Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee".
VOI Xfc-NO. 9.
Political and
Making ready to
England in Midit of Elaborate Prep
aration! for Coronation
' Next June.
All European Nations Will Be Roy
ally Represented.
Great Overhauling of Robei and Jew
els for Event.
Crown, Same u Heed by Edward and
Victoria, Merely' Altered to Kit
the Head of the Present
Huler Rifles to Call.
By paul. Lambeth.
LONDON, Aug. 13.-(Speclal to Th Bee.)
With the formal announcement matte
with aP, the pomp and ceremony of
medieval1 times that the cornatlon of King
George Is to take place ni-xt June, the
work of arranging for the grand ceremonial
affair will be begun at once and pushed
'with vigor. There will be none too much
time, for the work of the coronation of an
Kngllah king la no small matter. Every
European country will be represented by
some member of its royal family of a
kingdom or by a special embassy In the
case of a republic. The American states
will also be specially represented.
Arrangement for the entertainment of
the guesta must be made, questions of
precedence must be settled and the thou
and one details of the pageant must
be "ovlded for.
One of the first steps to be taken will be
the appointment of a coronation clmmlt
tee, which will commence at an early date
to draw up suggestions for the arrange
ments for the function. The duke of Nor
folk, as earl marshal, will be at the head
or this committee. On this occasion the
procedure will be considerably simplified
because there is recent precedent. At the
time of King Edward's accession It was
otherwise and matters of Importance gov
erning the coronation were so vaguely
understood .that, as w,il be remembered. It
was necessary for a court of claims to sit
and Investigate the titles to various rights
and privileges which .were claimed as the
xclusiv possession of more than our
' Dress for the Occasion.
With many .people hoping to attend It
who figured at the last ceremony, of the
kind, there- will, be a grand overhauling of
robes and . Jewel - that should certainly
erve again ooronfta, trains and fur trim-
Bilngs espectalry ' . "'
A marchioness appeared at King Ed
ward's crowning in some of the parapher
nalia 'which her grandmother had worn
at Queen Victoria's coronation; and it Is
quite the proper thing to come out "in
ancestral possessions that suit the occasion.
. Of course, everybody knows tha k-i
,y"c iiuwii win ue ine one which his
jwuifier and grandmother used, altered to
Jrvilthe head. Queen Mary will probaly
have one made purposely, of her own
diamonds with some crown jewels to help
put, as Queen Alexandra did.
Perhaps the king's mother may decide to
attend the ceremony, as her sister, the
Empress Marie Feodorovna, did In Russia,
when the present Tsar was crowned. This
was correct In Muscovy, but will be an in
novation In this country, where royal
widows usually keep In retirement. How
ever, Queen Alexandra Is so popular, It
will greatly please folks to see her.
Uaeen's Own to Call.
In a few weoks time England will be
"invaded" by some GOO officers and men
of the queen's own rifles, of Canada, who
e beiug brought over here by their com
ndlng officer. Sir Henry Pellatt, at his
"Jl expense. They are to be encamped
at Aldershot, but it is probable that they
will be marched through London, when
they will toe certain of a most enthusi
astic welcome.
!' I Maria. Painters.
A pointer far the new United States
postal savings banks' may' he found In the
fact that scores At oblong money boxes
now lying at the controller of stores
department of the general postofflce.
"They are submitted with the tenders for
the "new postofflce home safef," In which
the public are to be invited to place their
savings and to deposit them at Intervals
at the postoffice.
The boxes, which are of pocket site, have
an aperture nt the top' through which the
miiey will be dropped and a patent con
nivance at the bottom by means of which
postofflce authorities will be able to
rrrr.ovs It. The boxes have to be mad In
ruch a manner that It will be Impossible
for a depositor himself to withdraw any
money he places In the box. About three
weeks will elapse bef.ue the type of "safe"
which Is to be used Is decided upon.
Hv comnHrinar a return nf tl n...i.,if...
savins; bank .hist Issued with the returns
for previous years wa find a steady In-cre:ii-e
In cnh deposits, a decrease In the
last three years In cash withdrawals and
an Increase of the bulunce due to deposi
tors since f fS.UOO.000, making the total
mm of flfU.000.000. The amount due to de
positira Is almost as large as the national
revenue for a year.
Moainltn-lror l.lnen.
Tie Johnathan Holt, the first "mosquito
proof ocein going steamer, arrived In the
Mersey from the Clyde shipyards recently.
Alt the rli,i-a u.'ln.l.,a- . ,
- " - iu inn inuief rtrei
fitted with copper game to prevent the I
entry of the malaria-bearing insect. j
lllamlnnted Khella. I
A startling Invention- for Illuminating the
track of shells used for night firing has
bten successfully tested bv the llrltlsh
admiralty at Fort Albert, near Yarmouth,
Isie of Wight. It greatly impressed the
admiralty experts who witnessed the opera
tions. To the base of the shell a metal
cylinder Is attached by screw movements
and the act of firing the gun causes a
powerful llluminant to burst Into flame.
" It burn brightly throughout tha whole of
the trajectory of the nilsn'e and la espe
cially useful in testing the effectiveness of
rang at night time, both over ana and
Social News
Stands Firm in Attitude Taken To
ward Spain.
Canalejo Government Mast I'nbend
or Merlons Tronble Is Predicted
as n Conseiinenve of Its
Artlon. 0
ROME, Aug. 13. (Special to The Bee.)
There Is no intention on the part of ths
Vatican to recede from tho position It has
taken In Spain.
Cardinal Mery del Val is firmly convinced
that the great majority of the Spanish
people stand with the church In the con
troversy. The Spanish clergy almost with.
out exception have so Informed him. He
Is therefore convinced that, the Canalejo
government will be compelled to recede or
go out of offlce.
In the Judgment of some of the high
churchmen, if tne king persists In uphold
ing his ministers In the crusade against
the church It la not at ail Improbable
that the country will be plunged Into civil
war, with more than an even chance that
Its end will see Don Jaime' on the throne
and Alfonso in exile. Whlle of course, the
Vatican will take wt action In a Carlist
uprising. It Is not regarded as at nil likely
that the church will over exert Itself to
prevent such a movement.
Mery del Val realises that his future
position In the church depends upon the
outcome of this Spanish affair. If he
should win he would be all powerful In
the curia, with a good chance of succeed
ing to the papacy In time.
Wholesale Trial of Cssiorriiti.
An exciting Camorra trial has been pro
ceeding for many days past at the Lucera.
An enormous Iron cage, In appearance
something Ilka a chicken run, has been
specially constructed In court In order to
stock seventy-six prisoners at once. All
of them are Camorrlsts belonging to the
local secret criminal societies of San
Severe They were defended by ten law
yers and there were over 100 witnesses.
Many of the charges could not be proved, I
owing to the Intimidation of witnesses
who In cases of this kind are always fear
ful of a ruffianly vendetta. Nevertheless,
the tribunal condemned several ringleaders
to ten years' confinement. Such BCenes of
savagery broke out among the condemned
and their relatives and followers In the
town after the president had delivered
sentence tha. three companies of soldiery
and 100 carablnlerl who had been drafted
Into the town for the occasion to reinforce
the local police proved none too many for
preserving order. Special measures were
also taken against ' a general outbreak
which had been plotted at the Jail.
olclde In Italy. '
'The bishop of Cremona, Monrlgnor Bono
melli.' has published a statistical statement
of tha number dr suicides In Italy from the
year 1S71 down to the beginning of last
year. The return shows that 1tr l&Tt tnere
wer 836 suicides, m being men and IB
women. In 1891 there were 1,697, 1,381 being
men arid the balance women and In 1906
there were S.682, 2,076 being men and 610
Deelnrea lie la In Receipt of Threat
eslng Commanleatloa Demanding;
Heavy Money Trtbnte.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 13.-Speclal to
The Bee.) A letter published In the journal
"Sabah,". and written by 8ald Pasha, the
former grand vixlet, has caused an enor
mous sensation, lit the course of the com
munication the writer states that he has
received threatening letters bearing the
signature "Patriots," and demanding that
he shall give 20 per cent of his fortune
to the Turkey Naval league. Failure to
comply with this demand will mean assas
sination. After one of these letters had
been received a deputation from the Turk
ish Naval league called upon Bald Pasha
and made the request that he should hand
to them a large sum of money, and hinted
that his refusal to do so might be followed
by consequences serious to himself.
A wild outbreak , of indignation followed
this amazing attempt to raise funds for
the fleet. Nor Is Said Pasha the- only
man to be treated In this extraordinary
manner. Many of the wealthier men In the
district have received letters similar to
those sent to the former grand vixler. The
Navy league Is an Institution which owes
Its existence to a number of politicians.
After this sensational exposure It Is not
unlikely that the league will quietly dis
solve, for already the belief la gaining cur
rency that the institution waa formed solely
with a view to collecting'money, the bene
fit of which would never be felt by the
cause which the league ostensibly sup
ported. An official inquiry Into the whole
affair Is to take place shortly.
Thousand of Homeless Canine Am
Transported from Streets of
clal to the Bee.) It will be recalled that
owing to the luck of apace In the special
enclosures outide the walls of Con
stantinople, the government decided that
the street doga of Constantinople should
be transported to the barren Island of
Ox la. In the sea of Marmora. Thousads
of dogs have already been landed there.
The arrangementa for feeding and water
ing the poor exiles, however, are so In
adequate that they may b said to be
worse than useless.
The fights which take place when bread
Is thrown among them are said to be ter
rible, while the weaker animals prey on
the dead bodies of the dogs that have
already perished. The men conveying bread
and water to the Island aoon found that
It waa an unpleasant and even risky thing
to go ashore, and have latterly thrown the
bags containing food on the Island from
their boats.
Apparently they have alao given up land
ing water. The sight of all these animals
and thtr pitiful condition la moat heart
rendering. The stench is fearful, and In
fects the atmosphere for miles around. The
decaying carcase have attracted and bred
myriads of flies, which hover about the
Island In clouds and threaten to carry
contagion to the neighboring Islands.
The local papers have called the atten
tion of the government to tha danger of
establishing a pestilential breeding ground
In such comparatively close proximity to
the town, but all to no purpose.
of the Old World Reported
Natives of the Emerald Isle Continue
to Emigrate to This
Erin is Loser in Race Between Steam
ship and Stork.
Lord Justice Cherry Comments on
Conditions. "
Black Measles Epidemic In Tem
, plenee District of Connty Kerry
, la the t'nnae of Slany tte
eent Deaths.
DUBLIN. Aug. li-(Speclal to Tee Bee.)
Ireland Is still losing population. The ex
cess of births over deaths In 1909 was 27.7S6,
according to the registrar general's report
Jut Issued, but as 28,676 people emigrated
during the year there was an actual de
crease In population of too.
The marriages registered during the year
numbered 22,060, reprerentlng a rate of 6.18
per 1.000 of the estlmnted population. This
rate Is 0.02 below thst for the previous
year, but 0.06 above the average for ten
years 1899-190S.
Of the 22.(1)0 marriages registered during
last year 1C.0B7 were between Catholics,
3,427 were celebrated according to the rites
and ceremonies of the Church of Ireland,
2.296 were, in Presbyterian meeting houses,
462 in registered buildings belonging to
various religious denominations, 398 bv civil
contract in the registrars' offices, four were
according to the usages of the Soctety of
Friends and six according to the Jewish
The marriages of bachelors with spinsters
constituted 89 5 per cent of the total; those
of widowers and spinsters wer 6.6 per cent.
The marriage of bachelor and widows
were 2.4 per cent and those of widowers
and widows ' formed 1.6 per cent of the
total marriages.
The highest marriage rat for county or
county borough areas were 7.2 per 1,000 of
the population for the county borough of
Dublin, and the lowest was S.4 per cent
per J,000 for County Mayo.
Crime la Light.
- Opening the ' commission of assise 'for
Cork City, Lord Jnstlc Cherry, in bis ad
dress to the grand Jury, said their duties
on the occasion would be extremely 'light
That was a' pleasure he had repeated so
frequently during tha present circuit that
it was now almost like a refrain. . Thev
had only one case to g6 before them, a
charge of breaking, a plate glass window.
During the assizes, which wer now com
ing' to a conclusion throughout Ireland -in
almost every county and city, with only
four or five exceptions, the Judges had
been able to testify to the peaceful condi
tion of the country generally and the ab
sence of crime. He could not recollect in
any period within his memory where re
ports had been so unlformally favorable.
He had been Informed It we.s in a great
measure due to the advance of the cause
of tempeiance. He supposed It was so in
Cork also.
Irish Flax Crop.
It ia satisfactory to find by the June
circular of the Flax Supply association,
Belfast, that tha Irish flax crop this year
has a most promising appearance. There
Is a fairly substantial Increase at last In
the area under flax, and it is significant
that though the acreage In Munster and.
Connauglit ia not considerable, the increase
In . those provinces is relatively large.
When Belfast alone Imports flax to the
value of about million and a quarter an
nually, an Increase, however small, of the
area under flax in Ireland, it must be re
garded as a satisfactory sign of improve
ment. Thirty years ago there were H3,(KX)
acre under flax In Ulster alone. In An
trim, Derry and Down the Increase In
flax sowing was considerable this year.
In Armagh, Cavan, Monah?.an, Donegal,
Fermanagh and Tyrone, while thee was a
decrease In some districts, there was an
increase In others, so that, on the whole,
there is a larger crop than last year In
Ulster, and the present condition of the
flax Indicates that the yield will be con
siderable. .
Black Measles.
The disease known as black measles,
which has broken out In the Templence
district of County Kerry within the last
fortnight, has already caused seven deaths
and forty fresh cases have been reported
to' the medical officers of health.
The disease Is of a malignant and highly
contagious character, and a curious fact in
connection with the outbreak Is that the
victims were young men between the ages
or M and 27.
Feela Binds ess Co rain a; on and Pa
rades Throaah Prison Haylaar
Good-Hye to Ills Friends.
ALGIERS, Aug. 13. (Special to The
Bee.) Captain Chabaud. governor of the
Bossuet penitentiary, has just died of
hydrophobia under remarkable circum
stances. Toward the end of last Decem
ber tha captain and a doxen other people
wer bitten by a mad dog. The dog wa
killed and the victims went to the Pas
teur Institute In Algiers for treatment.
Captain Chabaud, who believed himself to
be cured, discovering symptom of hy
drophobia and feeling that his end waa
approaching, paraded the warder of the
penitentiary and hla subalterns In the
yard and said good-by to them.
"I wanted you, ' he said, "to be very
careful and not let me touch anv of you.
I feel the madness gaining on me. Good
by all. If 1 " At thla moment Cap
tain Chabaud wa seized with fearful
convulsions. He barked like a dog and
foamed at th mouth. He waa overpow
ered a sh waa trying to dash himself
againat th wall of th yard and died th
following morning.
King George and Queen Mary Jour
neying to the Highlands.
Darkrn of Marlboronarh Is Exceed"
Inarlr Busy Attending; to Maltl
pllrlty of Her Social
LONDON, Aug. 13. (Special to The
Bee.) King Ge.orge and Queen Mary are
now In the Scottish highlands, where his
majesty, who Is a keen sportsman. Is
enjoying the1 shooting. The king's fond
ness for deer stalking la likely to result
In his Scottish subjects seeing a great
deal more of them than they did of King
Edward, who during " his later years
found the sport offered by the highlands
somewhat too strenuous. Nowhere can
the king obtain better deer stalking than
In the country about Balmoral drives.
The king's brother-in-law, Prince Alex
ander of Teck, who Is a xealous and
skillful shot, but by no means the rival
in deadly accuracy of his Illustrious rela
tive. v
Present for an Old Clown.
An Instance of the king's kindness of
heart recetly became public. His maj
esty sent a gift to Mr. 'James Doughty,
the oldest public entertainer In the king
dom and one a favorite with London
children as a pantomime clown. Mr.
Doughty wrot to the king stating that
he was the oldest member of his craft
still before the public. To the old man's
Intense delight he received a reply from
Sir William Carlngton, who stated that
he had been commandeu by the king to
send him a postoftice order for thre
With his troupe of performing dogs
Mr. Doughty has been a notable figure
at Brighton for over thirty years. - He I
preparing to celebrate hi nlnty-second
birthday on August 27 by a benefit per
formance on the West Pier. Mr. Doughty
followed In the footsteps of the great
Grimaldl and wa a clown In the days
when the harlequinade was the principal
attraction of a pantomime. He was
clown at Covent Garden under the re
gime of the father of the late Sir Au
gustus Harris. When he celebrated his
birthday last year Mr. Doughty donned
his old motley and sang some of the
pantomime songs of fifty years ago.
Dnche'ss of Marlborough Busy.
Of the many Anglo-American peeresses,
quite one of the most dlstlnqulshed Is the
duchess of Marlborough, who has been
making some outspoken remarks on the
question of marriage and education. Ever
since she came to England as a bride, she
has thrown herself body and soul Into
social work of every description. But long
before that her grace was already a social
force In New- Tork, where she put many of
her organizing talents to practical purposes.
She was instrumental, for instance, In
founding the first club for workroom girls
in-the States, a club which has since pros
pered and which now numbers sorris hun
dreds of members.
' Upon Blenheim palace the duchess has
brought to bear much of her artistic per
sonality; Among many Innovations she lias
introduced Is an American bower,- which,
perhaps, would be better . described as a
floral tunnel. It la very long and narrow
and arched over with honeysuckle, clematis
and clustering rambler roses. At intervals,
the bower Is widened to form alcoves for
seats and one can Imagine nothing more de
lightful than to sit among tne honeysuckle
and watch between the cluster of rosea the
river which winds its way through ' the
greensward below.
The duchess also introduced a small
menagerie of wild animals, and has special
cages and heated kennels built, for them.
Gaselles, vultures, snakes, chimpanzees and
pelicans were Introduced, and, after her
grace's tour to the Nile district some years
ago a number of other rare animals were
added to the collection, making It now one
of the best private soos In the kingdom.
Novelty In Dinners.
Baroness de Bertouch, who waa the
originator of a dinner at which each of
the diners represented a character In a
poem and was attired accordingly, Is an
Englishwoman who Is descended from John
Wllinot, earl of Rochester, the renowned
court ballad and sonnet writer of the time
of Charles II. The baroness herself Is a
writer of considerable ability and the au
thor of some very successful pieces for
recitations. Her first work was "The Out
cast," published In 1890, but, perhaps, a
better known volume is her "Life of Father
Ignatius." baronet, de Bertouch married
the Jaegermelster to the king of Denmark,
and they have a son. Baron Rudolph de
Intolerance In Natal.
An .extraordinary story, which boars all
the marks of Intolerance and injustice, has
been brought to light In regard to the
Misses Colenso, daughters of the late
bishop of Natal, who have been given sum
mary notice to quit their mission room by
the ecclesiastical authorities.
The last dying act of the Natal legisla
ture was to pass a bill by a majority of
two, and under pressure, . confiscating
property left In trust to the Church of
England In the colony and handing It over
to trusters. The first, art of thla body is
to eject from the mission home, in which
they have lived and worked for over fifty
yeary, the two daughters of Dr. Colenaj.
The notice which was sent to the Misses
Colenso contains tho following resolution:
"That the secretary write to the Misses
Colenso notifying them that the trustees
require to take pos.-esslon of the building
which they occupy at Btshoptown and to
Inquire when It will suit their convenience
to vacate the same." The work of the
Misses Colenso on behalf of the natlv
raeek of South Africa Is ro well known
and meritorious that better treatment
might have been expected for them.
Develops peH a I Mania for Plllaalna
monasteries and Mnrderlnaj
Priests nnd Monks.
MOSCOW, Aug. 13.-(8peclal to The Be.)
-A certain Youravleff. who has Just been
executed here. Is credited with having com
mitted no fewer than J65 Crimea. It Is
stated that Youravleff developed a special
- . . . . V, k 1 1 1 1 1 .
nrlMt. mini... .. , . I
V ' Utll.l I 1 1 1 1 ulllMKIIlir TT1 1 M a, f I. r-1 1. 1 1 1 1 I
no "iiu inaiscnnrinately
If they dared to offer any opposition. He
made a desperate fight before h was fln
sllv secured, wounding several pollc offl-or
by Special
France and England Are Inclined to
Make Wry Faces at
Each Other.
Trouble Grows Out of a Happening at
Dispute Over Disposition Made of the
Itinerant Hagmnn Come Into Fore
front, Drclarln He la Hesponsl
ble for Crime of Nine
Years Ago.
PARIS, Aug. 13.-(SDeclaI to The Re I
There Is a very pretty little diplomatic
tangle for the diplomats of France and
England to straighten out. and while It
will not arise to the dignity of an "Inci
dent" there are points about It which are
llablto cause the foreign officers at Paris
and London some uneasiness and which
might develop an ugly phase if the "cordl-
aier- was less firm than It Is.
It all arises out of a happening at Mar
slelles, complicated somewhat by French
The Indian student, Savarkar, whose ex
tradition from England to India was
ordered upon charges of sedition and con
spiracy against the king's government and
abetment of murder, embarked In ti, t m.
O. steamship. Mores, at Gravesend, In the
cusioay or a detective-Inspector from Scot
land rara and three Indian nollee official.
Upon the arrival of the liner at Marseilles,
savarkar, who was In the hath mom
crawled through an open port hole, plunged
into tne harbor and swam ashore. As soon
as the detectives, who had been waltlnv
outside the bath room door became aware
of their prisoner's escape, they raised a
nue ana cry. with the result thnt
geant of the French dock police, who was on
ouiy on tne wharf, cantured the fmritu..
as he clambered out of th water. Accord
ing to M. Cadenat, one of the vie mayors
of Marseilles and socialist deputy for the
city, who supplies this version of the in
cident to 1he "Humanlte," the French po
nce sergeant surrendered the fugitive to
the British detectives, "whereas, he ought
to have handed him over to the chief of
the harbor police."
French Authorities Aetlve. .
A few days after the liner had sailed the
French socialist Dress a-nt int r ih. i
clfient and promptly protested against what
Is described as a violation of French terri
torial jurisdiction and of "the' rights of
man." The persistence with t.ih t.c
Jaures urged the - fugitive's cause has in
duced the French government to request
the British government to stay proceedings
until all the documents In the - h..
been submitted to the French authorities.
According to the Temps, International
laws seem to require that Savarkar .hi
be handed over to . France In order that
tne trench authorities may take cognizance
of his case, since the British ,
failed to notify the French government
mat a political prisoner was about to pass
through French territory, and since the
fact that the fugitive landed on French
soil deprived the British authorities of their
Jurisdiction over him. It is even asserted
that It was irregular for the UfirM t,
French territorial waters with a prisoner
on Doara witnout previous notification of
the fact in accordance with treaty rights.
Hevival of a Sensation.
Tho celebrated Brlerre murder case, which
nine years ago caused a areat
has come to the fore again, by the appear
ance of an Itinerant ragman ot Tours, who.
It Is alleged, wishes to assume the responsl-
Dimy or the crime. It may be remembered
that the five children of a widowed
named Brlerre were found murdered In their
father s house on a farm near Coran..
Some weeks afterwards suspicion fell on
tne rather himself, who was arrested, tried,
and sentenced to death, the nennitv ki-
commuted to transportation and hard labor
for life.
Throughout the trial Brlerre never ceased
to assert his Innocence, with so much ve
hemence that even after the verdict of
th Jury, he had many partisans who be
lieved that he had been unjustly con
demned. To this day there are still many
people who are of this opinion. From
the convict settlement, whither he had been
transported in French Guiana, Brlerre
wrote letter after letter to the authorities
pointing out the alleged errors and mis
takes committeed at his trial, and finally
he drew up a long statement or sort of
memorandum In the effort to prove his
innocence and to show that certain impor
tant evidence had been neglected.
The authorities seemed Impressed by
their constant protests, and there, was
even talk of pardoning him altogether at
the beginning of this year, when news
was received that he had died.
Instead of a deterrent the execution of
Llabeuf seems likely to be the cause of an
Increase In the number of attacks on the
Paris police. Recently, an Individual fired
a revolver at a passing taxi. A policeman
ran up and was about to seize the man
when he leveled hla weapon at the offi
cer's breast and exclaimed: "I am going
to avenge Uabeuf and down you!" The
crowd, however, seized him from hehinH
Taken to the police station he aald his
name was isourdler, aged 18, of no address.
He fired at the taxi as tha best u.v ,.r
attracting a policeman, whom he Intended
to offer up as a victim to the memory of
Llabeuf. As Bourdler was being taken to
goal he remarked that he was not dis
couraged. He would try again and he
hoped with better luck. t
ovel Form of Atrlte.
What la quite a novel way of striking
has been adopted bv the Paris avndlrata
of Bank and Bourse emrjlovea. who ara
seeking higher wages. The minimum wage
they demand S3S0 per year, -and this for
beginners only. Thev held a metln at
the Bourse de Travll, under the presidency
of M. Nertoux, a aoclsllst deputy, and an
nounced that If their demands wera nnt
granted they would adopt "the open mouth"
strike, we are already familiar with "th
folded arms" strike, and "sabotage" or
th wilful destruction by strikers of their
employers' property and tools.
Cable and Correspondence
Exceptions to Minister's Mention of
the Nayy.
Two Fiery Indlvldnnla on Dnel Bent
Find SatUfnetlon In Ktrbtif
na; I'nlqne Notes on
Pn per.
VIENNA, Aug. U. (Mpeclai to The Bee.)
The recent speech of the English prime
minister in which he spoke of the Austrian
naval program as a mystery has aroused
much indignation here whre the feeling
to England Is not over friendly at its best.
In speaking of the matter the Newe
Frele Presse says: "The Austro-Hungar-Ian
government has made clear Its Inten
tions with regard to the building of Dread
noughts on several occasions, and It Is ab
solutely no secret that Austria-Hungary
has already begun the work. It Is known
that the Stablllmento Tecnlco at Trieste,
which is responsible for the building of
almost all the warships for our navy, has
already two Dreadnoughts In the course of
As th Department of the Navy could not
advance the funds for the undertaking
without first obtaining parliamentary au
thority, the Stablllmento decided to build
the first two Dreadnoughts at Its own cost.
Th government will decide on its course
of action when the delegations have sanc
tioned the expenditure. It Is expected that
the estimates to be laid before the Delega
tions, which will probably meet at the be
ginning of November, will Include the first
and second Installments of payment for the
two Dreadnoughts. The other two Dread
noughts that are projected will be laid
down next year, and are to be built at the
naval shipyards at Pola or possibly at the
works of the Danubius company at Frume.
We in Austria-Hungary merely follow th
movement for which the British sles gave
the signal."
Dueling In Hungary.
A duel even less dangerous than any
Parisian journalists' encounter Is reported
to have taken place recently in Hungary.
Two visitors In a certain town quarreled
In a certain cafe and the following morning
the local newspaper published an adver
tisement from one of the participants ad
dressed to the other In the following terms:
"Sir, a gentleman cannot send his sec
onds to a person of your quality. Kindly
consider that your face is slapped on both
cheeks. You can feel grateful that I do
not ask you to consider yourself caned."
' The blood-thirsty opponent replied also
per advertisement -in th next day's issue
of the Jpurnal. "To my excellent adver
sary; I beg. to thank , you for slapping me
only" in writing. Kindly allow me in reply:
I hav fired six revolver 'bullets' Into your
head. Consider. yourself therefore, as dead,
and receive; my best respects." ;
Duels conducted on these lines would ob
viate nasty wounds and bloodletting and
would also prov profltabt to th news
paper. ' '
- Old Friends !! Together.
Two. rich. Hungarian Jand owners, Paul
Kovacs. aged 70, and Emmerich Juhaex,
aged OS, who had for many years 'been
neighbors and on extremely friendly terms,
decided to end their lives together because
both had become Intolerable owing to In
curable diseases.
Tbey uncovered a deep well on the estate
of Juhasx, hung bags filled with atones
around their neck, . tied their left hand
together and then Jumped. Into the well,
where their bodies were subsequently found
by the servants. The large estates were
left to distant relatives.
To Escape HI Poverty.
A terrible family tragedy ia reported from
Budapest, where Joseph Molnar, a postof
flce employe and the father of five young
children, sent his wife under some pretext
to town, and whim she left, killed all of
the five children with hla raxore, finally
Inflicting deadly Injuries on. himself. Be
fore expiring, he said that he preferred
his children should die rather than suffer
from such terrible poverty, his monthly
salary being only 50. : Frau Molnar at the
sight of the alx bodies became Insane.
Polish Nobleman, Tlrlnsj of the Dally
Heatlne, Breaks Monotony
with Merrier.
BERLIN, Aug., 13.-(8peclal to the
Bee.) Tiring of th "dull respectabil
ity" of "the dally round, the
common task,"" a' Polish noble, Von
Olegynlskl, entered the more exciting paths
of crime and has closed an adventurous
career by shooting himself In the Berlin
Thlergarten after murdering his mistress,
a deml-mondaine, named Nellsen. Ills love
for this woman waa the cause of his sui
cide, for, though he thought himself su
perior to the ordinary weakness of human
ity, he could not resist her charms, and
fell desperately In love with her. He of
fered her a large Income the proceeds of
his burglaries, which he told her came
In as steadily as a state pension If she
would be true to him and remain hla alone,
Hhe proved false and he ended both their
Connected with some of the great West
Prussian families, he had a brilliant career
at Leipzig university, but Immediately af
ter taking hla degree he deliberately chose
a life of crime. He was first arrested on
a charge of poisoning a Leipzig doctor,
and when this charge fell through he made
for Berlin and perpetrated, unsuspected,
a series of most Impudent burglaries. He
mad no attempt to carry out his burg
laries secretly, but deliberately awakened
the families whom he victimised, and then
locked them up In rooms under threat of
shooting. Among his last victims was the
millionaire, Count Koenlgsman k, whote
Berlin house he rifled of all its valuable
contents in half an hour.
Prominent .4 Klsen Offer Ten Thou
sand Dollars for Knclrna
of Fnnd.
CAPE TOWN, Aug. 11. (Special to the
Bee.) A well known South African has
promised $10,000 for the opening of a
fund to establish a centra1 South African
residential teaching university at Oruot
Schurr, and thus fulfill Mr. Cecil Rhode's
Idea of twenty years ago. Th union
govesment I supporting tbj movement.
Mass of People Are Inclined to Rebel
Against Taxation Due to
Big Fleet Imposes Burden Which is
Socialism Presents a Problem for
Dashes Over One llnnrired-Mlle Spare
In Two Honrs In a Mild Kffort
to Overtake a Fast Ex
press Train.
BERLIN, Aug. 13.-(Speclnl to The Bee.)
There is a good reason to believe that even
official Germany is feeling the strain of
the race for. battleships. There. Is . no
ground for doubt that so far as the great
mass of th people are conwrned. they
are heartily tired of the ever Increasing
burden of taxation because of the frensy
for dreadnoughts.
Indications now are that If some
plan could be devised by which an agree
ment to stop the racing rivalry between the
great naval nations It would not be hard to
Interest Germany.
It Is coming to be realised that the rac
lead will soon be put an ending to. Ger
many's great . rivals, England and the
United States, how no disposition to per
mtt the great naval balance to be dis
turbed, no matter how many battleships
Germany may build. The Initial cost of
these fighting machines is not only enor
mous, but their upkeep today Is an Im
portant part of the annual budget.
Hence the bigger the havy the greater
the burden and If Germany's relative por
tion Is not to be improved it Is not diffi
cult to. understand the growth of popular
feeling againat any further Increase In th
navy. .
Policy Is Resented by People.
As a matter of fact, the political discon
tent from which Germany ia at the present
moment suffering very badly Is largely
the result of the policy of building battle
ships with borrowed money. The conclu
sive .reason why there will be no fresh
nayal bill' for a year or two I that ther
hi not the .remotest posciblllty of getting
one passed ,lf It was Introduced.
Germany Is at the present, and for a year
at least, will continue, to be, far too deeply
preoccupied with her own Internal trouble
to hav much Urn left over for dream
of , "weltpolltlk." The center, which, keept
in close touch with the Catholic masses,
has' already realised tho nature of the sit;
uation, and its leader, Baron von Hertllng',
declared only the other day that "the Ger
man nation could bear no new taxes," and
that not a, farthing must b spent that
could not tie met out of current revenue.
As for the Protestant masses, the great
problem of the present day la how to pre
vent socialism, to which they hav been
vowed for a long time past, from getting
anything like Ha due numerical representa
tion In the next Reichstag, and so bring
ing the legislative machine to a standstill.
There Is every probability that the fortieth
anniversary of the foundation of th empire
will find K on the eve of the acutest crista
it has ever passed through.
Cbnalua an Express.
A motor race of 100 miles In two hours
was the crown prince's little excitement
recently, when he missed the 10;30 Bileslan
express and bade his chauffeur to catch
up. As the crown prince's motor dashed
up to Gorllts station In Berlin the train
waa steaming out. The prince shouted,
"Catch It, somehow," and the race began
through the crowded outskirts of Berlin,
then on cross country roads, made rotten
by the heavy rain. The crown prince kept
urging the chauffeur not to slacken tht
pace and the reckless dash continued.
The train's first stopping place waa
Konlgs Wusterhausen, but the prince knew
that It waa Impossible for him to catch
it there and so dashed on, tearing Into
Luben, a distance of sixty miles, at 11:50,
Just as the train departed. Ten minutes
later tho motor reached Lubbenau, the
entre of .the Spree forest. The road was
lined wlrh children and their nurses in
huge multi-colored skirts, who watched the
motor fly past to the station, which waa
reached by the othera Just as the train
The crown prince promptly demanded by
telegraph that the train should be stopped
at Cottbus, the next station. He then
Jumped Into the motor ana tne rusn organ
again through a canal-Intersected country.
Cottbus was finally reached at 11:31, one
minute after the train had left. A spe
cial, however, was in readiness on the sid
ing snd, flinging himself into the single
carriage, the prince waa whirled by a hug,
express engine over the next fifty-eight
miles to Gorllts, where the express wa
being held up for him.
Another Alrshlo Experiment.
The Prussian Ministry of War has de
cided to spend a large sum on building
and experimenting with a new type of
dirigible airship to be employed In dropping
shells. ,
The new type is known as the Zorn sys
tem of dirigibles. The ship will be about
1M) feet long and of threo parts, each so
complete in itself that It can be discon
nected while in the air.
The balloon la being manufactured at
Crcfeld. Its structural parts are plnewood.
Fugitive l.eopnrd at l.srgt for a Few
Honrs Plnys Havoc In
LItiUON, Aug. IS (Special to th Be.)
Nine persons were Injured during a
short spell of freedom enjoyed by a leop
ard, who escaped from a menagerie at
Vega, Portugal. The animal, after
mauling two women, made off with a
child In Its pawi, but dropped it when
th ehaae came near. Th chald waa
scarcely Injured at all.