fc1 ill Morning" Scenes at the Market iriM,;--?. - ' - Mmr O --HEELS of business start Wtlons extremely early In the day. The restless sleeper who thinks that 'the early and rest disturbing wheels of the 'milk wagon represent, the' earliest of these revolutions, the beginning of the working day, deceives himself. He-has. only to display the most difficult of heroism, the sacrifice of the last' morning snooze, and Journey out Into the early, early morning to learn that while ,one part of town sleeps another part Is up and doing, preparing, for the creature comfort of the Bleeping fellow clt-1-zens. It is conspicuously true that the earliest activity 1b aroused by the need of feeding the world. Witness the milk wagon, universally synonomous with "early morning." These earlier workers, too, have to do wit hthe important business of feeding the city. They, too, call up a mental picture of the country house in which the flickering light of candle -'or lamp tells that some one is up and about and preparing for the trip "to town" to take In the produce for the suste nance of the city folk. And again, even before the travelers, themselves, are up and making ready for their trip, some one else In the household has been busy preparing for them the meal that precedes the trip. So again it Is the one who feeds the household who Is first about. It would not be safe because possibly It Is not en tirely true to say that the earliest of the city places to show signs of activity was the market place, but certainly It is true to say that this Is one of the most , Interesting of the city's early .morning hubs and quite picturesque to warrant a Herculean effort and an early morning trip down. Possibly you did not know thaat Omaha has a mar ket place? . ' By the way, If you have not arisen with the definite purpose of visiting and seeing the market, it would perhaps be as well to feign ignorance of the ways In which the market supply is brought to the city. Information that you have seen the farm wagons coming In with their load of early morning stuff can not often be explained away with the plea: "Oh, I was on my way to an early morning train." It, Instead, makes one liable to the suspicion of a feetlvity prolonged beyond the conventional and proper hour. Neither will the excuse ttiat you were restless and heard the wagons of the country folk passing on their way down town satisfy the inquisitor who likes VIRG r.:;:VSAI (Copyright, 1310. by Bobb-Mrrlll Co.) Tl: wonder, was tbat he hud not mndc SIlbtrbei'K and Shsyne walk the plank, aubdiicd Mhe civw, lul Aunt Marie off at ome uafe place nd flown n tho captured and perverted Hoc to Bomo" verdurous, lan guorous, kensuoui tropical Iwland, there to- Mlsa Suarei awoke from a nap arid va glad to assure herself ihnt the ecstasy with wblch ah had contemplated the com innndeerlnct of the Roe and herself by the young: bandit, was onu of those Inversions of feeling to which, In dreams, we are so prune. 8h rose, preened like a bird before the mirror, ""and sat down to think. Tho voices of her uncle and aunt and Mr. Sil beiberg cumo to her ears from the. main aalon. Opening her window for nlr, sho noted that the roar of the wind from the ea:th had oeasrd. and knew that they had reached the calm area, of which YVtllett had spoken, In the middle of the "low." They would probably have ait easy landing In t'h'.cuso. And tlienT One thine w:t!i eertain; she would not live lonjrer with the Shayne. They were too sordid, too hard, too ci nel. They looked iil'ou her too 'lunch as an animal to be sold. They had Insulted. some one. Thv had Insulted her by ai-ting as if tlia could , cue any thins for the yountf fellow who had saved her. And she woul( -not stay w l(h them any longer!. These words she emphasized by i liylhm tcslly clenching and opening hr hands, the was qui to fiercely resolved. She would leave them aid teach school or paint miniatures or something. Oh! If she only ,had Junt one relative In tho world save Aunt Marie! Stay! The thought struck her of her , V if V im i in in mi fcii .urn i Jl -' their revolu- to tease. Furthermore, these incoming wagons of .fresli" garaen stuff ave but a part of the Inter est of Omaha's market place, for she has a market place, and one . most typical, too, inas much as in it home products, representing the surrounding truck- ster industry, and importet,d products, ni resenting' the fruit and vege table wealth of west, east and south, aro mingled and offered to the bidding housewives' minions the peddlers. At this market it is not the consumer who inspects and purchases from the array of foodstuffs, but it is the wagon merchant who wishes to sell to madam, who does the bargaining. . This market place differs from the famed market places of this country In that the display of goods is different even as the' purpose of the market is differ ent. In the wee small hours these country producers who have arisen while it was yet night, come clatter ing into the city,, their wagons filled with fresh and dewy garden stuff. The commission men's men who also have risen while dawn was still an anticipation pass on the wagon load with quick and expert eye, appraising and purchasing, .The country stuff is ar ranged on the broad walk, which Is really the porch of the commission house warehouse, in heaps and baskets. The producer pockets his returns and lets -his horses amble back to the day's work of gettfng ready more foodstuff for. other market days. To the array of garden stuff baskets of bright red tomatoes; baskets of beans, , wax and green; baskets, of 'green peas, mcunds of green corn , mounds of cab bages, hills of potatoes and islands' of cucumbers the commission people add walls of boxes. In these boxes are the contributions of California, Texas, Colo-, rado, Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan and other states to the breakfast, luncheon and dinner tables of Omaha. Then the watermelons are rolled out . and piled up among the baskets and the boxes and the mounds of garden stuff and the market place is ready for the hucksters. These wagon merchants are not slow to arrive and A New Airship Serial by erbert Quick Author of "DOUBLE TROUBLE - -. of the LANE mother's father's people, somewhere In the uotiih. Her mother had been disowned by her family for a perversely contracted man-lane; but they were southerners, and they would not see an orphan girl of their kin go hnmoleKs. Her grandfather was Ions since dead; and Just w ho mlRht repre sent the family now. she had no Idea; but she woull nevertheless find out wKere they lived, and go to them. Hhe would ask to be cared for until she could find employ ment. She would not humiliate herself vhy staying with the Shaynes and the .Silber bergs longer. She would leave Aunt Marie a note of thanks for all her many klnd nevses, take her really,' truly own belong ings, and fly south. So there! So resnlvlnsr, ehe became tqulte calm, and -walked Into the main salon In a very matter-of-fact way. Aunt Murle gave a hhrill scream and fainted. Silbvrberg said that he would be tormented. Mr. Shayno starel blankly and reached automatically for his w ife's smelling salts, wt Ich he applied, at first, to the swollen nose of his guest. "Well!" sal'd Virgnla, "do you think 1 in a ghost T' ' "Oh, child!" gasped Aunt Marie, "where have you been with him?" Virginia stood still, her eyes ablase. her cbeeks burning. The Roc was coining Into the ChicdKO garaue on the roof of the Aerostatic Power building, in a most beau tiful landing; but none of tho party knew It. Sllherberg was sailing at th. enratfed VlrginU in unbounded ' admiration her splendid anger had won him back. Shuyne spoke in foolish agrfrnent with his wife, half believing for the moment that there wa-s, something questionable In Virginia's absence "With beggar!" sold he. I v THE OMAHA if - - V mm nim- -. 'Jh'.i -3. - "A bandit!" said Aunt Marie, "an assas rin!" "A befrgar!" repeated Virginia, in lofty ecorn. "Why. even If he were one, in ra? .and a hovel, he'd be worth a million like you! An assassin! Why. he's the purest, noblest man In the world! If he ever draws a weapon. It's against a society that has driven him out from It by its vlleneHf. A bandit! And If he Is, what are you? You rob by syndicate, assncslnate by general managers and superintendents, and make beggars by votes of shares! I loathe you, and I 1 I admire him as much as I loathe you. As between bandits like you and bandits like him. give me the brave man rather than the coward!" Mrs. Shayne, restored, rose. Mood, and was advancing upon Virginia-with reproof In her mien, when Wlllett Interrupted the rcene by announcing their nuccessful land ing. They passed constrainedly into the tower, went -down to the street, and to Shayne's Chicago hotel in a motor car," all In silence. Vlrplnla bowed and retired. Sllherberg shook hands solemnly with his ho?t and hostess, as In the presence of an affliction too gnat for words, and left 'Ihtm. . In the mornln-r two letters were taken, to the Shayne apartments one for Mr. Shayne from Sllbert-erg. saying that "un der all the circumstances'' he thought-It better to leave them and go to New York, whore his business really required his prf sence. The other was a short, tear-stained mis sive of gratitude, penitence and farewell from Virginia to her aunt. "You have been as kind to me," It ran, "as any woman can bo to a person h. can not love. You have never loved me, Aint Marie, and you will never see me again. J blufh to be obliged by your 'ui Jutv suspicions to say one thlmj more. 1 am not going to any one. You have mis judged me terribly. I d'in't even know where he Is. I Brail never know!" And so It was. that while Carson stayed on with Mr. Cralehead at the institute, Virginia, with fluttoiim; heart but stead fast purpose, fled southward to kiiiHnvn whose very existence she was obliged to at-i-urre. Younz Mr. Carson, a prisoner of the perfect system of the Slstterv Insti tute, had caused all this, and kivu noth ing of It. So it has ever been sinc-.i knights ye, and pages, too rode throuuh the land and left trouble behind the casements from which beamed ladles' eyes. Methanosa and mechanical flight haven't made a particle of difference. Craighead and Carson walked tnrnuna a atately peristyle, to a low building called the laboratory, but ternnd by the natlt-nts the "hot-towr." Theodoro was astonished SUNDAY BKK: AUGUST Place Show Quaint ft Mi' 1 1 1 . X . soon the streets are filled with the wagons or the peddlers. This is the scene which most visitors catch: Lines of wagons backed "up to the sidewalks which front the. group of commission houses at the corner of Eleventh and Howard streets; sidewalks banked with boxes, heaped with baskets and piled with mounds of garden stuff; hordes of shirtsleeved men gesticulating, chattering, pushing boxes here, rolling melons there, loading baskets Into wagons, bar gaining, buying, selling, it is an exceedingly busy at the throng assembled for. the "shot" treatment, of which he had as yet no con ceptionmen of all sorts, anxiously watch ing the clock, like school boys fear(tll of being'tardy. They formed In two columns', resting on two aisles, across the farther ends of which stood two desks, exactly alike. All slung their coats over their right arms, disclosing silts in their shirts at the left shoulder. Craighead, with Carson and Bascom fol lowing, sent back ripples of disorder almg the line by offering bets as to whether Carson fras himself or Wylle. Two young men, easily classified as new-hatched phy sicians, stationed themselves like sentinels at the desks; the clock struck; there was a Jostling at the rear caus d bv late comeis, at which the serious young doctors frowned fiercely; the lines moved forward; and the men, as they passed the physicians, s-emed to undergo some sort of operation, per formed by means of glittering instruments, of which 'Theodore caught glimpses like Hi; htnjnt,' playing about those slittefl shirt sleeves. Once beyond 'his ordeal the pa tients threw on their -coats and passed on to an imposing, smooth-shaven man to. the left, who pave to each a handshake, and something the sort of audience that the populaco gets at a presidential reception excepting tlmt the president is not In the hulit of looking at the tongues of his constituents, nor of feeling their pulses, save In a way puroly figurative. Theudor;- found himself in the human current, and drifted with it. On closer view, he saw that the doctors pricked, tho pa tients with little, glittering weapons; hut he reasoned that it could be nothing very severe. More than any of the others, how ever, Craighead seemed to shrink from It. "Any locomotor ataxia germs on that staaber?" he queried, "or cancer or any of the extras of the curriculum?" The doctor frowned as he rtaclied for a syringe. "What did I tell you"" asked Craighead, the physician received iirs inquiry with professional (J om. "No more humor thin a hearsc-di ivei s' union ouch'" With this sincere protest auaimr". the stab of the needle, Craighead passed 0:1, und Carson took his place. The doctor loi ked vcurrhingy In his face, s "emed puzzled, and reached to another region of the tray for a syringe. "You should have rolled up your sleeve, or cut It," said ho sternly. " Roll it up." .Theodore rollfd up his sleeve, wh-reupin, with an expertness quite startling, th- man of medicine pinched up a bit of tho brown flesh, shoved in the needle, pressed down the piston; and Theodore was "fhot." With a stinging in his arm, and wondering as to why of It all though he knew by 14, 1010. 1 1 1 1 On The. Way Home scene and In anN inc. edible short have lost their cargo and the wagons have been filled with their loads of edibles. . Other purchasers venture into this market place. Sometimes the housewives of little Italy, Greece or some other of our Mediterranean citizens don their headkerchiefs and vie, with the hucksters for the choice fruits. If you are lucky and strike a day chosen by these citizens of ours for their marketing you will catch a glimpse of old worldism this time that he had dropped out of the nitrht sky Into full membership In a. drink cure establishment he. passed on. The imposing, smpoth-shaven man was the great Doctor Wltherspoon. He met each patient with a standardized smile, clasped each hand with a grip of absolute uniformity, and said: "Good morning. Mr. Eascom" or whatever the name might he. "And how Is the appetite this morning? And the tongue, please. Pulse regular, I observe. Have you had your constitutional this moimlng? Improving nicely, Mr. Bas com. Good nurnlng!" But he met Mr. Craighead with a frown instead, of a smile. "Please stand aside, Mr. Craighead," said he; "1 wish to talk with you!" "Tho bowstring, tho .scimitar, or the Grand Vlzlership with the title of Emeritus Superintendent of IopC O lllustrissimo?" Inquired Craighead. "Or wasn't my Jogfry done! right?" -I Doctor Wltherspoon was holding out his hand to Theodore, smiling, the standardlz-d smile, somewhat hardened at the Craig head Irreverence. "Good morning. Mr. Mr. " "A Mow me." said Craiphral suav?'y. "Let me present Mr. Carson-Wylle of 'Yphen Court,, 'Yde Park Terrace, I.on'on. The bets ure even as to whether Mr. Curson Wylle came in a day coach and a trance last evening, or dropped from an airship In the night and was treed by old Tlge. whose honest hai k terrifies all who do rot know that his is a case of vox, et praeterea nihil. Mr. . Carson, Doctor Wltherspoon. Tell the doctor the secrets of your ali mentary canal, Mr. Wylle. Know each other." Paraphrasing a Departmental Ditty, "Rd and ever redder grew the doctor's shaven gill," as he stood In horror and Indignation coi templatiiig .this lost creature, so far below the ordinary D. T. victim as to stiipd and so brave hi ni, here in his hold, hi!' vassals neap In the vry laboratory. The patients stared In amazement. The great doctor could scaicely credit hi own Impression, he was so outraged and upset. Yet, never for a moment did the Iron dis cipline relax. The doctor looked at Mr. O'Grady, who. llko a silent and substantial ghi.ft. floated forward, wafted Mr. Cralit head to an Inner door which closed behind him as tho portals of the Inquisition might shut In some doomed heretic. "Good morning, Mr. Wylle," said tho doctor, "and is the appetlf better? Put out your pulse, please. Tongue very regular, considering last night, My. Wylle. Don't omit your exercise; and no more nights ill the greenhouse. Mr. Wylle! Good morn ing!" If any one noticed the transposition of tongue and pulse In the ritual, nobody al- Phase of -J' '' SI ' - , time the sidewalks have received wit'h will quite re- and reluctantly .lowed himself the luxury of a smile; and the routine of the great drink cure went on. Carson departed, now fully resolved to escape. He went with Mr. Evans for a long walk through the country town. Mr. Evans' pleadings had made him reluctant to run away he saw the Evans family dying one by one of Inanition If he did but he must get away. He might appeal to Doctor Wltherspoon; but he felt that the uncon vincing story of his arrival must be re ceived with Incredulity by that great man's thoroughly practical mind. The departure of Carson would throw the books out of balance. A credit Item of one man was demanded. Theodore supplied the man. The accounting department would refuse to adopt the incredible notion that he was Carson, who had dropped from the clouds, thus forcing the corollary that Wylle had vanished Into thin air. He allowed these things so to depress his spirits that he was glad of the arrival that evening of Mr. Craighead, from whoso excited manner Theodore sumlsed that something unusual might have happened. "You." said he, "are a Jjitinlst, Mr. Wylle?" "Not a very profound one." replied Car son. "We engineers rre stronger In the modern languages, you know." "A mistake," replied Craighead. "I've made a' specialty of the educational value of the dead ones. Sort of sympathy with 'tin, you know. Maybe you can give mo the passive form of the Latin verb possum, however? Ponsi.T.1. moiiiilng 'can.' " "Possum," repeated Car'on. "Why, It hasn't any passive." "It hn'n't?" grOaned Craltftcud. "Stung aguln! Hut I must htve th passive of Possum foi the motto of my armorial crest. "Possum'' 'can,' passive' 'to he canned' my lilghcM. achievement. Knlr youth, look upon me!" Obeying, C'rson noted thnl he still wore the evening waistcoat, the colored shirt, the frock coat, and the clucked troustrs and that he had thrown himself Into a despairing altitude with his firgers c utched In his hair. "In The." he went on, "you see the world's most symmetrical character. To but one vocation have I e'er been true tinware! To that am I ever attached. Kired from the kindergarten, for what? For becoming liored by basketry and piling straws, and heading a revolt. I never finished aught, save matters belter never undertake". I was six months shy. to coin a word, of graduation at the village high school. At the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute was I expunged from my maligna mater. The diplomas to which I am almost entitled would paper this room. I thought expulsion City Life cr some or Tea A'-. - .'l''lVJLll'!llli' 1 . ward you for the loss of sleep the trl to the market entailed. Watermelons are carried as the Bible women carried their pitchers of water, balanced on the head. Arms are filled with husk sheathed ears of corn, the green salad treasure or bright-colored carrots via with tomatoes for the favor by reason of their color. Sometimes a hill housewife with preserving or canning ambition per suades her accommodating husband to neglect hia morning paper and Journey to the real source of the city's vegeta ble supply. You. then have a com plete picture of the contrasting ways of different nations the laconic, Im perturbable salesmen, the chattering hucksters, the anxious housewives and the bewildered, embarrassed, obliging liusband. But, to return to the real bu?4(?8 o fthe market place, when the wiona their load of wares , and the drivers have settled their accounts with the purveyors, the procession starts for the uptown residence districts. It Isn't a procession Tor long, for each man has his own particular route. Then up among the homes rises the well known call: " "Ve-ge-ta-a-a-bles, nice, fresh ve-g-ta-a-bles." The sleeper turns and looks at his watch, smells the fragrant aroma of the breakfast coffee, yawns makes ready to begin bis day's work. from Rat Mort the limit; but now, I am canned hence because e because I am corrupting tha the Inebriates! Is it not! the crown, the apex of lnfamjr, tha A if the spectrum of disgrace? I morals of the height, the c ultra rays or the spectrum of dlsg sympathize with Mr. Tomllnson of Berkeley Square. I see In his post-mortem career a prophecy of mine own! But, old sport, what a wonderfully and unsurpatsably complete structure it makes of my character!" "It Is too bad" began Carson. "Too bad?". Interrupted Craighead. "Ow, down't put it that strong, owld chap! But It Is pronouncedly unpleasant, down't y kneow." And then with tragio Intensity h concluded: "In the world's fields of high est endeavor, many are called, but few ars chosen. My unique claim to distinction, sir, Is In this, that, whatsoever ta-ran-ta-ra the bugles blow, I, Craighead, remain tha Great Uncalled! Me for the blind baggaga and the lomuto-ciui hat Happy Hooligan Craighead, minus the happiness. Begone dull fun! Tears, happy tears! And eke, O ye tears! Great Jumping genuflcxlonlata, what a world!" "But?" ventured Theodore, In a sincere desire to comfort his friend, "you've had the treatment, you know!" "True. Ellphgx-Zophai ray, I will dub thee Kliliu, for you have not been cured of your right to call yourself a Uoozlte or Gillie still true. I have had the treatment; its dish-water Is In my veins. Its dope in my assimilative system. The Witherspoonjr truths, so well adapted to tho second reader grade, miiRt remain In whatever vermiform appendix the volume of my brain provides I for the retention ejf platitudinous ponder osity. I shall lose my sense of humor. I shall become bourgeois, un-llohemlanlzod. Philistine, crass. I must go forth and rob folks like any other good citizen. Would that the chance might present Itself ere I . depart for home. By Gwrje! That remlnda' me I have no home!" ' This was delivered In exactlv the tone III which one might announce t(ie leavin i.ei.inu 01 a handkerchief or cigar ca vjiine at a loss wnat to say, Carson sal nothing; Craighead, meanwhile, smiling as If at a-new and amusing thought. Into this silt nee entered Mr, O Grady. Mr. Evans and a slender person of about Carson's sUe, who at once begun the courting of Imagin ary game on the wall paper, slapping hi thigh und laughing at every failure. "This," said Mr. O'Grady, Introducing tha n-.ooor nuntsman, "Is Mr. Wylii ie, MtVjU "I!" My worst fears confirmed Cialght-ad. "The one man ever loved turns out to be oh, ye gods! both a teller of truth and a victim of regular hitkltal Tho last straw, and no Julep!" (To Be Continued,) -J. V V