Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, SPORTING, Page 3, Image 30

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    r R THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: AUGUST 14, 1910. . 3
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Tim Omaha SirNDA Bee.
OF THE four lraguts National, Amer
ican, Western and American asso
ciation the closest race la In the
Weatern, where Denver and Ploux
Clly are making a splendid fight for first
place, slg-caggtng back and forth, and'
Lincoln la ateadlly forging In that direc
tion. The next beat fight la between the
Pirate and Olanta for second place In the
National. The Cuba aeem to have the pen
nant well In hand. In the American league
th Athletica have a wide margin and yet
are not safely on top, for Boston, Detroit
and New Tork are bunched not an Impos
albl distance behind. The American asso
ciation pennant seems to be already won
by Minneapolis. ft. Paul has remained In
second place only because the teams under
It persisted, like Itself.. In losing. But the
remarkable thing Is that not In any of these
four organisations Is there a fight between
first and second division teams. Only the
moat unusual atreak of ill luck could now
prevent Denver, Sioux City, Lincoln and
Wichita from winding up the first four
teams, not - necessarily In that order,
though; while Bt. Joseph,' Omaha, Dea
Moines and Topeka appear to be hopelesaly
doomed to the second division.. Of course,
If one or two of the top teams were to
atrtke a continuous losing streak and
Omaha or St. Jo hit a long upgrade the
order might be changed, but neither of
these contingencies is likely to occur. The
season Is too far gone for material change
now. The fatal weakneya In many teams
this k 'ear. In major and minor ball, has
beifjv" the box. Conversely, other teams
JitvtVon by having good pitchers. Lincoln
is a fine example. But for its pitching staff
It could not have done what It has, for.
While Its team otherwise Is fair, It Is not
above the average. But that la nonetheless to
the credit of Lincoln. It did well to get
a good set of pitchers. This year In this
and other leagues we have had most forci
bly brought home to us the potency of
pitching as a factor In winning games. It
.suggests again the old proposition of re
vlalng the rules In soma way ao aa to
offer a nearer approach to an equity be
tween the box and other department. It
la not desirable that ao much power should
center In on man; It is not conducive to
the best bas ball. St. Louts Cardinals fur
nish another example. Breenahan has a
magnificent team, but hi pitchers are weak
and he la losing as a consequence. Sioux
City Js vastly helped by it pitcher. Steady
pitching, of course, 1 essential and should
be fostered, for nothing serves to steady a
whole team and produce good ball quite a
much as reliable pitching and on the other
hand nothing puts a team In the air quite
as quickly aa poor pitching. But the diffi
culty of atrlklng a proper balance between
pitching and batting has been and probably
alwaya wllV be the gravest problem In the
- science of the game.
Ill luck has not left the trail of the
Itourke for one mlnirte. As on as
r.bam got in shape to play, Kane was
cJJlled 4o the bedside of his sister and
"Thompson went to first. Then the new
fielder. Riggert got In the line-up and
Roddy Corrldon' foot went back on him.
That forced fichipke back Into the game
with hia wounded hand and sept 'Mortality
over to short. Bert King etlll wears Ms
hand in a bandage, though plays. Thomp
son In Ms unobtrusive way has made a
great hit with the ) fane thla year. He
ha played all over the lot and done his
beat everywhere, hitting with telling ef
fect most of the time.
Tho who hav followed Chick Autrey's
rork for the last two weeks carefully have
observed that hi batting has been almost
nothing. Prior to that he wa hitting Ilk
Ire. That Is one of the reasons
not stay up when he waa there.
Xiyia a great first baseman, one of the best
In the country and has a good batting eye;
ought always to be In the .300 clam. But
iwhat he lacks . la plenty of nerve. When
h hit a slump hi heart fails and It takes
him weeks to get up again. That Is not
the fiber that wins and Chick ought to get
ever It. i
Detaili of Big Motor Contests Almost
Vauderbllt and Grand Prise Events
Apprnactilnar and Holding Com
pany Make Elaborate
NEW TORK, Aug. U With the first of
the autumn' big road race less than two
months away the Motor Cups Holding
company is rapidly completing the many
details necessary for the successful staging
of the events. Both the Vanderbllt cup
and the grand prise events, scheduled for
October 1 and 15, respectively, will be started
at daylight. The grandstand and official
stand and parking space enclosures will
be brilliantly Illuminated practically all
night on the Fridays preceding the two
events. The parkway road surface Is being
overhauled and put In Al condition for the
two events. Contracts are being let for the
decorating of the stands In an artistic man
ner. The stationing of buglers at polnta
on the course, particularly at the grand
stand, to notify the spectators of the ap
proach of a car, will be duplicated this
The county and town authorities of Nas
sau county are cooperating with the Long
Island Motor parkway and the Motor
Cups Holding company to Improve the
highways leading to tho grandstand. Road
surfaces are being repaired and will later
be treated with oil. By an arrangement
with the Long Island Motor parkway the
Cup company haa arranged to open a
large field west of the grandstand for the
use of the general public. No charge will
be made for car entering the field; a nom
inal charge of I per person will be made
for those who enter the field, whether oc
cupying automobile or on foot.
This field immediately adjoins the grand
stand to the west and Is conveniently lo
cated for seeing the sore beards, which
are placed on the official stand. The res
taurant and catering privilege will be
more complete and satisfactory than ever.
Sheriff Foster of Nassau county Is already
taking steps to make cafe the circuit,
having, In addition td himself, the und-r
sheriff and various deputies at work at
this" early date arranging the various de
tails preliminary to the events to be held
In October.
It a cere Engage Quarters.
Racing and training quarter are being
engaged almost daily by entrants on and
close to the circuit. The attention of en
trants is called to the fact that no pre
liminary practice will be permitted except
to thoeo who have pHld their entry fee and
recolvcd the official radiator plates fur
nished by the Motor Cups Holding com
pany. Ail cars not equipped with these
plates wjll be cautioned by the road aiA
thorltle and be removed from the publlo
highway on practice mornings. Ten days
of preliminary practice will be allowed
for each race, not including Sunday. The
Board of Supervisor of Nassau county
ha been particularly liberal this year and
permitted speed In practice on these ten
day from S until 8 o'clock In the morning.
All Intersecting road and crossings will be
guarded by flagmen, sworn In aa deputy
sheriffs, who will keep traffic from the
hlhgway during the practice hour.
It 1 worthy of note that practically all
of the reservations for seat, boxes and
parking spaces, which at this time I un
usually large, provide for the same boxes,
seats and parking spaces for both race,
indicating that the general publlo 1 con
vinced, as are the promoters of these
events, that both will be equally Interest
ing. The Class C rules are 80 liberal In
their terms that the cars are limited only
to piston displacement, there being no
other restriction except that of safety,
which need be considered by tho designers.
Special lubrication, timing, tires, slse of
valves and other details are permissible
and should produce cars capable of phe
nomenally fast time.
Three llulrka Entered.
Through A. O. Southworth, the New
Tork manager of the Bulck company. Dr.
Wadsworth Warren, racing manager of the
Bull k racing forces, has entered ' three
Marquette Bulcks for the Grand Price
race. These cars will be driven by Louis
Chevrolet Rod Robert Burmari, respec
tively. Dr. Warren advises the Motor
Cups Holding company that the name of
the driver of the third car will be fur
nished later. It is understood that Dr.
Warren has already negotiated training
quarter for ths racing crew for this
race and It 1 also understood that a full
team of Bulrka will bo entered for the
Vsnderbllt cup race to be held October I.
Of the racing driver who will compete
for the 17.000 In cash offered for this race
In addition to the grand prize of the Auto
mobile Club of ' America, the following
driver of International and worldwide fame
will compete. Nasarro, Wagner, George
Robertson, Ralph do Palma, Ray HaVroun,
Joe Dawson. Louis Chevrolet, Robert Bur
man and Barney Oldfleld. It Is probable
that followers of the automobile sport wilt
have the opportunity of watching the con
sistency of theae various drivers, as in ad
dition to driving In the Grand Prise on
October 15 many of the driver whose name
appear In this list hare already been
named to drive In the Falrmount park and
Vanderbllt cup races.
Due Ball Acroaa the River.
The Holly go to Council Bluffa to play
the second game of a double-header at the
new park with the Merchants today. Both
teams have been playing good ball and a
warm game Is expected. Hickey will pitch
for the Hallys, while Bennett of tTnderwood
will do the twirling for the- Merchants.
Game called at 8:30 o'clock.
Motorcycle Clob Iton,
There will be a club run today to Mis
souri Valley, leaving at 8 a. m. All riOfrrs
are invited to be at the different stores.
Robertson and
De Palma to Race
Premier Speed Demons to Meet at
Narbeth for Record-Break-ing
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1$.-Oeorge Rob
ertson and Ralph Do Palma have been
matched to meet In what should prove to
be a great contest at th Beimont Driving
club's track at Narbeth, Pa., on Septem
ber 24. Robertson will drive Ms ninety-
horse power Simplex, while D Palma will
drive either the Flat Cyclone of a ninety
horse power Flat, the best two out of three
frve-mlle heats to decide the question of
supremacy. In the event of tire trouble
to either contestant the heat in which It
occurs must be run over. The prizes of
fered are $1,500 to the winner and fiOO to
the loser a record-breaking mark for such
contests in the Philadelphia district
The match raco will be the chief feature
of not only the first trac't. meet conducted
by the Norristown Autumoblle club, whose
activities In the past have been confined
to hill climb and endurance contests, but
the first automobile race meet permitted
on the Belmont track. No atone will be
left unturned to make th meet worthy of
the oocaslon. Sanctioned by the contest
board of the American Automobile associa
tion. It will be handled by competent offi
cials. Including John R. Rex, president of
the Norristown Automobile club, a ref
eree; Fred J. Wagner as starter and T. S.
Patterson as head of the contest commit
tee. A good program of events la sched
uled. A five-mile free-for-all, a ten-mile
free-for-all handicap, mile record and to
lower the existing record for mile dirt
tracks; a five-mile handicap for the ama
teurs and price and piston displacement
classes for stock cars and chasses are Included.
Tipimng. rn
V'ouse aflr
I elicit did at
Old Cy Toung haa at last resorted to the
pit ball. For year he condemned It aa
the device of the quitter and refused to
use It, but this season In tight place he
ha taken It up and finds It his most ef
fective ball and he believe It will not
Injur hi arm. If It doe not, nothing
iwlll, and Cy ought to start In on another
round of forty years.
Old Tim Flood proved to be a little too
Slow. If George Graham hold together
there will not be any need of another man
at second. Motiarlty la all to the good, so
Jong a hi health holds out and it Is bet
ter In this western country, he says, than
anywher els. But the Skipper ha come
back. too.
Walter Johnson of Washington, held the
mighty Clevekander to two hit the other
day and Thoirmson, the Topeka got one
of those. Johnson ha no peer in th
American league and the pity I he 1 not
wfth a winning team.
The American league has created the new
office of scout for umpire and ha very
fittingly employed John F. Sheridan, the
old veteran ump, for the place. It la a
needed function.
New Tork fan are already willing to ac
claim the Cub a champions. Might as
well get In the front aa the back seats of
h bandwagon.
Harry Welch Is still Rourke property and
hi return depend entirely on circum
stance. Still Hary haa a splendid chanc
In Omaha.
It now look aa If that yellow streak
jumped out of Johnson's back and ran up
Lang ford a
Never mind, w will be back at them with
new plant . and new team next year, en
When a team ha to aU H beat player
to pay nWin It might as well close up
Th Highlander ir repeating the oil
f1l t-r of sliding aa th eaon wanes.
ti?ii"-M?r"-- n ar . , . -- ... i
The STODDARD-DAYTON was built right to begin with
No novice fashioned this car
No unskilled machanic has a hand in its construction
Its great popularity has been bottomed on its exceeding grace its
great beauty, and its endurance and speed
The same men who have made it what it is, have added some im
provements to the 1911 models
These improvements are not added because they make the machine
look pretty nor because they are catchy
They are observations of the keenest, most skilled men in the
They make the car stronger and faster
It will be worth your, while, whether you own one of these ma
chines or not, to drop in and see just what they are
We are glad, always, to give demonstration of the Stoddard-Dayion.
A complete line of Limousine. Landaulet, Coupe, Touring Cart, Torpedoes, Roadstora. Truck and Delivery Wagon.
$1100 to $4200
Licensed Under Selden Patent
a V-
ki Rhfmatlsm was ever cured except bv a thorouoli DuriHcatlon of
J? ' s . " tru. these may be acatterod and tempararUv rolloved bv th
application of plasters, liniments and home remedies of HCVht
ffnl t68 Wlt!? thl9 danKerus disease bdll'itimt
alone is bound to pay for the mistake with constant suffer tatw on R B s
cures Rheumatism in the only way It is possible torethe dta!" ji
down Into the blood and remover the urio Vcid from ?t circulation, thlf
tormritr dta aHtoSally,telUtf and M with tSrsharSuratio
Omaha bees
Of Auiomobilea and Acceddoried
9 i
20 26 Firnara St
Mid-West Auto Co. c,,tM$acA,eay" M'
BIS South Wiasteantn Btr.
saoa O-SOSS.
JH Detroit Electric
Coofl. 7281
2318 Harney Gtreet.
A-201 1
CJ(y)uH FREEUXD BROS. & ASHLEY. 1102 Firatl St.
Elcctrio Garage '
2218 Farnam Street
H. E. PALMER, SON & CO., John W, Redick, Mgr. Auto. Eepl.'
KISSEL ECAR SSSt'R kissel auto co
IllWIafUb I in 1 1 $3,000 60 H. P. 2129 Farnam St
John Deere Plow Co.,. Distributors.
ETasaJ Ma4-M .TU Temporary Location
ruru uutur bu.9 isis
Farnam St., Omaha, Nell.
W. L Huffman Auto Co., 5
L n mattneson
innils)D0 x .g
Detroit-Electric SSitC0-
Roadster, 4 cyl., passenger . ai.lO
Touring Car, 4 cyl., 6 paat:en-r , .91,304
Touring Car, cyl., T passenger aa.OOO
Ceil Autsmsbila Co., 2203 Farnam SI. '
7aSIace Aufon.ot.ila Co.
24tb Near Farnam Street.
914 Jonas St
H.LFredrickson Automobile 00.3::
leright Automobile Co.
Waverly, Lexington,
1814-16 Farnam.
Henry II. Van Brunt
Ovorlani, Pop
Council Bluffs, lowi.
Bulck and Olds
moblle Cars....
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
tlacola Branob, 13ta aa r ts., B. B. BTDIES, Oenl Mgr.
Omaaa Branoa. llfl-X4-X Tarn a us Rt MB MXTTT, Mgx
Z,t ns demonstrate to yon the eoonotnr of the
Workman Automobile Co.
ao7 boutrc tists a trust.
Appcrson Automobilo Co., 1102-04 Faman
Bost I THE I Full PEE I Boih
Sporting Base Bali Leaguo in
Pagg Scores Amateur
i in - - - ii i j .. - . . t