Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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" Attorney Central Telli Governor of
Unties of Police Board.
' Exanalaatloa
) naaMi of City f OmaJha Do Jtmt
Pmi Responsibility l'pe
Firs aaa Police Board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 13. (Special.) Attorney
General Thompson In a communication to
Oovernor Shailenberger (ays he la unable
to discover In the atatuta any law which
provides that the pollca board of Omaha
la directed to enforce the law. For that
reason he haa not Instituted ouster pro
ceedings against Commissioners Fred Hoye,
William E. Hunter and William F. Wap
plch. It was against these members of the
board and Chief of Pollca Donahue that
the governor Instructed the attorney gen
eral to Institute quo warranto proceedings
because of an alleged failure to enforce the
liquor laws In Omaha. A suit was started
against Donahue because the legal depart
ment holds under the rules of the board
he Is responsible for the enforcement of the
Mr. Thompson assured the governor In hie
letter that the law applied to Mayor Dahl
tnan. Inasmuch as he la directed by statute
to enforce the lavys.
Text ef Letter.
The letter la as follows:
LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. U, 1910-Hon. Ash
ton C. Shallenuerger, Oovernor of Ne
braska, Linuuin. ueur bir. in accordance
with your letter of the 2Mb. ultimo, direct
ing me to begin suit In the supreme court
against John J. Donahue, ohlef of police
of the cliy of Omaha, Fred Hoye, William
J. Hunter and William F. Wapplch. three
members of the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners of the city of Omaha, I
desire to report that I have- commenced a
separate suit against John' J. . Donanue,
chief of police. His duties being separate
and riUtlnct from those of the other parties.
I felt I could not safely Join him with the
. other parties without rendering the com
f pialnt vulnerable to a demurrer on the
iround of mlslolnder of parties defendant.
With reference to commencing a suit
against the other parties, I am confronted
wtlh a legal situation which Is embarrass
ing.. Before Instituting suit against the
other parties named In your letter I felt I
should make you acquainted with the situa
tion as I find it. 'Ihe Hackett law, Under
which the proceedings are directed to be
Instituted against these parties, provides
as ftnows:
"A4J county attorney or prosecuting off
cer, Wuriff, police Judge, mayor, police
officer or police commissioner, or other
officer who shall willfully fall, neglect or
refuse to enforce any law which it Is made
his duty to. enforce shall thereby forfeit
his office and may be removed tnererrom
"The attorney general of the state, when
directed by the governor, snail Institute and
prosecute quo warranto proceedings In the
lunrema court aaalnst any such county at
torney or prosecuting officer, sheriff, police
Judge, police officer or police commissioner,
mayor or otner of fleer, and If the court shall
find tnat such omcer nas wiuiuny iaiira or
refused to enforce any law which It la his
dvty as sucn officer to enforce, then the
court shall render Judgment of ouster
against such officer and the offloe shall
thereby become vacant.
Proof of Hearlect Necessary.
It will be seen from the foregoing that
before an action will lie against any officer
it Is necessary to allege and prove that he
has wilfully railed, neglected or refused
to enforce a law which It Is made his duty
to enforce. It Is not every dereliction of
duty, on the part of an officer -that the
above statute comprehends, but the speclfio
dereliction of wilfully failing, negleotlng
or refusing "to enforce any law which It
Is made his duty to enforce."' If the mem
bers of the Board of Fire and Polio com
missioners, agnlnst whom you have directed
proceedings to be Instituted, are not
charged with the duty of, enforcing the law
of the state or the ordinances of the city
the action cannot be maintained against
I find from an-examination of -the statute
that the duties of the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners are defined, but no
where do I find where It Is charged by the
statutes of the state or the ordinances of
. Jhe, city of Omaha with the duty "to en
rvrce the law," as I understand that term
used In the Backett law. The duties of
the board, except In connection wtlh Its
duties In granting liquor licenses, - are de
fined by sections MloU, Inclusive, chapter
12a, compiled statutes of 1909. They are
In substance as follows: It shall employ a
chief of the fire department and other
officers connected with that department,
which may be necessary for the effective
servlo of the department, to the extent and
limit that funds have been provided therefor-
by the mayor and council; It shall
appoint a chief of police and auoh officers
and policemen, as may be necessary for the
protection of cltlsens and property, to the
extent that funds may be provided by the
mayor and counoll for that purpose; It is
given authority to remove, under such
rules and regulations as may be adopted
by the board, all appointees named by
them upon complaint filed and ft hearing
had; It may also peremptorily suspend an
. appointee for neglect or disobedience of
TlMera, for a limited time; It Is authorised
ol-rs for a limited time; It Is authorised
r'X2 h appointment, removal, govern
Tnent and discipline of officers and mem-)
bers of the fire and police departments of
the city, under such rules and regulations
as may be adopted by the board, and It Is
made Its duty to adopt such rules and
regulatlops for the guidance of the officers
and members of the department, for the
appointment, promotion, removal, trial or
discipline of officers of the police depart
ment a It shall consider necessary and
Ileanlatlous for Board.
I am advised that the Board of Fire and
police comiulaAlenera has appointed a chief
of police and a force of policemen to the
extent that funds have been provided by
the mayor and council therefor; that It
hua adopted rules and regulations for the
government of the police officers, which
have the force and e'fect of law; and that
In such rule ana reflations It haa, among
other things, spec! tie ny provided aa fol
lows: "It shall be the duty of the chief of police
to see that the laws of the state, the ordi
nances of the city, and the rules and regu
lations of the board of fire and police are
duly enforced throughout the department,
and he shall keep tue city attorney and
proseouUiM officers of the county informed
of all matters that pertain to their several
offices relating to the police Interests of
the city, or of any branch of. the law or or
dinances." (Kule S).
"He will bo diligent In the enforcement
of the laws relating to lotteries, lottery
policies, and the sale of liquor,, and gamb
ling of all kinds." (Rule i).
It Is not charged In the complaint pre
sented to you, and forwarded to me, that
the Board of Fire and Police commissioners
has lieen leoueeted to remove any of the
police officers appointed by aald board on
account of dereliction of their duty.
. I find upon examining the ststute com
' monly called the "Omaha Charter" section
64, which provides as follows:
"It shall be the duty of the mayor to
enforce tlte laws of the state and the ordl
nancs of the city, to order, direct and en
force, through the officers of the police de
partment, the arrest and prosecution of
persons violating suort laws and
l , to co-oporate with and assist the sheriff of
the county In suppressing riots and mobs,
and the arrest and prosecution of persons
cha-s-ed with crimes and misdemeanors."
This ktatutn unmistakably places the duty
(of enforcing the laws of the state and the
ordinances of the city of Omaha upon the,
mayor xnl makes his primarily rmponslble
therefor. The Foard of Fire and Police com
missioners, the chief of police and the entire
police foroe of tho city are instrumental! Ilea
provided by law through and by which
tho mayor is enabled to perform this duty.
Power of Coonetl.
Section M of the statute, commonly known
sa the 'Omaha Charter." gives the mayor
tnd city council authority to remove any
or all of the fire and police commissioners
for mtscoouuet In office or for failure to
fx dtsrnsrge their ofttilal duties. The law
Jrh this manner give the mayor and city
t' council complete control o the situation. If
the members of the fire and police board
are culpable or derelict In the dtschsrge of
tfflclal duties .the mayor and city council
can remove them. This Isw seems to havs enacted In furtherance of the legisla
tive Intent to give the city of Omaha the
rtgt.t ot botu tula. Whether u m wis
I Nebraska
or otherwise Is not now pertinent to con
sider In this connection, aa we must take
wie iaw aa we rind it.
in the complaint presented to you against
the members of the Board of Fire and
police commissioners one of the most seri
ous charges against the members of the
Doarq is that one which recites the fact
that Mr. Karback offered a resolution, in
the month of February, 1910. before the
board, directing the chief of notice to stoo
and prevent the Illegal Sales of liquors.
vnen sucn resolution was orrered the
members of the board refused to take any
steps or action to prohibit such ssles. The
refusal of the board to take affirmative
action on this resolution would have been
a serious dereliction of duty were It not
for the fsct that the board had already
given direction to the chief of police in
such matters by the enactment of rules
I and i, hereinbefore set forth. But, as
heretofore suggested, I do not think the
Backett law contemplates general dereliction
of duty on the part of officers, hut be
comes operative only when an officer Is
charged with speciflo duty of enforcing a
law and when he has wilfully failed, neg
lected or refused to do so.
It Is extremely doubtful If the members
of a ministerial or a legislative board, not
charged with the executive duty of enforc
ing the law, could be proceeded against
under the Sackett law. But, be that as It
may. the conclusion Is irresistible thst
under the circumstances the mayor. If any
one. In addlUon to the chief of police, Is
the one to be proceeded against for fid I tire
to enforce the law In the city of Omaha,
since the statute. In unmistakable terms,
cssts that duty upon him. The other of
ficers of the city are but Instrumentalities
or auxiliaries that the statute has provided
the mayor with to enable him to discharge
this speclfio duty.
Chief Comes Under Rales.
It was able to state a cause of action
against the chief of police only by reason
of the rules and regulations, which have
the force of law, established by the Board
of Fire and Police commissioners, charg
ing him specifically Willi the duty of en
forcing the laws of the state and the
ordinances of the city. Could I find any
statute or ordinance of the city of Omaha
Imposing a like duty upon the Hoard of
Fire and Police commlsiinnra I wnuM tint
hesitate to file charges against the other
parties you have named, but being unable to
una any iaw cnarging them with such
duty I am unable to see mv wav clar tn
draft a complaint that would state a cause
of action against them. Until I received
your communication I never had given this
subject a critical examination, and I con
fess I find the law with reference to the
amies or the Board of Fire and Police com
missioners different from what I had taken
it to be.
I feel It is my dutv to arcmalnt vnn with
these matters, to the end you may give
such other directions as you may deem
necessary In order to bring aoout the en
forcement of the law enforcement I assure
you that yoti have my hearty co-operation,
Yours very respectfully,
Attorney General.
- Making Hard Finish.
,iWKh the exception of two every office
occupied by an appointee of Oovernor Shal-
lenbcrger was filled with workers last night
until after U o'clock mailing out campaign
literature. State lights were kept burn
ing until poet midnight In the executive
offices, the offloe of the fire commissioner.
'the labor commissioner, the state veterin
arian, the adjutant general, the oil inspec
tor and the food commissioner.
Every office w crowded wkth workers
and every worker kept busy. In tho private
office of the governor today a crowd of
stenographers haa been mailing out 1 fitters
In government stamped and government
printed envelopes, asking the voters to rally
to his support to aave the state from
The governor ( keeping up his fight to
tho kurt mmute and If he does lose, it will
not be any fault of his or Ms gallant,
hard working, 'Mte-padd appointees.
Mr. Hitchcock Is also very much worried
over tho outcome of his fight, for many
republicans today received letters from him
telling them that ho stood with LaFollstte
and Cummins In tho senate and Murdook
In the. house. -How many, of his letters
were sent to republicans, of course, oould
not bo learned, but there were many of
Willis E. need wag hero last night and
left today for Omaha, wihere he expects
to "oommtt grand larceny on Hitchcock"
by taking aH hhi votes. Reed is confident
that the fight Is between Metcalfe and him
elf, and he Is going to urge Omaha voters
not to waste their votes on Hitchcock, but
to vote for . him aa tho man -to defeat
Metcalfe. Reed and Shailenberger spoke at
Dlller yesterday at a fraternal picnic The
governor talked politico and Reed talked
fraternallsm. ' .
Phelps County
Farmer Robbed
House Burned
Frank Swenson, Young Bachelor, ii
Blindfolded and Tied to Barn and
Fire Set to Hii Home.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Aug. IS. (Special
Telegram.) The people of Funk and the
surrounding country , are aroused over a
successful attempt at robbery and arson
which occurred near that village early yes
terday morning. Frank Swanson, a young
bachslor who farms about half a mile west
of Funk, was the victim of the double crime
and although he lost but a small sum of
money his bouse was totally destroyed by
According to the story he told the county
attorney, lata lost night he went out to
shut on his windmill shortly after mid
night As be turned to go back Into the
house he was seised from behind and
beaten to the ground before be had time to
offer any resistance. - He was quickly blind
folded and led to his barn, where the vll-
llans tied him securely to the corner of
a shed, using baled hay wire.
Just how many there were dwanson
could not tell, although he was Inclined
to believe that two men did the Job. The
robbers then took about 6 In cosh from
his pockets and somo checks which he had
received only the day before In town. After
wards they went to the house as for a he
knew and did not bother' him again. Later
be .smelled smoke and though he made
efforts to gejt away finally had to be re
leased by neighbor, who were returning
from, this city and had been led to the
place by the sight of the burning house.
Officers were notified late hut night and
left this city to make an Investigation.
Bloodhounds were put on the trail and fol
lowed tracks to the elevator-In Funk. Ths
checks which had been taken from Swan
ion's pockets were found on the track
which the dogs took. No further clue has
been found and no motive. for the crime Is
known, but It is expected that some In
tsrestlng developments will occur.
Church Insured,
Then Damaged
One Bay After Policy ii Taken Out
Lightning Strikes Building
at Osceola.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Aug. II. (Special
Telegram.) ust one day after Insurance
Lutheran church of this town, lightning
struck the building and worked 1(00 dam
age mis morning, xne stroke rell upon
tho cupola and caused a fire, which licked
into the roof. Prompt action on the part
of cltlsens In a bucket brlgsde saved the
church from destruction, the damage be
ing confined to the cupula and the Inter
ior deooraUonft
Family of Grand Island Woman
Thinks Ho Was Married Before.
Member of Coatroetlaa: Firm
Kan ms City Leaves, Following;
Investigation of Former
Matrimonial Osreer.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aug. IS. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Othello M. Evans of the
firm of Marshall A Bvana, which has the
contract for the federal building In Grand
island, was married August S to Miss Grace
Oormatn of Grand Island. The ceremony
took place at Central City, conducted by
Rev, Charles Williams, pastor of the Pres
byterian church. The Information now
cornea to the Gorman family from Kane
City that Evans hod wife and three chil
dren residing there. Evans left here some
days ago.
Evans and Miss Gorman, accompanied by
the bride's mother and brother, went to
Omaha, mm long ago as January lost, and
H was generally known here and pubBoly
announced, that they were to be married.
Evans, however, was at that time taken
111, according to report, and the marriage
was postponed.
Recently the work of the firm on the
government building here was stopped.
Evans was the member of tho firm tn
charge. Just what the difficulties were
has not definitely been determined.
Possible Divorce.
Tho Gorman family seemed to have been
under the belief that Evans was divorced,
and say that a supposed copy of a, decree
was shown to Mr. and Mrs. Gorman. It
Is now believed by them that If thfs de
cree Is not wholly fictitious, tt might. Judg
ing from what they have learned today,
be the copy of a decree of a still former
Mr. Marshall, Evans associate . In the
contracting business, Is hero and with his
attorney Is trying to disentangle the matter
of the local contract. Only about $8,000
more of work needs to be done. Neither
Mr. (Marshall nor his attorney will have
anything to say In conn ecu ion wKh the
revelations as to Mr. Evans' recent mar
riage. Mr. Marshall, business associate of
Evans, received word late today from
Washington to the effect that If he would
give the contract his own personal super
vision, theorder stopping the work and de
manding an Inventory of construction done
and material furnished would be revoked,
and he would be allowed to complete the
building under the original contract.
This Mr. Marshall was ready to do, and
left at once for Kansas CKy to arrange
his affairs so oa to be able to remain
here with the work aa soon as started.
This, K 1 expected, will bo In a few days.
Man Murdered
at Fremont
Body Supposed to Be That of John
Eoctor Found Beside Track with
Skull Crushed.
FREMONT, Net.. Aug. It. (Special Tel
egram.) The body of a man believed to be
John Hootor was found about 10:80 this
morning with his skull crushed near the
Northwestern yards In the southeast part
of the city. Near by him was an Iron bolt
about two feet long and a half filled bottle
of whisky.
The body was discovered by Eddy Mon
roe, a 12-year-old boy, who notified Fore
man Kernan of the Northwestern repair
force, and by direction of Coroner Over
gaar tho body was taken to Anderson's
undertaking rooms.
On account of the rain tt was Impossible
to tell from the appearance of. the ground
whether any scuffle had taken place. One
blow at the back of the head had evidently
been struck when the victim had his hat
on and the other two directly over the fore-,
head. Pieces of skull and ' brain matter
lay on the ground.
From papers found It Is believed that his
name Is John Hoctor. He was seen around
town yesterday peddling needles and spec
tacles and late last night In company with
two other parties. The dead man was about
60 years old, had dark hair and moustache
slightly streaked with gray and dark brown
eyes. One leg Is crooked and shorter
than the other.
A good description . was obtained of, the
two men seen with him last and this morn
ing the police arrested a man who answered
the description of one of them. He was
too drunk to give his name and was locked
up to await developments. Sixteen cents In
money was found on tho person of tho dead
man. ...i-
Some Lace Curtains
Specially Priced for the Coming Week
White Cluny Curtains linen lace and insertion. . .$8.50 Pair
Arab.Cluny on Net linen lace and insertion $9.50 Pair
Arab Scrim Curtains Cluny edge and insertion. .$10.00 Pair
Arab Marie Antoinette Cluny lace edge. .... .$10.00 Pair
Ivory Duchess Lace on French Net: 1 . .' $12.50 Pair
Real Brussels Lace on Fine Saxon Net. $13.75 Pair
Six other numbers in the lot. See our, window today.
Ostermoor Mattresses
We are sole state agents for the
genuine Oatertnoor elastic' felt mat
tress, known and sold the world
over. Single or two-piece styles.
Plain and, fancy ticks
Prices $15 to $30
An All Mahogany
Parlor Table. $36.00
Fine piano finish, heavy top, 17
Inches wide and 42 Inches long with
drawer large, heavy base and heavy
brass castors. A massive, handsome
piece of parlor furniture.
Parlor VumilunFi'th Floor.
Orchard & Wilhelm
House, Hotel and Office Furniehinge.
Tobey Campaign
Runs into Dirty
Work Very Soon
Williams and Wimberly to Play the
Farts Last Enacted by Br. Carr
and Elmer Thomas.
(Fronm a Btaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. 18. (Special.) At a
meeting of friends of George E. Tobey,
candidate for congress In th eFlrat dis
trict, at University Plao last night. It
waa decided to flood the district with
copies of scurrilous literature against
Will Hayward, Tobey's competitor for the
republican nomination.
In the bunch of literature to be sent
out, and which Is being sent out now. Is
the letter written by T. F. A. Williams,
the Dr. E. Arthur Carr of the present
campaign. Tom Wimberly of University
Place, the Elmer 1 nomas of the present
campaign, was , chosen chairman of the
Tobey club, which was organised and
which will also solicit votes for C. IL
Aldrlch for governor.
In the letter written for publication by
Williams, was Incluae. a statement with
the purported signature of Theodore
Weberlng, to the effect that he held aa
trustee stock In a Nebraska .City brew
ery for Hayward. This statement was
denounced by Weberlng as absolutely
false. He said over his own signature
that he had never signed such a state
ment and hod never as trustee held any
stock In any brewery for Will Hayward.
While Uls statement waa being pub
lished, Tom Wimberly, was assisting- in
the organisation of a club to circulate
the false statement over the district.
The signed letter of Wll Hayward pub
lished this morning -was the sensation of
the present campaign and It created an up
roar around here. The fact that enemies of
Will Hayward would use a document
against him which the alleged signer abso
lutely repudiated, - has - caused the severe
denunciation of those having the matter In
charge and a corresponding Increase of sen
timent for Hayward. T. F. A. Williams,
who gave publicity to the story that Hay
ward owned stock In a brewery, has been
a very highly . respected person In some
quarters of the city, but unless he can sat
isfactorily explain away theembarrassing
predicament he Is In ho wll remain In the
estimation of many people on a par with
Dr. E. Arthur Carr and Elmer E. Thomas,
who acted as the tools of the friends of
Governor Shailenberger , during the last
campaign. I nthat . campaign Elmer
Thomas sent out false statements regard
ing Governor Sheldon . a few days before
the election at a time to late for them to
be corrected successfully. Dr. E. Arthur
Carr wrote letters derogatory to the repub
lican candidates on letterheads of the Ctvlo
League of Lincoln, his own name being
printed thereon as secretary, a position
from which he had been removed or forced
to resign.
The names of T. F. A. Williams and Dr.
E. Arthur Carr and Tom Wimberly and
Elmer E. Thomas are being used In the
same sentence by men of Lincoln today for
the dirty work of Dr. Carr and Elmer E.
Thomas In the campaign of 1908 Is being
duplicated by Williams and Wimberly In
IfllO, For his dirty work Dr. Carr got a
Job under tho governor. '
In his letter this morning Hayward
quoted Harrison as saying that .he put
Tobey In the race and oould withdraw him
at any time. Harrison not only did this, but
he wrote, Tobey's platform and forced
Tobey to get on It.
' Nebraska News Notes. '
BEATRICE Light rain has been falling
here this afternoon.
LYONS Perry Allen, an old soldier of
this place,, was found dead In bed last
evening. . .
GENEVA The late rains have revived
the grass and other vegetation. Some corn
Is hurt by the drouth.
STRATTON Mrs. Elisabeth Yarmell of
this place was married to George Weakling
of Kounts, Thursday, August IX
TECUMSEH Lynn Albers. the 8-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Albers of
Cook, died of ptomaine poisoning.
TECUMSEH Rev. Bert Wilson of Beth'
any haa resigned the pastorate of the
Christian church In Cook, this county.
NEBRASKA CITY Because of a leaky
gasoline stove, the home of Robert Burns
In the eastern part of the city waa nearly
destroyed yesterday.
GREELEY About three Inches of rain
fell here last night which will Insure the
corn crop. Threshing well under way, with
winter wheat making twenty-five to thirty
bushels per acre and fine quality. '
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday announcing the death of Fred
Starr, a former resident of this city, which
occured In Denver. He was a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Starr of . Liberty, this
oounty. )
LYONS About three Inches of rain fell
here last night This will mature the corn
crop If no more should fall, since corn Is
mostly now In ths roasting ear state. A
good crop Is expected from the present
BEATRICE The Knights and Ladles of
Security elected' these officers Friday even
ing: N. M. Harsh, president; E. M. Gashaw,
first vice president; Mrs. Rose Busey, s
oord vice president; Augusta Schwann,
corresponding secretary; Harriet Davis, fl-
Carpet Sweepers
A really good carpet sweeper
saves time and trouble sweeps
cleaner and easier than any broom
and saves your carpets and rugs
that's the "Blssel"
$2.25 to $5.00
Carpet Department Second Floor
nneler; Jennie Collier, prelate: FYsnH
WtKord, conductor; Alfred White, guard;
Jesse Elchhorn, sentinel.
nEATRICB Rurainr last nlsht entered
the grocery store of William FJfeldt and
carried away some of his stock, lilood-
neunds were nut on the track and the
authorities believe that they have located
tne guilty parties.
REATRICE N. M. Pouder of Maryrllle,
Mo., who wss recently elected principal
of ths Beatrice High school, arrived In the
city yesterday. He will succeed F. R.
Heera, realigned, who wss recently elected
superintendent of schools at David City.
fTRATTON An eloDement occurred here
Friday night. Fred Andrews and Olive
Miles, daughter of W. F. Miles, a farmer
living north of Stratton. slipped away to
Benkleman and were married. This is the
fourth occurence of this kind here in the
last five months.
RAOAN The continued rains here has
put ths com in the beat condition that it
haa been In for several years. North of
here the corn Is practically gone and small
Ptga ore being sold at II. These are being
rapidly bought up by farmers around here
where a corn crop Is practically assured.
GENEVA Geneva now ha a band. An
bpen air concert la held In the park every
Friday evening and crowds of people sit
shout upon the ground and benches to
listen to the music The members have
new uniforms, which they wore for the
first time on the dsy of the county picnic.
BEATRICE The two tramps who robbed
a cripple at Wymore Thursday of a gold
watch and $5 In cash, were fined $5 and
costs each yesterday by Judge Crawford
and put to work on the streets. A charge
of highway robbery was filed against them,
but this was changed to drunk and dis
orderly. NEBRASKA CITT-JoseDh B. Mever.
who has been one of the mail carriers here
for the last ton years and recently gradu
ated from the law school of the state uni
versity, leaves In a few days for Holden
vllle, Okl.. where he will enter Into oart-
nershlp with one of tho leading attorneys of
that section.
TECVMSEH After next week the village
of Elk Creek, In this county, will be with
out a newspaper. Nelson Llbby, the pub
lisher, announces that he will discontinue
the publication of the Elk Creek Herald
with next week. He will move the plant
to Montana. Elk Creek has had a news
paper for a great many years and some
of the really successful newnpaper men
of the state have conducted it. including
lave Money on
You don't have to draw
on your bank account
when you buy "Times"
You need not disturb
your dollars. KEEP
We offer you our well
well known product on
$20 a month payments
for any amount up to
$200; $30 a month pay
ments on amounts be
tween $200 and $300; $40
on amounts between $300
and $400, etc.
Simply fill out and re
turn the blank below, and
on comes our city sales-,
No tedious waiting.)
No red tape. You can
have the use of our
printing, and pay for it out of
500 circulars which
cost $10.00 on a small
order, cost only $1.50
if ordered in 10,000
When Year Local Printer
throws up his 'hands, unequal to
ths requirements of ths case, send
us your mora. Orrtsrs from Mains
to California testify to our ability
to handle work from a dlstsncs
successfully. Bend postal for our
price list.
This Adv. Copyrighted 1910 by Times Publishing Co-
J. W. Rsrnhart, formerly of Auburn, but
row of Omaha, and II. P. Murhle, who
Is now running the Leader at Humboldt.
NEBRASKA CITY Grafton Johnson and
Jeene Thompson, two well-known young
men here, wvnt to Sidney, la., and were
quietly married to two jrotmg womw of
that city, Mlanes Emma Hoot on and Vesta
Smith. Thy went to Kansas City to spend
their honeymoon. Their marriage was a
surprise to their friends and relatives here.
NEBRASKA CITT Invitations have
been received here announcing that John
F. Wells, one of the pttchen-s for the Ne
braska City base ball team of the Mink
league and known as "IHekey" Weils, Is
to be married to Miss Nora Marcel I on tho
lth. at St.. Bridget's Catholic church at
South Omaha.
REATRICK "Boeco" May, the young
man who was brought baek to this city
from St. Joseph for disappearing after fil
ing a complaint against I. N. Burroughs,
was fined SM and costs yesterday bv
Judge W'alden for contempt of court. He
was unable to pay his fine and was re
manded to the county tall.
KEARNEY Arltlclee of Incorporation
were filed with the county clerk of Buffalo
county for the firm of The Wiirht-Rea-soner-Bllsa
Hardware company. The cap
ital stock was fixed at 20O, divided Into
shares of 1100 each, and 11.XW capita ac
tually paid In. J. C. Wright, a A. Reason er
and C. A. Bliss are tho Incorporators.
KEARNEY The annual state convention
of the Young Peoples Society of Swedish
ohurches opened In this city Friday even
ing and will continue until Sunday evening.
Rev. John G. Karlson delivered the opening
address before an audience of (00 Aeiegates
at the Swedish Free Mission ohtrrch. Presi
dent J. C. Ohlson also delivered his annual
NEBRASKA CITY-The stock of books
and stationery belonging to W. 8. Hyer,
who deserted the same some time since
because of his numerous dobts, was sold
in sections yesterday to satisfy a distress
warrant for taxes. Most of the stock was
purchased by dealers and there was but lit
tle left for the numerous creditors.
PLATT8MOUTH The Cass county annual
teachers' Institute closed Friday afternoon.
Miss Mary E. Foster, the county superin
tendent, says It was one of the most Inter
esting and tho most largely attended of
any previously held In this county. The
instructors were Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp of
Boston, editor of the Journal of Educa
tion; Superintendent George E. Martin of
the Nebraska publio schools; Miss Edith
low to
in Large Quantities
on the "Times" Plan
the money which it makes, and
have a handsome profit besides.
You will never have a better
chance to test the power of
printer's ink.
It is a vyeU-kriown fact that
it pays to buy printing in large
quantities. The expense of get
ting a form on the press is no
more for 10,000 pieces than for
Get out your paper and pen
cil and figure how much print
ing you will need for the next
year, or even two years. Figure
out what it cost you in the past.
Then let us give you an esti
mate on producing it all at
If expense has made you hesi
tate about getting out an adver
tising circular, booklet, or cata
logue that you know will make
you money, fill out blank below.
We will help you prepare copy.
You need that printing
"now.' It's your's almost . for
the asking.
Tear out this ad as a re
minder. It will appear only
Application Blank
319 South 19th St., Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen: I am in the market for some
printing and am interested in the Times Install
ment Plan. If your estimate provea satisfac
tory and I give you the order, I promise to pay
in monthly installments as required in your ad.
Please have the city salesman call (give
Street or Bldg.
If you live out of
by mail. References:
Msrtln of the Dinahs public jchonls, find
Miss Gertrude N. Kowan of tne Siste Agrl.
cultural college of Uneoln and the county
NKK RA SKA CITY-TeMerday Mrs. Slack,
wife of -'ounrilman Thorns Slack. wa
thrown from a buggy hy reason of the
horse which she was driving and broke
her arm. ! Stelnhart. secretary of the ,
Nebraska City Canning company, has his
right hand caught In a shifting belt at the
factory and nearly had hla arm torn off.
He escaped with a bartlv lacerated hand.
BEATRICK'-KIre originating In the base
ment of J. A. Doher s cigar store in the
Paddock hotel block tills morning caused
considerable commotion among the gueata
of the place. The building soon filled with
smoke, and while the fire department was
fighting the blase the guests escaped In
ssfety down the fire escapes and th m.Mn
stairway. The damare to the cigar store
and building was slight
state fire Inspector, hss iiwn here this
week and he served a number of notices
on prororty owners to clean up the inflam
mable material about their placee and the
removal or repair of some twenty bulldlnas
In bad shape. He caused an awakening
among the owners of some of the old
buildings about town who have not paid
the least attention given thwn in a warn
ing by Fire Chief M. Bauer. All have been
given ten davs .In which to repair or re
move tho buildings or the city will cause
the sama to be removed.
Boose Oorst Crop Is Good.
ALBION. Neb., Aug 13. (Speclal.)-Whilo
Boone county has had no general rains this
season and some portions of tho county
has suffered for want of rain, yet nothing
but an early front will prevent the county
from having a heavy corn crop, Oats and
wheat are both much better than was an
ticipated before harvest.
Harlam Ranjtvraya Arrested.
MA80N CITY, lo., Aug. 18.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Upon Instruction from the mar
shal of narlan, Harry Stutsman, aged 19,
and Pearl Perm ley, aged 14, were taken
from a Great Western train here thia
morning. They were going to Bt Paul, and
It is said that they were runaways. Offi
cers are expected today to take them back.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads
i .
town, we can do business
Ihinu or Bradstreets.