii,
and as even a well regulated fireplace
may sometime smoke, and as asbe and
dust will gather, this 1 truly a drawback.
Th most beautiful effects may be ob
tained by using tile. . These tiles are made
In every conceivable shape and else, a
well as In every possible color.
For th bedroom or the ."colonial room"
we have the soft satin-finished creams
and white, or th dainty delicately glased
tiles. w
Any of th tile may be washed Just
a you would wash any . piece of porce
lain, with soap ond water, and thus be
kept In good condition. .
Th heart of the house, as one fir wor
shiper has called the fireplace, should
give character .to th whole room. Study
well what you want It to be, but while
you" make it a Joy to the eye, see that
It 1 scientifically constructed . and will
adequately heat th room that it I In
tended to heat Los Angeles Herald.
Homo Color Vanished.
What ha become of the white house
with green blinds? generation ago it
wa the nearly .universal color In New
England. Una color toned In well with the
snow of the winter landscape, while the
other was essentially in harmony with the
grass ana tne lonag or summer, making
it at either season an excellent combina
tion. But painting house in dolors came
in eo that now every combination seem
to be employed somewhere except the white
green. Although It is still seen In an occa
sional house, it appears usually a If It
wa a result ot the momentum of the past
rather than a newly made selection. A
considerable percentage of the house which
retain this color cheme. for example, are
much behind In ' their painting, siiggested
that were the owner to apply ther brush
anew, It would be with more popular
tint. And yet much might t said tor the
old combination. May It not sometime
return! Ho ton Transcript
Scientific Note.
"Taasuh." - ay th eminent Perfessuh
Pokechop, beaming through bl (lutu
upon th interviewer. "I has dlaoubbah'd
a pos-uve aaeoaote ton ihelancholly."
"Indeed! And where la thia remedy ob
tained T'
"On the prtneupple obtalntn' amongst de
scientists wnat is oevolvin remedies ton
othah complaints, aab, I has gone Into ds
labbertory ob aaohuh an' wrestled fum huh
hrat Am imihI riat fttimalnn la A KjtMt
, anu-uxUi. xaaauoj Chicago PoU .
Granddaughter of General Garibaldi
Visits United States.
Allied wilk the Methodist t'harrh,
YoanaT Woman la Sot Aatasj
onlalnaj Anr of the
NEW TORK, Aug. l3.-(Specla! Tele
gram.) Three talk will be made In this
city tomorrow by Slgnorlna Italia Gari
baldi, daughter of General Rk-clottl Gari
baldi, and granddaughter of the famous
Italian liberator. Slgnorlna Garibaldi is
In this country tn th interest of home
schools fur girls at Romo, of which - she
is directress. It is an institution for or
phan girl under the direction of the Meth
odist mission at Rome.
The granddaughter of Garibaldi Is an
earnest and moat charming Voting woman
and ia intensely Interested in her work.
She sneaks English with hardily a trace
of accent ' ,
"There I a great deal needed to be done
for the children of Italy," she said today.
'and I Joined With the Methodists because-
they seemed to better realise the need of
the work tn Which I am Interested and
more disposed to take It up In a systematic,
efficient manner.
We are doing a great work In Rome."
sh continued, "and the people there ure
beginning to appreciate It Naturally we
are not popular with the clerical. The re
cent eplaod Jn which Colonel Roosevelt
figured Indicates pretty clearly the esteem
in which the Methodist missionaries in
Rome are held by a certain element but
thl reeling le not shared by those among
whom the work is done. In my work I
have no idea Of antagonising any element.
The children need care and attention
and we seek to give It to them to the
best of our ability.
Condition InprSTlsg.
'I believe conditions are Improving in
Rome and throughout Italy. There cer
tainly I room for improvement. I take
little Interest in politics, but I should say
In Italy the republicans- are going with
the clericals. Tho clericals are trying to
get hold ot th republican because they.
too, are against the monarchy. The man-
archy feels Itself alone and 1 going to-
'My plan are not fully matured, but I
shall remain tn America until about Octo
ber 1 and will visit other sections of the
country during my stay. I am In the
hands ot the Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church.
"W hav tn our home now about
seventy girl whom we are educating and
training for useful lives. Many of the
girls are being trained a nurse. You
know I am a graduate nufs myself. Our
girls did some fin work at th time ot
the Messina earthquake." -
Miss GarlbaMl studied for two years at
the Woman's collegs at Baltimore. - When
she returned' to Italy from. America she
studied at the Military hospital at Rome
and received a diploma a a Red Cross
nurse. Her mother, who was an English
woman, and elder sister. Rosa, are Red
Cross nurse also, Miss Garibaldi haa a
hospital In .Sardina for the poor, where
she receive Catholic and Protestants
. . i
Calls Attention to the Pneslnar of tn
Brave Men of Cnrrlngton's
Old Rtaimtat.
Th Boston Transcript recently printed
th fallowing merited tribute of apprecia
tion of th lata Samuel 0. Peters, whefee
funeral occurred lb Omaha laat Wednes
"Death ha been busy of recent yeara
with officers and men of th Eighteenth
United Bute Infantry, a regiment which,
under the command of General Henry B.
Carrington, won distinction in the 'Indian
oampalgn' of 1866-67 by caving Sheridan,
Wyo and other pioneer settlements. The
ranks of th surviving veteran have Jlat
suffered another Invasion by the deceas
of 8. 8. Peter of Th Omaha Bee. HI
old commander epeaka of Ofr. Peters as a
brave soldier and a good comrade, and
th men of Mr. Peters' own profession will
avouch that as a Journalist he won high
honors add esteem. Eastern reader may
com closer to him by the aid ot Mrs.
Carrlngton's new book, 'Army Life on the
Plains.' Tha last literary work done by
Mr. Peter appears In -that volume and It
contains an excellent portrait"
Consolation Prise of Literature Indl-
. cated by ttecent Kzperl
- . eaccs.
Cheer upl Th Atlantis Monthly one re
jected "Rantankerou Rodney, the Red-
Handed Reneged," by Colonel Prentiss
Ingraham. That peerless production, "The
Payne-Aldrich Tariff." was spurned by La
Follett' Weekly and a host of other mid
west magaiine before acceptance by the
Congressional Record.
T. Roosevelt did not receive a dollar a
word for hi stirring romance of th Rider
Haggard variety until h had run for th
legislature, reformed tha New York police,
revolutionised the navy, humbled the Span
ish nation, reformed the orthography of a
race, found the Ananias, Undesirable, Na
ture-Fake and other popular club, fired
the Twenty-fifth Infantry and named hi
own successor.
It required a winter spent In Imaginative
effort on th Greenland land-lc to enable
Dr. Cook to produoe that fascinating $40,000
work, "I Took Nobody but I-Took-e-Shoo."
William Jennings Bryan Is reported In
dustriously engaged on hi new work, 'Th
Fourth Battle." It 1 probable that h will
spend a lifetime Id the Writing of this brll
llant series.
Judge Landls did not perpetrate that
memorable (30.000,000 Joke until he was well
into middle Ufa -
Preserve the elegantly printed, politely
worded rejection slips you receive. When
you hav collected them in thousand lots
they csn be sold back to th various pub
Remember that th Outlook and the New
Tork Sun do not car for th same class j
ot Roosevelt witticisms.
If you or a Jokesmlth, you hav your
mother-in-law and your wife at your ,
mercy. If you . are a minor poet your en-1
emi wiu lament their natal day .-New
York Tim.
, Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet
gently stimulate th liver and bowels to
expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system.
ur oonstlpatloa and sick headache Sold
by all dealer.
Welvhee In.
- Plcklna up a sharp knife from th meat
stand, Ih customer extend It to th
butcher with th remark:
"I haven't any use tor It, but you may
cut It off. and I'll take It along-, anyhow."
"Cut what offT" gasp the astonished
"Your hand. You weighed It with th
roost, you know, and 1 want ail I pay
lor." Lil.
Otoe for Ifavward.
rU'NBAR, Neb., AR. 14. (Special -The
rceit political aasa-jlts upon the candi
dacy ot Hon. William Haywsrd. repuhlca;i
candidate for congress In the First district,
by T. F. A. Williams of Lincoln, allay
George Tobey, opponent have sent H.iy
ward stock up all ov(er the district, espe
cially In his old home county here. The
German voters of Otoe county are In line
for him, and will vote the republican prl
rrary ballot out of j-espect and fair p!a
for Mr. Havward. " Few republicans or
democrats here In Otoe will vote for Dahl
man now, but will see to it that William
Itayward gets their votes ht the primaries.
There Is such a thing as county pride, as
home- patriotism, in politics, and Otoe
county voters Tuesday at the primaries
will give to William Hayward the biggest
nominating majority ever accorded a candi
date for congress in one county In tin
Five Inches of italn at West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 14.-(Speclal.)
The rainstorm of Friday and Saturday was
the record-breaker for the season. Nearly
five inches of rain fell during the twenty
two hours' duration of the storm. Street
are badly flooded, culverts and large sec
tions of brick sidewalk being swept away
by the high water. During the storm Satur
day morning the residences of F. J. Malch
and Mr. Frost were struck by lightning,
but aside from destroying shingles on the
root no material damage was done. The
telephone system of the city and rural lines
are completely demoralised, no communica
tion being possible.
AXtraik Now Note.
ORLEANS Rev. Fthr Barnard of thl
parish wa transferred last week to Dono
van, Neb., Father Hahn of Nebraska City
taking up the work here. A lara recep
tion was given Father Hahn by the Catho
lic ladles at the J. E. Dunley home. Sev
eral hundred people attended and ice cream
and cake were served.
ORLEANS Over one hundred families of
Free MethodlHt are assembled at the New
man grove, three miles east of here, holding
their annual camp meeting conference.
AURORA The Hamilton county teachers'
institute closed last Friday with a reading
contest and musical program. There were
11S teachers registered, and the keenest In
terest was dlxpiayed. The instructors were
Chancellor Fulmer of Wesleyan university,
Prof. Scarson of Peru nd Miss Nell Moore
of this city. In the contest on Friday out
of seven contestants, the winners were:
Miss May Nlssen, first; Miss Mary A. Day,
sicond. The Judges were: Rev. F. D.
Reeves, Rev. W. O. Harper, Judge W. L.
Staik, George L. Burr and A. P. Sprague.
ST. PAUL Anohtre widespread rain vis
ited Howard oounty last night the precip
itation being quite heavy in the. north and
east part of the county, but gradually
tapering down tq a sprinkle in th south
w est corner.
SEWARD James C. Dahlman of Omaha
spoke at Seward Saturday afternoon, aftd
simultaneously with his coming tfc long
drouth war broken by a heavy ram.
SEWARD The county board adopted a
resolutUon at its last meeting to defray
the expenses of the extra twolve feet of
pavine; inside the chains of the court house
square. This 1 addition to the twenty
seven feet already voted by the board to
pave. The expense to the county Is estl
matd to be about 111,080.
SliWAUD An excursion train will be run
here today from Lincoln to n commodate
German Lutherans who desire to attend
the dedicatory services of the new 125,000
Lutheran church. Services will be held in
English. Tho congregation will serve lunch
eon at the old church.
DAVID CITY One hundred and twenty
five boosters for the David City Chautauqua
toured the country Thursday and Friday
in twenty-seven automobiles decorated with
pennants, bunting and banners. They vis
ited nineteen towns whe.e the citlsen
tnrned out and greeted thim with band
round a and responses of welcome. The
David City band and the male quartet
rendered short programs at every stop,
which were followed by addresses. The ex
cursions were- 'under the direction of the
secretary. -8. Jl Hyatt and Foy C. Elder,
and covered a distance of ninety-five miles
on Thursday and seventy-five miles on Fri
day. They were Joined en route by autos
along the line, where the people entered Into
the spirit of th occasion. The weather and
roads were fine and al enjoyed the outing
which wa remarkably free from accident
or break-downs. - An excellent dinner wa
erved to the party by .the women of En
terprise on Thursday and on Friday by
those of the Baptist churoh of- Octavla.
DAVID CITY-Ruth MoOaffln, the sixteen-year-old
daughter ot Hugh McGaf fin
of this place, took a large dose ot carbolio
acid yesterday morning. She 1 danger
ously sick at the present time, but it Is
thought she will recover.
Connttnsr the Honrs.
"Those- people In the next flat seem to
have a regular program of popular song
every evening," -said the visitor.
"Tee," replied the roan who is gradually
getting a tremble and a vacant star.
"uy tne way., what time I itT"
"Let me see." It wa half-oast 'She's Mv'
uaisy- a little wniie ago; it must be nearly
a quarter to 'Put or Your Old Gray Bon
net' Don't hurry- It'll , be at least an
hour 'before the piano strikes 'Farewell,
Farewell. My Own True Love.' "Wash
ington Star, i
TnrtI In His. Stomach.
William Douglas of th North Sid, New
Tork, le dead a the result of a turtle's egg
hatching in his stomacn. A row weens ago
Douglass partook ot some turtle soup.
Need Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound
Brookfleld, Mo. "Two years ago I
was unable to do any kind of work and
only weighed 118 pounds. My trouble
, . ,f ,,, .,. ,..,, QgM tact to the
I UtDtt mat WOOIBU
mar expect nature
to bring on them
the Change of Life.
I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and It made
me feel much better,
and I hare contin
ued Its use. I am
very grateful to you
for the good health
am now eniovinsr." Mrs. Saivui
I-ocstgnont, 4ii 8. Llrlngston Street,
lirookneld, Mo. ,
The Change of Life Is the most crlti
cal period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this time Invites
disease and pain.
Women everywhere should remem.
I ber that there is no other remedy
known to medicine that will so sue.
cessfully carry women through thia
trying period as Lydia . Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound,, made from na
tive roots and herbs. ,
For 80 years It has been curing wo
men from the worst forms of female
ills inflammation, ulceration, dis
placements, fibroid, tumors, lrregulaii
ties, periodlo pains, backache, and
nervous prostration.
If yon would like epeclal ad vie
about your rase write a cortttden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnkbam, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice la Xrec
and always helpful
. s , ,
Four davs after taking the soup he becam
III and numerous physicians were unable
to dlns-none Ms dlwsse. liW. he dM.
An suiopnv wss performed ami a partially
frvrmed turtle, almost as large s a tir-n'a
:, was found In his stomach. -New Jork
Tribune. . 1 t
t'nrle Rant. Boys
Kv'ry ol' boss shows hi keep; alo hi
keeper. , , ' ,
Also It Is Impossible fur some hosae to
feel their oata. ' -r-
You can't make a boy belteve that onions
are healthy long weed In' time.
When opportunity knock at your dno"
don't make your wife git up an' tend It
Ef rare ever killed a eat it must hev haitt
little dynermlte mixed In with It,
While you are waltm' fur the cow to back
up to be milked somebuddy else he several
pound uv butter.
One good thing about growln' old Is the
fact tliet one gits up earlier mnrnln's, an
consequently gits a hull lot more work
The ol' hoas need hev no fear ur bHn
pushed aside fur the autymobile; man likes
to handle the whip piirty well,' an' tny
ain't no fun in hamiiierln' a tourln' car. '
Boston Herald.
V hints. ,
Th city man who waa summering In the , i
country was lounging at a little station on
an Interurlwin line.
Along came a seedy pilgrim; walking up . '
the track. ,
"My frlnd." said the city man. "do you ,
expvet to hoof it to the next station?"
"Sure." .' '. '
"How far Is Itr ! r
" 'lfout six miles."
"What's the fan- from here therT" '
"Fifteen cer t, I reckon." " .
"Car coining pretty eoon?" , ,v
"Yep." , . .
"Well, Jurt to gratify a whim. suppnH 1
you let me lend vou money enough to pay
your fare to tha station." , . . .
"That'll be all right, boss."
"I haven't the chanRe. Here' a quarter.
"Thank. Now, boss," said . the edy m
wayfarer, "Jes' to gratify a whim, .I'm,,
goln' to keep on hoofln' It. Good-bye. , .,
Chicago Tribune. ' '
Hurrah for the - winning ' -crew
Not rrimaon, orange, nor
I know hy the soup
That I had inrmjr dinner .
Th rtdnd wktt fab)
la slwsys a winnsaX
What do we mean by
that much-abused ex
pression "the, best"
when we apply it to -.
We. mean first its taste
and flavor its appetizing
tartness, with just a touch
of the natural sweetness
developed in perfect sun
ripened vine-ripened toma
toes. Then its creamy
richness and "body"its
satisfying quality. Then
its wholesomeness, purity
. and nourishing: food-value.
Test it on all these points.
And if you don't atrree
with, us get youf money
back from the grocer. The
same with all our soups.
21 kinds 10c a can
Just add hot valer,
bring to a boil,
, mud serve.
WU And Campbell's
Menu Book handy
very day in the week.
Johth CAUran.1.
- Camden N J
Look for the
. label
Baltimore ana Oiilo Railroad
Low Fare Summer Tour
AND . , ... ,
Tlcksta e Bala Dally Until Oct. Slat.
Liberal Atop-Over Privates; ;
rot (nrtneX particular 4dr .
w. A- fibitoi, a. sr. Avers.
I. P. A., Cn lcae O. P. A Chloaia,
Sylvan Lake -Hotel
Near Ctsstcr, S. D. .
A delifutrtt! hotel Vtuated ea a 1
wonderful mountain lake amid ;
most plctnreaque surroundings.
Fishing. Boating. Ten! a. ''
Doake Bides. Mountain-Climbing.
Pur uir; ipltrdlid loila; ceol; fr ,
from as, fwtr .,.:
SUUs SI 4.00 S16.00 par week
T. J. Carroll. Mir, 8ylvaa Lak. i'
Cutr. 8. TX '
IOMff "
lfrr and Bttr Than ',
Opens Sunday, Augxut' 21
Scats Now on Sale
Moss Vrvar CTkaag-. Week XHyaf
Matinee lc and 16c; NlShts-riea,
and 6c. Sundays: Matinee 10c II, (
and toe; Night loo. tic, lOe and 76.
Omaha, vs. Denver
Vinton Street Park
August 15-1G-17-10
Monday, Auiukt 15th Ladles' Day. .
Oame Called .& -Special
car lvave 16 th and,. Farsaa.
at 1:10. r, .'