1HE BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910. 10 GRAIN AM PKOmiClUMtf European Market Make Wheat Val nes Higher ia Omaha. CORN GOES STEADILY HIGHER Raring; u General oa ltenerren Crop ni" Ctjntplalnta Receipts of Wheat Are Kflll Fairly Liberal. OMAHA. Aug. 11. 1910. Wriest value were higher on the strength In Kuropean markets. New from Frar.re wan very bullish, . stating treat damage by heavy storms. Foreign new In offsetting the heavy movement of our rew wheat crop, keeping ensh value at rood premiums. The corn market In very strong. New complaints of dry weather and report of Mtrren stalks, with firm cah price gave huyers encouragement to support the mar ket. Wheat ruled hrply higher on bullish foielgn new and repot t of heavy buying on (hi side by Knronean Interest. Re ceipt are still fairly liberal, but demand for cash wheat hold value up. . Corn worked steadily higher from the opening, linylng wa general n renewed crop damage complaints. Light receipts and active demand gave strength to cash market and price were H up. Primary wheat ' receipts were 1. 479.000 bushels and shipments were 4.16,000 bushel, against receipts last year of ST.1,000 bushels nd shipment of 478.000 bushels. Primary corn receipt were 854,000 buhels and shipments were t.ii.W) bushels, against receipts last year of 412 000 bushels and shipments of H2.000 bushels. Clearances were 7.000 bushels of corn, 1.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to S7.000 bushels. Liverpool closed Tfcffld higher on wheat nd unchanged on corn. ' Local rang of optional thnn Isst night. Oata and provisions sym pathised, tho former with a final gJn of V so to Mi 4c. and the latter UV Wo. Wheat closed nearly at th beat prloe of the session. Pensntlonal crop news from France was supported by higher European markets In general. There wen) prlvata estimates here that the French hnimrta tlons for the year would reach 100,000.000 bushels. Hand In hand with the bullish cable news came a distinct Improvement In the domestic flour trade. Moreover, the southwest asserted having made large stoles of flour for export. September wheat at Baltimore sold today at the e:nie price aa in Chicago, the first time on this year's crop. Baltimore tigur recently were 2Sc lower than Chicago. The .-'eptemher option here fluctuated today be tween I1.01H and $1.02, closing lVfllWo to ISc higher t $1.02iS,i-l.H-V Poor eanng of corn as a result of lack of moisture wa Used by speculators as a I. axis of purchase. HepLemuer ranged from K'.VuMTkr and closed Vlc net higher at 64Hc The cash market waa firm. No. 1 yelltiw closed at KtVdic. . . Huylng of future was Indulged In to some extent today on the part of cash con cerns In oats. The Heptember delivery started from iWHTW. and finished at 7o, a rise of fc above hurt nights closing figures. X , . Pork, at the close, showed a clear gain of K'-MOc. Lard, 12V4&16c to 20c, and ribs, lMrtiVjo gain. The leading futures ranged as follows: .... , 1 . , , . ...Una t-A t M , m .ukiisiucanubund arte daya $ per cent, and ninety days 84 per cent; six months, 4Vp5 per cent. PHIM E MEKCANT1LE PArER-oVi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE- Steady with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 83608 4 .83fi for sixty-day bills and at M K for demand. Commercial bills, $4.R3t4 83V. SILVER Bar, 63c; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad bonda Irregular. ClA.lr,. mmtatlnna ..n tuinltl today WSM lairntai al sirui mt Btatiatiee OK ss follows: Market Prices Dwindle m Inreitment Demand it Satisfied. SPECULATORS KOBE CAUTIOUS Vnloo of Aarrlealtaral R sports for Jala- Does Nat Better Foreign Coaalltlowe. NEW TORK. Aug. 11. The stock market today gave additional evlder-c of dying aown. 'the Investment demand, which da- .IMS . 97 eloped at the attractive nrlcea offered on Armour A Co. t.. 0H do . 4s , 83 the decline seems to be sstlafled, and the Atchison n. ta rN. Y.. N. H. at H mora sneculatlve ntwimtlnna for the irivmr, I way irom in point ai wnicn me recovery bi A Ohio 4s started. .u. The statement Issued by the Bureau of do s. w. iui.. .statistics or the value of agricultural ex- Brk. Tr. e, ports for the month of July dtsaoDolnted Cm. of Oa. l.,..viiHk do con. 4. mo nope 01 a aecisive lavoraoie turn in I v- a""aa- a. ...... a itmim n. Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y, Corn I I Sept. 636 64 04 6J Dec iSoVt-'! WVI W May tttttaikj63Trtf46Zft0''i Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.j Tes'y. Wheat-l Sept... Deo.... Ccn l Pept.. Dec... Ontu fiept... Deo.... 95 I m E714I 4't M I so-si 644 M . WH 874 M14 6m - 60S BH t8H 69H H $4-, 4H C?4 8814 1 88 Oaia Htpt. Dec. May oik hiept. Oct Jan. Laid ISept. Oct. Nov. Jan. Ribs bept Oct. Jan. - Omaha Casti Price. WHEA'IV-No. 2 turkey, 99ci$$1.01. nomlnalj No. 2 hard, some dark and -yellow, t8'.c ; No. 3 hard, turkey, 7Wc, some dark and yellow, UuiySTo; rejected hard.. W&"J7c; No. I spring, Xiia9c; No. t spring. S2ijWc. CORN No. 2 white, Ifl-!fr62e. nomlnel, No. 1 white, 61V44)2o; No. 4 white, o9,eiSl4; No. 3 yellow, o-k1c; No. S yellow, tjO'f'1 $0c; No. 4 yellow, 6i&o0c; No. 2, 60 0c; No. 3. aH4c; No. 4. 59S4ftf60c, nom inal; no grade, 4W&MHC, nominal. OATS-No. ,3 white. 34r'344e: standard, MWMhc; No. 3 white, iutaMhUc; No. 4 wnue. Krtxsc; No. 8 yellow, 33w33ic: No. 4 yellow, 31 146 32c.- BARLEY No. I feed, 633oo, nominal: rejected. 4Kiia3c. nominal. . RYliNo. 2, 7i8o, nominal; No, 8, 73 Carlo! Receipts. , , ' ' "' Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago ..i....& 179 694 Minneapolis , ,,108 . umana 23 62 IS ouiuin M ... No. S. Cash Quotations were as follows: F LOU it hteaxl : winter patents, U.ttoS 30: winter straights. $4.3ou'6.00: spring straights, 6.ajfti.46, bakers, 4.w'u-7o. . Ill NO. i. iBSl'iTO. . v BARLtiY Feeu or mixing, 48.fi 66c 1 fair to choice multlng, o2ii8c. SEEDss riax. No. 1 : southwestern, $2.83; No. 1 northwestern. $2.66. Xlmothy, $4.76 60. t; over. Vi.vm n 76. PROVISIONS miess Dork, per bbl.. $21.76 L'.'.uu. iard. per loo lbs., iii.iu. bnort rios. sides (looHe), $11. 2611.624. Snort clear sides tuoxea;, lu.b'uu.ou. . , total ciearnces ot wheat ana flour were equal to 97,000 bu. Primary receipts were i7,oo du., compared with lib I, wo tu. - tne orresponuing day a year ago. fc-stuiiated leceipta tor tomorrow: Wheat 463 cars; corn, l cars; oats, 647 cars; hogs, I6,uw head. CHICAGO UHAIV AU rROVISIOJTS Featares of the Tradlngr and Closing Friers on Doard ot Trade. CIIICAOO.'AUB-. liTjlrBlv 4n Import probably needed by France because of crop damage from ralna narrowed the gap today between wheat prices In this country and Europe. Buying of options here waa active all dav. and enuecl&llv x on the part of foreigners. In consequence iiitrio wm an auvance ot lifc'atsc to lo. Corn also advanced but for an exactly opposite reason, absence of rain in the west .That pereal closed H&l'AQ tilgher SWAPS TWO-STORY . brick business block. stores, offices on d floor; large, light base ment; modern; - suam heated. Rented for $l,uii0 per year. Price, $16,000; mortgage) Ij.udO at pgr cent, due In five years, liade lor land. - - NOWATA LAND 'AND LOT CO.. C5S N. . Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 199$, bilc-a-brc now runnlnif 'in Omaha: vrv- thing first class; owners must get out of oumness; win consider clear income or land. m-u -. x. Lire Bldg. FOIt SALE OR EXCHANGE lt'iO acres irrigated land . In San Luis Valley, 1 mui-a noitn of Alamosa. Will take gotxl -rental . property. This land li under onu of tlio best canuls ia the valley, every ioot can De irrigated. McCague Investment Co., 1606 Dodge tit-. 4,C0 ACRES clear land at $10 per acre waui to trade for Income-bearing property ana win assume a reasonaDl amount. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 668 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. U0 acres North Dakata land, free of In- ruuiDranre, lor gcou umana proparijr GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to change for general merchandise and hard ware atookaf many bargalna. The Mercan tile Adjustment t-o., uuthrie center, I a. IV IT IS ANY KIND OF TRADE, BUU A. B. LATIiROF S). KM. 481 Bea We exchange properties of merit. H. H Culver, 812-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas 7806, WAN i ED-TiG BUY BEST price for Id-hand clothing. D. 3440. PEST prlcee lor BROK.KN WATCHE vjiu uoia, eta NATUAN. til H. istli at BEST PRICK paid for second-hand fur nlture, carpeta, clothing and suoes. 'Phoue jjougias Mil. . n ... ... WANTED TO BORROW- FOR BALK Gl.'t edge first mortgag7 per cent bonds. Address 0-4D2. Bee WANtlD TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls Fur Hounes of Ah Slzas. List with Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. C2 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Red 19K BOiARD and room with bath on luw floor by lady requiring a little care; will Ing to pay $J6 per mouth. Pnone W. 4181. WANTED SITUATIONS foreign trade conditions, which seemed to r- 01 " as-.-iJowst. u a. r. is. -'r; be foreahadowed by the June return. Nearly h ,1J' ,I""."w" ;-'i;' ?a5 every Important Item of the statement i'V "iu" !L .ii V- .old' . , mv! shows a contraction from the figures of a n Nntlt II fllVa.BM.1 1 I I U 1 SS A W.Ta-fl II WTgm Dec. 11 04- 1 tSMal 1 W11 IH May 1 WviSt 1 101 1 0(1 1 S7V4I osts. iJoT4 I 41VSI i 21 25 U 46 20 DU 18 frt JMOSI I 64Hi8H'ff Wll o $7 . 8 year ago, the total contraction reaching i. ' . . i . to $d,2nS,000 compared with July of last year. c. M. s. p. g H so c. 4s n i nitea Htates steel stock was sym- C. K. I. A P. . 4.. 12 do ut nt. 4i -- pathetically affected by the special weak- do rfs .. siio. Railwar u 104 nees of American 'Smelting, which reflected Oto. lnd. 6a ti do im. 4s 74 soma Influence on ttui who! nt lh mtl 'Colo. Mid. 4. ...... . 4 Union Pscltlc-4s 1"H crouD. C. A 8. r. . 4U. as, do ev. 4 104 Tim nrlnsr nf ennnoe virrtnti rmrAA lnl . ' " ' 18 20 11 60 11 66 41 41 . 41H'NV 41 21 12HI 81 40 21 16 v I U,t I'LL. OA Kit " I I 71 v w 11 70 11 62H 11 36 11 36 10 67 Vi 10 66 U 47V4I 11 62V4 11 00 U 16 9 62V4I 62Vi: the London market. There was recurrence f uneaaineas over the crop outlook. although the actual news bearing on the sunject was almost neutral. the time money market was easier with Increased offerings for periods maturing leo o 18 16 1160 11 UV4 U 80 10 46 before next January, for which there was I on. eic. ot. t...U4 wis. Oontral 4a 18 60 11 70 11 60 U 86 10 a6 18 10 11 56 11 47 11 xu 10 42H 11 47V4t U 67V4I 11 42V4 10 'vi 11 UVal 10 96 60 Mr 47V4 little demand. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. $L48o.000. United Stalest 2a couDons aavancea ( per cent on call. Number of sales and leading Quotations on siocks today were: alas. Hlsn. L.OW. Cloia. aUosos lot . 2Ji0 M U . looo uh . 1,400 . M 4b . M4) 6tH WEATHER IN THE ' URAIN BELT Indications Are tor Little Caaage la Teiuperatnre, OMAHA, Aug. 1L 1910 Showers were Quite general within the pasi twenty-tour hours In the Missouri valley and throughout the southwest, and rains occurrred uuring Wednesday in the southern and Atlantic atates. Tne shower n Nebraska were fairly well distributed over the greater part of the state, but were ugniesi in tne extreme eastern portion. ana heaviest In the western portion. A tan or i.o inches occurred at Broken Bow, 1.14 Inches at Uoldrege, and falls ranging from one-quarter to three-ouartera of all incn were general in the south central por tion. Temperatures are slightly higher than at the same hour Wednesday In the upper Mississippi - and . tiDner Missouri valleys and throughout the west, and are slightly lower in the southern states, and on the Atlantic seaboard.-' Clear weather prevails in the upper valleys and through out the northwest. It la generally cloudv In the lower valleys and southwest, and wnue it will -De somewhat unsettled In this vicinity, the indications are favorable for fair tonight and probably t'rday, with not much change In temperature. vno ISO 'ns 1907 Minimum temptrature..... 69 ..76 66 84 Precipitation , 00 - .00 .08 Normal temperature for today, 76 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 14.26 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1509, 98 of an Inch. Excess corresponding period in 190$. .08 ot an men. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Ballettn. Porv Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m 75th meridian time, Thursday, August 11, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT, Temp. Rain- Stations. Max. Ashland, Neb.... 90 Auourn, Neb 88 Broken Bow Neb. 86 - Columbus, Neb.. 88 Falrbury, Neb... 88 Fairmont. Neb... 86 Or. Island. Neb.. 82 Hartlngton, Neb. 88 Hasting, Neb... 86 Holdrege. Neb... 86 Oakdale, Neb.... 86 Omaha, Neb 87 Tekamah, Neb.. 90 Alta. Ia 86 Carroll, la 84 Clarlnda. Ia...... 87 Rlbley, la 84 Sioux City, Ia... 81 Minimum temperature for .twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. of Temp. Rain District Stations. Max. Mtn. fall Columbus, 0 17 Louisville. Ky..... 19 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 Chicago, 111 26 St. Louis, Mo IS Dea Moines. Ia.... 14 Minneapolis. Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 19 Showers were general over the extreme western portion of the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours, and scattered showers also occurred In the Columbus din tr let. The rain In Ne braska were fairly well distributed over the state, and were heavy at points In the western portion. Temperatures are slightly higher In the western portion of the belt. I A. WELSH. - Local Forecaster, Weather Buaeau. Min. fall. Sky. 66 , .00 Clear 6 .00 Pt cloudy 69 1.46 Cloudy 63 . 24 , Clear 69 , ,00 Clear 67 .40 Pt. cloudy R .26 Pt. cloudy 64 .n . Clear 63 .67 Cloudy 68 1.14 Clear 63 - .88 Clear 61 .00 Clear SO .00 Clear 57 .05 Clear 53 .00 Pt. cloudy 6 .00 Cloudy 48 - .00 - Clear 64 .00 Clear 84 W .8 84 68 .00 66 .00 82 - 66 .00 84 ..68 .00 84 6! .00 fl ' ' 64 .30 86- 61 ' .60 86 U .70 V. S. rf. la. res, do coupon V. 8. la. raa..... - do coupon V. 8. 4a, rt do emiDon'. . ., Allla-Ohal. lat 6a Am. As. ta 4Ha.... 41 ao lat. M. M .l1Sa Japan .imt4 do 4Ha .101 aK. c. So. lat a.. IKS U 8. deb. 4s 1M1.. .114 L. N. unt. 4a.. . "2S.M. K. A T. lat 4a. .101 do sen. 4i Am. T. A T. rr liu.Vn. Pacific 4a..... Am. Tobacco 4a 7S N. R, R. of M. ,4a. M4 do ta la,vav T. C. a. IVta tl MH 74 Mi 7 OUAdA LIVLbi'OCil AlAKlihl Cattle of All Kindt Steady, at the Least. NO MATERIAL CHANGE IN HOGS Fiat Sheep Good Sellers at Steady Prices, Walla Lambs Are Rather Dall aad Weak and Feed ers Steady .10... .107 K. A W. 1st . 4a . hi do pt. 4a . No. raclflc 4a ..I" . li do is . t3n. S. U rfds. 4a . ., -U Pann. tr. Ia 116 Receipts were: Otficial Monday Oltlcial luesday.... olficai Wednesday, betimate Thursday. 71 i ". 102 D. A R. O. do rt. 6s Dlatillert' 6a Brio p. 1. 4i.. do sn, 4s do ct. 4a, aor, A. do aoiiaa B... t-kf. S. Ruhbar KttSt an if. 8 St) id fa 1"!' . llVd -faro. Cham. 6s.. M . loWatnah lat 6s 10714 . li do at az. 4a.... ASH , Watt arn Md. 4s , t3awat. Blao. ct. ta III. Can. Ut raf. 4a.. KH lv Pao, ct. a., Int. Mat. 4a. ....... II w Bid. OMarad. i 87 M 1H Allla-Chalmara p(4 ... American Cou par .... Amarlcaa AincuHurel Amarlcaa Beat sosar Amarlcaa Can Amcrloaa C. A T American Cotton 041 A marl ran H. L. ptd Am, lea Securities Amarlcaa Llnaeed American Locomotive American . tt H Atn. B. A R. pfd Am. 8 teal Fcundrta..... Am. 8u(r Banning American T. a T American Tobacco pfd American woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atcnleon Atchison pfd Atlantlo Coaat Una Baltimore at Ohio Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rap 1 6 Tr Canadian Pacitlo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ot New Jersey Chesapeake a Ohio Chicago ai Alton O. W. pfd Chicago tt N. W (.'., M. 4k st. r C, C, C. BU L Colorado F. A I Colorado Southern Conaolldatad Oa Com Producta Delaware Hudson Denver aV R. O St R. O. pfd Dlatlilera' Securities Krie trie )at pfd Brie 2d old General Elestrls Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or atfs. ... Illinois Central Interborough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd International Paper ....... International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City Bo K. C. Be. pta- '. Laclede Oas Louisville eV NaahTllle. .... Minn. 8t. Loula M.. at. p. a s. s. m M K, St X. 4 u i ' M 10 It tUli M iS.100 200 102 lOi 100 44 44 106 1U 100 II 800 X7V6 V00 40 4.4i0 M 800 100 ' Boston Stocks ana Bonds. BOSTON", Auk. ll.-Closlng; quotations on stocks were as follows- 3 Mohawk 4 U Nerada Con S a MlDlaalns Mines .... 80 1714 North Butte 11 North Lake 14Clld Dominion 87 , ll0ceila ISO M Parrott 8. A C 16 80 Qnlnoy 74 18 Shannon 10i 46 Superior 48 7 Superior A B. M.... H 10 Superior A P. 0 11 , 7Tamarack 67 . V. .8. a A O I4S( . ?U 8. 8. R. A M.... , 11 do pfd 47 , 7 Utah Con 4 , 17 Utah Copper Co 41 , 10 Winona 8 , 11 WolTerln 120 27 I Amal. CVmner 411 I A. Z. L. AS 42 1 Aritona Com. ' 14 I Atlantlo 844 B. A C. C. A 8. 48 Butte Coalition rl. A Arlaona 24 eCal. A Hacla. l Centennial 12 12 Conner Kanra C C. . Kaat Butte a M. H to Franklin 101 Olroui Con. 44 Oranby Con. Ill I Greene Cajianea 1124 13244 Ial Royalr Copper, ' ' I Kerr Lake 27 17 L.ka Conner 81 81 La Salle Copper. . ' Miami Copper M exed. Bid, U 110 111 1,01 600 107 W7S 107 84 800 76 7M4 76 8,100 71 .. 14 Ontario " in, rwkl ...w v,uir ......, 43. Suindard ..U Yellow Jacket .. 8 .. ..140 ..178 ..14 ..100 .. 86 New York Mlnlngr Stocks, NEW TORK. Aua-. 11. Closing auotaUons 7 wiii ibiu. imu, on mlolnsT stocks were: too 84 81 82 Alice 178 Leadrllle con. 1021 nrunawica van I -L.uiie vniex 1M Com. Tunnel stock.. 84 Mexican 71U liu do bonda U Con. Cl. A Va 700 45 44 4414 Ho "'" 100 144 144 144 iron Diier ( 00 mta 122 128 -Uiiereo. 400 t 211 Treaaarr Statement iw oa e m i t.t . nT,,.,n . . , i -j .l S 200 12114a 128 128 1 nAcniuiu, Aug. ii. V.UIIU1UUI1 ui ma 1 r.w ,iZ nil treasury today: liold coin. 8877, ..... ivt luhiw, buvvi uuiiai a, .itWiioiiVw, silver uui' 800 80 2 lo t lars of 1890, 63,626,000; silver certificates out- to stanuins, ibi.uuw. uenerai tuna: Bianaara 88 silver dollars in uenerai fund, 82.633.986: cur- 8,100 K 26 164 rent liabilities. 6100,3o6,697; workina; balance ew un. ,ea , "Jf in treasury ofHces, a7,8n9,7; In banks to ZW 1H 1 . . I tt naAIM. aiihalHiarv llvr coin. tiR MS 2K4 wo IMS 124 uziY"z-'l-i,r.T;x too kj - 62 M minor coin. 81,111,606; total balance In gen- 100 120 130 400 14 1H 700 4 too t 46 2 800 8S 16 300 28 200 II 14 18 im eral fund, 59,36,417, 16 I 46 I NEW YORK CPMKRAL MARKET lo 4lotatlon of . the Day on Various 8 I Commodities. i I NEW YORK, Aua;. 11. FLOUR Market M , K. A T. pfd , Mlsaourt- Pacitlo National Btecuit National Lead , N. It. ft. et M. la ptd., New York Central N. T.. O. A W..... Norfolk A Weetern..,.. North American Northern Paolfle Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas .' P.. C c A Bt. u Pittsburg Coal steel car Pullman Palao Car..... Railway Steel Spring... Reading Republic Steel RepuMle Steel pfd Rock Island Co Hock vlaland Co. pfd... 8t. U A S. P. Id pfd.. It. Louis 8- W St. L. S. W. pfd.!-. Bloee-Sberneia s. i.. Southern Paclflo :. Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneaseo Copper Texas A Pacilio T., St. L. A W T., St. U A W. pfd.... unloa nemo Union Paclfl pfd....... United States Beany.... united States Rubber.. United Statea Bteel U. B. Bteel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabaak Wabaeh pfd Weatern Maryland Weatlnghouae BJlectrte , Weatern Union Wheeling A L. E Total sales tor the day, 827,708 share. a,,? Zm. aulet: sprlna patents. 85.66to.00; winter am iit inn! ini etraichts. 14. 00214.0: winter patents. 14.704 1.000 128 188 13 a 19; spring clearq, 4.36i4.60; winter extras. -20 I in o. X, w3.tWQ'vi wuuer uuni, a, eo.ovus too 1214 121 12 1.66: Kansas straights, $4.166.10. Rye flour, too IS 8. 81 dull; fair to gooiL841vS4.36; choice to tancy. 84.40a4.oO. 400 60 80 60 CORN MEAL fit end v: fine white and vel. ;;....-.... v.... 102 low. 11.66ai.60: ohofee: 81.45arl.60: kiln dried. arut Riai. mu . " . . - - L10 t 1 88 WHEAIUlMt itmns' new Vn. 4 rA 108 io ij 40 11-08. elevator, and, 81.09, f. o. b.; No. 1 14 14 ve f uui uici 11, e-f v. v., i'., wiitv. a nnr , ..... t I was a sharp advance In wheat on the firm 4.600 116 116 )15 I -cables and foreign buying, as well as on 200 M 14 some less favorable croo advices, and the i.aoo 12 ix ia strength In the outside markets, closing at avs xue w m-aiKc net advance September, !1.07I :li l-OS 13-16. closed at tl.OSH: December. 81.10 ins v. i.T i,7 112Mi. Receipts, 23,400 bu. on w 84 ii CORN Spot, firm; No. 2, 73c. nominal tan nu. aiu aia I elevator, ooniesuo oasis, to arrive. ine 44.MA m 13 140 I option market waa without transactions, zoo is n closing ic net mgner. ceptemoer ciosea at lot o o . it 72c. Receipts, 63. ISO bu.; shipments, 2.756 l.iuo ao xn aa au. JJ OATS-gpot. steady, tnlxed, 2 to 82 lbs.. f nominal: natural white. 26 to 32 lbs.. 46Wri fl 48c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lb, ixfti la 60Vic Receipts, 89,276 bu.; shipments, 1,400 l.loo lis 11 DH DV; , . , . t . 2.100 8a 28 Z2 I nurn-vuwii male, cuiiiiiuu 10 cnoice. 2 1908, zixarac; iub, nominal, facuio coast, 8 1909, 6V&I60; 1908, nominal. - 8 PROVISIONS Pora quiet; mess, 826.50; 22 family, 826.0026.OOj short clears, 824.0026.60; 48 Daf tarlv' mH flfi nfWWIR 6i- famflu flu nn too 8U0 100 800 100 81 81 84 67 M 0 62 100 14 100 88 81 17 4 67 68 68 84 86 SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 1L 191ft. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 8.1a. i,M 84,14 .. S.114 8.7J7 LV0I2 .. 4,8.(7 8.1S3 4,tto8 ,. 8,810 7.807 18,680 Four days this week.,..12.i48 23,471 67,400 Sam days last week....,00! 81,0.' 60,136 Same duys t weeks ago.. 21.8.8 81.472 43,te Sime daya 8 weeka ago.. 23,897 86,821 62,118 same days 4 weens aao..U. ij7 . 24. 4o.9m) Bama days last year. ......!,; 19,962 l, . . luiiuniua tame snow the receipts 01 attic, hogs and sueep at south Omana for ne year to date as compatsd with last year: 110. lis). inc. uec. Cattle 697,682 639,668 68..014 ....... xiog L86U.406 l,brt,CK8 84I,1M Sueep Vt6,7&6 824,294 142.481 ....... in following ui auue lua ai prices of hogs at Soutn On, ana tor tbs last everal days, with comparisons; 21 cows 74 f 88 41 cows 8-9 I 80 44 bulls 1182 I 40 HOOS The market In the hog yard thl morning waa almost a repetition of yeater- ay a trade. Supplies were not Quite aa large nor wa shipping outlet aa broad, but prices paid were - much the same. tieavy nor sold on a strong basis during early round, but closing sale were weak nd lat demand rather backward. Oond lights and mixed moved readily from the tart and the bl end of the receipts sold In very good season. Barring scattered high and low spots, the market as a whole could hardly be quoted other than steady. Uood heavy hog moved around I7.7ttf7..8. with choice heavlea at 27.80 or better. Rough and common parking grades had o sell at the low figure. Medium weight mled grades commanded 27.90 or better. Oond lights ranged from 88.10 up to the high price, 88.40. Bulk was scattered, aa suai, i.twusuv emoracing tne long trlngs. Receipts for the four daya this week were liberal, with offering generally mixed heavy and of none too good a Quality. Current price on heavy hog are only a hade higher than tho or last Saturday, while light grades ahow advances of 1MT 25c. The average market Is fully a dims higher for the week. Representative sales: Dates, j 1910. l.ll.lOl.lij.1806.lui)1, Aug. 1.... Aug. I.... AUg. Aug 6.... Aug. .... Aug. 7..:. Aug. I.... Aug. I... Aug. 10.. Aug. 11.. T 69 1 491 7 74V T 6 7 7tf, 1 70 7 89, 7 79H 7 64 7 62 7 64 7 681 7 69 ' 7 49 7 hl 7 41 7 k2 7 841 83 88 8H 46 80i 6 401 60 5 91 I 86 e ( 93 6 86 I 77 I 74 6 11 6 78 4 M I 22 I 62 4 84 in in I 761 i (Hi I I 07 8 T8 82, 81 8 111 t 84! I 11 I 801 I 081 t 841 t 87 6 86 I 8i 86 6 02 I 6 8Ut 89 4 84 'Sunday, Ueceiui and disposition of live stuck at tne Union stock yards lor in twenty four hours ending at 8 p. m. August 14: ltECKIPTS. Cattle. Hobs. Sheep. H'r's- C, M. A Bu P. Ry... 1 w abash s Missouri Paclflo 1 Union Pacific 60 C. & N. W., east 2 C. A N. W., west 46 J St. P., M. c O.... 4 C, B. & vi., east 1 C, B. Ac W-, west 29 C, K. 1. ot P., east... 2 C, R. 1 A P., west... 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago, Ot. w 1 Total Receipts ...141 2 'i 21 41 1 2 1 21 .. 10 8 I So . ... 1 2 .. .. 2 4 118 ' 49 8 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs.eneep. Omaha Paoklng Co 480 swift ana company 000 cuuany packing Co 818 - Armour ft Co 68. Murpny, Shipper ... W. B. Vansant Co 16 Benton, Vansant & L.ueh 28 Hill dk Bon 77 F. B. Lewis..;.. 18 Huston A CM B J. B. Root 6t Co 27 J. H. Bulla 80 Li. F. Huss U Wolf 11 McCreary & Carey 2So S. Werthelmer 4 ri. F. Hamilton Lehmer Bros n T. J. lngranam.. . 4. Le Rothschild.. sa Other Buyers " s4 o7' l.uW ' 2,118 ' 1,00 l,is 217 1,1 vu l,9u l.aua ..3.&20 7.162 100 41 41 41'!S 'Su. 43(19.60; beef hams, 22.O024.O0. Cut meats. aau. ?i H quiet; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. $16.75 400 70 81 70 I . rt,. ' ... I.,.. aid on T -. j ' 10 84 14 83 V,TSnrf . .TT?I.mv. continent. 812.36: South America. 113 on 1 1,800 4 46 44 I&I13.25; compound. 10.2610.60. 800 80 II 88 I lAlibU w -oicauyi prima cuy tnnas.), soo 17 17 17 27.26: country, 26.767.37S; prime summer tooo 84 84 84 yellow, 89.509.76; October, 7.757.78; Nov- j.oiiq u ember, (.izt.,(.ia; aressea, o.uijj.wi. " BUTTER Stronger; recelnts. 7.077 tub! 88 creamery aoeclals. 294.liI30c: extra. 9xx.m 29c; third to firsts,- 24ii27ttc; state dairy common to iinest, n'rawetc CHEESK Firm; ...receipts, U.190 caaes; atate, whole milk specials, 1616Hc; fair Tntol r-i'i ri.irRpint nf cattle this morning looked small as compared with tha heavy runa of previous daya this week, but still there was a fair showing for a Thursday, 138 cars being reported in. Today's run brings ths total for the four days this week up to 22,748, which is smaller mau iv iuU hut araar than for the Previous week' and larger than a year ago by 4,600 head. The ig of beef steers were rimer limited. ..o the demand waa reaaonaoiy good a in- ...e market In a satisfactory con dition, in spite of the fact that early ad vices irom ovnar eimig yuiui nivv.in weak markets. Such cattle as found favor la buyers' eyes-sold very. readily at good, steady prices. '. Buyers in some cases were claiming that the cattle really sold a little stronger, taking quality and everything else - into consideration. There were no right choice cornfeds here, but some pretty Accent rattle sold UD to 87.40. Cows and heifers sold In about the same notches as yesterday and the big end of the receipts changed hands la fair season In the morning. Stockers nnd feeders sold freely at good, firm prices. Eastern buyers have been cleaning up a good many cattle In the yards, so that the market nas Den aepi in a good healthy condition. ijuoiaLiuua un native cattle. Good 10 choloe beef steers, $7.007.66; fair to good beet steers, $6.1O7.00; common to fair beef . mA : 1,,. luui ia f li mr. Mai a nti toJi12 i'k " l6 heifer's. 4!oO46.60; fair to goo" cows and heirera. 12.uw1p4.bu: common 10 rair cowa ana heifers. f2.6oihvS.60: good to choice stocksrs and feeders. 84.60&S.66: fair to good tock stockers and feeders, 88.80iy4.60: common lo fair stockers and feeders, a.00i.0; stock heifers, 12.86474.00; veal caivas, e.oow.80i bull, ataga. etc.. 80.8DOft.tw. uuotations on rans cattle: uood to choice beevea, 6.406.00; fair to good beevea. I4.604t6.25; nmon 8a fair beevea e3.6O04.4O: good m cholo COWS, 84.0O4V4.tM. tair to gooa graaea, ss.iuw-'; cuuin Ana -.utters, 82.6040.26; good to -sfaolo feeders, I4-76W6.40; isir 10 gooa resteers. st.uusjt.tB, i.immon to lair leeoera. i.vu&m. Representallv salts: BE KIT VTKERS. 800 80 Local Secnrltlee, Onnl.tlAna rnrnlahut hv llfflllll RurnB. I tO STOOd. 13140. Jr.. 633 Omaha National Bank building: Euus f irmer: receipts. 10,754 cases; ma. aaaea. 1 irenn uaiuric, eAiia iiibu, Aty.Mu; iiraua, 81 II 19&'20c; seconds, I6S1I8C. 80 100 POULTRY Alive, irregular; Boston ll. 101 broiler. 18c; fowls, 15Viffil6c; turkeys, 103 a" 14c; dressed, easy; western broilers, 17S19c; ."a 1 row 1. lain'inc: umGvi. L iiiLiic. 100 I l. Lean (je-aerai siaraiei. 8! ST. LOUIS, Aug. ll.-WHEAT Futures Beatrice Creamery td City Nat. Hank Bldg. It, 1120 POSITION In Jewelry store by ex per I snced mull; Is goud watch repairer, wishing to finish trade. Address N 826, Bee. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All .edera ta' ' 1 vices ( Wireless, ate.) London-Paris-Hamburg a. WaldeeeAtl.lTmlr-enntylvanla...Aug. u aciucinnetl .u.. 81 Kaia. Aug. Vic. Sept. 8 atiu-'ariiua j la, Ort lteauiuaai, ilamuurg Vrecu . Nee. Ifainburg-Aiuai .i-u i,ie. 4 liiv4j; H. 8. wr liwl Aaala LEGAL NOTOCES NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR BIDS WILL be received until 4 o'clock on Thursday, August is. 1810 at the office of the secretary uf the Board of Regents. Adnilnietratlon building. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, for the construction of a. cattle feeding building, to coat approximately 88.000; to be luill on the University harm, near L.lnuiin, iccerdlng to plan and speriftcationa now io file In the office of the superintendent of construction, ruoin of the said Ad ministration building. Bid must be sealed, and marked with the bidder's name, and the words "Hid for Feeding Building writ tan plainly uu tha outside. J. fet. DALES, Secretary. . AT-U-u-14. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK. Aug. 11. EVAPORATED APPLES Uulet, but stock are small and firmly held; on the spot fancy quoted at 11141 U'-ic; choice, 8'-j'i9c; prime,, RQ8'c; common to fair. 67c. . .'. HHli;D FRUITS Prunes are In fairly ac tive demand and price are firm. Quotation range from avic for California up to 30-403 and 6U9Via for Oregon. Apricots art in small supply and prices are firm; choloe, 94-010140; extra choice, lOhW-llc; fancy, 10 (gl2VaC. Peaches are firm, with snMill offer ings; choice, etVittiVc; extra choice, 6'$ 7c; fancy, 74i71sc. Raisins are quiet on the spot, but prices are steady; loose Mus catels are quoted at 3&6c; choice to fancy seeded, 4Vt?fio; seedless, StJ4Hc; London layers, 1.20'a'l-25. Bllnneapulls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 11 WHEAT Rep 21.16: cash. No. 1 hard, 11.10; No. 1 northern, 21.16Hi'fil8'4c; No. 2 northern, northern, Jl.lfpVtJil.18Vi; No. I northern, $1.08''1.14'. FI.A X Closed at J2.no. FLOUR First palents. $.V8&tS6.; second patents, 26.4Of6.A0; first clears, t2o.4 40; second clear. tJ.70fi3 00. CORN No. S yellow, ill'.v1J62o. OATS No. 2 white, 3fij37c. -HRA,N-80 00rfl'60. RYE No. 2. 7K&74C. - Dry Uood Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 DRY GOODS-Th cotton coods market is firmer and higher. An advance of half a rent a yard has been named on standard tickings and advance are also named on denims, convertibles and some special lines of domestics. Yarns are firmer. Linings are selling better. A sub stantial sale ot silks for spring delivery is noted. German Fire Ine Houston Watar la, 144 10 Iowa Fortland Cement lat mtg Is.... M international Con. Ce bonue 84 Haneae o. a 8. 1 per eenl Id Kanaa City Stock Yard 84 Kanaas City I, 6 L M, 1818 t Michigan State Tel. 8s, 1124 84 Nebiaaka Tel. Stock, I par cent 100 N. V. Central Llnee, 4S. 1112 100 Ouialia Water Co. la. Hit -81 Omaha Oas, 1117 88 Omasa I. U r. k 1U Oinaba A C. 8. 8. Hy. ptd. 6 per sent 82 Omaha A O. B. St. Ry. U, 1828 84 raclfie T. 4k T. 6s, 187 86 PannayUanla Equip. 4a, UU 8 Seatile, City of, Is, lM 104 Trt-Clty R. a L. la. 1122 14 Union Sleek Yarda Stock. Omaha 88 Rocky Mounlala Fuel , " Wabash Kulp. 4 Via. 1111 18 Caffea Market. NEW YORK. Aug. U.-COFFBO-Cloil steady net unchanged to 6 points lower. Bales were reported of 80.2'jO bat. Clos ing bid foalow: August and hep'ember, 6.86c; October, 7.06c; November, 7 10c; Ie eember, 7 16c; January, T2Si-; February, !!; March. 7.82o; Anrll, 7.84o; May, T.3r; July. 7.3r. Huot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 7, SM'!c; Santos No. 4, tc; mild, tjulct; Cordova, loylJo. M It l"i 107 I7vt 17 108 Latdss gteck Marvel. LONDON, Aug. 11. Trading In American securities was light during the first hour today, but a good tone prevailed. Prices at noon were irom o to o above yester my 1 new lorn Closing. Closing Quotations on stocks were Console, money 11 LeulaTllle st N 14! do account 81 M., K. AT., Amal. Copper 874N. T. Central Anaconla Norfolk A W. Atchlaon 101 do pfd do pfd 11 Ontario A W. Baltimore A Ohio... .110 r.nnylnla Canadian raclfie ,...1M Rand Mines . Cheeepeake A Ohio.. 16Reading Chicago tit. W l4VtSo. Hallway . v.. at. A St. p 187 ds pfd De Beera 14 Bo. Paclflo ... Denver A R. o Illnlen Pacific da pfd 74 do pfd liva Brie II U. S. Bteel 71 e lat pfd 42 do pfd 111 do Id p(d 22Wabeh 17 Orao4 Trunk 24 de pfd 2i Illinois Central 121 Spanish 4a I: SILVER Har, steady at 24Vkd per ounce. MONEY-lJl per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. 5 higher; September, 8101; December, 21-04; li -h hlarhor: tract Nn. 1 red. ll.ft.lfri 1 OKU.: 101 I xt e horf ti nr.u. 100 r"inrtV K"utiiro higher- Ftantemher. tLm December, 60c; cash, firm; track No. 2, n'c; Nee 2 white, 83V4o. 82 OATS Futures higher; septemnex, Mc; 97 December, 86c; cash, firm; track No. 2 34c: No. 2 white. 27c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 6.10 6.40; extra fancy and straight, 4.30ii4.!X; hard winter clears, S3.3oi7i5.90. SEED Timothy, $5.75S.00. CORN MEAL 22.26. BRAN Firm; lacked, east track, 29789Sc. HAY Steady; timothy, 14.ii14.60; prairie, 211.00414.00. BAGOING 8He. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 122.00. Lard, higher; prime ateam, 211.27'ii) 11.47V- Dry salt meat, ateady; boxed, extra shorts, 12.S7'-i: clear ribs, $12.37; short clears, $14.26. Bacon, steady; boxed. extras short, $13.87; clear ribs, $13.87V4; i short clears. $14.26. POULTRY 'Steady; chickens lie; springs, 14c; turkeys, l$B23c; ducks, 9-&12C; geese. 17 6&9 7 PUTTER Steady: creamery, 2S29VtC T2 KUU3 Higher, isc. No. 8 81 12 17 11 4 8 16 4 6 6 8 10 6 8 6 8 12 8 18 4 8 6 7 At. Pr. No. .. 780 I 80 tl , ..1088 6 15 88.. .. 864 6 60 II .. 828 6 i 81 , COW. , .. 821 2 12....... .. 100 2 76 12 ., 841 76 20 .. 118 1 10 20 , .. 811 2 80 8 .. 171 I 88 7 .. 76 8 00 14 .. M4 8 04 II , .. 816 8 00 10 , .. 781 I 00 I .. 826 8 1 28 .. 884 8 10 7 .. 876 8 20 8 .. 874 2 86 HEIFERS. .. 800 I 78 6 .. til 1 86 6 .. 476 1 80 41 .. 671 8 18 8 ..127 I 18 6 ..826 8 80 BULLS, AW Pr. ... Ml I tt ...100 6 80 ...1241 I 88 ...1288 1 48 ... 888 1 40 8M 8 4 ... 717 I 60 ... 808 I 68 ...861 I 40 ... 826 8 18 ... 817 I M ...1028 8 70 ...1041 III ...ioi; i ... 811 8 88 ...10M 4 00 ...1044 4 16 Til 8 68 728 8 80 877 8 t 631 8 76 , 787 4 00 t2S Flour, bbls... "?if2 Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu New York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Legan A ttryan, members New York Stock Exchange, 216 South Sixteenth street, Omsha. i II Greene Cananea .... I I Inaplratlen 7 8-14 8 Laroae 4 i n 18 Nevada Con 201 lNewhouee 81 4 hlj Copper ...... 1 i ll lRay Central 2V . 1 1-ltSwtft Pkg. C. lot Bay atate Oaa. Butte Coalition Cat-tut OIne Chief Con. ... Fraction Davla-Daly ... Ely Central .. Ely Con Franklin Oireua Urldfield Con Unldfleld Florence. Ooldfleld Daley .... II Seara-Heebut-h oe....M"t 11 Sueerlor a P. 7Ti.opli Mining 8 Trinity Copper .. 1 North Lake 4BokamU Receipt. Shipment. 6,6110 9,600 14,010 69.000 25,000 27,000 111,000 86,000 18 SI 4 H 6 Neve York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. IL-Uoney-On sail. Kanaa C!t-r Grain and PrnvUlona. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 11. WHEAT Sep tember, 98o bid; December, $1.02; May, $1.06o bid; cash unchanged; No. 2 hard, 98cii$1.03; No. 2, 98cjll .01; Ne. 2 red, $1.00. 1.01V4; No. 8, 98c4t1.00'V CORN September, 62c; December, 69e. sellers; May, 61c, sellers; cash unchanged to Vc higher; No. 2 mixed, 63Vc; No. 2 mixed. 63c; No. 2 white, 64c; No. 2. 603o. OATS Unchanged to Ho higher; No. 2 white. 35c; No. 2 mixed, S4'u34ViC RY F No. 2. 80820. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $13.&ot2 14 00; choice prairie. Ill UOp 11.26. BUTTER Creameries. 26o: firsts, 23o; seconds. 21c; packing stock. 20c. EOUS Extras, 21c; firsts, 18c; seconds, 10c. - Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu... 112.ono lii&.(0 Corn, bu 16.000 22.000 Oats, bu 8,000 7,000 lagir Mavrhet. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 SUOAR-Raw. firm: Muscovado, 88 teat, 8 fee; centrlf uaal, n teat, 4.3c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8 64c. Refined, steady; crushed, 6.860; granulated, .ljc; powdered, i.lio. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 6 1 8 66 t 10 7 2 7 10 6 4 6 6 ..1180 8 60 ..14M 8 10 ..1440 8 60 ..1180 8 66 ,..1222 8 40 ..1220 8 60 CALVES. .. 10 I 80 10. ,.. 216 4 28 ,.. 185 4 IS ,.. 116 6 00 ... 150 6 60 ... 210 6 60 ... 120 6 66 COWS AND HEIFERS. ,.. 840 I 10 I in 4 ,.. Ill 8 81 k'lo' r its AND FERDRRS 1.. 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 8..ii."i!i . 680 I 84 . 706 8 88 .1110 8 76 .i284 8 80 .1480 3 80 140 I 71 146 6 78 141 I 80 100 I 08 221 6 08 142 6 86 1 bull... 16 cow., $ cow., 8 ateer 2 calve IX IN II , 631 I 16 I 821 I 26 6 , 72 I W II , , 706 I 80 4 , ,788 3 18 3 ,778 3 80 17 , , 867 3 88 8 , 41 III 11 , ,768 8 70 1 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. .12M 3 40 .663 $ 60 722 8 78 444 3 76 .. TT4 8 78 .. IM I 78 . . W I 80 .. 7tJ I 80 .. 871 4 20 .. 88 4 80 ..71 4 16 ..1011 4 88 6 cows tl 2 80 3 heifer... 43 2 00 No. At.. Sb. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr. II ill ... 1 4 II 20 110 7 80 13 141 ... t 80 8 170 120 1 80 , 141 ... 7 10 80 M 120 7 80 14 130 ... T 68 61 242 7 80 41 131 148 7 8 II 8-4 ... 7 80 47 tM ... 1 8 71 2i.l 120 7 88 64 10 860 7 80 28 271 ... 7 14 6v 122 140 T 10 7 27 ... 7 12 12 27 8 I 4 41 3 120 7 18 61 3"0 4 1 18 84 2 40 1 88 8 270 44 7 45 44 2M.120 I 84 41 27 40 T 48 46 244 80 t 88 44 lat ... 1 6 67 Ill 120 1 88 41 34 84 T 70 tt 2- ... 188 14 212 80 t 70 6 23 40 7 88 W0 40 7 7 41 2-tO 120 7 80 4 171 110 T 70 46 271 ... 7 80 M INS 120 T 70 88 80 7 80 21 8!8 80 7 70 87 148 80 T 88 80 ..Ill 40 I 70 70 241 124 7 85 II ! ... 1 74 70 121 140 T 86 41 108 ... 7 70 74 Iti 80 1 86 80 82 ... 1 76 62 148 110 7 85 61 Ill ... 1 71 10 241 ... 7 88 88 264 120 1 76 4 2o0 ... 100 61 241 40 I 76 31 222 80 6 00 11 171 124 7 76 71 HI 40 I 00 61 Ill 80 7 75 77 124 184 6 00 68 182 ... T 76 73 124 120 8 00 4 160 120 7 76 84 244 44 8 00 64 2h 40 1 84 88 334 ... 8 00 84 Ml 180 7 M 47 128 40 I 00 61 248 84 7 80 71 137 SO 3 00 64 241 40 7 80 48 13 44 3 08 48 374 80 T 80 14 82 ... 8 10 40 281 ... 1 80 74 214 ... 8 10 34 282 ... 7 M 72 228 2U0 8 10 18 273 80 1 80 67 224 880 8 10 1 211 240 1 80 86 247 80 8 16 44 177 80 1 80 8o 220 ... 8 26 43 361 40 7 84 87 183 40 6 30 43 Ml 140 7 80 84 215 80 8 80 61 174 120 1 84 81 188 ... 8 40 bucihr Ltui on maun up a large pui tlon ot oiieiings in trie sueep Darn tms moili ng, but Sti'aigm strings of tat ones were scarce ana it requirea more or teas sort ing to put tne stulf in shape tor uuyeis inspection. ii.ariy hours were quiel as usual, hardly enoush stock changing nanus to try out the scale ot puces, r eeling was rattier bearish, however, and bulk of fat 1,049,001); publle deposits Increase, fl.2K75.O0Ol note reserve Increased 4879,000; government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to ll.thllltv this week Is 6106 per cent; Isst week It was 49.99 per cent. OMAIIA 49 Kit E R A at MARK8CT9. Staple aad Fancy rroaaoo Trlees Far. alahed by Bnyer ana Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery No. 1. delivered t the retail trade In l ib. cartons. 32c; No. 1. In 80-lb. tubs. 81c; No. I. In 1-lb. carton. 29c; No. 2. In 00-lb. tuba. t8c; packing; tock, solid pack, 20c; dairy, In 80-lb. tuba. 23c Market changes every Tuesday. i CHEESE Twin. 17V6C; young AmrleC84 19c; delay, 18c; triplets, 18c; llmbergsr, ls; , No. 1, brick, 17c; Imported Swiss, 30c; do me t lo Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c. POU LT R Y Dressed broilers, under I lbs., 23c; over 2 lbs.. 20c; hens, 16c; cocks. 10c; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, Mci pigeons, per dos., $1.2; homer squabs, per dos., $4.00; fancy aquabs, per dos., 13.60; No. ' 1. per dos., 33.00. Alive: Broilers, 16o'. hens. 11c; old roosters, 6c; old ducks.' full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, lOe; turkeys, 19c; guinea iowis, 20c each:. pigeons, per dos., duo; homers, per dos., 62.00; squabs, No. 1, per dos., $1.60; No. 2, per OOS.. 60c. FISH (all frosep) Pickerel. 12c; white fish, 14c; pike. 16c; trout. 16c; large crap, pies, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; haddock, 13c; Nounders. 13c; green catfish, 18c: buffalo, 8c; halibut. 10c; white perch. 9c; bullheada, 14c; ro shsd, $1.00 each; naa roes, per pair, eve; uug legs, per dos., 30c; salmon. 16c BEEF CUTS Rib: No. X, lV4e; No. L 14c: No. 8, 8'c. Loin: No. 1, 18c; No. 2, 14c; No. 8, 2c. Chuck: No. 1, gc; No. 2. 6c; No. 2, 6Vc Round: No. J, lie; No. 2, 8c; No. 8, Jc. Plate: No. j. 6c; No. 2, 6c; No. 2. 4o. FRUITS Oranges: California Camel I a brand Redland Valencies, all sites, pet box, $6.00; Havana Mediterranean Sweets, 216 aixe, Pr box, $4 00 ; 260 site, $3.25; 288 slxe, 33.00; 824 else, 12. 50. Lemons: Limo nlera, extra fancy, 3"0 alxe, per box. $8.00; 360 slxe, per box, $8.60; choice, 200 site, per box, $7.50; 860 size, per box, $S 00; 240 six. 600 per box less; Sunsst brand, per box, $7.00. Bananas: Fancy eelect, per bunch, $2.2e2.50; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.7643S.7&. Cantaloupea: California. 64 alxe, $4.60; 46 standards, $6.00. Plums: California, red, per 4-baket crate, $1.65. Blue prunes: prf crate, $1-W- Peaches: - California, per 20-1 b. box, 04iCo. Pears: California Bartlett, per box, $2.50; in lots, per box, $2.40. Ap ples: Home grown. In bbls., 34.00ia4.60; new Oregon, in boxes, $1.75. Watermelons: Texas, 194o per lb. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. package lo box, per box, $2.00. VEGETABLES New potatoea: In sacks, per bu., 90cHi$1.00. - Onions: Yellow, in -Backs, per lb., 4c; Iowa, small, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. Garlic: Ex tra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red. per lb., 16c. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., $1.50 2.oo. Celery: Michigan, per dos. buiiches, 85c. HOME - GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage: New, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Per basket, i&c tsiring ana wax beans: Pef market basket, 76c. Cucumbers, per dos., . iambs had to go at small declines, or In j Radishes: Extra fancy home-grown! ?er ao. ouncnes, ioc. lettuce: ipxtra ancy leaf, per dos., 30a Parsley; Fancy home-grown, " per dos. bunches, 80c. Rhu barb: Per dos. bunches, 46c. Green onions: per dos bunches, 25c. Turnips: Per mar ket basket, 40c. Carrots: Par market bas ket, 60c. Beets: Per market basket, '84M. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuta: BlarjJrV.f lb.. 2c; California No. 1, per H 17cf,Cail fornla No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hlckorynuta: Large, per lb., 4c; small, , per lb., 5c. Cocoanuts: Per sack, $5.00; per dos., 600. Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.76. 6 heifers... 686 J M 8 calves... 363 4 60 1 bull 1400 $ m 9 feeders., 763 4 20 I steers.... 881 4 23 14 steers.... 7:l 4 15 4 cows 860 S 60 77 cs. ft hs. 938 8 76 9.S8 2 80 663 $ SO 2Mi 4 00 13 cs. A h. 816 3 90 t feeders.. 608 8 65 12 calves... 237 4 76 15 cows 70 2 85 11 steers.. ..1064 3 86 8 cows 921 3 26 F. U. Hoxle Neb. 19 steers.. ..1166 6 00 Coffee A Tlmnln Neb. 68 feeders.. U3 6 70 28 feeders. .11.12 WESTERNS SOUTH DAKOTA. 18 heifers... 733 3 80 2 heifers... CM $ 00 4 steers.... 840 4 00 4 feeder WYOMING. $ steers... .1264) 1 16 19 steers.. T. N. Mathews Wyo. I feeders.. 1021 4 40 $ steers.. 8 steers. ...111 $00 $oows..., 4 cow 960 8 90 H W. Mathew Wyo. 16 steers. ...1073 6 00 16 feeders 12 cows 85 3 (6 Boner Cattle Co. Wyo. 17 fteers....U21 4 90 22 steers. ...1031 4 40 16 heifers... 927 4 16 Swan Land A Cattle Co. Wyo. 201 cs. A hs. 61 3 75 69 oows 872 t 8$ 4 70 .767 4 00 , 137 t 15 ,.11W 4 09 . 920 I 25 911 4 40 other words, at flgurea only a llttie lower than those prevailing at eastern points. It took veiy good weaterns to sell at $6.25 or better, and extra choice grasaers are not quotable over $6.60 at most, a smau bunch of prime natives topped at $7.00, a sale which means llttie or nothing as ap plied to the market aa a whole. Top prices on full loads or grass lambs thus far this week was $6.60, with current values right around a quarter-lower than quotations at last week'a close. Sheep and yearlings that were fit to kin. found a ready outlet today at generally steady prices. Fat wethers from Wyoming went at $4-00, the same as yesteraay, anu grass yearlings moved at $6.00. Native ewes sold as high as $4-00. but range classes would do well to bring $3.75. Breed ers would sell from $4.X&$5.00, according to age and condition. Th feeder market is sun in gooa snape, each mall bringing In a multitude of orders. Good feeder sheep are selling al most on a par with fat ones, and feeder lambs are also moving at a very narow spread. Yearlings are favorites, of course, ami are riosina a little niKner man mey were a .week ago, with other classes of half-fat tock selling on a quotably strong Deals. Quotations on rrae stock: Good to choice lambs. 86.2StS6.50: fair to good lambs. 88.10IT8.26l feeding lambs. 36.60SJ6.00; handy weight yearlings, 36.0041:0.20; neavy year lings, $4.4004.80; feeder yearlings, 64.WJf5.10; rood to choice w ether. $3 :i. J."; fnlr to good wetheji fS.40fC.:r.: feedinr -wethers, 3.4fMtS : f breeding ewes. M.OIVfM.BO: fat ewes, $3.2898.76; feeding ewes, $2.6003.36. - Representative sales: 28 native awes H 4 00 28 native lambs 9 7 00 27 Idaho lambs 72 0 10 - 15 Idaho yearling, culls 83 d 222 Idaho lambs, feeders 63 6 05 19 Idaho wethers iw eo 97 Idaho yearlings 82 4 15 2 Idaho lambs, culls 44 b 25 117 Idaho lambs 61 25 870 western yearlings, wethers ... 88 4 00 152 western yeriangs. wethers ...102 4 50 109 Idaho yearlings 88 6 0) 248 Idaho, yearlings 5 182 Idaho ewes 10$ 4 10 428 Utah lambs 88 0 u 449 Utah wethers 110 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKET Cattle Dall Hogs In Moderate He rn and Sheep Strong;. raiflfin. An. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 7.000 head; market dull and weak; beeves, $4.668.25; Texas steers, $3.605.60; western steers, 4.00jji.7b; Blockers ana loeucio, .w W6.26; cows and heifers, $2.506.40; calves, . ..... t. , riOUSJ rteceipis, jo,wi neavu, ina.ii.oi iui f lacking grades, fairly active; others Blow; ight, $8.40(38.90; mixed, $7.808.85: heavy, $7.608.40; rough, $7.687.75; good to choice heavy, 17.70(88. tu; pigs, s.tvtfs.o, nun i sales, 87.8O&8.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market strong; naUves, $2.25(54.25; western, $2.50474.15; yearlings, $4.0fii5.40; lambs, native, $4.26!g.60; weatern, $4.25y6.50. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. wavras CITY. Aug. lL CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head; market steady to - 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $8.508.00; fair to good, 84.604HJ.S6; western steers, $3.S6(87.20; stockers and feeders, 13 0085.80; southern steers, $3.50i)6.00: south ern cows, $2.5084.15: native cows, $2.60tffTj.OO; native heifers, 3.oa.tu; duiis, i-.w.ij'i.io. calves,- $4.004J7.65. HOGS Receipts, 5.000 head; market steady to 6c lower; bulk of sales, t8.2tfa4j.56; heavy. $8.0frftg.35; packers and butohers, $8.26b.bu; ll.ht SIWVfl8 60. - ' . - . -A. v 1 w r. .- AAA KHFKr AINU lA m LSPi neceipio, a.vw head; .market steady; lambs, $.").60a6.75; yearlings, $4 .50(86.26; wethers, $3,754(4.20; ewee, $3.5084.10; stockers and feeders, $2.75 (04.75. . . . Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 METALS Stand ard copper, quiet; spot, $12.2012.25; August. $12 204(12.30: September and October, $12.2oa 12 40. London closed steady. Spot. 66 14s u. t r... f-j; 11a 3d. No arrivals of copper were reported at New York today, r-,,..,m house returns show exports of ior.07 ton so fsr this month. Ieke copper ..iiriKu- Alnr-trnlvtlc. 312.60tftl2.62V6: cast- fn.a 812.2.VB12.37V. Tin, steady. Spot. $33.23 33&V August, $33.27Vfi33.40; September, October and November $33.2.33 40 London, firm- Boot. 12fi 10; futures, 162 12s 6d. Iad. dull. $4.484.50.' New York; H-tW-K. , . c, Tnia lindon. snot. 12 10. Kilter dull. $5.S6fli6.40. New York; M.ftOTJ 5 00. East ft. Louis. London. 'spot, A22 lfts. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 40s In London. , .iiu irnn continued aulet. No. 1 foun dry northern. $l.r 18.50; No. 2 foundry northern, $15.50.816.00; Ni .l southern and No. 1 southern soft, $15.7516 2j. RT. LOUIS. Aug. 11. M ETALS Lead, $4.32. Spelter, strong, $5.07. gt. I.enls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 11. CATTLE Receipts 6,500 head; market tronger to 10c higher rTT... .kinnin, nrt eiuort teer. $7.4071 8 10 dressed beef and butcher steers, $6.8f 7.75:. stockers and feeders, M.t: ' and heirer. n.wwi.". . bull. $2.60ft2.75; calves, $nK38.2u. Texas and Indian steers, $4.25S.&o; HOaVRecelpts, 8.600 head: market 10s . ' ... Ti. . 11. ht. 28.00'a'9.26: packers, $8.4088.50; butchers and best heavy, $8.50 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.500 head T market 10c higher; native mutton. $3 7j4 26; lambs, $6.60i 60; culls and bucks, $3.0ufi5.06; Blockers, $2. 50 3. 75. Cotton Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. ll.-COTTON-Steady; middling, 15V8c; sales, 22 bales. NEW YORK. Aug. 11. COTTON Spot, , closed quiet, 25 points lower; middling up lands, 15.70c: middling gulf, 18.95e. Hales, 1.425 bales. Futures, closed barely etewdy; closing bids: August, 18.66e; . September, 14.40c; October. 13.69o; - November, 13.60c; December, 13.58c; January, 13.57c; February, 13.50c; March, 13.62c; May, 13.67c; June, 13.7uc; July, 18.710. Dank ot France Statement. PARIS, Aug. 11. The weekly Statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation decreased 191,150,000 francs; treasury deposits in creased 60,175.000 francs; general deposits decreased 80,150,000; gold In hand Increased 8,925.000 francs; silver In hand decreased -10,450.000 francs; bills discounted decreased 247.550,000 francs: advances increased 13.109,7 000 franca. "' Milwaukee Drain Market. MILWAUKEE. , Aug. 11 WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern. $1.14V4S1.1: No. 3 northern, $1.12-$1.15; September, $1.02. KY; NO. 1, o0jnle. OATS Standard, 8741o. BARLEY Samples, ViWTlO. Blar Jump In Rubber ' Price. LONDON, Aug. 11. There was much ex citement among rubber dealers In Mincing Lane today. Hard para jumped 1$ cents a pound. r Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11. WOOL Uttchanaed? territory and western mediums, 18923c; tine mediums, iiigwo; line, Itso'iiC. Bank Clearings. ' OMAHA, Aug. 11. Bsnk clearing for to day were $2,449,881.83, and for the corres ponding data last year, 82,233,729.08. Dulath Grain .- Market. ' , DULUTH. Aug. 11. WHEAT Bentambar. $1.15; December, $1.18. - To IMsaolve tko Unloa of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and cure biliousness and malaria, take Elec tric Bitters. Guaranteed.- 6O0. For sals by- Beaton Drug Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for August U, lSl0?. furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2865; Inter-Urban Land company to M. lioche end wife, lots 8, 9, 10 and U, block 10. Uer....f. $1,30 curoe to a. juauenaer, lot 17, block 11, same Provident Real Estate company to H. P. Bergo. lot 7, block 2, Pruyn park.. T. J. Smith to M. E. Hmrth, lot 23, block 11, Halcyon Heights Charles H. Williamson, trustee, to E. ti. Lewis and M. B. Lewis, lots 8 and 4, block A, Lake James park W. C. Buliird and wife to Keys Lum ber and Coal company, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20 and 21, tMayne's 8,500 L. Gregerlch et ux to W. C. Bullard, same ,500 . R. J. Kelly and wife to E. Llndquest, lot 17, block 1, and other land, block 4, t?aleman's ' 2,(00 E. W. Bllne and wife to F. B. Hood, part lot 7, block 1, Kounse's 4th addi tion 8.0K) ' C. L. Saunders to J. B. Bone, part lot 1, Franklin square 4,500 G. H. Collins and wife to Continental Trust company, lot 6, eel by s subdi vision Barker company to Willkun O. Rice, lot 16. block 2. Clalrmont H. E. Love to H. A. Krics, lot 21, Luke & Tetnpleton s 450 200 233 200 660 2,650 Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. ll.-WHBAT-fipnt, No 8 red wlr.ter western no stock; fu tures firm; October, 7s $d; December, 7s avid; 'March. 7s 9d. CORN-Suot. firm; old American mixed, 6s HdT future, quiet; September, 4s i; October, 4s $L Bank of England Statement. LONDON. Aug. 11 The weeklv tate. ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve J""eael 1705 000; circulation decreased f.mooo; bill Hon Increased f3fl.ll7; other securities de creased 442,000; other deposit decreased 1 808-1 tf 10 JohnMuir&(o. Specialists In Odd Lois OF STOCK 1XVKSTMKXT OF BAV1XGS. We will buy for you stocks !n quantities ot 5 shares and upward, and bonds from 1 upward, for an Initial deposit and monthly deposit thereafter until the securities are paid for In full. Esnd for Clrculsr No. 1 "Odd Lot Investment." Member New York Stock Exchange, 71 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Herbert b. GooGh Go, Brokers and Dealers aaAiJi rAOviaiOMs arouas (man Olfle . IIS Blear 4 f Trad ia 11 Vsoaa, Bong, gall tag. A-tl l-m OltBBaV aVsta LA(Catt BOOM U TU1 8)tAT