12 TITK BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910. Jn 1he ' Nebraska state constitution 1he governor is given FRIDAY is J Z I I sit i I B r L 1 M n mi! .irirr 1 hLuNi is 3 eh. sia a m Offer Sensational Bargains Friday All the Remnants & Odd Lots From the Tefft-Weller Stock Will Be Sacrificed in One Dig Cloan-Up Every Remnant in This Lot Must Be Sold Friday Sample Strips of Laces, Galloons, Etc. Mnnufueturcrers' trial strips in newest designs from a New York importer; beautiful hands, appliques, net tops, baby Irish laces,"nilk laees, etc. 2'!j to G yards long-fl g -1 to 12 inches wide positively worth up jo"B to $1.00 u yard, at, per yard JL fas X- Sample Piece3 of Laces Edges, Insertions, Appliques, Irish Crochet and Fancy Trimming Laces 4 to V-j 1 n yard in each piece, at, per yard 2 C Wide Embroideries at 10c Yard Including flouncing and skirting embroideries up to 15 inches wida fine assortment worth up to . flfl 20c a yard,-at, jer yard C Greatest Values in the Tefii-Weller Stock H 1 Specially Priced in Basement The softest and most fluffy outing flannels, yet firm and washable The new plaid effects are very pretty, also stripes, check's and baby blue, pink, white, cream Q J and gray flannels. The assortment will more 4"ofI One Case- of f egU- 1 Suiting remnants, all Fleeced kimono and lar JOo India Li- dark coloringa, 10c dreBS flannelette nons will be sold value8: f barBa,n SSSed f Lvl " Vl7. 8quare'at UP signs, 12c 7 1 at, yard. .. .OiVfeC i yard. ...... &2 values, at, yd. . 1 2V Ginghams Fast colors and suitable for children's wear checks, plaids, stripe3 and plain chambrays , C 10, 15 and 20 yard lengths, at, per yard JC The popular. Hamilton Mercerized cotton Very heavy grade or 6c comfort prints, broadcloths, in plain bleached', and un- ln lengths suitable blue, pink, red, white, bleached shaker flan- for , making quilts cream, gray and nel, would be cheap bargain square 91 brown at, 7J at 10c yard f 1 yard......,i2V yard I5C at. yard. DjC ton .Flannels, from the bolt, Friday, at,'- yard All the Mill Ends and Sample Pieces of All Wool Dress Goods from the i Tefft-WclIer Stock Must Be Sold Friday A great many of the pieces match up. A chance to buy early fall material for school "j C . JC dresses at, each. . .Uy- jC"iiC Bargains ii Our Hair Goods Dept. The Chantecler Cluster of Puffs values $1.98 Friday Specials in Boys fcOc Shirts, Boys' 39c Wash Pants, Boys' 60c Blouses ir all at one price IJC Boys' 60c Knickerbockers all sizes'.. .". 25 BR ANDEIS Prcnipt, THE The Hens BEE a Daily Clsaa and Yea Kant Hirrcr of Raliabfo fo Read Events f " '" Low Fares ,.'.Wn- .w-w' -.StMi? .MM. j i. X - CHANGE OF AIR, ALTITUDE AND SCENE . Complt't tripa planned to come with certain fixe J aniounU. Transcontinental trips via Minneaot,' the Yellow stoue uU CaaiMliau ltockies.: lx-t ua know the general tlirertlou in which you witth to go, the sort of reat you civ and tve V ill plan It all out. Duu't Just think about it write or telephone to1ay. . ; CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN TICKET OFFICE. 1512 Farnam Street. f , Omaha, Neb. Phone Doughs 260. GOOD All the 15c and' ISc 'batistes and flaxon, In dress, and .. kimono designs on bargain - n square at, per ,. ... " f yard 2d floor Two extra large size nets . . . 5t Turban Caps 20c 22 - inch Natnral Wavy Switches, $4 values $1.98 Basement 1""" All our Boys' Wash 'Suits, worth up to $1- 50c Friday at Children's Rompers . . .15c STORES -w,--.-- r -,,ir; -i 'in liiii.n ,4, tr,?, ,11,,,! yMt ...w. . . I rrnr Special Ilomescckcr s Rates Souf Invest To Missouri, ' Arkansas, .Oklahoma, Louisiana, - Texas, Kansas. Tickets on sale first and third Tuosday in each month. Stop evers allowed on both the going and return journeys. ' J THOS. F. GODFREY, Fata, ana ticmi Int, 1433 Fsrnam St., Or Uclon Station, Omaha. JETTER BREWIMG CO., Phone No. 8. 30th ini Y Streets -Sooth Omaha. Nebraska COH8T7MSBS' DXBTKXBUTEXSl Omabai . HUGO r. 8IX.Z, 1324 Dourlaa Btraat. ' rhonaai SouKlaa 1843. lad. JL-164S. ' South Omaha I WH. JETTE. asoa H BU Fhona Bio. 868 Xud. r-1868 Council XUnffai LSO. M20KSX.Ii 1013 Kala at. , lota Faoaaa. so MSB Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Low Fare Summer Tour Via WASHINGTON TO ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER SEA SHORE ' - " RESORTS T NEW, YORK, BOSTON , AND NEW ENGLAND POINTS ' Ticket on Bala Dally Until Oct tlt, U)NQ KKTUHN LIMIT. Liberal Stop-Ovar Prlvllaaaa. For furthar particulars addraas W. A. nSITOS, B. W. AVSTXV, T. P. .. Chloaso Q. P. A,. Chlcaso. Your daughter may be per mitted.' safely, to read - The ' Bee. No exaggerated accounts of crime, no 111th, , no scandal, no. dime novel sensations; but aU the newa. Ffinn FOR Weak and nervous man EUUV IUR who find their power To NERVES worlt "nd yufui vigi" llbnibJ soue aa a result of over work or mental exertion should k i.k. BUAY'S NERVB FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and deep and be a man attain. $1 Box. t Boxes (2.E0 by Malt XSBMAH ) MoCOMNEU DBVIt CO. Uor. leth and Doig Streets. . OWL D1UQ CO., Cor. lStfe and Kornay 8ta4 Omaha, XTeS. i-'-miminMiT-" n i fnir-i Summer Tour CD 1 4 "i mm n m i ' " " - - .x im aj Tall Quarterly atyla Jonrnal Pattrna jamt It, BOo, aaA a Pattara DAY AFTER DAY WE OFFER MATCHLESS BARGAIN i . LOTS FROM OUR jj W. Dry Goods Exchange B I Wholesale Stock at Half Uncommonly fine lots Just for Friday, the week's extra special bargain clay. 100 PIECES BATISTES AND LAWNS Fine sheer fabrics In light Inches wide; every yard 10c house dresses. Friday, at, 25c WASH FABRICS AT 9 Fine sheer fabrics In light and dark colors, 28 and 31 voiles In. foulard patterns; also several cases of fine 15c batistes, all at one price, yard ; CASE ART TICKING REMNANTS Striped and floral designs In blue and pink colorings, largely used for pillows, box covers, etc., 33-lnch widths; 20c values, yard ODD PIECES AND REMNANTS SILKS Friday we will have all the In a big lot, fancy silks and mostly 76c goods, at, yard Kid Gloves from Dry Goods Exchange Stock -' Setond Day of Stle Mr f 100, $1.50 ani $1.75 filore. t Qg The woman with foresight will buy them for fall now They are fin French goods, real kid and lambskin In thm ht 1 1?J. ...2 and white. Two-clasp and twelve-button lengths.' The best wearin gloves ( Imported. Matchless bargains, at . . . . . . . . . . : ; rnday Extras Neckwear, for women, lot of new 25c novelties, at iq Embroideries, 6 to 27 Inches wide, table, full 60c values, at . .25 Laces, fine Venlse edges and in sertions, 25c goods ....12 Linen Laceavl to 4 inches . .3 Cluny Laces, 10 to 16c goods 5t Hair Nets,'1 special, 4 for i-lOc Handkerchiefs, mens, 12Vic Jap ' onette, for ............ 5 Child's H. Handkerchiefs. .1 Cbrsets--Friday Special S1.S0 Cone's, iil.OQ CorseU Just tor Vtiitj New style riodels made specially ily recognise as standard make, such as you would select as the most desirable Crfam any f 1.50 or $2.00 lines. Shown In contilB or Bummer batistes. They are representative of the season's bst styles; lace trimme;)garters attached; superbly .tailored, FrldaySl:2.- Get at least one. It's a rare opportunity. Great Clearing Reductions- Japanese China Fanoy Xand-Falnted Decorations 25o Salt and Pepper Shakers, lOe $1.25 Nut Sets, -seven pieces,-7Se Z5o Bread and Butter Plates, ISc 60c Roaa Jars, reduced to . ...39o 76c Powder Boxes reduced to..39o J9c Hair Hecelvers, special . .fl5o 50c Mustard Pots, for 39o $1.60 Surfers and Creams ....91.60 $1.S Sug-ars and Creams ....$1.19 $1.26 Sugars and Creams ,...75o $1.60 'Fancy Plates, for 98o $3.00 Salad Bowls, for 81.70 ai Dorothy Dodd Canvas Pumps !i A Ciose-Out Lot for Friday The best styles from the best shoe makers, in the. country. All smart ankle strap pumps with iturn sole aoid leather heel, $2.75 values." The lateness of the selling ' mm An season is the only reason for the low price tplsVO Aijseius- nJMTH AU lines; also Children's Pumps, patent - colt ana ami leathers, - stCrrf reduction, of ......... M jo Friday and Saturday Double Stampi oil Bennett's Capitol Bak Capitol ing . Powder, 6 pound can, for . $1.00 and 100 stamps. Bennett'a Best , Coffee alwaya 36q, far, )b., SOo Bennett's Capitol Coffee always 28c, per pouml package .......... S3o Teas: Our tie grades, at, per -pound 680 Teas: Our 68o (rades, ac, per pound 48o Cheese Special: Llm- burKf r, per pound ISO Armuur'e "Verlbegt" Sliced Beef. Jar ..ISO and 10 stamps. Chef brand. Boneless Herring. 1 jars for BOo and 10 temps. Karo Syrup, ran . ...lOe and stamps. Capitol"lBaklns Powder. , pouml ran 8o ' ' na,r 20 stamps. (menage tor lOo anu lu stamps. Monarcn Cut Asparaaus, tor... Boo and 10 stamps. Peanut Butter, large Jar tor Sue and 20 stamps. Poppy Milk, large . can fur loo and 10 stamps. Cheese, full cream, per pound goe and 10 stampa. Cheese, Virginia Swiss, per pound S&o and 10 stamps. B. and M. Canned Cod, per can ..14o and 10 stamps. aalllard Olive . Oil, bot tle, for S4e snd 20 stamps. Cornmeal, White or Tel low, 10 lb. sack ...'.ISO Franco-American Soups, 20c cans for tSo Virginia Fish Roe, at, can '. .' SOo Capital ETtrst. hot. ISo ana jo stamps. Small dour - l'lckie. per doen Se THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to its members on July lot $89,000 Dividends. It has never paid to its members less than six per cent per DIVIDEND 6 fund $07,000., Address, S. E. Book of XadU' Koico in. Svarj womaa ! rraa. PURCHASE OF THE and dark colors, 28x31 quality; Ideal for cool yard CENTS 9c 9c Bilk oddments assembled plain silks, of all kinds 19c Close Out Lot White Waists A limited quantity of slightly- H soiled lingerie waists for a quick clean up Friday. Either lace 'or embroidery trimmed aarments. B ; open back and long sleeve styles, In the lot are waists selling up to 11.25, take choice now; for 50c $1.29 for Bennettt.. Garment toiimi ri. Housefurnishini 76o X-Ray Coffee Mills, at , ..4o $1.85 B. O. E. Sad Irons, for 91.00 $1.00 Wood Axes, well made Mo 40c Steak Knives, best grade too $1.00 Knife, Fork and Spoon Set, of aluminum for children ,.B9o Tin Beating Spoons, long- i..;.3o 16o Cleaners, wood handle ...10c 25o Porcelain Tea Pot Tiles ..lOo 60e Ice Shavers, long handle BSo Alumnlnum Tooth Pick Hold's lOe Aluminum Measuring Cups ...lOo WOMEN'S OXFORDS on bargain isDie, mostly small sizes of reg ular $2.60 qualities, nn. for Friday, at 5J5C Grocery Undcrpriciag Granulated Soar Wheat. two lb, Snlder's Salad . Drasslng, S tor. 8oo 'a, and 10 stamps, f. Argo Qloss Starch, six W packages for Boo'" Diamond Crystal Table ' H Salt, I pacaages . .fi&o U and 10 stamps. m Sweet Mixed Pickles, at, .Li per quart SOo W anu iv aiampa. Polk's Tomato ttoup, 4 cans, lor aso . U Beat 'an All Soap, nlneiu bare, for goo Haarinan's Vinegar, at, ' p quart bottle BOo H Snlder's Pork and Noun a per can 16o ' ana i tamps. Table Syrup, can 13 Via and 10 stampa. O e e k 1 Bpeolal Cocoa Bars snd Fruit1 Wafers - pound -.ISo U C?rackirs. all mftkftR. ni Si package lOo and 10 stamps. AS annum for 27 years. Saving accounts calling for a monthly payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may be opened any day, or lump sums of not over $5,000 received.' Ask for Booklet A" and other information. Assets $3,600,000. Reserve Corner 16th and i Dodge Streets. The Second Day of fhe co. Bannropi mock Laces of every description, nil perfect, included in this great sale Friday; all newest patterns at Half and Loss Regular Price French and German Val. Laces Regular values to 20c yard, at, per yard 2VsC, 3VaC, 5c, 7V2O Nottingham Wash Laces- Values to 25c yard Bank rupt sale price, yard . ,5c Torchon Laces Regular Values up to 35c per yard, at, per yard SVaC 5c, 7xAc, IOC 12y2C, 19c Allover Laces iiegular values up to $5.00 a yard per yard. .39c, 98c and $1.93 Bands, Edges and Galloons Regular values up to 75o a yard, at, per yard 10c, 15(! and 25c Laces and Embroideries in the Domestic Room Ono big lot slightly soiled and mussed, from handling, tre mendous bargains at yard lc, 2y2c, SC Remnant Day in Our Famous Domestic Room 50,000 yards of all kinds of wash goods, flannelettes, outing flannels, cotton eiderdown, madras,- prints, ginghams, per cales, white goods, from the Tefft-Weller stock, placed on squares at, per yard . - , 5c, 7 Bic, 1 0c, 1 Linens, Towelings Sheetings, Etc. 10,000 yardsof linens, towelings, muslins, sheetings, etc. at About Half Price. n Domestic Room th Suit Depsrimsnt Tailored Stilts and SlUc Dresses,' values to $16.00 at. .'. .$41,95 Women's Wrappers that sold to 11.25, at, choice. ....... ..QQ Women's House Dresses that sold to $1.60, at..... '-05 Heatberbloont Underskirts, rgu lar,$1.50 values, oasale at 79f Dress Skirts, $4.00 and $5.0Q val ue ...... .$2.08 83.98 Cravenette Raincoats-that sold to $7.?o; t' . ......$2.95 Wash Dress Skirts, values to $2.60 r choice ..,,. ..,...... 98 Women's Wash -Waists, values to $1.00, choice -25J Children's Wash Dresses that sold to $1.60, on sale. 95 and 35 Big Friday Cheney Bros. Famous Spotproof Foulards, this season's new' colors and Qfi? designs, in dress lengths! $1 qualities; Friday.... fl.06' Pongees SOo tfl.25 Taffetas 85c : All silk, natural col- Black only, 36 inches or,-86 inches wide wide, oil ooiiea, some great snap, yd. .59M thing fine, at. . .85 Mes salines, Foulards, Pongees, new shades and weaves, regular ' $1.25 yard in Domestic room, Extra Specials for Friday la Our Famscs DosesSe Room ' From 8 to P A. M-We will sell 100 Bed Spreads, worth $1.25 each at, each v...' 78t From 8:80 to 9:80 A. M. We will sell 60 dozen Huck Towels, union linen No. 4810, sells at 20c each , . . . .. .. From 9 to 10 A. M. We will sell 50 dozen of Amagausett Beam less 8heets, 72x90, round thread, regular value 75c, each. . . .59 From 10 to 11 A. M. Short lengths of all kinds of Wash Goods; .perfect goods, only slightly mussed from handling (10-yard limit), at, yard. At a P. M. -All the short lengths from, the high grade Wash Goods stock, from lHc to 60c yard. Exery piece long enough to make a garment all one price per yard .... . ; :v. .. . .'...10 IVool Dross Good Romnanfs 1,200 yards of all kinds of wool dress goods for chil dren's dresses, ladies' dresses, tailor suits, etc. in 7 lots I5c, 18c, 25c, 38c, -10c, 58c, 75c Boys Ouaxanteed Watch Frw Friday in eur.big open in; sale of School Suits. Fax particulars see Boys' Clothing7 Ad. oa Page 2. ' ; TRY IIAYDEII'S FHfiT-K FORGOT Great Sale of F. Schloss - Dress Net Laces Values up to $2.50 yard Bankrupt sale price, yard. . .'.$1,19' Patent Leather . Belts A new line of the popular dip front belts, in red or black, 50c values,' on sale at 25o iMggest belt , values ever. tha Domestic Room Furnishing Goods - Men's Bummer Union Suits, jersey ribbed,' to $1.0d values! '.4Q0 Women's ' and ' Children's Jersey ' Bibbed Union Suits, values ' to 11.00;" Friday. .5o 30 25f Women's and Children's Gauze Vests or Pants, to 60c values -t 19. 15t 12H&9&7t Women's Muslin Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Union Suits and Drawers, values to $1.00, on sale t G9S 40. 30t 25S 10 Men's Silk Neckties, regular' 60c qualities, on sale, choice. . .25 Men's Balbrlggan Underwear ' shirts or drawers, worth to $1.00 t..i. MO.t 4t Sale of Silks Gold Cloth Pongees r All silk, 36 Inches wld. Just the thing ' for coats never sold .lees than $1; I r nuay ai, . . v . t . ttUfT Jap Sllks-White only, 20 Inches wide, reg ular 2c quality at i yard .. .... ..l7tj Tussahs, Royal Brilliant, Etc. All values to Friday... 10c and 35c Grocery Specials 16o bottlsa Lea ft Pertin's Sauce S5o 26o bottles Pure Fruit Jama 20o I Yeast Foam .,.,.,1.. . lOo bars Fels Naptha Soap t6o 1-lb.. package On,. Time Starch... ,4o Defiance Btaroh, packaae 7 Vto Oil or Mustard Sardines o Assorted Pickles, in bottles. ., ,o 10-lb. sack Whaat .Orahaii) . ... .Sio Maraschino Cherries, bottles tSc. 4 60 and 6o I pounds 'California Prunes .', .,10o Bulk Starch, pound ,, 4e Mixed Plckllna Spice, pound.... IBo Grape Nuts, package lOo Crosse BlaokwelTa Cliow Chow at 28o, 2(o and 69o TBQXTABXiTS DEFAKTMIltT S heads New Cabbage, lOo 1 larae Cucumbers J, . ,'.io 4 bunches Green Onions to 4 bunches Beets' "... ,', Co 8 stalks Fresh Celery ,,...,,..10o I Baking Squash . , .X0o 4 bunches Carrots to Wax or String Beans, pound ....to bunches Parsley........ ......to I Green Peppers to 4 bunches Kadlshes .,,.Io I bunches -Pie Plant, n , '. .to Presh Roasted Peanuts, qt .to Bananas, dosen 15c 1 j . . PAYQ BE WANT ADS ARE A HELP TO ANY. BUSINESS