Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 17
'WW. m. a wwiniiimifiiriimiim.. f... r .M lt f . , imIIMI ,n -mm ,-M mtl , mmm Hmmm , LlwlaLi ,r..r,. rraraii lnHumm-n-nrn THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 14. 1910. The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska. rrrv REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITT PROI'F.KTY FOR M ALB CITY PROPERTY FOR IAI.B. ' .Continued.) - (Continued.) The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AD RAXC1I LAND FOR SALES REAL ESTATE FAnM AJTD RANCH LAI) FOR Mil r10! REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE FAnM AWD It A CM LAXD FOR Al.TT. REAL ESTATE FAtlM AMD RANCH LAND FOR REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMTII LAND FOR SAL DUNDEE $3,250 For a fine new seven-room, modern house Is sll decorated and the plan la "' hoot, wnn oaK rinisn on second floor and white enamel. 14.700 For six-room, modern, two-story square house, two block from atore. Only a few houses from car line. South front. Fine shade treeu. $4,400 For six-room, two-atory modern square house, on corner lot, one block from car. $3,$00-For six-room modern house, recently decorated throughout Lot 60x128. Near Ctu line Dundee $ K6 for a few choice lota on Davennort Improvements, such as city water, gas, $10 per month, t Mr cent Interest. $ 850 each for three choice south front lota on Bun street, between Blst and 62nd streets. Also two good south front lots on Underwood avenue for $850 each, on terma of $100 down and $10 per month. 750 L thr north front lot on Webster atreet. between Slat and 62nd. Terms, $100 cash, balance $10.00 per month. . Vacant Lots in Various Locations $4.0 For 67xl.1o feet, fronting' east on 32nd avenue, 250 feet north of Dodge atreet. Flrat class location for fine residence. $3.260-For choice corner in Field Club district, overlooking golf links, 125x101. Room for three houses. Will divide and sell aeparately for $1,260. $1,150 and $L100 re spectively. $3,000 For 130x90 feet, southeast corner of Leavenworth and Central Boulevard. Good location for three houses on car line. Easy terms. $ $O0-For west front lot on Sherman avenue, near Prat. Paving, sewer, water and gas all In. Slse, 45x125. Can make terms. 100 For 46x110 feet, east front on 25th street, 45 feet north of Ohio street. $200 cash, balance t per cont City water, sewer and cement walks all In. i George & Company i 902 City National Bank Buy A New Home Large List of Desirable Homes 2865 Maple St., $2,600 trmTtn5U?n',0,n5a!LWKter' "",th- Metric light; lot 40x127; cement walks in front and around house. Within 1 block of Dodge street car line and 1 Bc.h00' h0VTln iocifty all new houses are being built. This can be had on terms of $650 cash, balance about the same aa rent. 2860 Corby St., $2,750 lS''lllJliI! 6-room bungalow on south front lot 40x127; haa sewer, bath, city water, ind Tild hou.r Tr?pere2 "s-no": cellar, cement walks In front ina around house, terms, $100 cash, ba lance monthly. 2558 Camden Ave., $2,850 . M.-!hlfrottiafeiW.l.t6 'fJL' V?ms ".nd bat", city water, sewer, electric light. f,'J? it'?L120UWlthmi ?lock of CBr: ha lun foundationcement cellar buntT around house. In localHy where all new homea are be- 1536 South 24th St., $3,400 ",J 5?.m"' 5. rooms on first floor, 2 on second floor; buiH by day's labor out of i. XSZaIJ1",1 "or", strictly modern except funiace; on 40-fU iaaPi .fL?$ f TI pr5"y o8""1" cheap home for $3,400; $340 cash and $.3.66 a month, which lnoludes both principal and interest. 1325 South 21st St., $2,500 lothriTfmh2fC.0Sl0t.ed hlB "Prlnf- ? aH modem cept furnace. On 30-foot B PrVvVi? iXt?'' 0nIy l mlnut waJlt Km the City National Bank mag. price $2,600, $250, $.!4.7 a month covers interest and principal. 2102 Grace St., $3,600 inlh'"lntilia!.VJfU"', " corner lot- feces' south and east, has 7 large rooms, oak t n shed lP IZikJ S n' 1 Tk "ld .rJ?oe?,tlon "all. maple floora In kitchen, i?m?MJS.Zln?ntti?ctrl0 "Khit and gas, with combination fixtures; !ch3 nd ItnJi. 1on,P2v.edK,tr'et: wUh,ln ea"y w'Wn distance; convenient to school and stores, i lna, for a home or an investment. - ' 3155 Meredith Ave., $2,500 latelve,Deen,lh.,nr00wiC.httf8i'i With ,bth' Ioc;ated in dl"trict wn homes have i'l.KlT t- V,,h 1 block of AmeaAve. car line and 1 block of school; very desirable location, haa cement walks in front and around the house. 5111 Capitol Ave., $3,600 IN DUNDEE Here la a choice bugalow of 6 rooms, with bath. In a locality where hlh el mm floor"." "LotbM7e.tTtTHP"r,0Hr Bn,d,,d,?'-ng T "h Tno-k iftltSft, floors. Lot 60 feet front, high and sightly location. Close to school, and within 1H block, of car line. You will find that this Is the biggest bargln In Dundee. 1431 Pinkney St., $3,800 noo?aflLrZS''f.nUhPtnM.hia P,?lor dlnln room- p,ntry "nd k1tchn on first twine? .2 S innh ? E0li 8h,ed ',1": ePnB kitchen and pantry. The o. ; paTloV are aet on 11-ul.'l"'" PUt toether- Th PW between the hall and llVh ?h! ,T"! !-1d V. very "tractive. There are three bed rooms and bath on the second floor. The bed rooms each have good closets. The bath room The rDTumSlInrun,hl'0hU"'t V ,nC'Ude' m"lne cabirfet with leveled .V. JZ The plumbing Is the best In every particular. Cellar under the entire house C- Sown town. foundatlon- Juat ha" "oca from paved streej oSly la minute. r?de &END FOR OUR LIST OF HOUSES AND LOTS Hastings 16th and Harney Streets.' STUCCO houses ore. the best and warmest houses l..t can be built; while the first cost V inure, t.jey ore cheaper In the e'id. Sec the new style Stucco house, on the best lB.dnue street, corner of Thirty-eighth and Davenport streets. For sale at cost piua value of full lot. PATEKSON, Pattereon Block. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? A nearly new 6-room cottau, with laun dry In basement, standing on a lot worth $1,200 at lath and Spring Sis., two blocks from Vlntun St. car line, for $2,301). Owner Is sick and must leave city. J. P. JACKSON CO., 1611 Frederick t. Phone Doug. 833. 7- S-ROOM CAPITOL AVK. Close In, full lot, paved street, concrete , walks, brand new, latest style, strictly modern; $M0 cash, balance very easy. NOWATA I .AN I) & LOT CO.. 6i8 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1993. M0l)EliNNEAV COTTAGE" Six rooms and batli, 2403 S. 17th St.; easy terms aame as rent. HADKA, v tM N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 4334 FOR SALE Eight room modern house In excellent lipalr on a corner; paved street and walk; location desirable: price JS.OnO eaiv terma. I. N. HAMMOND, 332 Board of Trade. 282J N. 2Tth Ave., rooms, sjiod. except heat. M. 612 8. 27th St.. 5 rooms, St. Louis flat. $30 322S 8. 23d St., one block to 2 car lines! H rooms, suitable for families, strictly modem. $37.60. Bemla-CarlUerg Co.. 31X Braidela Theater. $300 CASH, (-room, new house In Albright, half block to car; price, $1.4i0. $(W0 CASH. 6-room, new house, modern except fur nace, on paved atreet, lot 44x130, 2tith and Patrick Ave.; price, $1,800 $!&0 CASH. rooms, part modern, S. 2Ut St., near Spring; price, $2.40. $MH CASH. S rooms modern except furnace th and Pierce; price, $2..v0. $00 CASH. 8 rooms, modern except furnace, corner 25th and Erskine Sts. ; price. $2.3XX $mo CASH. C rooma, 41st and Cass Sts.. thoroughly modern, streets roved: price, $S.0I0. $.0 CASH. One J-room, new house, one 4-room, both on one lot. will rent for $35- per month. 1281 S. 13th.; price. $2.0. $M CASH. 8 rooms, new house. Crelghton's 1st ertdi tlon. east front on 34th. near Arbor; price. $2,300. $1,000 CASH. I moms, new hunrslow, two blocks aouth Ames Ave.; rrire. ti VO. Western Real Estate Company, 411 Kaibach Block. Both Phones. HOUSES house, one-half block from car, very atractlve. Oak finish and This floors Lots afreet, smith frnnt rr.v, i, .ti sewer, all In. Term, only $100 down. Building. Douglas 7M & Heyden CLOSE IN BARGAIN. Two 8-room modern houses, near All Saints church, to close an estate quick. I am authorixed to sell them for $tS,8w; both well rented. , ' F. D. WEAD 1801 FARNAM. N. W. Cor. 35th Ave. and Pacific Lot 50x124. southeast front; look at it; can be bought at very low price. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. lNwy:kL.lle Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. . REAL ESTATE rARM AND RANCH LAN D rOR SALIC Calltorala. FOR SALE Stock rsnch: 3.800 acres; fenced; good buildings, corrals, etc.; abund ance creek water for irrigation; 1,000 square miles summer and winter tange; 700 acret alfalfa; 200 timothy; balance grass paatura and grasa; one of the best atock ptopol tlona in California; for price and full parti culars adresa Kuck Tobias. 340 Byrne bldg., Loa Angeles, Cat. CALIFORNIA fruit and poultry home near Sacramento; oranges, vegetablea har vested all winter; perfect health; no aertoua drawbacka; acre $75. ii. Marks, Box 16 Gait, Cal. . Canada. CANADA. JcliV our excursion of Aug. 1 to Canora, asl-. Canada; R. R. fare $25. CROPi THE BFST. Lands $14 to $18. A. B. LATH nop, 421 Bee Bldg. $1,500 Worth of fruit, that s what you can raise on one aere of our Oregon fruit land, that we sell on easy terms. Write or call for free booklet and low rate excursion dates. Engetorecht & Andrus, 1710 Farn-am St.. Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. 4379 or Ind. A-2i3. 100 PER CENT. On your money. Many of our clients have m'ade that who Inverted In Canada land. Wa sell In tracts of 40 acres and up. A ON EASY TERMS. 40 acres. $440. IM) cash, balance $10 per month. Larger tracts In proportion. YOU CAN PAY THAT. Be Independent; start on your road to wealth. Write, phone or call at our office for full information at once. L. A. ANDRUS, 1712 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. Phones Doug. 4379 or Ind. A-2023 Ooiarad. FOR SALE-I HAVE FOR SALE OS reasonable terms a bearing peach orchard in the famous Grsnd Valley of Colorado, within two miles of Palisades, where fail ure la unknown; this lrct contains seven teen acres snd Is all set to peaohes; best varieties; so per cent Rlberta, balance Car men and Salway; good house, barn, chicken houses and cliterna; all new. For further Information address E. W. Godron. Pall sadrs. Coio FOR KALE Cattle ranch In northern Larimer county, Colo., consisting of 640 acres deeded land, plenty of water, good water rights - and tine open range. For rirtfuiaie apply to E. W. Johnson. J elm, -CKtlaed. LANDS and farms near Mount Morrison, Colo. Enclose stamp. B . F. ButUr, Littleton, Colo. FOIl SALE Snap. 9Vacre ranch eastern Colo., Improvements worth $2.5oO. Only $7 acre. K. Bettesworth. Cedar Rapids, la.' TO whom it may concern: Look. It may concern you. If you are not afraid of work you can make $75.00 per acre on the 130 acnes of land I have for sale in the Greeley district of Colorado. It Is all fenced and haa beat of water rights and ready to be turned on.; fenced but not In cultivation; It can be bought at a great bargain on easy terms. 24 miles from rnllrond town; write today for particulars. M. ft. Snodgrass, SIS Good Blk, Des Moines, la. Florida. FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP Would you Invest In a 6, 10, 20 or 40-acre fruit, vettetHble, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district If you could get It for $7.50 per acre under market price? We are just opening new tract in Columbia county, and while con struclng the campaign will sell a . few tracts cash or easy payments of $5 oer month. We have Just Issued a beautTTul 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings In our locality, all In artlxtlc col ors. We will mail you this book fre and end you such other advertixlng matter aa will give a good Idea of our prop ihIHoii. Our land Is convenient to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6,000 people. In our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best. It Is Indorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan. Write for maps and book giving truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 449 Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Iowa. C O MEN O W Wa want to show you the best bargains In Iowa farms to be found anywhere. We can suit you on anything from 40 to 600 acre farms and the price and terms will suit the most conservative buyers. Come and see ua or write for particulars and be convinced that we can please you. Carr A Luke, Pope Joy, la. 674-ACRB FARM. Six miles of Council Bluffs, with two good roads to city; 40 acres of very best creek valley land, balance all good, rich, smooth land except about t acres. Run ning water on the place. Good 8-room house, large barn and plenty of buildings for all purposes. Large orchard and an ex cellent vineyard. Thla has always been a profitable place and an industrious man could not help making money on it. Let us show you. MOEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 297-acre farm near Walnut, la.. In garden field of Iowa; never failed a crop yet; all fenced; good set of buildings; a bargain. Come and see this farm. L. J. Neff. Walnut. Ia. n FOR BALE 200 acres at Metz, Iowa; good Improvements, with half crop and stock, $10,000. Snap. Dr. Balr, Des Moines, Iowa. IN MISSOURI This Is a real bargain and an excellent Investment; 200 acres, I mile, west of Butterfleld, Mo.; 10 mile, south west of Monett; 100 acre. In cultivation and 100 acre, good timber, which will more than pay for Its clearing; every foot good, tillable land; no Incumbrance; fair improvements; bouse. Darn, orcnaro, tencea ana wells and on rural rout, main line 'Frisco rail way; price, $5,000; easy terms. Address Thomas Seal, Jasper, Mo. FARM LANDS. tlia The best place to buy the best land that will raise the best crops, where prices range from $65 to $125 per aore, and terms to suit, and crops will show for themselves; im provements and drainage is first class In every respect; this land Is In the vicinity of Corwith, la. Call on or address Albert Mitchell, Corwith, la. FOR SALE 620 acres near Hermann Grant county, Minn., 200 acre, well Im proved; price on whole tract $32 per acre one-fifth cash payment, balance 6 years' 6 per cent interest; will .ell off separate tract.; must .ell quickly to close an estate. FRED 8. HILL. Brltt, la. GOOD IOWA CORN LAND Dandv lying 40 two and one-half miles from town, good house and grove, other fair Improvements, to be sold at a bargain on quick sale. SO acres, all good tillable land, fair Improve ments, less than mile of town, can be had at a bargain If taken within ten daya. One of the beat In- the country. Vast improve ments, extensive water system, fine lo cation, all absolutely the best of soil, good terms; don't come unless you expect to buy a good farm. 320 acres or leave off 80 and take 240. Price Is right. Good quarter 6 mtlea out, fair improvements, $S5. Inlav at Day, Moville, la ' IOWA FARM SNAPS, Fine quarter section. 1 miles from Ger. mmm. u'u iiuvc, .ii'iuum nouse, good cellar, good size barn, hog house 16x30 good well and windmill, chicken house, 40 acres In pasture, l.'O acres In cultivation, no uiiuii I, o.ov pv-r acre. jj. w. JTulia. Swea City, la. Idaho. NINE TONS-ALFALFA TO THE ACRE You get this In the Twin Falls try of southern Idaho. ' 240. onn cr. of the most fertile land that lies out of doors. A smiling land, a land to MAKE GOOD" In. A land wh.r.ln to make a beautiful home. Write tn J. F. Stoltz, Secretary Twin Falls Com mercial Club, Twin Falls, Idaho. Send 10 cents for the big book of views. Pingree, Idaho There', room for Investor, business man, merchant, lawyer, artisan, laborer in this new wonder country of Idaho. Write right now for full Information, free booklet Adress Pingree Townslte Company, James F. Burton. Secretary. First National Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. 7 Money Net 7 Money earns MORE money In Cassia county, Idaho, than in any other .western state. YOU CAN IH1UHLE I YOUR MONEY IN IDAHO. Casla, the RICHEST COUNTY IN THE STATU. Invites you to come. Write a postal card today. WRITE RIGHT NOW. For FREE booklets,' letters of general Information, photographs and lists of op portunities address F. E. GRISWOLD. secretary. Burley Commercial club, Burley, Idaho. ,G. A. AXL1NE. secretary Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary Oakley Commercial club, Oakley, Idaho. ARE you prepared to grasp YOUR onnor tunltyT You don't know when It's coming, but when it does you hsve to grasp It; hold fsst to it, and ride It to a Oarrlaon finish. Write right now for the opportunities I have for young men, and old, too, to make Dig money easily. FRANK RIB LETT, ALBION, IDAHO. Cotoradc -Contlaaed. 7ft NET Vo NET Seven Per Cent Net The South Side project of the Gray act consists of 240,000 acres. There's room for 24,000 farmers. THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTJf-TWO SQUARE MILES of farm lands, all of It being peopled as fast as they learn of It. They need money for trees, sed. Implements, to build their homes. This Is YOUR opportunity. We can double your money and net you 7 per cent on every dollar one or many you let us have. Write for the free booklet right now. Learn of this wonder country of the continent, being peopled by frugal fotk. Address BUHL INVESTMENT COM PANY, BUHL, IDAHO. DO IT NOW. Today. ; INVESTMENTS IN IDAHO, DOUBLE ALMOST EVERY YEAR Filer, Twin Falls County, Idaho, is In the heart of the Twin Falls Irrigation tract, the largest body of irrigated lands In the wnrM ;.n flCll a nr.. r t .illahlct frttln Irri gated land. Buy townslte property In Filer. The land will be ALL PRODUCING IN A FEW YEARS. IT IS ALL PLANTED NOW. Write right NOW about thia. RIPLEY BROTHERS, (Formerly of Omaha.) FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. Farms Pay You can surely plant 75 trees to the acre; the trees will bear eight boxes of com mercial applea to each tree. At the lowest market valuation they are worth a dollar a box, and that is $ti00 per acre net from a 6-acre farm on the United States Govern ment Minidoka Project. Write for my free booklet today. C. A. JOHNSON, Att'y at Law, , Burley, Idaho WE CAN POINT the way to success In southern Idaho to you. We can show you how to double your money in a little while. There are 240.000 acres on this tract; enough for everybody. There la room for you if you come right now. Write to us; we will send a picture book; a beautiful book free and This Free Book Tells How This book has a most exquisite art cover; filled with pictures fit to frame, and the information in it has been examined with care. You can surely use thia book to guide you. HILL & TAYLOR, Irrigated Farms, Twin Fall, Idaho SEND for pamphlet describing Irrigated fruit and farm landa In southern Idaho, where crop failure Is unknown. Idaho Irrigated Lands Co., Blackfoot, Idaho. WRITE J. M. Ingersoll, Pocatello, Idaho, for free Illustrated book about that won derful Gate City. The Chicago of the west Kansas. JOHNSON COUSTI, KAN., FARMS. 400 acres, 4 miles Olathe, Improved; best grain and stock farm in county; $65 per acre. $10,000 cash, balance S per cent. j.-u acres, improved, an smooth land, 1 miles Olathe; on good road; $100 per acre. 160 acres at Lockman, ori Strang line; this Is a beautiful farm; at a bargain. 90 acres, 1 mile Olathe, very rich land; fine country home; priced right." 80 acres near Lenexa, Kan.; highly im proved, rich land; $140 per acre. Can save you money on any size farm. Olathe property or western Kansas hind- John Fergua, Olathe, Kan. FOR SALE 100 acrea well Improved land: I miles from Llnwood, Leavenworth Co., Kan.; , Zl miles of Kansas City; (-room house, barn for 12 horses with mow: other outbuildings; watered by well, cistern and springs with windmill; 60 acrea farm land, balance timber and paature; 80 acrea fenced hog tight; half mile to school; on rural rout and telephone; price $65 per aere. Call or address L- F. Kimball, Llnwood, Kan., route 2, Box! 38. South Dakota. FOR SALE 640-scre farm, a square section In Deuel Co., 8. D... good soil, good sub-soil, three miles from station, five miles from good town, good five-room house, nicely painted; basement, barn, 40x60, in good repair; good hen house, granary and machine shed, a wind mill and tank, also living spring water on this farm. Fenced with cedar posts and four wires, near school and church. In well Improved section of the country, 16U acres under plow, balance pasture and hay meadow, land rolling; price $32.S0 an acre. Mortgage $9,500 on the land, due 1913. want balance cash. H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa. la. HUTCHINSON COUNTi SO. DAKOTA. I have aome good improvled farms at W to $o0 and some unimproved at $la to $ per acre. Write for our list. C. G. SCHNEPUL, TRIPP. S. D. "THE IDEAL HOME" or 040 Acrea Situated in the Big Sioux valley, four miles aouth of Caatlewood, the county aeat of Hamlin county, . D., 440 acres of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation; 1(A) acres in pasture and 100 In the beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan scenes and sparkling waters, deep and pure filled with fish ana game In season, and nearby Is the home, a fourteen-room house, large barn, two granries, chicken house, hog house and woven wire pasture, corn silo, marnlne house, small barn and numer ous small buildings, all In good condition with windmill, three wells and cistern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove. Price $26,000, on good terms, by M. J. Russel, Caatlewood, S. D. A GOOD 160-acre South Dakota relin quishment; all plowable; some Improve ments; four miles from Buffalo; bargain, $500. William Robinson, General Delivery, Sioux City, la. ATTENTIi-M 160 acres of pram. id two miles from Troy; can all be cultivated; black loam, with clay subsoil; in a well settled com munity. For the next thirty days I can offer this beautiful quarter for $5,300. One half cash, balance at per cent. Address Tbomaa R. Stevens, Troy, 8. D. Mluaarl. EVERY ONE WORTH THE MONEY 240 acrea, miles Olathe, Johnson Co., Kan., all In tame grass; prlc, S10,5u). Ib0 acrea well located r.: Jonnson Co., Kun. ; most all in cultivation; good Im provements; near school: price $75 per acre. so acres, 1 mila of olathe; all in tunic grass; a beauty for 1100. 240 acres in Clay Co.. Mo.: all rich, black soil; good Improvements; this Is a high class farm; price $1U0. liiO acres, 10 miles from Kanaaa City, In Platte Co.; 1 aeta of Improvements; no bet ter soli on enrth; the growing crops will convince you what the soli is; price 1 100. 80 acrea near Lenexa: between two elec trio car linea; $5,000 worth of Improve ments; a lovely country home; price 1140. Beautiful 10-acre tracts on Strang elee Irle line. 1-100 per acre. We know farm land when we see it snd will pay all expensea If land Is not as we represent. CHAS. SPRAGUC at CO.. 320 Rldje Bldg., Idahc Jvansas city. atu. Missouri Coatlaaed. LISTEN-SO-acre farm, $1,250. 1.H00 acrea timber land, $4 75 acre. McGrath, Moun tain View, Mo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE-7.000-aire farm. Crawford County, Missouri; well Improved; ten miles of county seat. Price, $2" per acre. Terms. H. L. Dawson, 001 8. Pino St., Crcston, la. Mexico. GREATEST bargain for quick sale In America, 62,720-acre ranch, Mexico. Stock, Implements, etc. Worth $.10,000. Complete. IK'B.OOO. Terms. A. Johnston, 1754 Stout St., jjenver, Colo. Minnesota. SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA LAND. 80-acre farm, located on main travel road ;"" from Tracy, Minn., a city of about 2,300 population. Farm, all under cultiva tion, about 40 acres being used for small grain, the remaining portion In tame grass, 1ft scree of same In pasture: two-thirds of farm fenced; three acres In fine grove, young bearing apple trees and small fruit, shrubbery; fair buildings and good well. Price $55. 240-acre farm, 4V4 mile, from Tracy, Minn., 2H miles from Garvin, Minn.; 190 acres In crop, 26 acre. In pasture, fine grove, well and 60-foot windmill tower; nine-room house, furnace heated; one barn 20x32, 14 foot posts, with addition 14x32; one barn and granary combination 18x40. 14 foot poxis; chicken house 8x24, $ feet high. Price $57.60. , A "D on y terms, 100 acres, 6 miles from Tracy, $ miles from Amlret, Minn.; all In tame grass and cultivation, living water, crossing corner; a fine level piece of land. Price $43 00 per acre, one-fifth cash payment, & years on halance at per cent. G. H. GOODWIN LAND CO.. TRACY. MINN. BUMPER CROPS IN Lyon. Redwood and Murray counties, tome and let ua show you the best crop, of wheat corn, oat., barley, rye and flax, that are to be found in any .action of the west. We have a large llste of fine improved farms that we are offering for sale at from $40 to $60 per acre, any one of which will make the buyer a profit of at least $10 per acre before winter. If you can't come now, write us, stating what lie and kind of a farm you are looking for and we will send you the description of some choice bargains. Bonnallle and Bartlett, Tracy, Minn. 8ee me about Minnesota farms of all de scriptions. They are priced right. THE HONEST LAND MAN H. T. BULLI8. WASECA. MINN. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR BALE We offer a large list of good farms In Freeborn county, the "corn and clover county" of southern Minnesota, at prices that will yield big returns on the invest ment; we call them Iowa farms st Minne sota prices and Invite a critical inspection. Por list and map address Herbert E. Skin ner, Albert Lee. Minn. IMPROVED LAND, RAILROAD LAND, Homeseekers and investors, before you buy get our list of Stevens county; Minne sota, improved farms; railroad lands In Red River valley, Minn., on easy terms; homestead and deeded lands In Colorado: business and resldtnce lots in Morris, Don nelly and Doran, Minn.; write at once for complete list and illustrated 48-page book giving photographs and full Information absolutely free. John Grove, railway land agent, bib Pioneer Press building, St. Paul, Minn. Nebraska. I BARGAIN IN FARM For 60 days. Special bargain. Immediate possession If desired. 1. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land near large city In Nebraska. Address Y 702. Bee. 640 ACRES of good I4nd In Sioux county. Nebraska; good set of Improvements; all fenced and cross-fenced; 11,600 cash will handle this, balance In annual payments. WlSTEHN ft-TCAL, KbTAlK tU 411 Karbach Block, Omaha. Neb. SPECIAL SALE. Selected farming land. In the Lawrence Fork Valley, 18 mile, from Dalton, In the wheal, corn and alfalta belt of Weatern Nebraska. 320 acres, lay. fine, all smooth valley. good black soil, only 20 feet to water, $1$ per acre. 64U ueres adjoining, nearly every acre smooth plowable land, rich soil, $16 per acre. Will divide. 900 acres. 700 acres smooth valley land, excellent soil, $14 per acre. 640 acres, nearly two-thirds smooth plow land, balance rough pasturage, good black soil, only 20 feet to water, $11 per acre. Will be at Union Pacific hotel. Sidney, next Wednesday. August 17, and show this lsnd. . GEO. N..H1CKS' 3 FARMS NEAR OMAHA nonrias county. 280 acres. 6 miles west. $125 per. acre. , Rjtrnv county. 160 acres. $ miles south of Gretna. $100. ir..i,u.rnn .miniv . 100 afrea. S mile. east of Calhoun. $50 per acre. Easy terms on above. Write or phone us. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 N. Y. Life. Both phones. Omaha, Neb. Al 100-acre Nebraska land, well Improved, 7 miles to market. HINTERLONU & ADAiUo, 332 Brandies Annex . Au Au -.1- n K.. , Alllane A -acre rviivu mi v.. . 7' Neb. Nearly all corn land. Q. P. Wyland, Harlan, la. FORTY-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $27.50 AN ACRE. Buv land where It ralna. rains, rains. Wa own and control 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraaka'a choicest farm land not on the market. The heaviest crop yielding county in the state. Alfalfa also a leading crop. Write lor tree literature ana run particulars at once.. Agents wsntea every where. . FLNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. PASTURE Have pasture for 15 or 20 netlCl DI IIUrr, ur MiuirD. x tcinj r niwri and good feed. Henry Tlmm, Herman, Neb. 2,520-ACRK RANCH N EBRASKA. $3,000 Best equipped ranch In the atate al the price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 'Phone Red 1W9. 658 New York Life Bldg. $7.00 PER ACRE. 640 acrea. Lincoln county. Neb., five miles from railroad; 3U0 acres cultivation land, oalance pasture and hay. J O. BONE, Council Bluffs. la. 312 Shugart Block. 'Phone S14. 160 ACRES In Deuel county, Neb., N. E. 37-13-43. Six milea north of Juleaburg. Price $1,000 cash. Worth double. I. J. Urlnegar. Lincoln, Neb. HAVE eastern client anxloua to close out It scattered quarters In Holt Cherry and Hooker counties. Prices $ and up; easy terms. Thexe were taken under old fore closures and all are cheap. Look them over and you will find a snap to suit you. Ad dress A 813. Bee. FOR SALE 160 acres smooth pasture land hardly two miles from Clinton. Neb., on the Northwestern railroad at $20 per acre. Terms made to suit. Write owner what you csn do. Fletcher DeClark, Buckley, 111. otnerwlse rite to C. A. Hetxel, Gor don. Neb. If you have anything to sell or trade advertise It In The Bee Want Ad col umns and get quick results, Nebraska Coatlaaed. TWENTY ACRES. CIOSE. 4H miles from Omaha pnstofflce, one mile outside city limits, on main mad. half Is bottom land and needs some drain ing. Price), $2,600. Must be cash. A great bargain. ONE ACRE IN OMAHA. ' On N. lth RW a blof k north of Fort St. and the end of the paving, seven blocks to street car, one block to city scnoot; ncn, level land. $5ort; monthly payments. HARRISON A MORTON. Both telephone. 16 N. Y. Life Land Bargains 160 acres extra fine. level, second bottom land, with deep, black soil; six miles from Tekamah, Burt county; 43 miles from Omaha; no Improvements; price, $55 per acre; no sand, gravel, stones, stumps, swamp, willows, ridges, hollows or over flow; an absolutely perfect piece of land; adjolninar land. Improved and under cultiva tion, valued at $100 per acre, but not for sale. This quarter will mnke some one ncn. uniy 13,750 cash required. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, 28 Chamber of Commerce, Omaha. So Many People Want Scott. Bluff Irrigated lands that we had to run an extra large excursion last week-TWO CAR LOADS. Wa have applications from 25 who want to go next Tuesday. That mean. i Another Excursion Tuesday, August 16th. Have you been thinking about going? Do you want to see good land under Irrigation? Are you Interested In soli that will pro duce every year enough potatoes to pay for the land? enough wheat to make you Independent In a few years? enough sugar beat, to make you rich? enough alfalfa to make you a banker? v I MAKE YOUR PLANS To go with us to "America's Valley on the Nile." It 1. a land of perpetual sun shine and this applied to the land with an abundance of water account, for big crops. Go now while crop, are being harvested. Only a few farms left In our Swedish Col ony. Are you Interested? Ask for particulars, call, telephone or write us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 8. E. Corner 15th and Farnam St. "To put Landless Man on Manless Land." FARM BARGAINS NEAR OMAHA SARPY COUNTY 160 SJrfti neui lmnM klo-hlir 1 m nm.. . mostly level, very cheap. 160 acres rolling lsnd, highly Improved; no better location. Priced to sell. 20-aore tract, fifteen minutes' walk of Interurban car line; $2,000.00 take. It. WASHINGTON COUNTY 40-acre fruit farm, well lmnrnved. Ask for price and terms. 103-acre farm, fifteen miles of Omaha, on and one-half mile, small town; fair Improvements. Price for short time. $90. 160-acre valley arm, well Improved, good land; 20 acres alfalfa. Price, quick sale, $90. CASS COUNTY 160 acre, gently rolling land: all tillable except 5 acres timber; fair Improvement. A rare bargain at 176.00 per acre. 220 acre, table land, all tillable, good: very choice farm; good Improvements; only two and one-half mile, to town. Price, $140.00 per acre. C. R. COMBS, Room. 807 to 811 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3911 Ore a a. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 countlea la adapted for; gives amount of government land open to homestead In each county; map at tached 21x28, showing new railroad and towns, including eastern and cen tral regon in different colors; issued March 1, 1910; latest map in U. 8.; gives homestead and . desert claim laws, how to secure 320 or 160 acres free; also general description of Ore gon. Mailed, 25c. Nlmmo & Runey, 313 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Ore. TEXAS SCHOL LAND Several hundred thousand acres coming on market monthly as ranchmen's leases expires; for sale by state. $1.00 to $5.00 per acre. Terms, one fortieth down, balance forty years Good farming and fruit lands. Send (c postage for further Information. Journal Publishing Co., Houston, Trx. 1.200 Texas fsrms, ranches snd colonisa tion tracta for sale by owaera, terms to ault. Write us what you want and In what part of Texaa. Realty Investors' Guide Publishing Co., Columbus. Tex. A big land firm has this to say: "We have received more profitable business through our ad in The Bee than we have from any other ten papers in which we advertise. L. O. FUNDINGSLAND, "Manager of Fundingsland & Severson. Sidney, Neb," ntlnaed. LEES, Texas-New town In GlasscocV county, center 25,000 acrea finest farming land, now being colonised. No Irrigation. Rest of soil. Ideal climate. Altitude J.aOO feet. Pure water. Best class people from old states settling and developing. Openlnf mercantile firms. Townslte and land salta men wsnted. Lee-Norrls Co.. Lees. Tex. Wlseoasla. BE YOUR OWl"BOS8-Earn a farm ot Wlaconsln s best lsnd; rich clay loam soil; level, near town; get my plan. O. A. Mo Dermld. Eau Claire. Wis. Miscellaneous. ?-AV TOIT A FARM FOR 8 A LB OH TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? Maxe your want known through Til 10 DKd MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium of loa a: Rates: 1 cent a word for each Inser tion, f cents a .ina, 70 cents aa tncn. Clr. culatlon, 4X000; largest of any Iowa dally. Give us a trial. Address The Capital. Laud Dept.. Des Moines. Iowa. WHEN answering advertisements In Th Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the 't that you ssw the ad. In The Bee. Isle of Pines Fertile Fruit Land In the Isle of Pines show big proi'ua. Grapefruit, pineapples and winter vegeta bles raised there are far superior to any grown elswhere In America and bring hln est prices in the northern markets wnen the field, at home are covered with Ice and .now. Settlers at McKinley, Isle tl Pines, sold grapefruit last season at $5 a box, wholesale, and pineapples at $4 a crate. These prices mean profl's of $500 to $1,000 an acre. The Isle of Pines Is about 1&0 mi lee south of Key West, Fla., and roughly Is sbout 46 by 35 miles In extent. It Is absolutely below frost belt and has never been vielted by a freeze. The temperature never goea below 50 degreea. Tne climate is Ideal, th rainfall ample and the soil produces fruits and vegetaoles of surpassing excellence. A home here on ten or twenty acres assurer an Independent living for a family. This is not a new or untried field, for the last six year. American colonists have been taking up homes here. At the presents lime over 2,0u0 Americans have purobef.! land from us in the McKinley colonies. Xt can show you the results of their labors a. proof of merit of the proposition. Lot us send you our Illustrated literature, telling all about McKinley, Jse of Pines, and showing over 100 illustrations of the homes of American settlers located on our property, their orange and grapefruit groves, pineapple fields, vegetable gardens, etc. Our handsome book of over M pages will be sent, free to anyone Interested In Investing In land. Idle curiosity seeker, are requested not to answer. M. J. L. Barbar, our western representa tive. Is himself a land owner, and if you will call on him at hi. office, he will gladly show you some recent photographs of our property. He visited Mckinley last spring and can give complete Information regard ing conditions there, such as will bo in valuable to Intending Investors. You cannot afford not to investigate tht. proposition thoroughly before investing in agricultural land elsewhere. Call on Mr. Barbar or phone him and make an appoint ment. When writing for literature, ask for Booklet B. ISLE OF PINES COMPANY, J. L. BARBAR. Manager. 638 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OREGON LANDS, o .L.I.. t,,.a In th Willamette valley, $7500 per acre up. This wonderful valley Is now receiving more attention than any part, of the west. Also a fine stock ranch In North Dakota at $5.00 per acre. Several thousand acres in Wisconsin at $00 per acre. Some very fine Red River valley land, at $20.00 per acre. Write or call on Geo. R. Slocum, 605 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn REAL ESTATE LOANS (fr Good 6 Farm Mortgage always on hand and for sale at amounts from S200 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4.600. to $5,000 on homes tn Omaha. O'Keef Real festate Co.. 1002 N. Y. Ufa. Douglaa or A-2152. 5 to 6o PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., Third Floor New York Ufa. Phone Douglas D62. McCague Investment Co., WE CAN place a few 1st mortgage I per eent loans of $500 to $1000. 1603 Dodge. GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life. $500 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City loan.. . Peter. Tru.t Co. WANTED City loan, and warrants. W. Farnam Smith aV Co.. 1220 Farnam St. $100 to tlO.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. ARE you against tariff barons and priv ileged plunderers? Then vote for W. F. Stoecker tor congress. The people's candi date. Primaries August 18. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 803 First National Bnk Bldg. SWAPS TWO-STORY brick business block. I stores, offices on 2d floor; large, light base ment; modern; stesm heated. Rented for H.MiO per year. Price. $15,000; mortgage 15,000 at 8 per cent, due In five years. Trade for land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. ft N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 199S. $8,000 STOCK Art Goods, pictures, frames, hric-a-brac, now running in Omaha; every thing firat claaa; owners must get out of business; will consider clear Income or land. (.12 13 N. Y. Life Bldg. Will n 1 1 1 L ..nk.n.. an. . see Shopen, 620 Paxtou block. Tel. D. 4248. IF IT IS ANY KINnllF TRADE MEaT" A, B. LATHROP D H , m Bee. Texas f i A.