Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Your daughter may be per
mitted, safely, to read The Bee.
No fxnmtrated account of crime,
no filth, no srandal, no dime
novel sensations; but all the newt.
For Nebraska Tartly cloudy.
For Iowa Generally fair.
For weather report see page t.
VOL. XL XO.. 48.
t '
f )
Senator Arrives at Marblehead on
Yacht Late in Say and Crosses
Salem Eav Later.
lays Plans to Bring Tennessee Under
Bepublican Sway.
Considers Early Installation of Model
Institutions of Kind.
Vill Answer Chnriri In Resard to
Cotton. Schedules of Tariff
Intohde to Make Sneerh la
Innrent Territory.
BEVERLY, Mm., Aug. If. A call from
Senator Nelson Aldrlch of Rhode Island,
the laying of plana to capture Tennessee
for the republican thin fnll, and further
cortultatlons on early Installation of model
postal savings banks promised a busy time
for President Taft today.
Senator Aldrlch, who last night made
reply to Senator Brlstow of Kansas regard
ing the rubber schedule of the Payne
Aldrlch tariff law, arrived at Marblehead
on the yacht O'We'Ka lste yesterday. The
yacht crossed Pnlcm bay today.
Senator Aldrlch soon put off for the
ahore. His call Interrupted the president
at a late breakfast, and the senator was
Invited to Join the family circle at the
morning meal. Afterwards the president
Bhd the senate leader talked together for
thirty-five minutes. ,
' It was said Inter" that the senator's state
ment as to the rubber charges formed the
siM!Ot of the major portion of the conver
H,Vin. Senator Aldrlch also Is said to
hav? told the president his plans for an
swering the charges as to the cotton
schedule of the new tariff law. He hoped
to mnlte a speech during the coming cam
paign In the heart of the Insurgent coun
try In defense of the entire tariff act.
The four 'l'ennesaee leaders Invited to
lunch with "the president today reached
Boston' this morning aHd were brought ti
Beverly In one of the president's automo
biles. They are Representatives Austin, Lee
Brock, Ketveil Sanders and Judge G. M
Henderson. These men represent various
factions of the republican party in Tenne'
see, and the president la endeavoring to
adjust their differences.
Secretary of the Treasury McVeagh and
X'ofctmasler General Hitchcock, two of the
trustees of the postal savings banks will
ae the president this afternoon further
to discuss the details of the early opening
of typical, bank In the smaller titles
LEIDY files charges :
Petition Ask thnt tho Attorney Gen
. eral, Be Directed to Bring '
Out?r Snlt.
LINCOLN, Aug. 12. (Special Telegram.)
-rreMdent J. M. Le'dy of the Anti-Saloon
league lato this afternoon filed a petition
..a( the governor's office asking that the
aj.ttorney general be directed to bring ouster
proceedings against Mayor Dahlman of
Omaha. , The petition charges the mayor
with failure to stop Illegal sales of liquor,
and alleges tht no effort Is made to sup
press 'prostitution. The clerk In charge of
the executive office received the . petition
and (aid It would be brought to tha gov
ernor's attention as soon as he returns to
the capital.
Cenunnr and AnatrU Tsk Stepa to
Prevent In trod net Ion of Plosjne
from ltuM!n.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. It From July
aU to August 6. 20,68 cases of cholera were
imported throughout Russia. i
Returns from the leading provinces show
the following fatalities:
lion CosKacks, 1.342; Kuban, 1,122: Yeka
terlnoslav. 778;' Samara, 707; Kherlson. 451.
BERLIN, Aug. 12 The Austrian and Ger
man health administrations are pursuing
common measures against an Invasion of
Russian cholera. Medical agents from
both governments stationed In Russia re
port the scarcity of physicians.'
It appears probable thnt tha number of
deaths Is larger, than Is Indicated In the
different reports received here. This re
port placed the number of fatalities on
July 81 at 25,554. Unofficial opinions vary
In estimates, some of them placing the
Cumber of deaths aa high, as 40,000.
A general feeling of depression la reported
among tha Inhabitants of southern Russia,
the gloom caused by the cholera epidemic
being made deeper by the failure of the
crops In some districts.
Aviator Wins 1'nloo Prise for First
Flluht from One Knd of tho
City to Other.
PARIS. Aug. 12-iiurbert Latham, com
ing from Bouy, flew over Paris at a high
altitude today and landed at Issy Lee
Moullneaux. The four aviators, Paulhan,
Weymann, Latham and Withe, now are
engaged in u final effort to capture the
London Dully Mall's prize of .000 for the
longest total of cros country flights made
during the year, ending August 14.
By flying across Paris, Latham won the
Falco prise of $2,0u0. Although aeroplanes
now are comparatively common sights
above Parts, the cheers of tha pedestrians
acclaimed the passage of the machine from
one end of the city to the other. Latham's
time was two hours, eighteen minute and
fifty-six seconds.
Kentucky Vetrruus Will Star from
Encampment Urrauso of II tun
LOU1SVILLK. Ky., Aug. 12.-Fiva hun
dred veterans of the Grand Army of the
Republic have declared a boycott against
railroads for alleged discrimination in
charging the veterans an excessive excur
sion rate to tha annual national encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic
to be held In Atlantic City next month, and
as a result this state for the first time will
not be, Represented, The Women' Relle:
corps and the. Daughters of Veterans hav
announced their intention of Joining In tha
Wendling Back
in Louisville
After Long Chase
No Demonstration When Alleged
Murderer of Alma Kellner
Beaches City Hall.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. K.-Joseph
Wendllng, wanted here on the charge of
murdering Alma Kellner, was placed In
the city Jail here this morning after a re
markable chane across the continent and an
almost equally remarkablu return in charge
01 uaptain jonn f. Carney, cUer of the
Louisville detective department.
Wendllng had no sooner been ushered
into me ciner or police's room than he took
a poult Ion in one of ths litres wlndnwa
and busied himself by whistling and wav
ing his hand to tha crowd which had ooth.
ered In the street below. His everlasting
smile waa much In evidence.
Wendllng touched Kentucky roll shortlv
after S o'clock this morning for tto first
nme in many months. He and his captor
took a train at Evnnvli: In,1 nhmii
o'clock. Handcuffed together Captain Car
ney ana mi man occupied the drawing room
on the Evansvllle slecntr. Th inin .
an hour late when It pulled Into the Union
oepo A large-sized but orderly crowd wa
epi in DOUndS bV Olentv of nnllrn n.l
when Wendllng was hurried from the car
te an automobile there was no demonstra-
"on. it has not yet been announced when
smiling win be presented In police court.
The bringing nf wntin n t..i m.
marks the end of one of the longest chases
... uiecuve mstory. The return trip from
t-an Francisco tq Louisville stretchet the
real hunt of about 11,000 miles to a total of
over 13,000 miles.
Not until May 30, the date that the muti
lated body of Alma Kellner was found In
a cellar beneath St John's Parochial school
was Wendllng connected with the disap
pearance of the child. It was believed that
the child had been kidnaped. Numerous
letters were received by the Kellner family
and Frank Fehr. a wealthy brewer and
uncle of the girl, demanding ransom for
her return. Four months previous to the
discovery of the body, Wendllhg had left
Louisville quietly, not even letting his wife
know that he was going away. When
bloody clothing waa found In Wendling's
room he was charged with the murder and
the search begun.
Drexel Breaks
Altitude Record
American Aviator Beaches Height of
6,750 Feet at Lanark,
LANARK. Scotland, Aug. 12. It was of
ficially announced today that J. Arm
strong Drexel, the American aviator, last
high attained a world's altitude record by
rising B.T50 rfeefe ,' -- ""'.:
Hla "barograph -will v submitted to the
experts of the KeW observatory at London,
who will determine the accuracy of tha In
struments. '
Drexel's flight was the sensation of the
aviation meet. Ascending at 7 o'clock In
the evening he shot up Into a bank of
clouds and disappeared from the gaze of
the anxious crowd. He landed some two
hours later near a farm house twelve
miles from Lanark.
CHARLEROI, Belgium, Aug. 12. M.
Lesnyn, an aviator, fell with hla aeroplane
from a height of 100 feet today and re
ceived Injuries that probably will prove
fatal. '
Former J oat Ice of Territorial Supreme
- , Conrt Dies at Hla Homo In '
LEXINGTON, ' Ky., Aug. 12. Michael
Chrlsman Saufley, Judge of the Thirteenth
Kentucky district court ant former asso
ciate justice of the Wyoming territorlnl
supreme court, waa found dead In the
stable of his home at Stanford, Ky., this
morning. He was 6s years of age. He was
appointed to the Wyoming Judicial body
by President Cleveland in 18SS.
Bandit at Fond da Las Captnred
After Hunnlnir Fight In
. FOND DU LAC, Wis., Aug. 12. A. O.
Crane, giving Ms home as Milwaukee, made
a bold attempt to rob the Coles Savings
bank this afternoon. He was pursued by
citizens through the streets, firing his re
volver as he went, and waa finally caught
by W. J. Holth, a Chicago traveling man.
Primary Election All Political Parties,
Tuesday, August 16, 1910.
Polls open in Omaha and South
Polls open In country precincts
Blanket ballot Includes candidates
separate columns.
Voter must make cross-marks In one party column only. Votes Mn more
than one column spoil the whole ballot and the ballot will not be counted.
The only safe way is for republicans to vote only in the renubllran
1 1203 South 6th.
2 W Pacific
$ 1T0S Soutn 10th.
4 916 Bancroft
5 1H01 South 5th.
12124 South ttlti.
aS Vinton.
3 15:3 Vinton.
4 1712 Vinton.
5 2.14 South 16th.
1 Wehater.
2 PW Pouth lOt'.i.
8313 North
4410 fcoutli Vth. '
b-iu South Ui !.
1 111 Capitol.
2 1M4 Harney.
a: 7 lis South lrith. I
4 314 South l-th.
6 21J North !4lh.
1 304 Shftrman.
2 fMt Ktiennan.
5 Sua Filter man.
4 IMii Hhernian,
5 UJs North ldtb
1- 2307 North 24th.
2 VJ02 North 2-1 th.
J XOH Norm 2Sth.
4 U23 North tWL
6-2Jo5 Military.
1 271 I j-avenwortl.
2 1525 Georgia.
J 1338 Park.
4 21mi South 23d.
1 134 North 24th.
I I'M Cuming.
J-612 North 17th.
-2Ui Cuming.
1 2T.7t Cuming,
t 8227 Cuming.
3 Davenport.
4 111 South Sum.
6 11 Farnam.
1 101S South 10th.
J 1S21 Leavenworth.
3 2121 Leavenworth.
4 IU) South 11th.
fr 1421 South 13th.
1 410K Hamilton,
Victim of Assassin's Ballet Out of
Danger, Barring Accidents Which
Might Change Condition.
Doctors State that Patient is Steadily
Reassuring Tone of Official An
nouncements Allays Fears.
Second Examination Shows that the
Supposed Fragmest of Ballet
la a Small Piece of
NEW YORK. Aug. If. "Barring accident.
Mayor Gaynor's recovery is practically
assured." This statement was made by tho
mayor's son, Rufus Gaynor, who aald
that he had the attending physician's as
surances to that effect.
An additional assurance waa contained
In the bulletin given out by Secretary
Adamson. It read:
The mayor passed a comfortable morning.
He Is taking nourishment well and Is
steadily improving.
The physicians were not willing to supple
ment bulletins with even formal statements
as to the patient's condition, evidently as
suming that the reassuring tenor of the
official announcements would be all that
was necessary to allay any fears that had
found expression late yesterday and last
All Reports Cheerful.
It was commented, however, that the
temperature, pulse and respiration given
Indicated a practically normal condition for
the patient and the news brought from tho
mayor's chamber by his day attendants
was of a decidedly cheerful nature.
The mayor's secretary, Robert Adamson,
coming down shortly after 8 o'clock said
that the mayor had been breakfasted about
7:35 o'clock with his usual good appetite.
Mrs. Oaynor, who had been near her hus
band through the night, again prepared his
morning coffee. .
There was no attempt today to leave
a vague Impression regarding the radio
graph examination made In the search
for the bullet Secretary Adamson com
mented on the Interest the mayor displayed
yesterday In the mechanism of , the X-ray
apparatus, which comment In itself inglcaed
clearly enough that a second set of radio
graphs had been taken.
.These showed the presence of the bullet
In the vault of the pharynx, or. In other
words, In the. watt. of the throat, "just be
hind the palate. . '.
It waa generally believed today that the
physicians were In agreement that there
had been no splitting of the missile and
that the apparent fragments shown by the
first X-ray examination to be separate from
the main portion of the bullet was In fact
probably a fragment of bone.
Man Robbed and
Thrown Into River
John Naughen of Harlem Cat and
Beaten by Thugs, Who Took
Money and Watch.
NEW YORK. Aug. 12. Robbed of $400
and his watch "by thugs, John Maughan.
an elderly and well-to-do resident of Har
lem, was cut and beaten and then thrown
Into the North river early today. He clung
tor three hours to the cross beams under
the city pier at Thirty-ninth street, his life
menaced by attacks of hordes of rats be
fore his moans were heard by policemen,
He will reoover.
Only Two Matches Had Been Com
pleted Up to One O'clock
This, Afternoon.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 12. The semi,
finals of the Missouri Valley tennis tourna
ment began here today.
At 1 o'clock two matches of the singles
had been finished. Jack Cannon of Kan
sas City defeated W. B. Uhls of Osawatoml,
Kan., , '6-1, 6-1. 't-4. H. B. Jones of Kansas
City defeated O. V. Vernon of Kansas City
8-4, 6-8, 6-0.
Omaha 8 A..M. to 9 P. M.
8 A, M. to 6 P. M.
for all political
parties arranged In
3J26 Farnam.
8 14 South 34th. .
4706 South 27th.
1 2412 Ames.
2 Ames.
8 U5 Corby.
4 2SI13 North 24th.
fr-441 North I4th.
1 843 North 20th.
65 North 24th.
-l!i! South 20th.
2 l'JB North 24th.
1 R. It. Ave. and "?lst
J 4'W South S3d. (Rear.)
1212 North 25th.
11 South ioth.
1-K10 North 27th.
I Corner 33d and K.
1-1214 North 24th.
1 North ftih.
rom the Chicago, Evening Post.
Says Only Real Work Has Been Done
by This Administration.
Plans of the Faddists and Fanatics
ia Their Last Analysis Simply
Mean Government Own
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 12. Secretary of
the Interior Richard A. Balllnger. who WM
the guest of honor today at a noonday
luncheon given by the Commercta.1 club,
addressed hla .hearers on the subject of
conservation. ..v
"What la there about It that ealla for
excitement, bitterness of spirit or conten
tion?" aald Secretary Balllnger. "Nothing.
The explanation of popular excitement Is
In the fact that many people have been led
to believe that conservation holds the se
cret of our national well being. The dema
gogue, the fanatic, the sentimentalist, the
faddist are crusading under the banner of
conservation mainly because It Is popular
and holds the attention of the hour. Their
energies might be equally employed on any
other human virtue with the same argu
ment, but such reformers are more like
torrents generally doing more damage by
floods than by the steady flow of the
"Beyond the matter of agitation what
has the doctrinaire accomplished, unless It
be the hyseria of conservation? Has he
suggested any practical methods by way of
legislation for disposing of the remainder
of the public lands so as to give the public
better safeguards against existing abuses?
The fact Is that all the substantial progress
made In this direction has been enacted
by the last congress as the result of recom
mendation Initiated by this administration."
Mean Government Ownership.
Secretary Balllnger aald that conservation
theories In their last analysis mean govern
ment ownership and operation. He said
they proceed on the theory that the states
were not to be trusted to take care of their
natural resources. He said that because
some states had been wasteful or their
officers corrupt It did not follow that no
state could safely manage Its own affairs
in this particular.
He said that In view of the fact that the
states control and own water for develop
ment. It would seem that the most feasible
and practical method would be to transfer
these sites to the states under proper limi
tations to prevent injurious monopoly. 1
Taking up the subject of Alaska coal
lands, he called attention to the fact that
with 1,200 square miles of known area,
containing an estimate amount of fifteen
billion tons, some of the very best quality,
Alaska buys most of its coal from British
Columbia, and the United States navy on
the Faclflc obtains Ha coal from the Poca
hontas fields of Wert Virginia at a cost
to the government of 17 a ton, of which
85 per ton Is represented by the freight
charges. If the mines of Alaska were In
operation coal could be laid down et Port
land at from S3 to $4 per ton.
Objects to Withholding Land.
Secretary Balllnger declared he waa op
posed to withholding any lands In the pub
lic domain that were capable of giving
strength and permanent prosperity to the
country in agricultural, commerce or In
dustry. In conclusion he amid:
"Standing securely on my conscious recti
tude in the endorsement of the laws aa
raid down by congress In these particulars,
the criticism of the Ignorant or the mall
clous of the conduct of the Interior depart
ment are Impotent and will fall of Inter
rupting the regular and orderly course
of conduct laid down by the law for the
administration of the publlo domain."
Think today of
The Want Ads
You can sell anything In the
world through a Bee want ad.
If you can't prepare the ad and
can't come to the office, call Tyler
1000 and the want ad man will
write your ad, place It, and the
trouble Is over.
Everybody reads Dee want ads.
Everybody believes In Bee want
Call Tyler 1000.
Mad Dog .
Don Jaime Sends
Letter to the
Carlist Leaders
Pretender Says He Will Do His Duty
if Religions Traditions of Spain
Are Menaced.
SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, Aug. 12-Don
Jaime, the Carlist pretender to tha throne,
today issued a letter, addressed, to the
leaders of the Carllsts, In - which he ad
vises his followers to resist with all their
force the rising tide of radicalism, but not
to have recourse to violence.
Tha pretender says he does not propose
to depart from paatflo methods unless the
existing regime ! threatened, -
"If revolution menances religious, family
and property traditions of catholic Spain,"
he adds, "I will do my duty."
One of the recipients of the letter today
"We are we!1, organized and ready to rise
at a signal, but wl,. attempt nothing
against the present dynasty Vinleaa the
king totally forgets his title of catholic
majesty or revolution breaks out For us
the dynastic question Is secondary to the
essential point, which Is the preservation
of the religious traditions of Spain."
Roosevelt Will
Make Address
Former President Will Tell New York
Republicans What People Ex
' pect of Party. .
NEW TORK, Aug. 12.-There were re
ports this afternoon that at the suggestion
of Lloyd C. Griscom,. chairman of the re
piVbllcan county committee Theodore
Roosevelt has taken under advisement the
proposal that he act as temporary chair
man of the New Tork republican state con
ventlon, and it la said. Is Inclined to view
the Idea favorably. . Whether he acta as
temporary chairman or not. It Is stated he
win go to tne convention ana make a
speech In which he will talk very frankly
about the kind of work that the republican
party has to do In order to retain the con
fidence of the voters.
Japanese Towns
are Washed Away
Loss of Life and Property by Flood is
" Enormous Thirty Thousand
Houses Submerged.
TOKIO, Aug. 12. The devastation wrought
throughout mary districts by the recent
floods Is appalling. Whole villages and
towns have been washed away and many
lives have been lost In the lower sections
of . Tokio alone, 80.000 houses are sub
merged. Communication by railroad
throughout the flooded area has been In
terrupted. There Is much suffering and In
many places the Inhabitants are destlnat
and threatened with starvation. The mone
tary loss amounts to millions of dollars.
Bloodthirsty Bulldogs
Work Terror on Children
Acting Mayor Bmeker and Chief of Po
lice Donahue have been appealed to by
several dozen outraged owners of cats as
the result of the continuous raids upon
cats made by two bull dogs.
More than forty house eats In the vi
cinity of Sixteenth and Fort streets,
groups about with neither ears nor tails.
Each day additional victims to the Incon
ceivable atrocity appear at the family
doorstep, where the children scream with
horror as they see what has happened.
It Is probable that an active campaign
against the terrible cruelty to the dumb
animals will be waged by te city police.
Chief Donahue has given orders for an In
vestigation at once. For a distance of
more than two blocks on each slue of
Sixteenth and Fort streets, there is
scarcely a cat which has not been inulinel
In some fiendish manner. Gradually the
number ot cats which have fallen victims
la the hands of' th marauders have
Nebraska Men Organize for Meeting
of Cement Company.
Lumbermen's Portland Cement Cor
poration of Carlisle, Kan., Likely
to Have Some Water Sqneeaed
Ont of It.
One hundred stockholders of the Lumber
men's . Portland Cement company, all liv
ing In Nebraska; met at the Commercial
club yesterday afternoon and organized.
Tha meeting was held to prepare for a
special meeting at Carlisle, Kan., next
Monday ot all stockholders.
The Lumbermen's Portland Cement com
pany was organized about two years ago
but has. not yet completed Its plant In
debtedness to the amount of 850,000 exists
and likewise a demand for reorganization.
According to several speakers at yester
day' meeting stock subscriptions have
party been "wasted in salaries and un
necessary expenses." Also there Is a good
deal of promotion stock Issued and this It
is proposed to squeeze out.
Lumbermen who became stockholders
were made pleasing contracts In the way of
free cement and brick and a few of the I
subscribers received shlpmenta on account.
It Is the plan of reorganization to wipe out
all these bonuses as well aa the watery
stock and to begin anew on a dollar for
dollar basis.
The meeting yesterday waa preoiJcd over
by L. J. Millard of the Independent Lumber
company. The principal address was made
by 'John W. Tpwle, who Is a member of
the executive board of the Lumbermen's
Portland Cement company, a position to
which he waa recently elected nt the
Instigation of Nebraska stockholder.
C. A. Ooss spoke of the situation from
a legal standpoint, warning shareholders
that they would be responsible for stock
subscriptions signed and unpaid if the com
pany went into the hands of a trustee In
bankruptcy or a receiver.
It was moved and carried that a commit
tee of twelve represent the stockholders of
Nebraska at the meeting Monday and this
committee was named as follows: N. 8.
Pearln, J. A. Aspergren and A. A. Tanner,
Lincoln; A. V. Perry, Cambridge; A. E.
McCormlck, Laconla; J. C. Newcomb,
Friend; O. Geer, Grand Island; J. W. Towle,
Omaha; C. A. Baar, Wakefield; H. M.
Pettigrew, Wakefield; W. M. Banning,
Oxford; J. A. Bingenhelmer, Union, and
J. A. Papousek, Lohrvllle. Mr. Towle Is
chairman of the committee.
Stat of Indiana Files Petition with
tha Interstate Commerce
WASHINGTON, Aug. U-AllegaMons
that the rates exacted by the Pullman com
pany for upper berths are exorbitant and
unreasonably discriminatory were made In
a petition filed today with the Interstate
Commerce commission by the state of In
diana, through Its attorney general, James
Bingham. The 'complaint Is directed
against the Pullman company, and espe
cially the railroads operating In central
traffic territory.
grown larger until everyone In that district
Is rolled to the point of determination.
A family near Fort and Sixteenth streets,
consists of a man and la wife and five
children and two bull dogs. To the
qulneteet of children and dogs is attributed
the unusual tortures which have been In
flicted on the house cats. It Is stated that
they have waged little less than war
against anything that looks Ilk cat, until
now there are but few unharmed kittens
in th neighborhood. An appeal that the
prevailing condition b remedied at one
came to G. F. Uiurker, acting mayor,
from W. Z. Watts Thursday. He stated
that not only did the children hunt
through the barns and sheds and back
yards of the vicinity for their prey, but
the bull dogs were also fond of children.
The term fond seemed to Imply cannibalism,
for It wss stated that th children wne
forced often times to go blocks out of
their way In order to avoid the dogs.
Indians Pay Large Sums for "Special
Services" by Attorneys Expense
Accounts Mount Up.
Regular Representatives on Salaries
Do Not Protect Pocketbooks.
Contracts if All Carried Out Would
Bring in Huge Sums.
Government Had Promised to Give
Indians Same Services Free of
Cost Regular Lawyer
Were Less Active.
SULPHUR, Okl., Aug. 13. -Lawyers' ex.
pense accounts running as high as 300,000,
a single fee already paid amounting to
$750,000 and contingent fees still pending
that would aggregate about $0,000,000 fig
ured In the investigation of the Indian land
affairs by the special committee appointed
by the house ot representatives today.
It was pointed out that the Indians never
had secured largo amounts of money due
them without having to "come across" In
the shape of fees, and, although they em
ployed regular lawyers on yearly salaries,
extra fees were constantly paid for the
employment of special counsel. The spe
cial fee or $760,000 was paid several years
ago to J. F. McMurray and his law part
ners after they had prosecuted what are
known as the "rltlzenshlp cases," which
It was stated, kept off the rolls 32.000 per
sons who wanted to participate In th
claims against the government.
By the winning of this suit It was ex
plained that the value of the property
to the Indiana who remained on the rolls
was enhanced $10.000,000, ' on a basis of $5,000
for each of the 82,000 claimants who were
kept off. The sale of the property and the
division ot the proceeds is still being
fought for by the Indians.
Scott Secured Many Signers.
This testimony developed In the exam
ination of George F. Scott, a Choctaw.
Scott was active In securing signatures for
th McMurray contracts, th approval of
which by congress. Senator Gore charges,
on May S last he was offered a bribe of
$25,000 or $u0,000.
McMurray'a contracts, Scott testified. If
carried out In their entirety, would dispose
of about $50,000,000 worth ot property, which
on a 10 per cent "attorney' fe" basis
would result in a net profit to McMurray
and his associates of almost $5,000,000. This
fee, according to Senator Gore and mem-'
ber ot the committee who Interrogated
the witnesses,' would be paid for services
that the government already had promised
to give the Indians without cost.
Scott also showed In his testimony that
th cost of employing McMurray would
be In addition to $30,000 now paid annually
to regular attorneys. Scott's contention,
was that the attorneys on the regular sal
aries were not so active as- contingent fee
attorneys. Scott appeared after his name
frequently had been mentioned by previ
ous witnesses.
It waa he who testified he had sent
telegram to Washington urging the ap
proval of the contracts. ' He had been
working for M'cMurray without any writ
ten or verbal agreement, he said, as to
sharing In the fee, and had Induced many
Indians to sign. He worked In this re
spect among the Indiana despite th op
position of Green McCurtain, chief of
18,000 Choctaws. In one telegram to
Richard Adams, an attorney at Washing
ton, he referred ta Vice President Sher
man and Senator Charlea Curtis of Kan
sas as "understanding better than any
one else what the Indians wanted."
' Questioned as to what he meant by
that Scott aald he understood Mr. Sher
man and Senator Curtla had long been
familiar with Indian affairs, and he
thought they were the ones to be ap
pealed to, notwithstanding It had been
shown that both Mr. Sherman and Mr,
Curtis had protested against the 10 per
cent fee. They held It to be too high
and unnecessary. ';
Previous to being connected with Mc
Murray, Scott had been treasurer of th
Choctaw nation.
Department Had Complained, ' "
On cross-examination the witness said
the Department of the Interior sometime
had complained concerning his methods ot
cashing warrant for money due against
the nation. He aald he sometimes had
favored friends In making payments
when hi authority for ao doing was In
dispute. .-. .
"Did you ever make any payment
after you had received notlc from the
department that you were not to do so
until the act authorizing you to make
such payments had beon approved by He
president?" asked Representative C. B.
"Yes, I believe I did; but it was when
the act Itself was In dispute." , ,
"Then you admit that you deliberately
violated the order from the department?"
"1 understand It was the opinion of some
lawyers th it I had the right to make the
payments." '
"Did you ever consult a lawyer a to
your rights?"
"I may have."
"What lawyer did you consult?"
"I don't know."
"Is It probable that you consulted Mc
Murray'a law firm, which at that time was
acting as special counsel for the Indiana?"
"If I consulted any lawyer I may have
consulted McMurray'a firm."
McMurray Had Contributed.
In a political campaign among the Choc
taw tribe. Scott said, McMurray once had
made a contribution of $1,000
"Did McMurray ever give you money for
the work you were doing for him?"
"He gavo me $3,000 once for expenses and
some money I had collected as fees, about
$1 a luad, I believe, for inch of the l.ftl)
tax case contracts which I had secured.'
' "McMurray would reimburse me for my
lime and trouble after he had gotten his
fee, but there was no agreement as to
In the 8,000 tax cases which formed a suit
to prevent the government from collecting
taxes on allotted lands, Scott said, Ma
Murray wa4 to get $10 for winning each
cae or $M,000 for winning the cases colleo
lively. "Do you mean to eay the Indiana wer
going to pay $SO,000 for agreeing to that
which was virtually one tax case?" ak4
Representative E. W. Saunders.
"Kes, $10 a case, or $).000 for the lot"