Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, HALF-TONE, Page 3, Image 22

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Till: OMAHA SUNDAY P.KK: AHiTST 14, 1010.
Ramparts of a Famous Old Fort Are Now Hidden by Fields of Grain
' 5 i.
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f ..... .. ....... v;,.v;'Jf.q saWX'A, ' v ' ':-v'v, ".,' ! 1 u ... U
,t)RT KEAKNXY, fivo years agi
wu (liximni to b fortrottcn.
Ki'iv peiplc, llvlntt almost In tha
Immediate vicinity of the old
site, hardly knew its location,
much lent did they realise that
St had (ilayed. an Important part In the
aettlement of the wt. Had the Bite not
fallen into the hands of a man who knew
and appreciated the traditions of the old
fort it would now be Impossible to find
even a landmark. John DmiKan. the
ent owner of. the land where the fort
proper etood, knew ench landmark and no
dearly loved the old parade Krounds that
he would not allow a tingle furrow turned.
Although he would have profited in dollars,
ha refused to let even a shovel full of dirt
to be taken from the earthworka and for
cars he guarded the old stump of the flag
ataff until at last he saw it dug up and
placed tn the hands of the state historical
oclety at Lincoln.
Fort Kearney was established by the
United States government In May, 1848. In
August of the same year. Lieutenant Col-
f onel Powell made a treaty with the four
confederate tribes of the- Pawnee Indians
and they relinquished to the government
for military purposes a tract ten miles
square. It also included a strip of land
sixty miles long and about ten miles wide
extending from a point five miles west of lata vicinity of Fort Kearney. There ara Indians and. their bodies placed in one of congress tha whote reservation m
the fort eastward to a point opposite the no official figures, but from various reports grave. Fort Kearney troops would march thrown open to settlement. The bul!dlng3
Village of Chappell. in Hall county. In It Is estimated that about four thousand as fur west as Luramle, Wyo., and con- were moved away, and nothing but the
width It took in practically the Platte val- wagons passed over this trail from March duct campaigns against the Indians. In trees planted by the soldiers remained,
ley, extending from the crest of the hills to August of each year. Fort Kearney 1865 General Stanley fought a fierce battle Later the piece of ground where the build
on the south to the crest on the north, u u thmii nnninw mii,i in v. i i .f . v , v t .1 ,1 1 . u n a v, 1 1 1 1 i .. i 1 . , , . , 1
All of the "Thousand Islands" in the,
Platte were also relinquished by this treaty,
At this time the Mexican war had Just
closed. The troops from Fort les Moines
had been removed and Fort Kearney was
the most important post in' the west. It
was located on and near a common meet-
ing point of the old Oregon trail. Trails
coming up from Pt. Louis, Independence
and St. Joseph met and Joined trails coming
from Beljevue and Florence in the Immed-
Choice Samples from the Story
It is Different Now.
HE late 1 Professor William f.
-Jjr I Blake, whose encouraging mln
I eraloglcal reports Induced the
lleved firmly In his country's
Professor Blake, In a Fourth of July ad
diess that Tucson still remembers, pointed
gut the forward strides that Arizona had
"Think of the ignorance and illiteracy of
the past, all vanished now," he said. "Once,
while out on a mlneraloglcal trip, I wan
dered Into a courthouse in an Arisona vil
lage. "The- fane afoot concerned a letter. The
prosecution wanted this letter admitted in
evidence, but the defense wanted it baired
out. Finally the Judge said reluctantly:
" 'Hand the pesky thing up here and I'll
decide on It.'
"So the letter was handed up to the
Judge, and he put on his spectacles and
lookeTTat it sideways and eroswise, and a
loud laugh went up from the spectators.
" 'What are they laughing at?' I asked
tha man next to me.
" 'Why, at the Jedge'a bluff, o' course,'
was the reply. 'The old fool can't read
readln'-writln'. let alone writln'-writln'.' "
New York Tribune. .
Eye Opvnera.
Soma years ago In a southern state, a
mall boy had some puppies In a basket
and ha was trying- to persuade a man to
purchase one of them. j
"Wouldn't you like to buy a puppy, air?"
he asked.
"What art your puppies, my boy," the
man questioned, "are they republicans or
are they democrats?"
"Thty are republicans," the boy answered
quickly and with conviction.
Much pleased the gentleman bought one
of them. Two weeks Inter the boy met
the same man and tried to sell him another
"Well." asked the man, "what kind of
puppies have you today?" He glanced into
the basket and saw that they were from the
same lot as that of his recent purchase.
"Pemocrats," the little fellow responded
"Ah." the man exclaimed, "but two weeks
ago, I had one from the same family and
you ald that they were republican puppies.
How do you account for that?"
"Oh! Oh! Mister, you see they have their
oyei open now." Norman K. Mack's
Natlutiul Monthly.
' ""
Twelve Mluutea Saved.
"Kxperlenoe," a.i!d Mark Twain In the
amoklng room of he Hermudlan. "makes
u- vi., but It also makes us hard.
Voni-ldef the old. experienced man 111
the busy restaurant. He took a seat, looked
round h m, and pointing to a well dresed
gentleman Who had not yet been served,
he kaid to the waiter:
" 'Walter, how long has that gentleman
been waiting?
'About twelve minutes, sir,' the waiter
" 'Wnat'a hi order?'
"Porterhouse and French fried, sir, ltli
mince pie and coffee to coin.'
"The old man, hardened by experience,
allpped a quarter In the waiter's hand.
, . : -Mm " a'" ,
iini ' '" m ' n n'iriiii inin ii in ...i ! il iiiiiunjii ;,emmmwmamniMmm tiw.twut Ts-& I I I I ' ', JA - i, . t ' f- X .- , ' ' Jl t .-, . .., .1 ' ' -' -;.'"- 5 M
. The. Old PovypER .KAfiA?.ms, t ' . .1
v..... b iiic 111 uujo
of the fort, and the troops stationed there
afforded protection to , the emigrants and
to the few white settlers. These soldiers
lived hard, fought hard and many died
hard,' as there were at that time about
150,000 Indians west of the Mississippi who
were warlike and cruel. , A Mormon official
counted five hundred graves between Fort
Kearney and Laramie, and this does not
near number the dead, as at times a whole
emigrant train would be murdered by the
" 'Waiter he said, 'I'm In a hurry.
Put on another porterhouse and bring me
his.' " Washington Star.
' Copld In the Schoolroom.
Miss Bertha Kramer, a young school
teacher, tells the following story of one
of her pupils who lives In Nazareth, Pa.
It eeojns that tills child - asks more
questions than the average youngster and
rarely forgets what Is said.
One morning he went to the teacher.
. "Miss Bertha, does every pretty girl get
married?" he asked In a solemn tone.
"Why, Henry," replied Miss Kramer,
"what makes you ask that? Most of the
pretty girts do, but sometimes they never
have the chance."
"Well, we had an argument at home last
night about that and i said all pretty girls
got married. Why don't you get married,
too you are the prettiest teacher I know?"
"I suppose It Is because no one ever asked
me, Henry. You see, I couldn't very well,
"Oh. say Miss Berthu, you're onjy klddin'.
There are lota of fellows who'd have you
besides, between you and me, you'd have
a better time look In' after kids of your
own rather than other people's kids!"
Philadelphia Times.
The Wrong Sort.
An old Irish peasant was one (Sunday sit
ting In front of his cottage putting away
furiously at his pipe.
Match after match he lighted, pulling
hard at the pipe the while, until at la.-t Urn
ground around his fett was strewed with
struck matches.
"Como In to your dinner, Patsy," at
length called out his wife.
"Faith, and Ol will in a minute, Biddy,"
said he. "iloike Muliooney ban been
a-tellin' me that if Ol shmoked a bit av
ghtuss Ol cud see the shpbts on the sun.
Ol don't know wnetlier Moike's been a-fool-Ing
me or whether Oi've got hold av the
wrong kind of gla." Scrap.
Story iur Men.
Mrs. Frederic Schoff at a meeting of a
mutliers' club in Philadelphia talked of
the training of children.
"Juut as smallpox and yellow fever are
quite rare diseases," she said, "so will bad
children be rare when proper attention ia
given to the cause of badness.
Men." she went on, "will not take any
part 1.1 correcting or training children,
though when the children turn out well
they are willing e'noui,Ii to take the credit."
fShe smiled.
"'iiuy remind me In this," said Mis.
ikiioff, "of a certain landlord. He eaued
on a tenant one day and said:
" 'Jones, l'n: going to raie your rent."
" 'What for?" Jones asked, "anxiously,
'Have your taxes gone up?'
" 'No, not at ail,' the landlord answered,
'but 1 see you've painted the house and
put 111 a new rang and bathtub. That, of
course, ought to make it bring more rent.' "
-li-.ilailelplila ltecord.
The Baal of a Lawyer's Fee.
Kichard Parr, the discoverer of the suiiar
trut frauds, was talking in New York
about the geierou reward granted him by
the government
"Some folks thought I was uoiug to get
a reward of fc.'.M,0ou or ." said Mr. Pair.
....... .iiv "luinim en .mil iiviiuh, in VCUCI
county. This battle was decisive, and, save
for a few skirmishes, was the last im-
portant encounter with Indians that troops
from Fort Kearney participated In.
In 1S71 the old port wis abandoned by
the major portion of the soldiers and Ser-
gent Michael Cody was left in charge.
Sergeant. Cody, remained at the post for
four years, disposing of a vast amount of
property, consisting of farming tools and
government goods. Then by a special act
Tellers' Pack
"They put me In the lawyer clasa."
"The lawyer class?" sa'd the reporter,
"Yes," said Mr. Parr, "the lawyer class.
The Junior and senior partner of a law
firm, you know, once put thulr heads to
gether to drasj a client's bill.
" "We've won the will contest fur him,'
said the Junior partner, rubbing his hand.
'Suppose we charge him J20O.OOO7'
"But the senior partner frowned.
"'Go on!' he said. 'He's worth more
than that.' "Detroit Free Press.
StudyliiK the Law.
In the old days when oral examinations
uere still the taint, an examining board
was puinn.ilng un applicant wiih.quctwns
trout iia....!.uiie, Kent .and other famous
legal lights.
"1 diuii't study anytning about those fel
lows," complained the applicant.
"V.hut old you study'.'" asked one of the
Judge. ,
"I studied the statutes of the state," he
replied, "l siudk-ti tutm hard. Ask imj
a question about tlmm and I'll show you.
That is where 1 got all my legal knowl
edge." "My young fiioud," suld one austere
Judge on the examining looard, '.'you had
better be s-ery caret ul, for aome day the
legislature mlfchl meet and repeal every
thing you know." Kansas City Journal.
Why lie u Excluded.
A friend of James Whiicomb Itlley tells
ol an occasion wnen the humorist, woo
usually dislikes social functions, was in
uuced to uiitiid a "n.ciary" uisiner in I:i
uiaiiapoiis given' in honor of one of tile
novelists who live liine. Mr. Uik-y had
been io.d lu tune in to dinner a sister of
the nost, an excellent won, an, Un not lit
erary. The conversation touched upon beau
tits of Chaucer, about wnoin a certain set
of the city tas him a lad. A
spilittd ulscu.MSioi) ensued, curing which
tue bewildered sisur cuufcnt from ume to
lime duly the na.iie "ciiauoi -r." At iat
siu- whit-pert l to iir. liitt :
"Who is tins iir. they're talking
so inuvn about? Js ae very pupuiar in o-t-.el
jiauaui, solemnly responded Kiiey,
mat man uiu (unwilling that lorexer
shuts him out of uoclriy."
. "Meicy!" exclaimed lite wormy woiiiau.
"Wliut was It'.'"
"It died stviial hundred years ugo,"
aid Itlley. lndianupolis News.
At! v Ire.
"liootor," cried lillie liiugle. over his tel
ephone, "my wife has Inst U(.r voice. What
the dickens shall 1 do?"
"Why," i-ald the doctor, giuvt-Jy, 'if I
were you I'd r. member tne fact w hen
Thanksgiving tiay comes around and act
uccoi dingly."
Whereupon the doctor chuckled as ha
charged little lilngle fcj for profesional
services. Harper's Weekly.
Mark Twain and Others.
la tlie early '70, w iitts Henry Wallet son
1110 UUI lilB HWH lUL'lilCU WHO IlUIIltr-
steaded by John Dungan. Mr. Dungan has
lived there for nearly thirty-five years, and
he has kept uppermost in his mind the1
preservation of the grounds. A knoll of
bare ground here represents tthe sjvot
where the powder magailno was located,
A large, open place, surrounded by rowB
of large cottonwood trees, is the old pa-
rade grounds. Out In a pasture can be seen
the almost invisible earthworks thrown up
around the garrison. Aside from this, there
In the American Magazine, Mark Twain
dropped into New York, where there was
already gathered a congenial group to meet
and greet him. This radia'ted from Frank-
lln Square, where Joseph W. Harper
"Joe Brooklyn," we called him reigned in
place of his uncle, Fletcher Harper, the
man of genius among the original four
Harper brothers, to the Lotus -club, then
in Irving place and Pelmonlro's, at the
corner of Fifth avenue and Fourteenth
Btreet, with Southerland's In Liberty street,
for a downtown place of luncheon resort,
not to forget Dorlon's, In Fulton market.
me xiaiper luiiuiittm, oesiue me cinei,
embraced Tom Nast and Colonel Seaver,
whom Jolrh Russell Young named "Papa
Pendennis." and described as "a man of
letters among men of the world and a
man of the world among men of letters." a
very apt portrayal, albeit appropriated from
Doctor Johnson, and Major Constable, a
giant who looked like a dragoon, and not
a bookman, yet had known Sir Walter
o a. l u .ti.. n
p """
Edinburgh publishers. Bret Harte had
newly arrived from California.' Whltelaw
Reld, though still subordinate to Greeley,
was beginning to make himself felt in
Journalism. John Hay played high priest
to the revels. Hulstead and I used to
make periodical pilgrimages to the delight
ful shrine.
Truth to say, It emulated rather the gods
than the graces though all of us had
erary aspirations ot one sort and another
especially lute at night and Sam Bowies
would fcome" over from Springfield to meet
us. Often we had Joseph Jefferson, then
In the heyday of his great career, with,
once in a wnile, i.uwin Hooth, who could
not quite trust himself to go our gait. The
goud fellows we caught from over sea
in.,mr.hi rmm ih .tH.e Bnth.. r,,i
.... . . ....... l .
,-aia ana Yates to ioru iunerin ana i,nra
iiUUijii ' v ii. i iiuca n.i,v rrij i i 11 iiiiisr
diys, and, whilst some looked on askance
notably Curtis, and, rather oddly, Sted
man and thouKht we were wat!ng time
and cunvlviallzlng mure than was good for
us. we were mostly yuung ami In-arty,
landing from 30 to Ci yt-ars of age, wiiii
an uzlng capacities both for work and pl.-iy,
and I cannot recall that any har.n to any
of us came of it.
The I'uok'i -ldliiHT (ilients.
More than five hundred dogs and cats in
the Bide-a-Wee home at ":it Kast Sixty-fifth
street,. New Yor, were guests when their
old friend and cook, Frederick I). Planer,
married Miss Carrie Schmidt one day lal
After the wedding the cats weie fed by
the bride, while her husband, who is cook
no lunger, looked out for the dogs.
About a year ago the couple met in
Frankfort, Germain, when about to Jnur-
ney to America. They became good friends
'on the ship, and when each settled In
New York city the acquaintance ripened
by frequent meeting Soon they became
engaged. Fred got a Job In the Blile-a-
Wee homo and soon was a cook tlu-.e.
The Bide-a-vVee managers furnished a
home for the couple on the tup floor of the
house, and when. Carrie became Mrs.
Planer she look part In feeding the cats
of the home, for her Fred has been pro
moted to II. e proud rank of "head man"
over the dogs. Mrs. Kibble, president of
the Bide-a-Wee home, saw (it to in
crease the couple's happiness by that ad
vancement. Part of the roof garden has been de
voted to the comfort of the tal boarders.
They even have hammocks, which certain
ly ai uot knuwu to the stieel cals. ,
a few other landmarks. Now and then .
an old cavalry horseshoe is found, and
thousands of bullets and arrow heads have
heen dug from the ground. .
Three years ago a handful of . old sol-
dlers held a picnic out under the cotton-
wood trees at Fort Kearney. Remi-,
nlscences were related of the time when
some did service there. It was here-that
the Idea was first conceived to make ol
Fort Kearney a national park and have
How the Electrical World is
The Telephone Current.
THE Electrical Review an
article on the history of the tele-
Ehone thus describes the minute
electric - current required In
transmitting' speech: "The pe-
culiar electric teiepnone current
d tne quickest, . feeblest and most
elusive force in the world. It is so amazing
a thng that any description of it seems
irratlonal. It Is as gentle as the touch of
a baDy BunDeam and as swift as the light-
nlng fiajjh, it ia BO small that the electric
current of a single Incandescent lamp Is
Kreater-)0,000,000 times. Cool a spoonful of
not wateT jUBt x degree, and the energy
BPt free by the C00nnK wlu operate a tele-
phone for 10-0oo years. Catch the falling
.... . . ... . -
tear drop of a child and there will De.sut-
ficient water power to carry a spoken mes-
sage from one city to another.
"Such Is the tiny genie of the wire thai
had to be protected and trained Into
The appearance of these particles at first Kossogonoff, who has employed the ultra- efficiency. The question . of tha prima
suggested the Idea that they were particles, microscope for the examination of liquids mover of tha future is obviously an Im
of dust, but it was proved by many experU during electrolysis. The beam of light con- portant one, and several of the writers
lit--'ment ,hat they ale methlng very dif-
feient. On careful examination, similar
particles were ooservea to accumulate at
the cathode, where they farmed fine
arborescent crystals, which must be re-
garded as products of electrolysis. The
strongest argument, however, against the
"" lu. l.. v
thB "a,.'' e do not alPar gradually.
,l.ufr t...rwt(K ..1 1 ..rnluii kit I, 9 i . , h n r
woulu ue tne caj5e wu" auat' Dut tnai.
.on the contrarv. thev steadllv Increase in
. . , ' " . .
mat tney are pionai.iy tne carriers of elec-
trlclty-1. e.. the -ions. This view is con-
firmed by the discovery that the velocity
of the bright points Is approximately
equal to the velocity of Ions, as ipeasured
by Kohllrauscii
Military Orders I)) Wlreleaa,
A n-.-w wireless apparatus for the trans-
nil.-. t.iun of military outers duiinga battle
from one body of troops to anuther has
been Invented by Major Beddington of the
I'.iitiHli army, who has devised and made
the necessary easily portable "plant,"
wl icli can be curried on hurst-buck and ac-'
company tiny cavalry or inlanlry force. It
does hot require half a day to eiei, nor
even half an hour, and messages can be
.sent for scores yf miles more or less by
the apt-avalus. The whole arrangement
seems to be ideal, and the very thing
ne ded. particularly fur cavalry operating
in the field or for detuclied outposts.
It links up and makes vertebrate and
sentient a leader's whole strength In the
field for offence or defence. The new wire
less apparatus for the use of troons in the
field is carried on horseback, and can be
set up in the course of a few- minutes.
The materials employed consist of an
ordinary two horsepower motorcycle en
unf. whiih drives a dynamo to pioduce
ttle electr ic discharges. These Impulses are
cut through luo aid. of double copper
When the liquid Is placed In a magnetic tlcleB nowever, exhlblled uo tendency lo " ; "
field the lines of force ot which are per- move lr. anv DUrticular direction Similar keep the curlous-away, the secret service
ueii.llcular to the direction of the currents particular dl ettlon. Similar gual.(,B dlllbfi fhpr v,Kllance at th tlm
pt niiitiiiar to me unection ot the tui i entfN phenomena were observed in a solution of Tna ..m...... .,,.,, .
the paths of the moving particle, are .1- nitrate, with silver electrodes. In Zm . "orl ot Z cTttsca far re
tered in accordance with Ampere's lV. on-electroly,lc liquids.- such a. benzol. Zved from th family . eei.lng antrn'
Hence, says llio Scientific American, it is nelther movements nor bright ui.ints were t. , . ram"y ee"lnK "Partmenta.
Inferred that these bright point, bear some Whe.rthrcurrent was reve ied In an k We'rhU'
n,,.,, rpiin t th. ti. f .wi- .nJ "f"1 When the current was rtve.sed In an bllIB and olh(,r athiotlc appurtenances.
. . eiexiroivte. e airecuon ot motion or tne
iffNEE Vfao Attend TBEBiWmoK
it set asida as such.. Each, year since then
thty have held a three-day reunion and
they have formed what Is known as- the
Fort Kearney National Park association,
General John iMaxon of MInden Is presl-
dent of the association and the other" offi-
cers consist of secretary, treasurer .- and
quartermaster. Last year the reunion had
reached the point where It was regarded as
a state affair. This year It Is planned
to have speakers here from coast to coast,
wires) suspended between twenty-four-foot
PleB P'acea at tee aisiance nameu. iacn
connectlon lB 8lmPIv achieved by . laying1
down a copper wire gauze mat on the
Kr"n- The mat is the heaviest load to be
wrled, and that is not more than 200
nnundji. whfln th motor Angina anit dvnumn
- , ' . " , . - . .
w'Bht but 109 pounds. As for the poles.
""- - "w'"" -
Pack saddle In six-foot pointed lengths,
Experiment has proved that a "station"
cn be nle ready and messages received
"'thin fifteen minutes. In one instance
messages were sent and received over
distance of sixteen and one-fourth miles
near Keswick, and a huge fell 1.7ti0 feet in
ght interposed between the two sta-
tlon- Yet the signals were clear and die-
4 i r rf anil (haia Laarna t rt ha m illf f Iniiltir
In Passing them over a distance of forty
miles or more.
v Electric Sparks in I.lainlda.
A very interesting research has been car-
rled on at the University of Kleff by Prof,
verged upon the. liquid had previously
traversed a solution of ammonium chloride, (
which absorbed much of the heat-producing
rays. When, the liquid was examined
through the microscope, with 4he electric
circuit broken, scattered blight polnta were
een. which, In almost all cases, exhibited
..... ...
tne peculiar ur.iwnian motion, in a soiu-
of copper, n which the current passes
between copper electrodes,
these blight ....... u..n ... i
t.n. - kn ... ... u
brillht wa, rverB.d 1mo. When the
CUrrent was allowed to flow for a few
.econdB, thu number of bright particles be-
tw-en Uie ,.i.t,trodeB increased,
Petrol ami tileelrlo Motors.
lu a new petrol-electric molor omnibus,
constructed by the Uaimier company, two
powerful units are tinea, one ai .aon side
of tne frame under the seal hue, each
capable uf developing U horse-power. Tne
engines aie of the new Haintler type, wiili
crank shafts and frames extended for
the dynamolois by which term is meant
an ordinaav tutiunuous-turrent
which is used as a motor. iacli dyiiamotor
is normally raied at three kilowatts, but
have a give-and-take capacity of, three or
four times this rating. It is stated that
un ordinary greaay roads it Is found al
most impossible to cause this new omnibus
to skid or side-slip to any appreciable
degree and nothing lu the natuim of a
dangerous sideslip has been experienced
in i,u miles of driving. This Immunity
is attributed to the following factors; the
flexibility of the double-unit
system; the better weight distribution ob
tainable by the construction adopted; the
distribution of braking over the front and
r,ar wheels and the Improved methods of
braking- employed; the improved co-axial
pivot steeling, and tha comparative ab-
, ,
"Wherever ther nan ha found soldier-who"'
served at the old post, an effo t will be '
made-to have him attend the W'nlon. On, i
the second day of the assembly a ar'l
granite monument will be unveiled marklnglij
the spot where the old trail crosnad thai!
Platte. Each year hereafter another motv
ument will mark, a historic spot, unfits
even nature cannot wipe from tha memory
of man the traditions of tha old military
post on the pralrtee of Nebraska,
sence of unsprung weight. Tha total
weight or the vehicle.-' complete and ready,
for running Is 6,800 pounda, tha regula-
tiona allowing- 7,000 pounds.
' ,
Kleotrlclty In Marina Work.
The IClectrlclan contains a surjnlement af
. . . . , .. . .
100 pages devoted to the applications ot
....... " a
large proportion of the auxiliary power
required bn a modern liner or battleship
Is supplied by electricity, but the electrical
engineer looks forward to the near future
Fii electricity will play an Important
part lrl tne pro,pUiBIOn of vessele. Thraa
possible systems of electro-mechanical
propuI(,lon ara described In this supplement
Jn eacn tna ,me moyer s cou Ied dl t
t0 one op mon djmamOSi Whtch In turn
drlve mot()r( Icrew haftB. The
great flexibility of the electrical method
ot transmission makes it possible 4 vary,
the speed of the vessnl between wide limits
without running the machinery at low
of the artlclea expect the oil engine to dls-
place the turbine, or rather is displacing;,
the reciprocating steam engine,
Working Off the Kiirplaa. .
President Taft is trying io reduce htn
weight. Kvery morning when most per
sons on vacations are sleeping peacefully,
Mr. Taft mllfl rellintAntlv nut ft haA mmtm
)nto trunkg an(1 running shirt and hastens
toward the srvmnaslum
e gymnasium. This Is st 1
There Is alho a wrestling mat and two sets
of boxing gloves.
Mr. Taft started In last week to take off
twenty-five pounds. When he left Beverly
last summer he weighed 20G pounds, which
was fighting weight for him. During tha
winter ho has been, so busy that his exer
cise nas Deen omitted, and he has accuinu-
laleJ a lllra quantlty of ad(m,onai tlllllu,,
i,r. Charles B. Baker. President Taft'.
trntmr, Im. three months In which to get
thhi fat off, and he started light In the day
Mr. Tuft an iced In Beverly. The president's
weight is about 25 pounds, his height six
feet, one Inch, and his reach .about seventy,
three Inchest Barker weiahs ltn
pounds, Is uboui. five feet, nine Inches tall
and bus a reach of about sixty-. Ix Inches.
Yet Liarktr stands up against tha president
every morning and bangs away at hint
with boxing gloves while he ' recelvea the
blows of the chief exeuutive on his arms.
The president moves rather slowly, and
about the only damage he dons is to Ilia at- ., but this helps him take off
After the boxing ordeal tha president
walks over to the wrestling mat Dr.
Barker wrestles as well as ha boxes, and
contrlvea to be on top most of the time.
After Mr. Taft haa boxed and wrestled
and worked at the chest weights for an
hour and had a shower bath and a ru ta
down he Is ready for breakfast. Near Yark