i i 1 1 t- I ! .!! lL Want - Ads 'Want ada received at aajr time, te lasare proper elasairicatlos. ssst be presented before IS a'olack m. lor Ik rtfilaf edltloa aad before T18O o'clock of prcvloas ervalsisT for morula and Sander editions. Waal ails received after seek koara will bare tbelr flrat Ineertloa ander tha heading "Too Lata to Classify." Cash aaoat accompany ordera for want ada aad no adrrrtlaraaeat will ko accepted for less than eeats flrat laaertloa. Hate applr to oltka Tko Dallr aadar Bi Always count six worda to CASH RATES MR WANT ADS HEOtLAR CLASSIFICATION laaertloa, 1 1-S eeata aer word aad 1 ceat per word for each eaaseeaeai - . a MM on laaertloa. nt .- - odd days. 1 1-H eeata per wr ro per llae per aaoatk. Wait ada for Tko Boo aser at a or of tho following dre ae la year "corner dr-ur' ther are all branok offleea for Tko Be aad roar ad will fc laaerf last aa prompt lr aad oa tko earn ratea aa at the aaala office la Tko Do fcalldlag., keventeeata aad raroam etreetei Albach, W. C, 40th and Fanjam. Beranek, a A., 1402 8. 18th St Peyton Fharmack,.J20 8. 18th t Benson Pharmacy, Benson, r0- Bernls Park Pharmacy, SSd end Cuming. UUke-Bradlgh, 2818 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R., th and Pierce Ste. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., list Ava. and Far aam St Crtssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, tm 8. 18th St. Cerinuk. mll, 12G4-8 8. 12th St Khler, F. H., 2802 Ieavenworti. Foster fc Arnold.. 213 N. 36th 6b ' Freytag, J. J., 1914 N. 34th 8t Frrgger Drug Co., 1J02 N. 16th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. t.reen's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paolflo. Ureenough. a. A., 1 a 10th St Ureenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory, liayden. William, 29 Farnam St lUnauom Park pharmacy, 1601 S. ith Ava. Hoist John, 624 N. 16th Sit. Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth 8t Johanaon Drug Co , 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 22S8 Farnam St Kountl Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th Mares, Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St Lathrop. Charles E., 1224 N. 24th St (joldmnn Pharmacy, 24th and Leavea- Worth Sts. nratoua Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. .uhsefer's Cut Price Drug Store. Uth and i.n-ai.0 Sta. ''hs.-fer, Aug., 2631 N. lth. .rl.mMt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. 'Vnlrnt Hill pharmaoy, 40th and Cuming. UK A Til AND FINER A L, NOTICES IS RICHARDS, Samuel, died at Eustis, Neb., Tuesday, August 9, 1010. Funeral from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gordon, M3 South Twentytthlrd street, Thursday afternoon at :). Inter nment at Jewish cemetery. . . WHO Alice Marie, Infant daughter of O. P. Wllg. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 from resi dence, 2715 South Nineteenth street Friends Invited. I.ODQE, NOTICES. The Irish Fellowship club will have a special meeting this evening at 8 o'clock at tnalr hall in the Arlington block. Busi ness of importance to be transacted. T. It Mullln, President; George Holmes, Sec retary. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births James W. Elwood, 1912 Emmet boy; Edwin C. Gray, 1726 Park avenue, girl; Christian Loegaard, - 1524 Canton, boy; Charlea F. Zoeller, 3421 Charles, girl; Adolph Tuchenbagen, 3125 South Eighteenth, girl; Abe A blah, 141s Poppleton avenue, girl. 1 , Deaths Nicholas KlsCITif Leayenworth, Intant; Henry W. Jones, First and Boule vard avenue, 57 years; Penrose Stewart Fortieth- and Poppleton avenue, 32 years; Mrs. Amanda M Edwards, 2bl6 North Nine teenth, 64 years; Carl Klug, Thirty-sixth and Cuming, 40 years; Fred Hathaway, Verdel, Neb., 28 yeara; Harvey Shonkwller, lsOti Ohio, Infant. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.tder. embalmers, 1814 Chicago, D. 163. B-1659. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. COUTANT A SQUIRhlS, COALbVtricE REMOVED TO 210 South 17lh SU Edward Johnson, Successor to j a - BARRETT-JOHNSON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the best of tailor ing service to their many friends and pat rons at their new quartera, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT L BANK BUJU. MONEY I TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 110 Bee Bldg. "Phone Doug. 204 UNION LOAN COMPANY. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west TSirlowh TUfViQ Wth and Howard bta. A ""11811 Uains PICNIC LUNCHES borne cooking, cakes, pies and cold meata lii'.LiuATtssKN -i5",,"K,:7p:;,: "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million. Stenographers furnished "The Let ttiuiutjisl.' OiiicfS tM i'uxioll Ulk. and 9J7 City National Hank BUlg. .. Tel. D. 66&-4;m. HENRY HORNUNO.plumblng. 122 Farnam J. C. NORTHRUP. "THE LKTTEROLOGIST," wishes to announce that on August 15. she will locate In her branch, office, 927 City Nat. Bank, prepared to do all kinds ut stenographic work. Letter factory at bod Paxton Blk., Douglas o6ba. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ' Arklns. 116 b. UtU, upstairs. . B. F. WURN.Optlclan, 442-fi Brandels bldg. T,ANAMASclnediblche1. blocked 1 1 JSS AJVIAO riAMBt'R. 120 oulh 14th St THE HOME FURNITURES CO.. 20 per rent leas than Omaha prices. 4ih and L t-l.. SoiAh Omaha. MAGGARD Vaa 4k Storage or Omaha Trunk. Van it Storage Co. Pack. move, note and ship H. H. goods. P. Uoi. B-242. O. W. SHIELDS, lawyer, has moved his offices to 826-8 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Gen eral law practice. II. A. RAAPKE. ARCHITECT, announces that after August first he will be In his new offices. 1X3-24-25 CITY NATIONAL BANK 1JLDO.. the moat complete architect's offices In the city. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., li'i FARNAM ST., BOTH FHONES. Elierwln-Wllllama paint. Il.aa a gal. Varn lhr from 11 60 to 14.60 a gal., all branda of white lead. 27 60 per 100 lbs. Low prices la wall paimr. glass, glaaing and 'rauung. ED ROTHF.TIY No- ' "uii tlgars. Cafe In connection '11 8. 14tb. DAVID COLE Creamery Co- COO r MERCHANTS' LUNCH. ft CTTS A. JKTES. 1802 Douglas Bt vj. "PHOTOORAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Dtuw Co s.th and Amea. W. Ill 11-1014. I- M. H. Ceae Ma a Ce, D. 276. LUI Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Cu&Ullutf.l.t STORE TOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PKOOK VAULTS, Nomina cost BHU KERT'S. loth and Harney. VIRGINIA DA KB wine, tbo a laige but tle. Kl.Kl.v I.IUOR tiUUbtk. ku N. ! St Douglaa 667. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. lst a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th St. Phone. Red 814. ICE CREAM HARDINO'S Ice Cream, Wodgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 444. JOUN NITTLEIt Home ConiumerC Distributer. LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE 2224 Houth 24th St DoiglM 1X3. Red ttU; Independent A-14I ENGIiAVED STAT10NEKY Weddlnga, anouncemente, calling carda Kotera & Leary Co iukI2J HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your houae and porch acreened front THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO., A SANITARY NECKSS1TY FOR EVERT HOME). 124 N. Uth St Call Doug. 40U ICE FOB SALE We can furnlah good, clean lr by car load f. o. b. car Omaha. Call Douglaa 272 for prices. TTflTi nATTrVQ Watch our apeclal at rUl VyAXVXiO HAYDEN'S BAKERY DEPT. Try Hardea'a flrat It pays. - KTinATTCl and auppllea; largest stock; n-JUJri.i3 AMATEUR FINISHING best work. DEMPSTER, 121 S Farnam St Robertson's Restaurant 213-11 80 16th St., (basement); cool, light, aanltary, quick fervice. popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen. Table d'Hote dinner Sunday. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBINO AND HEAT1NO REPAIR WORK. 706 S. 16th St D. 1477. BERT MEASE, licensed guide; elk, deer, heep and bear. Write, Meuler. Wyo. ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight pae tenger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. 12th. Doug. SW WE wish to acquaint the publlo with the following facta: There are imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary glass, but having no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican white sapphire, which la appearing In the market' To dis tinguish these from our Mexican whit sap phires, we suggest hydrofluoric acid teat This reacts on glass, but . has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem we are selling for 30 days at 23 per carat, guaranteed 100 -years. DeLong Jewelry Co., 203 McCague Bldg. OET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BRODiiUA ARD'S. It Insures good luck. 116 8. 16th St.. at the sign of tho Crown. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. AUiOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing in wood work, Iron work. Best painting in the city. Send In your cars. 18th and Harney Sts. LIMOUSINE body for automobile, very fine, half price, fit moet any make of car. Fred Feldhauser, independent uarage. BARGAINS Slightly used cars: Kis sel Auto Co., 2129 Farnam AUTOMOBILE, cost over 33.000. In "excel lent condition, for sale very cheap; will ex change for Dundee lots or western land. AddreBS D. A., Omaha, P. O. Box 1303. Auto Repairing S'LM Tires, 2d-hand cars, storage, ine Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D, 7281; A-20U. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN1 " CVLlN'bEtlS CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly i 1 ATT. W i 1 W I." fllTARA VTPl'H Council Bluffs, la. 1 WRITE for list of automobile bargaina. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. Bargains in Used Cars g;jd ca Bluffs Auto Ca. i reari, . a - - I. AUTOMOBILE GOGQoS, 25o to UoO. We have for sale a big, comfortable, five passenger vrayne louring uar;.nas top aide curtains, windshield, headlights, sneeri. ometer, prestollte tank, clock and Gabriel horn; cost l-.WJ last year and Is for sale at $1,060. It is In good running order and the biggest bargain we know of. See It at our garage. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO. CO., 2062 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 30Sa. We have Just taken In trade a two-cyl Inder Rambler car, which would make i fine delivery wagon or truck for a grocery man or contractor, the tonneau being de tachable. This will be sold at a big bar gain; If taken at once, liuO. See it at our garage. SWEET-EDWARD.S AUTO. CO., 2052 Farnam St. Tel.. Doug. 303a. 6-PASSEXGER Auburn automobile for sale cneap. XMeDrasKa cycle co. I REPAIR smashed atitos, mud shields, leaay raaiaiois. Herman ivunae, ill a. 16th. Auto Painting murpht did rr- uet our Drloea. AN. unr.n nunrni, nil jackts&n. HORSE FEED J-.-r Chase Motor Delivery Wasnn. WORK mim AUTOMOBILE CO.. 207 8. 10th. Tel. D. 3724. Four-passenger Parry roadster for sale been used very little for demonstration pur. poses; thirty-six t.orse power; 118-Inch wheel base: a very trim, racy car. Price 1.3ii0 new; will be sold very cheap. Price on application, pee it. ai our garage, SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO. CO.. 2062 Farnam St. Tel. Doug.' 3085. BUSINESS CHANCES TO rtKT In or rut of business call oa G ANGESTA D, 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. K7. DANDY little restaurant; riffht down town; owner sick; mutt sell: SlOO cash balance r&yment; might trade for vacant lot. GANQESTAD, Room 401, Bee Bldg. FOR SALE FlrKt-claas stock tf general merchandise: best location in town: must be cash; no trades. F. L. Hadlick, Vlllisca, is. ,ET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares, am helping others, why not you? Proofs, what has been done. Promoter. 610 Paxton block. PARTNER aa Investor for good paying buxlness; 8VO to 1,000 required. Address M 8J4, Omaha Bee. BICKSMITH and carriage shop cheap. E. Smith, 1314 N. 24th. REAL ESTATE and Insurance busineas. Is a good locality, In a county seat of about A0U0; good paying business; must sell t once. Address Y -3. cure Bee. FOR SALE-Cafe and lunch room; best location and largest patronage In Iowa town of 16.U00: business will eland Investi gating. Write at once. Addrens Y V5, care Bee. NICE 6-room flat, furnished complete; M cash, balance 210 a month; good chance. . GANGESTAD, Room 4ol, Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Dwelling, and blacksmith hop equipped with modern tools and com plete stock. For particulars, write Ike Farmers Slate bank of Altona. Neb. FOR 8ALE or EXCHANGE A live and pro-peroua Omaha mli; cuiicarn wiahes le ell .-r .fhn'i'. I iiIhw -vl'.. nr.. -ef MARKETABLE GOODS, MATERIALS, TOOLS, etc. Will take ti' cash and In clear rity or Interuihan property. F. M rlLTi. Room L 1MU8 Harnev PARTNER WANTED In real estate business, wiih from 82&O0OO to 8f.UOO.UO to Invest; 8)0.000 00 to tl3.0ix.UO profits In Immediate sight: party somewhat acquainted with real estate buslnesa pre ferred: salary and profits aasuivd. Ad dress W Tat, Baa. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) CASADYfS-uf Real F.atate Loan a and trance. 8. W. Corner lttn ind Douglaa Bte., Phone Douglaa Foil KENT Moving picture theHter do ing large bimlnea. Call 8-haub, It thta ter, 16th and Locut Sta.. S-10 evenlnga CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, ICOt rinai 8t Douglaa 4M. CUNIRACTORS AN0 BUILDERS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocka are guar anteed. Phone factor, o. wit office phone W. 2030, THE HOUSE RKPAIRINO CO., Carpenter, paperhanglng, brick work, etc, low priori; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Plione Harney 1637; Harney 3010. PPMPlMTBIocki. Omaha Conorete Btone VylliiiliiilN i Co fgth u tiahler. W. mm. f)TT) T?OOFK repaired; Slate Tile. KJUU IIKJKJV O ,r;v1, Schroeder-Hum- phrey Roofing Co., oil Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 023. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective inner. Inc. & bonded. 428-8 Paxton Blk. Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. BIT KARBACH BLK. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. D. IMi jrAFT'S.Dental Room.lfil7Dougla St. DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th & Farnam FASHIONABLE dressmaking at 2206 Douglas St 'Phone Red 6354. EDUCATIONAL 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the Day and Night Sessions. Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy course, and all English Branches. The rear Book is ready. Apply for it H. B. BOYLES, President Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. S84S Charles. Har. 2381, Mosher-Larnpman college Unexcelled couraea in Busings. Short- band. Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog published In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clesr. white skin. By mail EOo and 11.00. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MISS EMIG. lessons In china and water colors. 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. Try Maglo Roach Powder, Douglas 1270. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser. E. Burham methods; resident work. Tel A' 272S; Douglas 3003. Q A XTTT A Tf V HAIRDRESSING parlors. Vlarinello creams used ind sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 487L VACUUM, cleaners. $15 to VH- 1117 Farnam. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Doug. 1258. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur- naces. combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts, OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, law-s nnurlqa ft. Both Pnnee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED First class young lady stenog rapher; rapid and accurate and capable of taking full charge of office; good salary to start; advancement, vv. 812 Bee. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPH ER, M. SPIESBERGER & SON CO., 1016 FARNAM. Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In our leather goodu department Apply su perlntendent, Brandeia Stores. WANTED EXPERIENCED TRIM MERS FOR CITY AND COUNTRY PO SITIONS. M. SPIESBERGER & SON CO., 1016 FARNAM. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In our women's knit underwear department Apply superintendent, Brandels Stores. WHEN writing say you saw their to advertisers kindly ad. in The Bee. Housekeepers and Duusraltca. LADIES WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; 81 to $4 doi. ; work guaran teed. Trieper 816 Brandels Theater mag Wanted a girl for general housework. that can also cook, no washing; aalary no object Harney. WANTED Washwoman, Harney 3853. at once. 'Phone DINING room girl, 220 per month, board and room. Wlckwlre Hotel, Hooper, xseD, WANTED A good cook; no washing or ironing. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 S. th St WANTED Good competent girl to do second work. Mrs.,;. Wilcox. 1132 E. Pierce. WANTED Girl for general housework; one who can no chndren; good wagea. . ,.. ,. ... r.m. I "''..'a'iJlL'yj": WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phone Harney 84. 121 North 29th Ut WANTED Chambermaid; no objection to color. 2102 Douglas. GIRL for general housework, 3027 Chi cago St WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. 1132 East Pierce St., Council Bluffs. Ia. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. 714 So. 17th Ave. WANTED Mlddle-sged lady, family of two, not at home only mornings and even ings snd Sundays. 4218 Saratoga. WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Hasen, 2724 Spauldlng. Phone W. 8203. GIRL for general housework- 2223 Dodge. GIRL for general housework. Wirt St. Call U'Jt WANTED Respectable woman as house keeper fur fstlier and son, 1416 N. 2!ith St Omaha. W. H. Duncan. GIRL for general housework. Good wiih. Kill VM t WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; vikui, 88: 2 In family. Tel. Harney 874. Apply .18 8. 37th St WANTED Competent girl for general housework: small family. Mrs. O. B. Wl lams, 3230 Hamilton St. Phono Web. 20O. HELP WANTED FF" ME ttaiaae keepers aa! Dneettea Ca4. GOOD second girl. Apply Mrs. John I Webster, 618 So. th Ave. WANTED A good cook. 201 8. I3d St Good wagea; references required. WANTED By gentleman and daughter, lady as housekeeper, middle-aged preferred: must be of good character) no subject of pope or priest need anawer. O. B. Hilton,, general delivery, city. WANTED Housekeeper to help In store; am alone. 721 Military Ave.. Benson. ' SECOND girl wanted. Mrs. John L. Ken nedy, 2118 South S2d Ave. Tel. Harney CO. COMPETENT laundress; two days a week. Mrs. 11. W. Chr'stle, 1024 Park Ave. A COMPETENT cook and a second girl wanted. 610 8. 22d St. Douglaa 4430. GIRL wanted for general housework; Danish or German preferred. 1150 Daven port. GIRL for general family. 1910 Cass St housework; two In WANTED A good cook and second girt 218 N. 2d Ave. Tel. Harney S3. WANTED A good girl for general house work at once. 20U Charles St WANTED A g(ol girl to assist with gen eral housework; good wages; small family. Tel. Web. 6638. 200u Spencer. A GIRL to assist with general housework and care for children. 218 N. J-a Ave. COOK and second girl. 624 S. 20th St GOOD girl for general housework. 2 In family, good wages. 4919 Webster St Tel. H. 294L GIRL for general housework. 407 26th St YOUNG rlrl for light housework: cood position, jj. it. tiaraing, z i. nstr. GIRL for general housework at 2716 Pod- pieton Ave. iei. narney l&ut. GIRL for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 S. 35th Ave. GOOD slrl wanted st once: 4 In famltv: no children; good opportunities. 220 N. 20th. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages; no. washing. 618 S. 28th St Tel. Harney lib. GIRL to assist with housework In small family; no washing; easy place. 2902 Caas St. Tel. Harney nm. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago, GIRL for general housework. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, SS11 Harney St Tel. Harney 2390. WANTED Oood girl for general house work. Apply 8324 Myrtle Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; three In family. 2412 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web. S398. A COOK wanted. A. L. Reed. Tel. Ben- son 178. WANTED Girl for general housework. 3812 Farnam St. WANTED A girl to do laundry work and second work. 3611 Jackson 8t Miscellaneous. TOtTNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung women cnristian association building at ft Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted: look lor our traveler's aid at i Union station. WANTED Experienced saleslady to manage dry goods department In general store; town of 2,000; state experience, age and salary expected. Address Y 212, care Bee. -... WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE A aeals, gelesmea ' and olleltara. WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high gra Irrigated vineyards in the famous Pecos jXMUey of -Texas on instsllment plan. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO.. HAMLIN. . TEX. ABLE salesmen have the chance of their lives to sell Omaha manufacturing stock. Boost Omaha and share.' the profits. Suite 844 Brandeia Theater bldg. WANTED An experienced, high grade, Oil Salesman for Iowa territory. State age, experience, etc. . Address Y 214, cars Bee, WANTED Competent,, reliable salesman to handle high grade line- advertising signs, calendars, novelties; best line signs In America: liberal commission; leferences re quired; splendid proposition for right party. Sales Dept., Up-To-Date Advertising Co., camsteo, n. x. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tleth Century Farmer. Call or write man- eger of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Immediately, experienced art salesman at Rose Art . Store, 16th and Dodge Sts. Clerical and Office. WE CAN use several bookkeepers, steno graphers, salesmen, office cleras. If you are open for a position, see us. Wo oan place you on short notice. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. INC, 752-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8yrs.) WANTED Young man. bright and hue- tier, tor gov t railway mall clerk; immedl ate action necessary to catch coming en trance examination. We can- fit you In time. Starting aalary fJOO per year. See Mr. noii Deiore noon, mi umana nat i uansi Bldg. WANTED Clerk or, bright young man for railway mall clerk; you must vot Im mediately to be ready for coming examina tions; salary $900 per year, starting; rapid promotion. See Mr. Hoff before noon, 201 old Omaha, Nat'l Bank Bldg. POSITIONS! We have an exceptionally largo list of vacancies at the present time. Call and look them over. CO-OPEKATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandeia Bldg. WANTED A bookkeeper for wholesale house; state age, experience and salary ex pected. Address J 805, Bee. YOUNG men for government service; best opportunities In yeara. See Mr. Hoff before noon. 201 Old Omaha National bank Bldg. IMMEDIATELY. Railway mail clerks wanted. Entrance examinations just announced; best oppor tunity in years; beginning salary, xyuo per year. For information and preparation see Mr. Hoff, .201 Old Omaha National Bldg. Immediate action necessary. POSITIONS for several good bookkeeper and stenographers. Bee us st once. PAR. eONf EMPLOYMENT CO.. 613 Bee Bldg. Boys. WANTED BOY8 17 TO 18 YEARS OLD TO WORK IN STOCK. M. SPIESBERGER & SON CO., 1018 FARNAM ST. factory mmtt Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat Bee Bldg. WANTED Oood all around blacksmith, thst can do woodwork, 83 per day. J. M. Calnan, Dunlap, la. GROCERYMAN of wide experience for department in large store. Apply to Dept manager. The Bennett Company. Ilocelia WANTED For the. fall festival at Fair fax. S. D.. August 29 to September 8, In clusive, good tort shows, merry-go-round, shooting gallery, balloon ascenalon, cane racka and all other forma of amusements. Address J. R. Kosta, secretary, car Greg ory State Bank. Fairfax. S. D. BRIGHT young man 16 to U years of age for primary office ' work, wholesale house. Mention salary desired, schooling and parentage. Address F 818, Bee. EDO men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motnrrnen ana uon ductors. $60 to $100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Adrtss Y-6U care of Bee. HELP WANTED MALE LABORERS wanted on building construe. Hon work on the new Mnrrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. 8. D. Wages 82 26 per day for the first two weka' employ ment ana w.w per any sner ini nrsi two weeks. Steady work until February. Re port Immediately on Job to Collins Bros., Genereal Contractors. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeks required; splendid trade for poor man; be your own boss; can start shop with small capital or work 112 to 820 weekly; good demand for barbers; further Information free, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. CH AUFFEUliS mk? ,10 to 1150 "" V;lmul 1 iko mo., learn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Aasn. 628 Brandels Thester Bldg. WANTED Young men 16 to 18. ushers. American Muslo Hall. Inquire for Mr. Sheu- para, i nursnay, Deiween b.mj ana V a. m. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehlelea. WAGONS. ?ulM. w' you iinuuno, better rrmAm at wnrk for less money than anyone else In Omaha or council minis. 1117 Farnam St Attention, Ilarnessmakersl Dapple gray display horse for sale; price iwi nniri) new. u.1 1 Jfarnam tt FOR SALE Good leather top buggy. Call Hall A Morris, 28o8 Farnam St Tel. Har ney, 431. Deep cut in all fly nets, special prices on horse collars and on sweat pads. Hayden's Harness Department Rohnilt Buggies and Wagons, cheap, iveuuiii, nurpny A 8ont mh ana Jaoll A acksoo. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SlDMAN'tt, The Cut Price Feed Man. M U. Uth St Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 18th. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condl tlon: almost your own price: go sea Johnson-Dsnforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. BEST MATCHED Missouri bred team for sale at 2622 Grant St 'Phone Web. bS4&. Must sell. LOST AND FOUND PARTY who found the coat with Prudential Insurance papers belonging to C. J. Hart please call up Doug. (197 or Web. 148 leave number of house. LOST Personal grip, on N. 24th St. be tween Florence and Ames Ave.; liberal re ward for return to Bee office. The Teddy Bear ft- LOST Dog, white Spits, bushy tall, fe male, name Pug. Reward for return. Phone Douglas 1202. MEDICAL , HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid: samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. BEST rierv hrflfe fsii mn draw's Nerve Food pills, 11 a box, postpaid. Sher man &. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port ots.; special attention paid to con llnement cases; all treatment supervised bv college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered, day and iilght , . Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional Ufa to the treatment of all fomr.s of chronlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 36 years he has been known and trusted by alt 28 years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McUreat Co.. 815 S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. iwmwwwMemmmmmttttm I e 88 M 88 82 88 II 8$ NO MORE UiUH MATES. ft CHEAP MONEY. FOR YOUR $J sunaiiin vauAiiun, NEW COMPANY. ' NEW PLANS. This Is a new firm organised by the LEADING: BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA TO LOAN 210 to 8600 to any honest person owning HOUSE. 68 tf HOUU UOODb, PIANOS, etc., or hold- 8i 88 ing a salaried position at the rate of 8 12 10 PER CENT PER YEAtt il U JUST THINK YOU PAX u 8f 81.00 Interest on $10 for one year. M is sz. ou inivreai vu 0 tur one year 88 86.00 Interest on 860 for one year. 88 ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION 88 U INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., 5 Room 204 Wlthnell BlocK. tf N. E. Cor. 15th A Harney Su., 2d Floor IS Cash Quick on Easy Terms. We loan money on household goods, f llanos and teams without removal, for ong or short time, small and easy pay ments. 8i-a to mo weeaiy payment on a 860.00 loan for 60 weeks, other amounts In the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at an times. Mail or 'phono ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12. Arlington Block, 1811 Vi Dodge St Phone Douglaa 24K. 23 CHEAP LOANS 88 on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. If You borrow 88 $10.00 you pay back $11.00 88 826.00 you pay back 827.00 $8 $o0.00 you pay back 864-00 88 No other charge. $2 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 11 Room 601. Brown Blk.. 207 S. 16th St., 88 Cor. Doug. St. Douglas 2038; A-2036. 3$mW$WWW8tt3W2WltW333333 MONEY! NEED AN7T GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., lit Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner- 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone Douglas 2205. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We oan prove It CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7. Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. Opposite Postoffice. Both Phones Doug. 1356: A-1S66. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN Ki!.n-rir-j nuuan. jtnu uin' v-n-i without security: easy payments. Offices In M principal cities. Tolmaa. room $12 New Tork 1.II Ming. MONEYS TO LOAN. Come In let us explain ratea to you, Reliable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug 1411; A-na DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red M13 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets en your floor. RleetrU vacuum system. 808 S. 17tb. Tet U. 18M EXP. Delivery Co.. office Uth and Ds ei.pnrt t. warehouse. 207-06 Isard ftt OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. CHOICB rooms witn board, pisrs." 11 Cspliol Ave. "The Teos- gO UTH front parlor; also on other room, for 8 gentlemen or married couple, with fcoard. aut Dcdaa, OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Room ontlnaed. ELEGANT rooms and board. Io3 Cali fornia kt lei. Doug. Hit CLEAN furnished looms and board, wita German (Christian) family. 111 Capitol Ave. STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wall able for board and room. 714 N. Uth St UC irilTH N rnnma. with board. U 1 Sik t Douglas 64J8. BOARD and room, 84 M per week. 2420 De catur Ut lei. B-HIl TABLE 1-oard and rooms for two. 1714 Chicago. ROOM and board In private family: bom cooking. 418 N. 23d LARGE room with board; suitable for two; private. 114 8. ltn. BOARD mi, rooms. J07 St Mary's Ava LARGE, cool, beautiful front room, two iirn closets and lavatory: also another smaller room, with excellest board; near car line or walking distance. 70 Ueorgla Ave. NICE furnished rooms with board for two. 24.50 per week. 6i 8. 20th St. WHEN writing to advertisers klndl) "ad." In The Bee. My you saw their Furaiaheil It oorao. MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney 8t Red NICELY furnished room; all conveni ences, gentleman preferred. Call 2t12 St. Mary's. O. M. E. hauls trunk a Phones D. Cii A-ssu AMONG the nicest In the city. Ave. CM 8. Uu WHY pay fancy prlcee for poor rooms when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 North 2uth St Douglas 04k. PLEASANT front room to rent August 1 to gentleman. 2U1II Douglaa St . FURNISHED rooms, 4 and 88 per month, for gentlemen; tlso first floor parlor fur young ladles at 27 per week; gas, running water, telephuiie, laundry and pressing privileges. Tel. Harney V4H2. 2tU7 Harney. LARGE furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance, private family, electric fan. 612' No. 2Uth. Tyler lizs. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSUITE OR S1NULE, lor gentlemen In the West Farnam home, eveiy convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. 0-4ti6. Bee. 1724 Davenport; newly furnlsned. all mou ern outside rooms; large .'awn; no sign. COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. Uth. ONE large nicely furnished room, suit able for two. Phone u. tuvt. Z4 m. mtn at TWO large front rooms; private family; references, oio Mo. win. t-au aiier a SUITES of I rooms for housekeeping; all modern; also sleeping rooms; no children. 62s 8. 19th St NEWLY furnlehed front room with al cove: also single room, newiy furnished: prices reasonable. U fark Ave. Phone Harney 6017. FURNISHED room, modern. Phone Dr. Griffith. 2238 Farnam. FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furmsnea to suit, eta a. ma ou TWO fine carpets for sale. Inquire 1443 8, Uth St NICELY furnished single room, modern. 2662 Harney. TWO modern rooms. 219 a. 26th St FURNISHED rooms with board. 2th. K01 N. NICE, clean beds, cool rooms, (fill Mili tary Ave., Benson, Neb. H. Zeller. WELL furnlsted, modern rooms. 816 N, Uth. ROOMS, 82 a week and up. 210 N. 17th. SOUTHEAST ROOMS, now furnished. Red 2886. NICELY ' furnlsned. large, front room. suitable for two. 201 So. uth Ave. FURNISHED rooms, 616 S. lbth St, flat 2. DOUBLE front room, suitable for two or four persons. 708 8. 16th St NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, close In. 7U N. 22a. Douglas sou. 2411 Capitol Ave., etrtctiy modern rooms reasonable. 'Phone Douglas 6882. FURNISHED rooms with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1820 Dodge St FRONT room, well furnished, modern. 1707 Dodge. NICE, large rooms; large, private front porch; modern. us narney. NEATLY furnished rooms. 814 N. 23d. MODERN conveniences: rooms for house keeping. UU 8. 30th. NICE furnished sleeping rooms. 2013 Leavenworth. THREE furnished rooms. 2018 N. 22d St ONE housekeeping room and on bedroom at 127 B. 26th St. ROOMS for rent: either light housekeep ing or sleeping rooms, tuit Lavenworin. LARGE furnished rooms, modern: with breakfast; gentlemen preferred. 810 South 21 st. Douglas 6104. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, cloaev in, private family. 820 N. 17 tu NICELY furnished, airy room: also In side room, reasonable. 1102 8. Uth St., up stairs. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms. Will allow use of kitchen for light house keeping. 811 N 17 Ut st DOUBLE room: $13. 821A California. Douglas 447. THREE modern rooms at 3613 Davenport ONE front Dedroom. 830 8. 23d. FIVE nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; no children; strictly modern, with gas range. 2601 Davenport . FURNISHED room and breakfast for Cathollo gentlemen In private family. 2628 Charlea. . . TWO cool sleeping rooms. 82 a week board If desired. 2671 St Mary's Ave. Red 4432. BEAUTIFUL rooms: will furnish to suit $10; new house. 2212 Central boulevard Convenient to car. Doug. 44.46. WHY pay fancy prices for poor rooms when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 N. 26th St Douglas vma. MODERN furnished rooms: private fam lly; walking distance; $2.60 week. 212 8. fath Ave. 'Phone Harney tilt CLOSE IN, elegantly furnished, oool front parlor, modern, nice porch, reason. able. 2606 Capitol Ave. COOL, east front parlor, modern; private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 82.60 a week. 822Vi & 20th. Red 6227. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 1466 8. 11th St. WHY pay fancy prices for poor rooms, when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 North 2oth St. Douglas 6462. NICELY furnished rooms, gentlemen only. 622 S. 16th St.. M floor, flat 1L That lady on South 27th street believes in The Bee. She says: I advertised the flat in Sunday morning's Bee and rented it before noon. 1 Tbeae ads are wonderful puller. Oetter of whatever you want. Beal treasure. P EM!Fi KENT. Kurulahetl Itooma t'onllnarrl. Font unfurnished rooms. Reference 2087 Douglas St. ' SINGLE loom, all modern, luitatile fof gentleman. 1.W per week. Bmt. NICE, cool. furnlneil room, walhlug distance. 104 8. 24H; ft. modern; CLEAN furnished room lor housekeeping, tu per muiith. 613 N. IDth. FINE large rooms; 271TJ Fsrnam St reasonable; modsra TWO front rooms, 86 per week. 2202 Far- nam tst. FOR RENT Cheap, a furnished 4-room cottage on lbth St., 4 blocks from P. O.; will lent all or In suites lor llgni House keeping. 817 N. lbth Kt. FURNISHED rooms for two ladles or part of new modern house. 2015 Lake. FURNISHED rooms, i24 N. 20th; Red 77m NICELY furnished modem rooms. 714 t). 17th Ave. 2D68 Woolworth Ave., opposite Hanscou Paik, a nice Lea room, $5 per ninth. VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call er- enlngs. 2110 Chicago St. MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6C. ROOMS for light housekeeping, gas, tele phone, etc. 81o S. 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, modem, Isrge Iswn, will furnish for Housekeeping lor desirable party. 'Piioue B-ZiuJ. 124 , N. 17th St. CLEAN furnished rooms and board WiH German Christian family. 1U Cauiml Ave. . FURNISHED rooms, modern. 213 N. 86th. NICELY furnishea east rooms for gen tlemen only. Call In forenoon. lMJIVs t Mary's. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. 811 Poppleton Ave. TWO furnished rooms. 84 week. 818 8. Nth St. TWO cool clean rooms; references. Sit N. 19th St NEAT, modern room, private family. close In; reasonable; hot water heat J04 N. 20th. FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 606 S. 20th St. - NICELY furnished front parlor, flrat claas, close In. 2427 Dodgs St. Red T783. TWO furnished rooms. 2104 California SU ROOM on ground floor, modern house; rent $2 a week. 643 6. 24th Ave. NICE and cool: ten minutes' ride from postoffice; lake Dodse car. 8006 Ohio bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.. 217 8outb 2th St Very convenient to busi ness. NICELY furnished modern front house. keening rooms: other rooms; close In. 847 a. 24th Ave. : LARGE room ana alcove, well furnished. suitable for light housekeepln-t. 2571 Dodge. MODERN, furnished double ' rooms, good location, walking distance. 1919 Cass St NICE, cool room. 1813 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room. 222S Dodgtv 'Phone Red 6662. FRONT room; private family. 2401 Har ney. 72S 8. 1ST II 8t. modern furnished rooms for gentlemen, very reasonable. TWO connecting front rooms, nicely furnished. In private family; references exchanged. 2047 Dodge St Hotels aad A part meats. THEBACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. All outside ro6ms.- - ' THE COMU3 NICE ' MMER ROOMS: rates reasonable. D. 715 2474 Harney St . Beautiful Rooms, fine board. 123 & Uth Ava. LANGS HOTEL, ROOMS 60c AND UP. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM8 for gen. tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Uth St THE LAN DON. 8. 24th. Rooms with board. 614 THE ALTA VISTA. European, 1408 ard St VINCENT DINING ROOM-320 8. 19th 8L DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodgs. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool rooms with board. 213 South 20th St Housekeeping Rooms. KICB, CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas lurnianea, laundry privileges; walking distance; rent reasonable. 2671 BT. MARY'S AVE. ROOM and board In private family: mod-, ern and reasonable. Address 8112 Mason . st Phono Harney 4092. CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. 1811 .Capitol ava. THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook- f a Ing with ploasant rooms and bath will find J them at 818 S. 26th st Kutes very reason, able. GOOD room and board, 84.60, at 817 N. 16th st . SMALL front room for one, with board, -1918 Cass. 'Phone Douglas 1476. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all modern and new house; home cooking;, private family. 221 N. 20th St. THE Manuel and Howard, 21st and How ard; 2 and 4 room apartments; $23 to $06; new, furnished. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 604 N. 20th. NICELY furnished light housekeeping, room; private entrance, 216 N. 23d. TWO housekeeping rooms, double par lors, $20 per month. 2469 Harney. NICEST housekeeping rooms, with . 113 S. 24lh. TWO front rooms, 918 South 20th. " TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping; rooms. 2019 St. Mary's Ave. NEWLY furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping and sleeping rooms; new management 616 South 22d. THREE strictly modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping during August and September. Use of phone. No children allowed. 215 S. 26th St. Douglas 626, NICELY furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping; cloao In. 216 N. 19th. SUITE of 4 nice modern furnished house keeping rooms, bath. 646 S. 21st. II. 4660. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 1914 California. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 618 8. 20th. COOL, moden, convenient rooms. (11 8. 20th Bt THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; $12. 8414 Webster street ' "4 ) - S a' ) A. V rent-