TIIIO OMAHA SUNDAY BKK; AUGUST 14, 1910. TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Practice of Renting Ground Has Be come Vojpie Here. LEASES ARE BETTER THAN SALES nalldln and Loan Anaoclatlon Dral Brings Ground l.rastna; to Notice Doth nrnlrri land I.reaors . Favor th Kxnrdlrnt. Pale of ths building of th Omaha Build Ins; and Loan association and traiiKferrlnK of the ground lra hits culled attention to tha (tradlly growing prnrtlcc of renting ground for a long period of yam. Ground Isaacs are an'old thing In the east, but are comparatively new In Omaha and the prac tice had not gained anything like a vogue until tha last two or three yearn. It la favored by people who desire a afo and aure Investment, free from risk or chaoga of valuaa downward. He who builds on hie own property to rent it, pUnds the risk of having the building empty part of the time. The ground lessor in protected by the building aa security for his rent. Practically all ground leases contain re vaJuatlon provlalona. The tenant Is always eager for a long leawe without' rcappralse ment, which Koea to ahow the depreciation of real estate a never taken Into considera tion lit the big hUMlni'FK cetittiis. In fact no case has ever been heard of where upon reappraisement the lease i renewed for a smaller figure. This tin aim, of course, that ground leaaes are applied only to the most substantial biiHlnr-'s property. A great many contracts now provide that the Initial appraisement Khali he the lowest ever granted. The advantage Is, of courae. not all on one side; otherwlae no tenant would ever appear. - Business men sometimes favor taking ground rents for the reason that they then do not have to tie up their woi k .tng capital In the ground, hut can use It in the active prosecution of their business. Men who make 10 or 20 or more per cent on their working capital sometimes prefer to Veep working this money instead of putting Into the real property, where it may In crease in value, but not so fast aa other wise. The management of the Hanscom estate has been the, most notable exponent of the ground rent Idea In Omaha and none of the tuOO.OOO of ao worth of downtown realty , owned by the estate Is for sale. It is all groins- Into ground rentals. A $15,000, ' two-story and basement, brick building will be built at once by George & 90., at 2410-12 Farnam , street to . re pfttfM a wooden building Just .demolished. The building will contain two stores, one of which haa been leased to the Flake Tire and Rubber company. The building will have a forty-foot frontage and will be 132 feet deep. Trustees of the village of Dundee have advertised for bids for paving the Dodge street road with brick, from Forty-eighth to Fortieth street and the contract will soon be awarded. It Is hoped that the Improvement will be completed before snow file. Real estate men have been on the move the last week or two and a considerable number have rented new offices. The D. V. Sholes oompany has followed George A Co., Into the City National Bank building and othera in the same building are the Glover Realty company, J. , H, Ml then, I. Slbbernsen, Ernest Sweet, Tate- Erhart .. company and the (Northwestern Land company and F. J. Farrlngton. The Union Pacific land department Is now located in the Brandeis Theater building. aa are the Bemls-Carlherg company, Hli terlong & Adams, William C. Hansen, Con rad Toung, Niobrara Investment' company F. H. Drake, PerrUo, Wolcott & Bmlth, while the Byron Reed oompany is a future tenant. ' To Select New . Y. M.C. A. Head Committee Will Consider Name for General Secretary and Decide Late Next Month. A new general secretary for the Young Men's Christian association to succeed H. C. Wade, whose resignation takes effect October 1, will probably not be selected until late In September. The committee having authority to choose a man for the place consists of Judge Howard Kennedy, Paul Kuhns and iJavld Coie The commit tee will meet some time In the near future with a member of the International Young Men's Christian association committee to go over a Hat of men who are qualified and look up Information regarding men who are after the position. Sues for a Share of New Plowshare Omaha Iron Store Company Allege Infringement Against the Mo line Company. Suit has been Instituted against the Omaha Iron Store company by the Mollne rlow company, to restrain the manufacture of an Improved plowshare and secure an ac counting of profits. The complaint allege that the plaintiff company B-.-ured from one August Llndgren all his rlghu under a United. States patent for" Imnr vomenls on u p:owshare; that defendants heve bei n Infrninging and should be enjoined frnni doing so, and should also be mulcted In damages by being compelled to turn over whatever profits have been made In '.he making of tlT alleged Infringing' devic- NEBRASKA BANES STRONG Do Not Need Aid of Eait to More the Cropt. OMAHA IS SHIPPING OUT COIN Many Industries Healdee Is Grata Handlers Are Demanding Money for tae In Different Line's of Rnalneso. Nebraska banks, particularly those of Omaha, are In strong position to meet all demands for money for crop moving pur poses and for all trther fall demands. No loans will need to be negotiated In tha east for this purpose even though the volume of deposits has fallen otf a litts In the state. Large amounts of currency are being shipped dally from Omaha to smaller banks throughout the state which maintain Brick Houses Arthur 0. Clausen, Architect. OOKIN'O at the iuatter from en tirely an econom cal stundpolnt, there Is no doubt but what a brick house is cheaper than a frame huuse in the long run. There Is a difference In the oila- Inal cost of about 10 per cent, using a brick for the faclnij at about SJ0 a thousand, but the saving of repairs, painting. Insurance, original cost of heating piunt and fuel will make this amount up In atout twelve years. Since the saving la continual It becomes a return on the Investment nftei that time, which,! If put at compound interest, would almost) pay for the entire house In fifty years. Also the house at that time would be practically as good as new so far aa the exterior walls are concerned, while a frame house would be almost too old In appearance to be salable. The difficulty, of course, with most peo ple Is the original expense. The tendency seems to be In favor of the Blise more than quality, with the result tust most people strive to build a home beyond their means and therefore have to build It ai cheaply as possible regardless of how much they might save in the long run with a perma nent form of construction. There are several ways in which to build a brick house. The most common way is the brick veneer, which consists of putting a single thickness of face brick on the out side of a frame constructed house. This, when properly done, la quite satsfuctory and a more permanent form of construc tion than a house sided or shingled, but not quite as permanent as a solid masonry wall. For a solid masonry wall the com monly known way Is to back up the face brick with eight inches of common brick, bonding face and common brick to gether with metal ties. A little cheaper form of construction, saving about S3 for every ten square feet, is to use hollow concrete' blocks eight Inches thick for the backing up with a face brick ' veneer, bonding the blocks and veneer together by metal ties. The brickwork over the windows and doors should be supported by steel lintels Instead of depending upon segment arches. 'The expense la small and prevents cracks from appearing over the openings.. ' The kind of brick to use in the exterior depends upon the style of the house and what the home builder can afford. There are some very attractive aand mould brick on the market that can be obtained In prices varying from $8 to 115 a -thousand, depending upon the distance that they have to be shipped. Hard burned face brick . k r ft - . . . w, .. . . it - TI V 1. JL 1 1M U nMtf; j' j, ; .' r.; :: Uli :;-v:; ' reserves here and this currency Is largely being taken by farmers to pay farm help and other Incidental expenses. "Moving the crops" is a phrase, the meaning of which has changed somewhat In recent years. Demands ror money at this time are not by any means all due directly to the farmer, bet to needs of mercantile Industries of every IHnd. The result is that j the banks of the middle west at this time of the year cease buying eastern commer cial paper to a considerable extent and the burden of this devolves upon New York at a time when accounts there are reduced by western banks withdrawing their reserves. Nebraska country banks have been carry ing more farm loans than usual this sum- i mpr hlif nf lat 1niurini. nnmnnn;s tiavj. been absorbing these In greater quantities than a while back and the country banks have been rellevec to a considerable extent Of the burden. hen farmers have sold their present crop of iurn the banks of Nebraska will be enriched by many millions of deposits. The total acreage for corn in this state this year Is 8.9fi0.00O acres, of which the condition was T.C, normal, according to the government report Just Issued. Corn Is worth to the farmer 60 cent a bushel, and estimating the yield per acre at twenty five bushels, this gives the corn crop a value of ISO.UPfl.250. The figure Is likely to bo Increased rather than decreased by larger returns. No figures on spring wheat are available, but winter wheat Is estimated by the gov ernment at Si.mwo bushels for Nebraska. Wheat la now declared to be worth BO rents a bushel to the farmer, and this means a total Income to the farmers of the state of $2.0!7,000. It Is evident that from all grains the Ne braska farmers are to be enriched this year by over 1100,000,000. vary In cost from 11. 1 to JiV) a thousand, with the average home builder using brick costing between 120 and 26. While these prices doubtless dp not mean much to the average reader, they show what a great variance there Is. In the cost of this build mg rnaterlal. For homes of average alie light-colored brick are the most preferable since they help to set the house off. When a home Is very large In Its proportions dark brick can be used to a better advantage. There Is a great difference In the style and color of mortar Joints.' All sand mould brick should be made with wide Joints not less than three-eighths of an inch, and It is best to recess the joints out with either a cove or what we call -a "vee" tool, than to have It flush with the brickwork. Re cessing the Joints casts a shadow In each Joint which vets the brick out and makes a wonderful ' Improvement Jn Its appear ance. For very hard-burned face brick with a rather smooth surface a small joint of. about three-sixteenths of an Inch is the best. The color of the Joints vary accord ing to the color of the brickwork, which should ' always harmonize with ' them. While some jointing Is done In decided contrast to the brick, it is a very risky thing to do, except for those experienced MR. CLAUSEN'S BOOK. "The Art, Bolsnos and Seatlment of Homebuilding." M chapters, 310 Illustrations and a thousand facts on the. planning . and designing of every kind of home. It covers, a wide range of subjects, Including the planning of bungalows, suburban anr? city homes, letting contracts, choosing materials, proper design ot entrances, windows, fire places, etc. Price, postpaid, 11.00. i A monthly supplement, ."Practical Homebuilding," sent gratia for 'twelve months following the sale of the book. Address, Arthur 9. Clausen, Archi tect, 1136-37-38 X,umhe Bxoliange, Minneapolis, Minnesota. SITE FOR TRAINING SCHOOL outb Omaha pecores Two I.ota on Which to riace Its Kern Balldlaar. The deed Is filed of the transfer of two lots in South Omaha to the school board of that city for $17,S00. The property la on the southeast corner of Twenty-fourth and J streets, Sarah Bentley being the vendor. The purchase Is In addition to two ad jacent lots which lie in the middle of the block and the whole property will be used for the new manual training school which will be erected at a cost of $10,000 or thereabouts. (fifAFLOUR f : EXPANDED METAL STEEL PLASTERING LATE! is the fire-proof substitute for the inflammable wood lath. It Prevanls Cracking and Falling of Plasfcr on Walls and Ceiling Adopted by the U. S. Govern ment and used everywhere in all kfood buildings. Write for circular. NORTHWESTERN EXPANDED PETAL CO. 84 Van Eurn Strait, CHICAGO Omaha Tont and Awning Co. FOR SALE 11TH AND HARNEY STS. Ind. Phone A1883, OMAHA. FLA1S FLIli . In such matters. The proper selection and laying of brickwork requires a knowl edge not only of the materials, but an ar tistic eye that can foresee pleasing results In the combination, of certain materlr' and their colors. That is why an architect is sometimes called "an artist who paints with materials." George A Co. ao4d two half lots In alracrea during the week. Thu purchasers wire Ida C. Boiglum and. Jame Spenca Wlllebrands, . local representatives of the New York Central Unes. Each purchaser gave U.000 for the 'ground, which fronts on Dodge street, west of the Paxton home. Caught in Trap, Negro Suffers X lightened Woman Drenches Drag Crazed Man Under Porch Sen tenced to Two Dayi. Imprisoned In a hole under' the porch of house at Thirteenth and . Mason streets, while the woman of the house poured water upon him, Charles Wrott, a negro, wag rescued by the police Friday night. Tha negro, while under the Influence of drink or drug, crawled under the porch to sleep. It waa reported, and fell Into a deep excavation. He waa unable.to get out, and In his efforts attracted the woman's attention. Frightened Into a panlo, the woman, thereuion poured a half doien buckets of water Into tha hole upon the prisoners. Policeman Morgan and Murphy pulled the negro out of his predicament and let him go hie way. He waa later picked up on the street by a policeman and brought to the station. In poMce court he waa given two days In which to straighten up from the effects of rhe drug. 1 Station. Men in Chicken Chase Coop Breaks and , PuUeti Eun ; at large, Causing Unusual Furore at the Station. If you have a real desire to be run out ot town ey "chicken" to a t'nlon Pacific mploye or If you really poses en un quenohable wish to be ducked In the river, ay "dog and chicken" to the same. The causa for this unseemly situation Is that during the last week graceful figures various brakemn, porters, uuggagemen and eveu the aristocratic red-cap have Ween seen disporting themselves over the yardu and grounds In merry pursuit of these st.14 anUnals, who by natural . inference have esoaped from the hauda of their law ful owners and gone cavorting. The first break came w.iea a colored porter went Into the durknes of ths port ers room and reaching for soap as he said -bis hand encountered the bag of nice pullets that raJ been brought in by a brakeman from the country and were swatting ttll they could be transferred race eollentlug those loiig-leggud fowls Thea a uoop of pullets meant for the market broke, and H was a fine marathon to ths Inteuded owners. The purler famtel. again. The dog managed t get away frvni a bagguge car rot "Parle" this time -n't went up-tuwu to visit Omaha. Tin; record doee nnt say whether tltu taui;..v man who lolluAed Luu gui. iiu.u-j imt n.glit DCSION tvjo 56. AR1Mva C GL.AV.9E.es. ARCHITECT MIMMKA01IA, MINht. .r" ir. n tOOM. 2 ! J I I If V J i ."'eW J 5 KITCHEN ' ft I l S t-l IT f t vw-w I II 3 1 '9-.mpM kl V' j J j P CH I rer,:1pJ f ! I ItiHWfWf-i I L.j!....:.fet..Ji - - Tntri I y . iTT" t -ir . .f -u r ". .. f-?a w ; V ' r S w-ioxei-e' n H . jj "MAMBsa 1 1 shih' J ' . n,CK j B ; T ' Here la a golden opportunity for a flour miller who wants to make a cbge and f'et Into a rew country where opportunity ooms large and where. the rapid settle- FORTUNE FOB HIM. Buhl, Idaho. Is the "1rtet hprtn,tt,f ! pu.vvu acres i,rr land that lies out of doors. There 1 Cheap eiecirio power iin nv.... fall of the Snake river. There art oceans 1 . uau 4aaBinrlnt win. or iirm uruuuv; vi iy Evrythin ! fvorbl. Fleas WRITE MHt AT ONCE. t - , m. . wr . . .aHsI vAUBs1r i.DOUt IVU U sewv.T this If you will write, to me at once. I ?. .i.yj ?" J,.ow,nRr.J WHAT 1 tllO DUi 1 ivjii V PENO ON; Just WHAT IT WILL DO nothing arid may mean a fortune to you. C. X. lloQVOWir, gnoretary m COK- n3 fj 3n losso g Out Our Entire Line of Lighting Fixtures. 'Regardless of Cost Make selections now. Goods will be installed when you are ready by competent fixture hangers. If you use fixtures this fall it will pay you to to' take advantage of this sale. Omaha Lighting Fixture Co. l-U lioiie Iougln lUt 417 South l.ltli Street V(Mdiiin of the; World Ilullding. i - -n-T, ----- -i-V--- Get in Business A a! Pocalcllo, Idaho "The' Omaha of Idaho" 1 A coal business, well established, In Pocatello, Idaho, can be bought for $2,500.00 ot which 12,000.00 Is represented by real estate worth the money will take an additional 11,000.00 capital to handle the bus! ness. . ' Names of over 800 customers turned oyer to purchaser. gency for two good coals this business Is well established and Is paying the present owner an average of $200.00 per month profit. 1,600 tons of coal sold In the past six months and only $15.00 lost on bad accounts For further particulars and a book let all about Pocatello,' write to FLETCHER R. BURRUS; Real Estate Dealer, Pocatello, Idaho. ACREAGE Tit ACTS I'OK TUB INVESTOR OH FOB THE SMALL FAIIMER THIS Is our specialty. From One to One Thousand acres. This business Is made to terve your Interests. No sum of money, however small, Is two small to get our best attention And no sum, however large, la too large to tax our capacity to TO FLACK AND FLACK WITH FUOF1T TO TllK LNi ESTOK. We would like to have you write to us for our booklets, literature and other lnforma Hon. We are sure that you want to know about IDAHO. It is the last West and tbe rap Idly growing section of the United States. Here you can make big profits on small In vestments. Land can be bought on credit Write Fifht Now, Write lodir GRAY GRAY INVESTMENTS. rOCATELLO, 1 IDAHO Portable Screen Houses For Town or Camping Porch Screens. Window and Door Screens . Omaha Window Screen Co. oll'liSl " poos " scuesN H sacnoN , j sicTKiN Hj THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to its members on July 1st $89,000 Dividends. It has never paid to its members less than six per cent per S q1 I annum for 27 years. . Saving accounts calling fj O I for a monthly payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may be opened any day, or lump sums of not over $5,000 received. Ask for Booklet "A" and other information. Assets $3,600,000. Reserve fund $07,000. Address, S. E. Corner 16th and Dodgo Streets. DIVIDEND "toLhel A SURETY BOND In my company ruarantees the completion ot the building according plans and specifications, within the time, free bf liens aud Incumbrances. Request it of your contractor and thereby protect yourself from an xiety and loss. . $14,000 paid In losses by this agency last year. JH IVf 1 T H W NT 202-03 First NsttonsJ Bank Bids.. MANTELS AND TILE Fireplace Grates and Fixtures, Tile Floor for all purposes. Furnaces and all kinds of Hardware. f!llton Rogors & Gons Co ' Fourteenth and Farnam Straata SAFE FIREPROOF STORAGE Wi taks gTsst prlds In saylny what w know to bs an absolnts tsot, and that Is that ws hav ths riMXST AMD SirfilT HOIBIM YIKB JPROOT storag-s nous la ths wast. Whsa you storag-s anything- with us you worry and responsibility In xs gards to Its salsty snds. Tou ars surs of oarsful handllns, safs from riHB or barrlars aad modsrsts t cost for your insuxanos. IOV about your piano whoa yam ars irons, or any othar TaluaMs ptsoo of furnlturs. Ws have prlvata rooms, spaolal rooms for housshold goads, UU WAOOBTS WIU CAI.Ii AT TXMJ1. AXTWKEBB. ( Don't wait until you Incur A Z.OBB BUT SO XT MOW. MoTlng- and firs proof atarara la our huslaass. Wll KNOW KOW1 1st us do It. YOU ARE INVITED Ws oordlally lnrlta you to In spaot our uw, baautlful, firs proof warahouaa. An attendant will glad ly show you svary part of tha building. BBB WIEBB TOVS TAI.U ABX.EB ABB IATIOV11DES, Call Douglas 1759; Ind. A-1 335 Omaha Fire Proof Storage Co. 804-812 South 16th St Are You Going to Buy Land I No frmr should think of buying a bom before , seeing a copy o( our Journal. II hue Unit, eltr ' property ana stocks or goods adertle4 In It from I If atate In Hi union, to thai roe oan find Jual what yuu "ih In Its column. 11 reach eO.O'it I radra each lasu. Aartllng rat, to par woid. I Bend loo for I month' trial aubecrtptlon. It will k I .loiip"! t the end of I month uulea you rna. fAKH anil natK a.i.ia .unm.h THAKft. 1UWA. 500 bushels. of Po- faaBMgSBBBBBVSBaBBBTggaBsHBBBa tatoes to the Acre YOU know that potatoes are always staple. Potatoes are like gold. The markets fluctuate very little on potatoes. And It you have GOOD potatoes you CAN ALWAYS FIND A MAR KET FOR THEM. This Is the most remarkable potato country la ALL. THE WORLD. Tbe Snake River Valley has been known to produce EIGHT HUN DRED AND FIFTY JlUSHELd OF POTATOES TO THE ACRE. You can RAISE POTATOES IN THIS VALLEY. RAISE THEM AND GET MONEY FOR THEM. Writ to us about this. Ws bavs tha most handsomely Illustrated booklet written about this, THE TWIN FALLS TH ACT In South, trn Idano, that has been printed for a lungr while, it la mighty In forming, too. IT IS KhLh! AND WK WILL SEND ONE COPY TO TOU IF YOU WILL JUST WRITE A POSTAL CAKO Rkl QUEST. WHITE TODAY. J. E. WHITE TWIN TALL3. IDAHO A. BEE t U- J WANT AO will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant at a very small cost to you. Be convinced. ' - rooms, or secure boarders on short notice