Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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4$5.00 Shoes
4 save
') ' ''''''''
y -wj - i
Following Announcement of Combi-
) nation Things Look Brighter.
Friend If-Lor. that It tiro.l laiect
Bryan' ! Campal
Add ftreaa-th
a mm t..M&nMe A an(
(From a buui vunn"""-'
- . . anM11 Following
the Jump of friends of Governor Shallen
v Merger Into the . Metcalfe band : wagon
throughout the .lata and the ornciai n
nounoement from Arthur Mullen that he I
for Metcalfe, the .toclc of the associate
1 editor of the Commoner, ha gone up con-
.a. - nM mil nil town
Ideratoly. ioaay it w
that friend, of Mayor ..
tended to" place the name of Metcalfe
their alate in lancimr
Friend of both gubernatorial candidate
In county dealr Metcalfe nonu
Dated for the reason that hi. "o""
WU1 ln.ure a vlgorou. campaign at the
J.., of Mr. Bryan for the alacttoa of the
ticket this fall. The. .arne PM
SuU th. nomlnaUon of Mr, Hitchcock will
make tha ticket top heavy and that he
ki. dlSo .trenpth to either 6halU
Srger or Dahlroan least hot a. much
'S-angt a Metcalfe.' So. thatjon
Tmaority of the friend, of both eiater
irvetWwUl vote for Metcalfe la. this
un? though Willi. Reed of.Madlwn will
MM in for a .hare of the vote.
" Ub expected that W. R. Jackson of Unl
will be included In this county
Shallenberger .late for the reason
Metcalf. meeting last night when
Srt wm or,anl.d. Jackson .aid con-.
th 01 . very ood out In hi. part of
'""ST-b he believed that friend.
Srernor .hould be on hand primary
M Prevent any of the county opUon
" .,0dnrwlthhath,e, Fo-rVa't SLcTl
Ul.h Sd b. on hand ...e to
1 at the ShalienDerger-iMW" -
n rtlav with tne teiniw -bounty
andTlncldentally. Mr. Jackwn prob
abW wcured a place on the Shallenberger
KJ. E E ndorwm.nt of the club or
gan&Htlon. -Setcalf Orlevea for 0poeta. .
Metcalt. has aent to both Willi. Reed and
,. u. ..miwtitori for the nom-
InaUon. letter, of condolence over their de-
' ' .t... hAin in the cam-
1 feat ana '" ';""' . aasured
both of them that he appreciated what
... : .i- hj, nomination.
they cia to uwy
,i.r MHintv a cam
FTom now ou i" , -
valgn of education will be carried on to
m ...lnw In tTAftl t hH.n
prevent paruee irom ,
" .k. v.. lint ahuaL The law
one column
provide that no man need tell hi party
affiliation,' but that no'.voter may cast
. - ..f.nt nn one narty
MS vote lor clinic"- -- -- ---- -
ballot. In other words. It a democrat vote
for a republican at mo i
ha cannot Vote for any democratic candi
date. If he doe hi ballot will be thrown
out and not counted.
. . . w.iut la a. umnlA of the
mis ii" u vi -
work of the late democratic legislature, the
. . -1 i.. a. .... i at) Afl
first on ,rtMJi"-"..
i. ' . a
a i w.,, on. et Vi 1 1 at n
1'ne open jjruivaiic if
all corresponding .tatlstlc. of the paat-' One
HI On ine in V""
state showing a comparison of the vote
on Aldrlch and Hlnshaw in the Fourth
, a l yvi tia rt in.
congressional uinint:v lit v - --
AM. Hln
Butler ,s
Fillmore M
rli-h. Shaw.
' Hamilton t H'
Jefferson 1W
Rxuanl &4
Fork 1
i Total .'.
1 1,8)
Ou Biar Contest.
Very little attention is being given to
Aha nomination of local candidates In
Lancaster county except In the fight
ov8r th nomination of a county attorney.
Tne contest Is between Frank Tyrrell, at
present county attorney, and hi. former
deputy, J. R. Strode, and E. E. Spencer
Mr. Tyrrell ha. been' carrying on eonsld-
arable litigation with the Lincoln traction
company In an effort to prevent the pay'
ment of dividend, on alleged over-capl
tallaation, and before the State Railway
commission he made a. fight to have the
Merger of -the two companies dissolved.
y-tiia Nlti-rallon Is by no means finished.
I- j tnd many prominent clllsens who are In-
terested In good street car ervlo In
slated that Mr. Tyrrell should again run
for th same office so that h could fin
ish up thl and other Important litiga
tion tor th county. Judg tUrod ha
deputy to laiw Tyrrell tor too
Hen andYomen
Seasonable styles that are right in
every detail. "We are showing a wonder
ful variety of footwear in all the latest
and all the latest styes. Vre
you $2 on every pair of snoes
you Duy.
Ladies and Men's
Oxford Shoes
In all leathers, all styles,
all sizes. Every pair hand
sewed; on sale Saturday at
orzit uTnsni
Till. 10 V. K.
time, but recently resigned and an
nounced hl candidacy to .ucceed hi.
in h ftht over the lerl.latlve ticket
both democrat, and republican, have can
didate, out who are pieagea to "
option, with the exception of poe.lbly
nno'nr two. no vary little attention 1. be
ing paid to thl. part of the ticket.
Raeca at State Fair.
Never in the hl.tory of the Nebraska
state fair ha the prospect, been o
bright for th race meet Entrle. .o far
inriinnta that all nrevlou record will be
broken both In the number of entrle for
the. different races and the TaM time
whixh win he made. Horse from sev
eral of the neighboring state have been
entered and should the weather be right
patron, of the race track wul see aome-
t.. nar better than on nrevlou. year, ine
date, are September S to and should
not be forgotten.
Rammer School Commencement.
The annual commencement exercise, of
the summer .chool of the University of
Nebraska were held Thuraday evening In
Memorial hall. Chancellor Avery presided
and presented the speaker, W. L. Stephens,
superintendent of the city school, who ad
dressed the member of the class on "Some
Problem, to Be Solved by the Public
An organ prelude, "Largo from Xerxes,"
by Mrs. Lillian Norene Wlckland, opened
the exercises. Thl waa followed by scrip
ture readings and prayer by Rev. . F. A.
Stuff. Chanoellor Avery conferred the de
gree on the twenty-one candidate and
after the benediction, which was pronounced
by -Rev. Mr. Stuff, the program -was' eon.
eluded by an organ postlude by Mrs. Wlck
land. In his address Superintendent Stephens
aid that the purpose of public education
I to render the "average man" more effi
cient In hi service to society. Inefficiency
1 due first to ignorance, resulting in
waste, and it I. the function of the public
.chool. to solve thl. problem waa the
thought of the speaker. "The lack of de
sire to assume responsibility to act aggres
sively, and to place first the obligations
of citizenship rather than personal comfort
and convenience, constitute, another cause
of inefficiency," aald Superintendent Steph
ens. -
Following 1. the list of graduates:
Andrew Dibble Brawn, B. So.
Walter Henry Buxton, A. B.
Alfred Ernest Burr, LL, B.
Catherine M. Caldwell. A. R tv,.-.-.
Elliott Cunningham Cobb, A. B.
Georgia Held, teacher's certificate.
Lloyd Anclle Jones, A. M.
Martin 8. Juasel. B. Sc., In agriculture.
Louis J. Knoll, A. B.
Gerhard Krueger, A. B.
John G. W. Lewi., A. M.
Theola Maude Linn. A. B.. and turW.
Margaret McLean, B. Sc.
Altca M. Puiinton, A. M.
Joseph Clark Mitchell, A. B.
'Anton A. Neff, B. So., M. B.
Ida Luella Rutledga, A B.
Edwin M. Short, A. B.
Don F. Smith, B. 8c, In E . E.
Sarah L. Stagner. teacher', certificate. '
Sherman R. Wilson, A. B.
Banquet to Militiamen. .
A banquet wa. tendered to the visiting
officer, of the Nebraska National Guard
Thuraday night at the armory after the
sham battle at Capital beach. Twenty
thtee officer, were present Adjutant Gen.
eral Harttgan presided' and called on sev
eral of th visitor to speak. It wa the
prevailing entlment that the guard has
made rapid progress during the last twe
year. Those present were:
Colonel Beam of Omaha, Lieutenant Steen
of Omaha, Lieutenant Havelori of Beatrice
Major Waldon of .Beatrice. Lieutenant
Waldon of Beatrice. Captain Brewxter of
ueaince, captain Haasman of Omaha,
Lieutenant Fall of Beatrice, Lieutenant
State Superintendent
of Public Instruction
Candidate for the nomination of
State Nuperlntendent
of Public Instruction
on tbe Republic u
Ticket. Priiaartaa
" AugtUt 10.
. t "
f -
Wv '., ?tv
, ,v. i,; "wmisa !
MoGreer of Beatrice. Mutor Holllnasworth
of Heatrlce, Captain McCormlck of Ne
braska City, Adjutant General Hartlffsn,
MJor Phelpn, Major Dean, Captain Rol-
ehaw, Captain Kesterson, Major Dean,
Captain t'Noon, Captain Reward, IJeuten
ant H.tll and Lieutenant Borglum of Lin
Stanlslo Rater Pica.
Theodora Stanlslcs, charged with com
plicity In the burning of the Roy Wllacam
home ten day ago, pleaded not guilty Frl
day morning and wu releaaed on a $5,000
bond to appear for his preliminary bearing
August 20.
Stanlslcs held a $4,300 mortgage on the
wrecked houie and is ald by Deputy At
torney Fred Foster to have been the payee
In a $4,900 Inaurance policy carried In Wlla
cam' name, but subject to the mortgage.
The arrest of Stanlslc followed a con
fession alleged to have been made by
Wllscam, who lie at Esther hospital recov
erlng from the terrible burn which he re'
celved tbe night of the explosion which
destroyed the home.
The confession secured from Wllscam I
being suppressed until later development
which will. It I thought, have a well de
fined bearing on the case.
Me Who Retained Fee Fay Sam to
County with Interest.
KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 12. (Speclal.)-
The county official of Buffalo county,
who last fall began holding out money
from their fees, claiming that the oounty
had a population of mor than 35,000 and
that they were entitled to a raise, have
all returned the money to the treasurer.
Census reports show that Buffalo county
ha only 21,907 people, thus these officials
will work at the same salaries until enough
people can be safely planted on the soil
and In the town, to make up the deficiency
In population. County register of deeds,
V. B. Weelock had retained $500. County
Treasurer Gilbert E. Haaae had $1,400,
County Clerk E. A. Miller had $1,000; Dis
trict Clerk E. Bowker had $294.15, Judge
F. M. Hallowell had $t00 and Sheriff W.
F. Simmons waa holding $250. All of them
handed It m with the regular rate of
Interest when they learned that the popu
lation had fallen short
Ca. County Chautauqua.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Aug. 13.-(Spe-clal.)
The fourth annual Cas. county Chau
tauqua will be held in Elmwood on August
13 to 21, Inclusive. The talent this year
has been purchased of various standard
bureaus and from private Individual, and
among the number are W. J. Lhaman,
evangelist formerly dean of th Bible
college of Missouri; Sidney Landon, char
acter artist, wltU entertain the audience th
first ' day with "Man: His"
Jamea Mark Darby, preacher and lecturer,
will appear upon the platform Sunday
morning and evening of the 14th. Reno B.
Welboum, the man who harnessed the sun,
To the Republican Voters
of Nebraska :
I was born at Danvers, MaaV,
May 12, 1861, came to Nebraska In
1871, when 10 years old, with the
colony that came to Gibbon In
Buffalo county and organized the
county of Buffalo; have been a
resident of Buffalo and Custer
counties ever since; have always
been a republican. Served the
party three terms as Supervisor ol .
Custer county, was elected and
served two terms as County Treas
urer, was elected three tlmei
Mayor of the city of Broken Bow;
was a delegate to the National
convention in 1908, and was in
that convention elected a member
of the Notification Committee to
notify William II. Taf t pf his nomi
nation. .
These positions have been large
ly honorary and I feel highly hon
n . h
ored In having held them. I now ask the support of the party for the
nomination of State Treasurer. I realize that under the primary law
one has to make two campaigns; one to get the nomination and the
other to get elected. I know of no better way to do this than through
the press. Therefore, I am giving the press a small part of my life
work from a public standpoint, and I ask every voter who wants to
vote right to look me up and satisfy himself as to my ability and the
statements herein made. Should I be nominated and elected I will fill
the office to the best of my ability and for the interests of the whole
state, and will thank you for your
Ppimarics August 16th
it v
-a A,
A. L. SUT10.V.
To the Voters of Dnglas, Washington
and Harpy Counties:
A circular has recently been mailed
in Omaha making a vicious personal
M. A. State University
For State Superintendent
XSUCATXOSTi Country Schools, Ohio and Nebraska: Graduate Peru State Normal;
Ur.rtuate illonmfleUl 8lentlflc Institute: Graduate Nebraska IStata University;
Studied In Harvard University Summer Schools.
BXrXUSSCIl Teacher Country School; Teacher Graded School; Principal High
School; buperlntendent City SckwoLsi University Inspector of Hlgn Kchouls; Fraa
Idsat Stat. Normal School.
will lecture Monday evening on "The
Marvel and Mysteries of Modern Science."
Tuesday evening Dr. H. W. Sear will oc
cupy the platform. Herbert A. Sprague
and Floy Maha Sprague will present the
drama. "Rip Van Winkle" and "Es-
merada," Wednesday and Thursday even
lnga The Lincoln male quartet will be
present all day Thuraday. Jackson' Vir
ginia Jubilee singer will be present the
19th, 10th and list. Dr. H. J. Klekhoefer,
president o! the Northwestern college,
Napervllle, 111., will preach Sunday morning
and evening, the list, and Rev. H. O. Wll
klneon of Forte Rico will tell about that
country on the 18th.
Omaha Firm Awarded Contract.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Aug. 12. (Speclal.)-
At a special meeting of the city council
Wednesday night a contract worth $19,100
was awarded the Kats-Cralg Contracting
company of Omaha. This contract 1. for
the extension of the city water system,
which will be practically doubled, and large
section, will be embraced m the city limit.
which were heretofore without water er
vice. The following companies bid on thl.
work and were represented at the meeting
last night:
- T. C. Brook Sons, De Molne Bridge
and Iron company, American Cast Iron
and Pip company, Sheffield Cast Iron
Pip and Found tt company, Western Valve
company, International Bridge and Con
structlon company and J. M. Deffenbaugh.
Dakota County Pioneer to Meet.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., Aug. 12.-(SpecIal.)
The twenty-ninth annual reunion of the
Pioneer and Old Settler' association of
Dakota oounty, Nebraska, will be held in
Clinton park, Dakota City, August 25. There
will be a number of short addresses by
prominent visitor and a program of sports
on the race track adjoining the plcnlo
grounds. The officer, of the association
are A. H. Baker, president; E. H. Cribble,
vice president; George Wllklns, secretary;
W. L. Ross, assistant secretary; B. Grlble,
financial secretary; George T. Woods, treas
urer; M. M. Warner, historian; J. p. Rock
well, chief marshal; Joe M. Leedom, Louis
Good sell, Charles Waddell, Jame. Fueston,
J. L. Hailegrove, O. L Valentine, assistant
Lightning Start. Forest Fire.
(Special.) A forest fire started by light
ning In Red Park was recently extin
guished by Forest Supervisor James Black-
hall and a force of men, aided by a heavy
rainfall. The forest officials gave out the
information they were satisfied that a large
number of forest fires are started by light
ning. Fraternal Plcnlo nt Dlller.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. U. (Special.)
The fourteenth annual fraternal picnic was
held at Dlller yesterday. Special train.
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
4 v
. A.
Broken Dow, Neb.
assault upon me. For several years I
have devoted a great deal of time and
spent a generous share of my salary In
working with and trying to help
children, and it that is a crime then I
am guilty.
I see in a congressional position a
larger field for public service, and will
do my best if elected to Congress to
carry out the wishes of the people in
this congressional district and to as
sist in creating a department of the
government devoted to children.
In the face of my record during the
six years I have been Judge of tbe
District Court for this district. I do
not think these slanderous circulars
will have any effect on my candidacy
for the republican nomination for
Congress. If you have faith in me 1
woud appreciate your support and vote
for Congress on primary day, ana
would be glad to have you call up by
'phone, or send letter or card to any
relatives or friends you have in this
district asking them to support me for
I am opposed to Cannon for speaker
and Cannonlsm. If nominated and
elected I shall help redeem every
pledge made to the people by the last
National Republican convention.
Straw Hals and Fnraisb.nfs at
We're certainly making a nice
clean up In these departments, and
our patrons are assured of all new
stock next spring. Many of the
most desirable bargains have
escaped the notice of buyers so
far and remain for you to get.
Come early.
$1.50 to $5.00 Straw Hats
for 75c to $2.50
$1.50 Shirts for 75c
$1.00 Shirts for 50c
Odd Lots Underwear at Half Price.
Manhattan, E. & W. and Gotham
Shirts Greatly Heduced.
.:siS. ; :, V'" ,
II! Jlllllllilllplllilt
Charles L Saunders
State Senator from 1902 to 1909; President Senate;
Acting Governor; Supervisor of the Census.
We heartily endorse the candidacy of C. P.
.Anderbery, of this county, for Attorney General
and for his ability as a lawyer, his character and
standing as a citizen. "We commend his candidacy
to the Republican voters of the state.
Kearney County Republican Convention.
Subject to Republican Primaries
Tuesday, August 16th
Store Open to 10
' The Home of Quality Clothes
Good Suits at Good Savings
iocs m
Differs from most sales in one important respect the class
of merchandise concerned. Most men know we are as par
ticular about the clothes we sell as they are about the clothes
they wear. Quality is the keynote always and specially pur
chased "Sale" goods find no lodgment here. Our models
and colors are mostly conservative and appeal to men who
resent the most violent vagaries of Fashion. Such suits are
now selling at half. .Will you profit by the reduction?
$7.50 TO $25.00 OUTINO SUITS AT-"
$3.75 to S12.SO
$10.00 TO $35.00 THREE-PIECE SUITS AT- (
$S.OQ to $17.50
Trousers at Half Price
Perhaps you don't need a suit, but do need an extra pair
of trousers. -This sale should surely attract you., Not only
can you save half, but you can also get just the trousers you
most prefer. .
. . $2.50 to $10.00 Regular Style and Outing Trousers, Men's
and Young Men's, for
$1.2.5 to SS.OO
James E. Rait
Republican Candidate
County Attorney
P. M. Saturday.
1.? v t
Vim. k iackson
1901) Candidate for Nomination for
On tha Democra..o and People's In
dependent Ticket., Primaries. August
. 1910.
Over twenty year, of successful
experience as . an educator In Ne
braska. ujrxTEaKsrrr pkacb, rtb.
Candidate tor Representative on
the Republican Ticket. Twenty
six years a resident of Omaha.
Primaries Tuesday, August :0.
before the primaries for the nomina
tion of Stato Treasurer on the repub
lican ticket and would be pleased to
receive your support. My experiences
as public servant during my thirty-five
years' residence in Nebraska: Mem
ber of. Nebraska Legislature from
Saline county in 1883. Four years
Deputy County Treasurer and four
years County Treasurer of Saline
county. Republican Presidential Elec
tor at lurge in 186. Now serving my
thirteenth year as Register of Deeds.
Every campaign, national and state,
from Harrison to Taft, I was engaged
speaking throughout the state In tha
Interest of the republican party with
out any compensation.
I speak the English, German and
Bohemian languages.
Te patranUs a printer
aperatlni under a
cost system.
fb Deug. 2161
fc ri