Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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POLITICAL advrhtimsg.
Encampment of Douglas County Yet
erans Nearly at Hani.
Monster Entertalaaaeat Plana for
Jd Soldiers' Gatherlaa; aad a.
O Plcale at Camp Ticker
f la Floraaee.
Over l.ono persons are expected to attend
the annual encampment of tha Dou;lai
County Veterans' association at Camp
Tucker In Florence, Neb., from Aujust It.
to M. This la tha mounter occasion of
revelry that cornea once a year to gladden
the hearts of those heroes, who, years ago,
rltked their lives and who now are passing;
Into old acre. There are hundreds of the
veterans throughout the county of Douglas
and all of them are loyal and enthusiastic
followers of their strong organisation.
There were over veterans In attendance
at the last encampment, and this year Is
expected to see a much larger attendance
owing to the vastly Increased efforts which.
have been expended on the preparation of
the affair.
About fifty of the visiting; veterans will
establish themselves In regular camp, and
the rest will find ' lodging In tha ample
accommodations at Florence or will make
their headquarters In Omaha, ' thn trip to
Camp Tucker from tha city being a con
veniently easy one.
On the four days of Its duration the
encampment will be replete with sessions
of entertainment and speechmaklng. Some
of the best speech makers In the country
will be on the program at different times.
Dinners and suppers will be served with
sumptuousness and the comforts and pleas-
urea of the veterans will be sought at all
Beside the various colonels, majors and
iQrades, Mrs. B. J. Condon, a noted
speaker of Nebraska, who at one time was
a campaign speaker for William J. Bryan,
will address the assemblage. Music la to
be supplied by the Grand Island band.
Probably the most Important day of the
encampment will be Thursday, which Is
Fset aside as ladles' day at the camp, and
on whk. j day the big chicken dinner Is to
be served. Always the annual encampment
is marked by the grand ehlcken dinner,
and the veterans turn In richt heartily to
enjoy It.
Mayor Tucker of Florence Is to open the
encar.ipment with an address of welcome,
and President Oarllck of the veterans,
will A?Jver the response. Other speakers
of thei ncampment will he Colonel Ehr
hardt. Colonel Cole and Mrs. Davis.
Following Is the committee of Florence
cltlsens which has charge f the encamp
ment: F. 8. Tucker, L. F. Imm, R. A.
Ooldlng, Henry Anderson, W. B. Parks, T.
W. McClure and E. L. Plata.
Governor Veaaey A eked to Act la
Case of James C. I.aasjrstrotn, Held
.. oa Murder Charge.
PIERRE, 8. D., Augu 13. (Special.)
Fred Huston, I L. Uoyd. J. D. Hackler
and W. J. Hooper, were a party of Gregory
county people who were here last evening
for a conference with Governor Vesoey in
regard to the case of James C. J .angstrom,
a Gregory county cltlsen, who Is held in
Arkansas on a charge of murder. He was
taken to that state by detectives, who
were hunting the murderer for a large re
ward which was offered, and who claim to
. have the evidence to. convict Langatrom of
the crime.
It appears that the parents of .the ac
cused man, with a brother are living on
claims In Gregory county, and have asked
assistance. The murder with which he Is
charged was committed in Arkansas on
SJch 8, and the Gregory county people
clalttiit khat Langstrom was at Dallas on the
vetting of that day, and attended the Ma
sonic lodge at that time; that he was not
only at Dallas that day, but had been them
for several days before and after the date.
In June application was maa to Governor
Veasey for a requisition In regular form,
and, as" there was no request for an ap
pearance, the detectives went to Gregory
county, and secured their man, hurrying
him out of the state.
Since (hat time and up to yesterday the
Gregory county men claim that they have
had representatives In Arkansas at sev
eral times to testify for Lmngstrom, but
have not been able to get his case before
the grand Jury, and they asked the as
sistance of the governor In helping to get
a njrrlng.-
Attorney for Ariaoir Company Glvea
Tkia .. at Rpaanm Wav (irmmA J mrv
Caaaot Have Them.
CHICAGO, Aug. IX -That the stenog
rapher's note books of Armour & Co.
wanted by the federal grand Jury which
is investigating the so-called "Beef trufct,'
were destroyed the day before the grand
jury asked that they be produced will be
the Plea of representatives of the company
when they face Judge Landls on Monday, it
was learned today.
The destruction of the books whlVh the
Jurors believed would show price f fixing
agreements will be admitted, but Attorney
Urion. one of the men cited Into court, will
explain that the books were destroyed ac
cording to custom to make room for newer
Man Fifty Years Treatarer of sacs
lastltatlon Short la His
BIDDfclK'C'HU, Me., Aug. 11 A sensation
was created In Blddeford and Saco today
when It was announced that the York
County Savings bank of this city had
closed )ts doors because of alleged Irregu
larities in the accounts of Richmond H
li.gerttoll, for fifty years treasurer of the
institution and one of the leading cltlsens
cf Blddeford. The bank is in the hands
of State Hank Examiner William B. SVell-
ton of .ewiKtovn, who, with President
ft Ccott, has been examining the books for
kaveral days. The amount of the shortage
Is not known.
light crops irr Europe
Harvests la Month and Cllmatte Con
dttloas farther Nrh Indicate
l.laat Yields.
WASHINGTON. Aug. U. Foreign crop
condition reports, as gathered by the De
partment of Agriculture and published to
day. In tha Crop Reporter, Indicate that
the crops abroad wilt not be so abundant
as had been anticipated. Tha government's
rt says:
The results of cereal harvests In parts
of the south and recent climatic disturb
ances In the center and north of Europe
indicate that the early prospect for an un
precedented aboundant year on the conti
nent u. not likely to attain fuli realization."
wtA J JlL jjl
1 In announcing my candidacy for the republican nomination
for governor, I wish to make a brief statement of my attitude rel
ative to matters of most public concern.
s Clean GoYercment Paramount
, While it is inevitable that new questions of pressing im
portance will arise from year to year, the issue of clean and pru
dent government I deem always to be paramount. Simply because
I was the zealous advocate of an issue of passing importance
would not entitle me to public confidence. It is not alone what I
stand for today, but what has been my attitude in the past that
should be the real measure of my value as a public servant.
Within the sphere of my limited influence, I have always con
tended for clean men and clean methods, and I firmly believe that
whatever beside may be essential that unless built on this foun
dation an enduring republio is hopeless.
Record in Public Life
I have been a resident of Nebraska nearly thirty-four years,
part of that time engaged in newspaper work and the remainder
in commercial pursuits. My office-holding record is confined to
two terms in the legislature in the house in 1889 and the senate
in 1905. In the session of 1889 I was fortunate in being permitted
to aid in accomplishing the defeat and downfall of the bejt organ
ized and most corrupt lobby with which the state was ever in
fested. I also prepared legislation that prevented exploitation
of the state saline lands. I prepared and introduced the bill pro
viding for the submission of an amendment to the constitution
creating an elective railway commission, which passed in the ses
sion of 1905. The adoption of this amendment, together with the
legislation enacted to give it effect, have worked a beneficent
reform felt in every department of our state government. I advo
cated and voted for an anti-pass bill in the same session. Though
not a member when passed, I advocated the primary law, believing
then and now that it is desirable not alone to bring the govern
ment near to the people, but what is of greater importance, to
awaken in the individual voter a keener sense of the responsi
bilities of citizenship. ' While the law may not have realized in
full the anticipations of its most zealous advocates, yet I confi
dently believe that it is destined to be a tower of strength to good
y Politics Subordinate to Efficiency
I have always affiliated with the republican party, whose
candidate I now aspire to be, but I firmly believe that the high
est partisan service is rendered by an honest effort to demon
strate that the party, with which one affiliates is the best medium
through which to attain good government I do not believe la
making the public institutions havens for indigent politicians, or
auxiliaries of a political machine, but that they should be con
ducted on strictly prudent business lines, always with a view to
the welfare of the inmates. ,
Position on Liquor Question
Personally I have never believed the adoption of county
option necessary to control the liquor traffic. The enactment of
this law, however, is purely a legislative function, with which
the executive has nothing to do until presented to him for his
approval or disapproval. If the people through their represen
tatives demanded this legislation, I should deem it my duty, if
governor, to approve. I do not construe the power of veto vested
in the chief executive to be a personal asset, but a discretionary
power necessary to vest in some one, to meet the requirements of
grave emergencies and possible invasions of the constitution.
To threaten in advance of its enactment the veto of this legisla
tion might consistently be supplemented by the threat to invoke
the pardoning power in behalf of every violator of the law, should
the veto be disregarded.
Fcr Tall-Roosevelt Policies
I believe that President Taft is in full sympathy with tha
policies of Mr. Roosevelt, and that his administration will merit
and receive general commendation. There has been no wiser
legislation in recent years than that creating a tariff commission,
giving assurance that future legislation will be based on a mora
impartial, scientific and less sectional and partisan basis.
With this purely personal statement, I submit my candi
dacy. Should the people see fit to nominate and elect me gover.
nor, I will devote to their service whatever of experience and
ability I may possess, animated by the sincere desire to admin
ister their affairs in a dignified, economical and business-like
manner. A. E. CADY. 4
St. Paul Neb., July 16, 1910. i jfjj
IRepmlblScsiini IPrlinr&SLiPies Xoesclai, AUigjOLt KSOn.
The business men and laboring men of
this city win have an opportunity next
Tuesday to vote for the nomination of
two good men for congress, namely, O. M.
Hitchcock for the upper house and Laurie
J. Qulnby for the lower. i
It would be hard to find two men who
would be fairer to both capital and labor.
One la a business man and believes In the
rights of labor, and the other la a labor
ing man and believes in the rights of bus
iness, and they both can be trusted.
This chance ought to appeal strongly
to every voter on both sides of the caDl-
tal and labor Question excont the radicals
of either who vainly Imagine that a whip
ping or me otner siae win settle industrial
strife and wipe out class antagonism.
If the fair-minded business men and
fair-minded laboring men cast a decisive
vote for this small undertaking, then they
can expect to do greater things later. The
result win e watcned with much interest,
for It will be a pretty clearlndlcatfon of
what we may look for In the future en
couragement or discouragement for fur
ther progress along the lines of co-operation
and peace.
' Wa believe It will pay us all to make
some political and personal sacrifices to
thus give tha peace movement a boost In
a little way at home. If this Idea makes
good In a small way, and the sore spots
on some or us on Doin siaea are healed
over, the opposite idea, that there is an
artificial conflict between the interests
of all employers and employea which can
not be abolished except by the abolish
ment of the capitalist system, will receive
a stern rebuke.
We hope every business man will do
his duty next Tuesday In this matter, and
we ask every workingman to set out at
the polls and do his. n
Committee Typographical
Union No. 190.
Hon. El. I. JARVIS
of Michigan,
Will address .the Democratic
meeting at South Omaha Mon
day evening. Mr. .Jarvis is a
well known man over Michigan
and Indiana and other states as
an orator, writer and lecturer.
He was postmaster of Benton
Harbor, Mich., under part of
Cleveland's last term and was
decapitated because he made a
Bryan .ratification speech In
In 1906. Mr. Jarvis was a can
didate for Congress in the
Fourth Michigan district In
1896. 1898 and 1900, and re
duced a majority of 14,000 to
He has sacrificed much for
Democracy. Let all turn out
and hear him.
z i . ' , ' t - , '
Charles L. Saunders
State Senator from 1902 to 1909; President Senate;
Acting Governor; Supervisor of the Census. f
State Superintendent
Endorsed by Nebraska
Leading Educators
: .1
m,l 1 if T
James E. Rait
Republican Candidate
Oounty Attorney
To the Voters of Nebraska:
On the Eve. of Primary Election to be
held Tuesday, August 16th, I desire to pub
licly express my most sincere thanks to the
people of Nebraska for the cordial reception
and considerate treatment they have given
me everywhere I have been able to meet
With the canvas practically ended, hav
ing covered a large part of the State, I feel
positive the returns will show my nomina
tion by a substantial majority. I am not so
conceited as to believe this result will be be
cause of my efforts alone or because of my
personality, but because I represent that sav
ing, sober sense of the people which rebels
against the surrender of any more of their
constitutional liberties to the hysterical de
mand of that element whose zeal outstrips
its good sense.
The broad rights of all the people are
infinately greater and to be preferred very
seriously, as against the narrow conceptions
of morality of a fanatical minority that
woud make habits of living the test of citi
zenship and patriotism.
.This is a fight for principle and real
freedom against dogmatism and a passing
hallucination in politics. As the extremists
who believe they should be allowed to make
rules to govern the conduct of their neigh
bors are making a desperate struggle to con
trol in tlTe legislative districts, THE ONE
WAY to make sure of balking their designs
lies in my nomination and election. A mo
ment's consideration will convince you this
is a fair and'a true statement of the situation.
Therefore, while extending my thanks
and expressing my complete confidence in
victory, let me urge anew that only by vigi
lance and devotion can we make assurance
doubly sure.
Be alert and active on Primary day! By
so doing .there will be no doubt of the result.
No matter how you are registered, you
can vote for me, but be sure to VOTE ONLY
IN ONE COLUMN, or you will lose your
Sincerely and confidently,
Omana, August 14th.
To the Republican Voters
of Nebrmska:
I. was born at Dan vers. Mass.,
May 12, 1861, came to Nebraska In
1871, when 10 years old, with the
colony that came to Gibbon in
Buffalo county and organized the
county of Buffalo; have been a
resident of Buffalo and Custer
counties ever since; have always
been a republican. Served the
party three terms as Supervisor of
Custer county, was elected ami
served two terms as County Treas
urer, was elected - three times
Mayor of the city of Broken Bow;
was a delegate to the National
convention in 1908, and was In
that convention elected a member
of the Notification Committee to
notify William H. Taft of his nomi
nation. These positions have been large
ly honorary and I feel highly hon
ored In having held them. I now ask the support of the party for tbe
nomination of State Treasurer. I realize that under the primary law
one has to make two campaigns; one to get the nomination and the
other to get elected. I know o no better way to do this than through
the press. Therefore, I am giving the press a small part of my life
wbrk from a public standpoint, and I ask every voter who wants to
vote right to look me up and satisfy hjmself as to my ability and the
statements herein made. Should I be nominated and elected I will till
the office to the best of my ability and for the interests of the whole
state, and will thank you for your support
. ; .... . : '; ': ?
! ' '- I
Candidate for Representative on
the Republican Ticket. Twenty
six years a resident of Omaha.
Primaries Tuesday, August IS.
Broken Bow, Neb.
IkpeMtQi GdkMe
HJ. S. Senate
Has lived in Nebraska for thirty years
and has always worked for Nebraska's best
interest ou want-
before the primaries for the nomina
tion of State Treasurer on the repub
lican ticket and would be pleased to
receive your support. My experiences
as public servant during my thirty-five
years' residence In Nebraska: Mem
ber of Nebraska Legislature from
Saline county In 1883. Four years
Deputy. County Treasurer and four
years County Treasurer of Saline
county. Republican Presidential Elec
tor at large in 18at5. Now serving my
thirteenth year as Register of Deeds.
Every campaign, national and state,
from Harrison to Taft, I was engaged
speaking throughout the state in the
interest of tbe republican party with
out any compensation.
I speak tbe English, German and
Bohemian languages.
Candidate for
Subject to Nomination by Republic
Party ai. Primaries August
16th, 1010.
Polls 0;ten 8 A. M. to 0 P. M
To the Interested Tax
Payers of the Cll
of Omaha:
fti within
A 2877. 2001
Thora was nsver befnra iiy.r. of the pea
of this city a more lnter.'m'p,lo n
before you than there u Auu,t 11
the taking- over of II'
Plant. Every taxpayr
ested In the men w
charss of Its affair
city t: years nf7 fY
Is Jn Omaha. .
tha city's we'
as I am a '
and If I -
unuopiunJay morning's Bee
and ''
She says: